Mylfed Diamond Kitty Zoey Monroe Strap On Sexuality
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Zoraster paused in his writing when he sensed Celes' arrival. He looked up at the old woman with a mocking smile, "Ah, Celes, are you enjoying your current task?"
Celes' lip twitched, "I'm doin' what ye're tellin' me to. The lil' thief'll be kept clean an' ready fer whatever yer punishin' 'er with that day."
"Danica is quite beautiful, is she not? You have quite a good view in your work, I'm sure."
Celes' eyes hardened, "I'm not for carin' about that. I'm doin' as ye ask."
Zoraster laughed, "I'm sure you took no notice of her splendid body. I had no idea my net would pull in such a fine prize when I cast it out."
Though Celes tried to keep her face passive, some hint of her curiosity at the last statement must have shown through. Perhaps the Archmage had used magic to divine her thoughts, or perhaps she was just predictable. Regardless of how he knew, Zoraster's next statement confirmed that he knew her thoughts.
"Ah yes, you assumed she was a simple thief intent upon robbing me for her own gain did you not? That is true, after a fashion. The full truth is she was captured in a blackmail net I have been casting for some time, to gather expendable resources. The gain was to protect her reputation and her livelihood."
Celes winced inwardly at her cruel treatment of the other woman. Theft of Art was what had brought Celes here, and she hated those who did it above all else. Now that she knew Danica was a pawn, and one Zoraster planned to sacrifice when he was done playing with her, she regretted her every word to the red-haired woman.
Again Zoraster laughed, "Ah yes, the sweet taste of regret. You offer it to me so often Celes, and such a fine vintage it is. Be prepared to take my little rose to the healer when she is done entertaining my men, she may be in need of it. Remember always my admonition to you about her."
"I understand," Celes said with measured control obvious in her voice.
Zoraster's laugh this time echoed off the walls, like a choir of the damned, from every angle, "Go — wait outside her door. I'm quite sure you will know when to go to her."
Danica awakened in a different room. She was lying on a slanted table, her legs spread wide and her feet in stirrups. The old woman and an old man in dark robes, trimmed with gold, sat in front of her.
The man gingerly probed her, while the old woman looked on, as if to ensure he was doing only what he was supposed to be doing and nothing more.
Danica looked and saw that she was split badly, bleeding more than a little. She had been washed from the waist to her knees, though drying cum still coated her everywhere else. Some sort of salve was spread over her sex and the area surrounding it. The salve must have been to numb her, because she could not feel the touch of the old man's fingers.
The woman looked up, "Awake are ye? Split ye open bad he did, an' did a right number on yer innards with that pole too. Yer bein' lucky we got ye on potions and salves or ye'd not be wakin' up for long for the pain. He's gonna pray to his god ta heal ye, soon as he knows for sure what all he needs ta be healin'. Relax yerself an' don't be fussin' around."
The healer shook his head, "I've seen men torn up less after a war. It is good for you I am strong with Tarchanak, or you might well have lost this one. The bleeding outside is a pittance to the bleeding inside — a slow trickle that would have taken days to finish her — and it would have been far too late by the time you'd have realized it."
"Save yer lectures an' do yer work," the old woman said.
The cleric shook his head again, and laid his hands over Danica's loins, and her tummy — just above her mound.
"Tarchanak, I beg of thee the power to mend the wounds of this one who has serviced those who serve you, that she may continue to service their needs." This was followed by more words in a language that Danica didn't understand.
Danica had been healed before, but never by a cleric of a dark god. The warmth she expected to feel flooding through her was an icy, biting cold instead. It spread through her tummy, her sex, her bottom — every part of her. It caused her to close her eyes and darkness to creep upon her. Then, as suddenly as it had started, it ended.
"It is done," the old man said weakly and sat back.
The crone nodded and moved him aside. She examined Danica carefully, and then, apparently satisfied that the healing was indeed complete, spoke words of magic. They vanished from the room in a flash of light.
The old woman opened the familiar door and led Danica into her prison. Danica's eyes widened when she saw the bed, soaked in cum and blood.
