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Harry Bird sighed, closed down the computer, and went to sit on the sofa. He yawned, stretched, and sat back with his eyes closed. A large, ginger coated cat with a white bib and white socks, rather pregnant, paced into the room and, not without difficulty, jumped onto the sofa and thence onto his lap, where she sprawled on her side. He stroked her, and caressed the bulge of her tummy.

“Hello, darling. It’s okay, I’ve done. It’s all balanced now and I can relax.”

The cat purred and stretched, then shimmered and became Kat, his equally pregnant wife. She sat up and leaned into his embrace. “Harry...”

He chuckled. “I know that tone!”

She giggled, but became serious. “Harry, I know you trust me, but I want something you’ll find hard...”

He shifted slightly and chuckled again. “It’s usually hard when we’re like this!”

She shook her head and remained very solemn. “Aibhilin,” she pronounced it Aveleen, “will be a Solstice baby. I want her to be born in my circle.”

They had, a few months previously, created a miniature stone circle in their back garden and Kat had consecrated it for ceremonies to help her friends.

Harry was used to having his world-view expanded by his unusual wife, but this was, indeed, serious. “You want to deliver our daughter outdoors, in our back garden, in the middle of winter?”

“Yes.” her voice was very quiet indeed. “I know it’s a lot to ask. But you know I’ll be warm enough.”

“That’s not my concern. What about a midwife? Doctor? I can’t imagine anyone would go along with that.”

“No. But Mam will. And I’ll call on Viviane.”

“Who’s Viviane? I don’t think I ever met her.”

“Well, no. Though she was probably watching when Naomi and Rebecca were born. She’s also called Bebinn in Ireland, Lucina in Italy, Hathor in Egypt, and many other names elsewhere. She’s the Goddess of childbirth. My Mam will help. You know my due date is the twenty-ninth. If she doesn’t come along on the twenty-first, I’ll go to the hospital, okay?”

“Well, okay. I suppose. IF your mother will come, and IF you promise to co-operate if there’s any problem.”

“Hello, Harry ... it’s Rhiannon Donahue.”

“Um ... hi. I’m sorry – we never talked about how you’d like me to address you?”

He heard a pleasant chuckle. “No. What would you be comfortable with? I’m happy for you to call me Rhiannon ... or, if you prefer, ‘Mam’. I know my husband won’t mind you calling him Conor. I’m sure I’d prefer not to be ‘Missus Donahue’.”

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Then, Rhiannon, if you don’t mind.”

“Good! Now. My daughter tells me she wants me to collude with her in a childbirth of dubious legality and rationality.”

He sighed. “Yes. Rhiannon, I trust her. I’m not entirely happy, but that’s inevitable given my sceptical background. If you’re willing to come, I’m sure enough of her abilities to at least give it a try.”

“Her due date is the twenty-ninth, right?”


“And the Solstice this year is the twenty-first. I’ll have to check what the time is. But we usually work on the sunrise time. The astronomical solstice varies year by year. I’ll check and call you back.”


There was a click as the phone was disconnected, and Harry went, half-heartedly, back to what he had been doing, but gave up and went to make a cup of tea. It was over half an hour before the phone rang again.

“Harry? The Solstice where you are is actually at ten-forty-four, but dawn is eight-twenty. Here’s what I suggest. If she starts contractions, or her waters break, call an ambulance and let me know. If I don’t hear anything, I will come on the nineteenth, and we’ll see what happens. If she’s right, she’ll start some time after midnight on the twenty-first and probably deliver at dawn. If she hasn’t delivered by ten-forty-five, I think we should call an ambulance and get her to the hospital. But, you know, I suspect she’s right. If so, that baby’s going to be a handful, I assure you.”

“Rhiannon ... thank you. Thank you so much. I feel a lot happier now.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad I was right about you.”

With a week to go to the Solstice, Kat was becoming nervous and unsure. She was waking often in the night and then, at five o’clock in the morning she didn’t return to bed but found a small rush mat and went outside. It was a clear night and the moon lit the back garden brightly, reflecting off a sharp frost. Oblivious of bare feet, she padded out to the centre of the circle, placed the mat and knelt upon it, facing east.

