Ordinary Couple
- 2 years ago
- 51
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It's amazing how much cell phones change your life. Yeah, the easy communication is nice, but the expectation of communication is just so weird. See, the last time I missed a couple of days from school, I got one landline phone call to ask how I was doing; and it was from Megan, my girlfriend at the time. I told her I was sick and staying home and she got all cutesy and motherly and promised to stop by my place in the afternoon to make me feel better. But that was it. This past weekend while I'd been focusing all my energy on Dawn, I'd gotten SEVENTEEN voicemails.
Megan, Cassidy, and Adrienne had all left me messages on Thursday. Lynne tried Friday, and Adrienne left me a second message as well. Funny, none of my male friends seemed to care.
Well, Kenny did call on Saturday to ask if I was coming to play basketball. He didn't even comment on my absence from school. And Daniel finally left me a message later just hoping I was feeling better. He must have assumed I was out sick.
But that was just the first seven. Two more were from Lynne, babbling something about Adrienne, and the other eight were all from Adrienne herself, most accompanied by teary voicemails pleading with me to talk to her. And that didn't even include my mom telling me that Adrienne had called the house a dozen times while apparently too scared to walk over and ring the doorbell. When I got home on Sunday and finally listened to all those messages, I sighed and thought back to the last time I'd seen her, sprawled naked on her bed begging me to fuck her.
I'd left Adrienne there. I'd left her hanging and just walked away without a backwards glance. And I had no idea what she'd be like when I finally showed up.
"Where were you the last few days?" Megan hip-bumped me in the hallway on Monday, a curious but not interrogatory expression on her face.
I shrugged. "Home sick."
Megan frowned and she took my arm, stopping our forward progress as she turned towards me. "Ben, you're a terrible liar. Besides, your mom told me you were out of town when I called the house to check in on you."
I rolled my eyes. "It's personal, okay?"
She cocked an eyebrow and looked at me with concern. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine now. It's just ... personal."
"Okay, okay," Megan held her hands up and started walking again. Then she folded her arms a little more tightly over her chest, looking mildly nervous for a second.
Now it was my turn to ask with concern, "Everything alright?"
"Yeah, yeah," Megan stammered for a second, and then looked around at the people around us before pulling me towards a more private alcove. "Uh, I feel like I need to tell you something, Ben."
I just nodded and leaned forward a bit so Megan wouldn't have to speak with a full voice.
Megan leaned forward as well and with that nervous look on her face, said, "James and I finally did it."
I blinked a couple of times before her words sunk in and then I furrowed my eyebrows. "Oh, uh, okay. Why are you telling me this?"
Megan blushed and gave me a nervous smile. "I don't know ... I, uh, just sort of thought you should know. I mean, I know we're not boyfriend/girlfriend anymore but I felt like I needed to be upfront and honest with you."
I smirked and shook my head. "You don't have to explain yourself to me, Megan. It's none of my business. But as your friend, and Kaito's friend as well, I guess I should say congratulations."
Megan turned red and I couldn't help but get in the extra dig. With a wry grin, I asked, "It IS congratulations, right? Or should I be offering my condolences? Was he that bad?" I mimed fucking motions with my hands.
"Ben!" Megan punched me in the chest. Then she sighed. "Well, I clearly don't have much to compare since you're the only other boy I've ever slept with. But ... well ... I mean, he was a virgin. So clearly he's got a lot to learn."
I nodded without judgment.
Megan smiled then. "But at least he seems willing and eager to figure it out."
I gave Megan my warmest smile and touched her on the arm. "Megan, I'm happy for you."
She sighed with some relief. "Thanks."
My second encounter with a female friend that Monday didn't go quite as smoothly.
It started when I met up with Lynne Arian before Calculus. The petite brunette took one look at me, then grabbed my hand and yanked me over to a more private area.
"Ben, where the hell have you been?" she hissed.
"You missed school Thursday and Friday and you weren't picking up your phone all weekend!" Lynne frowned.
"Uh, I was home sick?" My delivery was anything but convincing.
Lynne rolled her eyes. "You're not a very good liar, are you?"
I sighed. "Lynne, what's the big deal? Did I forget I promised a study session or something?"
"No, no," my cute classmate sighed. "This has nothing to do with me or with school. It's about Adrienne."
I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up straight, worry coming straight to my head. I'd already been a little anxious about how my ex-girlfriend would be, given the way we'd parted and the ten missed calls she'd left me in four days, 22 if you counted the house calls. And from the concern in Lynne's voice, I really started to worry that Adrienne had done something stupid to herself. "Lynne, what's wrong?" I asked urgently.
"I was hoping you'd tell me. I know she visits your place every Wednesday for dinner; she calls it the highlight of her week. And then last Thursday and Friday she was a complete zombie around school. She just skipped cheer practice! SKIPPED it. Not a word to anyone, and NOT something you'd expect from the Captain. And then this whole weekend she locked herself in that big, empty house and wouldn't come out. She wouldn't answer her phone and when Heather and I went over and banged on her door, she wouldn't let us in."
Lynne looked seriously freaked out but barely paused to breathe. "So anyways, the instant she showed up at school this morning Heather and I cornered her and started asking questions. We asked if something was going on with her dad or if she was having boyfriend problems. We wondered if she was in trouble with the school or if she'd been drinking or doing some drugs. She just sullenly answered 'no' to everything until Heather cocked her head and asked about you, specifically. Adrienne just went catatonic for a minute, not even flinching when we waved our hands in front of her face. But after that minute, she just took a deep breath and said, 'It's alright. I'm over it.' And then she walked away."
Lynne grabbed my hand. "Ben, what's going on?"
I shrugged. "Nothing, nothing."
"You really are a bad liar," Lynne frowned. "Did something happen between you two last Wednesday?"
I sighed. "That's between me and her."
"Well you've got to do something about it," Lynne glared at me with a fire in her eyes. "You BROKE Adrienne, Ben. That makes it your job to fix her. The team needs its Captain and I want my friend back."
I bit my lip and nodded. "I'll see what I can do."
Lynne wasn't about to leave things to chance, and once class was over she literally dragged me by the hand across campus to find Adrienne. She had plenty of time since it was the lunch break, and sure enough we caught Adrienne halfway to her usual lunch table.
