The wilderness an afternoon and punishment
- 2 years ago
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The first four or so weeks at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College had flown by for the new Head Mistress, Amelia Marks. The slim, dark-haired lady had not administered a punishment since the Upper School assembly on that first day when the usually well-behaved Fiona Nicholls had been caught by the new Head Mistress using her mobile phone as she was outlining the changes that had been implemented, and that would affect, every girl at the exclusive fee-paying school. The Year Twelve girl had received a no nonsense caning from Amelia and word had quickly spread around the 1100 plus girls and members of staff that any slight act of misbehaviour or defiance would be dealt with swiftly and severely.
Just as she had been instructed to do, Fiona had duly informed her friends about what her caning had been like and the gossip had soon reached the rest of the Sixth Form about her punishment. She did not lie or exaggerate. It was the first time she had ever been punished at the school and it had hurt like hell. There was no way that she would ever do anything that may lead her back to Amelia’s office for a repeat performance. The sight of the six, deep red tram lines that the Head Mistress’ senior dragon cane had left across the brown-haired girl’s bottom had made the other girls gasp with shock. They would do their very best to avoid being sent to Amelia Marks by their teachers.
The story of the quiet Sixth Form girl’s caning on the first day of term had quickly filtered around the school, so that by the end of that first week, every girl from the Lower School right up to the young ladies in Year Thirteen had heard it. Most of them had vowed to do anything they could to avoid being taken in front of the new, young Head Mistress. Mrs. Barnett had been so much more reasonable they agreed. However, Di Barnett was gone. Retired early on health advice and the no nonsense ex-Science teacher was in charge.
Amelia Marks smiled as she got to her feet and walked across the floor in her large office. She stood and looked out of her window for a few minutes watching some of the lower school girls walking back towards the main school from the PE block. Miss Marks walked across to her cupboard and opened the right hand door. She leaned over and reached inside, picking up the well-worn black plimsoll in her right hand before she closed the door gently. Next, she walked over to her large vase in which she kept her impressive collection of canes and bent down once more to select the one she wanted. Once she had the one that she had selected for the task, she walked to her office door, opened it and stepped out into the large reception area. Amelia Marks closed her office door quietly behind her and took the few steps over to the large desk where her secretary, Amber Fox was scribbling a note. Amelia waited until the younger woman had finished and smiled across at her.
“I’m covering the Friday afternoon detention for Charlotte as she has a doctor’s appointment at 2:30. Can I have the Punishment Book please?” The sweet-looking lady asked quietly.
Miss Fox flicked her long red hair from her eyes and reached into the top right hand drawer in her desk and brought out the A4 hard-backed book that she kept. She immediately noticed the large plimsoll and thin, crook-handled cane that the Head Mistress held in her left hand.
“There you go Miss Marks. Do you want me to leave any messages on your desk?” The younger woman smiled.
“Yes please. If I don’t see you before you go home have a nice weekend, Amber.” Amelia smiled as she took the large hard-backed book in her right hand and headed out of the main entrance and down to the classroom in the Languages corridor.
The school alarm sounded to signal the end of the day and the Head Mistress stood in the centre of the English corridor as the girls streamed from their last lesson of the week. They came out shouting, screaming – some were even singing – but they soon stopped and walked sensibly, and silently, until they were out of sight of Amelia. She smiled and shook her head before making her way to the detention room.
Room 1.19 was legendary at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College. It had been the detention room, as well as a languages classroom, for almost twenty years. It was a room that most girls did their best to avoid. Some girls, however, had become frequent visitors over the last few years. Miss Marks’ new regime was determined to change that.
That sunny Friday afternoon, three year twelve girls had found themselves sent there for a two-hour detention for their poor behaviour that week. Whereas all the other girls at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College enjoyed an earlier finish to their school day, the detainees would be made to explain and answer for their lapses in behaviour that week. Although it was unusual for Sixth Form girls to be given detention, the behaviour of the three who sat at separate desks in room 1.19 that Friday afternoon certainly merited a detention. Two of the girls, Sophie Lewis and Rosie McKenna had been caught by their House Mistresses creeping back into their bedrooms in the early hours of Thursday morning after a night out drinking in town.
The third girl, Nicole Langley, had been trying to push her weight around with some of the younger girls at Alannah Lawrence College, and had then sworn at her Head of Year, Mrs. Lindley when confronted about her behaviour. The seventeen-year-old was no stranger to room 1.19, having had numerous Friday and three Saturday detentions during her previous year. The extremely tall, slim girl had the unenviable honour of having been one of only two girls who received the cane for their behaviour that year. Nicole had slapped a classmate hard across the face during her History lesson with the Deputy Head Mistress, Miss Hickman. She had been immediately taken to Amelia’s office.
Nicole remembered that caning but had not learned from it. She had stood in the then Deputy Head Mistress’ office being scolded by her and the Head Mistress, Mrs. Barnett. Nicole Langley had acted tough, but when the cane was mentioned, she turned on the tears and pleaded with the usually reasonable Di Barnett. She had sensed that her tears and sobs were winning the older woman round. Only for Amelia Marks to drag out Nicole’s dreadful behaviour record in her near five years at the school. That had sealed her fate.
Six, full-force and painful swipes of the senior school dragon cane had resulted in Nicole Langley screaming and crying uncontrollably during and after her punishment. She hated Miss Marks – she was such a nasty little bitch, but at least this afternoon wouldn’t be too bad with Mrs. Edwards, who, although she spanked hard, was nowhere near as nasty as the new Head Mistress was. Nicole smiled as she thought of the second teacher who was down to supervise the detention. Miss Hickman. The Deputy Head Mistress and her old History teacher. She had enjoyed annoying and winding up the quiet and sweet woman. The dark-haired girl sat back in her chair and began to relax, waiting for her teachers to arrive.
The relaxed look on her face changed to one of sheer horror when the door opened quietly, and the new Head Mistress walked in. The girls froze in their chairs and failed to stand up when a member of staff walked in the room as was the convention at Alannah Lawrence. This was not lost on Miss Marks.
“Get up you nasty little girls!” She yelled and stared right through the three Sixth Formers.
The girls pushed their chairs back and quickly got to their feet, standing as straight as they could, staring at the short, dark-haired woman.
Amelia smiled as she kept the young ladies standing behind their desks for a couple of minutes before she spoke. She smiled as she saw Nicole notice the senior school dragon cane which she laid down on the teacher’s desk at the front of the classroom.
“Sit down!” Amelia barked.
Sophie, Rosie and Nicole quickly took their seats and stared at the Head Mistress. This was not going to be as easy as they had reckoned.
Miss Marks placed her plimsoll and Punishment Book on the desk next to her cane and continued to stare at the three girls sitting in front of her, all well turned out in their grey school blazers, light blue blouses and grey school skirts. She remained silent, as did the girls, as she waited for Melanie Edwards to arrive. The only sound that could be heard in the large square classroom was the loud ticking of the clock on the wall behind Amelia.
