Penny Lane
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The House on Sorrow Hill Lane
Dr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&D
It was an icy February night in 1910. Emily could see nothing from the bedroom's leaded window but upper branches of skeleton trees lit up by the full moon's light. Below this the gardens were shrouded in fog. She had seen one fine day blessed with sunshine since she had come to Nine Acres and had remarked that she was sure the sprawling gardens looked beautiful in summer. The back of the house led on to a large lawn with flower borders, no doubt a riot of colour in the sunshine,to the left of which stood a weeping willow, branches bending to dip into an ornamental pond. Beside it was a glass summerhouse, further up the lawn a path led to hedges which neatly framed a rose garden. The nine acres beyond which the house had been named after was a large stretch of woodland, now swallowed up by the night. The house was half a mile from the nearest village, it was there she had stood at the altar only days before and exchanged vows with a man she barely knew. And now she was Emily Featherstone, wife of Toby, the son of a famous architect who had built grand designs for the late Queen Victoria. He had designed this house as well, his own personal muse. She had been impressed upon arriving here by the uniqueness of the place, the house was tall and narrow, in the front, there was a short driveway, which led to an impressive front door, which was actually false and simply an illusion. The downstairs windows here were actually the kitchen windows, the path to the right led around to a back door and a small herb and vegetable garden which was used mainly by the housekeeper and her husband. To the left, the path led around to the real front door, framed by a semi-circular porchway supported by two pillars. Inside, the hallway was wide, black and white tiles checkered the floor and the fittings were all dark polished oak. One door led off to the kitchen, straight ahead was a sweeping staircase, and to the right of the staircase ran a corridor, doors leading off it led to the parlour, the dining room, the study, and at the end of this corridor it seemed there was nothing but a solid wall. But pressing two levers hidden in the dark heavy oak opened double doors that led to a wide, bright ballroom, illuminated by its glass ceiling. Another illusion lie beside the ballroom doors, to the left of the corridor was another flight of steps, but on climbing them and turning halfway, Emily had found they led to nowhere, just to a comfortable seat in an alcove that overlooked the rose garden. The upper part of the house had seven bedrooms, a bathroom and a staircase that led to the servants quarters in the attic, not that the house keeper, her husband and Tabitha the maid could be classed as enough servants in Emily's eyes, it seemed Toby was happy to have a housekeeper, a gardener and one maid, it was far from adequate to Emily, but she came from a wealthy family who had enjoyed all the luxuries money could bring, until her fathers death and the financial ruin that followed had forced her to marry a man she hardly knew, who had been introduced to her by her cousin.
Emily glanced down at her hand and twisted the gold band around her finger. This was not the life she had imagined having for herself, she had married a man she did not love, worse still, she had married for convenience. Toby was a strikingly handsome man, with dark hair and passionate eyes that burned with a determination and strength that had carried him through some dark and dreadful times, in his mid-twenties his intentions to follow his late father into making grand designs had been cut short by illness and ever since his health had been fragile. He had endured surgery twice and his close friend Henry, who was also his personal physician, was a frequent visitor to the house. She knew little of his health concerns as little had been said to her. On the day of their wedding, Toby had reached out to pull her closer to kiss her cheek and she had noticed a deep scar that ran along the inside of his wrist. Seeing she had noticed, Toby had covered it up and nothing more had been said. By the look in his eyes she wondered if that scar had been self-inflicted. The night of their wedding had been anything but romantic, Toby had asked her if she wanted to move out of the guest room and she had said no. He had taken her reply with good grace and nothing more had been said. She had spent her days alone, avoiding him. And in a way, it made her feel a little guilty. He had done nothing to offend her, and the more she thought of her new husband, her thoughts became a little warmer, certainly warmer than the view from the window. She moved away from it, paused at her dresser to brush her long, golden hair, then she ran her hands down her body. In the reflection she noticed how sheer her nightgown was and the way it seemed to enhance the curve of her breasts and the dark shadow of pubic hair between her legs. Toby's face came into her mind and a shiver of something she could not define made her throw a shawl around her shoulders, she clutched it tightly about herself and although it offered little warmth she felt a little more secure, covered. She was still unsure of herself as she knocked on the door of the master bedroom.
"Come in."Toby called out.
She hesitated, then took a deep breath and went inside.
Toby's eyes lit up at the sight of his beautiful wife, who he had loved at first sight and was determined to win over eventually.
"Emily!"He exclaimed, "This is a surprise at such a late hour.."
Yes, it was late. It was gone ten o'clock and she quickly made sure there was no misunderstanding by keeping the shawl tightly about her shoulders as she sat on the edge of the bed keeping a firm distance between them. Toby was in a velvet dressing gown, looking a little pale and tired but otherwise fine. Warm flames flickered in the fireplace and the room was softly lit, if she knew him better, if she could feel closer to him, she was sure she would have felt more welcome. But she hardly knew him. He was a few years older than her, Emily was only eighteen. And ever the good girl, she was still very much a virgin.
Being this close to him, she felt her face flushing a little and avoided his gaze. A tense, warm feeling was spreading over her skin, beneath the shawl and the thin fabric of her nightgown her nipples were taking on a hardness.
"Emily?"He wondered, "What's brought you here, then? I mean, you are most welcome but - "
She recalled how the housekeeper had remarked that he had retired very early that evening.
"I was concerned about you."She told him, thinking, it wasn't completely a lie, she had wondered if he was unwell and was surprised at the fact that this thought had concerned her greatly.
Her words touched his heart and he made no attempt to hide that.
"Oh Emily, I'm just a little tired, I needed rest, I'll be fine tomorrow."
Emily smiled.
"Good, I'm glad."She said, and the words came out easily as a wave of relief washed over her.
Toby glanced at the way she was perched sharply on the edge of the bed.
"If you sneeze,"He told her, "You'll be on the floor!" And his voice softened. "You can come closer, I assure you I do not bite!"
And as she looked into his warm and gentle gaze, she felt able to get up and sit beside him, on the bed beside him. She leaned back on the big soft pillow and looked at her husband. It was the closest she had been to him so far.
"I know as your husband I have certain rights,"He told her, "But I'll never force you, never. I think we need time.."
He reached up and ran his fingers lightly down a silken strand of her hair, as he brushed against her cheek she reached up and took hold of his hand.
"Thank you."She whispered, feeling relieved he was not the kind of man to force her onto the bed and do as he wanted with her. But at the same time, that tension was there, a wetness was growing between her legs that she found hard to ignore.
"I will make you happy."Toby promised her, "And in time I hope you can love me as I love you."
Their faces were so close and Toby considered moving in for a kiss but then thought better of it.
"Will you stay beside me till I fall asleep?"
She nodded. Toby did look very tired, and the protective side of her wanted to hold him in her arms, but that might have sent out the wrong message.
Toby was laying back with his eyes shut now.
"Yes Emily?"He replied, his eyes still closed.
"I need to ask about something. About your health. Is it wrong of me to ask you that?"
Toby opened tired eyes and blinked as his bride came back into focus.
"No, of course it's not wrong. You're my wife, you can ask me anything you like."
"Why has your health been so bad?"She asked him, "Why have you had surgery? Please understand, no one has told me anything and I want to know but I barely know my husband - "
Toby laughed softly.
"Of course I do, I'll tell you if you want to know." And he fell silent for a moment, trying in his mind to compose an easy way to tell her. But there was no easy way, so he explained as best as he could.
"Four years ago I had a growth removed near my stomach. It started to come back so I had it cut out of me again. This time it worked, but my then wife-to-be decided she did not want to gamble on marrying a man who had suffered from cancer in case I died on her. So she called off our wedding. But as you can see I'm still here, the surgeries took their toll on me, I tire easily, I have pain, problems eating sometimes, but I'm just thankful to be alive."
And Toby opened his dressing gown, enough for his scars to be exposed.
At first, she didn't even look at the scarring. She was too fascinated with her husband's firm body, a part of her wanted to reach out and run her hand down his chest, to press her lips against his warm skin. Just below the scarring, she saw dark pubic hair and she wondered if he was aroused.
Then she saw the look in his eyes and that thought was quickly banished. He was still very much haunted by his experiences.
"I was terrified."He told her, " And the pain was like nothing I can put into words. But I was fortunate, I could afford a good surgeon and he did the best job. I hope you understand why I kept it quiet, I had no intention of keeping a secret from you but I was afraid you would refuse me like Constance did."
Constance? She recalled that name. A tall and elegant woman closer to Toby's age, dressed in green satin who sat at the back of the church for the wedding and later, outside, had wished them all the best for the future with resentment in her eyes. How appropriate she had chosen the colour of envy to wear on that day. Obviously at some point she had regretted leaving Toby..
"Have you had many lovers?"
That question lifted him out of the dark memories and made him laugh as he denied it, but one look at his smile and the way his eyes sparkled told her the real truth, he had probably looked at many women that way and set their hearts fluttering.
"Well,"He admitted, "I've had a few."
"And now you have a wife."Emily had surprised herself at coming out with that remark, his talk of other women had made her feel like reminding him of that fact.
