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A Tom Hanks movie was running on the television but Hazel wasn’t watching it. Sure, she was sitting in the right place on the sofa, had the lights turned down and an obligatory bowl of microwave popcorn on her lap but it was one of those nights where she just didn’t feel it. Some other day, she might have been on the edge of her seat. But that night, the acting felt obvious and almost insulting.

Her eyes moved around the living room of her small apartment. The fairy lights were still up, as was the small, plastic tree and the string of Christmas cards that went from the window to the bookcase. Christmas was gone and leaving the decorations up felt like pointlessly holding onto something that’d abandoned her. Although, the opposite was true. Christmas hadn’t abandoned her. She’d abandoned it. After all, it was easier to take shifts at the hospital rather than face the inevitably problematic family Christmas.

And that was what she’d done. The 24th, the 25th and the 26th, twelve hours from eight until eight, doing routine, monotonous work on the wards. Some of the patients had guests on Christmas Day. Most didn’t. It was depressing as hell to see them in their beds, pale and thin and no-one but each other for company. They had Christmas dinner. They watched movies. They slept. Death seemed to crawl closer.

The few doctors on duty were miserable. Hazel didn’t know why. They were making three times what she was. But then, money didn’t mean very much, did it? She knew it, but it still felt nice to see the monthly payslip, to know that there was more to save for a rainy day. A rainy day. Could that be a British thing? Surely not. It was always raining.

She stood up, left the movie playing while retrieving her phone from where it was precariously balanced to charge on the bookcase edge. She opened her email and then her work schedule. She was working New Year’s Eve and New Years Day too.

Weekends were always good money but so were nights. Though nights sucked. The neighbours always seemed extra noisy when she was trying to sleep through the day. As if on cue, an atrocious cover of Last Christmas began echoing through the walls. It took Hazel a few seconds to realise the students upstairs were having a karaoke night. She turned the volume on the television up. Tom Hanks was in full emotional mode. Actors, she thought and rolled her eyes.

Hazel dropped down on the sofa. Too early to sleep. Too late to go out, if there was any damn place to go. Outside the window, the city was bright and alive but it was raining, the neon lights blurred and bleeding. She had a sudden urge to get out, to go someplace, get the hell away from all of it. But then she remembered her last vacation. LA, almost six months ago now. Jenna, one of her old school friends and her had flown out and spent two full weeks soaking up the sun and chilled-out vibes out on the west coast. And there was Lane.

She glanced quickly at the stack of canvases on the top of the bookcase as if afraid they might have disappeared. He was goddamn obsessed with the paintings. Maybe she should have been flattered. After all, he owned an art gallery somewhere near Hollywood. Maybe that was the problem. Hollywood sounded cheap. Glittery. Obnoxiously so. Who sold real art next to movie studios? And it wasn’t even real art. It was a pastime. It was amateur. God, even she hated her work.

Lane had spent hours trying to convince her to let him sell her paintings. Half of her genuinely believed it was a ruse to get her into bed. Which he’d achieved. Many times. She let out a long breath, trying not to reminisce, though it was hard. He smelled like warm sand. He was maybe the most handsome man she’d ever seen. Her heart skipped a beat the first time she saw him. For a good ten seconds, she hadn’t been able to speak coherently. Stupid, right? But then, he was tall and tanned and had broad shoulders and the warmest, most beautiful smile the word knew. God!

He hadn’t even looked at her. His shadow had fallen over her canvas out on the beach and he’d just stared at the half-finished painting. Hazel didn’t get it, and she wasn’t being modest. At school, her best grade in Art had been a resounding C. But then again, that was years ago. Nobody had seen her newer stuff. Nobody knew about it and she liked it that way.

She liked painting whatever the hell she wanted. After all, it was a side-line. It was for her. No-one else. So it could be clichéd and obvious and goddamn crap but it didn’t matter one bit. The paint wasn’t too expensive, neither were the brushes, or the canvases. But then Lane arrived. And he looked at her half-assed painting of what she would later pretentiously describe as ‘the real version of Los Angeles’ and wouldn’t stop looking at it until he’d looked at her and then seemed torn between her and the painting.

His eyes were brown, but almost yellow in the sun. He wore a brilliant white button down shirt, though maybe two of the buttons were actually done up. Bare feet. Beach shorts. Sunglasses in his pocket. A hundred percent Californian. He could’ve been a screenwriter, a surfer, a musician, a bartender, a goddamn lifeguard.

She didn’t remember much of what they’d said. It was all meaningless when the sex began happening. Sex. Proper sex. So much different to the lessons at school, to the awkward teenage peer pressure, to the almost depressing nights with her one ex-boyfriend.

Maybe the sun had gone to her head. Hazel knew people, she knew bodies, knew the intricacies and was smart enough to know when a fling was just that; a no-strings-attached amount of fun. No strings. It had ended the day the holiday did. And then it was back to London and back to real-life. Six months. No contact. How could there be contact? They’d only ever been together in the flesh; hadn’t exchanged numbers, addresses, anything of importance.

Sometimes she wondered if he was married. She wondered if he wondered the same about her. Or did he even think about her? Maybe he’d moved on. Maybe? Definitely. How could a man like that not move on? And here she was, cheating on Christmas, practically a workaholic.

