Lucinda free porn video

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Lucinda stirred in her soft cosy bed, she glanced at her bedside clock, it read 6 a.m. She groaned and rolled over hoping to get back to sleep. The sun shone brightly through the curtains of her room. The sun always rose early in Zimbabwe. Something had disturbed her sleep.

She became suddenly alert to noises outside. Her parents were ever fearful of burglars. Had they heard the noises? She knelt up on her bed and peaked out of the window. Across the short cut grass of the immaculate lawn there was movement. Someone was in the swimming pool! She concentrated on peering through the pristine whiteness of the railings that circled the pool. A dark head could be seen bobbing occasionally. It was partly hidden the hard paving at the pool edge. Someone was swimming up and down. Hardly the act of a burglar, but her parents would still be in bed at this time.

She glanced around the magnificent garden. It was October, four months since her father had accepted the transfer to Zimbabwe. He still worked for the same company he had in England but had agreed to two year stint here. Sorting out the problems he said. He was very busy and Lucinda and her mother had seen even less of him than when in England.

Still Zimbabwe was wonderful. The early morning chorus had started. Wild, cheerful and vibrant the birds sang out their greeting. They were marvellous the birds, all sizes, shapes and colours. Plumage that was as spectacular as it was colourful. She could easily spend all day watching these lovely cheerful birds dart around the garden, drinking and washing as they darted around the many birdbaths.

There was movement near the pool. Whoever was swimming was climbing out of the pool. Suddenly she recognised it was Ngoronge the gardener. She was sure he should not be in the pool, but was equally sure her parents would not complain. Like all English expats they were very tolerant and supportive of the African servants they employed. Too much so the locally born whites would complain.

Lucinda like her parents dismissed such complaints. It was not for them to support or sustain the attitude of the colonial whites who had always lived in Africa. Educated in Lucinda's family England they had a much higher appreciation of the value of equality of the races.

Such thoughts were far from Lucinda's mind as she stared wide-eyed at Ngoronge. He was naked. Stark naked! Her eyes stared in wicked fascination. It was the first time she had seen a man naked. Her eyes had, with natural curiosity, dropped to his loins.

It hung there.

Long and thick.

It gently swung from side to side as Ngoronge dried himself off.

Lucinda's innocent eyes stared with fascination. This was the first real cock she had seen! Ngoronge quickly dried himself and quickly pulled on his working overalls. Ready to start his morning work. He didn't wear anything under his overalls Lucinda realised. She pulled quickly back from the window as he walked back towards his quarters across the lawn.

Lucinda slipped back below the coverlet on her bed. Her mind was in a whirlwind. She felt strange. Her hands rose and cupped her nicely filling out adolescent breasts. She rested her hands on the mounds in wonderment.

Her nipples were hard!

They had not done that before!

The palms of her hands lightly stroked over her nipples and little thrills ran through her.

Lucinda woke early the next day. She listened for noises from the garden. The bird song had already started, but that was not the noise she was listening for. She heard a sudden splash and jumped to her knees. Cautiously she pushed the curtain to one side and peeked out.

Ngoronge was in the pool again, swimming energetically up and down. She gazed at his head, and speculated. She seemed not to notice the time as he swam, and then he was climbing out of the pool. She waited in excitement as more and more of his body came into view.

There it was!

She felt faint.

She stared as it swung long and thick. He rubbed and dried himself, and each movement made it jerk and swing. He was so black! His skin shone in the morning sun, glistening with moisture as he dried himself. She was sure her parents would not approve of him swimming naked.

Her mouth felt dry as he rubbed and dried his cock. Could it be possible? It seemed to lengthen and thicken as he dried himself. She had seen horses from the riding stable with cocks like that but had never dreamed for one minute that men had cocks like that.

How on earth could such a thing fit inside a woman? She had been to enough sex education classes in England to know that was what happened during the act of sex, but seeing the size of his cock she began to doubt it was possible.

