Friday Afternoon Part 6 free porn video

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Part 6

As soon as they got out of the car, Bobby raced upstairs and got changed
for his basketball game that night. He was out the door not long
thereafter and probably wouldn't be back till late.

Having witnessed her son's masturbation in the car and having
subsequently gotten a good taste of his cum from the soiled kleenex that
he had used to clean up with had gotten Norma really randy. As she sat
or walked around the house she was constantly aware how swollen her
entire cunt area was and how it seemed to itch for the services of her
own finger. Something vague was holding her back, however, and prevented
her from simply locking herself in her room or the bathroom and bringing
herself off.

Having had a silent dinner with Jake, her husband, she retired to
a recliner in the basement den to watch the news. But she couldn't
concentrate and her mind kept wandering back to the sight of her
son jacking his cock while looking at her as she drove back from
Charleston. A couple of times she had almost taken a detour down
one of the many dirt farm roads leading off the two-lane, but each
time she declined to give in to the temptation feeling it would
only lead to their eventually touching each other. That was something
she was determined to avoid at all costs even though her fantasies
were filled with thoughts of getting her long slender fingers around
her son's big prick. And not only her fingers. She wanted to devour
him. The thought of Bobby's big cock filling her mouth and throat
brought to mind how much she wanted to have contact with him.
Contact with someone. She needed to have sex with someone she could
at least touch. Jake was going out to see Bobby's ballgame, as
usual, but maybe Caroline was home. She went to the phone on the
wall and called next door.

Caroline was glad to hear from her. And yes, she'd love to visit,
but not before eight when Brad, her husband, was leaving with Jake
to go to the same ball game. Norma said she would be over as soon
as she heard Brad's car pull out of the driveway.

Hoping that Caroline would be in the mood for some hanky-panky, as
she called it, Norma went upstairs to clean up and she was next
door as soon as Brad and Jake were gone. It didn't take long before
both of them were hunkered down on the sofa drinking white wine in
front of a nice blaze in the fireplace. In a matter of minutes
Norma found herself for the second time that day with her blouse
open and her bra undone as she sat on the edge of the sofa. This
time Caroline was kneeling between her wide-spread legs and sucking
on one of her nipples; she seemed to be just as horny as Norma.

Enjoying the sensations of Caroline's lips and tongue working on her
erect nipple, Norma's mind began to fantasize what it would be like to
have Bobby sucking her breast and she was suddenly overcome with a need
to confide her troublesome situation with her best friend. Reaching down
with both hands she grabbed Caroline on either side of her head and
pulled her away from her breast. She then bent her own head and gave the
startled woman a deep tongue kiss which she broke off almost as soon as
it got started saying, "Sorry, love, but I've got to talk about

A worried expression crossed Caroline's features as she replied, "I hope
it's nothing serious. Are you in some sort of trouble? Did I do

Norma leaned back into the cushions while pulling her blouse closed in
front of her and said, "No. It's not you. It's me. I must be crazy." And
she hesitated, trying to figure out a way to explain what was going on
between her and Bobby.

Seeing what looked to Caroline like reluctance she quickly put it, "Come
on, Norma, we've never had any secrets before. What is it?"

"Well . . ." and there was another long pause before she launched on
breathlessly, "I'm not sure how to say this, but Bobby and I are having
an affair - of sorts."

"You're what!?" Caroline flubbered. "With your own son?!"

"Uh huh. With my own son. I know - it's wrong, it's even i*****l.
It's perverted, it's dirty, it's lecherous, it's filthy, it's nasty
and lewd and I just love it. I can't help myself."

"Holy shit, Norma! How did this all happen. And what do you mean by `an
affair of sorts'?"

"Well, I haven't exactly fucked him, but . . ." and Norma launched into
the whole story while Caroline sat and listened without interrupting.

Thirty minutes later Norma finished the tale and sat back exhausted and
feeling a little bit relieved that she had finally been able to share
her secret with someone she could trust.

