StacieChapter 8 free porn video

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The ceremony went without a hitch, as everyone but me had known that it would. It went by very quickly. I even remembered my name when it was called for: "I, John Edward, take you, Stacie Lynn, to be my wife..." Suddenly, we were signing the registry and posing for many pictures. It was done. Stacie was mine. As we recessed down the aisle to Mendelssohn's Wedding March from A Midsummer Night's Dream, I turned to the lovely little person on my arm. "I love you, Mrs. Charles," I said.

"And I love you," Stacie replied, "you wonderful, silly husband of mine."

The reception was at the Four Seasons Hotel. It was the usual chaos that I guess such affairs always are. Except this time I was at the heart of the storm. There were toasts from the best man and the matron of honour, as well as from God knows how many others. People kept rapping their knives on their wine glasses. Stacie and I were supposed to respond with a kiss. That was certainly not an onerous task. But at a certain point. Mack McHenry stood up and said, "That's about enough. Let these two get a bite. They're going to need their strength."

Heather came over and knelt beside Stacie. "Now you can tell me," she said, "where are you going on your honeymoon?"

Stacie looked puzzled. "I honestly don't know."

I whispered in her ear, "Look under your plate."

Stacie lifted her plate. She removed the envelope that was under it. She opened it and read. "Oh my God! There are two first-class tickets to Paris! And a reservation at the Ritz! I think I'm going to faint."

"You can faint later, wife," I said. "For now, just keep those tickets safe. We're going to need them tomorrow."

Stacie looked panicked. "But what will I bring? What will I wear?"

Heather laughed and hugged her. "Stacie, if I were you I'd bring just the clothes on my back. Not your wedding dress. I mean whatever you're wearing tomorrow. Paris is the greatest place in the world to shop for clothes." I groaned. What had I gotten myself into?

As it turned out, I needn't have worried. I should have known Stacie better than that. Oh she bought some clothes, all right. But she stayed away from the exclusive designer houses. I was glad of that. After all, we were spending enough money on the hotel. Our suite was about nine hundred Euros per day, not including taxes. But I only planned to get married once. And I wanted Stacie to have great memories for the rest of our long life together. One of those memories was made the first night we arrived. The maid came to turn down our bed and tidy the suite before we went to bed. After she left, Stacie opened the drapes. She turned to me and smiled. "I'm going to live every little girl's dream," she said, "I'm going to make love to my husband by moonlight in Paris."

Our loving that night was something very special. We were both very tired after the wedding and the long flight. But we seemed revitalized by the Parisian atmosphere. After a wonderful session of oral love, Stacie said, "Now I know why they call it 'Frenching.' It's special here."

"No, my darling wife. You're special. And you're special anywhere." We fell asleep with Stacie cuddled on my chest, my penis inside her.

This was Stacie's first trip to Paris. Actually, it was her first trip outside of Toronto. So I delighted in showing her around. I took her to some of my favourite restaurants, but most of the time we did touristy things. We took a boat tour of the Seine, went up the Eiffel Tower and strolled hand-in-hand by the river in the twilight. I'd brought my digital single lens reflex and plenty of compact flash cards. I'd considered bringing my laptop, but I'd thought better of it. I just didn't need it. I didn't want to be bothered with e-mail, and I didn't want to take the time away from our honeymoon to process my pictures. There would be plenty of time for that later. I just checked the LCD screen to make sure that each shot was what I thought it was. Of course, there were plenty of pictures taken by waiters in hotels, tour guides and the like. The Canon EOS 1Ds is a dauntingly complicated camera to the uninitiated, but I simply switched it to automatic exposure and showed them where the shutter button was. Of course I took most of the pictures, and most of them featured Stacie in picturesque Parisian settings. My favourite shot was one that I almost felt guilty about. It was a picture of Stacie praying at the altar in Notre Dame Cathedral. I felt as though I were intruding on a private moment, but that picture showed one of the many aspects that made up the complex creature that was Stacie: her simplicity and sincerity.

