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For this story, my name will be Nelly. I come from a small rural town, but seeking a better future, I came to the big city, in an employment fair that traveled to my community college, I got hired as a receptionist for an insurance company. Upon arriving, I didn’t know anybody, so I looked for an apartment in newspapers’ classifieds. I called a young woman who looked for someone with whom to share the expenses, and she told her to meet her at a discotheque, we agreed on what we would wear in order to recognize each other easily. When we finally got there, she greeted me:

‘Hello, I am Marilyn.’

I tell her my name and she invites me to a table. Marilyn volunteers to buy me a drink, and I tell her that I would prefer a soda. We talked about the rent and the chores, and then, she invited me to the apartment. It was reasonable enough, I found it small but cozy and very clean. There are two small beds in the bedroom. She encourages me to inspect it and she then asks me:

‘Do you like it?’

‘I love it.’


‘Yes, it is so pretty. If you accept me as your roommate, you won’t regret it.’

‘I Accept! Let’s have a toast.’

‘You already know that I don’t drink.’

‘It will be only one glass, in order to seal our agreement.’

‘Then I accept.’

Then she served me a glass of wine, which I found to be a little strong, but I gulped it, so I wouldn’t offend her. She offers me again:

‘Do you want any more?’

‘No more, thank you.’

We began to chat. I told her that I was going to work as a receptionist and she tells me that she is in advertisement. We talked about our parents, schools and previous boyfriends, In this department, I didn’t comment much, but she inquired:

‘Did you leave a boyfriend in your town?’


‘But do you have had some?’

‘Some, but they were not serious.’

‘Excuse my prying, since we are already roommates. Do you have had experience? You know, sexual…’


‘How many? Excuse me for insisting.’

‘Let’s say that I had some orgasms, if that’s what you mean.’

Then, she left me keep quiet and proceeded to tell me about her experiences: schoolmates, and even a few college professors, but she emphasized that they meant nothing in her life. Quietly, I nodded to all that. There was a long pause and she said:

‘I’m sorry, I am tired, and I guess that you are too.’

‘That’s right. Where will I sleep?’

‘Take the bed on the right.’

Then, I took out what I carried in my luggage and I distributed it between drawers and closet, keeping underwear, a towel and other articles in hand, and I told her:

‘I need to take a bath.’

‘Go ahead, you already live here.’

I went into the bathroom, I shyly got undressed and I picked up my clothes in a grocery bag to wash it later, and I hit the shower. I adjusted the temperature, glad to have hot water and I took a quick bath. I got dressed again and she came to also take a shower. When she came out, I had already gone to bed. Excited by my newfound freedom, I could not sleep but I kept quiet so I wouldn’t bother her. Then I heard her comment:

‘I can’t sleep either.’

Although I was a little surprised, I didn’t give it any importance. She spoke again:

‘Can I go to your bed?’

‘Go ahead, this is your house.’

I sat down and she sat by my side. Then, she caressed my cheek. I didn’t suspect yet. She told me:

‘You are very pretty.’

‘You too. You should be a success with the boys.’

Her caress on my cheek was more intense, and even, sometimes her fingers touched my neck, I imagined that amid the darkness, she didn’t notice where she touched me, so I didn’t stop her. Then she murmured:

‘Forgive me, but you are irresistible.’

Now I was alarmed.


‘Your beauty influenced in accepting you like as a companion.’

The tone of Marilyn was insistent and begging, and that touched my soul. She was hungry for love. I hugged her discreetly, but she moved quickly and kissed me fully on the lips. An electricity coursed through me and I felt compelled to reciprocate her kisses. I opened my mouth to welcome hers and she pushed her tongue inside. That was like fire! I sent her mine and she devoured it while I did the same with hers. My head was spinning and I knew that we would not stop until reaching the orgasm. She turned on a night light on the table and removed my nightwear. I was going to remove hers and I felt her naked, and that turned us on, because she thought that I accepted her lesbianism. She praised me:

‘Your touch is so soft!’

She lowered her lips to my neck, and she repressed an urge to bite me like a vampire. Then she reached my nipples and trapped them daintily with her teeth. My crotch squirted with excitement and I pushed her toward my bed and reciprocated her sucks, although I only used my lips and my tongue. She whispered, with a trembling voice:

‘This feels so good, Nelly!’