"Get ye over here and help me. Suren' yer not wantin' to lay down in this mess now that the fun's over," Celes said with a cackle.
The statement brought a rush of anger, coupled with a shudder of ecstasy that frightened and angered her more, as Danica remembered the constant stream of cocks that had been inside her — everywhere. At the forefront of her memories was the final monster, which had made her come harder than she had ever imagined, and nearly killed her.
The old woman pulled the covers from the bed and made a tsk tsk sound when she saw the mattress was soaked through as well. "Put these over in the basket yonder," she said and pointed. She then walked over to the door and opened it. "Get ye somebody ta get me a new mattress, an' haul this one out. It's done for, fer sure," she said to someone outside, and then closed the door.
Danica tossed the covers down hard in the basket and stared angrily at the old woman.
"Ye can just stop yer scowlin' at me, lil' missy. I'm not the one what's punishin' ye, ye can be sure enough of that," Celes said with a veiled hint of anger and bitterness. As much as she wanted to apologize for the way she'd treated Danica, she couldn't bring herself to do so. Every word made her wince, but she was afraid to break out of character now.
A knock sounded on the door, and Celes opened it. Two men entered carrying a mattress. The crone gestured impatiently, and the men removed the soiled mattress, replacing it in short order. They then immediately left the room, at the woman's insistence.
Celes pulled new covers from a bedside table, tossing them on the bed. She then pulled a bundle from another drawer and handed it to Danica. "Put them there on," she instructed, and started putting the coverings on the bed.
Danica unfolded the bundle, finding a soft, silk pair of panties and a silken shift. She slid on the panties and then pulled the shift over her head. The shift was short, barely covering the panties, and she knew if she bent in the slightest, or an errant breeze caught her, it wouldn't even do that. It was also extremely tight up top and had a low cut neckline, showing off her breasts to good effect.
Danica rarely wore clothing when she was home alone. She hated the feeling of being constricted. After being naked and on display for so long, though, it felt good to be covered, and the silk felt incredible against her skin.
Danica just barely caught the old woman looking at her, while finishing dressing the bed. The crone had looked back down almost immediately upon seeing Danica turn toward her.
"Who are you?" Danica asked angrily as she sat down on the bed at the woman's urging, "What part are you supposed to be playing in Zoraster's little game. What do you want?"
"What I want? That's a long story an' one yer not likely wantin' to be hearin'!" The cackle the old woman let out after the last had a note of longing and sadness in it, which Danica just barely noticed. "The part I play is an unwilling one and a willing one at the same time."
Danica noticed the old woman had lost her strange accent completely when she said the last part. "What are you talking about?" Danica asked.
Celes sighed, "What's it matter. It will probably only add to your torment and mine to tell the story, and that will amuse Zoraster to no ends."
The crone sat down on the bed, "First off, this is not my body. Well it is, but it's not as it should be. Zoraster used his magic to age me. I'm probably about the same age as you. I'm telling you that now so you don't ask questions once I start telling you my story. Just be quiet and listen."
Danica nodded, trying to look past the grey hairs, stooped shoulders, and wrinkles to see the woman behind the old flesh in front of her.
Celes began, "I am adept in the Art. I have devoted my life to it, and have developed many original spells. Zoraster learned of me and of some of my original Art, and desired it for himself. He first offered ever-increasing prices to buy them, but I was unwilling to sell. He then decided to take them from me."
Danica nodded and listened intently, anything she learned from this story could be useful.
"I was lying spent with my partner, when he came in the night. It was not his entrance that awakened me, but her warm blood spurting on me as he slit her throat."
Danica gasped at the horrible image the words of the aged woman conjured up. Then her eyes widened, as the combination of the words lover, and her, snapped into focus in her mind.
Celes snorted, "I can see it in your eyes. Yes, I lie with women — I always have. I was not even yet a woman when I discovered that was what I was. A girlfriend and I were sleeping over at her house, and I could not sleep. She told me there was something she did which helped her to sleep when that happened. She demonstrated and guided my hand as I masturbated for the first time. It wasn't long after when we discovered there were many other ways two girls could do it better — but enough of that."
