StacieChapter 8 free porn video

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The ceremony went without a hitch, as everyone but me had known that it would. It went by very quickly. I even remembered my name when it was called for: "I, John Edward, take you, Stacie Lynn, to be my wife..." Suddenly, we were signing the registry and posing for many pictures. It was done. Stacie was mine. As we recessed down the aisle to Mendelssohn's Wedding March from A Midsummer Night's Dream, I turned to the lovely little person on my arm. "I love you, Mrs. Charles," I said.

"And I love you," Stacie replied, "you wonderful, silly husband of mine."

The reception was at the Four Seasons Hotel. It was the usual chaos that I guess such affairs always are. Except this time I was at the heart of the storm. There were toasts from the best man and the matron of honour, as well as from God knows how many others. People kept rapping their knives on their wine glasses. Stacie and I were supposed to respond with a kiss. That was certainly not an onerous task. But at a certain point. Mack McHenry stood up and said, "That's about enough. Let these two get a bite. They're going to need their strength."

Heather came over and knelt beside Stacie. "Now you can tell me," she said, "where are you going on your honeymoon?"

Stacie looked puzzled. "I honestly don't know."

I whispered in her ear, "Look under your plate."

Stacie lifted her plate. She removed the envelope that was under it. She opened it and read. "Oh my God! There are two first-class tickets to Paris! And a reservation at the Ritz! I think I'm going to faint."

"You can faint later, wife," I said. "For now, just keep those tickets safe. We're going to need them tomorrow."

Stacie looked panicked. "But what will I bring? What will I wear?"

Heather laughed and hugged her. "Stacie, if I were you I'd bring just the clothes on my back. Not your wedding dress. I mean whatever you're wearing tomorrow. Paris is the greatest place in the world to shop for clothes." I groaned. What had I gotten myself into?

As it turned out, I needn't have worried. I should have known Stacie better than that. Oh she bought some clothes, all right. But she stayed away from the exclusive designer houses. I was glad of that. After all, we were spending enough money on the hotel. Our suite was about nine hundred Euros per day, not including taxes. But I only planned to get married once. And I wanted Stacie to have great memories for the rest of our long life together. One of those memories was made the first night we arrived. The maid came to turn down our bed and tidy the suite before we went to bed. After she left, Stacie opened the drapes. She turned to me and smiled. "I'm going to live every little girl's dream," she said, "I'm going to make love to my husband by moonlight in Paris."

Our loving that night was something very special. We were both very tired after the wedding and the long flight. But we seemed revitalized by the Parisian atmosphere. After a wonderful session of oral love, Stacie said, "Now I know why they call it 'Frenching.' It's special here."

"No, my darling wife. You're special. And you're special anywhere." We fell asleep with Stacie cuddled on my chest, my penis inside her.

This was Stacie's first trip to Paris. Actually, it was her first trip outside of Toronto. So I delighted in showing her around. I took her to some of my favourite restaurants, but most of the time we did touristy things. We took a boat tour of the Seine, went up the Eiffel Tower and strolled hand-in-hand by the river in the twilight. I'd brought my digital single lens reflex and plenty of compact flash cards. I'd considered bringing my laptop, but I'd thought better of it. I just didn't need it. I didn't want to be bothered with e-mail, and I didn't want to take the time away from our honeymoon to process my pictures. There would be plenty of time for that later. I just checked the LCD screen to make sure that each shot was what I thought it was. Of course, there were plenty of pictures taken by waiters in hotels, tour guides and the like. The Canon EOS 1Ds is a dauntingly complicated camera to the uninitiated, but I simply switched it to automatic exposure and showed them where the shutter button was. Of course I took most of the pictures, and most of them featured Stacie in picturesque Parisian settings. My favourite shot was one that I almost felt guilty about. It was a picture of Stacie praying at the altar in Notre Dame Cathedral. I felt as though I were intruding on a private moment, but that picture showed one of the many aspects that made up the complex creature that was Stacie: her simplicity and sincerity.

