- 2 years ago
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I'd been staying at Graeme's house on and off for as long as I could remember. We met when we were about seven, and we'd gone through hell together on numerous occasions. We treated each others homes as though they belonged to both of us, and both my parents and his were happy with it that way. We only lived four houses apart, and as we were going through our early teen years, we would crash wherever we found ourselves at the end of the evening.
If we were messing with model boats, we'd be at Graeme's place. Girlfriends were better entertained at my house. My mum would leave us alone, and was fairly liberal about how the lounge ought to be used. Graeme's parents, while they were nice enough, especially to me, were God-fearing Christians, and would allow nothing they thought untoward. Somehow, as a result, Graeme had a collection of magazines that stayed at my place. My Dad used to borrow them, for God's sake!
I was the last of four children, and I guess my parents had been trained by the other three. I never seemed to be able to push them off the edge, though I definitely got in some messes from time to time. If there was ever real trouble to be had with Graeme's parents, we tried to send Mum in first, to smooth the waters. Mostly she did, and mostly it worked.
Now we were older, there seemed to be less trouble. His parents had calmed down, and we were realising that there were some things you just kept away from the house. Like girls.
This night, Graeme and I had been out and had a few beers, played a few games of pool, and headed back to my place to watch a movie. After the movie had finished, one of my sisters had come home, and was determined to make a lot of noise, cook smelly things in the kitchen, and generally make a nuisance of herself. We dealt with this they way we normally did. We went up the street, and crashed at Graeme's.
It must have been about one in the morning when we got there, and the house was quiet and dark. His parents must have assumed that Graeme wouldn't be coming back, and had locked the door. This wasn't exactly unusual, and we knew how to get in, and got to his bedroom without turning on the lights and waking anyone. Graeme's room had two beds. One of them was referred to by everyone as 'Tim's bed'. I dragged my clothes off, and fell into the bed in my underpants. I assume Graeme was doing the same thing across the room. Nothing was said, and before I knew it, my eyes had closed, and I fell into a deep sleep.
As happens after drinking beer, my bladder woke me a couple of hours later, and told me I desperately needed to piss. I lay there for a while, trying to convince it not to bother me any more, and then reluctantly got up, and headed for the toilet. Half asleep now, I forgot where I was, and didn't put any clothes on, just stumbled down the hallway in my underpants. It's debatable if I would have bothered, even if I'd thought of it, but the idea of being caught by Graeme's mother in my jockeys would likely have meant I would have made some sort of effort.
Some part of me must have figured out where I was, as I managed to make it to the toilet and fix the problem. I realised around then that I really ought to have put some clothes on, and tried to sneak back out of the bathroom as quietly as I could. I made it as far as the hallway corner, and banged straight into Vivian.
I'd known Vivian as long as I'd known Graeme, but largely ignored her existence. She'd played various parts in my life, mostly bloody nuisance. I could recall years ago how Graeme and I had to be quiet because the baby was asleep. How in Hell could we hold a war-game and be quiet? Then there was the period when Graeme would not be permitted to leave the house, because his parents were going to some sort of worship thing, and he was required to babysit. One time we thought we had that sorted, and invited a couple of the girls from school around for a video. Vivian caught us snuggling on the couches, and snitched on us. That was one of the times that my Mum stepped in and stopped things getting out of hand. After that, I largely kept out of her way.
Anyway, stumbling around in the dim hallway, I banged into her; actually, I knocked her to the floor. I guess I have good instincts, or my mother has trained me better than I thought, because the first thing I did was put out my hand to help her up. Viv must have realised straight away who it was, and let me help, standing up next to me, a big smile on her face, and beckoned me toward the lounge, further away from her Parents' bedroom.
I followed her quietly into the lounge, and she shut the door behind her carefully, and then burst into laughter. "Tim, you dumb shit, what the fuck was that?"
"Oh Vivian, I'm sorry. I didn't see you."
"I hope not. Shit, you gave me a shock!"
"Yeah, I... what's with the language?"
"Fuck, shit... you don't say words like that."
