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His wife cheated, and he did what had to be done.


His name was Carl. Carl Montefiore. He was a tall, angular guy--good-looking, I guess--with a smug look. Even if he hadn't been fucking my wife I would probably have wanted to kick the shit out of him.

But at the moment his look wasn't smug--it was stunned. When I came into his office he thought he was meeting a prospective client for his software firm, not coming face-to-face with a cuckolded husband. He stood to greet me with an affable smile, and I could see he didn't even remember my face, though we had met several times.

"Good morning, Mr. ... Regan, is it? Nice to meet you--please have a seat." His handshake was firm and confident, the mark of an accomplished salesman.

I sat; looked at him coldly for a few moments; then spoke.

"Actually it's not Regan, Carl--it's Proctor. David Proctor--as in, husband of Lauren? Lauren Proctor from your Human Resources Department, the one you've been banging for a couple of months now?"

His face got very tight and he just looked at me, not saying anything. I pulled a bunch of photographs out of an envelope and dropped them in front of him.

"That's you and her at the Best Western Kenwood Inn, on Montgomery Road. Room 128, right around the back. You guys seem to like the same room every time."

More silence. "Who pays for the room, Carl--you or my charming wife?" I knew the answer, but I wanted to see what he'd say.

"I pay," he said, finally, his eyes looking past me to the far wall. "I have an ... an arrangement with the manager there--we do their bookkeeping and reservation software."

More silence. I was in no hurry. I was angry, of course--fucking furious. But I'd been that way for nearly five weeks, so I was in no rush.

"Okay," he said finally. "So you know--what do you want?" He looked older all of a sudden, like the energy had gone out of him. "What do you want from me?"

"Outside in my car, Carl, is a big manila envelope addressed to your wife's office. I'm going to be dropping by the FedEx office as soon as I leave here, unless I get a great deal of cooperation from you during this visit."

His face turned pale but he managed not to jump out of his chair. I admired his composure, in a funny kind of way.

"I don't ... it would be pretty bad if Emily found out about this."

He looked at me. "What do you want me to do?"

I passed a sheet of paper over to him. "Read this over. Then call my wife, right now, and have this conversation with her. You can change the wording, change whatever fucking pet name you use with her, whatever--make it sound natural, like she'd expect you to sound. But set it up just the way I've written it."

He read it through carefully, then looked up. "I don't know if Laur... if she's going to go for this."

I laughed. "Carl, I've heard the audio of a half-dozen of your little get-togethers with my wife. You guys have been doing things a lot kinkier than that."

He actually blushed when I said I'd heard them together. He thought some more, frowning. Then he said, "and if I do this? What then?"

I shrugged. "Then you're rid of me. And whatever you and Lauren do, after today, I don't give a shit."

"And that FedEx envelope for my wife?"

I shrugged again. "I'll throw it away."

"You give me your word on that, Mr. Proctor?"

I leaned forward. "You're hardly in a position to bargain, Carl. But yeah--you've got my word."

He read my script once more; then he looked back at me, and when I didn't move a muscle he sighed and picked up the phone.


Me and Lauren? Mostly the same old story--no need to draw it out. We met when she was in college and I had my first job. It was a blind date--she was a good friend of my cousin Marie, who thought we'd really hit it off, and we did.

Our courtship was utterly typical, but that doesn't mean it wasn't terrific. I loved Lauren by about the fifth date, and she seemed to feel the same way about me. The sex was a little vanilla at first, a little careful, but we really opened up to one another and it got better and better. We were married after about 14 months, with Marie as her maid of honor and my brother Bobby my best man.

We had Tina almost right away, an unplanned but wonderful event. She's a tennis star, a great student, and a talented artist--a fantastic, energetic, lovable girl, and I adore her. Lauren and I always used to say we only had one but we got the very best k** around.

I would have said Lauren and I had a great marriage and a great life; in fact I did say it, all the time, whenever anybody asked how things were going. She was sometimes a little bit of a flirt with our friends, at parties, but she always reassured me afterwards--in fact our love-making was never better than after we'd been out with other people and she'd confirmed for herself how attractive she was to men.

There was never any doubt in my mind about Lauren's devotion to me, not once in 19 years. No tell-tale signs, no vague looks or sudden rushing home for a shower, no late nights at work, no hickeys or scratches on her body. Nothing. We didn't have more sex, or less. We didn't have better sex, or worse. I would never have known.

Oh I guess, in retrospect, that Lauren was maybe a little happier that spring, a tiny bit more lively and fun. But it wasn't much, and I would never ever have noticed, if not for learning about her affair.

It was Tina who found out. That was one of the worst things about it, though all of it was bad. On a Saturday afternoon in early April of her senior year. I was out helping my brother move some furniture, and Tina was supposed to be gone for the day at a tennis tournament. But the courts were flooded from a downpour the day before and the tournament got canceled. Tina's teammate Avery dropped her off back at the house around 11 am, hours before she was expected home.

Tina dropped her bag, got a Diet Coke out of the fridge, and reached for the phone to call a friend about a party that night. She hit "speaker" without realizing her mom was on the phone, and heard a man's voice say, "... your tight little pussy again."

Stunned, Tina quickly switched off the phone. After a minute or two she quietly crept down the hall and peered into the master bedroom. Lauren was lying back on the bed, wearing only a pair of panties. One hand was inside those panties, stroking herself lazily, and the other was holding the phone. Tina heard her say, "oh yes, baby, I can hardly wait too! Can we do Monday this week, or do I have to wait until Wednesday for that nice big hard cock?"

Backing away from the door, Tina retreated to the kitchen, grabbed her tennis bag and left the house. She walked over to the playground at the nearby elementary school and sat there crying for two hours. Then she pulled herself together, wiped her face, and walked back home.

I didn't hear anything about this for nearly two weeks. All I knew is that Tina was withdrawn, morose, and sullen. Like a typical teenager, I suppose, except that she'd always been so sunny and cheerful. I asked Lauren if something was going on, and she was as mystified as I was.

When Tina finally broke down and told me, it was on the way back from the sectionals. She'd played much worse than usual and lost to a girl from Lockland High School whom she'd beaten four times in the past two years--and I could tell she wasn't herself.