Danica tried to hide her surprise. She had never met a woman who only lay with other women. Her sister Devan lay with both men and women, but she had never met one who had never had a man — or desired one. Thanks to the magic cast on her, she felt her body quiver and her pussy moisten at the thought.
"I immediately rolled from the bed and arose shielded in my Art — ready to strike out and destroy the man who had taken my love away. I fell into the magic and sent forth my spell — which should have turned him to ashes. The spell dissolved and ran away from him like drops of water. He told me he was protected by a charm from Zoraster, and my magic could not harm him. He would have what he was sent after, but he was going to have some sport with me first."
"He stripped off the dark clothing he wore and stalked toward me, knife and pole both pointing at me, with an evil grin on his face. He pushed me to the bed and pinned my legs up hard by my chest, then stuck the tip of the knife against my breast. When he looked down to try and push that thing inside me, I struck. I pulled a knife from under my pillow and cut his manhood from him in one clean stroke as he watched."
Danica gasped at the thought, the woman had surely had her revenge — in whatever few moments the man who had killed her lover had to contemplate, before he bled to death.
"Immediately after the local watch removed his body — and that of my dear love — I began to gather what I could and prepared to vanish. I knew Zoraster would never cease after that, until he had my Art and my life. I was nearly prepared when he came — personally — and took me. All my Art was like an errant breeze, as much as it affected him."
Danica contemplated her own foolishness in attempting to steal the spell books. It was rumored that Zoraster was powerful, but to hear one accomplished in the Art — for the teleportation spell the old woman used with barely a thought was a very advanced spell — tell of his true power...
"I awoke here, in this very room. He used the same Art on me he has on you. His men came to me and probed me, but I lay limp as a rag doll. They had their way with me, but none came back for a second round. Zoraster's Art wasn't strong enough to defy the truth of my heart, and there is no place for hairy men and their poles in my heart."
Celes continued, "Zoraster was angry to the point of insensibility. They say he is mad, and indeed he is. He was frothing at the mouth when he came to punish me. 'I have your art already, bitch, but I'll have more from you, ' he said. 'If one torture doesn't work, another surely will!' Then he cast the spell that aged me."
"He told me that men still saw me as I should be — young, beautiful, large firm breasts — but women would see me as I was, an old crone who has to blow the cobwebs off her pussy to masturbate. He can remove the illusion with a thought, but he most often leaves me to suffer it, unless it would be inconvenient. He also made sure that my female parts kept making the magic that makes me desire. He didn't let that fade with everything else when he aged me. Then he used his magic to prevent me from leaving this place except by his word, and set me free to wander it — to be cajoled by the men and teased by the women I would never be with."
Danica reached out her hand and laid it on the old woman's — as a tear came to Celes' old eyes. Danica had thought this woman one of her torturers, and now knew she was actually a prisoner as well.
"You are also part of my torture — a new twist that delights Zoraster to no ends. I have to see your gorgeous body every day and know I can't have you."
Danica started a bit at the old woman's confession of desire for her. She also felt her body stir from the words, and caught herself again looking to try to see the young woman who should be sitting here, instead of a crone.
Celes raised an eyebrow, and then slapped the bed, "Enough of that. Ye wanted answers and ye got 'em. Now be forgettin' it an' let me get back ta forgettin' it as well! I'm sorry fer the way I treated ye, I took ye fer naught but a damn thief no bettern' the madman. I dinna know til later ye were lured here by desperation. Get yerself into bed an' to sleep. I wish I could help ye dearie, but I can't. I fear for yer mind, 'cause I know he'll keep yer body healed."
With that, the old woman left Danica to contemplate what she had heard. One thing stuck out, the old woman had said she was lured here. Danica wondered about that as she drifted off into slumber.
Danica awoke to her stomach rumbling, and her mouth as dry as a desert. It occurred to her she didn't know how long it had been since she had put anything in her stomach, except cum. A glance to the bedside table revealed a large platter of food, two pitchers of water, and a glass. The platter was steaming as if it had been left there only moments before.
Danica devoured the food and finished half a pitcher of water before she lay back to let it settle. She dozed for a short while and then poured two more glasses of water. The need to urinate came over her, and she rose to go to the chamber pot.
