Awakening On Titwhistle Lane CH. 06 free porn video

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CHAPTER 6 -- A health check turns into more than a neighborly visit.

The ladies of Titwhistle Lane huddled around a rather large oval table at the back of their favorite restaurant, Spengalli's. The establishment was know for their cannelloni and handsome Italian waiters. The monthly gathering was a luxury they easily afforded, giving the women a chance to catch up on the latest gossip. At the table, the usual suspects were in attendance -- that is except for Alice Bottomley -- she had something of an urgent nature come up and was unable to attend.

Their order had been taken, with each woman doing their best to display their ample charms to Rodrigo, their waiter. The conversations were much the same as they always were: who was doing what and with whom, where would they vacation next, and what was the latest news up and down Titwhistle Lane.

Stephanie Sizemore was not often the center of attention but today she was, which had her feeling a bit overwhelmed and guilty.

"So, Steph," Mrs. Wentworth began, "tell us about your son. Was he badly hurt? How is he doing?"

The others soon chimed in with questions of their own, not even giving the Sizemore woman a chance to respond. However, when she began to speak, and waved her hands to quiet the table, they all stopped and listened.

"Well, as you all know by now, Damian was stung by a bee a couple of days ago. It was a major scare but he's recovering nicely."

"I had no idea bees could be so dangerous," said Mrs. Connie Bustle, crossing her shapely legs for the umpteenth time since they'd arrived. She had gone out of her way to wear a sharp looking, tight-fitting skirt that rode up perfectly when she was seated. She knew she had the attention of a group of businessmen across the way and was playing up to her strengths.

"Hey, y'all." the Southerner, Emily, called. "I'll tell you what. I had an uncle that got stung by a bee and it killed him."

"That is so sad," Connie, replied. "Did it kill him outright? How long did it take him to die?"

The Ravenbach woman looked around the hushed table, making sure she had their attention, and remarked casually, "No, it didn't kill him instantly. It took a couple of seconds for him to hit the ground."

The ladies looked at one another puzzled. "Hit the ground?" Stephanie finally asked.

"Oh, yeah. That bee strung him while he was working, topping a big ol' tree, and it took him a few seconds to hit the ground. The impact killed him instantly though. Horrible accident really, but my aunt soon got over it... used the insurance money to move to Valdosta. She's living the good life now."

"He must have been allergic...huh?" Stephanie asked to confirm.

"Hell no. We don't think so. I suspect the bee just took him by surprise and he got flustered and fell. He was kind of a it didn't really come as too much of a shock." The black woman said the words so coolly that it left the others speechless for a second or two.

"Alrighty then," piped in Maggie, while the others still considered what had just been said. "So, Damian is quite allergic though. Is that correct?"

"Oh, yes...that's for sure," Stephanie confirmed. "He's pretty much over the sting, but it's the fall that's giving him the most trouble."

"Yup...just like my uncle," Emily interrupted. The others looked at her and hoped it would be the last about her dead uncle, but sadly it was not. "You know that wasn't the first mishap he had. He was prone to stupid shit -- one time he damn near cut his hand clean off with a chainsaw. He was ah," she paused to re-enact the event with her own hands, "reaching up with his left hand and was swinging the big ass saw with the other." Her movements comically replayed the event for those at the table, as well as anyone within earshot. "And he was cutting like that...and next thing you know half his hand was swinging there...just barely attached. Took him best part of a year to get back to work."

"My heavens," Mrs. Wentworth replied. "Well, I certainly hope our young Mr. Sizemore isn't laid up for a year. I'm sure there are a few of us around this table that will need him to look after our lawns, bushes and such."

"Here, here," Connie spat out. "I'm still waiting my turn to have the boy look after my bush."

The remark produced utter silence for only a fraction of a second before all the ladies joined her in a good laugh. That is...all except Stephanie. What did they know?

Using the opportunity to her advantage, Steph took the topic to a whole new level. "You know -- funniest thing -- Damian, why he was out of it with the sting and drugs and all...anyway, he dreamed I screwed him. Can you imagine that?"

"Steph, you can't be serious," Maggie replied, somewhat shocked. "What did he say?"

"Yes, do tell. What did your son say?" Emily eagerly asked.

Stephanie hunched over the table, trying to keep their conversation more confidential, and filled them in. "He dreamed that we were lost at sea and floating on an inflatable raft in the middle of nowhere. Anyway, apparently I mounted him and rode him until he came."