After another few minutes, Mrs. Edwards opened the classroom door and entered the room, closing the door gently behind her. First, she looked at Amelia and then turned to look at the three detainees, who had all got to their feet once again. They stood looking at her, worried looks beginning to spread across their faces. Their Friday detention was not supposed to be like this, they thought.
“Sit down. Girls.” Melanie instructed firmly and watched the three Sixth Formers take their seats once more.
Amelia Marks opened the Punishment Book at the page she wanted and walked around the teacher’s desk until she stood in the aisle between the desks. Mrs. Edwards stood to the side of the closed door; arms folded across her chest. Like the Head Mistress, she smiled as she noticed Nicole Langley in detention once again. Melanie then remembered what Charlotte Hickman had said that first day of term about Nicole being the first girl to be punished that year.
“Just a little out with that prediction Charlotte.” She thought to herself as she watched the Head Mistress standing and facing the girls in the centre of the room.
“Right girls. Sophie and Nicole you are no strangers to detention so I know that you understand what will happen here this afternoon, ladies.” The Head Mistress unintentionally laughed quietly.
“However, Rosie. I believe that this is your first visit to the detention room so I think that it is only fair that I explain exactly what will happen in the next ninety minutes or so.” Miss Marks turned and walked back to the teacher’s desk where she picked up the size eleven, rubber-soled plimsoll.
She turned and faced the three girls once more, gently tapping the large black shoe gently against the palm of her small right hand.
“You will each be given a dose of corporal punishment – as a first offence Rosie, you will receive your punishment across your school knickers. Sophie and Nicole will receive theirs across their bare bottoms seen as they have been in trouble more than once before. Haven’t we girls?” The short Head Mistress took a few steps until she was standing to the left hand side of Nicole Langley’s desk.
She looked down upon the tall girl who remained emotionless.
“Yes Miss.” Sophie and Nicole answered quietly.
“After you have been dealt with, you will then sit at your desk and write a letter of apology to the teacher who placed you in detention this afternoon and explain to them how you will change your naughty little ways.”
Amelia looked across at Melanie Edwards, who was still standing across from the classroom door, arms folded across her chest. She nodded at her boss.
“You will then be given two hundred lines to complete in your own time – they will be delivered to my office no later than 8.30am on Monday morning.” She paused and looked down at Nicole once more.
“Without fail otherwise I will collect you from your form class during registration and I will give you six of the best with my cane across your bare bottom.” Amelia laughed quietly again.
“And I’ll double the amount of lines due and you will complete them for the following day – or another caning will result if you do not hand them in again.” She smiled and shifted her stare to Rosie, who, by this time, was terrified of what was coming her way in a short while.
“Any questions, Rosie?” Amelia pushed her small glasses up to the top of her small nose with her left index finger.
The sixteen-year-old Sixth Former fidgeted nervously. She couldn’t help but move her feet around under her desk. She was so nervous she could feel the pressure in her bladder growing and hoped that she didn’t wet herself in front of the other two girls. After a few moments, the girl with the long blonde hair opened her mouth.
“No Miss. I’m sorry for my behaviour Miss.” She spat out.
The dark-haired Head Mistress smiled sweetly, first at Rosie. Then Sophie. And then finally, at Nicole.
“Glad to hear it young lady and hopefully the punishment you are about to receive will be a one-off. I do hope that, unlike Nicole, you don’t want a repeat performance on what seems to be a regular basis. Doesn’t it, Nicole Langley?” She raised her voice.
The tall, Sixth Form girl simply shrugged her shoulders and kept her mouth shut for a change.
Mrs. Edwards walked across the classroom until she was standing at Amelia’s right shoulder.
“Right. I think we’ve chatted long enough girls so, Rosie stand up, place your chair under the desk and come and stand in front of the teacher’s desk.” The dark-haired lady instructed firmly.
The sixteen-year-old obeyed slowly. She pushed her chair back and moved her legs out from under the desk. Rosie stood up and reached down, placing the chair under the desk before taking the half a dozen steps to the front of the classroom until she was standing facing the whiteboard on the wall. Miss Marks stood next to her and watched Mrs. Edwards pull the teacher’s chair out from under the desk until it was in a space near the door to the room. She sat down on the padded chair, ironing the creases from her navy blue and yellow summer dress with her hands before placing them flat in her lap.
“Young lady. As a first offender, you will be spanked over your skirt by Mrs. Edwards and you will then be slippered – twelve strokes – across your school knickers.” Amelia Marks looked at the blonde-haired girl who was about the same height as her.
“Yes, Miss. I’m sorry Miss.” Rosie McKenna muttered.
“I’m glad to hear that, Rosie. Perhaps a trip over Mrs. Edwards’ knee will make sure that you won’t want to make the wrong choice again.” The Head Mistress looked across at Melanie Edwards.
“Over you go and do exactly as Mrs. Edwards tells you, young lady.” She stared as the girl covered the few short steps to where Melanie was sitting in no time at all.
Rosie McKenna did her best not to look at her former Geography Mistress, deliberately looking over the woman’s head as she stood in front of Melanie who was sat on the chair.
“I want you to take your blazer off and place it on the desk there, Rosie.” Melanie Edwards instructed quietly but firmly.
The Year Twelve girl carefully slipped her arms out of the sleeves of her light grey Alannah Lawrence blazer and folded it over her arm before laying it down on the nearest desk.
“Right. Now put yourself over my knee young lady. Place your hands flat on the floor in front of you and open your legs a little. Do you understand?” Mrs. Edwards stared at the blonde-haired girl with the ponytail.
Rosie simply nodded and stepped towards the Deputy Head Mistress, who moved her hands from her knees and sat back in the chair to allow the girl to take her position. The sixteen-year-old slowly and carefully, lowered herself down until she could feel the woman’s strong knees touch her crotch. She then reached forward until her hands touched the rough grey carpet on the floor. The girl then shuffled about so that she could open her legs a little as she had been told to do. Once satisfied, she took a few deep breaths in anticipation of what was about to happen to her. For the first time in her life, normally well-behaved Rosie was going to be spanked.
Out of the girl’s sight, Melanie placed her large left hand on Rosie’s lower back and used her right hand to adjust the Sixth Former’s skirt so that it was flat and covered the bottom. Once the disciplinarian was happy she smiled at Miss Marks, who was watching Nicole and Sophie.
“Now. Young lady. I do hope that this will be a lesson for you and that you realise that sneaking out into town and drinking is not tolerated at Alannah Lawrence and that it will be dealt with most severely. I do not expect to see you in trouble again. Do I make myself clear, Rosie McKenna?” Amelia asked sternly.
The small, blonde-haired girl took a few moments to reply.
“Yes, Miss Marks. I’m really sorry Miss. I won’t do anything like that ever again, I promise.” She spat out.
The Head Mistress simply nodded and watched as Melanie raised her right hand in the air and brought it down a few moments later across the girl’s grey school skirt.
