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Oh look at them watching me. Such a rush of divine sexuality as I felt the wind blow gently up my skirt. Walking in my black pumps up Elm street, as if I didn’t have a care in the world. Woman scowling upon me as their men watched in silent awe. I could feel my thighs gently rub together as I stepped, and my skirt frame softly over my knees. My hair dancing from side to side, as if to lightly tickle my face. Tits bouncing lightly through my blouse. A small grin across my lips. I felt invincible, and I was glad. Too many heart aches and broken promises kept me from being myself. Fuck that, I needed time for me. There seemed to be only two seasons in Canada. Winter and road construction, but they both never seemed to end. Although road construction had it’s advantages.

You know, the Construction workers! I had my eyes on one in particular. He was shorter then the rest, but damn, he was fine. I was hoping he was working today, just to get a glimpse of his ass. We had talked once before, and I remember his name was Eric. God, how could I forget, I use to whisper his name while I masturbated to the image of his hands on my body. He had long dirty blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes. He was 31, but with a body of a man 10 years his youth. I watched him outside my high-rise apartment in the rain. His white shirt clinging to his rippled chest. I could hardly breathe.

I tried in vain to get my mind from him as I continued to press on. Turning the corner and gasping as I stood still. There he was. As soon as our eyes met, I could tell that he was interested. He seemed to stand straight as his eyes peered cautiously up and down my body. Seeing me he accidentally dropped his hammer, bending down to pick it up. I watched him, wide eyed and parted lips as he spoke shyly ‘ Hi .’

My heart stopped along the sound of his voice. Then he moved away lightly, my eyes following him as a light breeze seemed to push along my back. He leaned along a nearby wall, imposing that I stay for a moment and talk.

He suddenly spoke as I walked toward him slowly ‘ I didn’t catch your last name last time we spoke.’

Stunned I looked to the ground, trying to remember if I had even told him. I couldn’t remember, so I motioned for him to look behind him at the apartment door. My name tag was on my doorbell.

He grinned lightly and looked back at me, ‘ so, you live here alone, or with your husband?.’

I blushed softly and shook my head ‘ no, I live alone,’ my nervous hands dropping my house key from my fingers.

He moved forward and went to pick it up for me, his eyes gazing over my lower calf as he grasped the key into his grip. Smiling as he stood and handed me my keys, moving ever so close to my face. He seemed to be smelling my sent, but his eyes never leaving mine.

‘ So, now that I know where you live, and your name, you wanna go for lunch sometime?.’ My jaw nearly dropped, and my hands clutched the keys tightly.

‘Well, I think that idea sounds nice, Saturday sound good to you?,’ I asked. He seemed to grin ear to ear and nodded. Smiling I walked past him, going up the stairs to my apartment when I turned back to catch his eyes on my curvy figure.

‘See you then’ whispering as I walked into the door.

Leaning my back against the door and exhaling. My god, I couldn’t believe I did that. My heart raced as I still thought of the sound of his voice. I gathered my nerve and walked up the stairs to my apartment. Opening the door and setting my keys and my purse to the side. Slowly removing my pumps and sighing softly as my feet rested on the bare floor. I quickly microwave some water and made myself a tea. Walking over to the window and sitting on the edge, and looking down at him. I shivered. I had no idea, but he was thinking about me so much that he smacked his hand hard with the hammer. I jumped up the moment I heard his whimper of pain. I rushed down the stairs and opened the front door.

‘ Are you ok?’ I yelled. Watching him look over at me, I could tell he was trying to hide it. Then I saw the blood. I quickly called him over to me, and invited him inside.

‘Maybe I can find some band aids or something for that, come with me,’ I said in a soft tone.

‘ No it’s ok, I’m fine. It’s just a tiny cut’ he whimpered. Rolling my eyes and taking his free hand in mine.

‘Come on, It will help if it’s infected,’ he sighed heavily and walked inside.

I could feel his eyes on my ass as we traveled up the stairs, smiling coyly to myself as I felt my heart jump. I could not believe I was doing this, and that he was behind me. I turned the corner to walk to my door and peered over in his direction. Yes, he was watching me. I felt my spine tingle as I opened the door and invited him in. I moved for him to enter, smelling his sweet sent as he walked past me and into the livingroom. I went to the bathroom and gathered some first aid supplies. Returning to try and bandage his wound. Smiling softly into his eyes to assure him that all was well.

