Melody Malone
- 4 years ago
- 39
- 0
I met Cindy Lou when I was fucking Marlene.
Fucking Marlene wasn't something I did all the time, only when her husband, Homer, was out of town. Homer'd left about a half hour ago for a three-day fishing trip.
Marlene was about forty and looked sixty from the neck up, with enough wrinkled skin to make an extra face, but, hot damn, she loved to fuck. I didn't care if she was Aunt Irene's best friend and twice my age. I just cared she loved to wrap her mouth or her pussy around my cock.
She parked her car in the garage and I parked behind her. We raced in the house headed for the bedroom, but we never made it. I fucked her on the kitchen table. She sucked my cock in the doorway to the living room to get it hard again. In the middle of the living room, she was on her back with her legs wrapped around my waist and me pounding away when the door opened.
It was my father. I don't call him Dad. I call him Brick like everybody does.
"Hi, Chip. This is Cindy Lou," he said. "That's my son, Chip, and his friend, Marlene."
"Hi, Chip," Cindy Lou said in a sexy little voice.
"Oh, shit. I'm cumming," I replied.
Her small hand was lost in Brick's big paw as he dragged her up the stairs. She looked back over her shoulder when Marlene screamed and beat her hands on the wood floor.
I'd call Cindy Lou nondescript except for four things. Two huge green eyes like pools of inviting tropical water and two tits like watermelons hanging on a board fence.
A few hours later, Marlene was in my bed snoring away. I was on the couch in the living room having a beer when I heard the top stair creak and the patter of feet.
"Hello, Chip. Where's Marlene?"
"Resting. Want a beer?"
"No thanks."
She curled up on the other end of the couch and pulled the tee shirt around her. Any man who says tee shirts don't talk has never seen a woman in one. The way she tucks the damn thing around her talks, sings songs, and dances.
Cindy Lou was wearing one of Dad's 2XXL tee shirts with Malone's Garage across the back. That big old shirt should've been floppy all the way to her ankles. But when Cindy Lou settled back that tee shirt was tight across her breasts and the curves of her legs.
I knew what that message was, and when she batted her eyes, I slipped over beside her.
"No, Chip," she murmured as she pushed me away.
"I thought you were saying yes."
"I didn't mean to if I was. I'm a faithful woman, Chip, and right now I belong to your daddy."
I didn't tell her that he didn't give a damn. I let it go, which was lucky in the end because in about ten minutes Marlene came downstairs stark naked and horny as hell. She looked at Cindy Lou with those eyes and Cindy Lou squirmed like a bug on a hot rock. Hell, I wondered if they were going to bed without me. That was another nice thing about Marlene. She shared her girl friends, well, all except Aunt Irene and I was starting to itch for her.
Uncle Fred was Homer's fishing buddy. He called Aunt Irene Saturday morning and she called Marlene right away to warn her Homer's boat had sunk and he was on his way home. Marlene skedaddled. That was all right. Marlene wasn't the only fish in the sea that liked to get caught on my pole.
Cindy Lou spent the weekend. When she wasn't fucking Brick, she patted around the house cleaning or humming in the kitchen as she cooked. Having her wander around the house almost naked gave me a perpetual hard on, but I enjoyed talking to Cindy Lou. She wasn't pretentious like most of the women I meet.
Saturday night, I called Joe Bob to see what was going on. He said come on over because his wife, Thelma, was in heat. I spent the night with them. Joe Bob and I wore out our peckers trying to cool her down.
Brick asked to speak to me Sunday night after dinner. Cindy Lou had cooked a mighty fine pot roast and was cleaning up the kitchen. We were in the living room having an after dinner beer.
"Chip," he said. "I want Cindy Lou to move in with us. I need a woman."
"Fine by me, Brick," I replied. "I like her. I like her cooking, too."
"It's more than just her. She's got two daughters."
"Cindy Lou has daughters? Hell, how old is she?" I said, because I never imagined her having kids. The thought of two snot nosed rugrats around all the time gave me goose bumps.
"She's thirty-five. Barbara Ann's sixteen and Rhonda's fifteen," Brick said.
You might expect the vision of two nubile young honeys twitching all over my house would appeal to me, but there was only one bathroom upstairs and I liked having it to myself.
"Hell, Brick. It's your house. Do what you want."