"Tim, how long since you've had a conversation with me?"
"Well, lemme see, it's... well... Jeeze, must be a couple of years."
"Yeah. Ever since I caught you fucking that girl on the sofa."
"No, it can't have... I wasn't fucking her!"
"You weren't?"
"Hell no. I didn't know how."
"Oh, what?"
"You mean you do now?"
"None of your business, nosy."
"Oh, calm down. Listen, I'd love to chat, but I really, really need to pee, especially after you gave me that fright."
"Oh, go, go. I don't want to get blamed for that too."
"Blamed? Oh. Listen Tim, I'm sorry. I was young, and stupid. And I was cross with you."
"Huh? Well, thanks. You're forgiven, I guess. Cross? What in hell for?"
"Ahh... gotta pee. Tell you when I get back, okay?"
"Yeah, alright. Must be a doozy of an explanation then."
"It is Tim. Wait there."
"Yeah, alright."
As she turned to leave the room, I sat on the sofa to wait. There were two things I wanted to work out then. Firstly, I had to know why she had been cross with me. Second, I wanted to know what was wrong with me. I never noticed until she turned to leave, but she was a real looker. Vivian was one of those girls with very pale skin, and contrasting jet black hair. It was near midsummer, and she was wearing a thin white cotton nightie that barely covered her decently. I could see the outline of her dark panties clearly even in the dim light, and I couldn't see a bra strap at all. I couldn't wait for her to return, to confirm my suspicions.
Suddenly I realised that my interest had become rather obvious with the tent in my briefs, and I grabbed the blanket that I knew would be behind the sofa and threw it over my lap, and left it there, despite the heat. Just as I relaxed back on the sofa, Vivian floated quietly back in, and closed the door carefully behind her, before plopping herself carelessly beside me on the sofa, her nightie flicking up at the front, to reveal her panties briefly before settling down without covering up much more. I couldn't quite comprehend how I had managed to not to notice her before.
My suspicions were confirmed as well. There is no way that restrained breasts can behave the way these did as she sat, bouncing a few times before also coming to rest.
"A blanket Tim? Isn't it a little hot?"
"Well, I umm... I'm not really dressed, you know."
"Yeah, noticed that before. Nice ass."
"Huh? What happened to the other Vivian?"
"She grew up, you just didn't pay attention."
"Yeah, I'm noticing that."
"About time. You want to know why I was angry?"
"Yeah, tell me."
"You should be able to guess, really."
"I should? Why is that?"
"Because, Tim, you just admitted that you did it."
"Vivian, you're not making sense. Did what?"
"Ignored me."
"Hardly surprising, after what you did, is it?"
"No dummy, not then. Before."
"Before what?"
"Oh, you're not much use this late, are you? Before I dobbed you in for getting it on with that girl..."
"I didn't get..."
"... while I wanted you..."
"... it on..."
"... to get it on with me."
"... with... You?"
"Yes, me. I had the biggest crush on you, and you never even noticed. I wasn't cross because you guys were misbehaving. I was cross because I wanted you to misbehave with me!"
"Yeah, but I... I... Really?"
"Yes, really."
"Oh, God. I'm sorry Viv. I never realised."
"No, that's apparent now."
"God, Viv, it's... Wow!"
"Yeah, well there you go. Now you know. I'm really sorry you got into such trouble. Mind you, your Mum fixed it in the end, didn't she?"
"Yeah, she did, luckily. Listen Viv, I don't think badly of you, you know. I'm not mad with you. I was just trying to keep out of more trouble."
"Yeah, I know."
"Oh. But now... well, where do we stand?"
"With what?"
"Well, the crush, I guess."
"Oh, that. I got over it Tim. I met another boy, and he and I... well, we sorted it out."
"Yeah, we, well, listen, I don't know what I can say to you now. You might tell Graeme."
"Not me, Viv. Not this. Not ever. Promise."
"Alright then. I decided I needed to find another boy, and get you out of my head. So I found one. At school. He was nice. You probably saw him here a couple of times. Lance."
