ΔvChapter 9 free porn video

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To call the past week surreal would have been the understatement of several lifetimes. Vidya had been there when Captain DuPont – for reasons that still baffled her – split the research team into two divisions. One, the larger, would be sent down to the surface of Arcadia, to continue researching magic in safe environment. This had struck her as odd. While she could see that it would be safer to experiment far away from the Enterprise – which was, at the end of the day, a lightly armored mass of pressurized tin-cans surrounded by vacuum and strapped to a several gigawatt nuclear reactor – she couldn’t help but notice that experimenting with magic on an alien planet surrounded by an alien culture that seemed to run entirely on promotion by assassination was just as dangerous.

But this only came to Vidya’s mind as the week wore on and the surrealism became mundane.

When the fact that she could see and sometimes even speak to her dead husband’s ghost had become ... not unremarkable, but rather, something she began to take for granted. It shocked her how fast the turnaround came. She had spent weeks marveling at the fact that humanity had blown a portal between dimensions – then days stunned at the fact that the two dimensions were nearly identical physically. Then, hours, shocked at the existence of aliens that were roughly analogous to folk-stories of elves and orcs and dragons.

It felt as if she had barely had minutes to be shocked at the existence of ghosts. For the second half of the research team was set to studying Sukhdeep and his manifestations. The questions that they asked – what can you see? Where are you? Are you aware of the area around us? Can you move? - had been answered only fitfully. Sometimes, Sukhdeep was able to move objects or cause strange electrical disturbances on computer screens. Other times, he felt so intangible that she was sure she was imagining that she could see something, hear something.

On the seventh day, Vidya was in the rec room with Mohammad. Mohammad had always been somewhat formal – though he had drawn closer after Sukhdeep’s death. Now that Sukhdeep was a ghost, he had drawn back again, further than he ever had been on the Sparrowhawk. Vidya didn’t want to think about that. Instead, she regarded the situation reports that were played on the internal video system, the screens mounted on the walls in the rec rooms showing the telescopy that was coming in on the Russian drone carrier that was accelerating towards the Janus Portal. The figures running along the bottom showed that it was now the fastest object that humanity had ever launched.

“Here’s to polynomials,” Vidya muttered.

“Hm?” Mohammad glanced up from his tablet, where he was studying results that were coming in from the ground survey team.

“Oh, nothing,” Vidya said.

The long, awkward silence that followed was broken only by the murmur of conversation from the other crewmen.

“Do you know how much of this is being reported back home?” Vidya asked.

Mohammad’s thumb buzzed around the edge of the tablet, seeking out the news feeds. He pursed his lips. “Our news checks are behind schedule – the com traffic is so limited through the JP.” He sighed. “But it’s not entirely bringing the human race together in peace and harmony.”

Vidya sighed, then sipped her tea. “Hit me.”

“Mass demonstrations from Muslims in India, China, Europe,” he said, shrugging. “There’s a huge push to begin immigration to Arcadia immediately. They don’t even know it is populated. They just know it is an identical copy of Earth – perfect and whole. Half of them want to rebuild Mecca, half think it’s already here. And they’re only the largest group of people.” He tapped his finger. “We have Ecoist cells in North America, a Catholic sect in South America, even a representative from the New Ghost Dance Party in Canada.” He made a face, then set his tablet down. “And the New Mars project has had its funding quartered. Why terraform when we have a whole new planet?”

“You sound mad,” Vidya said.

“I am not...” Mohammad sighed. Then he placed his fingers against his temple. “No. No, I am mad. I have friends who trained their whole careers on New Mars – they broke their backs doing comet chasing and plant seeding – and now we’re going to just let the whole thing drop?” He shook his head, frowning. “I know, a sunk cost fallacy doesn’t mean we should throw good money after bad, but New Mars wasn’t bad. It was working, by-” He trailed off, seeing Vidya’s expression.

“Do you think that magic could help?” she asked, sounding wondering.

Mohammad blinked. “I ... I don’t see why not...” He brought up the group information file that they had been creating. “There is a circle of nature magic – some call it Wood magic. Creating, shaping, sustaining life...” He sighed. “I feel like I have been dropped into a video game.”

The two of them didn’t mention ghosts. The afterlife. What that meant.

“So, maybe we’ll only need a quarter of the funding,” Vidya said, trying to sound cheerful. Mohammad smiled back. Vidya felt an urge to reach out and pet his mustache – an urge that had struck her many times before. But where it was one thing to do so when one was a widow, it felt entirely different when one knew the ghost of your husband was floating around. Knew it, measured it, and had people corroborating it with scientific instruments.

The hair on the back of Vidya’s neck rose. She sat up, wondering if thinking about ghosts and Sukhdeep had summoned him. She felt his fingers caressing her for a moment and then he began to glow faintly, shimmering into visibility – a trick he had figured out for himself over the week of the study. He floated before her and his hand pointed at Mohammad’s tablet. Mohammad, seeing him, held the tablet out immediately. The text on the screen, currently a news feed on the demonstrations in London, buzzed and rippled, beginning to shift around. The picture of men in nice suits and women in headscarves distorted.

Letters began to glow and grow larger.

“I ... A ... M...” Vidya muttered. Mohammad, leading over, patted at his pockets, then found a piece of paper. He started to scribble on it with one of the American’s very fine space pens. Soon, the words had been penned out and Vidya and he both looked down at it, trying to puzzle out what on Earth ... what on ... Earths that Sukhdeep could have meant.


“Sukhdeep?” Vidya asked, lifting her eyes. But as she looked at the glowing form, she saw crackling purple vines forming from nowhere. They coiled from his shoulders, around his forearms, up from his legs. They hooked on his knees and around his throat and around the vague shape of his head. Despite not seeing his features, despite not hearing his voice directly, Vidya swore that she could see pain in his features. She sprang to her feet. “Sukhdeep!”

The vines pulled.

Suhkdeep slammed into the air as if it was a wall, then vanished, tugged through a pinprick that shimmered in the air, wreathed in purple.

