BanditChapter 6 free porn video

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Jo had the alarm set for 4:30 and before it went off I felt the bed shake. I opened my eyes and in the dim light, there were two sets of eyes staring down at us. I pinched Jo’s nipple and she bumped her butt back against me.

“We have company,” I said next to her ear.

“Awww, our cute little babies are ready to run, let me go pee and get dressed and we’ll go,” Jo said as she rolled out of bed naked. She sure looks good in the morning.

The dogs either had to pee bad or were ready to head back to the park, it turned out that it was both. They hurried to the grass in the back yard as soon as we opened the door and both peed a gallon. JoJo, squirted hers all out in one little puddle while Bandit squirted his out an ounce at a time all over the small back yard, hitting each board on the tall fence with at least a squirt.

We were ready to go by the time Jo came to the kitchen from the bathroom.

It was 5:00 by the time we started our morning jog and the two little JRT’s were full of energy. We made two fast laps and headed back to Jo’s apartment so she could shower and dress. When she got in the shower, I stripped and got in with her as she laughed and hugged me.

“Bend over Jo, we don’t have long and I need you,” I told her. She was ready.

“I need you too, Owen. You make me feel good, fuck my pussy and make me cum. We can make love again tonight and I’ll suck your cock,” she said and backed up to my hard cock.

“Tonight, we do the 69 and we both get good cums.”

“Fuck me Owen,” she said and we must have looked like Bandit and JoJo, the way we were thrashing and splashing in the shower.

We got her showered and dressed in her crisp blue nurse’s scrubs and it was all I could do to let her go.

“We’re going to do this different this morning Jo, come go with us, we’re going to drive you to work,” I said and she looked at me, her eyes wide, her smile all over her face.

We walked over to the garage where my truck was parked and with her in the passenger seat with two little dogs walking all over her, we drove over to the Baptist Medical Center.

She showed me where to let her out and I stopped at the entrance and ran around to open her door.

“We’ll be here to get you, call me and let me know about your job,” I told her and we kissed hard – deep - and passionately. She reached in and patted JoJo and Bandit on the heads.

“I want you already, Owen,” she said.

“I want you too, Jo. Good luck on the call. Be sure and let me know,” I said and she entered the building with a wave.

I drove back to the park and I felt alone, even with the two little hellions that were raring to go. I always keep a can of tennis balls in my glove compartment for Bandit to play with in the park and today I took them with us as we left the truck.

I wanted to try something, and I knew that if it didn’t work, I would chase dogs all day and maybe into the night. I had my best back-up on my side though and I had to give it a try.

I put Bandit’s leash on and then JoJo’s. When we got to the jogging path, I gave Bandit the loop on JoJo’s leash and we started out. She did good, way better than I ever thought. She soon learned that Bandit was in control of her leash and seemed to accept the fact that he was in charge.

We made a lap and went over to the grassy area where we had all met two days ago.

I took the leash off Bandit’s collar and handed the leather loop of JoJo’s leash to him.

I squatted down in front of Bandit, pulling his face up to look at me, “Partner, this little girl needs our help. I’m going to put you in charge and I want you to make her mind, even if you have to scold her ass ... You got it, Buddy?” He was turning his head from side to side as I talked, I knew this was a heavy load for the little guy, but I have confidence in him.

I held the leather loop out and he snapped it up, I stood up and took a deep breath.

“Take JoJo for a walk Bandit, and make her mind you,” I said and exhaled.

They took off across the grass in a dead run, I really thought this was it and was ready to take off after them. Bandit turned and headed across the wide open field in another direction and she never challenged him. When he turned, she did too, the leash was not even a factor.

I blew his whistle and he broke for me, snatching the chain tight at first, then they ran side by side like two little white bullets with black spots, the slack in the chain kicking up grass between them as it dragged the ground.

I gave each of them two treats and teased them with another, but didn’t give it to them.

I sent them out two more times like this and they came back the same way. I wasn’t brave enough to try it with no leash on JoJo, so I told Bandit to let her run with him and took the loop from his mouth. He looked at the loop, then at me and barked.

He was gone in a flash, JoJo looked at her chain then at me, “Go with Bandit, JoJo,” I said and pointed to him, I felt weak in my knees when she took off after him, her leash dragging, the leather loop flying up and flipping over as she ran.

Bandit turned to see where she was and she caught up to him, they ran across the grassy slope, back and forth until they gave out. I blew his whistle and my heart gave a big thump and swelled in my chest when they both came at me in a dead run. I knelt down and held my arms wide as they left the ground ten feet from me and landed against my chest. I couldn’t get close enough to them as I hugged them and bragged on them. I gave them a treat and they did flips and turns and I gave them another one.