She eyed the canvases again. There were more in her bedroom, hidden under the bed. And some in her wardrobe. And in her storage spot in the basement downstairs. How many? Fifty maybe? Interpretations, she liked to call them. Of London mostly, because that was where she usually was. And then LA, of course, though she’d been so preoccupied with Lane, that only three paintings had come out of the trip, two of them having been done back home.

There was Paris, from last year. A lot from there. And then Tokyo from two years before. It was harder, the further you ventured. Being new to a place dazzled her, gave little time for a clear view of what was really going on. London was easy, overdone yes, but still inspiring. There was so much to see, delve into, criticise.

She was thinking about going to Kensington again, maybe taking some photos this time, when the doorbell rang. It startled her, only because she hadn’t heard the buzzer for the entrance door downstairs. Someone must have got the wrong apartment. It happened all the time. She stood up, walked out into the narrow, cold hallway and opened the door.

It was Lane. Lane. Outside her apartment. She was dreaming, surely. He wasn’t really there. It was only because she’d been thinking of him. It was a lookalike maybe.

“Hey,” he said. The same voice. She remembered it in her ear, low and deep and so American and warm. Everything he ever said to her sounded sexual.

She stared. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She swallowed hard.

“What are you doing here?” It was the most sensible question of the many that were racing around her mind.

“I wanted to see you. Can I come in?”

Hazel stepped aside automatically. He was wearing a jacket. She’d never seen him in a jacket. He moved into the apartment. The hallway seemed very small, all of a sudden. He shut the door.

“It’s raining,” he said.

She blinked. “It’s always raining.”

He smiled. She didn’t. He waited for her to lead the way into the living room. She didn’t move.

“I would’ve called,” he said, finally. “Only I didn’t have your number.”

“But you had my address?”

He smiled again.

“Aren’t you pleased to see me?”

There was something dark beneath the sunny surface of his voice. Something that reminded her of those long, urgent, sleepless nights. Something that made her legs feel a little weak and her hands a little shaky.

“I’m – shocked,” she said weakly.

The movie was still playing on the television. She felt out of her depth, even though they were in her own home. Her territory. Hundreds and hundreds of miles from the beachside hotel in Los Angeles.

Lane hadn’t moved. He wasn’t speaking. He was just waiting, half a smile on his face, still as goddamn beautiful as ever. Her whole apartment seemed inadequate; too small, too homely, not light or pretty enough. It was like seeing a Rolls-Royce parked outside a McDonalds. He didn’t fit.

“I really don’t know what you’re doing here,” Hazel finally said.

His smile got a little wider.

“You don’t?”

Two words. Two goddamn words. If sex was a language, he was speaking it. She wondered how many women he’d used that voice on.

“No. I don’t,” she said, as firmly as possible.

He stepped a little closer to her and she backed away instinctively.

“You know, since the day you left, I’ve thought about this. About what you’d say if I showed up. What you’d do.” He was still moving, forcing her to step back into the living room. His eyes flicked around the furnishings before settling briefly on the top of the bookcase.

“You’re still painting?” he asked.


He stopped walking and looked at her.

“Can I see?”


He smiled. He always had a smile ready, always seemed to know he’d be able to wear her down. She imagined how wonderful it would be to have such self-assurance. He could have anything he wanted. She didn’t try to tell herself she’d ever be able to give him a real ‘no’. Maybe that was why she hadn’t wanted him to be more than a one-off.

He changed everything, rubbed out lines and redrew them where he pleased. Lines. Limits. She wasn’t even sure if she could see them anymore. It wasn’t that he disagreed with her, but more that he knew her better than she knew herself. Sure, she protested in all the conventional ways but it was thrilling to have someone take control, to make those decisions that she’d always secretly been afraid of.

Lane looked at the television. He watched it so blankly, that Hazel craved to know what was running around his mind.

“I think about you a lot,” he said finally. His eyes didn’t move from the TV screen. She could see the lights reflected in his irises.

“I’m flattered.”

His mouth curled at the corner, but he still didn’t look at her.

“I don’t know,” he mused, “Maybe it’s because it was so quick. I didn’t have time to figure out exactly what I wanted. I mean, usually, I make decisions. End things. It’s easy. Calculated. But then you weren’t planned or ended in the right way and it feels like – unfinished business.”

“So you’re here to end it officially?” Hazel felt as though she should be insulted.

“No.” He still didn’t look at her. “I had this mastermind plan. I’d come and you’d be over the moon and then I’d steal your paintings and you’d have to chase me back to LA. And by that time I’d have sold them and maybe you’d be happy enough to not be upset if I broke things off. But then I thought, what if I don’t want to break things off?”

“Things?” Hazel shook her head. “There is no ‘thing’, Lane. We live very far apart. We had a fun time, and it ended naturally. There doesn’t have to be an official end. Think of it as a one night stand. You even showing up here is crazy.”

“But I couldn’t stop thinking about you. And your paintings.” He was indifferently watching Tom Hanks cry. “I just can’t stop, Hazel. I’m sorry. I can’t. I knew it was ridiculous to come out here, to be so forward but what the hell. You only live once, right?”