"Yes and I'm very proud to call you my wife."He replied, and gently kissed her cheek. Then he lay back on the pillow and closed his eyes again.
"Now I really must sleep, I feel exhausted, Emily."
Emily said nothing, just sat beside him. And as he started to slide into the beginning of sleep, he felt her hand gently sweep over his hair and a very soft kiss on his face.
"Goodnight."Emily said softly, and silently left the room. That night she felt easier, knowing in her heart she had not married purely for convenience after all. She liked Toby. He was handsome, kind and gentle. And so brave. As she lay alone in her bed, she suddenly wished he was there beside her, so she could hold him, but all her embrace found was the empty space beside her. That night she slept clutching her pillow and weeping for a time in Toby's life when she had not known him. And in the next room Toby tossed and turned aching for the wife who would not let him near her. He decided in the morning he would have to break his promise he had made to himself on marrying Emily and start asking the maid for special favours again. Tabitha took it in good humour and besides, she could really suck a cock! The decision was not made lightly or without a little guilt, but he was sick of using his hand and that was something he was sure Emily would not comprehend.
Emily awoke the next morning to sunlight streaming through the window and when she looked outside she saw the warm sun was melting the ice and the sky was bright once more. She took her time getting up, washing and dressing slowly and carefully, thinking of how her conversation with Toby had brought them closer together at last. She chose to wear a white dress with a low, wide neckline and as she walked the light material seemed to float mere inches from the ground. She felt beautiful today, the feelings growing in her heart were making her glow. She was definitely becoming fond of her new husband. She planned to make more conversation over breakfast. Except that she ate breakfast alone in the diningroom, the housekeeper informing her that Mr Featherstone was not up and about yet.
After breakfast she went back upstairs and softly tapped once on Toby's door. There was no reply. Emily guessed he must still be sleeping and opened the door.
What she saw made her freeze with shock.
Toby was sat on the edge of the bed, his legs spread wide apart while Tabitha was on her knees before him, his hard cock in her mouth and she was sucking like her life depended on it, Toby threw his head back and gasped, grabbing her by her hair and driving it deeper into the maid's mouth, so deep she wondered that the woman didn't choke. Tabitha kept sucking and sucking and Toby gasped again and fucked her face hard and deep as he shook and trembled with orgasm.
Anger flared hot in Emily like a rising fire, paused only for a moment as she realised the woman was drinking down his semen.
"Bastard!"She cried. Tabitha jumped back and Toby was staring at her in shock. He covered himself up and tied the dressing gown.
"I'm so sorry Emily...Let me explain.."
Emily stepped forward.
"Oh no."She corrected him, "Let ME.."
And she dealt a stinging blow to his face. As she blinked back tears she was aware the maid had scurried past her.
"That slut is dismissed!"She snapped.
Then she blinked back tears and saw blood was running from Toby's nose. It was running profusely, far more than she had expected from a light slap.
"Sorry."She said quickly, handing him a handkerchief and helping him to sit while he stemmed the flow of blood. She knew his health was weak. And in anger she had hit harder than she intended to. But it didn't change the fact she was still blazing angry.
"I was going to come to you this morning."She said bitterly, "Now I shall never come to you again."
And she turned on her heel and walked out of the room, her exit dignified all the way to the garden, where she sat, huddled in her coat, in the icy summerhouse, and sobbed at her husband's betrayal.
A tapping on the glass some half an hour later drew her attention. She looked up and Dr Henry Fitzpatrick was standing there with a cup of tea and steam was rising from it like smoke in the icy cold air.
"I know he was wrong, although he's my friend I'll not defend him, Toby's a bloody fool but women have always been his weakness. Problem is with Toby, he's got no certainties in his life any more. Doesn't know when he could fall ill again. But come to think of it, the chap's always lived for the moment."
And he sat down beside her. He handed her the tea and she gratefully accepted it. One sip went down like fire and restored the blood to her flesh.
Henry was tall with fair hair and lacked Toby's striking looks but he was warm and caring even if he could be a little blunt at times.
After a short pause, he said: "Oh well, at least it was only in her mouth. He wasn't up her. I asked him, Have you ever been up Tabitha.."
As Emily stared at him in shock, he carried on, oblivious to the fact she had never heard sex discussed in this manner before.
"...And Toby said: No, of course not, my God, man - she's staff!"
And somewhere between blazing anger and another coming sob, Emily laughed. Only Toby could say something like that!
"What else did he say?"
"That he's very sorry. That he didn't think, he made a dreadful mistake and he's afraid he's lost you. And then he cried."
Toby had cried over this? She felt her anger fading a little.
Henry nodded. "He's in a real state over this. You see - how can I put this delicately - since the day he met you he's been desperate to consummate the physical side of things and he seems to be under the impression he must wait a very long time for this. A man has certain needs, Emily. They can get desperate."
"What about you then?"She demanded, "You're unmarried. You do not behave like Toby!"
"Ah, no, very true,"Henry said, "But only through lack of opportunity. That's why I'm so glad you dismissed Tabitha. She's coming to work for me now!"
Emily saw the glint in his eye and set down the tea and got up.
"I don't want to listen any more."She told him, "You men are all the same. You can tell Toby this: he can want me as much as he chooses. But he will never share my bed!"
And she went back inside the house where she shut herself in her room, ignored Toby every time he knocked on the door and generally avoided him altogether. If he was upstairs, she went downstairs, if he was in the same room, she would walk out and into another. She refused to even look in his face. After a few days of this, Toby came to accept if there was any chance of ever reconciling with his new wife, he would have to play by her rules. So they ate separately, lived separately and he made no attempt to speak to her.
By now the weather was easing into march and snowdrops were starting to break through the warming earth. Green leaves were covering the harsh branches stripped bare by winter and blue skies and sunshine warmed the gardens of Nine Acres once more. As the weeks passed Emily had become used to the pattern of life in the house, weekends were always the same: on Saturday Henry called for Toby and they went pheasant shooting together. Sunday they attended church service in the village. First service Emily had attended with Toby she had stood stiffly beside him like it was nothing more than rigid duty and when the minister spoke of the wages of sin she glared at her husband like she really thought he deserved to pay with death. And she had caught a flicker of pain in Toby's eyes and wondered if it was time to start forgiving him, but pride said otherwise. After church ended she had stood apart from him as he struggled to crank up his gleaming black motor car and although she noticed he was finding the exertion difficult she reminded herself that he had certainly managed to take a good sucking off Tabitha, she was sure he would survive. They had driven home in silence. It had now been three weeks since their quarrel. And now the spring weather was brightening up the world, as they drove back from yet another Sunday church service, Toby steered the car into Sorrow Hill Lane and half way up the road towards Nine Acres he turned off, driving to a narrow dirt track where he stopped the car. Emily looked around. They were on a narrow lane that ran as far as the eye could see, along side fields. Beyond that the dense woods beckoned.
"Why are we here?"She demanded.
Despite the sudden warmth creeping into the spring weather, Toby was still wrapped up in a thick winter coat because Henry had nagged him to do so. He still looked pale and had a trace of dark shadows below his eyes. He turned to Emily and said his piece.
"I behaved badly. I'm sorry. If I got on my knees to you would it make a difference? Please tell me because I love you, the coldness you have shown me is worse than any other punishment you can invent. I'm really sorry! Please, Emily.."
He blinked and a tear ran down his face.
"Please.."He repeated tearfully, "I really do love you and I am so sorry.."
In that moment Emily saw truth in his eyes, heard the regret in his voice and as she looked at Toby compassion flowed through her. She reached forward and embraced him, Toby pressed his face against her cheek and gripped her tightly.
"I'm so sorry.."He said tearfully, "Please, please forgive me and let us try again."
She wiped the tears from his eyes.
"I forgive you."Was all she said.
Toby wept in her arms again and she held him until he composed himself.
Looking into her eyes, he wanted so much to kiss her but feared she would reject him. So with a great struggle he started up the car again and drove them back to Nine Acres.
On returning home, Emily went to her room and thought long and hard about Toby's apology. He had really meant what he said and seeing tears in his eyes had moved her too. Later she joined him for dinner, taking great effort to dress for the occasion. She wore a lilac dress with a lace trim around the low neckline and omitted to wear her corset, this allowed the natural shape of her breasts to cling to the fabric. A little too explicit for a public outing but certainly intimate enough for dinner with her husband. She fastened a diamond choker at her throat and put her hair up and when she had finished and saw the reflection that looked back from the mirror on her dresser she was seeing herself with new eyes, tonight would be the night she made love for the first time in her life.
When she walked into the dining room and sat opposite Toby he stared at her, blinked as if he was sure it was a dream and she smiled at him as she sat down.
"Good evening."She said softly.
And Toby felt his heart pounding in his chest. She wanted him, it was in her voice, her eyes, she really wanted him at long last!
"You look very beautiful this evening."He told her as the housekeeper served dinner.
"Thank you."She said and suddenly felt very awkward. She had never been in this situation before.
