Further Adventures of Lois Lane Virtual Reality to Actuality
- 4 years ago
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The brown tressed woman hit the brakes hard as she brought her car to a sudden stop at the corner of Bessolo Boulevard and Reeves Lane, sending her short shoulder length hair in every direction. After hearing the first reports of the jewelry store robbery on her police scanner, the Daily Planet reporter had raced across town at a speed far exceeding the posted limits. A fact that didn’t interest any of the almost fifty officers spread out in front of her along Bessolo Boulevard.
Their attention was centered instead on the front of Larson’s Jewelry, where, according to the police radio, two gunmen now held a half dozen hostages following a robbery gone wrong. Flashing her press pass to the uniformed officer manning the wooden barricade that kept the curious back, the brunette scanned the crowd of blue in front of her, looking for someone in command.
Dressed in the same blue blouse and slacks as the officers around her, the Police Captain was the smallest person in the group. Despite that, even to a casual onlooker, there was no doubt that she was the one in charge
“Captain Sawyer,” she said in a strong tone as she approached, hoping to catch the attention of the commander of the Special Crimes Unit before one of the other officers directed her back to where the other reporters had been placed.
“Oh hello, Lane,” Maggie Sawyer said as she finished her conversation with her second in command. “I should’ve known you’d be showing up before this was all over.”
Ten years older than the reporter, Margaret Sawyer had originally started her law enforcement career in Star City. She had moved to Metropolis and the MPD following a messy divorce five years before. It was a testament to her ability that in that short time she had risen through the ranks to Captain and the command of the newly created SCU.
Lois took in the tone of Sawyer’s voice as she looked at the Police Captain. Her use of the reporter’s last name ignored the friendship between the two women that had grown out of their professional relationship. Then again, Lois took the fact that her first order hadn’t been for someone to escort her back to the press area as a good sign.
“What’s the situation, Captain?” Lois asked, keeping her tone on the same professional level.
“One dead security guard and seven hostages, including four children,” the Captain said as she ran a hand through her close cropped hair. “We’ve tried to establish a dialogue with them, but they say they don’t trust anyone in blue. Now they say they’ll to talk to a reporter, but only one that they recognize. I guess they’re worried we’ll try to slip in a ringer. Even offered to let the kids go if we went for it, but so far, I haven’t had any eager volunteers from the esteemed members of the press over there.” she finished with a motion over her shoulder to where the media was assembled.
“Well say no more,” Lois replied, “I may have only been with the Planet a few years now, but my face has gotten pretty well known. Enough that they’ll know I’m not wearing blue under brown.”
“Lois,” Maggie Sawyer said, the tone of her voice changing to reflect that she was now talking to the woman in front of her and not the reporter. “These men have already killed one person. I hope you don’t think I expected you to...”
“We’re wasting time, Mags,” Lois said, interrupting her friend. “Let’s get those kids out of there.”
Captain Sawyer looked into her friend’s rich blue eyes and saw the determination there. For a moment, she was tempted to turn down her offer, but then she let her professionalism take over.
“You will be careful, won’t you?” Maggie said as she reluctantly agreed.
“Don’t you know me by now?” Lois asked in response.
“I do,” the Police Commander said, “that’s what I’m afraid of.”
Stepping in front of the long line of police cars that divided the Boulevard, Lois started walking toward the jewelry store carrying only her portable tape recorder.
“I’m Lois Lane of the Daily Planet,” she called out as she got to the closed door of the fashionable shop. “You said you wanted to talk to a reporter.”
The door opened in response and a gruff, female voice called out for her to enter.
For a brief moment, Lois asked herself if she knew what she was doing. Less than a week from now, she was scheduled to make the trip of a lifetime as a civilian-observer aboard NASA’s new experimental spaceplane, Constitution, when it landed at Metropolis Airport as part of the city’s Tri-Centennial. Was she risking the story of her career on a dangerous stunt now?
Lois banished that thought as she remembered the hostages still inside. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, but she kept reminding herself that she hadn’t gotten to where she was in the newspaper game without taking some risks. Lois took a last glance over her shoulder at the protective line of blue uniforms behind her. Then with a deep breath, she left their relative safety and stepped over the doorstep.
