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Life in Southern California had been pretty good. Alexandra had moved in to a house with her best friend, Serena, and the two of them had managed to make a few friends along the way. Two of their closest friends, Trevor and Anthony, lived about 20 minutes from them in Huntington Beach.

The two men had both reached financial success, and had purchased a nice, rather large beach house where they planned to live quite happily, spending most of their free time at the beach.

Trevor had been dating Serena for about a year, and it seemed that eventually the two would finally marry. Alexandra (Alex to her friends) on the other hand, was convinced she would end up single and never find the perfect mate. Anthony had similar views, but never expressed them. He did date, but none of his girlfriends seemed to be the one he would give up his bachelorhood for.

The neighborhood where Alex and Serena lived was usually a nice one, but lately there had been a few robberies in the area. Serena had been out of town visiting family the last couple days, so Alex was in the house alone, and felt rather uneasy about it. She didn’t like to think about what could happen, since it always made her edgy. Just about the time she had convinced herself that she was doomed to be robbed, the telephone rang. It was Trevor. He wanted to know if Serena was back yet. Alex explained that she wasn’t.

Trevor could sense something was wrong. ‘You okay?’

‘Well, not really.’ Alex explained the situation to him.

‘Why don’t you stay over here for a few days?’ he asked. ‘You can stay in Anthony’s room. He will be out of town for about another week, and I know he won’t mind.’

After offering to sleep on the couch, which was promptly shot down as an idea, she accepted the offer. Trevor reminded her that Serena had a key to the place and usually left it home when she traveled, so Alex could come on over any time she wanted to. Trevor had to work tonight, but she was still more than welcome to come on by and make herself at home.

It didn’t take Alex long to throw some clothes into a bag and take off. The sooner she got out of the area, the happier she would be. She made the drive in almost record time, since the traffic was very light.

Later that evening, Alex felt quite at home, watching a movie before heading off to bed. She reached into her bag to find her nightshirt and realized she’d forgotten to pack one. Maybe she could find something in Anthony’s room.

She walked into his bedroom with her bag in hand and paused to take it all in. He had a large king sized bed with mosquito netting draped over it. The frame was a dark oak, which Alex though was very masculine, very Anthony. There were nightstands on either side of the massive bed, which were also made of the same dark oak, as were his dressers. He had a very large walk-in closet which housed a variety of expensive suits as well as his favorite old jeans. He had to have everything in its proper place, it seemed. He was very neat. He also had a large bathroom with a sunken tub, and the counters were all tile. Alex laughed to herself, thinking that his bedroom was bigger than any apartment she could afford alone. Along the wall overlooking the beach were large windows and a set of French doors, which led to a private veranda. Along the side of the veranda was a set of stairs that led to the beach below. He was just steps from the surf!

She knew Anthony liked to sleep with the doors open, to let in the cool ocean breeze, which explained to her the need for the netting.

Alex sighed as she returned inside to try to find a shirt she could sleep in. Anthony was nearly a foot taller than her, so she knew she’d have no trouble finding one that would be long enough for her. From the closet she took out a large white cotton button-style shirt. She undressed and slipped the cool fabric over her naked body. The shirt was so soft, she mused.

She left one of the French doors open, and closed the door to the hallway before climbing into the soft bed. She closed the netting around the bed and turned off the lamp. The comforter was made of down, and his pillows the softest feather. She could even smell his cologne on the pillow. Never before had she realized how good he really did smell. He had always just been ‘one of the guys’ to her. He was someone to attend movies with. She had never really considered him in a romantic way before now. She contemplated his exotic good looks. He was very handsome. He had long, dark, wavy hair that he let flow around his shoulders and face. His eyes were like chocolate brown that you could melt into. His olive skin was beautiful, without a blemish to be found. He had a bright smile, a perfect smile.

Alex began thinking more and more about him. Maybe she did really like him, but had just not realized it before. She thought about the soft accent that went with the perfect timbre of his voice. It was a good thing that Trevor didn’t know what she was thinking! He would run right out and tell Anthony. Trevor never did believe in being discreet about anything, and would have relished the chance to play matchmaker with his best friend and his girlfriend’s best friend!

