Leanne Gets Caught Stealing free porn video

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'leanne please come into my office before you leave work today' mr white says as he walks past leannes desk
'uh yes sure mr white' leanne answers 'will it take long mr white i have to pick my girlfriend lauren up after work?'
'it will take as long as it needs could be a few minutes or a few hours its up to you leanne'
'uh ok mr white i'll just text lauren and let her know i may be late'
'you know the rules leanne no personal calls or texts during work hours' mr white says sternly
'ah yes sorry mr white i'll come see you before i leave off'

when everyone is leaving to go home leanne enters mr whites secretarys office 'mr white wanted to see me before i leave off' she says to mr whites secretary katy
'ah yes here theres a short film on my computer that he wants you to look at then please knock on his door , i'll start it for you here i have already seen it' katy smiles at leanne
katy opens the file on her computer then stands aside so leanne can see
leanne stands in front of the computer to watch the film , she is surprised to see herself on the screen then shocked as she realises what she is doing , the film shows her taking 2 printer cartriges from the stores and putting them in her handbag then leaving the office , the film comes to an end .
leanne doesn't know what to do but she really needs her job so she knocks on mr whites door
'enter' comes mr whites voice from in the office
leane enters and closes the door behnd her
'what did you think of the film ?' mr white asks
'please mr white i can explain please '
'theft is theft i'm afraid no amount of explaining can change that you have stolen from the company i have to give you the sack its company policy'
'please don't i really need this job please can't we work something out mr white'
'work something out ? what did you have in mind ?'
'well i don't know mr white but couldn't you punish me in some other way instead of the sack please?'
'how?' mr white asks 'what do you think i should do ? why should i break company policy and let you off ?'
'please i'll do anything please don't sack me i really need this job my girlfriend lauren doesn't work so i have to pay all the bills mr white please i'll do anything ' leanne begs
'anything are you sure ?'
'uh yes mr white please anything mr white'
'well ok then lets see how far you will go , leave my office now , take all your clothes off and leave them on katys desk come back in 5 minutes naked or don't come back at all and consider yourself fired'
'naked please mr white i'm not into men please nothing like that please' begs leanne
'i know you are a lesbian but that just makes it a better punishment but as i said its your choice you can leave instead but be aware if you do leave i will make sure any future employers know you are a thief so please leave my office now and come back in 5 minutes in the nude if you still want your job'
leanne starts to cry but leaves mr whites office stands in katys office for a couple of minutes then starts to strip
'what are you doing ?' katy asks
'mr white told me to strip then go back into his office'
'ah another one' katy laughs
'another one ?'
'oh you are not the 1st i may tell you that but you may be the oldest and you should know better how old are you ?'
'i'm 45 katy' leanne says standing in just her bra and panties in front of katy
'well old enough to know better then , you must take your bra and knickers off as well' katy smiles
leannes removes her underwear and stands naked in front of katy putting her hands in front of her bush and tits
'no point trying to cover up leanne mr white said naked if you go in his office covering yourself up it will only be worse for you' katy says
leanne puts her hands down at her sides
'wow you are still fit not much sag in the tits and your arse looks firm mr white will be pleased'
leanne blushes and knocks on mr whites door
'please come in' his voice from inside
leanne enters
'so you decided you want to keep your job then thats good now bend over my desk legs shoulder width apart grab the othe side of the desk and don't move for starters i'm going to cane you' mr white says
'please mr white no-one ever did that to me please don't' leanne begs
'well maybe if they had you wouldn't be a thief , from now on you must call me sir understood ?'
'yes sir'
'thats better now asume the position'
leanne bends over the desk and grabs the otherside
'i'm going to hit you 12 times with the cane on your arse if you let go of the desk or stand up i will start again , thank me after every stroke and count the strokes out loud understood?'
'yes sir'
thwack the cane lands hard on leannes arse leaving an angry red stripe across her cheeks
leanne screams stands up and clutches her arse hopping up and down
'what did i say ?' mr white shouts at her
'sorry 1 thank you sir '
'no that one doesn't count i told you to stay in positon or i start again now asume the position'
'sorry sir i wasn't ready sir' leanne once again bends over the desk and grabs the otherside'
whack leanne screams '1 thank you sir'
'your legs are together i told you shoulder width apart so that one doesn't count either'
leanne spreads her legs tears rolling down her face
thwack leanne screams the cane has come down at an angle across the 2 welts on her arse '1 thank you sir'