Toby was still gazing at her. Through the softness of the lit candles his wife looked like an angel. The flickering lights caught her diamonds and seemed to make her sparkle.
Halfway through the main course, a playfulness rose up in Emily as she watched her husband politely having dinner across the other side of the table.
He looked up at her with his big, dark eyes and she thought how adorable he looked as she tried not to giggle.
"I was wondering,"She announced, "Will you be retiring early because I would very much like the pleasure of your company..That is, as long as you're not planning on being sucked by the staff.."
Toby coughed and took a mouthful of wine as he stared at Emily.
Her eyes were sparkling and she was smiling at him. She laughed softly and quickly explained before he thought she was dragging up an old quarrel.
"I think I love you, Toby."She told him.
"How much of that wine have you had?"He asked her.
"Not nearly enough."She assured him.
Toby grabbed the bottle and two glasses and got up.
"Then lets go upstairs and drink the rest of it."
As he took her by the hand and led her out of the dining room she was still laughing, he was so impatient she had to hurry to keep up with him as he dashed up the stairs, dragging her by her hand.
When they reached the master bedroom he took her inside and locked the door and sat down on the bed quite breathless.
"I think.."He said, laughing as he drew in another breath, "You had better drink that wine!"
She took the glasses from him and set them on the dresser beside the wine bottle.
Toby watched in disbelief as Emily shook her hair loose and it tumbled over her shoulders. She kicked off her shoes and climbed on the bed beside him, this time right beside him, pulling him down onto the soft pillows.
His heart was pounding and his cock was so hard his erection was becoming painful, but Toby was a gentleman and had to be certain Emily would not change her mind. He had thought about this moment from the day they first met and he was surprised to find himself trembling as he drew her into his arms.
"Are you sure you want me to?"
Emily gently kissed his lips. She looked deeply into his eyes.
"You're my husband, I want you to be a real man to me."She urged him, "Make love to me.."
Toby needed no more encouragement.
He kissed her hard, his tongue deeply in her mouth and as she returned his kisses and grew hot and breathless with desire she grabbed his hand and slid it up her skirt.
Toby had been sliding her dress from her shoulders and now although her breasts were exposed and he longed to suck on her nipples, he could not ignore the urgent wetness he felt between her legs. As he touched her there Emily gasped as a shockwave of pleasure ran through her body. She was wet, so wet down there that she felt like she might burst with the need she felt for him.
Toby slid her dress from her body and tossed it to the floor.
As he knelt on the bed between her open legs he paused to look at his beautiful, naked wife for the first time, then he whispered: "Just lay back..I know what you need."
Emily obeyed him, spreading her legs wide open. She gave a gasp as Toby gently spread her open wide, exposing her cunt for the first time.
He noticed how tight and small the opening to her vagina was and knew his wife was completely a virgin.
"I'll be very gentle."He promised her as he pushed back the pink fold of skin and softly kissed her clitoris. Another wave of pleasure made her cry out. Then he was there, right inside the wet folds of flesh, licking and sucking and teasing like the expert that he was. As she shivered and trembled he licked her harder, sliding a finger gently and slowly into her. She tensed momentarily with discomfort and then moaned with pleasure and Toby carried on, licking her wetness until she slammed her hips against his face and screamed with bliss.
She was still throbbing and weak from her first orgasm as he took her in his arms and pushed his cock against her tight hole. As he felt a resistance he held her tighter and whispered:
"I love you Emily.."
Emily clung to him as a sharp, tearing pain made her gasp. And suddenly he was in her, all the way up inside and she held on to him as he fucked her, slowly at first, until she was kissing him, clinging to him and begging him for more.Toby had never known love making like this before, all desire and love and total need. When he came he buried his cock deep inside her and cried out as wave after wave of pleasure throbbed from his cock and sent him into absolute ecstasy. Then he held her in his arms knowing he would never want to let her go again.
Wrapped in Toby's arms, Emily lay there watching her husband sleep. She brushed his hair from his eyes and ran her hand gently across his face, down his neck, his shoulders, his arms, thinking how perfectly beautiful love made him in her eyes. Then she noticed the scar on his wrist. She examined the other wrist and realised both bore old scars that looked deliberate, on the left hand it ran all the way across his inner wrist, on the right only half way.Toby opened his eyes and looked at her. As he realised she had seen them both, he knew there was no point lying about it now. One wrist he could blame on an accident, but not both.
She ran her finger gently across the scar and asked him:
"What happened?"
Toby had been dreading this moment but here, lying in bed with her beside him and seeing nothing but love in her eyes, he found it easier to talk about.
"When I found out about the cancer I was in no doubt as to what could happen."He told her, "I watched my father die the same way and I had no intention of suffering like that. Two days after the diagnosis I went in the bathroom and opened up a razor and slit my wrist. I'd just started on the other one when Henry came in and stopped me. Good thing he did, because I lived after all."
He saw tears forming in Emily's eyes and he held her close and kissed her gently.
"It was a long time ago."He told her, "Its over with now..I'll never do anything like that again. Besides, if I become so ill that life is unbearable, I now have an arrangement with Henry..."And as he said those words, he knew he never should have told her. Emily was sitting up, looking intently at him, demanding an explanation.
"What arrangement, Toby?"
Toby gave a heavy sigh and with reluctance decided she needed to understand now to prevent any problems later on, should they arise.
"I have no intention of dying in agony if the cancer returns."He told her, "Henry has an arrangement with me to end my suffering should the need present itself."
"He's going to kill you?"
Emily looked horrified. Toby explained plainly.
"I have no intention of dying in terrible pain, Emily. If the time comes when I wish the pain to end, I've been assured morphine is far kinder than slashing my wrists."
As she took in his words she began to realise the situation she was in. Although it had been easy to marry a man whose health was compromised, it was less so now he was the man she loved. In fact it was painful. Emily steadied herself and pushed away the urge to cry.
"Well it won't happen."She said firmly, "You're well again and I will make sure you stay that way my darling."
But Toby could see through it, Emily was lying to herself if she really believed that.
"Emily,"He said gently, "We mustn't pretend. I'm fortunate to be here today. That may change tomorrow, or next year, or the year after. I have no certainty any more. But I do know I love you."
On hearing those words the pain inside her grew sharp and tears came to her eyes as she lay in his arms.
"Then I shall love you with all of my heart,"She promised him, "Every single day now and for always."
And Toby drew her into his arms and kissed her, finding her words and her promise to love him was all he needed to feel complete.
As the days passed life seemed to take on a brighter outlook, much reflected by the changing colours in the sprawling gardens. The flower beds bloomed and the lawn was lush and green, rosebuds formed on the bushes in the rose garden and the sun grew warmer with each passing day. Nine Acres became a house filled with love and laughter as day by day Toby and Emily grew even closer. Toby began to spend more time out doors, becoming more active and getting all the fresh air and sunshine he could, when he was not in the town or driving in the country he was wrapped in Emily's arms in their bed, making love to her over and over. Emily began to notice Toby's health was improving and was sure her love had made all the difference to him. His eyes sparkled, his skin took on a healthy glow and he seemed to have more energy. All this gave her hope that Toby might be wrong about his life being short lived, but she dared not mention this. Instead she locked that hope in her heart and said a silent prayer each night as she lay in his arms and asked God to give her yet another day with this sweet and loving man.
And it was on such a warm, sunny day as this that her sweet, loving man had a surprise visitor. At the time Emily was at the far end of the sprawling gardens cutting roses. And Toby was glad she was out of the way, for when he opened the door he got the shock of his life, for there stood Constance Miller, his former lover and wife of the local minister.
"Hello, Toby."She said, and pushed past him and strode into the hallway.
Toby's face paled as he stared at her.
"What are you doing here?"He demanded, lowering his voice as he noticed the kitchen door was open and the housekeeper was preparing lunch.
"I thought I'd stop by and see how things are....How are things, Toby? Happy with Emily,are we?"
He cringed as she raised her voice, shooting him that accusing look.
Constance had been a thorn in his side from the start of their affair. It had soon become clear to him that she was not suited to the role of a minister's wife and had probably set her sights on becoming mistress of Nine Acres from the day she had first shared his bed. The woman had taken the end of their affair badly, threatening to tell her husband, then putting him through six weeks of sheer hell while she falsely claimed he had made her pregnant. Constance was full of spite and the only fuck in his life he had ever regretted, even though the sex had been good. The sex had been beyond good, bordering on animal lust. As his eyes wandered for a moment over her ample bosom he recalled how he had torn off her corset and plunged his face into the musky valley between her breasts, the way she had screamed with pleasure when he was inside her, she was the only woman he had ever known who had urged him, "Yes Toby yes, sodomise me.." And he had fucked her arse so hard and so deep she had lost control of her bowels and he had been forced to throw the bed sheet away. She had loved him, but her love was the poisonous, controlling kind that he knew from the start had been bad, yet ever a slave to his urges, Toby had found her hard to resist. Thinking of her in this way made his cock twitch and he felt the stirrings of arousal. He banished that thought immediately.
