Tim And Abbie 55 And What About Brian
- 4 years ago
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A Tom Hanks movie was running on the television but Hazel wasn’t watching it. Sure, she was sitting in the right place on the sofa, had the lights turned down and an obligatory bowl of microwave popcorn on her lap but it was one of those nights where she just didn’t feel it. Some other day, she might have been on the edge of her seat. But that night, the acting felt obvious and almost insulting.
Her eyes moved around the living room of her small apartment. The fairy lights were still up, as was the small, plastic tree and the string of Christmas cards that went from the window to the bookcase. Christmas was gone and leaving the decorations up felt like pointlessly holding onto something that’d abandoned her. Although, the opposite was true. Christmas hadn’t abandoned her. She’d abandoned it. After all, it was easier to take shifts at the hospital rather than face the inevitably problematic family Christmas.
And that was what she’d done. The 24th, the 25th and the 26th, twelve hours from eight until eight, doing routine, monotonous work on the wards. Some of the patients had guests on Christmas Day. Most didn’t. It was depressing as hell to see them in their beds, pale and thin and no-one but each other for company. They had Christmas dinner. They watched movies. They slept. Death seemed to crawl closer.
The few doctors on duty were miserable. Hazel didn’t know why. They were making three times what she was. But then, money didn’t mean very much, did it? She knew it, but it still felt nice to see the monthly payslip, to know that there was more to save for a rainy day. A rainy day. Could that be a British thing? Surely not. It was always raining.
She stood up, left the movie playing while retrieving her phone from where it was precariously balanced to charge on the bookcase edge. She opened her email and then her work schedule. She was working New Year’s Eve and New Years Day too.
Weekends were always good money but so were nights. Though nights sucked. The neighbours always seemed extra noisy when she was trying to sleep through the day. As if on cue, an atrocious cover of Last Christmas began echoing through the walls. It took Hazel a few seconds to realise the students upstairs were having a karaoke night. She turned the volume on the television up. Tom Hanks was in full emotional mode. Actors, she thought and rolled her eyes.
Hazel dropped down on the sofa. Too early to sleep. Too late to go out, if there was any damn place to go. Outside the window, the city was bright and alive but it was raining, the neon lights blurred and bleeding. She had a sudden urge to get out, to go someplace, get the hell away from all of it. But then she remembered her last vacation. LA, almost six months ago now. Jenna, one of her old school friends and her had flown out and spent two full weeks soaking up the sun and chilled-out vibes out on the west coast. And there was Lane.
She glanced quickly at the stack of canvases on the top of the bookcase as if afraid they might have disappeared. He was goddamn obsessed with the paintings. Maybe she should have been flattered. After all, he owned an art gallery somewhere near Hollywood. Maybe that was the problem. Hollywood sounded cheap. Glittery. Obnoxiously so. Who sold real art next to movie studios? And it wasn’t even real art. It was a pastime. It was amateur. God, even she hated her work.
Lane had spent hours trying to convince her to let him sell her paintings. Half of her genuinely believed it was a ruse to get her into bed. Which he’d achieved. Many times. She let out a long breath, trying not to reminisce, though it was hard. He smelled like warm sand. He was maybe the most handsome man she’d ever seen. Her heart skipped a beat the first time she saw him. For a good ten seconds, she hadn’t been able to speak coherently. Stupid, right? But then, he was tall and tanned and had broad shoulders and the warmest, most beautiful smile the word knew. God!
He hadn’t even looked at her. His shadow had fallen over her canvas out on the beach and he’d just stared at the half-finished painting. Hazel didn’t get it, and she wasn’t being modest. At school, her best grade in Art had been a resounding C. But then again, that was years ago. Nobody had seen her newer stuff. Nobody knew about it and she liked it that way.
She liked painting whatever the hell she wanted. After all, it was a side-line. It was for her. No-one else. So it could be clichéd and obvious and goddamn crap but it didn’t matter one bit. The paint wasn’t too expensive, neither were the brushes, or the canvases. But then Lane arrived. And he looked at her half-assed painting of what she would later pretentiously describe as ‘the real version of Los Angeles’ and wouldn’t stop looking at it until he’d looked at her and then seemed torn between her and the painting.
His eyes were brown, but almost yellow in the sun. He wore a brilliant white button down shirt, though maybe two of the buttons were actually done up. Bare feet. Beach shorts. Sunglasses in his pocket. A hundred percent Californian. He could’ve been a screenwriter, a surfer, a musician, a bartender, a goddamn lifeguard.
She didn’t remember much of what they’d said. It was all meaningless when the sex began happening. Sex. Proper sex. So much different to the lessons at school, to the awkward teenage peer pressure, to the almost depressing nights with her one ex-boyfriend.
Maybe the sun had gone to her head. Hazel knew people, she knew bodies, knew the intricacies and was smart enough to know when a fling was just that; a no-strings-attached amount of fun. No strings. It had ended the day the holiday did. And then it was back to London and back to real-life. Six months. No contact. How could there be contact? They’d only ever been together in the flesh; hadn’t exchanged numbers, addresses, anything of importance.