"He didn't mention anybody else...just you two?" Emily pried.

"Not that I recall. When he came to he was convinced it was real. Poor kid had cum all over him."

"What?" Maggie said, coughing. "He had ejaculated?"

"You've never heard of a wet dream?" Emily asked incredulously.

"Of course I have. Don't be silly," Mrs. Wentworth shot back. "I just find it odd that..."

Stephanie quickly jumped back into the conversation, "I think it was the drugs. That Benadryl makes him really loopy. I'm sure that's what caused it. He's still a bit confused about it. So...if he mentions it or says'll kind of be aware."

"Oh, yeah...of course," Mrs. Bustle concurred. "So Stephanie, how was it? Did you get off too?" she asked, knowing the questions would start a new round of laughter.

"See...that's why I can't confide in you ladies," Stephanie said, laughing herself.

As they joked and enjoyed time together, their missing friend was up to something just as shocking and outlandish as Damian's 'dream'.

Alice Bottomley had waited for Damian's mother to pull from their driveway and head down the lane before she made her move. Standing on the Sizemore front porch, she sent a group text indicating she had an emergency come up at the gym and wouldn't be able to make lunch. She knew it would be all she needed to secure a few minutes alone with the boy.

For two days, Alice had thought of little else than the unfortunate boy, his injuries, and the prick he had swinging between his slender legs. She had been mystified and intrigued. The frightfully vivid memory of his young cock plagued her mind, which is why she was standing on his porch. She simply had to know...

Pulling a compact mirror from her purse, she checked her appearance a final time. She was dressed in a form-fitting, short blue dress. The color accentuated her eyes and contrasted well with her blonde locks and even tan. A half bra lifted her full, perfectly enhanced tits both up and in, creating the illusion of a bottomless pit of cleavage. It did so without hindering her nipples from practically tearing through the stretchy fabric. As well, a tiny thong was nestled comfortably between her legs and matched the bra exactly. She was sure the ensemble was exactly what the doctor would order for a young, ailing patient. Popping the mirror back into its place, she smoothed the dress over her firm butt and rang the bell.

Seconds later, Damian slowly opened the door and peered around the edge. "Mrs. Bottomley? My mom's already left."

Alice watched the boy's eyes travel from her face to tits and quickly back again to engage her eye to eye. "Yeah, I saw her pull away. I...I couldn't make the lunch with the girls today but thought maybe I could make you something. I hated the thought of you being home alone...with you not feeling well and all."

"Oh...that's very nice of you, but I'm doing okay. I was just going to fix..."

Bottomley had not spent half her morning getting dolled up to be turned away by an 18-year-old. Putting her hand on the door, she pushed just hard enough to put Damian on his heels and entered quickly. "I'm not taking no for an answer," she said, which was quite obvious to Damian.

"I can see that," he said, regaining his balance. Unsure of what to say, he blurted out, "I guess I should thank you again for all your help the other day. I don't remember much about it but mom said you really helped out."

"It was the least I could do. Are you feeling better?" she asked, while removing a pair of swanky high heels.

Damian, who was barefoot and shirtless, responded affirmatively, saying his hip and shoulder were improving a little bit every day. Alice nodded her approval, noting the bandages on the boy's shoulder and left hip, part of which was visible above his pajama bottoms. As if Mrs. Bottomley was in her own home, she took charge, pulling the boy to the kitchen.

"So, what will it be? A toasted sandwich, a salad? I'm sure your mom has something here we can manage."

"Really, I was just going to have some grapes and cheese. I'm not that hungry."

Alice seemed agitated by the boy's lack of interest in lunch. "It's no wonder you're thin," she said, walking to the boy and placing her hands on his shoulders. She rubbed around his neck, gently caressing the skin and massaging the muscles. "You're actually quite tone," she purred, approving of the sinew beneath her fingers.

"All right then," she said sharply, jerking her hands away from the boy's neck. "It's grapes and cheese. I'll get those for you and while you eat I'll check the road rash. How does that sound?"

"Great...I guess," Damian said, still somewhat puzzled by the older woman's interest. He wasn't sure of her actual age. There was much speculation on Titwhistle Lane as to the woman's actual birthday, however, no one really knew and it was a secret Bottomley herself guarded with absolute secrecy. Some thought her old enough to be his grandmother, but her ass was no indication that was true. Even now, as he watch her putter about the kitchen, her behind looked as firm as his, but it was certainly more round and inviting. Alice had been a friend of the Sizemore's for as long as Damian could remember, dating back to before his dad vanished.