So I made a detour to a Starbucks, bought us each something from the drive-through, and parked the car in the big lot of a nearby Walmarts. And I said, "baby, tell me what's going on."

She shrugged. "Nothing. I played lousy, that's all."

I reached over and touched her shoulder. "Tina, you know I don't care about that. It's just one tennis match. But...but you've been unhappy for a couple of weeks now. Please, talk to me. Talk to your old clueless dad who loves you."

Then I waited. I'd learned over the years that Tina could never stand the silence.

She just looked out the window, not moving, and suddenly I saw tears on her cheeks. Without turning her head she said, "daddy, mom's cheating on you."

"What?!" I was on the verge of yelling at her that it was ridiculous, it was insane, was she crazy? Instead I held back. I bit my tongue and I waited. And she told me the whole story. Coming home early, what she'd heard and what she'd seen.


Of course it was impossible for me to believe. I believed what Tina was saying, but I couldn't begin to believe what it meant, what it had to mean. We cried together for a little while, and then I asked her to keep the secret while I looked into it a little.

So we made a kind of pact, Tina and I, a little private deal to keep all our suspicions and our feelings from Lauren. It brought us closer together, actually, though we'd always had a great relationship.

And I did what the poor sucker husband (or wife, I guess) always does in such situations--spent several grand on a private investigator and let him do his thing. Three weeks later I had the report, the photos, the audio.

I went to work that Thursday, locked my door, turned the ringer off on the phone, and dealt with it. I read it all and listened to it all. I cried, and I cursed. I took off my shoe and threw it across the room, knocking my framed college diploma off the wall. I banged my fist on my desk. I walked around the room and sobbed. I sat at my desk and stared blankly out the window. When I was calmer, about 1:30, I went out for a late lunch at a diner. Over a Reuben sandwich and two cups of coffee I started making some plans.

We may have had a perfectly ordinary married life, but it still meant the world to me. I had loved Lauren passionately for nearly 20 years, had never had any reason to doubt my great good fortune in getting her to marry me. We enjoyed talking and just being together, we were friends, we valued the same things and wanted the same things out of life. I would have said we were the happiest couple in the strongest marriage I knew.

I guess not, huh?

Once I'd seen the PI's report I knew we were done. I might have been able--MIGHT have been able--to get over a brief fling, but she and Carl Montefiore had been enjoying one another's company for weeks. With great pleasure on both sides, from everything I could see.

And they were intimate--they were long past the rushed fucking stage. They played games, she dressed up in sexy lingerie for him, they used toys, they fooled around with blindfolds and handcuffs. A lot of stuff much wilder than anything that had taken place inside our bedroom.

So I picked up Tina early from school one day and we went out to lunch, just the two of us. I spared her all the details, but I told her it was a real affair and that I was going to leave her mom. Tina was angry and miserable--she wanted to go straight home and tear into Lauren, but I calmed her down.

"Listen, honey--you know your mother loves you. She adores you. She didn't do this to you, she did it to me. Maybe not on purpose, to hurt me--I'm sure she figures I'll never find out. But she betrayed me, not you, and it's up to me to deal with it.

"Do you think you can win an Academy Award for just a few more weeks? Be a typical daughter, don't act out of the ordinary, until after graduation?"

She nodded unhappily. "I guess so, Daddy. I mean, if you want me to. It's just that..." She started to sniffle again. "It's just that, how could she DO this to you--to us? You're so wonderful to her, and..." Her voice faded out into weeping, and I came around to her side of the booth and held her in my arms as she cried.

In the end Tina promised to act the loving daughter until her high school graduation. Three days later she was leaving for a ten-week junior development tennis camp in Colorado, and then--after a week at home--she'd be off to USC.

I made it clear to her that I was going to end the marriage after she left for the summer. "And then I'll take some time off and travel, honey--how about if I come stay in Denver for a few days and visit?"

She blew her noise and wiped her eyes and tried to smile, and said, "yeah daddy, that would be great!"


I'd taken care of all the routine crap ahead of time. Found an apartment, made financial arrangements about credit cards and our checking account, gotten time off from work so I could fly out to the West coast. I was going to visit my college roommate in San Francisco for a few days, then rent a car, drive through the Rockies, hang out with Tina for a little while in Colorado, and then fly home.

As soon as Lauren left for work that morning I waited for the movers to come pick up my share of the furniture and take it over to my new apartment, along with my clothes and computer and the rest of my stuff.

Then I went and had my nice visit with Carl Montefiore--I've already told you about that. And I went and got some lunch, and dropped my envelope for Mrs. Montefiore into the FedEx box by the court house.

What--you thought I was going to keep my word to that asshole? After he'd been fucking my wife for weeks?

And at 1:45 I parked my car in back of a restaurant across the street from the Best Western, found a hidden vantage-point, and watched. Lauren drove in and parked right in front of Room 128, went around to the main office, came back a minute or two later, put a key card under the mat outside the door to 128, used the other one to let herself in, and closed the door behind her. She had a shopping bag with her, so I assumed she'd brought everything Carl had asked her for in their little phone conversation.

I waited about ten minutes; then I strolled over to the door, got the card from under the mat and let myself in. There was Lauren--there was my wife, the woman I'd loved and cherished and been faithful to for twenty years.

She was lying on the bed, wearing a very sexy black teddie and nothing else. She was on her stomach, her hips propped up by two pillows under her middle, so that her open pussy was visible from across the room. And she was wearing the sleepmask--she couldn't see a thing.

I saw her stiffen when she heard the room door open and shut. "Carl? God, you scared me baby. I was just lying here, and..."

"Shh." I whispered it. I moved to the bed and bent down to whisper in her ear. "You're a good little slut, aren't you? My little peach." (That was what he called her in some of the recordings I'd heard--God knows why.) I'd put on a bit of Carl's cologne, so there was no reason she wouldn't think I was her lover.

"And now I'm here and I'm gonna drive you crazy!" I kept my voice at a whisper, knowing she wouldn't be able to tell it was me. Without another word I found the shopping bag on a chair and got the handcuffs. I handcuffed Lauren's hands together over her head, then pulled a long rope out of my pocket.