There was a couple of moments of silence which Caroline finally broke by
saying, "Wow. You sure have a lot of will power. I'd have been fucking
his brains out from the git-go. Anyway, I'm glad you told me. You just
really needed to get this out, didn't you. And don't worry, I won't tell
a soul, honest. Your secret's safe with me."

"Thanks - I needed to hear that, I guess," Norma replied, relieved.

"Yeah, well. Now I know why you've been avoiding me these last few
weeks. And I don't blame you. Tell you what!"

"What?" Norma asked.

"I've got an idea how you're feeling, especially after what you said
happened just this afternoon. You must really be uptight. What I want
you to do is settle back here while I do you, OK." When Norma started to
protest Caroline said, "No! Now just listen to me. I know what you need
so just do what I say, OK? So just settle back and enjoy this and don't
worry about me. In fact, just close your eyes and think about Bobby
while I do this to you, OK."

Norma just nodded her head and slouched down while Caroline reopened
her blouse. Leaning down next to her, Caroline began once more to
manipulate Norma's tumescent nipple with her lips and tongue while
she reached under her skirt and began to fondle her large hard clit
between thumb and forefinger. With her other hand she reached into
her own slacks and began to masturbate herself. It wasn't even a
minute before Norma's cunt drenched her best friend's hand with
girl cum as her body shook with each wave of her orgasm. When the
spasms passed, Norma just lay back and looked over at her friend
and watched as Caroline finished herself off.

"Wow, that was short and sweet," Caroline said as she withdrew her hand
from her waistband. "Wanna talk some more?"

"Not really. I'm super tired. I just want to go to sleep."

"Yeah, I understand. I'll bet you are worn out. Go on, go home and get
some rest. We can talk later."

Norma leaned forwards and kissed Caroline lovingly and said, "Thanks for
listening. You're a dear." Pulling herself together she was out the door
in a flash and sound asleep the minute she hit the bed.

Two weeks passed and it was another long dry spell for Bobby and
Norma. Still remaining super cautious both acted as normal as
possible and trudged on day after day hoping for a break. None came
along. Norma did visit a couple of times with Caroline, but neither
one seemed in the mood for sex so they just wound up talking. Norma
was now of the opinion that maybe it would be best if they just
stopped the whole business, but neither she nor Caroline could come
up with a strategy that wouldn't be devastating to Bobby. The only
thing they thought they could hope for was that Ariel or one of
his other girlfriends would grab his attention - or maybe something
else - and divert his interests and sexual energy in that direction.
Otherwise they were stumped.

When the two weeks had rolled by and it was Friday again there didn't
look like a thing they could do. Bobby had a ballgame at Oakmore the
next evening and it was decided that Jake and Norma would drive the
hundred miles to see the big game. Even though Brad couldn't make it,
Caroline wanted to go as well. After the game they could all get
together with Bobby and go to this swell pizza place in Oakmore for a
late supper. Bobby could then ride home with them instead of taking the
team bus back. That would save his dad the trouble of having to pick him
up at the high school so late that night.

Southfield played a magnificent game that evening and Bobby was the
star. Flushed with victory he, his parents and Caroline had pizza at
Gino's Pizzaria. During the meal Bobby sensed something strange at the
table. At first he couldn't put his finger on it and figured maybe he
was getting "signals" from his mom, but when he started to pay attention
to this he noticed that she didn't act out of character at all. She
spent a lot of time talking to Caroline and him and virtually ignored
his dad which was par for the course and nothing unusual. After some
time he began to notice that Mrs. Bishop seemed to be giving him what he
thought were wierd looks. It was difficult to divine, but she seemed to
look at him differently although he couldn't quite explain it to
himself. And each time he looked over at her he noticed that she would
look him directly in the eye as if no one else were at the table and she
never broke contact; he was always the first one to look away. After
awhile it got almost embarrassing and he simply quit looking at her

Caroline Bishop had been their next door neighbor and Bobby's mom's
best friend for just about as far back as he could remember. She
was a blond woman of medium build except that she had large breasts. She
was cute in a "pixyish" sort of way which didn't especially appeal to
Bobby, but she was always nice to him and paid him well for cutting her
grass and doing odd chores now and then. To him, Caroline was just one
of those sort of neutral people in his life; she was just there, neither
liked or disliked. So why all of a sudden after all these years would
she being acting funny like this? Or was he just imagining things. Bobby
thought he was probably just very tired and hung over from the
excitement of the ball game. He finally decided it was he and chalked
the whole business up to his imagination.