The sound and true force of that first smack was muffled by Rosie’s skirt, but the girl still felt it. It made her tense up as Mrs. Edwards’ hand landed across the fleshy centre of her small bottom. The blonde-haired girl was determined to take her punishment with as little fuss as she possibly could. She knew that it was going to hurt, but there was no way that she was going to shout and scream or even cry during her spanking from the Deputy Head Mistress, if she could help it. Mrs. Edwards raised her large right hand once more and Rosie McKenna’s first ever punishment began for real.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Melanie began by laying out half a dozen hard and slow smacks across the centre of Rosie’s bottom. The blonde-haired girl felt each and every one, but her school skirt and knickers offered her bottom some protection from Melanie Edwards’ hand and she soon settled herself, and concentrated upon looking at the waste paper bin directly in front of her to take her mind away from the continued visits made by the older woman’s hand on her bottom.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Another slow, and hard, set of smacks began to warm the Sixth Form girl’s small bottom, but she still remained in place, making no noise except the odd gasp for breath as Melanie’s hand hit home repeatedly.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
The experienced disciplinarian continued spanking Rosie’s bottom for well over five minutes, until she paused and placed her large right hand on the grey skirt lying in front of her. Even through the material, she could feel that Rosie McKenna’s bottom was warm to the touch and was satisfied that this part of the blonde-haired schoolgirl’s punishment was complete. She placed her right hand flat on the girl’s back and smiled over at Miss Marks, Sophie and Nicole.
“Right. Rosie. Hopefully you’re beginning to learn how we now deal with naughty little girls who break the school rules.” Melanie scolded softly, but sternly.
The sixteen-year-old Sixth Former turned her head to the left, her ponytail flopping down and touching the floor and looked up at the woman.
“Yes Miss. I do Miss. I’m so sorry Miss.” She replied quietly, her voice breaking slightly as she did so.
Melanie gently tapped her covered bottom with her large right hand.
“Good. Now I want you to stand up and go and bend over the teacher’s desk. Bend right over Rosie and hold onto the end.” Melanie Edwards took her hands from Rosie’s back and bottom and sat back in her chair.
The blonde-haired girl slowly and carefully got to her feet. She adjusted her skirt and brushed her hair back before walking over to the large desk at the front of the room and lying right over it. Rosie rested her face in her arms. She knew that the final part of her punishment was going to hurt a lot more than the first part. She had seen, and heard the sounds made, when a girl was walloped with the slipper before. Her PE Mistress, and the Head of Girls’ PE at Alannah Lawrence, Miss Halliday, would use it against the bare bottoms of those young ladies who had upset her in any way or had forgotten their kit. Most of the girls said that Nancy enjoyed whacking the girls in her classes for the least little thing. From the noises that came from the PE Mistresses’ office, then it seemed that she got lots of practice doing it!
Melanie Edwards got up from the chair and walked over to the teacher’s desk where Rosie was lying. She said nothing as she leaned over and picked up the black, size eleven plimsoll in her right hand. She began tapping it gently against the palm of her right hand.
“Right, Rosie. You’re going to receive twelve whacks with the plimsoll here and I just need you to lie there and take them, no matter how much they hurt.” Melanie paused and looked at Amelia before returning her attention to the girl.
“If you move or jump up or put your hands over your bottom, then I’ll hold you down and increase your punishment to eighteen whacks. Do you understand me?” She asked softly.
Rosie McKenna was really scared now. The spanking had hurt, but this was going to be worse. She closed her eyes and thought for a few moments. She was determined to take her punishment with as little fuss as possible, if only to show Sophie and Nicole that she was tougher than she looked. Eventually, she replied.
“Yes Miss.”
The Deputy Head Mistress adjusted the girl’s grey skirt so that it was folded out of the way and tucked up into Rosie’s blouse so that it would not fall down during this part of her punishment. Melanie drew the plimsoll back in her right hand and paused. She smiled over at Amelia on seeing that Rosie McKenna was wearing the correct, very unfashionable, navy blue school knickers that were a tight fight on the girl’s small bottom.
“You will then stand when I tell you to and thank me for your punishment.” She tapped the plimsoll against the small bottom in front of her.
A few moments later that first smack landed across Rosie’s covered backside with a muffled “Thump!” It was still an impressive sound. Outside, in the corridor, two younger girls stopped what they had been doing and looked at one another.
“Someone was really getting it in the detention room today.” They thought to themselves.
They stayed standing there until the first six smacks had been laid out across Rosie’s, by now, burning bottom.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
Rosie McKenna had whimpered a little as the pain and the heat began to build across her small bottom. She could not believe how much the punishment hurt, and this was over her underwear.
“God knows what it would feel like when given on the bare bottom?” She thought to herself as behind her, Mrs. Edwards took aim once again.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
Less than five minutes later, it was all over. Rosie had tears in her eyes but had managed to take her punishment and had taken it with a minimum of fuss too. She was proud of herself but was certain that she never wanted to be punished again.
“Stand up Rosie and look at me.” Rosie McKenna recognised Melanie’s voice and slowly did as she had been asked.
“Now, young lady. What do you say?” The Deputy Head Mistress stood there, plimsoll in her right hand.
Rosie took a breath.
“Thank you, Mrs. Edwards.” She replied quietly, looking down at the carpeted floor.
Melanie Edwards smiled at the blonde-haired girl, who wiped a few tears from her eyes and then brushed her ponytail back behind her head.
“Good. Now, pick up your blazer, put it on and go and stand at the back of the classroom and you can watch what happens to repeat offenders in case you need any further reminders of how bad behaviour is dealt with.” Melanie watched as the girl put her grey school blazer on, adjusted her grey school skirt and walked to the back of the room and stood there in silence.
Sophie Lewis turned around and looked at Rosie. She then returned her attention to Amelia, and then to Melanie Edwards. It was her turn next. Mrs. Edwards had already replaced the plimsoll on the desk and re-taken her place on the padded teacher’s chair, ready to deal with her.
“Right. Sophie. You know what’s coming your way. Stand up and go and stand next to Mrs. Edwards and do exactly as you are told. Am I making myself clear?” Amelia asked sternly.
The blonde-haired girl with the large breasts that were straining under her obviously too small, light blue school blouse nodded nervously.
“Yes, Miss Marks.” She said almost in a whisper.
Sophie Lewis stood at five feet eight inches tall and towered over the diminutive Head and Deputy Head Mistresses. She pushed her chair back, got to her feet, stepped into the aisle, placed her chair quietly under her desk and then walked across to where Melanie was sat on the chair. She fidgeted nervously with her hands in front of her and avoided looking at the hard-handed Geography teacher.
“Blazer, skirt and underwear off young lady. You know the routine. And then get yourself over my knee.” Melanie Edwards instructed firmly and watched the blonde-haired girl.
The sixteen-year-old Sixth Form girl quickly slipped off her light grey blazer and placed it on the desk across from where Melanie was sitting on the chair. Next, she reached behind her and unzipped her knee-length school skirt, allowing this to drop to the carpeted floor before she stepped out of it and then bent down and picked it up. She folded it neatly and placed the skirt on top of her blazer. She reluctantly slipped her hands down the sides of her navy school knickers and hesitated.
Sophie Lewis had no idea why she did what she did next.
“Please Miss. Not on the bare! Please Miss!” She shouted and began to plead with the two female teachers.
