Seasons Beatings From Joanne free porn video

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Katherine Wilson sat at the kitchen table staring at the clock on the wall. She was angry. Fuming in fact. She had struggled to cook the family a roast dinner with her broken right wrist and here she was, waiting for them to return from the football match. Her husband and son were late. Not unusual, but this time they were spectacularly late. Nearly two hours after they had promised to be home, they had still not arrived. She had called and texted them but had received no reply. She had sworn when she found her husband’s mobile phone lying on the sideboard.

Eventually, she gave up and threw the food in the bin in the large kitchen and carefully loaded the dishes into the dishwasher, before sitting down on her chair at the kitchen table. Katherine Wilson, carefully and slowly, tapped out a text message to her daughter, Joanne, who was away at University.

“Hello Joanne. Have you heard from your dad or Nick today?”

She sipped at a glass of water and within a minute a reply arrived.

“Not since yesterday. Why? What’s up mum xxx” Her twenty-one-year-old daughter had replied.

Katherine decided to call her eldest daughter instead of struggling to send a stream of texts. She selected her number from her contacts and called. Her daughter picked up on the second ring.

“Hi mum. What’s going on?” Joanne Wilson asked.

Mrs. Wilson exhaled heavily before replying.

“Well, I was just wondering if you had heard from your dad or Nick. They’ve gone off to the football this afternoon and haven’t come back yet. They knew I was cooking a roast for us all and said they would come straight home after the game.”

Joanne could tell that her mother was upset and thought carefully about what to say before replying.

“I haven’t heard from my dad since earlier this week and Nick texted last night to ask if he could borrow some books. He said they were going to the match but that was about it. I’m sure they’ve just lost track of time. Where’s Gabby?”

The ex-Head Girl at St. Katherine’s School knew exactly where her dad and younger brother would be but tried to change the subject to her sister.

Her mother took a deep breath before answering.

“She’s got a netball tournament in Durham and won’t be back until about nine tonight.”

Joanne Wilson smiled to herself. Her twin brother and sister were so different to herself. They were both sporty and active, as opposed to herself who was more academic and studious. The twins were seventeen-years-old and were in Year Twelve at St. Katherine’s School. Gabrielle aspired to follow her older sister into becoming Head Girl at the school. She was the senior school netball captain, played for the school’s first eleven hockey team and played trombone in Miss Mulligan’s senior school orchestra.

Gabrielle’s twin brother, Nicholas, was even more different to Joanne. He was also sporty, playing for the senior cricket and football teams, regularly worked out at a local gym, played golf with his dad and spent almost every moment playing some sport or other. His studies were a distraction and he had been regularly punished by his young, no nonsense Form Mistress, Miss Lawrence, who had spanked him twice in after school detentions already that first term in Sixth Form. He had also been slippered regularly by Miss MacKintosh, the Head of PE for various minor acts of misbehaviour during PE lessons.

Perhaps most seriously, he had been hand spanked and had a dose of the clothes brush administered to his bottom by Mrs. Dudley, the acting Head of Sixth Form for being caught drinking at school. This had happened after just two weeks of being in Year Twelve and had also resulted in him being taken to Ms. Storey, who, in addition to Mrs. Dudley’s punishment, had administered twelve strokes with the senior dragon cane across his bare bottom. She had then excluded him from school for a day and sent him home.

Nicholas’ mother, Katherine had really lost her temper when she had been informed by the school about what her son had done and had spanked him in the living room in front of his sister Gabrielle and Gabrielle’s best friend, Katie. Nicholas Wilson had not been able to sit down for a week after the punishment with his mother’s right hand and her small wooden paddle. Katherine Wilson had then escorted him to school that first day back and made her sheepish-looking son apologise to both Ms. Storey and Mrs. Dudley, informing the ladies what she had done to punish him in addition.

“How’s Gabby getting on at school, mum?” Joanne asked.

“Fine. She seems to be managing her subjects and all her sport.” Her mum paused as she heard a key in the front door.

“I think they’re home Joanne. I’ll let you go and call you later tonight. Love to Pete.” The older woman didn’t wait for a reply and ended the call.

Katherine Wilson got up from the kitchen table and walked out into the hallway. She stood leaning against the door frame as her husband struggled to open the front door with his key. Mrs. Wilson exhaled deeply as she listened to the loud voices that belonged to her husband and her seventeen-year-old son. They were obviously drunk, and this only served to make Katherine even more angry with them.

After a few moments, her husband of twenty-four years, Jim, managed to open the front door and waited as he let Nicholas enter the house first. He clumsily removed his keys from the lock and followed his son inside, closing the door loudly behind him. As he turned to walk down the hallway he caught sight of his wife and he stopped dead in his tracks. He was in trouble, immediately realised why and began searching for an excuse.

Katherine stood, arms folded across her chest, leaning on the kitchen door frame. The stern expression on her face made Jim Wilson sober up almost instantly.

“Where the hell have you two been?” She stood up and took a step towards them before continuing.

“It’s nearly nine o’clock and you promised to be home by seven.” She said as calmly as she could manage.

Jim Wilson stood next to his taller son and thought about how he could get them out of the trouble that they were in. He suppressed a belch by placing his right hand over his mouth before he spoke.

“Sorry, love. We won six-nil and we decided to go for a pint to celebrate.” He looked over at his son Nicholas, who stayed silent.

“We must’ve lost track of time and the next thing I knew it was eight thirty. Sorry Love. We haven’t missed dinner, have we?” He made the mistake of smiling.

“Missed dinner?” Katherine Wilson took a deep breath, not taking her piercing blue eyes from her son and her husband.

“You missed it by about an hour but its in the bin if you want to reheat the bloody thing.” She ran her left hand through her short, brown hair and continued to look right through her husband.

“Oh God, I’m sorry. You could have called us?” Jim Wilson bravely took a few steps towards his wife.

“I did.” Katherine muttered quietly.

“I didn’t get your call or a message?” He replied, already knowing where his phone was.

“Oh, you did. You left your phone here, didn’t you?” Katherine Wilson shook her head.

Her fifty-year-old husband patted the pockets of his jacket and trousers, pretending to search for his mobile phone. Katherine stopped him after a few moments.

“Don’t bother. Its on the sideboard in the living room.” She then shifted her gaze to her son Nick, who had been a spectator in the confrontation up until that point.

“And you?” Mrs. Wilson walked up to her taller son, until she was inches away from him.

“You have your phone but just bloody ignore me!” Katherine watched as Nick shifted uneasily on his feet and tried to look to the floor to avoid his mother’s attention.

“Sorry mum.” He muttered to his shoes.

“Well, you can both forget dinner tonight. Get yourselves to bed and we’ll deal with this once you’re sober. I can’t be bothered with it right now.” Katherine shook her head and watched as Nicholas turned immediately and headed upstairs to his bedroom.

Her husband, paused and waited, contemplating whether it was worth arguing the point with his clearly seething wife. He opened his mouth slightly, but, on failing to find the words that would placate her, decided to turn and follow his son upstairs.

Mrs. Wilson walked into the large living room and sat down on the sofa. She took her mobile phone from her trouser pocket and began searching for her daughter, Joanne’s number. At that moment, the front door opened again. Her seventeen-year-old daughter, Gabrielle, was home. Katherine waited as she listened to the young woman close the door behind her and then lock it with her key. A few moments later and her daughter, Gabrielle, was standing in the living room, looking down on her sitting on the sofa.

“Hi Mum. Everything okay?” Gabrielle Wilson asked cheerily.

Her mother looked up at her and tried to force a smile.

“How was your netball tournament? Did you win?” Katherine tried to sound interested.

“No. We came third. But that’s not too bad. Miss MacKintosh seemed happy enough – even let us stop off and buy takeaway.”

Katherine Wilson smiled as her youngest daughter sat down on the comfortable chair to her right.

“I’m glad you’ve eaten seen as I threw the roast in the bin. Thanks to your dad and brother.” She said quietly.

Gabrielle Wilson was genuinely surprised. Her mum was always calm and kind. She rarely lost her temper and raised her voice at her family. She smiled as she thought to herself about what her dad and brother had done to upset her mum.