Getting in the car for the two-hour drive back to Southfield it worked
out that his mother sat up front while his dad drove. That put him and
Caroline in the back seat together. After just a few minutes his mother
said something to him which he didn't hear. When she finally got his
attention he said, "Sorry, mom. I guess I just dozed off for a second."

Caroline jumped in immediately with, "We know you're tired, hon. You've
had a big night. Why don't you just lie down here and go to sleep."
Scootching all the way over to the left of the seat up against the door
she patted her lap and said, "Come on, you can rest your head in my lap
and sleep till we get home."

Not one to argue, especially now being so tired, Bobby turned and lay
back, adjusting his frame as best he could to the confines of the seat
with his head resting on Caroline's soft skirt clad thighs and staring
at the dark roof.

"Comfy, dear?" Caroline solicited.

"Uh huh," Bobby purred as he dropped almost immediately into that half
conscious state most people enter when riding in cars. He felt Caroline
stroke the top of his head a couple of times and then he was out.

The next thing Bobby remembered upon waking was the gentle motion
of the automobile moving down the highway which had lulled him to
sleep. As he opened his eyes he noticed it was still dark and that
his head was still in Caroline's lap. Moving his eyes to the right
a bit and looking up he was startled to see one large bare breast
capped with a puffy pink nipple vaguely visible in the low light
jutting out between the folds of Mrs. Bishop's unbuttoned blouse
and jacket. Then he looked up further directly into Mrs. Bishop's
lust filled eyes. Just as he was about to exclaim his surprise,
she gently clamped her right hand over his mouth and gently shook
her head back and forth. Confused and not knowing what to do he
just lay unmoving.

Very, very slowly Caroline began to lift the palm of her hand from
Bobby's mouth. When it was completely off she began to slowly trace
the outline of Bobby's lips using the lightest of touches with just
the tip of her finger while maintaining a firm lock on his eyes
with her own. When she had circled his lips twice and come to the
center of his mouth she began to incrementally apply pressure with
her finger until his lips began to part and she could feel his
teeth and their slight overbit. Bobby wouldn't open up just yet so
she started moving the finger around on his teeth and gums and he
got the idea. She snaked her finger between his teeth and finding
his tongue she started to gently toy with it.

Caroline could see from the cornered a****l look in his eyes that Bobby
was frightened, but that quickly disappeared as he closed his lips
around her finger and began to suck on it. Soon her finger and his
tongue were involved in a pleasant duel inside his mouth, but it didn't
last as long as either would have liked. When her finger was good and
wet she removed it and brought it to her bare breast where she applied
the spit to her nipple which began to shrivel into erection before
Bobby's eyes. Using her other arm to support the back of Bobby's head,
she began to apply a slow upward pressure and it only took a second for
him to figure out what she wanted. Giving in to the pressure as she
brought his head up slightly, he opened his mouth and glued it right
over the center of her large puffy pink areola and began to suck.

This caused an involuntary, but slight gasp to escape Caroline's
lips. The sound didn't go unnoticed by Norma up front in the
passenger seat talking softly to her husband so as to keep him
awake while he drove. Sensing the nature of the what she heard
coming from behind her she refrained from jerking her head around;
she felt this was something she didn't want to draw Jake's attention
to and she was right. When she did finally glance into the back
seat she almost became unhinged and it was with the greatest effort
of her will that she managed to remain outwardly calm and unruffled.