Her reporter’s eyes quickly swept the room, taking in as many details as she could. The hostages were in a single group behind the counter at the far end of the store. Standing in front of them was one of the two robbers, a tall, slim man in his early twenties. In his hand he was waving an old fashion .38 revolver.
“Inside,” the same female voice that had called to her outside said from behind the door.
Lois tilted her head just enough to get a good look at the speaker. She was a few inches taller than her own five foot six and had long dirty blond hair. Heavy set with large, unrestrained breasts, the woman whose age Lois placed at about thirty, completed her ensemble of dungarees and a blue T-shirt with a quite lethal Uzi machine pistol. Instinctively, the brunette knew that she was the leader of the duo and the most dangerous.
As the door closed behind her, a sudden flush of bile filled her throat as Lois looked to her left and saw the blood covered body of the store’s security guard. A white haired man in his late fifties, half his head had been blown off. Deep in her mind, the twenty-five year old heard her father’s voice reminding her how important it was to remain cool during a crisis.
“Okay, you have your reporter to negotiate,” Lois said as she tried to block out the image of the dead man. “Now lets let the kids go like you promised.”
“Not so fast,” the woman whose name Lois later learned was Phyllis Brown said. “First we make sure that you didn’t bring any surprises.”
With that, the larger woman ran her hands up and down Lois’s body, checking for a hidden weapon. Captain Sawyer had offered Lois a gun to take with her, but she had wisely declined.
After taking a long feel of Lois’s breasts through her yellow blouse, Phyllis abruptly slid her hand up under the brown skirt and pressed it between the reporter’s legs. The sudden pressure of her fingers against her mound caused the younger woman to loudly object.
“Tough shit, bitch,” Phyllis said as she withdrew her hand, but not before taking a second feel. “College girl like you probably had plenty of your sorority sisters put their hands down there. You could’ve had a gun down there.”
“All right, you had your fun,” Lois said, not believing her claim about the gun for a second. “Now you let the kids go and we’ll talk.”
“Don’t act like you’re in charge here, bitch,” the older woman said as she waved her machine pistol menacingly in Lois’s direction. “It wouldn’t take much for you to wind up like that old man over there.”
“Come on, Phyllis,” the younger of the two thieves said. “We said we’d let the kids go if they got us someone to talk to.”
“I’d listen to your friend,” Lois said, trying to hide the slight tremor in her voice. “The only chance you have of getting out of here is to show the Police out there some goodwill.”
“What if maybe I don’t care about getting out of here,” Phyllis said as she moved closer to Lois. “What if I’d rather blow all these miserable assholes away, starting with you?”
“Then I think you’d be right behind me,” Lois said defiantly. “These people are the only thing that’s keeping the SCU from turning you and your friend over there into dog food.”
Phyllis laughed, lowering her weapon for the first time. “You got guts, I’ll give you that much,” she said to Lois. “I like women who are fighters.”
She stepped away from Lois, leaving her to ponder that last remark. Phyllis motioned to her companion to let the kids come out from behind the counter.
“Okay, Jimmy,” she said, “Get those brats out of here before I change my mind.”
Her younger partner wasted no time in shepherding the four children out the front door. Lois watched and wondered what kind of hold Phyllis had over Jimmy. They didn’t look related, so she had a good guess. He didn’t seem as hard a case as she was either, and the reporter wondered if there was a way she could use that to her advantage.
“All right, now down to business,” Phyllis said as the last of the kids reached the Police lines. “You got your little notebook?” she said to Lois.
In response, Lois held up her small micro-recorder. It had been years since she had used pen and paper. Having a photographic memory, the recorder was only a back up that made the legal department down at the paper happy.
Phyllis began to ramble on into the small machine, outlining a set of outrageous demands that Lois knew the MPD would never agree to. Especially not since this escalated from a simple robbery to cold-blooded murder - something which seemed to have escaped both Phyllis and Jimmy.
“These demands might take some time,” Lois said, hoping to buy Maggie and the SCU a chance to work out a plan of action that would defuse the situation.
“Well then maybe you can stay here with us,” Phyllis said as she brushed her hand against Lois’s cheek, “and you and I can find a more pleasant way to pass the time.”
It took all of Lois’s self control not to push her hand away. Even with the Uzi in her hand, it would be a cold day in hell before she let scum like Phyllis touch her in such a way. Remember the hostages, she told herself.
