OtherworldChapter 6 Atheria
- 4 years ago
- 64
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The lodge pole and skins were going up pretty fast, and the ladies were trying to get meals going at the same time. I was determined to stay out of the way. But before boredom could set in I went out into the horse cave and saddled up Clyde, and got a small saw from the machine cave. I raised the overhead door in the horse cave to ride Clyde out in the courtyard just about all work stopped as they had to look at both me as well as Clyde. They had never seen a horse being ridden before. I rode over to the trees to begin marking the trees I wanted to cut down for the building and those to become firewood, knowing the limbs and brush would go for kindling and firewood. As all of the trees had to go anyway. As soon there would be a new buildings there.
I was hoping that once we got into a rhythm things would happen faster as this appeared to me to be early spring. By mid to late summer I knew I would have to begin cutting and storing the long grasses for the livestock for the winter. So we as a camp had much work to do for the foreseeable future. After I returned from hunting, and meat processing was underway, I turned to the job of those returning to Malus’s camp. Basically any man who was questionable was gone. But in the idea of fairness to the people I decided to ask Gazoo for a little mind reading so no innocents would be forced to return to Malus’s camp unfairly.
“I pulled out my Blackberry out after riding off into the woods and asked Gazoo to show me the trouble makers if any, both male and female as we would soon be very busy and stopping every other day to return to Malus’s camp was not something I wanted to do. Nor did I want to kill folks to keep order. After I returned to camp I put Clyde away. And walked up to different people as needed and told them to pack up as they were going to return with Mr. Treehugger back to Malus’s camp. I shocked more than a few people, but I made it clear the anyone wanting to return with them was welcome to do so. I would not be upset with them in anyway. It wasn’t that many faces in the end. But the five men and three women were surprised, but packed their stuff when faced with no other choice. “Thank you Alex I knew a few of those men were headstrong in the past. Though I don’t understand about the women, but you are in charge. By the way how did you know about these people anyway?” Boso asked.
“The women grapevine is very powerful tool, and my women want this camp to be a safe and happy camp.” I stated. Boso just shook his head the matter was settled as far as he was concerned. Boso was glad not to be in charge about these things.
The ride back to Malus’s camp went rather quickly as I had been there before. Plus I was in a hurry to be done with the business at hand. Malus wasn’t happy to see me return, though he was happy about with the nine bison on the back of the trailer with stinky Mr. Treehugger who wrapped up in old bison skin Mr. Treehugger had in his belongings. I quickly unloaded the trailer while Boso and a few others watched my back. “I thank you for the bison but why are you here today? It looks as though you are bringing more people back here.” Malus said.
“I am here because these people are no longer welcome at my camp, and as you needed hunters and they need a camp I brought them back as they need you as much as you need them.” I said.
“Well I don’t want them here because they wanted to leave so bad.” Malus said.
“Well you need them and you know it. But if they go, the bison goes with them, and the whole camp will be at your throat about the free meat you turned away.” I said.
Malus thought about that fact, and just turned and walked away. I took the shackles and handcuffs off. Mr. Treehugger who was trying to get his legs to work. I made sure Malus understood to keep his distance from my camp as I would shoot first and ask questions later. I was just glad to get away from the stench of shit Treehugger putting out in the air, while he was trying to get his act together. Boso and company jumped into the truck and we left as we wanted to get back home to begin building the housing for the camp. When we got back I had a look and see how the foundation work was coming along. These guys were working hard as they were farther along than I thought they would get. They were a third of the way done digging down for the footings. The tree crew had trees in place for us to begin cutting board feet soon.
Challa began cutting with the portable saw mill while I began cutting trees at the thickest diameter basically squaring the tree for the foundations Gazoo would be treating all the wood so the wood would never rot. No matter the location it would be used in the construction of the lodge we were building. As we as pulled the stumps that remained from the tree cutting. Nobody questioned how the stumps came out of the ground easily, thanks to Gazoo’s help. We set them in near the machine cave to later cut them for firewood. The bark covered pieces that were trimmed out to make crude shingles. All the left over scrap wood was stacked off to the side to be accessed for potential constructional use, and as the wood could be used as firewood if it didn’t end up as something more useful. And by knowing that using Gazoo’s help sealing everything our buildings would be around permanently.
