LeanneChapter 4 free porn video

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I just sucked it up because as my grandpa always said, it is what it is. So, there I was in the good doctor's waiting room. Of course my trials didn't end with that statement. Sitting across the room was my wife. She did try to avoid looking at me, but when she did, it was with a hard glare.

As I waited, I reflected on the fact that after almost a year, I still didn't know why Leanne was so angry with me. Over the years of our marriage, I had learned that she had three levels that she could reach when she was unhappy with me. There was pissed, mad and of course the worst was angry. The looks and the way she had treated me was definitely in the angry category. Not knowing why made it so much more aggravating.

Finally we were ushered into the inner sanctum of Dr. Sterling's office. Other than the chair behind a desk, there were only two chairs for our selection. I took the one on the right. A moment later, I noticed that Leanne was still standing. She seemed to be looking for a chair other than the obvious one that was available. I could see that she did not want to sit next to me. With a small sigh, I stood and moved her chair as far from mine as was possible.

As I returned to my chair, she took hers as well. Then she crossed her legs and shifted so that she did not have to look at me. I was really starting to get angry. Fortunately, Dr. Sterling came into the room. Taking her chair behind the desk, she greeted us warmly.

"Good evening Leanne and Francis. My name as you know is Dr. Loretta Sterling. Please, in order to keep things as relaxed as possible, call me Loretta. I hope that I can address you by your given names as well." She seemed very calm and it was obvious that she was trying to make us at ease with her and our surroundings.

"I have a few rules that I must insist that you both follow. First, I cannot help you without complete honesty on your part. Second, and this is most important, no interrupting when the other is speaking. Just wait your turn and I will always give you an opportunity to speak."

My chair was turned just enough that I could see Leanne nod her head as I nodded mine as well. That seemed to be simple and straight forward. I was sure that I could meet her requests. I was also excited because I was beginning to feel that maybe I could get some of the answers to why we were at this place in our lives.

"I know that you are both here for court-ordered counseling. I also know, Leanne, that you requested this meeting. Francis, I know that you did not want any meeting with your wife. I have the judge's order and I plan to complete the required sessions as directed. I would like to meet with Leanne every Tuesday at 4:00 pm and then I will meet with Francis every Wednesday at 4:00 pm. We will have a joint session every Friday at 5:00 pm. Is there any scheduling problem with these days and times?

Again, our response was non-verbal as we both shook our heads. "Great! I need to know from each of you just why you are here and what you hope to accomplish with these sessions. Leanne, I will have you go first. As simply as you can, please tell me why you are here and what your goals may be."

Without looking at me, Leanne began, "I don't want a divorce. It's that simple to me. I want to know why my husband cheated on me and I want you to help us get past his actions."

Her statement left me speechless. At least I avoided violating the second rule about interrupting. This was the first clue that she had given me. Her abandonment of me began to make some sense. I still did not understand why she left me without a word and why so much time had passed without a word from her.

"Francis, please give me your answer."

"Doctor, I would like you to address me as either Monte or Mr. Moody. No one except my mother calls me Francis. I have never liked that name and I won't respond to it. Now, I want to make it clear that I don't want to be here. I will comply with the judge's order, so don't worry about that. When my wife left me, she did it without a word. No one else in my entire life has ever treated me as coldly as she did that evening. This is the first I've heard about her reasons for her actions."

I decided to stop right there. I was still confused about the charge of cheating on my wife. From our first date, I never even kissed another woman except for an occasional innocent kiss to the cheek. I was now curious to hear about this fictitious affair. I knew that this gave me a one up on Leanne and I wanted to talk with my lawyer so, together, we could plan a strategy on how best to proceed.

My wife and Loretta did most of the talking for the remaining time in our session. Leanne said that she had information from two separate sources that confirmed that I had been cheating on her. "I know that he cheated on me with more than one woman. I know that he met them for sex on several occasions. I could feel that I was losing my love for him, drawing further away each day. I kept hoping that he would stop and finally confess to me, but that never happened."

