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English Lane


Copyright Oggbashan March 2018

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.


I am walking slowly along the lane. The signs of Spring are clear. The sun is shining through the trees after this morning’s rain. The birds are singing loudly. I can hear them but in my head the chorus of the Ivor Novello song ‘We’ll Gather Lilacs’ is louder. I can’t stop the tears running down my face.

It’s not ‘an English lane’. It’s a former carriage drive within the extensive grounds of a Stately Home run by the National Trust. But for more than thirty years it has been ‘our’ English lane that we visit several times a year.

A few yards ahead is the bench where we used to sit to look at the view of rolling Kentish hills. I reach it and sit down. I feel like a silly sentimental old fool.

I remember this time last year, like now the first day the property opens after the Winter. I was recovering from my hip operation. John had pushed me in a borrowed wheelchair all the way to this viewpoint. He was swearing under his breath. The path surface was really too uneven for a wheelchair.

Our son Michael had offered to push me. John refused Michael’s help. Michael offered again.

“No, Michael,” I had said. “This is something important to John, and to me.”

“OK,” Michael had said, “but...”

“No buts! I’m doing this,” John had insisted.

He had. We had reached this point in our English lane. He had taken my hand and held it as he did every time we sat at this bench.


Over sixty years ago John had first taken my hand. We had been on a walk organised by the University Rambling club. John and I were talking as we walked. We were at the back of the column of walkers. I had fallen off my bicycle a week earlier. My right leg was bruised. I had thought it was sufficiently healed for this gentle walk. It wasn’t and I was beginning to limp.

John’s left hand reached out and took my right.

I lifted my hand swamped by his.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because I want to, Alice.” John said.

He looked scared as if I might reject him. John rarely looked scared of anything or anyone. His action and words were a declaration.

I leant towards him and kissed his cheek.

“Why?” He asked.

“Because I want to, John,” I replied.

John supported me during the rest of the walk. At the end he was almost carrying me.

I didn’t need John’s words to tell me that he loved me. Yes, he told me, often, but the real and repeated sign of his love was his outstretched hand. On our wedding day he held my hand at the altar as he slid the ring on my finger. He lifted my hand to kiss it. We both knew that my hand in his was our declaration of love, more than the words or ceremony.


I look at the worn ring on my finger. The ring has scratches because it is soft gold. A harder gold would have been more practical. Later John had bought me two other harder gold rings for daily wear. This one on my old woman’s hand is the one he slid on my finger at the altar. Nothing could replace it. I touch it gently. It’s not the same as my hand in John’s yet it is a symbol of our love.

I lift my eyes to look at the view again. I wish... I could shut my eyes and imagine John is beside me, holding my hand. He isn’t. He’s gone. I have my memories, our c***dren, our grandc***dren and some great-grandc***dren. Sometimes I can see a younger John in some expressions of our son Michael. John has gone but he has left us so much including his love.


Love? That makes me giggle. Sixty years ago our physical love was so decorous. Even walking hand in hand was a significant statement of commitment. On the steps of our sex-segregated student hall I would give John a goodnight kiss on the lips, the only kiss he would get on a date.

John had to visit my father to ask permission to court me. My father was startled and pleased. John had turned up in his full dress uniform as an Army Officer but without his sword. John was at university studying Civil Engineering on an Army sponsorship. During breaks from university he resumed his duties as a junior officer in a Combat Engineer regiment. My father had been a sergeant during the Second World War. His views on young inexperienced officers were frequently profane, but John impressed him.

John got my father’s consent. Almost as soon as he had left my father’s study John was on his knees in front of me, proposing. He had grabbed both my hands. I pulled them behind me, dragging John’s face against my formal gown. Of course I said yes. I wanted John as much as he wanted me.

From then on I was part of John’s regiment, attending balls and other events. When we married, we married in the garrison church. I approached the church under an archway of swords. The regiment’s band played a slow march as my father and I walked towards the altar. The hymns, sung by a large number of soldiers, accompanied by the brass band and the organ trying to outdo each other, were loud. As we left the church, the band played the regimental march instead of traditional bridal music.

John and I were pleased that so many people had come but what mattered was my hand in his. The wedding was our declaration to the world that John and Alice were together, in love, and partners for the rest of our lives.