Trees around the courtyard began to fall quickly, Malla and Bonnie began moving the trees for us as we hooked them up. Challa put her horse Princess to work moving the special foundation logs as she got them ready. Each foundation log was 24 inches tall by 24 inches wide. By the end of the day the sawmill had cut enough logs to begin setting them in place tomorrow. We all stopped early enough to get cleaned up for dinner as women had dinner ready, and we had ate lunch on the run so to speak as we were trying to make up ground we lost playing taxi to those folks who left camp this morning. I went inside the cave, and Challa and I went and got into the pool to clean up. Challa knew I was looking at her with lust in my heart, but that is all I did, other than hug and give her a peck on the lips to remind her she is one of my mates. I was sad she trembled afraid I was going to go much farther. I just looked at her and said quietly at some point I was going to mate with her if for no other reason because I wanted to make sure she knew who the man in this cave was. After dinner of bison steaks and wild tubular things that looked like potatoes to me they made them into french fries. Good eating to me and I stuffed myself so they knew I was a happy camper.
Malla was first tonight; she is a girl in her mind, but after she got her first fucking, she liked it and was a demanding lover. Malla was all woman in bed as she loved fucking and she used her tight pussy to make sure I knew she was very pleased by the time I pumped her full of sperm. Sharma who loves the taste of sperm started on Malla’s leaking pussy as soon as I got out of the way. Sherna under Malta’s tutoring began sucking my thick long dick for the first time, getting it ready to take her virginity. Challa was working on the other end namely Sherna’s tight pussy. Sherna couldn’t deep throat me, but she damn well could lick the hell out of the my dick head. I had to push her magical tongue away from me.
After Challa drove Sherna to orgasm, it was my turn. While she was still coming down from Challa’s treatment I began pushing my thickness into her brand spanking new pussy. About the time she reached the bottom from her orgasm I was already past her maidenhead when I bottomed out I didn’t move allowing her to get used to her pussy being full of dick. My pussy pleaser began its job on her pussy as well. I began with the long and slow strokes, Sherna’s pussy was very tight I was being squeezed by Sherna’s pussy no matter if just had my dick head only in her pussy or all the way. When the girl learned more about fucking, she was going to be like her sister Sharma. Like her sister she is very vocal also, ranging from moans, to screams, it was no secret she was being well fucked as she brought her hot pussy stroke for stroke. And the end goal for the two us was an explosive climax, with both of us whimpering afterwards. Malta licked Sherna after she rested a few minutes. Myself I just got to cuddle with Challa as I wanted to make out quietly with the big dick hating girl, call it slow seduction.
Challa didn’t stop me from touching any part of her body though before I could touch Challa’s hot pussy, Malla was Jane on the spot licking Challa’s hot dripping pussy. But I did get to play with her titties, and her long sensitive nipples. Between Malla’s tongue work, and my nursing efforts Challa squirted cum all over Malla’s face as Malla could not swallow the flow fast enough. Challa kissed me hard and moved to whisper in my ear. “I hate you! I will never try to takeover this camp, but I can see the hand writing on the wall that at sometime soon I will be spreading my thighs for you.” Challa whispered tersely. I went to sleep with a smile on my face.
I woke to find myself alone. Breakfast was nearly done when I sat down at the table. On the menu this morning was bison bacon thickly hand cut, white rice, and powdered eggs that were promised to taste as good as the real egg in the shell. (I like scrambled eggs so I was told the yellow powder would taste, and feel like the real thing Gazoo promised.) I was sure full when I got up from the table I hated to go outside to work, but I knew what I had to do it. Sherna was indeed walking slower than she normally did. She smiled when she saw me knowing this would pass but her sister told this would soon pass.
Challa is who I was looking for this morning, I found her coming out of the bathroom. “Are you still mad at me?” I asked. “Yes I’m afraid that in the bedroom with those other women nearby with the smell of sex in the air, I will admit to being horny, but I just want to stick to women.” Challa said. “Well I have told you I have no intention of sharing and just allowing you to keep your legs closed. So if I was you I would start to getting my mind to the understanding that sex with a man is going to happen sooner rather than later.” I replied.