Tying one end to the handcuffs, I reached down and slid the rest of the rope under the bed, then went around to get it on the other side, brought it up and tied the other end to the handcuffs on the other side. Taking two shorter pieces of rope, I tied one end of each to one of her ankles and the other to a leg at the foot of the bed.

She was now pinned down in the middle of the bed--she couldn't pull her arms down, she couldn't sit up, she couldn't pull her legs together and she couldn't turn over.

"You're a bad girl, aren't you?" I whispered. She giggled, and I swatted her ass. It made her jump, and she squealed. I hadn't hit her hard, certainly not with the anger I was feeling.

"Oh, yes, baby, I'm a very bad girl. Are you gonna punish me?" She was smiling, arching her bare ass up off the bed and moving it around a little, tempting me.

Without another word I took my clothes off and put them on a chair by the door. Then I waited, silently, knowing she didn't know where I was.

"Carl? Baby?" She sounded excited, but a little nervous. I made her wait another couple of minutes, while she called to me (or him, I guess) a few more times. Then without warning I started swatting her ass, hard, giving her twenty alternating smacks on her two cheeks.

"Oh! ... Carl! ... what? .... that ... OUCH! ... hurts, baby, what....?"

When I finished she just said, "damn, baby, that hurt! What the hell was that for?"

I lay down on top of her, pressing my hard-on against her ass, and whispered into her ear. "Aren't you a bad girl? A little slut? A slut who cheats on her husband?"

She frowned and said, "no talking about him, remember?"

Ignoring her I continued. "What do you think he'd say if he saw you like this, little peach? Tied down on the bed, your ass and pussy wide open for me--what would he say?"

"Stop it, baby!" Lauren whined. "Just ... just touch, me, okay? Fuck me!"

In a breathy voice she continued, "I know I'm bad, baby--be my bad man and punish me!"

So I did. I punished her just the way I planned, knowing that it would be the last time I'd ever touch her, the last time I'd ever see her naked.

I lay down between her spread legs and I kissed and licked her pussy until she was panting and gasping and jerking her hips around. And when she was moments away from coming I stopped.

Remember, this was the woman I'd been having sex with for two decades--I knew her responses pretty well, and I waited until the very last minute.

"You bastard!" she cried, "finish me. Please, baby!" But I sat back, watching her move her hips as if to draw my tongue back inside her, until she'd calmed down a little. Then I did it again. And again. Each time more slowly, more gently.

By the third time Lauren was drenched in sweat, she was moaning and talking, panting, "please Carl--PLEASE baby! Let me come, please! You've got me so crazy..." Her hips were rolling, her back was arching as she strained backwards, hoping my mouth would return and give her the long-awaited orgasm.

Instead I went and sat at the head of the bed and guided my cock to her face. It was only partly erect, and I wiped it against her cheeks until she opened her mouth greedily to take it in. She moaned, swirling her tongue around the head.

I pulled it out for a second, whispering, "you like that, baby? You like my dick, you little slut? Is it better than Dave's?" And before she could reply I jammed it back inside her mouth, forcing her to gag a little.

I let her work on me, sometimes lying passively and sometimes moving my hips back and forth to get it deeper. It made her uncomfortable, since her hands were bound and she couldn't fend me off, but I didn't give a shit.

Occasionally I reached down to swat her already-red ass, just to encourage her. And when she had my dick as hard as it had ever been I pulled it out of her mouth, went around behind her, climbed on the bed, and jammed it into her wet cunt.

"OOH, baby," she gasped. I lay flat on top of her, pushing her down onto the pillows, enjoying the feeling of her hot cunt for what would be the last time in my life. And then without a word I began fucking her.

I wanted to give Lauren something to remember me by, so I stroked slowly and powerfully, intending to make her come several times before I finished. She moaned and rolled her hips and cooed at me, but I didn't make a sound. I simply fucked the shit out of her, thrusting steadily until she'd come at least three times, and then I pounded her hard until the cum jetted out of me and I collapsed on her back.

There was silence. I might have been squeezing the breath out of her a little, but I didn't give a fuck. Finally she said in a little-girl voice, "that was awesome, baby. You outdid yourself today." She giggled and added, "what got into you? Or should I say, what got into me?"

Without replying I got up, lay down by her head and gently pushed my wet cock against her mouth. After a minute she opened up and took me in, gently sucking and cleaning my dick as it softened. When I was completely soft I pulled it out, stood up, and without a word began getting dressed. She had a dreamy smile on her face--she looked thoroughly pleased with herself.

"That was great, Carl," she said again. And when I didn't answer she said, "baby? Carl? Where are you?"

Fully dressed, I sat back down on the bed next to her. "Right here, little peach," I said in my own voice, and pulled the sleepmask off her face. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me, a little dazedly, as they started to focus.

Then she cried, "ohh!"--a single short sound, instantly cut off. I gazed at her, and her face took on a terrified expression, her eyes wide and her mouth tightened into a frightened grimace.

I had all sorts of angry words ready--weeks of rage and misery I was ready to unload on her--but instead I said nothing, just watched her face as she processed what had taken place in that motel room over the previous two hours.

Lauren turned very pale. She licked her lips nervously, looking at my impassive face. "David, I--

"Oh my God. David. I can't think what you--

"Honey. It isn't, I mean it wasn't what--"

She couldn't finish a sentence. Perhaps not surprising under the circumstances. I silently watched her, and tears started to fall from the corners of her eyes. She lay there, naked except for the teddie bunched up around her chest, sweaty, cum dripping from her pussy, hands bound above her head, and began to cry, shaking her head, still looking at me but shaking her head, saying, "no, no, it isn't--you can't, it's not--"

I stood up and watched her, still saying nothing, as her sobbing grew louder. Then I pulled out a prepaid cellphone and hit a pre-set number. When the voice at the other end said, "EyeWitness News Tip Line," I said, "yeah, I'm at the Best Western Kenwood on Montgomery Road and there's some sort of domestic dispute or sex thing going on in the next room, Room 128.

