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"Hmmm, so this woman you saw. Was she attractive?" Jennifer, my therapist, said. "Oh yeah, she was about 5'8", 140 lbs. Long dark hair in a ponytail. Blue eyes. She was wearing this white short-sleeved top, full pink print skirt and white heels," I said. "I couldn't take my eyes off her as we walked up the steps from the train." "What do you mean 'full skirt'?" "Not a mini. It came down just about knee length and kind of puffed out, instead of clinging to her legs." "Oh." She looked at the clock. "Our session is over. I'll see you next week. Oh wait...can we make next week at 7:30, instead of the usual 1:00?" "Sure," I said. "Is there a problem." "Oh, no, I just have another patient who asked for a lunch appointment. If it's a problem, I'll tell her no." "No problem. Just curious. See you next week." Jennifer had been my therapist for eight years, since before I got married. I'd been having marital problems for about a year. I began feeling like Jennifer was getting frustrated by my complaining. I kept expecting her to say, "Shit or get off the pot." But therapists never do that. I once asked her if she was annoyed, and she gave one of those classic therapist answers like, "Well, do you think I should be annoyed?" I guess that something you learn in training - "Always answer a question with a question." Anyway, for the past few weeks, we'd been talking about what life would be like if I left my wife. She asked me to fantasize about people I saw on my way to work. I actually found it liberating to imagine picking up someone on the train. Realistically, it would never happen. It takes a certain alpha male type to do that and I, unfortunately, am not that guy. Still, it was kind of cool to imagine myself working my magic on the people I saw. The next week, I arrived at Jennifer's office at 7:30. The receptionist wasn't there, so she buzzed me in. "Where's Cheryl?" "Oh, she gets off at 5:30. It's just me," she said. "Come in." I looked around the room, and saw a garment bag hanging from the coat rack. "Oh," I said. "Do a little shopping?" I was just making small talk. "Sort of," she said, as she unzipped the garment bag. "This is for you." When she opened the bag, I saw a blue sheath dress. It appeared to be slightly higher than knee length, and had white piping around the collar and hem. "Uh, excuse me?" was all I could stammer. "What do you mean, 'for me'?" "Strip," she commanded, her tone becoming stern. "This is for you, and so are these," she said, handing me a Victoria's Secret bag with a bra, panties and stockings inside. "What the hell is going on here?" I yelled. "What the fuck are you trying to do?" "Look," she said flatly. "We've talked about your crossdressing fantasies for months. But something always seems to hold you back. You once asked me if I was annoyed. Well, I am. For you. You need to do this for you. And for me. It'll help the process." I began to strip. I know this seems like I gave in too soon. But, secretly, I had always fantasized that Jennifer would lead me to this. Not in a dominatrix kind of way. More like a helpful friend or older sister. "Could you at least turn around?" I asked. "This is kind of embarrassing." She laughed. "I think we're kind of past that, don't you? You've bared your soul to me. I would think your body wouldn't be an issue, at all." I stripped. My cock shrank to nothing in abject fear. "So, put on the bra and panties first." I fumbled with the bra. I could never do it smoothly with the few women with whom I had been, and this was a lot more nerve racking. "I guess you won't be applying for a job with a bomb squad," Jennifer said with a smile. I turned angrily on her. "I'm glad this is so funny to you. Really professional." She came over and began adjusting the bra. "I'm sorry," she said, putting a hand of my shoulder. "I saw you were tense, and was trying to lighten the mood. You're right, though. I crossed the line, and again am sorry. 38 chest, though. I was right." "Well, if this ever falls through, you can get a job at a bra store. Or maybe guessing weights at a carnival." "OK, now for the stockings. Sit down, and let me show you how to put on stockings." I sat. "First, ball the stocking like this. Then point your toe towards me," she said and began slowly running the stocking up my leg. My cock began getting hard. She glanced at it. "Calm down, that's not what this is about, Steve. Besides, I'm married." Well, my cock inexplicably complied. It must have been that older sister/mother thing I had developed with her. "Stand up," she said. "Let me put these in," she said, taking out a set of silicone bags and slipping them in the bra. "What are those?" I asked. "Breast forms. You surf those websites, and you didn't know what these were," she said, raising an eyebrow. "I thought that's what they were. I just wasn't 100% sure. So what size am I?" "D cup. With a 38 chest, you really couldn't be much smaller. Now, put on the dress." I stepped into it, and slid it up. "Put these on," she said, handing me a pair of