We continued to have an idyllic time. Nearly every day was perfect. There were a couple of days that we couldn't take advantage of the sidewalk cafés or the terrace at the Ritz. But what's Paris without a little rain? Then, just a couple of days before we were to head for Toronto, the phone rang one evening about bedtime. Stacie answered.

"Yes, this is Mrs. Charles." She paused and then said, "Yes, please put it through." She turned to me with a serious expression. "There's a call from Aunt Charlotte." She turned her attention to the phone. "Yes, Aunt Charlotte. What's up?" Stacie listened for a moment. "You'd better open it," she said. Once again she listened. Then she said, "Hold on, I'll get Jack." She held her hand over the receiver and said to me, "Darling, you'd better take this. I think it's serious."

I went into the sitting room and picked up the phone. "What's happening, Charlotte?"

"Jack," she said, "this envelope came today from the Supreme Court of Ontario. It's addressed to Stacie. I just opened it. There's a legal thing inside. Shall I read it to you?"

"Yes of course." I listened while she read the document. The trial of Stacie's mother and stepfather was to begin in two weeks. Stacie was, of course, required to testify. I was very surprised. There had been a big backlog of criminal cases in Ontario. It was unheard-of that a case would come to trial so soon. But it seemed that was exactly what had happened. "Not to worry, Charlotte. It's Stacie's folks' trial. We knew this was going to happen, just not so soon. We'll be back in plenty of time. As I say, there's no reason to worry, but thanks so much for calling. We'll see you in a couple of days. 'Bye."

Stacie said her good-byes to Charlotte and hung up as well. She turned to me as I came into the bedroom. "Oh Jack, I dread this whole thing."

"Not to worry, my love. All you need to do is tell the court exactly what happened. But I'll ask my pal Jeff Richards to act for you. He's a real criminal law genius. Jeff will explain things to you, and he'll be beside you all the way."

"Oh Jack, what would I do without you?"

"Well, for one thing, without me, you'd still be single and enjoying your youth."

"Without you, I'd be nothing. And I certainly wouldn't be enjoying my honeymoon in Paris with my beloved husband. Let's go to bed, darling."

That night, I tried to make her fears go away. I held my little wife and made love to her gently.

Time passed quickly. All too soon, we were on the plane back to Toronto. I slept most of the flight home. I always try to sleep as much as possible on transatlantic flights. It helps to minimize jet lag. Stacie watched the movie for a while and then snuggled up and joined me in sleep.

We arrived home. Heather's parents, Sally and Jean-Pierre, had gone back to Calgary shortly after we left, but Heather was still with us. She proceeded to pump Stacie for every ounce of information about our honeymoon. While we unpacked, the two girls kept up a nonstop conversation. They went to Heather's room to continue their talk while I went to my office. I transferred the pictures into my desktop computer. I put together a slide show of our honeymoon and burned it on a CD. I'd show it to everyone after supper.

At supper, I had a mild surprise. Sydney, Stacie's friend whom I had met at the birthday/engagement party, was a guest. Not that I minded. I'd only met Sydney once and then briefly. She proved a witty and personable guest. And it was obvious that Heather and Sydney had gotten to know each other during the time that Stacie and I had been on our honeymoon.

I'm afraid that all of us had a bit too much to eat and far too much to drink, but we had a wonderful evening nonetheless. The slide show of the honeymoon was well-received, although with some hoots and well-meaning jabs. I'd included a picture of Stacie posing in her honeymoon negligée, a translucent red wisp. But I'd omitted the picture of Stacie praying in Notre Dame. She and I would share that later.

After the slide show ended, we had a final nightcap and coffee. Stacie was yawning, and I was feeling just as tired. Since it was quite late, Charlotte suggested that Sydney stay with us for the night. Heather immediately seized on that idea. "Oh yes," she said, "please do, Sydney. You can stay with me in my room. It'll be such fun. Just like a pyjama party."

Sydney looked doubtful. "But I don't have pyjamas or anything else with me."