Adrienne stiffened when she saw me and she came to a dead stop, causing the guy behind her to accidentally bump into her back. I'm sure the guy was too busy staring at the gorgeous blonde cheerleader's ass to avert the collision.
Anyways, Adrienne just nervously bit her lip and waited for Lynne and me to approach. Then once we arrived, not a word was spoken by anyone. Instead, Lynne grabbed Adrienne's hand, held out my own, and unceremoniously clasped the two of us together. I barely had time to blink before Lynne spun about and marched away.
For a few seconds, Adrienne and I just stood there watching our friend walk off. And as if only then realizing she was holding onto me, Adrienne jerked her hand away and stammered while looking at the ground. "Oh, sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to do that."
I'd never seen Adrienne this flustered before. The normally cocky, confident babe who walked on air across the campus seemed more an intimidated freshman than the queen bee of the school. I looked at my hand and back at her, puzzled. "Uh, you're not going to get in trouble for holding my hand, Adrienne."
"No, no..." She blushed, a rosy pink tinting her pale skin. "I just..." Adrienne bit her lip, staring at the floor, looking as if she was ready to cry. "Look, about Halloween night, Ben. I'm SO sorry I threw myself at you and I don't know what was going through my head and everything was so messed up and-"
"Shh, shh," I held a hand up to soothe her but she kept on rambling her apology. When I took her hand Adrienne's whimpers turned to sobs and as I looked at her face, I knew the beautiful girl was about to start crying.
On instinct, I pulled Adrienne to me and held her head against my shoulder. At that point the floodgates opened and her dry sobs became full-blown wet bawling as the tears poured out from her eyes and began dampening my shirt. Her arms wrapped around my back as she clutched herself against me. Her fingernails dug into my back almost painfully and for a moment, I truly believed that Adrienne would never let me go.
"I'm sorry!" she bawled. "I'm sorry!"
"Shh ... It's okay, it's okay." I patted her back and tried to shush her. We were drawing quite a few stares by now and there were even a couple of girls giving me the evil eye, clearly blaming me for whatever it was that was making Adrienne cry.
I couldn't really blame them. As abruptly as I'd left her last Wednesday and from the way she'd reacted to the mere sight of me, I was pretty sure I WAS responsible for Adrienne's current state of mind, whether I knew exactly how or not. Spying an open classroom door nearby, I shuffled the trembling cheerleader in that direction and she let me lead her into the recently emptied room. To further isolate us, I closed the door behind me, drastically reducing the outside noise from dull roar to background hum.
Once we'd gained a measure of privacy, I relaxed and focused on pacifying Adrienne. She slowly managed to calm herself and eventually pulled her face off my shoulder while still clutching her arms around my back. With tear-stained cheeks and red eyes, the gorgeous young woman turned her head and stared at me for a few moments, her intense gaze swimming in mine. Her lower jaw quivered slightly as she fought to get a hold of herself. And then very slowly, she crept her face towards me while puckering her lips and aiming for my mouth.
"Whoa, whoa, Adrienne," I pulled my head away. Clearly, Adrienne was feeling some of the same intense emotions for me she'd had that Halloween night and the last thing I wanted to do was lead her on. Dawn had given me permission to make my own decision about my gorgeous ex-girlfriend, but even though my loins wanted to get intimate with Adrienne, my brain knew better.
Adrienne's eyes pinched inward at my rejection, but she stopped her forward progress. She bit her lip and looked ready to start crying again, but ultimately kept it together and slowly backed away. She didn't release her grip around my back, but with her face at a more manageable distance between us I was no longer anxious that she might try to kiss me again. "I'm sorry, Ben."
"It's okay," I replied softly.
"I shouldn't have tried to kiss you just now."
"It's okay."
"I shouldn't have tried to seduce you last Wednesday."
"It's ... well. No harm done."
Adrienne rubbed my shoulders from behind and stared at my mouth, more to have something to focus on than because she was going to try kissing me again. "Did you tell your girlfriend? That I gave you a blowjob and tried to get you to fuck me?"
"Yes," I said quietly.
Adrienne inhaled sharply, and when her voice came back it was much weaker than before. Quite nervously, she asked, "Did you get in a lot of trouble?"
I smirked. "No, actually."
Adrienne blinked a few times and then finally turned her gaze back up into my eyes. "Really?" Her voice had a little strength coming back to it.
I nodded my head in confirmation.
"So ... I didn't destroy your relationship with your girlfriend?"
I shook my head.
She blinked a few more times and searched my eyes, looking for something that wasn't there. And it surprised her that she didn't find it. "You're not mad at me?" she asked in confusion.
"Mad?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "No. Why?"
Adrienne whimpered, her voice cracking. "Because I'm a bitch. I've always been a bitch. I see what I want and then I just go and take it, consequences be damned." She exhaled and started shaking with an internal rage that I didn't understand. "I stole you from Megan and Cassidy. I seduced you from two girls who loved you very much, Ben, and it wasn't the first time. You know why Donna Kincaid hated me so much? I stole her boyfriend my Sophomore year. Because I could. Because I convinced myself that if I could steal a boyfriend from a girl then it was alright; because I was better than her."
She bit her lip and looked ready to re-start her crying. "And I nearly did it again. I was feeling so lonely, Ben. I went out with boy after boy and I felt like I couldn't trust any of them. Things just didn't feel right and I felt so empty inside. The only things that made me happy were visiting your family and playing with the twins or giving girl advice to Brooke." Tears did start forming in Adrienne's eyes as she looked at me. "Or just sitting on the couch talking to you."
Her hands tightened on my shoulders and I just kept silent. Clearly, Adrienne had done a lot of thinking in the past few days while I was with Dawn and all her conclusions were tumbling out right now, almost faster than she could speak. "My shit's a mess, Ben. And I started wondering," she sighed. "When was the last time I felt happy? Not just occasionally and not just on Wednesday nights. When was the last time I was happy with my life?"
Adrienne blinked a few times and then turned her gaze right into my eyes. "It was with you, Ben. Right after Spring Break and before the Prom. I was happiest when I was with you. After we broke up, I just felt so alone. My dad has been pulling further and further away from me. He works all the time and most nights he doesn't even bother to come home. At my address, there's nothing but an empty shell of where a home used to be."