Harry, disturbed by her leaving the bed, drowsed for a few minutes. When Kat didn’t return, though, he surfaced and swung his legs out of bed, found his slippers, and grabbed a gown as he made his way, via the bathroom, downstairs and out into the garden.

Kat was singing, though he couldn’t understand the words. As he watched, a woman appeared in front of Kat. At least, she looked like a woman, but she appeared to be glowing, her garments so brilliantly white he was dazzled and had to keep looking away. He couldn’t resist looking, though, his eyes drawn back to the figure.

She wasn’t tall, and appeared slight in figure, but somehow she exuded power and ... majesty? Yes, majesty. Unconsciously, he slipped to his knees in the frost.

As he watched, Kat stopped singing, gazing up at the figure in front of her, and spoke, though again, Harry could not understand the words. The woman bent forwards and laid her hands on Kat’s head and stooped to speak in her ears. She straightened up and looked straight at Harry, then beckoned to him. He didn’t respond immediately and realised that it was fear, or awe, or a combination of both, which held him back. But the woman beckoned again, peremptorily and, reluctantly, he rose to his feet and stepped into the circle.

As he passed between two of the stones, he felt a curious, indescribable sensation. The nearest he could come to it was remembering a science experiment in school involving a generator of static electricity. It had caused a prickling sensation all over him. Then, he was conscious of warmth, then, the Presence of the woman. He fell to his knees again, his head down. That close he couldn’t bear to even glance at her.

Soft, incomprehensible words, then the gentle pressure of a hand on his head. Words forming in his mind. “Husband of Kathleen – do you love her?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Enough to die for her?”

He hesitated, but said firmly, “Yes. Even that.”

“Dying for her would hurt her badly. Are you willing to take part of her pain? It would be the worst physical pain you have ever experienced.”

“Will that help her? Take her pain?”

“It will help, but she will still have some pain. You could not endure all her pain.”

“I will do whatever I can.”

“That is good.”

“Lady, I don’t know you...”

“I have many names, but you may call me Viviane.”

“Lady Viviane, will my wife, my daughter, be well?”

“Play your part truly, and all will be well. But you will pay a high price.”

Her voice – and reality faded into blackness. He only came to again as the sky was lightening with the pre-dawn. Kat was watching him with a worried expression as he opened his eyes. “Well, there’s no tedium involved in being married to you,” he smiled.

“Harry – are you all right? Whatever possessed you to enter the circle?”

“She – Lady Viviane – she beckoned to me.”

“Oh, Harry...” she broke off. “Harry, what did ... did you ... promise anything?”

“I told her I was willing to die for you.”

She paled. “Oh, Harry...”

“Don’t worry, she said that would hurt you. She asked if I would share your pain.”

She sighed. “Oh, Harry – you have no idea, do you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Harry – immortals, like Viviane – you need to be careful what you give them. She doesn’t like men very much. Ah, well. No use worrying now. Come on, let’s go inside.”

They got to their feet, and as she turned to head indoors, he wrapped his arms around her from behind, caressing the baby bump. She gave a sigh of satisfaction and leaned back against him.

Dawn, midwinter, and it’s time to be up and about. After a disturbed night, coffee was the order of the day and, for once, bacon, egg, sausage, beans, fried bread, toast. Kat smiled and shook her head, sticking to muesli. About half-past eight, as Harry was finishing up, the phone rang and Kat, already on her feet, answered it. She pressed the handset against her chest. “Harry, it’s Geoff Sanders. He wants to talk to us, and bring a friend.”

“When? This evening?”

“No, he says the weather is too bad for his team to work, so any time today would be good.”

“Could we feed them lunch?”

“Sure! Something suitable for a recent heart-attack victim. Not salad, midwinter. Chicken. Stir-fry.”

“Is that okay?”

“Sure. At least I think so. Olive oil. Fresh veg.” She lifted the handset. “Come to lunch? Twelve? One? Okay. See you then.” She hung up, or switched off, or whatever, and turned to her husband with a smile. “One o’clock. Have you anything pressing?”

“Yes, and I know just what to do about it. Bed.”

“Perfect.” Kat held out her hand to her husband and towed him out of the kitchen, not that he was resisting at all.

