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I know a letter is old school, but there's something about the tactility of paper. A physical connection you can't get from email or text. It warms me to think that the very paper you're holding right now has been in my hands, beneath fingers that yearn to one day touch and hug you for real.

But I'm getting ahead of myself already. You have that effect.

Like all good letters, this one starts with a confession: I'm inexplicably, deeply, wildly attracted to you. Your mind, your passion, your trust, and all that you represent.

No. Fuck it. I'm in love with you.

There. I've said it. No going back.

I know we're both happy in our respective lives, and the thought of jeopardizing that for either of us fills me with the darkest fear. But, my God, give me one night with you and you'll experience passion the likes of which you never knew existed.

You'll need a week's worth of panties, because the first pair will be wet before we meet in the city and the second will be drenched before dinner's over. An Italian place. Your favourite food; I pay attention to details during our stolen chat sessions.

As we sit, anonymous among the buzz of chatter and plates and the scent of pizza dough and oregano, I'll tease the fuck out of you. Tell you all the things I intend to do to your body and mind when we get to the hotel. Yet I suspect even my words will only scratch the surface of what we'll actually experience.

All through dinner in that new royal blue summer dress that complements your dazzling eyes, I want you squirming in your seat. When I scoop a chunk of ice from the water jug and describe where each melted drop will land, I want you to feel it. Imagine being blindfolded, body twisting as each freezing drip dribbles across shivering skin; your toned tummy, your delicate inner thigh, the sole of your foot.

When the waitress has taken our order, I'll hand you a carrot stick and tell you to glaze it with your slick honey. I want to see the excitement in your eyes as you furtively look around and sneak the vegetable beneath the chequered tablecloth. The faraway look as it nudges past your gusset, enters, leaves and you pass it back for me to suck. To bite. To savour.

When I tell you to touch yourself under the table, to slide fingertips inside your panties and wet them, upon returning the digits to the surface you'll smell them at my command. Taste them, right there in the restaurant. Slow, deliberate laps that turn us both on immeasurably.

And when I instruct you to remove your knickers and replace them with the fresh pair I bought, you'll do it without leaving the table, even after raising an inquisitive eyebrow at my audacity to suggest such a thing. As surreptitiously as you dare, you'll rock your hips and slither your panties from their resting place to your ankles where you'll hook them by a heel into your waiting hand.

Then you'll pass me the soiled garment across the tabletop. Watch me pick up the warm black lace. Inhale. See the need unfurl inside me, your earthy arousal infecting me to the core. It makes you tingle.

I want you flushed. Excited. Primed. Coiled to breaking point. On edge, all through dinner.

When we exit, hand-in-hand, the cool night air is a stark reminder of the heat inside us. I notice your nipples firm beneath the bold pattern of the dress. I pay attention to details.

The walk is short, just a few blocks past shop fronts, cafés and bars that spill raucous people onto the pavement for smokes, the city traffic dominated by slow-crawling taxis and private hire cabs ferrying the inebriated between pub, club and home.

Up the ramp, the glass doors of the hotel slide to accept us. Each click of your heels on the polished floor of the brightly lit lobby pierces my mind. We're finally here. Together. Within clutching distance of one another.

I nod at the reception staff as we pass. Press the domed elevator button. Tap my toes inside my shoes, trying not to show outward impatience despite being so close to having you in my grasp. I spin my wedding ring with the thumb of the same hand, wondering at what moment the unbroken circle of trust I pledged became skewed. How it's possible to love two very different women at the same time, with the same intensity, for two very different reasons.

When the lift pings and we step in, there's a well-dressed lady inside, all Armani, designer glasses and heels. I pray she can't hear my heartbeat thudding in the confined box. My hand grips yours. We want nothing more than to crush our lips together and fill the mirrored space with breathless panting and the heat of desire, but we have to wait. Four agonising floors in the world's slowest lift until the woman steps out. Until we're alone.