Sometimes she wondered if he was married. She wondered if he wondered the same about her. Or did he even think about her? Maybe he’d moved on. Maybe? Definitely. How could a man like that not move on? And here she was, cheating on Christmas, practically a workaholic.
She eyed the canvases again. There were more in her bedroom, hidden under the bed. And some in her wardrobe. And in her storage spot in the basement downstairs. How many? Fifty maybe? Interpretations, she liked to call them. Of London mostly, because that was where she usually was. And then LA, of course, though she’d been so preoccupied with Lane, that only three paintings had come out of the trip, two of them having been done back home.
There was Paris, from last year. A lot from there. And then Tokyo from two years before. It was harder, the further you ventured. Being new to a place dazzled her, gave little time for a clear view of what was really going on. London was easy, overdone yes, but still inspiring. There was so much to see, delve into, criticise.
She was thinking about going to Kensington again, maybe taking some photos this time, when the doorbell rang. It startled her, only because she hadn’t heard the buzzer for the entrance door downstairs. Someone must have got the wrong apartment. It happened all the time. She stood up, walked out into the narrow, cold hallway and opened the door.
It was Lane. Lane. Outside her apartment. She was dreaming, surely. He wasn’t really there. It was only because she’d been thinking of him. It was a lookalike maybe.
“Hey,” he said. The same voice. She remembered it in her ear, low and deep and so American and warm. Everything he ever said to her sounded sexual.
She stared. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She swallowed hard.
“What are you doing here?” It was the most sensible question of the many that were racing around her mind.
“I wanted to see you. Can I come in?”
Hazel stepped aside automatically. He was wearing a jacket. She’d never seen him in a jacket. He moved into the apartment. The hallway seemed very small, all of a sudden. He shut the door.
“It’s raining,” he said.
She blinked. “It’s always raining.”
He smiled. She didn’t. He waited for her to lead the way into the living room. She didn’t move.
“I would’ve called,” he said, finally. “Only I didn’t have your number.”
“But you had my address?”
He smiled again.
“Aren’t you pleased to see me?”
There was something dark beneath the sunny surface of his voice. Something that reminded her of those long, urgent, sleepless nights. Something that made her legs feel a little weak and her hands a little shaky.
“I’m – shocked,” she said weakly.
The movie was still playing on the television. She felt out of her depth, even though they were in her own home. Her territory. Hundreds and hundreds of miles from the beachside hotel in Los Angeles.
Lane hadn’t moved. He wasn’t speaking. He was just waiting, half a smile on his face, still as goddamn beautiful as ever. Her whole apartment seemed inadequate; too small, too homely, not light or pretty enough. It was like seeing a Rolls-Royce parked outside a McDonalds. He didn’t fit.
“I really don’t know what you’re doing here,” Hazel finally said.
His smile got a little wider.
“You don’t?”
Two words. Two goddamn words. If sex was a language, he was speaking it. She wondered how many women he’d used that voice on.
“No. I don’t,” she said, as firmly as possible.
He stepped a little closer to her and she backed away instinctively.
“You know, since the day you left, I’ve thought about this. About what you’d say if I showed up. What you’d do.” He was still moving, forcing her to step back into the living room. His eyes flicked around the furnishings before settling briefly on the top of the bookcase.
“You’re still painting?” he asked.
He stopped walking and looked at her.
“Can I see?”
He smiled. He always had a smile ready, always seemed to know he’d be able to wear her down. She imagined how wonderful it would be to have such self-assurance. He could have anything he wanted. She didn’t try to tell herself she’d ever be able to give him a real ‘no’. Maybe that was why she hadn’t wanted him to be more than a one-off.
He changed everything, rubbed out lines and redrew them where he pleased. Lines. Limits. She wasn’t even sure if she could see them anymore. It wasn’t that he disagreed with her, but more that he knew her better than she knew herself. Sure, she protested in all the conventional ways but it was thrilling to have someone take control, to make those decisions that she’d always secretly been afraid of.
Lane looked at the television. He watched it so blankly, that Hazel craved to know what was running around his mind.
“I think about you a lot,” he said finally. His eyes didn’t move from the TV screen. She could see the lights reflected in his irises.
“I’m flattered.”
His mouth curled at the corner, but he still didn’t look at her.
“I don’t know,” he mused, “Maybe it’s because it was so quick. I didn’t have time to figure out exactly what I wanted. I mean, usually, I make decisions. End things. It’s easy. Calculated. But then you weren’t planned or ended in the right way and it feels like – unfinished business.”
“So you’re here to end it officially?” Hazel felt as though she should be insulted.
“No.” He still didn’t look at her. “I had this mastermind plan. I’d come and you’d be over the moon and then I’d steal your paintings and you’d have to chase me back to LA. And by that time I’d have sold them and maybe you’d be happy enough to not be upset if I broke things off. But then I thought, what if I don’t want to break things off?”
