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His wife cheated, and he did what had to be done.


His name was Carl. Carl Montefiore. He was a tall, angular guy--good-looking, I guess--with a smug look. Even if he hadn't been fucking my wife I would probably have wanted to kick the shit out of him.

But at the moment his look wasn't smug--it was stunned. When I came into his office he thought he was meeting a prospective client for his software firm, not coming face-to-face with a cuckolded husband. He stood to greet me with an affable smile, and I could see he didn't even remember my face, though we had met several times.

"Good morning, Mr. ... Regan, is it? Nice to meet you--please have a seat." His handshake was firm and confident, the mark of an accomplished salesman.

I sat; looked at him coldly for a few moments; then spoke.

"Actually it's not Regan, Carl--it's Proctor. David Proctor--as in, husband of Lauren? Lauren Proctor from your Human Resources Department, the one you've been banging for a couple of months now?"

His face got very tight and he just looked at me, not saying anything. I pulled a bunch of photographs out of an envelope and dropped them in front of him.

"That's you and her at the Best Western Kenwood Inn, on Montgomery Road. Room 128, right around the back. You guys seem to like the same room every time."

More silence. "Who pays for the room, Carl--you or my charming wife?" I knew the answer, but I wanted to see what he'd say.

"I pay," he said, finally, his eyes looking past me to the far wall. "I have an ... an arrangement with the manager there--we do their bookkeeping and reservation software."

More silence. I was in no hurry. I was angry, of course--fucking furious. But I'd been that way for nearly five weeks, so I was in no rush.

"Okay," he said finally. "So you know--what do you want?" He looked older all of a sudden, like the energy had gone out of him. "What do you want from me?"

"Outside in my car, Carl, is a big manila envelope addressed to your wife's office. I'm going to be dropping by the FedEx office as soon as I leave here, unless I get a great deal of cooperation from you during this visit."

His face turned pale but he managed not to jump out of his chair. I admired his composure, in a funny kind of way.

"I don't ... it would be pretty bad if Emily found out about this."

He looked at me. "What do you want me to do?"

I passed a sheet of paper over to him. "Read this over. Then call my wife, right now, and have this conversation with her. You can change the wording, change whatever fucking pet name you use with her, whatever--make it sound natural, like she'd expect you to sound. But set it up just the way I've written it."

He read it through carefully, then looked up. "I don't know if Laur... if she's going to go for this."

I laughed. "Carl, I've heard the audio of a half-dozen of your little get-togethers with my wife. You guys have been doing things a lot kinkier than that."

He actually blushed when I said I'd heard them together. He thought some more, frowning. Then he said, "and if I do this? What then?"

I shrugged. "Then you're rid of me. And whatever you and Lauren do, after today, I don't give a shit."

"And that FedEx envelope for my wife?"

I shrugged again. "I'll throw it away."

"You give me your word on that, Mr. Proctor?"

I leaned forward. "You're hardly in a position to bargain, Carl. But yeah--you've got my word."

He read my script once more; then he looked back at me, and when I didn't move a muscle he sighed and picked up the phone.


Me and Lauren? Mostly the same old story--no need to draw it out. We met when she was in college and I had my first job. It was a blind date--she was a good friend of my cousin Marie, who thought we'd really hit it off, and we did.

Our courtship was utterly typical, but that doesn't mean it wasn't terrific. I loved Lauren by about the fifth date, and she seemed to feel the same way about me. The sex was a little vanilla at first, a little careful, but we really opened up to one another and it got better and better. We were married after about 14 months, with Marie as her maid of honor and my brother Bobby my best man.

We had Tina almost right away, an unplanned but wonderful event. She's a tennis star, a great student, and a talented artist--a fantastic, energetic, lovable girl, and I adore her. Lauren and I always used to say we only had one but we got the very best k** around.

I would have said Lauren and I had a great marriage and a great life; in fact I did say it, all the time, whenever anybody asked how things were going. She was sometimes a little bit of a flirt with our friends, at parties, but she always reassured me afterwards--in fact our love-making was never better than after we'd been out with other people and she'd confirmed for herself how attractive she was to men.

There was never any doubt in my mind about Lauren's devotion to me, not once in 19 years. No tell-tale signs, no vague looks or sudden rushing home for a shower, no late nights at work, no hickeys or scratches on her body. Nothing. We didn't have more sex, or less. We didn't have better sex, or worse. I would never have known.

Oh I guess, in retrospect, that Lauren was maybe a little happier that spring, a tiny bit more lively and fun. But it wasn't much, and I would never ever have noticed, if not for learning about her affair.

It was Tina who found out. That was one of the worst things about it, though all of it was bad. On a Saturday afternoon in early April of her senior year. I was out helping my brother move some furniture, and Tina was supposed to be gone for the day at a tennis tournament. But the courts were flooded from a downpour the day before and the tournament got canceled. Tina's teammate Avery dropped her off back at the house around 11 am, hours before she was expected home.

Tina dropped her bag, got a Diet Coke out of the fridge, and reached for the phone to call a friend about a party that night. She hit "speaker" without realizing her mom was on the phone, and heard a man's voice say, "... your tight little pussy again."

Stunned, Tina quickly switched off the phone. After a minute or two she quietly crept down the hall and peered into the master bedroom. Lauren was lying back on the bed, wearing only a pair of panties. One hand was inside those panties, stroking herself lazily, and the other was holding the phone. Tina heard her say, "oh yes, baby, I can hardly wait too! Can we do Monday this week, or do I have to wait until Wednesday for that nice big hard cock?"

Backing away from the door, Tina retreated to the kitchen, grabbed her tennis bag and left the house. She walked over to the playground at the nearby elementary school and sat there crying for two hours. Then she pulled herself together, wiped her face, and walked back home.

I didn't hear anything about this for nearly two weeks. All I knew is that Tina was withdrawn, morose, and sullen. Like a typical teenager, I suppose, except that she'd always been so sunny and cheerful. I asked Lauren if something was going on, and she was as mystified as I was.