The regiment was our family. It was also the reason why we parted so often as John was sent to various parts of the world on army duties. Sometimes I could go with him. Often I couldn’t. Before and after every period of parting we would go for a walk, hand in hand, down an ‘English lane’. It had been a series of English lanes close to wherever we were living at the time. When John retired from the Army this English lane became the preferred one. Unlike others there was no speeding traffic, no crumbling muddy edges to jump on to as a vehicle went past. This lane remained tranquil and perfect for us to renew our love.


Love? As an engaged couple we went further than the goodnight kiss. I could and did sit on John’s knees as I kissed him. I had to encourage him to respond. Almost all our time together I had to take the lead. John would never do anything that I didn’t want him to do. He treated me as a lady he honoured and adored. One evening when I was very pleased with him I took his hand and pushed it up under my top to my bra. His eyes opened wide. He might have protested. My lips stifled what he might have said.

A week later I lifted my top and pulled John’s head into my cleavage. I felt him shudder and then groan. I had made him come into his underpants. I was delighted that I had so much impact on John. Weeks later his face met my bare breasts. His lips demonstrated just how much he appreciated them.

On our wedding night we almost had an argument. We had left a low-powered light on. We wanted to see each other. John wanted to ride me in the traditional missionary position. I objected that his weight would flatten me. He said he would support himself with his knees and arms. I persuaded him to let me ride him first. I was wearing a baby doll nightdress but I took it off and threw it across the room. I pulled John’s hands to my breasts as I straddled his chest. My hands clasped over his, encouraging him to squeeze and cradle as my cleft slid up and down his body. Eventually I slumped on to him before pushing myself downwards to accept his erection. It fitted as if it had been made just for me. I lifted myself again by pushing my hands on John’s chest. More of him slid into me before I started slowly bouncing up and down.

John’s eyes opened wide as I engulfed more and more of him. Had he expected to penetrate the hymen of a virgin bride? Technically I was a virgin in that John, on our wedding night, was the first man I had ever had inside me. Hymen? What was that? I had been riding horses since early c***dhood. More significantly I had been using a dildo for several months. I wanted to make sure I could take all of John inside me, even though I knew from the bulge in his clothing I could inspire that his erection was impressive.

At the time I don’t think John knew what a dildo was or even that they existed. He was the son of an Army officer. He had spent his early years in married quarters before being sent to a succession of single sex boarding schools and Sandhurst. He was innocent about women. I had to teach him, slowly and carefully. He trusted me completely. I trusted him too.

Don’t think John was the perfect husband. He wasn’t. His duty to his regiment came even before me – always. He would go where he was sent. He was the sort of officer who led from the front. ‘Follow me, do what I do’ was his style of leadership. That meant he was often the first to come under fire, the first to be shot or blown up. I spent many months of our marriage patching up or nursing the wounded hero again. His medal ribbons were the obvious sign of the scars hidden under his uniform.

There was no point in me asking him to be more careful. John was careful of his troops and himself but often in the most dangerous places where his care could only reduce the risk, not eliminate it.


Our c***dren didn’t really understand what their father did, or what it really meant to be a front line soldier. An incident when Michael was eleven and Helen was nine changed their minds. We had been to a c***dren’s movie as a family. We were walking across the dark car park when three muggers ran at us waving large knives. John ran towards them. In seconds there were three broken men screaming on the ground.

“Go to the car!” John ordered in the officer’s voice he rarely used to me or the c***dren. We went.

The police arrived shortly afterwards. They had been trying to find the three men after several previous attacks in the town centre. I had to drive the c***dren home. John arrived a couple of hours later by taxi from the police station.

Over breakfast Michael asked:

“Dad, how did you do that last night?”

John’s response was typically terse.

“They were amateurs. I’m a professional.”

“Professional what?” Helen asked.

“I’m a professional killer, Helen. That’s what being a soldier means. I’m paid and trained to kill people who threaten us.”

That’s all he ever said to the c***dren about his role as an Army officer. But what he said had an impact. They knew their amiable father could be very dangerous.

At the muggers’ trial their defence argued that John’s actions had been disproportionate and excessive because John was a professional soldier trained in unarmed combat. He should have asked them to desist.

John laughed at the lawyer, earning a glare from the judge.