Alex tried to think of something else, because she remembered that Anthony had a girlfriend, Claire. They hadn’t been dating long, and Anthony had seemed miserable ever since the two had paired up. Maybe he’d realize that she wasn’t right for him and break it off. She wondered what he was doing at that exact moment, and then drifted off into sleep.

The sound of the front door opening, and then closing was a normal occurrence at the beach house. It seemed as if someone was always coming or going. Alex stirred in her sleep at the sound, but remembered that Trevor would be coming home from work, so she didn’t think anything about it, and drifted back to sleep.

The sound of footsteps seemed to be getting closer to her. She knew that Trevor’s room was on the opposite end of the house and wondered who would be heading her way at this hour. Maybe it was just Trevor coming to check on her. That had to be it.

Meanwhile, Anthony had returned. He had made his way through the house checking to see that everything was in order. When he was satisfied that everything was okay, he took his luggage and make his way up the stairs to his room. If it weren’t for the luggage, he could have come in his normal way, up the beach stairs. He enjoyed stopping and looking at the ocean before going in the house, so he normally went in that way.

He set his suitcase down long enough to open the door to his room, then picked it up again and walked inside. He placed both pieces of luggage on the floor just inside his room and looked around. The room was dark, the only light coming in from the hallway. Everything seemed fine. His room looked as it did when he left one week ago. Except for one little thing. He noticed clothes were lying over the back of his chair in the corner of his room near the bed.

He knew he had left the room in perfect order, and wondered who’s they were. He walked over to them and noticed they were women’s clothes. Again he looked around the room. He walked over to the bed and very quietly pulled open the netting. He paused when he saw that Alex was in his bed. Of all the people in the world, it had to be HER. His good friend and long time social companion, and the girl he figured he really wanted to be with.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, being careful not to disturb her. He had wanted so many times to ask her for a real date, but he just knew she would laugh. Accept a date with her friend? He must be mad. But there she was, in HIS bed, and, he paused. She was wearing his shirt. He let his hand trail over the outside of the blankets. How far did he dare to go? How would she react if he woke her up? He smiled as he ran his hand softly over her hair.

He reached down and took hold of her hand, ever so gently and raised it to his lip
s. Softly he kissed the back of her hand, and then the palm. His goatee tickled her wrist just enough to cause her to stir. He stopped, afraid of how she was going to react.

‘Anthony?’ she said sleepily, ‘you’re home…’

He smiled at her warmly. ‘Yes.’

‘But Trevor said’ she began, but her words were cut off by his own,

‘Never mind about Trevor’, he said softly. She smiled, suddenly feeling very self-conscious.

He grinned at her. ‘It’s okay, though. I don’t mind. Not one bit.’ He had decided that since she didn’t freak out on him that he had a pretty good chance of going farther. ‘I see you like my shirt.’

And you, she thought. ‘Huh?’ she stammered, ‘uh, yes, um, I um…’

‘It’s okay,’ he said softly as he leaned closer to her, ‘really. It looks good on you.’

‘I’m…I guess Anthony, I owe you an explanation…you see’ she said nervously. ‘Trevor said I could crash here for a few days, and well…’

‘Shhhh…it’s okay,’ he said in a soft, soothing tone. ‘I am glad to see you here sleeping in my bed…with that shirt.’

‘Anthony…I…I will get dressed and get out in a second.’ She said awkwardly as she tried to sit up a bit.

‘No, you don’t have to.’ He smiled. ‘What makes you think I want you to leave?’

‘It’s okay, really.’ Alex ran her fingers through her tousled hair.

‘Are you doing well?’ he asked. ‘I have missed you, you know.’

‘Yes, well, not so well.’ Alex sighed. ‘Serena’s gone and there’s been burglaries, and I was kind of afraid.’

‘I am sorry to hear that’, he said as he reached out to caress her hair. ‘I am not doing so well, either. I broke up with my girlfriend. You know, Claire? She decided that she would rather have someone more like her, or at least that’s what she said. I found out she was cheating on me.’

