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Bluebell Hill By Paul1954 Prologue Rochester University, Kent, England : October 27th, 2000 Elizabeth Geddes watched the backs of the three young men as they departed from her office and then closed her eyes tightly. Despite the hard facade she had just had to show to them she knew, more than they could ever be aware of, just exactly how they had felt. She heard a muffled curse as the door slammed shut behind them, and experienced what she might have thought of as a feeling of Deja Vu, except that this time, she knew better. She felt the urge to press her palms over her eyes, wanting to squeeze the delicate skin around them to stop the tears that she felt beginning to form, but stopped herself, knowing that doing so would only ruin her make up. She waited a few moments before walking over to the window and then watched her erstwhile visitors trudge across the compound, their shoulders slumped dejectedly. As they finally disappeared from sight she gave a sigh of relief and she felt a great weight lift from her shoulders. She knew that she had set in motion a train of events that would close a chapter on her life that had been open for over thirty- three years now, and that she had fulfilled any obligation she might have felt that she had. Now, maybe, this might be the time to retire and enjoy the fruits of her labours, and to also spend more time with her family! At fifty-one years of age she had just become a Grandmother again and her husband Alan had been nagging her to slow down for nearly a year now, not understanding what was driving her on so. That was something that she had never discussed. She dabbed a tissue to the corner of her eye to soak up the moisture that had started to build there, and said a prayer for the three men she had just seen, and for one in particular. * * * * * * * Narrative of Philip Edwards Bluebell Hill, Kent, England: November 10th 2000 It was a typical early November morning and the dank air seemed to penetrate right through the Gore-Tex clothing I wearing, to my very skin. I gave a shudder, mostly prompted by the cold but not entirely, and looked across at my two friends Gregory and James, who were digging a three-foot deep, by six-foot trench alongside the road. "Come on guys - it's almost six o'clock now and it'll soon be light. We'd better get a move on," I called out to them, and watched their pale faces suddenly appear as they lifted their heads in response to my call. "Shut it Phil - if you'd have gotten your hands dirty as well and helped us out, then we would have finished by now!" Greg retorted as he picked up his shovel and stood straight. "What - and ruin my nails!" I said posing, and shifting my weight onto one hip in a feminine gesture. "I can't help it if I'm the short slight one who drew the short straw. You're the big strong guys with all the muscles and besides, don't forget that it's me who gets to do the truly risky part - that was the deal. Now, stop griping - we'll just have to come back tomorrow and finish it off then." Five minutes later the three of us were walking back through the woodlands that surrounded the area on the two-mile trek that would take us back to the lodgings we shared, just off campus. "I still can't believe that we're actually going to go through with this. If we get found out then that's it as far as the University's concerned," Greg said as he shook his head from side to side. "And if we don't then that's also it, as far as the University's concerned - or have you forgotten?" James replied sarcastically, his voice carrying more than just a degree of irritation. "Yeah - but at least we wouldn't be running the risk of getting arrested!" "What for a stunt! Well just who the hell are we harming anyway?" James growled. "Us - they might claim that this is fraud - obtaining money by deception, or something like that," Greg snapped back. "Guys - guys! Cool it, will you. Look Greg, I don't like this any more than you do, but unless you can come up with a better idea at this late hour, then I don't see that we've got much choice but to go through with it. Besides, we all agreed to this. It's too late to back out now" I broke in, trying to calm things down. "Yeah - unless we can get the publicity this'll give us then we'll never get the grant extended to continue our research. This is just a means to an end and you know that," James finished, with some bitterness. Nothing further was said and we carried on in silence, with only the sound of our shoes stomping through the undergrowth, or the occasional cracking noise made by our stepping on a dried out branch, breaking the peace. Forty-five minutes later we were all drinking from mugs of steaming hot tea, and munching on large bacon sandwiches as the cold and dampness was slowly driven out of our bones. We sat in virtual silence, contemplating the highly dubious nature of our planned stunt, but knowing that unless we pulled it off successfully, then everything that we had worked for these last two years would be at an end. We couldn't let that just happen without at least trying something! * * * * * * * We were currently on a three-year investigation into the paranormal, attached to the local University who were sponsoring our studies. We had been tolerated, I suppose is the word, up until now, but after being summoned in to see the Principal yesterday, we had been told that all projects were currently under review following cutbacks in Government funding. We were under no illusions as to what that meant, thinking it highly likely that our project would be amongst the first to go. Why else would we have been called in to see her, right! I can remember it so clearly, leaving her office after hearing that news. That stuck up cow had sat there so calmly and told us that our two years of work was under review, and was most probably about to finish. Oh, she didn't actually say those words - she didn't have the guts for that - but we all knew that was what she meant. We had been so angry. The first time that she had actually spoken directly to any of us, she had always kept her distance from our project for some reason, and it was to tell us that! Well, what would she know about our work? It was just typical of the current lack of vision in our education system that something like our investigations would be the first to go, the apparent lack of any discernible immediate way of profiting from our studies would soon see to that. There just had to be more to life - or death - than money though. Hadn't there? Of course, we were all