Suddenly, she asked me:

‘Do you trust me?’


Then, she got up and reclined me on the bed with my feet toward the headboard, removed my panties with bewitching caresses, and she licked my clitoris. I groaned resoundingly and she rotated, placing her vulva on my face.

‘You do to me what I do to you.’

And she went along my labia with her lips and her tongue. At first, I imitated her easily and accurately, but when she touched my clitoris, the pleasure paralyzed me. When the orgasm was impending, I wanted to pull my face to scream, but she told me:

‘Stick to my vagina and drown your screams there.’

In order to solve this dilemma, I held on to her buttocks and that kept me going. I licked her so she would lick me more and the vibrations that we produced upon using each other’s vulvas as gags drove us crazy. I even shed some tears, overcome by so many new emotions. The orgasms flooded our senses, but I discovered something surprising: I could have more successive orgasms, so I continued suckling.

When I believed that I could take no more of this, she turned from my vulva and indicated me:

‘Put your finger in me like this.’

She inserted her finger in me, and first, moved it in and out, like a penis, of course, I kept up. Then she crooked it and she fanned it a little, and then, something swelled in my vaginal wall: it was my G spot. I found hers and stroked it, although stiffly, because this sensation was much stronger. I felt this particular orgasm like a huge hammer blow to my head, and then, I fainted.

We woke up late at night and I discovered that she had also collapsed over me, because I don’t know how, but I was able to give her the same violent sensation. We went to the toilet and we then took a shower, where she hugged me again and apologized for taking advantage of me:

‘Now you know my secret: I am a lesbian. I could not help myself, I fell in love with you at first sight.’

And she sobbed, expecting my rejection.

I still felt warm in my genitalia, and I responded to her tenderly:

‘I love you too.’

I was surprised by my own words, but I then accepted them as a heartfelt expression. She kissed me passionately, but our bodies could no longer take so much passion so we went to sleep, remaining naked. It was hard to unclasp our hands to reach our respective beds, so, when we awoke the next day, we joined them, to feel each other on the future.

Part II

At the beginning, my work was simple: helping visitors and answering the telephone. Sometimes, they sent me material in order for me to type, like business letters or very simple reports. I hardly ever had to work overtime, so I returned to my companion early, to help her with supper, or with laundry, or just to have passionate sex with her. We spent many weekends thoroughly cleaning the apa
rtment, because I wanted to keep my word to Marilyn. Some nights, we went dancing to the discos, and there I began to confront the dilemma of being a ‘closet’ lesbian or an ‘out’. Anyhow, most of the clubs to which she took me are not exclusively for ‘gay’ people, so I could dance with men, but keeping my distance, because I didn’t want to get involved with them, not only to avoid my lover’s jealousy, but fearing that men might get me pregnant, infect me with AIDS or even assault me.

She also invited me to her favorite gym to get me in shape, taking advantage of a two-for-one offer, because I was a little overweight, so when I finally had a more desirable figure, she had me depilate all of my unwanted body hair, so I could be absolutely smooth to the touch and free from rash. One afternoon, we went to a sex shop, and upon seeing such enormous and grotesque dildos that they sell there, I felt a mixture of curiosity, terror and morbid pleasure, upon imagining that she would buy a giant one in order to possess me as if she were a male, but of all that she chose, there was no such thing, but only creams, oils and sexy underwear. Then I asked her about what I saw there and she replied:

‘Why would you want some strange object in your vagina, or even worse, in your anus? I can give you more pleasure with my hands and with my mouth, and I wouldn’t trade the orgasms that you give me for some penis, either small or big, real or artificial.’

End of discussion. I came to the conclusion that she is pure lesbian, not a dyke. That night, Marilyn gave me one erotic massage that aroused me very much, and when I gave her hers, I didn’t know which one of us enjoyed it more, whether I, touching her, or she, being touched. At the end, we embraced with our hot and slippery bodies, crushing each other’s teats and we even simulated manly humping moves, reaching an intense full-body orgasm, without a specific point of origin. We reluctantly washed off the mess from our bodies and we fell asleep exhausted. This is life!