The thought of such a thing inside her, or any woman defied belief. She ducked down as he headed back to his quarters. She slipped down beneath her coverlets. Her nipples were hard again! She reached up and cupped her breasts wonderingly, and softly caressed them.

Then her hand dropped down, and for the first time in her life she touched herself sexually, wondering how a cock could fit in there?

Ngoronge prepared to leave the pool. He had noticed the face by the window each morning the last few days. Lucinda was a very pretty girl, a woman by his standards. Certainly with a curvy womanly body, her breasts were fuller than most African women ever achieved in Zimbabwe. Her legs had lost their coltishness and were full and shapely. Her rounded bottom made his mouth water imagining the hot tight openings so close to hand.

He rose from the pool. His thoughts had not left his loins unaffected. His cock did not hang low and swing between his legs today. It stood erect and proud, bobbing and jerking as he walked out of the pool. He dried himself turning slightly to ensure the girl would get a good side on view of his erect cock. He grinned to himself as he rubbed the towel through his short curled hair.

The girl took after her mother, at least in looks. Both had well shaped bodies, firm full breasts that jiggled as they walked. Both had had long wavy dark hair and sultry pouting lips, eyes full of mischief and promise. One of the perks of working for white couples was ogling and getting close to lovely white bodies.

He casually stroked his erection, wondering what the girl was thinking as she watched his hand circle and caress his thickened cock. He had heard rumours that white men had small cocks. He did not believe it. All men were equal. He firmly held that view.

How could it be that white men had small cocks? He laughed to himself and stroked his erect ten inch member.

Lucinda woke early. She was very nervous. She quickly scanned the garden establishing that Ngoronge had not yet begun his morning swim. Then jumped up. Her swimming costume lay close by where she had placed it last night in readiness. She quickly stripped off her nightclothes and drew on her swimming costume. It was a one piece, with a rippling blue and green pattern.

She looked at herself in the mirror. The costume was tight, but she did not mind that. The tightness enhanced the fullness of her young white breasts. Her nipples were already hard, and her heart was in her mouth at the thought what she was planning. Her legs seemed longer than usual in her swimming costume, longer than her five foot height would warrant. They had lost their puppy fat, and had gained a full shapely look about them.

Her heart leapt as she heard a splash from the garden. She steadied herself. She peeked through the curtain to confirm Ngoronge was in the pool, then opened her bedroom door and listened. There was no noise in the villa. Her parent's door was closed. She hoped they would stay asleep. She normally did not hear from them before 7.30 a.m.

She walked quickly down the corridor. Slipped quietly out of the patio door. She stopped to listen. All seemed normal. She kept to the bushes as she approached the pool. She did not want Ngoronge to see her coming. Nervous that he would take fright and dart away.

She waited by the end of the line of the bushes and peeked around the edge of the bushes. Waiting for him to turn and swim away from her. Then she darted out, skipped over the railing and dived.

Ngoronge was startled by the sudden splash. He whirled around. Africa was a dangerous place and while the pool was adequately fenced. Caution was still an appropriate response. He had fished enough snakes out of the pool.

He was both relieved, pleased and excited to see young Lucinda's head break the surface.

Her face had an unusual expression. A mix of shock from the cold water; excitement at having secretly joined Ngoronge in the pool; and studied nonchalance as though she was not doing anything unusual.

Ngoronge was not fooled, and his cock hardened.

He continued to swim up and down the pool. Lucinda joined him, swimming alongside.

They swam comfortably together, both very conscious of the body of the other. At the far end of the pool they turned together and swam with no words. At the deep end of the pool, which was hidden from the house by the bushes Ngoronge hauled himself out of the water. He turned and sat back on the pool edge.

Lucinda, who had fallen behind on this lap looked up enquiringly at this break from routine.

Her breath caught in he throat. Ngoronge's cock was thrillingly erect as he sat by the pool edge. He seemed casually indifferent to her presence, or the raging hardness of his cock. He grinned at her.

"Lovely day for a swim."