"The night that he wanted to sit down and talk was the last straw. When Monte tried to put the blame on me for our failing relationship, I lost it completely. I could only see two choices. I could kill him or I could leave. As bad as he had hurt me, I just couldn't hurt him. I left that night. The next day, I came back and took all my belongings. I quit my job and cut all my ties with him."

During this dialogue, Leanne kept fidgeting in her chair and wringing her hands. I could see her becoming distraught as she continued relating her tale.

"I had hoped that by leaving him, he would finally confess all his cheating. Once he did that, we could start working on getting back together. It never happened and I was so angry with him when he poisoned my relationship with our daughter. I just kept waiting for something to happen that would let me begin talking with him again. This divorce gave me that opportunity."

Once she finally ran down, they both turned and looked to me as if asking for an explanation for my actions. "Well she has certainly made me look like the bad boy. I must put this as plainly as possible. I never knew about any of the things that she has revealed today. I never knew why she left or where she went. I had no way to contact her. I had no phone number, place of work, or home address. She left me without a single word and until our daughter contacted me, I didn't even know if she was still in town."

I had been looking directly at Loretta but then I turned to Leanne and said, "I can't believe that after almost a year apart with no communication to speak of that you have the balls to say you want to save our marriage. I'm saddened to say that you are basically too late. I don't believe that with all that has happened, there is much left to try to save."

I just stopped at that point because I didn't want to say more until talking with my lawyer. At that point Loretta pointed out that we were out of time for our first session. She reminded us of our next appointments with her. I rose to leave, however Leanne remained seated. Maybe she didn't want to leave at the same time with me. I really did not want to walk out to our cars together either. In just moments I had quickly reached my car. As I pulled out of the lot, I caught a glimpse of my wife leaving the building.

That evening I could not stop thinking of what Leanne had accused me of doing. I knew that I had not cheated with another woman with even so much as an inappropriate hug or kiss. Her belief in my guilt seemed to be honest and if she did believe I had cheated, then, her anger would be justified.

I just could not see what I may have done to convince her of my guilt. Understand, I am the original home-body. I would much prefer to stay at home rather than go out to eat or for entertainment. Looking at our lives together, Leanne was away from our home much more than I. Especially after she went back to work and when you looked at the time she spent with the two she-devils, June and Carol.

Leanne used to tease me because she had seen on several occasions that I had been clueless when some woman was hitting on me. She even went on to laugh at me because if I became aware of something like that, I would immediately distance myself from the situation. Leanne said that on those few occasions, the look on my face was priceless.

The next day I spoke with Sarah on the phone. "You are telling me that your wife is accusing you of having affairs? She is saying that you are cheating on her with more than one woman? She moved out because she feared doing you bodily harm?"

Sarah paused for a moment.

"I have to ask if her accusations are true. It won't change anything on the divorce because we are a 'no fault state'. It could however possibly have adverse effects on some of the court proceedings we may have to deal with."

"Sarah, I can say without a doubt, I have never cheated on my wife. Throughout our marriage, I have honored the vows that I took before God, her, our families and friends."

"Okay, I believe you. Now that there is no issue of cheating on your part, my next question would be about whether you believe she has cheated on you? You have had no contact with her for a year. There is a lot that could have happened in that time. You have continued to honor your wedding vows but has she?"

"However, there is the fact that she claims to have reliable information or witnesses to your infidelity. I want you to find out during your counseling sessions, exactly what information she has that has convinced her that you have cheated. I have an idea for a plan of action, but I need any information you can obtain before I can put it into place."

Sarah refused to share details of her plan. I spent the next several days making plans of my own. I was trying to think of the best ways that I could ask for the proof of my infidelities. I had several ideas but decided in the end to go with the flow. If my questions seemed to be scripted, that may make Leanne suspicious and less willing to share any details.

So there it was, Wednesday and it was 4:00 pm. I was sitting in a chair in the good doctor's office twiddling my thumbs waiting for my first individual session to begin. I don't know why I was so anxious about this meeting. I just couldn't imagine what we would have to talk about for a solid hour.