In my work, everything went well, and the pay was enough to fulfill my part of the rent and expenses, and to buy small luxuries, or to even send my family money or gifts. But there was a situation with a junior executive, whom I will call John, to whom they assigned all the thankless jobs, like helping difficult clients, handling claims or staying late to do bookkeeping, really, I know little about his problem, because I could only hear gossip or hearsay, which were very biased, by the way.

One afternoon, a small conspiracy was hatched against John, and I noticed him acting nervous and concerned. At some point, I had to leave the reception to go to the ladies’ room, and upon returning, he met me, and without the others noticing, he begged my help with something at the end of my shift. I told him yes, and I also called Marilyn to tell her about my commitment to work late. When all the others left, he began to work. He showed me some search engines so that I should keep them running and had me print and save documents to disks which were necessary to build reports. However, he noticed that some data was missing, and he went into other employees’ desks and offices, trying to look for the information that we needed. He asked me to write small notes and summaries of what I saw, and he would elaborate them, I then realized that: either there was gross negligence on behalf of the other executives, or even embezzlement. At the end, he made several copies, in papers, disks and CDs, and he wanted me to keep some. I told him that I don’t want confidential information in my apartment, because I wouldn’t want to involve my roommate with my work. Then, he asked me to help him carry all that he wanted to safeguard in his apartment. He had a certain air of sadness, product of the abuses of his workmates, and I sympathized with him. I asked him to stop at a drugstore, because I needed some ‘sport drink,’ because I felt a little hungry but it was already too late to eat solid food. Without myself, much less him, realizing, I bought condoms, because I felt the impulse of comforting him in a little more personal manner. So upon arriving to his apartment and storing everything, I deliberately bumped my hands into his, I looked at him deeply in the eyes and I rushed onto his body. He is no ‘geek,’ but neither was a ‘Metrosexual’ man. I kissed him, drifting between affectionate and furiously, trying to seduce him the way Marilyn seduced me. He responded with shy hunger and I drew him to my breasts, then he surrendered to them. I became hot and lubricated at once, without hardly having time to undress. When he descended toward my vulva, he avoided the direct contact with the labia, and he merely inserted a finger in the vagina shallowly, but his mouth clung to my mons and his tongue lashed at my clitoris playfully. I had a small orgasm, and eager for more sensations, I handed him a condom, but he was already wearing one. He penetrated me somewhat hurriedly and I had another soft climax while his penis eased into my love canal. He started stroking slowly but I urged nim:

‘Give it to me harder, deeper!’

He pushed in all the way and then asked me:

‘Like this?’

I squeezed a little, putting my G-spot in contact with his glans and I encouraged him:

‘Yes! Now, quicker!’

He pumped madly into me and I enjoyed it a lot, reaching my desired super-orgasm before he ejaculated and got tired. Then, he apologized:

‘Forgive me, I don’t know what came over me. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you.’

‘It’s OK. We both needed it.

Perhaps it was not more than some sexual fooling around that I had with other boys in my teenage years, but I felt a connection to him, some kind of love. Besides, I was too delirious and drowsy to feel any guilt, and struggling not to fall asleep, I got up, got washed and he took me to my apartment. Marilyn stood there waiting, so she questioned me:

‘You were fucking that… that…? Man!’

With some cynicism, I answered:

‘Yes. Perhaps, I am not really homosexual.’

I expected a slap on my face, so I looked at her directly in the eyes, defiantly. But then she screamed:

‘Right now, I want you out of this house!’

That hurt me more, I even got scared, because I still was not ready to finish my current relationship, and much less, begin another, now with a man. Definitively, it would have been better that she hit me hard, so perhaps she would later be sorry and she might forgive me. But I wanted to fake strength and maturity, and deep in my role of ‘femme fatale’, I taunted her:

‘You are right, I know that I deserve it.’

And I went for my things. Marilyn told me to call him, saying:

‘You call that guy, and see if he wants to keep you, you whore!’

I told her that I didn’t know John’s telephone number, so she insisted that I told her where he lives he and drove me there herself. It was an irony to notice that we passed by the disco where I first met her. Upon arriving at his gate, I tried to call him without making too much noise, but she grew impatient and banged hard, until he came down to meet us. He looked sleepless, but he ushered us politely and he let us in promptly. She explained, in a fit of jealous rage:

‘This tramp was my girl, I loved her and used to believe that she was sincere with me, but now that she got involved with you, you can keep her!’