I frowned and felt a tug of sympathy for Adrienne. No wonder she so diligently came over to our house every single Wednesday without fail, if for no other reason than to bask in our family's warmth.
"For three years I hung out with upperclassmen; almost all of my friends have graduated now. Yeah, I'm still good with the Cheer team, but most of those girls idolize me or put me on this pedestal. They don't talk to me and we're not close friends or anything. I thought I'd still be able to hang out with Candy, but she's so preoccupied with college and meeting new people and all. I hang out with Lynne and Heather sometimes, but it's not quite the same."
Adrienne exhaled and put her forehead back down on my shoulder, this time the one that hadn't been soaked by her tears. "And boys! None of them feel right. All of them just want to get into my panties and I wouldn't trust any of them further than I could throw them. You've fucked me up, Ben. You got me used to a boyfriend who would be considerate and chivalrous and attentive while still maintaining your own spine and not letting me walk all over him. And it didn't hurt that you could turn me into a puddle of orgasmic honey with just your fingers. Other guys could do the moves. But there's something different in the way they moved and the way you move. So now I'm horny and desperate to get laid but I can't find a guy I trust enough to let climb on top of me and I'm not sure he'd know what to do if he got there."
I said nothing but gently stroked Adrienne's back.
"No family. No friends. No boyfriend. What the fuck happened to my life?" she whimpered. "This is my Senior Year of High School! This was supposed to be the greatest year of my life. But I can't force my father to come home and be my dad. I've been trying that for the last seven years. My old friends aren't coming back. If it weren't for you and your family: Brandi, Brooke, the twins, your parents ... I don't know what I'd have done. And I miss you Ben. I miss the relationship we had. I've wished a hundred times we hadn't broken up. You were right, I wasn't giving you enough attention and I was flirting with too many other guys and I shut you out when I was going through my whole uterine fibroid-thing. The Cassidy thing I understood and I could have forgiven the Donna thing. We didn't have to break up. But by the time I realized how much I missed you, it was too late. You were taken."
She went quiet for a long moment, lost in her thoughts once again. I was pretty lost myself. Adrienne was spilling a lot of emotions and feelings I really wasn't prepared for, and I was still trying to organize and sort out everything she was telling me.
And then Adrienne sighed and I realized she was going to keep going. "I lost control that night, Ben. I talked you into cuddling with me and as soon as I was in your arms, I lost it. It felt SOOO good. I remembered what it was like and I remembered how in love with you I felt when we were together. I HAD to have you back. I did what I always did. I turned up the charm and put on the moves and when you started to resist I just whipped your cock out and gave you the blowjob of a lifetime. I wanted you to fuck me, Ben. I hadn't gotten laid ... STILL haven't gotten laid ... in such a fucking long time and I NEEDED you, Ben."
"I'm sorry," I croaked, opening my mouth for the first time. "I'm sorry I couldn't give you what you needed."
"No, no, that's just it." Adrienne stared intensely into my eyes, her hazel irises aflame. "Walking away was the RIGHT thing to do. Believe me, I HATED it at the time but it was the right thing. It's just like you did the right thing with Elyse over Spring Break. I was her, trying to seduce you. But you stayed loyal to your girlfriend."
I arched my eyebrow, trying to figure out Adrienne's analogy.
"Don't you get it, Ben? If you had gone through with it, you would have just shown me you haven't matured since we were dating. But because you actually stayed loyal to your girlfriend ... I..." Adrienne sighed. "It just makes me want to trust you that much more, Ben. And that's a rare thing in my life. You might actually be the only man in the world that I'm willing to trust."
I blinked several times, furrowing my brow. "Uh, thanks," I stammered nervously.
And then without warning, Adrienne flung herself into my arms once again, hugging me with a ferocity that staggered me back against a nearby wall. "And I was sooo worried that I'd lost you! Lost you and your family! I didn't know what I'd do! Gawd dammit, I was even thinking of suicide!"
My arms tightened around her and squeezed desperately. I did NOT want Adrienne killing herself. Not on my watch. "Wait, WHAT?"
Adrienne whimpered and I felt fresh tears starting to dot my dry shoulder. "I know, I know, it's stupid and melodramatic. But I was seriously thinking about it. My life's a mess, Ben." She stroked my cheek. "But you give me hope."
I kept my mouth shut and just hugged her tightly. This whole thing had been rather overwhelming for an emotionally-stunted 17-year-old boy like me. I didn't pretend to understand the psychological convolutions going through Adrienne's head, but I knew one thing: I didn't want her out of my life. The mere thought of a dead Adrienne freaked the hell out of me, not just for the idea of a dead person, but because of WHOM. They say you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Well, the thought of Adrienne no longer being around pained me beyond measure.
Dawn was right: I DID still care about her. And more than just an ordinary friend. And this time when I looked down to see her eyes glowing golden and shimmering with moisture, I felt that overpowering urge to kiss her once again. It wouldn't be so bad, right? Dawn HAD given me permission.
But even if I was allowed by Dawn, it wasn't right for me and Adrienne. Not now, maybe not ever again. Adrienne needed me as a man she could trust. And so tenderly, I leaned forward and planted my kiss on her forehead. She trembled and sighed happily while hugging herself tighter around me.
"I love you, Ben," she hummed, sounding happier than I'd ever heard her.
My arms stiffened as I winced and thought of Dawn. I loved my Dawn; I was sure of it. And now I understood what they said about how awkward things could get when one person professed their love and the other didn't feel 'that way'. Ah, hell. What should I do now? In a mournful tone, I began, "Adrienne..."
"No, no," she quickly interrupted me, holding my face in her hands, her eyes a little wild. "I know you're in love with your girlfriend. I'm not going to try and change that. But please don't push me out of your life Ben. I'll be whatever you want me to be. Just friends, just friends; that's okay." Adrienne bit her lip nervously, her eyes darting left and right, searching mine for some sign of acceptance.