very depressed by this turn of events, but although we didn't realise it at the time, it was our work itself that would give us our best chance of salvaging something, and being allowed to see our project through. To be more precise, one of our investigations in particular. We had been investigating one of the local legends, that of a young girl named Beth, Beth Partridge, who had been returning home late one night, some thirty-three years ago. She had been returning home following a social event of some sort but had missed the last bus, and decided to catch a lift home. She was killed in an ensuing accident in the car that had picked her up, just days before her planned marriage. Legend has it that she re-appears on the anniversary of her death, looking as real as you or I, and then goes through this whole procedure again. This is to the extent of getting picked up by some unsuspecting motorist but then, subsequently, disappearing without a trace. To have something like this on our own doorstep certainly seemed providential so we determined to base our next dissertation on this case, and see if we could find evidence, or better still, to actually see her ghost ourselves. We set at our task with a passion and soon managed to track down and interview two motorists who alleged that they had given her a lift, the second being only last year. It got even better as they had both given incredibly accurate descriptions of her that actually tallied. These checked out with her photograph that we had managed to find from the press archives. Most intriguing of all though, was the fact that both had held a seemingly intelligent conversation with her whilst giving her a lift, and then - without warning - she had just disappeared, into nowhere, leaving them both shaken up somewhat. Yes - we had become quite enamoured with our Beth, and had planned to stake out Bluebell Hill at the point where it was reputed that she would appear, the very next week. At least that had been the plan, up until the day that we had heard about the likely cancellation of our project. It had been the following evening after hearing the bad news, when we were visiting our local hostelry and commiserating with each other over a few pints, when James had suddenly perked up. "You know," he had said, "if only we could get a corroborated sighting next week, when that girl's due to make another appearance, then I think we could generate enough publicity to embarrass those holding the purse strings into continuing our funding. We could even make it onto the national news, if we played our cards right. I don't see how they could possibly cancel us if we managed that." "Nice thought James, but you know we can't guarantee that she'll make another appearance, and even if she did that anyone would see, or stop, for her!" I'd replied, before downing my ale and ordering another round of drinks. He went quiet for a few moments; his face a picture of intense concentration, and then looked back at us both again, suddenly animated. "Maybe there is a way of 'guaranteeing' her appearance," he said as our fresh order of beer arrived. "And just how can we do that?" Greg joined in, his tone more sneering that curious. "Well haven't those that have seen her say she looks as real as anyone else. Here - let me show you," he said, pointing to me and pulling my hair out of its ponytail as I tried to shrug him aside, unsuccessfully, as my hair fell to my shoulders. "At least as real as Phil here!" Greg just snorted and put his face back into his beer, whilst I pulled away from him. "They also said that she stood about five foot eight, reasonably tall for a girl - about Phil's size I reckon," he continued and I started to shuffle uncomfortably at all this unexpected attention that I was receiving. Greg remained non-committal. "They also say that she was of medium build, had sandy coloured hair, and looked in her very early twenties - just like Phil here!" Suddenly, I could see where this was leading. "Whoa - now just you hold on a minute! If you're thinking what I think you're thinking then you can count me out!" I cried out, indignant that he was even suggesting that I might be taken for a girl. "Are you going to let me in on what's going on, or is this a private matter?" Greg joined in, suddenly showing interest, as James face took on a scheming grin. "What I was about to suggest Greg, was that Phil here could be our means to salvation if he thinks about more than just himself, for once! We've all just agreed that a timely re-appearance by our local spectre could keep our project going, so all I'm suggesting is that we just make sure that she does. How about it Phil!" "No way! There is no chance. I am not going to pose as some girl, especially a dead girl at that, whatever the reason!" Well that was what I had thought, but the next evening both James and Greg came to my room, carrying a large bag, and acting all mysterious. "Hi guys!" I had said, "I haven't seen you all day - have you been up to something?" I said innocently, getting increasingly nervous as I saw a devious smile play across James mouth. "Oh, I've just been home to borrow a few things from my family," he said as he placed the bag on my table and started unzipping it. I stood there numb as I watched him take out a blouse, what looked to be a short skirt, some various items of underwear and finally, some accessories before laying them out in front of me. I looked up at James, then at Greg, and then at James again as he told me how he had 'borrowed' some of his big sister's old clothing - things that she hadn't worn in years, and that they had looked about my size. Despite my ensuing protests both James and Greg used a combination of emotional blackmail and an indirect challenge upon my manhood to make me see otherwise, and gain my complicity. I sat silent as James laid out his plan for me to dress up as Beth Partridge, and to go through the same routine as she had done that fateful night. They would be there to talk to whoever was unlucky enough to pick me up after I had made good my escape. I said nothing at first as I looked at the pile of female clothing, but then reached out and picked up two particular items, a cream coloured bra and panty set. "But even if I agree to put on the rest of this stuff, don't you think that this is going a little too far?" "Well something's got to hold your fake tits in place, and if you're wearing that you might as well complete the outfit. It wouldn't look too good if someone caught a glimpse of your boxers underneath that skirt would it!" Fake tits! This