Friday Afternoon Punishment
- 3 years ago
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Holly drove through the upscale neighborhood of Richmond Hill on her way home from school. After climbing a half-mile up the gently curving residential road, she pulled into the parking area in front of the garage to her family's two story home. Slinging her book bag over her shoulder after she exited the car, she slammed its door as hard as she could. She hated the three year old Toyota. It was a nondescript tan color, and it certainly wasn't a BMW or Lexus like most of the kids drove who went to her private school. It wasn't as if her parents couldn't afford to buy her a more fashionable car. After all, they earned a solid income from the consulting firm they owned. She was a senior this year, and she hoped that maybe her graduation present would be one of those cute sports cars that BMW made; she'd hinted at it often enough.
Holly opened the door to the house and stepped in. At least her parents gave her the satisfaction of working late hours. Even though it was Friday, she could probably count on having the house to herself into the early evening. Her cell buzzed from the slit pocket of her skirt. When she checked its screen, she saw the smiling face of her boyfriend, Mike.
"Hi," she said.
"Hi, what's up?" said Mike.
"I just got home," she said as she carried her book bag up the stairs to her bedroom. "Are you at home?"
"Yeah, listen, about tonight, I can't go to the movies. It's my grandmother ... she's still pretty sick ... and, you know, the family wants me go visit," Mike said.
Holly could feel the blood rushing to her face. She tossed her bag in the general direction of her desk. The bag crashed into her chair and sent it skidding sideways on its casters. This was the third Friday in a row he'd broken their date. It was always the same excuse, his grandmother. "Just how damn stupid do you think I am?" she seethed into the phone.
"What? I ... uh," Mike struggled to say.
Holly strode from one side of her room to the other. Her free hand sliced through the air as she spoke. "Your mother's mother is dead, and your father's mother lives three states away where she is not only healthy, she owns a bookstore and plays tennis two days a week," she snapped.
"You ... you checked up on me?" Mike said, trying to sound outraged.
"Well, I was taking you at your word until Sandra Palmer said she saw you being all snuggly with that skank, Amy Givens," Holly said.
"But ... but, we said we weren't going to be exclusive," Mike argued.
Holly stopped pacing and put her hand on her hip. "Oh, so now you were just lying about it, and you thought I was so stupid that I wouldn't catch on."
"Hey, no ... I ... I..." Mike said.
"Look, you obviously have a date with that diseased whore, or some other bitch - just go ... just go and fuck off, and don't call me again." She stabbed at the screen to close the call. Resisting the urge to throw her phone against the wall, she carefully laid it on her desk. Then she screamed.
"Goddamn fucking son-of-a-bitch, asshole ... fuck ... fuck ... FUCKKKKKKKKKK IT!"
She threw her hands to her face. Her cheeks burned and her eyes swelled with pent up tears. She was on the cusp of a monumental crying jag. Turning to her bed, she flung herself down and buried her face in a pillow. Emotions roiled in her aching heart as conflicting thoughts raced through her head. She had really liked Mike. He was good looking, smart – concerning school subjects anyway, but evidently not about girls – and he fit in so easily with her friends. On the other hand, he was a lying sack of shit who thought she couldn't see through the lamest excuse in the world. But he knew how to make out, he was able to kiss a girl until she was weak in the knees. Wasn't she pretty enough? Hell yes she was. She had been short and pudgy most of her life, but a year ago she had blossomed. She was of average height now, only five-foot four, like her nana. But she had inherited her mother's boobs. Perky c-cups on her slender hundred pound frame looked spectacular. Put that together with wide brown eyes on a classically oval face and a thick mane of ash-blonde hair, and she was maybe not beautiful, but certainly cute and sexy. Had she not pleased him sexually? Hell, she'd jerked him and sucked him several times, and he'd liked it; the evidence had ended up all over her hands and lips and in her mouth. He had a nice cock, seven or maybe eight slim inches. She liked a big cock; she had planned to tell him tonight that he could stick it in her pussy. Here, on this bed, on Monday, she was going to give herself to him.
Despite the knot in her stomach, a ghost of a smile twitched at Holly's lips. She had planned to make him swear to save himself all weekend until he was between her legs after school. Surely a guy his age with all that pent up sap would be good for what – at least two or three good screws in the hour or so they could safely count on being alone? Well, forget that.
Holly rolled over and sat up, wiping her hands down her cheeks. To top it off, that piece of shit, Mike, had made her horny. Anticipating that Mike would be eager to crawl between her smooth thighs, she had refrained from pleasing herself for almost a week. She half snorted and half laughed. She could take care of that later. "I need a shower," she told herself. She removed her school uniform tossed it onto the pile of dirty clothes in the corner of her closet.
Holly let the hot water of the shower pelt down on her shoulders until she felt her muscles begin to relax. She poured vanilla accented body wash onto a luffa and scrubbed until her skin tingled. Stepping from the shower, she dried off and knotted the luxuriantly thick towel above her breasts. She stepped into her bedroom and began to run a brush through her hair.
As she brushed, Holly heard the hollow, ringing thump of a basketball being dribbled. Her room didn't have windows, but it did have a pair of French doors. The doors opened onto a decretive, but very narrow and functionally useless balcony rimmed in black ironwork. From the door, Holly looked across a strip of lawn and a residential road at the rear of her home to a neighbor's house. Six guys were playing a basketball game in the drive.
Holly recognized one of the players as Bobby Evans; he lived at the house. She knew two other guys from her school; they were on the school's team, and there were two she didn't know at all. It was the sixth player that caught her attention though. She knew his name was Samuel Thomas Axton Harris the Third, better known as Trey. He hadn't been at her school for long, but he'd caught the eye of every girl there. He was tall, very good looking, and now that he was playing without a shirt, Holly could see that he was built like a Greek god.
"Wow," said Holly. Actually, she thought, a Greek god could only aspire to have Trey's heavily muscled and incredibly graceful body.