It was a strange role reversal. Little more than a year ago, she was the queen goddess who looked down her nose at all the fawning boys who yearned to be close to her. While I wasn't a star-struck devotee at the time, I certainly lusted after her and knew I had absolutely no power over the most beautiful girl in school.
Now, that same goddess was now huddled in my arms, pleading with me for acceptance. The girl who would never lose control of her situation, who would never relinquish her power, was laying herself at my feet and asking me for so little. I blinked in astonishment at what was happening. But that didn't change the way I felt for her. She NEEDED me. How could I possibly let her down? So in my most reassuring voice, I told her, "Adrienne, of COURSE we're friends."
She burst into tears again, this time tears of joy as she flung her arms around my neck and cried happily against my skin. And almost immediately after, my stomach growled quite loudly. It WAS lunch break after all.
Adrienne giggled at the sound and looked down at my stomach. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm keeping you from your lunch."
"It's okay, it's okay," I smiled and then looked at Adrienne intently while she wiped the tears from her eyes. "So we're good now?"
Adrienne bit her lip, but the smiled and nodded. "As long as I can still be with you..."
I arched an eyebrow.
" ... just as a friend," she blushed and looked down, clasping her hands together.
I blinked a couple of times. She said 'just friends' for now, but how long would that last? Oh, well. We'd been talking in circles long enough. I nodded and moved to open the classroom door.
"Ben, uh..." Adrienne's voice stopped me just short of the handle. "Do you think I can come sit with you for lunch?"
I arched my eyebrow. Sure, my friends might think it a bit strange and I wasn't totally certain how Megan and Cassidy would react. But the two of them had their own boyfriends now and they'd been rather friendly with Adrienne in the past, so I figured it was worth a shot. Besides, I felt that strong sense of need radiating from Adrienne. She was very vulnerable and I didn't want to abandon her now.
So slipping my hand into hers and squeezing firmly, I smiled warmly and said, "Sure."
After a quick pit-stop to the bathroom so Adrienne could fix her makeup, perhaps twenty minutes late she and I arrived at my usual lunch table. Elaine Fukuhara was the first to spot us walking so close together and I saw her arm jerking as she quickly got Megan's attention.
Megan looked up and then looked straight to me. I gave her a reassuring smile as my ex-girlfriend looked back and forth between me and the most beautiful girl in school for a few seconds before shrugging and elbowing Cassidy. The cute redhead similarly raised her eyebrows at my current dining companion.
"Mind if Adrienne joins us?" I asked in general and got murmured approvals along with a few surprised grunts.
I slid onto the long bench seat beside Sung Joon, who nodded in greeting to us both. Stephanie Vo actually chirped, "Hey, Adrienne."
"Hi, Steph," Adrienne warmly replied as she sat next to me and started opening up her lunch.
The Sanders twins exchanged inquisitive glances with each other. And after a moment's hesitation they added their greetings as well.
Less than a minute later, Lynne and Heather Wilkinson arrived with half-finished lunches in their hands. Lynne smiled and asked if she could take the empty spots opposite me and Adrienne and after getting confused but affirmative answers, the two other Senior cheerleaders sat down.
With a completely forced casual delivery, Lynne then asked, "So Adrienne ... How are things going?"
The stunningly gorgeous blonde looked over at me and bumped her shoulder against mine. She smiled and answered, "Ben's a great friend. I think I'm going to be just fine."
Kenny Doyle hovered in my face. "So are you two hooked up again?"
"Ahh," Kenny nodded sagely. "Just banging her."
"Then what's the deal?"
"She's a friend," I sighed, giving Kenny a weary look. "That's it."
"That's it? That girl is seriously hot for you! I thought she was interested in getting back together a month ago but fuck, man, Adrienne's looking at you like you walk on water or something now."
Megan was the next to arrive. Classes had just ended for the day and I soon found myself cornered in front of my locker. "So what's going on with you and Adrienne, Ben?" my ex-girlfriend queried.
"We're just friends."
"Friends. Really." Megan's voice was a deadpan, clearly not believing me.
"Yes, friends." I gestured my hand back and forth between me and her. "I AM capable of being friends with an ex-girlfriend."
"Maybe..." Megan looked dubious. "But after we broke up, MY eyes weren't following after you like a lovesick puppy dog."
Kenny nodded and gave me a look that clearly said, 'Explain that.'
I sighed. "Hey, Adrienne's going through a rough time right now. I won't explain why. I'm just a friend. Now drop it, okay?"
"Fiiine," both Megan and Kenny whined, sounding worse than Brooke when she wasn't getting her way.
And then as if on cue, Adrienne strutted down the hallway towards me, her eyes radiant and her entire being glowing as she caught sight of me. I hadn't really noticed before, distraught as Adrienne was; but I now noticed the swell of her big E-cups straining the fabric of her white tank top, the button-down pink blouse over the top of it unbuttoned low enough to almost be irrelevant. The blouse was tied off above her navel, exposing a few inches of creamy skin and her hip hugger jeans were low enough and tight enough to seem spray-painted on. I felt a fresh tension in my shorts just looking at her.
Megan and Kenny, catching my distracted gaze, both saw the gorgeous young blonde coming toward us. They looked back at me, then at her, then back to me as they simultaneously arched their eyebrows in a perfect imitation of my well- known puzzled expression. Then laughing, my two friends turned and walked away.
"What was that all about?" Adrienne asked as she came up to me. She'd clearly scene Megan's and Kenny's last comical gesture.
"Nothing, nothing," I waved. "They're just being dorks."
Adrienne nodded. "So anyways, I've got practice this afternoon but can I call you when I'm done? Just to talk, Ben. I just need someone to talk to."
I shrugged. "Sure."
She beamed and quickly hopped forward, pecking my cheek. "Thanks, Ben. You know, I think this is going to be great. As friends, we can really get to know each other without all that sexual tension getting in the way," she giggled while slowly twisting her torso back and forth, which did nothing but draw my attention down to her cleavage.
Nervously, I swallowed. It was ironic. Just when I'd gotten permission from Dawn to act on my lustful desire for my gorgeous ex-girlfriend, Adrienne had gone and told me she loved me, admitting the feelings that prevented me from sleeping with her and thus breaking my promise of emotional fidelity to my girlfriend. If only she was just another hot body, I could sate my lust without consequence.