When Tina finally broke down and told me, it was on the way back from the sectionals. She'd played much worse than usual and lost to a girl from Lockland High School whom she'd beaten four times in the past two years--and I could tell she wasn't herself.

So I made a detour to a Starbucks, bought us each something from the drive-through, and parked the car in the big lot of a nearby Walmarts. And I said, "baby, tell me what's going on."

She shrugged. "Nothing. I played lousy, that's all."

I reached over and touched her shoulder. "Tina, you know I don't care about that. It's just one tennis match. But...but you've been unhappy for a couple of weeks now. Please, talk to me. Talk to your old clueless dad who loves you."

Then I waited. I'd learned over the years that Tina could never stand the silence.

She just looked out the window, not moving, and suddenly I saw tears on her cheeks. Without turning her head she said, "daddy, mom's cheating on you."

"What?!" I was on the verge of yelling at her that it was ridiculous, it was insane, was she crazy? Instead I held back. I bit my tongue and I waited. And she told me the whole story. Coming home early, what she'd heard and what she'd seen.


Of course it was impossible for me to believe. I believed what Tina was saying, but I couldn't begin to believe what it meant, what it had to mean. We cried together for a little while, and then I asked her to keep the secret while I looked into it a little.

So we made a kind of pact, Tina and I, a little private deal to keep all our suspicions and our feelings from Lauren. It brought us closer together, actually, though we'd always had a great relationship.

And I did what the poor sucker husband (or wife, I guess) always does in such situations--spent several grand on a private investigator and let him do his thing. Three weeks later I had the report, the photos, the audio.

I went to work that Thursday, locked my door, turned the ringer off on the phone, and dealt with it. I read it all and listened to it all. I cried, and I cursed. I took off my shoe and threw it across the room, knocking my framed college diploma off the wall. I banged my fist on my desk. I walked around the room and sobbed. I sat at my desk and stared blankly out the window. When I was calmer, about 1:30, I went out for a late lunch at a diner. Over a Reuben sandwich and two cups of coffee I started making some plans.

We may have had a perfectly ordinary married life, but it still meant the world to me. I had loved Lauren passionately for nearly 20 years, had never had any reason to doubt my great good fortune in getting her to marry me. We enjoyed talking and just being together, we were friends, we valued the same things and wanted the same things out of life. I would have said we were the happiest couple in the strongest marriage I knew.

I guess not, huh?

Once I'd seen the PI's report I knew we were done. I might have been able--MIGHT have been able--to get over a brief fling, but she and Carl Montefiore had been enjoying one another's company for weeks. With great pleasure on both sides, from everything I could see.

And they were intimate--they were long past the rushed fucking stage. They played games, she dressed up in sexy lingerie for him, they used toys, they fooled around with blindfolds and handcuffs. A lot of stuff much wilder than anything that had taken place inside our bedroom.

So I picked up Tina early from school one day and we went out to lunch, just the two of us. I spared her all the details, but I told her it was a real affair and that I was going to leave her mom. Tina was angry and miserable--she wanted to go straight home and tear into Lauren, but I calmed her down.

"Listen, honey--you know your mother loves you. She adores you. She didn't do this to you, she did it to me. Maybe not on purpose, to hurt me--I'm sure she figures I'll never find out. But she betrayed me, not you, and it's up to me to deal with it.

"Do you think you can win an Academy Award for just a few more weeks? Be a typical daughter, don't act out of the ordinary, until after graduation?"

She nodded unhappily. "I guess so, Daddy. I mean, if you want me to. It's just that..." She started to sniffle again. "It's just that, how could she DO this to you--to us? You're so wonderful to her, and..." Her voice faded out into weeping, and I came around to her side of the booth and held her in my arms as she cried.

In the end Tina promised to act the loving daughter until her high school graduation. Three days later she was leaving for a ten-week junior development tennis camp in Colorado, and then--after a week at home--she'd be off to USC.

I made it clear to her that I was going to end the marriage after she left for the summer. "And then I'll take some time off and travel, honey--how about if I come stay in Denver for a few days and visit?"

She blew her noise and wiped her eyes and tried to smile, and said, "yeah daddy, that would be great!"


I'd taken care of all the routine crap ahead of time. Found an apartment, made financial arrangements about credit cards and our checking account, gotten time off from work so I could fly out to the West coast. I was going to visit my college roommate in San Francisco for a few days, then rent a car, drive through the Rockies, hang out with Tina for a little while in Colorado, and then fly home.

As soon as Lauren left for work that morning I waited for the movers to come pick up my share of the furniture and take it over to my new apartment, along with my clothes and computer and the rest of my stuff.

Then I went and had my nice visit with Carl Montefiore--I've already told you about that. And I went and got some lunch, and dropped my envelope for Mrs. Montefiore into the FedEx box by the court house.

What--you thought I was going to keep my word to that asshole? After he'd been fucking my wife for weeks?

And at 1:45 I parked my car in back of a restaurant across the street from the Best Western, found a hidden vantage-point, and watched. Lauren drove in and parked right in front of Room 128, went around to the main office, came back a minute or two later, put a key card under the mat outside the door to 128, used the other one to let herself in, and closed the door behind her. She had a shopping bag with her, so I assumed she'd brought everything Carl had asked her for in their little phone conversation.

I waited about ten minutes; then I strolled over to the door, got the card from under the mat and let myself in. There was Lauren--there was my wife, the woman I'd loved and cherished and been faithful to for twenty years.

She was lying on the bed, wearing a very sexy black teddie and nothing else. She was on her stomach, her hips propped up by two pillows under her middle, so that her open pussy was visible from across the room. And she was wearing the sleepmask--she couldn't see a thing.

I saw her stiffen when she heard the room door open and shut. "Carl? God, you scared me baby. I was just lying here, and..."

"Shh." I whispered it. I moved to the bed and bent down to whisper in her ear. "You're a good little slut, aren't you? My little peach." (That was what he called her in some of the recordings I'd heard--God knows why.) I'd put on a bit of Carl's cologne, so there was no reason she wouldn't think I was her lover.