‘You know, we don’t have to wait till Saturday for lunch,’ I said while looking slowly into his eyes. Turning to look at the clock and then back to him,

‘see, it’s about lunch time now,’ I said with a shy smile. He cracked a small grin

‘ If it’s no problem, I was going to call the rest of the day off anyhow, and now with this’ he held his hand up to me. I smiled sympathetically.

‘Well if you want, the bathroom is around to your right, I need to change before I make dinner’ I smiled and pointed to the bathroom.

As I watched him walk away to the bathroom, my eyes were glued upon his ass. Mmm, how I wanted that. I grinned to myself and walked to the bedroom. Closing my bedroom door and laying back on the bed, sighing heavily. I sat up and began to remove my clothing. Pulling my fingers around the waist band of my skirt and slipping it off. Then unbuttoning my blouse and laying both across the chair beside my bed. Looking around for my jeans and a T-shirt. I hadn’t realized, but there was a towel on top of the door that didn’t allow it to close completely. Smiling to myself as I pulled my jeans from my drawer and pulling my panties up a little. Lifting the jeans up my soft legs as I buttoned them up a little. Looking in the mirror to decide on my sports bra as I gasped. Our eyes met, and I blushed. He had been watching me the whole time.

I could tell he was wondering if I had left the door open on purpose, as he walked into the room. His eyes fixed on mine. He said nothing as his shirt hung over his shoulder, revealing his gorgeous chest. I turned from the mirror and looked at him. Feeling my heart catch in my gut as I watched him walk in. I feel excited, but a strange rush of adrenaline flows over me. I move backward a bit and cover my naked breasts with my arms. My eyes wondered over his wondrous body, but unsure of what to do. He noticed me looking, and in my eyes I was speaking the truth while the hands covering my body were telling lies. I wanted this as much as he did. He began to walk towards me, his lips cracking a light smile.

‘You are beautiful, you should not hide such a wonderful thing’ he whispered as he reached forward to my breasts. I bit my lower lip and looked seductively into his eyes, as I allowed my hands to lower slowly from my chest. I felt my body tremble fully knowing that it is him that I crave, and my mind swelled with the fact that we would touch me.

I watched his shirt fall to the floor then raised my head to look back into his eyes. His hands moved to my breast. Lightly caressing my left nipple, then my right. I gasped softly. He glided his other hand to my hip and pulled me to him hard. I felt his hand flow to my ass as he brought his lips closer to mine, and kissed me hard. Our bare chests touching as we kissed so deeply me head raced, and my body weakened. I felt him turn us so my back was to the bed, but so totally lost in his kiss and the feeling of his strong body, I didn’t noti
ce. Our hearts pounded together, lost in what seemed forever. His hand moved to the front of my jeans that were not fully buttoned. I moaned softly into the kiss feeling our hearts beat faster. I felt his right hand move to the front of my jeans. His fingers finding the rim of my panties, and running his other hand to the top of my ass. He began to push my panties down, grasping my ass cheek hard.

Feeling his lips leave mine, I open my eyes slowly clouded with lust. I watched him get onto his knees. I wanted him. I knew he must of felt my wetness, and smelt my sweetness. I watched his lips travel over my belly. Moaning softly as I felt his tongue circle my bellybutton, as he moved himself down to my lower abdomen. All this time still pulling at my clothing that now sat at my ankles. I felt helpless in his admiration. I took my hands and guided them to his shoulders. Feeling a slight tremble flow over my spine as the cool air from the open window traveled over the soft skin on my legs. I pressed on his arms softly as I stepped out of my jeans. He reached between my legs with his left hand, then with his right. Both hands moving to my ass again, as he pushed into my stomach softly with his face. Pushing my ass to the bed the same time he lifted with his arms. My back and head on the bed as I gasp in surprise. I close my eyes as I feel his lips on my thigh. I gently rub the balls of my feet along his back feeling the heat of his flesh. I heard him moan softly as he began to lick teasingly around my pussy then just past it, above it, and moving back down with a long stroke of his tongue on my clit. Groaning softly. Tempting sounds from my parted lips as I feel his breath along my pussy. My hands immediately grabbing the covers as I feel his tongue glide across me. He then lifts my ass and plunges his tongue deep into me, rubbing softly at my innerwalls. I jump and moan out loud as I feel him enter me. My God, I almost came right there for him. I didn’t know what power a man could have over me. Then he began to lick down one side of my pussy slightly, his tongue tracing my lips, and back down to my opening as he then again thrusted his tongue into me. My hands grabbed the sheets in order to try and keep control, then I started to feel his hands glide softly up my belly.