Bantu and Roto were two men that liked men rather women. Their hard work and leadership was coming to the forefront. Roto was leading the trench work, while Bantu was working directly with me cutting trees. As well as helping get the trees over to Challa who was mainly cutting the trees I thought would work best with the portable sawmill. Challa was happy with the trees we were sending her way. The menfolk were giving her no trouble after she made it clear that she was not your everyday woman, and she was willing to fight any man to get her point across. But more importantly Challa reminded them they needed to remember she had a mate, and he might take exception to a man laying hands on her.
Challa came over to let us know we needed to stop and set the foundation timbers so she had room for more rather than stacking the heavy timber any further than we have to. So it was all hands on deck. We took the beams that were now cut to 24 inches wide by 24 inches tall, and twenty feet long. And level to ensure we were as close to level as possible. I knew we would have help with this so we just had to get close, or as they say. ‘Close enough for Govment work’. (Yes I know how to spell GOVERNMENT I wanted it pronounced the way it was spelled.) Two of the meat racks were set with two block and tackles each using horse power so the beams would eventually be lowered easily in the trenches after Princess and Sunny help to get them near the needed position. As each beam was 24 inches wide by 24 inches tall, and 20 feet long so the first level would require a total of six beams for the front as well as the back of the building. After the first couple beams we found out a few things we didn’t need to do again. But by the time we had six of the beams installed we were all tired. But we now thought we had a routine we were all comfortable with in place.
With a hole to be drilled on end in the middle of the first 2 foot section on each end of the first, and last beam in the trench of the front and back trench. With a two more holes to be drilled 8 feet apart where there was a black X on the beams where each hole needed to be drilled. The X’s starting at the 1st and 3rd foot mark, followed by an X at the 12th foot, and 19th, foot mark on the first beam. Then starting at the 1st foot mark, followed by 9th foot mark, the 17th mark, and the 19th foot mark, on the second board we got things lined up. Boards 4, 5, 6, had the same marks., with the sixth board being a copy of the first board. Bantu asked, “Alex what is the meaning of these marks on wood for?”
Before I could answer Challa had returned with the truck. Everyone but me, was shocked to see that she could move it without me. She jump into the truck bed and handed the big two-handled drill to Roto along with a black jig that fit over the side of the boards over the X’s. after plugging in the extension cord into the side of the truck bed she grabbed the drill bit and walked over to us dragging the cord with her.
Macco who had been working closely with her set the jig in place and tightened it so it wouldn’t move. I put the special 3 inch diameter diamond tip and edged drill bit in the keyless chuck of the drill. (Alien technology here at work, don’t question. Just do it, was my brand new motto.) Challa took the special two handed drill and gave it to Macco, and after some simple instruction Macco drilled the first hole. The drill bit also threaded the hole to screw it to the beam 3/4 of the way through the beam to be placed above it so that the beams could be connected together permanently. After seeing Macco make the new hole, now everyone standing there wanted a turn, to make a hole.
Next came the upper set of logs that are 20 feet long instead of 6 beams 20 feet, we now need 5-20 footers, and one 16 foot long, as we intended to stagger the upper boards to add strength to design. That leaving 24 inches on each end for side walls beams on each end. Using a the red jig and a longer special threaded drill bit. The drill bit is longer because this time we drill completely through to use a bolt to secure one log to another.(Remember that Alien technology is still at work, so I don’t question. I just do is still my motto.) Challa whispered to me that Gazoo’s team marked all the boards. This is just letting us build most of the building ourselves, and I ain’t mad at nobody. After we set all the boards we put all the tools in the back of the truck. I put the tonneau cover over the bed and locked it for the night.
Dinner was some more Beefaroni that I requested. we all enjoyed bath time in the very warm water the girls were proudly showing me their new sleepwear. Using different materials and the lengths of the gowns were all in the mid thigh range some a little shorter and some a little longer. Malta, and Malla served themselves up and left nothing for any of the other horny women. I was a little weak in the knees the next morning when I bathed and slowly made my way to the table for breakfast. I promised my ladies I would not work as hard during the days so I could work harder at night as my goal is to please most of them on any given night. I saw more than a few smiles after that statement.
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THE PRESENT: "That Maygis person," Tasmine asked me, "is that Dred?" "I think it is," I replied, my voice distant. Reading how he had seduced my mother had given me chills. I felt like I was going to vomit. I closed the book, then sat there with my eyes closed, feeling ill. "Gianna?" Tasmine asked in concern. "You don't look very well." "What is wrong?" I heard Atheria's voice coming from behind us. Tasmine quickly explained that I had been reading my mother's diary aloud...