"But it'll be yours someday and I want to consider your feelings."
Cindy Lou was standing in the doorway watching us. Her big green eyes were soft and pleading.
"Let's move 'em in tonight," I said.
It didn't take long because they didn't have much. Even so, I crashed into bed when we finished and went fast asleep.
I'm an early riser. I like to be the first one at the garage each morning. I'm a Malone, too, and it's my name over the door as well as Brick's. But in the morning, the door to the bathroom was locked.
I knocked and asked, "Who's in there?"
"B.A." came the snotty sounding voice.
"B.A., I need to piss."
"Fuck off, asshole," was her reply.
Fortunately, the big oak tree in the back yard needed watering, but I clocked the bathroom usage. Forty minutes later, B.A. came prancing out of the bathroom with more war paint than Sitting Bull and enough perfume to gag a pig.
I knew then B.A. was going to be a problem.
Cindy Lou had named her daughters after Beach Boys' songs, which gave the girls their own anthems if nothing else.
Rhonda was sweet, cute, with a button nose. She also was smart and wore glasses, which meant she was probably miserable in school because fifteen-year-old kids give four eyes hell. I knew right away she'd be a pleasure to have around.
B.A., as Barbara Ann insisted we call her, was another story. She was sixteen and had a set of knockers to match her mother's. Now think back. Is there anything more arrogant than a sixteen-year-old girl with bumpers like that? I mean, besides a sixteen-year-old boy with a new pickup and no pimples.
By Friday night, I was sick of the little bitch and ready to haul ass out of there, but Cindy Lou stepped in.
"How old are you, Chip?" she asked sweetly.
"I'll be twenty-one in August," I said.
"I know you've had a lot of success with the ladies, but I'm a grown woman. I'd like to give you some advice, if you don't mind."
"Hell, Cindy Lou. What'ya got to say?"
"What Barbara Ann needs is for a man to be firm with her."
"What does that mean?"
"It means she wants you to take her in hand."
"Which means?"
"You know," she said with a look of exasperation.
Okay. I'll admit I'm a little dense sometimes. Cindy Lou sighed, which made her boobs rise like two air mattresses being filled under high pressure.
"I mean, Chip, if I were a man. If I were you, that is. Well, I'd take Barbara Ann over my lap and spank her bottom 'til she couldn't sit down."
"Yes. That's what I'd expect your father to do to me if I needed it."
"Oh? You would?"
"Yes, I would. Some women don't like a big strong man, but I do. Barbara Ann does, too."
My cock was a drive shaft. The thought of either of them over my lap made me want to attach it to a warm and wet transmission and let the clutch out. I wondered if Homer'd bought a new boat yet.
Cindy Lou leaned toward me and the tee shirt gaped. I tried to look at her face, but those eye magnets held me. She acted like she didn't notice and said conspiratorially, "And, Chip, spankings sometimes lead to something else. That's fine by me. Barbara Ann's no virgin and she's on the pill."
B.A. was in the bathroom primping. She'd said she was going out with friends, which I'd guessed meant she was fucking whoever took her interest at the moment rather than having a steady. I marched up the stairs and knocked on the door.
"Go away, asshole," she said patronizingly.
I'd been promising Brick I'd replace that door anyway since I cracked it one night when I was too drunk to turn the lock. I drove my shoulder into it. The sound of cracking wood gave way to B.A.'s scream of terror as the door caved and I walked in.
She was standing at the sink applying eye something or other. Still wet from the shower and with her hair stuck to her head, she was wrapped in a towel.
"Mother!" she screamed. "Leave me alone, you bastard! Mother, he's attacking me!"
I grabbed a handful of wet hair and dragged her across the hall to my room. Somehow, the towel fell off. A wet B.A. would make a dead man hard, believe me. I'd spent so much time looking at her knockers I hadn't noticed what a nice ass she had. I was gonna spend some real quality time with that ass as it turned red over my lap.
"No. No! Mother!"
She was kicking and scratching, squealing and screaming, but she was going nowhere. Somebody shut the door to my bedroom. I wondered if it was Cindy Lou or Rhonda.
I plopped down in my straight chair, yanking her over my lap as I did. I didn't need anything to bind her hands except mine. At six four and two forty compared to her five two and one fifteen, I had a decided physical advantage.