black slingback pumps with a 3" heel. They were a little tight. "How did you guess my size," I asked. "Just lucky," she said. "Stand up." I stood up "Perfect," she said. "Oh wait, one more thing," she said, pulling out a tube of lipstick. "This will complete the look," she said. "Maybe not. I think Beth will notice, don't you?" "Don't worry," she said with a grin. "We'll take it off before the end of the session. Now look at yourself," she said, pointing to a mirror on her door. "What do you think?" I looked at myself. "I look like a guy with tits wearing a blue dress and lipstick." "That's it? Anything else?" "I like the dress." "Why?" "It's a good length. Very classic looking. With the breasts, it falls right too." "Hmmm," she said. "Anything else?" "The heels." "Why?" "They make my legs look longer, and give them a nice shape." "You do have nice legs, Steve. Most women would kill for legs like that." "Boy, thanks. You sure know how to turn a guy's head." "You pointed it out. Not me. What's your name?" "Steve?" She sighed in exasperation. "You know what I mean." "Ummm, Jennifer?" Again, she sighed. "PRO-jection. Try again." "Jessica," I said. "I always liked that name." She looked upward. "Good. Well, Jessica, would you like to begin our session?" "Yeah." "Girls don't say, 'yeah,' they say, 'yes, please.' Would you like to begin our session?" "Yes, please." "Well, Jessica," she said, going to the door, "I have a surprise for you. Tom, come here please." In walked a 6'4" brown haired, green-eyed guy with a good build. You knew he was extremely well built, because you could see it through his shirt. "Jessica, Tom. Tom, Jessica," Jennifer said, with a leer. "I'll be back in twenty minutes," she said, walking out the door. "Whoa, Jennifer," I said. "What the hell's going on here?" "You and Tom can talk," she said, closing the door and leaving. "Uh, look, Tom," I said, backing up against a wall. "I don't know what Jennifer told you, but, uh, nothing personal, I'm, uh not interested and, as you can see, I'm a guy, and..." He put his finger to my lips. "Shhh, I know who you are. You don't. But I do. And I like a girl with something extra." He began unbuttoning his shirt. His shirt hadn't done him justice. He had the most gorgeous set of six-pack abs I had ever seen, and his arms were perfect. Muscular, without being cartoon-like. "What the hell are you doing," I said weakly. "I said I wasn't interested..." "Really?" he said, with a wink. "I can't help but notice you looking at my stomach. Do you like it?" "It's, uh, very nice. Do you do crunches, or situps, or..." I began babbling. I averted my eyes downward. I tried not to look at the bulge in his pants, but it was kind of hard to miss. "Yeah," he said, "You're not the least bit interested," he said, pinning me up against the wall. Even in the heels, he was still 2" taller than me. "Hey, stop. I'll hit you," I said, as he thrust his tongue in my mouth. "Mmm," I moaned, kissing him back. He put a hand under my dress, and began massaging my thigh. I don't know what I was thinking, but I began playing with his abs. I had wanted to touch those abs from the minute he walked in. "Still not interested?" "Shut up," I protested, as he moved his hand from my thigh to my crotch. "Oh, yeah, Jessica," he smirked, "I can see how uninterested you are. Why don't you show me how uninterested," and he began kissing me again. A gay friend had once told me you hadn't lived until you'd been kissed by another man. He was right. My hand moved from his abs into his pants. "Ooooh," I said, playing with his cock. "Can he come out to play?" I said, unzipping his pants. I pulled down his briefs, and an 8" cock sprung out. My throat got dry and tight and my pulse began racing. My mind said, "Run," but my body wanted to stay. I started running my hand all over it, and began to go to my knees. Tom stopped me. "Hold on," he said. "Let's go slowly. Let me show you what I can do first," he said, unzipping my dress. It fell to my ankles. "Now, lay down to the couch," he commanded. I laid down on the couch, and he climbed on top of me. He began playing with my breast (forms) through the bra. Even though they were fake, I swear I felt my nipples getting hard. "Please, Tom, please let me touch it." "No," he said, "I'm going to please you and then, and only then, will I let you please me," he said. He moved his hands down, and began massaging my ass while kissing my inner thighs. I was shuddering. "Try not to cum," he said gently. "It'll be that much better, if you wait. Now, roll over." I did as he said. He began massaging my back. I never liked massages. They made me more, not less, tense. But, something about his strong arms made me melt. "Mmmm, that feels so good," I whispered. Suddenly, I felt something rubbing against my ass. He began moving his cock around my ass. Beth always liked when I did this. I never understood why. Now I did. The feel of his cock through the satin panties was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was forceful yet gentle. I kept moaning and whimpering. "Well, clearly, you're