Lucinda was speechless. She tried to keep her eyes away from his huge erection. He nodded back down the pool, and Lucinda turned and swam back down the pool. Ngoronge watched her shapely round bottom and lithe white legs as she swam away from him. Lucinda was in turmoil.

What should she do? She swam quickly down the pool, wondering what to do when she turned. Would he still be sitting there? Would he still be hard? Where should she look when she swam back up the pool?

She turned and headed back up the pool. Her eyes were filled with the vision of his huge erect maleness. He was still hard! Hugely so! She fought her eyes to look away, to look at the flowering plants, the lovely purple colour of the trees.

Despite her attempts at self control her eyes strayed back to Ngoronge, and his throbbing cock. She looked up into his eyes, then darted her glance away.

Again her eyes were drawn, before darting yet again self consciously away. The birds were darting about the garden and singing oblivious to the sexual tension of the two humans in the pool.

Lucinda turned and swam back down the pool. She swam quickly down the pool, then slowing as she turned and swam back towards him. She looked again at Ngoronge who was smiling reassuringly and confidently at her. She glanced down at his cock, and then back at his face. He smiled at her nodding, and her eyes dropped again to his cock. This time she did not look away.

She stared in awe at his manhood. Drinking in the sight of his masculinity. She noted the skin drawn back from the head of his cock, the great mushroom head, the ropey veins that seemed to pulse as his cock bobbed. She could see his balls now, black, full and hairy. She looked up into Ngoronge's eyes and nervously returned his smile.

When she reached his end of the pool. He flicked his wrist, indicating she should turn over and swim back down on the pool on her back. Lucinda nodded and twirled around and began a backstroke.

She almost lost her stroke.

Ngoronge had dropped his hand to his cock and was casually stroking it as he ogled her body as she turned on to her back. She struggled to retain her movement back down the pool. Ngoronge's eyes were raking her lovely shape. She could sense them stripping her costume away as he massaged and caressed his cock.

She knew she should do something, should stop. Instead she closed her eyes, if anything she slowed her pace, and pushed her breasts up and out of the water as she swam.

Let him look then!

At the end of the pool, in the shallow end, she stood up and stared back at Ngoronge. He sat on the pool edge, if anything his hand was moving faster! His eyes were fixed on her as he quite unashamedly played with himself. Her hand rose to her mouth.

Unsure, nervous, excited, scared, emotions ran out of control.

Ngoronge smiled to himself as he watched the nervous excited girl. He slid off the pool edge and started swimming back down the pool towards the lovely young girl. He watched with amusement as the girl took fright and virtually leaped from the pool.

He watched her curvy round bottom wriggle as she ran back into the safety of her parent's villa.

That afternoon Lucinda had recovered her nerve. Perhaps it was a mix of nervousness and curiosity. Perhaps the mornings exciting events the rest of the day had seemed particularly boring and uneventful. Nothing had been said and Ngoronge worked away in the garden. Lucinda was very much aware that under that overall he wore no clothes. Her thoughts were filled with images of his cock. The knowledge of his arousal while looking at her early sent strange little thrills though her.

They had just finished lunch and her mother, Alison, had retired for an afternoon nap. Lucinda had changed into her short pleated tartan skirt. It was rather short, and the African sun had nicely tanned her full shapely thighs.

Her mother disapproved of the short skirt, but it was only a minor complaints. Her mother was no prude, quite the contrary. She had complemented the skirt with a lightweight white cotton top. She had not worn her bra and the thin top hugged her full breasts.

She glanced at herself in the mirror. She looked really sexy with that short skirt, displaying her full, shapely thighs, with her tight top hugging her breasts. She twirled and tugged her skirt down. The twirl had exposed her white cotton panties. She tugged lightly. The skirt was just long enough to hide the bulge of her lightly covered vulva as she walked. It was not a skirt to sit down in.

She giggled.

She walked out of her room, into her mother's room.

"Is there anything I can get you?" She asked her mother. Her mother waved her hand dismissively.

"No dear, I'm going to sleep for a while. It's just too hot!" She sighed. Her voice was drowsy, falling into sleep. Lucinda was confident her mother was unlikely to stir for an hour or so.

