MotherfakerChapter 3 free porn video

After leaving the restaurant, I drove by the teen center to see if the dance was still going strong. It was. As I turned the corner next to the far end of the parking lot I heard someone yell out: "MRS J... MRS J. OVER HERE."
I stopped. Out of the shadows I could see Rachel walking towards my car. I rolled down my window.
"Hey Mrs J. What are you doing around here?"
"Oh, I wasn't sure whether Megan needed a ride home or not," I said. "I was on my way home and thought I would drive by. There's too many kids here though, so I'm going home. If she needs a ride I guess she'll call me."
"Well, before you go, come over here," she said excitedly. "There's someone I want you to meet."
I glanced over at the car sitting in the corner of the lot, hidden in the shadows. I couldn't make out who was sitting behind the wheel.
"Maybe some other time," I said. "I think I'd better get home. You could come with me if you like."
"Not tonight, Mrs J. C'mon, it'll just take minute. This person really wants to meet you."
I knew I should drive away... This was not a place I should be. I really wanted Rachel to go home with me. Since she turned me down, I knew it wasn't smart to hang around. Recently, however, my good sense seemed to have abandoned me.
I turned my car engine off and walked towards the eerie car sitting in the darkened shadows. A woman got out. A woman in a business suit, a suit that couldn't begin to hide the voluptuous body hidden beneath it.
"Mrs Danner, this is Megan's mother, the woman I told you about. Mrs J, meet Mrs Danner, our School Board President."
So, this was mysterious Mrs D! The School Board President! My god, I thought to myself, was the entire school district involved in sexual games.
I put on my best civilized act. 'It's very nice to meet you Mrs Danner." I extend my hand. She clasped my hand with hers.
"Rachel has told me about you Mrs Jordon. She tell me you're quite a cunt licker. So, you're her bitch now. That's very interesting."
"She said what?" I stammered. "What's going on here Rachel? Why would you say something like that? Why would you embarrass me? What have you told this woman? If this is some kind of joke, I don't find it very amusing."
The woman continued; "There isn't any need for denial, Mrs Jordan. There's worst things than being Rachel's slut. you should feel honored."
I sensed Rachel standing behind me. Her hand, reaching under my skirt, slipped between my thighs from the back.
"Oh god, please don't do this to me Rachel," my voice crackling with fear. "Please Rachel... I've always been good to you. Don't... please don't do this to me... not here... pleaseeee."
The woman, Mrs D, was still gripping my hand. She pulled me closer to her. "You've never licked a mature cunt have you lady? You like the young ones don't you. Not that I blame you. I like the young ones myself."
"Please, just let me go," I pleaded. I have to go home."
Rachel's hand was cupping my swollen mound from behind. "My god, Mrs J, what have you been doing tonight. Your like so wet. Have you been cheating on me?"
She giggled at her girlish attempt at humor, continuing to shame me in front of this important, imposing woman.
"I haven't been with anyone," I cried out. "Now please, let me go. I have to go home."
"Why would you want to be at home alone, Mrs J? Megan won't be home till late tonight. In fact, I think she and Mrs C have already left. She may have a tongue stuck up her ass as we speak."
"My whole body shuddered at the thought of my Megan being ravaged by that blonde, hard bodied bitch.
"I think that turns your friend on, Rachel," Mrs D chimed in. "Knowing her own daughter is going to be fucked tonight. Does that turn you on Mrs J?"
I couldn't answer. My body, as much as I fought it. was responding to Rachel's probing fingers.
Just imagine, bitch," Mrs D whispered, "Mrs Conner with her long tongue up your daughter's ass. And believe me, she has a long tongue. Your little girl will be begging for more. And who knows, maybe this is the night Mrs C will introduce Megan too her new toy... You should see it. It's the longest, thickest dildo I've ever seen."
My whole body experienced a gigantic spasm as I began cumming profusely. The filthy innuendos... the images of Megan... god, I couldn't stop it. This was more pleasure than one body could stand. My leg's buckled under me and I fell to my knee's. I didn't care any more. I wanted to cum again.
When I looked up from my kneeling position, a large, silk covered mound was just inches away from my mouth. Mrs D was straddling me, leaving no doubt what she expected of me. A strong whiff of her ripe cunt entered my nostrils...
"Any slut of Rachel's is a slut of mine. Isn't that right Mrs J?"
"Yes ma'am," I murmured as I groveled between her wide spread, nylon clad thighs.
I was a disgraceful mess when I arrived home. The things Mrs Danner made me do to her were absolutely perverted, the very thing that was so appealing to me.
She was a real woman, not a child. When her orgasms erupted they were violent, and her bitter cream nearly choked me with an unbelievable quantity flowing from her large hairy cunt.