We did that two more times and I got really brave, I took her leash off and lay it on the ground in a little pile, next to Bandits leash. I walked out a ways with them to let her know she wasn’t on a leash and she was just like him, a live wire.

I picked up the can and Bandit knew what I was about to do, he was happy and because he was happy, JoJo was too, she just didn’t know why yet.

I took a ball out and bounced it on the ground, Bandit bounced as high as the ball did and JoJo watched him, then the ball. I bounced it again and they both leaped into the air.

I bent down and rolled the ball a few feet from them and Bandit ran and grabbed it and brought it back, dropping it at my feet and looking at me to throw it again. I picked it up and took another ball out. I rolled both of them across the ground a few feet from me and Bandit took off after one, JoJo watched him and was gone in a blink to get the other one.

They brought them back and JoJo held onto hers when bandit dropped his at my feet. He was taking this seriously and barked at her, she jumped and lay the ball down.

We did this three more times and they ran after them and brought them back, I gave them a treat each time and they were ready for more. I held the balls in my hand and then drew back and threw them about thirty feet out, I put the can with the last tennis ball on the ground, I was ready to run, but I was smiling as JoJo ran to a ball and grabbed it, just as Bandit did and they raced back neck and neck.

I held my arms out again and here they came, I think they were as happy as I was, and I gave them a treat.

“Well, here goes boys and girls,” I said and threw one ball as far as I could, then the next one as fast as I could get hold of it. The balls hit the ground close to twenty feet apart and rolled another twenty feet. Bandit was first because he left early, he knew what was going to happen when I drew back to throw. JoJo took off when I threw the first one and when she saw the second one hit near her, she made a dive for it. She scared the hell out of me when she made a wide circle after she scooped it up, I thought she was gone, but she never slowed as she made her circle and tried to catch Bandit on her way back. I stooped down and opened my arms as they ran all out, right at me.

Again they leaped into my arms and got a treat. They were both panting after all the running and we walked over to the doggie fountain, neither of them on a leash. They drank their fill and were ready to play some more, so I took the two balls and threw them back toward where we had been. They were gone in an instant and chased the two balls down, breaking into a dead run back toward me. I bent down with a treat in each hand and held it over them, they dropped the balls and jumped up to get the treats.

I walked back over to where their treats and leashes were and they were all over the place, jumping to my waist - running, tumbling and chasing one another. I picked up the leashes and blew the whistle, Bandit came running instantly and JoJo ran because he did. When I had them both leashed, I handed her leash to Bandit, just as I had been doing. We walked back to the parking area, me leading him - him leading her - or maybe they were both leading me.

I was thrilled at the way the morning had gone, JoJo was trying to be like Bandit and he was trying to impress her with his tricks. He seemed to love the authority I had given him over her. Maybe this would help her to give in to Jo and me when it comes to obedience.

I wasn’t sure if I was jumping the gun with my thinking about Jo, but I felt the need to share my feelings with her in a way she would know I really cared.

I called a florist near the Med and ordered a dozen roses to be delivered ASAP. I gave them her name and the department she worked in. I was sure that someone could tell them how to find her.

I was fixing myself a sandwich when my cell phone rang, it was Jo.

“Owen Kelley, you better be rested up when I get off today,” she said as soon as I answered.

“Is that a threat?”

“Yes it is, that was a threat to your physical well being. I just got my flowers and they are beautiful. I was just telling my best friends here about meeting you and how we met and how nice and handsome you were, and the florist delivery girl called my name. I turned and saw the roses and I knew it was you. I screamed, I was so excited. Owen, I’m afraid to say what I feel right now, but are you sure you know what you’re doing to me?”

“Yes I know, and I like making you feel good, you should know that by now. I’m not going to back down either, unless you tell me to.”

“I’d be a fool to do that. I got some really good news too, I just got a call from the surgical clinic. The job’s mine Owen. I’ll start in thirty days, they did that to let me give plenty of notice here. I may have to go over there on my days off and go through some training routines with the nurses that are already there.”

“Great news, Jo. I’m proud of you and happy for you too, you deserve it.”

“Thanks Owen and I’ll thank you again when we get home today, you are coming after me aren’t you?”

“We’ll be there, and we’ll have another surprise waiting for you too.”

“I can hardly wait. I need to run, see all of you soon. I uh ... I’ll see you then ... bye Owen.”