She walked into the garden and glanced around. There was no sign of Ngoronge. Tosher, the house servant, had time off in the afternoon and had probably left to meet his friends. She suspected she knew where to find Ngoronge. He had his own private garden plot near the domestic's quarters and was probably working there. She strolled around the house heading for that area of the villa's grounds. They had nearly two acres of land around the villa with lots of trees, shrubbery, and little nooks and crannies.

She could hear him working the soil, and circled the block built quarters and came up on him from behind. Nevertheless he heard her approach and stood and turned. She smiled at him, then quickly glanced away and asked him about what he was growing in his plot. Ngoronge replied, but his eyes were on the vision of sexy loveliness in front of him. On her tightly covered jutting breasts, her shapely thighs, and that sexy skirt.

He brushed his hands on his overall clearing off the dry dusty dirt. He caught her eyes and she quickly looked away. He smiled at her and gestured round the wall of his quarters. She followed him around and 'oohed' as she saw he had several baby chicks. She had not realised he had some animals here. He explained the measures he took to protect them from snakes.

Both were extremely conscious of the presence of the other. Ngoronge placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her. She looked up nervous and excited. It was the first time he had touched her. He turned her, and she backed up away.

His eyes met hers and she glanced away. She reminded him of a nervous deer, suddenly concious that it has become the prey of a predator. He smiled reassuringly and pushed her gently backwards. Lucinda's eyes were darting this way, but as she allowed herself to be pushed back until her shoulders brushed against the block wall.

This little corner was quite secluded. No one could see them. She smiled nervously at Ngoronge as he advanced on her. She could smell him now. Her senses were assailed by his presence.

Ngoronge moved close up to her. She jumped as his hand slid underneath her skirt. His hand cupped her vulva. Lucinda's eyes jerked, towards him, and just as quickly darted away. The hand caressed, and she bit her lip. She dropped her own hands to grasp the arm under her skirt. Ngoronge continued to caress her gently. Her hands made no effort to push him away as he worked her virgin pussy. She quivered at the incredible sensations surging through her body.

His hand was setting her on fire. Ngoronge looked down at her as his hand worked, the light top did little to hide the hard little nipples taut in their own excitement. His hand slid aside the crotch of her panties and darted in parting easily the hot, wet, excited entrance to her womanhood.

Lucinda moaned and leaned back for support as the strength left her legs. Ngoronge knew exactly what he was doing as his fingers worked her excited sex. He smiled and made no other motion or advance as his hands worked their magic.

All too soon Lucinda's body shook her first orgasm overtook her. She staggered away from the wall, clutching her loins and desperately pushing him away. Ngoronge grinned as the confused excited girl staggered away. There would be plenty of time to break her in.

For the next three days Lucinda ignored Ngoronge. She even stopped peeking at him by the pool. She was struggling to come to terms with her burgeoning sexuality and what it could mean and the dangerous consequences of having anything to do with Ngoronge.

He was not after all a boy her own age. He was a grown man. Married indeed, with six children according to her mother.

Her own body had gone crazy since her first orgasm. She found herself playing with herself constantly, with images of Ngoronge's cock invading her thoughts at all sorts of inappropriate moment.

Three days was enough.

Ngoronge turned the corner of his quarters to find Lucinda in her white top, and tartan skirt. Leaning against the wall in the same position as she had been three days ago. He stopped and stared. He lowered the bucket he had been carrying and eyed the girl.

Lucinda smiled shyly at him then lowered her eyes. He rubbed his hands on his overalls and walked over to the girl.

Lucinda looked nervous, unsure, and excited at the same time. He reached the girl and turned her face towards him. Their eyes met. She looked fearful, excited, confused and determined all at the same time as her emotions flashed across her face. He leaned down and planted a short kiss on her lips. When he raised his head he saw she had closed her eyes.

His hand slid under her short skirt, and she gasped.