“In fact,” Phyllis went on, “since you tape recorded what I want to say to the Police, I think I’ll just let one of these other people take it out to them. Call it another show of good faith.” A murmur of excitement erupted among the other three people behind the countertop. Lois knew that she couldn’t pass up the chance to get another one of them out of here. She reached out and handed her recorder to Phyllis.
“Jimmy, pick one,” Phyllis called over her shoulder as she gave Lois a look that reminded her of a hungry dog being presented with a bone. Jimmy turned and looked at the three remaining people. There was old man Larson, his sales clerk and the woman who had come in with the children. To him there was no choice, he picked the woman. “Now you just walk slow and steady across the street,” Phyllis said as she handed the tape recorder to the woman. “You understand me?” Unable to find her voice, she nodded her understanding. Phyllis told Jimmy to open the door and let her out. Lois took a few steps closer to Jimmy and the door. Not enough to make anyone think she was going to make a run for it, a futile effort with an Uzi at her back anyway. Just enough so that she could see what was going on outside. “You know, Jimmy,” Phyllis said as she also watched the woman through the large plate glass display window. “I got the impression that the little missy here don’t think that the Police are going to be too impressed with our demands. That they might not be willing to give us what we want. Isn’t that right, little missy.”
“You’d know that better than I would,” Lois responded, thinking that a bad situation was about to take an even greater turn for the worse.
“It seems to me,” Phyllis went on, “that they’d be more inclined to give us what we wanted if they took us a little more seriously.”
“I think they take you quite seriously,” Lois said, motioning to the prone body of the dead guard.
“Oh that was an accident,” Phyllis laughed. “Damn fool wouldn’t drop his gun when I told him to. This time, they’ll know we meant it.”
“This time?” a confused Lois asked.
“Jimmy,” Phyllis said in a cold, calm voice. “I want you to shoot that woman walking across the street. Put one right in the back of her pretty head. We don’t need her to talk to the Police, all we have to say is on that little recorder in her hand.”
Twin cold waves flashed through Lois’s body. The first caused by the notion that she could’ve been the woman out there in the street, unaware that she had just been selected to die to make a point. The second from the knowledge that there was no way she was just going to stand there and let it happen.
“Jimmy, no, you can’t,” she called out to the weak link among the two. “You can’t just kill her.”
“Jimmy, I told you to do something,” Phyllis said angrily. “Now do it!”
Jimmy raised his pistol and aimed it at the back of the woman’s head. He was a crack shot if nothing else. There was no way he could miss. A long three seconds passed as he hesitated. Then he dropped his arm, his weapon unfired.
“Goddamn you, Jimmy Nelson!” Phyllis shouted as she began to raise her own gun and take aim out the window.
Lois saw her opportunity and didn’t waste a second of it. An Army brat, she had been trained in the use of firearms by her father since before she was even a teenager. In one fluid motion, she jabbed an elbow into Jimmy’s stomach, knocking the breath out of him. Continuing her move, she grabbed the revolver out of his hand and turned it in the direction of Phyllis.
On television or in the movies, this was the point where the hero, or heroine in this case, called out for the villain to drop their weapon and give up. But this was real life and Lois knew all too well that things didn’t really happen quite the way Hollywood said so.
Without hesitation, her finger closed on the trigger, sending a lead slug across the room to find a resting place in the center of Phyllis chest. In reaction, the air exploded out of the larger woman’s lungs and her grip on her machine pistol came loose. By the time the bang of the shot reached her ears, she was already dead and didn’t hear it.
“Don’t you move,” Lois said to Jimmy as she turned the gun in his direction.
The sound of running feet filled the air and within seconds the SCU filled the store. Two of them relieved Lois of both the firearm and the remaining live suspect.
“My God, Lois,” Maggie Sawyer said as she followed her assault troops into the store, “what the hell did you think you were doing?”
It took Lois a few breaths to regain her composure. Then she told Maggie what had happened and how the young mother was about to be killed just short of the Police line.
Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The Further Adventures of Lois Lane Lois Lane and Catwoman, part 2 by Steve Zink In part 1, Lois had watched the police cart the original Catwoman, Selina Kyle, and her gang off to jail. A policeman had found the unconscious Lois in a complete Catwoman costume from her earlier time...