Hazel watched him, her eyes narrowed. She felt as though he was putting on a front. He’d never acted so attached before. It didn’t suit him. He was playing her. He wanted something. But what? Sex? The paintings? What the damn hell did he want? Why would he come to goddamn London in the rain and show up at her apartment door? He wasn’t in love with her. He couldn’t be. He didn’t know anything about her.

“What do you want, Lane?” Her voice was even.

He drew in a breath.

“I don’t know.”

“Shouldn’t you have thought about it before showing up here?”

He looked at her, finally, the ghost of a smile on his face.


God, he was so attractive. So distracting. Hazel looked away, at the abandoned popcorn on the coffee table, the open book lying face down on the sofa. An empty water glass was balanced on top of it.

“Do you want a drink or something?” she asked.

He laughed. “No, I don’t want a goddamn drink.”

“So what do you want?” Her voice came out more aggressive than she would have liked but who would blame her? He’d shown up out of the blue, acting out of sorts and she didn’t have a clue what his game was.

“You’re mad at me?” His voice was amused. “You know that turns me on.”

She rolled her eyes, turning away, but he caught her wrist, pulling her towards him so quickly that she almost stumbled. He was such a show off. Yes, I know you’re stronger than me, Hazel wanted to say, congratulations. But by that time, his mouth was on hers and she could hardly think, let alone speak.

He kissed her the way he’d always kissed her; hard and hungry, his hands already on her ass, pulling her into him. She’d missed it more than she realised. His lips moved down her neck and she found herself stretching up to give him better access. His grip on her ass tightened, pulling her higher until she wasn’t even sure she could feel the floor under her feet. Her hands were pressing against his shoulders, almost pushing him away but it didn’t deter him. She could feel his teeth in her skin, then the warm sweep of his tongue. It made her feel lightheaded.

“Lane, this is - ”

“What?” he growled against her skin. “It’s what, Hazel?”

Her eyes closed as his hands held her more forcefully, pulling her tight against his body. Even through all the layers of clothing she could feel his heat, the beat of his heart and the hard pressure against her stomach. She swallowed hard, jerking her neck away from his mouth.

“We can’t. We have to – talk.”

He let go of her suddenly leaving her feeling disoriented.

“About what?” He was breathing hard. He pulled off his jacket, dropping it onto the floor. “What, Hazel? Has something changed? You’ve met someone?”

She turned away while she still could.

“No. No.”

“Then what?” he demanded.

Hazel didn’t trust herself to speak. She stepped forward. She couldn’t think straight. Her heart thumped erratically. She had to get rid of him. Why had she even opened the goddamn door? She reached for the glass on the sofa and went into the kitchen. He followed.

“You should go,” she said, finally.

He laughed though it was more cursory than genuine amusement.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

She let out a breath. “You’re so arrogant.”

She went to the sink, filled the glass and drank the water fast. It was cold enough to make head hurt. Lane had come closer and she felt his hands on her narrow hips, pulling her back against him.

“You don’t have to act all – hard to get,” he breathed. “I know you, remember?”

Hazel tried to move away but he pressed his weight against her, effectively pinning her against the sink. She put down the glass and brought her shoulder up as he tried to kiss her neck. She knew that once he’d got past a certain point, she wouldn’t be able to resist. But was resistance necessary? She wanted him, sure. But it wasn’t just sex. There was something else going on, something more, something he wasn’t telling her, a game she didn’t even know the rules to.

His hand went down her side, catching the hem of her dress and pulling it up.

“For god’s sake, Lane!” She tried to sound angry but her voice came out feeble. Her hand went out, catching his wrist though it didn’t stop his progress, no matter how hard she tried to push him away.

“Stop – fucking – fighting,” he hissed.

He was trying to kiss her neck again and her shoulder caught his chin as she jerked it up. It didn’t hurt him but his hand moved to grasp her ponytail hard, pulling her head back.

“Enough, Haze. We both know what’s going to happen here. There’s no sense in wasting time.”

Of course she knew. She’d known since she’d opened the door and seen him standing there in front of her. She moaned as his hand found its way between her legs and curled around her snatch. She let out a shaky breath, summoning every fibre of her self-control to prevent herself grinding against his palm. It wasn’t enough. He knew how to touch her, knew the way her body worked and he was using it against her. Before she knew what she was doing, her hand was over his, pushing it harder against her snatch as she tried to increase the friction.

“That’s right,” Lane murmured. “You need it? You like it when I touch you?”

Hazel didn’t reply. She didn’t try to process his words, aware that the knowingness in his voice would make her want to pull away. Her hips moved in a tight circle, her snatch grinding desperately against his strong hand.

“Please,” she breathed. “Oh god, Lane!”

“What? You want to come? You don’t get to, Haze. Not before me, remember?”

His hand was gone as quickly as it had arrived and as she tried to replace it with her own, his fingers closed firmly around her wrist.

“Knees. Now.”

She didn’t think to protest. The kitchen floor was cool beneath her legs and she watched as Lane undid his jeans, and manoeuvred his boxers down to let out his hard cock. He looked down at her and before he could issue an arrogant instruction, she moved forward and slid her tongue along the underside of his erection. His face tightened, his hand pushing into her hair and gripping it tightly. It didn’t deter her. He wasn’t cruel enough to pull too hard on her hair and she closed her mouth purposefully around the head of his cock and swirled her tongue against his silky skin.