She was always friendly, helpful, and seemed genuinely interested in their welfare...but today something felt different. There was an unusual vibe to her visit. Perhaps it was the dress, or perfume, or boobs...or perhaps it was Damian and the growing up he'd done over the past few weeks. Though he was still a virgin, as far as he knew or could remember, he'd tasted what a mature woman could offer and he was somewhat intrigued and emboldened by Alice's surprise visit.

"Did my mom know you were going to drop by?" he asked, wondering what she was really up to.

"No...I don't believe so, but I don't think she'll mind. Do you?"

"I doubt it. You're like family."

"What a sweet thing to say. Thank you. I feel the same way," she said, setting the food items she'd plundered from the refrigerator in front of the boy.

"Thanks," Damian replied, happily.

Mrs. Bottomley returned to the task of massaging the boy's neck, being careful not to bother the injured shoulder. "How's that feel?" she asked, her voice suddenly an octave lower.

"Great...I love being massaged," he choked out, while mashing together a grape and piece of cheddar.

" that right? I learned some really interesting techniques at a course I took last summer. I'm sure they would help you unwind and get some blood pumping to your extremities." Touching the young man and thinking about what she had in mind already had Bottomley wet with anticipation.

"Um...okay," he said, not quite sure what that was suppose to mean.

Sensing his hesitation, Alice offered some explanation. "We get some blood flowing to your shoulder and hip and they'll heal faster. The extra blood, filling the muscles and swelling them, will bring fresh nutrients and take away the harmful bi-products. Simple anatomy and physiology, just like you've learned in school."

"Sounds familiar," he agreed, truly oblivious to what she'd said. He was more focused and worried about what was happening in his pants. Having the woman's knowing hands roaming over his upper back, and her talk of swelling tissues was having an alarming effect on Damian. Not unaccustomed to having erections at random times, he certainly didn't need one now. He imagined his mother coming home and finding him in the kitchen, with a boner, and with Mrs. Bottomley, much like solving a game of Clue.

Suddenly, her hands withdrew from his neck and she pulled at the tape holding the gauze to his shoulder. "Let me get a look at this," she said, exposing the raw skin. " it sore?" she asked, noting how red and scabbed over the skin remained.

"'s surprisingly good -- just bothers me if I roll over onto it funny."

"And how about the hip?" she asked, more than eager to inspect it first hand.

"It's about the same."

"Well, I may as well have a look at it while I'm here. It certainly won't hurt to have another opinion."

Damian was a little startled but somehow not stunned by her request. It seemed the ladies of the lane were more concerned about his welfare than he might have ever imagined. However, he was troubled by what she might discover if she made him stand up to review his hip injury.

"I'm sure it's fine. Mom just changed the bandage this morning and put some antibiotic ointment on it. It's about the same as my shoulder and..." He continued his milquetoast protest as Alice pulled him to his feet and made him stand at attention.

"Okay, just be still for a minute while I get a better look at you." Alice had been standing behind her patient and was unaware of the tent that had formed in the front of his pajamas. Yet, Damian made no effort to conceal his excitement. In fact, when Mrs. Bottomley knelt to the side of him and got the first look at the impressive bulge, he flexed and his cock bounced bombastically.

A sudden gasp and intake of breath confirmed she had seen his display...but she said nothing about it. Instead, she went on like a nurse, "Damian, let's get these pants down a bit...for a better look."

She pulled his pants and boxers down, so that the only thing keeping them from dropping to the floor was the root of his cock and the angle of his now fully erect penis. Alice scooted a few inches further around in front of the boy, remaining on her knees. She teased the tape away from the edges of the gauze and peeled back the bandage, exposing his hip area.

"Yes, this looks the same...just as you'd said, but these bottoms are dirty and there's some blood on your unders. I'd hate to think they could infect the area further. Come on...let's get these off and find you something clean."

Without seeking permission or giving it a second thought, Alice yanked Damian's pants and boxers to the floor with one brisk tug. His cock had no choice than to be leveraged down between his legs, creating a loaded spring, which when released shot the hardened shaft upward to smack against his belly. It oscillated around for a few seconds before it reached an equilibrium, with the head pointed directly at Mrs. Bottomley's pretty face.

"Good heavens, Damian! I had no idea. I mean what has got you so excited?" she gasped, feigning shock.