But it was her ass that sent me into an orgastic tail spin. Licking a woman's crack till it was clean should have been repulsive... but the bitter sweat on my tongue became so deliciously tasteful, I couldn't halt the continuous pleasure that racked my body.
When my tongue slithered up her puckered brown hole, she whimpered like a schoolgirl, and my body almost shut down from an overload of ecstasy.
Standing in the bathroom removing my clothes, I thought about all the orgasms I experienced during the last six hours. It certainly took a toll on my body... I was so tired and weak, all I wanted to do was climb in bed and sleep.
It was at that moment I thought of my daughter Megan. I had forgotten all about her! I tiptoed to her room and eased open the door. She was in bed, asleep... her white panties lying on the floor soaked in blood. I shuddered at the thought of a large dildo fucking my virgin little girl, breaking her hymen as it was rammed up into her child like body. I touched my swollen mound, and to my surprise, I came again...
Saturday, Megan and I tolerated the big lie between us. she pretending to be an innocent young girl, I pretending to be a good mother. The tension was finally relieved when she went to the Mall to hangout with her friends.
I was surprised when my wandering husband called. I secretly hoped he was calling to extend his business trip for another week or two. I got more than I wished for. He informed me he wasn't returning home... he was remaining in California for good! And he wanted a divorce!
The very thing I had contemplated, and he beat me to it. It was what I wanted too but... well, it pissed me off that he wanted it also. He went on to tell me he met someone else. When I jokingly retorted who the lucky man was, he went ballistic. He demanded to know how I knew he was gay! I almost fell off the kitchen stool... I had no idea he was gay. It did, however, explain pitiful sex life over our fifteen year marriage.
Thank god I married a man with a conscious... and didn't want his sex life drug thru the courts. He actually thought I would be so traumatized by his leaving me for a man, he was willing to forfeit almost everything just to satisfy me.
I wasn't born yesterday... after pretending to be devastated, I hung up the phone and called an Attorney acquaintance from the club. I wanted her to immediately obtain his signature on a document spelling out everything he acquiesced too on the phone. I didn't want him to sober up and have a change of heart. I knew he made a lot of money, I just didn't know how much. However much it was, I wanted most of it... and the house. I also wanted custody of Megan.
I couldn't think of any reason to let Megan know of this new development... at least not right away. I didn't think it would hurt anything to let her continue thinking her dad was on an extended business trip. After all, she seldom asked about him anyway.
Now that I was supposed to be all broken up from my egoist husband's bad news, I decided to go shopping, lift my spirits. More like celebrating.
I dropped by Barbara's to see if she wanted to tag along since we hadn't done anything together in a long time. The possibility of seeing Annie again didn't have anything to do with... with anything.
"What's happening Jessica?" Barb said laughingly. Haven't seen you since... since last night." She laughed at her own silly remark.
"I thought you might want to kill an afternoon... you know, go shopping or something," I said as I eyed Annie in her tight white shorts. God that girl had such a fine ass... and after last night, I knew what I wanted to do with her again.
"Hey, why not," Barb said. "Annie, you want to go with us. We can look for some new shoes for you."
"I don't feel like it Mom," Annie said. "You go ahead. I'm going to catch up on my homework."
I was sorely disappointed to say the least. I thought Annie would jump at the chance to repeat our last nights performance. There were plenty of rest rooms at the mall. Apparently I was wrong.
I waited while Barb changed, ogling Annie sitting on the sofa, her tanned legs inviting me to lick her from her ankles to her...
"Okay, I'm ready," Barb said, her voice breaking my nasty concentration. Thank god she couldn't read my mind... she would have called the police on me.
During our drive to the mall, I had a surprising revelation. Barbara was very sexy woman. I always knew that, I just never... and my new, evolving sex life wasn't going to allow me to leave any stone unturned... not until I infected everyone who mattered to me...
Her and Annie were so much alike, dark and sultry, but Barb dressed atrociously... loose fitting clothes that hid her well proportioned, petite body.
As I walked behind her in the Mall parking lot, I thought what a challenge she would be...
I'd forgotten why I didn't shop with Barbara very often. She wasn't much fun! She bitched about everything... prices too high, nothing fit her right, quality wasn't up to her standards. But when we were browsing in the lingerie section her eyes lit up.
"What?" I asked as she stood smiling like a Cheshire cat.
"Oh nothing," she said slyly.
"Come on, it's something," I pushed. "What is it?"
"Do you know your daughter is wearing these?" she said, holding up a pair thongs. "Annie thinks she hides them at school and changes there every day. I'm sorry you had to hear it from me. Don't tell her I told you, okay."