John enthusiasm overcame his puzzlement and answered:

‘It will be an honor for me if Nelly stays with me!’

His answer exasperated her more, and in a very bad mood, my former lover helped me toss my things inside the apartment. At the end, she gave me a look of disgust, as if the semen of a man were a biological or chemical weapon, then she turned away and left us. I apologized:

‘John, you shouldn’t have to go through so much shame for my sake.’

He answered, showing discretion:

‘For me, it is not a problem having you here. I will respect your
privacy. I am only interested in your welfare.’

I dropped to the floor of his small living room, among my luggage. He tried to raise me to set me in his sofa, but I stiffened, while mumbling:

‘I’m not worthy of your touch, I am filthy!’

He left me alone. After a while, he returned and reminded me:

‘Dawn will come very soon. Can you see? After all, I could not sleep either, so I spent all this time giving the final touches to our presentation. Come along, take a shower and let’s get ready!’

I saw the first morning light and I forced myself to wake up, clean up and get dressed. He brewed some coffee and told me:

‘I hardly ever drink this, but we will need all the energy that we can muster, because whatever awaits us in the office won’t be easy.’

Upon arriving at the office, he gathered his documents, and he even had to use some of the copies that he prepared as insurance. Soon the meeting began and John summoned me to his side, I also had to give some of my own impressions about the work that we performed last night, although I felt nervous with so many eyes watching me, I was able to express myself coherently. He looked to me for moral support, because his cause was just, and although I felt uncomfortable, for all through which I went during the past hours, my mere presence served him as inspiration.

I excused myself in order to return to my duties, and after not very long deliberations, there were reprimands toward the employees who made John’s life miserable, although not as severe as I would have wished, but the boss didn’t want to antagonize the team too much. My friend got a raise and all the others would have to report to him from that day on.

We were a little euphoric, that is, until we returned home. Then, the whole memory of my betrayal hit me and I didn’t dare to look at him. I insisted, with sorrow:

‘I am not the right girl with whom to celebrate your victory. I don’t deserve you.’

‘But this victory is yours too. I wouldn’t have pulled this off by myself, but I drew much strength from you.’

He cut himself short, thinking that he had made an indiscretion, he even felt like he had raped me to satisfy his ego. He reassured me:

‘I won’t force you to do something which you believe to be wrong. Don’t you worry, the fact that you are here is enough to make me happy. Thank you!’

He cooked a very delicious supper for us, and upon finishing having dinner, I offered to clean up for him. He was very considerate in assisting me. His happiness should have been very contagious, but I still felt guilty. I went to the sofa to pick up my luggage, for I left them wide open in the hurry of moving here and getting ready to go to work on time. He retired to sleep, and I leaned back in his sofa, unable to sleep.

The hours went by, and nervously, I went to his bedroom. I did not feel like giving myself to him ever again, but I felt very lonely. I opened the door without making noise, and I watched him while he slept. I shuddered and turned away to run back to the sofa, but he called out to me to stop:


The blood froze in my veins and I stood petrified, they were many emotions that stirred inside me, about to drive me mad. He explained to me:

‘I’m not asleep. I am so euphoric! Wish you could feel the same.’

I could see that he extended his hand toward me, in spite of the near darkness. But his fingers respectfully lingered inches away from my reach. My desire for him flared inside me again, but my shame prevented me from giving in to him, and then, I thought that he deserved to have a good time, even with such a cheap and vulgar woman as me. So I slowly turned to face him, I noticed that he was already sitting on his bed and I approached him. I pulled his pajama pants down and took out his penis, I caressed it and I lowered my head to suck it. He exclaimed:

‘Don’t you want me to caress you too?’

I gobbled his member more deeply so I didn’t have to speak to him. And he insisted tactfully:

‘You don’t have to do this for me.’

I wept silently, but I used my tears and other secretions to lubricate it and so give him more pleasure. He exclaimed excitedly:

‘Oh, Nellyyyyyyyyy…!’

And he filled my mouth with semen! And if my throat had not been so sore from my crying, I would have swallowed it whole, so I contented myself with tasting it. He announced to me:

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Like any teenage boy I jerked off a lot. I had my secret stash of adult movies and magazines I would masturbate too on a daily basis; as well as to all sorts of porn I would find on the internet. I had never thought of i****t in any way, shape or form but one of my friends told me about this website that had every genre of porn, pics and stories. At first I never looked at or read any of the i****t topics but I guess curiosity finally got to me and I began to read the i****t stories. The more I...