“You can’t have it both ways, sir,” he told the barrister. “Yes I am trained. But my training is to kill, not disable. If I had followed my training, your clients would be dead, not standing trial.”

The muggers were convicted and sentenced to several years jail time. Outside the court John and I were confronted by some of the muggers’ family members.

“Watch your back,” one older man said. “We don’t forgive.”

“Watch yours, chummy,” a voice came from the crowd behind them. “This is a garrison town. You attack him and you’ll have a regiment to deal with...”


Mentioning the c***dren reminded me of Michael’s birth. I wanted John with me. He agreed IF his regimental duties allowed. He was there, holding my hand. Was he reassuring me, expressing his love? Or was I reassuring him? He looked so scared and petrified during the whole process that I was more worried about John than the birth.

As a father he adored our c***dren. They loved him. He was always there, so calm, so solid, so supportive. He could be firm with them but always fair. Even as teenagers they took John’s refusals as final decisions. They knew that if he said ‘No’, that he meant it. No tears, pleading or tantrums could change their father’s ruling. Pleas to Mum didn’t work either. John and I had agreed even before we had c***dren that if one of us said ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a c***d that was it. There was to be no appeal from one to the other. We might delay a decision until both of us had discussed it, but would not overrule our partner.


John was delighted when Michael became an officer in our regiment. He was startled but pleased when Helen became an officer in the Women’s Royal Army Corps.

Much later he was astonished but ecstatic when Sarah, our oldest grandc***d, also became an officer in the regiment. Sarah was the fourth generation of our family to be an officer in the regiment.

Long before Sarah joined John had retired from the Army. We didn’t lose contact with the regiment. We attended annual mess dinners as guests and several other events a year.

John took a position with a civil engineering company, initially as a project consultant and eventually as a senior project manager. He could live at home most of the time or at worst get home at weekends. Best of all from my point of view was that no one was shooting at my husband, or throwing bombs at him. When he went off for a day’s work I could expect him back in one piece.

We loved each other. John still worshipped me. He would do anything for a fleeting kiss but most of all he wanted to walk in the countryside holding my hand. We didn’t have to say anything. Holding hands expressed the love we had for each other. We never stopped making love in bed and with age were more adventurous. John became an expert at cunnilingus. While the c***dren were still living with us I had to stifle my squeals with a pillow corner in my mouth. When the c***dren were away at sleepovers or at camp, I could yell loudly for ‘More!’.

Once the two c***dren were at university John might drop to the floor in front of me, even in the kitchen, lift my skirt, burrow underneath and kiss. Inside the house I haven’t worn slacks or panties for decades. I might have worn both for a winter walk but I’d change to a flared skirt as soon as I was home so that John had instant access. The John I had married hadn’t known what cunnilingus was.

Whenever I looked down at John’s head under my skirt I didn’t think that he was surrendering to me or demeaning himself by being literally at my feet. He was my husband doing something he knew I enjoyed – because he loved me. His verbal expressions of love might be infrequent but his tongue showed his love eloquently.

Even when we became grandparents John still worshipped me on his knees several times a week. When my hip became painful before the operation to fit a replacement we would go to bed before he started licking. After I had learned to use my new hip despite our advanced ages John would be on his knees again. Even on this bench, as I looked out over the view, if the weather was warm enough for me to wear a skirt, John might have been on his knees with his head between my legs. Sometimes I might have had to stop him if someone else walked into view.


Now there is no John beside me, no John between my legs under my skirt. I am an old woman sitting alone with my memories. We knew we hadn’t got much longer together but the end was very sudden.


Six months ago, shortly after our last walk that year down our English lane to this bench, we had the telephone call we had been expecting. Please would John make an appointment to see the doctor to discuss the results from the hospital. John insisted this time that I came with him ‘to hold his hand’. I knew what he meant. He expected bad news and wanted us to be together.

It was bad news, the worst. John had inoperable cancer that had spread. So far it had been virtually symptomless. That wouldn’t last. The consultant’s guess was that John might have at most three to four months to live. But for John’s remarkable fitness for his age he would have been dead weeks ago. Even if the diagnosis had been made six months earlier the result would have been the same.

Holding John’s hand as we heard the news made it less stark. We would have some time together before the inevitable end.