was getting worse. "But why can't I wear some women's trousers or something - why this short skirt?" I pleaded, knowing somehow that I was going to lose this argument. "Because that is the type of clothing that the real Beth Partridge was wearing that night, and your description has to tally," came the reply. "But...but..." "Hey Phil!" Greg joined in, "I don't see what the big deal is about putting on a few girls things - that is, unless - well, unless you've maybe got something to worry about - maybe something to hide. You know, maybe you're nervous that you might get to like it too much, if you know what I mean." They had me every which way. I had always been a little self-conscious about my size; especially when compared to these two, and now they were hinting that I might even be some sort of closet sissy or something. Well, I just couldn't have that - could I? So there I was, just a half hour later, stripping off in front of my protagonists and slowly assembling a new me - a female me. I had felt so stupid at first, taking off all my clothes until I was down to just my shorts, and then having to take those off as well of course - at James insistence. "Come on James, let me just keep these on," I pleaded once again. "No, you can't keep your shorts - it's not as simple as that. You've got to feel feminine as well as look the part, and the panties will help you with that. Just think of it as a sort of method acting." Of course, just like everything that had happened since the previous evening, I soon capitulated, pulling down my shorts and then pulling up the cream (at least they weren't pink) cotton panties that I had held earlier. I noted how they hugged my genitals snugly - too snugly in fact, but they looked a little incongruous, the bulge in their front looking far from feminine. I might have guessed though. James even had an answer for that. "Here - just put this on," he had said, passing me what looked like a jockstrap but compressed, rather than protected, my manhood. A few moments later I had tucked myself in place and was presenting a much smoother outline, although it did cause me more than just a little discomfort. I ignored it though and the guys helped me into the bra and even a waistline corset, which they called a cincher, which made me somewhat short of breath, but gave me a much more feminine outline, especially when I was given additional padding for my hips. I had then slipped on the blouse and skirt before stepping into the two inch heels, and then attempted to give myself a perfunctory coating of lipstick, eye shadow and blusher before brushing my hair out straight, as directed. To be honest I didn't look too bad I thought, but the makeup was a little crude. Finally though, I was then made to stand in front of my friends for their examination, feeling very strange and awkward. "You know - she really doesn't look that bad!" Greg said, giving me a low wolf-whistle, which I did not appreciate. "Hey - enough of the she!" I bristled rather indignantly, maybe too indignantly. I was ready to quit there and then - the humiliation I felt at that point becoming just too much for me to bear, and just wanted to forget about the whole deal. James and Greg had other ideas though. Before I could do another thing each of them grabbed one of my arms. James then picked up a small bag and placed it in my hand, before leading me out of the room and into the hallway. I had no chance of stopping them, what with them both being stronger than me, and on top of that I was struggling to walk in the heels and short skirt I was wearing. I was about to shout and protest when one of my hall mates went walking by, and I decided I would be better not making a fuss. I did not want to be discovered in my current state - I would never live it down. By the time that I had recovered from that I was out in the street and I knew that whatever they wanted me to do I would have to go along with for now. I was at their mercy. As we walked along the pavement I was sure that I would be 'outted' within minutes, but suffice to say, I wasn't. They took me to the local pub, the one I was in now, and I attracted barely a glance, at least nothing but an admiring one, and remained unread until they eventually brought me home. I had to concede that this first foray as a girl had passed successfully. The die was now cast and there was little further I could think of to object to going through with this, unless I wanted to put an end to our research. * * * * * * * Well, that had been the start of it and as the rest of the week went by I was encouraged to dress up more and more, getting better at applying the make up that James had provided for me, and going out 'en-femme' on numerous occasions, often alone. My disguise, this time, had been far more thorough, even down to the shaving off of all the hair from my body, and I had no doubts that I could carry of this tribade - indeed, I was feeling more comfortable in my female persona by the day! Of course, at first I had protested again at having to dress up so often, feeling that what they were asking me to do was way over the top for what was likely to be only a minute or two's impersonation, but they had argued otherwise, James in particular. They told me that unless I was comfortable being who I was supposed to be, then it was more likely that my charade would be discovered, and that it would be me who would suffer most if that happened. I remained unconvinced but, as on the previous occasions, went along with it anyway. Now, there was just one more day before we put the plan into effect. The remainder of the day went by slowly, but we all settled in for an early night before getting up in the early hours of the morning to finish off the rest of the plan. Again, it was James suggestion, on how to effect 'Beth's', or myself as Beth, sudden disappearance. Tomorrow night I would dress up in the style of clothing that the original Beth had worn and wait at the point where she had originally been picked up from. I would then do my best to mimic her movements, which consisted of sitting in the back of the car as she had done, and engaging in a light conversation, of the type that the witnesses had described. I was nervous about doing this but had been practising with a female voice and although I didn't really sound like a girl, I no longer sounded like a man either. Once in the car, and approaching the point of the accident in Bluebell Hill, James and Greg would arrange for the car I would be travelling in to stop and pull over by the side of the road, after staging some