Trey faked a drive and then put up a twenty-foot jumper that swished through the net. Taking the ball again, he passed to Bobby who put up a shot. The ball bounced high off the rim. Trey almost magically appeared under goal, where he leapt high above the basket and drove the ball downward in a spectacular dunk. Even the guys on the opposite team congratulated him.
"Damn, you're good, and damn good looking too," Holly told herself as she watched Trey effortlessly outplay the others. There was a rumor going around about Trey. In addition to his movie star countenance and outstanding athletic skills, he was supposedly blessed with a really big cock.
Of course rumors were just that, rumors. There was one floating around which said that she had had a boob job. It persisted no matter how many times she pointed out that when a girl drops about five dress sizes – and begins to wear tighter clothes – her natural breasts tend to stand out.
Holly focused on Trey's shorts. From here, she'd need x-ray vision to confirm the rumor about him. In the voluminous basketball shorts that guys wore, you couldn't tell the size of anyone's package, no matter how large. Of course, she mused, that just meant that the rumor could be true. Maybe Trey had a cock equal to or a bit bigger than Mike's. She could feel her blood begin to warm and give her pussy that pleasantly full feeling. She was hornier than she'd thought.
Maybe ... maybe she should put on her skimpy running shorts and a nice tight tank and go for a run by the guys. Surely one of them would say something, and give her an excuse to stop and flirt. Even if they kept their mouths shut, she could say stop and say hello to Bobby - then she could flirt.
Holly's mind began to fantasize about the encounter. She'd smile at Trey, giving him plenty of opportunity to ask her out. She'd be coy of course, but eventually they'd be alone together. Then she'd get her hands on that magnificent chest and those broad, beefy shoulders.
Her hand pressed on her pussy through the towel. She closed her eyes.
After a hot and heavy make-out session, he'd be eager to have her hands on his cock. She'd jerk him off slowly as his fingers found their way between her legs.
Holly slipped her hand between the edges of the towel and pressed her finger on her clit. The hell with waiting until later, she'd get herself off now.
Trey's fingers would be where hers were now. He'd press and swirl and flick until she was panting with desire. Then he'd slip his finger into her hot, wet pussy and finger fuck her madly while her hand raced up and down his cock. They'd get off at the same time. She'd see a string of cum leap above his spewing cock, and that would trigger the first waves of orgasm to shake her pussy.
Holly's fingers flashed in and out of her cunt. "Come on ... get it ... get it," she said through clenched teeth. Suddenly her back arched and she had a thunderous orgasm. She was barely aware of it when her towel slipped and fell to the floor. She was having a wonderful orgasm and she didn't care ... couldn't care.
She lost her balance and felt herself press against the French door. Her orgasm subsided and she opened her eyes. There, standing at the door to a car that had been parked on her side of the street, was Trey. He had a shirt flung over his naked shoulder, and he was looking right at her.
"Aw, fuck," Holly cried as she pushed away. She jerked at the cord that swung a set of curtains closed over the doors. Crossing her arms across her breasts, she went to the bed and sat. Had he seen anything? Of course he had. She'd been practically spread eagle naked against that door. On the other hand ... the door was made up of a matrix of individual panes with a bunch framework in between. Plus, the bars of balcony would have been in his line of sight. Hell, if he'd seen anything, he'd probably pass it off as the overheated imagination of a teenager. And if he said something in school, well, she could deny it easily enough.
Ding dong went the front door bell.
"Oh damn, now what?" Holly cursed. Could it be Trey? She went to the French doors and pulled the curtain aside just a sliver and peeked out. Trey's car was gone. Good.
Ding dong.
She wanted nothing more than to crawl under the covers and hold a pillow over her head until her parents came home.
Ding dong.
"Oh fuck, fuck ... alright, alright," she said. She pulled a sky blue dressing gown from her closet and threw it on. She knotted the sash tightly and ran her fingers through her hair as she padded down the stairs in her bare feet.
Ding dong.
"Give me a freaking break," she muttered as she reached the door. Her resolve was back. She'd get rid of this asshole, it was probably a delivery – her mother was forever ordering stuff off the TV, and then maybe she'd sneak a drink from her parent's liquor cabinet. It had turned into that kind of an afternoon.
She jerked the door open. Samuel Thomas Axton Harris the Third was standing there. His finger was moving toward the doorbell.
"Don't," she said in greeting. She saw that his car, a late model Mustang, was now sitting at the curb in front of her house. She mentally kicked herself for not thinking of that simple move.
"Hi, I'm Trey," he said. He had a knowing smile - with dimples.
"Can I help you?" she snapped, determined to brazen out this encounter.
"Holly, right? Uh ... are you alone?" he asked. His eyes looked over her shoulder and seemed to find something.
Holly couldn't help it. She half turned and looked behind her. There was nothing there of course, but when she looked back Trey had slid through the doorway. "Hey," she said.
He was still smiling, but he wasn't looking at her. He was looking up, tracing a line in the air with his finger. "Mmm hmmm," he said and bounded up the stairs, taking the steps three at a time.
"Hey," Holly said again. Her bare feet thud, thud, thudded up the stairs in pursuit. When she arrived at the top, Trey was halfway down the hall, looking into her room.
"Ah," he said and stepped inside.
"Heyyy," Holly yelled, very much aware that it seemed to be about all she was capable of saying. She rushed into her room to find that Trey had pulled back the curtain and was looking out the French doors.
"Hey..." she said yet again, although it came out as more of a cough as she tried to strangle the word, "what the fuck, dude?"
He dropped the curtain and gave her a lopsided, knowing grin. "Yeah, I was right. You were standing here, watching us play ball and decided that you'd grab a little afternoon delight. I guess you didn't count on the game ending that quickly."
"I don't know what you're talking about, and what the hell is it with you coming into my room uninvited?" Holly said as she planted her fists on her hips.
Holly had left the bath towel next to the door where it had dropped during her orgasm. Trey's foot flicked out and sent it flying toward her chest. She caught it by reflex. "I'm pretty sure about what I saw when that towel dropped," he said.
