A Slice Of Ordinary Life free porn video

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A Slice of Ordinary Life In many ways, life went on pretty much the same after our marriage ended. The divorce was predictably bitter and longlasting, not to say expensive. Each of our solicitors seemed keen to prolong the negotiations rather than try to bring about a reconciliation. But now all that was blessedly over. I still had a place in what's called leafy Hertfordshire, having bought a flat just round the corner from the old family home. My ex had moved across to the other end of the town. Luckily there were still friends in the neighbourhood. I still saw quite a lot of the Harkers, who had lived four doors down the avenue from us. Both Shirley and David had a lively sense of humour, and David especially used to like making good-natured fun of people, including me. It was also easy to keep in touch with Bob and Lorna Clyde, especially as Bob was one of the keenest members of the tennis club behind the park. Lorna didn't play, but she came to social events there. I wasn't a brilliant player, but I had a steady backhand and by the unexacting local standards quite a strong volley. Both my kids were keen to see me "make a fresh start," but I didn't see the need for that, as my life was more comfortable than it had been for years. Graham, as the elder one, decided I should move to a new place, and perhaps retrain for a new job even at fifty-nine because there weren't many opportunities in my field at this time. Melissa didn't make any open suggestions, but I could see that she too thought I was settling down into a boring rut. I could understand why they felt like that. They were still in their thirties, and had a busy life with energetic children (two each). Both lived within easy reach of London and popped down quite often to town. On the other hand I didn't have much inclination to take the train to Euston even when they were not so crowded at offpeak times. Maybe when I qualified for my senior rail card in a few years! At one time I had talked vaguely about getting a small place in Somerset, where some of my ancestors came from and which I'd liked when we went on family holidays there. But then I realised it would be a huge upheaval with none of my kids or grandkids on close call, and no experience in country living. Things went on pleasantly enough for the first couple of years. I continue to attend some local events, including the gardening association, though I no longer had a garden, as well as the monthly book club. I watched the statutory amount of TV, listened a lot to Radio 4, and occasionally played old DVDs. I sang along with songs I knew from the 1970s when golden oldies shows came on Radio 2. Sometimes I turned it on for programmes featuring Frank Sinatra or Ella Fitzgerald, because I like their music too. Naturally I enjoyed visits from my grandchildren - all the fun of your own, and none of the work. By this time I could even speak to them on FaceTime, as well as communicate with others on Skype. But I often turned off my phone for longish periods, as I didn't feel the need to chat endlessly. I was perfectly content. This cosy way of life would probably have continued indefinitely, if a newcomer hadn't moved into the block of flats, one storey above me. I He seemed totally unremarkable, in appearance and in habits. Also approaching sixty, with receding brown hair and grey sideburns. He had a neatly trimmed beard. Rather short, with a muscular torso and arms. At the weekend he was always casually dressed, with a taste for dun-coloured chinos and baggy pullovers that seemed to chime with his laid back personality. Quite willing to chat, but usually about fairly mundane everyday matters, and he supported the nearest soccer team in one of the lower divisions. Someone told me that he was a dedicated visitor to the gym on the Letchworth road, and I guessed that he may have been into some form of body building, as he appeared to have well chiselled abs. A faint hit of a Midland accent (I guessed Birmingham, but it turned out to be Leicester), with a pleasant baritone voice. It emerged in the next few weeks that his name was Ken and he had often been working abroad for some years. For short periods he went away, where and why he didn't say. I first got to know about this from Sandra, my neighbour across the hallway. He had asked her to pick up some important mail that might be arriving in his absence. (We had a communal mailbox in the downstairs lobby which anyone who had managed to get into the building could access.) However, when he was home he kept very regular hours. He didn't seem to drink too much, unlike some people I could name. Though he fitted into our little community smoothly enough, I thought he was maybe a bit dull if anything, and as he showed few signs of wanting to get to know me better I made no effort to develop any kind of closer friendship. It was about two months after Ken came to live in the flats that I got the first hint he might not be so completely blah as I'd supposed. Actually it was Sandra who first suggested that there could be some mystery about his past. She had noticed that three pieces of the mail she was storing for him had official looking return addresses from government departments, while another was sent from a French address in Belgium with a confidential sticker. Ken's vagueness on his past, and the absence of any known family (he'd just said he was long divorced and had no children) gave her the idea there was some secret we didn't know about. She didn't quite go so far as to say that he was probably an MI5 agent or an informant given a cover identity, but she did suggest that he was not such a commonplace character as I for one had supposed. Then there were one or two things that Sandra had noticed about his lack of social contacts in the town, which he obviously didn't know very well. I told her that she had watched too many spy films and exaggerated these "clues" to a more romantic history. She has a bubbly personality that's a good foil to my quieter nature, but she can be a bit over the top. The invitation came when we happened to meet outside the main entrance to the flats when I got back from a grocery trip. After a few pleasantries Ken paused and said in a slightly halting way, "I don't suppose there's any chance you'd be interested in having dinner one night when you're free?" He obviously had not been to the Oliver Barrett school of confident chat up lines. Though he must have known that I didn't have much social life, he gave me the credit for having other possible calls on my time. I was taken aback for a moment, but saw no point in prevaricating, so I just smiled and said simply, "Of course, I'd be very glad to." We settled on L'Italiana (better than its name may suggest), which was only a few hundred yards away from the flats. He suggested the following Wednesday, and I didn't bother to add that almost every day that week would have been free for me. We would meet at the restaurant at seven as he would be coming straight from a job at Harlow. This gave me a few days to get ready for what should not be a huge ordeal even if it didn't set the world alight. I set myself to rehearse some conversational topics, choosing safe ones as I could see he was a reticent type. Then I decided how much to share with him about my own world, since I knew that many men weren't greatly excited by recitals of what my family and friends had been up to. And finally I knew I must start to think about sprucing up my appearance, which I had cheerfully ignored for a long time. I don't think I've ever been all that vain. Even when I was young I wasn't specially pretty, and after I had the kids and not altogether by coincidence my husband lost interest in me, I took less care about these things. Since moving to the flat I had put on six pounds and magical thinking didn't work to restore my waistline - I blamed this on the fact I now had far less house cleaning to do. Like others in my age group I started to lounge around at home in yoga pants, with my hair scraped back in a bun, and never bothered with makeup except on the rare occasions I was going somewhere special. It must have been over eighteen months since I had bought any clothes, not counting a single trip to M&S for underwear and some thick winter tights. But the prospect of this date with Ken made me realise that I did finally need to smarten up a bit, as Melissa had hinted once. I even contemplated departing from my recent routine and going up to the London stores. No real need, I remembered there had always been some decent dress shops in Hitchin, which wasn't very far away. I put on some of the better surviving items in my wardrobe and tried to do something with my hair, that had grown lank with split ends. It turned out easier than expected. The bus was on time, and I found something suitable in the second place I went to, Monsoon in Bancroft (a branch that has now closed!) It was a dress and jacket, a fairly simple outfit in a sort of cyan colour with a demure high neck, age appropriate without being dowdy. The assistant was a bit bored and offhand, but I could understand how standing around for hours waiting on impatient customers was not a great way to spend your day. I also bought a silk scarf to accessorize, but decided my turquoise open toes would match well enough. The price was a little steeper than planned, but I told myself this was a one off and I could afford it. While I wasn't expecting to much of the occasion - it was after all just a single date between middle-aged people with no great romantic expectations - I did have some slight anxiety. It was the first time I had been out with a man since the divorce, and the first time I had gone anywhere much apart from a