She was gone, I’m really and truly happy for her. I know she almost told me she loved me, and I had to stop myself from telling her I loved her. We only met like three days ago and though we’ve spent a most of those three days together, we still have a lot to consider.

Fuck it, if she’ll have me, I’m going all out. She’s tall, beautiful and sexy as hell. She’s smart, efficient, frugal and she loves dogs. She stays in shape and she makes me feel like I’m supposed to be with her - so what - if she’s younger by eight years ... she sure doesn’t seem to mind.

Besides all that, we’re going to be in the puppy business together. I’m sure as soon as she reads the book on birthing puppies, her being a nurse, she’ll take over and know what to do and when. The first thing we need to do in a week or so, is get JoJo to a vet and get her checked out, we need to get her on the healthiest diet for pregnant dogs too.

I was nervous - I was excited and I have to admit to myself - I think I’m falling in love. I like the feeling and I sure hope Jo feels the same way.

I took two steaks out of the fridge, washed them and seasoned them. I put them in a covered dish on the counter. I took two potatoes out and greased them in shortening, then wrapped them in foil and set them on the counter. I cut lettuce, and diced tomatoes, and put them in bowls and put them back in the fridge.

“You guys ready to go get Jo?” I asked the two wild ass JRTs and they really went wild then. I wasn’t sure if JoJo was excited just because Bandit was, but either way, she went into doggie overdrive.

We were leaving early but I was too nervous to stay here. I needed to go as bad as the little dogs did, and they needed to be going all the time.

I drove out to I-430 on the west side of Little Rock, then south to where I-630 runs through the downtown area. I saw the store I was looking for and parked the truck in the shade of a building with the windows down just a little. It took me thirty minutes, but I had exactly what I wanted. I had seen it, in an ad in the paper.

Baptist Medical Center is right off I-630 and I parked as close as I could, to the door Jo had gone into this morning.

My cell phone rang at 4:00 and I jumped just like the dogs did.

“I’m off, are you here yet?” Jo asked, she sounded happy.

“We’re right out front, I’ll pull up to the door and get you.”

“Good, two of my friends want to meet you, I had to tell them all about you after I got the roses.”

“We’ll be at the front door.”

I wonder what she told them about me. I know she likes me, but now I want more.

As soon as she came through the double glass doors, we saw her. She was waving and there were two women with her. The two JRTs went berserk and ran all over me, the back seat and the dash in their excitement. I grabbed both of them by the collars as Jo opened the passenger door.

She reached out and petted both dogs, then looked at me and smiled as she blew me a kiss. That felt good.

“Owen I want you to meet two of my best friends, Linda and Carolyn.

“Girls, this is Owen, Bandit and JoJo.” She said as they all looked in the door.

“Owen, we had to come meet you after she’s talked about you all morning. Then the flowers came and we knew we had to meet you. She’s been in the clouds all day. Jo told us that the little terriers were going to have pups, keep us in mind when they’re born,” Carolyn said, she was the closest to the door and had her head in as the dogs tried to jump up and lick her.

“I’m pleased to meet both of you, I think your friend is very special ... and yes, we’ll keep you in mind if and when the pups get here.”

Jo made her way into the passenger seat as the little dogs climbed all over her. She finally got the door closed and we were off. When we got to the street, I stopped for traffic and Jo reached over and pulled my shirt hard.

“Come here you, I want a kiss and I want you,” she said and leaned over to meet me as we kissed over the console, the two dogs licking both of as we did.

“I want you too, but first, the three of us have a surprise for you,” I said as we caught the traffic and left the parking lot.

“You have already pleasantly surprised me ... I have a new job and I have just been picked up from work by a handsome man. I don’t know what you could to top all that,” she said.

“We may not top it, but you will love what you see,”

“I already love what I see, and I can hardly wait to get home.”

“This won’t take long, we can’t wait to show you, just bear with us.”

“I’m ready, and I’m excited. What did you three do all day?”

“We went to the park for a while ... then back to my place and watched the clock until time to come get you.”

“How did you ever handle both of these little wild scamps in the park at the same time?” she asked as she loved on both of them, hugging them and letting them lick her face.

“We had fun together. Bandit helped me watch JoJo and she did really good.”

“Did she? I’m so happy.”

When we got to the park, I got both leashes and we got out with the dogs ready to go, as usual. I got the can of tennis balls and Jo took both their leashes.

We went back to the exact spot where we had first met and I took Bandits leash off. I held JoJo’s leather loop out and Bandit took it, he knew what was coming next.