“Things?” Hazel shook her head. “There is no ‘thing’, Lane. We live very far apart. We had a fun time, and it ended naturally. There doesn’t have to be an official end. Think of it as a one night stand. You even showing up here is crazy.”
“But I couldn’t stop thinking about you. And your paintings.” He was indifferently watching Tom Hanks cry. “I just can’t stop, Hazel. I’m sorry. I can’t. I knew it was ridiculous to come out here, to be so forward but what the hell. You only live once, right?”
Hazel watched him, her eyes narrowed. She felt as though he was putting on a front. He’d never acted so attached before. It didn’t suit him. He was playing her. He wanted something. But what? Sex? The paintings? What the damn hell did he want? Why would he come to goddamn London in the rain and show up at her apartment door? He wasn’t in love with her. He couldn’t be. He didn’t know anything about her.
“What do you want, Lane?” Her voice was even.
He drew in a breath.
“I don’t know.”
“Shouldn’t you have thought about it before showing up here?”
He looked at her, finally, the ghost of a smile on his face.
God, he was so attractive. So distracting. Hazel looked away, at the abandoned popcorn on the coffee table, the open book lying face down on the sofa. An empty water glass was balanced on top of it.
“Do you want a drink or something?” she asked.
He laughed. “No, I don’t want a goddamn drink.”
“So what do you want?” Her voice came out more aggressive than she would have liked but who would blame her? He’d shown up out of the blue, acting out of sorts and she didn’t have a clue what his game was.
“You’re mad at me?” His voice was amused. “You know that turns me on.”
She rolled her eyes, turning away, but he caught her wrist, pulling her towards him so quickly that she almost stumbled. He was such a show off. Yes, I know you’re stronger than me, Hazel wanted to say, congratulations. But by that time, his mouth was on hers and she could hardly think, let alone speak.
He kissed her the way he’d always kissed her; hard and hungry, his hands already on her ass, pulling her into him. She’d missed it more than she realised. His lips moved down her neck and she found herself stretching up to give him better access. His grip on her ass tightened, pulling her higher until she wasn’t even sure she could feel the floor under her feet. Her hands were pressing against his shoulders, almost pushing him away but it didn’t deter him. She could feel his teeth in her skin, then the warm sweep of his tongue. It made her feel lightheaded.
“Lane, this is - ”
“What?” he growled against her skin. “It’s what, Hazel?”
Her eyes closed as his hands held her more forcefully, pulling her tight against his body. Even through all the layers of clothing she could feel his heat, the beat of his heart and the hard pressure against her stomach. She swallowed hard, jerking her neck away from his mouth.
“We can’t. We have to – talk.”
He let go of her suddenly leaving her feeling disoriented.
“About what?” He was breathing hard. He pulled off his jacket, dropping it onto the floor. “What, Hazel? Has something changed? You’ve met someone?”
She turned away while she still could.
“No. No.”
“Then what?” he demanded.
Hazel didn’t trust herself to speak. She stepped forward. She couldn’t think straight. Her heart thumped erratically. She had to get rid of him. Why had she even opened the goddamn door? She reached for the glass on the sofa and went into the kitchen. He followed.
“You should go,” she said, finally.
He laughed though it was more cursory than genuine amusement.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
She let out a breath. “You’re so arrogant.”
She went to the sink, filled the glass and drank the water fast. It was cold enough to make head hurt. Lane had come closer and she felt his hands on her narrow hips, pulling her back against him.
“You don’t have to act all – hard to get,” he breathed. “I know you, remember?”
Hazel tried to move away but he pressed his weight against her, effectively pinning her against the sink. She put down the glass and brought her shoulder up as he tried to kiss her neck. She knew that once he’d got past a certain point, she wouldn’t be able to resist. But was resistance necessary? She wanted him, sure. But it wasn’t just sex. There was something else going on, something more, something he wasn’t telling her, a game she didn’t even know the rules to.
His hand went down her side, catching the hem of her dress and pulling it up.
“For god’s sake, Lane!” She tried to sound angry but her voice came out feeble. Her hand went out, catching his wrist though it didn’t stop his progress, no matter how hard she tried to push him away.
“Stop – fucking – fighting,” he hissed.
He was trying to kiss her neck again and her shoulder caught his chin as she jerked it up. It didn’t hurt him but his hand moved to grasp her ponytail hard, pulling her head back.
“Enough, Haze. We both know what’s going to happen here. There’s no sense in wasting time.”
Of course she knew. She’d known since she’d opened the door and seen him standing there in front of her. She moaned as his hand found its way between her legs and curled around her snatch. She let out a shaky breath, summoning every fibre of her self-control to prevent herself grinding against his palm. It wasn’t enough. He knew how to touch her, knew the way her body worked and he was using it against her. Before she knew what she was doing, her hand was over his, pushing it harder against her snatch as she tried to increase the friction.