Doctor Swift came swiftly into her office and took her chair behind the desk. I'm sorry, but I could not help the pun and it brought a grin to my face. She smiled at me and then we started my first solitary counseling session.

"Good afternoon Monte. Sorry, I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

"Don't worry about it Doc. I've just been here trying to figure out just what we would talk about for an hour. I just don't see that much to discuss."

"You will be surprised how fast the time will fly. An hour will seem woefully short with the things that I plan to discuss with you. I would like you to call me Loretta because it will help how we work together. However, if you're not comfortable with that then please call me Doc. Now I'm sure that you remember the reasons why your wife left you. I would like to talk about your affair or affairs."

"Nice try Doc." I held up my hand to stop her right there. "Let me make this perfectly clear. I have never cheated on my wife. I have honored the vows we made when I married her up to and including today. Since she has never spoken with me about her so-called evidence, I have no idea what she is referring to. Now are you sure that we have anything to talk about?"

Loretta looked at me for about fifteen seconds. "You are right. If you can't be honest with me, than we do have nothing to talk about. Monte, this is really important. I can't begin to help you and Leanne start to mend your relationship if you can't be honest."

"I'm sorry about that, but despite your doubts, I'm giving you complete honesty. I'm the original homebody and I went on to explain to her that I had never knowingly put myself in any situation where I had to make a decision about my fidelity. How I practically ran from any encounter that remotely smelled like trouble. Then I pointed out that my so-called loving wife had, especially in the last year, many more opportunities than I did."

"I've put a lot of thought into this lately and I believe that there is a distinct possibility that this is just a stupid ploy on her part. This cheating ticket is a fabrication so that she can go play. I also want to bring up the devil duo. Did my ever-so-loving wife mention Carol and June? I guess you are right. We do have a lot to discuss."

"One of the most difficult things about my job is trying to determine if a patient is telling the truth or not. All I can do is give you the benefit of the doubt. That creates another problem for me. When I talk with Leanne, I have to give her the benefit of the doubt as well. I guess that is a classic example of a conundrum."

I guess the look on my face gave me away. "It's means like a riddle. My job is to solve the riddle by somehow compelling both of you to finally be honest about your relationship with each other."

We did find plenty to talk about for the entire hour and she was right in that an hour was really not enough time. We didn't resolve anything but when I left, I felt better than I had for a long, long time. She did make a point to shy away from discussing anything about her meeting with Leanne. I was assured that our joint meeting on Friday would address those issues.

I spoke with Sarah the next afternoon and filled her in on my session with Loretta. When I used the word conundrum, she laughed. "You must have stolen that from your doctor. There is no way a guy like you would know a word like that." She told me that she was still working on her plan and encouraged me to make full use of my sessions, "because despite what you may think, you and Leanne could work out your problems and get back together."

On Friday, I was not as nervous as I had been for my first session. I figured that there were no more surprises left. I was also curious how Leanne would react to my declaration of innocence.

Well shit! I hate surprises. It was amazing. She cried and sobbed while she swore at me. I have been called a lot of names before but this was the first time they were all used in the same hour. When I told her I had never cheated, she immediately impressed me with her vocabulary. She called me a liar, a phony, hypocrite, fraud, etc. etc. I found it funny that she used such colorful adjectives before each word, such as fucking phony and other such combinations.

It surprised me also that when she started crying, I had to resist taking her in my arms trying to comfort and protect her from her obvious pain. Every time I had tried to build up some protective emotional armor, something such as that just destroyed it. Just when I start to believe that I may be getting past all the hurt she had put me through over the last year, shit happened and it always seemed to happen to me!

Once I managed to escape from the couple's session, I headed straight to the nearest bar. I walked through the door and took a stool at the bar and while ordering my first drink, handed my car keys to the lady behind the bar. "Please don't ask. Just call me a cab when you think that I'm done." I gave her my address. I was tempted to give her the name of my next of kin.