"Yeah," I continued. "I can't tell if a lady is being ****d or what, but there's a lot of screaming and yelling. I already called 911, but I figured I'd call you guys too."

Without waiting for a reply I hung up the phone. Lauren had stopped crying--she was twisting her head to look up at me, a horrified expression on her face.

"No baby, please, don't let them, don't let anybody see me, please, baby I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, please Dave ..."

Looking right into her eyes I dialed the phone again. "911, what is your emergency?" the voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm at the Best Western Kenwood and some guy is fucking, I mean excuse me, a man is having sex with a woman in Room 128 and the door is wide open, I mean you can see everything. I walked by with my k**s and I mean, my God, he's got her tied down on the bed and everything!" I hung up the phone.

Lauren was crying out wildly now, twisting to try to free herself. "Please baby, please, please you're not going to leave me here, I'm begging you, please--"

I bent down and covered her mouth with my hand, holding her face tightly so she couldn't twist away from me. Her eyes held a panicked look as she stared back at me. I held her that way for a couple of minutes, just looking at her. Looking at the face of the woman I'd loved nearly my entire adult life.

And then I let her go and walked out of the room, ignoring her desperate cries and pleas from behind me. I used a cushion from the couch to prop the door wide open and I walked out into the parking lot, going over to sit on a bench near the street.

In about four minutes a big EyeWitness News van pulled into the lot. I waited until I saw two guys, one with a big camera, head towards the open door of Room 128, and then I crossed the street, got into my car, and drove away.


There has to be one more scene, doesn't there? I mean, it would be nice to end it right there, Lauren tied to the bed, the news crew headed into the room, the police on the way? But there's always an aftermath, whether you like it or not. Unless someone's dead, I guess. Then there's no aftermath--for them at least.

It was a Saturday in mid-September and I was driving back to the house, the house that Lauren and Tina and I used to live in together. Only now I lived in an apartment downtown, Tina was in her dorm at USC, and the house was on the market--Lauren couldn't afford the mortgage on her own.

After my little marriage-ending adventure with Lauren I'd flown out to San Francisco for my vacation: saw my brother, drove through the Rockies, and had a great visit with my daughter. Then I'd come back home and started to build a new life: the life of a single guy.

I'd had my lawyer start the divorce, and I'd avoided all contact with Lauren except to leave a message saying that I'd give her until November 1st to buy my half of the house--after that I was going to sell it. She'd called and emailed me for weeks but I never responded--nothing I wanted to say to her, and nothing I wanted to hear, either.

I'd had a friend keep track of the press coverage of my little escapade. It got a couple of articles in the local paper--no pictures, alas!--and three days worth of nudge-nudge, wink-wink stories on the local Eyewitness News channel at 11:00. They'd shot a little footage they could use: the camera approaching the open door of the motel, then a partial shot of a bound woman on a bed. Unfortunately, no shots of Lauren's face, and the news station never mentioned any names, undoubtedly to avoid a lawsuit. Ah, well.

But Mrs. Montefiore was in the process of taking her husband to the cleaners, as they say, and she'd made enough of a fuss at the company to get Lauren fired. The word had gotten around among our friends who the anonymous lady in that crazy motel room story was--that was good enough for me.

Lauren had had to take an administrative job 20 miles away, at a lower salary. I knew she'd never be able to keep the house. And from what Tina told me, she'd been miserable and apologetic the whole week that Tina was back, before leaving again for college. Tina was still so angry she was barely talking to her mother.

I pulled into the driveway, parked, and walked into the house. Lauren had agreed to sign the divorce papers and the power of attorney on the house if I'd come talk to her.

She was sitting at the kitchen table over a cup of coffee, watching me as I walked in.

"Hello David," she said quietly.

"Lauren." She looked older, a little smaller. She hadn't been sleeping well, and maybe not eating too well either. I didn't find my heart overflowing with much sympathy.

"You want coffee?"

"No thanks." I got myself a glass of water and sat down.

She gestured toward the counter and said, "the papers are all there. I signed them. How long do I have before I'll need to find a place?"

"Probably at least 2-3 months. Even if it sells instantly, people usually need a couple of months before closing. I'll let you know."

There was a silence.

"I know we're done," she said suddenly. "I have spent a long time thinking about this, as you can probably imagine. I thought--in addition to asking myself why I was such a fool, I mean--I thought about how I would feel if the situation was reversed, if you'd been having an affair behind my back.

"And I couldn't even begin to imagine taking you back, under any circumstances. The feeling of betrayal, the shock and humiliation, the anger at being cheated on and lied to and treated with such, such contempt ..."

She looked at me, unhappy but dry-eyed. "I'm just trying to say that 'I get it,' David. Or at least I sort of get it. I won't claim I can really know what it felt like for you.

"If there were any chance, any way at all you could ... I don't know, find a way to give me another chance .... I would do anything, give you every ounce of devotion and love within me, to make up for what I've done.

"But I don't expect there's any possibility of that." Her eyes flicked up to glance at my face, but all she could have seen there was a blank stare.

"So what I really wanted to say is, I'm sorry. Sorry I cheated on you, sorry I acted like a whore, sorry I disrespected all the love and loyalty and support you've given me since the day we met.

"I'm sure my apology doesn't mean much of anything to you--but you still deserve it, and I still wanted to give it to you."

She gazed at me, no doubt hoping I'd say something even a little bit comforting, but I didn't. I just looked back at her--no nod, no "uh-huh." Just looked.

"Did Tina tell you how we found out?"

She nodded, her face tight with pain. "I asked her several times and she finally did. I feel so terrible about that.

"For what it's worth, David, it was never about humiliating you or hurting you. I know I was an idiot to think I could keep it secret, but that's what I was trying to do. We were ... at least we thought we were being very careful."

She started to tell me about how it had started, and I put up my hand.

"I don't want to hear it. I don't care how it started, I don't care why you did it, or how long it went on, or any of that.

"You wanted to tell me you're sorry--okay, you told me. Anything else?"

I knew I was being a cold-hearted bastard, and it was a bit surprising that I found it so easy to do. She was suffering, and I found I wasn't the least bit interested in being consoling or even decent to her. You do the crime, you do the time. And it was my marriage she'd destroyed, my happy life she'd blown into a million pieces.