“That’s right,” Lane murmured. “You need it? You like it when I touch you?”
Hazel didn’t reply. She didn’t try to process his words, aware that the knowingness in his voice would make her want to pull away. Her hips moved in a tight circle, her snatch grinding desperately against his strong hand.
“Please,” she breathed. “Oh god, Lane!”
“What? You want to come? You don’t get to, Haze. Not before me, remember?”
His hand was gone as quickly as it had arrived and as she tried to replace it with her own, his fingers closed firmly around her wrist.
“Knees. Now.”
She didn’t think to protest. The kitchen floor was cool beneath her legs and she watched as Lane undid his jeans, and manoeuvred his boxers down to let out his hard cock. He looked down at her and before he could issue an arrogant instruction, she moved forward and slid her tongue along the underside of his erection. His face tightened, his hand pushing into her hair and gripping it tightly. It didn’t deter her. He wasn’t cruel enough to pull too hard on her hair and she closed her mouth purposefully around the head of his cock and swirled her tongue against his silky skin.
He didn’t stop her. Hazel inched closer to him, her hands going to his jeans and tugging them down with his shorts as she sucked more of him into her mouth. Her fingernails dug into the muscled cheeks of his ass and for a second she wondered whether she might be enjoying herself more than he was.
But it was unlikely. Lane’s breath was coming out in ragged gasps, his teeth clenched into little less than a snarl as he watched her mouth take in more and more of his length.
“Don’t fucking play with me, Haze,” His voice was guttural. “Or you’ll regret it.”
She knew he wanted her to go all the way and she had no intention of disappointing him. She sucked in air through her nose and holding tight to his ass, pulled him fully into her mouth. Her throat protested furiously but she forced herself to hold on until a good few seconds had passed before she slowly released him. Her eyes watered a little but unrelentingly, she took him all the way again until his hands gripped her hair almost painfully, forcing her to surrender control.
Lane fucked her mouth with long, aching strokes. Her nails dug harder into his ass which only served to make him go faster. Her eyes flickered open every so often to take in his barely controlled expression. He was concentrating so hard, so dangerously. It reminded her of being back in LA, of sucking hard on him while he tongued her snatch, each of them desperate to make the other come first. He’d always won and then she’d had to endure orgasm after orgasm until his cock would finally jerk in her mouth. Those days, his come would feel like a gift, like the first storm after a drought.
He didn’t come this time. He fucked her mouth until her eyes watered and saliva coated her chin. By the time he got close, her throat ached and when he pulled out, she felt almost disappointed, like she’d run a marathon only to have had the finish line extended. He put a hand out and leaned against the countertop, surveying her breathlessly. She stared back, especially mindful of the protrusion of his hard, wet cock. He was so perfectly male. He eased out of his shirt and the rest of his clothing.
“Where’s your room?”
Hazel shifted. He grasped her hand, pulled her easily up onto her feet and shadowed her through the apartment and into the bedroom. His hands caught her hips before she could turn to face him and he pushed her forward onto the small bed. He didn’t waste a moment; dragging off her damp underwear before she could even turn over to face him.
“I’ve fucking missed you,” he breathed.
His hands grasped her legs, pulling them up before he reached down to press his cock against her tight opening. He hesitated just a second and Hazel lifted up, desperate to take more. He felt bigger than she remembered as he slowly eased inside her. She couldn’t keep her eyes open as he sank deep, pulling back slowly to find the beginnings of a rhythm.
He moved with increasing speed, gradually becoming less gentle. Hazel’s fingers searched for something to hold onto, eventually curling into the sheets. She tried to push back against him but with each thrust, he forced her back down against the mattress, his cock bottoming out inside her. Her hands went up, moved to his shoulders, then down his arms but he grasped her wrists, pinning them either side of her head as he fucked her urgently.
“This is what I wanted,” he hissed. “And I don’t care how nasty or cheap that sounds. I wanted your goddamn body, okay? I wanted your sex, Haze.”
Hazel gasped as he thrust into her hard, her body balanced on the edge of something precarious. She forced her eyes open to look at his face, contorted in a snarl.
“Don’t look at me like that,” His voice was a growl. “I couldn’t help it. Nothing – no one comes close to this.”
He pulled out of her suddenly, and wrenched her arms up so he could tug off her dress. Then, his hands were on her waist, roughly moving her over and onto her knees, arranging her hurriedly into the position he wanted. He pushed her legs wide, and then, without warning, his tongue moved against her wet snatch, finding her swollen clit and pushing against it mercilessly until she gasped and moaned. His tongue slid backwards, gliding over her snatch and hovering briefly against her tight, exposed asshole. Hazel clenched instinctively and he pulled back, easing inside her tight pussy again.
He fucked her hard, hands digging into her hips as he slammed into her over and over. He was saying things she couldn’t understand, couldn’t comprehend; words that were familiar and yet new but did little more than heighten the throbbing need to orgasm. Lane was grunting with each raw thrust, his weight and force making the small bed creak. His hands felt like were all over her, moving fast and roughly over her body, finding her tits and groping them until she almost cried out.