still uninterested," he said. "Shut up, and do it faster and harder," I said. He complied, thrusting harder and faster. I couldn't hold back any longer. I began making high pitched squeaks, "Unh, oh, g-d, yes..." I came, but it felt more deeper than any orgasm I had ever had. I felt it in the pit of my stomach. Tom stuck his hand in my panties, and came up with a finger full of cum. "Lick it," he said. "I want you used to the taste." I gladly licked his finger, running it in and out of my mouth. "Now," he said, with a devilish grin. "My turn to be pleasured. Or is it yours...Jessica?" He straddled my face so that his cock was looking me in the eye. I still felt like I should run away. But, I couldn't. Instead, I cupped his balls in my hands and began massaging them. "Oooh," I said, "Can I play with your balls, little boy?" After a minute, I said, "Let me get up. You sit right there." I got on my knees, and stared directly at his crotch. I thought I'd go blind, like if you look directly at a solar eclipse. Instead, I began taking him little by little into my mouth. "Mmmm," I mumbled, taking him deeper and deeper each time. After what felt like an eternity, I felt his cock shudder. Before I could move away, I felt him shoot his load into my mouth. At first, I gagged. But, then, I began greedily drinking it in. After he shot his load, he pulled out. He stood up, pulled up his underwear and pants and began buttoning his shirt. He opened the door, and said, "Okay, Jennifer, we're all done now." Jennifer walked back in, with a huge smile. "Thanks, Tom." "Thanks, Jennifer." He leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. "Thanks, Jessica." He walked out, and closed the door. "Put your dress on, and let's talk," she said. I put the dress on and sat down. "What the hell just happened?" I demanded. "What do you think just happened?" "No offense, Jennifer, but cut the therapist-speak. I come for my usual session, and you force me into a dress and next thing I know I'm being assaulted by some guy." "Force. That's an interesting choice of words. Did I in anyway exert physical pressure upon you?" "Well, no." "Did I threaten to falsely accuse you of a crime?" "Of course not. Where are you going with this?" "I'm just questioning your terminology, Steve." "Well, I mean, you're my therapist. You know I trust you implicitly and I just thought that maybe if you thought this would be a good idea, then..." "So, if I told you to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge..." "Ha ha," I said flatly. "I know we've talked about me seeing you as a maternal figure, but that's a little much..." "Fine. Let me ask you another question. What kind of dress is that?" "A sheath." "Sheath. Yes. And tell me about the shoes." "Black slingbacks. With a 3" heel." "Do you think other men know that? If I asked my husband those questions, his responses would have been 'blue' and 'black.'" "So what? We've covered my crossdressing fantasies. What does that have to do with this?" "You've talked and talked about going to a fantasy facilitator. You've told me about your fantasy of having a female friend who helps you get dressed. I decided it was time to dress up or shut up. And, by the way, you were right. That dress did look very good on you. Baby blue is perfect for your coloring." "Fine. That doesn't excuse Tom. I never said I was gay and I certainly didn't expect to be assaulted." "Assaulted. Another interesting choice of words." "Oh great, this again," I said, with my eyes rolling. "Well, Jessica," she said, eyes rolling, "I was outside the whole time, and I didn't hear you scream for help. If you were really being assaulted, you would have screamed." "Do you blame rape victims who are forced against their will and can't scream?" "Oh please, Steve," she sneered. "Did Tom threaten to hurt you if you screamed?" "Um, no." "Did you want to scream?" "Maybe not," I said, staring at the floor. "Did you try and hit Tom to stop him?" "He's like 3" taller than me, at least." "Did you try and leave the room?" When I didn't respond, she said, "Oh yes, I see the threat. I also couldn't help but notice that, when I came in, your dress was on the floor. It doesn't appear to be ripped, so am I safe in assuming you took it off voluntarily?" I blushed. "Well..." "And I can't help but notice that the lipstick you were so worried about seems to be mostly removed." "OK, I get your point." "And I didn't notice too much on Tom's face. Would I have found some in another place, Jessica?" "This is so embarrassing," I said, "I never thought of myself as gay," and with that I told Jennifer the entire story. She made me describe every thought, feeling and sensation in excruciating detail. She especially had me linger over my desire for Tom's abs. I told her how much I loved touching each and every muscle in the six pack, and how absolutely carved his chest and arms were. I told her how I hate massages, but didn't want to Tom to stop kneading my back with those magnificent arms of his. I told her about how I wanted to run, but got dry mouth and