Damian looked down at his cock and the valley of cleavage that was somewhat obscured by his beast's width. His mouth was suddenly dry and he couldn't speak, but his cock seemed to answer for him, bouncing another couple of times as if to say 'come and get me'.

Alice was equally without words, staring the boy's prick directly in the 'eye'. It was bigger erect than she might have thought possible and it appeared to be thickening even more as she watched it bounce. Knowing there was nothing she could do now to stop the events that she had set in motion, she looked up at Damian, captured his eyes with hers, and slowly pulled the dress off her shoulders. The boy's gaze instinctively followed the motion of Alice's hands, which exposed her breasts for his feasting eyes. Her tits were large and round, not as big as Mrs. Wentworth's, but with nipples that seemed wider with bumps that were raised and dark around the larger central nub.

Freeing her arms from the confines of the dresses' sleeves, Alice used both hands to get the massive cock under control. She examined it like a skilled butcher looking over a fine steak; pushing it one way and then the other, running her hands over its entirety, and then hefting his balls with her palms. Satisfied with her 'purchase' she began stroking the shaft in earnest.

"Looks like we've got the blood flowing," she said, watching how her stroking was making the head swell even further.

"Yeah," was all Damian could manage. Suddenly his knees felt weak and he bent over slightly to steady himself by holding onto Alice's shoulders. The silky smoothness of her cool skin was divine, further pushing him towards orgasm.

The increased turgidity of the boy's cock made Alice slow down and think. "That feel good, Damian?" she whispered, still pumping his cock lightly but with less pressure. The nodding of his head was answer enough. "Do you think you can cum for me?" Another nod from Damian, and a naughty smile graced the older woman's face. She'd helped plenty of men empty their balls over the years but never a pair that were attached to such a cannon.

Alice picked up the pace again, but stopped short of letting him climax. Rather, she pushed his cock flush with his belly and ran her tongue from his full balls to the crown of his baton. He moaned and grabbed the back of her head, crushing her tongue to his aching cock. She repeated the exercise a couple of times until the taste of pre-cum lathered the underside of his cock-head and coated her lips.

"Can you hold off another minute, Baby" she asked, sensing he was ready to explode.

"Don't know..." he whined. "So close..."

Taking his answer as a cue, Bottomley stood and dropped her dress to the floor. Her suntanned and beautifully muscled body was almost more than Damian could take, and an audible grunt escaped his lips. She smoothed her hands first over her glorious nipples, and then, turning around, she bent over and displayed her ass for the boy to enjoy.

"Have you ever felt a grown woman's ass?" she asked, suggestively.

"Nope...never," was the boy's reply.

"Go ahead, give it a try," she beckoned, bending over the table to give him free access. Having her panties on made little difference to the boy, as he ran his hands over the firm buns. They were magical and wondrous. Something he had imagined a thousand times but never experienced. Looking back over her shoulder, Alice watched Damian play with her butt. Cum was now dripping from his fully charged cock and she knew he needed release.

From the tabletop she snatched the tube of antibiotic ointment that Stephanie had used to doctor her son's lesions. She spun the cap and squeezed a prodigious amount between the cheeks of her ass.

"Come on, Damian," she begged. "Put that big cock of yours between my ass cheeks. Rub that monster against me until you cum."

The boy didn't have to be asked twice. He positioned himself behind her and slapped his meat between her perfect half moons. The first few strokes were awkward until the lubricant was distributed and he had an idea of what he was doing. The obvious squeezing of Alice's well-muscled ass was having an incredible effect on the boy, and shortly into the exercise his balls tightened, the glans flared, and he began to cum.

He held onto Bottomley's hips for stability as the first volley sprang from the tip of his cock, hitting Alice directly in the back of the head. A rope of cum, splattered up her spine, confirming the angle and precision of the boy's blast. Alice moaned deeply, surprised by how hard the cum had hit her skull. The second eruption was equally startling, as she watched it fly over her head to land on the table in front of her. She quickly scooped up what she could with a finger and stuck it in her mouth, savouring the texture and warmth of the liquid, like fine wine. The warmth of the next few salvos, crashing across her back, were all she needed to perpetuate her own climax.

The more than middle-aged woman ground her ass back against the teen, forcing increased pressure against her asshole, the harder she climaxed. She grunted and moaned through her pleasure, still sucking the finger that had claimed her prize. Additionally, she raked her bar nipples across the tabletop, enhancing and taking her orgasm to the next level of unparalleled satisfaction.