couple of pub meals with the Clydes the summer before, now almost nine months ago. When I told the children about it, they behaved in characteristic ways. Graham scratched the side of his cheek and said, "Well, I hope it will be okay," with the hidden suggestion that I was too long in the tooth now for that sort of thing. Melissa put on her serious face and stared at me with the comment, "Oh, mum, do make sure you're safe. There are an awful lot of real chancers out there now, what with internet dating and everything." I assured her that Ken was not some anonymous creep preying on vulnerable people. I knew where he lived, and had good reason to believe he was solvent. Just to be on the safe side we had agreed to meet up at the restaurant after he got back from a job in the next town. We would walk back home along three well lit streets after the meal and no violent assault could take place in the flats without neighbours hearing the commotion. Sandra was more encouraging, and said she would have been happy to go out with him if he'd asked her. Still, it surprised me that such a commonplace event should attract the slightest concern or interest from others. II Luckily it was a cool but fine evening and I got to the restaurant on time, despising all ideas about fashionable lateness. The place had an unimposing facade, wedged between humdrum commercial buildings. Since I wasn't sure if Ken would have arrived yet, I went straight in with a hint of trepidation. It was regarded as the best Italian establishment around, though not too snooty. Oliver and I had gone for an occasional dinner, and we had Melissa's thirtieth birthday do there. But that was quite a while since, and I was pleased that the same ma?tre d' was still there to greet me with patently insincere effusiveness, "Good evening, Mrs Barrett, it is so nice to see you again." He told me that Mr Jackson had arrived a few minutes before and ushered me to a table on the near side of the room. Ken was sitting there looking pensive. He made a point of standing up while a waiter loomed up from nowhere to seat me. We exchanged slightly stilted greetings. He complimented me on my appearance and I said quite honestly that he looked nice too. He was on the smart side of "smart casual," since he had a medium grey suit with a faint stripe and a light blue shirt, but as was now the fashion no tie - just a navy silk handkerchief in his breast pocket. His black brogues looked a little worn but were clean and polished. I was impressed since he had come straight from work. His beard was again carefully trimmed, but there was a slight stubble on his cheeks which I found not unattractive. Later I found out he disliked wearing a suit, so that was a kindness on his part. As for my outfit, it had seemed a little conservative when I was getting ready, but I was keen not to stand out in any way. At the last minute, in an effort to brighten it up, I had changed my mind and put on a pair of pewter coloured antique earrings that Oliver had given me in happier days - I hadn't thrown out everything connected with him when I left him, as some people do. Nor I had reverted to my maiden name: Susan Shellgrove had always seemed a real mouthful, and it was too much of a fuss to get all my documents changed. Ken called me Susan, though most of my friends said Sue, and David Harker often greeted me as Sister Susie. In the course of the meal, we gradually started to converse a bit more freely, swapping bits of information that we had not previously revealed to one another. Mine was, I imagined, the simpler task - a comfortable middle class childhood in the outer suburbs of North London, and a good education at the local high school. I came near the top of the class in English and French, but not in science subjects. I was average at tennis, a bit better at netball where they put me at wing defence because I was the second tallest girl in the class in that Lilliputian era. As a fullback at hockey, I was thoroughly useless, and spent many hours with my teeth chattering on the frozen wastes that bordered Epping Forest. Next I mentioned a succession of jobs in public relations firms, then marriage at twenty-eight, the two children and four grandchildren. Naturally I skated over some unsatisfactory relations with men earlier on, as well as the collapse of our marriage, Oliver's womanizing and the increasing distance from each other, my decision to leave him, and the protracted divorce which ended up with my getting fewer of the joint assets than was entirely fair. Instead, I tried to stress my happier experiences recently, once I had taken the plunge to go my own way, and how much I enjoyed my new home. In the wake of all that, I didn't think he could possibly match the drab conventionality of this life story, but he came near to it. He told me he had grown up in a village outside Leicester, had gone to school in the city, had a string of unrewarding occupations until he got a chance to join the Civil Service. It was a surprisingly fulfilling job, he said, though it didn't sound like it - as a middle-level regulator of import and export licensing. He did this for over twenty years, then took early retirement with a decent pension, and now was able to do consulting work freelance, which occasionally took him abroad, usually to the Low Countries. He hadn't played tennis since schooldays, but as I knew enjoyed working out at the gym. Obviously he didn't want to go on about his personal life, as his early marriage had quickly failed, while he had no children or longterm commitments since then. He represented himself as Mr Average, with nothing outstanding to relate. I was sure this was not doing himself full justice, even if he manifestly didn't fit the mould of the duplicitous international agent that Sandra had cooked up in her imagination. That was about all I learnt as we enjoyed the meal. We dispensed with starters. He had a smallish steak, following the standard "medium to rare" designation, while I contented myself with some of the pasta for which the place was known. He ordered a decent ros? while professing no great standing as a wine expert. For dessert he had a scrumptious looking ice cream, while after deliberation I opted for a tiny rum baba. Often I go without a dessert, but I didn't like to refuse on the pretence I was already full, as some women do rather than admit that it is out of weight watching (something I understand as sweet things seem to leave instant deposits on my hips and thighs). By the time we were ready for coffee I had found out that his full name was Kenneth Andrew Jackson, again the epitome of Middle England, he owned a five year old medium-size Nissan which he kept in a lockup garage in the next street, and liked cats but didn't have one at the moment. He asked what my interests were and I could only manage to come up with the book club, tennis and the church - not that I am greatly religious, but I do go to the local Anglican church, and serve on the roster for flowers. This only comes up once every four months and after choosing the right blooms it only takes an hour or so to do the entire arrangement, at which I am fairly good but not professional standard. He asked what kind of books I like to read, so I told him a wide range, but mainly biography and history plus classic novels, nothing out of the way, like Austen, Brontes etc. It was a relief rather than the opposite that he gave the impression of being keener to talk about me than about himself. Like everyone else I've had my share of mansplaining, too. At this point the waiter came back with a cheese board and asked if we wanted any. I passed on this, but then to my total amazement came the first big shock. Ken said no cheese, but could the chef possibly rustle up a round of dry toast, as he'd found this went well, with a liqueur he then ordered. The youngish waiter could hardly conceal his own astonishment, but quickly regained enough composure to reply, "Well, yes sir, I sure that can be done." I admired his sang froid. He turned to me and said, "Anything for you, madam?," maybe half expecting I would ask for a stick of celery or something. I just muttered that I didn't want anything more thanks, and wouldn't join Ken with his liqueur either. The truth was that I had downed two glasses of wine and I needed a pee, so I quickly excused myself. When I got to the loo there was a woman there I knew from the tennis club I hadn't seen for some time, and had not spotted across the room earlier on (I am a bit shortsighted and didn't have my glasses on). We brought ourselves up to date on things as we stood in front of the washbowls. When I got back to our table Ken said, "They bought me my toast so I've started on this, hope you don't mind?" He had hardly touched his liqueur but had demolished most of the slice of toast. He smiled in a slightly conspiratorial way, so I smiled back and thought, well, here's one (very small) way he is different! That was the end of the evening. When the waiter came with the bill, I made a token gesture of reaching for my handbag, but he already had his card out and brushed off my feeble offers to share the cost. He walked me back to the flat, our conversation less free than in the restaurant, though I had by now started to forget about the slice of toast. At the door of my flat he said goodnight and headed off for the lift. III Next morning I sat and thought about the previous evening. Almost all the way it had been much as I expected, with the usual proprieties and the usual British reserve on some things. He had been attentive, had helped me on with my jacket before we left, and had footed the not inconsiderable bill (feminist principles be damned, he had invited me after all, and thanks to his civil service pension he probably had more cash). His