He didn’t stop her. Hazel inched closer to him, her hands going to his jeans and tugging them down with his shorts as she sucked more of him into her mouth. Her fingernails dug into the muscled cheeks of his ass and for a second she wondered whether she might be enjoying herself more than he was.

But it was unlikely. Lane’s breath was coming out in ragged gasps, his teeth clenched into little less than a snarl as he watched her mouth take in more and more of his length.

“Don’t fucking play with me, Haze,” His voice was guttural. “Or you’ll regret it.”

She knew he wanted her to go all the way and she had no intention of disappointing him. She sucked in air through her nose and holding tight to his ass, pulled him fully into her mouth. Her throat protested furiously but she forced herself to hold on until a good few seconds had passed before she slowly released him. Her eyes watered a little but unrelentingly, she took him all the way again until his hands gripped her hair almost painfully, forcing her to surrender control.

Lane fucked her mouth with long, aching strokes. Her nails dug harder into his ass which only served to make him go faster. Her eyes flickered open every so often to take in his barely controlled expression. He was concentrating so hard, so dangerously. It reminded her of being back in LA, of sucking hard on him while he tongued her snatch, each of them desperate to make the other come first. He’d always won and then she’d had to endure orgasm after orgasm until his cock would finally jerk in her mouth. Those days, his come would feel like a gift, like the first storm after a drought.

He didn’t come this time. He fucked her mouth until her eyes watered and saliva coated her chin. By the time he got close, her throat ached and when he pulled out, she felt almost disappointed, like she’d run a marathon only to have had the finish line extended. He put a hand out and leaned against the countertop, surveying her breathlessly. She stared back, especially mindful of the protrusion of his hard, wet cock. He was so perfectly male. He eased out of his shirt and the rest of his clothing.

“Where’s your room?”

Hazel shifted. He grasped her hand, pulled her easily up onto her feet and shadowed her through the apartment and into the bedroom. His hands caught her hips before she could turn to face him and he pushed her forward onto the small bed. He didn’t waste a moment; dragging off her damp underwear before she could even turn over to face him.

“I’ve fucking missed you,” he breathed.

His hands grasped her legs, pulling them up before he reached down to press his cock against her tight opening. He hesitated just a second and Hazel lifted up, desperate to take more. He felt bigger than she remembered as he slowly eased inside her. She couldn’t keep her eyes open as he sank deep, pulling back slowly to find the beginnings of a rhythm.

He moved with increasing speed, gradually becoming less gentle. Hazel’s fingers searched for something to hold onto, eventually curling into the sheets. She tried to push back against him but with each thrust, he forced her back down against the mattress, his cock bottoming out inside her. Her hands went up, moved to his shoulders, then down his arms but he grasped her wrists, pinning them either side of her head as he fucked her urgently.

“This is what I wanted,” he hissed. “And I don’t care how nasty or cheap that sounds. I wanted your goddamn body, okay? I wanted your sex, Haze.”

Hazel gasped as he thrust into her hard, her body balanced on the edge of something precarious. She forced her eyes open to look at his face, contorted in a snarl.

“Don’t look at me like that,” His voice was a growl. “I couldn’t help it. Nothing – no one comes close to this.”

He pulled out of her suddenly, and wrenched her arms up so he could tug off her dress. Then, his hands were on her waist, roughly moving her over and onto her knees, arranging her hurriedly into the position he wanted. He pushed her legs wide, and then, without warning, his tongue moved against her wet snatch, finding her swollen clit and pushing against it mercilessly until she gasped and moaned. His tongue slid backwards, gliding over her snatch and hovering briefly against her tight, exposed asshole. Hazel clenched instinctively and he pulled back, easing inside her tight pussy again.

He fucked her hard, hands digging into her hips as he slammed into her over and over. He was saying things she couldn’t understand, couldn’t comprehend; words that were familiar and yet new but did little more than heighten the throbbing need to orgasm. Lane was grunting with each raw thrust, his weight and force making the small bed creak. His hands felt like were all over her, moving fast and roughly over her body, finding her tits and groping them until she almost cried out.

She was indistinctly aware of the amount of noise they were making; the thump of the bed against the wall, the relentless slap of their sweating bodies, Lane’s grunts, and her own lust-soaked moans. She couldn’t help it, couldn’t help anything. Every time he slammed deep into her, she felt as though she might expire from pleasure. Her body was overheating and desperate for release.

Lane came first, unable to hold on any longer as she clenched around him repeatedly, as if trying to hold him inside her. She felt the hot spurts of his come inside her, his cock still thrusting until he’d tipped her over the edge. It only made her clench harder as her orgasm hit her fast and persistently. It was white-hot, rushing and draining, the pleasure seeping through her like water into dry sand. She moaned loudly as Lane’s weight pressed against her and for a while she gasped, grinding against him as the orgasm slowly faded.

He was lying half on top of her. She tried to open her eyes but failed.

“Are you staying?”

He shifted. His body was warm and heavy. It made her want to sleep.