We continued to have an idyllic time. Nearly every day was perfect. There were a couple of days that we couldn't take advantage of the sidewalk cafés or the terrace at the Ritz. But what's Paris without a little rain? Then, just a couple of days before we were to head for Toronto, the phone rang one evening about bedtime. Stacie answered.

"Yes, this is Mrs. Charles." She paused and then said, "Yes, please put it through." She turned to me with a serious expression. "There's a call from Aunt Charlotte." She turned her attention to the phone. "Yes, Aunt Charlotte. What's up?" Stacie listened for a moment. "You'd better open it," she said. Once again she listened. Then she said, "Hold on, I'll get Jack." She held her hand over the receiver and said to me, "Darling, you'd better take this. I think it's serious."

I went into the sitting room and picked up the phone. "What's happening, Charlotte?"

"Jack," she said, "this envelope came today from the Supreme Court of Ontario. It's addressed to Stacie. I just opened it. There's a legal thing inside. Shall I read it to you?"

"Yes of course." I listened while she read the document. The trial of Stacie's mother and stepfather was to begin in two weeks. Stacie was, of course, required to testify. I was very surprised. There had been a big backlog of criminal cases in Ontario. It was unheard-of that a case would come to trial so soon. But it seemed that was exactly what had happened. "Not to worry, Charlotte. It's Stacie's folks' trial. We knew this was going to happen, just not so soon. We'll be back in plenty of time. As I say, there's no reason to worry, but thanks so much for calling. We'll see you in a couple of days. 'Bye."

Stacie said her good-byes to Charlotte and hung up as well. She turned to me as I came into the bedroom. "Oh Jack, I dread this whole thing."

"Not to worry, my love. All you need to do is tell the court exactly what happened. But I'll ask my pal Jeff Richards to act for you. He's a real criminal law genius. Jeff will explain things to you, and he'll be beside you all the way."

"Oh Jack, what would I do without you?"

"Well, for one thing, without me, you'd still be single and enjoying your youth."

"Without you, I'd be nothing. And I certainly wouldn't be enjoying my honeymoon in Paris with my beloved husband. Let's go to bed, darling."

That night, I tried to make her fears go away. I held my little wife and made love to her gently.

Time passed quickly. All too soon, we were on the plane back to Toronto. I slept most of the flight home. I always try to sleep as much as possible on transatlantic flights. It helps to minimize jet lag. Stacie watched the movie for a while and then snuggled up and joined me in sleep.

We arrived home. Heather's parents, Sally and Jean-Pierre, had gone back to Calgary shortly after we left, but Heather was still with us. She proceeded to pump Stacie for every ounce of information about our honeymoon. While we unpacked, the two girls kept up a nonstop conversation. They went to Heather's room to continue their talk while I went to my office. I transferred the pictures into my desktop computer. I put together a slide show of our honeymoon and burned it on a CD. I'd show it to everyone after supper.

At supper, I had a mild surprise. Sydney, Stacie's friend whom I had met at the birthday/engagement party, was a guest. Not that I minded. I'd only met Sydney once and then briefly. She proved a witty and personable guest. And it was obvious that Heather and Sydney had gotten to know each other during the time that Stacie and I had been on our honeymoon.

I'm afraid that all of us had a bit too much to eat and far too much to drink, but we had a wonderful evening nonetheless. The slide show of the honeymoon was well-received, although with some hoots and well-meaning jabs. I'd included a picture of Stacie posing in her honeymoon negligée, a translucent red wisp. But I'd omitted the picture of Stacie praying in Notre Dame. She and I would share that later.

After the slide show ended, we had a final nightcap and coffee. Stacie was yawning, and I was feeling just as tired. Since it was quite late, Charlotte suggested that Sydney stay with us for the night. Heather immediately seized on that idea. "Oh yes," she said, "please do, Sydney. You can stay with me in my room. It'll be such fun. Just like a pyjama party."

Sydney looked doubtful. "But I don't have pyjamas or anything else with me."