I lifted myself on my elbows to watch him as he began to lick my clit, the image of his red tongue upon my pink sweetness almost too much to handle. Then my whole body moved slightly as I watched and felt the smoothness of his hands. Running them over my skin to my breasts and caressing them for a moment before moving up. watching his hands glide over my body as I feel them reach my shoulders. I lay back down, then moaning softly as I feel him take my hands. I whimpered curiously as I feel his hand take mine nearly loose control as I move with him. Unaware of his plans but to hot to care, he felt so damn good. His tongue moving from my clit to my opening. Remaining inside me as he pulls at my hand. Bringing it slowly down my stomach to my hairline where he bites my fingertips softly. Then guiding my fingertips to my clit and letting go, as his tongue moves back inside me hard.

absently stroking my clit as I feel my breath catch in my chest. moving his other hand in mine and placing it on my erect nipple, craving his attention. softly moaning as I scream softly, feeling him press my fingers out of the way and devour my clit with his mouth. I press my head back into the bed hard and press his palm into my breast. my body wiggling and fighting my coming orgasm. Seemed to anticipate it as he pushed my fingers out of the way and sucked my clit between his lips. His tongue flicking over it in a wild bliss. His hand on my breast, kneading at it. His other hand moving up to caress my face, and rub his fingertip along the soft outline of my lips. Feeling his mouth move off me as I hear him whisper ‘ Cum for me Cristal, I want you to cum harder than you ever have,’ then diving back onto my clit. His tongue entering me again, ravaging it.

I took his hand the moment I felt it along my lips and sucking his thumb in between them as if it was his cock. Nibbling on it softly as the hot breath from my moans blew along the soft hair on his arms. I feel my body tighten and my hips arch forward to his awaiting mouth. Sucking his thumb from my lips and taking both his hands in mine holding them to my sides, as I use them to arch my pussy to his wild tongue. I push my body into the bed as I close my eyes tightly and scream. Cumming hard for him, gasping for air. He moaned as my sweetness filled his mouth. Taking one final lick at my trembling clit as he began to kiss up my lower abdomen. Then he pulled me into a sitting position, his lips and tongue finding my breast and began to suck harshly on them. My breath sharp and my body weak. He grabbed my lower calves and pulled them around his waist, then took my hands as I secured them around his neck. His tongue gliding from my throat to just under my ear while licking and sucking softly.

To my surprise he lifted me up off the bed. Taking me to my dresser, as I hear him push a few of my feminine things aside to sit me upon it. His hands caressing my hips as we gaze into eachothers eyes. Moving my hands from his shoulders and down along his arms. My fingertips softly running along his tender skin. Then moving my hands down and flattening my palm along the bulge in his pants, and pushing in softly as I look deeply into his eyes. My breath still heavy as I move my thumbs inside of the hem on his jeans and pull them around to his buttons. Ripping them open. Ginning softly as I move my hands back to the dresser and pull my feet to his hips. Moving back a bit and arching up a to allow the flat of my souls push down his pants. my soft toes caressing his skin as I reveal is hardness to my hungry eyes. Looking up his exposed flesh and back into his eyes as I move my hand to the back of his head and pulling his lips to mine, kissing him deeply.

I wiggled toward him as our lips stay locked, and I rub my nipples up along his chest. His hands moved back to my hips as he breaks the kiss to look down at his hard, now dripping, cock near my hot pussy. He moved his hips forward, until I felt the tip at my opening. I watched his lips quiver as he began to slide it in slowly. I closed my eyes as I shivered softly, his cock delighting me. Feeling his legs wiggle as he stepped out of his pants, and pulled my hips closer to him. Moaning eagerly, calling for his cock. My hand on the back of his head as I entangle my fingers in his hair, pulling his up as I wiggle my ass to the end of the dresser, and push the back of my feet softly into his hard ass. His cock pressed in deep as I moaned out loud. Slowly letting my grip go from his hair as I loose myself inside of his passion. I feel my pussy tighten around him. I pull myself up and move my lips to his neck, kissing along it and nibbling my way to his shoulder. My lips pressed to his skin as I whisper ‘Take me.’