a racing pulse I got when I first saw Tom's penis. It almost felt like she was living vicariously. "You know what's amazing to me," she said, after I finished breathlessly. "How alive you were when you told that story." "What do you mean?" "When you talk about your sexual experiences with women, you seem disembodied. Like you were physically there, but mentally elsewhere. But when you talked about Tom, you became animated. It was like a different person than the Steve of the past eight years." "I don't like where this is going, Jennifer," I said, warily. "Steve," she said, patting my hand, "I'm not judging you. But let me offer some observations. We've been working with 'real-life' fantasies for the past few weeks, right?" "Right. Where is this going?" "When you talk about women, you say how beautiful they are. But you spend as much if not more time focusing on their clothing than them. Do you remember what we ended last session with?" "The woman on the stairs." "Yes, the woman on the stairs. You told me she was wearing," as she looked at her notes, "a white short-sleeved top, full pink print skirt and white heels." "I remember." "I hate to keep going back to the comparison, but my husband would not remember those details. He'd remember that she was wearing heels, and if she had been wearing a short skirt, but he wouldn't remember colors or types of clothing." "So, your husband's not observant. Sorry for you." "That's not what this is about, Steve. I've noticed that, even when you talk about a woman's physical attributes, it's usually part of a discussion of their clothing. Like, 'she was wearing a yellow shift that really accentuated her ass. Or the boots really drew attention to her gorgeous legs.' Quite frankly, it's like listening to one of my girlfriends cut apart a woman we've seen." "So what, I'm a girl? Thanks, Jennifer. That makes me feel sooo much better." "Look, Steve," she said sternly. "That's not what I'm saying. Stop projecting your insecurities onto me and listen. I'm going to ask you one question, and answer me truthfully. When you see a beautiful, well- dressed woman on the street, what do you want? To get in her panties, or to get IN her panties." "Come on. What do you think? I'm married, for chrissakes. And it's not like my parents don't have gay friends. If I was gay, I could be out. I'm not out. Therefore, I'm not gay. See?" She laughed. "Now, that was an extremely convincing argument. We've talked about this before. You've told me about wet dreams you've had..." "Hey," I protested. "You said those don't necessarily mean anything. I'm so glad I trusted you. Thanks a hell of a lot." "First off, you just issued the ultimate qualification - 'necessarily mean anything.' I've asked you to describe the guys in these dreams. You never mention clothes and can, in fact, rarely describe their faces. Instead, I hear about their chests. Their arms. Their penises. And their abs. Boy, you sure go on about abs. I haven't decided what that means yet, but you have a thing about them." "And that's why you chose Tom. Is this a DSM-approved therapy, Jennifer? Bringing in hunks to seduce closet drag queens?" I said sarcastically. "First off, Steve, try to limit the psychobabble. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing," she said dryly. "Second, hunk, huh? Another interesting choice of words." "I was being sarcastic." "Oh really? If I called Tom in, would he say you weren't satisfied with his service?" "No," I replied. "Would he be lying?" "Great," I said, with my tears in my eyes. "I was a married man this morning. Now, I'm some kind of drag queen cock-sucking bottom. Beth will be so thrilled. My life is over." "No," she said, handing me tissues. "Your life is most definitely not over. First off, being turned on by women's clothes does not mean you're now a female impersonator. It's something that turns you on sexually, and you should be able to find someone who lets it be part of your sex life. You said you approached Beth about once, and she shut it down completely. Do you think that's fair?" "I didn't think I should force something she hated." "Fine, do you think sex is satisfying to her?" "We've covered that..." "Exactly. Do you think it's fair to her to be with someone who's not psychologically present during sex? Shouldn't she be able to be with someone who is?" "Well, no." "Look, I'm not saying to go home tonight, and say, 'Guess what honey? I'm gay!' I think you need to figure things out first." "Great. Turn my life upside down in one session, and then tell me hold up. That's really fair." "That's not what I said. I think we both know how this will end, but you don't just upend someone else's life on a one shot deal, Steve. You need to process this, and connect with your feelings before you go and do something." "I know. You're right." She looked at her watch. "I'm sorry to end like this, but session's over. I'll see you next week. Regular time," and she left me. I began putting on my clothes, wondering what the hell was going to happen next... [To be continued, if there's interest.]