Heather laughed. "Oh, don't worry," she said, "I'm sure we can find something for you to wear. And we've got plenty of fresh toothbrushes and all sorts of stuff. Please say yes."

Sydney reluctantly agreed, and the two girls left to get ready for bed. Stacie and I followed them up the stairs after our goodnight kisses with Charlotte.

As soon as her head hit the pillow, Stacie was asleep. I was sure that I'd join her, but I found myself wide awake. I decided against chemical help, either pills or booze. I settled on a glass of warm milk. It's always seemed to help me sleep. My doctor friend Jerry once explained that there's a chemical reason for that, but I forgot exactly what he said. It was enough for me that it worked. I put on my robe and headed for the kitchen.

The house was quiet, but as I passed Heather's room, I heard a sound. Several sounds, actually. There was a rustling, a sigh and then a whispered, "Oh, that's so nice. It feels so good. Oh yeah." Then there were more rustlings and some wet sounds.

I stood there for a moment wondering what to do. I felt guilty eavesdropping, but my old middle-class morality was rearing its ugly head. I decided that the best thing to do was simply to complete my mission to the kitchen.

When I arrived in the kitchen, the light was on. Charlotte was seated at the table with a cup of something hot. I assumed it was one of the herbal teas that she favoured. She grinned at me. "I couldn't sleep either," she said. "Too much excitement, I guess."

"Yeah," I agreed. I took a mug from the cupboard, filled it with milk and put it in the microwave. While it was warming, I turned to Charlotte. I asked, "Do you know what's going on upstairs? With Heather and Sydney, I mean." The microwave beeped. I took out my milk and joined Charlotte at the table.

"Yes," she said, "or at least I have a pretty good idea. Heather seemed a little too anxious for Sydney to stay. And Sydney protested just a little too much." She took a sip of her tea while I sipped my milk.

I put down my mug. "Has this happened before?"

Charlotte sighed. "I'm not a voyeur," she said, "but I suspect that it has. Several times."

I stared into my mug of milk. "How do you feel about it?"

"Well, I have mixed feelings. Probably you do, too, or you wouldn't be asking. But remember I worked for years in a big hotel. There's not a lot I haven't seen. Does Lesbianism bother me? Yes, I admit that it does. I was raised in a very traditional Christian family. Anything like that was strictly sinful. But I like those girls a lot. And I figure if they just want to play, why should I care?"

I took a swig of milk and then said, "What if it's more than just playing?"

Charlotte smiled. "Jack, I don't figure there's a whole lot of likelihood that those girls are planning to get married, if that's what you mean. You and I had best leave them alone and let them work it out for themselves." She grinned her widest grin, showing off her gold teeth. "Of course, if Heather's folks found out about it, there'd be hell to play."

We put our cups in the dishwasher. Just as we reached the door, I touched Charlotte's shoulder. "Charlotte, you're so wise, and you take such good care of us." I hugged her.

Charlotte hugged me in return and patted my back. "Yeah," she said, "but just when I get used to you and Stacie, it seems like I have two more to mother. I've got my limits, you know." We grinned at each other and headed for bed.

The day of the trial was fast approaching. Just as I'd predicted, Jeff Richards agreed to represent Stacie at her parents' trial. Jeff was one of Canada's premiere criminal lawyers and also an old friend. He immediately met with the Crown attorney who was prosecuting the case. Then he met with Stacie several times. He told her about the evidence the Crown would present and what would be expected of her testimony. Stacie was reassured but still a bit nervous.

The day of the trial came at last. Stacie, Jeff and I met at the court. The bailiff showed us to the first row. We were seated behind the Crown table. Stacie's parents, Ted and Liz, were at the defendants' table.

The Crown attorney was Joe Moncrief. I'd not met him, but I knew him by reputation. He was known as a hard worker and a guy who prepared his cases meticulously. I suspected that this one would be over quite soon.

The judge was Julia Renshaw. Her I knew. She was a classmate of mine at U of T Law. She was also a member of several clubs to which I belonged. I knew that Julia would do the right thing.