conversation had not been sparkling, but there was a pleasant dry wit in some of the things he said. On my side I had not disgraced myself and he had listened to everything I came back to him with apparent concentration. I had heard that people out of practice on the dating scene generally tried too hard. I resolved not to do that, but can you try not to try? I didn't see Sandra until later that evening. She naturally asked me how my dinner with Ken had gone. I said fine, we had got on well together - the meal was excellent, it was just the slice of toast that disconcerted me a bit. She replied that I had been portraying him as very staid and predictable - at least this proved he was capable of doing something out of the ordinary! I assented, but maybe with a bit of doubt in my voice. She asked if I would go out with him again. All I could answer was that if I would consider it if he asked me, but I wasn't at all sure he would, he may have thought that I was the dull one. Girls of Melissa's age or younger take the initiative in asking for a date, but that wasn't the way when I grew up. It was in early April that things started to develop. I had seen Ken in passing once or twice, but we had had only a brief chat about the usual things, such as the price of petrol, then on the rise - even though this didn't affect me as I no longer had a car. Another time I bumped into him in the produce aisle at Tesco's. He was friendly but didn't say anything more about meeting up. I kept off subjects such as the dinner we had shared. I half wanted to ask him about the toast, but restrained myself. Then one day out of the blue he phoned me (we had exchanged numbers) and asked me if I'd like to go with him to the Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage. They were putting on a lesser known Noel Coward item, starring an actress who had played the young married lead in a TV sitcom some years before. I had always liked the theatre but Oliver didn't care for it so we rarely went. It's quite intimate, with 500 seats. We arranged to meet on the following Tuesday and he agreed to get tickets. All we had to do was walk round to the garage, and then set off in his comfortable car for a drive of less than half an hour. In the end, the play was quite funny and the performance stylish. I had never liked the star in any of her television roles, she seemed a bit affected in her manner, but had to admit she carried off the key part with real aplomb. We discussed what we had seen in the nearby bar. It emerged that drama was one of the subjects on which I knew more than Ken did, whereas he was much more clued up on cinema, especially classic Hollywood movies - noir, musicals, romantic comedies, whatever. We both had favourite actors and directors, but he could rattle off the details of scores of pictures, dates, Oscar wins, supporting cast and such like. It was increasingly clear that we had more in common than age and background in Britain of the 1970s, and more than I had suspected. In the following weeks, as the lime trees came into full leaf along our road, we began to spend more time together. Twice we went to see films, and unremarkable as these were we found that we agreed on their merits and demerits. I was quite disappointed when Ken said he had to go off to Belgium again for a few days. He would phone me when he got to Li?ge. Reliable as ever, his call came in at almost exactly the minute he'd promised. Why couldn't I ever depend on Oliver like that? I started to look forward to our meetings when he got back. I could no longer indulge in schoolgirl moonings over anyone, but our relationship had certainly brought back a spring in my step. Shirley Harker didn't say anything, but I noticed her glance over me with a questioning look. When I ran into Lorna Clyde at a tennis club get together, during the time Ken was away, she said that I looked particularly nice, something I don't think she had done for a very long time. It was true. I had started to go back to the Pakistani hairdresser in the shopping centre close to home, where Azrah had tended to my locks previously, and knew just how to cut them for best effect. She put some highlights in and got rid of grey roots. Later I went to a nail bar in Bridge Street, close to the bus station, where I tried semi-permanent gels for the first time. I knew that while this attention to myself wasn't just for the benefit of Ken, he was a sort of catalyst. I did it because I felt better, not because it made me feel better. Graham appeared not to spot much difference, and Melissa just said drily that I seemed to have got a new spark from somewhere, she didn't know where. I didn't rise to the bait. Actually Melisssa and I spent more time together that summer. I wondered whether she was discreetly monitoring me! One day she came over to take us to Welwyn, where she wanted to get some new sheets and bedroom furniture for her growing boys. She's a commendably quick shopper, and it didn't take long for her to choose what she wanted, after scrupulously pretending to take note of my advice. We could have a leisurely lunch as she didn't have to be back to do something at home, as was often the case. Then, just as we were leaving, we bumped into a tall blond woman of about thirty-five in a magenta trouser suit. She greeted my daughter warmly and asked how the family was, with a glance at me. Melissa seemed flustered and mumbled an introduction. The other woman's name was Judy Scott. After some desultory conversation, she gave a broad smile with flashing white teeth and went on her way. "Who that's then?" I asked, thinking it might be some former work colleague of Melissa's. "I'll tell you when we get back to the car," said Melissa, striding towards the parking area. It came out as soon as we had negotiated the tricky narrow turns to exit the multistorey. "Look, mum," she said with an anxious expression. "You'll have to know now. Graham and I thought it was kinder not to tell you, we've known for ages. That's Judy - Dad's new girlfriend. They've been together since soon after you split up and Dad got his new place. She works for a firm that does business with him, assessing workers' compensation or something. I've met her a few times and she always greets me like a longlost friend. I find it embarrassing but I don't want to do anything to cause trouble with Dad." As we drove out to the arterial road, I sat there musing. Of course this was all a bit sudden, but not totally unexpected. I wasn't as upset as Melissa evidently thought I would be. Oliver had always been successful with women, despite (or I sometimes thought, because of) his reliance on looks and superficial charm rather than depth of character. It was unrealistic to expect that he would remain on his own for long. It really didn't make much difference that he had found someone with no ties who was also younger, prettier and more socially smart than me, even if I had taken an instinctive dislike to her even before I knew who she was. For the rest of the way home we went quiet. Melissa left me to my thoughts, and probably supposed I was in a state about Judy. Actually the first thing that struck me was it would be hard to keep the affair secret for ever, as Oliver was living only three or four miles from me. That led to a recognition I had had before of how limited the world of our family was. The Harkers' son worked in the Czech Republic, and one of my other friends had a daughter living in Australia. Sandra's sister had moved to the Chicago area in her youth. Even plump and homely Maureen Clark, who had been the next door neighbour and good friend of Lorna Clyde, had suddenly upped and relocated in North Wales. On the other hand, Melissa had gone no further afield than the University of Kent, had married a local boy and had always stayed within a short distance of us. Since the boys were now older she had got a good job in the HR section of an engineering firm. Graham had exhausted his wanderlust with half of a gap year working on a forestry project in Norway, and had soon settled down as an actuary. He lived with his amiable but not very bright wife, their girl, boy and Alsatian in Chingford, quite close to where I had been brought up - indeed his daughter had now started at my old school. Small wonder that my ex should not have looked far to find his new partner. Let's face it, the Barretts were not an adventurous lot. IV Ken had been busy but at the end of July he phoned to ask me if I'd like to take a trip the next day to a nice area he knew in the Chilterns. We could walk through the beech woods and have a pub lunch at a well respected hostelry. It was only about an hour's drive away but I had had never spent any time there, so I was keen to go. The weather was no more than mild, almost cool enough for a sweater, but he wore a crisp white dress shirt and black slacks with a sharp crease. I was pleased he had made a bit of an effort again. We parked at a rest stop which gave entrance to a trail through the tidily managed woodlands. From the top of the hill there was a lovely view off the southern escarpment. Though I hadn't walked so far for a long time I didn't feel at all tired. Ken seemed relaxed and I was wondering if he was keen to get back for the lunch and a pint of best. So much for my perception! After a while we found a rustic bench at the viewpoint and sat down, I imagined, for a couple of minutes. The sun had gone in and it felt slightly chilly. As I shaped to put on my cardigan, he pulled it round my shoulders and then took a look around in each direction. There was no one else in sight apart from a younger couple who were inspecting the bark of a tree two hundred yards down the slope. "It's time to tell you, Susan," he said in a flat tone. "I should have done it earlier, but it's hard. I