Vidya gaped after it. She looked at Mohammad, who was clutching the tablet to his chest. She looked back at the tiny pinprick and watched as it winked out, like an ember flitting through the air.

“We have to talk to a necromancer,” Vidya whispered.

Kaleb, Cinder, Captain Markova, and several of her bridge officers stood in the small, cramped shuttle bay of the drone carrier. Kaleb still had no idea how its proper name was pronounced, and the spell that Cinder had cast hadn’t yet come up with a translation that made sense to him. Sea-General Victory Of The People Blacksmith? Who named a ship something that was such a mouthful? The shuttle bay itself was filled with the movement of humans and their curious automaton helpers, each of them working to check the shuttle over. Some of them were even painting it.

Markova turned to Cinder, her voice firm. “We shall be landing in Bakonur- quite near to your old homes, in fact,” she said, nodding slightly. “The cosmodrome there is actually one of the first constructed by the human race. The USSR built it in the 1950s. That would be two hundred years ago, roughly.”

“Interesting,” Cinder said. She looked at the shuttle – and Kaleb couldn’t blame her for the nerves that she had to be feeling. He could remember the horrible, crushing weight of being in the shuttle.

“It will be more gentle,” Markova said. “The shuttle simply needs to glide.”

“Ah.” Cinder looked even less convinced.

Kaleb and Cinder were both strapped in by cheerful members of the ship’s crew, their buckles tightening and holding them fast despite Markova’s claims that this would be more gentle. Markova took the seat ahead of them, and the bridge crew took the other positions. A pilot at the front was speaking softly into their headset. The half the conversation that Kaleb heard and had translated by Cinder’s magics only left him more confused. “This is shuttle 9081, we’re logging our cislunar transfer. We shall be flying over flight zones Ce-9 and Ce-8. Check.” She paused. “Ah, Colin, I see you are back, you Limey bastard. Clearance code.” She paused again, then tapped in a series of buttons on her console. “Did you get that? Resending.” She tapped it again.

Seeing his look, Makrova nodded. “Our flight will be taking us over hostile airspace. Earth is a off limits to space warfare – so any and all orbital movements need to be cleared or else it will be a rather bad day downstairs.”

Kaleb nodded slightly.

Cinder, for some reason, looked terrified half to death. Kaleb remembered seeing her returning from one of her many conversations with the chief engineer looking similarly terrified. Kaleb frowned. The humans had so many strange devices, so many horrifying weapons. He decided to just assume that whatever he could imagine when it came to military devastation, humans could match, then double, then double it again.

Then all thought vanished in the terrifying cacophony that came from the shuttle launching. Clangs. Bangs. Thumps. Crunches. Then, finally, the chuff and the hammering sound for the reaction-jets bringing them around to angle properly. A light pressure pushed Kaleb down into his seat as the engine came on, the pilot calmly swinging them around. Through the forward screens, he could see the massive curve of Stark swinging around. The familiarity paired with the strangeness of human civilization struck him again as they crossed over the terminator and a brilliant spill of sunlight filled the forward cameras. Cinder wined and hissed, then patted around on her vest, pulling out the goggles that the chief had gotten for her when she mentioned her light sensitivity.

Then they struck the atmosphere. Despite her claims of gentleness, Kaleb still clutched to the straps that held him into his chair as the wings of the shuttle strained and the entire fuselage started to quiver and shake. This wasn’t like the acceleration that came from launching. This was as if a great wind was catching it and flowing around it. It was like being in a storm, but worse. Kaleb closed his eyes, refusing to look through the forward screen. He didn’t want to give it the satisfaction.

“Deceleration curve looks all right. Breaking the atmosphere,” the pilot said, her calm voice something to anchor too. The shuttle filled with a roaring sound – a roaring sound of a different, deeper timber from the rockets that had taken them to orbit around Arcadia what felt like a lifetime ago. Kaleb breathed in a steady, slow pattern and repeated to himself: I have faced cannons and magic. I can handle this.

His stomach tried to prove him a liar by crawling up and to the edge of his throat.

But then the roar faded – growing softer and softer by the minutes until, at last, everything felt smooth as butter. He opened one eye and saw Cinder was beaming. She looked through the forward screens, her goggles fastened tight around her face. She looked at him and laughed – and Kaleb saw the view that was spreading below them. They were soaring over a vast, glittering ocean. A broad coastline was growing ahead of them. Kaleb couldn’t recognize it. “What is that?” He bellowed over the still omnipresent whine of the ramjet engines.

“That’s the coast of Europe,” Markova said. “What you know as the Faelands.”

Kaleb whistled softly.

The flight, now that it had settled into smoothness, allowed Kaleb to relax into his chair, to admire the view as it slowly rotated by under the cameras. The pilot, seeing his and Cinder’s attention, tapped at a few buttons, then flicked her finger against a switch, changing the view that they saw on the front screens to a view from the belly of the shuttle, so that they could look ‘down’ at the landscape flying under them directly. Kaleb rather wished that she wouldn’t. Looking forward to see down made him feel as if he was constantly about to plunge forward through the glass. But Cinder looked happy enough – slipping her goggles tentatively off her eyes. It seemed no longer looking directly into the sun was helping.


“What the...” The pilot paused. “Uh, captain, radar is picking up something strange ahead.”

“Strange as in-”

“As in the EUAF looks like they’re launching jets!” The pilot gripped onto the controls, and the front screens shifted to a display that was all green wires and dots, harsh and stark. Kaleb looked on uncomprehending as Markova tapped at her wrist, then lifted it to her mouth. Her head was turned so that all Kaleb could see was her scar.

“This is Captain Markova on band two, what is going on down there?”

Whatever was said, Kaleb didn’t hear it. The pilot, though, was beginning to flip more switches – and then what seemed to be hundreds of dots appeared in the air. The pilot yelped. “The devil’s uncle!” And Cinder hissed viciously. Her knuckles whitened to a light gray as she gripped onto her straps.

“What is it?” Kaleb hissed.

“I don’t-”

“Captain Markova!” The pilot shouted. “I- brace for maneuvering.”