I dimly remember talking with my daughter, Sam, but I don't remember whatever we might have talked about. I awoke into a world of pain; pain from the light and pain from the drinks of the night before. Thanks to all the gods that this was the weekend. I knew that it would take most of that time before I would return to the land of the living.

The following Wednesday evening during my session with Doc Loretta, we talked a great deal about Leanne's conviction that I had cheated. "She is convinced that you cheated on her and yet you still deny emphatically, stating you have not. I don't see us making any progress until we resolve this issue. I see this as a deal breaker. And you, Monte, still maintain your innocence?"

I looked her in the eyes and nodded my head. "So what do we do if we can't get past this?"

"I'm going to spend a lot of time trying to come up with a solution. If I can't, then I'm afraid that I will fail in my attempt to help you and Leanne save your relationship."

The next day during my weekly meeting with Sarah, she finally clued me in on her plan. It was a stroke of genius. She wanted me to demand that Leanne reveal her information. We both strongly felt that the terrible two-some were somehow involved. I know that we were jumping to a conclusion about that with the little information that we had, but you've got to work with what you have.

I was starting to dread the arrival of Friday. To this point, each meeting had left me feeling lost. I could see no progress in healing the damages to my marriage. This session started out the same as each previous one with Leanne continued to accuse me of everything that had gone wrong with our relationship. I tried to be patient as I waited for my turn and when it came, I put step one of Sarah's plan into action.

"I only see one way to break this deadlock that we find ourselves in. You say I've cheated and I say that I have not. I'm not changing my story and that is final." I looked at both Loretta and Leanne and I continued, "It's time to put up or shut up. It's time to see just what 'evidence' existed to confirm my betrayal of our vows."

"Why do I have to prove your guilt? I know what you have done and you know also. This is a ridiculous idea and I'm not going to even consider it."

"Doc, what do you think? I would think that this is a classic case of being innocent until proven guilty. You said that you have not been able to figure out a way to get past this. I'd like to hear your thoughts."

"I'm going to support Monte on this issue. Leanne, it is time for you to tell us what you have for proof of your claims. Somehow and some way, we have to finally put to rest your claims of your husband's actions."

"Okay, but you will have to let me tell it my way." She looked at me before continuing. "I don't want any interruptions from you, Monte. I don't know why I was so reluctant to disclose all this. I guess that I'm actually embarrassed."

Same as Leanne
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Chapter 20 The Beat Goes On Wednesday morning! Only two more early mornings for me for the next few months! YAY! I was not a fan of early mornings. In a perfect world I'd go to bed at 3 AM and awaken sometime before noon. I quickly showered and shaved. Yes, my new routine involved running the razor over my legs and pits on a daily basis. It only took a minute or two and made me feel so much cleaner. I grabbed a pair of jeans from my drawer and a blue...

2 years ago
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Youre My Bitch Now Part 9

Part Nine Rick had confessed everything to Chris, who hadn't stopped saying sorry for leaving him alone. Chris dragged him back to the flat where Rick collapsed onto the sofa. Chris wrapped his arms around him and tried to get him to calm down. What Scott had done to him freaked Rick out, and it felt good to have Chris hold him tight until he got himself back under control. Chris kept apologising and Rick told him to stop. It wasn't his fault he said, he'd been so star struck and...

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my fantasy29

i kneel down in front of u & grip your elongated cock in both hands & guide it in2 my hungry mouth... u groan as u feel my sucking mouthcover the head of your cock... i withdraw 4 a second & stab the tip of my tongue in2 your drooling cum-hole then my hot mouth moves back down over your cock-head & starts 2 slide it in & out slowly... u gasp as i slide my whole body 4ward & take the full length of your probing prong in2 my throat... u start 2 shiver as i slide my whole...

2 years ago
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Night Dreams

His tongue pressed gently, yet firmly spreading my pussy lips as he lapped slowly making sure to stop and play with my clit a bit before running his tongue back down and then up again. These were the dreams I loved the most. You know the dreams where you find yourself soaking wet when you wake up and hot, sweaty and in need of a rock hard cock fucking you fiercely. Ummm, I was in heaven and I was biting my lip and rocking my pelvis into his face wanting him to fuck my box with his mouth. His...