"And now I'm here and I'm gonna drive you crazy!" I kept my voice at a whisper, knowing she wouldn't be able to tell it was me. Without another word I found the shopping bag on a chair and got the handcuffs. I handcuffed Lauren's hands together over her head, then pulled a long rope out of my pocket.

Tying one end to the handcuffs, I reached down and slid the rest of the rope under the bed, then went around to get it on the other side, brought it up and tied the other end to the handcuffs on the other side. Taking two shorter pieces of rope, I tied one end of each to one of her ankles and the other to a leg at the foot of the bed.

She was now pinned down in the middle of the bed--she couldn't pull her arms down, she couldn't sit up, she couldn't pull her legs together and she couldn't turn over.

"You're a bad girl, aren't you?" I whispered. She giggled, and I swatted her ass. It made her jump, and she squealed. I hadn't hit her hard, certainly not with the anger I was feeling.

"Oh, yes, baby, I'm a very bad girl. Are you gonna punish me?" She was smiling, arching her bare ass up off the bed and moving it around a little, tempting me.

Without another word I took my clothes off and put them on a chair by the door. Then I waited, silently, knowing she didn't know where I was.

"Carl? Baby?" She sounded excited, but a little nervous. I made her wait another couple of minutes, while she called to me (or him, I guess) a few more times. Then without warning I started swatting her ass, hard, giving her twenty alternating smacks on her two cheeks.

"Oh! ... Carl! ... what? .... that ... OUCH! ... hurts, baby, what....?"

When I finished she just said, "damn, baby, that hurt! What the hell was that for?"

I lay down on top of her, pressing my hard-on against her ass, and whispered into her ear. "Aren't you a bad girl? A little slut? A slut who cheats on her husband?"

She frowned and said, "no talking about him, remember?"

Ignoring her I continued. "What do you think he'd say if he saw you like this, little peach? Tied down on the bed, your ass and pussy wide open for me--what would he say?"

"Stop it, baby!" Lauren whined. "Just ... just touch, me, okay? Fuck me!"

In a breathy voice she continued, "I know I'm bad, baby--be my bad man and punish me!"

So I did. I punished her just the way I planned, knowing that it would be the last time I'd ever touch her, the last time I'd ever see her naked.

I lay down between her spread legs and I kissed and licked her pussy until she was panting and gasping and jerking her hips around. And when she was moments away from coming I stopped.

Remember, this was the woman I'd been having sex with for two decades--I knew her responses pretty well, and I waited until the very last minute.

"You bastard!" she cried, "finish me. Please, baby!" But I sat back, watching her move her hips as if to draw my tongue back inside her, until she'd calmed down a little. Then I did it again. And again. Each time more slowly, more gently.

By the third time Lauren was drenched in sweat, she was moaning and talking, panting, "please Carl--PLEASE baby! Let me come, please! You've got me so crazy..." Her hips were rolling, her back was arching as she strained backwards, hoping my mouth would return and give her the long-awaited orgasm.

Instead I went and sat at the head of the bed and guided my cock to her face. It was only partly erect, and I wiped it against her cheeks until she opened her mouth greedily to take it in. She moaned, swirling her tongue around the head.

I pulled it out for a second, whispering, "you like that, baby? You like my dick, you little slut? Is it better than Dave's?" And before she could reply I jammed it back inside her mouth, forcing her to gag a little.

I let her work on me, sometimes lying passively and sometimes moving my hips back and forth to get it deeper. It made her uncomfortable, since her hands were bound and she couldn't fend me off, but I didn't give a shit.

Occasionally I reached down to swat her already-red ass, just to encourage her. And when she had my dick as hard as it had ever been I pulled it out of her mouth, went around behind her, climbed on the bed, and jammed it into her wet cunt.

"OOH, baby," she gasped. I lay flat on top of her, pushing her down onto the pillows, enjoying the feeling of her hot cunt for what would be the last time in my life. And then without a word I began fucking her.

I wanted to give Lauren something to remember me by, so I stroked slowly and powerfully, intending to make her come several times before I finished. She moaned and rolled her hips and cooed at me, but I didn't make a sound. I simply fucked the shit out of her, thrusting steadily until she'd come at least three times, and then I pounded her hard until the cum jetted out of me and I collapsed on her back.

There was silence. I might have been squeezing the breath out of her a little, but I didn't give a fuck. Finally she said in a little-girl voice, "that was awesome, baby. You outdid yourself today." She giggled and added, "what got into you? Or should I say, what got into me?"

Without replying I got up, lay down by her head and gently pushed my wet cock against her mouth. After a minute she opened up and took me in, gently sucking and cleaning my dick as it softened. When I was completely soft I pulled it out, stood up, and without a word began getting dressed. She had a dreamy smile on her face--she looked thoroughly pleased with herself.

"That was great, Carl," she said again. And when I didn't answer she said, "baby? Carl? Where are you?"

Fully dressed, I sat back down on the bed next to her. "Right here, little peach," I said in my own voice, and pulled the sleepmask off her face. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me, a little dazedly, as they started to focus.

Then she cried, "ohh!"--a single short sound, instantly cut off. I gazed at her, and her face took on a terrified expression, her eyes wide and her mouth tightened into a frightened grimace.

I had all sorts of angry words ready--weeks of rage and misery I was ready to unload on her--but instead I said nothing, just watched her face as she processed what had taken place in that motel room over the previous two hours.

Lauren turned very pale. She licked her lips nervously, looking at my impassive face. "David, I--

"Oh my God. David. I can't think what you--

"Honey. It isn't, I mean it wasn't what--"

She couldn't finish a sentence. Perhaps not surprising under the circumstances. I silently watched her, and tears started to fall from the corners of her eyes. She lay there, naked except for the teddie bunched up around her chest, sweaty, cum dripping from her pussy, hands bound above her head, and began to cry, shaking her head, still looking at me but shaking her head, saying, "no, no, it isn't--you can't, it's not--"

I stood up and watched her, still saying nothing, as her sobbing grew louder. Then I pulled out a prepaid cellphone and hit a pre-set number. When the voice at the other end said, "EyeWitness News Tip Line," I said, "yeah, I'm at the Best Western Kenwood on Montgomery Road and there's some sort of domestic dispute or sex thing going on in the next room, Room 128.