We didn’t make a bucket list of things to do. We would have liked John to survive to the opening day of the stately home for one last walk down our country lane. He would have liked to see his next great-grandc***d due early April. We knew that both were unlikely.

What John did do was consult our solicitors to make some minor adjustments to his will now we knew which of us would die first. They were insignificant but tax-efficient. That dreadful day we visited the solicitor’s office in the town centre. John signed the codicils. We left to walk to a coffee shop before going home.


Remembering the next part is always hard even though I have been over and over it again and again, including at the Coroner’s Inquest.

John and I were crossing the busy High Street at a staggered Zebra crossing that is controlled by traffic lights. We were waiting to cross the second part standing next to a young black woman who was obviously pregnant. The lights changed and the three of us started to cross.

Suddenly there was a crash and squeal of tortured metal. On the other side of the road a vehicle had come out of a side turning to hit a van broadside on. That impact had deflected the van straight towards us.

John wrapped an arm around me and the black woman and threw us to the far side of the crossing. We were caught by a group of people who had just reached the side of the road.

John took the full impact of the van and was sent flying. His body hit the back of a parked van with a heavy thud. I turned and rushed towards him as everything around me seemed to have switched to slow motion.

He opened his eyes to look straight into mine. He held out a bloodied hand. I held it.

“I love you, Alice,” he said.

“I love you, John,” I replied.

His eyes glazed over. I could hear him humming the chorus of ‘We’ll gather Lilacs’. A few seconds later the humming stopped and his hand went limp. I finished the hummed chorus at the end of the third line:

“We'll gather lilacs in the spring again
And walk together down an English lane
Until our hearts have learned to sing again...”

John had died as he had lived. A hero. My hero.


At the inquest the multiple CCTV recordings showed that John’s reaction had been incredibly fast. It would have been amazing for a man in his twenties. For a man in his early nineties it was miraculous. The vehicle that had come out of the side street didn’t have a driver. It had been parked with the engine running when it was hit by a runaway supermarket cage. The driver of the van had no possibility of avoiding the impact or of stopping before hitting us. The impact with John had been a seven tonne van at twenty two miles an hour.

John was awarded a posthumous bravery medal. He was made a Freeman of the town. I attended both ceremonies to accept the awards but I was numb inside. I had lost my John. I knew I would have lost him within weeks, but to lose him in seconds was hard.

We couldn’t arrange a funeral until the Inquest had ended. The regiment held a memorial service for John. I was the principal mourner surrounded by John’s extended family. That family now included Elaine, the young black woman John had saved. Her husband Louis was a corporal in John’s regiment. Elaine and Louis sat beside me in the garrison church.

The family funeral had been a week ago. Elaine and Louis had wanted to be there but couldn’t be. Elaine had gone into labour during the night.

Today, the First of April, is the first day that the National Trust open the stately home for the year. I had wanted to come, to walk alone down ‘our’ English lane, and say my private farewell to my John, my husband, my lover and my hero. Now I have. I have sat here, looked at the view, remembered John, and I have hummed ‘We’ll gather Lilacs’.

I can hear someone coming, just as I used to listen out when John had his head buried under my skirt. I turn my head, reach for a handkerchief, wipe my tears away and stand up.

It is Sarah, my granddaughter, waddling up the lane holding her pregnant belly. I know that she would have insisted on coming by herself. As she had said frequently ‘I’m pregnant, not an invalid’.I walk to meet her.

“I’m a silly old fool, Sarah,” I say, “a silly, romantic, old April Fool.”

“No, you’re not, Granny. You loved him. We loved him. We will never forget him. Come now to have lunch. Elaine has brought her new baby to show us. She’s gorgeous.”

She was. Her tiny hand gripped my finger.

“Alice,” Elaine said, “We have called her Cecily after her grandmother, and Joan for your John. Cecily Joan will be christened on Wednesday. We want you to be one of her godmothers. Your daughter Helen has already agreed. Will you be a godmother too, Alice, please?”

“Of course I will, Elaine. Where?”

“In the garrison church of course,” Louis replied. “Cecily Joan, like all of us, is part of the regimental family.”

And she is. A few weeks later the family was increased by Sarah’s son John, John’s namesake and great-grandson. Louis and Elaine became John’s godparents. Baby John is one more in the regimental family.