"I ... uh..." Holly said in confusion. She'd been completely wrong; or rather her first fears were completely right. He'd seen her, and he'd known exactly what she'd been doing. Now he was walking toward her, still with that dimpled smile, plus a square jaw and high cheek bones. His dark eyes were half-lidded and a shock of dark brown hair fell over his forehead. Damn, he was good looking and he smelled good too – musky with a hint of masculine body spray.
He put his hands on her upper arms, bent down and kissed her. It was no awkward first kiss between two teenagers. His moist lips melted against hers. Holly felt her heart begin to pound. His lips felt so alive on hers; she couldn't help but respond. Her hands slid up the slick fabric of his basketball jersey and rested on his chiseled pecs. The tip of his tongue brushed against her lips and then slipped between them.
"Mmm..." she moaned softly. She put her arms around his neck and leaned into the kiss. His hands went to her hips and pulled her closer. She opened her mouth and their kiss became a hot, sensuous thing as their tongues writhed against one another. Holly felt her mind fogging with sexual heat and tension. But not so fogged that she failed to notice the swelling hardness between their bodies. It wasn't the first time she'd raised some wood in a guy during a slow dance or a kiss, but this was no mere lump of boyish excitement; it felt as if an actual length of wood was pressing across her tummy just south of her bellybutton.
Holly had read some of her mother's romance novels. She had always laughed at the notion that a woman would swoon with desire for any man. Swoon ... who swooned? Now, she thought that she might do that very thing. They kissed until Holly was breathless, and the blood that should have been keeping her mind alert had gone to swell her breasts and infuse her pussy.
She broke the kiss and said the first stupid thing that came into her mind. "Is that a rocket in your pocket, or are you just really ... really glad to see me?"
"Let's find out, why don't we?" Trey said, and a second later he was stepping out of the basketball shorts that he had slipped to his feet. Underneath, he was wearing another pair of shorts, but these were light blue and skintight. They fitted him from low waist to mid-thigh.
The sight of an erect cock of huge proportions was silhouetted in those shorts. Holly could see the outline of its prominent cum-tube and even some of the veins along the shaft. It extended to the waist band of his shorts and almost to his hip. Straightened, the head would have to be well past his navel. And speaking of its head, the thing looked to be the size of a large lemon. It poked at the distended material, pulsing and moving farther from the teen's crotch. The damn thing was growing as she watched. At the base of Trey's cock Holly could see not the single bulge of his testes, but two prominent bulges, one for each of his balls. Holly could swear they were swelling too, almost growing right before her eyes.
Trey said nothing but just stood there with a smile of amused superiority on his face. He put his hands on her shoulders and steered her to the bed. He pulled at the sash of her robe and it fell open. "Damn, you're beautiful," he said. "I noticed you at school, all the guys think you have a hot bod ... but, you know, girls wear those bras that pad and push ... but you don't need one of those."
It was hardly poetry, but Holly found herself thrilled at Trey's words. She shivered as his fingers lifted her tits and his thumbs brushed across her nipples. The robe shook from her shoulders and fell to the floor.
"Sit down, baby. I guess it's my turn," Trey said.
Once she unlocked her knees, Holly practically fell onto the mattress. Trey turned sideways and bent over to untie his sneakers. Even his ass was handsome. His butt was two sculpted pieces of hard muscle that shifted sexily with his movements. With his shoes and socks set aside, he pulled the jersey over his head and tossed it on the floor. He hesitated then as if to give Holly time to drink in his V-shaped torso with its rippled abs and broad shoulders, not to mention his guns - his arms with their bulging, well defined muscles.
Trey gave her another knowing grin, something she would have found irritating on any other guy. Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his athletic shorts, he peeled them down his legs, pretty much bending double in the process. But when he stood up once more...
"Ohmygod," Holly gasped. His cock had lived up to and exceeded by far the expectations she had built in her mind. Was it bigger than Mike's? Hell, Mike's cock was a little boy's pee-pee next to the tower of masculinity jutting from Trey's groin. If she took two of Mike's cocks and put them end to end and then doubled their width, she might have a dick near the equal of Trey's. Her pussy pulsed. She thought she might have an orgasm simply from looking at all that male power.
"You like?" asked Trey as he sat next to her on the bed and put his arm around her shoulders.
"Yes," she said, sounding like a shy little girl.
Trey licked the shell of her ear. "Play with it," he whispered. "It might spit at you, but it won't bite."
She giggled, loosening her breathless sexual tension. Holly's fingers clasped at the huge, rigid pole. Her small fingers couldn't wrap around much more than half of its incredible thickness. She could feel Trey's hot blood as it pumped through his shaft's prominent veins. Her fingers brushed across the sensitive patch of skin under his bulbous cock-head. His cock twitched and a strand of pre-cum dripped from his flared helmet and flowed down and over Holly's searching hand.
"Use both hands and put your mouth on it, sweetheart," Trey said in a soft but firm voice.
Holly had never imagined that she would ever see a cock so big that she would need both hands to jack it off. And she sure as hell had never dreamed of doing it within five minutes of meeting its owner. As if she were spellbound, she leaned over and tried to wrap her tongue around the massive head of Trey's weapon. After a few exploratory licks, she opened wide and tried to take him in her mouth. Sucking cock was nothing new to her, and she'd show him that she knew how. A few seconds later however, she knew that it was impossible; there was no way she was going to get his cock-head, much less his cock-shaft into her mouth. The best she could do was to smear the near continuous stream of pre-cum over the head with her tongue and lips. There was so much of the boy's clear sap that she couldn't keep up; some of it flowed down his shaft. That was a good thing. She used it as massaging oil, keeping her fingers nice and slick as she slid them up and down the towering thickness of Trey's cock.
Any outrage she had felt at Trey's invasion of her privacy had vanished in a haze of lust. She wanted nothing more than to thrill this hot stud, but she had to be content with licking her soft, young tongue in wide circles around the perimeter of Trey's giant cock-head.