Melanie and Amelia were both unmoved by Sophie’s tearful pleas and simply waited until the girl had realised that her tears and promises to be impeccably behaved from that moment on, were not going to save her from Melanie’s hand and plimsoll. Once the tall, blonde-haired Sixth Former had stopped crying, Amelia walked over to her and stood within inches of the tearful girl.
“Those knickers need to be taken down and they need to come off now, young lady. Your behaviour on Wednesday night and in the early hours of Thursday morning and your previous record of being in detention during your time here mean we have no choice but to give your punishment across your bare bottom.” She smiled wickedly at the taller sixteen-year-old, who had her hands on the waistband of her knickers.
“If I have to take them down for you, Sophie, then I will cane you for defiance. Am I making myself clear, you naughty girl?” Amelia continued to smile as Sophie began to comply with the instruction.
The Head Mistress walked over to the teacher’s desk where she picked up her senior school cane in her small right hand. She made sure that Nicole Langley who was sitting behind her desk watching the drama unfold, got a good look at the thin, crook-handled cane before focusing her attention back to Sophie Lewis, whose knickers were now passing her knees.
“Hurry up girl!” Miss Marks snapped.
Eventually, the blonde-haired Sixth Former had stepped out of her underwear and placed it on top of her blazer and skirt on the desk. She stood to the right-hand side of Mrs. Edwards, wiping away the tears that were continuing to flow down her cheeks.
“Over my knee Sophie. Hands flat on the floor in front of you.” Melanie instructed firmly and sat back in the chair and allowed the tall girl to position herself across her lap.
Once Sophie had settled, Melanie Edwards placed her left hand on the girl’s lower back and pressed down gently but firmly, with her left hand to keep her from moving. The Deputy Head Mistress looked at the girl’s sizeable bottom before placing her warm right hand on the two fleshy globes in front of her.
“No more fuss, Sophie or you’ll get the cane as well as the slipper. Do I make myself clear?” The dark-haired teacher raised her large right hand.
Sophie simply nodded her head.
“Six of the best for defiance, young lady so I would advise you to take your punishment with no fuss. Do not shout, scream, squirm or place your hands over your bottom. If Mrs. Edwards has to stop because of you causing a fuss then I’ll bend you over the desk and cane you.” Amelia announced calmly.
The young Head Mistress walked across to the two-person table behind which, Nicole Langley was sat, her head turned to her left, looking at friend draped over the lap of the Deputy Head Mistress. Amelia sat down on the table inches away from Nicole, she lay her cane on her knee-length black skirt and smiled as Melanie began spanking Sophie.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Sophie Lewis wriggled, but tried her best to stay in position no matter how much Melanie’s hard hand was hurting her bottom. The experienced disciplinarian pushed down harder on the girl’s lower back with her left hand, pinning the blonde-haired girl’s slim waist with her left hand.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Mrs. Edwards concentrated her slow, hard and deliberate smacks against the centre of the sixteen-year-old’s buttocks. Soon she had turned them from a pale shade to a bright pink. Melanie paused for a moment to allow the girl to recover her composure and placed her large right hand on Sophie’s bottom. It was extremely warm already, but Melanie was nowhere near finished. She adjusted the hold she had on the tall girl, and once satisfied, she raised her right hand in the air once more and resumed her work.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Sophie’s fleshy bum cheeks received a prolonged dose of Mrs. Edwards large and heavy hand.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
The blonde-haired Sixth Form girl snivelled, and her tears had fallen onto the grey carpet below, but she managed to take the hand spanking from the small Deputy Head Mistress relatively well. It lasted, like Rosie’s, just over five minutes and it had covered every inch of the unfortunate girl’s bottom, thighs and backs of her long legs. It had hurt, but she was determined to avoid annoying the two women so that they added the cane to her punishment too. Melanie placed her right hand on the two small, warm globes lying over her lap and released the grip she had on Sophie’s waist with her left hand. She looked across to Amelia, who nodded. The blonde-haired Sixth Former had managed to take that first part of her punishment well.
Time to move onto the next part. Miss Marks could see that the girl had several large red hand prints from where Mrs. Edwards had slapped the backs of her legs and thighs, putting as much force as she could behind them. The girls at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College knew that this was the small, dark-haired lady’s trademark.
“Up you get, Sophie Lewis and bend over the desk just as Rosie did. Hold onto the edge of the desk tightly and do not move.” She instructed coldly.
It took a couple of minutes for the tall girl to comply as she struggled to get up from Melanie’s knees and then spent a few moments rubbing her sore bottom with both hands. She no longer cared that Miss Marks, Mrs. Edwards and even her friend, Nicole, could see her pussy with its neatly trimmed clump of light public hair. Eventually, she had positioned herself over the desk, red and sore bottom pointing out towards Amelia and Nicole. Sophie closed her eyes and tried to control her breathing in anticipation of what was coming her way. Like Rosie McKenna, even though she had been in trouble many times before, she had only been spanked with a hand, or on one occasion, with the wooden ruler on the backs of her legs, by her House Mistress, Mrs. Portman.
Behind her, Melanie had got to her feet and had walked over to where Sophie was lying face down. She reached over and picked up the large, rubber-soled plimsoll in her right hand. She began gently tapping it against the palm of her right hand.
“Twelve smacks with the plimsoll, Sophie. No fuss from you, or you will get the cane too. Making myself clear, naughty girl?” Mrs. Edwards moved the large shoe to the girl’s already sore bottom and began tapping it gently.
Sophie Lewis remained silent. Simply nodding her head into her arms to signal that she understood. Mrs. Edwards then drew the plimsoll back and brought it down solidly and heavily against the small bottom lying in front of her.
The sixteen-year-old girl shuddered but managed to remain in position over the desk, muffling her shouts by burying her face even deeper into her arms. The sound made by the nasty plimsoll echoed loudly around the classroom and out into the languages corridor until the full twelve swipes had been administered.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
As she had done after Rosie’s whacking with the plimsoll, Melanie Edwards left Sophie bent over the desk for a few minutes to regather her composure. The Deputy Head Mistress laid the large plimsoll down on the desk beside her and walked over to the padded chair that she had been sitting on and replaced that under the desk. She smiled at Rosie, who was stood at the back of the classroom, her own bottom still burning. Melanie then smiled at Amelia and Nicole, the young lady now realising that it was her turn. She was to be caned on the bare bottom and she already knew how much that hurt.
Eventually, Sophie Lewis had been allowed up from the desk and had struggled awkwardly back into her school uniform.
“Now, young lady. What do you say?” The Deputy Head Mistress stood there, an angry expression across her face.
“Thank you, Mrs. Edwards.” She replied quietly in between the sniffs and sobs, looking down at the carpeted floor.
Sophie Lewis then joined Rosie standing at the back of the classroom. They were going to witness their first ever caning. They had seen plenty of their classmates receive a spanking, even the hairbrush on the bottom – but never a caning. Melanie Edwards stood next to the punished girls at the back of the room and folded her arms across her chest.