“Take her for a walk Bandit, watch out for her,” I said and they started out, when JoJo realized that we didn’t have her leash, she and Bandit ran and played just like this morning.

“Come here sexy,” I said as I pulled Jo to me for a kiss. She was all over me - we kissed and hugged and touched - then looked at each other and grinned.

“One day, if you keep letting me spend time with you, I’m going to bring you back to this very spot and we’re going to make love while our dogs play and run,” I told her as she looked at me.

“I’d do it right now,” she smiled.

“I would too, but we’ll have to wait until you’re wearing something other than scrubs so you don’t have to get naked in front of everyone.”

“I want you so bad, I’d pull them off right now, if you told me to,” she kissed me then. I wanted her too and was almost tempted.

I looked down and Bandit and JoJo were at our feet, jumping and yipping.

He still had her leash and I took it from him, and removed it from her collar.

“Take JoJo for a run Bandit, watch out for her, she’s the mother of your puppies,” I said and Jo grabbed me.

“Owen are you sure?” Jo asked as she looked at me, she was smiling, but she still had to see it to believe it.

“Watch this, you haven’t seen anything yet,” I told her as they ran across the slope, playing and racing each other.

I blew the whistle and they raced back. I pulled a treat from my pocket and they both jumped up to get it.

I opened the can of balls and tossed one in the air, they were ready.

“Watch this Jo, watch our little girl run and play,” I said as I threw the first ball, then the other one as they both raced after them. As soon as they chased them down, they came right back, both of them running all out as they raced back.

“OH MY GOD ... I love it. She’s running and playing without a leash,” Jo shouted and hugged me.

“You throw the ball for her, I’ll hold Bandit until she goes after it.”

I handed the ball to Jo and she let it fly, JoJo ran to the ball and grabbed it, she ran her big circle and came racing back.

“Stoop down and hold your arms out,” I told her and she dropped to her knees, her arms out, tears running down her face as JoJo ran and leaped into her arms. I thought she was going to break JoJo’s bones the ways she hugged her so tight and cried big heaving sobs as she looked up at me then kissed and hugged her little girl again. I handed her a treat and she gave it to JoJo.

We threw the tennis balls until we gave out, letting them run and play together. We gathered our stuff up and walked over to the doggie fountain and let them drink. They weren’t ready to go yet, but we were. We put the leashes on them and walked to the truck. When I opened the passenger door, the two little dogs jumped up to the floor then into the seat as they both stood barking and jumping, waiting for Jo to get in.

She turned and grabbed me in a hug.

“When we get home, I’m going to suck you and fuck you Owen Kelley,” she said.

“Remember what I said; the next time, we both get to suck,” I said and helped her sexy butt into the seat, we kissed again with the dogs all over us, wanting in on it.

“I know that and I can hardly wait to get naked with you again.”

“I have steaks out and seasoned, two potatoes to bake and salads already made, can we eat first or do we need to eat each other?”

“Since you’ve gone to that much trouble, I can wait. Besides, I’m hungry and I need to keep my strength up so I can stay with you.”

We pulled into the parking garage and the two little JRTs were ready, they knew we were home and could hardly wait to get inside, for other reasons than ours though.

“Bandit, can you get JoJo to the elevator?” I asked before we let them out. He barked so I told Jo to let them out.

They took off to the elevator and were looking up, waiting for the doors to open when we got there.

“If I’m able, you get two good fuckings tonight Owen Kelley. You are a miracle man with dogs,” Jo said and kissed me as we rode up the elevator.

“I’m lucky to have gotten a dog like Bandit, he’s the one that made JoJo want to change. I’m lucky to have met you too Jo, you’ve made a big change in my life and in my thinking.”

“Owen, you’ve made my life like a dream since we met. I called Mom today on my lunch break and told her I met you. She wanted to know all about you, where you were from, what you do for a living, do you like dogs, are you handsome, and when are you coming to Hot Springs so they can meet you,” Jo told me laughing as she named all the questions off.

Same as Bandit
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I met my M-man at the door with a kiss. We talked very little. He doesn’t waste anytime when he first gets there. He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled me down on top of him. We both love to kiss a lot! He plays soft like I do and uses his hands to touch me all over. We kissed while he ran his hands under my blouse and inside my pants. I wore a low-rise pair of black pants with a lowcut blouse with matching bra and lowrise briefs. I told him I was wearing more this time so he...