"Oh that's good, Holly. That's it, baby," said Trey.
Holly was surprised by how much his little compliment thrilled her. But she wanted more of his approval so she teased the teen stud by wiggling the tip of her tongue inside his cum-slit. She pressed her mouth against Trey's cockhead, french-kissing his wide slit as if she was making out with a date.
"Yesssss," Trey hissed, "keep that up."
This just turned her on even more. Her pussy juices were really flowing; the sheets under her wide spread thighs began to grow wetter by the second. Her dainty hands worked up and down the length of his immense cock. If she couldn't work the entire fleshy hardness of his cock-head into her mouth, she'd do her best. She began to slurp and tongue every square inch of flesh she could find.
If Holly's mouth hadn't been so busy with Trey's world class cock, she would have yelped as his fingers found their way inside her sex canal. Most of the boys she had dated couldn't find her clit with a map and a compass, but Trey was amazing. Somehow, he was fucking her pussy with three fingers while his thumb massaged her love button. In less than a minute, his expert manipulation of her swollen clit brought her over the edge. A wave of ecstasy coursed throughout her body and she could no longer contain her feelings. She released Trey's cockhead from her hot, hungry mouth and screamed.
"Ohmygod, Trey, I'm coming so fucking GOOOD. Your cock is so fucking HUGE."
Holly moaned and shuddered through her mind-bending orgasm, but she never let go of Trey's dick. Her hands continued to buck and stutter up and down his shaft and bump over his great knob of a cock-head.
Trey withdrew his fingers from Holly's shuddering pussy. He settled back on his elbows, his cock sticking straight up. "Aw shit, yes ... yessssss, I'm gonna' pop, baby. AWWWWWWWW."
Trey's cock jerked so violently in her hands, Holly almost lost her grip. It jerked again and she felt the cum-tube under fingers swell dramatically. It was hard to believe that she had been fantasizing about this moment just a few minutes ago. The last waves of her orgasm were rolling through her wet pussy, and Trey was about to lose his load. But she certainly hadn't imagined the spume of milky white semen that erupted from Trey's cock-head. It jetted into the air in a column that looked ridiculously high and solid. It fell back of course, breaking into a viscous stream that coated her hands and forearms. With one big squirt, Trey had just multiplied the entire amount of teen-cum she had seen in her lifetime tenfold. Another blast, just as big and long, followed the first.
"Oh, baby, you're gonna' bust my nuts," Trey groaned. He sat up halfway, wrapping one arm around her shoulders, while knocking her hands off his rigid pole with his other arm. He began to jerk himself with furious strokes.
For a half-second Holly wondered what was going on, but then a third, even more powerful stream of cum launched from Trey's magnificent cock. She realized that she'd been gripping his shaft so hard she'd blocked some of the flow.
Trey pulled her close and his next volley of cum slammed into her right nipple. "EEEEE..." she squealed at the stinging sensation and the hot flow of cream that splashed across her tits. The feeling was incredibly erotic. She threw her leg between Trey's legs and straddled his smooth, muscular thigh. As she humped his leg in a frenzy she gasped, "Titty-fuck me, Trey, titty-fuck me."
"Uhhh..." was all he could say as another jet of cum shot in an arc over his shoulder. He surrendered his steel hard spunk cannon to Holly's hands and the soft confines of her cleavage. With a grunt, he collapsed back on the mattress.
Holly wrapped her tits around Trey's shuddering cock and then locked everything in place with her arms. His broad shaft easily slid on her cum coated cleavage as she blissfully road his thigh to a long, continuous orgasm. The part of her mind that wasn't overwhelmed with pleasure, marveled at his prodigious flow of teen-cream. The stuff was on her face, in her hair and dripping off her tits. When it wasn't landing on her, the thick ropes of cum were landing with long splats on the bed.
"Holy shit ... Trey, your cock is ... is sooooooo amazing," she gasped out between waves of sexual pleasure.
When Trey's final cum spouting spasm, which was still four or five times the total output of the average male, dripped across her heaving chest, Holly toppled off his leg onto the mattress. For a full minute she caught her breath, dreading the thought of having to move, content to feel the heat from his body next to hers. She wondered if they could snuggle a bit, maybe even nap before the inevitable cleanup.
Apparently not, she thought when she felt him stir and leave the bed. She opened her eyes in time to see Trey advancing on her with the thick cotton towel from her shower in hand. Two minutes later she was squealing, "Aaaaa, stop, stop that tickles."
He had used the towel to clean their bodies of most of the evidence of their sex play, but now he was using a fluffy, dry edge to torture her into laughter. She giggled and gasped as she ineffectually fought to defend her ribcage. But she noticed that his cock never got soft. Hell, it was as rigid as ever, plus, he had worked his way between her legs. Her pussy was very exposed and very wet. Finally, the tickling ended and the deep, soulful kisses began. Holly couldn't believe it. After a string of orgasms that was ten times stronger than anything she could imagine, she was aroused once more.
"I want to fuck that beautiful pussy of yours," he said in a voice that was yearning as well as demanding.
"Yeah, Trey, fuck me ... get that big fucking cock inside me," Holy said.
Trey painted her pussy lips with his pre-cum; it was flowing freely once more. He parted her lips with his fingers and put the tip of his monstrous rod in her juicy pussy. He got the bulbous head inside, but then Holly felt her muscles contract around the biggest thing she'd ever had in there.
"You'll have to loosen up," Trey said with a grin.
"You're telling me," she said with a laugh. That broke her tension enough for Trey to sneak in another inch or two. "Mmmm ... that's too good," she moaned. The simple feeling of her pussy being so wonderfully stretched was better than any full screw she'd ever experienced.