Heather laughed. "Oh, don't worry," she said, "I'm sure we can find something for you to wear. And we've got plenty of fresh toothbrushes and all sorts of stuff. Please say yes."

Sydney reluctantly agreed, and the two girls left to get ready for bed. Stacie and I followed them up the stairs after our goodnight kisses with Charlotte.

As soon as her head hit the pillow, Stacie was asleep. I was sure that I'd join her, but I found myself wide awake. I decided against chemical help, either pills or booze. I settled on a glass of warm milk. It's always seemed to help me sleep. My doctor friend Jerry once explained that there's a chemical reason for that, but I forgot exactly what he said. It was enough for me that it worked. I put on my robe and headed for the kitchen.

The house was quiet, but as I passed Heather's room, I heard a sound. Several sounds, actually. There was a rustling, a sigh and then a whispered, "Oh, that's so nice. It feels so good. Oh yeah." Then there were more rustlings and some wet sounds.

I stood there for a moment wondering what to do. I felt guilty eavesdropping, but my old middle-class morality was rearing its ugly head. I decided that the best thing to do was simply to complete my mission to the kitchen.

When I arrived in the kitchen, the light was on. Charlotte was seated at the table with a cup of something hot. I assumed it was one of the herbal teas that she favoured. She grinned at me. "I couldn't sleep either," she said. "Too much excitement, I guess."

"Yeah," I agreed. I took a mug from the cupboard, filled it with milk and put it in the microwave. While it was warming, I turned to Charlotte. I asked, "Do you know what's going on upstairs? With Heather and Sydney, I mean." The microwave beeped. I took out my milk and joined Charlotte at the table.

"Yes," she said, "or at least I have a pretty good idea. Heather seemed a little too anxious for Sydney to stay. And Sydney protested just a little too much." She took a sip of her tea while I sipped my milk.

I put down my mug. "Has this happened before?"

Charlotte sighed. "I'm not a voyeur," she said, "but I suspect that it has. Several times."

I stared into my mug of milk. "How do you feel about it?"

"Well, I have mixed feelings. Probably you do, too, or you wouldn't be asking. But remember I worked for years in a big hotel. There's not a lot I haven't seen. Does Lesbianism bother me? Yes, I admit that it does. I was raised in a very traditional Christian family. Anything like that was strictly sinful. But I like those girls a lot. And I figure if they just want to play, why should I care?"

I took a swig of milk and then said, "What if it's more than just playing?"

Charlotte smiled. "Jack, I don't figure there's a whole lot of likelihood that those girls are planning to get married, if that's what you mean. You and I had best leave them alone and let them work it out for themselves." She grinned her widest grin, showing off her gold teeth. "Of course, if Heather's folks found out about it, there'd be hell to play."

We put our cups in the dishwasher. Just as we reached the door, I touched Charlotte's shoulder. "Charlotte, you're so wise, and you take such good care of us." I hugged her.

Charlotte hugged me in return and patted my back. "Yeah," she said, "but just when I get used to you and Stacie, it seems like I have two more to mother. I've got my limits, you know." We grinned at each other and headed for bed.

The day of the trial was fast approaching. Just as I'd predicted, Jeff Richards agreed to represent Stacie at her parents' trial. Jeff was one of Canada's premiere criminal lawyers and also an old friend. He immediately met with the Crown attorney who was prosecuting the case. Then he met with Stacie several times. He told her about the evidence the Crown would present and what would be expected of her testimony. Stacie was reassured but still a bit nervous.

The day of the trial came at last. Stacie, Jeff and I met at the court. The bailiff showed us to the first row. We were seated behind the Crown table. Stacie's parents, Ted and Liz, were at the defendants' table.

The Crown attorney was Joe Moncrief. I'd not met him, but I knew him by reputation. He was known as a hard worker and a guy who prepared his cases meticulously. I suspected that this one would be over quite soon.

The judge was Julia Renshaw. Her I knew. She was a classmate of mine at U of T Law. She was also a member of several clubs to which I belonged. I knew that Julia would do the right thing.