A different voice – Geoff Sanders...

A year ago, I was a sad, bitter, angry man; my wonderful, beautiful wife died in childbirth and I blamed my daughter Penelope. I don’t understand how she grew up as normal as she did, but my attitude caused her to be very withdrawn and she had a terrible stammer, so it was painful to listen to her, and hard to understand. She met a young man – David Tomlinson – shortly after we moved north for me to take up a job as a construction foreman. He offered her the love and consideration I should have given her, and she fell for him. He came to me to ask my permission to marry her. That came as a shock. I pointed out she was over eighteen and didn’t need my permission, but he insisted. I suppose that shook something loose in me and I began to recognise just how much I’d failed Penelope, though I backslid pretty soon after. I was drinking far too much and eating the wrong things since I no longer had my daughter to shop and cook for me.

Well, I was heading straight towards losing my job when I had a heart attack and nearly died. The first thing that saved me was the presence of the company nurse, Clare Howells, who immediately recognised what was happening and got me to the hospital. Even then, it was touch and go, I’m told. The second thing that saved me was a visit from Kathleen Bird, a friend of Penelope and David. I still don’t know what, or how she did what she did, but over a very few minutes, my pain eased and my heart rhythm stabilised. The staff in Coronary Care couldn’t understand what had happened. They were shaking their heads and took sample after sample of blood, all that. But I was so much better they transferred me to a ward and I was sent home much earlier than I would normally have been. I asked Kathleen what she’d done, but she just smiled and said, “I’m a witch.”

Anyway, I went home from the hospital and began eating properly and exercising as I was told. Penelope helped a lot, and so did Clare, but there was still something wrong, so I went to see Kat. You know, I never believed in magic, or witchcraft, or psychology, or mind-reading, that sort of thing, but I couldn’t dismiss what had happened in the hospital when she touched me, so even though I didn’t understand I let her sit me out in her garden in a stone circle for heaven’s sake, then she appeared in a robe like some ancient priestess and chanted something I couldn’t make out and knelt in front of me. After that, I don’t suppose you’ll believe me, but my dead wife spoke to me. Told me off in no uncertain terms, though more in sorrow than anger. I was out there all night, and when I woke up, laid on the grass just before dawn, I was, well, different. Healed, I suppose.

When I went back to work, I made sure Clare got some flowers, and she was the first person I went to see, and asked her to have dinner with me one evening. She agreed, and, well, we got on so well that after a few dates I asked her to marry me. I don’t deserve the happiness I’ve got, either being forgiven by the daughter who, let’s be frank, I abused, or by marrying a wonderful, caring, beautiful woman.

Which brings us to the point. Clare kept asking how I’d recovered so quickly from a very bad heart attack, then how I’d changed so radically. All I could say was that Kat had helped, along with David and Harry, and seeing Penelope set free from the damage I’d done. Then she wanted to talk to Kat. I kept putting it off, but in the end made the call, and we were invited to lunch with Kat and Harry...

But back to the story...

Harry opened the door to their guests. “Come in! Good to see you looking so well, Geoff.”

They entered and Harry closed the door. “Keeping him in line, Clare?”

The pleasant-looking, dark brunette woman chuckled, her voice a mellow alto. “Oh, he’s pretty sensible – for a man, that is.”

“Come through – I hope you don’t mind eating in the kitchen. It’s much easier for Kat that way.”

“Not at all,” Clare answered. “much more comfortable. And I’d hope we are close enough friends not to be formal.”

Harry ushered them into the kitchen, where Kat was presiding over a large wok. She turned and smiled. “I started this when I heard the bell. Won’t be long. Good to see you, Clare ... Geoff.”

“When’s your due date, Kat? You must be near term, surely?” Clare’s voice betrayed a degree of concern.

“Twenty-ninth. But I’m pretty sure she’ll be early. Don’t worry – I’m not straining, and it’s been an easy pregnancy. Besides, Harry’ll clear up for me afterwards.”

Clare left it at that and they chatted about inconsequentials for the few minutes the meal required. Having eaten, Harry made drinks – Rooibos for Geoff and Kat, coffee for himself and Clare – and sent the others to the lounge.