Miss Marks looked down at Nicole once more before she got up from the desk. She ironed the creases from her knee-length black skirt, the cane tucked under her right arm. She took it in her right hand and smiled a sweet smile at Rosie, Sophie and Melanie before turning her full attention to Nicole Langley, the dark-haired, extremely tall girl who had one of the worst behaviour records in the whole school. Nicole Langley, the naughty, immature girl who had made Charlotte Hickman’s life a misery over the previous two years. Nicole Langley, the only girl at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College in Year Eleven to have been caned.
“Right. Nicole. You know the routine better than most. No messing around this afternoon.” The Head Mistress swished her cane through the air several times mainly to get the feel for it, but also to warn the girl what was coming her way in a matter of minutes.
“Blazer, skirt and knickers off, over the desk – place your hands on the chair in front of you and not a word out of you, young lady. Do I make myself clear?” Amelia pushed her small glasses to the top of her nose with her left index finger.
Nicole Langley swallowed hard but simply nodded and stood up.
She stepped out into the aisle and slid her chair under the desk, not taking her piercing green eyes from Miss Marks for a second. Nicole calmly walked over to the desk where her fellow detainees had placed their clothes before their punishments, looked at Sophie and Rosie, who were watching her from the back of the classroom, she smiled at the girls before she began to remove her uniform. Within a couple of minutes, the extremely tall dark-haired girl stood in front of the teacher’s desk, her blouse too short to cover the neat bush of black pubic hair above her pussy.
“Over you go, Nicole.” The Head Mistress indicated by tapping her cane on the desk.
Nicole Langley looked back over her left shoulder and shot Melanie Edwards a cheeky smile before reaching over the large wooden teacher’s desk and placing her head in her arms, her long brown hair flopped over her right shoulder. She had been here before and knew the routine. Nicole spread her legs open slightly and awaited that first, painful, nasty swipe with the cane. The Head Mistress announced her sentence. Nicole Langley already knew what it would be as she was receiving her second caning at Alannah Lawrence College.
“Nicole as this is the second time that you have been caned you will receive twelve strokes for your continued bad behaviour and also because you hit Lily Madden of Year Eight.” Amelia paused and licked her lips.
“You are now in the Sixth Form and I expect you to be setting a good example to the younger girls here.” Again another pause.
“Bitch is really dragging this out.” The tall netball player thought to herself.
“I will not tolerate any girl hitting another and you should be ashamed actually slapping a much smaller, and younger, girl.”
“Come on. Bitch. Get on with this!” Nicole shouted in her head.
“You will take the strokes with no fuss or I shall award you the maximum that I am allowed to give you at any one time – that is eighteen strokes, young lady. You will not shout, or scream, or jump up and rub your bottom. If you do, nasty Nicole, Mrs. Edwards will hold you down while I give you the full eighteen strokes. Am I making myself clear to you, girl!” Amelia raised her voice.
Nicole Langley turned her head to the left and looked back at the dark-haired Head Mistress.
“Yes Miss Marks. Thank you Miss Marks.” The girl replied, trying to put a show on for the other two girls who were watching her from the back of the classroom.
“Very well young lady. Then we shall begin.” Amelia Marks measured the cane out across Nicole’s buttocks.
The tall, dark-haired seventeen-year-old soon felt the senior school dragon cane being tapped gently against her bare bottom by Amelia, who had taken up her position at the girl’s left hand side. Miss Marks concentrated fully on the relatively large and fleshy bottom in front of her and decided where she would land her first stroke. Once satisfied, she adjusted light grey cotton short-sleeved blouse, positioned the crook-handle of the cane around her right wrist so that it would not slip and ensured that her stance was perfect – left foot in front of her right, left knee slightly bent and her left hand on her left hip. She measured out the cane once more and drew it back.
It landed a few moments later with an almighty “Thwack!” The sound echoing around the large room and down the corridor outside.
Nicole winced into her arms as the first stroke bit into her right bum cheek but made no sound whatsoever.
The young Head Mistress nodded and took aim once more.
The second stroke levelled things up by leaving its mark on Nicole’s left buttock.
Again, the seventeen-year-old hardly moved or showed any reaction. Miss Marks knew that this would not last. Nicole Langley was a tough girl, but she had broken after four strokes last time and the sobs and the tears had then started to flow freely. She smiled as she laid the cane against the dark-haired girl’s bottom once more and took aim.
“Ow!” The seventeen-year-old winced as the senior dragon cane bit deeply into her left buttock once more.
She buried her head deeper in her arms and bit her tongue gently to try and take her mind off the pain that the short Head Mistress was inflicting on her poor bottom.
Miss Marks paused to use her left index finger to move her small glasses back to the top of her nose before resuming her position at Nicole’s left-hand side.
“Ow! Miss!” The seventeen-year-old raised her voice but the sound was muffled by her arms.
Nicole felt the tears forming in her eyes but pushed her eyes tightly shut. There was no way that she was going to show herself up in front of the other girls and her teachers by screaming, crying and pleading to be good. She took a deep breath as she felt the cane being tapped against her burning bottom once again. A moment later, a sixth painful swipe landed across the dead centre of her bottom.
“Oh God, Miss!” She yelled, again, muffled by her arms.
Amelia Marks had heard her and smiled. The young Head Mistress paused and leaned over to take a closer look at Nicole Langley’s bottom. She smiled as she ran her small right hand over the Sixth Former’s bottom. It now had a collection of six, thin, dark red tramlines – three on each buttock. The cane marks were perfectly straight and, would no doubt, make it difficult for the girl to sit down for days to come. The dark-haired Head Mistress adjusted her glasses once more with her left index finger before returning her full attention to Nicole Langley’s punishment.
Within a minute, she had laid the thin, senior school dragon cane across the girl’s bottom, and, once satisfied where her next stroke would land, she drew it back, took a deep breath and sent the cane on its way once more.
The dark-haired seventeen-year-old let out a muffled scream once again but managed to stay still – her already bruised and marked bottom standing out proudly as she lay over the desk, awaiting that next painful swipe. It arrived a few moments later.
“Fuc….For God’s sake, Miss!” Nicole yelled, but managed to just about avoid swearing at Amelia.
The young Head Mistress simply laid her cane across the girl’s bottom once more and took aim.
“God!” The tall Sixth Form girl cried.
Miss Marks laughed wickedly. She licked her lips at seeing the collection of red tram lines that covered Nicole’s fleshy bottom.
“God won’t help you, sweetie. Please stop yelling out to him.” Amelia Marks replied coldly as she looked to the back of the room where Mrs. Edwards was stood before she took up her position once again.
This time the girl yelled something that no-one in the room understood and was crying uncontrollably. Her sniffs and sobs were only drowned out by the sound of the cane landing on her bottom once more.
“I’m sorry Miss. Please I am really sorry!” Nicole gasped and sobbed, just about managing to stay in position over the desk.