As I waited a tear slid down her cheek. "No, David, I guess there isn't anything else."

Without another word I picked up the signed papers, turned and walked out of the house.

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The Capsule ???????? Wendy and her legion of very sexy, yet very twisted, friends led Jack from his cell down a long corridor. After nearly 10 minutes they arrived at their destination. On the door was a small brass plaque engraved only with the phrase ?Capsule Room?. ???????? Having been held captive for five weeks now, Jack was weak from exhaustion and, despite his immense fear of his upcoming Lesson in Control, was unable to escape from the clutches of the tall and muscular nurses who held...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Doll Chapter 3A

Arriving home, Master drove his Harley directly up to the barn, opened the door and took her inside by her leash. She was anticipating being allowed to wash herself, to clean the piss off her body, and to be dressed for more play or dinner. It was not to happen. He took her to an old-fashioned medical table in the far corner of the chamber. He placed her legs into the stirrups of the GYN table, strapped her in firmly, and administered three more injections to her she-cock and groin. These...

3 years ago
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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda First Half

Sometimes, egos are good things. You can ride high on the wave of a growing ego, but you better watch for the breakers at the shore! This is a long story of how I built my ego up, flaunted it around, and then crashed back to reality.=== Tammy:My wife met Michael at an infamous "Sue and Lyle" house party. He is a smaller dark-skinned man with a giant cock. At five-feet-six-inches, he was only a couple inches taller than my wife. His cock may, in fact, be longer than mine, but on his frame, it...

4 years ago
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The excitement of teen sex and pleasures of watchi

The girlfriend who has her friend hang around. I was the teen boyfriend to two girls, Lisa the girl next door and Bonnie the girl down the street. For years we were on and off BF / GF and took turns between them. One understood that the other was the one for this time period. Little background, Lisa had been with one guy and thats me. I introduced her to sex a few years back. She listened to me with her mom and wanted to try it. Her mom was not so understanding. I was her sex toy...

2 years ago
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Pleasure Principle Supernatural Fic SamOC

She snickers and reaches for the phone. "Hello?" she says sleepily. She straightens almost instantly. "Where? ... Are you sure? ... Alright, I'll be there by nightfall." "What's going on?" Sam asks as she scrambles from the bed and begins throwing on her clothes. "I have to go," she says, stuffing her things in her duffle. Sam gets up and pulls on his own clothing. "Ok, where are we going?" She doesn't stop moving, barely even casting him a glance as she replies,...

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Coldsteel Ch 03

Chapter three: Family. Michael arrived home to find a stranger in his house. The man, middle-aged, balding, and dressed like a respectable businessman from the 1950s, was seated at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of tea, and apparently waiting for him. But the thing that worried Michael most was that this man had a mind unlike any other he’d encountered since acquiring the ring, most minds were tangled, threads going in all directions. Minds that he had manipulated began to show signs of...

2 years ago
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Mom Dad and Us Part 14

I am not the author. I found this story on my old desk top. The orginal story name is 'F***ly Games' Mom, Dad, and Us Part 14Holding her father by the hand, Lorena reached for the doorknob. It had taken three drinks to help convince him that he ought to come in naked, and he was high now. But at least he wasn't wearing that floppy old robe, and she was freshly scrubbed, proud that her mom was at last going to see her in her mature nudity. "Mom," she said, leading him inside,...

4 years ago
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I Knew I Was A Sissy part V

Time passed and here I am a freshman at University. I am leaving alone for the first time in a place far away from my hometown. I am excited as I finally have the freedom and anonymity to be who I want to. The first days passed exploring the area around my studio apartment, my school was downtown so there were plenty of choices. I spotted some nice gay bars as well as places to shop underwear, dresses, heels and boots. But I started with a nice waxing. I found this place which was a bit far...

2 years ago
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Magnificient Triangle

I am Sis Fucker and this time I am here with a story of fucking my mom’s friend horny Mona. I hope you will all love to fuck Mona. Tell me how you like my relation with Mona at I am Alok, aged 21, working as clerk in a bank. I am 6 feet tall and very athletic. I live with my widow mom Maya. My dad died 3 years ago and Mom was only 40 then. Since my father’s death, mom has not had any affairs with any man. She has one special friend, Mona aunty who is about 37 years old. Mona aunty is a...

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Behind The Castle Doors

  Nikki POV   As I walk home late, the rain pours down on me in icy sheets that chill me to the bone. The only thing running through my head is why am I so stupid for walking down here. I hear a crash from behind me. I do something more stupid then walking down the alley. I turn around, as I do some ones arms wrap around my waist. The arm wrapped around my waist is strong and muscled. The guy pushes me up against the wall; I finally get a look at who it is. My jaw drops when I see that it is...

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Demetrius Ch 0506

Chapter 5 It was almost three in the morning yet there was still traffic, insomniacs doing whatever they did at this late hour. It was a beautiful summer night, still warm. He walked three blocks before turning to go down a street less busy, less traveled and regretfully darker than the one he left. He questioned his prudence being unaware of what places to avoid, since what’s normally safe during the day is often not at night. He intended on taking a shortcut when suddenly something swooped...

4 years ago
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Our 5 day nude camping trip continued

You enjoyed the first day of our adventure during my 5 days of nude camping that I figured you would like to hear about the rest of our trip. We slept until sunrise and the glow of the sunshining into our tent woke us up. We were still on top of our sleeping bags with the door and window flaps open. I couldnt help but notice we had a lot of joggers taking their time slowly passing our tent checking for our next show. Not to disappoint hubby and I started masturbating each other before he moved...

2 years ago
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Halloween For Life Part 11

Part 11 Jordan was being wheeled away from the lobby area as the mixture of the loud fountain, people talking and the faint sound of the muzak over the loudspeaker started to fade away slowly. Jordan turned his head to face behind him and his eyes met a pretty woman in a light blue dress. The woman made eye contact with Jordan and smiled. "Jessie, her name is Jessie," Jordan tried to remember. Jordan returned the smile as the dizziness started to completely take over...