"Yeah," I continued. "I can't tell if a lady is being ****d or what, but there's a lot of screaming and yelling. I already called 911, but I figured I'd call you guys too."

Without waiting for a reply I hung up the phone. Lauren had stopped crying--she was twisting her head to look up at me, a horrified expression on her face.

"No baby, please, don't let them, don't let anybody see me, please, baby I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, please Dave ..."

Looking right into her eyes I dialed the phone again. "911, what is your emergency?" the voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm at the Best Western Kenwood and some guy is fucking, I mean excuse me, a man is having sex with a woman in Room 128 and the door is wide open, I mean you can see everything. I walked by with my k**s and I mean, my God, he's got her tied down on the bed and everything!" I hung up the phone.

Lauren was crying out wildly now, twisting to try to free herself. "Please baby, please, please you're not going to leave me here, I'm begging you, please--"

I bent down and covered her mouth with my hand, holding her face tightly so she couldn't twist away from me. Her eyes held a panicked look as she stared back at me. I held her that way for a couple of minutes, just looking at her. Looking at the face of the woman I'd loved nearly my entire adult life.

And then I let her go and walked out of the room, ignoring her desperate cries and pleas from behind me. I used a cushion from the couch to prop the door wide open and I walked out into the parking lot, going over to sit on a bench near the street.

In about four minutes a big EyeWitness News van pulled into the lot. I waited until I saw two guys, one with a big camera, head towards the open door of Room 128, and then I crossed the street, got into my car, and drove away.


There has to be one more scene, doesn't there? I mean, it would be nice to end it right there, Lauren tied to the bed, the news crew headed into the room, the police on the way? But there's always an aftermath, whether you like it or not. Unless someone's dead, I guess. Then there's no aftermath--for them at least.

It was a Saturday in mid-September and I was driving back to the house, the house that Lauren and Tina and I used to live in together. Only now I lived in an apartment downtown, Tina was in her dorm at USC, and the house was on the market--Lauren couldn't afford the mortgage on her own.

After my little marriage-ending adventure with Lauren I'd flown out to San Francisco for my vacation: saw my brother, drove through the Rockies, and had a great visit with my daughter. Then I'd come back home and started to build a new life: the life of a single guy.

I'd had my lawyer start the divorce, and I'd avoided all contact with Lauren except to leave a message saying that I'd give her until November 1st to buy my half of the house--after that I was going to sell it. She'd called and emailed me for weeks but I never responded--nothing I wanted to say to her, and nothing I wanted to hear, either.

I'd had a friend keep track of the press coverage of my little escapade. It got a couple of articles in the local paper--no pictures, alas!--and three days worth of nudge-nudge, wink-wink stories on the local Eyewitness News channel at 11:00. They'd shot a little footage they could use: the camera approaching the open door of the motel, then a partial shot of a bound woman on a bed. Unfortunately, no shots of Lauren's face, and the news station never mentioned any names, undoubtedly to avoid a lawsuit. Ah, well.

But Mrs. Montefiore was in the process of taking her husband to the cleaners, as they say, and she'd made enough of a fuss at the company to get Lauren fired. The word had gotten around among our friends who the anonymous lady in that crazy motel room story was--that was good enough for me.

Lauren had had to take an administrative job 20 miles away, at a lower salary. I knew she'd never be able to keep the house. And from what Tina told me, she'd been miserable and apologetic the whole week that Tina was back, before leaving again for college. Tina was still so angry she was barely talking to her mother.

I pulled into the driveway, parked, and walked into the house. Lauren had agreed to sign the divorce papers and the power of attorney on the house if I'd come talk to her.

She was sitting at the kitchen table over a cup of coffee, watching me as I walked in.

"Hello David," she said quietly.

"Lauren." She looked older, a little smaller. She hadn't been sleeping well, and maybe not eating too well either. I didn't find my heart overflowing with much sympathy.

"You want coffee?"

"No thanks." I got myself a glass of water and sat down.

She gestured toward the counter and said, "the papers are all there. I signed them. How long do I have before I'll need to find a place?"

"Probably at least 2-3 months. Even if it sells instantly, people usually need a couple of months before closing. I'll let you know."

There was a silence.

"I know we're done," she said suddenly. "I have spent a long time thinking about this, as you can probably imagine. I thought--in addition to asking myself why I was such a fool, I mean--I thought about how I would feel if the situation was reversed, if you'd been having an affair behind my back.

"And I couldn't even begin to imagine taking you back, under any circumstances. The feeling of betrayal, the shock and humiliation, the anger at being cheated on and lied to and treated with such, such contempt ..."

She looked at me, unhappy but dry-eyed. "I'm just trying to say that 'I get it,' David. Or at least I sort of get it. I won't claim I can really know what it felt like for you.

"If there were any chance, any way at all you could ... I don't know, find a way to give me another chance .... I would do anything, give you every ounce of devotion and love within me, to make up for what I've done.

"But I don't expect there's any possibility of that." Her eyes flicked up to glance at my face, but all she could have seen there was a blank stare.

"So what I really wanted to say is, I'm sorry. Sorry I cheated on you, sorry I acted like a whore, sorry I disrespected all the love and loyalty and support you've given me since the day we met.

"I'm sure my apology doesn't mean much of anything to you--but you still deserve it, and I still wanted to give it to you."

She gazed at me, no doubt hoping I'd say something even a little bit comforting, but I didn't. I just looked back at her--no nod, no "uh-huh." Just looked.

"Did Tina tell you how we found out?"

She nodded, her face tight with pain. "I asked her several times and she finally did. I feel so terrible about that.

"For what it's worth, David, it was never about humiliating you or hurting you. I know I was an idiot to think I could keep it secret, but that's what I was trying to do. We were ... at least we thought we were being very careful."

She started to tell me about how it had started, and I put up my hand.