“Maybe,” he said, and that was the last thing she heard.


He was gone the next morning. Hazel knew it without opening her eyes, without checking the bathroom or the kitchen. By the time she’d showered and recovered from the afterglow of the sex, questions without answers had begun to arise. She went into the living room. The paintings on top of the bookcase were gone. She frowned, though she’d half expected it. On the coffee table was an envelope. She approached it warily. Inside was a plane ticket. London to LA. There was also a scrawled address, and a message.

Catch me if you can.

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Dosto aap sab ne meri pichla submission asha college ki topper padha hoga. Wo meri wife asha ki life ki college time ki sachi ghatna hai, jo usne mujhe aaj se lagbhag 1 mahine pehle batayi thi. Us ghatna ko iss mein share karne ke baad mujhe laga ki main aap se asha aur apni life ko share karoon..   Asha aur meri mulaqat aaj se 5 saal pehle hamare office mein hui. Wo ekdum meri dreamgirl jaisi thi, dekhte hi pyar ho gaya (aur aaj bhi humara pyar waisa hi hai), takreeban 5’6” height, gora rang,...

3 years ago
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Honey, the trip to Saipan last month great. You know my company sent me there for almost a week for training and meetings. They make reservation for me to stay at Resort hotel—great view and beach! Work was intense and stress. So one night I wear tight jeans and halter top under blouse and sexy bra and went to the street bazaar, like in Manila for relax the stress. Many stalls, locals, and tourists. I got thirsty and hungry and sat alone at nearby small restaurant/bar. Then I observe...

4 years ago
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My training worked well

“You know what?” Caroline was talking softly and I knew she was saying something confidential. “What.” “Henderson told me: *no one* is being laid off.” “No one?” I responded, surprised. I did manage to whisper it. “No one,” she repeated. I think she looked relieved. *I* certainly was: we were all on pins and needles about the merger. Yes, we’d been bought out. I guess it was too good to be true, with Caroline, who I got...

1 year ago
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Sexcom Blowjob

Blowjobs have always been the best kind of sexual encounter, no matter what. If you ask me, blowjobs are even better than sex sometimes, if the bitch knows how to suck dick. Then there’s the fact that only you’re getting the pleasure there while the woman is subservient to your cock and sucking on it because you tell her to. It’s like having your own personal sex slave. I don’t know about you, but thinking about stuff like that makes me horny as fuck. Anyway, I’m here to revisit a popular site...

Blowjob Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My Seductionist Neighbour

Hi friends, I’m Ted. I am living in Kerala. Please forgive for any mistakes. Also, do send feedbacks on All types of feedbacks are welcomed. This story is different from all my previous ones. Because in the previous ones, I tried to seduce ladies towards me, but in this case, a lady seduced me towards her. It was a long process and took nearly 2-3 years to bear fruit. 3 years back, we shifted to our new home. It was on the day of our housewarming that I met Renuka aunty for the first time. She...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan London River Anal Creampie

Rambunctious MILF London River lets it all hang out as she opens all holes for business with Manuel! With her platinum blonde locks and neon lingerie London makes her way up the stairs to the balcony where she puts her curves on full display. She shakes her ass as she leans over the railing then takes off her top to let her giant juggs breathe. London slides down her panties and fingers herself as she stands outside before heading inside to the bedroom for an examination from Manuel. While...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Mckenzie Lee Sheena Ryder Coming Out Of Her Shell

It’s Isiah Maxwell and McKenzie Lee’s anniversary, and Isiah’s ready to give his loving wife a gift that she’ll never forget. McKenzie is touched and very curious… even more so once there’s a knock on the door! When Isiah answers it, Sheena Ryder steps in with a massage mattress, surprising McKenzie. It seems that Isiah arranged for a lovely private massage just for her, and Sheena’s ready to put her magic hands to work. Although McKenzie’s a...

3 years ago
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Hijabi Tour Guide

Ever since I was young I always wanted to take a trip to Saudi Arabia. The middle-east always fascinated me. I took a plane to Saudi and met my tour guide at the airport. I had no prior knowledge of who my tour guide was to be but my expectations were of a man with considerable knowledge of the land. As I walked out of the plane I saw one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. She wore a black jilbab with a black hijab and black sunglasses. She had fair skin and nice lips. To my luck she...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Joey Sami Twins

You’ve seen real life teen twins Joey and Sami on ExCoGi and now you get to see them again, in all their awkwardness and unpreparedness – except amplified, because today both girls will be sucking and fucking a huge black guy today. They just don’t know it yet. Our white camera guy Troy likes to mindfuck the ladies into thinking that the shoot would be much like their first scene, which happened to be with ExCoGi just a day or two earlier. He gets them taking a bubble bath,...

4 years ago
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For The Love of the Wolf King

My name is Annabelle Watts, and I had moved from a house in West Hampshire to North Yorkshire, England, and decided to go to a boot fair where people were selling all of their old stuff that they didn’t want anymore. I was a single woman in her early thirties, five years since my divorce from my ex-husband. I pulled my white Volkswagen up to the curb and switched off the engine and stepped out of the car and looked at all of the antiques people were selling. Nothing in particular caught my eye...