The moment the doors slide shut you're on me. Kissing. Clutching. Sighing. I know the unblinking eye of the security camera is there, but fuck it: our needs transcend decency. The kiss is something else. Animalistic and raw. Too bad it can only last a few short floors before the lift's muted ping announces our arrival. We fly apart, faces flushed, lips pink, sparkles in our eyes.

I practically drag you down the crazily carpeted corridor behind me, fumble the keycard and bundle you inside, the door barely closing before you're slammed back against its inside, nothing but our heavy breathing and hands swishing across fabric greeting the silent room bathed in silvery moonlight.

The kiss is as ferocious as it was in the lift, my hands all over your body as yours are on mine. Your fingers tear at my shirt, unbuttoning it between us so you can scratch nails across my skin, working lower and unsnapping my trousers too.

Snaking your hand inside, you trace the edges of my hard cock, already oozing, a wet stain in my undershorts. Hot and raging in your hand, we gasp into the kiss as you fondle me.

Pulling away a moment, freeing my length, you hoist one edge of your dress, yank your knickers aside, and your eyes roam to mine, lust burning between us, obvious even in the low light. My cock finds your entrance almost on automatic. You swipe your slit once with it to wet the tip, curl one of your legs around me and kiss me hard.

I drive inside, your breath disintegrating in my mouth as I cup your face in my palms. Your hands fly to clutch my back, holding me tight, seemingly nothing but us in the world.

Our union is frantic, my cock sawing in and out of your soaked pussy, bursts of colour and texture flashing through my head to illuminate the monochrome room, each thrust fuelling needs suppressed for what seems an eternity.

You cross your arms behind my neck and pull me to the kiss as we fuck against the front door, no regard for noise spilling into the corridor, energy crackling unchecked between us.

Sliding my hands from your face I grip your shoulders. Push back, unfolding you against the frame as I glide palms out along your biceps, elbows, forearms then hands, locking together when I pin you to the wood and pound up into your searing, wet cunt. Your shivers and moans are electrifying, interrupting the sanctity of the stark room.

The angle of your hips causes your clit to grind against my pelvis on the in-stroke and you groan. We both do. There's no way we can hold back any longer. The tease of the day – of all the dirty conversations, spoken and typed, we've had over the months – result in our bodies tensing.

Mouths and tongues furiously at work, my humming moans presage the erratic rhythm of release. As I break down and lash hot come deep inside you, the quivering rumble of your orgasm follows, selfishly clutching at my spasming hardness. To hold me in you. A primal want.

Becoming weak-kneed against me, only my hands and grinding cock keep you upright, pinned to the door. I bury my face in your neck and kiss. Nuzzle. Nip. Release washes through me in unrelenting waves. I let it.

I know your body is gripped the same. Tangled neurons and twisted heat unwinding and recombining as the rush consumes you. Racing heart. Thundering blood. Untamed fire.

When I eventually slide out and the gusset of your knickers snaps back to contain our flow – another pair ruined – I release you and scoop you in my arms. You smell of summer heat and untold promise and I want to devour you.

Carrying you to the king-size bed, I lay you down and let you wriggle to its centre. While I observe your heaving chest, your smile and décolletage deliciously flushed, you settle against the soft pillow.

Discarding my clothes item by item under your watchful stare in the moonlight from the open curtains, I crawl onto the edge of the bed, still ravenously hungry for you. The dress provocatively rides up when I spread your legs at the ankles, my focus on the junction stained with our mixture.

I drool at the sight of your ravaged beauty. My lips part and I inch towards you. You're so fucking alluring, wearing that dress and that look. Your freshly-fucked-but-God-I-want-more expression should be bottled and sold. I'd buy a lifetime's supply.

On all fours, I crawl between supple legs I have, until now, merely imagined, realising the imagery in my head was a pale imitation of reality. You widen them as I near their convergence. You know how much I adore panties. The wetter the better.

Slinking down onto my belly, I maintain eye contact with your bewitching blues as you rest against the plump pillow, still wiggling a little in the post-orgasmic fog of our frantic fuck.