He begins to slide in and out of me slowly, his eyes closing momentarily. He then moves his hands to my back and embraces me. Kissing and nibbling my neck as I do his shoulder. Lost in a passion as furious as a hurricane. I feel him pick up speed, every thrust ending two inches after being fully buried. In a rush of lust, he lifted me off the dresser, his hips still pounding at me. Backing me up along the wall and pushing me against it. His hands under my ass as he whispers ‘ God Cristal, you feel so damn good.’

Moaning hard at his words as I cum twice. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling his chest to mine as I breathe along his neck. Lightly allowing my tongue to lick up his ear lob as I take it between his lips and moan sweetly into it. Feeling his cock pull out and back in. I move my head back to the wall and look into his eyes, then close them. Whispering his name from my parted lips as I feel my body tremble, choking his cock in my pussy as I pull him tighter to me. Screaming softly as I hear words from him but do not not
ice. Then quivering and cumming once more as I hear him moan loudly as he begins to pound hard into me. His hips jerking wildly several times before I gasp at the feeling of his cum shooting into my hot pussy. He lets one of my legs to the ground and his hand to my back holding me tightly to his body.

Both our bodies shivering in ecstasy as we look softly into each other’s eyes. Our hearts slowing and breathing continuing to be sharp. His hips still absently pounding into mine in a soft sweeping motion. I move my hand to the back of his head and pull his heated lips to mine. Kissing him deeply as I feel his body pull from mine. Shivering as he pulls his arms from my hips and glides his palms to my shoulders. Still thrusting into me as I shiver internally. This was so hot, I didn’t want to open my eyes. I was afraid that I might loose this moment. Gasping in soft surprise as I felt him leave my body. I open my eyes slowly as I gaze over his blushed cheeks. Smiling softly into his eyes I whisper ‘ Dessert was for after lunch.’

We both laughed and smiled together. Taking his hand in mine and walking slowly from the room, grabbing my robe along the way. He slipped his hand from mine and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. I smiled as I tied my robe and hummed happily along the kitchen. Preparing lunch for both of us. I heard him wash up in the sink behind me then turn and grab my hips in his palms. Moving his neck to my ear and whispering ‘ That was the best Cristal, but next time, lunch is on me.’

I smiled and asked him to sit at the table, gently turning and slapping his ass. Reassuring him that there would be more lunches to come. We sat at the table, our feet touching and or eyes sparkling in the warm afternoon sun. We finished our dinner and he prepared to leave. Well knowing that there would be another time. As I knew there would be. I finished cleaning up and had a quick shower. Snuggling on the couch with my cat as I absently stroke his fur. Dreaming to myself of the events that passed.

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bookworm woman encounter part2

She was an expert at using her breasts, she must have done this so many times, I wondered how many men she had fucked as I stood there with my cock being wanked off by her breasts, she stopped every now and then to suck it, which she also did very well. I was enjoying the moment but wanted to her to be naked so I could see her pussy and start going to work on it.I told her to take her skirt off, she stood back up and we kissed, I didn't care that she had been sucking my cock. She undid the zip...

2 years ago
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Bobs Your Uncle or a Modern Adult Fairy TaleChapter 2

Someone was feeling his/her age this morning. Helen had five customers at two tables, two tourists and three locals as their dole money went into their accounts the day before and debit cards were used to pay. The smells and the sounds of cappuccino being created by the young waitress/barista filled the air. He/she was drinking the Moroccan milk tea of which he/she had become accustomed to in exotic Punchbowl's, Little Turkey as a youth, which tasted like perfumed shit to Bob. Everyone in...

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It was the year 2032. The world had changed a lot and technologies had reached new heights. Basically everything had become high tec.Zara was a college student. She really wanted to become a mechanical engineer. She had always been fascinated by technologies and the theory behind it. One of her greatest interests was robotics and futuristic machines that had now been introduced all over the world, and always changing.It was Friday! Yay! The last day before the weekend! Zara had arrived at...

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Waking Up As Taylor

Waking Up as Taylor With Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez (FF, CONS, ROM, ) I had no idea what had just happened to me. I had just woke up after a long day at school and at work. My head was pounding like a drum. I felt weird as I tried to get up and out of bed. I almost fell over a couple times. I don't know why I was losing my balance, it just felt like there was something holding me down. I was still very sleepy so my eyes weren't completely open, at least until I realize what had...