sort of accident they told me. At that point, whilst they spoke to the driver, I would slip out and quickly roll into the prepared ditch, covering myself with the brown tarpaulin that we had 'borrowed' and, effectively, disappearing from sight. The driver would, no doubt, want to search for me but the guys would make sure that he was kept well away from where I would be hiding. We were confident that I wouldn't be spotted in the dark. This would be the point when they would explain about the legend of Beth, and get an on the spot quote and another eye-witness account from the driver, before he got a chance to think too hard about what had happened. That should give us enough material to whip up the required publicity. Fool-proof? Nearly. Maybe? We would soon find out. This time, I didn't join the guys on their nocturnal gardening, claiming that I needed my beauty sleep if was going to be at my best later on. Well, I might as well milk it for what it was worth! They returned about 6:00am and told me that everything was set. * * * * * * * Narrative of Philip Edwards (continued) Rochester University, Kent, England: November 11th 2000 By the time that evening came around I was feeling very nervous, and I started preparing my disguise far earlier than I needed to, just so that I would have something to occupy my mind with. I had sent the guys away, wanting to make my preparations in private, and when I heard them return at about 11:00pm I was ready for them. "Come in guys," I said opening the door, and noted their appreciative glances as they took in the sight of me. "Wow!" James exclaimed. "Are you sure that you don't prefer being this way? You make a better girl than you ever did as a boy - in fact I'd say you were pretty hot!" "Don't push you luck. As soon as this is over then skirts are out for me - for good!" I answered, trying to sound authoritative but failing. "If you say so 'Beth'," he mocked. "But maybe you'd give me a date first eh!" he mocked me, causing me to go a bright shade of red and then ducking as I threw a bag at him. From the look on his face I wasn't that sure that he didn't mean it! We then set off to get a lift from one of Greg's friends off towards Bluebell Hill. It was quite funny really, if I stopped to think about it. His friend didn't know that the pretty girl sitting in the back of his car was actually a man - we hadn't let anyone else in on this stunt - and I saw him checking me out on numerous occasions. Even funnier - I actually found that it made me feel quite good to know that I could elicit this response, but them shrugged those thoughts aside as we arrived at our destination. I eased myself out of the car, giving anyone watching a display in the process, my feminine training had not included getting in and out of cars, and we watched our lift disappear, leaving us standing by the roadside. James looked at his watch and then at the ever thinning traffic. "Okay then - Greg and I are going to go the couple of miles or so down the road to where the ditch is and then make our preparations to stop the car that you're going to be in." "Wait a minute," I said, suddenly feeling really worried for the first time, "how are you going to know which car I'm in?" They had never mentioned this small detail. Greg fished around inside his jacket and passed me a mobile phone. "Here - I've borrowed this. It's programmed to dial me with whatever button you press. As soon as you see a car stopping just press a number and then quickly let me know about the car's details. Leave it on and we will be able to hear when you're approaching if you can drop a hint or two." It seemed simple enough and after checking our plan one last time, they both set off. As I watched them walk off into the distance I suddenly felt very vulnerable and exposed at being left alone like this. To all intents and purposes I was a pretty young girl, soon to be standing by the side of the road, alone and wearing only a light jacket and a very short skirt for protection. For now though, I was hiding behind some shrubbery, and would be staying here for the next forty-five minutes until the guys were in place. I shivered as I felt the cool night air caress my exposed thighs and ease their way up my short skirt, and I folded my arms underneath my fake breasts to give myself an illusion of comfort. Eventually, after what seemed to be hours to me, I stared at the small wristwatch I was wearing and saw that it was almost time for me to make my entrance. With a nervous gesture I smoothed down my skirt one last time, and then walked as casually as I could manage, over to the roadside, as ready as I ever would be, to see if I could get a lift. I reached the spot where it was reputed the original Beth got picked up and listened carefully, my every sense straining as I tried to pick up the sound of an approaching car, but there was nothing. In fact the more I listened I realised that there was no sound whatsoever - it was as if all time had stood still. I was starting to get spooked. The total silence was now beginning to unnerve me. "Now come on Phil - don't go scaring yourself. A car will come along at any moment," I said to myself, as I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, my voice being the only sound to break the still of the night. Still no sound came and I was beginning to get seriously spooked by now, and was wondering what on Earth had possessed me to undertake such a foolhardy venture. I was on the point of quitting and calling the guys when I felt a dank chill start to settle over my whole body. It was similar to that I had felt the other morning, but more oppressive. I was rooted to the spot, completely unable to move, but then I heard the sound of a distant car approaching which broke the moment. As the sound got louder I had another moment of indecision, doubting the wisdom of what I was about to do. I mean, this car could contain a murderer, a rapist or worse if that was possible, and I would be in no condition to fend off a determined attacker in my current state of dress. I was sure that I was going through the same self doubts that any woman would go through in a similar situation and again, felt like backing out, but my body though, seemed to make up its own mind. I felt like an onlooker as my arm began to lift and then, as my thumb raised, I saw a black car approach me out of the gloom. It was a black BMW 316i. I managed to gain enough self-control to quickly call Greg on his mobile, and had just enough time to give a description of the car as it pulled up alongside me. I quickly stashed