My face creeps closer to the mess we've made, trapped by your knickers. I can smell us. Salty and sweet. Thrilling.

Kissing your left inner thigh, you twitch. Again with the right, my stubble scuffing the surface. You crave my touch in your needy centre to stack another climax on top of the gradually decaying first.

Facing your snatch, I edge closer until you can feel my breath permeating the wet fabric. With the burst of the fucking behind us, and hours ahead of us, I can take my time. And I fully intend to.

I let the heat of my mouth play across your panties, your hips writhing to try and steal the touch that I keep maddeningly out of reach. Only when I'm good and ready, I lower my face to your knickers and kiss. You gasp as my mouth connects with the material, the lewd act heightened by the orgasmic fragments still flitting like cherry blossom in the breeze.

Sliding my hands up your thighs, I tuck fingertips into the waistband and drag down, ever so slowly, peeling the garment from its resting place amid a helpful wiggle of your shapely hips. The scent of our combined come is immediately released and I'm struck with light-headedness at its potency.

A thick blob perches at your splayed entrance as I draw the panties to knees that you drift closer together, permitting the continued downward travel of your sodden underwear.

Tugging further past your heels until they're free, I toss the panties to the bed as you splay for me once more. Open and inviting, I dive back to within striking distance. The gooey blob has grown during the panty removal, oozing, ready to roll to the sheets. Before that can happen, I extend my tongue and lap, curling to scoop the fluid safely.

It pools in my open mouth and I lap again, coaxing thick drop upon drop from your slit as you squeeze your inner muscles. I've never tasted myself before, and the combination surprises me.

When I've extracted as much as I can, I rise and crawl over your body to straddle you, lower my mouth to hover above yours and part my lips. The bittersweet, bubbling mixture drizzles from my lips and plays across yours. You part them to accept the gift.

I open my mouth further, translucent white beads tumbling more freely into yours, slithering onto your outstretched tongue to slip into your mouth and down your throat as you swallow.

It's so fucking sexy and I immediately plunge to kiss you, swirling my tongue to catch remnants of our lovemaking from inside your mouth.

I could kiss you forever, but as your breathing deepens at the kiss, the desire to follow up and chase your first orgasm with a second to amplify its diminishing tail is greater.

Crawling back the way I came, a slippery string of saliva stretching and breaking from your open mouth to mine, I return to lie between your legs. God, your sticky cunt's so beautiful. Begging.

Turning my head slightly off-axis I kiss each pussy lip, lightly at first, then harder until I'm drawing the lips into my mouth one at a time. Your moans fill the room and fuel me.

Facing your pussy directly, I bring my tongue into play, lapping at a leisurely pace from the very base up between your folds and stopping a breath away from your clit.

Again and again I do this, each full sweep driving you frustratingly closer and higher, yet not quite delivering. You growl at me, begging for more contact and my eyes flick to rest on yours. Gauging. You might think you mean it, but I can tell they're just words at this stage.

I'll know when you really mean it.

Lapping at a devastatingly slow pace, you squirm as my breath is the only contact at the apex of your drooling slit. Veering off to one side I flutter my tongue up and down one edge of your hood.

Each exhalation nudges your delicate clit, the feathery breaths eliciting sighs and gasps, the denial of direct contact pure torture. You bring your fingers to the nape of my neck and try to pull me in but I move away, casting a stern gaze until you flop your hands to the bed again.

Returning to the opposite edge of your clitoral covering, I lap in tiny circles. Then make a Z-shape. Then start drawing random letters of the alphabet, sometimes on one side, sometimes crossing to the other.

Never directly. Never the same action twice. Everything keeps you guessing. On edge.

Each time I cross from one side to the other, I blow your jewel at one angle or another, making you writhe. Sometimes hot. Sometimes a steady stream of cool air. You never know which until it lands.