The shuttle’s entire frame groaned and shuddered. Kaleb felt his head being tugged back, then snapped to the side. The restraints inflated, so providing support, but also mashing his cheek so hard that he nearly cut himself on his own tusks. Alerts filled the console and the pilot began to swear so constantly that it became one long strand of unbroken words. “We’re not being targeted – they’re coming in too close! That ... that’s impossible!”

Dots were swarming around the center of the screen.

The pilot tapped a finger and a screen within a screen opened – a secondary view, so that they could keep the display of the radar and the forward view from the cameras both online. Hundreds of other vehicles were in the sky that had been formerly clear and empty. They flew like a great flock of birds – and they were peeling off in all directions. They moved slowly, gracefully, and two dozen of them were heading for the shuttle. Markova, her eyes narrowing, barked out: “You have permission to fire, Lieutenant!”

“Aye captain!”

The shuttle shuddered. White lines fanned outwards, each traced by a glowing star. They rushed towards the oncoming vehicles – rushed towards them, then through them. “They’re illusions!” Kaleb shouted.

“No. They’re not.” Cinder’s voice was grim. She sounded queasy. Kaleb looked at her – and saw that her eyes were hollowed out.

The planes flying towards them began to wink and flash. Their wings spat flames. And the shuttle shuddered as impacts rang across the surface. The front screens cracked open and the pilot, in an instant, was turned into a red ruin. Blood splashed across Kaleb’s face and when he snapped his head to the side, he saw that the seat holding one of the bridge officers to his right had a ruined horror that had been a man. But then the shuttle began to wheel and tumble from the sky. Markova bellowed orders, but Kaleb couldn’t hear her over the screaming wind.

Cinder spoke a single word that echoed through Kaleb’s mind, despite the roar. Magic flared around her body and he felt the tug of a fishhook on his heart – his life ebbing. He looked to her and felt the entire shuttle beginning to slow. Cinder looked at him, her eyes filled with a growing sense of despair. Kaleb nodded.

She spoke again.

The ground came towards them – but slower.

Kaleb felt his body burning up.

And then the shuttle struck. It struck the soft green of well tended fields. Crops. The air filled with roaring, screaming, and whining. Metal gave under pressure and Kabel felt his ribs trying to crack as the shuttle bounced and jounced. But then it came to a stop and Cinder sagged, gasping heavily. Markova came to her feet first, unstrapping and hurrying back. She swept her gaze over the ruin of her bridge officers, then looked to Kaleb. Her one good eye widened in shock. “Heavens,” she whispered.

Kaleb grinned at her weakly, feeling punch drunk. “Its fine...” He mumbled.

Makrova cut him free, jerking the knife from her boot. Kaleb stood and felt pains exploding along his back, his joints. He stumbled forward, his eyes unfocused. The whole world seemed blurry. Cinder scrambled after him – and the two of them stepped onto the ground of Stark. Kaleb looked around himself. At the burning trail that the shuttle had left in the fields. At the humans jogging towards them, clearly wondering why a shuttle had come down on their field. But his knees hurt. They hurt so much. Kaleb looked down at himself.

At first, he thought that he was fine.

But then he saw his hands.

Gnarled and knobby like poorly carved wood. He lifted his hand – and he saw that his finger was wrinkled and spotted. Black marks – liver spots – made him look closer in coloration to the t’row than to an orc. He put his hands to his face and felt his jowls, wagging and wobbling. He realized that the world had attained the faint blurs and smears of color that surrounded everything not because Stark was so much harder to see than his home...

But because his eyes had aged.

“Kaleb,” Cinder whispered.

“We have more important things to worry about,” Markova said. Her voice was grim.

Kaleb heard the droning sounds now – they reached his ear faintly. The flying machines. They were soaring by overhead and the screeching roar of something else mixed in. A flight of five, far faster machines flew forward. One of them began to tumble from the air, drawing a smear of smoke and flames so thick and so bright that even Kaleb’s weakened eyes could see it.

“What are those things?” Kaleb asked – and found that his voice had the wizened rasp of an aged orc now. Like his grandfather. He wasn’t even thirty yet.

Markova frowned. Her scar twisted as she looked at him. Then at Cinder. “You know what they are. Don’t you?” she asked.

“Yes,” Cinder whispered.

The only thing that wrecked the history steeped in the sand and hills of Normandy’s beaches were the seawalls. Constructed by a part of the United Nations Emergency Cabinet historical preservation unit, the seawalls had kept rising waters from washing away sand that thousands of American, British and Canadian men had bled for. The fact that this beach, this single beach in northern France, had been earmarked a significant chunk of a percentile of the immense UNEC budget where, say, the Himalayan Buddhist temples and the Indonesian cultural sites of even greater age and beauty were given significantly smaller chunks of a percentile...


It had been contentious.

People who supported the seawalls and the preservation on this particular beach in Normandy pointed out the fact that the technology and techniques were used to protect literally hundreds, if not thousands, of other beaches around the world. They had been tested and proved here. How convincing one found this argument varied.

But for the tourists that day were able to ignore the seawall as their tour guide handed on the AR glasses. Putting them on, you could see a sea that was considerably lower – and considerably more populated. But in these glasses, the population was of ships and tanks and men in uniform. Not fish. For Martin Spiegel, an American from Ohio, the glasses were something to put on later. He was too busy looking at the beach where his ancestors had fought, centuries ago to free the world from tyranny. Because he, unlike the rest of the tour group, was not wearing the glasses, he saw the first man to come from the ocean.

At first, Martin thought he was a swimmer. But the man was dressed in clothing that hung in tatters. And he grasped something in his hands – something metal and rusted, with rotting wood. And then Martin took in the leering skull that was situated on the man’s shoulders. He saw the glowing purple eyes, flickering with an inner light. The man – the monster – began to trudge forward. Foot by foot, step by step, he walked up and out of the surf, onto the beach. Others were emerging from the ocean. Dozens. Hundreds.