"No, please, Chip. I'll be good. I will. Really," she begged.
Remember what a spanking feels like? Remember what it feels like when your skin's wet? B.A.'ll remember it for a long time. That was a long, hard spanking leaving her red from the curve at the top of her ass to the middle of her thigh. The loud swats were accompanied by begging, screaming, and sobbing.
When I let her go, B.A. ran to the bed and curled up on the pillow with her legs under her. I'm dense sometimes, but not all the time.
When I pulled off my tee shirt, she slid down the bed to lie on her back with her legs together. When I dropped my trousers, her legs opened some and so did her eyes as she stared at me. When I yanked down my boxers, her hands went by her head and she put her feet flat on the mattress.
"I'll spank you every time I think you need it," I said firmly.
"Yes, Chip," she said in a voice dripping with sex.
"Can you be a good girl?"
"Oh, Chip. I can be the best."
When my knee touched the bed, her knees came up and out.
We missed dinner, at least the one Cindy Lou prepared. We did snack, if you know what I mean. I wore my boxers and B.A. wore my tee shirt as she padded behind me down the stairs.
"Bring me a beer and then get me something to eat," I said.
"Yes, Chip," she replied in a well-satisfied tone.
Rhonda, who was sitting in the corner reading, snorted.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked.
"If you're going to do that often, you need to get her a gag," she replied disgustedly.
B.A. was a screamer, no doubt about that. If I didn't get her a gag, I'd have to get ear plugs.
When B.A. swayed in to hand me a cold beer, I pulled her on my lap and my hand disappeared under that tee shirt to find a nice thatch of hair. She squealed and pushed my hand away. I kissed her, swatted her bottom, and sent her back to the kitchen.
Rhonda sobbed. When I looked at her, our eyes locked before she turned red and ran to her room. Now, I knew what her look meant, but she was just a kid. Hell, even I draw a line somewhere.
Saturday morning, Cindy Lou laid down the rules to her girls and the rules applied to her, too. If one of them misbehaved, either man could spank her. Brick and I secretly agreed to spank only our own, but we didn't tell them that.
Further, standard dress indoors was a tee shirt. Nothing else except during those times of the month when panties were a necessity. Just a tee shirt. And we know what a woman can do with that.
They went to change. In moments, three barefooted tee shirted women were standing at attention. Cindy Lou and Barbara Ann both wore Malone's Garage standard issues, which were white and of good cloth. If you looked hard, you could see a dark patch down low. If you were blind, you could see their boobs. Rhonda's tee shirt looked like it was cut out of a boat tarp, sorta yellowish and thick. But Rhonda looked good in it. Real good. For a kid.
B.A. and I worked out the bathroom problem because we started showering together. We also slept together, fucked together, and did everything else together for about two months. That's when I found someone else's pecker tracks on her leg.
B.A. was nervous as a whore in church when I led her into my bedroom to talk about her playing around, but I didn't spank her. We reached an agreement. She'd fuck me whenever I asked, but it wouldn't be exclusive. That was fine by me. There was a big fishing tournament coming up and Marlene was randy as hell. It wasn't a bad deal. With B.A., Marlene, and Marlene's friends, I hardly ever went to The Tumbleweed.
Cindy Lou was obviously happy with Brick and him with her.
Rhonda was Rhonda, which means she was normally happy, but sometimes seemed dejected. She never complained. She turned her energies into school. She was one smart little cookie and worked like a dog.
It was only four months later that the tragedy occurred and everything changed.
Brick was killed. I'd miss the hell out of him, but I felt selfish when I was sad he was gone. His hobby was rebuilding and racing old sports cars. He lost control of a sky blue Jensen-Healy Interceptor on a tight curve at about one hundred twenty-eight miles an hour. He died doing what he loved best.
He left me the house, the business, and a pile of life insurance. Money wasn't a problem, but my brain was. It was overloaded. I worked my ass off to handle the funeral and make a transition at the garage. The mechanics weren't the problem. It was the customers. Brick knew how to shmooze them, but I was still learning.
For the first time in my life, I ignored the ladies. The three at home tiptoed around me, which was probably just as well. I was under a lot of pressure and my fuse was short.