She let a few moments pass and then turned again, this time for a
longer look just to verify what she thought she saw the first time
in the dim light. Nothing had changed. There was her son curled up
with his head in Caroline's lap. And there sat Caroline with her
jacket open and her blouse undone and one of her big tits hanging
out of her bra cup. And Bobby was sucking one her nipple. What a
scene! Goddamn her!

Norma was filled with an instant rage and anger at what she felt
was betrayal by her best friend. How dare she do this? she thought.
But she also knew that to do anything at the moment with Jake right
there was to risk giving away the entire situation. She was struck
powerless and she knew it and it made her even madder that she knew
Caroline knew it.

With all the enmity she could muster she moved her eyes up to Caroline's
and found the other woman staring right back at her with an equally
serious expression on her face. They held this emotion filled tableau an
eon until Caroline had the gall to wink. That broke the ice and Norma
couldn't help but to emit a low throated chuckle. Hearing that her
husband queried, "What's so funny?"

Norma just shook her head and said, "Oh nothing. Just something that
came to mind." After all, what else could she say?

A quick take of the situation on Norma's part revealed to her that she
wasn't about to try and break up the backseat lustfest. On the contrary,
there was a part of her that wanted it to continue; she was getting
turned on by the thought of her son sucking on her best friend's nipple.
If she couldn't get into it she was damn well going to watch them so she
shifted her position putting herself half turned in the seat and up
against the car door. This way she could plainly see everything that was
going on in back.

As she became increasingly aroused Norma still retained a part of
her earlier resentment at Caroline's brash behavior until she
realized with a start that she was actually jealous; she wanted it
to be she who was in back with Bobby, having him suck her breast.

In order to have an excuse to be constantly looking back, Norma began an
inane conversation with Caroline, rattling on in a steady stream about
some dumb subject or another. The initial sound of his mother's voice
startled and frightened Bobby and he jerked his head around to look up
over the seat at her. But she wouldn't look down at him or acknowledge
him in any way; she just kept rattling on about some church social or
other. Caroline took his head and pulled it back against her bosom and
he resumed sucking her breast.

As Norma chatted on and Bobby continued to nurse, Caroline reached down
with her right hand and began to lightly rub Bobby's side, all the time
working her hand lower and lower until it was directly over his crotch.
Here, she found exactly what she had hoped - a huge lump of muscle
straining the fabric of his pants. She began to rub the lump in a
circular motion with the palm of her hand until she had located its
exact form and position and she couldn't believe the size of it. Having
done so, she didn't linger long. She very cautiously began to unzip the
fly on Bobby's pants. When she had it down she found the opening in his
shorts and inserted her hand inside, grabbed his hot cock and began to
wrestle with it in an attempt to free it from its confines.

Sensing rather than feeling the upcoming groan from Bobby's throat,
she tightened the pressure of her hand on the back of his head,
mashing it into her tit and muffling the moan brought on by the
feel of her hand on his sensitive bare cockflesh. Eventually she
managed to get his massive cock loose and immediately wrapped her
hand around the hard pole and slowly began to jack it up and down.
Then she looked up at Norma and saw the lust in the other woman's
eyes. It amazed Caroline that Norma could gawk at the scene before
her, obviously enraptured by it, and continue to chatter away as
she was doing.

And indeed it wasn't easy for Norma to carry on this mostly one
sided conversation as she took in the scene of her best friend
having her breast sucked by her son while he was being masturbated
by her. Her own crotch was throbbing in sympathy and she would have
given anything to have been able to dive over the seat and join them.

Before the thought was even completed she saw her son stiffen, let out a
slight groan and then saw his cock erupt a long stream of white cream
onto the sleeve of Caroline's leather jacket. Caroline continued to milk
Bobby's hard penis which continued to squirt come. When it appeared that
he was finished, Caroline quickly said in a clear voice, "Ahem, uh,
Norma - do you happen to have a kleenex with you. I think I've got
something in my eye."