3 years ago
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Shameful Thing To Do

In 1968 I was a young man of 20 years and I did not amount to a hell of a lot. I had been extremely well educated and had, stupidly, wasted my chance at further education. I had learned a bit about life in those couple of years of college after leaving school, or, at least, about the 'Having a good time' side of life anyway. Following a variety of jobs I finally bowed to family pressure and found a 'Career' with prospects. This brought me back to the city that had been my 'stamping...

2 years ago
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Best Friend Cuckold Me And Fucks My Bitch Wife

Hi reader, this is my fantasy story of getting cuckold by my huge dick friend and my wife willingly taking it! My name is Morgan. I am 27 years old. I am an average-built guy with a slim and tall body. I got married recently. About my wife, her name is Katy. She is a little dominant type but she is not used to doing it with me as I am the leader of the family. My wife is short and slim with a perfect body. Her tits and ass are round and perfect for her short height. No guys will leave a chance...

2 years ago
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A New JobChapter 3

I woke up on Saturday around 1 pm by someone caressing my head. As I slowly became aware of things I realized I was still all dressed up in rubber with both the dildopanties and the ballet boots. I opened my eyes and saw Susan smiling at me as she continued caressing my body all over. Suddenly I felt the dildos came to life inside me as she kissed me deeply. I kissed her back and held her close to me as I had a nice slow but long orgasm. She turned off the vibrations as we just lay in a nice...

3 years ago
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Amandas Journey Day 2 Part 3

Chapter 10 I spot a trash can nearby and run over to it, lean over the rim, and vomit. I know every pair of eyes in the lot were drawn to the sound of running high heels, but all I'm able to worry about is keeping my hair out of the stream of vomit. Jennifer rushes over to find out what's wrong, and a kind young man inquires if I'm ok, and hands me a bottle of water. Who say's chivalry is dead? Jen reassures the good Samaritan that I'll be fine, as I rinse my mouth. I...

3 years ago
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Mom8217s Threesome With My Best Friend

Hello guys, thanks for your wonderful feedback on my previous all the stories. So let us begin with another story here. This is a fictional story based out on real characters. My name is Rahul and I am currently 27 years old. This is the story of the time while I finished junior college. I was 19 years old. I was in an all-boys school. As most of you know the boys out there are the most vulgar and evil. I watched porn for the first time with my friends. I had a best friend Sunil, he gave me a...

4 years ago
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El Paso jackstraw

A couple of months ago, my friend Jake Rivers put out a call for writers to participate in a story invitational based on three classic songs by Marty Robbins: ‘El Paso,’ ‘Feleena’ and ‘El Paso City.’ This is a follow-up on to our first invitational in the fall of 2006 with entries based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ If there is continuing support we might make this a regular semi-annual event This is my interpretation of the El Paso saga. ^ ^ ^ ^ EL PASO, 2007 It...

2 years ago
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Kathys Second Trip to the Brickyard 400 Flashing and Sex

Due to college, I hadn't been to the Brickyard 400 in two years. I was excited to see that things had even gotten a bit wilder. I got cheers and whistles, including a few stiff ones, as I exposed my naked body to all the men. Having done a live sex show at the age of nineteen (and just two weeks before), I couldn't believe I was so nervous flashing at Indy again. But let me tell you: I was as nervous as I could be. I could only make it home for Saturday, the real party night. I put on my little...

2 years ago
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My Mystery Man

I went to a local pub this evening for a music pub quiz with my friends, and half way through a group of men three men sat at the table next to us. We were struggling with the quiz kept asking the men for help with the older songs, as we are in our early 20s and they looked to be around 40. I immediately fancied one of the men; he had a couple of tattoos and the stupidly attractive facial hair some men my own age struggle to grow. Throughout the night I kept throwing glances his way, and...

2 years ago
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Progression Ch 04 A Real Fitting

Nathan hung out with Jeff and his other flatmates for the day. He had been so focused on Ryan and Jack that it was nice to have a break and be normal for the day. They went to the pub for lunch and then watched some films. Before he knew it, the day was over, and everyone was heading to bed.The next morning Nathan woke up for work. He panicked, remembering tonight he was to meet Ryan and Jack again, but he wasn’t in his cage.Quickly he picked up his cage and went into the bathroom for his...

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Confessions Of A Traveling Salesman

I sell industrial equipment for a living. My job requires that I travel all across the country, so it is not unusual for me to be gone for a week or more at a time. I recently stayed at a hotel for a week and the second day there I heard a young woman in the room next to me talking and it didn't take me to long to figure out she was an escort. I had heard her talking to a client on the phone. I like hookers, but I try and avoid them when the company is footing the bill for the room as a lot of...