"Yes I am happy with Emily. I love her, she's my wife. Now what do you want, Constance?"
The hostility faded from her eyes.
"I heard you're looking remarkably well these days and I wanted to see for myself. I have now and I'm glad you are so well. I'm just sorry that you chose another instead of me..No matter, I'm glad for you."
Constance, who had hated him with such venom and accused him of wrecking her life because he would not offer her a future, wished him well? Toby had seen many surprising things in his life but this was a little beyond belief.
"I won't keep you."She said kindly, "But do take these, they used to be your favourites. I made them for you."
And she handed him a bag of chocolate peppermint creams.
"Goodbye, Toby."She said sweetly and turned her back and walked away. Toby watched her walk out of the gate and on to Sorrow Hill Lane without looking back once. Constance..How odd, he thought, taking a peppermint cream from the bag. Like Constance, the chocolate still looked as good and probably tasted as sweet as she did..
"Toby?"There was a sharp tone to his wife's voice. She had walked up the garden path just in time to see Constance disappear from view.
"What did she want?"She demanded.
Toby hid the chocolates in his pocket and as she came up to him, he told the truth.
"I don't really know. She was passing and she said she stopped by to see how I am.."
She was glaring at him.
"Emily.."He protested, "I really don't know why she called.."
Anger was clouding her judgement. First the maid, now a visit from his former lover? He was looking at her pleadingly, but all that ran through her mind was, she had been a little shocked when he told her the minister's wife was his former lover. And then Tabitha, his maid, on her knees and sucking him..was Constance back in his life?
"Spare me your excuses."She snapped and turned back towards the rose garden.
He called after her and she heard the desperate tone in his voice, but did not look back. When it came to women, she felt she could never believe him. Catching sight of Constance had brought up a sharp pang of jealousy that reminded her of the day she caught him with Tabitha. And she decided, let him wait. And once back in the rose garden, she began to cut some blooms from a bush with large, deep red roses. Their scent was heady, as she cut the stems and placed them in her basket she paused to admire the velvet petals, but on reaching further back to cut another rose, she found the petals were dried and withered. Emily reached in and carefully avoiding thorns, pushed the leaves aside. The hidden half of the bush was decayed. Stems were brown and dried out, leaves decayed, roses rotted. She drew her hand back out and felt sharp pain as flesh snagged on an unseen thorn. Pain throbbed and as she looked down blood spotted the back of her hand along an ugly red scratch. But as she blinked back tears she was crying for a far deeper reason: The bush looked fine on the outside, roses in full bloom and the leaves shiny and green. But beneath it was dying. Dying from inside, a slow, hidden process....
She left the cut roses and ran back to the house.
"I'm sorry." She told as she hugged him. Toby had been more concerned about her hand.
"Emily, you're bleeding." He said and took her upstairs to the bathroom.
The wound burned as he bathed it with iodine.
"You really should be more careful."Toby told her, "Wounds like that can turn nasty. I don't want anything to happen to you."
And he leaned forward and kissed her. As she looked into his eyes, she felt such a surge of love for him. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, Toby had been telling the truth, his heart lie with her, not Constance. And then an idea came to him and he smiled.
"Lets put her in her place once and for all. This Sunday, we shall go to church and put on an open display of affection. I think that should send the message out loud and clear."
On hearing his suggestion, Emily smiled.
"How open?"
Toby sat on the edge of the bath and took out his cock, impatiently stroking his erection.
"Not as open as this."He told her, and as she sank to her knees he gently slipped his hand over her silken hair and pushed her mouth hard and deep onto his cock. As she started to suck him he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sheer luxury of doing nothing while her mouth moved in and out, sliding up and down his hard on. Then she pulled away and her tongue was caressing the tip of his cock, licking so fast and lightly all he could do was shove it hard, back in her mouth and let his come squirt warm down her throat. As she swallowed it all and the orgasm shot pleasure through his body like a thousand shooting stars all Toby could do was murmur that he loved her so much.
As time began to pass, and to Emily it seemed to pass too quickly now she loved her husband, she found that with each new day not only their closeness grew but so did her desire to please him. And when Sunday arrived and he drove them into town for the morning church service, she was somewhat surprised that he took her hand and drew her away from the crowd who were filing into church.
She glanced behind her as she noticed a few odd looks from the other parishoners.
"Toby...what are you doing? We can't just walk away from the service.."
He kept his grip on her hand as he led her around the back of the church and headed for the shade of an old yew tree.
"Look."He said.
His gaze was still fixed on the space beneath the tree, either side of which stood old, weathered headstones. He pointed to the space between the graves.
"What am I looking at?"
Toby took her by both hands and drew her down to the ground, laying her back on the soft grass. She giggled as he lay beside her, then held her, shifting his weight and pinning her to the ground. A wave of alarm ran through her body as she pictured the people in the church coming out and wandering over, staring as they watched them together.
"It's too dangerous.."
Just as she spoke, music, and then singing, drifted from inside the church.
"We have to.."Was all he said, and he forced her legs wider apart and buried his cock deep in her cunt.
She gave into desire and welcomed him into her body while the good people of the town stood in the church singing praises to the lord. As she kissed him and tangled her fingers in his hair, she asked him why.
"Because,"He whispered, "This is my grave..this is where I will be laid to rest when I die.." Passion burned bright in his eyes as he spoke to her. "When the time comes, do not come here and think of sorrow..think of this.."And he shoved his cock in her so hard she cried out.
He fucked her hard, so brutally she felt her thighs bruise as he thrust into her body. She held onto him as the bliss of the moment mingled with the smell of cut grass and fading flowers and the sweet smell of death, as he came hot and hard inside her she buried her face in his neck to replace all reminders of reality with the scent of his skin instead. For once Toby did not tenderly kiss her and the fact that she had tears staining her cheeks meant nothing at this moment.
Instead, he whispered: "Remember this day. This moment is life, Emily. Passion. Lust. Orgasm. Keep that picture in your heart when I am buried here..keep it always.."
After straightening up their clothing, they made their way into church and discreetly sat down near the back.
Constance turned her head and stared at both of them, stared as if she knew something, it was a look that sent a jolt of alarm through Emily.
"Why is she looking at us?"She whispered.
Toby shook his head. "No idea..she didnt see us fucking, she's been watching her darling husband conducting his service."
"Toby!"She exclaimed, "You can't say that in a church!"
Toby's eyes lit up playfully.
"What, fucking, you mean?"He said quietly, "Fucking your cunt in the graveyard?"
His hand was sliding down her thigh, even over the soft silken feel of her long skirt, it sent a tingle through her body. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear:
"I'd fuck you on the altar if we could get away with it!"
Emily slapped his hand away with the hymn book and surpressed the urge to laugh.
"Remember where we are.."
"Remember Constance is watching,"He reminded her, and as Constance looked around again, he smiled, and kissed Emily's cheek. His former lover turned away sharply.
"I think she's got the message."He said.
Much later that day back at Nine Acres, after a dinner of roasted pheasant, while Emily soaked in a long hot bath Toby, feeling lazy after brandy in the smoky study with Henry, decided to turn in early. It was only when he put on his dressing gown he remembered there was a bag of peppermint creams in his jacket pocket in the wardrobe. He took the bag out and smiled as he realised it was ridiculous to feel guilty about accepting a gift from her. He was through with Constance. Eating her confectionary was not an act of adultery. He was finished with the woman but all the same, he wanted a peppermint cream.
The moment he started to take a bite he regretted it.
Rather like Constance, the confectionary was sweet to look at, but on the inside it was a different story. He threw open the window and spat into the garden. Either the peppermints had gone bad or he had never liked the taste of them in the first place, maybe it was just the thought of Constance..even thinking of her sexually didnt excite him any more.
He grabbed a glass of water and drank it down, getting every trace of her taste out of his mouth and then he thought of Emily.
He wondered how she would feel about making their lovemaking more exciting.
As thoughts flashed to mind, the ever-nagging doubt that he may not have time to waste made his impatience grow.
He had pictured these dreams many times in the days after their marriage, before he had even taken her virginity, at night he would lie awake stroking his cock and think of her standing over him while his hands were tied to the bed posts and she would look at him and see his erect cock and slowly lean forward and begin kissing and teasing it, making him beg for an orgasm. But when she untied him he would turn her over and shove his cock deep into her cunt, just once, drawing it out covered in her soaking juices before plunging it into her virgin arse. And he would fuck her until she screamed and he came hard and fast inside her..
Toby lay back on the bed and covered his erection with his dressing gown. He decided when his wife joined him, tonight would be the night for some experimentation.
Shortly after he had made his plans, Emily was in bed beside him and he was kissing her gently and running his hands over her body. He whispered his suggestion.
And Emily stiffened and stared at him in horror.
"No, Toby!"She said plainly, "You're not putting it up there..I don't want you to!"
"What about tying me up?"
That image was something she found interesting. Her husband, tied up while she teased him and took total control of his orgasm..
"Alright, I will."She told him.