“What have they done mum?” The young woman leaned forward in her chair.

“Well, they knew we were going to eat after they got home from the football and promised to be back by about six but went to the pub instead – they’ve literally just got back now.” Mrs. Wilson rubbed her aching right wrist with her left hand.

“I lost my temper and threw the whole bloody lot in the bin.” She shook her head and then smiled.

“Oh Mum. I’m sure they didn’t do it on purpose.” Gabby got to her feet and went and sat next to her mum on the sofa and gave her a hug.

“Its just that they never told me that they were staying out. Had they done that, I could have taken the meat out and put the other things on when they got back. As it was, I cooked everything, and it all went cold.” Gabrielle’s mother gently moved back and tried to stop herself from crying.

“I’m sorry mum.” Gabrielle Wilson really felt guilty about what her dad and twin brother had done.

“Do you want anything to eat sweetie?” Katherine asked.

“No mum. I’m shattered so I’m just going to get a glass of water and go to bed if that’s okay.

“Of course, it is.” Katherine Wilson smiled and watched her daughter disappear into the kitchen.

She listened as Gabby filled her glass and then headed up the stairs to her bedroom, closing her door behind her, her footsteps making the floorboards creek.

Katherine picked her mobile phone up from the sofa and searched for Joanne’s number once again. She scrolled through her contacts until she found her eldest daughter’s number and pressed “call.” Joanne picked up on the third ring.

“Hi, Mum. Are they home?” The reassuring voice of her daughter asked.

“Yes. Just before nine. They were both steaming drunk.” Katherine answered.

“Oh Mum. I’m sorry. Do you want me to have a word with Nick about it?” Joanne Wilson smiled to herself. She enjoyed telling her younger, naughtier brother off.

“Well, actually, you could do more than that for me, dear.” Katherine Wilson had already decided upon the heavy price her husband and son were going to pay for their behaviour.

Joanne paused and moved her phone from her ear before returning it a second later.

“Oh, what’s that mum?” Joanne suppressed her laugh.

“Well, I don’t get this cast off my wrist until next week and then I can’t do much with it until I’ve had physio.” Mrs. Wilson took a deep breath.

“I want to punish them for spoiling tonight, but it would be months before I’m confident enough that I could do it like I used to.” She continued.

Joanne’s smile grew wider across her face. She had never been physically punished by either of her parents, but her mum used corporal punishment on both her twin brother and sister from time to time, if they had misbehaved. Nicholas had always been naughty and regularly took a trip over his mother’s knee for poor behaviour at school or at home. Her twin sister Gabrielle was better behaved than her brother, but often showed attitude or swore at home, resulting in her bare bottom being spanked by her mum.

“Oh. I don’t know about that.” Joanne answered.

“Well, I want Nick and your dad to realise how much they have upset me and what happens as a consequence when they do that.” Katherine explained.

“My dad?” Joanne asked with genuine surprise.

“Yes. He should know better and needs to be made to feel as bad as I feel right now.” Her mum was becoming insistent.

“I’ll do Nick, but I don’t know if I could smack Dad.” Joanne Wilson said honestly.

“He’s really pissed me off tonight,” Her mum was sniffing and obviously about to start crying.

“Okay mum.” Joanne said, shaking her head in disbelief.

“I’ll do it when I get home for Christmas. We’re planning to come home on the Friday the week before Christmas Day – the 21st I think?”

Her mum paused for a few moments. The silence only broken by her gentle sniffs.

“Thanks. How’s work and Uni? How’s Pete – is everything okay with you two?” She was relieved. Her husband and son wouldn’t know what had hit them once her eldest daughter came home.

“Everything’s good. I’m working until 6pm on the 21st but we’ll be driving home as soon as I’m finished.” Joanne Wilson began toying with her long red hair.

“Pete’s good and been behaving himself. He’s looking forward to spending most of the holiday with us – his family have finally allowed him to spend it here so that we can be together on Christmas Day. We’re going over to his parents on Boxing Day, if that’s okay?”

“That’ll be lovely. Of course, it’s okay. Can’t wait to see you.” Katherine got to her feet and walked to the door.

“Anyway, I’ll let you go sweetie. At least Gabby is behaving herself and starting to grow up.”

“That’s something, at least mum.” Joanne smiled to herself.

“Speak soon Joanne.” Her mum said quietly.

“I’ll call you tomorrow. Good night.” She replied as she ended the call.

Joanne Wilson laid her head down on the pillows on her double bed and stared at the ceiling of her bedroom.

“Gabrielle behaving herself?” The twenty-one-year-old thought to herself.

“That’s so far from the truth.” She shook her head.

She didn’t want to punish her dad, but the twins were fair game. Nicholas had been asking for a severe dose of her right hand for months now. And Gabrielle was even worse. Her sister was so sickly, two-faced. She would appear so sweet and innocent and hard-working, whereas, she was sly, devious and downright rude. Joanne rubbed her hands together at the thought of her younger sister, who had absolutely no idea what was in store for her that Christmas. She had upset Rebecca Mulligan at school, and although her mum didn’t know anything about the incident, the Head of Music had told Joanne who was her friend.

Her seventeen-year-old sister had been rude to the lovely Rebecca, who had let the incident go since it had been Joanne’s sister. However, Joanne Wilson was angry about it and had assured her older friend, and ex-Form Mistress, that she would deal with her sister’s bad behaviour when she came home for the Christmas holidays. Joanne slipped her hands in her knickers as she lay on her bed and began to touch herself at the thought of Rebecca Mulligan and of the punishment that she would administer to her arrogant and ungrateful younger brother and sister.

Just under a fortnight after her dad and older brother’s bad behaviour, Joanne arrived home for Christmas. Peter had dropped her off at home just before eight o’clock that Friday night and kissed her goodbye in the car. He was going to spend the first part of the weekend with his family before they would meet up that Sunday morning. Once she had arrived, and left her bags in the hallway, Joanne Wilson sensed that things still weren’t well between her mum, dad and younger brother.

She had sat in the living room with her mum, whilst the twins had simply spent about ten minutes downstairs to say hello before disappearing up to their bedrooms. Joanne had made a cup of tea for her mum and herself and they soon began to chat about the punishment that she would administer to her younger brother Nick and her dad.

“I’ve brought my hockey bag with me and there’s loads of different things in there that I’ll use.” Joanne smiled awkwardly at her mum and sipped at her tea.

“Miss Mulligan popped by on Monday and dropped off some things from school.” She reached over to the coffee table and picked up her cup before continuing.

“She’s lovely, isn’t she? I can see why you liked her so much.” Katherine Wilson blew on her steaming cup of tea and waited for it to cool.

“Pete and I are meeting her on Sunday. I’ve got her a Christmas present.” Joanne’s smile grew as she thought about the quiet twenty-eight-year-old music teacher.

“So, what will you do to those two? I really want them to feel it Joanne.” Mrs. Wilson took a mouthful of tea and looked at her daughter.

Joanne thought about this for a moment before answering.

“Well, I’m going to put Nick over my knee and smack his bottom with my hand and the clothes brush that Miss Mulligan should have dropped off.”

“I want it done as hard as you can so that he really feels it.” Katherine Wilson said seriously.

“Oh, he’ll feel it all right mum, I promise you that” Joanne Wilson smiled as she placed her cup gently on the coffee table.

“And your dad? What will you do to him, sweetie?” Joanne’s mum smiled.

Joanne felt awkward about that part of the punishment. Her dad was a lot older than her but also, she did love her dad. She ran her right hand through her long red hair and smiled uneasily at her mum.

“Well, I’ll do what you asked me to – a spanking on his bottom, a dose of the clothes brush and then twelve with the dragon cane which I brought from work.” She looked down at her shoes.

“How is work?” Her mum asked.

“Its okay Mum. I was really unsure about it when I first started but its quite easy and the money is amazing for what they expect of me.” Joanne smiled thinking of her friends Kelli Seagrave and Laura Concannon, who would be working most of the holidays at the FCI.