don't know if you will feel betrayed." I hadn't the foggiest idea what he was talking about - did he have a wife and five children hidden away in Belgium? Would this be more of a shock than the earlier revelation Melissa had sprung on me after we ran into Judy? Seeing that I was puzzled but receptive, he embarked on a long explanation. In fact, it was the longest I had ever heard him speak. He began by saying we had become quite close over the past few months, and I deserved to know the truth. I mentally agreed: we had not got physical, nothing more had passed than a warm hug on meeting and a light kiss on the lips when we parted, but there was an undeniable emotional connection that had slowly developed. To be honest, I would have felt keenly disappointed if he was about to say we should not go on seeing each other as we had been doing. I can't pretend to reproduce the exact words Ken used in what he said next. I was too gobstruck, But the gist was perfectly clear and simple. He told me he was born female, brought up as a girl, and had lived that way until he was fifty. He had always felt wrong in his body and his life. As a child he had just passed as a tomboy who liked short hair and scruffy jeans. At nineteen he had experimented with a lesbian relationship, but soon realised that didn't answer his needs, though he was attracted to women. At twenty two, to try and fit in, he had married a nice girl he had met at work. It didn't take long for both of them to realise that though they were humanly compatible the relationship was doomed to failure. After that he led an asexual life and concentrated on building his career until he had saved enough to make a break - a much bigger break, too, than the one I had found so difficult to contemplate. Able to retire with a partial pension, he had immediately begun to live the way he always wanted. The transition took almost nine years, all told. He began with the mastectomies, since had always regarded his breasts with a distaste approaching horror. After that he started hormone treatment under medical supervision - luckily he was able to find a doctor who would do this on the NHS, though there was a waiting list of a year or two for most procedures. He was astounded to discover how quickly the daily dose of testosterone began to produce obvious effects. Inside eight weeks his voice had begun to break, and within six months his facial hair had grown to the point that he needed to shave almost every day. It took longer for other bodily changes, but after little more than a year he began to lose some fat deposits on his upper arms, bottom and thighs. After another year of gradual improvement, he felt confident enough to open up a consultancy business with firms in the export business, which helped to pay for the unavoidable costs of treatment. He had largely lost touch with his previous friends, his parents were both dead, and he had no siblings. As a result he managed to achieve what he most desired, a transition "in stealth," as he said it was called. I sat there staring out at the scene below, and watching some kind of hawk hovering in the sky, as I tried to absorb what Ken had told me, but uncomprehending for the most part. I knew next to nothing about sex changes. Those I had come across in the media often seemed to involve publicity seekers on TV or sad misfits. They were virtually all male to female as well. I knew vaguely that there were about the same number of female to male individuals, but somehow you didn't hear about them nearly so much. I couldn't identify in any way with their urges, and I had never met any personally - they must have existed in outer suburbia, but I imagined most would tend to prefer the anonymity of a big city. Equally, I was astonished that I had never had the slightest suspicion of Ken's past. There were no give away signs that I could remember. His fingers were a bit stubby, but his feet were a regular size 7, not too small for many men. More to the point, his demeanour and manner had always been perfectly normal, not aggressively macho but just standard male in the way he moved, talked, and went about his life. Ken went on to describe the next stages. He began the cumbrous process of getting a gender identity certificate, which involved some lengthy physical and psychological tests before he could apply for fresh documents - most importantly an official name change, a new passport and a driving licence. But this was not enough for Ken. He had grown his beard, besides chiselling his body with targeted weight training different from that of regular body builders. He still needed two things. Unable to get what he wanted on the NHS, he used a connection in Li?ge to get treatment at a just affordable cost from plastic surgeons there. First came the most advanced genital surgery yet available. This he had undergone three years before. It didn't allow him to have full penetrative sex, but it did permit stimulation in that area and make it possible for him to urinate standing, which simplified his life day to day in social situations. A year ago he had an operation to further masculinize his appearance by a reshaping of the brows and a suction of some fat on the cheeks, so that he had almost entirely lost any traces of his formerly rounded face. That was where matters now stood, and he did not envisage any more medical treatment. He was still paying off the cost of the last surgery, but this had become viable. He sold the maisonette that he bought thirty years ago in a part of Croydon where house prices had rocketed both in the nineties and the twenty-teens. This meant he could afford the flat in the block where I lived, which had risen in price but was a lot cheaper than the property he had sold (the absence of parking places made our 1930s building less attractive to most buyers). Sandra had been right about one thing - he didn't know the area at all. He was not rich, but he had enough to live on at the modest level that he found entirely to his liking. There were no expensive hobbies or secret vices. With me, there were no secrets at all now - unless it was his liking for toast with his Chartreuse. What this did explain was those official letters (some regarding his Home Office pension, and a confidential one regarding his gender certificate), as well as a message about check-ups from his surgeon in Li?ge. I wouldn't be able to tell Sandra just how wrong she had been. It was too much to take in fully. I suggested we head back to the parking area and then have our planned lunch, which would be a welcome distraction for me as I didn't really know how I felt. Ken agreed, and we spent the remaining part of our trip on passing comments about the scenery. We got back by 3.30 and I just said, "I'll be in touch when I have had time to think about this." I let him kiss me before I closed the door, uncertain what the future would hold. In fact it took just a week's silence on both sides and a lot of consideration of everything Ken had told me to be sure that it made no difference. I wanted to continue with our relationship, and I called Ken to let him know. We resumed our visits to the cinema and it really seemed just as it had been, except that I felt a closer bond because he had trusted me with a secret he didn't want the rest of the world to be in on. I asked him if I could tell just my children, as they grew skilled in keeping mum after shielding people from the knowledge of how bad things had got between Oliver and me. I was surprised at the completely supportive response they both showed, especially Graham, who I'd thought might find it hard to accept. They were young enough not to have learnt the prejudices of my generation. There was no need to share it with anybody else. So that's almost the end of our story. Ours, because in the middle of September after a nice night out, Kenneth asked me to marry him, and you can guess my answer. Nor will it be a shock that when we went choose my ring, I opted for a Victorian rose cut diamond. We are planning to marry in the New Year. It will be a small civil ceremony, but we'll have a semi-swanky reception at L'Italiano. Shirley will be de facto matron of honour, David the emcee, and both Graham and Melissa will propose toasts (we had to have those!) I'll move into Ken's flat, which is plenty big enough for us. Already I have a few ideas for redoing the decoration. I told Ken I will be taking his name, as I have no affection for either of my previous surnames. And Susan Barrett Jackson doesn't really have the ring of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, does it? We'll just be the Jacksons, and that doesn't make me feel like an appendage to my lovely husband. It was huge luck to find someone who was so dependable, so much a Mensch as well as a real man. Recently we had our first weekend away in a quiet hotel on the Suffolk coast, watching the waves buffetting the shore, like a background shot to "Peter Grimes." Without being coy, I can say that it went even better than I expected in every respect; Ken knew his way around my body quickly and found the spots where his touch was most arousing. I had forgotten how much pleasure it could be to have strong arms holding you, to sense the hint of a musky aroma, and to lie in the shelter of a caring male. In the morning Ken woke first and took in the previous night's order that room service had left outside our door. He started to brew some coffee, and fussed around with the breakfast things while I lay in bed glowing from happiness. Finally he came over, slid a tray over the sheets, and there was a single slice of toast with a red rose perched on it. "You see," he said with a crinkly smile on his lined face, "I told you I was a conventional lover. Here's a real clich? for you..." Ordinary Life 2: Cassandra Lane