the mobile in my bag as the window wound down. An attractive (where did that come from?) man in his twenties looked me up and down and then smiled. "Are you looking for a lift love?" I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. "Then jump in and I'll see what I can do - where are you going then?" he asked, and I opened the back door of his car and slid myself in, much to his disappointment, I sensed. I had no doubt that he would have preferred it if I had sat up front with him, but there was no way I was doing that. Again, I experienced a dread chill and I had the strangest notion that I was not alone, that I was sharing this moment in time and space with something, but did my best to ignore my growing concern, determined to see out our plan. I settled myself into the back seat, doing my best to keep my head in the shadows as I did so. Having got comfortable I was about to answer him, and give him the address where Beth had once lived, when the oppressive chill that I had felt just a few seconds ago, returned. I felt my stomach churn for a moment, in dread anticipation of what might happen next, but forced myself to give the driver Beth's address, in case he got suspicious. As soon as I had uttered them the chill disappeared but was quickly followed by a great heaviness and a felling of claustrophobia as the world around me seemed to slow down, and I felt as if everything was running in slow-motion. A moment later though, the world returned to normal and I heard the driver reply that he would be happy to take me where I asked as it was on his way. He then tried to strike up a conversation and started to ask me where I had been, and warned me about the perils of a girl dressed like I was being out on her own so late on her own. I tried to get back to the task in hand, and push my feelings of trepidation aside. I was prepared for something like this and got ready to use one of the scripts that I had been practising with, I wanted to be sure that my response was consistent with what we had been told before. Before I could say anything though, I became aware of another voice, young and female, already responding. "I was out late with some friends celebrating. It's my wedding this Saturday," I heard her say, and then realised that the words were emanating from my own mouth. I was horrified. This voice was nothing like my own, although I recognised the words as being those that I would have chosen to use myself, had I been given the chance. I tried to move but found myself paralysed, unable to even lift a finger as the driver continued the conversation. "Saturday huh! Well, give my best wishes to whoever you're marrying. He is one lucky man." "Thank you - and I'm a lucky girl!" I heard myself reply, still in the same voice cringing inwardly at calling myself a girl in such a way, but although I still felt the dread horror at my inability to influence these events I also felt a lightness and joy at the same time. It was as if my emotions were being influenced by whoever was speaking through me. The conversation continued in this vein, with no direct input from myself, until we crossed the brow of the hill and started to approach the point where I knew that James and Greg were waiting for our arrival. Thank God that this ordeal would soon be over for me, for I was not only a passenger in the car, but also my own body. Something else was controlling me, entirely. I felt an intense feeling of relief as I saw the flashing amber lights that I knew the guys must have put out on the road to stop the car. I felt the car starting to slow down and I made a determined effort to concentrate as hard as I could, trying to regain enough control of my body so that I could make my escape as planned. I was becoming desperate for this whole thing to end and was beginning to despair, but just at the point of the car stopping I suddenly felt a great weight lifting away from me and was free - free of what I suspected had been Beth's presence. I could see both Greg and James now as we got close to them and I could see them motioning for the driver to stop right next to where I knew the trench was. I tensed myself, getting ready to make good my escape and then suddenly, everything went very dark for a second and a feeling of nausea threatened to overwhelm me. I managed to recover though, but only in time to see us pulling away again. I was speechless - something had gone wrong - surely, the guys would have done something to have gotten me out of this otherwise! I turned my head to look through the rear window and saw them walking away from the roadside, but my mind went into overdrive as I saw another shape walking alongside them. It looked pretty indistinct but was undoubtedly another person, but who? I turned around again to look at the front, but then really started to panic. The whole inside of the car seemed different somehow, smaller and less plush, and even in the shadows, I could see that the driver was different. "It won't be much longer now miss?" the driver said to me, and I realised then that he must have been referring to the address that I had given him, to where Beth had once lived, but that wasn't all. His voice was different and the tone he used was far more reverential, old fashioned even. I looked out of the side windows and tried to see if I could recognise where we were but then started to feel disorientated, for the expected three-lane highway seemed to have narrowed down to a single lane. Moreover, there was very little housing around, indicating that we were further out in the countryside that I had anticipated we should be. How could that be? It was only about thirty seconds or so since we had pulled away again, and we couldn't have gotten that far, surely! I looked out of the windows once more, searching for a landmark of any kind that was familiar to me, and then recognised a pub that I knew, but it also seemed different, looking older, and also a bit smaller. As we went past it I realised that the conservatory that had been attached to its rear, wasn't there now. But it must have been - I had only been there three weeks ago and they surely couldn't have knocked it down since then! My mind was in a total fug now and I knew that this whole situation was very, very wrong and I felt on the verge of panic again, until the driver's voice caught my attention once more. "Did you hear me miss - I said are you all right?" I had been so preoccupied that I must have missed what he said first time. "Y...yes thank you. I am fi..." I started to say, but although I was now back in control of my