"I don't want to hear it. I don't care how it started, I don't care why you did it, or how long it went on, or any of that.

"You wanted to tell me you're sorry--okay, you told me. Anything else?"

I knew I was being a cold-hearted bastard, and it was a bit surprising that I found it so easy to do. She was suffering, and I found I wasn't the least bit interested in being consoling or even decent to her. You do the crime, you do the time. And it was my marriage she'd destroyed, my happy life she'd blown into a million pieces.

As I waited a tear slid down her cheek. "No, David, I guess there isn't anything else."

Without another word I picked up the signed papers, turned and walked out of the house.

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As you slowly undress me,my pulse rate quickens until it's hard for me to breathe.First I feel your lips, then your soft you're sucking strong, on a round taut your journey continues southi'm biting my tongue and trying not to shout.By now i'm moist...nope negative, not moist but wet.I feel your tongue going up and down my thighs.You look up at me and i tell you its time.for you to take me there, even if you don't get yoursplease let me get mine.Without hesitation your...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 17

I stood next to Roxanne and Kate on the surface of Nansack as we watched a Higher Power approach. “Greetings,” we all said politely as it observed us when it came to a halt. “Greetings to you, Mages.” “We wish to speak to you of the Akhhlognuisi and the desire of several thousand to return to this, their home world,” Roxanne carefully stated. “The children of this planet will always be welcome here.” “What of the Yr’ch? Can you keep them from here now?” “We can. This Earth is now immune...

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Closer Than Brothers

I’ve always had this thing for my little brother’s wife; young, attractive, intellectual, and I suppose, coquettish would be a good adjective for her.Sure, I love my wife and wouldn’t want to change her for anyone. But every time I see those two little dimples in the small of my sister-in-law’s back, my mind turns to the ovaries that lay somewhere behind them, and I just so want to impregnate them.My wife, Justine, and I are a little ahead of Mark and Sarah in the family stakes. We have a boy...

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It takes one to know one

On that particular morning she was feeling especially horny - a combination of not having had the opportunity to fuck before needing to leave for work and the journey taking longer than expected giving her plenty of time to study the guys (and their packets) around her on the national rail train. She would sometimes arrive at work with a priority action for the day to relieve herself in the ladies – or with her boss if he was around.... The tube station was fairly busy as usual and as she...

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Rohini Ki Muskan K Ki Saturday Sunday Ki Chudai

Hi, mera naam gaurav hey, me ek seeda sada ladka hu, bat todi purani hey me french seekne ke lie jaya karta ta. Wahi meri mulakat muskan se hue. Shakal se rand lagne wali, gandi, boni se, kali choot thi wo. Koi us rand ko like nahi karta ta. Kyoki na to wo dekhne mae achi thi na hi padne me. Uska ghar rohini mae ta. Bus mae ye samaj gaya ta ki usko lundo mae interest he. So ek din hum ek jungle mae gaye jaha usne mera peli bar chossa ta. Bus feer to usne sab kuch chor ke meri lund ki ibadat...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Jayden Cole Scarlett Mae Jayme Rae Red Hot Reunion

Jayden Cole enters the basement and seems surprised to find her second cousins Jayme Rae and Scarlett Mae already sitting there with their faces in their hands. They make small talk for a moment, chatting about how bored they are at the family reunion making awkward chit-chat with relatives they barely even know. ‘As if a bunch of 20-somethings like us care about 401ks and kitchen remodelings and all that other crap!’ Jayden mentions. The trio shares a laugh which quickly dies into...

4 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 44

In the morning shower, I made it thunder for her again. She held my head against her as she came time after time from my tongue and fingers. It was a statement of her trust in me. It scared the shit out of me. We spent the day in bed reading, touching, and talking. Well, not much reading. Or talking, either for that matter. We found each other's special spots, those areas that did certain things to us. I still did not penetrate her and she accepted that it would happen in my time. It was a...

1 year ago
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I finally fucked my mother Part 1

100% fiction! My mother’s name is Jillian and was 18 when she was married to my father and my father was 21 at the time. During earlier years it was lawful for young women could marry with their parents’ permission, so this was the case. My name is Paul and at 18 almost 19 now, I had just graduated from high school. I was also the product of a shotgun wedding. As I understand it and the pictures I have seen my mother was a beauty in high school and was the cheerleader captain. My mom was a...

1 year ago
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my grandparents and me

The story sounds better in first person and in a perspective of past tense. I have changed it a few times to make up for tense problems and fluency, so please do not criticize the verb and tense agreements as I am sure that I have missed more than a few mistakes. this is my first story and it is fictionCharacter description I am a twenty-one year old male living in Oregon. I am 5’8” and have muscle tone, but am slightly overweight. Granddad looks more or less the same. He is Caucasian, has...

2 years ago
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Supprised by my Bosss 19year old son

This past weekend I was invited to a party at my Boss's home which was odd because he never throws parties so I decided to go the invite said it was a costume party so I had to find myself a costume I found a costume of a Female Devil but it was so thight that I wasnt able to wear any panties and or a Bra it came up just above my knees and had a tail on it and a heard piece with horns on it so I did my make up and went to my Boss's house when I arrived the party was underway there must have...

1 year ago
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Brenda and Connie Ch 10

The next morning Linda woke up first. As soon as she was aware where she was, a huge smile took over her whole face. Determined to make the most of whatever time she had left with Walter she slipped down in the bed to take Walter’s cock in her mouth to wake it up. Apparently despite being still asleep, Walter’s cock quickly sprung to attention in response to Linda’s ministrations. Walter was dreaming, an erotic dream, actually a wet dream, indeed a wetter dream than the usual. He woke up with...

3 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 72 I Rest My Case

Bjorn, Jessie and Kate kept completely quiet as the logic behind Jamahl’s line of reasoning was beginning to sink in. They then all turned their heads in unison as they waited for this young Sherlock Holmes to elucidate them on this ‘BUT’ he had just added. Jamahl looked back at all three then added, “ ... BUT ... but they didn’t use a ladder, did they! They used ... they used one of these dumpsters over there! Here look at this.” Jamahl walked over to the middle of the vehicle access way...