“And University?” Mrs. Wilson placed her empty cup on the table in front of her and looked at her daughter.

“Its going good. Got some revision to do for the exams when I get back but I’m having a few days away from everything before I even think about that.” She got to her feet and picked up her mother’s empty cup.

“I do need to talk with Gabby too, mum if that’s okay?” Joanne deliberately turned and walked into the kitchen before her mum had the chance to ask her anything.

Katherine Wilson took a few moments to understand what her daughter had just said and eventually got to her feet and made her way to the kitchen where Joanne was placing the empty cups in the dishwasher.

“Gabrielle? What’s she done now?” Katherine Wilson stood there with her arms folded across her chest, staring at Joanne.

“Oh, I didn’t want to tell you mum as I was going to deal with her myself.” Joanne smiled.

“What has she done Joanne?” Katherine continued staring straight through her eldest daughter.

Joanne sighed and walked over to where her mum stood.

“Oh, its nothing mum. Honest. She just showed a bit of attitude to Rebecca at school and Becky, being Becky, and knowing that Gabby is my sister, let her get away with it.” The twenty-one-year-old girl touched her mother’s left arm gently before continuing.

“I just want to make it clear to her that she never does anything like that again and, that she apologises to Becky on that first day back after the holidays. Its nothing. Honest.” She walked back towards the living room, her mum following her.

“Maybe you should spank her too, then?” Katherine Wilson said.

“Well, I thought about giving her a talking to and seeing where that gets me. If she argues about it then I will do.” Joanne Wilson sat down on the sofa.

She smiled to herself. She knew that her younger sister Gabrielle would deny everything. She would undoubtedly become cheeky and give her older sister a tirade of verbal abuse when she was confronted about her behaviour. This would make it easy for the ex-Head Girl to grab her younger, thinner, sister, drag her over her lap and spank her bottom until it was sore and red.

Her dad arrived home, shortly before eleven o’clock that night, having been at a works Christmas party. He was relatively sober, and Joanne noticed the frosty relations between her mum and dad. Jim Wilson had kissed and hugged her and sat listening to his daughter and what she had been up to since he had last spent any real time with her. It was after midnight by the time they made their way upstairs and to their bedrooms. Joanne fell asleep almost immediately.

The following morning, Joanne slept in until just after nine o’ clock. She replied to texts from Peter and Rebecca before wrapping her dressing gown around her and going downstairs and into the kitchen. Her dad had made breakfast and Joanne Wilson helped herself to orange juice, coffee and two slices of toast. Her mum sat in the living room, watching the news on the television and the twins were already out, doing their usual five-mile run.

“What are you up to today, Dad?” Joanne smiled as her dad poured his third cup of coffee of the morning.

“Got to just tie up a few loose ends at work and then I can start my holidays. Should be done by about one o’clock at the latest.” He took a mouthful of coffee and watched his daughter carefully spreading butter on her toast.

“And you? What are you up to, lovely?” He emptied his cup and placed it on the table.

“Not much. May head into town a little later and then we’re off to Rebecca’s tomorrow.” She flicked her long red hair from her eyes.

“Ooh, the lovely Miss Mulligan?” Jim Wilson pulled a funny face and they both laughed.

“Yes, Dad. The very lovely Miss Mulligan.” She picked up her toast and shook her head at him.

Shortly before ten o’clock, Nick and Gabrielle returned from their run and were both sitting in the living room by eleven, after they had showered and changed.

“I’m off into town, Mum.” Gabby Wilson said, and within fifteen minutes had left the house.

This left Nicholas Wilson sitting in the living room with his mother and eldest sister. Joanne left the room and walked upstairs to her bedroom, returning moments later with her hockey bag and the sports bag that Rebecca had dropped off earlier that week. As expected, her younger brother paid no attention to it and said nothing when she placed the bags on the coffee table across from where he sat.

Joanne considered changing her clothes. She really felt more comfortable wearing a blouse and skirt when she was punishing people but decided to deal with her brother while she was dressed in her thick woollen sweater and jeans. She then walked into the dining room, where her mum kept the washing that was ready to be ironed. Joanne Wilson took a large bath towel from the top of the pile and picked up one of the high-backed dining chairs, which she carried into the living room, placing it down in the middle of the large room. She looked at her mum and nodded.

It was time.

Katherine Wilson got to her feet and walked over to her daughter. She placed her hands on her hips and looked down at her seventeen-year-old son who slowly realised what was coming his way. Nicholas Wilson turned his attention away from his mobile phone and focused on his mother and then his sister, who had unzipped the sports bag and her hockey bag and was removing her implements and placing them on the coffee table. He threw his phone onto the sofa and watched in silence as the collection continued to grow on the table before him. Joanne said nothing as she moved the empty bags into the far corner of the living room.

“Right young man. I think you know what’s going to happen now, don’t you?” Mrs. Wilson said softly and smiled at her son, who sat in shock.

It took a few moments for him to reply.

“But mum, it was weeks ago, and I haven’t misbehaved since.” He stared at his older sister who had moved next to her mother and looked down on him, arms folded across her chest.

“No. And that’s what I expect from you, but we do have your drunkenness and the fact that your dad, and yourself, spoiled the dinner the other week.” Mrs. Wilson looked at Joanne before continuing.

“I can’t spank you because of my wrist, but rest assured, had I been okay then you would have been across my knee that Saturday night.” She looked at Joanne who had sat down on the chair and was spreading the towel over her knees.

“Joanne is going to deal with you and you’ll do exactly what your sister tells you, is that understood Nicholas?” She raised her voice leaving him in no doubt that he wasn’t going to avoid a spanking.

“But mum – Joanne does this as a job. Its not fair.” Nick looked at his older sister who was sitting on the high-backed chair, staring at him. Emotionless.

“I would spank you myself, but I can’t, so Joanne is going to give you what you would have received from me, had I not broken my wrist. Now, get up and get those tracksuit bottoms and underpants off!” Katherine Wilson moved towards her son, left arm out-stretched.

Nicholas slowly, and very reluctantly, got to his feet and looked to his mum, considering whether to argue with her. He then looked over to the pile of implements on the coffee table and thought better of it. He kicked off his trainers, placing them to the side of the sofa before reaching into the waistband of his tracksuit bottoms and lowering them, removing them a few moments later. He placed them on the sofa and nervously lowered his boxer shorts, looking at his older sister, who continued to stare at him.

“Mum, please. It’s embarrassing.” Nick Wilson pleaded.

“I know it is honey, but not as embarrassing as Joanne inviting someone from school, or her work, to come and deal with you, is it? Now get those off!” She said coldly.

Her son exhaled heavily and removed his underwear, placing them on top of his tracksuit bottoms on the sofa. He stared at his sister.

“Why the towel, Jo?” He asked quietly.

His sister smiled and gently patted the towel with her hands.

“Well, I know about your little accident with Miss MacKintosh, so think its for the best. I don’t want you to “go off” over me.” She laughed and looked at her brother’s private parts.

Nick Wilson winced. Everyone in his year group at school knew about his first visit to Leonie MacKintosh’s office that school year. He had been caught messing around by Miss Russell, who had sent him to her Head of Department, Leonie MacKintosh. She had decided to give him twelve smacks with her plimsoll, known throughout the school as “The Enforcer.” Nick had become aroused and his erection was evident on lowering his shorts and then his underwear. On the third smack, he had ejaculated, squirting his spunk on himself, Miss MacKintosh’s desk and the floor of her office.

The seriously strict Head of PE at St. Katherine’s School had simply smiled at him, pulled several tissues from a box on her desk, watched as Nick Wilson had cleaned himself up, before making him resume the position and starting the punishment from the beginning. Those fifteen smacks had hurt like nothing he had experienced before, and he had found it almost impossible to sit for the rest of that week.

“But Jo? Please?” The younger man pleaded with his sister.

“Over my knee now and don’t be such a baby.” Joanne pointed to her knee, which was covered with the yellow bath towel and waited.