Thousands of skeletal figures, in rotting uniforms, holding rusted weapons, were marching from the surf. Some of them were carrying short carbines. Others were hefting sub-machine guns. More were holding rifles. But as the rest of the tour group began to see the skeletons intruding on their AR illusion – the simple programs not sure what to do about all the new inputs – cries of alarms started to come from the others. The cries were drowned out by squealing and grumbling as the first of the hunks of metal began to emerge from the beach.

Martin had for his whole life enjoyed playing World War 2 wargames. Virtual and VR, holographic, classic model and glue figurines, computer games. He loved all of them. But even so, he nearly didn’t recognize the first of the snorting vehicles that crawled out on barely intact treads. Metal slapped and dragged, and the vehicles were encrusted with barnacles and hung with seaweed. But more than that, each one had hideous damage marring it. One had a jagged hole blown in the side. One’s entire engine compartment was a cratered ruin. One was without a turret – but ... no. It had a turret. A turret sketched in ephemeral purple flames.

“Uh, uh, everyone remain calm!” the tour guide said. “I, uh, this may be a ... a...”

A skeletal figure walked up the hill to the group. He had the helmet of an American GI, the rotting skull of a Halloween decoration, and a large, moldy cigar chomped between his teeth. His eyes flickered as he looked over the group. More skeletons were walking forward – the only sound being the creak of bones and the grumble of ancient tanks.

Martin screamed and fainted.

Sergeant Wojewoda sat in the precinct and wished that he was dead. The paperwork of being a cop was never ending – another reason to hate the Union. At least, if you asked Wojewoda. He was able to blame an extraordinary amount of his life’s woes on the Union. The footpaths that wound through downtown Warsaw were down for maintenance? Why, it was because of the Union’s stringent bureaucracy and red tape, forcing needless crews of overpaid technicians to go through needless hoops. His favorite streaming site taken down by a copyright complaint? The Union was bending knee to American media cooperatives, rather than sticking up for Europeans, like they should have.

And thus, the paperwork was yet more piles and piles and piles of red tape dumped upon his poor, overworked shoulders by the Union. Did he not have enough trouble, with the towelheads and the fugis raising a ruckus.

“Sarge,” one of his beat cops said, walking over. “Central says we’re getting weird reports from the panop.”

“Do I look like a P-tech?” Wojewoda asked, his frown growing fierce. “I am not. Go bother the Jew.”

“He’s out,” the cop said. He looked faintly anxious – as he always did when Wojewoda referred to their resident technical specialist. Wojewoda had no idea why. He was a Jew. The only Jew in the entire force. And only in a sly, halfway sort of fashion. Wojewoda – who didn’t trust Jews any more than he trusted Muslims, refugees, immigrants of any kind, or Russians – didn’t trust their technical specialist either, but he’d never been able to get rid of him.

Until now.

“He’s out?” Wojewoda asked, his voice gloating.

“Yes, he’s out checking the panop,” the beat cop said, ruining Wojewoda’s hopes of getting a reprimand slapped on his docket.

“Then why are you bothering me?” Wojewoda asked.

“No, I mean, he left before we got the report – he said that he was going to do some maint and, well, I mean, now we’re getting bugs. Like, in the central computer...”

“Then go and find him, Jozef!” Wojewoda snapped. “Do I have to do-”

Jozef had frozen. His mouth was hanging open in shock and he gaped at the space behind Wojewoda’s head. Wojewoda was about to ask him what the hell he was looking at and why he looked like a fish when the cold, hard barrel of a gun pressed to his neck. It was as cold as the grave and slightly rough around the edge. The pressure dug in a bit more and a quiet voice, speaking a very strange, accented kind of Polish murmured: “All right, my good fellow. Hands up.”

A figure walked past Wojewoda – a second figure. They were dark and carried a strange looking weapon. A rifle. A wooden rifle, with only a small tube of metal. Wojewoda wondered if that was how they had gotten past the precinct’s security systems, but no. The metal detectors would have sniffed out even metal surrounded by all the wood in the world. The rifle instead just looked old, and the figure paused as they started to frisk Jozef, taking his service weapon and grinning as they held it up.

Wojewoda realized three things.

The figure frisking Jozef was a woman.

She was a Jew.

And she was a ghost.

Wojewoda had seen movies his whole life and he knew what ghosts looked like: Translucent and shimmering, like they were only half here at all. The only thing that the movies had not gotten quite right was that ghosts could seem physical and solid. They could take pistols, then gently push Jozef aside and snap zip ties around his wrist. The voice behind him spoke again: “Hands up, or else you get to join our side.” Wojewoda forced his arms up and stood, his jaw tightening. Fingers that felt ice cold and steel hard gripped onto his arm, then swung his arm back behind him. He was cuffed and searched and forced to his knees. More cries of alarm came from the rest of the station – and then gunshots. Then the alarm. The woman, who was sitting on the desk, glanced up. “Heh.” She had a small toothpick tucked into her lips. “Think they’ll realize how much of a waste of time that is, Mordechai?”

The other figure stepped around from where he had been standing. He was also a Jew. Wojewoda glared at him, trembling.

“I don’t think it’ll matter,” he said.

The gunfire had stopped. A figure dropped through the ceiling. It was as if they had simply decided to no longer be standing – and so, the ceiling had become like so much light and nothingness to them. They were another man, this one so hideously burned that Wojewoda couldn’t have determined who or what they were. But they spoke in a language that Wojewoda swore was almost German – but not quite.

Wojewoda hated Germans.

“Is that Yiddish?” Jozef whispered to him.

“How the fuck am I supposed to know?” Wojewoda snapped.

“It is,” the man that the woman had called Mordechai said. He turned to face Wojewoda. “And for what little it is worth-” His eyes flicked to Wojewoda’s tunic to read his name tag. “Sergeant Wojewoda, I wouldn’t be here unless I had no choice.”

“Fuck you,” Wojewoda snarled.

The man shrugged.

“Mordechai!” A shout came from the front. “The Nazi fucks are calling for reinforcements – the army depot is giving them trouble.”