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Mami ka sath kiya payaar

Hello ISS reader hai ma aap logo ko ak new romantic story likh raha haoi ya kahni mara mamai ke hai mari mamai ak sunder or lady hai unka nipplekhush kass bada nahi par theak hai . Hum dono ma khoob majak hota hai human don ak dosra ka friend jasa hai hamri joined family hair mari mamai ke age 33 hai or ak chooti beti bhi hai jis kam naam chinni hai. Huim dono sath ma ghum ta drive ma jath or sath ma dinner bhi karth mamai muja bhoot pasand karthi hai who kahthi agar mari shddai tara mama sa...

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Corruption Samanthas Story

Corruption Samantha's Story By Erica Wright, with very special consultant, Marcia St. Denis 05/02/02 - 08/14/02 Faithful readers, I thought you needed some background information on Samantha in order to justify the storyline in later chapters of Corruption. Thankfully I was able to convince Marcia to allow me to 'investigate' Samantha's younger years. This is a stand-alone story but fits nicely with the original story. Take heart, more chapters of both stories are in the...

2 years ago
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Oedipus takes her home

In the car...The events on the train keep playing out in two different heads.18 year old Danny is thinking about all the kinky things he intended to do. He feels confident that his mom will not be able to turn away from what has happened. She threw all her chance to stop things days ago. He knows what he does to her. When he reaches out and squeezes her shoulder he can feel the little shiver that runs through her body. He is sure.Diana is at war with herself. She is thinking about everyone she...

1 year ago
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My wife of fifteen years left me. Carolyn abandoned her family leaving me as a single parent with three kids to raise on my own. My sister-in-law Loraine, however, was a significant help and comfort. She regularly stepped in to help me with the kids and especially my daughters, with all those girly things that they needed help with and that I knew absolutely nothing about. I had stayed single after Carolyn deserted us so I could concentrate on my kids and their needs, not mine.One day, after...

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Fucking My Chithi 8211 Part 1

Hi all. This is my first story in iss. Let me introduce myself. My name is priyan. Age 32. I am going to write a story on how I fucked my chithi when I was studying in college. My chithi name is manju. Her age is 42 now. This incident happened when she was 32. My parent died when I was at 20. So from then on my chithapa took care of me. And I moved to their house. My chithi greeted me with a great smile. I was also happy to see her. Then on my college started and me too started to go. My...

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A Novice SorceressChapter 9

Artifacts 'Artifacts: These are devices created by a practitioner of the Arts to do magic. They can be Talisman or Amulet an item that carries a permanent or semi-permanent active spell. Usually these are spells of protection or good fortune. The most important to a practitioner of the Arts is a Wand. This device that is used to carry multiple spells that the practitioner has embedded in the device. When it is needed the practitioner can activate the spell by use of a key word. The wand...

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Former student with a crush about to be deployed

Where to begin... I'm not a very good writer. I taught history for 6 years but I've recently taken a sabbatical. I'm told that some of my sexual encounters are story worthy so I'm going to post a few here, starting with the most recent.One of my former students (lets call him Travis) posted that he was soon to be deployed with the army, on his social media. I messaged him to tell him that I was proud of him, which lead to a long conversation. He admitted that he had a crush on me when I taught...

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My virginity taken

Hello friends my name is sangeeta agarwal i m 20 yrs fair looking fig sizes are 34 28 36 .one day in metro train i met one guy as he helped me in getting the ticket as there were to much crowed that day his name was imran we became friend he was nicelooking handsome guy tall and age was around 30 yrs but as ever girl knw its always good to make friends who is elder to you anyway lets come to story… Its was monday as i start frm my house for my college imran called me and said lets off ur...

4 years ago
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You Came

‘You came, you came… you came!’ was the only thing I could think of as I opened the door and let you into my room. You stepped in and I quickly closed the door behind you, just in case anyone came up the dorm’s hall and saw you. You hesitated, suddenly unsure now that you had arrived, on what to do next. You looked me in the eye and looked away quickly, your cheeks flushing prettily as you remembered why you had come. We’d known each other since first year but had never even looked at each...

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Ice Queen

"Claire, please!" Jim whines pathetically.I throw him a dirty look and, like a dog trained to obey, he shuts up. The bastard has been sleeping around behind my back.I feel angry. Angry at myself at not being able to hold onto him. Frustrated too, because he could've slept with any of my friends all these months.And sad because of my own...incompetence.I have to get rid of him before he makes a scene."You know what?" he says angrily. "You're just a frigid bitch!"That's it.I stamp on his right...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 15 Chapter 20

Rob woke slowly. It felt good to just lie here and relax. His whole body felt like he had been working out at the gym for hours and it was right on the edge of feeling tired and feeling like he was ready to go for a jog. The sheets were soft and warm. He searched his mind for someplace he had to be; but at the moment couldn't think of anything so he just let sleep reclaim him for a few more minutes. Finally, consciousness wormed it way into his mind and memory, or lack thereof,...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 72

Jeff sat in the living room waiting for breakfast to be ready. The three new girls, Nat, Nicki and Whitney, came in to stand before him. They glanced at each other, then Whitney tentatively said, "Sir?" Jeff smiled at her and reached over to take her hand. "Why so formal? We're waaay past that. And what's wrong with calling me Jeff like I asked?" The girls looked at each other and blushed, remembering the orgasms he had given them. Nat turned to her "sister." "Oh, just tell him,...

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Rocket Girl Ch 03

Will’s pretty easygoing, he just needs to be shown if it’s something that he’d never assume. Leona knows this about him, and on some level, Aurora does too. —————— Will went upstairs to the kitchen without knowing what plan Aurora was talking about. He found Leona there, and asked her if she knew how Aurora liked her coffee. She prepared three cups of coffee, and Will’s eyebrows rose. ‘This one’s for Aurora, this one is yours and this one is mine,’ she smiled, as she added the milk, ‘Go...