3 years ago
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Share Your Toys TimothyEpilogue

TWO WEEKS later, Tim’s brother Ned pulled his beat-up old pick-up truck over to the kerb and parked in the road in front of Tim’s house. When he walked up the drive he saw Tim working on his classic Jaguar sports car in the garage with the doors open. It was a nice bright sunny spring day. Tim looked up from polishing his pride and joy and waved at his younger brother. “Hi Tim,” Ned saluted back, “Just to let you know that the ... er ... scrap you wanted collecting and getting rid of has...

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Daisy Modified ch 04

Linda, a co-worker who'd known her since they both transferred into the department, came out of one of the stalls and asked her how her day was going. Daisy wasn't paying attention and the woman asked again. Daisy muttered something polite and the woman stared at her. Daisy froze. Was something wrong? Did she notice something? Linda tilted her head slightly, touched her ear. Daisy remembered. She felt herself go limp, dropped her head forward, and exhaled. She felt tears welling behind...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 29

****** Sunday The day dawned wet and dreary and the cold wind howling around the motel seemed to find its echo in Peter’s soul. He spread the diaries, the ledgers, the DVDs and videos across his bed. Breakfast had been a riot of laughter as the girls – closely guarded by Susie and Maria began to organize a shopping trip. Peter unable to deal with the hilarity returned to his room where he brooded alone. Then his morbid silence was shattered when the girls entered the room. With their faces...

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Quantum of Solace

No, this isn’t about James Bond haha. The title is a perfect description of the scenario, so that’s where the name comes from. This is based on a true story of when my girlfriend Liv recently had to put her dog down. All the sexual stuff is fiction, but everything else really happened. It’s not a happy story, but I hope you like it anyway. I was sitting on my couch, playing playstation, when my phone rang. I looked at it. It was my Liv, my girlfriend of over 2 years. My name is Matt by the...

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CherryChapter 8 I Start Work

Ben had agreed with Allison that I’d help at her shop each Thursday and Friday for a couple of weeks to see how things went; so on the first Thursday that Ben was back at work he drove me into town on his way to work. It was too early for Allison’s lingerie shop to be open so Ben gave me some money and told me to go to McDonalds for a drink while I waited. There weren’t many people there and I easily managed to get a seat facing the window and had a bit of fun flashing the people passing by....

4 years ago
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my naughty cousin

my younger cousin has always been sexy and she just got sexier as she got older. she recently finished her exams and one day she texted me asking me to come round becayse she was bored and would be home alone.i arrived just as her dad was leaving and he let me in telling me that my cousin ashley was upstairs in her room. as i got closer i could hear these low moans coming from her room. i got strangely aroused by the thought of my sexy cousin masturbating. she has a perfectly toned body with a...

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JulesJordan Gabbie Carter Manuel Ferrara Slays Big Natural Tit Teen Gabbie Carter8217s Boobs

Pin-Up Beauty Gabbie Carter Makes Manuel Beg For Her Tight, Young Pussy! Dressed in lace lingerie with a leopard print corset and fishnets Gabbie looks stunning as she teases by the pool. She wastes no time as she tears open her stockings and pulls off her panties then turns around to pull down her bra so play with her giant tits. Gabbie jiggles her juggs and licks her nipples before heading inside to get more comfortable on the couch as her hands start to wander South. She plays with her...

3 years ago
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Were in love with a stripperpart two

Andrea started kissing on her thighs and squeezing Ladywets nipples licking all around the pussy and sticking her tongue in and out of her wet pussy hole teasing it like i do her and Ladywet was going crazy wanting her to suck that long fat sensitive clit.Andrea turned and looked at me and said"Oh baby you are so right pussy tastes so good."with pussy juice dripping from her chin.When Andrea started licking her clit and stuck her finger in her pussy and started rubbing her g spot Ladywet went...

1 year ago
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Incest with strip poker almost

Note : This story is completely fictional! In my story "How I fucked my sister" I said that my sister, Betty, might get married. She hasn`t yet because her man friend has been sent by his firm to the Middle East to work there for a several months. Now, to resume............ My neighbours, Stan and his wife, Irene, sometimes invite me to their place for drinks and I invite them to my house. One day they also invited Betty and me for gin and tonics. After a few glasses Stan asked us if we played...

5 years ago
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Dr Pepper

When I was f******n years old, my neighbor hired me to cut her lawn. Mrs. Breckenridge was a slightly plump 55 year old, divorced now ten years but still employed at his construction company. Her home sat on an acre lot at the end of Oak Tree Lane in a farm and ranch subdivision on the outskirts of town. For years she had selected a teenage boy from the neighborhood to cut her lawn. For five dollars pay, the poor bastard slaved like a dog in midsummer heat, but there were other intangible...

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Caroline Ch 1003

Caroline – Part 2, Ch. 10.03 (Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Some gentle and loving spanking here. Most of the ‘spanking’ stories I have read (not only on Literotica) seem to be about the pleasure of administering the punishment. I wanted to write about how it might feel if the whole thing was for the...

4 years ago
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Hot Wifes Interracial Rest Area Fantasy

I know how much you love fucking my tight slut ass, well here is something I have fantasized about. You pick me up in a car and we start off for a rest area where we can fuck outdoors in public. I am wearing a crisp white blouse with a black lace bra underneath. I have a short black pleated skirt with white panties and black thigh high stockings with lace at the top. I look sweet but naughty, I also have on black fuck-me heels. I lean over and suck your thick black cock as you drive, taking you...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Five

Chapter five I was sitting at the kitchen table reading some bad news in the Washington Post when I heard a car horn sounding out front. I set down the paper, gathered my purse and walked over to the foyer. Pulling the curtains to the side, I peeked out the window to see who was doing the honking. It was James and his brother Jim, come to pick me up. They had driven in separate vehicles. Jim was double parked in his beat up Chevrolet sedan with James behind him in a new Ford Explorer...