Oral Sex
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Michael and Sophia The Shower and the Storm

Her ample breasts pressed against his masculine chest, and her nipples hard as pebbles were causing his cock to stir. Michael and Sophia: The Shower and the Storm The storm was fierce. Michael and Sophia huddled together on the couch. As he held her, he could feel her shivering with fear. Her ample breasts pressed firmly against his masculine chest. Her nipples, hard as pebbles were causing his cock to stir. Sophia was afraid of the thunder. Every time it crackled, she squeezed him tighter. Her...

2 years ago
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The names James Hardon Part I

In case you are wondering, this is a James Bond gay spoof.Riding in a personal escort vehicle and in the back, I felt nice and cozy in my suit and white tie. I looked down as I sat in the large seat and could feel a nice poking in my black trousers. A nice tent rising up to meet me as I got comfy in my dress slacks. Damn it felt so good to be horny!The portable screen in front of me shut on and a white haired woman named B appeared. I almost closed my legs at the surprise. I was never used to...

3 years ago
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The Geezer Part 2Teaching Rachel Suzy

Intro: This is a continuation of The Geezer Makes Out. It takes place after their first weekend together. Reading that story first will help make it easier to understand what happens here. I hope you enjoy it. Chapter 1 I figured that if I ever tried to describe the events of the previous 72 hours, people would surely think me delusional. Maybe I’d spent too much time in the sun (although it was winter) or fallen and hit my head (but I had no cuts, bumps, or bruises). It was real all right,...

First Time
2 years ago
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Tryst on the balcony

I check into the hotel, but you’ve beaten me to it. I get my key and head up to the room, close to the top floor. I enter the suite, but don’t see you. I do see your shoes. My eyes follow in their direction and I see your blouse also on the floor. As I walk towards it I see your skirt at the balcony door. The door is half open. I go out on to the balcony expecting to find you showing your body to the world, but I am alone. There’s a bottle of wine, so I pour a glass. I take a drink and hear the...

3 years ago
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Kristens Story A Forced Feminization PART 2

Kristen's Story: A forced Feminization PART 2 by Alana Bonetto They buckled my arms and my ankles securely. Despite my fear and anxiety at being taken here against my will and bound to a chair, I felt lightheaded, almost elated. My head floated as if I had done a popper, as I would sometimes do at a disco with friends, or before a night of savage coupling with a hot slut. Jim said, "Sit back and enjoy the show, hon. I'm sure it'll be an unforgettable cinematic experience!" They...

1 year ago
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Beloved incest mom

100% fiction! Hello friends, this Aman sen from kolkata, and here i'm going to share my sex life with my family... I come from Bengali Hindu family, i'm 5ft 9inch with good physique, at present i'm 25 yrs old. And i work in a private firm as a relationship manager. Let me tell you about my family, my father Amar sen age is 41yrs and is a manager in a private firm, he had to frequently traveled to Dubai on business trips. My mother Anitha sen is 5ft 4inch with attractive figure and look younger...

4 years ago
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Gaand Ke Badle Chut Mili

Hi friends, recent I added new story “ISS reader se gand marwai” Now back with new story gand ke sath sath chut bhi mili.. Iss reader ke 10.5” ke lund se gand marwane ke baad meri gand ka bosda ban gaya hai.. Uske lund se mai ek hi din mai 5 baar chuda.. Uske jane ke baad itna bada lund milna mushkil tha.. Par usne barosa dilaya tha ki vo dobara mujhe chodne jaroor aayega tab tak mujhe apne friend ke lund se hi gujara chalana pad rha hai..Uska lund 9.5” inch ka hai.. Aur chodne mai bhi mast...

3 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 72

During the ride home, Frederik finally showed Sandra he could get frisky with her. After Sandra had snuggled up against him, lying in his arms, they enjoyed each other's company silently. At first, Frederik was just rubbing Sandra's right arm, but slowly, his hand moved on top of her stomach and then farther upwards towards her breast. The closer his hand got to her breast; the more it excited her. The anticipation as he moved his hand ever so slowly towards her breast, was much more...

2 years ago
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Winter FiresChapter 7

"You really ought to try it, you know, Cari," Marianne told her sister. "Oh, I couldn't!" "Of course you could! I did!" Caroline turned to her mother, pleading, "Mum, you know. I can't model in front of a camera!" But Tina didn't agree. "Whyever not, Caroline? You can't say you haven't the looks, after all!" "Well, no, but..." "No 'buts' young lady! This is that self-esteem thing we were talking about! Your sister has made a really good suggestion, it seems to me....