THE PRESENT: We left early the next morning, just after the sun had started to rise. I thought about trying to read further into my mother's journal as we travelled, but I decided that it would be better to keep my attention on our surroundings. After all, I reasoned, with the Magus surely looking to kill us before we could rescue Lucas, it would only benefit us if we all kept our eyes and ears open. When I mentioned that to Val, the dark elf gave me a shrug. "It is funny," she said,...
THE PRESENT: "She is the queen of what?" Val asked. Tasmine looked just as surprised as Val and I did. Except for Atheria. She leaned back and looked puzzled, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "She is the Queen of the Dragons," Sheperd repeated. "No, she is not a true dragon, if that's what you're wondering." "Then how can she be a queen to you?" Tasmine asked, perplexed. "It is a long story," Sheperd told us, "and I was not there for it. Perhaps you could ask someone who was...
"You know what to do with the three of them," Dred said to his minions. The creatures seized Tasmine, Atheria, and Val, leading them over to the "X" shaped metallic panels that stood beside the firepit. He walked over to where I stood at the cage that held Lucas. He smiled at me, and it was not unkind, like I would have expected from one so evil. He opened his arms to hug me, and I backed away, right into Beltrand, who grabbed the sides of my arms. Dred stared at me, disappointment...
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I didn't awaken till almost noon the following day. I hobbled down the stairs, my ankle tender and sore with just a slight swelling. I felt terrible. My debauchery had reached a new low, an endless pit of perversion. I had committed the unforgivable sin, incest, sex with my own daughter! But, even now, seeing the image of her, a picture sitting on an end table, I could feel the stirrings of unnatural lust. I revelled in my sickness... the extreme pleasure it brought me was... was...
Sorry Mother, I can’t visit today, as I’ve fallen deep down a rabbit hole full of naked women. I’m sure you can understand, as you were once a naked woman yourself. As hard as I may try to resist the temptations of the flesh, I’m still just a warm-blooded man and a pervert at heart. I can barely stay away from a typical free tube, and it’s another story when the free sites are leaking rare premium content that would usually cost you at least a few bucks.Yes, mom, the tube I’m reviewing today is...
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FetishSome celebrities have given their career a kick in the backside by having their nudes or sex tapes leaked. Think Kim Kardashian. While you may not be able to sleep with these celebs (The Porn Dude is going, to be honest with you here), The Fappening is your chance to see them in all their glory. Celebrities are taking nude photos every day. Some may not find their way to the internet, but the ones that do are almost certainly going to make an appearance on TheFappeningNew.com. And what better...
The FappeningMargery Miller was convinced she would soon find the house of her dreams in the neighborhood area in which she and her husband Gregory lived. They had been house hunting for quite some time and had seen so many houses.But each time, Margery turned them down with the excuse that it wasn’t what she wanted. Gregory was getting fed up with her constant turning down of the houses they were shown even though they well fitted the description of what they were looking for.Margery cared less about what...
Straight SexIt turned out that there was a spare seat on the afternoon flight to London, but Derek was disappointed to find that Shafiqa was not the one of the stewardesses. Before leaving, Derek enquired further about the hunt; the Ambassador advised him that this was no holds barred full scale traditional English hunting, but in Kobekistan. An outfit of hunting pink was an absolute requirement for him and he was instructed in the etiquette of the chase. He was not a Kobekistani and so must not be in...
Barbie Goes Hunting by Trans Vest March 23, 2000 This is a story that involves sexual situations and should not be viewed by anyone that is not old enough to view such material. If stories about sex or stories that involve transvestites upset you, do not read any further. **************** Barbie Goes hunting I had everything packed away in the suitcases and stashed in the back of the van. I was ready for my trip up north. It was my vacation time and I was going to spend 2...
When the men opened the trunk of the car, I knew that something horrible was going to happen to me, and I would probably never be seen again. We were in a very remote, sylvan setting and I appeared to be all alone and at the mercy of my captors. I thought back to how this had started as the men made their preparations. I had fallen in love with Stephanie, and this was a special night. She had assured me that her father was going to be out all evening, and I had come over with a movie and a...