That family includes me and my hero John.

“We'll gather lilacs in the spring again
And walk together down an English lane
Until our hearts have learned to sing again...”

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ENGLISH COMPOSITION Milo was nineteen years old and just starting his second semester at the university. The first semester had gone pretty well, three A’s and two B’s, so by his standards the freshman was off to a good start. He’d been a very average, bored and unmotivated student in high school, but the college experience had so far been challenging and enlightening, maybe even intimidating, but had evoked from him an ability to study and focus on schoolwork that he’d never known...

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English rose

The English Rose The English Rose 1. Spencer Thomas was a balding man in his late forties. He wore a golfing tie ? white golf balls against a vivid green field. He rotated the nearly empty pint glass in the slick of spilt beer on the bar, making trails along the bar-top. It was three in the afternoon and he really should be getting on the road again. He looked up at the fake oak-stained beam over the bar and read the curious announcement over for the third time - ?The Black...

2 years ago
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English Composition Part 1 Of 2

Milo was nineteen years old and just starting his second semester at the university. The first semester had gone pretty well, three A’s and two B’s, so by his standards the freshman was off to a good start. He’d been a very average, bored and unmotivated student in high school, but the college experience had so far been challenging and enlightening, maybe even intimidating, but had evoked from him an ability to study and focus on schoolwork that he’d never known before.It was the first day of...

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English Speaking Classes

For any comments contact to Hello friends, My name is Preeti, I’m 28 years old, I have one kid age 7 and hubby of age 30. My family consist of me, my hubby and my son. My height is not much it’s about 5’2 and my figure is 36,28,36. Coming to the story , it was parents-teacher meeting and every time my husband use to go with my son,but this time due to some problem he was unable to attend meeting, so he said me to attend. That time i was bit scared because my son goes to reputed english...

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CHAPTER 1 Delaney Robinson emerged childless from five years of marriage, rather wealthy and no longer lived a trapped victim of drunken and bad-tempered verbal abuse. She felt no worse than when she’d flunked college. Checking that the money had been released into her account, she transferred it to her new bank. Well that was only sensible because her old bank had also been Jerry’s bank. She had thought several times about putting a bullet into his head but backed off each time, thinking of...

3 years ago
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Durham Hooks into Delaney

The final applicant appeared before the interview board at 2.22. Eight minutes later it appeared all over for the opened-faced 32-year-old Durham Durham, he was ‘shown the door’. The other twenty-three applicants sweated on average thirteen minutes and nine seconds during which time they were questioned and challenged by the five serious-faced senior executives charged with appointing a special adviser on marketing to the President of Business America Jet Aircraft Corporation. An hour later...

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English as a Second Language Ch 01

Margot knocked lightly at the office door that was half ajar. Mr. Caine looked up from his notes for the evening ESL class that he taught. While there were many classes of this nature in Budapest, his had a special cache associated with it. Many senior executives from firms all over the city sought credentials from the most advanced English course in the region. Top marks in the class usually paved the way to greater opportunities for the student, and the class was always overbooked. Mr. Caine...

1 year ago
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Life in the Fast Lane

A familiar theme and structure for me with, I hope, ample stroke and the ultimate romance. I tend to get on a theme, in this case two people not realizing that they were meant to be together and almost letting it slip away only to find each other again down the road. It takes them each some time to realize how good they had it together. My beloved editor died several years ago as this story was completed. I’ve never found another with whom I could work. That and three rescue canines, curtailed...

2 years ago
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The Ghost on Forest Lane

On Forest Lane a ghost resides, who in the darkness howls and cries. In moonless night he strolls outside, to find a victim for his plight. A careless soul he’ll bind and tow, into his basement down below. To use his soul for better or worse to find a way, to break the curse This silly rhyme was told to scare the young children of the town of Woodbury. Fifty years ago a tragic event had occurred in the quiet town with their sleepy inhabitant. The local doctor had died in a ‘tragic...

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Super Luthor and Super Lane

Falling, flying, walking, running it made no difference. Doing this with no one around was completely miserable after helping to stop and revive his home world he happily returned home only to discover that only he was on the planet and he was completely miserable. Lex was the only Kryptonian left and now he was the only being left on the universe, he then knew he would always be alone and he started to tear up when he heard an extremely faint voice, a female one "P..ase ....b.dy h..p me." He...