He stroked his hand over her panties. They were soaking wet. He reached under her skirt with his other hand and with both hands clasped her panties, drawing them down her lovely thighs. Lucinda trembled but remained in position doing nothing to stop him. He grinned and his hand returned under her skirt.

Lucinda wriggled, gasped, and moaned as his delightful fingers worked their magic.

Ngoronge worked his own cock free. He urged Lucinda to take it into her hand, but she shrunk back suddenly afraid. She still could not believe that such a cock would fit inside a woman surely if she touched it he would surely have her!

His fingers worked between her legs. Exciting the girl and driving her wild but still she held back from touching him. That last moment of girlish fear held her back. Just as she was reaching her own climax he pulled back. Tucked his own cock away he prepared to continue with his work.

Lucinda begged him to continue, to touch her and do naughty things with his magical hands. Ngoronge would have none of it.

"You have ignored me for three days. Be at the pool tomorrow and be prepared to do to the same to me as I have done for you." Then he stalked off. Lucinda and close to tears with frustration stared after him.

Next morning Ngoronge found a nervous Lucinda in the pool ahead of him.

He stood by the side of the pool and stripped. Once naked he stretched, and did some exercises. He was very aware that the girl was unable to keep her eyes off him, and in particular, his manhood.

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The Driving Test Part 2

I moaned into his mouth as he fucked me. The muscles of his back and legs flexed and strained as he held me in the air, thrusting powerfully into me. His cock burrowed into my tight hole with each thrust, gaping me as I threw back my head and cried out. “Oh god! It’s so big!” I moaned, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. “You love my prick in you, don’t you?” His deep voice sounded strained from the effort he was putting in. That same sexy, cheeky smirk lit up...

4 years ago
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Jean and the squash

Paula,Tom,Jean and I had many sexual encounters over the next year. Jean and Tom would go off in the pool away from everyone else and play with each other. I remember one time Tom jumped out of the pool suddenly grabbing a towel and running into the house. Jean came over to Paula and I laughing. She said they were doing there normal thing which was Tom finger fucking her and she would play with his cock. This time though Tom got too involved and came in his swim trunks. We all laughed and of...

3 years ago
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Freshman Year

Freshman Year By Stacey D The fall semester and the falling of the leaves seemed so strange to happen at the same time, but this was Vermont and things change quickly here I'm told. I felt uneasy about leaving my home for the first time. I was now 17 years old and had never left the county where I was born. After 20 hours of driving I could see that the next exit up ahead is where I needed to get off the turnpike. I could not believe that I had a fully paid tuition to a...

2 years ago
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Between Mister Joachins legs Part II

That day was unique, I would never forget how an 9 year old boy touched, caressed and tasted the veiny, big and fat cock of a 35-year-old man.I did not go again to my friends' house until three days later, since I was a little afraid that Mister Joachin might say something about what happened, I did not know what he was going to tell me, he would scold me, he would tell my parents; I didn't know what was going to happen.On the third day I came back. I remember it was Saturday and that meant...

3 years ago
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Together Again

I step into the bedroom after a nice long shower. Only wrapped in a big towel I look down to my feet and decide that I could do with a little girly pampering. Maybe some polish for my toes. I start to lift my head and catch sight of the bag that I put on the bed before my shower. It now lies on the floor as well as the boxes of it content. My gaze moves over to the bed and I see you sitting there, your back against the wall. I feel myself blush as I look into your lust-filled eyes. I haven’t...

3 years ago
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Handyboys Sisters Problems

Billy was pounding into his sister as usual on Saturday morning when she suddenly seemed to loose interest and just lay back, closed her eyes and let him use her lush young body. He speared on, hard and deep, bouncing her off the bed until he satisfied himself with a hurried series of half-foot strokes and then jerked and came, arched up, teeth clenched, mind numb. After he had ejaculated into the oversized condom he wore, he gave her a few more grunting humps, just for good luck he told her,...