She was indistinctly aware of the amount of noise they were making; the thump of the bed against the wall, the relentless slap of their sweating bodies, Lane’s grunts, and her own lust-soaked moans. She couldn’t help it, couldn’t help anything. Every time he slammed deep into her, she felt as though she might expire from pleasure. Her body was overheating and desperate for release.
Lane came first, unable to hold on any longer as she clenched around him repeatedly, as if trying to hold him inside her. She felt the hot spurts of his come inside her, his cock still thrusting until he’d tipped her over the edge. It only made her clench harder as her orgasm hit her fast and persistently. It was white-hot, rushing and draining, the pleasure seeping through her like water into dry sand. She moaned loudly as Lane’s weight pressed against her and for a while she gasped, grinding against him as the orgasm slowly faded.
He was lying half on top of her. She tried to open her eyes but failed.
“Are you staying?”
He shifted. His body was warm and heavy. It made her want to sleep.
“Maybe,” he said, and that was the last thing she heard.
He was gone the next morning. Hazel knew it without opening her eyes, without checking the bathroom or the kitchen. By the time she’d showered and recovered from the afterglow of the sex, questions without answers had begun to arise. She went into the living room. The paintings on top of the bookcase were gone. She frowned, though she’d half expected it. On the coffee table was an envelope. She approached it warily. Inside was a plane ticket. London to LA. There was also a scrawled address, and a message.
Catch me if you can.
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EroticIt was another week before he came to me again and I was going frantic hoping each night he’d come and looking back I’m sure he was doing it deliberately so I’d be desperate enough to let him do whatever he wanted. I was awake the night he came and had been fingering myself dreaming of him coming to me. There was no pretence now, h stood by my bed and stripped off, his cock semi hard, just hanging there. “Sit up and suck it Emma” he said, just like that, no kisses or foreplay, just suck his...
Savanah was a happy girl. She lived with her mom and step dad in Washington State. She liked to hang out with her friends, play volleyball, and go swimming a lot. Her mom had remarried a nice guy named Jay a year back and he loved Savanah like any dad would. They lived in a quiet neighborhood where not much happened. They had a nice big house with a swimming pool that they and their neighbors enjoyed. Jay had watch Savanah grow up from when she was younger and only recently he began to...
It is a little practice, what I did here. I'm not good in writing stories like this, but I wanted to try. The characters are from a fantasy novel I'm writing, so this story isn't far from realistic. But I hope you like it.____________________________________________________________________„Sakuya? How are you?“ A gentle voice was heard. The young girl turned around, seeing her husband. „I don’t really know. My parents attacked you…You’re just defend yourself“ She turned around, making some...
Hi, na peru kiran nenu hyd lo unta na age 25 . Nenu fair but average body tho unta manchi stamina . Naku chinapatinundi chala korikalu untundee internet cafe ki velli world sex ani indian bbw ekuva ga chusthunde. Nenu 7th nunde kotukovadam alavatu chesukuna . Ala ala naku full korikalu. Everanna sanam chesthunte thogi chudadam. Tv lo hot scenes vasthuntee chudadaam. Chutalaaa intiki velli vala bathroom ki holes vethiki mari valu sanam chesthuntee thogi chudadam ila chesevadini . Ila chesthu...
To start with, she was my waitress at a Sushi restaurant. I had taken a date there, naturally, and not paid her–my waitress–that much attention. But for whatever reason, she kept popping into my mind, time after time. So I took a different girl there, trying to impress her with the hot chicks I dated. She wasn’t my waitress this time, but I made a point of saying hello to her, on the way to the restroom. I don’t think she remembered me. Or at least acted like she didn’t. I noticed her name was...
The following is not a true story, it is a fantasy that my husband Sam told. We often discuss our fantasies after sex while his cum drips out of my pussy. I found this one very erotic and added some of my own touches to it. Hope you enjoy. I will start the story with introductions, I’m Sam, 35 years old 6’ 2” 210 and fit married to Taylor 5’ 4”, 33, slim and fit. We have been married for eight years now. We have close friends Kim, 28 years old, 5’ 2” and Larry 5’ 8”, 30 years old. Kim and...
The following Wednesday evening just after dinner, Joan asked Dave, “Where are Alice and Pam? I thought they were going to be around here this week.” She’d brought her mug of decafé coffee over to join him after dinner Dave chuckled, “They are around here, just not here at the Circle. They’re sleeping inside a Cessna Citation over at the main airport so they don’t have to commute. They’re halfway through getting their jet ratings and are very serious about the process. When I talked to Alice...
I pour myself a heavy glass of cabernet. Finally home after a long day, and I intended to enjoy my evening. I was alone, for the first time in weeks. I love sex with my husband – hell, I ADORE it. We enjoy a frequent and kinky sex life, and I wouldn’t change anything about it. Sometimes, however, it’s nice to have some… alone time. There’s no pleasing anyone else, no time constraints, no obligation to be sexy or loud or move for anyone’s pleasure but my own. Masturbating has always been an...