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Ryan Part Two

Since R.J., our son, was born, Joe had made an effort to be home more often. This weekend, though, he had to go out of town. I didn't really complain since he had been home almost non-stop for about a month or so, which was a new record. Joe left on Friday and I got up early Saturday morning to meet the construction crew downstairs. They knocked on the door a little after eight. I opened the door and there were two middle aged men standing there. "There was no chance I'd be tempted by...

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Cumming Over Cousin Kaydras

This an original story. Please remember that this story is fake and is only meant to satisfy readers, not to inspire readers to take the actions in the story. I put together random first and last names in the story so do not get offended if your name or someone you know name is the same. Kaylyn may be mentioned butit's suppose to be Kaydra. Enjoy Let me get started by describing her. Kaydra is 5'5, has a little above average boob size maybe a 34B CUP, dark brown hair that touches the end of her...

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No Nightmare ThisChapter 3

Professor Moriarty looked up from his work bench, trying to find the ringing phone beneath the scattered pile of paper and printed circuit boards. He hated to be interrupted in his work. Sex and his work were the be all and end all of his life, all else was immaterial. And he had managed to combine the two in his latest project. At sixty years of age, he was a retired social recluse with few relatives and even fewer friends. He was surprised at first by the foreign sound that flooded his...

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The Tale of RolandChapter 23

Saturday morning they stepped through the portal and arrived in the white transfer room. They had a longer than usual wait for Susan. "Oh Rolly I'm so glad you're here, you too Rachel, I've missed you so much. We have to go to the war room, right now." "What's wrong?" "I'll tell you there." The war room was simply the conference room adjoining their private suite. It was where they laid out the files, maps and supplementary information. "There is a damsel who we think is...

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So It Begins Part 5

So It Begins Part 5 Tracey had just taken my virginity. (I have since learned to turn my head to the left or right to avoid virtually suffocating as Tracey or Sarah take me from behind). I had hoped to make love to Sarah, this wasn't how I had envisaged having sex for the first time. I hadn't thoughtless imagined that I was going to be the one in the traditionally female role, that of being penetrated. I had thought I was going to be penetrating Sarah but I was now a sticky mess...

1 year ago
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Star Trek TNG Crushers Mistaken Memories

"Beverly that dinner was delightful!""Thank you Jean-Luc, may I interest you in desert...?"Her words hung in the air. Captain Jean-Luc Picard picked up the remains of his wine and blushed slightly. He had known Chief Medical Officer Dr Beverly Crusher for many years now, having set her up with her husband Jack, who died serving Starfleet just over 15 years previously. There had always been chemistry between them but apart from the odd drunken kiss he had never acted upon it. He knew Beverly...

2 years ago
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"Hey Kid," Chuck Michaels called out from the other side of the seemingly endless row of slot machines, "you having a good time?" Bobby Harrison turned in the direction of the familiar voice, giving a friendly wave in response to the inquiry before quickly disappearing down the row. The twenty-one year old really hated it when his co-workers called him "Kid", even though there was some truth to it since the majority of them were much older than him. Once he was sure he was out of sight...

4 years ago
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A Convention To Remember

You had to get up early for this trip, as it's a really long drive and everyone's carpooling. But, as usual, you overslept. You rushed over to the college, where everyone is meeting, and see that everyone is still present. The teacher and a couple of chaperones are going in her car, while everyone else is going in two other vans. There are eight students in all going on this trip: you and two other guys, plus five girls. After your bags are put away, the teacher asks you which vehicle you want...

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The Night I Got More Than I Bargained For1

I think I’ll start this off telling you about the night I got a little more than I bargained for. As a young college girl, I have two best friends who just happen to be kind of like girlfriends as well. We have been sexually active with one another and frequently rely on each other for grooming needs in areas we simply cannot reach. Except for Charlotte, who is very flexible and is on the school gymnastics team. She needs no grooming help. I run every day and have been climbing more since...

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the scrap man

It was a sunny day and this van appeared on the road, a man of about 60 got out and approached me, it was the scrap man. "I want to apologise for my son's behaviour the oth week" he said. "I really don't want to talk about it" I replied. "Well just as long as you know" he said. He came into my kitchen and sat down."I'm ashamed of him" he continued, "It doesn't matter" I replied. "His mum left when he was young and he's been a right handful since, that was 23 years ago" he said, "I've not had...

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Sex with servant

This happened when I shifted to Trichur town on a vacation for a few months away from the pollution of the city. I rented a house, away from the main town. It was two hours from the market and the nearest house was 8 miles away. Fortunately the house had no electricity or water problems. The property dealer, Mr. Menon assured me that he would arrange for a servant for cleaning and cooking. I had a room vacant on the terrace, which the servant could use. However there was only one bathroom. So...

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What is love

Now is a good time to describe myself because it may take some time to back out of the driveway and I hate the 5-point turn it takes to drive forward out of my driveway. I am around 5-foot 8-inches tall and weigh about 135 pounds. I’m pretty thin but I’m strong enough to defend myself. I have good curves in my body yet I don’t know if that’s what girls look for in a guy? I have a nice tan skin color that gets darker when I spend time out in the sun. My hair is a blond and brown because it...

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In which my husband gives me a fuck buddy

This story is completely fabricated, but hope you enjoy. My husband and I had been married for 15 years. Life was humdrum, with 2 k**s, 2 full time jobs and a non existent sex life! Ever seen that hashtag on Twitter, #describeyoursexlifewithamovietitle? Well mine was Toy Story! The only way I got any sexual relief was toying my pussy with my ever growing collection of dildos and vibrators. It was good but I longed for the feel of a real man again. I loved my husband dearly but every time we did...

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BlindfoldedImagine one night, we have the house to ourselves, no c***dren. I take the opportunity to blindfold you, strip you naked, and tie you on our bed with your legs spread eagle and your hands tied to the sides of the bed. Your exposed and you are waiting to see what happens. I told you nothing, but to relax and enjoy being pleasured. Imagine your anticipation of what's to happen next. You're on the bed, sobbing wet from the adrenaline surging through your body. You’ve been waiting a week...