The court rose. Judge Renshaw entered and sat. We took our seats. Julia looked into the courtroom. She looked surprised when she saw me. "Mr. Charles," she said, "criminal law is not your chosen field of endeavour. How are you involved in this case?"

I rose and bowed. "Your Honour, I am not here professionally. I am here as the husband of the victim in this case. I may also be called as a witness, if necessary."

"I see," she said, turning away from me. "Are the accused represented by council?"

"Yes, Your Honour," a young guy spoke up from the defendants' table. If he'd not been wearing a robe, I'd have thought he was some kid. "I represent them."

Julia said, "And you are..."

"Apologies, Your Honour. I am Stephen Smith."

"Mr. Smith, am I to understand that you have been retained by the defendants?"

"Your Honour, I'm serving as a legal aid counsel."

"I'm sure that you'll represent them ably, Mr. Smith. Mr. Moncrief, is the Crown ready to proceed?"

"We are, Your Honour."

"Very well. State your case."

Joe gave a brief and cogent introduction to his case. The Crown would prove that the defendants attacked Stacie brutally and without provocation.

The kid lawyer did the only thing that he could. He countered that Mr. and Mrs. Daley, the defendants, had been defending themselves. At this, there was stifled laughter from the back rows, provoking a caution from the judge.

Joe called his first witness. It was Stacie. I patted her hand as she stood. She took the oath and sat in the witness box. Joe began.

"Mrs. Charles, at the time of the alleged attack, how old were you?"

Joe continued through his examination. He took her through the events of the weekend in question. Stacie answered every question clearly. After all, she knew as much law as many lawyers. Joe finished his examination. Smith rose to begin his cross examination. This was what Stacie had been dreading. I caught her eye and gave her an encouraging smile.

"Mrs. Charles, at the time of these events, what was your status?"

Stupid question. Stacie immediately countered, asking for a clarification. The kid lawyer was a bit flustered.

"Were you living with your parents or were you living with Mr. Charles?"

The kid hadn't prepared adequately. He'd taken the garbled accounts of his two clients at face value. Stacie nailed him again. Joe Moncrief turned to me and grinned.

After a few more stupid questions, Stacie was off the hook. Smith, on the other hand, was very much on the hook. I suspected that the judge would have his ass on a pole before the trial was over.

Same as Stacie
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It Happened Exactly SuchBy: Londebaaz ChohanHello, my name is Nathan Aslam. I am an exchange student in United Kingdom and one of those lucky guys who were selected; rather who were picked by a family in UK to stay with them in their house as their guest and whatever the money settlement, was to be paid by the college who sent us or someone; I don’t even know who. The family consisted of a man, wife and their son; Bob Fletcher, who was also 20 years of age; just like me. Bob was also a student...

2 years ago
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Jane from Cardiff

It was a pleasant day as I drove into the quiet small town church yard car park dressed smartly in a suit; wedding invitation tucked away in the jacket pocket and vaguely hoping it was going to turn out to be a good day. That's when I spotted her. I recognised the battered old yellow Mazda she owned and she was leaning into the passenger well of the car fiddling with something however I only had eyes for her figure and the top of her legs as her skirt rode-up as she leant-in..She was wearing a...

3 years ago
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A Visit To Miss Manson After School Part One

Unlike my initial thoughts, finding Miss Manson after twenty-eight years had not been difficult. All it seemed to take was a Facebook message that my friend had found and then a Google search. Turned out that my ex-History Mistress and the lady who had smacked my bottom five times in after school detention, was still doing what I had heard she was, and Google had revealed exactly where she was based. I had managed to find an address for her goat farm on the internet and had even driven up...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Brett Rossi Jaye Summers Gel Manicure Mixup

Fashionista client Brett Rossi comes to the spa for a gel manicure thinking NURU Gel is a trendy new nail treatment. Masseuse Jaye Summers explains it’s a type of massage. Brett is a tad disappointed but when Jaye says it’s a hit with celebrities, the client really wants to try, so she can be the envy of all the cool people. Brett follows Jaye to the massage room. She giggles when the masseuse tries to undress her but plays along. Jaye soaps her up in the shower and it’s...