MasturbationBob Parr leaned back in the squeaky chair in his cubicle and sighed as he waited for the next appointment. He worked for Insuricare, a major Insurance firm based in Metroville. He was also known at one time as Mr. Incredible, a super hero that helped society by thwarting the bad guys. There were many of the super heroes at one time; they roamed the United States keeping the criminals at bay but not anymore. "Unfortunately" Bob thought "I had a hand in their demise". That was 20 years...
You wake up on a Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. The winter sun is shining through your bedroom windows. It's beautiful outside. Except for the fact that it's cold as balls. You walk in front of your large bedroom mirror to see your beautiful reflection. Long straight brown hair, blue eyes, and soft features. You are a gorgeous girl. At age 18, you were the most beautiful girl in your class. You strip off your large night shirt that you slept in and gaze at yourself. You look good in a thong and...
TeenMary rang Aly the day after she was tutored in the ways to please Joe."Are you ready to go under wear shopping Aly?" "Oh yes I am." Aly was anxious as all her undies ahd been taken way and now she was without any bras or knickers.Mary called by in about 1/2 hour and Aly climbed into the car. "We will go to Belfast where no one knows us and we will have greater choice. Have you got your credit card?" "Oh yes I have."They arrived and parked outside a sex shop. Aly had never been inside one before...
It had been a few weeks since my first encounter with Cody. Since then every time I saw him I had to smile, remembering THAT night.Cody still came over at least three to four times a week and every time we made eye contact we both smile and dropped our eyes. I told my husband what had happened and he was intrigued, but he didn’t pressure anything.I was alone today, I left the kiddo at daycare and was cleaning and taking mommy time. Cody came over to bring me something I needed and ended up...
TabooPart 4Chris had phoned Lori and told her that they wouldn't see each other until the party. She had then spent the time organizing and arranging the 'do.' She had invited more than usual, so it would give Chris a better chance to blend in. Even extra caterers had been drafted. Everything was going to plan.Come that Saturday morning, Lori still hadn't been intimate with her husband, which was well overdue, going by their normal sex life. But only one person now floated her boat, and she was...
Mind ControlI sat there with my eyes closed, letting my breathing and heart rate return to normal. I had just had the most intense sexual experience of my life, and I needed a minute to process it.It was nothing mysterious, really. I, a supposedly straight man, had come on to my gay roommate, kissed him, undressed him and then got on my knees to suck his cock.It had been a long road to this point - months, while I slowly came to the realization of how badly I wanted him - and there was no going back now.I...
BisexualMASTER OF THE LESBIANS by "c.c." I guess some people might say that what we did to Michael was terribly cruel and mean, especially on my part since I was his wife, in a sense. And perhaps they're right. But I mean, Michael Clark had been trampling over my feelings for years, without even meeting me. Doing things like automatically blackballing me from clubs that I had a perfect right to join, just because he didn't like my last name. Or omitting me from his guest lists because the...
In a land far, far away exists a small monarchy called Ezakaran. This land is famous for great wine and innovative technology, but most of all – the biggest School for sex slaves in the world. Here, women and men take on the traditional gender roles, such as husband and wife, as well as the more uncommon roles like slave and Master. Women’s roles are divided into four different statuses – wives and mothers (typically the first daughter of a wealthy man), housekeepers/maids/home caretakers...
By Mario Caliente I spotted them in the shopping mall. They stood out amid the bustling horde of Christmas shoppers on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Swans among sparrows, like Romeo said when he first saw Juliet. (He said something like that, anyway.) Once they caught my attention, it was as if there was no one else around, though I was greatly appreciative of the fact that we WERE surrounded by a teaming mass of aggressive shoppers exuding holiday spirit, because this allowed me to...
Zax was lying on the ground. Beside him was Laivien, with eyes emanating great reverence. Next to Laivien was the group of young and adult Krikitories, with all kinds of bizarre expressions plastering on their bear's faces. "Woah!" Zax exhaled, spitting grass, stones and mud from his mouth. His jaw, his tongue, his teeth, his lips and his stomach were astonishingly hurting. 'Too frightening! Too frightening!' Zax bellowed in his mind. 'The third bottleneck of insight ... How many days...
Hello everyone, this is Karan here. Getting to the point directly, this story is about how I got a chance to fuck the hottest girl in my neighborhood. I was 18 years old back then and I was appearing for my 12th board exams. There was a girl named Sarika in our neighborhood who was the center of attraction for almost every guy in our society. She was three years older to me and was into her Engineering course. She always wore dresses that were revealing and she loved it when guys stared at her...