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Gay Gangbang With 6 Stranger 8211 Part 2

Jese ki mene pehle part me bataya tha me ek gay hu mera name raj hai aur meri age 19 saal he. Humne pichle part me dekha tha ki naresh ne mujhe 20000 rs thama diye the aur kaha tha ki wo mere ghar pe mere dost ke dad ke taur pe baat kar lega. To rajesh ne usne baat ki aur ghar pe saab maan gaye. Hum saab subha uthe mene dekha ki me nanga hi pada hua tha. Me uthne ki kosis kar raha tha lekin thoda dard hua kyuki pichli raat meri jamke bajayi gayi thi. Wo saab bhi jaag chuke the aur mujhe hi dekh...

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Henry Versus The Horror

++This is a short story written for a variety of reasons. It’s kind of a kid’s story, I know, but I think that some here may like it despite being slightly saccharine. We all have to face our fears eventually as we grow up. We all have our own personal fears, and we all face them in our own ways. Either way, this is just a fun little adventure story that was written a year or so ago that I decided to go ahead and share. I hope that some of you get a kick out of it. No laundry was harmed in the...

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I Am For Massage Not For Sex

Hi. This is Raj again from Bangalore. I had posted a story some one month back and i thank the iss team for up loading it on couples. I had posted a story in which i had fulfilled a massage fantasy of one couple in Bangalore and trust me after reading that story i had got to massage from more than 8 married women and that too in front of their hubbies. It’s a strange fantasy but yes i never knew i would be in touch with so many of them; in fact i had to say no to more than 10 to 12 couples,...

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EvilAngel Jesse Pony Anal Gaping A2M Blowjob

Jesse Pony is an adorable, dirty blonde baddie that loves hard buttfucking. The petite vixen looks stunning in pink fetish-style boots, teasing and stripping to initiate a crude anal encounter. Jesse lewdly spreads her cheeky crack for the camera, welcoming bald stud Zac Wild with an open asshole. Zac hungrily rims her butthole as she whimpers in ecstasy. Nasty Jesse returns the oral favor with a messy, throat-gurgling blowjob. Spirited cocksucking leads to an intense cunt fuck. Jesse shouts as...

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Garages arent only for parking cars

Real quick: this is my 1st story, and yes it is true. Enjoy.A couple of days ago, I was horny as fuck. My fiance was at work, so I had to make due with rubbing my pussy on the edges of dressers and sinks. He always likes to call and check in on me so when he finally did, I made the mistake of telling him that I had made myself cum 4 times that day. He chuckled and told me I would pay for it later that night. I couldn't understand why he'd want to punish me. I told him that I had been a good...

2 years ago
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PrettyDirty AJ Applegate Cassidy Klein Battle Of The Interns Site

Mick Blue is a powerful Lawyer, with a dirty mind and a job to get done. He’s sure that his two favorite Interns Cassidy Klein and AJ Applegate will go above and beyond to get the job he’s offering them. Among the five summer interns only one can be chosen, and Mick has his eyes (and a few other things) focused on these two beautiful candidates. Without telling them exactly why they’re at his house on such a beautiful day, he hints that he’s willing to see how badly they...

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Mixed Blessing

Mixed Blessing Synopsis:When a boy's desire to be a girl overcomes him, he must face the dilemma of fear versus desire. His Mother teaches him how to be a girl and his best friend treats as a woman. But an attack forces him to become a woman before he is ready and now must face the consequences of his decision. [-][+][-] I am a woman, now. But my journey was fraught with many unnecessary dangers as I found myself unable to resist my need to be a girl. But now that I am a woman, I...

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The Pastors WifeChapter 3

On the way home from the shore Phillip wanted to stop along the way for dinner but Aggie said she wasn’t feeling well and wanted to get home. The house was quiet; Malcolm was working the afternoon shift at the gas station. Penny must have been in her room. Walking upstairs to her bedroom she heard music coming from behind her daughter’s bedroom door. It was a cd of two professionals playing the duet that Penny would be playing with her piano teacher at her upcoming piano recital. Knocking on...

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Sea KingChapter 20

Councilor Tamer deBrisil walked slowly through the dim hallway towards the Putram's official audience chamber. He was troubled now as he often was lately. Their economy was in the doldrums, trade was almost nonexistent, war with the powerful Malshall was becoming more of a reality every day and their young Putram was becoming a problem. As First Councilor, he was the head of the Citizens Council as well as one of its most prominent members. The Citizens Council was comprised of about one...

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Very Special Summer

The graduation ceremony was always a happy time around the Indiana School for the Deaf. For many of the students this day seemed like an utter impossibility. The language and speech skills took longer to develop for hearing impaired students. This was especially true for those who were congenitally deaf and had never heard the sound of the human voice; especially their own. Susan Miller was a gifted 30 year old speech therapist at the School who had a natural talent for helping students...

5 years ago
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Better To Eat You With Ch 02

I buried my face into my pillow and groaned. I was awake for the hundredth time tonight. This time it had been my ‘therapeutic’ candles that had woken me up. It was my fault I suppose. I should have known better than to have bought smells made of chemicals. The scent that was supposed to be jasmine and baby’s breath smelled like field grass and musk. Not the most relaxing smell. It was an amazingly yummy smell… Just not one that lends to easy dreams. More to the kind of dreams that leave you...

2 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine Hawaiian girls and Sophia Spring Break Cruise Trip to the Cayman Islands and Furniture S

Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josie's identical twin, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Clairice, 12 sister of Jolene twin of Claire, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Ray, 40, white 5'11, 5” cock Madison, 36, wife of Ray, white, 5'7 Red Hair Blue Eyes 38D...

4 years ago
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From Park Jogging To Bed Fucking Fucked By A Young Guy

Hello, horny readers, I am a married woman from Pimpri, 2 children and unsatisfied in bed. Normally, because of busy husbands, many women are unsatisfied, and I am one of them. I will tell about me as the story goes along. This story is about me and a young boy from my locality, how we seduced each other and fucked. Hi, my name is Ana Mile,I am a normal housewife, normal housework and all. About young guy, he is an engg student, lives on rent in my locality, so I thought of having a sex...

3 years ago
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"Hey Kid," Chuck Michaels called out from the other side of the seemingly endless row of slot machines, "you having a good time?" Bobby Harrison turned in the direction of the familiar voice, giving a friendly wave in response to the inquiry before quickly disappearing down the row. The twenty-one year old really hated it when his co-workers called him "Kid", even though there was some truth to it since the majority of them were much older than him. Once he was sure he was out of sight...