The door opened at that exact moment, and Zoraster strode in wearing the wicked, mad smile that always seemed to decorate his face. "Go to the tub and mount the seat," he commanded.
Fear knotted in the pit of Danica's stomach. This madman was already torturing her — what worse fates would he devise, if she defied him? She hurriedly mounted the seat, clenching tightly against her straining bladder.
Zoraster walked up before her, "Why do you strain to hold back nature, my little rose? Surely, it must be quite uncomfortable. Do relieve the pressure." The last had a hint of command in it, veiled, but there.
Danica bit her lip, wondering what the madman was doing now. The fear gripped her tighter as he reached out and slit the silken panties she wore with a small knife he produced.
"Part your lips and release, little rose," he said, and stared intently at her sex.
The fear inside of Danica, coupled with the intense need to do exactly what he asked, caused her to obey without question or hesitation. Danica parted her lips with the fingers of one hand and released the pressure in her bladder. Her golden stream arched out, beating a tattoo against the side of the tub. A shudder ran through Zoraster as he watched, and he reached out his hand into the stream — shuddering again. He then leaned forward, flickering his tongue through the stream, until — with a final trickle — she was empty.
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MatureIt was my sister's thirty-ninth birthday and though she and her husband lived over two hours away and decided I would go and visit her on her birthday. This was an unusual for it was the first time I had gone to see Jacquee without my wife Becky; her father was ill and was staying with him for a few days to look after him, the trip seemed slightly longer and very boring without company. When I finally arrived at Jacquee's house at ten-thirty in the morning it was raining, rain was not...
EroticSome years ago, a cruel and wicked Goddess came to this Universe from another, one whose essence she had already consumed. To conquer her new possession, she chose to raise an army. To raise an army she needed loyal officers, and who better for that than her own daughters? She grew herself a phallus and sowed her seed widely. Her daughters are demigoddesses, and they began coming of age recently. As they do, their mother has begun granting them their full powers. The suffering among the mortal...
BDSM“You can’t be serious.”“Oh, but I am, Ems,” Lauren says as she looks at her reflection in the car mirror and fixes some hair that has fallen out of her band. “I’m very serious.”She looks over at me with a playful smile, which starts to turn more serious as her eyes rake down my body, settling on my still-bare tits.“I think maybe you’ll need a shirt on to go back into the office,” she says as she leans into the backseat for my folded blouse.“You’re the one who took it off me in the first place,”...
LesbianVictor was busy that Saturday afternoon; he would be attending a golf tournament and he had warned me he would come back home very late.I had spent the morning behaving as a perfect housekeeper, even making something I had always hated: the laundry…I finally got a warm shower to give some relax to my tired body and I finally fingered myself under the warm water, until I came in shaky legs.But I was not done today; I felt so fucking horny and I knew that my beloved hubby would be back late. And...
It has been a week since my first visit with Elin Johannessen, my daughter’s Scout Master. I’m dropping Annika off at a neighbors for the weekend. I tell her I’ll pick her up on Monday, kiss her on the cheek and leave. I do not want to be late and receive another punishment. I rang the door bell and my Mistress, Elin answered the door with nothing on but a smile. ‘Nice to see you are punctual,’ she said. Once inside she cuffed my hands in front of me and with the chain in her hand led me to...
They'd found him through an online Christian dating site. Nineteen years old, a virgin in spite of being drop dead gorgeous. They loooved hot virgins. Said he was looking for the right girl to have his first time with. Real clean cut and innocent, though this hadn't stop him from sending a nude pic complete with his lovely erect penis when "Candy" had asked for it.The pic was the deal breaker: he was about to meet the wrong girls.So they'd set up a date. They had sent Sarah, the youngest of...
It caught us by surprise, the way the weather changed so quickly. It shouldn’t have, we both knew better, both had a wealth of experience in the outdoors with years of backpacking, hiking, kayaking, and canoeing behind us… and besides, it was that time of year. It was late October, when the weather this far north can be unpredictable; we’d known that but we’d fucked up, and now our negligence might cost us everything.We’d let the clear, dry, unseasonably warm and beautiful autumn lull us into a...