‘Oh, Anthony, I’m sorry’ Alex said, trying to be sympathetic. Inside she was elated. This gave her the chills all over, especially after how she had been thinking of him earlier. She knew Claire was a bitch, and now it had been confirmed.

‘You know, Alex, I’ve been thinking…’ he began.

‘About what?’ she asked curiously.

‘I don’t know how much Trevor has told you.’ He paused.

‘What do you mean?’ she was almost holding her breath, hoping he’d say what she was longing to hear, but at the same time afraid that she would always be ‘one of the guys’.

‘Well, you know…actually Trevor decided to work tonight.’ Anthony was talking his time with his words, almost as if he were nervous. ‘It was his decision. He knew I was coming home. I had planned on returning a day earlier, but was held up by the weather at the airport.’

‘But he told me you were going to be gone another week…’ Alex’s voice drifted off. It was then she realized that Trevor had known all along that Anthony was coming home, and that he would find her in his bed. She would have to be sure to let him know that he was caught playing matchmaker.

‘I know he did.’ Anthony continued. ‘I told him on the phone that it was over between Claire and I when I first left. He said he would schedule himself to work so I could have the house to myself.’

‘So Trevor lied to me.’ Alex said quietly. She felt like she wanted to cry.

‘But to see you here,’ he continued, ‘It is a total surprise. But I am glad that it happened. It is a beautiful night.’

‘Yes,’ she agreed, ‘It is beautiful.’

By now, Anthony had taken off his shoes and jacket, and had sat down on the bed, just a short distance from Alex. ‘You look beautiful Alex,’ he smiled at her, laughing just a bit. ‘You have sleepy eyes.’

‘I know’, she said blushing ‘I was really tired.’

Alex dared to reach over and take a little wicked curl from his forehead. He liked that…it was the first time she had really touched him. He caught her hand, while it was still upon his face and let it run to his lips. They exchanged glances, both saying so much with their eyes.

Maybe it was the night breeze, but Alex started shivering, and he saw that. ‘Are you cold?’ he reached down and pulled the blanket up over her. ‘Cover up with the quilt.’ And then he moved closer to her, about an inch from her body.

Alex reached her hand to touch him. He was very warm. She let her fingers run down his neck. He had a beautiful neck. She could feel his Adam’s apple. She let her hand slide down to the hollow of his throat and then leaned over to place a very soft kiss right between his neck and chest, right by his shoulder blade. Her lips burned. His skin was very warm.

‘What are you doing, Alex?’ Anthony said between ragged breaths. He was very excited. Alex had just turned him on for sure. He knew that this was to be a magical night for them both, and also that she wanted him.

Her tongue tasted his skin and he sighed. He kissed her forehead as he ran his fingers through her hair. His lips parted. He wanted more and more.

She kissed the hollow of his neck very softly, very candidly. Just little kisses that made him swallow very hard. Alex loved his neck…how the muscles got so tense when she kissed him. He closed his eyes, trying to breathe through the pleasure. Her hand slipped around his collar to caress him. The back of his neck was very wet. He was starting to sweat, his hair starting to dampen from the moisture.

As she dared to kiss him again and again, she began to lick him, breathing his name softly, ‘Anthony, oh God Anthony…’

He was almost afraid to touch her. He was afraid if he did, he wouldn’t be able to control his urges. Her tongue ran freely around his neck, kissing him and licking and nibbling. He began to moan. He was begging her for more, without words, as he tilted his head, inviting her closer.

‘My God… Anthony.’ She sighed.

Anthony could not wait. He dared to go farther. He reached out to touch her. First he ran his hand around her hips, down her legs. He was feeling her skin as his hands roamed up and under the shirt. And then he noticed that she was not wearing anything underneath. Alex was naked, wearing nothing but the flimsy shirt of his. Naked solely because of the way he looked at her. ‘Alex, my god, oh god Alex’ he breathed. She let his hands explore her body. There were no questions, no doubts, or hesitations. The only sounds was that of his hands going under the sheets to find her toes, and then the sound of his hand running up her thigh. The warmth from his long, elegant hands were burning trails up her legs as he touched her.