3 years ago
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Trailer Park Porn Star

As I drove down the dirt road, a thick forrest on my left and farmland asfar as the eye could see, it occurred to me for the first time this mightbe a bad idea. Let me explain. I am a young virile male, aged 20,weighing in at a healthy 185 lbs, 5’11 inches tall, and well muscled toboot, if I say so myself. It’s not really bragging to say I’m good lookingbecause I can’t even count the number of women I’ve fucked by now. I guessyou could say I started young (the first girl I fucked was a slutty...

2 years ago
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The Great DepressionChapter 13

After having feasted on Anna's juicy charms and indulging his passions on what he considered later on as a degrading practice, Jimmy didn't touch Anna for almost a week after the trail incident. For the first two days he even had trouble looking at her and whenever he had to keep an eye on her, he did it while standing well away from her since he didn't trust himself. But by trying to keep away from her, he noticed something about Anna that he wouldn't have observed otherwise. He soon...

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Demonic Nightmare 2

Sacrifice. It was just the only way, Joel thought to himself. Some part of him appreciated that it was a cocktail of anger, embarrassment and desperation that was driving him to consider such extreme measures. Extreme measures which, uncharacteristically, he'd barely even done any reading on. His understanding, which he now in his recklessness felt was probably more than adequate to make such logical leaps, was that since Dybbuks were essentially just compressed masses of demonic energy...

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Star Wars The Clone Wars Last Of The Surik

Your Name Is Macen Surik, Descendant Of Macen Surik, Jedi Knight and Former Commander Of The Republic Fleet During The Mandalorian Wars, and The Climatic Final Battle At Malachor. After Defeating The Sith Triumvirate, Your Ancestor Started A Family With His Echani Student Brianna and Raised Five Children, Three Sons and Two Daughters. The Surik Bloodline Soon Joined With The Shan, Valorum, and Several Other Prestigious Bloodlines. Currently, The Surik Line Is Precariously Left In The Hands Of A...

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My Name Is EdChapter 9

Lois’s visit stayed in my mind during the rest of that winter. I got even more paranoid. The need for proper planning played an even bigger part in my life. To be honest Lois’s visit hadn’t caused an earlier than planned retirement from the liquor business. It had in fact delayed my retirement, because of Lois the business stayed challenging for another six months. By the time I got really bored I had been retired from the Sheriff’s department for thirteen months. In all honesty I wasn’t...

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Poppers and a BBC PT2 Gay

The weekend started the next morning, and after jacking off three times the night before high while flushed on the aroma of that little yellow bottle that Ray had given me, I finally awoke. I called Ray at the number he had given me. A recorder came on when I called, and without leaving a message, I just hung up. It was around 9:30 in the morning and I had the entire day off with nothing to do. No school on Saturday, I had a day off at work, my parents had gone to garage sales as usual on the...

2 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 4 Growing Pains

Iain, Cais and the faerie families were the Martyns first customers at the new Bank and Contracts (B&C) Office when it opened on Monday morning. This trip back, Iain had also bought his family, his wife Irene and their boys, Iran and Ivan and his daughter Indi. Iain happily set up bank accounts for himself and his wife and one each for the boys. He had decided to relocate here and to set up the deals with the Martyns even if it cost a small amount of his profits. Iain made the contract...

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The weather was cold and windy, nothing new for New England in mid-October. I just finished wiring up a hot water heater in an old triple decker apartment building in Taunton, MA. and decided to hit Hickeys diner for coffee and Danish. Hickeys is a small family diner that is big on taste. I began going there back in the early seventies while I attended Peter Thatcher J.H. also referred to as Peter Torture at times. Gosh, that has to be a good forty years ago. After my coffee break I got on my...

2 years ago
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Skin on Skin on Skin

Stevie laughed as soon as Brad said the words "strip poker." They were high, the first drinks just a memory of half-melted ice and alcoholic vapors from the two glasses lying on his bedroom floor. The ice cubes still had the metallic sheen that tonic water gives things, a sheen usually noticed most when you've sipped more than a little bit of vodka. As she laughed, her unbound breasts moved slightly beneath her tank top and she tossed her long auburn hair. The room had that ageless look...