2 years ago
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my first granny

  She was 71 at the time, but she easily looked 60. She had short, grey hair nicely styled. She kept her body fit enough. I flew to her town to go to a graduation party for the daughter of my best friend. When I got there, his mother-in-law, Krista, was there helping decorate the house. We exchanged pleasantries and spoke a few times throughout the day. I had the feeling she was eyeballing me just the same as I was her. ‘I’m making some cookies in the kitchen and I sure could use some...

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Kappy Son of KaptainChapter 7

Jean tossed her head and whined gutturally in her emotional anguish and unprecedented impassioned craving, a stimulating shock tremoring along the smooth flesh of her thighs as she twitched and ground her buttocks down into the softness of the davenport cushion, her whimpers giving way to an incessant, helpless groaning, while his finger teased mercilessly at the thin, passion aroused slit of her vagina, gently thrusting and probing into it, parting the golden, silklike pubic hairs and making...

2 years ago
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The Invention II Touch of LustChapter 6

Ms. O’Negai rested her forearm above her, her left hand holding onto the window frame. Beyond her, Ryan could see people in the distance, running back and forth on the bright green soccer field. His hands rested on her hips, the fingers flexing to grip her skin. Her naked ass twitched. Under it his cock extended until it vanished between her thick, puffy pussy lips. They closed around his head, wetly gripping him as the head of his cock pressed against the entrance to her vagina, blocked...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 305

40 years of marriage... A married couple in their early 60s are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant. Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table. She said, 'For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish.' The wife answered, 'Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband.' The fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! -...

4 years ago
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My horny neighbors

I was staying at my aunt's house for a couple of weeks while she and my uncle traveled. They didn't want to leave the house empty for that long. They said if I needed anything, I could ask the friendly older couple next door. I assured them I would be fine. They went on their merry way. I had been there for a couple of days already and decided to sunbath topless in the back yard. I was lying there, eyes closed, when I suddenly started hearing soft moaning. I opened my eyes and looked around...

4 years ago
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Mary Likes them BIG

I am what you might usually call a computer geek and married Mary, who I was introduced to by a mutual friend, when I was 26, some fifteen years ago. Our first meeting was set up as a blind date when Mary was asked to make up a sixth at a dinner party and to everyone's surprise, including my own, we just hit it off and we wed less than a year later.Now, I know I'm not bad looking - just nothing special, whereas Mary is attractive. Not the tall, model type who many of your writers describe, but...

1 year ago
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Ann and Yvette A surprising tale of how two bis meet

When I walked into the lesbian bar, and saw her, I knew she was the one. I walked up to her, an average height, small breasted, black girl, with long black hair that had brown highlights. She had a huge ass. "Hi. I'm Ann. What's your name?"I asked, flashing my white teeth in a beautiful smile. "Yvette, "her soft, silky voice said. I had no bra on, so I knew my hard nipples must've been showing. My pussy got very wet, and was aching to be touched. "Do you wanna dance?" I asked. She accepted my...

2 years ago
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True Story Foot and shoe fetish

So our story begins when my parents leave me in charge of babysitting my sister who is 3 years younger then me and is currently 15 years old. my mom said she didnt care what we did as long as we went by my rules. so my parents left friday morning. me and my sister went to school like normal, i get home before her so i was hanging out at my house when i got a text from my mom saying “your sister needs to ask you something when she gets home.” to which i replied “ok.” so a...

2 years ago
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Time of her life

There is nothing more in this world I love more than to hear my girlfriends moans while I lick and suck her dripping pussy. The other day while I was at work, she emailed me a picture of her love zone and told me to ‘get ready for a long night…’ and I was so overcome with desire to nibble her sweet folds I could not focus at all for the remaining hours at the office I drove as fast as I possibly could, knowing that when I got home I would have a feast laid out for me.Sure enough, as soon as I...

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Neighbourly Love

Neighbourly Love Susanna says: - This is one of those T-girls, TV nightmares. You develop good friendships with your neighbours and keep your other personality hidden from their view until one day they see you and find out and everything changes, either for the worse and you never speak or for the better and you become even closer friends than before. This is one of those, and it shows how lucky I was with my neighbour, although it doesn't start out sounding like that! Jeff had...