Alex closed her eyes as she felt his hands barely touching her buttocks. He moaned softly as he ran his hands over her body. She welcomed his touch. Alex reached out to undo the buttons on his shirt one by one. She unbuttoned them so calmly. It seemed as if it would take a hundred years to get them all opened, but it didn’t matter.

Anthony’s hands were running gently up and down her spine, sending wild tingling sensations shooting throughout her body. He touched her shoulders and then went back down her spine, taking in everything about her. His shirt was opened, revealing a beautiful hairless chest to her.

The only illumination in the room was the light from the moon, nothing else. Anthony got up to close the door, and locked it. Trevor was not going to come home and spoil this for him. Quickly he returned to the bed.

Anthony laid Alex back on the bed. She got close to him and touched his body with her lips. She kissed him lightly, just barely, yet enough to tease him, to feel his naked skin against her cheek. Her eyes were closed. Her face was damp with his sweat. It was delicious.

Once more he touched her underneath the shirt. His hands rested between her breasts and he smiled. ‘You have beautiful breasts, Alex. I have always liked them. With you, sometimes I feel like I will lose my mind.’ Very slowly, Alex guided his hand to her breast, to her nipple, and she moaned softly.

Just the touch of his hand upon
her made her nipples instantly hard. How she wanted this man. She welcomed his touch and placed her hand over his, then guided his had to her other breast. Alex could feel the hot breath of Anthony on her neck as he nuzzled in closer to her.

With his free hand, he was touching himself. He was unbuttoning his pants, and he dared to touch himself in front of her. He couldn’t help it. That excited Alex beyond compare. No man had ever been confident enough in his manhood to do that in front of her. She loved it. She watched him for a few moments, and then very tenderly placed her hand inside his soft linen boxers and replaced his hand with her own.

Alex closed her eyes. All she could feel was the hardness of his sex as it swelled in her hand. His skin was so soft to her touch. He grew so hard it was almost unbearable. She kept a steady rhythm with her hands as he moaned with pleasure. ‘Yes… Alex… yes.’

Suddenly he grabbed her wrist and stopped her. ‘Please…Alex, I don’t think I will be able to control myself.’ He said through ragged breaths. ‘I want to make it special for you…’

She stopped and smiled at him. He was looking at her so intensely she thought she might come right then and there. No man had ever given her that look before, one of total and complete passion.

He paused for a moment. What would he do next? He let his fingers run down through her hair. By now, she was sweating, too. He got closer to her, so close his breath was soft music to her ears. She did not dare to close her eyes and neither did Anthony.

They were both breathing heavily. Anthony could wait no longer. He had to kiss her. He kissed her with such deep passion and fury he was like a madman possessed. She responded to his passion drop by drop. She opened her mouth to accept his tongue as he assaulted her senses with his lust. He kissed her, and licked her tongue. He liked the taste of her. Alex had her hands all over his face, while his hands were all over her body, making a wrinkled mess out of his shirt.

That one kiss felt like the creation of the world to them. ‘God, Anthony’, she sighed, breathless.

Anthony knew there was no turning back now. He had to possess this woman. He reached down and ripped the shirt off of her. He tore at the cloth as if it were is worst enemy. Only shredded remains were left by the time he was done. Alex didn’t mind it one bit. She liked him when he was savage like that. It was very erotic to see him that turned on.

He kissed her again with a renewed sense of urgency, as if he could never get enough of her. He stopped then just to look at her, to contemplate her nakedness. He smiled as he lowered his head and took one of her swollen breasts in his mouth as he licked at her hardened nipple. He suckled it as his hand caressed the other breast. He went back and forth between the nipples, paying close attention to each. He nibbled around her breasts very gently as his hands burned a trail down to her very core.

Anthony began to blaze a trail of kisses down her stomach to her most sensitive area. He paused and smiled as he looked at her cleanly shaven cunt. ‘You look like a little girl’ he whispered as he caressed the softness of her skin, around her lips, as he spread them very carefully with his fingers. He played with them ever so gently, making Alex moan with delight.