Nicholas Wilson looked to his mum but on seeing her reaction decided to follow Joanne’s instruction. He walked the few steps over to the chair where she was seated and slowly and carefully, lowered himself over her large lap, placing his hands on the floor in front of him. He had been spanked plenty of times before, but he closed his eyes and tried to take his mind off what was about to happen to him. His sister was even more experienced at administering punishments than his mum and probably most of the teachers at school who had punished him.

“At least I haven’t got a hard on.” He thought to himself.

Moments later, her felt his older sister’s left hand on his lower back and soon after, her right hand began gently rubbing his exposed buttocks.

“Nicholas. You are receiving this spanking because you have upset me, and I want you to understand that you do not behave like that or this will be the result.” Katherine Wilson stood next to his head and waited for her son to look up to her.

“Do you understand me?” She asked quietly.

Nick slowly raised his head. Joanne was still rubbing his bottom and thighs with her warm hand. Mrs. Wilson stood there looking down and smiling at him.

“Yes mum. I won’t do anything like that again. But please, don’t let Jo spank me. Please mum.” He realised that he already had tears in his eyes.

“Be quiet.” She snapped.

Out of Nick’s sight, his mother nodded at Joanne, who removed her right hand from her brother’s bottom. She raised it high in the air and paused for a moment. She smiled at Katherine, before bringing it down, with a loud, satisfying “smack!” a second later.

That first slap landed dead in the centre of Nicholas Wilson’s muscular bottom. The skin wobbled and then returned to its original position as Joanne raised her hand once again. The smile on her face grew wider as she looked down at her brother, lying helpless across her lap in front of her. He moved slightly but was going to be stubborn. Joanne would enjoy spanking that out of him too. She raised her hand once again and repeated the medicine, this time landing her hand on her brother’s right bum cheek.

Katherine Wilson continued to stand next to her son and watched the punishment for a few minutes, before deciding to sit down on one of the chairs in the living room. In the meantime, her eldest daughter began building up the intensity of her brother’s punishment. She began by slapping each buttock hard and slow, then she repeated the procedure to her younger brother’s thighs and the backs of his legs. The ex-Head Girl paused and gave him a few moments to re-gather his composure. He was sniffing and obviously crying, and Joanne smiled.

She moved around on the high-backed chair until she was comfortable and used her left arm to pull her brother back into position. Once satisfied, she placed her right hand between the towel and her brother’s private parts, until she touched his penis.

“At least he’s not enjoying this as much as he enjoyed Miss MacKintosh’s attention mum.” She laughed on finding that Nick Wilson was far from aroused.

Mrs. Wilson laughed and continued to watch Joanne as she resumed the punishment. The young lady expertly spanked the bottom lying before her with a series of slow, hard slaps and frenzied, quick-fire bursts that covered the entire buttocks. In a little over ten minutes, Nicholas Wilson’s bottom was bright red and glowing hot. He was sniffing and sobbing but was determined not to cry out and plead with his sister.

Once satisfied, Joanne stopped, and placed both hands on Nick’s lower back. She looked over at her mother, who got to her feet. She walked across to where her son was and looked at his red bottom.

“That’s what I wanted dear.” Katherine touched the glowing bottom in front of her.

“What’s next?” She smiled as her son raised his head.

“Oh, I think I’ll use the clothes brush on him. Can you hand it to me please, mum?” Joanne smiled as her mum moved to the coffee table and surveyed the collection of implements.

Mrs. Wilson picked up the ebony-backed clothes brush, that had been brought from school by Miss Mulligan, and handed it over to Joanne, who took it in her right hand. Katherine returned to her chair as her daughter began tapping Nick’s bottom with the wooden backed brush.

“Now, naughty. You’re going to feel the brush. Only harder than what Miss Lawrence gave you.” Joanne Wilson smiled as her brother turned his head and looked up at her.

“Oh, I know everything Nick. Becky does tell me lots of things. Like when you cried like a baby when your Form Mistress spanked you with this.” She already had it in the air before he could reply to her.

“Thud!” It crashed into his already sore and bruised bottom.

“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” Joanne wrapped out half a dozen rapid smacks with the brush.

Even before the last of the six swipes with the clothes brush had been delivered, Nicholas Wilson was crying uncontrollably and had brought his right arm up in a vain attempt to stop the punishment. His sister simply grabbed it with her right hand and then held it firmly behind his back with her free left hand.

“Oh no you don’t! You’re going to get a proper spanking this time.” Joanne paused until she was happy that she had him secured and resumed the punishment.

“Thud!” The brush kissed her brother high up on his thigh, right in the crease between his right buttock and thigh.

“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” She kept the onslaught going, gripping her brother’s right arm tighter to stop him struggling and squirming.

She concentrated on levelling up the punishment and concentrated on smacking his left thigh with the nasty clothes brush. After twenty minutes, she stopped and sat back in the chair. Nicholas Wilson’s bottom was red, bruised and extremely hot to the touch. Joanne was satisfied that he would not be able to sit comfortably for a week after that and looked at her mum.

“Right mum. I think that’s a well smacked bottom and I think that Nick won’t be naughty again, will you naughty?” She stroked her brother’s short hair with the clothes brush.

It took her brother a few moments to reply in between the sniffs and sobs. He had been spanked many times before, but even the caning from Ms. Storey at school hadn’t hurt as much as the clothes brush from his sister had.

“I won’t mum. I promise.” He managed to say despite the gasps and sobs.

Katherine got to her feet and walked over to her daughter. She looked down and placed her cool hand on the burning bottom lying over Joanne’s knee.

“Yes. I think that’s a well-smacked bottom, Joanne.” She continued to rub her son’s bottom before continuing.

“Right. Nicholas. Get up and go and stand in that corner, facing the wall. Do not touch your bottom. Is that understood young man?” She watched as her son turned his head to look at her.

“Yes Mum. I’m sorry Mum.” He sobbed.

“Hands on your head while you’re in the corner, Nicholas.” She smiled as her son struggled to get to his feet.

Nick Wilson stood up and looked down at his sister who had a smile wide across her face. He then looked at his mother who was pointing with her left hand to the corner. He wiped the tears from his eyes and quickly walked over to the corner, faced the wall and placed his hands on his head as he had been instructed.

Behind him, his sister took the damp towel from her knee and stood up. She placed the clothes brush back on the coffee table and followed her mum into the kitchen. Katherine Wilson boiled the kettle and began making a cup of coffee for them both.

“Thank you, sweetie. I don’t think I’ll have any more issues with your brother for a while after that.” She pulled two mugs from the cupboard.

“No. The clothes brush is quite an effective reminder when it comes to behaving, mum.” Joanne laughed and sat down at the kitchen table.

They left Nick in the corner for about twenty minutes whilst they drank their coffee in the kitchen. When they returned to the living room, Joanne’s younger brother was still stood, hands on head, facing the wall. His tear-stained cheeks being a tell-tale sign that he had continued to cry long after his sister had finished with him. Mrs. Wilson had then continued to tell him off before instructing him to go to his bedroom where he needed to stay until she allowed him to re-join them later that afternoon. Nick Wilson had obeyed without question, picking up his trainers and clothes and almost running up to his bedroom.

Jim Wilson arrived home from the office shortly before 1.30 that afternoon. He had been good in turning down the invite from friends who asked him to join them in going for a drink. He still remembered the frosty situation he faced at home thanks to having one too many a fortnight earlier. He walked into the living room and his eyes immediately noticed the implements neatly laid out on the coffee table. Jim Wilson then looked at his wife and daughter and soon realised that the time to pay for upsetting his wife had arrived.

“Has Nick been in trouble at school again?” He asked. Hoping that was the reason why the table was covered in paddles, canes and straps.

Katherine got to her feet and smiled at her husband.

“Well, he has been punished and sent to bed.” She said, placing her hands on the tall-backed chair that was still in the middle of the living room.

“What’s he done now?” Mr. Wilson began to relax.

“Oh, well, he received his payback for upsetting me two weeks’ ago.” Katherine looked over at Joanne and then to the coffee table where the implements before continuing.

“And now that you’re home, its your turn.” Mrs. Wilson walked over to the chair where Joanne was and looked at her daughter.

“What do you mean?” Her husband was worried.