Miss Marks shook her head in order to re-position her hair before she tapped her cane against the girl’s bottom for one final stroke. The forty-year-old Head Mistress moved the nasty piece of wood down slightly, so that instead of catching Nicole’s fleshy bottom, this stroke would leave a lasting impression across the creases in between her swollen and sore bottom and her thighs. Amelia smiled as she drew the cane back, bringing it down at full-force, exactly in the spot she had aimed for. The sound it made echoed around the room.
Nicole Langley screamed into her arms and let her tears flow freely. It had hurt unlike anything she had experienced in her life before. Her face was tear-stained and the pain and heat in her bottom were unbearable. The urge to jump up from the desk and place her cool hands on her bottom was great, but she fought hard to resist the temptation – there was no way she was going to take extra strokes of the cane from that nasty woman. She continued to cry into her arms for a few minutes.
Behind her, Amelia placed the cane on the desk and bent down to inspect her handiwork closely. Nicole had a set of straight red lines, millimetres apart across both bum cheeks. Her bottom was swollen, and the girl winced as the young Head Mistress touched the lines and gently pushed one of them with her right index finger. Amelia nodded with satisfaction. She had delivered an appropriate punishment for Nicole’s behaviour and the seventeen-year-old would be reminded about her bad behaviour for days to come as well as not being able to sit comfortably.
After about five minutes, the Head Mistress allowed the girl to stand up and watched as she awkwardly replaced her knickers, skirt and blazer.
“Now, Nicole. What do you say?” The Head Mistress stood there, hands on her hips, a stern look on her face.
The tall Sixth Former spent a few moments wiping her eyes, sniffing and wiping her nose on the back of her right hand. Eventually she replied.
“Thank you, Miss Marks.” Nicole continued to sniff and sob, looking down at the carpeted floor, unable to look the nasty Head Mistress in the eye.
Miss Amelia Marks nodded and smiled at the tall, dark-haired girl.
“Right ladies. Go back to your seats and on the paper I shall give you, I want you to write a full letter of apology to the teacher who placed you in detention this afternoon.”
The dark-haired woman paused as she watched the three Sixth Formers struggle into their seats.
“Nicole, for you, that is Mrs. Lindley. Sophie for you it's your House Mistress, Mrs. Portman and Rosie, for you, it’s also your House Mistress, Miss Harket.” The Head Mistress reached across the desk and picked up the large, hard-backed Punishment Book in her right hand.
Once the girls had been given their sheets of paper, they began writing their apologies for the poor behaviour that had sent them to the detention room that Friday afternoon. They sat, uncomfortably on their chairs for the remainder of their two-hour detention. Melanie pulled out one of the spare chairs and sat down next to Amelia, who was seated behind the teacher’s desk, concentrating on completing the entries in the Punishment Book, looking up over her small glasses occasionally, to make sure that the girls were doing as she had asked them.
“Why don’t you get yourself away, Miss?” She asked Melanie Edwards with about twenty minutes of the detention to go.
The older woman smiled.
“Are you sure, Miss?” She smiled as she watched Amelia writing the entries in the Punishment book in her small, but seriously neat, handwriting.
“Of course. I can manage here, and I bet you’ve got lots to do before you go home tonight?” Amelia pushed her glasses up to the top of her nose with the index finger on her left hand.
“I do. Thanks. I’ll see you on Monday in that case, Miss. Have a lovely weekend.” Mrs. Edwards got to her feet and replaced the chair under one of the desks at the front of the room.
Miss Marks watched her Deputy Head Mistress leave the room and once the classroom door had been closed quietly, she looked over at her detainees. They were still working away at their letters – even Nicole Langley. She returned her attention to the Punishment Book and completed the girls’ details.
“Date: October 2nd , 2020
Student: Nicole Langley
Form Class: 12 TCA
Reason for Punishment: Physical assault of younger girl and swearing
Punishment: Twelve strokes of senior girl’s cane on bare bottom as this is Nicole’s second caning. First one given last year while Nicole was in Year Eleven. Letter to be sent to parents and phone call to discuss this incident involving Nicole to be made to parents. Final warning to be issued and Nicole to be placed on Deputy Head Mistress’ Behaviour Report. Any serious behaviour issues involving Nicole in the next term to result in a fixed term exclusion. (Mrs. Edwards / Miss Marks)
Administered by: Miss A. J. Marks – Head Mistress
Witnessed: Mrs. Edwards – Deputy Head
Date: October 2nd , 2020
Student: Sophie Lewis
Form Class: 12 TCA
Reason for Punishment: Out of school without permission and drinking while underage
Punishment: Over-the-knee hand spanking and Twelve smacks with the plimsoll on bare bottom. Sophie has not been in Friday detention before but has been punished by her class teachers regularly for minor lapses in behaviour, lack of homework and minimal effort in class. Will be placed on Form Mistress Report for two weeks to monitor her behaviour (Miss Carlisle)
Administered by: Mrs. M. Edwards – Deputy Head Mistress (behaviour)
Witnessed: Miss A. J. Marks – Head Mistress
Date: October 2nd, 2020
Student: Rosie McKenna
Form Class: 12 KST
Reason for Punishment: Out of school without permission and drinking while underage
Punishment: Over-the-knee hand spanking over her clothing and Twelve smacks with the plimsoll over her underwear. Rosie has never been in any serious trouble prior to this incident. Will be placed on Form Mistress Report for two weeks to monitor her behaviour (Mrs. Stanton)
Administered by: Mrs. M. Edwards – Deputy Head Mistress (behaviour)
Witnessed: Miss A. J. Marks – Head Mistress”
At 4.10pm, Miss Marks stood up behind her desk and looked at the three girls. They had finished their letters and Amelia walked from behind her desk and collected them, smiling at Sophie, who winced loudly as she pressed her sore bottom into the seat of the chair. Once the Head Mistress had gathered up her implements, the Punishment Book and the girls’ work she nodded at the three Sixth Formers.
“Right. Ladies. I hope that you have learned a valuable lesson here this afternoon.” She smiled angelically.
“Sophie and Rosie you will go on Form Mistress Report from Monday and I better not hear any more about your behaviour this term or you will get what Nicole has had this afternoon. Am I making myself clear, girls?” She spoke in a stern tone of voice, not taking her eyes from the girls for a second.
“Yes Miss.” Rosie and Sophie answered in unison.
Amelia shifted her attention to Nicole, whose bottom was throbbing with pain through her knickers and skirt.
“Nicole. You will go on Mrs. Edwards’ behaviour report and we will be contacting home to explain to your parents what you have been up to, and also to spell out that the next incident involving you will result in exclusion.”
Miss Marks shook her head.
“I am also going to ask Mrs. Lindley and Mrs. Portman if they can keep you away from the younger girls to see if that will keep you away from trouble.” The Head Mistress walked over to the door and looked for a reaction from the dark-haired girl. There wasn’t one.
“If you wish to avoid another caning from me, young lady, I suggest that you do exactly what you are told and do it without argument. Am I making myself clear, Nicole Langley?” Amelia stared at Nicole.
After a few minutes of silence the girl replied.
“Yes. Miss Marks.” She looked down at her desk, tears filling her eyes once more.
The young Head Mistress smiled.