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We were sitting on the couch, watching TV, when the doorbell started to ring. Nicole swung her braced leg around, preparing to stand up. I stopped her with a gesture, then reached out and tickled her toes, which were curled up in a way I found very seductive. “Don’t bother; I will open the door,” I said and reluctantly withdrew my hand. “Thank you, Peter. Who could that be?” Her eyes flickered worriedly. A blond girl about Nicole’s age was standing outside. “Hi, I’m Hanna,” she said and winked...

2 years ago
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Julie the Schooly and the Emo Kids

I’m a schoolteacher in an Inner-city Hellhole and my friends call me Julie the Schooly. It had been a pretty shitty week teaching 7 and 8 year olds who had already given up on the learning process; so had been looking forward to getting ‘fall down drunk’ on Friday night since second period on Wednesday morning. The plan had worked and I could hardly stand up as I staggered to the taxi rank near the railway station at midnight. “Shit!” I grumbled when I saw the length of the...

3 years ago
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Alex Is 22Chapter 5

For the next week, she acted no differently. I fetched and carried for her in class and she issued occasional orders for me to run her on errands or take her out. Gwen moved into the house, cutting Peter and my time together to nil. Much to my surprise, it got to both of us way faster than I expected. Little things that Peter would have spanked me for seem to crop up constantly and it was as if not being able to do it was driving us both crazy. Gwen was not nearly as observant as Peter's...

2 years ago
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The Story of Charlie

STORY OF CHARLIE I checked in the full length hall mirror before leaving the house. I was more than happy with the way I look. I locked the front door and strolled down the drive to my car, I got in and backed out of the driveway, no need to change my shoes, these are only three inch heels. As I drive to the railway station to catch my train to London. I smiled to myself realizing how much enjoyment I now get out of life. I am wearing a simple navy three quarter sleeve jersey dress,...

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Needful Dreams

Authors note: A few years ago Borgart wrote and posted a story called "A Friend In Need". I liked the premise but wanted to take the plot in a different direction from that of the original story. I wrote to him asking his permission to rewrite his story. He consented to my request. Thank you Borgart for the inspiration. This offering is a complete rewrite, and please do note that the names have been changed to protect the original offering. -POC Paul and Cheryl Richards had been...

1 year ago
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Limousine Lust

I’m nervous…really nervous. I’m standing in front of the mirror in the restrooms at the airport, trying to wash away the nervous dampness on my hands. Inspecting my reflection…. hair in place…. make up fresh. I wanted to look my best…. although I wasn’t feeling it. A long, impatient flight from Australia to America. I felt crumpled and disheveled. I was glad to be off the plane at long last. But now I had this sickening butterfly feeling in the pit of my stomach. What if you were disappointed?...

3 years ago
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Let Fate Guide You Ch 03

Yay another chapter! Now that I’ve established some history I won’t jump perspective as much. Please know I had written a warning but it didn’t show up. This story is dark in places. So if you are put off by a realistic story this probably won’t be for you. This story is true, the original individuals gave permission for their story to be told. All names identifying characteristics have been change to protect the identity of those people. Their story contains: foul language, sexual abuse,...

2 years ago
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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 17

After the WBAI performance, Moira finally talked to Joe when he came to help her with her drum kit. “When you’re done dropping off everyone, return my dad’s car to his garage. You’ll help me get my drums out and stored. Then we’re done.” “You sure?” he asked. “Snorting coke this morning? Shooting dope? Yeah, we’re done.” “You really don’t love me.” “Fuck you.” “I’m not a junkie. I’m not a coke head. I am experimenting.” “I hate your experiments.” “And I hate your demands. Doesn’t love...

3 years ago
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HalalChapter 10

That evening we sat down to watch the six o'clock news in the clubhouse. With us were the whole Fernandez tribe, including Manuel, a year younger than Alicia and a lawyer in King City and Linda Carruthers and her two kids. We were especially interested in seeing how the national broadcasting companies would deal with our little protest march, if they would. I have a preference for ABS' news policy; of the three main broadcasters, they are the most even-handed in dealing with everyday...