“Well, you’re going to feel my displeasure and then maybe we can put what you did behind us and move on. Maybe even enjoy our Christmas.” She nodded as Joanne stood up slowly.

“But your arm? You shouldn’t overdo things at the moment Love.” Jim Wilson searched for a way out of what was coming his way.

His wife laughed and ran her left hand through her hair, continuing to smile at her husband.

“Oh, don’t you worry Dear. I’ve got a substitute who is going to punish you instead.” Katherine walked to the coffee table and picked up the nasty reformatory cane.

“Substitute? What do you mean?” Jim was genuinely confused.

“Well, a replacement. I can’t punish you at the moment, but Joanne is here, and she’ll punish you for me.” She looked at her daughter who had got to her feet and walked over to the chair.

“Jo?” No Katherine. That’s not fair on her.” He pleaded.

“Oh, shut up. You’ll go over her knee and take the punishment she gives you or you will be finding somewhere else for Christmas dinner. I’m sick of you treating me like dirt and just staying out and doing whatever you like. You’re going to learn a lesson this afternoon.” Mrs. Wilson raised her voice.

Her daughter walked to the padded dining room chair and sat down, not taking her eyes from her shocked dad for a second.

“Get those trousers and pants off and then bend over Joanne’s lap. Don’t make a fuss or I’ll make sure you get a lot worse.” Mrs. Wilson smiled to Joanne, who looked over to her dad.

After a few moments’ indecision, the fifty-year-old lawyer sat down on the sofa and removed his expensive Italian shoes. He then sighed as he got back to his feet and unfastened his trousers, allowing them to fall to his ankles before bending down and removing them. He watched his wife, who was growing impatient with his time-wasting, before folding them neatly and placing them on the sofa behind him. He stood there motionless.

“And your underwear too. You will be spanked, like Nicholas was, on your bare bottom.” His younger wife explained.

Jim shook his head and reluctantly pulled his boxer shorts down, stepping out of them before placing them on top of his neatly folded trousers on the sofa. Katherine laughed as she saw her husband try to cover his generous manhood with his hands.

“Now, go and bend over Joanne’s knees and do not make a fuss.” She smiled.

He took a few moments before taking the five steps over to where his eldest daughter was seated. She looked up at him and he looked down at her. Neither said a word and the stand-off began. Jim Wilson was unsure about being punished by his daughter. Joanne was unsure about spanking her dad. This was broken after a minute or so by an angry Katherine.

“For God’s sake, get over her lap and place your hands flat on the floor!” She barked.

Reluctantly, Jim Wilson reached over his twenty-one-year-old daughter’s lap, and lowered himself down, resting his penis against her right leg. He placed his hands flat on the floor and looked up at his seething wife. She stood, looking down on him, with her arms folded. A stern look, across her face.

“You’re going to feel how hurt I was the other week and I want you to remember this for a very long time. This is what happens if Gabrielle, Nicholas or yourself, upset me.” Katherine turned and began picking up the implements from the coffee table.

Joanne placed her left hand on her dad’s back and looked to her mother.

“I want him to feel every smack Joanne. He needs to know who makes the rules in this house and what the consequences are if he ever upsets me.” She stroked the clothes brush.

“Yes Mum.” The ex-Head Girl replied softly, lifting her heavy right hand high in the air.

Joanne Wilson took a deep breath and looked down at her dad, lying silently across her lap. She then looked up at her mother, who stood there, with the ebony-backed clothes brush in her left hand. She nodded to her daughter. Joanne’s hard right hand landed with an extremely loud “slap!” across the centre of her father’s flabby buttocks. They wobbled as they reacted to the impact. A second later and another blow from the twenty-one-year-old’s hand landed with a “slap!”

Jim Wilson winced as the smacks continued but did his best to maintain his position over his daughter’s lap. This was embarrassing but not as embarrassing as being kicked out of the house over the Christmas holidays by his wife, who was still clearly incensed by his behaviour a fortnight previously. The hard slaps kept landing on each buttock and on the backs of his legs. Joanne continued to look down on her dad’s reddening bottom, hitting hard and often, covering absolutely every inch of the large bottom lying helpless in front of her.

After about fifteen minutes, she paused and placed both of her hands on her dad’s lower back. Her mother walked across to where she was sitting and inspected her husband’s bottom. She touched it gently and could feel the heat emanating from it and smiled.

“That’s the perfect warm up my dear, but he does need a severe punishment before I can forgive him.” She continued rubbing her left hand on her husband’s buttocks.

“Yes Mum.” Joanne looked down at her dad, who was concentrating on the floor, before looking to her mother.

“Pass me the slipper Mum, please.” Joanne Wilson smiled uneasily as her mother walked the short distance to the coffee table and returned a second later, handing the size ten slipper to her daughter.

Joanne tapped the leather soled slipper gently against her dad’s already sore and bruised bottom several times before raising it above her head. Again, she looked to her mum, who simply nodded, and smiled as her daughter brought the slipper down, connecting with Jim’s bottom a second later with a heavy “thud!”

Jim Wilson tried his best to be stubborn and take his punishment without a fuss, but this was too much. After the sixth smack with the slipper, he began to struggle and squirm around on his daughter’s large lap. Joanne took her left hand that had been resting on her dad’s lower back and slipped it under his stomach, pulling him closer into her white, woollen sweater and ensuring that he couldn’t move. The onslaught then resumed, Joanne smacking the already sore bottom in front of her, fifty more times, mainly across the centre of the large bottom, but also catching her dad in the creases between his buttocks and thighs.

Once satisfied, Joanne stopped and placed the slipper on her dad’s back. She looked at her mum and smiled.

“Now what Sweetie?” Katherine Wilson was enjoying herself.

“The tan-coloured oval paddle please, Mum.” Joanne picked up the slipper and handed it to her mum, who returned seconds later with the next implement.

“There you go.” Katherine Wilson stood inches away from her husband’s head and looked down on him.

Katherine’s daughter brushed her long red hair from her eyes and resumed tapping the small, oval shaped paddle against her dad’s bottom.

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

The ex-Head Girl wrapped out half a dozen rapid fire strokes with the hard leather paddle. She noticed that they had left marks across her dad’s bottom and she paused to adjust the sleeves of her jumper.

“Where did you get that from? Its amazing.” Her mum laughed.

“It’s Ms. Storey’s. She’s got a cupboard full of all different kinds of implements and canes in her office. Most of them in the bag are hers. Rebecca got them for me.” Joanne returned her attention to the bottom lying across her lap.

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

Joanne repeated the dose with the paddle before turning her attention back to the creases in between the thigh and bum cheeks.

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

She landed her strokes on her dad’s left thigh and buttock.

“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”

Jim Wilson’s right thigh and buttock got the same treatment.

The older woman placed her hands on her husband’s shoulders and held him securely in place. He was breathing heavily but had not broken yet.

“Stubborn old sod!” She thought and smiled as her daughter resumed the punishment.

“Smack!” Joanne paused and admired her work.

“Smack!” She tried to push the paddle as far as she could against her dad’s right buttock.

“Smack!” A final stroke, given at full force across the centre of the fleshy bottom lying over her lap.

Again, Joanne Wilson placed the paddle on her dad’s back and looked up at her mum, who had her hands on Jim’s shoulders and was pushing him down.

“You really know what you’re doing, don’t you, Joanne?” Her mum said softly.

Joanne smiled to her mother.

“Well, I’ve been doing this kind of thing since I used to baby sit the twins, so I’ve had lots of practice.” She began rubbing her dad’s red hot and throbbing bottom.

Her mum let go of Jim’s shoulders and took the paddle that had been resting on his back in her left hand.

“What’s next?” She was already standing by the coffee table, surveying the array of implements.

“Rebecca’s clothes brush, please.” Joanne Wilson continued stroking her dad’s bottom.

Katherine picked up the brush and looked at it closely, before handing it over to her daughter.

“She uses that thing?” Mrs. Wilson said in a surprised tone.

“No. She’s never had a chance to use it yet and has been waiting for the right opportunity to come along. She’s really got into this punishing people thing and is always on eBay buying new toys.” Joanne laughed and began to think about where she would land her first stroke.