Your breathing turns ragged. I know your peak is approaching and smile to myself. Wrapping my mouth directly around your clit, I suck. One long, sustained inhalation drawing between my lips. You grip the sheets in your fists and swear, body stiffening.

I let go and you groan, "Nooo," hips slumping back to the bed.

Blowing air across the saliva-coated pearl, you hum and groan as it dries. Your hands rise from the sheets to cup your breasts through the dress, squeezing, working up to the firm nipples that are almost bursting to greet the blanched moonlight slanting into the room across your wriggling body.

You pinch and I time my actions with your own, opening my mouth again and encircling your pleasure button. When you tweak the caps, I graze your clit and you arch into my face, grinding.

I open my mouth wide so the contact disappears and you hiss. Just my hot breath blasts across your engorged nub as excitement consumes me. It's as if I'm wielding a feather, my fluttering breaths its teasing caresses. Barely touching.

My tongue flicks occasionally to sweep an edge, or the top of your folds, or to tap the tip of your clit with the tiniest, most fleeting brush.

Your hands crush your chest, fingertips pinching hard, body writhing beneath me.


I pause, gazing up over your mons to check. Fuck yes, so close. Your long lashes flutter, barely able to contain the dancing fire within, your pupils wide and dark in the night. Swirling my tongue in a long, slow clover shape, I brush each quadrant alongside your jumping clit in turn.

"Fuuuuck. God, pleeeease." Your body is alight, sparks I can practically detect in the darkness, fizzing beneath your skin. I draw away, lap my tongue from the very base of your pussy that swishes against the starched hotel sheets, up, up, flicking off the tip of your clit like a tiny springboard.

You arch your back, body lifting, gripping your tits through the dress.

I slither my hands under your inner thighs to support you at the crease where they join your tantalisingly smooth bottom. Hooking my thumbs into your pussy entrance, I peel the sticky lips apart, ogling your drooling hole, poised, hovering off the bed. All mine.

Your eyes lock with my gaze, the intensity burning within me as I drive my mouth forward to attack, finally devouring your dripping centre.

My tongue snakes inside, chin pressed into the base of your entrance, nose directly over your clit. I snort air over it, wiggle my face from side to side to apply direct stimulation and you shriek.

The torment ends. Your body convulses. Hands slam from tits to the bed, gripping and twisting the sheets. And, fuck me, I've never known wetness like it. My tongue and chin become coated in your delicious elixir as your open-mouthed groans bounce around the room.

You freeze, the glorious moment of nothingness consuming your entire body and mind. That vulnerability, that splash of unfettered joy scribbled across your face is my ultimate prize.

I furiously lap the tumbling juices, gulping you down as the contractions begin, rhythmically clamping my tongue between your hungry walls. Swatting away my face, you flop to the bed and I let you fall, watching you writhing, contorting, lost. Fuck, it's the most beautiful sight.

My cock is steel as your eyes squeeze shut, flashing open occasionally to take in what you can of your surroundings. Your cheeks dimple, mouth oscillating between flickering smiles of rapture and chewing your trembling lower lip.

I sit up between your thighs, letting you unwind, taking time to appreciate every roaring flare inside your body. Basking in the glow I created. Soaring. Diving, the twitching peak stretching timelessly until it ultimately abates, slowing.

I'll do nothing more, until you come to rest. Just marvel at your wetness, your true unmasked beauty as your beacon of energy burns just for me, gradually diminishing to a diffuse, sparkling glow inside.

When you're spent, I'll crawl up alongside you and lay one arm across your quivering tummy. Just lie there, stroking your flushed skin, sharing our illicit connection that would tear lives apart yet would seal others. Ours.

Your head rolls to face me, expression brimming with contentment and passion and love and fire for whatever the night brings next. I gaze back, offering a loaded smile, my exhalation unexpectedly catching in my throat as I lean in, our lips brushing before the kiss takes over.

Losing myself once more in your embrace, my split heart thumps with untamed desire. I know we can't be. But give me one night, one stolen weekend with you and I promise you will know love, lust and longing on a scale you never thought possible.