1 year ago
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Ice Fishing With the TwinsChapter 5

The truck did warm up and we stayed in it for the next two hours. The conversation went on and time mediated my anger. Before it seeped out of me I yelled at Karla about the possibility she was pregnant because of her little ‘urge.’ She ended up crying again, which made me feel bad. As odd as it sounds, we talked everything out. I learned a lot about how the girls felt about me - in ways I hadn’t been aware of before this. They liked me a lot, in a manner most people would call a crush,...

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Massage While Sunbathing by Hutter James

True Story, i****t, Male / Older Female, MasturbationIntroduction:Best to read Football Physical then Dry My Back as way of introductionI spent the summer when I was twenty at home in Eastern Washington working six days a week in the feed and grain store in town. We lived outside of town on land that was farmed, but my mother leased it out to other farmers. She just enjoyed being way out in the country. Now Eastern Washington has very cold, windy winters and hot, dry summers. My job always saw...

4 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 47

(WEDNESDAY and) THURSDAY, June 9, 2016 On Wednesday night Gary got over 100 new members for the Hobo Army. However there were also several women who prayed at the paintings that evening. Three young streetwalkers were out early on Wednesday night, and with a lack of customers at the early hour and the normally slack day for that business, they wandered quite a way from their normal downtown beat. They were about to turn around when a street person approached. Normally they ignored...

3 years ago
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Magic 101Chapter 2

The next three weeks were painful. I tried everything I could think of, trying every variation of every idea I had already tried, and failed with and still managed to accomplish nothing at all. There had to be a way to draw in the energy I could see all around me! It had been a month since I discovered the monocle, and I had spent all that time cataloging different types of energy, all tantalizingly out of reach. I had taken to almost obsessively reading that textbook as well, sure that the...

2 years ago
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Teens experience first time while parents are away

John and Lauren didn’t have the typical high school relationship that died out shortly after it started because of some petty lie or something of that sort. They had been dating seventeen months and very seldom partook in anything sensual. Yes, John had received a couple of blow jobs from Lauren and he had eaten her out in return, but that was nothing compared to what they were about to do. John’s father was away on business and his mother had gone along with him, leaving John all by himself....

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Aurora Griffiths is a mild mannered and bespeckled office professional. Prim and proper in her business attire, she blends into the office scene well – her striking blonde hair inspiring jealous glances from her colleagues, but otherwise she did nothing to stand out. Why was it so important for her to blend in? By day Aurora might be prim and proper law office worker but by night she was a spirited superhero clad in lycra and known for her villian-slaying karate moves, keen eyesight and ability...

1 year ago
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The business trip

I Like Sharing My Wife With Other MenThe Business Trip I had to leave for a couple of weeks on an unexpected business trip to help train a new manager at one of our offices. My man and I had been talking about taking our relationship to another level by becoming swingers and having orgies, though we hadn't taken that step yet. We did talk about our rules and have a few options going. I am a very shy person and feel very self conscious about meeting new people. When this trip came up we...

4 years ago
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Sex In Goa With A Matured Woman 8211 Part II

Hi readers, this is Atul again came up with 2nd part of fucking Suzan in Goa. I am sure, those readers who have read my earlier part how I fucked Suzan in her flat in Panaji, Goa would like to know more about her further exploration. So here I go. The day was boring for me as Suzan went to office. She had cooked food for her as well as for me. So in the afternoon, I had 2 pegs from her bar and had my food. She was a very good cook and the food was delicious. After food, I was feeling sleepy...

1 year ago
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Layover in Canada

My name is Kristyll and I'm an average girl, not beautiful but not hard to look at either and I work for an International software company and do a lot of traveling for the company. I do software presentations and also teach classes for our buyers on the how too of using our software. I'm in Canada, having just finished giving a presentation and boarded my plane to go home. It was snowing quite a bit when I boarded at four in the afternoon and made my way to my seat. Already seated was a...

2 years ago
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Side Effects Ch1

Side Effects What would become of the world if sexual freedom were to be taken away with the excuse of safeguarding the human population? What would happen if homosexuality was being outlawed? Were these measures really for the good of the human race? Will the discriminated retaliate? And the biggest question of all - will there be any side effects? Note: I was so inspired by Red Janissary's work that I've decided to write this piece. Consider this a fan fiction as no work could...