Norma smiled inwardly to herself as she dug a kleenex out of the
purse on the seat beside her and handed it back. Caroline took it
and proceded to clean Bobby's semen off her coat sleeve. When she
was finished, she looked up to make sure Norma was looking at her
and then proceded to bring the sopping tissue to her mouth where
she ran it around her lips a couple of times, coating them and
making them gleam, before beginning to noiselessly suck on it. The
irony of the situation was not lost on Norma, whose anger was once
again silently starting to flare at the obvious fun Caroline was
poking at her.

When Caroline was done sucking some of Bobby's cum from the kleenex
she opened the window and threw it out then slowly licked her lips
clean with her tongue while she smiled innocently at Norma. God,
what audacity, Norma fumed. I'm going to wring her fucking neck
the first chance I get.

During all of this Bobby had been quietly moving around and trying
with a modicum of success to get himself zipped up again without
alerting his father to what had happened. He was painfully aware
of the fact that his mother had taken in the whole event, but he
sure didn't want his father to find out about it.

Caroline helped him along when she said, "Come on, big boy. Time to get
up. We're almost home. Rise and shine, now." And Bobby sat up allowing
Caroline to reinsert her breast into her bra and button her blouse.

When the car pulled in the driveway a few minutes later they all got out
and Caroline headed immediately across the lawn to her own front door,
waving and saying, "Night, all." No way was she going to give Norma the
chance to corner her alone after what she had pulled off tonight. And
they both knew it.

Jake, Norma and Bobby trudged into the house as if nothing had ever

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The Curse of the Friday the 13th By Jennifer Allison As most of you know, February has a Friday the 13th during a leap year only every twenty-eight years. It all started for sixteen year-old Dean on the night of the 12th of February, 2004. When his parents came into his room and told him about the curse. Dean knew from the start something was up. The very first thing his father did upon walking into the room was that he took Dean's cell phone and made it so that Dean could not...

4 years ago
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Friday Night at Billys House

Friday Night at Billy's House Ch 1 TJ Ryder Billy's been my friend since the first year of Junior high when wewere assigned to the same home room, otherwise I'd never have known himsince he lived a mile away. Anyway we had homeroom and half of ourclasses together plus a lot of common interests so we started hanging out. One of those common...

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Friday night, end of another working week and I couldn’t wait to go out andparty with my friends Yasmine and Carla, in fact Yasmine was supposed to pick meup in a couple of minutes and I was still not ready, I was just on my way to theshower when I heard the door bell."Can you get that Dad" I yelled out, "it will be Yasmine, tell her I wont belong"And I dashed into the shower.About 15 minutes later, I’d showered and dressed and rushed into the loungeroom, full of apologies for being late, and...

3 years ago
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Friday Detention at Holy Submission School

Unable to establish any evidence against her brother, she continued with her replaying of events that morning trying to figure out who might have been able to access her book bag before this class. As she was performing her mental audit of the morning's events, Mr Meyers called out her name. "Melissa, you're assignment was the refutation of the heathen theory of evolution." Melissa froze at the mention of her name and report topic. It was as if a white-hot spotlight had just been...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Friday Night Fireworks

Friday Night Fireworks This is a story of a fantasy night I would like to have with my wife. We often talk about naughty sexual thing when we are having sex and when we are in the heat of the moment she has said she would like to do some wild things, so here is my version of what that could be like. I have been after my wife to try some naughty sexual adventures with me by role playing and letting each of us step outside of our everyday personalities and just let it go and have some down and...

2 years ago
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Friday Night Maid

Friday Night Maid - By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn't like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I...

2 years ago
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Friday Night Maid 1

Friday Night Maid - By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn't like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I got home from...

3 years ago
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Friday Night at the Alhambra

It was Friday night at the Alhambra Lounge. There was a large crowd and everyone was having a good time. The joint was jumping as some might say. Even though I was sitting at the bar with a vodka tonic in my hand I wasn't there to drink and dance. I was there to do something ill-advised and I fully expected to get in trouble because of it. Trouble that could possibly see me in a jail cell. As I nursed my drink my eyes were on a couple sitting on the other side of the room. I'd had my eye on...