Damian was enthralled by the woman's reaction to his cocksmanship. He continued to apply pressure to Bottomley's backside until the waves of her orgasm ceased. Confident she was done, he stepped back sightly and worked his hand up and down his spent cock, forcing the last drops of semen onto her ass.

Blissfully drained and exhausted, the pair collapsed into opposing chairs, trying to catch their breath. Alice looked around the kitchen at the cum-stained floor, table, wall, and themselves...and she began to laugh. She was shortly followed by Damian, who was still shaking but feeling much better.

"We've got some cleaning to do, Young Man," Alice said, pointing about the room. "And your mom will be home soon. Now, first off...I was never here, and secondly, this has to remain..."

Before she could finish the thought, Damian cut her off and finished it for her. "This has to remain between us and is our little secret. You don't have to worry about me. I know how to keep a secret."

"I'll bet you do," Alice whispered, taking a final peek at Damian's shrinking cock. "I'll bet you do."


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The brown tressed woman hit the brakes hard as she brought her car to a sudden stop at the corner of Bessolo Boulevard and Reeves Lane, sending her short shoulder length hair in every direction. After hearing the first reports of the jewelry store robbery on her police scanner, the Daily Planet reporter had raced across town at a speed far exceeding the posted limits. A fact that didn’t interest any of the almost fifty officers spread out in front of her along Bessolo Boulevard. Their...

2 years ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 4 Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane

Dramatis Personae: Frank ___ - Lead character, inventor of Alpha Alpha - First A.I. in existence Kasumi Tendo - artificial woman based on character from Ranma 1/2 Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan - artificial woman based on character from Daria Jane Lane aka Jane Lannister - artificial woman based on character from Daria Daria was an MTV cartoon series that ran for 5 seasons, plus 2 TV movies. It was a spin-off of Beavis and Butthead, a series that I loathed. The main character, Daria...

4 years ago
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Awakening ndash Chapter 2

My fantasy continued… (If you have not read the first chapter titled "Awakening" ( this may leave you confused)Rachel held me tightly, her arms pulling me close, our lips met as the first spurt of cum left my cock and shot into her pussy. She moaned on my tongue again and I felt her rock her hips, rubbing her swollen clit against my shaft. She broke the kiss, breathing heavily, “Oh yes, fill me up,” she begged as the second spurt filled her and I...

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Awakening Ch 3 Quickening

This is the third chapter of Awakening. This is the uncensored version of this story and contains extreme gore and death. If you would prefer a censored version with a minor rewrite to avoid human death, feel free to visit my profile on Literotica or Lush Stories (links to both profiles are available in my DeviantArt bio under the name QuiverWrites), where the censored version will be published. Both versions are also available on my Patreon. As with previous chapters, this story contains...

4 years ago
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Down Memory Lane

Having been married for nearly 8 years Helen and James were wondering what to do to celebrate to Valentines Day this year. Helen decided to take matters into her own hands and organise a trip down memory lane by recreating a Valentines experience from their youth when they were both love struck teenagers. Helen told James that she would sort out the evenings entertainment but that he would need to drive but she was sure that it would be worth his while. James agreed, the sexy smile on his...

2 years ago
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Dr ToyMan vs the JLA Will he Win his Price Lois Lane

"Come on, you crazy bastard. Finally grow up. Act like an adult and find yourself a girlfriend. Or a friend! Shit! A rubber doll for all I care, as long as you stop getting on my nerves! Heaven. Finally let yourself get laid you child and deal like an grown-up" Lois shouted and joined. The Toy-Man kneeled in front of the camera and made a loud, whimpering noise. Only seconds later Superman and Supergirl broke through the wall to save Lois. Both were amazed when they saw the picture in front of...

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Memory Lane

Memory laneI have found myself wandering down memory lane of late. Waking up slowly, thinking of past sexual encounters, my fingers sliding between my slick folds, bringing myself to orgasms at the delicious thoughts. Four memories from 20 years ago, up until 20 days ago.. My first experience with group sex (after only ever sleeping with one man before), meeting a guy at a club, drunk and grinding on the dance floor in a tight short skirt, feeling his considerable cock through his pants. Him...

3 years ago
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Maiden Lane

An Anniversary to Remember The harvest had given way to the last month of winter in San Francisco. A young couple walked along the old pier, a pier which is simply called the Muni pier by most locals. The fisherman cast out by the rocks which contour the shoreline area. The seagulls, wheeling and crying calling out to one another as they dove, wings skimming the surface above the foam in search of food. The chill of winter glistened with salt spray over the Pacific Ocean. “Excuse me, would you...