Wife LoversHi friends. This is Varun back with the 3rd part of Renuka’s episode. I have got a huge response to my earlier stories. I am very thankful to each one of you who messaged me personally. I have got a few new good friends too. I would like to tell my readers please don’t waste your time asking me for my partner’s pics. I won’t share them. About Renu. Renu is 36 years old. She is a widow where her husband Ajith passed away in a road accident. She didn’t marry again or think of another guy in her...
IncestYou can thank mihickman for this scientific explanation. Two builders go into the pub after a hard day’s work. They’re sat drinking for a while when a very smartly dressed man walks in and orders a drink. The two began to speculate about what the man did for a living. “I’ll bet he’s an accountant.” said the first builder. “Looks more like a stockbroker to me.” argued the second. They continued to debate the subject for a good while until eventually the first builder needed to use the...
We have a family of 4, mom, dad, sister and me. My parents married early, mom is 39, dad is 43, sister is 18 and i am 19. Like anyother family, i always knew we are a closely related family. We are pretty open on discussion, however we never talk on sex. We have a fairly large house, with a masterbed, two rooms for us, an empty guest room, a servent room for maid and a bed in garge for the driver. What happens in home, i am not ken to know, but my commonsense says, the driver is having sex with...
IncestOkay, so this is part 2. Which means there is a part 1. Which means if you have not read part 1, go find it and read it first.I am hoping to convince Lilly to allow me to use a couple of pictures of her to illustrate my next story.... Very intimate pictures of her ... But I will only do so with her permission. For those of you that she is not as intimate with.... sorry. She is incredible!!! And what she did next.....**************************************I started to reach for my pants, but...
The passion involved in the make-up sex took the tension out of the air. Mindy had a string of orgasms as he rocked on top of her. It wasn’t until he sagged, covering her, that they noticed Christine, standing beside the bed, staring at them. “Mommy?” she said. “What you doing, Mommy?” “I’m just saying hi to your daddy,” said Mindy. Christine knew the word “Daddy,” but she wasn’t sure just what it meant. She knew that this person had been at the house before, and had read her stories. She...
Zelda ordered five pair of jeans. Jack ordered five pairs of split side short-shorts. The smile Zelda smiled at him held no warmth as she said, "I can't stop you from wasting all your hard earned poker winnings, but I don't have to wear them. No way will you catch me in those ho-clothes." The sales lady cleared her throat at the obvious slur on her merchandise. "Most of our clientele are professional women who earn high salaries." "Yeah, but what profession do they practice, dressed...
Hallo iss ke chodu lund dhaariyon aur raseeli choot waaliyon ko mera pyaar bhara salaaaam aaj bahut din baad aap sabke saamne fir se haajir hoon aur is baar jaanna caahenge kiski chudaayi ki maine….? Na na aap log galat soch rahe hai ki har baar ki taraah maine apni mummy ko ya chachi ya bua ko choda hoga par aap log galat hai is baar maine kisi badi age ki aurat ko nahi balki 1 kamsin nadaan apni jawaani se bilkul anzaan ek nabalig yaani ki 14th saal ki kunwaari choot chodi hai aur wo bhi apni...
The telephone rang, and it made Dave jump as he lay in bed listening to Tess and Drew's breathing as they slumbered. He looked at the clock; seven thirty. "Good morning, Drew Bishop's phone," he said, as he picked up the handset. "You guys had better not still be in bed," Geoff's voice said. "No, we're up and about," Dave lied, "Drew is out in the yard, he said he was going to ring you in a minute." Tess and Drew were now stirring."Well, tell Drew that we will meet at ten o'clock up at the...
BisexualBob flew Jenny home on Sunday evening after spending the day on a rented sailboat. After such a wonderful weekend, Jenny was walking on air. While she was disappointed that Bob was going out of town again, in one way, it was good. It would give her time to think. She knew that she liked Bob more than she should after such a short time. Yet, she had a lot of things she wanted to do with her life and she wasn't sure she wanted to be in a committed relationship at this time. She thought that...