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A Rainy Night

I had never seen it rain as hard as it was right now. Even with the short run to the car (heels are NOT helping right now), I was drenched. Everything was stuck to my skin and I was so uncomfortable. I snickered feeling like I was in a wet t-shirt contest. I’d had a long day at work listening to bickering between co-workers and just wanted to go home, get out of this skirt and blouse and soak in a hot tub. I live in a rather isolated area, no neighbors for 2-3 miles on either side of me and...

2 years ago
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For SarahChapter 1

She stood there looking at him, unsure of herself. Finally she got up the nerve to touch his arm. "Didn't I meet you last a few weeks ago?" she asked. He turned and looked down at her with his gorgeous blue eyes and she knew it was him. "I'm not sure doll. You do look familiar," he answered. Samantha was blushing. She definitely remembered the handsome older boy standing before her in the check-out line. She met him last at the Broken Main concert. She'd even given him her phone...

3 years ago
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Rigor MortisChapter 35

I was sitting across the desk from my Uncle Joe about six weeks later ready to discuss my final report with him. His chief of staff Malcom Whittaker sat slightly to his left and behind him with a copy open on his lap. I knew he had probably gone over the thing with a fine-tooth comb and if he spotted anything over the line he would have already talked it over with my Uncle. I couldn’t tell from their poker faces if they loved it or hated it for reasons of their own. I had Julie sitting next...

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Gratification Through SelfstimulationChapter 10

Azelia seems to have fallen asleep after using the GooSleeve®, which isn’t too surprising considering the five orgasms and incredible feeling of them and the toy. She dreamt of her many times climaxing only to watch how much she blasted out, the distance of it and the sheer eroticism of seeing it all over herself and everything else. Of course the cleanup is never really much fun. But it is nice, at least to be able to deliver a full load inside the warm, pliable and extremely satisfying...

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I worked in an office at a college and was able to have my own office and the privacy needed to fulfill my fantasies. I am a bisexual male and was able to meet with several educated professionals who had the same desires. I'm on the submissive side so I needed to meet the right person. This one such experience.I met this person first by contacting hs company seeking information. Surprisingly, while on a m4m web-site I met the same person again, he was an educated professional who was in...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ko Choda Bonta Park Main

The stories on this site are very good so I feel like submitting my real story which happened to me before 5 month back it is a story of me with my girlfriend bhawna .She is 21 year old hot girl . Uski figure 36-30-34 hai . Ab main apka time waste na krte hua sidha kahani pe aata hu.Ye tub ki baat h jub jan 2015 main maine job change ki thi . Mere joining thk 3 mahine baad ek bhawna aaye woh dekhne main itni sexy hot maal thi ki main aur sb office k ladke dekhte rahe use uski aap kya moti moti...

1 year ago
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Marys brothers turn

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mary watched me walk in and sit down, a wicked grin on her face. “I knew you were watching, you know,” she said, getting up and slinking over to me, “I always know when you’re peaking. Everything gets quiet in your room.” She had me, of course. I had watched just twenty minutes ago when Mary had fucked the boarder who lived downstairs. He is a very muscular man of twenty five or so and had easily seduced my 18 year old sister in her own bed. Mary...

3 years ago
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First Time with the School Slut Conclusion

Once Eric got the condom out. He started to fiddle around with the wrapper a little bit. ‘Let me help you with that baby,’ I said. ‘Okay babe, all yours,’ said Eric. He then kind of just tossed it at me. It landed on my chest. Any other girl would take this as a form of disrespect, but I like to think I’m a true slut who should be treated like the slut that I am. With that, I tool the wrapper and opened it with my teeth. I’ve become quite the expert, or ‘sexpert’ at removing condoms from...

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He Who Gave A Blowjob Of Lifetime

This is my very first story in ISS, I know the joy of reading sex stories. And this endeavor of mine will give the same storygasm to you. To begin, while I kept on searching for a nice bottom in my own town through facebook. I found one such fellow very near to my place. He replied seeing my horny status as he wanted to get fucked by me. We started our chat by 2 pm continued it will 5 pm and planned to meet outside by six. During the chat itself, I found that he would be a perfect bottom for...

Gay Male
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“You’re staring again,” my best friend Casey whispered, elbowing me in the ribs.I grunted and gave her a sideways look. “I am not. I’m thinking. You know I space out and look like I’m staring when I’m thinking.” We were at the campus library after classes doing homework and I was thinking about quadrilaterals.“Yeah, well, does Arabella know that?”Arabella Stevens was one of those girls you don’t want to be caught staring at. Everyone knew who she was and no one wanted to cross her. Rumor had it...

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Nelson Enterprises VP of Sales becomes a Secretary

Nelson Enterprises - VP of Sales becomes a Secretary The VP of Sales - Dan Watkins - sexually harassed one of his talented sales ladies - Kelly Weir - to the point she quit and then he used his influence to destroy her career. He will now be inheriting that body and the remains of that career and must learn to interact with his 2 ex- wives from a new perspective - as their maid. Summary to date: Bill: Bill Nelson was a famous billionaire inventor and playboy but now finds...

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Mega Ass Fucking

“What are you wearing, Diana asked”? Uh, I was just going to wear my board shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, why do you ask? Jack answered. “Because guys have it so easy, you just wear anything, whereas us women need to think about weather, what if I get wet, what will I wear if we go to dinner?” “Stop stressing, just wear your bikini and take shorts and a top, what’s so hard about that?” “Nothing, I guess when you put it that way, but get a couple of windbreakers in case it gets chilly later, you...

4 years ago
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Fucking A Sweet Chick

Hello everyone at ISS. My name is Ayaan. I am 25 years old. This is my first story here. Read it and I am sure you will love it. Give your feedback/comments. If any girl/women is interested in me after reading the same, please contact me through my email id I was in Pune for my training. The training was for two months. My office timing was 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM. I was alone in the city and due to that my masturbation increased. Sometimes I had jerked off twice, particularly on Sundays. I...

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