“Miss Mulligan doesn’t seem the sort.” Her mum replied.

“Oh, its always the quiet ones, Mum. She loves it.” Joanne lifted the brush and took a deep breath.

“Thud!” The heavy wooden brush landed low down on her father’s right bum cheek, that was already sore and bruised from the punishment so far.

Once again, the older man began to squirm and struggle and was held in place by his wife, who pushed all her weight down onto his shoulders. Joanne replaced her left hand under her dad’s stomach and pulled him tightly into her woollen sweater.

“Thud!” The brush landed again, igniting a fire in her father’s right buttock.

“Thud!” “Thud!” A couple of quick-fire smacks bit into Jim Wilson’s right leg.

Joanne dished out fifty smacks with the nasty brush before she stopped. Her dad had struggled, but still hadn’t broken. The next part of the punishment would ensure that he would and that he would be pleading for it to stop. He would behave himself for her mother after she had finished with him. She handed the clothes brush to Mrs. Wilson and sat back in the high-backed chair.

“Right, Dad. Get up and go and bend right over the arm of the sofa.” Joanne instructed softly.

She waited and watched as Jim Wilson slowly, and carefully got to his feet. Unlike her younger brother, there was no erection and no tears. Jim walked over to the three-seater and bent over the arm of the black leather covered sofa, without saying a word. Joanne paused for a moment. Her knees were nearly numb for having the weight of her dad lying over them for so long. Eventually she got up and walked to the coffee table, where she selected the well-used Canadian Prison strap, which she had taken from work.

“God. What the hell is that?” Her Mum asked.

Joanne smiled as she walked over to the sofa and stood to the left-hand side of where her dad was positioned.

“It’s a Canadian Prison strap from work Mum. Its really, really severe.” The young woman began tapping the nasty piece of heavy leather against her dad’s swollen and bruised bottom.

“Bloody hell. I’m so glad that I’ve never broken the law.” Mrs. Wilson walked over to the opposite side of the sofa to where her daughter was, and watched the punishment, totally mesmerised.

“Only going to give him six Mum as it really is very, very severe.” The twenty-one-year-old Law student drew the strap back over her right shoulder and paused.

A moment later, she sent it whistling through the air, landing expertly across the bottom lying in front of her.

“Whack!” Joanne replaced it over her right shoulder immediately as she saw the desired reaction.

“Argh! For F…” Jim Wilson wanted to swear as he yelled in pain, stopping himself just in time.

His wife grabbed one of the cushions from the sofa and pushed it under her husband’s face.

“Don’t you dare swear! Put this over your face and take your punishment like a man!” She raised her voice.

She smiled and nodded to Joanne who adjusted her stance slightly and took a deep breath. She landed her second stroke a few seconds later.

“Whack!” She watched her dad bury his face in the cushion.

Joanne took the thick leather strap back over her right shoulder and sent it hurtling through the air towards the centre of her dad’s red and bruised bottom.

“Whack!” Her dad’s legs came kicking up as the pain registered in his brain.

“Whack!” She caught him low down, right between buttock and thighs.

“Whack!” The thick piece of tan-coloured leather landed in the dead centre of Jim Wilson’s bottom.

Joanne looked over at her mother. Katherine stood there transfixed on what she was witnessing. Her left hand covered her mouth and her eyes were fixed on her husband’s red, bruised and swollen bottom, lying there in front of her.

“Whack!” The final stroke landed slightly lower than the previous one, making the fleshy buttocks wobble like a jelly.

The ex-Head Girl walked over to the coffee table and placed the prison strap down. She picked up the reformatory cane in her right hand and swished it through the air. She smiled as she saw the smile on her mum’s face.

“The final part of the punishment.” Joanne said as she walked back to the sofa.

Her dad was holding the cushion tightly to his face, but the sobs and sniffs were clearly audible. Joanne Wilson stood to her dad’s left-hand side and measured out her first stroke against the deep red coloured bottom lying at her mercy.

“Six with this Mum and then I think we’re done.” Joanne concentrated on her first stroke.

“Sounds right, honey.” Katherine replaced her hands on her husband’s shoulders and pushed him down into the sofa, causing his bottom to rise higher in the air.

Joanne Wilson took a deep breath and raised the thick reformatory cane above her shoulder. She paused and smiled to her mother before sending the cane on its way.

“Thwack!” A muffled scream was the result, but Joanne ignored it.

Thirty seconds later the silence in the room was broken by the sound of her second stroke landing.

“Thwack!” A neat red line appeared across Jim Wilson’s right bum cheek.

Another pause and Joanne Wilson brought the thick cane crashing down against her father’s bottom once more.

“Thwack!” The young lady paused as she watched her mum struggling to hold onto Jim, who really was struggling at this point.

Several minutes later, once her father had re-gathered his composure, she raised the cane over her right shoulder once again.

“Thwack!” Another red line appeared across her dad’s bottom.

A pause.

“Thwack!” Jim Wilson kicked his legs for all he was worth and was crying uncontrollably into the cushion.

Joanne decided to get the punishment over as quickly as possible and as soon as she could see her father lying there, still, she brought down that final stroke.

“Thwack!” It bit into his lower buttocks and left another neat red line.

The ex-Head Girl watched her mum, who continued to hold her dad down, until he had calmed himself. Joanne walked over to the coffee table and replaced the cane, which had a few bloodspots on it. She smiled at her mum and walked back over to the sofa, where her dad was still lying, face down, with his head buried deep into the tear-stained cushion.

“Mum, you need to go and get some cream and plasters.” The young lady placed her left hand on her dad’s back and stroked it gently.

“Sure. Won’t be a minute.” Katherine walked past her and headed upstairs to the medical cabinet in the bathroom.

While her mother was gone Joanne gently stroked her dad’s hair, which was a mixture of blonde and grey hair and looked at her handiwork. Jim Wilson’s bottom had six neat, pronounced, straight red lines across the centre and lower part of his bottom. The rest of his flabby buttocks was a mixture of dark red and lighter shades. His thighs and backs of legs were beginning to show some marks from Joanne’s hand and clothes brush. The young woman shook her head at having to punish her own father in this way.

“I’m sorry Dad.” She whispered and watched as Jim turned his head and looked at her.

It took a moment for him to reply to his daughter, through the tears, the sniffs and the sobs.

“Its okay Honey. Don’t worry.” He replied before replacing his head in the damp cushion.

When Katherine returned, she opened a tube of cooling Aloe Vera gel and squirted some into her left hand. She then gently massaged it into Jim’s bottom, doing this until his sobs and sniffs became few and far between. She then applied a plaster to a cut that had appeared on his right buttock. Eventually, she allowed him to stand up and face her.

Across from the sofa, Joanne busied herself cleaning her implements with wipes and surgical spirit before replacing them in her bags. She smiled at her dad, who rubbed his bottom in a vain attempt to take the pain away.

“Now, do you understand what happens when you upset me, Dear?” Joanne’s mother asked her husband.

Jim Wilson paused and thought for a second before answering.

“Yes. Katherine. I’m sorry. I won’t do anything like that again.” He rubbed his nose with the back of his right hand.

“And you know who makes the rules in this house, Dear?” Katherine Wilson stared at her much taller husband.

He winced with pain and looked at his daughter, before returning his attention to his younger wife.

“I do. You make the rules, Katherine.” Jim Wilson coughed.

Mrs. Wilson smiled and nodded.

“Right then. That’s it dealt with. Like Nicholas, you will go up to bed and wait until I come and get you. Is that understood?” She gave Jim a stern look and waited for a reply.

“Yes. Katherine.” He exhaled deeply.

“Off you go.” She smiled and watched as her husband gathered up his clothes and turned and headed to the bedroom upstairs.

Katherine looked at Joanne.

“So, what are your plans for the rest of the day, Sweetie?”

Her daughter picked up the bags of implements and stood in the doorway.

“Absolutely nothing.” She smiled a wicked smile before continuing.

“Until my sister gets home.”