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Annie Says Maybe Ch 3 A Shopping Trip Down Memory Lane

 Wednesday Morning: Four Days After the Anniversary.Annie worked the bullet against her clit, starting to push uncomfortably hard into her folds to get a little more buzz from it. It didn't help that her left hand wasn't quite as dexterous as her right, or that she been frigging her ever needier pussy every day since a hard go on Saturday with Sam.She'd even stunned herself on Sunday when she slipped two fingers deep inside herself while getting off in the shower after everyone was in...

Wife Lovers
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Sapphire Lane

Jameson and Clarrie Crawford pulled up to the gate with their rented moving truck. The guard came out of the gate house over to their truck. Clarrie rolled down the driver’s side window. “Can I help you ma’am?” the old man smiled. Jameson and Clarrie looked at the sixty something lean black man in the 1950’s police style uniform. “Yes,” Clarrie smiled, “The Crawfords? We are supposed to do our walk throw and move in today?” “Oh yes,” the man smiled, “Just need to see some ID.” Clarrie looked...

3 years ago
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Memory Lane

Lying in bed last night I could not help but think back on the females I have past by; so many women, who for good reasons, bad reasons, and often no reason at all, with whom I never had any sort of relationship. I got to thinking: what would it have been like, if only I had said X? Or if I had done Y? Or if she had been Z? What would have happened if I had thrown caution and concern to the side? Primarily, these thoughts were of the carnal variety. Would she have touched this or even that,...

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Clark Kent aka Superman had lusted after Lois Lane since He,d started working as a junior reporter at The Daily Planet in Metroplis, USA, but she always seemed just out of reach as she seemed to consider him a bit of a boring nerd who though well fit wore glasses and seemed low on confidence and very shy around women. Of course we all know Superman as Clark Kent plays that part well and Lois hsd no reason to think otherwise till the day they were both on assignment at the flooded local river...

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Memory Lane

Jane was on her way. She was going to miss John's visit this week, but was anticipating their nightly calls. No one ever made her feel so full, so complete. So loved, so needed. She had made sure to leave him a special something on his pillow before leaving. Waiting for him to get off work, return home to find it, and call her. Looking at the clock, she smiled. "Very soon now", she whispered to herself as she cruised along the interstate. Her mind began to drift, still focusing on the highway,...

Straight Sex
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Mammary Lane

MAMMARY LANE Though curtseys are a thing of the past, They never should have been, For women are meant to bow, Spill their breasts, And thereby put on a ?show?! Swirl, Girl; Twirl Round; Swing those Magnificent Mammary Glands! Best of all, I like her On her hands and knees, Looking back at me While her tits hang Down, like udders, From her bovine chest, And her cock dangles With her balls, Useless ornaments. We wake inside The densest dream Men have ever...

3 years ago
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Life in the Pink Lane

Life in the Pink Lane My story is one that I've kept to myself and treasured over the years. I think what happened to me all those years ago was the nearest I've ever been to me. Since then, I've never been able to find that particular place again. Where to start..? It all began in England in the mid sixties. I would have been about 20-21 years old and I was working in an office as a management trainee. For some months, I'd been doing spells in each department around the building to...

2 years ago
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Patchwork People V The Diner on Memory Lane

V. The diner on memory lane. The last time Marcia had spoken to anyone in her family it was to her brother Matt. That would be winter five years ago. They met in a 24-hour diner by the side of a highway in Metuchen, New Jersey. Pointedly, it was a restaurant Matt had never visited and no doubt never intended to visit again. Through a series of emails and two brief phone calls, she had explained the general situation and Matt's reaction had grudgingly advanced from "this has got to be...

1 year ago
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A Trip To The Memory Lane

My friend from Boyhood, live and work in a suburb of Toronto, Canada. We are like twin brothers. Even though we follow different religion. He is a big executive of a internationally based company. We talk to each other almost every week. In the meantime, I had to do a fellowship course, in the University of Illinois, USA, Springfield campus. In a summer holiday, he came to visit me with his family and insisted me to go to Canada with him. He said, he had a big surprise and gift for me. He did...