The court rose. Judge Renshaw entered and sat. We took our seats. Julia looked into the courtroom. She looked surprised when she saw me. "Mr. Charles," she said, "criminal law is not your chosen field of endeavour. How are you involved in this case?"

I rose and bowed. "Your Honour, I am not here professionally. I am here as the husband of the victim in this case. I may also be called as a witness, if necessary."

"I see," she said, turning away from me. "Are the accused represented by council?"

"Yes, Your Honour," a young guy spoke up from the defendants' table. If he'd not been wearing a robe, I'd have thought he was some kid. "I represent them."

Julia said, "And you are..."

"Apologies, Your Honour. I am Stephen Smith."

"Mr. Smith, am I to understand that you have been retained by the defendants?"

"Your Honour, I'm serving as a legal aid counsel."

"I'm sure that you'll represent them ably, Mr. Smith. Mr. Moncrief, is the Crown ready to proceed?"

"We are, Your Honour."

"Very well. State your case."

Joe gave a brief and cogent introduction to his case. The Crown would prove that the defendants attacked Stacie brutally and without provocation.

The kid lawyer did the only thing that he could. He countered that Mr. and Mrs. Daley, the defendants, had been defending themselves. At this, there was stifled laughter from the back rows, provoking a caution from the judge.

Joe called his first witness. It was Stacie. I patted her hand as she stood. She took the oath and sat in the witness box. Joe began.

"Mrs. Charles, at the time of the alleged attack, how old were you?"

Joe continued through his examination. He took her through the events of the weekend in question. Stacie answered every question clearly. After all, she knew as much law as many lawyers. Joe finished his examination. Smith rose to begin his cross examination. This was what Stacie had been dreading. I caught her eye and gave her an encouraging smile.

"Mrs. Charles, at the time of these events, what was your status?"

Stupid question. Stacie immediately countered, asking for a clarification. The kid lawyer was a bit flustered.

"Were you living with your parents or were you living with Mr. Charles?"

The kid hadn't prepared adequately. He'd taken the garbled accounts of his two clients at face value. Stacie nailed him again. Joe Moncrief turned to me and grinned.

After a few more stupid questions, Stacie was off the hook. Smith, on the other hand, was very much on the hook. I suspected that the judge would have his ass on a pole before the trial was over.

Same as Stacie
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"Mona, have you seen Ethan?" he said. She was just getting on the bus and stopped. "No. Isn't he on the bus?" Gary shook his head. "No. He's the only one missing." Mona turned around and searched through the darkness with him. "I saw him dancing with one of the girls. Where did they go?" "I don't know. They disappeared." Mona nudged him with her elbow. "Maybe they went off to neck. That Ethan's a pretty cute guy." "I wouldn't know," he said. "Well,...

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FamilyXXX Lucy Doll Lucy Gets Covered In Early Xmas BBC Cream

The best Christmas cums early for little cute stepsister Lucy and her big black cock stepbrother Isiah, is the man to deliver the goods! Isiah’s thoughtfulness with a gift gets Lucy thinking about her inner feelings she has for him and now wants to say thank you with her hot mouth and little teen pussy. Isiah is very taken with her sweet dripping pink hole making sure to lick every drop off while her juicy ass covers his face. Lucy is very quick to suck his bbc deep throat with his black...

2 years ago
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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 31

Marie was almost unable to focus on her daily activities of food shopping, cooking, and cleaning as she waited to receive a phone call from Hiroshi giving her instructions about where she should go for the video shoot. In fact, she had to wait for almost two weeks before her phone rang with the information that she needed – and longed – to hear. The instructions were clear and precise. Hiroshi gave her an address, a day, and a time. He told her not to wear anything special – her outfit would...

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Pranay 8211 The Classical Theatre

“Hey Mac,” A loud voice diverted the attention of Mac. He turned around and saw Sudip in the corner waiving his hand to him. He responded lifting his hand up and walked towards him. Sudip was with a beautiful lady. He introduced her to Mac. “Mac, She is my wife Vidya and Vidya he is my dear friend Mac.” Vidya saw Mac with the most gorgeous smile that is found in Bengali Women. Mac found her really beautiful. Height around 5’2”, Wheatish Complexion, a Big forehead decorated with a round Red...