body again, my voice was still as it had been earlier, when I had felt that something else was controlling me. I was still speaking in a young girl's voice! I tried to clear my throat and speak again, but it remained unmistakably female. My spine turned to jelly and I slowly looked down at myself. I saw the pale legs peeking out of the short skirt that, sitting down, was near the top of my thighs but then noticed, even in the dark, that the skirt didn't seem to be the same as the one I had put on earlier. This one seemed to be made of velvet where the other had been cotton. My eyes slowly crept up my body. I was scared to look any further but could not stop myself. I could see that I was now wearing a white tee- shirt covered by a short leather jacket. Again, this was very different from the blouse and denim jacket I had originally set off in. I suppose I should have totally panicked at this point because I recognised what I was now wearing was the same as the description of what Beth wore that night. We just hadn't been able to get exact copies of her clothing for this stunt. My hands seemed to move of their own volition towards my chest and although the prominent mounds seemed to be the same size I knew, as soon as I touched them, what was now hanging from my chest consisted of far more than just padding. There was no tissue paper in my bra now, for I could the real flesh inside the cups respond to the touch of my hand, sensitive, alive. They were real! I lost all sense of reality at that point knowing that, incredible as it may have seemed, that I was now a girl, complete in every way. I did not need to feel my crotch to confirm that - I just knew. Moreover, I knew just exactly who I was as well. I was now, somehow, Beth - Beth Partridge. A Beth Partridge who actually made it home that night and had never been in the accident that killed her. "Here you are miss. This is the address you gave me." Somehow I forced myself to move again, sliding out of the car gracefully as if I had been doing it all my life. I thanked the driver, still in my girlish voice, and then walked up to the front door of where I knew Beth lived. There was still a light on inside, although I think I would have preferred it if there hadn't been. A light meant that someone was probably waiting for me and I didn't know if I could face that yet. The choice was taken away from me though as, just feet away from it, I saw the door open, and an older lady in a dressing gown stood there, her face a mixture of concern and anger. "Beth!" she scolded, "I was so worried when you didn't get home on time. I suppose you missed that last bus again?" I nodded dumbly; accepting whatever fate had decided to throw at me, not having the strength or purpose to do otherwise. "And I suppose you accepted a lift from a stranger again - oh, how many times have I told you not to do that. It's not sensible for such a pretty young girl to be doing such a thing. One day you will live to regret it - you mark my words!" she berated me. In another world the real Beth Partridge did more than live to regret it - she died to regret! But where was I now? Was this that same world as my own, or had I, by the re-staging the events of her disappearance, somehow altered what had happened that night and entered into a different reality? Whatever had happened this night, some inner sense told me that this was now MY reality and that I would now live the life that Beth Partridge would have done, if she had never had that accident. Greg and James interference had changed that, forever. I looked up at the woman, my mother, and saw her relief and love for her daughter, clearly written all over her face. At least she would not have to go through the pain of losing a daughter now. I felt her hug me, having only one question that I needed to ask to banish for good, any lingering doubts. "M...Mother," I said stiltingly, still surprised at the sound of my new voice. "Yes child," she said, pulling away and looking me in the eyes. "What day is it today?" She looked at me strangely. "Why it's November 11th girl, but you know that surely!" "Yes mother, but what year?" I asked, trying to keep the anxiety out of my voice. "Oh I see!" she said, smiling suddenly. "It's that little game again is it. Well, I'll be glad when tomorrows over and we can stop this nonsense, but just this last time I'll indulge you. As you well know - tomorrow is November 11th, nineteen sixty-seven, and by this time then, you will be married to that handsome man who is so smitten with you, Mr Alan Geddes." I stopped dead in my tracks - that name was familiar to me - I knew of from - yes .. the University! "Yes my girl, by this time tomorrow you will Mrs Elizabeth Geddes. Now come on - to bed. I'm tired, and what state do you think you will be in if you don't get your beauty sleep. Why, you'll frighten him away!" Elizabeth Geddes - the Principal from the college! I had assumed that Beth was short for Bethany, not an abbreviation of Elizabeth. Had fate decreed that I would become her? But that would mean .. "Come on girl, I just don't know what's gotten into you. You look as if you've had so kind of shick, but it'll have to wait until the morning now." I let this kindly woman - my mother - lead me up to Beth - Elizabeth's - bedroom, and settle me into bed, knowing that it would be at least another year until Phil was even born. I wonder what he'll look like when I see him again, in another twenty years? * * * * * * * Epilogue Bluebell Hill, Kent, England: November 11th 2000 "Hey - come on Phil. Pull yourself together. We got the statement so we can go now. I'd like to see that Geddes bitch stop our research after this. Man - we're going to hit the papers with this one!" Greg said, putting his arms around his friend's shoulders. He certainly admired Phil's courage. He didn't think he could have done the same if he had been in his position. The young woman in Phil's body looked down at herself, wondering why she was dressed so strangely, and who these strange men were that she was with. It all seemed so confusing, as if she were in a dream. She was finding it hard to remember just who she was at the moment, but followed them anyway - they seemed to know her. Something didn't feel quite right to her as she followed them. There was a tightness, a strange constricted feeling, coming from in between her legs. She felt like something was trapped down there and she wanted to release it. No doubt she would feel much better after a warm bath, she thought, as the three friends walked back towards their car. The End