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The Country Lane

Driven by a male friend we approached down a dark lane amidst a tunnel of trees and took the sharp right hand bend to enter the dimly lit tunnel beneath a motorway. A car was parked to one side of the tunnel with interior lights on and couple were in it.We parked on the side of the lane in a gateway. I left the car and approached the couple. She was a mature woman wearing only a suspender belt and stockings beneath a shawl. She was showing everything to me her man was encouraging her to open...

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Right hand left lane

Right hand, left laneA little poem of love for a teen driving dangerouslyRight hand drivingFast, hence left laneOn the road againFrom West to EastFrom Left to RightAnd back againHigh speed, I knowYour little secretIt´s the hole in your pocket.I know you did it on purpose.Irish red-head swinging to the East.Singing a song of love and longing.Who are you? Old enough to drive?A sexy hole in your pocket.So you can drive very fast?Your button of loveI know your dirty little secret.You press your...

2 years ago
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Down Memory Lane

Two days into my college summer I went to stay with my grandparents near Bishopstoke, Hampshire. Grandpa would go to the fields where he would spend the day working. Normally, I would holiday in Desborough Road, Eastleigh with my older brother, Herbert. Two weekends before college was out, I had been at Herbert’s house when he and his wife Julie, went to Tescos. My town friends Rupe and Monty had come by and picked me up in Monty’s Ford Prefect to go to the new mall at The Bargate,...

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Flashed Lovers Lane

Mark, Benny and Jim watched Steve and Julie at the bar. "Don't know why he's bothering. She's a slapper," said Mark. "Easy shag," said Jim as Steve and Julie headed for the exit. "Hey, Steve, you off to Lover's Lane?" Mark called. "I'm gonna show Julie my new sound system." "Yeah, right. A likely story." Mark burst out laughing. Two pints after Steve and Julie had left, the three friends were depressed. "Why does Steve always get the birds?" Jim asked. "Must be his...

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Awakenings 3

AWAKENINGS 3 Well, here it is right after the holidays and Im alone again while Stu is enjoying himself in London for three weeks. Like last year, Id have to spend this New Years Eve alone again. I started writing this stuff for therapeutic reasons, a way to blow off steam for a while, but something makes me want to finish it now that Ive gone this far. This may be my last story. I dont know at this point. Cant see any more happening to me that someone would want to read about. Also, cant...

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Awakening Ch 1

Awakening by Quiver Chapter 1: Summoning Rebecca heard the creak of the front door opening as Steven entered the house. "Hey Honey," he chimed from the front hallway. "How was your day?" he asked absently as he hung his jacket on the coat rack. "Fine, what about you?" Rebecca answered from the kitchen. "Yep, same. All good," Rebecca heard him mumble from the other room. Hopefully he'll come in here before he sits down in front of the computer, she thought to herself. She had...

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Awakening Blood of the Unknown

Background: Amelia is the last but highest ranking surviving member of her bloodline. She knows that if she finds her destined mate that she will be able to birth more purebloods and will not have to augment her forces with turned vampires. She loves all of her children but is in need of purebloods to strengthen her forces to combat the humans. She does not want war but will not allow her family to be extinguished by human hatred and fear. Humans know that if Amelia finds a mate Humanity will...

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Awakenings 5

Introduction: A continuation: Awakenings 5 I didnt think I would be writing about this anymore, but so much has happened to me since the last chapter, and a lot of people have asked whats going on, so here goes nothing. Awakenings 1-4 will tell you how much my once simple life has changed, and how I went from a happily married young wife to someone with an almost unquenchable sex appetite. I could blame Randy, the man who introduced me to that life-style, but I know it was completely my own...

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Awakenings 4

Introduction: Read Awakenings 1-3 before this one. Awakenings 4 I didnt think Id continue with my story, but a few things have happened lately that made me reconsider. One, Cleo (the woman who helps me write this) got so many responses asking what has happened since the first stories, that she persuaded me to continue. Secondly, my extreme behavioral and personality changes are something Im still trying to understand. Ive gone from a meek, nave little creature who thought sex was just...