1 year ago
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Friday the Thirteenth

Friday, April 13, 1990, 4:30 PM I arrive at my apartment building on the northern outskirts of Seattle after walking home from school with my best friend Mike Bailey. We are just in time to see a small moving van pull away. I was aware of a vacant apartment in the building, so I assume I have new neighbors. Mike and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. Virtually all the trouble I get into involves Mike. It isn’t his fault any more or less than it is mine. It’s just that we spend...

1 year ago
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Friday night

This pasted Friday was a very very rare Friday night for me. You see almost every Friday night my wife usally has a date and even some times she will spend all night with someone. But not last Friday. As I came down our street I noticed the garage door up and her car still in her side . I pulled in next to her car and just as I was about to get out the garage door started closing. I closed my door and when I turned to enter the house I was met by my wife standing in the doorway. She was wearing...

1 year ago
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Friday Night Games

Friday Night Games By Deborah Edwards "I'll take one," I said with confidence. When you are playing poker, confidence must always be displayed. Darn, eight of hearts, not the card I needed. I had two pairs, four's and sixes. It wasn't a great hand, but I had won with less. Now if I could just study the other players, my coworkers and friends, and figure out what they were holding. I looked up at them, sitting there in my kitchen. We had been playing cards for several weeks now, ever...

3 years ago
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Friday the thirteenth

Bloody Friday the 13th Bloody Friday the 13th Andy didn?t believe in Friday the 13th, in fact he rather despised those who do and thought of them as ?superstitious fools?. This Friday the 13th, however, was definitely living up, or should that be down, to its reputation; it had just been one damn thing after another. For a start he?d traipsed halfway across the country for a sales meeting only to find it had been cancelled at the last minute, then the Sat-Nav had gone on the blink...

1 year ago
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Friday Night Special

Friday Night Special Friday Night Special By Cthulhu Its just another Friday night about 7pm in the evening, I am sitting in the lounge with my wife after dinner thinking is been a few weeks since we played any bondage games.I say to my wife H ?I think it would nice to have a bondage session tonight?, H replies that she?s not really in the mood and she a little tired this evening and is probably going to have an early night.We both used to enjoy bondage in our sex life but H has...

2 years ago
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Friday the 13th

Part 1 This time, I have the blues. It's Friday the 13th, an unlucky day to begin with. It's also February, which means tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Again. You saw that Bill Murray Movie? Groundhog Day? Kinda cute. The only problem is, they got it wrong by eleven days. It's Friday the 13th. Forever. And Murray-he had it lucky. He got a chance at redemption. He got the girl. He got to do the rewind while he was asleep. The rewind still gets me. One minute I'll be doing...

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Friday Nights Alright for Fucking

I put my hands on her knees and opened her up. She arched her back and moaned as I bent my head and ran the flat of my tongue along her wet, dripping slit.“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” she squealed as I flicked her aching clit with the tip of my tongue.She writhed on the bed, wriggling about like a lizard in a tin as I brought her to the edge for the third time. She whimpered, pleaded and begged as I crossed my fingers like a corkscrew and pushed them inside her.I felt her wet velvet walls...

2 years ago
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Friday Night Maid 1

Friday Night Maid – By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn’t like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I got home...

4 years ago
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Friday night Date With Mum

"Well, are we going to the movies or not?" Helen asked, It was Friday night and Helen and Mark her 15 year old Son were going to the movies. They normaly did this or went out for supper on a Friday night.At the movie theater they got some popcorn then found a seat near the back row. Since the movie had been out for a while, the theater wasn't crowded. They practically had the theater to themselves.The movie was funny and light, making them both laugh. About midway through the movie, Mark...

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Friday is the wifes date night

On Friday after work I normally go to one of the restaurants and have a few drinks and to eat before going home. You see Friday night my wife usually has a date so I must fend for myself. But last Friday I got a call from my wife to come straight home, she said she would explain why when I get home.As I entered my house I was met by my and she gave me a quick kiss on the lips. She was wearing her long bath robe but I could see her legs where encased in black nylon and she had on her fuzzy...