thwack 'fuck' leanne screams '2 thank you sir' she cries
'did you just ask me to fuck you ?'
'nnno sir sorry sir it hurts sir thats all sir'
'i see , well if you say fuck again i'm going to stick my cock up your arse and bugger you then continue the caning after i cum in your arse understood ?'
'please don't sir i don't like men please i've never had sex with a man sir'
thwack the breath rushes out of leannes mouth '3 thank you sir' she cries
'how do you know you don't like men if you have never been fucked by one ?' mr white asks
thwack the cane hits almost the exact spot that the 1st stroke hit causing leanne to jump and scream '4 thank you sir' leanne cries 'sorry sir i have always been into girls not men sir'
thwack the cane comes down across her arse again 'fffff5 thank you sir' leanne cries
'ffff ? were you going to say fuck again ?'
'nnno sir it just hur...' thwack '..ts fuck 6 thank you sir' leanne screams
'you did say fuck that time so i told you what was going to happen' mr white undoes his trousers and pulls them down his cock stands to attention as he is enjoying thrashing leanne
'please sir please don't i'm sorry sir please'
'its all about rules lea you don't mind me calling you lea do you ?'
'no sir lea is fine sir but please don't bugger me sir'
'it has to be done lea , have you had anything up your arse before ? '
'nnnno sir just the odd finger sir i find it uncomfortable sir i don't like it'
'good good , who's finger have you had up there ? your girlfriend lauren ? has she thrust a finger up your arse ?' mr white asks
'yes sir she has tried a few times but i don't like it sir'
'then my cock isn't going to be very nice for you is it ?' mr white smiles
'please sir couldn't you hit me more with the cane sir instead please?'
'hitting you with the cane turns me on so the more i hit you the more i want to fuck you ' mr white smiles
'please couldn't you fuck my pussy sir instead'
'your pussy?' mr white puts his hand between lea's legs and thrusts a finger up her cunt 'this you mean your cunt ?'
'uh yes please sir please fuck my cunt sir ' leanne begs as mr white slowly fucks her with 1 finger
'well you are a lesbian so i wouldn't want to upset you with a normal fucking would i and you told me you raelly don't want to be buggered so a buggering it is , now do you want to suck my cock 1st ?'
'yuck no but please don't bugger me sir please'
'keep in position while i push my cock up your arse if you let go of the desk the caning will start at 1 again and that will make me horny again i need you help push back onto my cock as i thrust it in ,it would have been easier for you if you sucked it 1st a bit of lube but you said no' mr white puhes his cockhead into lease tight virgin arsehole
'please no please it hurts please take it out sir'
'thats just the head theres a long way to go yet now push back onto it but keep hold of the desk' mr white thrusts forward leanne pushes back
'pppplllllease nnno sssir' leanne screams as mr white cock half disapears into her tight arsehole
'half way in see you can do it now stay still do not try to pull away' mr white pulls his cock out so just the head is in then thrusts forwards so his cock is half in again
'whats your girlfriends phone number ?' mr white asks
lea tells him
'ok i'll put the phone on speaker for you while i bugger you , you can tell her you can't pick her up'
mr white dials laurens number then pulls his cock almost out of leas arse
'hello?' the phone is answered
'hheelloo' lea gasps as mr white thrusts his cock halfway up her tight arse again
'hi leanne where are you ?' lauren asks
'i'm so sssorry ' lea gasps as mr white pulls his cock almost out then thrusts his entire length deep into her arse 'ssssomething came up' lea tries not to scream as mr white gets into a steady pace of pulling nearly all the way out then thrusting all the way in
'well you could have let me know before i've been waiting for you and n=its raining'
'i'm really ssssoorrry lauren i have to work late' leannes cries 'ohh' she feels mr white cuming deep in her arse
'ohh what?' lauren asks
'look i'm sorry i'll speak to you later' lea cries as mr white disconects the call
'did you like that ? did you like your 1st anal fuck ?' mr white asks
'no sir i hated it sir'
'good good now you may let go of the desk get down in front of me on your knees facing me'
leanne gets down on her knees facing mr white
'my cock is dirty clean it with your mouth suck it incase there any cum left inside' mr white smiles
'please sir no please its been up my arse sir please don't make me put it in my mouth sir'
'i can start the caning again at 1 if you would rather but we will be here again in the same position at some point' so your choice
lea cries but takes mr whites cock in her mouth gagging at the taste of her arse and the 1st taste of cock she has ever had
'suck it and bob your head up and down on it like a good girl'
lea cries as she sucks his cock clean bobbing her head up and down on his cock
'thats enough i think its clean now' mr white says pulling his cock out of her mouth 'asume the position again'
lea once again bends over the desk with her legs apart and grabs the otherside
'where were we number 4? ' mr white asks
'nnno sir i had 6 sir' thwack '7 thank you sir' lea screams