"Oh, I remember him. Tall weedy guy?"
"Yeah, him. He wasn't much of a conversationalist, but he had nice fingers."
"Oh. You mean, you guys..."
"Had sex."
"Ah, yeah."
"Yeah. Not straight away. We got to it gradually."
"Yeah, 'oh'. You want more?"
"Yeah, if you want to tell. It seems strange hearing all this from you, but it's nice that you can feel you trust me."
"Yeah, it's nice for me too. Anyway, I sorted out a few things. Firstly, I like sex. A lot. A lot more than I liked lance. So I had to let him go."
"Oh. Just like that?"
"It took a while. We taught each other a lot at first, but eventually I outgrew him, I think. I've umm... I've had a few others."
"You know Tim, you could make this a two way conversation, rather than a confessional."
"Oh, I... what would you like to know?"
"Well, only if you want to tell, but... well... that girl on the sofa. Ooh, this sofa! Did you guys ever... ?"
"Oh, no. Not her. No way. That cuddle was as close as we ever got. Listen, does this work the other way? You won't tell anyone either?"
"Well, I couldn't Tim. You'd probably blurt out something I don't want said."
"I wouldn't."
"Well, your secret is safe anyway, whatever it is."
"Thanks. It's... did you find it embarrassing, telling me?"
"A bit. Can I confess something first?"
"Yeah, if you want. What?"
"I knew it was you in the bathroom."
"I wanted you to come out, and I wanted to have this discussion. So I was ready for it. Take your time."
"Okay... well, I wasn't prepared for her. She was keen. I didn't know quite what to do."
"That shut you up."
"Sort of. So who was it?"
"The one who showed you."
"Oh, it was..."
"God Tim, she's been with half the school."
"Yeah, I know. She kind of surprised me. Just as well though. I wouldn't have gone through with it, I don't think."
"Oh. And so you got over it, and moved on?"
"Well... shit Viv, guys are supposed to lie at this point."
"Lie? Why?"
"Well, because there hasn't been anyone else."
"Oh. I'm surprised. You're a hunk."
"Well, look, I got over the crush, but you are still attractive. And I'm not the only girl who thinks so."
"Who says?"
"Not telling."
"Oh, come on."
"No way. Girls have rules too."
"Oh, okay. Umm... listen. I... umm..."
"Oh, get it out."
"Well, you are attractive too."
"Well, thanks. You feel you needed to say that?"
"No, really. I mean, God, I never noticed before tonight, at least not consciously."
"Oh, this is getting better."
"No, it's just. Listen, I'll just say it, huh?"
"Well, when you left, before, to go pee..."
"Well, I noticed as you walked out, well, the way your butt swayed."
"I sway?"
"Yeah, Viv, you sway. And your nightie clings to your knickers, and shows off your ass. There, said it!"
"It does?" She jumped up from the sofa then, and tried to look behind her back, rather unsuccessfully, then lifted her nightie a little, revealing the shiny black knickers covering her ass. "God, I shouldn't really dress like this for company, should I?"
"Well, I don't mind, even a bit."
"Nope. Anyway, I forgot about that when you came back into the room."
"Forgot? I don't know if I like that. I hope you can see the smile on my face though."
"Yeah, I can. Relax. Umm... That's not all I can see."
"You neglected to put a bra on."
"Oh, I..." Her hands pressed the thin material of her nightie to her chest, just below her breasts. "Oh, Jesus, that's a bit slutty, isn't it?"
"Might be if you did it on purpose."
"No, I... not that. I thought about the nightie though, and did that on purpose."
"Oh. You know, I really thought you fucked that girl on our sofa. All this time."
"Nope, sorry."
"Don't be. I was always jealous. I wished it was me. On the sofa. With you."
"Listen, tell me the truth. What's with the blanket?"
"Oh, I was... umm... intrigued, watching your bum, as you left, and I grabbed it. Then you came back, and the way you plopped down on the sofa..."
"Well, bouncing breasts, and flashing panties..."
"I did not flash any panties."