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Suhasini 8211 The Sex Worker Discovers Her Art

This is Swankyess. I’ve earlier written some stories that are posted on ISS. I’m about to share some experiences of Suhasini, a sexy 20 year old [her true age] sex worker from Aurangabad district. Although, not very literate, she shares about one stranger who teaches her about her own biological body, and how she is on an immaculate journey of pleasing her customers. The story in her own words, only edited by me: I’m Suhasini, and I stay in Aurangabad District. This is very close to historical...

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Housewife Her Tales Part 2

Things gradually settled down to a normal routine. The event was largely forgotten and if the culprit was not apprehended it was because of Anita. Lakshmi used to take good care of her but to her own surprise Anita did not feel traumatized as perhaps **** victims should have felt. If anything she remembered how he had made her go on all fours and had entered her from behind and that it was not as unpleasant an experience as it should have been. It was a moment that brought back many memories...

4 years ago
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I Fuck My Wife While She Fucks A Stranger

It was evening time, and we were just done with dinner. While I was doing some paperwork in my study, my wife Rina was in the kitchen doing the dishes. Suddenly our apartment doorbell rang. “Who is it, Aju, can you check?” she shouted from the kitchen. By Aju, she meant me. My name is Arjun Dharma. I went to see who it was this late at night. Rina asked a couple more times, but I didn’t say a word. After some time, I walked into the kitchen. She was still busy washing the dishes, oblivious to...

2 years ago
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I set her up

Dawn and i have been married for 27 years and our sex life is like 99% of the country's, normal. we have done most things to improve it but its like all things once you have done it that's it, so i said lets try something new and what ever it is we go with it so i put some suggestions on paper scrunched them up into a bowl and i told Dawn to pick one out and what ever it was we do it, but the thing was i had wrote all the same things down, i had wrote down fuck have sex with 3 men in a hotel...

3 years ago
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False Imprisonment

Having visited a morning magistrates court in one in one of the UK's major cities some years ago. I was a little surprised at the way many cases especially of prostitution were pushed through at such high speed. Thinking back on my visit the bones of this story emerged. I am sure what happened below is surely not possible, or is it? Tony woke up with a start as the cell door clanged and a police officer walked in with his breakfast. "Here you are miss, you had better hurry up and eat, you...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 235 Home at Last

Sunday, June 12, 2005 (Continued) Just as we were about to leave the Williams', I had the idea that I might be able to drive my car by using NP on the pedals, presuming I could push the seat back far enough for my rigid left leg to fit inside the car. Driving myself would be much more convenient than have Mom or Dad ferry me around or using taxis. I said, "Julia, where are my keys please? I'd like to see if I can drive my car." "They're in my room. I'll get them." Even before Julia...

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sleeping Feet of girlfirend

me and my girl have been togahter for awhile so i know her sleep cycle like the back of my hand, every morning i like to take her feet and cum all over them, this moring she was out cold from a night of drinking i woke up with my usally urge, so i slowly move started to rub her feet, she move a little bit, but did not wake up. Her feet always feel so soft, i rub her soles then i put my fingers between her toe. I slowy pull out my hard cock and wrap her feet around them, i start to trust first...

2 years ago
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College Teacher Chapter Three

College Teacher. Chapter Three ‘Have you seen this?’ Kit asked me as we sat down for breakfast, waving two sheets of paper before me. I could only shake my head at his question. ‘I put this notice up about camping at the weekend,’ which made me laugh at his choice of title, ‘and on Sunday there were only eight names up. Now look! Tuesday morning and there must be at least eighty names down. They even tacked on another sheet. We can’t handle that many with only being allowed ten at one weekend....