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Memory Lane

When you first get to a Mexican resort, you notice the palm trees and the ocean. If you are from someplace cold and cloudy you might notice the sun but otherwise it’s not quite the on the level of the other two: you see the sun often, even in cold, cloudy places. It’s easy to pay attention to other things, but it’s there, and it’s closer than you’re used to. A good way to spot people on their second day is by their red tan lines. They didn’t realize what the sun was doing to them as they lay on...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 10 Life in the Fast Lane

Medway High School 2:57pm, Thursday, February 15, 1979 First off, I agreed to start a new band with my next door neighbors, which wasn’t too crazy as I always had a dream of playing in a rock band. After I agreed to play in Paul and Cathy’s band, I was given a beautiful Gibson Custom guitar by Samantha Labatt, an heiress to the Canadian brewery giants. I just happened play that guitar like a pro the first time I strapped it on, in order to shut-up a snarky music teacher. All those musical...

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Heaven and Hell at 1134 Erinyes Lane

I stopped my cart outside the office of the Director of Personnel for my employer; I work in the mail room and deliver to the various offices after the sorting is complete. Miss Lawrence, Carolyn Lawrence is the Director. She’s a tall thin woman of around forty-five. She’s attractive in a severe dark sinister way, her hair is coal black, there’s not a hint gray, it’s cut short in an masculine style. She wears no make up and always dresses in black, skirts or pants suits, her breasts are small,...

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English Rose

/* AUTHORS NOTES: This story represents a severely edited version of the original draft. Two whole chapters have disappeared from the beginning because they featured not even a single mention of anything TG. Still it manages to weigh in at 75k plus! Whilst this story is finished, I'd quite happily extend it if there's any interest. Hope you enjoy it! */ English Rose by Kathy Core ...Jake walked towards the exit of the hotel, but was stopped in his tracks by the English...

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Lusty Laney

I guess I would consider myself to be a normal, average guy. Yes, like all average guys, I like sex and when it’s not available directly I turn to porn. You know, standard stuff. But, during my formative years, and ever since, I’ve had one real doozy of a perversion. You see, like many, as I’ve later learned, I’ve always wanted to fuck my older sister Laney. I know it’s taboo, but even knowing it’s taboo and incest and it’s frowned upon, I couldn’t help it. I’m not sure why— Scratch that, of...

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English school girl raped in Egypt

Charlotte tells us about the terrible experience she had as a schoolgirl in Egypt, when she was brutally raped by two Arabs. This is the first time; I have ever talked about what happened. Where did it happen? I was at a private girl’s boarding school in England. The summer holidays were due to begin, my parents worked in Egypt at the British Consulate and I was going out to stay with them for my school holidays and celebrate my thirteenth birthday. I was ever so excited; I had...

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English Composition Part 2 Of 2

Late the next afternoon Teresa and Melanie met for a drink at a neighborhood bistro. The place was practically empty since lunch was long over and dinner was still an hour or so away. They found a table in the back for maximum privacy. They started off with small talk.“How’s my favorite niece doing?” Melanie asked.Teresa said her daughter was doing fine. She was getting good grades in school and was at dance class and wouldn’t be home till later. She asked how Melanie’s daughter was doing.“Oh,...

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English Teacher Ki Vaasna Bujhai

Hi all,this is rahish and i am writing this story for the first time and it is not real one,it is just the expression of my fantasy,jo main chahta tha hamesha se..Go through the story nd send your response.. Baat us samay ki hai jab main graduation kar raha tha,i were an average student but good in sports,i were in my college volleyball team.It was my first year,so science subjects k sath english bhi hamara ek subject tha jo sirf mdu mei first year k liye hi hota h.Now to explain about my...

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English History

The 160th Aviation Regiment, better known as the Night Stalkers was flying a crew of special operators into the desert behind the Iraqi Tawakalna Division. That was prior to the Desert Storm battle which would eventually become known as 73 Easting. We were the taxi service for the spooks because our HH53B Pave Lows were more-or-less invisible at night. They also mounted M134-D miniguns whose depleted uranium rounds could deal out serious hurt if challenged. As we began the descent into the...