"You did so."
"No way."
"Sit again, like you did then, and watch."
"Why not?"
"You just want a free thrill."
"Ah, so you admit the possibility?"
"Guess I have no choice. Tim?"
"I take it you've calmed down now?"
"What, after that slutty breast business?"
"Because I was hoping that..."
"I could snuggle under there with you."
"You trying to seduce me?"
"No, no... yes."
"You got a problem with that?"
"Only a logistics one. What if we get caught?"
"Nah, the olds never get up, and we will be quiet."
"You promise?"
"Depends how good you are. I'll try."
"What about Graeme?"
"I'm not much on incest."
"What? Oh. No, silly. What if he wakes up?"
"I'm willing to take the risk. You?"
"Yeah, I am if you are. But listen, sounds as though you have a lot more experience at this than me..."
"Well actually..."
"Well, I think I thought of them all as substitutes for you, so in a way, you're just as experienced."
"I never had the orgasms. I've been cheated."
"Well, I did. You object that much?"
"No. In that case."
"And you've been jerking off all these years, if nothing else."
"How do you know?"
"Graeme told me."
"What? That bastard."
"Hee hee."
"I made that up Tim. But too late now."
"Oh, you devious bitch."
"I never hear those sorts of words out of your mouth here. It's like you are talking dirty, just for me."
"I am. Sort of."
"Hmmm... tell me, how do you do it?"
"Jerk off."
"What? Don't you have any limits Viv? There's only so much I can take in one day."
"Tell you what, can I do it?"
"I want to hold your cock Tim. I want to rub it, the way you do. Shove over a bit, and lie down."
"God Viv, are you always like this?"
"Nope, I'm exceedingly brave tonight. Pull those down. God, I can see why you wanted the blanket."
"listen, could we maybe take that nightie off then?"
"You do it, Tim. I'm busy. I can stop to lift my arms for you, but that's it."
"My God Vivian, you are an angel."
"More of a devil, actually. Just don't tell Dad."
"Not much chance of that. Snuggle down here under this blanket, would you?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
"I'm a bit thick. Hot under here. Shall we lose the blanket?"
"Mmm... Hey, like this?"
"Oh, where the hell did you learn to do that?"
"Not telling. He's under age, and I wouldn't want to get him in trouble."
"You're kidding now, right?"
"You'll never know. Where did you learn that?"
"Oh, this?"
"God, that makes me tingle. You done that before?"
"Yeah, I've been near a few breasts. Nothing like this though. These are gorgeous."
"Well, thanks. I'd love to say I've been saving them for you..."
"God Viv, if you do that, I'm not going to last long."
"Shut up for a bit. I'm busy."
Taking command now, Vivian pushed me back on the cushions, stood up and removed the black panties, stopping to wiggle her ass at me again. "Sway do I? I'll show you sway!" Turning to face me again, she was completely naked, her pale smooth skin almost glowing in the dim light. A small dark thatch of hair perched between the tops of her legs, almost like the just-removed panties. And she approached me again, grinning wildly.
In the morning, we woke and went down for breakfast. Few were there. We were joined by Elaine and Bert. Bert was wearing a coat and tie while Elaine was dressed casually as were Belinda and I. Belinda looked at Bert. “Are the meetings formal attire?” “Not officially. However, it helps to maintain an aura of business in them. I dress for work. I consider this work though not necessarily as enjoyable as calling upon customers. There will be some helpful information disseminated and plenty of...
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“This is just a setup session really, before supper,” Janice informed us when we got to the infirmary. “Boys would you go and fetch Carl’s camera equipment please?” All my lights, microphones, projector and so on that Christina, Angie and Natalie had bought, back in the days when I’d been free, were in a shed, where Janice had offered me space to store them; perhaps not so generously after all. When we got back with it Janice had produced three cameras on tripods. Now instead of the...