1 year ago
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My Guilty secret

My Husbands friend popped round a couple of nights ago to see my hubby. I made a cup of coffee and we all chatted about stuff for a short while. I was in the kitchen washing up and i suddenly needed to play with myself i have no idea what caused me to stir down below it just came on.I tried to dismiss the feeling but no matter how hard i tried i felt myself getting more wetter and hornier and I knew i must go and do something about it.My hubby has bat ears and he can hear a pin drop at 800...

2 years ago
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Katie and her mother had spent the afternoon shopping. It was Katie's first trip home from college since her mother's divorce. Tess Markowitz was 36 years old, she'd gotten pregnant at 16, as a result she look more than Katie's older sister than her mother. Both had short blonde hair, light skin and deep blue eyes. Katie was 5' 6" , just a fraction shorter than her mother's 5' 7", The most obvious difference between the two was breast size. While Katie was a respectable 34c, Tess filled...

2 years ago
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The New Guy Chapter 4

Jennifer opened her eyes and noticed the bright sun shining through the window, filling the room. She looked at the clock across the room from her bed. It was already past 9:00 in the morning. Breathing in slowly and pausing before exhaling, she realized that her head hurt. I overdid things last night, she thought to herself.As she pulled the covers back, she sighed. She was not even sure what time she had gone to bed. All the events from the night before, however, still rang in her mind. She...

3 years ago
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MistakesChapter 4

A fourth major event happened four weeks or so before Christmas, on a Friday in November. The two of us went to my favourite restaurant to celebrate Cassie’s birthday. She always told me it was the day her age caught up with mine a little: instead of being six years younger, she was five! We had finished our delicious main courses when Cassie looked surprised. “Hey,” she said. “You remember months ago a woman came to the flat looking for you? Well she’s just walked in.” I looked up, and...

3 years ago
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My brothers house Donald Dentley 2017 When my twin brother goes on holiday I go to house sit for him. He has a fantastic house but I’m not going to describe that. It’s the garden that is important for this story. The place is situated halfway along a farm road. So pretty isolated. There is a another house almost opposite. Although he has a very small front yard the back garden is enormous and is surrounded by tall beach hedges. This means that the house, and especially the rear garden, are very...

2 years ago
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I sit at the booth waiting like a jungle cat for its prey to cross its path, a few men came up to me trying to pick me up, but I brushed each and everyone of them off. I was waiting for someone special, but he didn't know it yet. As I waited, I thought back to my school days and I remembered him, and what a jerk he had been. He had teased me and others so much that we were afraid to go to school at times. He thought of himself as special and the things he did as amusements, but he never knew...

2 years ago
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Hitwoman in LoveChapter 2

Angie the hit-woman retired the moment she married the cop with the biggest dick she had ever encountered. Her flirtation with genderless living came to a screeching halt as soon as he knocked on her wet and ready female door to confirm his desire to show her the way to full female satisfaction. Nine months after they sealed the deal with “around the world” finality, the young lovers separated their personal life from their professional life once and for all when young Angelo was born on the...

3 years ago
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I had to lose almost everything before I came to my senses, sitting there at the dining table with my boyfriend Todd - watching him gamble away everything he owned and, as it turned out, a few major things that I owned too.I never considered myself to be stupid, but much as a frog stays in water that slowly warms up to a boil without noticing what is going on, it somehow didn't concern me when he stopped winning at poker and started to lose. It didn't concern me that the new car I was promised...

4 years ago
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Molested by my Cousin Matthew

Otherwise...Enjoy my childhood... When I was 10 I went to spend a summer in Oklahoma with my dad's family. Dad and I spent our first few days with his mom in OKC then on the fourth of July we went up to Tulsa to my Aunt Denise's where I was to spend the rest of my summer. I had been excited for many weeks prior to arriving in Oklahoma. I was an only child and my cousin Matt, at the time 14, was going to be spending a month with me an Aunt Denise's. He was not her son, but I'll go...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Angela White Kira Noir Tough Critic

Kira Noir USED to be Angela White’s favorite pornstar. Angela couldn’t get enough of her, professing her love far and wide across every forum possible. Yet, her comments have turned more critical lately since it seems like Kira’s lost her passion. Although Kira has a beautiful body, stunning eyes, and legs that went on for days, her performance leaves much to be desired, in Angela’s humble opinion. For instance, Kira could both lick pussy and trib a little longer in her...