Slowly, Trey began to stroke her pussy. The feeling was amazing, she felt herself building to an orgasm almost immediately. She had barely met Trey, but now she couldn't imagine sex with anyone else but him. Hell, maybe she was already ruined for any other man. At that moment she didn't care that his mighty cock might leave her unfulfilled with a lesser one. And even if Trey hadn't been hung like a stallion, there was still his self confidence and boyish grin wrapped up in a body that any girl would swoon ... yes, swoon over.
Her rising tide of lust rose up and burst. "I'm coming ... I'm COMING, TREY ... AW SHIT ... YES YES ... FUCK MEEEEEEE,"she screamed in a long wail. He was sawing in and out of her pussy with foot long strokes. She felt his monster balls smacking her in the ass with every swing of his muscular hips. Only a few seconds passed and she was having another pussy clenching orgasm. "Ohmy god ... OHMYGODD ... FUCK, FUCK, FUCK ... YESSSSSSSS ... YESSSSSSS," she screamed. Her cunt convulsed around Trey's plunging, raging mighty teen-cock, making it feel even larger, even harder. She came continuously, orgasm building on orgasm.
Just when she thought she was going to pass out, Trey's cock seemed to balloon and then a surge of heat filled her loins. He was coming, filling her pussy so hard and fast she could swear that she felt the long squirts. She definitely felt the wash of hot sperm that gushed along the inside of her inner thighs.
"Oh yeah, baby ... yeah," Trey said in something between a grunt and a growl. He shut his eyes and threw his head back as he pulled his cock from her clasping pussy. Grabbing his dick he rubbed the head with short choppy strokes. Thick teen-cream flew in every direction. Holly watched as ropes of it landed on her, on the bed and on the floor. A few mighty blasts flew over her head and splattered across the bed's headboard.
Friday Afternoon DelightAnother Keyhole Adventure… It had been about 3 weeks since Mom and my paths converged and the veil of sex had been raised for me. My time in school was no longer taken up checking out girls my age…I now had experienced a mature woman. From late summer until now, late fall, our exploration of each other escalated. No longer did I have to wonder what a soft, warm woman felt and looked like. I tried to keep my mind on my final year of high school and get good...
Part 7Bobby awoke the next morning to a puzzling sense of unreality.As consciousness came to him he knew something was different, butwasn't immediately sure of what.Then he began to sort through the events of the previous eveningand was thunderstruck at what he thought had happened. But he stillwasn't sure; it all seemed like a dream. In fact, it had kind ofhappened in a dream - of sorts.He remembered falling asleep in the car as it sped home only toawaken groggily to the sight of Mrs. Bishop's...
From [email protected] Fri Jan 10 15:15:08 1997Newsgroups: Friday Afternoon CompleteFrom: Clue Master Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 15:15:08 -0500STORY: Friday Afternoon Part 1 Bobby sat on the commode in the plush upstairs bathroom with athin, well-worn magazine of grainy photographs of nude women inhis left hand and his K-Y jelly-lubricated erection in his right.As he stared at a waist-to-head picture of a...
If the fate exists and there's only one path for you, one choice you are destined to make in your world - then would making a different choice create a new world for you? Or would it have always existed with you in it? The choice you made the only logical one to make? If so - let the choices define you, and let them define the world you live in! Which world will you end up in? One where all the women are naked? One where all man are? One where owning humans is normal, or the one where all...
FetishBobby awoke the next morning to a puzzling sense of unreality. As consciousness came to him he knew something was different, but wasn't immediately sure of what. Then he began to sort through the events of the previous evening and was thunderstruck at what he thought had happened. But he still wasn't sure; it all seemed like a dream. In fact, it had kind of happened in a dream - of sorts. He remembered falling asleep in the car as it sped home only to awaken groggily to the sight of Mrs....
Part 5Following the dramatic events of Saturday morning both Bobby and hismother had been so exhausted that they slept until late afternoon. Normawas the first up and made them a beautiful dinner in the middle of whichJake, father and husband, unexpectedly showed up. It seems thateverything had been settled and he was back home again. That put a crimpon mother and son's plans for the rest of the weekend. Actually fromthat point on for some time.There didn't seem to be a spare moment when they...
Following the dramatic events of Saturday morning both Bobby and his mother had been so exhausted that they slept until late afternoon. Norma was the first up and made them a beautiful dinner in the middle of which Jake, father and husband, unexpectedly showed up. It seemed that everything had been settled and he was back home again. That put a crimp on mother's and son's plans for the rest of the weekend. Actually from that point on for some time. There didn't seem to be a spare moment...
It was a Friday afternoon, my girl and I always looking forward to the weekend when we can actually have sometime together. It started a few days before lots of text flirting with more then an innuendo or two and it was building some lust in each of us. While we do find time for intimacy as well as having some hot lustful moments they are harder now with my teenage daughter living with me again. Now if that were not the case it would have been a wild and quick encounter when we were back...
Part 3 The Phone CallFriday afternoon rolled around again: one week to the day followingthe incident with his mother and Bobby was sitting home alone tryingto figure out how to approach her. He was dying for another encounter,but fearful of pushing the issue because he didn't want to spoilthe possibility that it could happen again. His girlfriend, Ariel,had just called and he had committed, at her insisting and againsthis wishes, to a double date for the evening. That would...
Friday afternoon rolled around again: one week to the day following the "incident" with his mother and Bobby was sitting home alone trying to figure out how to approach her. He was dying for another encounter, but fearful of pushing the issue because he didn't want to spoil the possibility that it could happen again. His girlfriend, Ariel, had just called and he had committed, at her insistence and against his wishes, to a double date for the evening. That would mean that they would...
Part 6As soon as they got out of the car, Bobby raced upstairs and got changedfor his basketball game that night. He was out the door not longthereafter and probably wouldn't be back till late.Having witnessed her son's masturbation in the car and havingsubsequently gotten a good taste of his cum from the soiled kleenex thathe had used to clean up with had gotten Norma really randy. As she sator walked around the house she was constantly aware how swollen herentire cunt area was and how it...