As it was, all I could do was admire Adrienne's supreme sensuality (even unintentional) as she chirped happily and then spun around, hopping away with boner-inducing swaying of her hips.
DECEMBER 31, 2001, WINTER BREAK "Ohhh, Bennn..." "Unnghhh ... Lynne..." I groaned a warning. "That's it ... Cum! Cum in me ... Spill your hot essence inside me..." "Uh, uh ... Unnghhh!" "Ohhh! I can feel it, Ben! I can feel it!" Lynne clutched my head tighter to the crook of her neck, tugging with all the might in her legs, her heels digging into my ass. I practically crushed the petite brunette to the mattress beneath me. My limbs gave out and I dropped all my weight...
JUNE 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Oh, THAT's what that question was asking?" "Wait, what do you MEAN there was a question 5b?" "Ah hell, my parents are gonna kill me when that report card comes out." "Fuck it. I don't care anymore. When are you heading over to Elaine's place?" School was out. The past was past, and anything short of hacking the database or sneaking into the records office wouldn't change your test scores. So by four in the afternoon, Elaine Fukuhara and 35 of her...
JANUARY 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Oh, gawd ... oh, gawd ... fuck me, Ben! Fuck me!" Brandi looked so amazing bent over on all fours. She really did have a dynamite ass. And I felt incredibly lucky to have been the one to stick my face between her cheeks and lick her and suck her and squeeze her until she came all over my face. My face. Not Brian's. No, he was still dreaming about doing what I was doing to Brandi. And I was determined to screw my sister so well that she'd come home to me for...
TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2002 "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck," DJ chanted happily while I held her hip with my left hand, pumping her rapidly as my thick dick stretched the blonde 16-year-old's tight snatch. My right hand was holding both her braided pigtails together, not tugging but just giving her a little reminder every time she wanted to lower her head and thrust herself back against me. As always, her tight vaginal walls seemed to be pulsing against me with a steady [bum-BUMP] [bum-BUMP],...
May 2002, Senior Year The last week and a half had been perfect. Allie's and my relationship had been re-energized and we'd been fucking like rabbits every chance we got, in every position possible. I found that having such a small and light girlfriend had its advantages. I could lift Allie and literally fuck her up the wall of my bedroom without getting too exhausted. I could fuck her wheelbarrow style without my arms giving out. And once we even had completely free-standing sex, without...
SUNDAY, JULY 9, 2000 My whole body was humming. I collapsed on top of my beautiful blonde lover, all of my weight bearing down on her naked chest. But she didn't seem to mind. Instead of pushing me off her, she held me even tighter, clutching my head against her neck. "I love you," Dawn said wondrously. "Nngh!" The moan startled both Dawn and I. Neither one of us had made the sound, and already I was craning my head around while Dawn peeked over my shoulder. And then we both saw that...
SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 2001 Four weeks of camp. Almost a month away from the real world. No email. No IMing. Probably not any phone calls. No more seeing Megan, Cassidy, and Adrienne on a daily basis to remind me how much I'd sabotaged my own happiness. No seeing Abbie and Allie to remind me that this wasn't just a game and how close I'd come to ruining my life. Sure, I'd miss my friends. But I needed a break. Last year, I couldn't read in the family van while we cruised up Highway 5...
JULY 2001, SUMMER CAMP "Unnnghhh! Eat me! Eat me!" Dawn whimpered, arching her back while her entire lower torso shuddered. She tossed her head side to side, sending waves of fine blonde hair flying in every direction. Her eyelids closed to mere slits, letting a penetrating blue stare only peek out while her mouth contorted in ecstasy. I watched her ab muscles rolling and contracting as her orgasm swept through her body. And letting her hands free of her own prodigious breasts, she reached...
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1991 Whatever noise Mom, Dad and Josh had made getting ready for church simply wasn’t enough to wake me from a dead slumber. I woke up with a smile on my dry mouth and a slight headache throbbing in my temples. Sundays are mine. I think I’ve mentioned that before. But I still had stuff to do. It was nearly 10 a.m. and Jen was coming over for Sunday dinner. That’s lunch for those of you who didn’t grow up on a farm. The savory smell of a simmering pot roast in a...
-We learned in Part One of this story that I was a sixteen year-old virgin boy named James, who everyone called Jimmy, with a very thick, nine-inch-long cock. My neighbor Norm was forty-two at the time. His wife Lindsey was forty-one and their son Todd was eighteen and away at college.I went with Norm to open his lake cabin for the summer. We were skinny dipping on an unusually warm day for spring in Wisconsin and he convinced me that we should masturbate one another on the boat. That evening...
MILF‘Your love scenes just aren’t up to much,’ said the director. It hit her in her stomach like a red hot burning arrow. ‘Maybe you just need a break, Katie,’ he said gently, knowing that an actress’ confidence is integral to her performance, and if he ruined her confidence, his film would be in tatters. ‘We have had a fairly strenuous filming schedule. Take a week off – relax, don’t do anything stressful. Then come back and we’ll try again.’ On the way home in the limousine, she was on the...
JUNE 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Unnnnnh! Ohhhhhh! Unnnnnh!" The hot brunette before me had been whining and whimpering constantly for the past fifteen minutes. I held myself balls deep inside the tight, clenching pussy. With my hands gripping her slender hips, I ground my pelvic bone against her asscheeks and pivoted my cock inside her, stretching out her vaginal walls. Her head hung down between her shoulder blades in this doggy-style position, her silky brown hair cascading down to the...
JULY 2001, SUMMER CAMP Dawn and I arrived at the table for lunch, both of us with warm smiles on our faces and twinkles in our eyes. How could we not be happy? We were in LOVE. And it wasn't just puppy love or teenage infatuation. I didn't feel the rush of "new love" like I had with Keira or Adrienne. It wasn't even the pleasant but slightly awkward transition from friendship to romance like with Megan and Cassidy. It just felt ... right. I'd literally known Dawn for my entire life,...
Promises and Secrets: A Teenage Transsexual By Maria Ski Things changed for me after I was discovered trying on my sisters clothes. My mother had caught me. But there was no anger, no disgust, just a warm understanding smile and the love of a mother. From that day of being discovered, and after telling my sisters things seemed to change. Every weekend I became Maria. With a wardrobe of girls clothes of my own which I either bought myself or had bought for me. One thing led to...
SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1991 I stepped out of the shower a new man, having washed away the grime of the race shop. I was ready for a big night. I brushed my teeth, styled my hair and applied a thick coating of deodorant. I looked damn good. I got dressed and left the bathroom, heading for my room to finish up just as Beast pulled into the driveway. “Mom, I gotta go!” “Hang on a second,” mom admonished from the family room. She met me at my bedroom door. “I know it’s graduation night, so...
This is a story of a woman who suffers the tragic loss of her husband, only to find her long-held desire to be dominated satisfied by her teenage son. Together they explore the roles of dominant and submissive, leading to pleasure through surrender that neither could have imagined. This is a work of fiction and I have no desire to participate in incest or sex with a minor, nor do I condone it. Should you find yourself considering either please seek professional help. As this is my first...
Steve came by the house on Sunday afternoon. He knew the kids were going to be around, and he just wanted some companionship instead of doing his own thing alone. We had a fun afternoon, plus he helped me with a couple of small chores where I needed another pair of hands. As we were working outside, putting up a trellis that had blown down, Steve told me about Stacy and the scene while they'd been traveling. We both ended with hard-ons. Steve gave me some details I didn't know from my...
FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1990 Under of the guise of visiting Mikey, I took the three-mile bicycle ride to town on a sunny Friday afternoon. I set my bike in a rack at the park and waited at the swings, just as we’d agreed. The park was mostly empty, with some kids playing basketball some distance away. The pool would open soon. Not two minutes later, there she was, sauntering up to me from her open garage door. As usual, Melody looked fantastic in flip flops, short shorts and a tank top. She topped...
FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1991 Just like the school year, the summer finds a pattern. Weekends aren’t much different than weekdays, other than the rhythm of the activities. Tuesday means a baseball game. Baseball practice Wednesday and Thursday. Tutoring Tuesday through Thursday. Finding a way to get to the varsity baseball games Friday nights. Oh, and a Saturday at the race shop. The calendar says spring, but the weather and the school year say it’s summer. Summer goes from Memorial Day to Labor Day...
Fifteen year old, Billy Broome was starting his first day at ?Feltham institutional prison Fifteen year old, Billy Broome was starting his first day at ?Feltham institutional prison.?The Judge at the high court had been stern and harsh, condemning young Billy to five years of gruelling torment in the young offender?s prison. Billy was a timid child, nothing more than an innocent little boy, tormented by the lack of acceptance; and bullying which he was subjected too. His built up...
“So how was, ‘just bowling,’” Mikey teased, complete with air quotes, as he landed in the bus seat next to mine. I returned his jab with a bemused grin. “Fine, just fine.” His eyes searched me over, sizing me up. He raised an eyebrow and leaned in. “You got laid, didn’t you?” He accused, surprisingly quietly. “I most certainly did not,” I said in mock indignation. “And I’ll thank you not to spread such rumors, sir.” He burst into laughter, not sure if he’d guessed on the mark or not, but...
A strikeout, two walks, a single and a double. That’s how I did on a Friday night in front of a big home crowd. We played before the varsity game due to the rainout Tuesday. Mitch pitched a full game, but the game actually ended in the 6th at 12-0 on the mercy rule. Riverton was not good at baseball. Mitch had a 3-run homer in the first. There were at least two scouts at the game to watch his brother, but there was no doubt he wanted to put on a good show as well. He certainly did. I...
It happened to me when i was 18 years old. During my summer vacation i and my mother visited my mother’s sister (mosi) place. My elder brother was 21 at that time and he use to remain busy with his education and work etc. so i usually never had a close friendship with him as he was too senior. At my mosi home i had one sister who was just one month younger to me (Prachi) and her sister who was 4 yrs younger to both of us. Since my brother was to senior and one of my cousin being 4 years...
IncestFEBRUARY 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Hmph, hmph, hmph! Oh, Ben ... fuck me, Ben ... Umph! Hmph, hmph, hmph!" I let my fingers trace along the bumpy ridges of Cassidy's spine as she faced away from me. Her naked back was so soft beneath my hands, her pale white skin both creamy and damp from her own sweat. She was bouncing up and down in my lap, and I let my gaze drop to see her cute buttcheeks raising and lowering around the thick column of my dick. She was getting close. I could always tell...
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1990 I dreaded going to school Tuesday even more than I had Monday. At breakfast, mom was trying to fish for more information on what was going on between Mel and me. I wasn’t biting today. No way I would ever want mom to hear a word of the rumor going around, at least if it was just a rumor. On the bus, I had to let Mikey in on it. He hadn’t heard, which was a good sign. It took little to convince him that I didn’t know anything about it, but I was going to find out...
AUGUST 2001, SUMMER BREAK "I certify that I am at least 18 years of age? Pshh. Of course!" Brooke clicked on the 'I agree' box and immediately the screen was filled with rapidly-downloading images of porn stars in various states of undress and position. The horny 15- year-old girl worked the computer mouse like an orchestra director's wand, zipping left and right and clicking away with rapid efficiency. Even though we had cable broadband internet, the pages took too long to load and...
APRIL 2001, JUNIOR YEAR The drive home gave Adrienne and me over an hour to chat. I was still surprised by her statement of falling in love with me, but I couldn't sort out my own feelings for her. At least, not enough to discuss it just yet. Instead, I asked her about the crazy past few days. "So..." I waved one hand in an 'all-this' gesture while steering with my other hand. "Is this something you guys do often?" "What, get a small group together and crash somebody's beach...
APRIL 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Do it, Ben. Do it. Gimme your jizz. Cum for your nasty slut. I wanna feel you dripping down my chest. I'm just gonna put my shirt on when you're done. I'm gonna eat dinner with my dad knowing that I've got your dried spunk on my chest. Do it, Ben! Cum!" I growled and leaned back, feeling the compression in my balls as I readied for ejaculation. Adrienne started hunching her body up and down even faster, squeezing her massive breasts around my long prick,...