Brick had been buried two weeks when I came home late from the garage. Mrs. Simpson, a battle axe who ran a fleet of taxis, had been all over my ass that day and I was beat. The three of them were in the living room dressed in the usual tee shirts. A Beach Boy CD played in the background.
"We need to talk, Chip," Cindy Lou said.
When Rhonda handed me a cold one, I noticed she wore a different kind of tee shirt. This one was shorter and looked like it was made out of bandage gauze. When she sat in her chair, that tee shirt somehow was high enough that I was staring at the sweetest little down covered pussy I ever saw.
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My name is Taylor at the age of 5 my dad died by getting ran over by a drunk driver me my 4 year old sister Jenny at the time didn't understand what death meant yet was always asking our 25 year old mother Kim when's daddy going to be home not ever noticing the sad face she makes By the time I was 10 mom stared dating again she only ever brought one guy home to meet us his name is Dave and he brought his 9 year old daughter Amy to meet me and Jenny A year later mom and Dave got married I'm now...
IncestNone of my other friends were as big of a drunk as Ted was, so none of them gave me the chance that Ted did. Ted, if you read my previous story, was a friend that would pass out hanging on my toilet after a night of watching a game on TV and drinking with the guys. He always stayed the night hanging on the toilet, out cold. It was strange how he seemed to maintain a balance without falling in or off. Bud took advantage of him one night when he passed out with his pants down, which led to more...
The funny thing about space – beyond the asphyxiation and eyeball exploding and radiation – was how it took everything totally logical and threw it on its head. Most of my life was spent picturing space battles as being either sea battles or air battles, just with a prettier backdrop and force fields. Nope! Nada! Wrong! Also, technically, so was the eyeball exploding thing. The internal pressure of a human body was nowhere near high enough to get even soft tissue to do more than bruise when...
It was October of 1978. It had been over a month since I had seen Kelly. She had started college in Milwaukee. She’d let me know that there had been a house party that had turned pretty wild and that there was much more to tell. I was still living with my folks and with our only telephone hanging in the kitchen, and two sisters hanging around, Kelly never got into juicy details over the phone.The house party had worked. The ice had been broken and Wayne and Artie, along with John, Brian and...
College SexIntroduction: Although this story is fiction, there is a few things that had really happened to me and thought it would meke for a great story. Let me know what you think. She was the most beautiful thing that I have seen in a long time. Fresh out of college and looking to making it on her own. She came to my door looking for the apartment I had for rent in my building, but as I stood there staring at her large round breast stretching her t-shirt and those incredible hazel eyes that glittered...
My Wife's Fetish. Copyright YEOWCH. ***************** "Well?!" Well what ?" "Well, are you going to or not ?" "Going to what ?" "Stop being so bloody daft Ian, you know what I mean !!" "I do?" "You sod, you're doing this on purpose aren't you. Just to get me bloody riled." "Do what?" "IAN !!" * Confused ? Let me explain.... My wife Mandy has a fetish. Spanking. Come to think of it, you'd better add slippering, belting and caning to that as well. Now don't ask me where it comes from...
Channel 1. Dog show -zzap Channel 2. Women's Tennis -zzap Channel 3. 11 o'clock News -zzap Channel 4. Made for TV movie The screen blacked out Nothing good was ever on TV anyway, Dave should've expected as much, especially as this was eleven o'clock in the morning on a weekday. Dave kicked his feet out and scratched his head. He remembered his boss's words. "Don't worry about it Dave, if you're unwell, take the day off." Now, lying naked on the couch in front of daytime TV, it seemed only...
The next morning on Saturday, Lauren got up bright and early. She wanted to finish the challenge as soon as she could today because Lauren wanted to make sure she didn’t miss Caroline’s grad party, plus then she wouldn’t have to worry about it the rest of the weekend. However, first Lauren would go for her three-mile run that she did every morning. So, Lauren put on a black sports bra, a blue tank top, and black running shorts and started her morning run. Once Lauren got back home, she...
MatureIn the daylight I opened my eyes. I was conscious of people trooping in and out of the room we were in. I could hear people talking, both nearby and in the distance, outside the room."Unbelievable," one voice said, a male."Fucking gorgeous isn't she?" whispered another. "Never thought I'd see her like this.""Have a look at all the crusty bits on her leg, that's come straight out her pussy. Jesus, can you imagine the fuss if she's got one in her now.""One what? Baby? Stuart will kill...