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There are many types of established comic book characters that I use in my stories. They are the rightful property of the comic book companies such as DC, which the ones in this story come from. No profit is made by me in the use of these characters, and the story is strictly fan fiction with a twist meant for my own and other enthusiasts enjoyment. The Further Adventures of Lois Lane A Picture in Pink, (Revised) by Steve Zink Coast City, California, is renowned the world over...
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The heat on Thursday made it feel like living inside a microwave oven. I wandered around my house naked all morning trying to keep cool. Sweat drenched my body, making me feel like I just stepped out of the shower. I heard a few honks and whistles from cars and trucks driving past my house on Railroad Street. This told me all I was doing was giving free looks at my big 46DD tits and pussy as I passed the windows. But I didn't mind that at all. I enjoy showing off for guys who want to see.About...
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Note : This story is completely fictional! My step-daughter, Lois, was just fifteen when I married her Mom, Beth. She was tiny, about 5'1", and built like a pool cue. Very pretty, with big brown eyes and really nice legs but nothing to fantasize about, at that point, which was a big relief. I was only 32, at the time, and Beth was only two years older. She had Lo at 18 and had raised her alone, so having a man around the house was something new for both of them. As time went by, Lois started to...
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Introduction: This is my first story. I cant say its true but it is based on real events in my life. Hope you enjoy it. Lois cut my hair for years. She had a shop in her home. We always flirted with each other. mostly just rubbing her boobs on my neck or her pussy on my elbow. I would say You better stop that or youll have a mess to clean up. She laughed and said If your that horny you need to get laid. I Know. Its has been awhile. I tried last night but Cindy wasnt in the mood. Cindy is my...
It had taken you three years to save up the money. You had been saving from the day they revealed the Perfect Partners™ to the world. They had been floating around for a long time but the price had kept them in the hands of theme parks and the super super-rich. You had known a few people who had bought time with one of them at one of the nicer brothels and had raved about them. You had even thought about maybe going to one of them but it had never been just the sex that had interested you with...
**** As with all my stories, I welcome other authors to add chapters! Remember to like and bookmark your favorite chapters! Regular chapters with 5+ likes get a sequel, chapters with 10+ likes get two. End chapters get an epilogue with 10+ likes. Chapters with the most likes & bookmarks get updated first! *** It had come to Lois Lane's attention that there had been a series of mysterious disappearances at a new night club in Metropolis. Four women had disappeared from there in the past month...
The heat on Thursday made it feel like living inside a microwave oven. I wandered round my house naked all morning trying to keep cool. Sweat drenched my body making me feel like I just stepped out of the shower. Honks and whistles from cars and trucks driving past my house on Railroad Street told me all I was doing was giving free looks at my big 42DD tits and pussy as I passed the windows. But I didn't mind that at all. About noon I thought that if you can't beat the heat then enjoy it. I...
The heat on Thursday made it feel like living inside a microwave oven. I wandered round my house naked all morning trying to keep cool. Sweat drenched my body making me feel like I just stepped out of the shower. Honks and whistles from cars and trucks driving past my house on East Railroad Street in Heidelburg, PA told me all I was doing was giving free looks at my big 42DD tits and pussy as I passed the windows. But I didn't mind that at all. About noon I thought that if you can't beat the...
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A Tom Hanks movie was running on the television but Hazel wasn’t watching it. Sure, she was sitting in the right place on the sofa, had the lights turned down and an obligatory bowl of microwave popcorn on her lap but it was one of those nights where she just didn’t feel it. Some other day, she might have been on the edge of her seat. But that night, the acting felt obvious and almost insulting.Her eyes moved around the living room of her small apartment. The fairy lights were still up, as was...
ReluctanceHi, Welcome to ISS (Indian Sex Stories). I am Rishi of age 29, from Hyderabad. I am working as a software individual in an MNC company. This story the erotic sex adventures is a continuation of my previous story. People who haven’t read , please read so that you can follow on this easily. After that day, Ramya and I became very close. We used to chat every day and night. Ramya: (texted me) I would want to try something adventurous. Me: What’s on your mind? Ramya: I would like to get fucked by...
Jazz And Jezzabell – The Book Store Adventures – The BeginningMy wife and I had been talking about going to the adult video and toy store and do some looking around. We have a fairly large collection of toys so it was far from our first visit to one. The store just happened to be on the way from my school to her work. I had a couple hours to blow so instead of wasting gas going home and coming back, I decided to drop in to the video store and see what it was like. We had just found the place...