Kat sank gratefully into a recliner, but left it upright. “So ... is it Clare, or Geoff, who has questions or a problem? It’s really lovely to see you, but I do suspect it’s about more than our company.”

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Choices Someone to Watch Over Me

I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. I’d also like to add that we don’t always see eye to eye, we do have some disagreements sometimes – well quite often really, – I can be an obstinate old bugger when I want to be. Anyway I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story. Notes for the uninitiated: Cor = slang expressing surprise, excitement, etc. Palaver = a prolonged or tiresome act. Throw a...

4 years ago
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Just Good Friends

I had been celibate for a year or more since my last relationship broke down and I was horny. Horny but self contained, I never really went for one night stands and since I hadn’t found myself in the position of being involved in another relationship (as it was the last thing I wanted) I was stuck. I would be walking in town running one of my many errands and all I had to do was see a  tall dark haired man with a hard body and cheeky smile and I’d feel myself getting wet. The thoughts I’d have...

2 years ago
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Lake Nicaragua Part 2

We sat naked on the decking, drinking coffee and eating bagels. The lake looked amazing and made me want to either be on it or in it. I watched the chemistry between Anna and Robert, all the years of marriage behind them and they were still in love. It wasn't that they loved one another, they were 'in' love with one another. Still with the puppy dog eyes. ''Hell-cat, you look amazing.'' my uncle told me, I was leaning back into the sun lounger, my legs crossed and wearing...

4 years ago
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Escape the Mansion

You are Nichole a 18 year old gorgeous girl who has the perfect body. Women were often jealous of your perky tits and fine ass. You have short dark hair and your skin is a flawless peach. You live your life with high moral standards and had no idea what temptations you would be facing tonight. The night started out good enough, you had just visited your friends and were heading home in your Hyundai. Unfortunately the car you had was a piece of junk, and as you were driving it broke down. You...

1 year ago
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Losing Virginity To Aunt

Hello to all and I’m 22 from Bangalore. I just completed my engineering and I’m 6 feet tall, average built. I have a dick of about 6′ uncut. This is my first story in ISS and I follow ISS for about 5 years now and it’s a great site and I love it. This incident with my aunt is a real one. Please comment on this story after reading it. I’m also looking for women of age 28-45 for any kind of relationships around Bangalore please mail me if anyone is interested. Now before going into the incident a...

2 years ago
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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part One

I thought today would be like any other day.   I thought wrong.   Master told me not to listen to Mistress.   Unfortunately for me he never told her: I didn’t want to get in trouble with either of them.   My sister was upstairs cleaning her room while Master had me clean the rest of the house.   You see, Mistress Julia owns my sister Taliya.   I, Ceres, belong to Master John. It’s hard pleasing them both, trying not to disappoint them.   Master left for work, Mistress Julia wasn’t too far...

3 years ago
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Fertility Down Chapter 4 Future Solutions

Chapter 4: Future SolutionsI walked into the main office and there was a slick attractive woman standing at the large desk the receptionist sits at when you come in. She seemed to know me right away because she turned to me and put on a big smile for me.“Hi Logan. I’m from Future Solutions.” She stuck out her hand for a hand shake. Her outfit if you could call it that, almost seamed like it came from a Halloween shop labeled “Sexy Professional” of something. Her large bust had a decent amount...

1 year ago
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Fate and Destiny Ch 04

*** PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.*** CHAPTER 4-LOVE OR LIFE Noel was shaking with fear and Leon was shaken by the entire incident. Mr. Davis was a very bad man and he was the worst enemy anyone can have. Mr. Davis’ anger was at its highest level and it felt like the volcano would soon erupt. ‘Nathan, tell everyone outside that the party is over and take Jake out of my sight now.’ Mr. Davis ordered his manager. Then he turned towards Mrs. Davis and said-...

2 years ago
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Dumb Little Abuse Whore

He was slapping the living sh!t out of me, each strike makingme dizzier and more unsteady on my feet. My ears were ringingand I could feel the heat of my own blushing, the short blue cheerleader skirt he made me wear pulled up all the way past my belly,my ass and tiny erect, twitching penis betraying my orgasms tothe whole world. My white tank tee roughly cut off so high ithad barely covered my tits, now also pulled all the way up.I was naked in the street, my clothing so skimpy it...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 311

Little Johnny enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer, “This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it to you.” The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, then calls Johnny over and asks, “Which do you want, son?” Johnny takes the quarters and leaves. “What did I tell you?” said the barber. “That kid never learns!” Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same Little Johnny coming out of the ice cream store. “Hey, son!...