Greetings my fellow fuckers. Main wapas aa gaya hun apni kahani ka teesra chapter aapke saath share karne. For the people who haven’t read my story so far, please click the link Now coming to the story….. Shanti and I were busy fucking each other’s brains out. One morning I made an excuse that I was ill and stayed back home. My brother was in school and parents were at work. So I got in to the shower with shanti and we had some fun . Main uske chuchon par se chaat chaat ke pani pee raha...
Lucinda stirred in her soft cosy bed, she glanced at her bedside clock, it read 6 a.m. She groaned and rolled over hoping to get back to sleep. The sun shone brightly through the curtains of her room. The sun always rose early in Zimbabwe. Something had disturbed her sleep. She became suddenly alert to noises outside. Her parents were ever fearful of burglars. Had they heard the noises? She knelt up on her bed and peaked out of the window. Across the short cut grass of the immaculate lawn...
"Why shouldn't we?" Ms. Cole said, touching my knee and slowly teasing her fingertips along the line of my thigh. "After all, you're eighteen now." I'd never seen her like this, this older woman, best friend of my mom and a constant presence in our lives since I was five. Her behavior was strange and creepy, the kind of thing that mom had warned us about, though I'd always thought she was talking about men. And yet, despite knowing that what she was doing was wrong, I couldn't escape the fact...
Boring. Boring was good. Excitement? No thank you. Excitement could get people killed. Boring meant returning to base safely after completing the mission. Excitement was for heroes, dead heroes. Take this current system; boring as hell. So boring that it didn't even have a name, just a catalogue reference: Wa37. Three gas giants, two smallish and one very large. Four rocky inner planets. One with water and life, even mildly exciting if you fancied talking to trees or centipedes. You want...
It had been a lot to take in. The Dragon talked with me only for a short time more, then it asked to meet me at some distance away from the Keep, tomorrow. I agreed. Bel and his brood?, family?, children?, went on their way. "This is amazing! I can't believe that you would show up at all, but when you do, you show up here!" Marald exclaimed. "Why is that amazing?" I asked, curiously. "Well, everyone had assumed you were dead. I have to tell you that your mother and father died...
Audrey Noir is super excited for her first ever gang bang! This hot babe with big tits and creamy white skin crawls after her Master Ramon Nomar to meet his friends, whom she has the honor of servicing today. She begs each one of them for their cocks and is rewarded with five rock hard cocks. She takes turns sucking each one as Ramon attaches a row of clothespins to her tits. Audrey relishes the pain and gets face fucked as Ramon hits the clothespins with a paddle. He instructs her to hold her...
xmoviesforyouBest Friends MomI got to know Jeff the first day of high school, we met in line to register for the same English class. We started talking and one thing led to another and before anyone knew it we were friends. He asked me to come by his house as we walked out of the student union and I said sure just tell me when. He told me that things were a bit messy right now with school just starting but Saturday would be cool. So I said sure sounds well, what he didn’t know was that I was and still am an...
Taboo Orgy. Part Two.Thanks for the votes and yes Taboo Orgy was my first attempt at writing as sex story.Some of you are waiting for me to continue writing the rest of the story and I am happy to do so. I can turn this story into at least another three or four chapters but only if I get good comments as my stories are not that short to write. Anyway, here we go with part two of this very horny family. Cheers everyone.Sally froze on the spot and knew that every one could see her on her hands...
Chapter 9 ‘Odd Bedfellows’ ‘Fuck me,’ Stacey said, in a voice drained of emotion, her face devoid of colour. ‘Excuse me?’ Dr. Taylor replied, with a raised eyebrow. ‘That’s not possible,’ Stacey replied in the same stunned manner as she sat on the exam bed. ‘It’s quite normal for a woman to conceive this soon after giving birth,’ Dr. Taylor assured as he smiled at Stacey in a friendly manner. ‘But I’ve only JUST given birth! I CAN’T be pregnant AGAIN!’ Stacey said in a distressed manner....
This is about the time when I had an unexpected sexual encounter with my maid. I’ve been married for 7 years now and have had a happy married life with my wife. Our long time maid quit work last month and we found another one. She is barely 19 years old but doesn’t look it at all. She is quite tall, about 5’7″, and very well endowed. I used to wake up late and very often she was gone by the time I woke up. My wife had to go to her parents’ place for a month to help them out with some issues....