2 years ago
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Nearing her stop he pulled over to a darkened street so as to be a little inconspicuous and then turning off the light he prepared for his night of fun. In the course of driving his hands had already pulled her skirt up to her waist baring her g-string to his lecherous gaze and hands as he rubbed the soft cloth and then crept underneath to the warm and welcoming flesh underneath. He had fingered her slightly, just enough to get her nice and wet so he could taste and she was sweet, he thought...

2 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 11

December 25th, 2154 "Merry Christmas!" Tika called repeatedly, running from den to den around the clearing, waking people excitedly. "Breakfast at the Enclave house!" Davdan called. Pausing only to wash and clean teeth, the group who'd slept at Tira's clearing trooped to the house, where they were met by Raz, Jena, Pina, Joey Paglieri, and the four Prodigies in custody. Introductions were made, after which Tira asked Joey: "Shouldn't you be getting home for Christmas?" "Nah."...

3 years ago
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Cock ring chaos

Angela and James were always experimenting with sex. They had been together almost six months and had gone through every position and every room in the house. Angela loved the little quickies in the kitchen when James came home. The only place they hadn’t done it was on the staircase, but she was working on that. One particular Friday afternoon, James had come home early and was eager to try their new toy. They always talked about things first, although it had been Angela’s idea to get him a...

2 years ago
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Night visit

Making each step as silent as possible, he edged his way across the room to her bed where he knelt down. He was shaking terribly from the combination of excitement and fear. Slowly and cautiously he leaned forward, moving his face closer to hers and closing the gap between their mouths inch by steady inch. Their lips made contact. Just the tiniest touch. He froze. His eyes were wide and straining in the darkness to try and make sure that she was still fast asleep. A long moment passed and...

4 years ago
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Ariana Grande Mind Controlled

My name is Roy and I’m your average 18 year old boy. I am also a big fan of Ariana Grande. I had such a big crush on her so one day I decided to go see her live, because she had finally come to my hometown of Georgia. I was watching her live when all of a sudden she sat down on her knees and started to dance sexually to tease the crowd. I really didn’t want to use my magic phone for evil, but Ariana Grande was tempting me so much. I also kept getting so hard, ‘oh man’ I think to myself ‘I can’t...

Mind Control
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First time drunk boy

Story about a night out Me(21yearsOld) Him(32yearOld so he said) So... I was out of my usual area on a night out with all my mates (all straight) and we were out drinking and having a laugh gets to about 2am and i feel to drunk to even stand or stay out so i decide to tell my mates i'm off back to the hotel as i could barely keep my eyes open, So i leave the club and my friends behind and go to get something quick to eat and a sit down, i sat and ate on my own for around 20 mins and felt a lot...

3 years ago
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Hazels first threesome

“Very nice, you’ve done very well! But do you not find it a bit isolated? Not many girls about!” Jake asked, hoping not to dampen his friend’s enthusiasm for his brand new home. “Well actually, the farmer across the field has rather a nice daughter! She comes down this way quite a lot to help her mother with the horses. I’ve got chatting to her and have told her she is welcome over anytime! She was going to come over tonight as it’s a Friday.” “Where is she then?” Mocked Jake jokingly....

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Chloe Temple Sera Ryder Cuffs and Stockings

Restrictive light bondage provides a certain kind of stimulation that can arouse any woman. Pairing such bondage with stockings and nipple clamps will surely give a more intimate feel to sexual activity. Sera Ryder is experiencing the increased arousal provided by the combination of the three fetishes/kinks. Sera lies on the couch with her body straight. She excitedly waits for her master to dominate her. Chloe wastes no time at all. She immediately teases the handcuffed girl, running her...