Same as A Slice of Ordinary Life Videos

4 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 16 Winter Break

DECEMBER 2003, WINTER BREAK It was just after 2am when I finally returned home. The party was pretty much over, just a few stragglers hanging around. The music was off and the lights were low. And being the only resident still up and about, I felt it was my duty to usher out the final guests. Marian Liu was on the back patio smoking something that didn't smell like a cigarette with two guys. She seemed to be trying to decide which one to take home; and when I arrived, her decision was made...

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Extraordinary power for an ordinary man

My name's Harry. I'm 33 now, but this story starts 2 years ago, when my life changed. I woke up that day with no idea of what was to come. It was just like every other Saturday morning - wake up slowly, feel my wife asleep next to me, gather my brain, stumble downstairs for breakfast. Tv on, kettle boiling, toaster on. Just like every Saturday. It had been a long week at work, and I was pretty tired still, but apart from that, nothing was out of the ordinary. I wish it had been, because that...

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Ordinary Guy

‘Your love scenes just aren’t up to much,’ said the director. It hit her in her stomach like a red hot burning arrow. ‘Maybe you just need a break, Katie,’ he said gently, knowing that an actress’ confidence is integral to her performance, and if he ruined her confidence, his film would be in tatters. ‘We have had a fairly strenuous filming schedule. Take a week off – relax, don’t do anything stressful. Then come back and we’ll try again.’ On the way home in the limousine, she was on the...

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Not Your Ordinary Girl

Not Your Ordinary Girl Professor Shelby Mason was at her “black board” despite having all the electronic teaching technology. She thought somethings were better explained the old way. Alfred and Levy were concentrating on how her bubble but shook as she wrote, they were “ass men”. It was their junior year in her class at Cal Technology. They figured her to be 30 years old. She was strawberry blond, slim, shapely with proportionate tits for her size. The rumors were that she was a “cold fish”,...

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An Ordinary Bloke

Up until now my life has not been riddled with self-doubt. In a life this ordinary there are no doubts. I could only be described as handsome by the blind. I could only be described as musical by the tone deaf. In stature, only midgets look up to me. My whole life has been spent being an ordinary bloke. So what has happened to change that? She has happened. She it is that has cast doubts on my ordinariness. The she in question is Mary Thornton. I met her in my local supermarket when I was...

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For King and Country Colourful but Ordinary

King & Country: Colourful But Ordinary... a Jane Masters adventure by Miss K "How utterly perverse", mused Jane Masters, formerly Lieutenant Commander Anthony Pierce, still agent 004 On His Majesty's Secret Service. He was nestled into the crook of his superior officer's shoulder, feeling the rise and fall of James Bond's chest exhaling, in perfectly diminishing circles, the smoke from his fifteenth Cartier of the day. A feeling of rare contentment permeated every layer of...

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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 17 The Butterfly and the Bee

January 2004, Winter Break Things settled into what felt like normal after the ski trip. Once safely home and with the parents gone to work during the weekdays, my sisters and I settled into our respective sexual relationships. Emboldened by Mom and Dad's letting us share a bedroom on the trip, Brooke was my most frequent and overt bed partner. She knew she only had me for a few weeks, and she intended to make the most of it. Still, we kept things discreet. We knew our parents wouldn't...

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Not OrdinaryChapter 2

“Sometimes in life, there will be curveballs. And you got to hit them out of the park.” That was something my dad loved to say whenever I came to him with a problem. Well, Frank Specter standing in my doorway while there was a copy of me sleeping on the bed was a curveball that missed the bat altogether and hit me straight in the nuts. Let me describe the most ridiculous situation I had ever experienced in my life until then. My kind-of-best-friend/friend-I-had-known-for-the-longest-time,...