Meredith’s dad was standing at the door when Brock stepped onto the porch Saturday night. “Good evening, Mr. Van Landingham,” Brock said. “My name is Brock Miller. I’m here to pick up Meredith.” Sam Van Landingham looked at the young man in front of him. He’d read all the stories and seen any news program he could find about the Brock Miller saga. He put his arm around Brock and ushered him inside. Sam was glad the boy was willing to stand up for others and for himself. Of course Meredith...
iCarly/Victorious: Carousel Nights #2"So... where do we go from here Jade?""I thought we already covered that… You know, back at the restaurant. I remember it because you shot me down…hard-core," Jade set up on the bed and looked down at Freddie."Yeah... I'm sorry about that. I don't know what I meant… I feel really excited that we don't have this... 'cloud' over our heads, and I just... I don't know.""Yeah... I didn't get any of that," Jade smiled a bit, slightly biting her lip. "Look,...
“You’re such a doll. I think I’ll keep you.”Alice shivered at Captain Honeyglass’s words, squirming uncomfortably in her grip, her toes wiggling in thin air as she was lifted up until their faces were level.“Keep me?” Alice squealed softly as sharp fingernails dug into her flesh.“On a shelf. I’d take you off every morning and dress you up in pretty things. Wouldn’t you like that?”“I don’t believe that I would, your ladyship. I imagine it would be awfully boring to sit on a shelf all day, even...
TransMy name is Ritu and my hubby Arun. We are 35 and 41yrs old. My stats are 34-28-36 5’3” and his average build up 5’7”. This story starts when we boarded the train from Howrah for Lucknow. We got one upper and one lower berth in the 1st class cabin. When I saw the reservation chart I came to know that another couple aged 34 and 42 years is going to travel with us in the same cabin. After some time another couple with an infant baby came and occupied the other two berths. They arranged their...
In the 2000’s for the longest time in the city of San Karlomina in California there was a story that was bandied around that was just like that. It was about a plain white van full of masked black men who would abduct unsuspecting white women and while driving around the city, they would gangbang them in the back of the van. The longevity of the gangbangs would vary from woman to woman depending on her own depiction, but every story ended the same way with the hapless woman being returned to...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! “Jaed - if that is his picture - is not in the immigration system anywhere. The only place we found a likeness is in the secret file that Mossad gave us months ago. He was suspected of being a spy and operative for Iran in Syria,” Robert said. “Why am I not surprised?” I said. “There is one thing that may interest you that was posted today for about four minutes. We did a screen copy before it was taken down,” Robert said. I looked at the document and realized what it...
Sandra was waiting for him when he arrived at the apartment; she bounced eagerly towards him, meeting him in the open doorway, as he used his own key to let himself in. She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him tightly, before asking him. "Have you got the money?" She asked eagerly, almost snatching the envelope out of his hand and swiftly counting it. "Now tonight is worth another?350, unless of course she wants anything very special, then you must ask her for more." Sandra said...
The Undercover Detective Part 14 This the final part of this adventure New adventures to follow? 24th July If I had realised how important this day was to be, in my life, I might have been too scared to get out of bed. Sue was back with Carol, so I had no nice wake up. My morning sickness was starting to get less, thank goodness. I had slept without my breast forms and I inspected my image in the long mirror. From the neck up I was quite female. Given a choice, I would...
Hi all ISS readers first of all i would like to introduce myself to you. I am Sam from bangalore i shifted to bangalore from mumbai 2 years before. This incident happen on 19 oct 13. As i came to bangalore i was alone and was searching apartment with family so that i wont miss my family. After a long time i got 1 apt which was 1bhk with family. The owners family used stay in a same building. Now the story starts from here. Owner and his family consist of 6 members owner, his wife, his son and...
Tuesday evening. A quarter past eight. It’s dark out. As the train eases out of the main station, the interior of the carriage reflects in the window. I’m right at the front of the train, my back to the driver’s cabin. There aren’t many people in this carriage, since most can’t be bothered to walk the full length of the platform. Nevertheless, I have two people in close proximity. On my left, next to the aisle, is a man dressed in a shirt and a jacket. He’s taken his overcoat off and laid it on...