Using two of her silk scarves, she needed no encouragement to tie his wrists so he was secured. And when he looked at his wife she had the same look in her eyes he had imagined: She was enjoying this power she had over him.
She felt him shiver as she kissed his bare flesh, moving slowly downwards towards his erection. She teased his cock with kisses, gentle, fleeting kisses and even flicked her tongue over the head of his cock.
"Please Emily."He begged her, "Make me come...I need to come now.."
"No."She told him, "Not yet."And she gently squeezed his balls, surprised him by running her finger all the way down to his arse and gently rubbing the hole with her finger.
"How about I fuck you up there?"She said softly, and the thought of her penetrating him almost made him come.
He closed his eyes and opened his legs wider.
"Do it.."
"Watch me."She commanded.
He opened his eyes. She slid two fingers into her mouth and thoroughly sucked them. And as she leaned forward, she pushed one finger into him, withdrew it and then pushed in two. Emily was surprised at how arousing she found it to be inside the man she loved instead of him inside her. She could feel his arse gripping her fingers as he thrust his hips upward and he was begging her for release.
As she gently stimulated him anally, she took his cock in her mouth and sucked hard.
It was all he needed to make the come throb out of his body as he cried out with the intensity of the orgasm. As he sank back against the pillow, she kissed him and whispered she loved him. And the thought ran through Toby's mind that if he died now, he would die a happy man.
Toby's wish to die a happy man if he died that night returned to haunt him in the morning, as the cold early morning breeze cut through the window and seemed to carve into his very bones, he pulled the covers tighter about his body and shivered. Then he realised the sheets were damp with sweat. He drew in a deep breath as fear and nausea swept over him. There was a pain in his stomach, cutting deeply across him, the pain throbbed and fell silent, then returned again. It drained the blood from his skin and made him cry out.
Emily was shaking him, calling his name but all he could focus on was the pain. It seemed to tear into everything, even into his thoughts. The last thought he could focus on was the one that was dragging him into darkness: This was it. He was dying...
The brandy tasted like fire and she wondered how on earth men managed to drink so much of it and enjoy it, but as Emily took another sip she found her nerves calming. The shock was wearing off. She drew her shawl tighter about her shoulders and took a deep breath as she sat outside the bedroom while Henry examined him. It seemed like she had only been here a short while, no matter how she looked at it, the past months with Toby were not enough. She loved him. She refused to believe the cancer had returned. It couldn't return, she told herself firmly, because she loved him and her love was strong and wonderful and every night she held him in her arms and kept him safe, every night the love they shared was enough to protect them both forever, it made her feel that he would live forever..As Henry opened the bedroom door she wiped away her tears and looked up at him.
"What's wrong with my husband?"
Even as she spoke she knew the answer. Toby wasn't just another of Henry's patients, he was his best friend. They had gone to school together, grown up together. And one look into his eyes as he closed the door quietly told her the answer she was dreading. In the last few hours Toby had suffered agonising stomach pain and suffered a seizure. He had been forced to sedate him as he had become delirious with pain. He knew his closest friend was dying.
"I'm so sorry."He said in a hushed voice, "The pain is very obviously caused by his illness returning. We knew this could be a possibility eventually, I'm as shocked as you are that its happened so soon..I'm sorry, Emily, theres nothing I can do."She blinked away tears and Henry came back into focus.
"No."She said, "There has to be something you can do! What about surgery?"
Henry lowered his voice.
"If that man has any more surgery he will have no insides left to cut out! I care as much as you do, Emily, God knows, I'd change places with him if I could, but that's not possible. There is nothing I can do now except make him a bit more comfortable. Please try and be strong, for his sake..he needs you."
His words had got through to her. Crying for her own loss could be done away from her husband. Toby did not want her to grieve. She could not allow him to see her like this.
Emily wiped her tears away and drained the last of the brandy from its glass. She stood up and took a deep breath, focussed on remaining calm for Toby's sake.
"I know he needs me. I won't let him down."
The words weighed like lead and as she spoke them she felt as if her heart would break.
"How long does he have to live?"
"Weeks, days, I don't know."He told her honestly, "All I can advise is for you to stay by his side. You've made him happier than I've ever seen him in his life. Keep loving him, he needs to know you are there for him."
Emily's eyes were still tearful.
"I am there for him,"She said, "And when he is gone there will be nothing left for me because he is my world."
And with that, she turned the handle and went into the bedroom.
Toby was lying in bed sleeping thanks to the injection Henry had given him. As she sat beside him and watched him sleep, she tried to picture a world without Toby, her world, carrying on without him. As she looked at the man she loved it seemed impossible to picture him dead. Would it hurt him to die? Where would he go, would she ever see him again? Not in this world, and that was the thought that tore her to pieces inside. To live without him seemed even more painful than to watch him slip away. Emily leaned closer and kissed his cheek.
"To live without you would be the worst that I could imagine, Toby. If you can't stay in this world my only wish is to join you in yours.."
Days later, after Toby had died in his sleep, Emily stood before the mirror as a widow draped in black. She lifted the veil from her face and studied her reflection: the corset she wore beneath her dress drew in her tiny waist and made it seem even smaller than it was, it emphasised her breasts so much that even now she had to run her hands down her curves and feel satisfied that Toby would have thought she looked beautiful. Had he been here now, he would have lifted her skirt to find she wore no underwear beneath her dress, just stockings. He would have laid her on the bed and made love to her...
Emily took off the hat and shook her hair loose about her shoulders. Tomorrow Toby's body would be lying in his coffin downstairs in the parlour, a day before the funeral. But she had insisted her husband lie upon his own bed tonight so that she could sit beside him. She was aware the staff had talked, had said she was being driven to despair by her grief. But one more night with Toby would get her through a few more hours of living with this pain.
Emily locked the bedroom door and looked at her husband, lying on their bed dressed in his finest suit and looking for all the world as if he was sleeping. The mortician had done a magnificent job. Toby did not look dead.
With the lights turned low his corpse looked so peaceful, he was still as handsome as the day she had met him.
She sat on the bed.
"I love you."She whispered.
Emily lay down beside him, her arm across his chest, as she rested her head on his shoulder it registered in her mind that he was so still and no breath came from him, but when she pressed her face against his shoulder she could smell his scent, there in his clothing. Traces of the man she loved still remained. As she looked at him she thought of how his face would soon be a memory, how he would be buried forever beneath the earth...
She leaned down and kissed his lips.
Toby's mouth was cold and his flesh felt like clay.
She kissed him again. This time her mouth stayed on his, locked in a passionate kiss as she felt her blood turn to liquid fire and she willed with all of her soul to let her love bring back his life.
She would know the bliss they shared again! She would hold him again, touch him, make love to him..
As she loosened his clothing and sat astride him she was focussed on his face.
"I love you..come back to me.."She whispered as she guided his cock inside her.
He was cold and dead but she saw only the man she loved as she rode him. He wasn't warm and hard but he was there, she could feel him there, in a place she thought she would never feel him again.
She leaned forward and kissed him again.
And as lightening streaked the sky and lit up the room like a camera flash, she froze in horror.
Her kisses had worn away the make up that the mortician had used to cover Toby's skin. Beneath it his skin was white and bloodless with dead, black veins snaking across his face.
As thunder cracked overhead, Emily sat up in sweat-drenched sheets with her heart pounding. Outside a storm was raging. She wrapped her shawl around her shoulders and hurried to the master bedroom.
Relief flooded through her as she turned on the light.
Toby was still sleeping in his bed. His face was pale and shiny with the kind of cold sweat that only those in pain or the dying seemed to have.
As she closed her fingers around his hand, he opened his eyes. He still had a dull, nagging ache that made him too wary to even think about trying to sit up but he saw his wife's face was streaked with tears.
"I had a nightmare."She told him.
"What was it about?"He asked her weakly. Then he saw the hesitation in her eyes.
"Tell me.."
"I dreamed you was dead.."
He gripped her hand a little tighter.
"Well I'm not yet, am I.."
She had climbed up on the bed beside him and laid her head on his shoulder.
"I dreamt you was dead and I had sex with your body.."
As Toby clutched at his stomach she gripped him tighter fearing the pain had returned.
Then she realised he was laughing.
"Don't make me laugh, it hurts.."
"But I did dream it.."
He put his arm around her.
"Kinky little witch.."He murmured, and slipped back into a deep sleep.
When morning came Toby seemed to be resting a little easier, although too weak to get out of bed he was able to spend some time with her, and after the way he had collapsed the day before, Emily was surprised he seemed to be stabilising a little. He managed to joke about hoping she intended to carry out her dream after he was gone, and laughed again at the thought of her indulging in a spot of necrophilia. And when she folded back the sheets and gently bathed his perspiring skin, he asked her to massage his cock. As she slid her hand between his legs she felt quite surprised to realise even dying men could get erections. She held him tightly and rubbed his cock slowly at first, then as he urged her for more, she did it faster. As semen pumped warm over her hand he thanked her and told her he loved her. Then he said he had a confession to make.