The guilt hit me well before I got back to my house. I'd only felt this kind of guilt once before: the last time I'd cheated. And I was under no illusions that what I'd done was anything but cheating. Adrienne was my girlfriend. Cassidy was not. Having sex with Cassidy was cheating. Period. It didn't matter that I was pretty damn sure Adrienne was cheating on me. The sudden afternoon absences. The constant flirting with Jake. And besides, it was her nature. You can't tame a wild...
MARCH 2001, JUNIOR YEAR The guilt hit me well before I got back to my house. I'd never felt real guilt before. I mean, I'd had little flashes of "guilt-lite" from time to time. I felt guilty for starting something with Megan when I thought I was "with" Keira. I felt a twinge of guilt for wanting to be with Dawn after I'd promised Megan she'd be my girlfriend when we got back to school. And I felt guilty for fucking and potentially impregnating Cassidy that very first time. But not...
Friends guilt is what I feel when I think about those incidents 8 yrs. back. I was 18yrs. old boy then and my own sister was younger to me. Actually I was sexually abused when I was just a small boy by a cousin brother much elder than me. At that age out of innocence I used to think its what u should do with ur brother or sis. Slowly I started to touch my sis. and not with any one else ,cause fear was there of getting nude and try to touch intimate parts at that age meant its bad and getting...
IncestSUNDAY, MAY 26, 1991 My Sundays are my own. Well, my Sundays are supposed to be my own. Oh well. My family actually skipped church. Mom and dad were hosting their annual Memorial Day party the next day. I had to do some cleaning up around the yard, and set up the volleyball poles and net for the party. At lunch, I got to catch some of the Indy 500 on TV. I missed the end of the race, but Rick Mears won his third Borg-Warner Trophy. Dad had plans for me in the afternoon. The weather had...
SEPTEMBER 2000, SUMMER BREAK Once again dressed, I gave Megan a last kiss before opening the door. Perhaps I should have remembered what had happened at Elaine's end-of-school party. Perhaps I should have realized that teenagers have very poor impulse control, and that sheer curiosity would lead our friends to investigate as closely as possible. But I didn't. And when I opened the door, it was to see Cassidy, Abigail, Allison, Kenny, and Sung standing in the hallway gawking at us. At...
SATURDAY, JULY 1, 2000 Ordinarily, I could read for hours in a moving car without ever getting motion sick. Brooke and the twins were the same way, the three of them quietly reading in the last row bench seat of our full-size family van while we cruised up Highway 5 towards Northern California. But if there's a downside to getting your growth spurt, it's that nothing in your body works quite the way you're used to. I'm normally a pretty coordinated guy, if not the most athletic. But it...
NOVEMBER 2001, THANKSGIVING BREAK [WHUMP] The impact of her body against mine was enough to stagger me. I just barely stayed upright, my knees threatening to buckle but holding firm while Dawn wrapped her legs around my waist and planted a volcanic kiss on my lips. And only now did I feel like I could relax. At first, I'd been rather disappointed not to find my girlfriend waiting for me at the end of the jet bridge. My heart sunk like a stone into the pit of my stomach at the thought that...
June 2002, Summer Break "Holy SHIT!" Stephanie Vo screeched as she felt my cock slide the final inch up her ass. Her exclamation was apropos given which hole I was currently violating. I gripped her waist, keeping myself deep inside her while also preventing her from trying to shift away. And then I just held that position, letting her get used to the stretched-beyond-belief sensation I knew the slender girl had to be feeling. "Breathe..." I reminded in a soft, soothing voice. It...
Ordinary Joe - A Beginning Anna Feie I was just an "ordinary joe" when this all began over a decade ago. That Wednesday so many years ago enabled me to change my life forever. Curiously, I never had the urge to think about being a woman before that fateful day. The day that I won 219 million dollars in the lottery, I was looking at 138 million dollars after taxes to be paid to me over a 30-year period or just take the cash option of 112 million. Guess what I did, I took the cash...
Attending the University was not like what I saw in movies, nothing like it. In all movies it would show beautiful promiscuous white girls running around without clothes on. Well this place had beautiful white women, even teachers (but that's a different story) but they allways had there clothes on. I used to think to my self what it took to have girls do to me what they did in movies, you know sex in public places, group sex, or porn activites like cumming in a girls mouth. Well happened to me...
InterracialTEENAGE TEXAS SLUTS ????? Jennifer got off the bus and looked at the barren landscape in the small Texas townshe was being forced to spend the summer in. This was definitely not on herlist of places she would have chosen to end her teenage years. Her father haddied, and she and her sister Allison had been bounced back and forth from acouple Friends homes until the Final chapter 13 paperwork was finished liquidatingtheir Dads business. Her mother Brenda was finishing all that up and was goingto...
While it was true that Sundays were my own, for the most part, my Saturdays belonged to someone else. Since the racecar was in pieces and not back from the body shop, I belonged to dad for the day. Grandpa Parker was running the disc. Dad was planting, but he still had plans for me. “I’m going to have you field cultivate about 50 acres of last year’s sorghum,” dad said as he attached the old 4440 to the implement he was talking about. “Start with the end rows, then just try not to miss...
FEBRUARY 2002, SENIOR YEAR "Adrienne! Let me in!" My hand hurt. Actually, both my hands hurt. Heel, knuckles, didn't matter. I'd been hammering the unyielding wood long enough that I was sure I'd be terribly bruised by tomorrow morning. You might say that the doorbell would be more effective. Maybe. I'd used the doorbell, to no avail. But then I quit. It just felt more ... penitent ... to use my bare hands. She never let me in. Adrienne couldn't avoid me completely at school....
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1991 “Jake, I need you to wake up.” “Wha?” “Jake, it’s time to wake up.” “Huh?” I complained through bleary eyes, then suddenly gasped and sat straight up in the bed in a panic. Dad took a half step back, after shaking me on the shoulder. Was last night a dream? Was the whole day a dream? “What day is it?” I asked Dad desperately. He chuckled. “It’s Saturday morning, son.” My eyes started to get used to the harsh light of the lamp on my nightstand and I caught...