Mordechai’s face twisted. He made a face and then shook his head. “We have no choice,” he said, quietly. He turned and walked out through the wall, leaving the two police officers bound and kneeling. The woman spat her toothpick out, then ground it out on the ground as if it was a cigarette. She sneered slightly, then followed after.

“Do you know who that was?” Jozef asked.

“It was some Jew ghost,” Wojewoda said. There were some advantages to the simplicity of Wojewoda’s viewpoint. He wasted no time in terror. In disbelief. So, the world had ghosts now. He didn’t care. What he did care was that two of those ghosts had come into his station and humiliated him. He gritted his teeth and ground them together. “And when I get out of these cuffs, I am going to find out how you kill someone twice.”

To call the Pentagon a place of pandemonium was a radical understatement. The current chief of the national guard, General Tybor Briggs, was hunched over the situation response table that had been installed, a century before, to manage the various ecological crisis that had nearly ripped the United States apart. The table had been updated, the parts replaced, the programming overhauled. But, in the same way that the ship of Theseus had remained the same ship despite replacing the hull, the sails and the oars ... the table had not changed for a century.

At least, that was how Briggs thought of it.

Same as Δv
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Please before you start reading you make sure that you understand this message and accept the truth, this "story" is not made up, it has happened this week. It started on Saturday 16th and now when I am typing this the date is Friday 22nd so it has almost been a full week. If it takes me more than tonight to type this up then I will put in at the end when I finish. Please take note that this is not just about my "situatuion", I will add in a few of the events that got entwined up in it...

4 years ago
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Aunt had no idea ch 2

Introduction: I have tried to make this a stand-alone story, but there may still be some outside references. It will definitely make this story better if you read the previous chapter. It was about 2 months before I was able to spend the night with my cousin again. I was very excited after what happened last time. I was especially happy now because I was going to spend Friday and Sat night there. I arrived around 5:00 pm and it was all I could no to hide my boner. I could not wait until later!...

4 years ago
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Spring Break Corona Style ndash Part 4

This is a Re-Post of a Story from my last Profile, Jessy49. I have changed the title and up-dated it to reflect Current Events. I hope my Consistent Readers will enjoy my attempt a Dark Satire.DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction; I do not condone any of the actions described in this story. All aspects related to real life persons or events is strictly incidental. Attempting the following Inc(e)stual Acts in real life is Ill(e)gal and Immoral… unless you wish to spend the rest of your life in...

2 years ago
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Anuja Meri Sali Aadhi Gharwali 8211 Part 1

Sali Hi friends..This is Ranjit Mishra..I have been reading ISS from many years…Now i m planning to share my own experiences which i encountered out of my marriage..Well before coming to the story..I would like to introduce myself..I am a dr..My name is ranjit mishra and my height is 5 feet 10 inches..Good looking guy..And i have a dick of 7 inches..Now i will like to tell my stories mainly in Hindi.. Dosto..Kahani shuru hoti hai aaj se kuchh dedh(one and half) years pehle.Mere mom aur dad ne...

2 years ago
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My biggest fantasy sharing my sub gf at nude beac

I have always fantasied about going to nude beaches and fucking in open but when I got into Dom/Sub play years ago that fantasy changed a lot.I have been a Dominate to most of my partners, wives with or without their husbands and single women over the years and if you have seen my other stories you would know of my experiences in the past.Everything from swinging to public sex, watching and being watched and owning many subs and I never ask or expect a sub to do anything she is not into or...

1 year ago
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Miss Parker Part 3

Part 3 Caroline spent the night in her old room at her Aunt’s house and next morning sat gingerly on a cushion at the breakfast table. “So Caroline, do you think you’ll be able to correct young Gabriella when she needs it?” “I think so Auntie, my poor bottom has certainly had enough lessons to get me started.” “Well perhaps we can finish your education another time. I understand that Robert employs a large variety of implements.” “Yes, he does seem to have an extensive collection in his study...

2 years ago
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Beastly passion ch1

Dallas, Texas….Date –Today (opening) Hungry, Ivory, teeth watches her with coal black eyes. Her trek from work to home always has its perils. Gang members, robbers and rapists prowl these late night streets. But tonight only he stirs. No hookers on the streets on a night like tonight. They all believe in what she is about to know first hand. Its not just an urban legend it is reality. He moves with silence and determination. He can smell her. Not her 200 dollar bottle of perfume, but her....

2 years ago
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Massaging My Friend8217s Sister 8211 Swedish Massage

Hi Indian sex stories readers, I am Raj, 24 from Chennai. This is the sequel to my previous story of “Massaging my friend’s sister”. I am glad for your responses for my previous story. As I said in the previous story, I finished massaging priya and left her place without an happy ending which she was expecting. The entire next four days passed without any reply from her even when I texted hi. I was confused as well as worried thinking that did I go little extra that day. So I decided to pay a...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Life

The Perfect Life By Daniel Charles I guess you could say I had the perfect life. Millions of friends, tons of ladies to screw, and thousands upon thousands of dollars. And at least twenty cars, and as little as 30 servants in the mansion I call my house. My name? Well my name WAS Jack Vandelay. I am a 23-year-old male who had made quite a living for himself. I had a somewhat supermodel type build with a huge monster dick that bulged to 9 inches when in front of the ladies....

3 years ago
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love me again

" How many times do I have to tell you, I do love you,I cant help that but I have to move on." I said and pressed send on my phone. Every second waiting for a responce was pure agony. I didn't want her to be sad, I really did love her but what are you supposed to do when you see the women you love with another mans arms wrapped around her. Its torture, the only way to get over it is to find some one new and move on. Until the bitch throws a fit about it. My phone vibrates next to me on my...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Kyler Quinn Boffing The Babysitter

Kyler Quinn is a babysitter. She is talking on the phone, telling a friend about what her job is like. She especially likes that her current client, Mike Mancini, is really hot… and he’s single. He hasn’t flirted with her yet, though. However, it looks like Kyler is in luck today, because shortly after the phone call, Mike comes in and asks her if she’d like to stay overnight. Kyler says that she likes to cuddle, and asks if that would be okay. He moves closer to her,...