thwack '8 thank you sir' she screams 'please sir no more please'
'do you want me to fuck your arse again ?' thwack
'nnnnine thank you sir , please i don't want you to fuck my arse sir'
'oh dear you said fuck again so i owe you another buggering unfortunatly i need a break before i can manage that again so we will finish the caning 1st'
thwack '9 thank you sir' lea screams as the tears run down her face her arse is criss crossed with red stripes from the cane
thwack '10 thank you sir' she screams
'only 2 left i think these can go on the tops of your thighs give your arse a rest brace yourself these will really hurt'
thwack 'fffuck fucck 11 thank you sir' leas feet are shuffling as she tries to keep in position she really feels the need to rub her sor arse and thighs'
'i think you must have enjoyed a cock up your arse thats 2 more fucks from you thats 3 arse fucks i owe you in total so far last stroke now as long as you stay in position'
thwack mr white puts all his weight into the last swipe right on the crease between her arsecheeks and the top of her thighs
'fffuck fffuck fuck 12 thank you sir' lea screams 'please can i get up now sir '
'you now need 6 buggerings i'm looking forward to all of them but thats going to take a while i'm afraid when i get horny i will asks for you to come to my office , when i do you will strip in katys office come in here and asume the position or get on your knees and beg to suck my cock before i bugger you , for now please stay as you are i'll be back in a little while i'll send katy in to keep an eye on you if she tells you to do something then do it no arguing with her you must call her miss understood'
'yes sir' lea is still crying and shuffling her feet trying to ease the pain in her arse and thighs
mr white puts his trousers back on and leaves the office
katy walks in
'i could here you from my office you make a lot of noise'
'sorry miss' sniffs lea
katy puts a hand on leas arse rubbing her cheek
'did he arse fuck you as well it looks like he did?'
'yes miss'
'tell me say yes miss , sir arse fucked me ' katy says rubbing her hand over katys arse
'yes miss sir arse fucked me miss'
'did you enjoy being fucked in the arse'
'no miss i didn't enjoy being fucked in the arse miss'
'stand up and face me'
'please miss i was told to stay in position miss'
katy smacks lea hard on her thigh
'you were told to do everything i say' katy says ' now stand up and face me'
lea stands and faces katy putting her hands infront of her tits and bush
'hands on your head'
lea puts her hands on her head
katy reaches up and takes hold of leas tits
'fuck off' lea says taking hold of katys wrists
'get your fucking hands off me and back on your head' katy snatches her hands away and spanks lea hard on the front of her thighs lea puts her hands back on her head crying in pain as katy continues to slap her thighs
'now spread your legs and keep your hands on your fucking head' katy shouts at lea
lea spreads her legs and stands with her hands on her head
'elbows back push your tits out'
lea pulls her elbows back and pushes her tits out
'thats better now stay like that' katy takes hold of leas tits bouncing them gently in her hands then squeezing them leas nipples start to harden
'my goodness are you enjoying this ?' katy smiles 'i'm not a dyke just wanted to see how your tits felt but by the looks of your nipples you like it , do you'
'no miss'
'don't lie to me am i turning you on playing with your tits ?'
'please miss i'm confused i'm feeling a bit horny but also sore , my breasts are very sensative when they are played with they get me aroused miss i'm sorry i can't help it miss'
'these are not breasts these are fucking tits ! what are these ?' katy slaps leas tits
'they are my fucking tits miss' lea cries
'better' katy starts fondling leas tits again 'so if you get aroused when someone plays with your tits if i slipped a finger in your cunt it would be wet ?'
'yes miss' lea thrusts her cunt forward
'i told you i'm not a dyke i'm not feeling your wet cunt , show me'
'uh how miss'
'sit up on the edge of the table and spread your legs'
lea perches on the edge of the table with her legs spread
'finger your cunt slip a finger in nice and deep and fuck it a little'
'please miss i don't want to do that in front of you miss'
katy slaps the insides of leas thighs until they are glowing red
'do as you are told now! '
lea slips a hand between her legs pushes a finger in her cunt and starts fucking herself katy takes hold of her tits and plays with them making lea groan
'take your finger out lets see if its wet' katy says
lea pulls her dripping finger out of her cunt
'put it in your mouth taste yourself' katy smiles
lea sucks her finger
'are you horny now ?' katy asks
'yes miss'
'would you like to get yourself off ?'
'i need to miss but i'm not sure'
'frig yourself come on show me how you get yourself off'
lea starts rubbing her clit and grabs hold of her own nipples pulling and twisting them
'careful you don't fall off the table , stroke that clitty faster harder get yourself off , i'll be back in a minute don't stop' katy walks out of the room
lea keeps rubbing her clit shoves a couple of fingers up her cunt fucking herself with them when the door opens
'what the fuck are you doing ? how dare you get back in position !' mr white shouts at lea