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Growing up as much as any bit of life in this world, I found roots to call my own and drew sustenance. I began to find a taste for certain things, certain joys and ran after them with a zealous glee. I remember the wind flowing through my hair as I started to learn what it meant to truly chase after a goal, a dream. Laughter came first, then the crash of bodies and the smell of grass all over my clothes. The sun always seemed to rise and shower me with its’ warmth as I toss and turned under...

2 years ago
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Seasons of Sex 1 Fall 1967

FALL, 1967 Sexually, I was a late bloomer. Not that I had no sexual feelings: I had been masturbating (to a dry orgasm for the first few years) since the age of 5. My practical experience with girls was, however, almost nonexistent. But from the first time Annabelle Lee sneaked away from the church picnic with me and kissed me under the big tree at City Park, flicking her slick tongue in to mine and running a knowing finger along the stiffening bulge in my crotch, I was in love with her...

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Seasons of Sex 2 Winter 196768

WINTER, 1967-68 It was December 31, 1967, and for the first time in my life I had an actual date for New Year's Eve. It wasn't anything particularly exciting; but just the fact that I got to stay out past midnight—with Annabelle—made it extraordinary. I picked up Annabelle around 7 p.m. and we drove to Zeb Williams's house. Zeb was a friend from church who wanted us to meet his new girl friend. Zeb was the youngest of about eight children, and his widowed mom was pretty old compared...

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Seasons of The Heart Fall Ch 05

The week following the incident in the museum was like a living hell for Michael, she was constantly goading him on in the class room, many time causing him to cower behind his podium or his desk to hide the growing erection she aroused. The things she wore to his class, he knew were meant to tempt him. He had never seen her in anything but jeans and sweaters, but all of a sudden she was wearing tiny little skirts, very low cut sweaters, and jeans and t-shirts tight enough to make him have to...

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Seasons of the Heart Fall Ch 02

That weekend it was near impossible for Claire to concentrate on anything else besides the encounter in the café. She hadn’t thought anyone had seen, but just to be careful she didn’t talk about it. But every night as she lay between her crisp, cool sheets, her body burned, remembering the paths his eyes had traveled over her. She wasn’t sure if he was attracted to her or just appreciating a fine body. Either way, remembering the look he gave her made her shiver deep down in her core, a slow...

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Seasons of the Heart Fall Ch 03

As Claire stepped from the shower much later, she realized how badly she wanted something to happen between Mr. Daughton and herself. Having it put to thought startled her, she had never, ever, imagined doing anything with a teacher. Quickly she understood what her feelings could make her do, and she made the decision to take the tact of propriety and maintain a safe, professional distance from Mr. Daughton, and not allow herself to encourage him any further than she already had. Though, God...

3 years ago
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Seasons of The Heart Fall Ch 04

The next few days went off without many problems. Occasionally Claire would find him looking at her, his gaze intent on her, but other than looking, he made no moves for her. Part of her was disappointed, but on the other hand, she reminded herself, that that was what she had wanted. Finally the day of the art museum trip came and she and her classmates prepared for the trip. They would be walking, as the museum wasn’t far from the campus. As the students, bundled up in scarves and hats,...

4 years ago
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Seasons of the Heart Fall Ch 01

It was a brisk fall day, the air slightly chilly as it swept through the trees sending bright leaves cascading to the ground. The afternoon sky was clear and bright, the sun shining down on the bustling college campus. It was the first day back from summer break and everyone was getting back into the swing of the educational system. Claire O’Malley was brimming with excitement, and her creamy, freckled skin was glowing with it and her sharp green eyes were alighted with passion. She loved...

3 years ago
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Seasons First Rainy Sunday

Hello friends jaisa ki aap sab jante he ki ye meri doosri story he fir bhi me aapko mere bare me fir se batana chahta hu mera naam hemang he aur me Gujarat ke junagadh city me rehta hu aur mere land ki size he 6 ki Meri ye kahani abhi 1 hafte pehle ki he jab Sunday ki sham thi aur me apne group k shath houseful movie dekhne gaye the mera email id he agar koi aurat,bhabhi yaa girl mujhse contact karna chahti ho to mujhe upar diye gaye email id pe contact kare.. Me aapke jyada bor nahi karunga...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 24 Isekai Life Ape Beatings

“So what do we do about the rest of that stuff, then?” I asked then, “I don’t mind speculating about what girls I’m going to marry, but what’s all that stuff about fire and doom and breaking chains and stuff?” “I think it’s kind of like a timeline,” Katriana replied, “Before we’ll have the resources to get our kingdom back, we’ll need to do seven quests like that. Or something. I mean, we might have already done the fire one, if the temple arson counts.” That kind of bothered me. A two-day...

4 years ago
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Older Women Joann

I was 21, Joann was 36. At that time I had only been in two relationships. And those were the only two women I had ever had sex with. I did not know the female anatomy very well and it took a woman like Joann to teach me. I owe her a lot, and I wish I could find her again to thank her. It all began when I got my first real job and Joann was my neighbor in my first apartment of my own. I noticed that she always dressed very business-like. When depositing my first check from my new job, Joann was...

4 years ago
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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

2 years ago
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57From cheating housewife to who knows what last

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt4 Jack appeared at his normal getting home time, he seemed a bit on edge, so after the meal when he went to feed the fish, his pride and joy, I went out and we sat on the bench that only an hour or two before Eddy and I had shared. He said he had been told he was nominated to go to Berlin for a month`s course, however he wanted to talk to me before he agreed to go. We discussed the options and agreed to him going and he brightened up a...

5 years ago
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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

4 years ago
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Story frome my fan girl

I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...

2 years ago
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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Stage six of my journey to becoming Joann

As I awoke on Christmas morning I found three presents on the end of my bed. There were handwritten tags on each with the message: open in private. There was no doubt in my mind as I opened them that they were from Sis. The first was a body shirt that pulled down and snapped in the crotch. It was white with a v-neck trimmed with lace around the neck and sleeves. The second was a set of breast forms slightly bigger than my regular ones with conspicuous and pert nipples. The third was a very...

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Stage nine of my journey to becoming Joann

It was almost midnight when I got home from my foursome. When I walked into the house Mandy was sitting on the couch watching the television wearing a shear teddy with nothing underneath. She looked at me and said, “Where have you been all night young lady?” I answered, “Out with the boys, Sis.” “I hope you don’t mean what that sounds like.” I responded, “If it sounds like I had sex with multiple men at the same time, then that’s what it means. I didn’t realize Joann was such a slut.” Sis...

2 years ago
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Stage Ten Of My Journey To Becoming Joann

I was excited about the next soccer practice. There were no guys at the last practice due to Gurls Night. I was hoping Donny would be there this week. I stopped working at 4:00 so I would have enough to time to get ready. I went into the bathroom and filled my douche bag with a little over two quarts of warm water and special soap. I took off my shorts and panties before pushing the enema nozzle into my ass. I still get a hard-on as the warm liquid fills my bowels. I cleaned my face as I held...

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Being Joann

I sat in front of my computer and started surfing transgendered sites when I came across an article on psychiatrists specializing in cross-dressers, transvestites, and transsexuals. Some of their treatments included a psychological evaluation, hormone therapy, group sessions, and preoperative assistance. The mail order hormones I was taking were having some positive effects, but I read there were better and safer hormone medicines available by prescription. also really wanted to get some breast...

3 years ago
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Stage seven of my journey to becoming Joann

Life as Joann was moving forward rapidly. With the house to ourselves, I began ordering many things online and having them delivered to the house. In addition, to clothes and lingerie, I ordered a women’s facial electric razor, a laser hair remover, and several kinds of women’s skin cream. I also ordered some different breast forms to try out. Sis insisted on seeing everything that was delivered to the house, which wasn’t a problem, until an order of hormone treatment medication arrived. “What...

4 years ago
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Stage Three Of My Journey To Becoming Joann

As we drove home from the Halloween party Sis asked me if I enjoyed my first time out as Joann. I replied, “It was great. How did you come up with the name Joann?”“Well, I really didn’t think about it until I introduced you to Michelle. I actually started to say Joseph when I realized I needed to correct myself. I guess Joann was the only logical name at that point. Do you like it?”“Yeah, it’s nice,” I replied. “Thank you for dressing me up and taking me out. I hate to say it, but I really...