She was already very wet, very much ready to accept him. He let his fingers slide into the wetness of her, his fingers playing with her clit. She laid on the bed writhing under his touch, crying out his name. ‘Anthony! Oh, yes! Anthony!’ Alex spread her legs wider for him, so he could get in even closer to her. She thought she would burst from the pleasure he was giving her.

Smiling, he stopped only long enough to remove his pants. Alex watched him as he undressed, her hand caressing herself where his fingers had just been. His dick was so hard it looked like it would rip his underwear apart. He was huge. She reached out to touch him and remove his underwear. He covered her hands with his, his long beautiful fingers touching her lightly as she wrapped her hand around his hardness.

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The Reunion With My Classmate

Hello, sex story readers, It was just a month earlier. I met my classmate. She’s short and hot. I never we would have sex for a casual meeting. So we had planned to meet on a day we were free. We talked a lot just like others. We laughed exchanging jokes. We took selfies. Maybe that’s the one that brought in the physical contact. My hands were around her waist during the session. Later she asked me to take the selfies. She leaned on me placing her hand on my chest. Now I was having a boner and...

1 year ago
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Slut of a Rich Man

Standing in line at the Unemployment office was a nightmare for Carlos who never envisioned himself being here. He had been fired for being caught smoking marijuana on his break. Ironically, it had been his first time trying the stuff but nobody would believe that. He had looked for a job for three weeks and now had just lost his apartment. He was staying at a motel and was running low on cash. He had worked as a day laborer for a few days but found it difficult to get work. As the line moved...

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It was a warm, June afternoon when we first met. I was in the uniform store picking up my uniforms, preparing to begin a career as a cop, and she was in the store getting her corrections uniforms for her new career. She was about 5'2" with shoulder length brown hair, well rounded, soft-looking breasts and a cute heart shaped ass. As my eyes met hers, she smiled and said "Hi, my name's Jackie."I'm Steve, a pleasure to meet you" I replied. "Are you new on the job too?"Before she could reply her...

Straight Sex
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The Mob Book 2Chapter 5

Jason stretched and made his way to the refresher, taking the dogs with him. They enjoyed the invigorating experience as much as he did. He found it a very easy way to clean both himself and the dogs, while enjoying patting, rubbing, and wrestling with them. They dashed into the refresher enthusiastically every time he entered it. They were the cleanest dogs he had ever encountered. Jason was surprised at how much Rover enjoyed the rough play despite his sentience. The dogs emerged...

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Fucking White Pussy PT2 Blacken

Garrett Jackson drank his morning coffee while sitting in the comfortable club chair in his living room. He had an unobstructed view of the city, but he wasn't focused on the scenery. Instead, he mused about his recent entry into a world of young white wives and their cuckold husbands.He'd been seeing Elaine, the tiny redheaded extrovert, for nearly a month. At first, they had only been intimate when Elaine's husband Paul was present and therefore able to watch. Lately, however, Elaine had...

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The LuvDoctor Chronicles The rabbit hole p

The Luvdoctor chronicles: The rabbit hole (part 2) Weeks went by after she gave me that folded up piece of paper. We started to get to know one another quite well. She loved what she did at work, and enjoyed having me around. I on the other hand was enjoying her encounters with me where we would do mostly nothing but joke and goof around, however being around her did raise some hard problems, very hard problems. There were times where I could talk for hours with her, but there were also...

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Please do me a favor

My friend Isabel  -a Spanish-  called me on that day, saying she had a problem and needed my assistance. She then gave me an account or her story,  with details of her problem, on the phone: she had gone on a trip for a few days and,  on having returned home,  she dug in her purse for the apartment keys, even  pockets, everywhere, the apartment keys were gone. She possibly had lost them. She lived alone in her place, so nobody would open from inside. The only way out of this would be to get a...

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Mariels North sea crossing sharing a cabin

I was panicking, I needed to be back in time for the start of term and here I was in Göteborg and the boat to Newcastle, was full, in that there was no cabins left.I was offered a share, but I was warned that it was not company policy, so there would be no formal agreement from the shipping company.I reluctantly accepted, only to find out later, that the booking clerk, was a friend of my fellow occupants on the trip across.At least I had a bed and would sleep like the proverbial log, and not...