'please sir katy told me to please i'm sorry sir' lea almost falls as she jumps off the table and once again asumes the position
'katy get in here please 'mr white calls
katy walks in
'lea said you told her to frig herself is that correct ?'
'what no sir' katy smiles 'i told her to stay as she was until you came back sir , i needed to leave the room for a minute to calm down sir as she kept swearing she said fuck 4 times and didn't do as i said twice sir'
'is that correct did you say fuck 4 times and disobey twice?' mr white asked
'yes sir' lea sniffs
'well we can add the 4 to the 6 arse fucks you have coming so thats ten you owe me now ' mr white says 'turn over lay on your back with your legs in the air i'm going to bugger you again now while katy canes your tits that should make up for disobeying her i think 5 strokes for each time you disobeyed remember to thank her for each one and count them off'
'please sir not my tits please i beg you' lea pleads as she turns over
'get your arse on the edge of the table so i can slip my cock in put your hands behind your head don't move them or we start again'
'please sir may i suck your cock ' lea asks
'no you may not its going in dry again this is supposed to hurt ' mr white grins
pushing his cockhead against leas arsehole 'hum i think its still a bit loose from your earlier fuck and theres a little cum dribbling out so its lubed for you ' mr white thrusts his cock all the way up lease sore arse
'ffffucck ' lea screams
'well if you are going to say that everytime i shove my cock up your arsehole then you will never catch up so i think from now on theres no need to keep count of you saying fuck i will just bugger you anytime i like as often as i like is that ok ?'
thwack katy brings the cane down across leas tits , mr white pulls his cock all the way out the shoves it straight back in all the way to his balls
'ok yes anything you want sir yes sir' lea screams
'oh dear you didn't count that stroke and you didn't thank katy so it doesn't count still 10 more to cum' mr white starts fucking leas arse on each back stroke he almost takes his cock out just the tip in lease arse on each thrust he pushes his cock all the way in so his balls hit her'
thwack the cane comes down on leas tits '1 thank you mmmiss' cries lea
thwack 'fffuck 2 thankyou miss' lea screams
thwack 'ttttthree tthank you miss' lea cries in pain
mr white groans and cums deep inside leas arsehole for the 2nd time that day
'her arse twitches everytime you bring the cane down on her tits i just couldn't stop myself cumming in her arse' mr white says
'do the last 7 strokes fast , don't forget to count and say thankyou lea'
thwack 'fffour thank you miss' thwack 'fffve thank you miss' thwack 'sssix thank you miss '
thwack 'fffuck sseven thank you miss' thwack straight on leas left nipple 'fffuck mme eeight thank you miss' lea screams
thwack straight across leas right nipple 'fffuck ppplease fffuck it hurts nnnine thank you miss' thwack the cane lands across both nipples 'ffuck fffuck fffuck 10 ttthankyou miss'
'thank you katy ' mr white pulls his cock out of leas arsehole 'the caning made her arse nip my cock nicely milking all that cum out of it, get off the table now and suck it clean lea'
lea gets off the table kneels in front of mr white and sucks his cock clean gagging on the taste of her arse and his cum on his cock
'wow thats hot ' katy says 'thats making me horny just watching it' katy rubs her cunt through her skirt
'lea is a dyke she can take care of that itch you have if you like i'm sure she would even enjoy it' mr white smiles
'why not?' katy laughs 'when you have finished sucking his cock clean lay on your back i'm going to sit on your face so you can lick my cunt do a good job and make me cum hard or i'll get the cane out again'
at least lea is used to the taste of cunt she lays back and katy sits on her face
lea slips her tongue between katys cunt lips and thrusts it inside her as she does something slimey slips down her throat
'mr white fucked me earlier so it may taste a bit of cum' katy laughs grinding her cunt onto leas face
lea gags but still keeps licking and sucking on katys cunt licking her clit it doesn't take long before katy is cumming hard on leas face
'oh thats good you are a good little cunt sucking queer' katy laughs standing up
'you may stand up now lea' mr white says 'spread your legs and play with your clit show us how you get off'
lea stands and starts rubbing her clit while mr white and katy stand in front of her watching
'faster harder' katy says 'give us a good show' she takes hold of leas sore nipples and pulls and twists them
lea keeps frigging herself gasping as katy nips her nipples and twists them sending her over the edge she gasps and cums her legs giving way so she falls to her knees screaming as her nipples are ripped out of katys nipping fingers
'well i think thats enough for today don't you ?' mr white asks katy 'i think leaa can go home'
'yes thats enough for today it was fun' katy laughs 'you may go now lea see you at work tomorrow don't be late'
'you should come in half an hour early everyday from now on so i can bugger you before your day starts i think' mr white smiles 'and if katy feels the urge she may want to have you lick her cunt again i think she enjoyed it'