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Warrens WomenChapter 4A Jasmine

2:20 PM: Humming along with Previn and the Pittsburgh Symphony, Jasmine poured soothing bath oils into the tub then turned and admired herself in the full-length mirror as she slowly stripped off the shirt, let it fall away from her shoulders and turned sideways, and examined her breasts. She acknowledged their firmness and with a tight smile reached under them to trace their curve with her fingertips. Inevitably, her fingers slid out to the nipples and gently squeezed them. Jasmine's mouth...

3 years ago
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Our Married life changes

It all started about eight years into our marriage. We had recently bought our first home and had two young children. I was working shift work and she was temping at different offices. We had a good life with a good sex life. Not brilliant, but we were happy. I thought all was fine. But then I found it wasn’t. I began to notice that Jean was becoming a little withdrawn and distant. Our sex life was what most would say was normal. Nothing overly exciting, but we was happy. Or so I thought....

3 years ago
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The Difference Between Homeless and Helpless

The cop looked hard at the old woman as he plundered through her things on the hood of his cruiser. There wasn't much in the way of money, a few coins and two one-dollar bills. The thing that the cop was hassling her over was the razor blades; the old girl had half a dozen single edge blades still with the cardboard wrapped to protect the blade and the person carrying them. "You use these to chop your coke with?" The cop glared hard at the old woman hoping to frighten her into saying she...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Kenzie Taylor Not A Prude Like His Wife

Kenzie Taylor is a elementary school teacher who works with her former lover Mr. London the principal of the school. He also happens to be married to one of her best friends. Like a lot of ex lovers they are still close and he confides in Kenzie personal issues. Like for instance how his wife is not too keen on letting him hit her backdoor for some anal action. Now Kenzie was the anal queen and her longs for those hot tight nights in the sack plunging his wick stick into a stinking tight...

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La monte du dsir

Ce premier chapitre, présentant les acteurs et les circonstances des fâcheux événements qui s'ensuivront est peu chargé en véritables descriptions sexuelles, de fait l'auteur semble avoir voulu mettre en évidence la montée du désir entre deux personnes amies qui ne de prime abord ne se convoitaient ni l'un ni lautre. * C'était la dernière semaine que Chris passait avec Lisa e Dave en tant qu'invité. Il avait déjà passé deux semaines de bon temps avec eux. Dave était un grand ami...

2 years ago
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It was fucking cold. The wind whipped around the city mercilessly, snatching foliage from vulnerable trees and leaving garbage cans scattered in its wake. Fall came abruptly this year in Philadelphia. Only last week the temperature had been in the sixties, allowing the city’s residents the option to go sleeveless. Now everyone wore jackets, whether they liked it or not. Ace slipped his rough, tattooed fingers around the cup of hot water he had just purchased and slipped out of the local...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Khloe Kapri Step Siblings

Khloe arrives at the house Michael shares with his parents fresh out of juvenile hall. After turning eighteen, the judge decided that she should serve out the remainder of her sentence on house arrest. When she was sixteen she was arrested for tying up and robbing a couple. Michael shows her to her room, a bit weary to leave her alone. But he also stayed up all night studying for an exam and is in desperate need of some sleep. He wakes up with Khloe on top of him. His horror at seeing her there...

2 years ago
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Youve been drafted Girlie

You've been drafted, Girlie! It's almost 11.00 pm. From where our unmarked, darkened van is parked we can see the light still on in the mark's bedroom. "It's watching porn movies," says Danni the IT expert through our earpieces. She has hacked into the mark's home computer, just as she had previously hacked into its school records. "Porn movies?" "Yeah, shemale porn movies." "Ooh, p'raps it wants to star in shemale porn?" suggests Sally. We all giggle. In the future it will...

1 year ago
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Older hot business woman finds new sexsslave

21 year old with feet fetish and lust for older woman sees dream come true How it all started the years I turned 21 That year i changed jobs so I had 2 months vacation between… 21 year old with feet fetish and lust for older woman sees dream come true How it all started the years I turned 21 That year i changed jobs so I had 2 months vacation between the jobs I decided to travel And coming back from a trip I had a waiting transfer of 8 hours to get to my country So I took place in the...

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Lady Jane

June, 1986 This is the story of Lady Jane and two accidents. I shall let you be the judges in this matter, but would ask only that you keep an open mind, for this story is far from commonplace, as you will see. There are many places in which this tale might commence and even now, in my dotage and with the benefit of hindsight that stretches back a full three-score years, I am not certain that I know them all. And so, I shall start at a point that might seem arbitrary in the grand scheme of...