1 year ago
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Living in a Pub

Abby Stone got out of her battered mini in the car park of the Coach and Horses. The weather was dull and drizzling, and twilight was just a few moments away, which matched her sombre mood. She was feeling a little depressed after her meeting with the Regional Manager at the brewery. He had been very nice and very sympathetic with her dilemma. But he had pointed out that under the present economic conditions, the brewery were having to consider closing some of the managed houses. The increasing...

Erotic Fiction
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Hot Indian bhabhi fucks to prove she is not a lesbian

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read Pallavi woke up in her new house. She was surrounded by unpacked boxes and cartons. She turned around to see her husband Raghav sleeping like a baby under the duvet. She had a mischievous smile on her face. She could recall the erotic impulsive things they used to do. “So he’ll get the sweetest surprise when he finally opens his eyes,” Pallavi said, giggling as she removed the duvet. She slid the nightgown over her...

3 years ago
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Fan fiction hypnotic life

Mind control and hypnosis are far from the weirdest in a fictanal universe, but they are about to become far more popular. Pick a world and character and send them on a journey to enthrall or be enthralled. Now out of the massive amount of universe what universeso pick. Genderbenders are A-Okay, and just about anything goes. The first question of the day is... What universe is the focus? (Inspired by naruto: hypnotic life)

4 years ago
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The Good Guy all the Bad Girls Want part 4

Tuesday. The day after the day before.Autumn had settled in. Nature was preparing for hibernation and the landscape was cast in strewn shades of burnished copper. The air was crisp this morning as I walked along a gravel path that wound its way through the nearby woods. I stood for a moment and breathed deeply of its freshness as I thought back on the previous forty-eight hours that had changed my life beyond measure.It felt like I had shed a second skin and had emerged into a whole new world....

1 year ago
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Fire Sign

"You've gotta help me, Ed! I'm going crazy!" Charley's voice on the phone was gasping, almost incoherent. "Take it easy. Sit down and take a couple of deep breaths. I'll get over there as fast as I can." I hung up and slammed out of my apartment, not looking back to see if the door latched behind me. The California sun was already blazing hot as I peeled out of my parking lot, but I didn't bother with turning on the air conditioning. Charley and I go back a long way together, and...

4 years ago
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Milfs Big Surprise II

In a small neighborhood somewhere, there lived a quiet man name Charles, let's call him Chuck. Marriage had not treated him well and ended before it really got started. He made his living in website design and maintenance. So, he mostly worked from home. Chuck was always taking good care of his yard and house. The neighbors all knew him on sight as a clean well represented man. Across the street and down a house or two lived Mark and Kelly. Mark was stout and muscular. His body was well...

2 years ago
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Femmetown By Simone Clark By day, I was an ordinary man with a job, wife and no children, important responsibilities and all the things being a modern man entails. However, when I had spare time for myself, I became my female alter-ego Simone and lived my as close to the feminine ideal as I could. I would revel in my dresses, heels, and hose as I went into public dressed as a woman and passed. I was also friends with several other cross dressers, trans people, and members in the BDSM...

4 years ago
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The Milk Slave

“Move your hands, girl. The master has ordered six hours of suckling a day until you begin to produce.” The rough woman who had dragged her up here gave a curt nod at the two boy and they came to lay on either side of Marie, pulling her back onto the cot and each taking a tit in his mouth. Two mouths latched onto her plump nipples and began to suckle, tugging the nipples rhythmically. It didn`t take long for the sensation in her breasts to reach further. Marie felt a twinge between her...

3 years ago
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Sex in The Forest

Papers are shuffled; the room is not air conditioned, the clock ticks very slowly, I keep glancing at it; the hands telling me I have 2 hours to get back to Balloch, just north of Glasgow. The hotel I have booked for us both is ok, I have used it before. The Shelly Inn; clean, good food, nice location with plenty of pubs and restaurants. It will be busy, it’s the tourist season and I want to meet you before you go in. My customer is droning on and on, I’m finding it so hard to concentrate I...