2 years ago
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Nangi bate with Bajoowali

This is revi again. I got your good response in my “Lust of Shopkeeper” Story. Thanks for it. I want to share my another story with all sex bomb ladies. As I have received good response from many people, in which one of the lady came in chatting and she thought this is all fantasy. My dear friends I know , so many person is writing there fantasy but I am writing true story. Any ways I am introducing my self again. I am 5.7” good looking male. With nice physic and 7” massive cock to enjoy sex...

1 year ago
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TeenagersChapter 2 Grandpas Advice

God was still scowling when Michael ushered a stoop shouldered, little old man into His office. An unruly shock of white hair rimmed a ruddy scalp with age spots. The old man's looks didn't match his spry step and bright eyes. "You may sit there, Sir" Michael instructed courteously. God's eyes widened when the old man said, "Thank you, Sonny. If there's anything else I can help you with, just let me know." "I think..." and at the man's raised finger, choked as if swallowing what...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 18 Difficult Decision

“Silternjan, repeat these words you just said!” Horn Kikon gritted his teeth as the atmosphere spiked with tension. “Calm down, Kikon”, Archbishop Silternjan felt a tinge scared that the beast will lose all reason and attack the messenger. Inwardly he cursed the Violet Star Commander for sending Horn Kikon along General Logan and not someone less unhinged. “It’s the chain trying to take what little advantage still available from obtaining the Galactic Communicator”. “Silternjan”, Admiral...

1 year ago
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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 28

In May 1942, as far as can be ascertained by trolling through German and Soviet sources, the defending Generals of Moscow, Zhukov, Timoshenko and Konev, could call on 13 Soviet Armies, including over 2000 tanks, to defend the capital. If these figures are correct, and there's room for doubt, the Red Army had total numerical superiority over the Germans in the Moscow area. The majority of the tanks were the then new, T34, which, together with the German PzKw VI 'Panther, ' were the best...

2 years ago
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Union RebellingChapter 8

Kat was early for her 0800 6th Day meeting with Minerva. When she had returned to her apartment the previous afternoon, she had a message telling her to report to the Sector Commanding Officer at 0800 the next morning. The tone of the report was very official in a way that was hard to pin down. Her previous communications from Minerva had always had a more casual tone, like that of an advisor. This was definitely an official Sector CO to junior Agent message. Kat couldn't help but grin....

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 18

"Oh man, Jim's never gonna let me live this down!" Liv rose from her hiding spot. Jim Andrews was the good-natured owner of Andrews and Sons Auto Salvage. The approaching truck, his flatbed wrecker, was a vehicle Liv was all too familiar with. She and Murphy had hitched a ride on the truck twice during the past year. Pulling the Porsche from the Drunken Engineer was something Jim would give Liv endless grief about. Though at the moment, she didn't care. Ecstatic about the prospect of...

4 years ago
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Depression SoupChapter 14 A Lady Named Samantha

My still black eye gave me "braggin' rights," when we went to churchthe following Sunday after the big fish adventure. It was fading by then but still very noticeable. Of course, in a close-knit county like ours everyone already knew at least one version of the truth. Those who had witnessed the incident had to tell everybody else who wasn't there about our altercations with the two Bradleys, father and son. As always, something got added or changed or omitted with each retelling. Truth...

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424 the eyes have it 4

424 the eyes have it [4]It was a long week, each night they had vanilla sex, or just made love before sleeping but the subject of bondage or any other more interesting disciplines, was avoided, however she knew he had fetched home certain items in a holdall probably from his course, and dumped it in his room. Work for her seemed to last forever, whenever she sat for a free moment or on the tube, going or coming home her mind roamed free over the open tundra of her mind, could he control...

2 years ago
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My sister used me 2

After being introduced to sex by my older sister Pam at 12 (see original story), I was looking forward to hearing the call of 'you're needed little bro' from her and I didn't have to wait long! It was a Sunday, mum & dad went to visit our nan and we were again in the house alone. I was in the garden when Pam opened her bedroom window and called "you're needed little bro"! As I climbed the stairs Pam was coming out of her bedroom, she was naked and heading for the bathroom. "I'm going for a...

3 years ago
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The Valentine Teddy Bear

The small group of young women were sitting around the table in the company lunch room chatting, an everyday occurrence. An observer would see them laughing and talking, enjoying the time before they returned to their respective desks, in their various departments. Alice, a slim redhead in her mid-twenties, turned to the woman directly across from her, and asked, "Lea, do you and Hank have anything planned for Valentine's Day?" Lea face lit up with a smile before replying. "I don't...

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