While my heart might be divided, my soul is yours. Always.




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Next day school opened. I was normal and both driver and conductor behaved and talked normally. In evening I told them about next school holiday .. It was just after 7 days . Now conductor became more aggressive. He used to press thighs, finding opportunity pinch choot and caress hips. 7 days passed. I reached at corner and to my surprise they came in a car. I sat between driver and conductor… “Kisi aur ko nahi maalum naa..” I was afraid that they may share me with their friends.. “Nahi rani…”...

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For this story, my name will be Nelly. I come from a small rural town, but seeking a better future, I came to the big city, in an employment fair that traveled to my community college, I got hired as a receptionist for an insurance company. Upon arriving, I didn’t know anybody, so I looked for an apartment in newspapers’ classifieds. I called a young woman who looked for someone with whom to share the expenses, and she told her to meet her at a discotheque, we agreed on what we would wear in...

2 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 1

"WHAT IN HELL IS THIS HORSESHIT?" Barbara Gaynes wailed as she threw the front-page headline onto the bed where Jared lie, he just thinking about getting up. "Aw FUCK, they leaked it. It wasn't supposed to be this way." Jared said looking at the splash of black ink in the front page. "WINNIE WINSLOW GOES TO N.E.A.T." "Ummm DUH! You're moving 125 miles away from the woman you promised to marry 6 years ago and lived with for the past 9. Don't you think I should have a little say?"...

1 year ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 2

After spending the rest of Sunday beginning to pack up what was his and what was going to remain hers, they had few items to dispute over. Barbie seemed to want him to leave some items she knew he would be back for. Jared wanted to avoid that. If he wasn't compelled to come back for her, he didn't want to spend another night in what was his house, after Wednesday. He was able to stay away Monday and Tuesday when she was home by saying his community goodbyes. He arranged Wednesday morning...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 3

His first Sunday in his new home saw him sleep until 11 a.m. waking well rested and ready to take on his new position. He hadn't slept past 7 or 8 o'clock in 10 or more years. Had financial security and guiltless sex eased all of his tensions and allowed him to relax? He made coffee and turned on his computer to find 13 emails in his inbox. Eleven were from campus well-wishers he met the day before and two were from Barbie, which he opened last. Jared: I found a lot of your things you...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 4

When he got back to his residence after the soccer game and meeting with Faraday the phone was ringing as he walked in. It was Joe Barber. "Belle tells me you were at the soccer game and had an incident with Derek." Joe said sounding miffed. "Not exactly. He began to go off on me about stealing players and I set him straight as to my intentions and he was quite OK with it. I met with Brian Faraday and he had done as I told him, to inform his coach that he was speaking to me. Everything...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 5

Jared had managed to inspire both himself and the three coaches that made up the root of his staff. He already knew they were capable, now he knew they were going to execute as well. He saw three hungry, but frustrated coaches who thought that a former NFL coach would come in and fire up a program. Instead they saw the shadow of a legend on cruise-control who hoped to catch lightning in a bottle. They now knew the University had made the right decision in bringing Coach Winslow. Jared...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 6

In the full light of the lobby he saw the petite girl he ravished in his senior year all grown up. She wore a navy colored skirt and white sleeveless sweater. Her thin cupped bra did not hide her nipples even in the sweater. Her perky tits of youth were now mature breasts, wide and full. Her round, but skinny butt was now a bit wider, probably a bit from gravity and from childbirth, but still much of an eye catcher as it rocked to and fro as she walked. A little mileage on her face, hidden by...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 7

"You OK?" He asked after letting her enjoy her moment. "Yes, I'm so happy, I can't remember being more so. Even if we part tomorrow and I never see you again, I know dreams can come true. I only wanted a chance to tell you how I felt and feel you inside me again. I was afraid you might hate me or think I hated you. That's bothered me all these years ... and the thing about the smell, my scent? With you it's taste. This sounds naughty but, I've only tasted two in my life, but you,...