“Good. Stand up, put the chairs under the desks, take your bags, collect your lines and get yourselves to your rooms.” The young Head Mistress hissed.
The girls quickly did as they had been told and walked past Amelia on their way out of the classroom. They quickly scanned the lines that their Head Mistress had given them. Rosie had to write “I will not go into town without permission or I will be severely punished.” Sophie received, “I will not encourage other girls to sneak out of their dormitories and go into town without permission.” Nicole, busy trying to rub away the pain that was burning across her bottom, had to write, “If I slap younger girls I will receive eighteen strokes of the cane across my bare bottom and then be excluded.”
Miss Marks followed them into the corridor and closed the classroom door quietly behind her before walking back across the schoolyard to her office.
On her arrival in reception, she found it almost deserted, except for Lara Corrigan, the assistant head of year nine, who was writing a note for Amelia’s secretary. They exchanged pleasantries before the Head Mistress returned to her office and returned her implements to their rightful places. She sat down at her desk and read through her messages and emails before sitting back in her comfortable leather chair. She adjusted her glasses with her left index finger and licked her lips. She looked at the Punishment Book lying on her desk in front of her and laughed sweetly. Miss Amelia Marks would fill that book by the end of the school year – she was going to make sure of that!
The three naughty Sixth Form girls all handed in their completed lines before 8:30am the following Monday as they had been instructed to do. Amelia had smiled wickedly as she had scolded each girl some more before ripping up their lines in front of them before sending them to their Form classes. None of the girls ever repeated the mistakes that had landed them in Friday afternoon detention with Miss Marks.
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Friday afternoon rolled around again: one week to the day following the "incident" with his mother and Bobby was sitting home alone trying to figure out how to approach her. He was dying for another encounter, but fearful of pushing the issue because he didn't want to spoil the possibility that it could happen again. His girlfriend, Ariel, had just called and he had committed, at her insistence and against his wishes, to a double date for the evening. That would mean that they would...
Introduction: This is the last part of Silks punishment. There is more to come of what happens before this but here is the last Part for now. Enjoy, comment and rate As I said, there is more to come on this. This is the last part that begins with Anger. I will be adding all this in as the weeks go by so read, comment and rate. And about all enjoy. Please inform me of mistakes too… Faith Michaels… ******************** Since Silk went out with Becker of her own free will, slept with Jason and...
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My only wonder was whether Michelle had similarly set a trap for me, since she knew that the house was monitored by my computer system. Regardless, I told her I had a two-day conference and that I would fly out early the next morning. I allowed her to sleep in, for her sake, I said, and drove myself to the airport. I did take a flight, but only a lesson with a friend of mine who was still trying to help me get enough hours to complete my license requirements. When we landed we went to...
(Authors: If you would like to write for this story feel free to message me. The introduction should be ambiguous enough to allow for other genders, settings, fandoms, etc. All characters are 18 years of age or older.) It starts with a particularly mischievous and powerful spirit overlooking Earth. A virgin dies in an unlucky accident; their only sexual experience was an awkward, clumsy fondling session with a now-distant friend. The omniscient, reality-bending entity tuts at this revelation...
Mind ControlMaya loves being spanked, but that means it takes cruelty to punish her. Being a child celebrity isn't easy, most of the time. Thankfully, Aaron made enough money to retire at 17 and decided to call it quits on the whole “working” part of being famous, however, he still indulged himself on the carefree part of it. Living in an apartment in his adult brother's name away from his parents, Aaron enjoyed a lavish lifestyle amidst still going to school. On top of being rich, Aaron was...
SpankingBeing a child celebrity isn't easy, most of the time. Thankfully, Aaron made enough money to retire at 17 and decided to call it quits on the whole “working” part of being famous, however, he still indulged himself on the carefree part of it. Living in an apartment in his adult brother's name away from his parents, Aaron enjoyed a lavish lifestyle amidst still going to school.On top of being rich, Aaron was famous enough to make pulling girls from his high school easier than ever. He...
SpankingTwenty-five year old Ellie looked up at the sign. ‘Correctional Discipline Centre for Adults: Ladies Entrance.’ The men’s entrance was on the other side of the building. She looked again at the letter she had read so many times before. It was from the Court. For stealing the underwear she was sentenced to 18 strokes of the cane. The minimum for theft as it was her first offence. It was a mistake. She had absentmindedly walked out of the shop holding the underpants and when stopped she panicked....
SpankingAUTHORS NOTE: I'd like to send a special thank you to both "Licorice" and "Elle Dauber" for their encoragement for a sequal story. I hope you two like it. And a special achnologement to: "Greengiant". I gotta admit that the first Gentleman's Bar story was pretty much a "beat fest" and after reading through it later I had to admit the story focused to much on the affects of the transformation rather than how it affects the people in the story. I hope this story flows better. THE...
Well, Lady. You have been somewhat moody with me lately and that is really not what I would expect from my favourite slave! As it is a nice, warm, evening I am going to wait until it gets dark and take you outside for your punishment. Into the woods, I think. I know just the place where we will not be disturbed and no-one will hear you, so come on, Lady, hurry up or I will smack that cute bum of yours so hard it will make your eyes water. I am glad to see that you are wearing the thin, loose,...
BDSMThis is another story written for my Mentor, Jack. He wanted me to learn about the BDSM concept of punishment. This was a difficult story for me to write, and although it is proving difficult to share, i thought i might as well. Again, i figure in for a penny, in for a pound. Please remain aware that I wrote this (and most of the other stories) before I had had any r/t experience. The absolute truth is, sometimes i sneak some chocolate or an alcoholic drink or coffee without permission, when...
5 levels of punishmentSandra knew she was in trouble. The minute she received her graded paper with the "B-" in dark red ink. She knew her father would be mad.Her father arrived home from work. She had been working hard on dinner, hoping to ease his mood. Sandra knew things were not going to go well, her father was already in a bad mood, it seems he had just lost another client.He was in his study, going over some paperwork when she approached him. Meekly, she set her graded report on his...
My Day of Punishment Getting out of bed, I stumble to the bathroom to shower wishing that I could climb back into bed to be with Master. I quickly get the temperature of the water right and climb in. Washing my hair, I start thinking of Master still a sleep in bed and of the great sex we had last night. Becoming turned on I lathers my body lingering over my breasts and pussy. As I slide my finger up my pussy, I start to moan softly. Working my finger in my pussy fast and hard I begin to...
You fidget in your chair as you sit in a hotel room, waiting for me to arrive. You feel a mix of anticipation and fear. You know you’ve been bad - you broke one of our rules and I’ve promised to punish you. You’re waiting, dressed as I’ve instructed. Tight white blouse with your white, lacy bra visible beneath. Tight short skirt. Stocking but no g-string. You squirm as you wait for me, a little anxious about what’s about to unfold. Your heart jumps a little as you hear the door. It opens and I...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughter's Bondage Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I whimpered into the ring gag, keeping my mouth forced open, as my mother worked the butt plug into my asshole. My well-spanked rump burned as her left hand gripped it, her right pressed the conical toy deeper and deeper into me. Saliva ran down my chin, leaking out of my mouth. The ring kept my mouth open wide enough...