As the party bustled around him, Carlos Garcia adjusted the plastic fangs in his mouth and hoped that the fake blood on his lips hadn't smeared too badly. As he smoothed and adjusted his cape he snuck glances at the girl across the room. She was exactly the type that Steve had told him he should approach: a cute, perky looking gothess dressed as a slutty vampire. Her breasts were equally perky, accentuated by her tight top, and she had long legs covered in fishnet stockings. She seemed to be...
VoyeurWell, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...
The following new character appears in this and other chapters: Phara Hemsamahan, Governor of Korat Province, Sonsri's father, 5'-7'' tall, 165 pounds, 45 years old, Black hair, brown eyes Keofeh house owner, Amulet devotee, an older woman about 5'- 0'' tall and rather thin. Black hair and brown eyes "You cannot do that! She is dedicated to the Amulets and is also my friend," Sonsri told him in a loud voice. On hearing this, the new guards shrank back in fear of touching one...
Introduction: Iv\e been very naughty lately… My name is Chloe, and something happened about a week ago that has completely changed my life in a way I never could have imagined. I just turned 31 and celebrated my ten-year wedding anniversary by myself. My husband, 42, has been incredibly successful with his work, which has allowed me to stay at home and live the life of a well-off housewife. Unfortunately, his work has often kept him out of town for months at a time. In fact, within the last...
Laura had been given two hours briefing by a man who was an expert on hunting, a map and an hour's start. She was dressed in a loose-fitting one-piece suit which looked rather like a western shell-suit and was a dull brown and green in random patches. This, it was explained to her, would camouflage her quite well in most of the terrain where the hunt was to be held, which was in the fertile strip of Kobekistan beside the sea. There were woods, swamps, grazing a small artificial desert, and...
One evening Fatima was sitting, as she often did, disconsolately beside one of the small fish ponds in the harem, idly watching the Koi Carp as they went about their lives untroubled by thoughts of freedom and slavery. Hearing someone come along the path behind her, she turned and saw the Emir approaching. 'Oh, shit, ' she thought, 'I expect he's deciding who to fuck tonight. I hope it isn't me.' Her worries were unfounded as the Emir had never really enjoyed unwilling women in his...
Arriving at the unit just after 0730 hrs, there was quite a surprise waiting for me. First, a good number of the students were there and looking at the surprise. Secondly, the cooks were there and making a late morning meal for the men present. Lastly there was what everyone was looking at. A new building had appeared, apparently overnight. It was located at the far end of our building from the road and was centered on the middle barracks and about 12 feet from it. It was a one story masonry...
A wonderful shiver goes down my spine when i look out my window and see you walking up to my door. I love the way you look in your hunting gear, various tools hanging off your belt. "Just like Batman's utility belt!", I think to myself giggling. My face shows my silly delight as I greet you at the door. "What are you up to?" you ask with a smile on your face. "Wondering if you have any rope hiding in that belt of yours." I say with a wide grin on my face. "Always have rope when I'm with...
Hi lads. As normal, all my stories are true and I’ll only change names to protect identities. Don’t forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it Happy reading guys. ***************************** Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you’ve done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But...
Hi lads.As normal, all my stories are true and I'll only change names to protect identities. Don't forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it :)Happy reading guys.*****************************Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you've done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But there...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
This is fantasy... The sun rose on another spring morning. The college quad came to life, the bookstore and cafeteria opened. The smell of eggs cooking, coffee brewing filtered thru the air. He bought a large coffee and sat down on a bench and waited, waited for a coed, another easy tatget to follow. He'd size her up and capture her for his use. Four times he'd done it already. Three blondes and one brunette, all small, under five foot six. All cute with shoulder length hair. He watched as...
The Darla Jean Nevins that showed up at school on Monday was not the same one who had left the previous Friday, and a number of people noticed. Oh, the clothing was the same -- but the presentation was different. Her shirt was still shapeless, but it was open another button, for instance. Her slacks rode lower -- or did they? Maybe it was all attitude... Darla Jean's habitual impenetrable reserve wasn't there; her camouflage had apparently either been shut off or otherwise wasn't working....
On the day that Ramzy El-Najjar attended his first hunt he was totally enraptured with the whole affair. He had seen pictures of English hunts, of course, and his contemporaries at Cornell University had regarded them as one of the "real quaint old English traditions", a "must see" on a trip to Europe which few of them had ever seen outside of a cinema. The real thing was even more romantic to his eighteen year old eyes than any imaginings could have been; the hunters were resplendent in...