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MyFamilyPies Avi Love Isabella Nice Pussy Hunter

Seth Gamble is out hunting deer, but his stepsister Avi Love and her friend Isabella Nice know he’s not likely to kill anything. They decide to mock him by dressing as deer and waiting for him when he’s supposed to come home. Isabella takes their teasing a step further than Avi was prepared for when she pops out her titties and tells Seth he can’t hit them with his gun. Seth, in return, pulls out his dick and starts chasing both girls around the house in a sexy game. Seth...

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gym Jock Santiago

I know its been a while since my last story was posted, truly been busy, haven't had the chance to sit and write about my hot stories, do i decided to make up for it and prove my stories are real by uploading pics and a short vid of it ;) i hope you guys ( or girls) like Ive been going to this gym near my apt with my roomie who happens to be a local, so he knows a lot of people there and introduces them to me, im the new boy in the neighborhood so don't really know many people, i act very...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 321

A petrol station owner in Dublin was trying to increase his sales. So, he put up a sign that read, 'Free Sex with Fill-Up.' Soon Paddy pulled in, filled his tank and asked for his free sex. The owner told him to pick a number from 1 to 10. If he guessed correctly, he would get his free sex. Paddy guessed 8, and the proprietor said, 'You were close. The number was 7. Sorry. No sex this time.' A week later, Paddy, along with his friend Mick, pulled in for another Fill-up. Again he...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 58

Allie and Sarah caught the bus to campus to meet up with Shelly for their lunch date with Karlie Chandler. They planned to take the car, pick the girl up at her apartment on the seedier side of town, and head to lunch. Sarah was feeling remarkable spry for the first day of her period. She was usually really touchy and got angry at the slightest affront. But rather than get made at Trinity – as she probably would have a month before – for dropping her pants in front of her boyfriend, she only...

1 year ago
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Chloe Dreams

CHLOE DREAMSA Chloe and Jack StoryEdintx99My Jack will return tonight, and I am ready for him…I am wearing his favorite: black strapless bra, garter belt with sheer stockings, and simple high-heel black shoes. Clothing: sophisticated, beautiful and available… I am his ideal of the perfect woman: pliant and yet also hungry and aggressive in sex. My love, my Jack, wishes all these things from me, and I comply.I am waiting for him, relaxing on our favorite gold silk sheets. I prefer wine and am...

1 year ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II

Chapter I: Tara and her visit The sight of the Sun rising majestically in the east was a fascinating sight from my room window. I had a good view on the third floor, and the orgy of bright reds, shimmering oranges and incredible yellows reflected gloriously on the choppy sea and the still harbour. The ship bobbed up and down gently as I watched in awe as the Sun came into view.It was inevitable for me to wonder how I had managed to be the first guy in over a century to make it on a pirate boat...

1 year ago
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Downstairs Neighbor

I was 34 at this time and I had moved in with my uncle for about 6 months. A 58 year old woman lived in the apartment downstairs. Our kitchen window looked out over the parking lot. Every morning I'd watch our neighbor go to her car. She was about 5" 4" tall, petite with long, thick, black hair. I then began fantasying having her. Wondering if she'd want a younger man's cock inside of her. I began to say a few words to her when I'd run into her. She was very curt not friendly at all. Then she...

Erotic Fiction
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Back To BristolChapter 5

I had quite a good weekend. I was beginning to let my hatred of Peter Davies die within me, I guess. I still wasn't happy with him. I still believed that he was an immoral little shit. But maybe I got it back into proportion. There are plenty of immoral little shits in this world, and I would never claim that I was as pure as the driven snow. On Sunday I brought the boys back to my little flat, and I cooked. Well I followed the instructions on the packets, but it was a fairly healthy good...