But, I guess I visited a little too often to one of my local gloryholes. I wasn't friends or even to friendly with the front desk guy but I guess he decided to take it upon himself to tell some people about me coming in so often, because I began to notice that more and more people would start showing up on certain days. I am not talking a lot, but 4-7 more than normal and at times maybe 10 more guys than normal would be floating around the video booths and dark rooms. I would always wear...
My husband has told his part now it is time for me to tell mine. I have been in love with Ben forever. Well, since I have known him. We had been a very happily married couple. I had some friends and he had some of his own. We also had a few friends together. June was one of my friends and I had been a bit jealous of her for a long time. June was one of those girls who looked sexy in anything she wore. I had seen Ben look at her in 'that' way more than once. I had also noticed him looking...
Apartment Mayhem Part 4 The Conclusion The cowboy's cock was deep in Connie's throat while he sucked furiously on her cunt. She slid her index finger up to the knuckle deep in his ass and began to finger fuck his ass. She loved the feel of the hard cock as she moved her head in and out and it slid back and forth down her throat, Her finger worked his ass and she could feel his gland so she knew when he would pop his load but her mind reeled as another climax hit...
Group Sex“Help me Slut Girl” Slut Girl heard with her super hearing. “Oh no, someone is in need of my help” Slut Girl said. She span around like a whirlwind and seconds later was in her superhero costume. Black leather thigh high boots, a tiny black leather mini skirt with no panties, and a black leather basque with a big S on the front and SLUT on the back, and to finish the outfit the Slut Girl utility belt, with an array of dildos, handcuffs, lubes and other sex paraphernalia. She ran out of her...
As Sarua got up from the chair, Martha managed to get up off the floor as I pulled my still hard cock out of her hot wet pussy. I rolled over and lay on my back on the floor as Martha made her way into the chair, and Sarua straddled my head and kneeled down with her pussy, over my face and she leaned over and took a hold of my hard dick and started stroking it up and down a couple of strokes, then sucked it into her mouth as I started licking her wet pussy lips, up one side then down on the...
Deception is a Two Edged Sword The next day my mother in law woke up in my office with a drunken hang over. She made her way to her bedroom and sank into the queen size bed. She didn’t wake until after noon. By then her daughter was up stumbling around with a migraine. I asked my wife into my office and we talked a few minutes. She had taken a Imitrex pill for the migraine. Her mother had left behind the shawl covering with the fur trim. She didn’t seem to notice, or care. I didn’t...
I was standing there in front of my coworker Jalpa and the guy who was almost naked was bargaining with my Jalpa for my body and for hers too. I started feeling ashamed, I quickly picked up my dress and bra and left the room. I got dressed in the hallway, took my purse and phone from the safe and went out of the apartment and sat in my car. I lit a cigarette and started thinking about what just happened and after a while, I drifted into sleep inside the car. I got up at around 5:15 am the next...
Steve turned on his side, trying to ignore the sexy little body that just climbed into his bed.'We talked about this honey. One time only!" he said nervously, almost knowing he was going to lose this battle. How could he turn her away after the mind blowing sex they just had?Jess snuggled up to Steve, pressing her firm little tits against his back, curving her tight little body to fit his. She starting rubbing his leg with the dildo she brought with her. She then moved it up his side, around to...
IncestI woke up at five the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock. It took me a moment to remember why it was going off at this early hour. I was finally able to drag myself out of bed and went down the hall to the other bedroom. I went inside and saw Donna cuddled up close to Sarah. 'If that is how I look when I'm cuddled up to Sarah, I can understand why everyone tells me that it's so cute, ' I thought to myself. I walked over to the side of the bed and started to nudge Donna by the...
I spent the weekend quietly. I thought I had accepted that the ride was over and it was time for me to get off and get ready for the rest of my life. It wasn't a good feeling, but by Monday morning, I felt that I had come to terms with things. I found out I wasn't prepared for the pain, however, when Gail showed up at my locker before English. She had tears in her eyes as she reached out and handed me a heart shaped locket. I stared at it for a moment, blinking back tears that wanted to...