To make a long story short, eventually I ended up working as a cook for a nice hotel, and then she got a job as a waitress soon after that. One day we were all working our asses off. There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and she kept bringing in a steady stream of orders. At the end of the day we were stressed out beyond our normal limits. We started having a conversation and I just had to ask her out, but it had to be normal-sounding. I am not the best with girls. “Hey it was...
“God I love my job. he murmured, exploring the girl’s smooth legs, letting his hands slide up to cup the small mound of her cunt through the thin layer of cotton. The girl moaned quietly, stirring in her sleep, and he slapped her lightly on the face. “Time to wake up sleeping beauty! he boomed, and all of the girls flinched at the noise. Slowly, their eyes all fluttered in turn, then opened to reveal four sets of eyes reflecting the same confusion and fear. The girl who wasn’t restrained...
Kate Bloom told us in her interview how excited she was to be the center of attention for FIVE COCKSMEN, more than she has ever had before. She wasn’t lying; you can see the excited lust in her eyes. You can also see it in how wet her pussy is already up on the pedestal. Solo makes it just a little bit wetter by lubing her up before sinking his dick into her. No need to start off slowly, Kate likes to get pounded. You can tell this girl loves getting used. The cocksmen rotate around...
xmoviesforyouHI my name is unni and im going to share some incidents that happened when I went to my friends house in a village which was about 10kms away from my home. When I got there he welcomed me to his home and we chatted some time he was alone that day because his parents went to a marriage. He showed me his porn collection dvds and videos in his laptop then he showed me some pictures of him dressed in his mothers bra and panty and his cut cock which I had seen earlier when we used to go to...
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!! A hand reached out from beneath the covers, groping blindly for the infernal device. It smacked the cheap desktop on either side, before the sheets rustled as the figure scooted closer to the desk. The hand came down just past the tool of sadists, with the figure's arm smack it's top, and the wrist striking the hard plastic edge. A muffled curse was spoken, as the figure finally gave up on the desired 5 more minutes, and threw off the sheets. The young man stretched,...
FantasySkinny, redheaded domme Lola Fae applies lipstick to crazy Tommy Pistol, who’s cross-dressed in lingerie, stockings and heels. She writes ‘Slut’ and ‘Toy’ on his body, and then gives him a wet, gagging, deepthroat blowjob. Tommy ruthlessly fucks her meaty pussy. He gives her a hard anal reaming, pausing for Lola to suck his cock ass-to-mouth. The slender cutie strokes his meat with her bare feet, and she rides his stiff, uncut boner until he cums in her mouth. Lola...
xmoviesforyouI’m 31 and Becky is 24. She likes to dress very provocatively, rarely wearing a bra, and giving all the men who see her a big thrill. Her breasts are just right, not so big they sag but more than enough to play with. Her braless thick nipples are always saying look at us. She has a slim waist with nice rounded hips, her long sexy legs complete a package that says come fuck me. Becky has always been a ‘hotty’ and as much as I give it to her, she always seems to want more. She...
The next year was shit. Work suffered, I suffered, but most of all, Sylvia suffered I couldn't admit to my problems, when quizzed, almost on a daily basis, as to what she had done wrong. Our sex life was in the toilet I just couldn't get it up, and when I did I couldn't last. She accused me of having an affair, blah blah, then blamed herself saying I thought she was ugly and fat....Work was a nightmare and a saviour. I couldn't deal with office based work, my concentration had cost us money....
Indeed, the elder who measured Zax with a cold aura was the same one everyone talked about, Talhera's Mor and the creator of Kingdom Earth's best bodily refinement technique, Scarlet Armor. Zax glanced over at the elder. He had a stern look on his handsome face and sharp eyes. 'From how it seems, both of your Tals are present and one is even a participant... ' Zax gathered for what reason the elder has to be, or give the impression that he is, hostile toward him, but he was not a...