2 years ago
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Firsttime with older white landlord pt 2

I walked to my room still in a daze. I could still feel the heat of his cock in my mouth. I could still hear the moans of pleasure I gave him. I could still smell his musk. I could still taste his cum in my mouth. I was about to burst in my pants. I kept thinking "I just sucked this guy's dick. I can't believe I swallowed his whole load. I just got used like a bitch. He didn't even care if I came" when I got home I jacked off until I couldn't take anymore. I finally see him a few days...

4 years ago
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Looking at Gay Porn Busted PT4 Gay

For a couple of weeks, a friend of mine since High School has been blackmailing me into having gay sex with him. Actually, I've been the one sucking cock and getting my ass fucked. He came over to my apartment about three weeks ago and was helping me fix my computer while we took in some of the NCAA tournament basketball games. He identified the virus on my computer but he also found some gay porn sites that I had viewed. I had never had sex with another man before. Nor had I really ever...

3 years ago
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Room Serviced Part 5

The next day should have been awful. Luggage was heavier than ever, guests were rude and demanding. The heat was sweltering, his boss a total asshole. But Carson went about the day with a smile on his face, his footsteps light as a feather, elevated by one thought that kept reverberating through his mind: I sucked Mr. Armisen’s dick.He had to keep telling himself it really happened, but it felt like a dream. Still, the soreness of his cheeks and his difficulty swallowing was a keen reminder...

Gay Male
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Finding a PlaceChapter 5

We had our first calc exam on Monday. I didn't have any problem with it. After class, Sheila walked by me and said, "I think it went well. We'll see." Wednesday we got them back. We were sitting on opposite sides of the class, but when she got hers back, I saw her light up with a smile, then she turned around, found me, and grinned at me. When class was over, she came running out of the lecture hall-and grabbed me in a hug! "Brendan! You're a damn miracle worker!" She held up her...

2 years ago
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Church Ladies PT 3

She woke up the following morning and knowing she was going to have a date with Catherine’s cousin Alex she began wondering if she was attractive enough for him or not. She put up her hair, kind of. She headed for the bathroom wearing her tee. Standing in the bathroom she looked at herself and as she did she looked at her big round tits which lay naked beneath that tee of hers. She wondered. Will he like these she asked herself. She didn’t know. She wished she did. Doesn’t every girl wonder...

4 years ago
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if only your dad could see you now 2

Racial slurs you are warned ------------- I had to get out of this fucking place school would be the last place but it was better than this place. My whore mom letting her ape boyfriend rapes her son. I went downstairs to grab something quick and leave. Mom and Heath was there he was smoking a blunt and she drinking coffee her dress was inside out probably just got done fucking. “Oh honey sit down I made brea kfast.” “No thanks.” “Sit your ass down and eat whiteboy, your mom worked...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kylie Rocket Gamer Girl Rides His Joystick

Kylie Rocket is enjoying her video games when she accidentally wakes up her step brother from his nap. He yells at her saying she’s supposed to be doing homework and even threatens to tell her dad. She begs him not to say anything. Peter thinks of an idea. In order to keep his mouth shut, she’s gonna have to make him cum. He spanks her for not doing homework and then she gives him an amazing blowjob. She gets naked, showing off her perky tits and amazing ass. They fuck in multiple...

2 years ago
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Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 19

"Bitch." Cheryl didn't move except to speak. She stared at the cordless phone extension in her hand, now switched off. "Noun or verb?" I asked, gripping her shoulders and massaging her spine with my thumbs. She looked over her shoulder at me. "Huh?" "Was that a descriptive noun, or was it a verb complaining about what she did?" I took the offered phone and shoved it into the charging base on the end table, then resumed working out the muscle kinks she developed while talking to...

2 years ago
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A Present for Momma0

Some years ago I met the most extraordinary man who would influence my life more than any other including my own biological father. Of course, I didn't know that at the time and in the beginning I did my best to hate this intruder, this usurper of my personal life. Both my parents were professionals working in the medical industry (my father being a doctor and Momma was a home health nurse) and my siblings and I were treated to a comfortable life style. Our home life could be...

1 year ago
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Gently Go

Gently Go by Throne When Claude is enlarged to Claudine And Franklin reduced to just Fran, Boxers and briefs are exchanged for panties, On a woman who once was a man. Then dreams are unleashed, Wishes fulfilled, Charges get run up but no one is billed. They're fantasies, friends. Nobody is harmed. Though those who accept them might be quite disarmed. While dressed in our wishes we're on flights of fancy, But no damage is done to Nick... who's now Nancy. So relax and...