3 years ago
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The Supersized CockChapter 2

Saundra fixed dinner and Bobby, his dad Mark and his mom sat at the table in the kitchen. Bobby said, "mom, may I go nude around the house? This cock is just a pain with clothes on. I realize I had to wear them to school but I don't really need to here. The only ones who will see me are dad, you and my teacher." Saundra said, "of course if it feels better nude then go ahead. Oh and by the way, Alice said she would like to come over and help out." Bobby said, "wow. I've had fantasies...

2 years ago
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He Wheeled Into My Life

I’ve always been a hopeless romantic at heart. Ever since I discovered the teen romance section at the local library, my hormones skyrocketed, and it wasn’t long until I moved onto adult romance. For years, I’ve longed for a soul mate. I loved how fantasizing the love and adoration from a man made me feel sexy, but it was frustrating at the same time. I found myself being let down, time after time, by men who were losers. Expectations were a mile missed. Recently, the man I dated was a complete...

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Caitlins Choice Ch 01

Caitlin walked into the outdoor chapel and was led to one of the fold out chairs on the side of the bride. She actually knew both the bride and the groom but figured it was easier to sit with the bride’s family. As she looked around she was probably the only single woman at this wedding and she regretted even showing up. Mark and Sophie had been dating forever and it was only assumed that they would get married. However, it was a surprise that they chose to get married on Mark’s father’s island...

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The Neighborhood MILF Dee Dee Derian

Summer is always a fun time on our block, with the backyard barbecues and pool parties, and it just became more exciting now that Ken and Dee Dee had a new pool put in. I think everyone enjoyed watching Dee Dee mow her lawn in her skimpy bikini or cutoff shorts. Their new pool should give her plenty of opportunities to show off her slender body and tight ass. You didn’t need binoculars or a telescope to spy on her, she did a great job of flaunting her stuff the way it was.Last week I noticed Al...

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HandsOnHardcore Clara Mia French Babe Fucks on the First Night

Don’t miss sizzling French sex goddess Clara Mia in her Hands On Hardcore debut where she demonstrates what professional dick riding is all about. The stunning tattooed vixen has been sexting with Vince Karter for hours and the two are finally meeting up to sexplore their chemistry and each get a piece of ass. The duo exchange oral introductions as Vince pussy licks her pink, and the green-eyed glamour model sucks his cock just before her curvy ass is pounded from the back in doggystyle....

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Just a bus rideHonest 3

I couldn’t believe it, I felt as if she had betrayed me completely, even though we had only known each other for a day and a bit, it felt like a dagger in the heart, why was she so flirty today, she must have known what she was doing, but she still did it even though she had a boyfriend. Not wanting to think about this for a moment longer I closed down the page and the world began to spin again. “RALPH ARE YOU LISTENING? Yelled the teacher from the front of the class as they do. “Yeah” I...

4 years ago
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A Special Night Out

I was waiting anxiously sitting on Emily’s bed as I finished watching her get dressed for our date. I was taking her out to her favorite restaurant the Melting Pot. She is so lucky I love her. Of all of the girlfriends I’ve ever had I’ve never had a more funny, caring or sweet girl as my Emmy. I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl…and I plan to. ‘I’m almost done can you just zip me up?’ Emily asked me as she came walking out of her bathroom. I took a second to take in her outfit....

1 year ago
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Covenant of Wolves

Chapter One?Goddamn, I hate these fucking cum shot posers!?  Millie tapped a spiked heel against the concrete.  Loud music thumped not too far from where she and a half a dozen others stood waiting for admittance to the club.  ?Move it you fucking asshole! They’re playing Combichrist!? Some in the line looked at her oddly, wondering no doubt if her elongated ears were the real thing or if she were a human trying to pass as a Fae.  That was the usual response wherever she went when she was on...

3 years ago
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a train seductionn

Mal was going home from college at Easter. He boarded the train at Waverely station, Edinburgh, bound for Liverpool. The train was almost fully booked and the only seats available were aisle seats in the middle of the carriage on a table. Mal chose one facing forward and sat down. The carriage filled up and soon the two window seats were taken with two older ladies. Mal put his bags away and started reading his book, Henry Miller’s Tropic of Capricorn. Ten minutes before departure a student his...