2 years ago
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English Teacher

After reading all these peoples real life story, I thought why not share my story with the friends outside .Well I tell only the truth and nothing but the truth. I am a 18 year old boy who lives in style. I have a muscular body and a very sex appealing look. It was with my teachers, chemistry, English, accounts and last but not least my computer teacher. Yes in my life I had teachers teaching me sex. But today I will only tell the story of my first encounter with my English teacher named Momina...

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Changing Lanes

Changing   Lanes Chapter one               I’d had it. Another relationship had gone sour. Damn greedy, selfish bitches anyway. Well, tonight I would just get drunk & hang out with the guys. No pussy for me. I was swearing off for awhile. I figured I’d go celibate and get my mind right.             I walked into a few bars downtown. I finally found one with no bar-fly, flirty women. Yes, I felt at ease here. I struck up a conversation with two construction worker types. Soon we were buying...

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Changing Lanes

Changing   Lanes Chapter one               I’d had it. Another relationship had gone sour. Damn greedy, selfish bitches anyway. Well, tonight I would just get drunk & hang out with the guys. No pussy for me. I was swearing off for awhile. I figured I’d go celibate and get my mind right.             I walked into a few bars downtown. I finally found one with no bar-fly, flirty women. Yes, I felt at ease here. I struck up a conversation with two...

Gay Male
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English Girl Goes to Brighton Part 3

Still blindfolded, still bent over and bound to the leather chair, Hayley waited for him.  The taste of his come was still there, still strong, on her tongue and in the back of her throat.  She savored it, just as she did the wet feel of his come in her tender asshole.  The cheeks of her bottom were sore, both from his hand and her wicked, wooden hairbrush.  Her nipples were so damn tender she could feel the air move when the central heat kicked on.  She’d wanted to feel completely owned, to be...

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English Teacher Teaches Me Oral Grammar

Hi Friends… This is Karthik from Chennai… this is my second story of my episode… for people who had missed my first story here is the title you can check it out any time – BOTANY TEACHERS NECTAR OOZING OUT This incident happened to me at the age of 18.With accordance to the title this incident happened between our English teacher and me. Coming to the story the heroine of the story named Vasuki is a fair booby unmarried women with so much of beauty aged 27. She is the first glamour women of...

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english teacher

lost my virginity to my english teacher i am in love with my English teacher, she always wears a short black skirt, white blouse, clear stockings and black stiletto shoes, she has the hair in a pony tail, has lovely blue eyes and always has her top buttons undone on her, blouse i sit in front of her, i am always looking down her top at her sexy bras. anyways its a right its my last lesson of the day and its with my English teacher, she sits in front of me, i look down her top shes wearing a...

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Fun Times Fucking Laney

IN late 2007 while living in South Carolina, I had begun talking with a girl named Laney. Now from what I had seen of here online she had a cute smile and inviting brown eyes. We never met in person until one night I bumped into her at a bar while I was with my ex-wife. When I saw her, I recognized the face but she definitely had put on quite a large amount of weight. We talked for a few minutes and we went along our merry ways.Fast forward a few years to 2010. I am going through a divorce...

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English Oral

Elizabeth is a young woman, age 18 with deep blue eyes. Her dark brown hair is soft and silky, much like velvet. Her skin is pale white; her face has a slight blush applied to it. She has her hair up in a bun; loose strands cling to her neck. She is dressed in a black T-Shirt that has a gothic Hello Kitty in the lower right corner. Her dress is simple red dress, with frills on the bottom; her shoes are small with black and white patches all over it. Elizabeth looks up at her teacher. He...

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English Rose

I look at myself in the mirror as I get ready. Denim shorts and a white tee covers my slender figure; the nerves clear on my face. ‘What is a gorgeous woman like her doing with a girl who looks like she’s still in high school?’ I take a deep breath and pick up the single red rose I got her, before heading out the door. As I leave to meet up with her, I remember the first night we met.*I had been feeling lonely that night and just wanted to get dolled up and go out, even though it’s very unlike...

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English Girl Sips Tea

Hayley daydreamed as she stared at her computer screen, wondering if the day would ever end, if even lunchtime would ever arrive. Bored, she sipped her tea, then ate a sweet. She was still chewing on the sweet when she heard his voice. It was like stepping barefoot onto fresh snow; all of her senses were instantly alive, like a police siren flashing behind you. She could hear him through the open door to her office, talking to the new girl at the front desk. It had been eight months since he’d...


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