1 year ago
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Journey Through the Rabbit Hole Part 1

I learned a long time ago, that life doesn’t always turn out the way you plan or hope, and sometimes you’ve just got to roll with the punches. But for me to tell you my strange and erotic story, or as I jokingly call it, my “journey through the rabbit hole,” you need to understand how I got to this juncture in my life. Robert Falcone and I were married just after I graduated college. Robert, a handsome red-haired, blue-eyed man, who graduated a couple of years ahead of me, was a good and loving...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Dream Girl Part 3

Here is the long-awaited third part of the story. Hope it was worth the wait. Reminder of characters ----------------------- Michelle: The new woman who used to be Michael. She's basically on the run for her life. Tina: Her life was saved by Michael. She's basically in love with Michael/Michelle. Sarah: Tina's mother, whose life was also saved by Michelle. Andrew: Tina's brother, who life was also saved by Michelle. Mary: A friend of Tina's family. She's...

4 years ago
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A Flame in the Night Ch 09

THE FLAME (Act 3 of 3) Our adventurous night has been filled with dancing and candle-lit lovemaking. There’s even a large bag full of many sensual things. Though for now, the bag sits closely nearby us with more things inside it, most of which is still unbeknownst to you. But thus far its contents, including a candle and restraining ware, have added an exciting element to the evening. However, presently, we’re lying on our sides and resting on the bed with the lights on. Indeed, I need this...

2 years ago
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Christmas Angel

The harsh, bitterly cold wind blew past the figure of a man huddled on a park bench. Shaking his head he didn't know whether to sit here and freeze or move on trying to survive another day. Taking a large lungful of the frigid air, a sigh escaped his lips, he'd given up hope, his life was in the toilet. Thinking back he decided that it must be his fault, he felt that no matter what, it was his fault. You see, he was a kind and gentle man who always tried to do for others, oh sure he had his...

1 year ago
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The Inn

..I turned off the shower, soap still dripping from my body especially my pussy. It looked like it had a tiny little beard of bubbles from all the friction my fingers were giving it. I started working for an auto driveaway company back in 2014. Being a female on the road alone gets a bit lonely, but It does give me some exciting encounters along the way.... I had been doing the same run for quite a few years. It's nice when you can stay in the same hotels and diners each time. People get to...

3 years ago
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Haitian Bisexuality Ch 08

There is nothing quite like the feeling I get when I accomplish something. As the valedictorian of my graduating class at Mansfield University in Mansfield, Massachusetts, I have quite a lot to be proud of. For starters, I am the first black male valedictorian the school had ever seen. Not once in its two-hundred-year history has a black person achieved what I’ve done. I choose to think of myself as a myth buster and record breaker. A young Haitian-American man with talent and a good head on...

2 years ago
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Surprise Guest Ch 2

As I lay there on your chest, I can still feel your hard cock against my wet pussy. You here some one pulling in the drive way and a panicked look comes across your face. You start to buck up trying to get me off of you. I look up to make sure your hands are still hand cuffed to the bed posts and reach for your blind fold and put it on you. ‘What are you doing? Let me go, my wife is home, you have to hide!’ You see a smile come across my face as I place the blind fold over your eyes. ‘Shhh…...

4 years ago
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Me And Friend Fucked His Step Mom

So,My name is Rohan.I’m 6’2 and I have a athletic body.I’m 21.I’m from Punjab and this story is a true story so don’t expect any out of the box things.This story is totally true and nothing of it is fiction.Hope you like it. This is about how I helped my friend to fuck his step-WILD-mom. This story consists of me,My friend, and her mom.My friend’s real mom passed away due to some sickness and his dad re-married soon after that.He was 4 at that time. So fast forward,his step was hot as fuck..a...