Same as Bluebell Hill Videos

3 years ago
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Dark Hill

My name is Ted Howard and my wife's name is Beth. We have three children; Carl aged 10, Mike age 8 and Beth age 5. It all started so very innocently with my wife and me enjoying our first vacation by ourselves in over ten years and evolved into something that seems like a fantastic dream than reality. Over the past ten years we have had three children and every vacation had included each of them as they came along. Now, with the children staying with my wife's parents for the summer, we were...

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Gregor of Hartshorn Hill

Note from the author: Jarrod of Hartshorn Hill is the First of this Series. Druesha of Hartshorn Hill is the Second of this Series. Fallon of Hartshorn Hill is the Third of this Series. Evan of Hartshorn Hill is the Fourth of this Series. Avalon of Hartshorn Hill is the Fifth of this Series. * * * * * Gregor had been born a slave. Usually when you are born a slave, you never know your parents. Slave babies are sent to the slave nursery until they are old enough to perform simple...

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Hardman Hill

"We'll leave the smell of the sea in your bed, Where love's just a job and nothing is said." ELTON JOHN - Sweet Painted Lady "Webster", she said, standing on tiptoe so that she could speak into the intercom set high and to the right of the door. "Tina Webster. I'm supposed to start today". "Of course you are. Come up". The voice was young, light, cheerful. Tina felt the tension in her stomach lift a little. "I can't get in", she told the disembodied voice. "There's no door...

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A Swim at Bunker Hill

“Hey Mikhail,” she said. “How are you?” “Good thanks. What are you doing here?” I asked, scratching my head. “I was bored,” she said. “I heard a bunch of people would be here so I came. Didn’t know you would be here though. Let’s go walk around.” “Ok,” I said. Rachael and I had been friends since as long as I could remember. People that don’t know us tend to think we are brother and sister because we are always together, but also because we look alike. Rachael has long, shoulder...

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A Swim at Bunker Hill

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Boob Hill

John ‘Long’ Johnson held up a weather-browned hand,bringing to a halt the six horsemen and women trailingbehind him. He pushed back his dusty, ten-gallon cowboyhat and shaded his brow, squinting stinging sweat out ofhis blazing blue eyes as he gazed down at the ramshacklecollection of wood frame buildings and homes that wereDike City, Kansas. Shimmering waves of heat rose off thesun-baked land below, and the sluggish Little Snake River,which regularly overflowed its banks and the town’scrudely...

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A younger woman gets fucked up the hill

I was about to start the last week of my residential course from work, and I hadn't heard from Jo for over a week, since she hinted that she might be up for introducing me to her friend.  I was busy with coursework anyway and with 30 or so co-students all living together there were other fish to fry, so to speak.I had been sailing through the work, but it could get stressful, career advancement was on the line and some people were coping better than others.  This was how I found myself helping...

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Chattersons Hill

We joined the rest of the Maryland troops on the far right of Washington's line. They fed us in as replacements on a hill top beside some hard men from Delaware, and we waited in a well-dug trench for the Germans and British to attack us. We did not have to wait long for despite the light artillery behind us, they came in disciplined ranks and we shot them down. Then they came again, those huge Germans in the tall hats, and we shot them down once more. They were brave and stupid men. Then...

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Love On The Hill

As I got out of the cockpit of the IAF transport plane that I had qualified to fly, I handed over my headset and gear to one of the airmen alongside and climbed into the station jeep that was sent to bring me and my crew back to the hangar to freshen up and write out my report. I was part of the first batch of women pilots inducted into a hitherto-male-only Indian Air Force, and I reveled in my pioneer status. I had been a keen cadet during my NCC days, and dreamed of flying for a living. My...