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CHAPTER 1 Delaney Robinson emerged childless from five years of marriage, rather wealthy and no longer lived a trapped victim of drunken and bad-tempered verbal abuse. She felt no worse than when she’d flunked college. Checking that the money had been released into her account, she transferred it to her new bank. Well that was only sensible because her old bank had also been Jerry’s bank. She had thought several times about putting a bullet into his head but backed off each time, thinking of...

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Awakening of Alexis part 6

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 6The videos that we were given at that evening gathering were unbelievable. But I will describe them later, because something else came up that kind of interrupted their enjoyment.My wife Alexis came to me late one evening and said she had to talk something over with me. I knew that she and Jackie - the white prostitute or 'escort' who arranged and organized our various 'extracurricular activities' - had had another telephone conversation that afternoon. The rest...

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Awakening Ch 2 Reckoning

Awakening by Quiver Chapter 2: Reckoning Rebecca woke up the next morning feeling strangely confident. Ordinarily, she would never sleep in the nude, but last night she had gone to bed naked without a second thought. And those dreams. Holy shit, that had been so vivid. Steven would never show such passion in real life. It must have been that weird summoning spell she had tried out. It had put some really intense images in her mind. Rebecca opened her eyes to see Steven passed out with...

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Durham Hooks into Delaney

The final applicant appeared before the interview board at 2.22. Eight minutes later it appeared all over for the opened-faced 32-year-old Durham Durham, he was ‘shown the door’. The other twenty-three applicants sweated on average thirteen minutes and nine seconds during which time they were questioned and challenged by the five serious-faced senior executives charged with appointing a special adviser on marketing to the President of Business America Jet Aircraft Corporation. An hour later...

2 years ago
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Awakening of Alexis part 1

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 1 I can’t say that I really regret anything that’s happened. Step by step it’s been unbelievably exciting. Let me explain what happened. I am in my late forties and Alexis, my wife of some 18 years, is the same age. She is tall, fairly slim, with brown eyes and hair, smallish breasts, and with lots of light brown pubic hair. Our sex life has been drab to say the least and as our sex has dropped off, I’ve tried to find new ways to excite her. I have never been...

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Awakening From A Dream

Awakening from the Dream The dream. It starts at a work happy hour at a downtown bar. A neighborhood type place, except it is in the middle of a bunch of office buildings. It’s the dive the professionals go to, not the locals. I go with the usual crowd, the usual b.s. around the office, is now just taken “offsite”. I really go because my friend Heather goes. Truth be told, I really couldn’t care about anyone else. Heather is a true friend and just gets me, understands me. We’re both in the...

3 years ago
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Awakening of Alexis part 4

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 4 Things had definitely changed. Alexis was more ‘alive’ now, more easily sexually aroused, more ‘awakened’ in the sense of a kind of primal lust. This is what I had been wanting to bring to life in her, to really perk up the sexual side of our marriage, to make things more exciting for us. Great things were happening. She would go with me to the adult video store and she would do her own selections. Nearly always she picked black on white action videos, always...

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Awakening of Alexis part 6

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 6 The videos that we were given at that evening gathering were unbelievable. But I will describe them later, because something else came up that kind of interrupted their enjoyment. My wife Alexis came to me late one evening and said she had to talk something over with me. I knew that she and Jackie – the white prostitute or ‘escort’ who arranged and organized our various ‘extracurricular activities’ – had had another telephone conversation that afternoon. The...

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Awakening of Alexis part 2

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 2 After a lot of time, thought, encouragment, and some light pressure on my part, Alexis finally agreed to take things to the next level, sexually. I mean she SAID she agreed, but she was also very hesitant. She sometimes seemed almost angry when I brought the subject up and refused to even talk about it, but gradually I got her to talk more about this and we got into some specifics. A lot of the discussion about what we would do, took place while making love....

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Awakening of Alexis part 3

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 3 For days after that night at the motel, I was in a kind of turmoil. It was such a turn-on to see my wife Alexis pleasured by a woman and also pleasuring herself in front of her. But far more so, were the statements made by Jackie – the prostitute / ‘escort’ – about future encounters – i.e. involving black men. The examples she gave, the scenarios, the options, were breathtaking. Recalling her words just gave me an instant hard-on. Alexis was just as aroused...

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Awakening of Alexis part 7

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 7 I am Alexis June.  My husband suggested that I provide some of my side of our experiences, to give a little different perspective.  I am going to be completely honest and candid.  Some of what I am going to say has upset my husband when we talked about it at length but he has come around to accepting it all. Firstly, I met Charles in Africa.  He’s an American and I came to like him and we got married.  I admit that one reason I married him was the opportunity to...