"My god Barb," I said. "Listen to yourself. You act as if my daughter were carrying a concealed weapon to school. I know she wears thongs... I bought them for her. How does that grab you?"
The astonished look on her face was priceless. I only wished I had my camera to record it.
"You've got to be kidding," she whispered. "You bought her these... you bought her thongs!"
"Yes, I bought them for her," I said. "You've got to loosen up Barb. As a matter of fact, I have a pair on right now. Would you like to see them?"
"No, no I wouldn't... don't talk like that," she stated defiantly. "Why would I want to look at another woman's panties!"
"I don't know... because they're pretty?... sexy? Take your pick of the reasons. Just don't get all weird on me here."
"Forget it," she stammered. "I'm sorry. I thought I was being helpful. Apparently I sound like some kind of uptight bitch."
"No you don't Barb... uh... actually, maybe you do. But that's... that's not all bad. Look, I appreciate your telling me. I know you thought you were being helpful. Let's forget it, okay. Let's go get a cup of Mocha."
Sitting in the Cafe, I thought of our panty conversation. That was probably the closest thing to a discussion of anything sexual I'd ever had with Barb. What the hell, I thought to myself. Maybe I should push her a little further. At least the entire afternoon wouldn't be a total loss.
I watched her sip her coffee. Her full lips, her tongue... christ, I was turning myself on over practically nothing.
"Barb, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"
"I'm not sure," she stammered. "How... how personal?"
"What the hell," I said, "I'm just going to ask you. You can answer or not. You've been divorced for two years, right? I don't think you've had one date during that time. At least I've never heard you mention dating anyone. Don't you ever have a desire for sex, or, you know, some kind of release?"
The look on her face... you would have thought I had kicked her in the stomach. I thought she was going to stop breathing.
"Are you alright Barb?" I asked with concern. "Listen, I said you didn't have to answer. I just wondered. You know me... Miss nosy. Forget I asked."
She took a big gulp of coffee. Then another. Color seemed to drain back into her face.
"I masturbate," she blurted out. "I masturbate almost every day... sometimes twice a day. Is that what you wanted to know? Well... now you know."
It was my turn to look astonished. I was stunned by her honesty, even more stunned by her answer. I would never have guessed she was some kind of closet slut... not in a million years.
"Damn Barb, you must be one horny women. I like that. I've been that way for the last month myself."
"You've got to be kidding," she said. "You... you masturbate too? Wow... that's... that's like unbelievable. I thought something might be wrong with me. I'm so relieved I'm not the only horny woman in the neighborhood."
She actually appeared to have a burden lifted from her shoulders. I wasn't sure how far I could go with this but the conversation was already far beyond my expectations.
"You know, Barb... and don't take this wrong... but we, you and I... maybe we could do it together sometime."
I didn't know what kind of reaction to expect from her. I knew there was a chance she may think of me as the sickest person in the world. Then again, she had already surprised me once.
She took her time answering. "When you say together... you... uh... you mean we would masturbate ourselves, only be together, right? You didn't mean masturbate each other did you?"
I was quick to answer. I didn't have to think about it. What the hell, I was on a roll.
"Either way Barb... looking at you... my god, you're such a sexy bitch I wouldn't mind at all fingering you. I mean, it's the pleasure we're seeking, right? Why would I mind pleasing a friend like you."
I laid it on pretty thick... actually I meant every word of it. My panties were already damp, just from our hot conversation. I had nothing to lose.
"Oh wow," she said. "How did we get on this subject any way? Am I blushing? I feel like I'm blushing. We've certainly never talked to each other like this before, have we?"
"No, I don't think we have, I said. "I'm sure I would have remembered."
She giggled... an embarrassing giggle, like she didn't know where we went from here.
I made an instant decision. I jumped up from the table and grabbed her by the hand. Pulling her down the hallway towards the women's restroom, I expected any time for her to stop and pull away from me. She didn't.
"What the hell are you doing Jesse," she laughed nervously. "We can't... you know... do that here."
I pushed her into a stall, locked it and turned to face her. God, the awe and fear she displayed in her eyes. I kissed her... a passionate kiss, her lips parting for my probing tongue. Meanwhile my hands were busy, sliding up under her flowery summer dress till I reached her puffy mound. The moan emitting from her lips was all I needed to hear.
I anxiously massaged her slit thru her panties, feeling the moisture beginning to develop. When I was sure she was losing control of her body, when the desire for pleasure was all consuming, my fingers slipped under her panties and plunged into her mushy cunt. The odor of ripe pussy was already wafting up between our bodies.
I couldn't wait to lick her slit. I wanted to drive her crazy... to scream for my tongue. I wanted her creamy cum to fill my mouth... just like her daughter the night before... just like her slutty little daughter.

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