2 years ago
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Algonquin MemoriesChapter 4

Friday, August 18th I woke up some time in the early morning. I desperately needed to piss. I could see a pink glow in the east over the top of the trees at the eastern side of Lake Laveille. I carefully untangled my legs from Amy. I gently lifted her head as I removed my arm from under her and laid her head down on the pillow. I put on my shorts and sneakers and crawled out of the tent. I walked out of the campsite and walked into the woods. I pulled my cock out and let my stream go onto a...

3 years ago
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My Sex Life 1 revised

This is a true story of how my sex life began and progressed throughout the years. Just a warning my spelling and grammer skills are not perfect so please dont leave comments like that. Either you like it or you dont. Also this involves some young teen sex so if you dont like that then please leave now. Our story begins when i was 12 years old. As is commen of that age i was being overrun with hormones and had really enjoyed playing with myself and exploring the nooks and crannys of my young...

2 years ago
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Third World War

This story as with all the others of mine may be posted to any free site. Pay sites are forbidden. Follow the Standard Disclaimer, 18 years or old, offended by TG Fiction, graphical natured stories and such. Don't read it. Else, enjoy. Third World War Charissa Michelle Copyright 2000 I will start by giving you the background on my story. It was in 2052 that the planetary war, or Third World War ended. It was all started by an accidental computer malfunction in 2038. It was...

2 years ago
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Corrupt This Story

'It's going to be a perfect summer,' thinks Brittany Williams, and at first glance, she's right. It's a hot summer, following a cold spring and a colder winter, meaning plenty of insect larva didn't make it. Brittany took this as a plus because she hates bugs, it's not a fear, just a hatred. However, the main reasons she loved the summer to come are she's 18, out of high school, and going wherever the wind takes her. Due to her grades, she didn't get into a decent college, and when she decided...

1 year ago
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Depraived Chapter 1 D

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...

3 years ago
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Tory DaughterChapter 2

On New Year's Day 1777, Edward Conroy, one-time member of Maryland's upper house and of the Governor's Council; his second wife, the widow Margaret M'Kenna of Prince George's County, and Anne Amelia Conroy, a long-legged young woman with a head of bright red curls that had only been trimmed once or twice since she reached puberty, ate alone an hour after midday in the ornate dining room of their Buckman-designed town house on State Street in brick-clad Annapolis. Their antique butler,...

2 years ago
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The Holiday Chapter 2

Check-in was essentially uneventful, except I knew that I was the luckiest guy in the airport. Every possible opportunity you gave me the chance to not just glance, but stare down your top. Your tits are magnificent. Utterly perfect. Perfectly sized, perfectly proportioned. Perfected topped by perfect nipples. I absolutely never tire of seeing either them, or your equally perfect pussy for that matter, but especially in forbidden settings – like airports. Lets see, I had a great view of your...

4 years ago
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Sex Diaries Night with the babysitter

Cindy slid out of bed and gathered her scattered clothes off the floor. She turned around and saw that he was still sound asleep before quietly slipping out of the bedroom. She headed for the bathroom where she quickly got dressed and splashed some cold water on her face. Cindy looked in the mirror and smiled as she remembered what happened last night. The thought of it got her excited all over again. But she realized she had to get out here as soon as possible. A few minutes later Cindy left...

4 years ago
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Sissy Slut

Sissy Slut by [email protected] ? I was naked and kneeling in the corner of the room furthest from the door. My head was bowed and my forehead touched the floor. I was shivering in anticipation because I had been that way for what I guessed to be more than half an hour, although it is hard to tell in such circumstances. Finally I heard the door open and the sound of stiletto heels on the painted concrete floor. They came towards me but I did not dare to look up. I knew that to do so would be...