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K and the Client Ch 02

Feeling giddy from the champagne and already excited by the prospect of what the next few hours would hold for me, I followed K out of the cafe and onto the street. ‘Thank you, VV,’ she said linking my arm. ‘I appreciate you taking this last assignment for me. Eddy and I want to leave this all behind as soon as we can. I am happy that you came to Paris at this time, VV. I think you will enjoy this evening.’ It was a short walk from the cafe to the house, of which K occupied the two top...

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My Mother As Wonder Woman

My Mother As Wonder Woman My mother told me that she needed to be a sexy woman for her office Halloween party. It was a couple of weeks away so she had plenty of time. I suggested that she go as Wonder Woman. I followed that up with the facts. Wonder Woman is a DC Comics super heroine. When she isn’t Wonder Woman she is Diana Prince. That Wonder Woman is a warrior Princess of the Amazons. Her real name is Diana of Themyscira. That she has her Lasso of Truth, which forces those...

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Wet Orgasm With Hot Rohan

Hi friends, this is Neha. I’m 32 with a ratio of 36-24-38. The Story I’m going to tell you guys today has never happened to me before and not gonna happen anymore I guess. It was Sunday (pretty hot). I was home. My husband, who is 40, was out to a business trip for 2 days, so I was feeling damn alone at home. It was 10 am and all works were done. So I went to the drawing room and started the TV and sat on the Sofa. And the damn thing was that the Cable Connection was shut off. I’s then thinking...

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Hotwife First Timer

I am really surprised to be writing this story. A month ago, I would have never believed I could have sex with a man other than my husband, especially not at his suggestion and with his encouragement. Most of all, I am astounded what a totally amazing erotic experience it turned out to be and how wantonly, willingly and shamelessly I threw myself into the adventure, to the delight of both my husband Rob, and myself.My name is Jillian and I am a successful professional woman of thirty-one years....

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Techno CultivatorChapter 5 Into the Forest

“From what you just said you won’t necessarily be able to use our magic even with our knowledge and you can’t change your cultivation direction without becoming a commoner again. What exactly is it that you want from us?” James’ face was stern as he asked this. He knew the answer to this question could change everything. His so far easy journey into this world may come to a sudden obstruction. In this sense, he couldn’t help question if his luck at being discovered immediately on arrival was...

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The Accidental SpyChapter 12

My daughter Ruth proved to be quite the little geek when it came to texting and using the internet. She must have spent a lot of her time learning all the little tricks to find things and use the different software. At least she wasn't screwing around with horny boys in the back seat of cars or on a beach under a concealing blanket. Well, I didn't know that she was not doing those things also but at least I could hope she wasn't. Elena was showing a lot of interest in two of the ship's...

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Controlling Sissy Janice Part 1

I had thought that my wife was unaware of my crossdressing. Not only was I wrong but, as it turns out, I was the one unaware - -of the man she was having sex with at work. This is the story of how the truth came out and what happened afterward. My wife Lilly works at a very high-powered law firm as an office manager. Though she's not an attorney she works long hours. I've been a 9-5 office worker, managing accounts receivables for an insurance company. In the period between when I...

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Introduction We develop a close relationship with

Introduction: We develop a close relationship with an other couple “God, Ellen, I'd love to take a swim in your pool. Do you think that you could lend me a swimming costume?”“I'm sorry, Joy, but I don't own a swimming costume.”“What? You have a magnificent swimming pool and you don't even swim in it?”“Of course I swim in it. We all swim naked in our pool, and visitors are expected to respect that rule too.”It was a hot Friday night. Joy and her husband Will, my husband, John, and I were sitting...

3 years ago
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My First Outing

I will tell you a little about myself. When I wrote this story, I was in my mid to late 20's, petite, for a guy and I love to dress in women's clothes and be treated like a whore. Unfortunately due to other factors in my life, I didn't get the opportunity to practice very often. Therefore, I am not the best at my trade. However, with that in mind, I decided one night to say screw it and head out into the unknown wearing the sexiest outfit I could sneak into my house. So, I got into a...

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