2 years ago
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Loveand Love Intensely

It had been a while since she’d had a good coffee. Strong, rich, bittersweet, and oh so bad for you. Like love, she thought, rather cynically. Emma was not a fan of love at that moment.It had been two years, maybe three, since Kit had gotten married. His wife Mary was expecting their first c***d. Everyone had been invited to their mansion up in the country area of England for a house party that was to last ostensibly for over a month. Ridiculous extravagance, Emma thought, but then Kit...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Incubus

3:15am My every nerve ending sizzled as if on fire. The pleasure was so intense that I gasped for air, hardly able to bear it. He pressed by body into the sweaty sheets as he thrust into me, faster and faster, with the sure ease of familiarity. I was in a daze, he always did this to me, I couldn't control my emotions even if I tried, his body was overpowering, his sexual talents were masterful. All I could do was respond to his need and that response turned me into his willing whore... night...

1 year ago
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Shit Town 8211 Part 2

The fourth round is about to start and it is said to be an elimination round. We should eat a minimum of 15 members shit to survive this round. The mistress arrived, “It is going to be fun” shouted M.Chitra. I went near my aunt and asked her about these two mistresses, She started to tell me about them, First of all M.CHITRA means Mistress Chitra and G.CHITRA means Gangbang Chitra. These two women gained these names from their teenage itself, these two beautiful women were cousins. They used to...

3 years ago
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Sara Jean hadn't been waiting long when Kirk the Realtor pulled up in his BMW. The tall, immaculately groomed man practically leapt from the car, walking quickly, hand extended, all the while flashing that toothy, brilliant smile that Sara Jean was sure he practiced for hours at a time each night. "Sara... ," he purred. "Sara Jean," she mentally corrected. " ... are you excited?" he asked as he performed the old 'grip and grin'. Despite her reflexive dislike for him, she was...

2 years ago
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Her Duty

Her DutyMy mother always told me to be obliging and submissive before the men in my life. "Their lives and ours are too different to understand each other. You'll make a better man of your husband if you are his wife, mother, nurse, and teacher, all at once. And the same for your sons and father. They don't know it, but they need it. You should be obliging even when they don't ask for your help," were her words of wisdom. I never forgot her lesson. I watched her oblige to my father's every need...

2 years ago
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Wife with five boys

Once when we were walking around a Spanish marina, looking at the lovely boats, we stopped and looked, there were five young lads on the back of the cabin, thinking we wouldn’t understand English, one of them said quite loud “I bet she fucks well” we stood watching and gestured can we look on board, they beckoned us down, the one who made the comment showed us the cabins, during this I said quietly to him “yes she does” he looked shocked but exited, in one of the cabins I said give her a kiss,...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 179 Mending Emily

Now what do I do with Emily? It was probably best to start with Molly’s instructions. At least then I could blame her if something went off the rails. In Emily’s first box were not just red and blue pens, but green, and pink syringes. I needed three of each. According to the note, the pink and green ones had very concentrated liquid versions of what was in her mom’s tea and pills. Though had to go right into a vein in Emily’s arm, or neck if I wanted, because she needed them in her blood...

4 years ago
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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 10 The Jennifer Effect

The rest of the day was a complete success. The girls worked so much better in the nude and not one customer complained. In fact, just like the man with the photocopying business, many other customers left the shop saying how they might just try the same thing in the place where they worked. As word very quickly got out about Mrs Maxwell’s Bookshop there were a few other businesses up and down the street that decided, for the rest of the afternoon, they would become NUDITY FRIENDLY as well....

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The education of Kellypart 1

Back to this escapade. It was saturday night and the wife was going to be home tomorrow. I was kicked back watching tv and had to answer the phone. It was my neices daughter Kelly and she was bawling her eye's out. I finally calmed her down enough to tell me that she was at the police station and if I didnt pick her up quick, they were going to call her mom. "OK, calm down, girl I'll be right there" I hung up and phone and headed out. After the cop explained Kelly was caught...

3 years ago
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Teenage Adventures Chapter 3

Over the next few weeks, Maria visited almost daily, and her appetite for sex seemed to increase as her pregnancy matured. Timothy did his best to satisfy both Ms. Alsover and Maria, and had on some days been able to achieve up to nine orgasms. Obviously, the boy was healthy, Ms. Alsover thought to herself, but she also noticed that as the days wore on, the boy's youthful fountains of semen turned into a few hard-won droplets.Ms. Alsover feared that between herself and Maria, perhaps they were...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Chloe Temple Fantasy Couple Vol 3 E1

As a very-much-in-love couple (Chloe Temple, Jay Romero) prepare to take a morning shower, Jay embraces his lover from behind and reveals his fantasy; he wants to fuck her best friend, Clara. They’ve shared their fantasies before and Chloe’s turned-on by the idea. As Jay’s hands continue fondling her body, their passions build to a boil! Chloe and Jay do what young lovers do… engage in delicious morning sex with plenty of mouth-watering kissing, licking, sucking and fucking! Its passion-packed...

4 years ago
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The Accidental Time Traveler

The cell door closed with a frightening finality. Vinci thought that he shouldn’t call it a cell since it had no resemblance to a Twenty-First Century jail cell, but the feeling was the same. He was confused as to why he was being held and hoped tomorrow would bring some enlightenment, as it did when he experienced the jail in the past. It was a shock to be back home after nearly a year lost in time. He never thought he would be returning, not after everything, but even though he was never...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Saving Annie Part 3

Her body ached and throbbed with longing. Ivey was caught in the rapids of the current now, rushed along with no control and no hope of regaining control. Ivey wasn't even sure she wanted to regain control. This was too good, the feelings were too good in Annie's body. Whatever was different about her body, and there was plenty different, Ivey hadn't expected this. Annie's body was more reactive, more sensitive, than Ivey's old body ever had been. If kissing in Ivey's male body had...