3 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 9

The 2 day whirlwind of speaking to sports scholarship recruits was over after meeting Tim Waters right at the Albany International Airport. Waters was a wide receiver, lanky, but strong, who had impressed many by his overall athleticism. Jared Winslow knew little about him except that his predecessor was impressed enough to take a chance on recruiting him although he might be an academic problem. Jared saw right away that taking a fatherly approach with the boy might be the best way to...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 10

It was after 6 pm when Jared Winslow finally pushed the key to his backdoor into the slot and turned it open. His day started 12 hours ago almost 3 hours away and since he had taken a half of a yellow legal pad in notes and walked the perimeter of Meditek Stadium turf a few dozen times to watch different "skills" being exhibited. The perimeter was so cluttered with sleds, tackle makers, 2 and 5 man wheel trainers, steppers and line chutes that the field resembled some weird torture palace....

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Divided at Division OneChapter 13

As the small jet settled on the runway at O'Hare Jared Winslow jostled awake surprised he had slept so soundly on the plane. The close quarter of the cabin on the jet lent to a quick roll call of names and occupations for those who wanted to disclose them when they took off. He looked around the cabin of the jet trying to remember the names the others had given, but his sound sleep had robbed him of any memory of the few seconds of introductions. Once they were airborne with a full plane...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 14

Jared was a usual early riser and was surprised when he woke and it was just after 8 o'clock. He made quick work of shaving and showering and just as he was getting out he heard the room phone ringing. "Hello?" "Coach Winslow, it's Elmer Hollins, Boge's father. I work some nights at O'Hare and saw you come in last night and thought you might looking to see Boge. I called him this morning and he said he never heard from you and I was wondering if you had a hard time getting in touch...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 15

Mommy, are you going to be here when I get home?" Declan asked as his mother finished double tying his sneakers and gave him final behavior orders. "Of course. Even if Coach Jared has to do any football stuff, I'll be sure he's back here too." She assured him. Jared stood back and watched Meg the Mom and was pleased she had become so adept with the boy, reminding him of his own Mom when he was small. MJ, who was there to pick up her "date" leaned to whisper in Meaghan's ear as...

3 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 16

Jared thought he had gotten through their breakfast meeting without bringing up expenses, but Dean Crawford could not bite her tongue any longer as they walked from the restaurant at Green Mountain Greens to their cars. "Oh, the travel office sent me itinerary's and vouchers for you and the coaching staff for now through the end of July. I know you said there would be a lot of work over the summer but I didn't know we would keep a travel agent in business." She said through a pained...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 17

Jared couldn't wait to get home and shower after his little workout with Marv Hudson. It was invigorating to get out and run a bit, catch a ball and fill his lungs with the rich country air. He would work himself into better shape as practice began in earnest but he anticipated being a bit sore the following day. While in the shower he heard the phone ring and cursed the probability. Once out and dried off he went to the blinking machine and pressed the play button. "Good afternoon Coach,...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 18

It was July 26th and Jared Winslow's Press Release announcing the practice schedule was ready for release on August 1st for the Sunday papers and sports sections throughout Vermont and New England. It was being prepared to mail to all invited team members and recruits as well as any walk-ons who had made themselves known. It would otherwise be posted at the Coaches Hall. As he had "promised" on his visits with players a few weeks earlier, it would be grueling and would prove just how much...

4 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 19

Jared made the flight arrangements for Meaghan to get back to Chicago on Tuesday morning and then went about making sure he could piece together a dinner of some sort for their post-lovemaking hunger. Right now, eating dinner seemed to have taken a back seat to sexual relief. While passing the time by checking his email he heard the bathroom door open and he rushed to see if he might help her, but she was just closing the door to his bedroom, smiling back at him saying "See you in a few...