Thoughts of sex with the staff and sex with his ex-lover came to mind. When he told her what it was, she was mildly amused. In his jacket pocket was a bag of peppermint creams, he said. Constance had given them to him that day she called to visit. He had felt guilty about taking them. He wanted Emily to give them back to her, and to say Toby wanted her to know that he needed nothing from her, now or ever.
"It's nothing."Emily told him, "It was just a gift.."
"Please,"He said to her, "Please, just go and do this for me.."
Leaving him at a time like this was the last thing she wanted to do. But he told her Henry would be staying with him until she returned, and it seemed to mean so much to him all she could do was please him and say she would go and give her the message.
As she kissed him goodbye he gripped her arms and pulled her back, kissed her one more time.
"I do love you, I want you to know that."Toby told her, "And if I could change things, if I could stop this thing from killing me, I would.."
"Toby, don't talk like that."She said gently, "We still have time.."
Toby blinked back tears.
"No, I don't think we do have much more time at all.."
As Henry entered the room he let go of her.
Toby's closest friend looked pale and shattered, as he looked at Toby he said: "Shall I sit with you awhile?"
"Yes, I think that would be best."Toby told him.
Emily decided her journey to town would be a quick one. She didn't want to be away from her husband any longer than she had to, there was something in his voice that made her skin prickle, like he knew the end was coming and he was afraid.
"I'll be back soon."She promised him.
As Emily closed the gate and started to walk down the lane, something was nagging at her. But she couldn't isolate the cause because Toby's illness was uppermost on her mind. When she knocked on the door of the vicarage Constance opened it sharply, and on seeing Emily she seemed rather stunned. As she stared at her, Emily held out the bag of peppermint creams.
"Toby wants you to have them back. He doesn't want anything from you and he asked me to say that."
And with her thoughts on getting back to Nine Acres, she shoved the bag towards her.
Constance stepped back.
"No, I don't want them. Throw them away.."
Toby had asked her to do something with what could have been his last breath and she wasn't about to walk away that easily.
"He asked me to give them back to you."
Her eyes clouded with confusion.
"Toby asked you to say that?"She questioned, "Toby? How is he?"
Emily thought about the man she loved. Constance was the last person he would want informed of his illness.
"He's very well."She replied.
And the blood drained from his former lover's face.
"Don't come here again!"She snapped, and slammed the door shut.
Lying in his bed, Toby was surprised at how much the morphine had settled the pain down. In fact, the pain had been ebbing away since the start of the day, something that Henry couldn't explain.
"I was expecting dying to be far more painful."He remarked.
"So was I."Henry said, "You haven't had anything for the pain since yesterday and you seem so much better.."
As he spoke he glanced down at the loaded syringe on the table beside the bed.
"Are you sure?"
No, Toby wanted to say, he wasn't sure.
"Is it quick?"
"Very quick."
The past was very much on his mind. Seeing his father die in agony, then recalling the day he found out about the cancer. The day Henry had taken the bloody razor out of his hand.
"I'm not sure."Toby said, "I love my wife so much.."And as he started to cry, Henry took hold of his hand.
"I know you do,"He said, "And it doesn't have to be now..."
Toby blinked away tears and looked at his best friend. He knew this was difficult for him. He was asking him to do the unthinkable. And after he was gone, Henry would have to live with his death for the rest of his life. They loved each other like brothers. They had grown up together, shared so much of life together. This terrible agreement weighed heavy on his conscience. But they had discussed it a long time ago and come to this arrangement.
"Remember when we used to fish at the lake when we were boys?"
Henry nodded. The last thing he had expected at a time like this was to recall their youth, but the memory made him smile.
"You loved fishing."
"I loved shooting as well but I was still bloody useless at it!"Toby replied, "Unlike you.."
"Ah, but you got the girls instead."
Toby looked into the eyes of his closest friend on earth and said: "I'm not ready to die yet. Lets talk for while, I want to remember."
As Emily walked out of the gate, she turned and looked back at the vicarage. No lace curtain as much as twitched, but she got the feeling Constance was there behind one of those windows watching her. She shook her head, decided it was time to get back to her husband's bedside, and started to walk back through town. As she walked, things were running through her mind, abstract at first, pictures, brief snatches of memories past that meant nothing.
Then, just as she reached the turning that took her through the town square and out onto the road that would lead to home, she stopped in her tracks. All those thoughts had just collided and made a rather alarming picture: Constance, bitter and envious that she would never be mistress of Nine Acres. The look she had given them in the church. Not shock that they were so familiar with each other in the church, it was something else - the same look she had given to her a minute ago when she handed her the peppermints... In the church..and just now..the same look..and she had asked, How is Toby? As if she was expecting to hear bad news... It was insane. But it made sense. At least, Emily told herself, it made sense to a woman who desperately did not want her husband to be dying of cancer...Could she have poisoned him?
Maybe. Probably not. Still clutching the bag of peppermint creams, she turned back and headed for the chemist shop.
There was a sign on the door that said 'Back in one hour'. She tried the door. As it opened the bell above softly jangled.
"Be with you in a moment.."A voice called out from a doorway at the back of the shop.
"I need to speak to the chemist."
"My Dad's out.. I'll be with you shortly Miss.."He called back.
Emily leaned over the counter and swept her hand around. Her fingers closed on the book and she took it out, placed it on the counter and started to search the pages.
Hearing the door wrenched open, the chemist's son came out to the shop. The door was wide open, the bell still clanging as it swung back and forth.
"Hello?"He called out.
Met with no reply but silence, he shrugged, wondered why the Poisons Register was lying on the counter, and put it back in it's proper place.
Emily rapped the brass knocker loudly. Constance opened the door again. This time she wasn't bothering with civilities.
"I told you to piss off!"She snapped.
"Shut up!"Emily replied, stepping forward and shoving Constance so hard she fell backwards onto the stone floor. As she sat up, dazed and tasting blood in her mouth, she saw the door shut and Emily locking it.
"What are you doing have you gone mad?"She demanded, pulling herself up and standing on shaking legs. The look in Emily's eyes sent a chill to her bones. It was a cold, set look as if she had come here to kill her..
"Where is your husband?"She demanded.
"Conducting a funeral - "
"How ironic. I just read the poisons register. You bought arsenic three months ago. You said for the purpose of treating vermin infestation.."
Constance nodded.
"I did.." She was backing away into the parlour. Her head was still thumping from the fall to the floor and blood ran down her face. Emily's hand slammed into the parlour door and wedged it open. Constance kept pacing backwards towards the fireplace.
"Don't lie to me, bitch.."
Constance met her gaze just as her back touched the mantlepiece and her hand slipped behind it. Although Emily had cornered her, she felt safer with her fingers closed around the fire poker.
"Alright,"She said, "The truth..Toby promised me the earth and changed his mind. I lost everything.."
"So you thought you would kill him for it?"
"No, I just wanted to make him suffer..that's all.."
And she grabbed her, ripping Emily's dress from her shoulder. Constance brought up the poker, as she brought it down Emily moved sharply aside. The poker swished through the air, throwing Constance forward. Emily grabbed her hair with both hands and slammed her head against the table.
"If things were different,"She told her as the would-be murderess lay dazed and bleeding, "I'd see to it that you hanged for this. But I have the overwhelming urge to teach you a lesson myself.."
And Emily leaned forward, pressing her knee on her chest to pin her down, held her mouth open and stuffed a peppermint cream inside. As she started to cough and choke and weakly fight, she said:"I had to watch him suffer..I had to go through thinking my husband was dying..Now Im going to make you suffer.."
And she pushed another piece of poisoned confectionary far into Constance's throat.
Leaving her to choke or be posioned or both, Emily hurried from the vicarage anxious to avoid witnesses. When she got to Sorrow Hill Lane she thought of Toby and relief washed over her, it wasn't cancer. And Constance had said, she had used enough to make him suffer. Not enough to kill him.. Her pace slowed a little as she walked towards home and started to get her breath back. He would be fine, Henry was with him.... And then she felt a cold wave of dread wash over her. The way Toby had said goodbye to her. How Henry had said he would sit with him for a while.. He had told her once, they had an arrangement for Toby to die painlessly. With her heart pounding in her chest, she began to run up the lane towards Nine Acres.
"How is it?"Henry asked him.
Toby was still lying comfortably in his bed with no hint of the pain worsening.
"It seems to be gone for now. It's still there, but not like it was..I think now might be the best time. Before Emily returns. I can't bear to see her weeping, Henry. I'm ready. I have to be. Come tomorrow I may be a thousand times worse and unable to tell you when."
And Toby stretched out his arm.
"You're my dearest friend."Henry replied, and picked up the syringe with a shaking hand.
"It's quite alright."Toby told him quietly, "I am ready now."
He closed his eyes. Felt the needle's point rest upon the surface of his skin.
The door flew open, Emily stormed in and slapped the syringe out of Henry's hand and it clattered to the floor.
"You don't have cancer."She said breathlessly. Then she turned to Henry.
"Your arrangement nearly killed him for nothing. Constance poisoned him with arsenic. Not enough to kill she said.."