4 years ago
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Guy Fucks his friends Little Sister

“I’m gonna head downstairs.” Alex said to Marco. Marco gave a tiny waving gesture in response and Alex made his way down his friend’s house. He arrived in the kitchen where he found Clara standing by a kitchen counter, drinking a glass of water. “Hey, Clara.” He said to her. “Hi, Alex!” She answered with a smile. “How’re ya doin’?” Clara asked as Alex walked passed her. Alex propped up his elbows on the countertop behind Clara. He scanned her body and fixated particularly on the young...

2 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 92

However, Sian and Malcolm’s departure for their walking holiday in Austria did leave just us Six Musketeers in the caravan for the moment; Mr Johnston had told us that he had sorted out four more students to come and work, but only once they had completed their month’s Interrail trip round Europe, and had a few days to recover and come back down to earth. (Jen sighed with relief when she heard that there were only going to be four newcomers; we knew from the previous year that our...

1 year ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 10 Kimi gets selected

Today is the first day I was to be a part of the daily selection process. Kelly, with the biggest boobs, was chosen first. Ralph greeted her with a quick kiss on her lips and longer kisses on her boobs. Walt picked next selecting me. He kissed and hugged me and I led him about 15 meters away from where everybody was standing. I told Walt he had veto power, but I would like to spend a little time before lunch with Kimi and Mike. Finally, Mike got his turn and selected Kimi. She and I...

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Marathon Masturbation

 It was during the mid-eighties, I was in my late thirties; early that week, my wife made plans to take a trip (with all the kids) to see her folks about 200 miles distant, and it would be the first time in many years that I would be home alone for a full weekend! It has always seemed to me that being able to plan a session of self-pleasuring heightened its alure & pleasure immensely, and so, breathlessly, I started making my plans! It was before our first VCR, but I knew of a book store in a...

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Naked in Military SchoolChapter 4

Week Three of the Corporal John Freeman Mackie Military School for Boys Optional Volunteer Participant Plan began on Friday, 15 August 1980. After wake-up and a quick cleaning of our squad bay we fell out for physical training—calisthenics and a one-mile run. Barefoot, of course; bare all over except for our temporary tattoos announcing our status as Program participants from Mackie. Next, we showered. Showering is a communal affair. We washed the backs of others in our squad and had our...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 5

“Did you feel it too?” he asked. “Yeah, two guys across the bayou looking to kidnap Juana and leave her kids tied up. They intend to sell her to their boss,” I replied. “Shit,” he hissed. “You ready?” he asked. “Oh, yeah, ready to kick some ass,” I replied angrily. “Try to take them alive so we can get answers about who they work for,” he warned. We exited through the back door, each climbing aboard our own grav sled with the supply tender trailing, and quickly whisked across the bayou....

4 years ago
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RecruitingChapter 9 Saturday night The BBQ and after

Pamela Lee crossed the street to her sister's house at 7:30 Saturday evening listening to all the noise coming from the end of the street. She briefly wondered about it and then remembered it was that little black girl's 16th birthday. Since Britney was polite and didn't want to offend anyone, the Lee's had received an invitation. Pamela had looked at it and threw it in the trash where it belonged. With all the noise from the party, how were they going to enjoy their BBQ in Betty's back...

2 years ago
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Hired Gun From Santa FeChapter 4

Sam was in a bit of a pickle because he knew his female boss-lady was expecting results from him and the only way he knew to fulfill her expectations meant that blood would be shed. The thought of having to send some deserving characters to their maker with the simple pull of a trigger was not something that had ever bothered him before and in all honesty he would be the first one to admit that it was not a matter of concern in this situation also. He was a little worried about his brother...

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Perfect Siblings

My name is Amanda and this is how I began my summer vacation. The alarm went off at 7am sharp as it always did every morning, but I had been awake for a good hour before hand. I was too excited to sleep since it was the first day of my summer vacation, and finally at the age of 16 I was going to get to stay home by myself, well almost by myself. You see, once I told my Mom and Dad that I didn’t want to make the yearly summer trip to the beach with them, and strangely they had...