2 years ago
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Punishment Room

Somtimes I fantasise about bdsm and being a domThe room has one door and no windows with the only light coming from 4 floor lamps positioned in each of the rooms four corners. They illuminate a low wooden box which sits in the middle of the room. The box is just over foot square and made of pine with a number of rings screwed to its sides and top surface. These can be used to restrain an uncooperative fidget slave if necessary. Two chalk lines are drawn on the box the purpose of which will...

2 years ago
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My ABSOLUTE favorite

television show of all time is "The West Wing." I think Aaron Sorkin is beyond genius as a writer. Wait, what did you think I was going to blog about? Did you guess I was going to recount some lip-biting sexual fantasy that would have you jerking on your hot rod until the sweat dripped down your tense thighs? I mean just because it's a porn site am I therefore restricted to cocks and pussy alone? Lol, you're right, I completely should be. Though I will say that this show was so good I bought...

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Murder by NumbersChapter 5

The Investigation had moved into its fourth month, there was not any new victims, and many believed the killings had finally stopped. The newspapers no longer carried it as a front page story, and it wasn’t the lead on the evening TV news any longer. The killer just appeared to have stopped and as long as there wasn’t anything new the murders were looking like they would go unsolved. Mike received a phone call in the middle of the night it was from headquarters. “Mike, the killer has done...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Ivy Aura Fixing Her Cumpooper

Ivy Aura always relies on her neighbor when she has a computer problem. She just goes right over, s it off, then a few hours later he returns it all fixed! When he went to assess the issue this time around, as soon as he booted up the system porn started glaring on the screen. It was pretty dirty stuff too, he needed an explanation for this. He went to off the computer and Ivy pretended like everything was normal. Her neighbor then gets slick and tells Ivy if she continues watching lesbian porn...

4 years ago
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stranger helps me fuck my neighbor friend

Over the last few years I have fallen for my neighbor and friend Michelle. She is 47 I am 55 and both are married.We like to flirt a little and we both like to drink the same beer so when we get together we make sure we have our favorite brew, She is very cute and funny with small perky tits nice legs and a beautiful ass. I jerk off thinking about licking that asshole. As time has passed we've flirted a little bit more and made sexual comments to each other. One night after drinking and hanging...

3 years ago
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Project BND

Pain Your muscles ache and your mind throbs. Its difficult to collect your thoughts in the agony that rends your brain. You feel weightless and with a form only defined by what hurts. Accompaning this is that of something covering your mouth and nose. You gather the strength to open your eyes. Everything is blurred and difficult to make out. Your eyes begin to sting from chemicals and the surrounding light. After you see a stream of bubbles pass by your face you come to the conclusion that your...

1 year ago
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Talking With My sister About Old Times

For years, before she got married, I tried to get into my sister Jacquee’s panties. A couple of times we stripped off our clothes and masturbated in front of each other, but we never really did the dirty deed. The closest I ever came was a couple of weeks before I was drafted into the Army. We were alone in the house and Jacquee called for me to help her wash her hair as I had done so many times in the past. As I helped her with her hair my hands started to roam elsewhere. The roaming turned...

2 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 15

Ok this time it's a Christmas story. Well it was Christmas time in the city..I love that time of year. Our son had gone to spend the weekend with his cousin so we could get our "Christmas shopping done" well that's what we told my sister in law so she would watch our boy so we could be nasty. Well so the wife could be nasty. My sister in law picked our son up Friday afternoon and told me have fun shopping. I was thinking OH we'll have fun but there won't be any shopping being done. When my wife...

3 years ago
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Magicians Assistant Friends and Lovers 10

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 10: By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

3 years ago
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Sex With Two Hot Girls Part 8211 1

Dear Indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Abinash from Bangalore. I was a bit hesitant to share but finally decided to dedicate to all readers. I am big fans of ISS… Please forgive me for my spelling mistakes. If you have not read my 1st story, then read the story Brief: I got a chance to have sex with an air hostess who turned to be my girlfriend now. I am 5ft 10inch tall with 6.5-inch dick size. I am working in MNC. Today I am going to share one of my unforgettable memory. The incident...

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