3 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 20

Jared Winslow did his best to hide his excitement over Meaghan and Declan coming to live with him as a run up to a marriage that somehow was inevitable all their lives. So many things in their lives changed the fate they stumbled through, but a chance trip to Chicago to interview Boge Hollins put his face on a TV screen that happened to catch Meaghan's eye. That set forth the chain of events that led to this twist of two peoples fates. Besides making his personal life complete, the biggest...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 21

Coach Ruffin took his team to his field and brought them to the training equipment, dummies and sleds and asked who might not be familiar with them. No one raised their hands but Coach went through the basics of each and said they would get to the "rough stuff" the following day. "Today is a day to get stretched out, have a little light contact and motivate some competitiveness. In a little while we're going to go over and meet the offense for a little touch scrimmage. I don't need any...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 22

"On the first pre-season team itinerary you got, today was to be a cut down day." Coach Winslow began as he addressed the team following Mondays team work-out run. He was almost surprised he was there, knowing that Meaghan, her son Declan, and the moving van were at his house right now moving his future life into place. He and Meg were hugging and sharing a "hello" kiss with Declan hugging his leg when the moving van rolled through the guard house gate at the top of the gated street. The...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 23

"Jared ... Jarrrrrrrrrrrred ... coffee is ready. Get up or they'll start the game without youuuuuuuuu!" Meaghan sing-songed in his ear. Jared Winslow suddenly bolted up. "What time is it!" "It's 8:30 baby. I'm surprised you weren't up at six, pacing the floor." Meaghan responded. "Oh yeah, I want to be at the stadium by 9:30. I can't believe I slept so late, I... " He responded groggily. Meaghan pushed him back into the pillow and straddled him over the blanket, dressed in...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 24

There were six NorthEast 10 teams playing scrimmages against out of conference teams that weekend. For many of them it was a chance to go and see a big named team play the local college and maybe see some of the names that lit up college highlight films. With the exception of the NEAT game, most drew little attention. Coach Winslow had no intention of doing a press conference after the game, since it was a scrimmage, but Ann Comeche, his SID insisted that too many outlets requested time for...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 25

Two busses waited for the team as they de-planed in Boone, North Carolina. Bench Essential Personnel for home games became the Travel Facilitators for road games. Both were just fancy names for team roadies, but with the advent of a co-ed team their jobs and importance became more essential. They had to make sure that the privacy stalls were the last thing on the plane and first thing off. If there were a problem with their arrival or the fitting, the girls might have to dress in another...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 26

The playbook session went smoothly as the staff added variations and sets to existing plays they had set up and ran in the previous scrimmages and scrimmage games. With additional plays in the book it was complete and today the coaches would man the huddles again with the play outlines around their neck to go over for anyone unsure. Jordy Alford would call the plays and line up, Frank Ruffen would read the set the defense. Coach Winslow would critique the sets and then back off and let the...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 27

The schedule for a student-athlete is an arduous one and most always, Sunday nights are study nights, especially after a long practice session like the final day of training camp. With few exceptions, most players were huddled in their dorms catching up on studies and decompressing from an action packed few days. All of the male players were housed in Ethan Hall. It was a living arrangement they had no choice in during the season and could only change after the Holiday Break when they...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 28

When the coaches talked with the players about the strength and weaknesses of their upcoming opponent they also stressed another point; Maine State College was doing the same thing with their team. Jordy Alford had his offense taking a breather at one end of the field, sitting on their helmets listening intently at Wednesday's practice. "Right now a team is preparing to play us, ... beat us, ... and do you know what THEIR coaches are telling them?" He asked as he raised his left hand and...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 31

The flurry of fist bumping, back patting, hugging, high fives, whooping and congratulations being passed out in the New England Green Aggie locker room was a joy that every coach loves to walk into after a game. Jared Winslow had been stopped twice on his trek off the field for quick interviews that he quickly begged off of. He blew a whistle in the locker room to get the attention of the group who quickly stopped and turned to hear his words. "Before I go down to the press room, I just...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 32