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Leanne goes on holiday

Leanne needed a holiday. She'd been working hard lately (and meeting her friends for lengthy erotic sessions whenever she had some free time) and wanted to take a break for a couple of weeks. She checked out some brochures and finally settled on Jamaica. "It's hot. The scenery is stunning. Cocktails on the beach. What more could a girl want?" she mused aloud. With the decision made she booked her Caribbean vacation, already eagerly awaiting her relaxing get away. The weeks passed slowly but...

3 years ago
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LeanneChapter 2

With the words that you have just read, you have seen the end of my life as I had known it. I had nothing left but my job. The only way I was able to retain any sanity in my life was to devote myself to my work. That is just what I did. I went to work early and left late to make up for it. I worked six and seven days a week. I became the best in marketing and sales in my company. Face it, I could sell snow to an Eskimo or snow gear in hell. That went on for about two months. Then my boss,...

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Leannersquos Confession

I’m writing this, less as a confession, but more so you know what happened. I know that I stood you up the day of our wedding, ran away from everything we had, and you haven’t heard from me since then, but I still care for you enough that I want you to know the truth. First I need to tell you that I really was a virgin, I know that was important to you, I had been saving myself for marriage. Things changed though on the night before our wedding, the night of my bachelorette party. As...

2 years ago
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Sisters Friend Caught Stealing

Sister's Friend Caught Stealing**********Living and working on a farm changes your life significantly in many respects. The biggest change was getting up before the sun comes up, and going to bed early so you can get up again, in the morning. Since graduation from high school, I too had adopted this pattern of sleep, but my sibling sister, still in school, did not. We share a bedroom and many times, she would invite a friend over to spend the night. Unfortunately for me, that meant that while I...

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caught stealing

right girls what do you have to say for yourselves ? caught stealing panties from my store ?'sorry miss it won't happen again' says the chubby one'please don't call the police' says the ginger onewhat are your names ?'i'm tracey' says the chubby one'i'm clare' says ginger'i like it when you call me miss so thats fine with me now why should't i call the police ?''please miss' says tracey 'it was a dare miss we never did it before and never will again miss''you mean its the 1st time you got...

3 years ago
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Punished For Stealing

Dale Brown and Mary Barton both knew they had done wrong and been caught out. They were both sixty-six-years-old and teachers at a sixth form college for girls. They have been teachers all their lives and were used to disciplining those girls that misbehaved. However, it now seems that it was their turn. The two teachers were friends and both liked to go shopping for clothes. They knew they were overspending and were both short of money to pay some bills. It was Dale who came up with the idea...

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Caught Stealing

It was another boring Monday and it wasn't going to get any better, I was called in for work even though I had the day off. I had just started college and I was your above average white teenager who needed a job to get through college. I was a part time night janitor at a big building in the downtown area of my city, at the time of getting this somewhat crappy job it was this or working at a fast food joint which I wanted to avoid. Anyway I got called in because another co-worker called...

4 years ago
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Caught Stealing

She felt a large hand on her arm, pulling her away from the cosmetics counter. A baritone voice from behind said, "Come with me, miss." The security guard's massive, well-defined biceps bulged as he pulled her away from the group of ladies gathered around the counter. Her body jerked like a rag doll, forcing her to drop the bottle of perfume she was holding. The sound of glass bottle shattering pierced the air as she was whisked away. The women gathered at the counter looked on, wide-eyed...

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 2 Been Caught Stealing

Lara wore the most priceless look as I approached a campsite that was now occupied by three extra girls. Alana greeted me warmly, that same honest smile on her face. For a second I imagined I had x-ray vision, since I could easily strip away her short shorts and form-fitting tank top to imagine her in her translucent underwear. Then I put the thought out of my head. Things were awkward for a bit, but once I reminded everyone that we were all hungry, we got to work. Sophie unpacked a paper...

3 years ago
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LeAnn Goes On

LeAnn had become one of Kat's (my wife) bitches and loved it. Kat and her had formed a bond, and no one could break it. LeAnn was married and had k**s but still made time to go out with Kat. They hit the bar then our lake house Kat wore LeAnn's pussy out fucking her hard and deep with her 11inch strap-on puss to mouth to ass to mouth to puss again driving LeAnn to have multi-orgasms taking her home late at night and fingering her in the car in the drive. This had become a weekly thing plus Kat...

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Midgets Like to Pork Too

My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...