Jon I must have been dozing after lying down, because the next thing I felt was a small body tucking in next to me. I didn’t open my eyes, but if I was to guess from the small form, I would say it was Claire. Maybe it was the hard, full breast that I felt that gave it away. More likely, it was the familiar feel I got from our intimacy at breakfast. “How are you doing darling?” I asked, my eyes still closed, as I curled my arm under her to pull her closer. She took this as her cue to put her...
After my wonderful lunch and afternoon with Alfredo, we could not get enough of each other. Part of the appeal was the newness of the affair; part of it was the risk of being caught by our friends or by Alfredo's wife, Sonya; and part of the appeal was that Alfredo and I had such limited opportunities to be together we cherished each moment we did steal. When we could, we'd sneak off to Oscar's and my flat over lunch time and I would let Alfredo fuck me in our bed. I always tried to make sure...
ToysMy name is Katie Ann, I am 18 and a Senior in high school, I am 5’7 140 lbs with brown hair and Br eyes. I am not the very popular type at school. I am always in the books studying. I don’t have very many friends and I wasn’t really interested in guys until my boyfriend came into my life. His name is Jeremy, he’s 19 and he is a senior in high school, he’s got pretty blue eyes, 5’9 and about 170 lbs with a nice 6 pack, very strong and nice body. It all started on February 13th when we were...
First TimeIt all started when my friend came over my house. We were surfing the web for mature porn and reading stories with mature ladies. See Nate got me into the idea of fucking mature ladies, how they have experience, and have bigger boobs and big asses than the girls our age. We are both 18 years old, I am of Indian descent. Nate is black and looks a bit older than me, he a bit taller and built for his age. We met at the basketball courts about 4 months ago. He comes over my house not so often cause...
IncestMy boyfriend hopped out of the car and jumped into the backseat as soon as we came to a stop. We've done this before. "Pick a winner this time, Jess," he said as he scrunched between the seats and pulled the blanket over his lanky body. Some days, I'll swear that Mickey's intelligence quotient doesn't break the three digit mark, but one thing he has going for him is that he's loyal. He can be counted on. He's also big enough to take care of himself and me too. By, 'Pick a winner, '...
Girls Night Out Part 2 Well everyone wants to hear about the second part of my night with Julie when I was in New Jersey. In case you didn’t read my first story, my name is Cassie, short for Cassandra (I also go by Sandy sometimes) and I am a cross dresser (CD). A while ago I was spending a hot summer night in New Jersey at a hotel with my friend Julie. We were attending a girl’s night out at a hotel bar with about 25 other t-girls and we had already made a scene with our attire and actions.
When we first started liking each other we used to sneak out to the playhouse and french kiss.At the time we felt so grown up doing that. Then one time when jess was at my house we decided to go swimming at the river while our parents were getting high together so we rode on down to the river and went to our favorite spot wich was up river from the road. We finally got there and I climbed on to the rock and was ready to jump in when Jess asked me to wait. She said "Hey come down a moment I got...
"Can I go home?""Yes, but you will need help, twenty-four hour help. Have you got it?"I hesitated before giving the doctor a firm "Yes."However when he had left the room I wasn't sure who would be looking after me. An hour later mother arrived."Hi Adam, is the pain any better?""Hi mum, a bit.""Did the doctor say how much longer you are going to be in hospital?""I asked him."Mother interrupted me with "When?"I smiled and said "Let me finish, I can come home now."She gave me an even bigger smile....
I was the third son and the fourth child. My parents barely had time for me or any of us really. My father was Emperor Edward Thomas Christian Saint. I was always surrounded by guards and people who wanted something. I was taught by tutors in the palace with little freedom. I had grown to loath and hate politics and the people that tried to use them. From the time I could walk and talk I had been schooled and taught. My obsession was the military but there was no way I would ever be allowed to...