As soon as they got out of the car, Bobby raced upstairs and got changed for his basketball game that night. He was out the door not long thereafter and probably wouldn't be back till late. Having witnessed her son's masturbation in the car and having subsequently gotten a good taste of his cum from the soiled Kleenex that he had used to clean up with had gotten Norma really randy. As she sat or walked around the house she was constantly aware how swollen her entire cunt area was and how...
It was a quiet Friday in the office, I was dozing and dreaming of the weekend and wishing away the last few hours of the working week. I didn’t have anything special planned I just wanted to be out of here and away from the temptation of my work colleague, who as per a typical Friday had come in wearing jeans and a loose fitting top.She is thin but nicely curved, with a fleshy bottom and pert breasts. Brown bobbed hair, glasses and a really pretty face; she is bubbly and full of life. A couple...
After his mother had gone, Bobby sat motionless on the toilet, head thrown back, his eyes closed and his entire being reeling from the experience. First, having suffered the humiliation of being caught masturbating by his mother, but then having his mother boldly encourage him to do it in front of her while she watched not three feet away and even took off her blouse and bra and let him look at her bare breasts and huge dark nipples while he did it. He still couldn't believe that he had...
Monday Janet Vargas settled into her office for the day. She had been Principal of Clinton High School for many years but had always hated this task — the annual budget and next year's personnel issues. Books, equipment, paper, pens, replacement desks, replacement chairs, building maintenance, the cafeteria, the list went on and on and on. And personnel! Old teachers retired or transferred, new teachers had to be found and trained, even teachers that stayed on from year-to-year needed skills...
Friday at Home By CDVeronica My wife Victoria knows that I like to dress in panties. I typically slip into a pair when I get home from work at night. I also sometimes wear a silky nightie to sleep in. The more frilly and feminine the clothing, the better I like to wear it. I don't think Victoria really likes it, but she lets me because she knows I enjoy it. Occasionally when Victoria was at work in the past I was able to dress up even more. I have a long red wig that I...
Introduction: Meeting expectations? This Friday, I met a very lovely man from an adult chat site. I drove to the address given, not knowing what to expect from many of our chats. We seemed to be on the same wavelength so I was hoping for some fun. He greeted me at the door and offered me a drink. I showed him a selection of outfits I had brought with me, letting him choose which he liked. He chose a new purple silk chemise. I decided to remove my bra, letting the material strain a little...
We got a good deal on our neighbor's motorhome, and we were anxiously making plans for getting Peggy fucked by some young guys.We bought it as a sexond vehicle, so even though it wasn't cost effective my wife drove it back and forth to work. While she was working one day the owner introduced her to a very young man and told her to show him the way around. They were picking an order to be picked up and she was explaining how to find all the items and where they were. She noticed his eyes were...
Part one: Ryan's storyI broke up with my long-time girlfriend about four months ago. Things just weren’t working for us anymore. It’s a good thing we realized it before we got married.Lately I’ve been warming up to a new girl where I work. I’m just going to take it easy and let her get to know me better, and when I think the time is right I’ll ask here out, maybe for a casual date. I know she likes baseball, so maybe I’ll suggest we take in a game together, or something like thatBut that’s not...
TabooFriday Night FunTime!A Femdom Family-Slave Story! TJ Ryder Buxom Ballbusters Illustrated StoriesGestapo Mistress, Dommy mommies, femdom cuckolding! Illustrated Fetish Stories for Adults Only!************************************** "Hi Billy!" The 38 year old said to the teenager who he had met thefirst time he came here to the newcomers group. 'Hey Tim, everything okay?" "Well, its been an experience,(smile)!" "What's...
based on characters and a sketch by stev2244 Friday. Bleccch. I hated the day of the week that everyone else seemed to live for. By mid-afternoon, no one was doing any work. That was okay; we were always far enough ahead that it didn’t matter. The problem was that everyone was chattering away about where they were going that night, who they were going with, and what they were going to do to him or her afterward. I put my earbuds in, turned them up loud, and concentrated on the code review...
Friday Night Entertainment by The Archer. Christine and me enjoy quite an active sex life, carrying on her liking for gangbangs. She has had several sessions in car parks, local parkland, and at home. The last one being with a group of workmen who were sorting out the electricity at the end of the close. I came home one lunchtime to find four men giving my naked wife a good shagging from each end. Apparently they had been cumming and having their fill for morning and dinner breaks for the...
The Curse of the Friday the 13th By Jennifer Allison As most of you know, February has a Friday the 13th during a leap year only every twenty-eight years. It all started for sixteen year-old Dean on the night of the 12th of February, 2004. When his parents came into his room and told him about the curse. Dean knew from the start something was up. The very first thing his father did upon walking into the room was that he took Dean's cell phone and made it so that Dean could not...
Friday Night at Billy's House Ch 1 TJ Ryder Billy's been my friend since the first year of Junior high when wewere assigned to the same home room, otherwise I'd never have known himsince he lived a mile away. Anyway we had homeroom and half of ourclasses together plus a lot of common interests so we started hanging out. One of those common...
Friday night, end of another working week and I couldn’t wait to go out andparty with my friends Yasmine and Carla, in fact Yasmine was supposed to pick meup in a couple of minutes and I was still not ready, I was just on my way to theshower when I heard the door bell."Can you get that Dad" I yelled out, "it will be Yasmine, tell her I wont belong"And I dashed into the shower.About 15 minutes later, I’d showered and dressed and rushed into the loungeroom, full of apologies for being late, and...
An Afternoon in Her Home: Master, Mistress, Maid (Master): It's Friday afternoon, during those anticipated hours when work is becoming an afterthought, and attention turns toward the weekend. And I am enjoying every minute. Tami's bright pink lips are wrapped around my cock, slurping noisily. As she pushes my shaft deeper into her mouth, into her throat, I look down in ecstasy and see her staring up to me. She gets that mischievous glint in her eye before gulping me down deeply...