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KidnappedChapter 9 Slaughter House

It was time to make tracks when I saw open ground between me and my exit point. I met Ricky exactly where I had left him. His arrow supply cut in half, but our primary goal had been reached. Eight dead men littered the grounds around the cabin and lab, but nobody living as yet knew we had been there. I croached in the brush hugging the child to me trying to keep him calm and warm. He must have been in shock. He didn't cry or fight or anything else. He just hung in my arms and accepted...

3 years ago
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Four-Way Street By Cassandra Morgan "Are we really doing this?" Chris wondered, his apprehension growing. Maggie laughed, but her nerves could be heard, too. "If you want to...." she said. "I mean, we've talked about it enough, haven't we?" Chris stared at the window. The road signs flashed past. Yeah, they had talked about it, all right, endlessly. They had debated and considered and fantasized about it. Theoretically, They agreed that opening up their marriage was a noble...

1 year ago
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How Much Can I get Away With

How Much Can I get Away With? When my fourteen-year-old daughter Carol tried to go out of the house in a ridiculously short dress I stopped her. I explained to her that she was just looking for trouble by wearing that out. I was dumbfounded when Carol asked, “So how much can I get away with then?” I just looked at her and then at my wife. My wife just smiled at me because I certainly like to see her in dresses just as short and I proudly take her out to display her. After a...

3 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 34

19:15 PDT Friday, October 11th, 1991 Stern Hall University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 "I haven't done this in years," Deb said to Kate. "What, walk on a college campus?" "No, I meant 'wait to get signed into a dormitory'," Deb replied. "You're sure she'll be here?" Kate asked for the fourth time. "Denise was sure," Deb replied, sanguinely. A few moments passed, while Deb smiled at the student behind the desk, and then Lynne trotted out of an elevator. "Oh, my...

3 years ago
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The meeting

We had been talking for weeks today was the day we were finally going to meet, we had arranged to meet someplace close to her a park with a lake beside it we decided we were going to walk round the nature trail and just talk.i got there a little after noon I was nervous I had never met someone from the net before I didn’t know what to expect yes we had talked on the phone seen each other over FaceTime but there is always a curve ball thrown in this game we call life.I sat down at one of the...

4 years ago
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The first time my husband shared me

I didn't write it but I hope you enjoy First time Hubby let his friends haveme.As I said it was my husband's birthday andwe had gone out to dinnerwithfour of his friends.It was a verynicedinnerat a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys. After dinner my husband invitedhis friends over for some pool anda few beers. All the guys gladly...

4 years ago
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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 11

I would like to say I was back to work Monday ... I wasn’t. Immigration wanted to speak to us. Mr. Mike was not happy. “The American Ambassador should be in...” Immigration looked at his watch... “Hell’s bells. He’s late. Let me check.” The conversation to “little America” went on and on and on. At least I think so. I was waiting in the waiting room. Now I understand the god awful seats. If you get uncomfortable enough ... you leave. And just as I was gathering my things to do that, the door...

4 years ago
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Turn around and Bend Over Bitch Gay

"Take off your clothes" he told me, and I nodded and began to strip. I was really nervous and horny. I was scared, too, but I was so excited! When I finished, I looked up at him, sitting there watching me. "Turn around and bend over, bitch!" he said, and I immediately did as he said. "Spread your ass cheeks and let me see what I'm going to be fucking." Reaching back, I spread my ass cheeks wide. I wet one finger in my mouth and rubbed it around my tight little asshole, letting it slip in up to...

2 years ago
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DEDICATION: For Angela, on a special day. May her dreams come true. Josh idly swept the area to his right with the binoculars. He never tired of watching the big "gooney birds" hitting the beach and rolling ass-over-teakettle whenever they landed, but, as a scientist, he had a job to do. Preparing to head for the office, he took one last look at the sea--then stopped. Something was out there. Where nothing should be. He stood, turned, and ran to call his colleague. "Hey, Jim!" he...

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Wyoming Trucking 5

Wyoming Trucking, part 5 By: Malissa Madison Synopsis: Missy and Tim, are happy to add there new drivers to the Company. And the mystery of Big Foot is solved. Then they embark on a joint venture with Ute Trucking, for the biggest contract either company has ever had. Which also takes Missy back into her former home state. Flower pulled on the horn cord, as she began gearing down to make the turn into the Tomahawk Truck Stop. "Just follow us Stacy," I called over the radio...