Waking Sunday morning after the win was one of the joys of coaching. Jared only wished Meg had felt better the night before. She wondered if she had eaten something bad at the game, but was unable to pin it down. Jared had fallen asleep massaging her troubled belly hoping to calm it enough for her to fade away herself. As his eyes adjusted to the room he realized he was alone in the bed and the clock read 10:10. He heard the din of the TV and knew Declan had gotten up and probably woke his...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 33

Mid-November brought on the first snows of a Vermont Winter and stadium crews were busy clearing the field so Jared Winslow could take his 5-4 overall, 4-3 in conference, Green Aggies to the field for Thursdays practice. Despite the pressure on the crews to get the stadium ready for Saturday's full house against Jersey State U, Fridays forecast promised more snow. Temperatures wouldn't get much below 28, but they probably wouldn't see the sun anytime before Sunday, so a melt off was likely...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 34

Meaghan and Declan had missed the game while visiting her parents for the weekend in Burlington. Her Dad had been in the hospital for a "minor procedure", as her Mom called it. It was actually having his gall bladder removed but her Mom felt it was something he could have avoided had he kept a better diet. She was somehow embarrassed. It was one of the "little things" that drove Jared crazy about his future mother-in-law, being worried about what others may think or assume, so he made it...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 35

Preparing for U Delaware Dover would be, perhaps, the hardest the team had worked all year. UD was a team strong in many ways, but lacked a defined execution style to be consistent. They were young, with only 2 seniors and 8 juniors and a whole new coaching staff, but they were finding themselves week by week. Coach Winslow wanted to go at them hard on their first offensive set before using his normal game plan. "We'll try to show them our explosive fire power with Marv's arm and our...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 36

June Bokue was in the parking lot at Meditek waiting for the buses to come in since 8:30. She couldn't wait to congratulate the team. By 9, all of the players who hadn't made the trip or were non-roster red shirts were waiting, each excited for their teammates and all feeling they, too, were a part of the victory. Coach let all of them know that their contributions in practice were invaluable. A few hundred fans joined them and cheered as the busses rolled in. Glad hands and high-fives were...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 37

In his quest to finish 7-3 in the conference Jared Winslow had to beat the only team he played twice this season, White Mountain University/New Hampshire. In the 10 team conference each team played one in-conference team twice to round the schedule, he was happy that it was a team who had beaten them earlier. Avenging a loss would be all the reason to keep the team up for the final game. The loss to White Mountain U was painful because they turned around an 11 point lead to a 3 point loss in...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 38

Julie Murcer had one problem that bothered her mightily, she had gone back on her word to Coach Winslow about getting involved with teammates, and in particular Brian Faraday. It hadn't affected the team at all and the only male member of the team who knew was Brian Faraday. Now she suddenly had an interest in Gerry Granahan and by the off season it would probably become apparent to other members of the team, assuming it lasted. She didn't want to be known as a trouble maker and was unsure...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 39

As soon as Julie got back to her room from her "date" with Gerry, she stripped down and jumped on the bed and cocked her knees back to fully feel and squeeze her pussy. She ran her fingers up and down the lips, toying with them, pinching them, making her clitoral mound fill even more with blood. She pinched it down with her thumb over the hood and three fingers squeezing her slit and letting the middle finger slide between to toy with her clit. Her mind drifted back to Saturday night,...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 40

Saturday morning most of the team was in the team locker room at 9:00 am, almost a full hour before Coach asked them to be there. Playbooks were open and different members of each coach's staff were going over plays drawn up the day before in their final cram for the game. Some were in the video room watching game tapes of WMU's last game, but no one was sitting idly. Trainers hadn't even gotten there yet, so most players waiting to be taped, wrapped, or bandaged, hadn't dressed beyond...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 41

For some, it would be the biggest victory of their life. For others, it would be just a primer of what was coming in their sports careers. Anyone who was a part of THIS team had special memories of what they did, together. Even the special teamer who saw but 5 or 6 minutes of action all year would someday be walking through the Wal-Mart, standing in church, or even changing a diaper for their son or daughter, and the memory of the special feeling to be part of what they did might come...

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