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Stage eight of my journey to becoming Joann

After returning home from dropping Mom and Dave off at the airport, I immediately jumped in the bathtub and took a long bubble bath. While I was in the bathtub, I shaved the stubble that was starting to form from days of neglect. When I finished my bath, I rubbed most of my body with a good lotion to restore its smoothness, followed by a badly needed pair of sexy red lace bikini panties with a matching bra. I pushed a pair of “B” cup self-adhesive breast forms into the bra. They are quick and...

1 year ago
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Jane is taught about sex from her older sister Joann

After our sex lesson that night, two weeks passed before anything happened. Dad got the flue and the mom got it and so every day when my sister and I came home, there was a parent there. We talked and Joann gave me some ideas on how to get Danny to eat my pussy and still not make me a slut at school. She showed me how to masturbate so I would get the most out of it! She told me how she really wanted to masturbate together and taste my pussy and how she wanted me to lick hers. But, with the...

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Stage five of my journey to becoming Joann

As I opened my eyes it was quite light. I sensed it was late morning. Bob was still spooning me, but his dick was soft and must have pulled out of my ass sometime through the night. I quietly rolled out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. Before sitting to pee, I reached around and pulled another condom from my ass. I guess when he lets his dick soften inside me it shrinks from the condom leaving it in my tight ass. I’m finding it to be an after sex turn-on. I sat on the toilet and peed....

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Stage Two Of My Journey To Becoming Joann

Life was becoming a little confusing. I was out of high school and attending the local community college part-time at night while I worked at the machine shop during the day. I played soccer on the college team in the inter-county conference. Mom helped me buy a nice used car. Still, I wore panties, a bra, and nightshirt to bed every night. Sis was working part-time at a hairdresser while taking cosmetology courses in the evening. We still sat together in our panties and nightshirts...

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Stage Four Of My Journey To Becoming Joann

The next morning I told Sis that I spoke with Bob on the phone, as she suggested, and he invited me over to his apartment on Friday night. I think she was as excited as I was. She said we would have to pick out an outfit tonight when we both got home for the big event. The next day all I could think about at work was Friday night. Toward the end of my shift, my phone buzzed that I had a text message. It was from Bob. My first thought was he had changed his mind. My heart started pounding as I...

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Stage One Of My Journey To Becoming Joann

My name is Joseph and I want to explain how I started on the road to eventually becoming Joann. I grew up with my sister Amanda, who is two years older than me. I have always called her Sis. My father left my mother when I was around sixteen years old and we continued to live in the house. Eventually, my mother had to start working as a bartender in a high-end hotel bar at nights.I still remember my sister prancing around after school in her panties and a nightshirt, exercising our new found...

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Tales fromthe SugarBowl 5

He seemed genuinely interested in her and her life. While he always treated her like a lady….she found herself listing all the things he had done to make her life better…He was paying her tuition for the graduate school courses she was taking evenings in business…Jennifer had a four year degree and a job as a dental hygienist …but regretted her career choice that required her to put her hands in people’s mouths everyday…She could talk to Bob about that and he had promised to help her find...

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Season of Terror

Season of Terror By Tigger Copyright 2002 All Right Reserved Introduction: A Moment of Crisis Her lips set into a fine, hard line against the emotion burning in her throat, Victoria Denato started to stride out of her pastel-and-chintz-decorated bedroom only to catch herself at the last moment. If her plan was to have any chance of success, she had to have Jane Thompson's full cooperation - and she was absolutely certain that cooperation would not be forthcoming if she failed to...

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Seasoned Pussy Part 1

My high school years was going really good. I had learned about sex and was trying to fuck every girl I could. I was up to eight, two long term girlfriends and six girls that I banged several times and tossed. My best bud lived across the street from me. His mom, Rose, was like a second mom to me. Rose and I were pretty close. She was a short little Hispanic woman, not over five foot tall and chubby, like a ball with arms and legs. She had always flirted with me from the day I met her. Alot of...

4 years ago
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Seasonal Affection Disorder

Chapter One – Spring The phone rang, jolting me out of my sleep. I looked blearily at the alarm clock. It was 8:19 on a Saturday morning. Who the hell could be calling me? I cleared my throat and picked up the phone. ‘Hello?’ ‘Steve. It’s Jessica.’ Jessica. Just hearing her voice brought back vivid memories. I walked over to the coffeemaker, thankful that I’d had the presence of mind to brew a pot of coffee last night. I was going to need some caffeine to work my way through this...

3 years ago
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Season Opener

Hooray! Hockey season has begun and, in case you’ve not read my earlier journal entries, I do not like any sports. Couldn’t care less about them. I am, however, married to a man who loves the Boston Bruins and he goes to as many games as he can. Obviously, I knew in advance that he had tickets for the season’s opener and that allowed me time to prepare myself for it. Put it another way: I had time to plan the fun I’d have while he was at the game.I had so many online options. First question,...

2 years ago
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Season of Darkness

Posted by permission of Tigger Season of Darkness By Rose Too Clouds darkened the afternoon sky as the long, black limousine idled in front of the boutique. Darla sat in the driver seat awaiting the arrival of Jane Thompson. She was dressed in her chauffeur's uniform with her cap sitting on top of her long blonde hair. The sharply-tailored uniform on her very female shaped figure was eye catching in the extreme. Jane Thompson emerged from the boutique, and was helped into the...

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Season of Firsts Ch 01

It looked like it would be an absolutely terrible Holiday Break for me. As an orphan, having been abandoned by my mother just days after birth and having never known my father, I had no family to go home to, for I had never been adopted. Even though there were some 3,000 students at my college, it had just happened that all my friends were either from the southern or western states, and I could not afford the airfare and spending money to go with them for the Holiday Break to spend the time...

4 years ago
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Season of the Wolf Pt 01

Season of the Wolf Part one: Running With the Pack Chapter 1 ‘Grace, you can’t be serious.’ My roommate glares at the cardboard box I’ve been packing for the last hour as if its public enemy number one. Impatient with my non-response she huffs and taps a manicured nail against her perfectly tanned forearm. ‘I mean, have you really thought this through?’ The tone of her voice hinges on begging, but even her dramatic, over the top pleas aren’t enough to convince me to change my mind. I don’t...

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Seasonal farm worker boys

Although I’m happily married, with the consent and often assistance from my hubby, I’ve developed quite an appetite for young men, and they seem to have quite an appetite for me in return. Years ago I would have never dreamed of having sex outside of marriage but after years of being together my hubby started to talk about the possibility of us adding another to the mix and we’ve now been part of the lifestyle for years. More often than anything else, we bring in a single male to the mix but...

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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 3

Monday was a normal day. I ate with Kathy and only said that I met an interesting girl named Nadia at Sunday school the day before. Of course, I said nothing about any deal. Tuesday morning, I sent Nadia a text. She responded moments later telling me to come at a quarter before twelve. I sent back, “Okay.” I told Kathy that I was having lunch with Nadia today. She grinned and waved me off. I left, giving me three minutes to get in my car and drive five hundred feet. I walked in on time. I...

5 years ago
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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 5

I drove home and went to bed. Sleeping wasn't immediate as I thought about Laura and Jenny. I did sleep, eventually. In the morning, the girls came bouncing in with coffee and questions. April's first question was, "Did you kiss her?" "Kiss who?" "Dad, that's not funny." "We kissed very lightly. I have had more passionate kisses from you two. It was appropriate under the circumstances." May said, "I like her. I think you should bring her around more often." "May, we've...

2 years ago
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A Necessary Beating

A Necessary Beating by Ashley Zacharias?Not going to the gym today?? Derrick asked brusquely. ?No,? Jillian replied, surprised. For the first three months after her horrible 'Fall from Grace', he had restricted all conversation to single-word replies and she only got that much if she asked a direct question that, in his opinion, absolutely required his input. In the past month, he had begun to answer in full sentences on occasion, which had been a huge improvement. But this was the first time...

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