Unable to establish any evidence against her brother, she continued with her replaying of events that morning trying to figure out who might have been able to access her book bag before this class. As she was performing her mental audit of the morning's events, Mr Meyers called out her name. "Melissa, you're assignment was the refutation of the heathen theory of evolution." Melissa froze at the mention of her name and report topic. It was as if a white-hot spotlight had just been...
Friday Night Fireworks This is a story of a fantasy night I would like to have with my wife. We often talk about naughty sexual thing when we are having sex and when we are in the heat of the moment she has said she would like to do some wild things, so here is my version of what that could be like. I have been after my wife to try some naughty sexual adventures with me by role playing and letting each of us step outside of our everyday personalities and just let it go and have some down and...
Friday Night Maid - By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn't like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I...
Friday Night Maid - By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn't like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I got home from...
CrossdressingIt was Friday night at the Alhambra Lounge. There was a large crowd and everyone was having a good time. The joint was jumping as some might say. Even though I was sitting at the bar with a vodka tonic in my hand I wasn't there to drink and dance. I was there to do something ill-advised and I fully expected to get in trouble because of it. Trouble that could possibly see me in a jail cell. As I nursed my drink my eyes were on a couple sitting on the other side of the room. I'd had my eye on...
Friday, April 13, 1990, 4:30 PM I arrive at my apartment building on the northern outskirts of Seattle after walking home from school with my best friend Mike Bailey. We are just in time to see a small moving van pull away. I was aware of a vacant apartment in the building, so I assume I have new neighbors. Mike and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. Virtually all the trouble I get into involves Mike. It isn’t his fault any more or less than it is mine. It’s just that we spend...
This pasted Friday was a very very rare Friday night for me. You see almost every Friday night my wife usally has a date and even some times she will spend all night with someone. But not last Friday. As I came down our street I noticed the garage door up and her car still in her side . I pulled in next to her car and just as I was about to get out the garage door started closing. I closed my door and when I turned to enter the house I was met by my wife standing in the doorway. She was wearing...
Friday Night Games By Deborah Edwards "I'll take one," I said with confidence. When you are playing poker, confidence must always be displayed. Darn, eight of hearts, not the card I needed. I had two pairs, four's and sixes. It wasn't a great hand, but I had won with less. Now if I could just study the other players, my coworkers and friends, and figure out what they were holding. I looked up at them, sitting there in my kitchen. We had been playing cards for several weeks now, ever...
Bloody Friday the 13th Bloody Friday the 13th Andy didn?t believe in Friday the 13th, in fact he rather despised those who do and thought of them as ?superstitious fools?. This Friday the 13th, however, was definitely living up, or should that be down, to its reputation; it had just been one damn thing after another. For a start he?d traipsed halfway across the country for a sales meeting only to find it had been cancelled at the last minute, then the Sat-Nav had gone on the blink...
Friday Night Special Friday Night Special By Cthulhu Its just another Friday night about 7pm in the evening, I am sitting in the lounge with my wife after dinner thinking is been a few weeks since we played any bondage games.I say to my wife H ?I think it would nice to have a bondage session tonight?, H replies that she?s not really in the mood and she a little tired this evening and is probably going to have an early night.We both used to enjoy bondage in our sex life but H has...
Part 1 This time, I have the blues. It's Friday the 13th, an unlucky day to begin with. It's also February, which means tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Again. You saw that Bill Murray Movie? Groundhog Day? Kinda cute. The only problem is, they got it wrong by eleven days. It's Friday the 13th. Forever. And Murray-he had it lucky. He got a chance at redemption. He got the girl. He got to do the rewind while he was asleep. The rewind still gets me. One minute I'll be doing...
I wish to sincerely thank Jim P. for his assistance in editing my story. His insights and suggestions helped me to make 'The Homestead' one of the most favorite stories I've ever written. I also appreciate the time he took to not only go over this story once, but three times! Thank you! The Homestead by: Anon Allsop I rested comfortably, my boots propped lazily upon the split railing that ran along the sidewalk, and my hat pushed down low over my eyes to block out the afternoon...
ONE AFTERNOON AT HOME by Throne "Let's have a look at you," my wife Arianna said from the other side of the bedroom door. In a tizzy of nervous anticipation I checked myself in the full-length mirror. It was such fun dressing up for her. She had discovered my secret passion for wearing women's clothes six months before and, to my great relief, wasn't upset. In fact, she was amused and said it fit in well with my generally meek and unmanly manner. Then she began giving me tips on...
I put my hands on her knees and opened her up. She arched her back and moaned as I bent my head and ran the flat of my tongue along her wet, dripping slit.“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” she squealed as I flicked her aching clit with the tip of my tongue.She writhed on the bed, wriggling about like a lizard in a tin as I brought her to the edge for the third time. She whimpered, pleaded and begged as I crossed my fingers like a corkscrew and pushed them inside her.I felt her wet velvet walls...
LesbianFriday Night Maid – By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn’t like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I got home...
"Well, are we going to the movies or not?" Helen asked, It was Friday night and Helen and Mark her 15 year old Son were going to the movies. They normaly did this or went out for supper on a Friday night.At the movie theater they got some popcorn then found a seat near the back row. Since the movie had been out for a while, the theater wasn't crowded. They practically had the theater to themselves.The movie was funny and light, making them both laugh. About midway through the movie, Mark...
On Friday after work I normally go to one of the restaurants and have a few drinks and to eat before going home. You see Friday night my wife usually has a date so I must fend for myself. But last Friday I got a call from my wife to come straight home, she said she would explain why when I get home.As I entered my house I was met by my and she gave me a quick kiss on the lips. She was wearing her long bath robe but I could see her legs where encased in black nylon and she had on her fuzzy...
I had learned, at the tender age of 12, how much I loved sex. My BFF and I, a girl named Ashley, had opened our own babysitting service when we were 14. Only, babysitting wasn't the only service we offered :-) I had a client that had hired me to perform, in full drag, for a birthday party. We had agreed that I was to perform with 23 men, all married, and that it was to take place on, of all days, Friday the 13th... Well, the guy that had hired me was celebrating his 50th birthday and had...