4 years ago
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Behen Ki Friend Ke Sath Maje

Hi dosto, mera naam lalit hai, waise to main delhi ka rehne wala hu but aajkal kurukshetra university mein b.tech 2nd year ka student hu. Meri looks ke baare m kuch jyada to nai but ha itna jrur khunga slim hu fit hu age 21 years hai. Life ko full enjoy karta hu aur khulke jeeta hu. Friends ye meri first story hai…no no story nai meri life ka ek haseen incident hai jo mujhe lagta hai aap sabse share karna chahiye. Ab main isse jyada kisi ko bore nai kar skta soo let’s start the story. Ye kahani...

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Aerobic Mom

In the early 1980's, Mom decided to get into the fitness craze. She started aerobics and jazzercise while I was at college. I came to visit her one summer - my junior year. I had just turned 21, and I'm ashamed to admit that my formerly flat belly was slowly becoming a fledgling beer-belly. But, as Mom always said - All men are pregnant with an elephant, but only the trunk shows. When I last saw Mom, she was getting a little dumpy, her body was starting to sag, and her butt was migrating...

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My Boyfriends Dad

My boyfriends dadMy name is Petra, and I had been going strong with my latest boyfriend Tom for a couple of weeks now. We are both nineteen, and love sex. I would like to relate to you what happened to me last week which involved his father. Now I should explain here that Tom had warned me that his dad enjoyed sun bathing in the nude, and not to be embarrassed about it if I ever came across him in the all together.Well; one day I arrived at the house with my car to pick Tom up as arranged on a...

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The nearby Naturistsswingers

In late 2014 I got chatting to a couple who lived about 10 miles from me and who I met through a naturist website. I wont refer to them by name as to keep their anonymity but they are both in their late 50s. We met up a few times for drinks but due to several reasons there were long gaps between the times we were able to meet up. We got on well at these meetings in a pub near to their home and we chatted about naturism and how they got into it and where they went locally. As we got on I got an...

3 years ago
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Feels like a Dream

Feels like a Dream  This has to be a dream I tell myself. I even pinched myself to make sure and no this is for real. I am standing in the bedroom of this dark haired beauty. We exchange tender kisses as we slowly undress one another. We both want each other; but this is more than just lust. It is so much more than just a one night stand. I kiss her and she lovingly kisses me back. The tender touches of her lips, with her soft hands on my bare skin excite me. I feel as if I was a teenage boy...

Love Stories
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A Tale of Two CheerleadersChapter 5

Summary: Brit, which was what everyone called her now, was not a very happy girl. Her time with Dannie had been fun, even engaging; but, now it had come to an end. During the second half of her tenth grade school year she sunk into a little depression. She put on a good front for people but when alone, she could sit for hours without any need for interaction of any kind. She had been asked out by many boys, mostly older boys, and she went on many dates. Without fail, at some point during the...

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Sams YearChapter 18 Kununurra 2

Patrick flew back to Perth on Tuesday. Sam and Tessa slept in Boobook’s house. They walked about the town. They explored the Art Centre, meeting several painters. They spent many hours listening to Boobook’s stories. They visited the Kununurra Museum. On Thursday, Tessa went to Walkabout Souvenirs while Sam was talking to Boobook, where she bought a (used) copy of Bill Withers’ Frontier Dreaming 1997. Walkabout Souvenirs has a diverse souvenir and giftware range with many beautiful and...

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The Trials of First Love Chapter 6 The Finale

My eyelids were heavy and as I slowly opened them, the light hurt. As my head started to pound I tried to move, but the pain stopped me. “Anna, oh Anna,” I heard my mother whispering. “She’s awake,” she said louder. When I tried to turn my head toward her voice, she told me not to move. I felt pain all over my body as an image flashed of Jeremy above me angry and the feeling of cold air on my skin. ‘What was that? When was that?’ I asked myself. I cringed and immediately felt more pain in my...

First Time
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Choices Chapter 7

Choices, Chapter 7 A league's choice "Oh, Maggie," Laird fretted. "Do you think it was wise to quarrel with Blair's teacher? There are so many ways that she can get back at you by punishing him." "Her! Punish her. Didn't we agree always to use female pronouns when speaking of our daughter? How else will Blair be able to adapt successfully to her new gender? She's doing her level best to adapt by wearing girls' clothes twenty-four hours a day. And that's the reason why...

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