1 year ago
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Do you want to suck my cock

Tara was a friend of my sister, she had been for years and we would always throw insults at each other because we hated one another. That's what I thought, until one day when we got into a big argument. "Knock, Knock." I quickly jumped out the shower and put a towel round me expecting it to be my sister at the door. I opened the door to find Tara standing there in the sluttiest dress I'd ever seen. "Oh hey Tara, Lianne isn't home" I said as my cock twitched. "It's fine I just need to get some...

First Time
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1001 Words for Love II Dumas Alexandre

Light. Not sunlight. Vivid neon colors pulsing, pounding, fragmenting and fracturing, every color, blending madly, floating past, sometimes at impossible speeds before coming to a sudden halt. “Where?” Books fluttered past, pages opened like butterflies, words lifting like bees, buzzing around her head, letters spinning, cutting grooves in her flesh, lodging in her skin, some with faces, screaming obscenities, warning her to get out of the way, to hurry up, that God was coming, or had come, or...

Group Sex
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I Have a Crush on My Best Friend

I'm so excited my girlfriend from school is coming over tonight for a sleepover. I really never had a best friend before, but she's new to our school. We just have hit it off and I really like her. My name is June and my girlfriend's name is Tina. She's just the nicest girl I've ever met. She's so friendly and really pretty too. She used to live in Montana, but moved here to Florida. I'm kind of a quiet girl at school and sometimes people call me a nerd. I guess because I'm smart they...

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Exposing and Masturbating at Sams Club

So, hubby tells me this morning we need to go to the Sam's Club in Knoxville, Tennessee. He told me to be sure to dress real sexy and pack my g-spot vibrator with me. First he told me to suck him off before we left. I knew I was going to play the submissive role today. We switch it up and love to play different roles in our sex life.He stripped naked and got on the edge of the bed and instructed me to get naked as well. He told me to give him a little show while he stroked his cock to get it...

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Curious Sister 4

this is the last installment of my curious sister,in curious sister 1,2,3 i told of the time of when i used to walk around naked hoping my sister would see me, which she did and then her friend Christine joining in the fun after a few sessions they asked me to fetch a mate round then they could see other boys dick.s.A few weeks after our last session one Friday our parents said they would be going out Saturday and told my sister to ask her friend Christine to sleep as she was a year older than...

1 year ago
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Married college admin Rasika helps me overcome breakup

Hello everyone, I am Raj, age 25 from Mumbai. I have recently got single after being in a relationship for a couple of years. Post my breakup, I decided not to get into a serious relationship as it was getting a toll on me and decided to enjoy my bachelor life. Now I decided to fulfill all my sexual fantasies since I had no guilt to worry about. My biggest fantasy recently was having sex with my college admin lady Rasika. Rasika was married and had a 4-year-old daughter. she was a 34-year-old...

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How convenient would it be if you could find a directory just for hot goddamn babes? A place to visit where you could look up any number of beauties in a database just like you’re a government official spying on the world? Hey, I’m not talking about in a creepy way! It’s a way to look up hot bitches and jerk off to them!Well, your wish has been fucking granted, because provides you with exactly that kind of system! The official subreddit belonging to the site...

Reddit NSFW List
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Devil sister8217s deadline

Hello ISS lovers! I have been getting mails to write about a story involving brother and sister. This is just a fantasy. Please enjoy. I have always remembered my sister Durga, 7 years older to me, as a skinny girl as she used to be before marriage. She is married to a leading Chartered Accountant in Delhi while I moved into Bangalore a couple of years after her marriage. I joined a reputed Engineering college far away from my village and it so happened that I never saw Durga for four years,...

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It had been about 7 years since I had seen Nikki as her parents moved up the coast and then I heard that she was married and moved further away.I am a golfer and a few friends arranged a golf trip up the coast for a week.We went up in 2 cars as there was 4 of us and with all the golf gear made it more comfortable.The week consisted of arriving Saturday, playing Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.We were having a great time and the weather was warm and sunny. On Tuesday the other guys...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Elina Takigawa Elina Takigawa in her new lingerie plays with her lover

Back with part two of Elina Takigawa. She is now wearing her gift. To remind you she and her friend were spending the day together. They have been friends for some time and have enjoyed each other’s company. But on this day, Valentine’s Day they are together and he gifts her a box of chocolates. And not only does he give her some chocolates that she starts to consume like a hungry monster, but he also hands her a bag with a soft gift inside. It is a new nighty, lingerie in lace and see through...


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