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Friday the 13th

I had learned, at the tender age of 12, how much I loved sex. My BFF and I, a girl named Ashley, had opened our own babysitting service when we were 14. Only, babysitting wasn't the only service we offered :-) I had a client that had hired me to perform, in full drag, for a birthday party. We had agreed that I was to perform with 23 men, all married, and that it was to take place on, of all days, Friday the 13th... Well, the guy that had hired me was celebrating his 50th birthday and had...

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Friday nights

I was very young when dad began having sex with me. It started with him coming to my room and stripping me naked then he would finger my pussy. He got so he could put his whole finger all the way in me. Then he taught me to suck his cock and swallow his cum. I liked it when he sucked my clit which he did before he finger fucked me. When my tits began to grow the sex got more intense and he then began to put his cock in me instead of his finger. The first few times hurt a lot but soon I was able...

3 years ago
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That Sunday AfternoonChapter 2 The Party

Married life was wonderful. We both had good jobs so money was never an issue, which eliminated one of the biggest stress factors for newlywed couples. We seldom argued and made it a point that if we did have an argument we would make up before we went to bed. At least once everyday Sonya would tell me she loved me and she was always affectionate. As time went on our sexual activity only slowed a little bit as it does for most marriages but it was still exciting for me to make love to...

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Friday Afternoon

He greeted me at the door and offered me a drink. I showed him a selection of outfits I had brought with me, letting him choose which he liked. He chose a new purple silk chemise. I decided to remove my bra, letting the material strain a little across my nipples and wear my heels, with bare legs. He saw me as soon as I walked out of the bathroom, looking me up and down. He indicated we should head upstairs, and I tried to torment him, walking in front of him lingering on each step. The...

2 years ago
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Friday Afternoon Part 12

Part 12When Bobby again entered his mother's bedroom she was still seatedon the edge of the bed with her legs spread wide, masturbating.Seeing him she said, "Come over here and stand right in front ofme, OK."Bobby walked over and stood directly in front of Norma, his stiffprick pointing directly at her face. "Why don't you set that stuffdown for a minute." He did as instructed and tossed the large doubledildo and tube of K-Y jelly toward the head of the bed."God, lover, your prick is huge. I...

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Friday Afternoon Part 11

Part 11When they got to the top of the stairs Norma said, "Dear, I wantyou to go into my bathroom and wait for me there, OK? And take yourlittle surprise with you - we'll need it - eventually."If there had been any doubt in Bobby's mind about his mother'sintentions, it was erased when he saw the lascivious look on herface. So he headed down the hall as Norma opened a large hall closetand began rummaging around. Bobby went through his mother's bedroominto her bathroom and stood waiting there...

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Friday Afternoon Part 10

Part 10Norma and Bobby walked drousily, side by side, up the stairs andentered his bedroom. With a big sigh of exhaustion, Bobby ploppedhimself down on the bed on his back. Norma looked lovingly down athim and said, "Hang on for a few minutes, lover, while I go freshenthings up, OK?"He seemed so cute and innocent, lying there in only his shirt,Norma thought as she stared down at his prick, now shrunken to afraction of its erect size."Sure, mom," Bobby mumbled, eyes closed and arms akimbo on the...

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Friday Afternoon Part 9

Part 9Having barely gotten hidden in the kitchen and witnessed Mrs.Bishop's hasty retreat out the back door Bobby wasn't sure what todo. Then he heard his mother's footsteps at the top of the stairsas she entered the hallway. Luckily for him she headed to the livingroom. When he was sure she wasn't moving around, he very cautiouslywent to the back door and then opened and closed it loudly as ifhe had just come home. Then he turned on the kitchen lights andwent...