4 years ago
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Greatest Omegle Chat Ever

You both like ageplay. You: hi Stranger: Hello Stranger: Asl? You: 22 f boston Stranger: What ages do you like to play? You: 18-22 Stranger: Prefer closer to 18 :) You: ok Stranger: Any scenarios in mind? You: me at my 18th birthday party and my daddy (you) dresses up as a clown to surprise me Stranger: Hmmm... And then what happens? You: everyone else there leaves and we go to your room and have some fun for my birthday Stranger: What are your kinks and limits? You: daddy kinks...

3 years ago
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Teaching her a new way to get me off in her mouth

I call this a "Slow Leisurely Underside Tongue (SLUT) Job." This is a new technique for this little slut. I'm happy I was able to teach her, it makes me feel good as a Master to know that I am contributing the improvement of my submissive.She takes my soft cock in her mouth and with no bobbing, sucking, or other movement, just moves her tongue around on the underside, especially on the frenulum. We make sure she's in a comfortable position on the floor between my spread legs as I sit. She's...

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The Valley of Atavism

The Valley of Atavism by Tegeli Even after two weeks I hated the sight of that girl. Her svelte but feminine frame, those pert tits. Her pouty lips were so bright, her eyelashes so lusciously dark, her skin so flawless that she looked like made-up straight from sleep. Even her messy bedhair was beautiful. If I stood still in front of the mirror, I could pretend she wasn't my prison. CHAPTER 1 It had been foolish to accept the deal. New research was expensive, even if...

2 years ago
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Getting caught can be fun Pt 2

I couldn’t wait to tell Asiya about what happened. I asked Meena if I could use her phone to call Asiya and she winked at me and nodded. I picked up the phone and called Asiya. I asked her to meet me in 5 minutes and she agreed. Asiya was already waiting for me when I went down. She saw me grinning and asked me what happened? I told her everything that happened, by the time I finished she had a stunned look on her face. We both looked up towards Meena’s balcony and saw her standing there...

1 year ago
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A Nooner For Five

When you decided to drop in during my lunch break today, you clearly thought I might appreciate additional company willing to "show me something good."You thought correctly - though you hadn't clued me in about the extra guests.Altogether there were four of you - and a very attractive four, I confess - striding into my office, but I singled you out right away. You were the one with the slight smile of confident expectation.Both of us had been anticipating a hot session of watching one another...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Ashley Adams Ashley Loves Getting Fucked

Sexy hot and voluptuous beauty Ashley Adams is ready to get down and dirty with Tommy Gunn. She loves how his hands grab her firm large tan lined tits and wants that hard cock deep in her mouth and throat! Tommy loves seeing those lips of hers wrapped around his cock but really wants to see those pussy lips of hers do the same! He rails her hard giving her every inch in doggystyle. Ashley wants to take control and gets on top letting you watch her tits bounce as she rides him in reverse...

2 years ago
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Kate took a sip of coffee, the mug was almost empty, she could taste the grains of coffee that sunk to the bottom. Kate turned her head to look at her phone, it displayed a text from Gwen which read, “Sorry, had to visit my doctor and it took forever, on my way.” Kate knew Gwen for years and this was nothing like her. First of all, Kate was never late, the girl was a living, breathing, atomic clock. Secondly, the doctor? She was as healthy as a mere as far as Kate knew. Kate signaled the waiter...

1 year ago
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Judys lesbian awakening

Judy was excited that her overbearing mother was letting her stay the weekend with her sister. She just turned eighteen and was never allowed to date. Their mother was very religious. She homeschooled them and gave out strict rules. She viewed sex as the ultimate way to corrupt young girls to stray from God and that masturbation was evil. Judy believed her mother and never did those things even when she wanted to. She tried praying her sexual needs away but still ended up being wet. She found...

2 years ago
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The Hardest Answer First Question

The one joy Lauren had every week to unwind, was her trip to the library on Saturday. The first weekend, she dumped her papers from work unceremoniously on the floor and then went to the pile of books she had by her bed and began to stuff the nearly twenty books into her briefcase. With a quick reluctant look at her checkbook, she knew she would also have to make one extra stop as the memo from her principal glared at her from her desk, a thinly disguised reminder that she was a role model for...

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