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LeAnns Babies

LeAnn Samson a 28yrs 5'7" fireball of a woman meets the man of her dreams and after only six weeks they get married. Hubby Hank is very well off and they find a big house in the best part of town, LeAnn says now all I want is k**s to fill it up. Hank is a good lover but after two years and fucking almost non-stop no k**s yet. A very upset LeAnn goes and gets checked but learns she is fine. At her wits end she is sitting at a coffee shop in town dropping her spoon and this guy picks it up for...

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Malachars CurseChapter 14 Violet Begets Violence

Thursday, July 27th, 2006, Boston Massachusettes “Goddamn, I’m fucking sore,” I complained again for the hundredth time since leaving the hotel. I twisted in my seat, trying to find a way that I could sit without putting any pressure upon my wounded shoulder. I absentmindedly watched a couple of kids zoom by on skateboards as we sat at a red light; we were driving to a gunshop across the other side of town, and my body was throbbing. It was almost noon already; it was very sunny and hot,...

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Leannes Knickers

There’s no denying it, I fancy Leanne and I have done the whole time that I’ve know her. We’re old school friends that have reconnected thanks to Instagram. She’d been posting to her ‘story’ and I’d sent the odd reply to her in the hopes of striking up some conversation. Eventually we’d began messaging each other almost daily and I have to admit that I’d become quite impatient waiting for her replies because I looked forward to them. Leanne’s messages were exciting to receive and always gave me...

Quickie Sex
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Mother Gets Caught

Mother Gets Caught. Author’s note:        This story might be a little ?soft? for some but I still think it is a good story. Maybe some can take the basic story and modify it to their own satisfaction but I enjoyed writing it like this. Let me know what you think. THX.I came home from school. My dad wasn’t home, yet. He wouldn’t be home for a few hours. I am fifteen and I am in the eighth grade. My name is Sandy. Mom is usually home but I deemed to be home alone. That was not unusual. She was...

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Leanne. 1 Leanne yelped as the first slap struck home on her bare arse cheek, leaving a red hand mark and a stinging sensation she hadn’t felt since she was very young. The second slap caught her other cheek and brought tears to her eyes. The heat was making her wet. Her embarrassment of having her arse stuck way up into the sky heightened her arousal. Being bent over a car bonnet with her pants around her ankles and her skirt hitched up over her waist was bad enough, but knowing that...

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She was nine years old the first time I groped her. I did not give her a “loving father’s caress,” nor did I help her reach some nonsensical “plateau.” No phony bullshit here. She came into the house dripping wet from the water fight she had with her best friend who lived next door. She had on one of those fuck-me bathing suits so popular for little kids now a days. You know the type; it barely covers the slit and advertises, “Look what you can’t have unless you want to go to prison.” The...

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Soccer Mom Gets Caught

Soccer Mom Gets Caught I work clean up at the local bowling alley. It is fairly easy work but it starts at midnight during the week and two in the morning on Friday and Saturday. Basically I empty trash, restock the bathrooms, and clean and polish the floors. Once a week I have to clean the mechanism that handles the bowing pins. Then one Tuesday night after the women’s bowling, I was let in as usual and the owner went home. I heard a noise coming from a hallway so armed with...

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Crystal gets caught

On Saturday evening in may we were sitting out on the porch and Crystal asked me "what are we gonna do tonight?" " I don't know. I thought we would just hang out at the house and watch tv and have a few drinks." It wasn't long before the sunset and we went inside and picked out a movie. Now let me tell ya a little about Crystal and myself also our relationship. Crystal and I both are 25 at this time and roommates due to slow down at work I had to save money and move in with her. She is about...

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Miss Manson Gets Caught Out

Ms. Jasmine Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of student behaviour at St Katherine’s School sat behind her desk in her office in disbelief. Never in her seventeen years as a teacher, and even in her seven years as Deputy Head Mistress, had she heard anything like it. She could not believe what the young Head of Music, Miss Mulligan, had told her that morning. Even when Rebecca had presented her with overwhelming evidence that one of the teachers at St Katherine’s had been over-stepping...

2 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Caught Then Gets Schooled

Introduction: Kayleen is one that likes to be in everyones business- like booze. But after Jimmy and Beth Lawson catches their babysitter in the act, they teach her a painful & valuable lesson. But its the lesson that will forever stick with her for the rest of her life. Beth and I have been married now for twenty years, and still going strong. You could say that were a loving, warm-hearted, deeply passionate couple. We couldnt have asked for anything more, a nice home, three beautiful kids. In...

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My beautiful wife, Rachel, has one major character flaw that recently led to a rather bizarre sexual experience. In spite of her wealthy background, Rachel is a habitual shoplifter, something that I only learned recently when she was caught red handed.We had spent the day at the beach and on the ride home we stopped at a small antique shop, Island Relics. While I checked out a collection of swords and knives, Rachel browsed through the shop. When I heard her arguing with someone I went to...