1 year ago
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Friday Afternoon Part 8

Part 8After having gotten spiffed up for the evening's events, Normawaited quietly for Caroline, going over in her mind exactly whatshe wanted to happen and how to effect it.Caroline was nothing if not punctual and sure enough, right at thecrack of eight Norma heard her at the back door. Upon entering,Caroline noticed that there weren't very many lights on so shecalled softly, "Norma, you here?""In here," Norma called back from the living room. Leaving thekitchen...

4 years ago
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Friday Afternoon part 4

Part 4Norma declined the invitation to stay for breakfast and visit withher sister. She was anxious to get home to see her son. Rather thanhaving satisfied her lust, the previous evening's phone call andsubsequent sex play had only inflamed her that much more.It was eight oclock as she pulled in the driveway and she hoped Bobbywas still asleep so she could get cleaned up and make herself attractivefor him. As she entered the house and went to hang up her coat she heardhim moving around in the...

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Friday AfternoonChapter 4

Norma declined the invitation to stay for breakfast and visit with her sister. She was anxious to get home to see her son. Rather than having satisfied her lust, the previous evening's phone call and subsequent sex play had only inflamed her that much more. It was eight oclock as she pulled in the driveway and she hoped Bobby was still asleep so she could get cleaned up and make herself attractive for him. As she entered the house and went to hang up her coat she heard him moving around in...

3 years ago
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Friday AfternoonChapter 8

After having gotten spiffed up for the evening's events, Norma waited quietly for Caroline, going over in her mind exactly what she wanted to happen and how to effect it. Caroline was nothing if not punctual and sure enough, right at the crack of eight, Norma heard her at the back door. Upon entering, Caroline noticed that there weren't very many lights on so she called softly, "Norma, you here?" "In here," Norma called back from the living room. Leaving the kitchen Caroline turned...

1 year ago
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Friday AfternoonChapter 9

Having barely gotten hidden in the kitchen and witnessed Mrs. Bishop's hasty retreat out the back door, Bobby wasn't sure what to do. Then he heard his mother's footsteps at the top of the stairs as she entered the hallway. Luckily for him she headed to the living room. When he was sure she wasn't moving around, he very cautiously went to the back door and then opened and closed it loudly as if he had just come home. Then he turned on the kitchen lights and went directly to the...

4 years ago
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Friday AfternoonChapter 10

Norma and Bobby walked drowsily, side by side, up the stairs and entered his bedroom. With a big sigh of exhaustion, Bobby plopped himself down on the bed on his back. Norma looked lovingly down at him and said, "Hang on for a few minutes, lover, while I go freshen things up, OK?" He seemed so cute and innocent, lying there in only his shirt, Norma thought as she stared down at his prick, now shrunken to a fraction of its erect size. "Sure, mom," Bobby mumbled, eyes closed and arms...

4 years ago
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Friday AfternoonChapter 11

When they got to the top of the stairs Norma said, "Dear, I want you to go into my bathroom and wait for me there, OK? And take your little surprise with you - we'll need it - eventually." If there had been any doubt in Bobby's mind about his mother's intentions, it was erased when he saw the lascivious look on her face. So he headed down the hall as Norma opened a large hall closet and began rummaging around. Bobby went through his mother's bedroom into her bathroom and stood waiting...

3 years ago
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Friday AfternoonChapter 12

When Bobby again entered his mother's bedroom she was still seated on the edge of the bed with her legs spread wide, masturbating. Seeing him she said, "Come over here and stand right in front of me, OK." Bobby walked over and stood directly in front of Norma, his stiff prick pointing directly at her face. "Why don't you set that stuff down for a minute. " He did as instructed and tossed the large double dildo and tube of K-Y jelly toward the head of the bed. "God, lover, your prick...

2 years ago
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Friday AfternoonChapter 13

When Bobby and his mother had recovered from their morning sexfest they were both startled to find that it was already past the noon hour. But it didn't dampen any feelings. They felt like they had centuries in which to indulge themselves. Bobby was ecstatic and knew full well why. The business with his mother and Mrs. Bishop from the previous evening in the den was now out in the open and his mother hadn't gotten angry with him about it. He had also expressed a couple of his deepest...

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