2 years ago
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My Dates0

work that needed to be done but nothing stressful or time consuming. The weather outside was cold and crappy.  This winter was a little more than usual.  Too bad I could not have scheduled my trip for a better time.  But this was one of the nicer hotels so my luck was really not so bad. I checked into my room and settled in a bit. Then I wanted to go get some cash for the night so I headed downstairs to the lobby to find the ATM.  As I was going down on the elevator, two girls about...

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OffRoad Goddess

Off-Road Goddess Copyright 2011 Christopher D.B.Normally on a Friday night I’d be at a local sports bar with some friends or out prowling a singles bar with a modest chance of bringing some lady home just before closing time.  It was a real change from that routine to be in the basement of my apartment building sorting out various items of camping gear in my storage locker.  From my old Boy Scout mess kit to an ultra lightweight backpacking tent I had picked up during my college days, I had...

3 years ago
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Puri Laaz Ke Sath Chudvaya Choti Bhabhi Ne 8211 Part 2

To be continued……… Hi friends this the second part of story. Agar apne pehla part nahi padha to please pehle padh lijiye… Tabhi uske badan ne firse harkat ki. Me ab samaj gaya tha ke vo nind se uth chuki hai. Me besabri intejar kar raha tha ke vo kya karegi , kya kahegi muje, me kaise explain karunga usse .Lekin abhi bhi jagah se hill nahi rahi thi usne mehsus kiiya ke mera hath uske boobs par hai or me thik uske piche leta hu. Tab me yahi soch me tha k sayad usse samaj nahi aa rha ke vo...

2 years ago
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Mami ki must chudai

Hi Friends, Its me again Nimish and I am back this time. Hope you all remember me, but anyways let me again introduce myself to you all. I am Nimish I am 22 years old, I from Jaipur, India and I am a software professional. All regular viewers of this site must have read and enjoyed my real life sexiting experiences Girlfriend ki must chudai. Well today I want to share my sexual biography (well it’s still incomplete but I will share what all has happened in my childhood) with you all. How I was...

3 years ago
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Would you like to share a cab

Being stood up by your boyfriend in a discotheque can be quite embarrassing for a girl. But sometimes, bad things happen for a reason. He had promised her that he would meet her at the entrance when happy hour started. She waited there till 7:30. But the lecherous looks of the guys hanging around near the entrance got on her nerves. She went inside in a fit of rage. She sent him a message as she made her way in. The first thing she did was to order her favorite drink. She had just gotten off...

2 years ago
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Ask Me If Im Ready Part 2 The Next Morning

The growing sunlight in Jake’s bedroom woke him gently.  He awoke feeling more contented than he had in months.  As his mind slipped from the embrace of his slumber, he felt a soft, warm, and very feminine body pressed closely against him. At first, he thought, Meredith… but she was gone.  He’d sent her away. Then who… as he came fully awake, he remembered.  This was Darby.  Darby, his precious little girl.  His daughter who he’d - and then he remembered.The guilt crashed on him like a physical...

4 years ago
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the return of Gina part 3

On the ride home Gina is in the front with Lisa keeping her out of trouble. I am in the back with Bonnie who took off her shorts that got wet because Lisa didn't clean up my cum that leaked out of her ass from me fucking her. So that leaves her sitting in a red tube top and a sheer red thong that did very little to cover her pussy. We got about ten minutes into the ride when we hit a accident on the highway and had to be detoured, which was going to take us twenty minutes out of our way. Gina...

4 years ago
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Carolyns Lingerie Store Sexcapade

This story is about a fun time that my husband, Mark and I had many years ago at an exotic lingerie store, in which my tits played a key role. Mark is crazy about my tits, and though I don’t mean to boast, most guys seem to really love them, especially my big, dark nipples. Mark is always trying to pull my top down when we’re out and about, and he loves it when I flash my tits in public places. And I don’t mind his obsession with displaying my tits, since I’m not shy about my body and I’m proud...

Wife Lovers
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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 2

Taylor Takes Ballet Part 2 My first day of class was exhausting! There were 12 girls in the class, and me. Two of the girls were in class for the first time while the rest of them were 2nd years students. I decided that I was going to love it almost immediately! The girls' outfits were so pretty; all different colors of leotards and tights, my outfit looked so drab in comparison. The girls were so friendly to me, and quickly took me in as one of their own. After a few minutes of...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 62 Reorganization Plan

June 3, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “You all know how much I hate long speeches, so I’m going to keep this as short as possible!” There was laughter from the assembled NIKA staff, all waiting for dinner to be served. “Today marks NIKA Consulting’s Tenth Anniversary. We’ve come a long way from working out of my house, which you’ve all now seen, to the building we own in the West Loop and two regional offices. And, a week from Monday, three additional offices from Lone Star. I’ll have a bit more...

3 years ago
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Reading the Defense Ch 05

Many thanks need to go out for this one. Estragon –Thank you doesn’t even do complete justice, however, for now– you know where you are thanked. You’ve taken yet another chapter on, and given insight—and good pointers! PennLady — Thank you for being so incredibly nice, and listening—er reading my fear of writing conflicts between characters. And opening the doors to a certain football team! EastCoastChickPA- There is not enough hours in a day for you! Gracias for your awesomeness. As...