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Fate Stay Night

Suddenly the ooze from the grail has dissipated with only Rider, Medea and Saber wearing red. Rin looks at Shirou with a pissed off look and yells at him. Sakura comes over and sees her brother half dead with him being the vessel with his command seals returned. She order rider to take her and her brother to hospital and says to Rin before leaving, "You cannot help to take things from me." Saber sees that Shirou has picked up caster phantasm and pushes her into the crooked knife and suddenly...

5 years ago
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The Nurse Practitioner

I hate doctor's visits so much so that it had been six years since my last exam. They always liked to poke and prod in places I'd rather have not explored, at least by another man. So when they scheduled me with a female nurse practitioner I figured I'd give it a shot.But when she walked in I started having second thoughts. She was not at all what I expected. She had wavy dark hair that framed a striking face with deep blue eyes that smiled at you even when her full lips were all business. Her...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 97 Bad Acting

We left a camp with the Dalish and Circle emissaries just south of Denerim; Dariel stayed with them, having barely spoken to any of us since we'd returned from Orzammar. I gathered he was to become Keeper Lanaya's First, and it seemed he'd already found himself a mate, based on the single tent shared between him and Mithra. We arranged runners to come to the gates of Denerim daily at noon, where we could meet with them if we needed to each day. The rest of the trip to Denerim was...

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An Illness A Duel A Runaway Horse

“How much further?”“Not far,” Eliot grinned, hoisting the pack on his shoulder, “you’re gonna love this. I swear.”I wiped my brow, grabbing a branch as I leapt over another slick dip in the trail. The sun was warm, and the snow was long gone.  But the ground this time of year was still glazed in ice, all pearly and hard as enamel.“You sure you know where you’re going?”He stopped, squinting around the dense evergreens, his thumbs hooked through the loops of his jeans.“You know, now that you...

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My Favorite Fantasy

My Favorite Fantasy I am on a business trip and have nothing to do until the next day; I had a big lunch so it is too early for dinner, so I go into the hotel bar to watch a ball game on TV. I order a beer and happen to glance across the bar and there is this fantastic looking creature with auburn hair sitting by herself sipping a drink. She smiles at me and I smile back, of course, and when my drink is served, I pick it up and walk around the bar to the empty stool beside her. I...

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Fictional Fantasies Chapter 4

Meg’s tall, dark-haired nameless stranger was very rarely out of her mind from that point onwards. As he had requested, she wore the gift much of the time, both around the house and whilst out and about. On one memorable occasion out shopping, Meg had been taken by surprise when the low-level rumblings commenced and she’d had to rush into a changing room for privacy, before the vibrations drove her quickly to climax. Despite having no ability to make it vibrate herself, just the feeling of the...

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Have Lips We Travel By Robin Risque

The sheen in her eyes only turned violet hues but her lips could talk beneath her wings. He wasn’t above her lips went 50 shades under below his Huh? He was spilling out blood from her lips of an angel but she was far from heaven to Betsy money and $ and more he couldn’t quite Brooklyn bridge the gap without her. If you believe that I will sell you the Brooklyn bridge lips were her asset. Please don’t cross the boss.He rides in a tinted dark car so no one can see him but he’s a sucker for...

3 years ago
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The Omega TouchChapter 8 Innocence and Anatomy

Sunday, July 12, 2009, 10:00 PM “I’m in the moooood ... for love...”, Tricia sang quietly to herself as she primped in her bathroom getting ready for bed. “Simply because ... you’re near me!” She had already brushed her teeth and rinsed out her mouth with mouth wash, and was now just fluffing out her hair. She was wearing a loose red babydoll which was tight enough up top to give her some support and fabulous cleavage, and matching red panties. She normally didn’t wear makeup to bed, but...

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Three Days

"Don't forget your promise," she told me. "When I turn 18, I'm moving out too, and I'm coming straight to your place." "My casa is your casa or whatever." Of course, I had forgotten all about that. I hadn't seen her or my mother since then, just talked on the phone. And I'd been joking with her. But my sister wasn't on my mind that night. I had called her earlier in the day and left a message wishing her a happy 18th birthday. I had also sent her a card with 100 dollars in...