1 year ago
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Helping an older neighbor out

It was 2008 and I was living in an apapartment complex for about a year or so. I had lived there for about a month when Jim the older gentleman that lived below me stopped me on the way in. He introduced his self and we chatted some and then he invited me over for dinner. We had dinner and he told me that he had lived there for a few years since he wife had passed and his k**s and grandk**s lived about 6 hours away. Over the next couple of months we would visit each other from time to time for...

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the rapebot

Mike had spent his last 5 yrs developing his humanoid robot, gathering big data of sissies vids and knowledge the first version was finaly readyhe sat on his chair the , big cylinder ''pussy matrix;'' he called it just massaging his bbc jead as the systems load upthe vr set on he check his vision his motion sensor and it was time for the first runthe black tall robot looking human went out in the night, Mike sittong comfortable drinking his beer walking his self out , his creation was flawless...

3 years ago
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Jennys UnclePart 4

While Jenny worked that day at the studio, Reina was fretting over many things. Would Ted ever call her to do another shoot? Where were the clothes he promised? And what would Ted say about her coming to help out sometime as an extra photographer's assistant? It was after school, and as usual, Reina was alone for the afternoon. Her parents would get home between five and six. She was expected to begin the dinner preparations. Usually her mom arrived first and then her dad. It was Reina's...

1 year ago
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White couple sharing a black cock

.At this particular time in my life, I was 42 years old and thinking of the possibility of actually experiencing a young black man, and I had one in mind. He recently started to work at the same place I was employed. He needed money to start his college education and had accepted a position in the stock room. We seemed to hit it off from the start. He was a nice looking young black guy with light brown skin. I could see that he admired my 5 ft 2 inch, 120 lb body, as his eyes would wander up...

4 years ago
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The Cuckold Conference

I’d just checked into my room at the mountaintop resort where the conference was being held. As I pulled back the curtains to enjoy the view, a man on the next balcony waved to get my attention. When I opened the window he explained that they were locked out of their room. I called the front desk and the clerk laughed, “Happens all the time.” The desk clerk and I opened the sliding door for the couple who were lightly dressed for the cool day. I was offered a glass of wine,...

2 years ago
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Sallys Revenge Chapter 3

Chapter Three It was exactly at 12:30 PM when Angie Brown walked into the shop. She tried to look like any of other shopper although inside was feeling quite tense.Sally heard the jingling as the door opened, looked up, and saw Angie coming in. She thought she looked even more attractive than she had done yesterday. Her dark brown hair was too brown for it to be natural, Sally knew. It didn't really matter to her. She liked the dress that that she was wearing. A sleeveless floral patterned...

2 years ago
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The Holmes Files Roller Skate RoundupChapter 6

I actually only had one other idea and it didn't involve any associates. In fact, it didn't even involve going to Ohio again. Plan E required that I spend a day—and it took all day—limping carefully from one pawn shop to another, until I found a pair of white leather roller skates with red wheels. They were a little worse for the wear, but that was to be expected of something at least fifteen years old. I didn't know how old these skates were, but they looked like they could be more than...

1 year ago
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My sockconverse fetish fantasy come true part 1

So I’ve had this sock/converse fetish for a while and I don’t remember how it even got started but every time I see some cute ankle socks or a girl wearing any type of converse, these really dirty thoughts flood my mind. I’ve tried to act on my fantasy on somewhere like craigslist of some other fetish websites but no luck. So like any mid 20’s horny guy in the digital age does every now and again, I go on tinder just swiping right and I get some matches and then this one comes up and she’s...

2 years ago
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Taking Advantage Of Mother 8211 Part I

Hi friends, I am a very old and continuous follower of ISS.. The story I am going to narrate here is not my first sex experience but the best one I ever had… The story is about shalu aka shalini to whom I use call as my mother… She is not my real mother but she use to treat me as her own son and I also as my mother… Let me tell you about myself first… My name is Sunny.. I belong from a brahmin family from Rajasthan…. I am 27 years old and working with a MNC currently… I am not a guy for whom...


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