1 year ago
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Travis First Joy

Note: This story is completely fictional. This story is irrelevant to Nudity in the Stables storyline. The family car stopped near their favorite spot. Jake Starlim, Travis' father, turned off the engine and Amanda and Jenny both got out of the car, their butts swaying nicely. Amanda was Travis' older sister by three years and she had blond short smooth hair with green eyes. Her pussy was bushy and her boobs were young and firm. She was sitting in the back seat with Travis, aged 22. Jenny was...

2 years ago
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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 5

__________________________________________________________________________________ I woke up the next morning to incessant knocking on my bedroom door. It was barely 8 in the morning and as you can remember, my night wasn’t filled with too much sleep. Finally irritated enough, I wrapped my covers around me and answered the door. It was Tom and he was in a fantastic mood. Ugh. I hate morning people. “Come on Sivart. You’re pissing the day away.” “Shut up Tommy. It’s not even 8 yet....

4 years ago
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Stephen and Stephanie

Stephen and Stephanie Now the idea of crossdressing had appealed to Steve for a few years, he wouldn't deny it, but actually doing it for real, no he hadn't got the nerve. A surreptitious wearing of bra and panties, yes once or twice, but for nothing more than a different masturbation thrill. The full works, no he wouldn't know where to start. It wasn't even like he was gay or even bi, it was just a thing that fascinated him. He'd thought about asking one of his Mistress...

3 years ago
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Summer Memories

My earliest memories from my Summer Holidays revolve around staying with my Aunt and Uncle, and my Cousin Mark while my parents went abroad for some alone time. I stayed at their countryside house, which had a lovely old barn where Mark and I would play, away from any prying was innocent at first, but we soon began to grow curious, and would play 'doctor' up in the old hay loft. I wore my white cotton summer dress and he would lay me on a bale of hay and 'examine' me, pushing the hem...

2 years ago
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We meet again And Again

We hadn’t seen each other in months. The end of my “relationship” with Michael had been pretty ugly. We had been reduced to arguing every moment which resulted in many things being left unresolved. There was too much anger, too many hurt feelings. On this particular night, I’ve gone out with a few friends to a local pub. It’s one of those places that are off the beaten path and unless you’re a local, you wouldn’t even know it existed. For me, that was the allure of the place, a place to go and...

Group Sex
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Spank me please

"Why not?" I ask my husband.Jack peers at me sternly, and my clitoris shrinks. "It's degrading. I have too much respect for you."What does it have to do with respect? I want action -- mixed with pain. I want to be wanton. "Just once? Just to please me?" I've begged for four years."You know I don't like that stuff." He smiles lovingly and kisses my lips. I feign a smile, defeated. Another night, another orgasmless romp.He resumes pounding away in me. I close my eyes, struggling to picture it --...

3 years ago
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CrossCountry Trip

It was damn hot on this, the second day of our trip, and I don't think that any of us were enjoying the travel. Dad, Mom and I were going almost right across the country so as Dad could take up a relieving managers position brought about by illness. Initially the plan was for him to fly and live in hotel accommodation but as it would probably last for almost 6 months we decided to go as a family, enabling Mom and I to experience of quite different culture and living style. We had departed...

2 years ago
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June the Instigator Part 2

JUNE THE INSTIGATORPart 2June had been in Brisbane for the last three months or so, but good memories of good fucking for her remaining weeks in Melbourne. No bushwalking on those weekends but simple enjoyable fucking.November came with the long weekend for the Melbourne Cup. The group was doing a two night backpack up on the Wonnangata plateau area. Ten of the group were using it as a final training for an 8 day backpack over Cradle mountain in Tasmania immediately after Xmas. Martin was going...

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Sheryl and her perfect life

I happen to think that every high school as that perfect couple. That pair that seem as though they were made for each other. They are inseparable, look great together, do everything together and every other couple wants to be just like them. In my school that couple was Paul and Sheryl. I had known Sheryl for six years, which is a long time for someone in high school. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school and I use her as my benchmark for the perfect woman to this day. She was...

1 year ago
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I let out a long groan as my contraction ended. My husband rubbed my back encouragingly. In spite of how painful this was, I couldn’t help but wish that this pain wouldn’t end. Most women are excited to have labor be over and to finally meet the c***d that they have carried and protected in their womb for nine months. I’m not.Today is the day that I will find out if I have to admit to my husband that I have been unfaithful. Soon, I will push out my firstborn, and it’s up in the air as to if my...

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Salvation Ch 19 The Trustees Inspection

Since then there had been a steady trickle of patients, all in need of his special treatments and along with them had came their parents and guardians, eager to learn the many techniques and treatments with which to keep the children clean and full of vitality. Samuel had been judicious in the use of the income that his clients had provided him. He had needed staff, but he'd recruited them with care, offering them low wages in return for opportunities that were seldom afforded by other...