Straight Sex
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A true story me and a transvestite man part 3

This is the last part of my true story. I had expected it only to need two parts, but it seems that I'm quite a wordy writer, so it now spans 3 parts.Where did I leave off last time? Oh yes; Toni, the gorgeous Brazilian TV was leaning forwards, dressed in her black lingerie, her firm arse towards me, ready for me to enter her. Read on...I wasn't expecting this to go well, as I'd only had a little anal sex before, with a woman, and this had been on a bed, where I could jockey around for best...

1 year ago
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Jason thought to himself - I'm still thinking of my last session. I can't believe I let her distract me from my meditation! She needs to adhere to the schedule next time. He chastised himself for losing control with his assistant Amy. All he could think of was wanting to tie her up with her legs spread wide, while licking and sucking her lower lips and clit with tremendous pressure. He may not get the chance now, seeing she is pissed off. Amy left ubruptly after only her second day on the job...

4 years ago
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The Swim Diaper

The Swim Diaper Synopsis Desperate for a job, Mark meets Marge, owner of a pool service, who takes on a new account and Mark. That account is not your every day swimming pool account and Abby isn't your every day customer. "Different strokes for different folks," Mark muses as he closes the swim diaper he's put on before picking up the pool sweep. Story Mark was getting desperate. He needed a job. Mark was working the street of small businesses beginning a week ago and it was...

2 years ago
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 7 Breakfast at Soursquos

John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 302

"BJ, this is Captain Jimmy Hamilton. He is in charge of one of the Rochester SWAT teams," Captain Peters said. "Good to meet you Captain Hamilton, I hear you want some training for your team?" I replied. "Yes BJ that is what I wanted to talk to you about if I could. Rochester has three different swat teams; one is on duty at all times. They are 15 man teams; only one reports to me," Captain Hamilton replied. "I want to send my team first, and then the others will follow later when...

3 years ago
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The CourierChapter 5

Somewhere on the top floor of the Sylph Corp Water Pokemon R&D branch's main building, three figures emerged from the darkness. The trio crept silently from their hiding place in one of the air vents, and quickly scanned the fish tank filled room. "This is it?!" exclaimed James in a harsh whisper, "Nothing but magikarp!" "Pokemon, are pokemon," replied Meowth with a shrug as he walked around there corner, "Besides, there's more than just magikarp here." "You're just...

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So who won

Patricia Lopez's junior year in the local college had been an epic disaster. Her boyfriend dumped her for another woman causing her grades to fall to a point of academic probation. Going home for the summer was off. She had to stay for the summer term to get her grades back up. She hated it at first but came to love how empty the campus was during the summer term. Her student housing complex was almost empty. She soon discovered the buildings exercise room and spa. It was such a relief to work...

2 years ago
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For Friends and Family Part 5 Life as Nichola

For Friends and Family Part 5 - Life as Nichola Sorry to those who tried to read these stories as a stand alone, this is the 5th episode, it starts with For Friends and Family, in future I'll put what part it is at the title. As we walked from the hospital, our heel clacking in unison, a sound that I was going to have to get very used to, Amy asked "Does it hurt Nicky - Oh sorry sis I forgot you cannot talk until after your next appointment with Jonathan". Smiling I shook my head...

1 year ago
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The Campground

Fifteen year old Stephanie Cramer was excited about her trip to her Aunt Joan's house and was really looking forward to visiting with her cousin Stephanie. Her Uncle Ray and Aunt Joan ran a campground deep in the forest and had acres of secluded land. She liked to go out walking with her cousin Melissa in the back woods. Her Uncle Ray was out of town doing long haul trucking during the off season so he wasn't going to be there. It would just be the girls, the few neighbors that lived...