2 years ago
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A Young Nurse

I was just 22 when I graduated from nursing school, shy and nervous I started my first job in a hospital. I was working 2nd shift and while making my nightly rounds I entered a 4 bed room of men. A few young and few older gentleman. We made small talk and one older man asked me to rub his back, he was in traction and his leg was elevated up in a sling. The only position he could be in was on his back in bed. So I being a dutiful, caring nurse I told him yes, I would rub his back.I poured some...

4 years ago
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Venusian Whore

Oh, he was a debonair dick, a charmer with eyes as black as coal and a smile any man or woman would die for. Rakesh, was a six foot tall Indian with a milky white complexion and jet black hair. His muscle tone was a sight for sore eyes .. He was exotically handsome.. Every inch of this man was a desirous temptation. He worked every nerve fiber in my body. The delight he gave me just looking at him was super dimensional. Every fiber, every particle of me wanted this man. He was my co-worker...

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Mother and Son Union

TGIF. It was almost seven in the evening before I finally closed my office door. I left hospital administration, walked down the hall to radiology, took the stairwell down two floors and exited into the parking garage. I found my car and drove out of the garage thinking about tonight. My 17-year-old son, James, was staying at a friend's house and my husband, Allan was in Chicago on a business trip. Tonight was the night that I would meet my lover at my house, for the very first time. We had...

3 years ago
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Watching at the strip bar

As I walk into the dark strip bar my senses are assaulted. The guys look normal, but all the girls are in lingerie. The music is too loud to be enjoyable. It can take a few minutes to adjust your senses. The scent of perfume and cigarette smoke is strong. There are various types of strip bars, the type I prefer is where the girls keep their panties on and give lap dances. Looking around, I smile, this bar matches my preferences perfectly. I walk to the bar and order a cola, I make it a rule...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Hot Neighbour

Hello everyone, this is Karan here. Getting to the point directly, this story is about how I got a chance to fuck the hottest girl in my neighborhood. I was 18 years old back then and I was appearing for my 12th board exams. There was a girl named Sarika in our neighborhood who was the center of attraction for almost every guy in our society. She was three years older to me and was into her Engineering course. She always wore dresses that were revealing and she loved it when guys stared at her...

4 years ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 50

Rory With the exams over we met my mum and Phil at Manchester Airport and flew to Edinburgh. Once there we picked up the Honda CRV hire car we had ordered and drove to St Andrews. When we arrived at the house the first thing we did was put our bags in our room and showed Phil and mum to theirs. While I put the kettle on for coffee and unpacked the food we had brought with us Rebecca gave mum and Phil a more detailed tour of the house even though there was not much more to see. As we sat in...

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The Downfall Of A Schoolteacher Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Our Whirlwind AffairAbout two months into the relationship, Lisa and I started to become serious.  I didn’t know how serious until she asked me to meet her family. My family lived a thousand miles away so the logistics were a little tough on my end, but her family was still in the area except for her youngest sister, Erin who was at college in California.Every year when she went back to Ohio, her Dad planned a family trip somewhere.  This year he rented one of those big log cabins in...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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True North

A stout muscular man made eye contact with her from across the crowd. He smiled at her and winked, before walking over with two cups. "Hey there, you looked like you needed a drink." His voice was friendly enough "Oh," Amber said surprised, "I'm not old enough to drink that..." The man pulled back in dramatic surprise but still sat down with drink in hand. "No? My young lady, you could have had me fooled." Amber blushed but was pleased at the compliment. She knew she didn't...

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A morning wakeup from Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! After a morning of fucking and sucking me multiple times, and then dealing with Scott’s massive 13" member, mom spent the rest of the day resting and sleeping. I check in on her after a few hours and kiss her on the cheek while rubbing her back. She looks at me and ask “Why?” “Why did you bring him into our bed? I had sex with you because you’re my son and I wanted to feel the love and warmth of your body. I didn’t want anyone else to know our secret.”...

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XNXX Funny Porn

Jerking off is serious business. It’s not just a hobby for me. It’s a way of life. It’s why I get up in the morning and how I pay my mortgage. That doesn’t mean porn can’t be funny, though. I’ve been around my fair share of porn sets, and trust me, shit can get pretty goofy. But how could it not? It’s a goofy situation. Imagine waiting around naked to start rolling while twenty other clothed professionals run around tending to equipment that’s about to film you fucking.In such a setting,...

Funny Porn Sites
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My Brother BradChapter 5

Sunbathing by the Pool Brad sighed contentedly with the warmth of the sun and the sparkling surface of the pool as he lay in the sun-lounger. This was the good life. Sunbathing on rugs before him were his sister Linda and niece Rachel. The girl was in her new gingham-check bikini; which simply revealed how undeveloped her body was; while physically Linda was in her prime! What a sensual sight; a truly yummy mommy relaxing alongside the immature daughter she had fucked to order the night...

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Maitresse en titre dans lamour III

May 1391, Guildford Hamon de Grey, the bastard half-brother of Sir Giles re-adjusted himself and tried to act as if nothing had happened, yet inside he was on fire, his heart and mind racing. He tucked his shirt back into his breeches, re-adjusted his tunic and grabbed his hat from the ground, where it had become crinkled and crumpled. He smoothed down his silvery blond hair and put the hat back on his head. He took two deep breaths in and out, ran his hands down his plain tunic and walked out,...

3 years ago
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Dr Josephs Office Ch 01

Part 1: Liana ‘Hiiiii!’ sang the receptionist as Dr. Liana Connor entered the dentist’s office. Liana hadn’t known what exactly to expect from her new dentist, and her first impressions were not exactly reassuring. If his receptionist was an example of how he thought, his neurons weren’t all firing right. The receptionist sat to the right of the door, behind a chest-high counter. She had a body straight out of a teenager’s wet dream, and the brains to match. Liana wondered whether she would...

1 year ago
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Five Nights Ch 01

“Did you guys want to go in?” We were over at Mike and Marybeth’s place, and had finished dinner on the outside deck and were clearing the table after dinner, except Mike, who was preparing after-dinner drinks inside. I looked to Sue, who usually made the temperature decisions. “No,” she said, grabbing plates, “I don’t think so. It’s warm enough, right?” She looked to me to endorse her opinion. “Let’s stay out,” I agreed. We chatted as we brought the food back in, stowed the leftovers, and...