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An Ordinary Couple

I was watching from the sitting room window when they arrived shortly after two o’clock that Saturday afternoon. I had put our car away and closed the garage door so they had room to park on our drive. They came in a Volkswagen Polo, about seven years old. He held the door politely while she climbed out. Laura, watching beside me, said, “They look nice enough. Ordinary people.” “That’s what they said on the phone. I’ll go to the door – we ought to offer them something to drink.” They introduced...

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An Ordinary Couple conclusion

Harold and Charmian are not swingers, but every now and then they like to spice up their sex life by letting another couple watch while they fuck. They visit Barry and Laura who themselves are not swingers but are looking forward to seeing a live fuck for the first time. They get on well together and, at the end of Part One, Charmian has had two explosive orgasms. Now Harold has just shot his cum on to his wife’s pear-shaped tits. *************************************** He had seen what...

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No ordinary bliss

I could tell when I was about to get a new neighbor because one of the cleaners would turn up and do her stuff in whichever cabin it was to be. The cabins were in a big, ramshackle property near the beach in Panama and I had come across them while stuck in the country, waiting for paperwork to come through to go somewhere else. I had intended to stay just a week or two but it had turned into months and there was nothing to do but wait.There were half a dozen cabins around a communal outdoor...

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An Ordinary Couple conclusion

Harold and Charmian are not swingers, but every now and then they like to spice up their sex life by letting another couple watch while they fuck. They visit Barry and Laura who themselves are not swingers but are looking forward to seeing a live fuck for the first time. They get on well together and, at the end of Part One, Charmian has had two explosive orgasms. Now Harold has just shot his cum on to his wife’s pear-shaped tits. ************************************* He had seen what Charmian...

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An Ordinary Couple

I was watching from the sitting room window when they arrived shortly after two o’clock that Saturday afternoon. I had put our car away and closed the garage door so they had room to park on our drive. They came in a Volkswagen Polo, about seven years old. He held the door politely while she climbed out. Laura, watching beside me, said, “They look nice enough. Ordinary people.” “That’s what they said on the phone. I’ll go to the door - we ought to offer them something to drink.” They introduced...

Straight Sex
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Ordinary Joe A Beginning

Ordinary Joe - A Beginning Anna Feie I was just an "ordinary joe" when this all began over a decade ago. That Wednesday so many years ago enabled me to change my life forever. Curiously, I never had the urge to think about being a woman before that fateful day. The day that I won 219 million dollars in the lottery, I was looking at 138 million dollars after taxes to be paid to me over a 30-year period or just take the cash option of 112 million. Guess what I did, I took the cash...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 34 Graduation

-- THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2006, FINALS WEEK -- "Dead cow, dead chicken, or dead mystery meat?" Using one hand to hold her empty paper plate, blonde Tammy Toth jutted her hip out to the side and put the other hand on it. Giving me a bemused look, she asked, "Haven't we done this before?" I grinned and replied, "Yes we have." And without waiting for further response, I grabbed a grilled chicken breast with my pair of tongs and dropped it onto her plate. Tammy grinned, got up on her...

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Not OrdinaryChapter 8

My body hurt as if a thousand pins were constantly prickling me at all points in my body, hitting bone each time. But that was nothing compared to the pain my brain was going through. It felt like I had been given an exam for the last seven days, without any rest or sleep. And to top all of that, I was struggling with the revelation of my powers. But the most important emotion that had permeated every fibre of my being was the absolute dread, the mind-numbing fear of staring death in the...

1 year ago
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Ordinary Day

Attending the University was not like what I saw in movies, nothing like it. In all movies it would show beautiful promiscuous white girls running around without clothes on. Well this place had beautiful white women, even teachers (but that's a different story) but they allways had there clothes on. I used to think to my self what it took to have girls do to me what they did in movies, you know sex in public places, group sex, or porn activites like cumming in a girls mouth. Well happened to me...

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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

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My ordinary life

"Now! Tell me is there anything that I can tell you to make your life more comfortable?" The drive futanari asked as I looked out the window. The car thudded as it ran down the freeway, I looked up to the smiling green-eyed black hair futa with slightly pan skin massive double d breasts and a small smile on her lips as I sighed. "No thank you. Ma'am." I added at the end of my sentence knowing that since my female state fell I was now a posession of the futa empire. "From one mistress to...

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The Ordinary Housewife

My story starts at the beginning of last summer, when my husband Simon and I moved to a new town in Southern England, along with our two young sons, and into a newly built house on a brand-new housing development.We are both the same age, approaching the end of our twenties, with the big ‘THREE-ZERO’ looming ever closer. We have been happily married since we were both aged twenty, and our two boys are now aged five and six. We are a couple very much in love with each other, and have a contented...

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The Ordinary Housewife

We are both the same age, approaching the end of our twenties, with the big ‘THREE-ZERO’ looming ever closer. We have been happily married since we were both aged twenty, and our two boys are now aged five and six. We are a couple very much in love with each other, and have a contented life. On the estate we had moved to, the next phase of houses around ours was still being built and other houses were still being finished. The sparse landscaping around our property left a lot to be...

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The Ordinary Girl1

Jimmmy D. "You've just got to remember to let the right one in." "That's it!" was what Felicity yelled into her cellular phone. Whoever might have been on the other end of the phone tried to splutter some sort of apology or excuse, but Felicity wasn't having it. She'd had enough. "Fuck you, Fuck your friends, and Fuck that shriveled roll of dimes you call a dick!" were the last words she would ever speak to the person on the other end of the phone, and she punctuated it by...

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The Ordinary Girl0

Jimmmy D. "You've just got to remember to let the right one in." "That's it!" was what Felicity yelled into her cellular phone. Whoever might have been on the other end of the phone tried to splutter some sort of apology or excuse, but Felicity wasn't having it. She'd had enough. "Fuck you, Fuck your friends, and Fuck that shriveled roll of dimes you call a dick!" were the last words she would ever speak to the person on the other end of the phone, and she punctuated it...

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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 12

————— Edited and polished by Bronzeage. Great job, thank you. ————— Mike stood beside his limo as Todd and the women emerged from the house. He had been informed a fourth passenger was joining Todd and his girlfriends this evening. He and Todd had been good friends since his father helped him out of a financial dilemma two years ago. He had now four limos in his business and was very successful. He had always been the driver for the Walgren family in the past and Todd’s father had never...

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An Ordinary Afternoon

An Ordinary Afternoon M and I had spent the night at a romantic bed and breakfast in a little, mountain town. When we woke up in the morning, I was my normal, horny self, but she wasn’t feeling well–she sometimes suffers from altitude sickness. So we ate breakfast and walked around a bit, and then headed back to the big city. During the drive back, she must have been feeling better because she got really playful. She was wearing these little cutoff jean-shorts, and she wanted to take them...

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No Ordinary Gal

She was no ordinary gal. No, Allie was something special. That sexy glow she wore when she spoke to me had me hooked. That body left me dazed as I watched her strut around in that cute, short, black skirt. Watching her in that skirt was easily the biggest reason why I stopped at the sports bar where she worked for a beer or two on my way home from work, always hoping Allie would be serving me–in more ways than one. Although, I knew it was not to be. I was happily married for many years now and...