Authors Note: Thank you to everyone left comments or sent me feedback about previous chapters of this story. Thank you again to Margaret who proofread for me. ~ellie ***** Peri 30 At eleven thirty Carlo and CJ looked up from the monitor of the screen they both searched and went into action. Leaving Carlo at the computer to continue to scan the conversation, he sent out the alert to the watchers and men of the tables, then he went back to where Carlo continued working to ensure all of the...
Anna Chambers is trying to sleep when she gets an angry call from her mom, her stepdad is supposed to be tutoring her but she slept in and now he’s waiting for her at his classroom! She reluctantly gets up and goes to meet him. He’s upset and asks why she was late and she tells him the truth, she’s been hesitant to meet him in private because she has a history of fucking her mom’s boyfriends! He’s stunned at first but how could he turn down such a hot tattooed babe...
xmoviesforyouA Slice of Ordinary Life In many ways, life went on pretty much the same after our marriage ended. The divorce was predictably bitter and longlasting, not to say expensive. Each of our solicitors seemed keen to prolong the negotiations rather than try to bring about a reconciliation. But now all that was blessedly over. I still had a place in what's called leafy Hertfordshire, having bought a flat just round the corner from the old family home. My ex had moved across to the other end...
Saturday morning is sunny and pleasant when Abbie and Tim awake and start their day. In the high seventies, it is cool enough not to be overheated as they walk through the outside market.After a quick breakfast where Tim tells Abbie he wants to learn to do the prostate massage properly for her enjoyment, they find themselves aroused again. They will have to put some reins on things, but for now, in the early days, it is fun giving into longings and desires.Back upstairs, their clothes...
TransI can't believe this! I got the chance to participate in House of Horny, I've been dreaming for this my whole life and I just started auditioning for a spot 2 years ago when I became 18. I've been watching this show and I know if I play the right way there will be no way for me to lose my shot at the million! A bit of backstory before you begin your long journey of House of Horny. The game will only end when 9 people have cum and lost their chance at the million dollars and for the winner to be...
“So, tell us, David, are you ready to accept our proposition so that we can guide you to someday take over the mantle of the leader of the council?” How are you supposed to answer that question, especially when you are being asked by twenty of the most powerful beings on the planet kind enough to provide you with tutelage? If I refused their offer, I would only come off as an arrogant, idiotic boy who hadn’t yet earned his place in the world. On the other hand, I could only see advantages...
Dominic and I have been seeing each other for over a few months now. My pussy accepted Dominic's huge black cock with ease. It felt so good having him inside me. We had sex a lot. I would stay at his place or him at mine often. I'm a nurse at the hospital, and would get off late go straight to his place and wake him up with his big dick in my mouth. His massive cock would get so hard, and I really loved climbing up on him, straddling his monster and slowly impaling myself on it. I loved the way...
Introduction: Joanne is getting over the break-up of her marraige and decides to take a vacation. Joanne had managed to make it back to her holiday apartment, still dripping water and slightly out of breath from the assault on the three flights of stairs. Only moments earlier, she had opened her eyes to find a guy in the hot tub with her. How long had he been there, she wondered? What made the whole event even more awkward was that he had tried to make conversation with her, as she surfaced...
A slim boy, slouched in his seat. The ramblings of his cute professor were barely audible to him. His mind was racing. Today had snuck up on Keith. He could not believe what was going to take place later tonight. "Keith..." His beautiful professor snapped him out of his day dreaming. Her low cut top revealing her full breasts was barely a distraction today. "Would you mind telling the room why you believe Donald Trump was elected?" Keith had grown tired of his major. Political Science had began...
TranssexualCaramel is an attractive, sexy, young woman with a healthy sexual appettite. Her own body turns her on as she looked in the mirror. Her full, round breasts were thirty forty D's. Her waist was small and her tummy flat. Her hips were firm, her thighs shapely, and her ass sexy and inviting. The girl is a hottie that needs a long hard cock! She lusted for a throbbing, thick eight inch piece of man meat that she could suck, fuck and ride for hours.It was late Monday night. Caramel was alone and...
Group Sex"What do you think I'm doing here Ms. Abby?" He spoke with a smirk. "Did you really think no one would ever catch you fucking your grubby fingers in the back room? Making that dirty cunt cum?" He laughed as he watched her embarrassment grow. "I was there a couple weeks ago, watching you call yourself names and bite your own nipples. I saw you slapping your clit hard before shoving 3 fingers inside. I couldn't believe you were so rough with yourself. I knew dear old Dad would love...
Water SportsEk baar hum ek water park me ghumne gaye, who kafi anokha water park tha, usme badi mushkil se hume tickets mile, usme kewal group sex pasand karne walo ko hi entry thi, warna aap wahan shartiya bore ho jaoge aisa bataya ja chukka tha hume.Main, meri do friends and hum teeno ke boyfriends pahuch gaye.Woh poora ka poora indoor pool tha, kafi bada bana huya tha.Wahan jyadatar 20-30 ke beech ke hi log the, kafi saare chote chote plastic ke pool bhi the wahan, main pool me entry se...