Part 1 Breaking-in Brad Her name was Kristie and she was 27 years old. Having inherited a multi-million dollar trust fund, she didn’t need to work, which allowed her the leisure to pursue her sadistic sexual games. She had been raised with wealth and was used to commanding men to do her bidding. House servants in her parents’ palatial mansion had learned to dread her games. Now on her own, she had bought a large house in a wealthy neighborhood and installed a dungeon with different...
Danielle had been terrified for the last two weeks. The posh boarding school she attended in rural England had recently endured an outbreak of bad behavior. Students were caught smoking, drinking, making out, cheating on tests? and the administration had had enough. Some new policies had been instituted involving punishment, and Danielle knew she would lose her mind if she ever got punished. The trouble was? she had cheated on a paper the day before the new punishments were unveiled,...
“Ah, Brother Michael, come in, come in. Let us dispense with formalities; you know why you are here? Yes” The abbot paused “Brother Michael, you are a good monk, a good man -” “Please my Lord Abbot, I am no better than others, do not build me up with false pride. I pray” “-of course, yes. I mean you try hard to serve our Lord as well as any monk. How can I say this? You have one flaw ... you tell the truth, unvarnished, to all” “And that is a flaw my Lord Abbot?” “It is when the person you...
Nikki had acted out of character and had been deliberately naughty in order to get the cane. She was one of the good girls and always worked hard and passed all of her tests and exams. She even got the place she wanted at University. The only thing she had never experienced was being disciplined at school. As she stood with her nose pressed against the wall she told herself she hadn’t even been that naughty. She had just answered back a teacher. Not even that rudely. It was really just replying...
SpankingI looked at her in fury. For a moment I couldn’t speak I was so angry. “Get,” I started to say, then paused. I’d been about to tell her to go to her room and to get out of my sight, but then a better idea came to me. I took a deep breath. “Stand there. Don’t move,” I said coldly. I went into my office and carefully closed the door. I’d have slammed it otherwise, and I didn’t want that. “AI,” I said after a few moments to clear my head. “Are you able to make someone, er ... can you tweak, er...
Day of Punishment ? by: Joanna Maguire To be locked up spread eagled on bed face down unable to move blindfolded and gagged. Wearing a tightly laced corset, dog collar and nipple clamps. Bottom and shoulders naked and exposed for whipping. To be kept in this position for 4 hours or more. Every 40 minutes or so to be given a hundred lashes on any exposed flesh, the number of lashes to be counted backwards from a hundred. At least 500 heavy lashes will be given without mercy over...
Thank you guys for your appreciation. Before continuing with the third part, let me give a brief background. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits the mistake of stealing the exam paper and is punished and humiliated by the college dean. She is stripped nude and punished. She had a very humiliating session in the anatomy class. Now the story continues. I would recommend reading the previous parts. The main character of this story is Juhi and is...
A Suitable Punishment By Carmenica Diaz SYNOPSIS A small story I wrote between novels. Please don't expect too muchfrom this tale ? it has all the usual ingredients ? an errant husband,a woman scorned who morphs into vengeful wife and, of course, a suitablepunishment. A Suitable Punishment By Carmenica Diaz The bar was noisy and Brett had to lean closer to hear George's words. Notthat he wanted to hear George as Brett was tired of the continuousboasting but George was his boss so he...
This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old orphan during the depression and life is hard. In Chapter 1 and 2, Sara is given a job as a maid for Michael. In Chapter 3 she is spanked for breaking a glass and is forced to masturbate Michael’s cock. In Chapter 4, Michael takes further sexual liberties with her young body including teaching her how to suck his cock. Maiden Maid Chapter 5-The...
EroticIt's Mindy again. I shared with you last time how I'm spanked, but I have to admit that there have been exceptions to that pattern. For the most part, Daddy spanks me just because he wants to, but there are times when I am naughty and he give me a well deserved punishment (for the record, let me remind you that Daddy is not my actual father. He's my fiancé Mark, but to me he's my daddy and I'm his good little girl, most of the time). And most of the time, those punishments earn me a hairbrush...
SpankingBobby’s Punishment “Bobby, where is your report?” I asked. “I…I left it in my dorm, Miss Janine,” stammered the tow-headed youth. His fingers twitched nervously at the top button of his blue shirt. “But it’s not completely done. Could I please have another night? I know I’ll finish it and turn it in tomorrow, miss.” A hiss of inhalation showed how Bobby’s classmates reacted to this bit of mildly defiant nonsense. “I know you’ll turn it in tomorrow, Bobby, because you won’t want to repeat the...
Bobby’s Punishment “Bobby, where is your report?” I asked. “I...I left it in my dorm, Miss Janine,” stammered the tow-headed youth. His fingers twitched nervously at the top button of his blue shirt. “But it’s not completely done. Could I please have another night? I know I’ll finish it and turn it in tomorrow, miss.” A hiss of inhalation showed how Bobby’s classmates reacted to this bit of mildly defiant nonsense. “I know you’ll turn it in tomorrow, Bobby, because you won’t want to repeat...
SpankingTranslations for those who haven't seen my stories so far : Boot (of car) = Trunk in US of A Knickers or pants = Panties Tuppence = UK slang for two (old) pennies = a small contribution. Tights = Pantyhose Nappy = Diapers Dummy = Pacifier Learn these, I might ask you questions later... sorry, just joking. PETTICOAT PUNISHMENT Christine Scott had a problem with her eldest child. Although she was a single parent she hadn't had many of them. Her husband Steve,...
Hi this is Raj Patel from Ahmedabad. I am regular reader of all this story & I love to share my true Experience. I am working with call center in Ahmedabad as team leader & 23 yrs old with 5’9” height & 7” thick dick. This incident happen when I was 19 yrs old & studding in college. I am staying with my parents. My dad is having his own business & mother is house wife. We are staying in top floor of apartment & our apposite door only 1 lady is staying & she is 33 yrs & divorce. Name of that...
'enough is enough we are fed up getting calls from school saying you lot have misbehaved you are all old enough to know better its time to start behaving from now on there will be punishments you dad and i have been discussing this if you cannot behave then you will have to put up with the consequences punishment will include humiliation , the punishment and humiliation will get more severe each time you do something wrong starting today with you scot for trying to cheat on your exam your...
Behavioral Modification Punishment Alessandra Durante "What are we going to do about that boy", Peter said as he looked at his wife, Brenda. Brenda shook her head and threw up her hands as she thought about her son, James. She had thought she had raised him right. He was a respectful and polite as a child, but his teenage years had seen him turn into a completely different person. Like her husband, Brenda blamed James's friends for his bad behavior. James started hanging out...
enrolled her at Avondale Academy in the hope that the regime of harsh discipline would cure her of her wanton behaviour. The memory of Sarah's interview still makes her mother's heart miss a beat and acts like an aphrodisiac for her father. Caroline only has to say to her husband, "Do you remember her interview?" and that's enough to make him rampant. There was something quite exciting about watching Sarah being made to undress and stand naked, then to be told by Miss...