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Another day in the life of an ordinary family

Another day in the life of an ordinary family.This is going to be a short story for a change.May I start off with an apology and that I now know the events in this story were a total accident and of nobodies fault, just something that happens in most family homes at some time or another.My name is Tina, I am 51, I am a big girl, dress size 18 with large breasts, I am not that pretty I say myself, I have two sons from my first marriage, both now in their 20s and both have a place of their own, I...

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Birthday no ordinary day

In my way of thinking there is no other day on the calendar that should be as important to you personally or mean more to you than your BIRTHDAY. With out this day your very existence would cease to be and your life would have never occurred. In some cases the world would have been a better place with a lack thereof.The year was 1965. Gas was thirty one cents a gallon. Milk was ninety five and you could get a loaf of bread for less than a quarter (.21). Sonny and Cher first appeared on t.v. as...

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No Ordinary Gal

She was no ordinary gal. No, Allie was something special. That sexy glow she wore when she spoke to me had me hooked. That body left me dazed as I watched her strut around in that cute, short, black skirt. Watching her in that skirt was easily the biggest reason why I stopped at the sports bar where she worked for a beer or two on my way home from work, always hoping Allie would be serving me--in more ways than one. Although, I knew it was not to be. I was happily married for many years now and...

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Not Your Ordinary Girl 1

Not Your Ordinary Girl #1 Shelby woke feeling her cock being suckled. Opening her eyes, looked left and saw Lee still sleeping. She kissed his cheek saying, “Al's after your “milk” then giggled. Lee looked up saying, “Greedy! Get off her”! He gave Shelby a quick peck on her lips, then slid down her torso capturing her small cock. Al had slid up, kissing her saying, “tattle tale”! Shelby laughed saying, “you know you have to share. I gave you my “morning fresh” yesterday, I can only make that...

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One wouldnt call it ordinary

One wouldn't call it ordinary, for sure, but strangely there was a strong feel of simplicity about it. It's the simplicity that one might've been felt as out of place. They still didn't gave up on trying to make it look not big of a deal, though. You really can't overthink the necessity of such. Surely, Samantha had been rather manipulative sometimes, 'cause she was afraid Bobby would take advantage of her, but that didn't mean she feared no guilt or regret whatsoever. As for Bobby, he tried...

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Not Your Ordinary Doll

Not Your Ordinary Doll by Holly Fairfa Just a bit about me before I start the story. My name is Jimmy. I'm a twelve year old boy living on a farm with my parents and my younger sister, Sally. She's only nine. Our parents aren't rich, but we usually get whatever we ask for. That means we have lots of toys. I have a decent collection of action figures. I have superheroes, wrestlers, Star Trek and Star Wars figurines but I don't play with them like most guys. Okay, now for...

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An Ordinary Joe Peter

I wish to thank Carolyn and Belle Starr who got me writing again. I reserve all copyrights and rights to my works, if you wish to download/copy - please ask permission first. That does not mean your Carolyn. An Ordinary Joe - Peter By Anna Feie That night with Peter was very illuminating, as I had previously mention he is a university student. We had a shared interest in the art form of female impersonation we still do, although these days he or rather she has moved on to...

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An Ordinary Afternoon

An Ordinary Afternoon M and I had spent the night at a romantic bed and breakfast in a little, mountain town. When we woke up in the morning, I was my normal, horny self, but she wasn't feeling well--she sometimes suffers from altitude sickness. So we ate breakfast and walked around a bit, and then headed back to the big city. During the drive back, she must have been feeling better because she got really playful. She was wearing these little cutoff jean-shorts, and she wanted to take them off....

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Ordinary Morning a Swiss College story

Swiss College - Ordinary Morning What was this? In the middle of a happy, sexy dream... what is this feeling? Jeanne snuggled closer to Aisha's warm back and tried to go back to sleep. She slipped back into soft, silky sleep clouds for a few seconds but the feeling was back again. Not unpleasant, but very clear. There was no way to deny reality; it was time to wake up. She slowly opened one eye and looked at the clock. The wooden clock, a 19th century piece from Germany that fit in well with...

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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 2 June

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007 -- 8:47 AM The San Francisco Jonathan Kwong Enterprises office wasn’t anything like the one in New York. There were no JKE logos on the entry doors or signs on the outside of the building. Instead of occupying the top three floors of a massive skyscraper with its own helipad, we had only the twelfth-floor in a smaller, nondescript building. All the big movers and shakers in the company were in Manhattan, and sometimes it felt like the only reason we even had a San...

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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 8 July

-- MONDAY, JULY 16, 2007 -- “So you have five girlfriends now?” June gave me an are-you-kidding-me kind of look as she poked at her Caesar salad. “No, still just three. I’ve already told you multiple times that Kim and I aren’t technically a boyfriend/girlfriend couple.” “But you’re co-parents to your son, AND you’re having sex with her.” “Yes, but still, she’s not technically a ‘girlfriend’.” “And you’re now having sex with your ex, Dawn, even though she’s not technically your...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 9 Expecting

-- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005, FINALS WEEK -- "Dawn Evans?" came the confused voice on the other end of the line. "Yes. She's part of the ranch hand program," I replied. "Dawn ... Dawn ... Uhh ... Wait, you said Evans, right? We have a Marie Evans." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but explained patiently, "'Marie' is her middle name." The sounds of pages flipping were audible over the phone, and presently the guy who'd picked up the main telephone line returned. "Here...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 12 Ill Take Care of You

-- TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2006, WINTER BREAK -- A stray beam of sunlight woke me up in the morning. So much had been going on last night, I must not have been very careful about shutting the curtains all the way. There was about an inch of space between the two curtain halves, and at this very time on this very date, the sunlight came through at just the right angle to hit the very spot where the covers didn't completely cover my head. I found myself in a familiar position, spooned around the...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 14 The Sex Tape

-- JANUARY 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- Casey and Carolyn crashed overnight with me, and I woke up in a tangle of girlflesh the next morning. The situation called for an encore, and after taking care of both girls, I wound up titfucking Casey until I parked both blondes on their knees side-by-side and gave them both a facial. Afterwards, I proved myself the gentleman by going downstairs and making breakfast for all three of us while they got cleaned up. And then I kissed them both goodbye before...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 28 Carter

-- SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her. My eyes fluttered for a brief second,...

5 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 7 Girlfriends

FEBRUARY 15, 2003, FRESHMAN YEAR "I've fallen in love with someone else." I stopped breathing. My heart stopped beating. The world shrunk down around us until nothing existed but me and her. And I looked ready to die. Adrienne noticed my stricken look. She quickly hugged me while urging, "Ben, Ben, please understand." My jaw waggled a few times before I forcibly stood up, my physical strength breaking carelessly through Adrienne's grasp. And I started heading out of the living...