Toby was staring at his wife. Her face was scratched and her dress was torn, half exposing her left breast.
"Where is she?"He demanded, "We need to call the police - "
"Ah, well..that might be a little difficult."Emily said, "There's..been rather a nasty accident.."
Henry signed the death certificate. And while it seemed strange that the vicar's wife had fallen and hit her head and choked to death on not one but eight peppermint creams, it was accepted that strange things did indeed happen, and although rare, when freak accidents occurred, they certainly were bizarre. But that was all that was said of the demise of the vicar's wife. Toby recovered well from the poisoning, although he was, for a while, concerned that his wife had got away with murder, and he was very keen that it stayed that way.
They did not attend Constance's funeral, preferring to spend the morning in bed enjoying each other's bodies.
As Toby took her in his arms, he told her:"You must never speak of what you did to anyone..and if we ever get asked questions about it, just let me do the talking. While you're sucking on my cock if need be to keep you quiet!"
And Emily laughed and looked into his eyes.
"That's no way to speak to the woman whose carrying your child.."
Toby stared at her.
"Are you?"And she could tell by his expression that children would be very welcome when they did come into their lives.
She laughed softly.
"Not yet my love, but I had to get you back somehow for that suicide behind my back thing you almost did!"
"I know. I'm sorry."He said, "I have by the way cancelled that arrangement with Henry now." And as he looked into her eyes she saw more love there than she had ever seen before.
"When I do die, and hopefully it won't be for many years, but when I do, it will be in your arms, where I want to be forever.." And he pulled her closer and they kissed, then he was guiding her downwards and she was spreading his legs and he was begging her to tie him up and tease his cock, when he finally got what he wanted he rewarded her with a warm shower of come that spurted white and hot all over her beautiful face. And in the bliss of the moment, he realised that in loving Emily he had everything he needed to make life perfect. And there would be no more thoughts of dying. From now on, their love would light their lives and make him think of one thing only: Living. And that foundation built up the story of the house on Sorrow Hill Lane. Nine Acres was no longer a gloomy and depressive place, it was a place filled with love and joy and more passion than most people could fit into a lifetime, because Toby and Emily made it that way, and so it was.
The End
English Lane************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2018The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I am walking slowly along the lane. The signs of Spring are clear. The sun is shining through the...
I walked back to the barracks with my head spinning as I struggled to take in the fact that Emma had gone. She must have known a fortnight ago that it would be our last meeting. That could explain her somewhat feverish sexual activity- had she wanted something special to look back on? Who was the other employee from her firm who had disappeared with her? Phillipa hadn't said but I assumed it to be a male as I couldn't imagine Emma without a pliable male companion. Had he been shagging her...
The Restaurant on Shadow LaneIt was 1947 in a medium sized city that I shall not name in a small European country that had been occupied by the Germans until two years before. The Soviets had tried to annexe the tiny Baltic state but it really wasn’t worth the trouble. The Grand Duke had fled the country in 1938 leaving a corrupt government in its place. Untouched by Victorian values the current government was still corrupt but as far as the residents were...
I heard Sarah gasp but I kept my eyes on the nurse I had not been introduced to yet. She had an odd grin on her face. "David, call Lt. Cable," Grandmother said. "Have him bring someone from forensics," I added. Peter, who evidently was handling communications, just nodded. Doctor Bales' knuckles turned white as he squeezed the arms of the chair. "Watch him close! If he moves his hands, shoot to kill!" David barked to Beth, who had drawn her gun. The slight click of the safety...
She left a note on my desk. It read: 17 Pretty Wolves Lane, Fillston, and a brief direction to get there. That “she” is Mandy, Amanda Bess to be precise. We had been in the same company for about three years by now but not in the same department. Come to think of it, we’d never had a real conversation outside of the “project”, when both of us were among a handful of employees, as models, in the company’s product catalog last year. That was almost six months ago, somehow she had learned out...
I admit fucking Alice was out of this world, her tight cunt and sweet mouth, awesome, and the fact that she too was now being manipulated into fucking strangers for me had made me regrettably overlook my sexy whore mother in law. I had to change this and as my girlfriend was away for two weeks and Alice was helping out in the pub till late I had time to get my cock up Fiona. Alice cleared off to work and I sat in the front room on the sofa next to Fiona. The clock was ticking round to 7pm...
Introduction: Fiona has no idea that the cock that uses her holes tonight is the same cock that fucked her daughter the night before……neither does the farmer know that his had his cock up a mother and daughter on different nights The problem Id had over the last week or so is that fucking 3 women, all in the same household, a tiresome exercise. The only thing that made it achievable is the fact that my missus the eldest of the two daughters worked away a lot of the time. Since I began fucking...
Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow, was in training room twenty-four aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, surrounded by a group of muscular male S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in gym tights, ten in total. As always, she commanded and received the group's rapt attention. After all, it wasn't every day that you received training from someone who was part of the Avengers.She was dressed in her usual leather uniform -- black, tight and hugging her voluptuous curves to the point that worried the other male...
She was my granny’s neighbor. She was a fat elderly woman of about 65-70 with huge boobs and enormous ass. That summer I was helping my granny with the house and her neighbor Mrs. Hill often asked me to help her too. She lived alone, her husband died, and her relatives didn’t visit her often. Now and then I felt her looking at me in a strange way, but didn’t really pay attention to it at all. It was Sunday, I spent the whole day helping both of the ladies round the house, it was night, and I...
She was my granny’s neighbor. She was a fat elderly woman of about 65-70 with huge boobs and enormous ass. That summer I was helping my granny with the house and her neighbor Mrs. Hill often asked me to help her too. She lived alone, her husband died, and her relatives didn’t visit her often. Now and then I felt her looking at me in a strange way, but didn’t really pay attention to it at all. It was Sunday, I spent the whole day helping both of the ladies round the house, it was night, and I...
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One Saturday, my wife and I decided to take a ride in the car to get away from the stress of everyday living. We drove about twenty minutes out of town when we came across this very old house on a hill. It had a “For Sale” sign in front of it the sign had a phone number on it. Since our cell phones still had a strong signal, we called the phone number. We thought we would just get a recording, but a woman answered. She lived near by and said if we waited five minutes, she would show us the...
One Saturday, my wife and I decided to take a ride in the car to get away from the stress of everyday living. We drove about twenty minutes out of town when we came across this very old house on a hill. It had a “For Sale” sign in front of it the sign had a phone number on it. Since our cell phones still had a strong signal, we called the phone number. We thought we would just get a recording, but a woman answered. She lived near by and said if we waited five minutes, she would show us the...
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On Forest Lane a ghost resides,who in the darkness howls and cries.In moonless night he strolls outside,to find a victim for his plight.A careless soul he’ll bind and tow,into his basement down below.To use his soul for better or worseto find a way, to break the curseThis silly rhyme was told to scare the young c***dren of the town of Woodbury. Fifty years ago a tragic event had occurred in the quiet town with their sleepy inhabitant. The local doctor had died in a ‘tragic accident’ as it was...
They are all gone away, the house is shut and still, there is nothing more to say. Through broken walls and gray, the winds blow bleak and shrill: They are all gone away. Nor is there one today to speak them good or ill: There is nothing more to say. Why is it then we stray around the sunken sill? They are all gone away. And our poor fancy-play for them is wasted skill: There is nothing more to say. There is ruin and decay In the House on the Hill they are all gone away, There is...
The House on the Hill Chapter 1 Opening his eyes, Michael slowly took in his surroundings. He appeared to be in a bedroom although he had no memory of falling asleep in this room. It was impossible to guess the time of day because it was so dark. He felt like he was awakening from a dream; or waking up after an operation. Lots of hazy memories and fuzzy visuals and, what was worse, his body felt sore and uncomfortable. As he slowly shook away the cobwebs he realized that he...
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On Forest Lane a ghost resides, who in the darkness howls and cries. In moonless night he strolls outside, to find a victim for his plight. A careless soul he’ll bind and tow, into his basement down below. To use his soul for better or worse to find a way, to break the curse This silly rhyme was told to scare the young children of the town of Woodbury. Fifty years ago a tragic event had occurred in the quiet town with their sleepy inhabitant. The local doctor had died in a ‘tragic accident’ as...
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The House on the Hill Chapter 1 Opening his eyes, Michael slowly took in his surroundings. He appeared to be in a bedroom although he had no memory of falling asleep in this room. It was impossible to guess the time of day because it was so dark. He felt like he was awakening from a dream; or waking up after an operation. Lots of hazy memories and fuzzy visuals and, what was worse, his body felt sore and uncomfortable. As he slowly shook away the cobwebs he realized that he remember...
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Humor“Hey Mikhail,” she said. “How are you?” “Good thanks. What are you doing here?” I asked, scratching my head. “I was bored,” she said. “I heard a bunch of people would be here so I came. Didn’t know you would be here though. Let’s go walk around.” “Ok,” I said. Rachael and I had been friends since as long as I could remember. People that don’t know us tend to think we are brother and sister because we are always together, but also because we look alike. Rachael has long, shoulder...