An excerpt from The Erotic Adventures of American Glory Book One “The Quest Begins” Prologue January 1942 Glory Mounds is a young American woman suddenly embroiled in World War II Europe. She is twenty-four years old, and absolutely stunning! Standing 5’9” tall, she is athletic, yet voluptuous at the same time. Her lush golden hair hangs to the middle of her back, and her brilliant blue eyes are mesmerizing. She’s large breasted, has a narrow waist, and has long, gorgeous legs. Matching her...
EroticLater that night as Beth lay in bed she thought over the day's events, the memory of the feel of her pussy stretched around the stallion's cock filled her with burning need. Sliding her hands over her naked body she cupped her breasts lifting the engorged nipples to her mouth, allowing her tongue to run over them. She continued to play with her breasts as she lowered one hand down over her stomach, feeling the muscles tense with arousal as she slid her fingers down between her parted...
English Lane************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2018The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I am walking slowly along the lane. The signs of Spring are clear. The sun is shining through the...
The Restaurant on Shadow LaneIt was 1947 in a medium sized city that I shall not name in a small European country that had been occupied by the Germans until two years before. The Soviets had tried to annexe the tiny Baltic state but it really wasn’t worth the trouble. The Grand Duke had fled the country in 1938 leaving a corrupt government in its place. Untouched by Victorian values the current government was still corrupt but as far as the residents were...
Hi, Welcome to ISS (Indian Sex Stories). I am Rishi of age 29, from Hyderabad. I am working as a software individual in an MNC company. This story of erotic sex adventures is a continuation of my previous story. When I woke up, we were in the same position as we slept in the night. Slowly I started sucking her left boob. Ramya: Good morning (With a smile on her face) Me: Good morning. Sorry for waking you up. Ramya: No, I was already awake, just waiting for you to be awake. Me: Oh, is it?...
The House on Sorrow Hill LanebyDr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DPART ONEIt was an icy February night in 1910. Emily could see nothing from the bedroom's leaded window but upper branches of skeleton trees lit up by the full moon's light. Below this the gardens were shrouded in fog. She had seen one fine day blessed with sunshine since she had come to Nine Acres and had remarked that she was sure the sprawling gardens looked beautiful in summer. The back of the house led on to a large lawn...
I heard Sarah gasp but I kept my eyes on the nurse I had not been introduced to yet. She had an odd grin on her face. "David, call Lt. Cable," Grandmother said. "Have him bring someone from forensics," I added. Peter, who evidently was handling communications, just nodded. Doctor Bales' knuckles turned white as he squeezed the arms of the chair. "Watch him close! If he moves his hands, shoot to kill!" David barked to Beth, who had drawn her gun. The slight click of the safety...
I remember my first trip to Daniel Thorn’s beach mansion well; he was an extremely rich man, wealthy to the point there’s no point talking about it. I went for a party, and loved every minute. I had a great time during that weekend, and made ever so many new friends (it’s amazing how reminiscing on the past can make you feel younger, isn’t it?). This was only the first of many times I spent with the Thorns, both at his island retreat off the coast of France and the place in the Hunt Country, I...
In part 1 to 11 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...
------------------------- CHAPTER 2 PART 3 'At that time, my dear friends, I knew nothing at all about the digital method of relieving my excited feelings and even to this day, I would much rather resort to the poorest-made man with a shrivelled member than comfort myself with the old maid's method of sex cooling!' Grace and I both laughed at this, and kissing Anna for her frankness, and not to slight Grace, repeating the same caress with her, I begged her to continue. 'Well,' she...
In part 1 to 6 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him to...
In part 1 to 10 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...
In part 1 to 3 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Now Further. CHAPTER-1 PART-4...
In part 1 to 8 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...
In part 1 to 9 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...
In part 1 to 4 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Now...
In part 1 to 7 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him to...
In part 1 to 5 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Now...
She left a note on my desk. It read: 17 Pretty Wolves Lane, Fillston, and a brief direction to get there. That “she” is Mandy, Amanda Bess to be precise. We had been in the same company for about three years by now but not in the same department. Come to think of it, we’d never had a real conversation outside of the “project”, when both of us were among a handful of employees, as models, in the company’s product catalog last year. That was almost six months ago, somehow she had learned out...