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Awakening of Alexis part 5

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 5 My wife serviced a few more black men in the next couple of weeks, before Jackie arranged for us to get together again. She wanted us to view some video material, talk to us, and so on, along with some other people present. One of the servicings involved Alexis having to meet a black guy on the other side of town but it was a decent area. As usual, I drove her there and we went up to the house together. The wife opened the door. She was black, tall and very...

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I’m awake. It feels good to stretch and roll over. Ahhh… it's Sunday. No need to get up until I feel like it. She’s breathing softly and steadily, still asleep. Snuggle closer; she’s lying on her back. I like cuddling with her, even when she’s asleep. Even after years of marriage, I still find her sexy as hell. Look at her face from inches away. I love those lips; best kisses and best blowjobs of my life. And those eyes; she has eyelashes to die for. My hand is on her thigh. The skin is soft...

Straight Sex
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Awakening to lingerie

My lingerie fetish went full blown when I was 12 but the origins of my perversion were much earlier in my c***dhood.I believe due to the environment I grew up in, I had very little privacy and any time I had alone was a treasure. When I was about 5 to 6 I discovered that squeezing my stuffed toy dog between my legs felt really good and it would reach a point where my mind would go blank. I would spend the entire afternoon at my grandparents place just squeezing my precious dog. Sometimes my...

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Awakening III

I climbed into my car and headed for Emma's apartment just after 5:00 P.M. Ten minutes later I parked in a visitor space at the rear of her apartment block. The week just past seemed like the longest week of my life. I locked the car, took the stairs to the first floor and knocked on Emma's door. A few moments later she opened it, inviting me in. Emma was wearing denim shorts and a loose fitting white blouse. She looked sensational. She threw her arms around me and kissed me on the lips,...

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Awakening ndash Chapter 3

My fantasy continued…Rachel’s ass filled with my spunk and as I looked down I noticed it leaking out between that tight sphincter that had lost its seal from me fucking her. I shuddered from the reaction to my ejaculation and her anal cavity was so slick from my cum that my cock felt like it was being pushed out from the pressure of my cum filling her.I felt my cock start to shrink and I am sure Rachel felt it as well and she clamped hard with her muscles and held my nearly flaccid cock inside...

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I can’t tell you how old I was when I first noticed the difference between the male and female species. Yes there was my mother and I knew her as Mom and I knew Mom dressed differently, but to honestly say I knew there was something different between us other than age really didn’t sink in to my brain until that morning. There was NOTHING sexual about it, no it was an awakening to the realization that there was more than an age difference between me and the females that lived in and around our...

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Awakening By April Drifting awake sore and groggy, there's no pain. There should be but there isn't yet. All I feel is time thick as molasses, and squeezing. Weird pneumatic sounds as my legs are squeezed and held. Hugs from a machine. I am nervous. Do I dare? I squeeze. There's a soreness yet something else. A fullness. I can feel the packing, inside. I have an inside. Tubes in my arms pulling as a hug myself. Is this real? I can feel inside me. I'm sore but I can feel, inside. Sleep...

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Awakening to gorg bondage saline injection a

Stumbling into the kitchen to eat still groggy after ten hours of sleep she wiggles up on a stool, the wife looks and asks what she want to consume and she responds she wants scrambled eggs. The wife serves Mitch some eggs and broccoli and a hungry sports babe scoffs it up then relaxes gazing into space, I walk behind her and squeeze her shoulders and she leans her head back concerned why she is so tired. We discover she does not remember the previous night of torment but she is aware her pussy...

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Awakening From A Dream

Awakening from the Dream The dream. It starts at a work happy hour at a downtown bar. A neighborhood type place, except it is in the middle of a bunch of office buildings. It’s the dive the professionals go to, not the locals. I go with the usual crowd, the usual b.s. around the office, is now just taken “offsite”. I really go because my friend Heather goes. Truth be told, I really couldn’t care about anyone else. Heather is a true friend and just gets me, understands me. We’re both in the...

Straight Sex
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Awakening of Alexis part 7

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 7I am Alexis June.  My husband suggested that I provide some of my side of our experiences, to give a little different perspective.  I am going to be completely honest and candid.  Some of what I am going to say has upset my husband when we talked about it at length but he has come around to accepting it all.Firstly, I met Charles in Africa.  He's an American and I came to like him and we got married.  I admit that one reason I married him was the opportunity to...


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