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For the BBC I Saw Here

I found the picture of your fabulous cock released from the confines of your jeans most provocative.I can only imagine the strain that monster must have put on the fabric.Perhaps I will. I am sitting on a bench in Birmingham Garden wearing a pastel yellow skirt that comes to mid thigh showing the start of my sheer beige stocking welts.My shoes are 4" matching yellow open toed pumps.My blouse is white silk covering my bra filled with double D breast forms.My wig, of natural human hair,is...

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See No Evil

Gabriel sat back down at his desk with a huff. His quick shopping expedition had been successful, and he finished hooking up the VCR to his computer using the equipment he’d grabbed, brow furrowed as he played with the various wires. After a few moments, he reached over and turned on the music, humming to himself as he continued to work. It was weird being in the house without his wife - he’d been away a few times in the last year or two for work, but he couldn’t recall the last time he’d been...

1 year ago
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Summer Can KillChapter 12

Wednesday 9.00pm She felt as if she should still be hurting, but she wasn't, and couldn't quite believe it. The Englishman had told her she looked better, and when she'd checked herself in the mirror she'd realised he was right. Nela was fiddling about in the bathroom again, playing with her hair and examining her face. She breathed slowly, trying to calm herself. She'd been alone with a man today, and she'd said what the doctor suggested and nothing awful had happened. In fact he'd...

2 years ago
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I Dare YouChapter 3 Marc Goes Out of Town

Several months had past. Work started picking up for Kay and me. We rarely saw each other, much less had sex. I was looking forward to the coming weekend together, when, on Wednesday, Kay called and reminded me that she was going to help at her annual crafts fair in Mannsville (about 70 miles away). She planned to go out to Cynthia's for the weekend, seeing as Cynthia lived 30 miles closer to Mannsville and she was also going to help at the fair. On top of that, Kay wanted to keep her friend...

1 year ago
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Let's pay a visit to Sex TV x! If you absolutely need to jack off fast, then you’re certainly not a basement-dwelling neckbeard who lives off a granted salary from either the government or your family and has extreme mental issues as well as a litany of unhealthy habits that ensure you’ll never ever go near a real human vagina. We all know that archetype of computer nerd who is unclean, unshaven, neurotic, unhealthy and the opposite of what women want, and we all know that those people tend to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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GayChapter 38

When I got through the door my mum ambushed me almost immediately, but she was beaten to the punch by Terri. My sister seized me in a tight hug, causing me to wince when she pressed her firm body against my bruised stomach. “Are you okay?” she asked anxiously. “I heard about what happened.” Mum’s mouth was open, but initially no sound came out as Terri’s concern stole the wind from her sails. “THERESA MAY! What happened?” Mum demanded. “And why didn’t you tell me before?” “Because you...

3 years ago
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The Shrekening Or Swamp Juice

"So, Blake, if you could fuck any of the Disney Princesses who would you pick?" Chris asked before taking a large chug of Surge and burping.These were our usual school lunch conversations. It was always full of 'would you rather' or 'if you could' or 'have you ever.'I had the answer on the tip of my tongue and barely stopped myself. No way was I going to say that I wouldn't pick a Disney Princess, I'd pick Shrek. I felt myself harden a little at the thought and hoped they didn't notice. I knew...

Gay Male
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A Time of Conquest and ChallengeChapter 10 The Grand Adventure

We spent the rest of the night, after dinner, discussing everything about this. I voiced my concerns and they pushed them aside. I told them I had no mission to find a Damsel, which was all the more exciting to them. It could take years to accomplish what I needed to do. None of it mattered, and there was no way I was going to dissuade them. Samuel thought that some of the best Chaos companions to travel with were sneaks. Having known Samuel’s thoughts about that, members of every generation...

2 years ago
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Wife Tales Birthday Suprise

I peered out the window into the darkness. It was still raining. It had been raining all day. Today was my 45th birthday and I would be spending it alone. My husband had called earlier, said his flight was delayed and he wouldn’t be home until tomorrow. The rest of the family had gone away for the weekend to visit relatives.I poured myself another glass of wine.“Okay, I thought to myself. I’m going to make this a ‘me’ night. I can do whatever I want and no one will be around to bother me.”It...

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GayMaker Florida Keys

We’d managed to get away to the Florida Keys for a few days, just my wife and I. She was enjoying a little quiet time reading on the beach and I was getting in some much anticipated tarpon fishing. I’d spent the day on a boat with a guide and had great success, landing my first tarpon ever. My guide and I had just parted ways at the dock and I was getting ready to walk back to the hotel to meet my wife. I really had to take a leak, it’s kind of a pain in the ass to go on a small boat. There was...

1 year ago
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Lawda Khada Kar Deti Hain Meri Do Behne 8211 Part 3

Doctor ne mom ko bola, dekhiye mere hisaab se to yeh infection ho gaya hai, shayad aap apni neechey ke baal nai cut karti ussi waja se aapki panty main infection ho gaya hoga, yeh sab suntey hi mom ko thodi sharam bhi aai aur mom ghabra bhi gai. Ridhima, simran aur main ek doosrey ko confused look se dekh rahey they, tabhi ridhima ne doctor se pucha, ki uncle iska solution kya hai ab, tabhi doctor ne turant jawab dia “ dekho seedhi si baat hai, apki ma ki chut, mera matlab hai vagina ko khula...

2 years ago
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260 Manners

Manners Well, I was walking through a corridor in my local hospital when a very attractive red-haired nurse with an old bod in a wheelchair pushed her way through the crowd. Now me I do understand it can`t be easy, wending your way through the crowd with a patient, but this was aggressive to say the least. Anyway, when I got to X-ray booked in and sat as you do the door barged open and in comes the same nurse dragging her poor patient, still in his chair, dumps him at the end of the seats and...

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