3 years ago
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Buddy Fucks My Wife

My friend and I started talking about each others wives one day and I brought the topic of swapping up. I wasn’t to sure how he would react but was surprised when he agreed it sounded like a good idea. He wasn’t sure what his wife would think about it, that’s when I told him about our past experience. He was more than game to fuck my wife so we started to make plans. I spoke to my wife about it and she was game as it has been quite awhile since we had done this. We made plans a...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 16

Standing beside the single horse, horse drawn carriage, Ed couldn’t believe his luck in finding it. It was just large enough to carry two adults and three children. The driver’s seat was open, but the passenger area was enclosed. There was a small area in the back to carry some luggage. The carriage, known as a Glass Panel Rockaway, was the kind of carriage that irritated so many drivers of modern cars in rural areas. The Mennonite man that he bought it from had been very surprised to find a...

4 years ago
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Sister Mildred and The Halloween Ghost Revised 2017

The cloistered sisters of the Upper Weston on Mersey Abbey were reputed to be seriously dedicated to their vows of silence and humility, but had been a little less circumspect with regard to the demanding vow of chastity. That was the vow that impacted the younger nuns with far more frustration than any of the other affirmations of devotion to the service of God.When Angela Landsborough took the partially binding vow after her first year in the convent, she didn’t expect she would be...

2 years ago
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A dream comes true

This is a story that I made. The high school part is the real part in my life that happen, the rest of the story is part of my fantasy.I was down on my luck, my girl left me after I left high school. We both almost liked the same things, we both liked the same video games, anime hated the Twilight series(ugh even typing it make me feel sick even if it is over) I tried moving on but it was hard but couldn't get her out of my head. When I was not thinking about her my head brings me back to her...

2 years ago
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My wife,s long time fantasy of sampling a big black man,s cock eventually became reality, but I never dreamed of such a thing happening to me. As I stated before I,m heterosexual and been married fifty plus years, but have enjoyed sucking cocks for most of my sexual life, but until 1987 had never had the pleasure of tasting a black man,s prick. At that time I worked as Night security supervisor at a centre in the city of London. Over the years due to the long hours my job took me away from wife...

1 year ago
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Paulas HolidayTuesday

In readiness for Peter and wanting maximum penetration from the beginning she had arranged the hard pillows ready for her hips to rest on, now Ernie was putting them straight again she waited for him to comment but he didn’t. “Right then” he said “If you are ok I will go for the bus and leave you too your perfumed sleep and hope that someone turns up in your dreams that warrants your time spent with the old slap”, he kissed her lightly on the forehead although she had proffered her lips, and...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Tommy King SisterinLaw Craves a Big Black Cock

Gorgeous brunette, Tommy King, is a naughty sister-in-law who loves to tease her sister’s man with her irresistible body. The beautiful tattooed hottie can’t help but crave her brother-in-law’s big black cock. With no one home right now, Tommy doesn’t want to miss the opportunity to have a taste of the BBC she’s been eyeing for too long. Without wasting any time, Tommy acts out her lustful desires. She tells her brother-in-law that he can freely use her body to...

1 year ago
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The Rich Arrogant College Slut

I cannot believe my luck when I walk into the wrong room in my dormitory. It is three in the morning and I must have been too tired from studying for the test that I end up on the wrong floor. When I turn the door knob I cannot believe my eyes. They must be having too much fun that they forget to lock the door behind them. In the bed is Jennifer Freeman with her legs spread, on top of her Phil Michels, the 220 pound captain of our college football team, pumping his huge black cock in and out of...

Erotic Fiction
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CumSwappingSis Macy Meadows Sera Ryder Swallow Cum To Grow Taller

Macy Meadows has decided she wants to be taller. She decides to try hanging on the pullup bar to see if that helps. Her friend Sera Ryder is there for moral support. When Macy isn’t immediately taller after a bit of hanging, she asks Sera to pull on her. Just as Sera accidentally pulls Macy’s pants down, Macy’s stepbrother Nathan Bronson walks in on them and asks what they’re doing. He tells them that people like short girls, then takes off. Later, Macy asks Nathan if...

2 years ago
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Wicked stepmother part 10

However Ella had planned to spend the night ending up in a foursome that included one of her old school friend and her former art teacher would not have been an option. That they were as liberal sexually as herself was a pleasant surprise. At one point Lazlo had been fucking her whilst eating Meghan (her former teacher) pussy. Olivia meantime was having her pussy eaten by Meghan and the two girls on top were having an enthusiastic snog.It was with some reluctance that she parted from them but...

3 years ago
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The price we pay for being pretty Pt2

“Yo, Sammy, wait up.” I was still on cloud 9, my mind completely fogged over by what had just happened in the restroom not an hour before. It was all I could seem to think about, which was terrible in a way, since I’d walked out of my last class not having put one answer down on the test we’d taken. I really needed to clear my head or I wasn’t going to even make it to high school. I stopped in my tracks at the sound of my name being called and turned around to see if I could find who was...

3 years ago
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Freaky Fuck pt2

Shelia told Harry 'when I turn around I want to see you standing there with nothing on but a smile.' Shelia pulled her breast from my lips and turned to face Harry 'daaammmnnn,man you ain't fuck my little pussy with that monster.' Shelia walked over to harry and took hold of his humongous fuck tool into her hands. 'David have you ever seen a cock this long before, come here let me see your cock besides Harry's.' Shelia place both our cocks together me facing Harry so she could measure them...

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