1 year ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 41 What are friends for

"I don't know you," Paula said. "No, you don't," Angique agreed. "But I know you." She looked Alicia's friend over while they crossed the Club's hall. Once again she wondered why so many attractive women go out of their way to look dull. Everything about Paula cried out not to look at her. Her hair was ... well, hair — in a faux brunette kind of way. Unkind people might call it mousy. Her skin was nice, even with the pink blotches of agitation crawling up from her collar. Her eyes...

2 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 15

We all swam ashore at dawn for tai chi, and James and I sparred while the ladies prepared breakfast. When we finished, they applauded our efforts and flashed their tits from afar. We fished; we did some water-boarding behind our new jet skis, and we explored Lake Powell. Mary and I made love often, and James and Deanna, or James and Grace, or all three of them went below for privacy from time to time, and the three of them slept together at night in the V-berth. James must have got the hang...

3 years ago
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Lisas Evolution Part II Crossing Over

As I pulled into the driveway of Lisa’s large family house, I thought back to the previous year’s unexpected encounter at our favourite conservation park.  Lisa, who had been my best female friend and ‘little sister’ ever since high school, had unexpectedly decided I would be the first boy she would share her gorgeous eighteen-year old body with; well, at least some of it. And share she did right there in the small lake. Afterward, we didn’t really talk about the fact that she had taken a...

1 year ago
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Untold Love 8 Daughter in Law is onboard

My wife and elder daughter had gone to see my son who was at the final stage of completing his course in architecture in the States and only my daughter in law Rimsha was at home with me. She had recently completed her engineering and was working under my supervision in our construction firm. Rimsha is not only my Bahoo (daughter in law) but also the daughter of one of my best friends. It was in the evening of another hot and humid day, when I was reading a news paper, sitting on a rocking...

1 year ago
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I Had No Choice 2

Damn, I felt like a dirty rotten bastard, but it was like college all over again with a cute young thing lusting for my manhood. I can never seem to deny a woman anything that they beg of me, even when I know it is wrong. That day was two weeks ago, and since that time, every Tuesday and Thursday Judy would take the evening to care for my wife, allowing her daughter and I to have ‘study time’ alone at her home. Having been teaching Becky all my carnal knowledge had been terrific for my...

1 year ago
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The Bet

It all started with a bet. It was no secret between Stacy and I about my little kink. We had talked about it in the past, especially in bed after a long, hard session. No matter how much I tried, I kept coming back to the same fantasy. I wanted to watch. I know, I know it's weird, I was even a little weirded out by it, but there was no denying how much it turned me on or how much it turned her on...  Stacy was gorgeous. Young, hot, nice tits and the best ass on the planet. Despite all this she...

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She laid on the bed, the pink jelly vibrator slowly working in and out of her pussy. At 25 years old, Tammy and her pussy were intimate friends. But this time it was different, there was another player in the game. That put a whole new spin on things! She was laying across the bed on her back, her knees were bent and her legs were parted widely. She could feel the head of the fake cock as it pushed its way past her swollen pussy lips. He sat across from her watching her intently. Tammy had...

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Masala Desi! Let’s agree on one thing, besides the essence of porn in our lives that is the factor that it’s not every goddamned person's schedule that allows them to meet up with friends or even engage in the normal chit chats with friends. The good news for such people from the Indian race being that Masala Desi has created an opportunity for them to participate in basic discussions on things like football every day in forums. Besides, there is more interesting shit to do here including...

Porn Forums
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Sweet Surprise

I was stepping out of the shower when I heard my phone beep. It was a text from you saying you were on your way. I smiled to myself as I quickly dressed and checked on dinner. Everything was ready, so I dressed and put a little makeup on. We have been planning this night alone for weeks and I am quite excited. You walk through the door with a bunch of lilies. You hand them to me and kiss me on the cheek. I notice the look in your eyes that says we are in for a very good night.I put the flowers...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Horse sexchapter 2

Omar, the caretaker, smiled. "You are some dirty little teenagers aren't you?" Sheila was defiant. She said, "What the fuck do you want?" "the same as you apparently," he replied. He continued, "You like sex with animals? Let's do some more." "Fuck you," screamed Sheila, "I am not doing anything." Omar calmly said, "I think you both will, or I will tell your parents what little perverts you are. You will do exactly what I say. Do you understand?" John and Sheila had a look...