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Don gets caught by his sister and her friend wearing her panties

Don was quite small the first time he put on his older sister’s pink silk panties but he liked it. He was quite upset the first time his sister and her girlfriend caught him wearing these panties. “What on earth are you wearing,” Jane said as she and Judy walked into the room. They stood staring at Don wearing nothing but pink panties. “You’re not supposed to be here yet,” was all the young Don could say but he knew he had been caught. “Wait till I...

4 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Caught Then Gets Schooled Shocking Revelations Final Lessons Collecting Debts

Introduction: When the twins walk in on a lesson session, thats when more secrets are revealed. And so both Jason & Joey give the babysitter her final lesson. As Jason and Joey both just sat there still stunned by what theyve just walked in on, Joey notices the wine bottle I bought for me and their mother for our wedding anniversary that was half empty. Then Joey begins fuming(as they both begin to put two & two together, immediately suspecting Kayleen),.., Let me take a wild stab, this is the...

3 years ago
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Ruhi 8211 Maid On A Leash 8211 Pt 1 Punishment For Stealing

Ruhi had just turned 19 the previous day, which meant she was ready to take on her mother’s job now. Her mother, Sunaina, had always been a pitiful creature. She had led a tough life. But even such tiring circumstances had never made her dishonest. The passion with which she worked at hommes had been constant throughout her tenure of 20 years. Ruhi, on the other hand, was nothing like her mother. Ruhi always looked cheerful. She was childish. She looked at everything with a curious gleam in her...

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Barbie Gets Caught

Barbie Gets Caught By Trans Vest Part 1 The beginning I had always had those feelings and desires to dress. They had been with me since I could remember. I enjoyed the feeling when I was dressed, and I liked to dress very sexy and slutty. It made me feel submissive when I was dressed as a slutty whore. This weekend was no different then the other ones when I would get all dressed up, except for one thing... I had decided to go OUT as Barbie. It was to be just a quick...

2 years ago
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Denise Gets Caught chapter 1

Denise Gets Caught, chapter 1 Dennis Radcliff had it made. His wife was a real MILF, and she was constantly horny. A fact that he took advantage of almost every night. Dennis worked from home Tuesday through Friday in his home office, going into work on Mondays and Fridays for the weekly meetings. Angela worked in an office full of other women and run by other successful men like Dennis. Men who constantly praised her looks, often making advances. Advances that she would share...

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Taylor gets Caught by the Farmers Daughter

Studying for a degree in Farm Management meant taking a summer internship on a ranch far away from home. I’d anticipated it being extra fun because the ranch provided a small stipend for meals and such, but also a hotel room in a long-term stay for the eight weeks.  I mean, the experience of learning how to manage such a complex organization was invaluable, but to stay in a large hotel room by myself instead of a two-person dorm room with other people? I couldn’t say no to that opportunity. And...

First Time
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Nancy Gets CaughtChapter 2 Nancy Gets Caught Again

It had been a few months since Nancy's first sexual encounter at work. Not a single day went by that she didn't think about how erotic that evening had been. However, she and Jeff had agreed to remain professional and did not engage in this type of activity again. The occasional breast squeeze or a tap on the butt was all that was ever given, and even that was rare. Nancy and Jeff had each dated others outside the office to limited success, each feeling the sex could not compare to what...

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Richard the Sissy gets Caught by Sis

Richard the Sissy gets Caught by Sis by Joney Cunningham Gina is making keep a diary of my sissy training. She says all girly sluts keep a diary of their training. It was the ending of a long day, so Gina told me to wash up and put on a pink baby-doll nightie. I was really sore from my ass to my mouth. My jaw really ached because of all the pussy eating, asshole licking, and cock sucking I had done that day. Gina made sure there was skin softening liquid in the bath water with...

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Arvil Lavigne Gets Caught

A huge roar comes from the 500 screaming fans packed into a nightclub in London. The band strike up one final cord and the lights go out. “Great show Avril,” says one of the backstage crew “Awesome mate,” Avril’s lead guitarist says patting her on the back as he hands over his guitar. “Fucking brilliant,” shouts out her drummer who takes a swig of water then goes off to find a female groupie to fuck. “Thanks guys,” Avril replies with her cute smile, “Gotta go get changed now.” Avril walks away...

3 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Caught Then Gets Schooled Lessons Two Three

Introduction: After Jimmy takes Kayleens innocence, breeds & seeds her. she gets set for another lesson- swallowing protein. Then Jimmy teaches Kayleen how a real man pounds a real woman. And then.., all hell breaks loose. Me, Beth and Kayleen took a breather to catch our breaths. Then Beth says to Kayleen, Now that my husband filled you up by shooting his pearly-white spunk deep inside your young, fertile womb, youre gonna give him a blowjob. Then I chimed in by saying, And not only are you...