I was very young when dad began having sex with me. It started with him coming to my room and stripping me naked then he would finger my pussy. He got so he could put his whole finger all the way in me. Then he taught me to suck his cock and swallow his cum. I liked it when he sucked my clit which he did before he finger fucked me. When my tits began to grow the sex got more intense and he then began to put his cock in me instead of his finger. The first few times hurt a lot but soon I was able...
He greeted me at the door and offered me a drink. I showed him a selection of outfits I had brought with me, letting him choose which he liked. He chose a new purple silk chemise. I decided to remove my bra, letting the material strain a little across my nipples and wear my heels, with bare legs. He saw me as soon as I walked out of the bathroom, looking me up and down. He indicated we should head upstairs, and I tried to torment him, walking in front of him lingering on each step. The...
Part 12When Bobby again entered his mother's bedroom she was still seatedon the edge of the bed with her legs spread wide, masturbating.Seeing him she said, "Come over here and stand right in front ofme, OK."Bobby walked over and stood directly in front of Norma, his stiffprick pointing directly at her face. "Why don't you set that stuffdown for a minute." He did as instructed and tossed the large doubledildo and tube of K-Y jelly toward the head of the bed."God, lover, your prick is huge. I...
Part 11When they got to the top of the stairs Norma said, "Dear, I wantyou to go into my bathroom and wait for me there, OK? And take yourlittle surprise with you - we'll need it - eventually."If there had been any doubt in Bobby's mind about his mother'sintentions, it was erased when he saw the lascivious look on herface. So he headed down the hall as Norma opened a large hall closetand began rummaging around. Bobby went through his mother's bedroominto her bathroom and stood waiting there...
Part 10Norma and Bobby walked drousily, side by side, up the stairs andentered his bedroom. With a big sigh of exhaustion, Bobby ploppedhimself down on the bed on his back. Norma looked lovingly down athim and said, "Hang on for a few minutes, lover, while I go freshenthings up, OK?"He seemed so cute and innocent, lying there in only his shirt,Norma thought as she stared down at his prick, now shrunken to afraction of its erect size."Sure, mom," Bobby mumbled, eyes closed and arms akimbo on the...
Part 9Having barely gotten hidden in the kitchen and witnessed Mrs.Bishop's hasty retreat out the back door Bobby wasn't sure what todo. Then he heard his mother's footsteps at the top of the stairsas she entered the hallway. Luckily for him she headed to the livingroom. When he was sure she wasn't moving around, he very cautiouslywent to the back door and then opened and closed it loudly as ifhe had just come home. Then he turned on the kitchen lights andwent...
Part 8After having gotten spiffed up for the evening's events, Normawaited quietly for Caroline, going over in her mind exactly whatshe wanted to happen and how to effect it.Caroline was nothing if not punctual and sure enough, right at thecrack of eight Norma heard her at the back door. Upon entering,Caroline noticed that there weren't very many lights on so shecalled softly, "Norma, you here?""In here," Norma called back from the living room. Leaving thekitchen...
Part 4Norma declined the invitation to stay for breakfast and visit withher sister. She was anxious to get home to see her son. Rather thanhaving satisfied her lust, the previous evening's phone call andsubsequent sex play had only inflamed her that much more.It was eight oclock as she pulled in the driveway and she hoped Bobbywas still asleep so she could get cleaned up and make herself attractivefor him. As she entered the house and went to hang up her coat she heardhim moving around in the...
Norma declined the invitation to stay for breakfast and visit with her sister. She was anxious to get home to see her son. Rather than having satisfied her lust, the previous evening's phone call and subsequent sex play had only inflamed her that much more. It was eight oclock as she pulled in the driveway and she hoped Bobby was still asleep so she could get cleaned up and make herself attractive for him. As she entered the house and went to hang up her coat she heard him moving around in...
After having gotten spiffed up for the evening's events, Norma waited quietly for Caroline, going over in her mind exactly what she wanted to happen and how to effect it. Caroline was nothing if not punctual and sure enough, right at the crack of eight, Norma heard her at the back door. Upon entering, Caroline noticed that there weren't very many lights on so she called softly, "Norma, you here?" "In here," Norma called back from the living room. Leaving the kitchen Caroline turned...
Having barely gotten hidden in the kitchen and witnessed Mrs. Bishop's hasty retreat out the back door, Bobby wasn't sure what to do. Then he heard his mother's footsteps at the top of the stairs as she entered the hallway. Luckily for him she headed to the living room. When he was sure she wasn't moving around, he very cautiously went to the back door and then opened and closed it loudly as if he had just come home. Then he turned on the kitchen lights and went directly to the...
Norma and Bobby walked drowsily, side by side, up the stairs and entered his bedroom. With a big sigh of exhaustion, Bobby plopped himself down on the bed on his back. Norma looked lovingly down at him and said, "Hang on for a few minutes, lover, while I go freshen things up, OK?" He seemed so cute and innocent, lying there in only his shirt, Norma thought as she stared down at his prick, now shrunken to a fraction of its erect size. "Sure, mom," Bobby mumbled, eyes closed and arms...
When they got to the top of the stairs Norma said, "Dear, I want you to go into my bathroom and wait for me there, OK? And take your little surprise with you - we'll need it - eventually." If there had been any doubt in Bobby's mind about his mother's intentions, it was erased when he saw the lascivious look on her face. So he headed down the hall as Norma opened a large hall closet and began rummaging around. Bobby went through his mother's bedroom into her bathroom and stood waiting...
When Bobby again entered his mother's bedroom she was still seated on the edge of the bed with her legs spread wide, masturbating. Seeing him she said, "Come over here and stand right in front of me, OK." Bobby walked over and stood directly in front of Norma, his stiff prick pointing directly at her face. "Why don't you set that stuff down for a minute. " He did as instructed and tossed the large double dildo and tube of K-Y jelly toward the head of the bed. "God, lover, your prick...