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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 22 The Text

BEN FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2004, SOPHOMORE YEAR I breathed shallowly while forcing myself not to panic. If Dawn was in trouble, she would have either said so in her text, or the text itself would have been much shorter. Still, she said to hurry so I was walking pretty fast. Dawn's apartment was only a couple of blocks away and it didn't take me long to get there. I was about to knock when I realized the front door was cracked open just a bit. The sense of panic set in again. Something was...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 14 Adrift

BEN -- THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005, FINALS WEEK -- The red Civic blared its horn at me as I cut him off entering the traffic circle at Channing and Piedmont. I didn't care. I would have hit him and kept on driving. Didn't matter. Nothing was getting between me and my destination. That destination tonight was the Tri-Delt house. Maybe I could have called. Maybe it would have been faster to call. But maybe she wouldn't have picked up. Maybe I would have had to drive over here anyway. I didn't...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 16 The Neighbor

For anyone not already familiar with the character Amber, she is from my story "The Book of David". The rest of this will make more sense if you've already read that story, but it's not a requirement. -- SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2005, SUMMER BREAK -- "So, how well do you guys know your neighbors?" I asked innocently enough over Sunday brunch. And then I immediately stuffed my face full of omelet so that I wouldn't have to elaborate. Lynne shrugged. "Uh, well enough I guess," she...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Epilogue

-- THE YEAR 2027 -- "You know, I think I should stop right here." BJ frowned, giving me an inquisitive look. "Stop here? But we haven't even gotten to the good part!" I smiled as I thought about the "good" parts. Hours had already passed, and I'd been talking for a long time. I kept having to pause here and there to reminisce about some of the sexual shenanigans I'd gotten into that Junior Year and the bookend summers. Oh, I hadn't shared THOSE intimate stories with my son. It...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 1 Moving on

AUGUST 2001, SUMMER BREAK "I certify that I am at least 18 years of age? Pshh. Of course!" Brooke clicked on the 'I agree' box and immediately the screen was filled with rapidly-downloading images of porn stars in various states of undress and position. The horny 15- year-old girl worked the computer mouse like an orchestra director's wand, zipping left and right and clicking away with rapid efficiency. Even though we had cable broadband internet, the pages took too long to load and...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 6 Adrienne

NOVEMBER 2001, SENIOR YEAR It's amazing how much cell phones change your life. Yeah, the easy communication is nice, but the expectation of communication is just so weird. See, the last time I missed a couple of days from school, I got one landline phone call to ask how I was doing; and it was from Megan, my girlfriend at the time. I told her I was sick and staying home and she got all cutesy and motherly and promised to stop by my place in the afternoon to make me feel better. But that was...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 12 Casual Sex

FEBRUARY 2002, SENIOR YEAR "Adrienne! Let me in!" My hand hurt. Actually, both my hands hurt. Heel, knuckles, didn't matter. I'd been hammering the unyielding wood long enough that I was sure I'd be terribly bruised by tomorrow morning. You might say that the doorbell would be more effective. Maybe. I'd used the doorbell, to no avail. But then I quit. It just felt more ... penitent ... to use my bare hands. She never let me in. Adrienne couldn't avoid me completely at school....

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 14 Just Friends

April 2002, Spring Break There really are few simple pleasures in life better than just laying out on a beach, feeling the ocean breeze ruffling through your hair while you look around and ogle all the female flesh you can find. Yeah, I would probably choose naked over bikini any day; but nakedness stimulates me the point of boiling over. Bikinis, on the other hand, let my arousal simmer well above normal but below the threshold of instability. I could perpetually be aroused and kept at...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 17 Out of the Ashes

JUNE 2002, SENIOR YEAR I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. My eyes were still closed, but I felt Adrienne's presence before me. As my sense came alive, the fingers of my left hand reflexively squeezed the large breast I was currently palming, my left arm snaked beneath her pillow to hold her from the opposite side. My right hand firmed up over her hip, gently holding her in place while I reflexively ground my erection into her panty-covered ass. Breathing deeply, I let my head roll...

3 years ago
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Not OrdinaryChapter 6

I had finally had enough. Laying on the bed, just staring at the ceiling is not at all fun. One of the so-called “perks”, although I wouldn’t dare call it that, of being an Untethered? I didn’t need to sleep. Or at least, that’s how Frank stated it to me. At the time of hearing it, I was pumped. More time on my hands. Brilliant! What I didn’t know at the time was that my so-called friend was lying. Lying by omission, you know. It’s not that I didn’t need sleep, it’s more like I can’t bloody...

3 years ago
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Not OrdinaryChapter 7

A whole month passed with me following the same cursed routine. Training, patrols, rest, repeat. And contrary to my experiences the first night of patrol, there were no more monsters strong beyond the norm. In fact, I could handle most of the monsters myself, without any assistance from Samuel. Speaking of Samuel, that guy was a big, hard reality check. I had assumed, incorrectly, that since his ability hadn’t yet unlocked, he would not be that great in the field. I had experience patrolling...

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No Ordinary LoveChapter 5 Intermission

After a lot of dithering and fussing, I finally decided to ignore the US colleges and attend Ottawa University. I would be a Gee Gee, not to mention a worthless frosh dork with no knowledge and no friends. That wasn't really true. Several of my classmates chose O.U. and I could at least say I had some familiar faces, even if they weren't real friends. I bought a car, a 1989 Volkswagen Golf two-door. It was only afterwards that I learned of the various problems this model had but...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 8 Triple

NOVEMBER 2000, JUNIOR YEAR I felt like quite the rock star when I walked over to our usual lunch table on Tuesday with both Megan and Cassidy hanging onto my arms. We had to let go of each other to sit down; but once settled, both girls went out of their way to kiss my cheeks before digging into their food. "Oh. My. Gawd." Abigail Sanders' jaw dropped when it finally hit her. Two seconds later Allison Sanders repeated it as if there was an echo and suddenly there were two young brunettes...

4 years ago
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The Book of DavidChapter 9 An Ordinary Life

SPRING QUARTER, SENIOR YEAR (April 2002) Neither of us quite went back to sleep. We simply held each other with our eyes closed and cuddled in absolute contentment, hoping that the real world would stay away forever. But it wouldn't. Danielle had to pee and as she rolled off the bed, my eyes opened up to see where she was going as I felt her weight lift free of the mattress. She came around the bed first, bending down to tenderly press her lips to my forehead. I think we both felt it...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 87 An Ordinary Life

I’d like to say how every day for the next few years was exciting and filled with thrilling stuff, but it wasn’t. Marilyn and I are very boring, and we led boring lives. That suited us both just fine! We’re very average people, just ones who didn’t have to worry about money. We lived in an average suburban rancher. Yes, it was a little larger than the average, and it was on twenty-five acres, but it would not have been out of place in most developments. That suited us just fine. Neither of us...

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