Hi doston mera naam rishab hai main delhi ka rhne wala hun meri height 6 ft ki hai aur main 23 saal ka hun main ye sachi ghatna aapke samne leke aa rha hun main logon ki tarah yahan jhoot nhi likhta ye ek sachi ghatna hai mera lund ka size 8 inch hai aur 4.5″ inch ka hai ye mujhe isliye pta hai kyunki maine khud napa hai ise ye jab soya hota hai tab ye 2 inch ka hi rhta hai isse aapko pta lag jayega ki main sach bol rha hun ab jyda na bor karte hue story pe aata hun ye baat aaj se 6 mahine...
When I sing, I feel like when you're first in love. It's more than sex. It's that point two people can get to they call love, when you really touch someone for the first time, but it's gigantic, multiplied by the whole audience. I feel chills. Janis Joplin PART 1. THE CRISES Robyn had agreed to meet Courtney for lunch. She was glad to have this time with her old childhood friend, although she suspected correctly the topic of conversation —Darryl. Courtney was obviously in distress....
Hello friends your maddy is back with another story.. Apne bare me wapis ek short intro deteta hu. 26yrs 5.5 hieght aur 6″ ka lund. Ye story meri cousin behen paannu ki hai jo dikhne me kafi sexy hai aur figure uska 34-30-36 hai. Uske boobs n gand ka mai pehle se diwana tha lekin behen hone k karan muje sahi mauka mil nahi raha tha jisse usko mai chod saku.. Baat abhi kuch din pehle ki hai jab mai medical ki padai chalu thi n ussi wajah se mai kahi hospitals me kaam sikhta rehta hu. Toh issi...
He had tried for weeks to get me to meet. At first I just deleted the messages: after all, anyone with the username "Lets Screw" was nothing but trouble, right?Then I started responding just for something to do and the exchanges were fun and a little hot. I had just joined a dating sight after a year and a half of being separated from my soon to be ex-husband and I thought I knew what I wanted. THIS WAS NOT IT but it made me laugh so I thought what the hell. He was bold and had a confidence...
"Come on, girls! Up! Up! Up!" It was early in the morning, hours before dawn. In the pitch-black bedroom, the sound of snowflakes hitting the window sounded like radio static. The girls all grumbled in annoyance, even the usual, perky Sonja. It didn't help that the bedroom was chilly. I turned on the lights but Momo and Sonja just pulled the blankets over their heads, trying to escape back into the warm darkness. "Hmmmm, Masterrrrrr, just five more minutes…" Momo whined. "On your...
By Jax_Teller I was 18 years old and in less than a month I would start my senior year in high school. I was going to be on my own most of the time from now on. My mother had died after a long battle with cancer in July. Dad moved us to his home town where we had family. My father met Nikki Harrison when we were moving in and being neighborly she helped us move in; they talked about all the folks they knew in common. I met David Nikki’s son and we hit it off immediately, talking about the...
Chapter 20: Resurrecting Jack (part 1) As the spring semester’s end approached Alan was as busy as he had ever been. Between preparing end of term papers, studying for final exams, his regular meetings in midtown with Wilkins and the others, the birth of Megan’s baby (Marshall Philip Kelly (‘Phil’), 7 pounds even), and his daily readings of the complete files and notes of Jean-Pierre Massimo, left him little time for leisure. To make matters worse, for some unknown reason he was losing his...
Let me start by indicating that Megan and I have a great life. We love each other deeply, consider each other best friends and have a wonderful sex life. Megan is much more sexually reserved though, and it has taken me nearly fifteen years of marriage to even begin to lure any sexual fantasies out of her. I know she has them, as she is a very creative person, but she is reluctant to share them out of, I believe, embarrassment. I, on the other hand, tend to be a bit more open and comfortable...
[Read previous chapters before proceeding] Chapter 1: (4100 words) Chapter 2: (1650 words) Chapter 3: (2300 words) Chapter 4: (3500 words) Chapter 5/Epilogue is 2000 words [AUTHORS NOTE: I hope you enjoyed these chapters. If you did, give them a POSITIVE RATING at the bottom. It helps others find them. This was my first attempt at fiction and sex stories. I've been...
I know a letter is old school, but there's something about the tactility of paper. A physical connection you can't get from email or text. It warms me to think that the very paper you're holding right now has been in my hands, beneath fingers that yearn to one day touch and hug you for real.But I'm getting ahead of myself already. You have that effect.Like all good letters, this one starts with a confession: I'm inexplicably, deeply, wildly attracted to you. Your mind, your passion, your...