1 year ago
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Mom at the Roxy

This is a work of erotic fiction, and is not intended for viewing by anyone under the age of 18. All characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental. "Mom at the Roxy" (FM, FMM, FFM, voy, inc) is an erotic story about a college student who, although he has a normal and satisfying relationship with a beautiful fellow student, has an inescapable thirst for sexual exploration. This leads him to a world of erotic discovery...

3 years ago
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Her Fat Pussy

I’m a well built male, who has spent 40 years of his life residing in Chennai, India and the USA. My beautiful wife Shoma knows well how to cook eatables as tasty as herself and to keep our home in order as a good housewife. Unlike most Indian women who are darker in complexion, she is a voluptuous, twenty seven years old nymph with rosy-pale complexion and I’m always turned-on to roam my hands over her curvaceous soft contours. Being a 42DD/29/38 loveliness she looks elder to me apparently and...

2 years ago
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Samantha Becomes A Piss Mop

A couple of weeks later I spent a couple of hours making arrangements for a return engagement for John and Tom. They'd both enjoyed their use of Sam as a urinal they wanted to do it again. I wasn't too sure about it, but since Sam hadn't gotten sick from drinking their piss I figured that it might be possible. When they began to offer money to use her again we finally settled on a plan.John was the manager of an all night gas station across town, and we decided that we would meet there after...

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Tammys Introduction to Sex

I was an eighteen year old virgin when Barry came into my life, he was twenty two. Before our wedding day, six months after we met, sex played a very minor part in our relationship. I think we had only fucked a dozen or so times, always in the missionary position. I should have realised something had changed when he insisted I shaved my pussy and went naked under my wedding dress. Then, on our wedding night, he shoved his full eight inches up my ass. It hurt like hell, but he was my husband...

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The Famous Lovely Contralto

The Famous Lovely Contralto By Daphne Xu The lovely contralto, Madison Tradillador, gradually worked through the crowd, singing the finale of the tragic romantic ballad beloved by teens and adults alike, men and women everywhere. The singer paused in front of a man frozen in the tragic moment, as the final words of the song dissapated into the complete silence. "Good singing, Mister!" blurted the three-year-old toddler seated atop the man's shoulders, his voice piercing the...

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Having Sex With Best Friend Is Really Fun

Hi to all ISS readers, this Sandeep here from Hyderabad city. Come on guys catch your dick in your hand and read to jerk off and girl ready to do fingering and rub your pussy and ready to become wet after reading my story. let me describe my physical structure my height is 6.3 with 7 inch large and thick dick with an circumference of diameter 3 centimeters, I have average built body with little fair color and my age is just 23 single eligible bachelor in Hyderabad city. Any mature women’s or...

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This story is a fantasy about an online friend, I hope to meet one day.      I met a woman online in one of the several erotic sites that I subscribe to; she contacted me after reading my profile and seeing a picture of my 9 inch dick that someone talked me into putting there. We chatted for a few minutes and she told me she was in the process of getting a divorce from her cheating husband. She said that the sight of my dick excited her and made her very horny and made her pussy wet, I like the...

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Becoming Playboy Bosss Whore 8211 Part 2

Rohit, my playboy boss, brought his mouth down, and slowly I raised my chin, making our lips met. I was submitting myself completely to him by entwining him into a deep erotic kiss. I was craving for him since morning, after such unprovoked events in his chamber. My hands started to roam all over his back and broad shoulders. He glided his hands up and down the curves of my side. I moaned into the kiss as his hands trailed over my thighs. Breaking the kiss gasping, Rohit caught my lower lip...

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Wifes Early Bedtime

Lynn sat nervously on the couch, looking at her watch for about the 15th time in as many minutes. She knew she was in trouble, she knew she would be punished and she also knew that the punishment would be fully deserved. Although she knew all of this, it did not stop her hopeing that she could use her womanly charms and wriggle out of her impending punishment. Lynn was an atractive lady in her mid 40's with a figure that most 20 year olds would be proud of. She had lived with her husband for...


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