2 years ago
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Little Buddy

Little .... Buddy ? "Skipper, can we talk?" "We are talking." "I have a question but I dont want you to be mad. Can you try not being mad for me?" "I ... I will try. What's your question." "Well, you remember when I was hypnotized into thinking I was Mary Anne?" " what about it?" "Its just ... how could that happen? I mean how could I really believe I was her?" "The professor said you were the kind of person who falls for hypnotism easily. Its not a big deal,...

1 year ago
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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 12 New Horizons

Shirley told me about a job opportunity during lunch that afternoon, and she also told me about the woman that was responsible for it: Kara. Kara was a dominant, and I already knew that Shirley was a submissive. In fact, Shirley as much as admitted that to me as she explained their relationship, which was a first for her, at least as far as admitting it to me. Shirley didn't seem to notice this, though. Although Shirley told me about her relationship with her friend, she wasn't much on...

2 years ago
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A new tenant moves in

Ever since my last tenant Casey moved out I was left having little sex with my wife only. Now don’t get me wrong when my wife allows me to have sex with her she is pretty good. Ever since she found out Casey and I were having sex, she felt at ease . If I tried to put a move on my wife she would say “go see Casey” then laugh, sometimes she would be willing but not always. So when a good friend of ours asked if her daughter could move in ,I accepted. During some small talk she said “if she...

3 years ago
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Carla and a New Position 2

There is, if you look, a bar like it in every town. Back home it was Ernie’s; a small friendly bar where women meet other women. In LA, where I found myself working as close protection for an actress, Faye Millerton, it was Matt’s. A good friend, Hannah, had recommended it and when Steph had to go home. It was where I went to fill the vacuum her departure left. I’ll explain why Steph had to go home a bit later on.One Friday evening while Millerton was in DC attending a ball at the White House I...

3 years ago
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Train Ride

I boarded the train in the middle of the night, the only person to do so at my stop. The conductor guided me toward what looked like the only empty seat in a carload of sleeping people. The woman in the window seat appeared to be sound asleep, so I tried to be as quiet as possible as I put my suitcase in the overhead rack.While I was putting my luggage up, I looked around at everyone, especially at the woman who I would be sitting beside for the next 12 hours or more. We were in the last...

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Island Surprise

(My very first time writing this type of story, first time entering a competition, but it feels good. All constructive comments welcomed. here goes) I was nearing then end of my summer vacation. I had been on the island of Trinidad for 13 days and had thoroughly enjoyed the warmth of the people the sunshine the beaches and the rich blends of food to stimulate my taste buds. Everyone was friendly and made me feel more welcome here than any other country I had visited but no one had offered me...

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The Hermit of Scarecrow ValleyChapter 9

There had been more discussion. But both women found themselves in uncharted territory, and that made making decisions much more difficult than it would have otherwise been. For Jennifer, the unfamiliar part of all this was that she had finally met a man who would talk to her. That might sound odd to a lot of us, but that’s only because we’re grown and talk to people all the time. We have friends, both male and female, and we have an entire array of people to choose from if we want to talk...

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Sex with tenant Rani in Chennai

This is not a real story, just to get attention from female readers. Hi, I feel delighted in sharing one of my friends affairs in his early days. His name is Arun. I am Arun from the outskirts of Chennai. I wish to share my experience with my neighbor with you all. We lived in a house in the sub-urban township near Chennai and our house was in the street corner. There was another tenant in the compound. Our co-tenant stayed on the ground floor and we stayed in the first floor. Our co-tenant...

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Best Served Warmer Part 1

                     Sequel 2 to "Best Served Cold"  A year had passed since the night I had paid for my infidelity. It was winter again, and the season resurrected ghosts from the time I sat across from Linda and Stephan in the Excelsior hotel bar. Linda and I had walked home through the city streets together in the snow. At the time, I feared it was the end of us, but we had found a new beginning by summer. Early snow flurries teased me with returning memories of that night, along with all...

Wife Lovers
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Sex Games 8

After we got home from the cottage, Carol and I spent some hot times reminiscing about all of our adventures. The memories were very arousing and fueled our sex talk. Home, where we met, married, have a house and numerous social friends. Home is also where the sex games began. Carol has always been a scandalous flirt. She would dance with men while she was wearing scant clothes. She would mold her body to them and hump their legs. After she danced and flirted with the men, at home in bed, I...