Introduction: 16 year old British lad Sam has a problem he needs accommodation and transport up North to start a summer job fast, but a kindly call and offer from a 45 year old Neighbour Joanna Willow who had recently moved out of the street Sam lived on and up North following the breakdown of her marriage could be the answer to all his prayers and dreams. The passion and buildup of lust driven by sexual tension becomes too much as the recent divorcee Joanna offers the 16 year old boy who she...
Just as I was done with my shower and was towelling myself dry, the bell rang. Irritated, I swore under my breath. The bloody bell just didn’t seem to stop ringing. Wrapping the white turkish towel around my waist, I went to the door. Looking through the peephole, I saw that it was the two maid servants, Pushpa and Rani. Once again, I had almost forgotten that I had hired these two girls as domestic servants in my house. Clad that I was only in my towel, I couldn’t help but laugh at the...
July 2000, Summer Break "You should call your girlfriend." "Huh?" With red eyes, I blearily turned my gaze to my big sister Brandi. "Call Megan," she said. "You just got home and she'll want to hear from you tonight. Girls like that." "Oh ... right, right," I nodded. "Just looking out for you little bro," Brandi smiled and hopped up the stairs to her bedroom. I was simultaneously thankful and annoyed at her. Thankful, because it never would have occurred to me to call my...
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2000 "How was it?" "It was amazing," I said, my eyes glittering as we stared off towards the setting sun. We weren't on the ridge; our conversation was too private for that. But we found a nice clearing and could still see the red haze descending over the mountains. "It really was one of the most incredible experiences of my life." "I wish I'd seen it," Dawn said glumly. I chuckled. "You looked plenty happy with what we did." "Yeah..." Dawn sighed. "I...
Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...
Hookup SitesApril 2002, Spring Break There really are few simple pleasures in life better than just laying out on a beach, feeling the ocean breeze ruffling through your hair while you look around and ogle all the female flesh you can find. Yeah, I would probably choose naked over bikini any day; but nakedness stimulates me the point of boiling over. Bikinis, on the other hand, let my arousal simmer well above normal but below the threshold of instability. I could perpetually be aroused and kept at...
NOVEMBER 2000, JUNIOR YEAR I felt like quite the rock star when I walked over to our usual lunch table on Tuesday with both Megan and Cassidy hanging onto my arms. We had to let go of each other to sit down; but once settled, both girls went out of their way to kiss my cheeks before digging into their food. "Oh. My. Gawd." Abigail Sanders' jaw dropped when it finally hit her. Two seconds later Allison Sanders repeated it as if there was an echo and suddenly there were two young brunettes...
(I thank Mrs. S.A for sharing her fantasy and her inputs. She has successfully seduced a teenager and seducing a middle-aged man will be child’s play for her, but she is waiting for a deserving man. Though her fantasy is not yet materialized, she asked me to write the story anyway. I am grateful for her encouragement and giving me the liberty to mould her story as I liked) I am amazed at men who are very brilliant, sharp and intelligent in office matters but are totally blind, deaf and ignorant...
IncestSATURDAY, JULY 13, 1991 ‘Breathe. Remember to breathe, moron.’ By mutual agreement, we decided I’d opt to go to the back of the heat race again. I needed the laps of experience before starting up front. That didn’t stop me from ripping off some fast laps in hot laps. I actually came up on a slower car in front of me, and had to back down or figure out a way to pass him on this narrow, tacky surface. I let him get a lead on me again, then tried some different lines, letting the car drift up...
BROTHER'S TEENAGE SEX-SLAVE – Part Four This story contains graphic images of torture, humiliation and sexual perversion.Readers who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality should readno further. If you would like to contact the author, you may do so at [email protected] ----------- Cerberus Naked, young Molly Grant bends over the heavy workbench; the tender tipsof her small breasts trapped in the hard steel jaws of a large vise; her handsnailed to the table's rough wooden...
Author: Powerone and SarahBell Title: The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students Summary: A student needs an 'A' in his class and he needsthe student. Keywords: M/F, reluc, nc, anal, oral, The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students Copyright 2004. Powerone can be contacted at [email protected] andSarahBell can be contacted at [email protected] Michael was settled into his life as a Professor over thepast ten years. He had married one of his graduate students, a girl, ten...
You never expect to meet God--or the devil either for that matter, in your office at nine o'clock on a Wednesday morning. But as it turns out, that's exactly what happened to me. It all started when my secretary Nancy went on maternity leave. I was the general counsel for the company I worked at. Human resources arranged a temp to cover for Nancy while she was out, but I couldn't believe my eyes when she showed up at my office that Wednesday morning. Nancy, my regular secretary, was a...
I was 22, going off to college for the first time to an historically black university in a rather diverse city when I met Rudmila, the young south Asian cashier of my local mall’s candy store. We would casually chat every now and then while I made a small purchase. Rudmila, 17, had recently moved to the US with her parents only a few years ago. Though naturally shy, my new friend was open with her love of her new home and had a sweet beauty about her. She wasn’t exactly petite, but...
Hi everyone, my name is Warshadow (name change). This story is about my late teenage days (18-19 years old) and my lovely plump mom. In those golden days of my teenage, I never felt any attraction towards my mom until these incidents happened. Let me introduce my family. We are a total of 4, dad, mom, me, and my younger sister. We live in a 1BHK in Mumbai. My dad and mom both worked in the same office so they had regular general shifts. My parents were born in a village and shifted here to...
IncestFRIDAY, JULY 19, 1991 Edited by WRC264 I rumbled into Mandy’s driveway at the appointed time. This time she did let me get to the door and I did have a short and awkward talk with her parents, who were very nice. I knew them from years of being around their daughter. We’d been classmates many school years. Soon we were off to The Corner for supper and shakes, or a shake, I should say. We shared a big one. I had an extra critical eye for Allison as she served us, knowing the advice Woody...
SEPTEMBER 2001, SUMMER BREAK "Good afternoon, Mrs. Kwan," I said politely and lightly bowed my head. "Hello, Ben. How have you been?" Megan's mother said warmly. "Good, good. I've got no complaints." "That's nice." She leaned forward and patted my arm. "By the way, I wanted to thank you for introducing James to my daughter. He's a very nice boy." My eyebrows furrowed. "Introducing?" "Yes. Megan said you were the one that brought her and James together." "Oh ......