2 years ago
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Sunita My Simple And Horny Bed Maid

I was immersed into reading stories on ISS and burning with desire when Sunita (my maid) entered the room. She had been cleaning my house and serving me food for the last 3 years and I must say sometimes I did see her from the corner of my eyes. But today I was turned on and my penis would not be satisfied with anything but a real vagina. And there she was right in my room within my reach and I had to have her. Sunita is about 35 years of age, short, wheatish and lean with curves at the right...

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The Prince Weds a New Concubine

The Chinese prince's first marriage will be to his prime consort. She is his official wife and if later he ascends to the throne, she likely will be his empress. She will be chosen from a royal or noble family, but she will not necessarily be beautiful. The marriage likely will be a political one, so it is important to the emperor and the kingdom.Hong Taji is the 4th prince and he is 21 years old. He married his prime consort two years ago and already has a son. He just was notified by the...

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She Wants To Watch Chapter 2

The next morning, I woke before the two girls. I went in and took My shower knowing that if I didn’t get in there before they girls did, I probably wouldn’t be getting in there any time soon! As I finished My shower and was drying My hair I walked into the room to get dressed. ‘What a couple of lazy subbies I have,’ I laughed, seeing them both still in bed. ‘Mmmm, good morning Master. We weren’t being lazy, it is just sooo comfortable in bed with you!’ My pet said. ‘Well that may be, but...

1 year ago
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After the FallChapter 16

Yet another epic hunt was in order, Clipper thought. He kept doing that, thinking just one more, one more, one more deer ... another pig would be nice, since he was making enough friends around the mountain to share the meat, if he got another. One brisk autumn morning, he got Dylan and Girl up before dawn, and they armed themselves, grabbed their packs, and headed off down the mountain. Dylan carried the AR with a pocketful of extra bullets and Clipper had the AK. Mr. Peck had come through...

4 years ago
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Rohit Makes Me His Slave

Rohit turned the latch on the flat we were in and turned to me.I am Isha and I am back with my story of fucking. Rohit as you know works in the recovery department of my bank and is a handsome brute who has no respect whatesoever for any woman expecially me.He fucks me at will and then calls me a cheap slut a whore. My body to which all my clients/collegeus and bosses are slave is a slave fro him. today he had sent me a msg simply asking me to be ready and waiting for him at one i the noon. I...

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Schoolgirl fun

Back when I was a batxillerat student, for those of you from the UK that means the sixth form, we always used to do this sort of joke on some of the guys in the middle of a party. I guess this is a pretty common joke but bear with me. We would take a couple of chairs and normally select a couple of guys to be sat down with all of us girls. They were blindfolded and told not to stand up. If we could do this in a private room where the other guys couldn't watch then all the better. Then we would...

1 year ago
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Pune Me Classmate Ki Thukai

Hii iss readers… Jivan again …. Mere bareme aap sap jante hai…. Aur janane ke liye meri pichali kahaniya padhiye.Pune se koi aunty,bhabhi,ladaki company chahati hai to contact kare- Ye 1 saal pahale ki baat hai.Maine pune me clg join kiya tha.Mere class me ek mast ladaki thi,ekdam maal.Height 5″ 3,black hairs,black eyes,ekdam gori,gulabi rasile hot,patali kamar aur boobs to ekdam ubhare hue.Ji karta abhi pakad kar pyas bujhau.Usaka naam manisha tha.Sabhi ladake usapr try karte the. Mai to...

1 year ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 1 Plans

The plan that was put before the Emir was simplicity itself. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of his accession the Emir, may he live for ever, should be pleased to accept a new concubine into the Golden Palace harem and create for her a title, Special Concubine to the Emir. Naturally the competition would be open only to Kobekistani families, to enter whomsoever they chose. It was the Emir who added some conditions, any Kobekistani female could be entered, provided she was a virgin. In...

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The MessengerChapter 3 The Father

The voyage across the sea, on one of my father’s merchant ships, took three days, or three weeks, or three months — three moments, three eternities, three times to learn. The cabin I shared with my father — his cabin, on his ship — was small, simply furnished, and fitted the austere personality that my father had made himself to be, or had made himself up to be. Ten by twelve feet, a bed, a bench, a table, two chairs, a cupboard, a chest of drawers, a washstand, a door, a small porthole near...

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Deputy PorterChapter 73

I returned the call to Simpson. "Well good afternoon Chief Deputy," I said into the phone. "I couldn't find the news story on TV. Was I wearing clothes?" "Actually it was just the remains of a building on the Greene Valley Vineyard grounds in the picture. They did mention your name, which isn't all that good for you. Undercover cops are probably better off going anonymous," he said. "Well I didn't give them my name," I replied. "I know some state cop on the scene did. He had...

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Allure Ch 02

‘Allure’ chronicles a true story. No names are used to avoid any possibility of identifying the participants and causing hurt where no hurt has been intended. The story unfolds simply, but the complexity builds beyond the moments enjoyed. What the future brings come as uncertain as each moment the man and the woman enjoyed. A slice of life cannot be altered, cannot be reduced to body parts, for the parts become merely a means to an end–if an end can ever occur. A Journey Properly Begun He...

2 years ago
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Tea With Aunt Polly

Before I get into a long discourse on my fabulous Aunt Polly, I should inform all readers that the delectable Polly Summers was in no way a blood relative. In fact, she is not even my aunt at all. I just call her my “Aunt” or address her sometimes as “Auntie” simply because it is a source of amusement to us both and a joke that only we share with hidden laughter. Aunt Polly and I were thrown together by the fortunes of fate on a cold winter day that cut right through to the bone whilst...

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Denise FallonCIA Spy Roman Holiday

LOCATION: Rome, Italy MISSION: To seduce and catch a jewel thief and to stop another jewel heist from happening. I arrived at Rome. Other than the mission, I thought of so many things about Rome, like the architecture, the history, the romance, the food, the wine, and the art. My alias was Alyssa Solomon, a jewelry buyer/designer from Los Angeles. I was staying at a suite. I even got a costume to wear for the carnival coming up, a big, flowing, black satin dress with red satin trim with a...

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