Wife Lovers
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Seduced By Teacher When I Was Doing Engineering

Well, this is my first sex story on this site.So please any feedback is appreciated I was a virgin when this story took place, bit that I had never seen any naked ladies on porn channels.This experience opened my eyes and taught me a lot which I’m sure will come in use in my future.Truly speaking this was really a night of firsts.Contact me on for safe and discreet sex for ladies of any age located in Bangalore. I have my own place where I stay alone or I can come to a location of your...

4 years ago
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Alice 3

Alice part three.On the way home from the office I was feeling good about what Stephen had said about me being the top female engineer, then it struck me, I was the only female engineer. I popped in the bank and paid in the cheque from Santex, with so much going on I had forgotten all about it. I did some shopping and got a few bottles of wine, also another pack of KY, dad had used a few on me this week. I changed from my suit to a mini skirt and strappy three-inch shoes. I set the table for...

4 years ago
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Aphrodites KissChapter 7

“So, what is the meaning of this? You have some nitwit fuck my wife and she spreads her legs for him while she’s fertile? Are you trying to shame...,” Rura started to rant at me as he approached me, only to have me kiss him on the lips. “There, now, shut up and listen! That Kiss makes you my bitch, boi, just like Neal, Lewis, and other guys, just as it makes these ladies mine! You’ll do exactly what I say from now on, no arguments, are we clear?” I ordered Rura, who gulped and instinctively...

2 years ago
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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix 4

Introduction: Wednesday 9/25 and Thursday, 9/26 Wednesday 9/25 Dear Diary, The little cunt was a no-show. I guess I need to teach him what happens when he stands me up. Had an interesting little conversation with Margo today. She basically confronted me about why stupidname was crying in her office two days in a row. BTW, Im getting a little tired of writing out stupidname, so I think Im going to shorten it to SN if its all the same to you Diary. I knew youd understand. Anyway, I pretty...

3 years ago
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Exposing Cindy education our youth Chapter 5

Chapter 5 exposing Cindy- education our youth “The law of unintended consequences” As I entered our master bathroom, I raised my skirt hem, showing my husband that I was missing my panties, but what caught his attention was how red and swollen my vulva was. “Good lord girl! what happened to your cute little pussy? That looks absolutely raw.” “It is raw, I feel like I have been riding a ‘sandpaper hobby horse’.” I replied honestly. For the next 30 minues, Jim hung on every word as I described...

1 year ago
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Betsys JourneyChapter 7 Betsy performs for her lover

Betsy's break from her life's chapter was short and she could hardly wait to do more fantasizing. She longed for more dreams about Doris and quickly lapsed into the chapter where she left off. The following day after her episode with Bingo, Doris took Betsy to her favorite hairdresser and told him to give her the works. Betsy remembered the man, as being so gay, but then she came to the conclusion that she really liked him. He was the best hairdresser and she decided to keep using him,...

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It had been a particularly stormy argument. My mother had accused me of stealing from her purse and I was getting pretty pissed about having to defend myself on no evidence whatsoever. I couldn't believe it. I'd never stolen anything from her in my life and now she comes to me with these bullshit accusations because she's a few bucks short."I had over $50 in my wallet before I went jogging, Micheal!" she screamed at me. "It couldn't have just vanished by itself!"I was furious. Ever since Dad...

4 years ago
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Foreplay On A Rainy Day

Hello, everyone, myself lust king, from Bangalore. This is a real sex story where myself and my aunt had an exotic foreplay on a rainy day. This is my first sex story so please do give feedback in this regard. About myself, I’m an engineering student, averagely built with a 6-inch cock. The heroin of the story is my mom’s friend who is almost a member of our family. She is a bombshell with big boobs, ass and a face which invites you to fuck her face the moment you see. She knows me from...

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The Fiery Doctor Part 4 reboot1

Chapter 1 Standing there, in the distance, were both Mark and Katelynn. “Mark! What the hell are you doing out of the hospital? For that matter how did you get out of the hospital? How did you find me here? My cell phone is still at work.” Mark and Kat just stood there “Hello can you two hear me? This isn’t fucking funny!” “Of course, it’s not funny Emi, but neither is going off the grid.” Mark said calmly “As to your other questions: We both were worried sick about you. As to me...

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