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Dont Ask Dont TellChapter 2

The next three weeks were perfectly normal. We slipped back into our normal lives as if nothing had ever happened — almost. I cleaned my laptop of all of the stories I had collected. I wiped my links to story sites. I cleared the alt. newsgroups out of my news reader. And I stopped going to my home office and surfing while Suze fixed dinner. The first couple of times we made love were a little awkward and stiff. We were both pretty tentative. But we seemed to get over it and our love life...

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My first experience with cousin

Hi iss readers yeh meri first kahani hai ye tru kahani hai mai 24 yrs ka hoon apni enginer padai poori karli hai meri height 6’ hai aur mere lund 8 inch lamba hai. Ye kahani batane me mujahe bahut maja aa raha hai lekin ie jab maine anjaam diya tab to mujhe bahot maja aaaya. Meri cousin abhi 19 yrs ki hai jisko maine choda tha height uski jaada nahin hai 5 foot ki hogi kekin boooobs bade hai. Aur smart bhi hai. Gand foooli hui hai. Ek din jab hum log sabhi shadi me gaye the us din who ghar me...

4 years ago
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The Great DepressionChapter 3

It was now almost three weeks that Elizabeth had written to her nephew in Atlantic City. She no longer had any hope of hearing from him and she was now resigned to sell the house. It was therefore a great surprise when she saw the mailman riding his bicycle one sunny morning in June, stopped in front of her mailbox by the road. From her kitchen window she watched him place a brown envelope into the box and lift the small metal flag to indicate that there was mail in the box. At first she...

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Choosing a king size bed

After moving to Savannah, my sweet Ana asked me we needed some new furniture for our new house.She wanted to purchase a comfortable new bed and she said she would fuck my brains out as soon as we could lay there…The same day we went to the mall and Ana stopped at a furniture store for a big King size bed and a couch.I went to the hardware store picking up paint when she called me, saying she had found the right bed.She hurried me to come and see it; because the store would close in fifteen...

3 years ago
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Poll Dancing

"Hi, my name is Carie and I'm not selling anything. Can you please take a minute to answer a few questions about the upcoming election? No? No? No?" If you can't handle rejection, don't get into anything that involves door-to-door cold calling. I really wasn't selling, just doing political surveys, but from some people's reactions you'd think I was there to barbecue their kittens. After a while I started to consider that. Some people are assholes. But you develop a thick skin, move...

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Sex With My Busty Colleague In Office

Hi sex cravers, this is Varun again. I appreciate your comments in my mail and thanks for the likes on my stories. For all who don’t know me, I’m Varun, 24yrs old with 5.9” weighing 70kgs which is neither skinny nor fat. I’m open for sex chats so ladies start pressing keys on your phone to my hangouts inbox. Story is about my busty colleague Anusha who joined recently. There is a girl at my workplace who I sort of had a crush on. She was not that great. I mean she was fair but doesn’t have an...

1 year ago
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Aching for some Red Hot Pie tonight? Shit, I feel you because it feels like it’s been hours since I last ejaculated into an old gym sock. Seriously, though, the pandemic was a bad time for trying to find some poon on the Internet, but it seems like the clouds are finally starting to lift. Maybe you’re vaccinated, or perhaps you just never gave a fuck, but either way, I think it’s about time to get back into the game.To that end, RedHotPie.com.au might have precisely what you’re looking for. As...

Hookup Sites
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Play It Again SamChapter 7 You played it for her you can play it for me

An hour later we were all sitting around the dining room table quietly sipping wine and snacking on cheese and crackers from a large platter that Pat and Maria had fixed for us when I broke the silence. "So you two really and truly aren't mad at me?" I asked hopefully looking from Dana to Candy and then back to Dana. Dana smiled then she slowly and deliberately put a thin sliver of cheese to her mouth. Her full, red lips toyed with the milky white offering, the tip of her tongue...

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