Then they started fucking regularly. His parents were divorced so his house was empty a lot of the time. He had a brother and sister but the sister was never around and the brother would leave as soon as she and her boyfriend arrived. She said that they did EVERYTHING! Him on top, her on top, doggy style, cowgirl, 69ing. She thinks that they fucked pretty much every day for a year. I told her “geez, I was whacking off to Penthouse Forum and you WERE a Penthouse Forum!”. She said that...
07:35 PDT Saturday, August 17th, 1991 28910 Matadero Creek Lane Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 Looking out the window, Deb saw the car in the driveway behind Jack's. Slipping into the kitchen in her customary silk robe, she found the Admiral sipping coffee behind the newspaper. She was headed to the refrigerator to make breakfast when she stopped and returned to the Admiral, pulled his paper to the side, and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Laughing lightly, she scampered to the refrigerator,...
The vacation on Earth relaxed the three adults. Sunbathing was definitely a much more pleasant way to get vitamin D than pills from a replicator. Even using a sunbed wasn’t quite the same. They did a lot of swimming and a little beach volleyball. It was good to be back on Earth and out of the routine of work, even if only for two weeks. Darius seemed to enjoy it too, but that may just have been because Nichelle was enjoying herself. “I can see why people like beach vacations,” Nichelle said....
Lessons Learned Lessons Learned The phone rings and I sleepily reach over to answer it. Who would be calling me at this hour? I looked at the clock. It read Five AM. I pick up the receiver and answer with a half asleep tone in my voice.?Hello???Slave I want you prepared for my return. Do I make myself clear?? ?Yes Master.? I reply. Now fully awake.?Good.? He says and hangs up. I could not have gone back to sleep if I wanted to. The tone in Master?s voice had been very harsh. He did not...
Hi, this is rags. I stay in navi Mumbai & this is an experience which I thought I would share with I’ll. Not the first but certainly the best that I have encountered. I am 32 yrs old married, fair & medium built. One day this guy shows up at my house with this drop-dead, gorgeous wife at his side. This babe’s a knock-out: long and slinky, with large tits, low-slung hips, and dynamite legs that seem to go on forever. This guy she was with her is a nothing, a nebbish: short and skinny; with...
Friends who know of my little secret often ask me how I managed to get my wife to go along with the plan, perhaps to use it themselves, and when I tell them it had been HER idea all along, for some strange reason, they find it hard to believe. I know I can't exactly blame them, for which mother would ask that her husband fuck their daughter so that she can be straight? Mine did, and I am sure she is probably the only woman in the world who would.Not that I am complaining, of course, but even I...
Hi all. This is Mit. I’m you average north Indian guy, 22 yr old, with a little over 6′ height and a lean build. I’ve completed my graduation and work with a consulting firm. The story I’m about to narrate happened about an year ago, when I was still in college and had to go to another city for a month long training. Since a very close friend of my father used to live in the city where my training had been arranged, it was decided that I’d be staying at their place only. Uncle and my dad were...
IncestChapter Six: Good Girl's Naughty Bath By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I trembled as I faced my mother. She stood in the entrance to the house, her arms folded beneath her breasts, her long hair gathered in a braid that was a twin for mine. She wore her typical, conservative dress, looking like a fifty's housewife. I was naked. My eighteen-year-old body was covered in the silvery streaks of dried cum. Daddy stood behind me. We had just returned from the private dungeon owned by one of...
DARK CARNIVALA STORY OF HORROR AND RETRIBUTIONFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCHAPTER 7Kelsey O’Neil Towards the end of February, I came down with a nasty cold thanks to Jenna, who had passed it on to me because she slept at my house while she was sick. Ben worried about me over the phone, but I assured him I was fine and that he didn’t need to worry. He was literally going to hop on a plane and come out, but I convinced him not to. He made Jenna promise that she’d take me to the school nurse the...
Chapter 02 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Legacy Now, I don’t consider myself an insensitive person, and I have a high regard for life. However, I also believe some people should be removed from society with extreme prejudice: child molesters, rapists, and people who don’t use their blinker among them. Okay, I’m joking with that last one. Anyway, my father’s death gave me more of a feeling of relief than one of sadness. Yet, as I sat in the lobby of Kingsley, Nowell, Issa,...
Jenna Sativa (India Summer) and Nina North (Eva Notty) have just moved into their third house together. As they unpack their belongings, they take pause to appreciate how far they’ve come. They laugh nostalgically about the day they met and their awkward first kiss. They reminisce about their first apartment and the first time they made love on moving day, how they couldn’t keep their hands off each other back then, and still can’t today… Six months after they started...
xmoviesforyouLate in the morning today, I headed over to an area near the airport where there are lots of different adult establishments. I had only ever stopped in this area one time before and got a not too expert blow job in an arcade. I thought I would explore some more today and see what turned up. My plan was to stop at the place that I visited before, but I figured that I could move on if the parking lot was pretty empty.The store I was heading for is one of those establishments at the rear of a...