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This support can be provided through a number of ways. There are a number of avenues this support can occur though. The two main ways are financial and human resources. Now carers are classified as human resources. Now the carers provide support from the basic needs of a human to going away. The truth is that without the carers in the various communities there would be very little “quality of life” so to speak. Now for the actual story, the time came for me to engage the...
Sandra is a 5'8" blonde that has long curly blonde hair. Her tall frame carries her 135 pounds well and shows off her shapely hips and ass while her 36C tits are the focus of many mens attention. She married as a 20 year old virgin and has only known her husband’s 7" cock. Samantha is tall like her mother. She is pushing 5'10" and has a look that draws boy’s attention when ever she is out and about. She has slimmer hips than her mother, but her tits are just as large and have the...
Sandra is a 5'8" blonde that has long curly blonde hair. Her tall frame carries her 135 pounds well and shows off her shapely hips and ass while her 36C tits are the focus of many mens attention. She married as a 20 year old virgin and has only known her husband’s 7" cock. Samantha is tall like her mother. She is pushing 5'10" and has a look that draws boy’s attention when ever she is out and about. She has slimmer hips than her mother, but her tits are just as large and have the...
We arrive around 2:30 pm at Clandae High Montana. Thick forest around me would usually calm me, but today it filled me with despair and menace. I used to love the woods, so full of life and adventure, but now when I see it looming over me all I behold is death. Although, everyone likes to pretend otherwise, nothing would ever be the same again. I hand the driver his due, and as I step out of the taxi my flaming red hair billows around my face, blocking my eyes. Sounds… voices… whispers! Crap!...
Author's Note: Hello again! I've only got two chapters left to write at this point, so I figured I'd try to increase the pace at which I'm posting these here in an effort to catch up. I have several more chapters of this story posted at and at Warning: This wham-episode chapter includes, but is not limited to, a reality blind protagonist, short skirts, exciting plot twists, boobs, body swaps, strap-ons, clothing swaps, oblivious swap...
One for Sorrow, Two for Joy. ?Get on the floor.? I hesitate for a second as I stare at my master with my very best shining sub eyes. ?Now slut!? ?Yes Sir.? As I lower myself to my knees I don’t remove my gaze from the man I love. He sits fully clothed barely four feet away, His face is totally passive as he watches as for the first time another man takes control of me. The other man is to be referred to as Sir, I am to submit to him as I would my master. I am both sickened...
18 Months, 567 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance FITZROVIA I am back in London, at a meeting with the Consulting Engineers working with us, on the Cambodian Project. The meeting is to review "strategic opportunities and future development". I don't have high hopes for it. Their offices occupy one of the gracious Georgian terraced buildings which form the sides of Fitzroy Square and the conference room looks into the Square across the gardens, towards what used to be called The Post...
It was 6:30 in the morning. Jenny Marie Stephens and her daughter, Stephanie, sat down on their front stoop to take of their track shoes. They had managed to do their ten miles before Stephanie had to take her summer classes and it began to get hot and muggy. Jenny did not envy Stephanie's afternoon workout. She worked out with the city track club in the evening before it got dark; after the main hot spell. They ran 100 and walked a 100, doing intervals which increased to a couple of full out...
By EFon Chapter 2 : Jake & Jen went up a hill, but not before I got my fill. So I woke up, still half dressed, on top of my covers, with dried cum all over my groin. It's a good thing it was Saturday or Mom might have come in to wake me up and gotten quite an eyeful. I tend to sleep pretty heavily, and even sleep through my alarm clock blasting for quite a while. Luckily I'd been left to sleep in. Last night I had a plan and a scheme, but then Jen, my sister who had been the...
John ‘Long’ Johnson held up a weather-browned hand,bringing to a halt the six horsemen and women trailingbehind him. He pushed back his dusty, ten-gallon cowboyhat and shaded his brow, squinting stinging sweat out ofhis blazing blue eyes as he gazed down at the ramshacklecollection of wood frame buildings and homes that wereDike City, Kansas. Shimmering waves of heat rose off thesun-baked land below, and the sluggish Little Snake River,which regularly overflowed its banks and the town’scrudely...
This is something I pulled off one of the Yahoo club sites. It says it was written by someone named Wallace Mason. It's a dream edition of the Benny Hill Show. All I can say is, "Bravo, Wallace!"The Ultimate Benny Hill Show No. 1 by Wallace MasonIt’s the mid 1980’s. British policewomen still where the white and black caps with chequered bands and nurses still wear blue uniforms and caps. The unaired Benny Hill show is about to start. It does include some of Benny’s real sketches, some stolen...
The House on the Hill Chapter 7 Michael was exhausted as he re-entered the room where he had started the day. Although he had heard that they were going to be helped by a maid he was surprised when saw her dusting the desk in the corner of the room. "Good afternoon, Miss Evelyn," the maid said with a smile. "I am sorry if I surprised you but I thought it best to try to get your room in order before you returned. I cleaned up everything and made your bed and I also drew a hot bath...
"I stood up and looked into the sky, Damon was out there somewhere, somewhere far. I was going to find him, and then kill him. I wanted vengeance for Devon... That was exactly what I set on doing..." -------------------------------------- I turned around to Russell and Jamie, a look of determination on my face, a feeling of darkness spread throughout my body, I took a heavy breath, and fell to my knees; a mixture of red and black smoke flew out of my mouth, a giant demon,...
Introduction: I turned around, and my happiness was shattered into a million pieces… (This is the third part of A Year Of Darkness, read the first two parts to fully grasp the story.) I stood up and looked into the sky, Damon was out there somewhere, somewhere far. I was going to find him, and then kill him. I wanted vengeance for Devon… That was exactly what I set on doing… ————————————– I turned around to Russell and Jamie, a look of determination on my face, a feeling of darkness...
I was about to start the last week of my residential course from work, and I hadn't heard from Jo for over a week, since she hinted that she might be up for introducing me to her friend. I was busy with coursework anyway and with 30 or so co-students all living together there were other fish to fry, so to speak.I had been sailing through the work, but it could get stressful, career advancement was on the line and some people were coping better than others. This was how I found myself helping...
We joined the rest of the Maryland troops on the far right of Washington's line. They fed us in as replacements on a hill top beside some hard men from Delaware, and we waited in a well-dug trench for the Germans and British to attack us. We did not have to wait long for despite the light artillery behind us, they came in disciplined ranks and we shot them down. Then they came again, those huge Germans in the tall hats, and we shot them down once more. They were brave and stupid men. Then...
Earlier That Evening Jacob Culverin came out of his house and walked out onto his porch. He stood at the rail and gazed out smiling at what he saw. The house wasn’t even a house any longer, but was more of an estate or manor, and certainly not the one-room cabin it had been when he first arrived twenty years before. He knew that the crazy preacher in Springwater thought Jacob had sold his soul to Satan. If he only knew the truth... Summer 1794 When Jacob had arrived in Springwater, he had...
Present Day “Are you boys ready to go?” called out Jessica Parnell, standing at the bottom of the steps. “Coming, Mom!” came back a loud yell from down the hallway to the bedrooms. Jessica continued standing at the foot of the steps, waiting for her sons to come down, and was on the verge of summoning them a second time when she stopped. One of the bedroom doors opened with a crash and then came a thunder of feet as her two teenage sons rumbled down the hall and down the stairs. “We’re...
Present Day “Jane!” Jessica Parnell squealed as she practically tore the front door off its hinges. On the other side of the screen door stood a grinning Jane Parnell Oblensky, Andrew Sr.’s younger sister. “Jessica!” Jane waited for the screen door to be unlatched and then the two women were in each other’s arms, hugging and squealing like schoolgirls. “I’ve missed you so much! How are things? Where’s Billy?” asked Jessica. “He’s stuck out on the front porch, Mom. If you two would get out...
Driven by a male friend we approached down a dark lane amidst a tunnel of trees and took the sharp right hand bend to enter the dimly lit tunnel beneath a motorway. A car was parked to one side of the tunnel with interior lights on and couple were in it.We parked on the side of the lane in a gateway. I left the car and approached the couple. She was a mature woman wearing only a suspender belt and stockings beneath a shawl. She was showing everything to me her man was encouraging her to open...
Having been married for nearly 8 years Helen and James were wondering what to do to celebrate to Valentines Day this year. Helen decided to take matters into her own hands and organise a trip down memory lane by recreating a Valentines experience from their youth when they were both love struck teenagers. Helen told James that she would sort out the evenings entertainment but that he would need to drive but she was sure that it would be worth his while. James agreed, the sexy smile on his...
"Come on, you crazy bastard. Finally grow up. Act like an adult and find yourself a girlfriend. Or a friend! Shit! A rubber doll for all I care, as long as you stop getting on my nerves! Heaven. Finally let yourself get laid you child and deal like an grown-up" Lois shouted and joined. The Toy-Man kneeled in front of the camera and made a loud, whimpering noise. Only seconds later Superman and Supergirl broke through the wall to save Lois. Both were amazed when they saw the picture in front of...