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Sarah gets caught

Around 11 pm Peter gets home from work. It has been a longday at the gas station, working the evening shift. When he pulls up to the house he sees the lights are still on in the living room. “My girlfriend must be still awake and watching TV,” he thinks. He parks his car and walks to the back. He opens the backdoor into the kitchen and goes inside. They have like a bar between the living room and the kitchen. He looks through it and sees Sarah sitting on the couch. The TV is not on but his...

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Jimmy Becomes Jenny Ch 1 Jimmy Gets Caught

***STANDARD DISCLAIMER*** Do not read this if you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal where you live. All characters in the story are at least 18. If you don't like this sort of story, then don't read it. Also, this is fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead or to actual situations is entirely coincidental. ***END STANDARD DISCLAIMER*** Jimmy Becomes Jenny By Cheerleader Tina Chapter 1 -- Jimmy Gets Caught "Bye Jimmy, have a good...

2 years ago
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BimboTech Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Gets Caught

Chapter Three: Bimbo Wife Gets Caught By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals I giggled at Natasha's jaw dropping. The doughy, overweight grocery store employee had no idea how to test for a cucumber's hardness. I shuddered as I pushed the vegetable so deep into my cum-filled pussy as I lay against the melons stacked on the produce table. I was so glad that nice, Black man had taught me this method. First he fucked me with his...

2 years ago
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Sissy Slut Gets Caught 1

Sissy Slut gets caught #1 Hi, my name is Marcy and I've been a cross dresser for years but have always limited my play to indoors. I've acquired quite an extensive wardrobe through on-line shopping sources and eBay always purchasing items that only a slut would dare wear. I'm especially proud of my collection of 5 and 6-inch pumps in a wide array of colors. Among my most prized possessions are the three sets of titties I had custom made by a Hollywood special effects/makeup artist....

3 years ago
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John gets caught

John gets caughtAt the request of strokingforfun in Austin, enjoyThe workers were downstairs and John sat down his computer to see if anything new had been posted on X hamster. One of his favorite’s cc_rider, had posted some pics of a girl getting ass fucked and some really nice ones of men getting gang banged. He had never been with a man before but the thought kind of turned him on. He had been corresponding with cc_rider for a while but had never connected physically. He liked his gay ass...

4 years ago
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John gets caught

John gets caughtAt the request of strokingforfun in Austin, enjoyThe workers were downstairs and John sat down his computer to see if anything new had been posted on X hamster. One of his favorite’s, cc_rider, had posted some pics of a girl getting ass fucked and some really nice ones of men getting gang banged. He had never been with a man before but the thought kind of turned him on. He had been corresponding with cc_rider for a while but had never connected physically. He liked his gay ass...

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Lauren Gets Caught

Laurens Gets Caught“Shit.” Chelsea stated again. Lauren rolled off the bed, still buzzed from all the alcohol consumed earlier, and found a shirt. Chelsea followed suit as the two went to talk to Lauren’s mother about what happened. Not more than 30 seconds ago, Chelsea saw Lauren’s mother Lena peeping in on them as Lauren’s pussy was being fingered. It was an uncomfortable situation. Lauren and Chelsea were just best friends having some harmless, drunken fun. They needed to set the record...

4 years ago
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A Silly Note Part 2 Gaden gets caught

Standing in his kitchen, Gaden glanced at the house keys sitting on the kitchen counter that belonged to his neighbor Jan, Ms. Tannersby. Jan, the woman who entrusted him and his sister with taking care of her snail mail while gone on a business trip. Jan, a woman who actually gave him a spanking over her lap and was willing to do it again. It had been four days since Jan left on business, five days since Jan had spanked him over her lap with a wooden bath brush and Gaden and his sister...

2 years ago
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Wife gets Caught

All my previous stories have been of my encounters from when I was younger. This one, however, is from last night.My husband works 3rd shift. I try to stay up sometimes so I get a chance to see him, but most of the time I end up falling asleep. Last night was quite different though!I was lying in bed naked after just taking a shower and shaving my pussy. I always feel very horny after shaving bald, something about the air hitting my bare pussy just makes it start to drip. I dipped a finger in...

Oral Sex
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A College Student Gets Caught

This is a story for sweet Elaine, she asked me to write this for her. I hope you like it Elaine. Elaine was a full time student and had just entered her final year. She didn`t particularly enjoy college, she was the oldest student on her course and didn`t share the same interests as the other students, all they seemed to want to do was finish their lessons get back to their rooms and go online. Elaine, on the other hand, preferred to go out, she liked the atmosphere of the local pubs and clubs....

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