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Jaci Bill Naked on the Hill

Jaci & Bill like to spend weekends Naked at their Cabin, but will Jaci's friend Pati join them.Most of the sexual acts my wife Jaci and I have preformed in public were at our cabin. This is the same cabin where we sometimes spend an entire weekend naked, day and night, inside and outdoors. The cabin was not a secluded one, but on a hill, somewhat distant from the ones below us. With binoculars some of our neighbors would have had many a chance to see us in detail while naked, and sometimes...

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Love On The Hill

As I got out of the cockpit of the IAF transport plane that I had qualified to fly, I handed over my headset and gear to one of the airmen alongside and climbed into the station jeep that was sent to bring me and my crew back to the hangar to freshen up and write out my report. I was part of the first batch of women pilots inducted into a hitherto-male-only Indian Air Force, and I reveled in my pioneer status. I had been a keen cadet during my NCC days, and dreamed of flying for a living. My...

First Time
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on the hill

An older bull standing on top of the hill over looking the herd, see the young bull running up the hill. The young one say hey old timer 'hows it going"? The old bull does not reply but snorts. The young one says to the old bull " hey lets run down the hill and fuck us a few heffers". The old bull looks at the young one with a smile and says " why dont we walk down the hill and fuck them all".

3 years ago
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Letter from Ivy Hill

LETTER FROM IVY HILLDear Shoeblossom: I am a female submissive. I never wanted to be, but my father raised me in a truly disciplinary fashion. My mother left us when I was young, and my father told me that he was going to teach me to not be a wandering slut like Ma. I think part of it, of course was that Pa wanted to get his hands on me. I am a curvy redhead, about five seven, and I’ve been that way since about sixth grade. I know that I was adopted when I was young, and my birth folks must’ve...

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 11 77 Denmark Hill

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The Fool on the Hill

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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 3 Over the Hill

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The Old House on a Hill

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Eyes Wide Open on Capitol Hill

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The House on the Hill

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The House on the Hill

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Round Hill

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 20 The House under the Hill

They are all gone away, the house is shut and still, there is nothing more to say. Through broken walls and gray, the winds blow bleak and shrill: They are all gone away. Nor is there one today to speak them good or ill: There is nothing more to say. Why is it then we stray around the sunken sill? They are all gone away. And our poor fancy-play for them is wasted skill: There is nothing more to say. There is ruin and decay In the House on the Hill they are all gone away, There is...

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Me and My Sister Phillipa

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Fossil Hills

Chapter 1.The Hills. You will not find Fossil Hills on any normal map. The only maps that have it marked are those belonging to a few palaeontologists who have noted it on their maps with pencil or ball point. In most other places Fossil Hills would hardly be rated as hills at all, but on the vast flat and arid plain that stretches from horizon to horizon they stand out and can be seen from many kilometres away. The nearest habitation, a pastoral cattle station, is sixty kilometres away. The...

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The Hill

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Sex With Working Lady In The Hills

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Romantic Novelist Beverly Hills

‘Yes, yes,’ the woman said, ‘this is really good. I’ll even ask you for more’. Audrey resisted opening her mouth in surprise. She was sitting on a comfortable leather chair in the quaint office of Gabrielle West, a popular literary agent for publisher localized within Beverly Hills, California. Audrey had finished her first novel, completed during a trip to Las Vegas with her boyfriend, a romantic story set in Old Las Vegas and her new agent ate it up like a good meal. She sat on a large chair...

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The true king of the hill

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Tying Me to Her or The Adventures of Joseph Hill

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Dirty Old Man Of Dundee Hill

Hank Martin crouched in the bushes on Dundee Hill. Below the sixty-seven-year-old man was the pond at the back of his neighbour’s large property. A few ducks swam along one shore. They were not what Hank was watching.The object of Hank’s attention was Natalie O’Connell, his neighbour’s niece. The pretty twenty-year-old was sitting on the bank of the pond, dangling her feet in the water. She wore tight cutoffs and a little pink tube top that struggled to hold on to her large tits. Her long...

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Crater Hill

Crater Hill is story-focussed, but contains plenty of sexual themes should you decide to take careless decisions. I try to give you as the player the most options possible for deciding your path throughout the story, but I am obviously limited in how fast I can write chapters. Different branches may reveal different insights into characters and events, while other storybranches may end up coming back together later. You can customize your character name on the right, in the 'customize' tab. It...

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24 hours from Tulse Hill

Abby had always been a good girl. She’d been Head Girl at school, studied hard, got the grades she needed and was accepted into a very good university. She was pretty too, long straight blonde hair, ice-blue eyes and a cute petite figure. Now, at university, some people thought her a bit boring and uptight but little did they know.Another message had come through whilst she was in a lecture. The crudeness made her blush and her knickers dampen at the same time. She looked at it again. “You are...

Group Sex
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House on the Hill

It was 6:30 in the morning. Jenny Marie Stephens and her daughter, Stephanie, sat down on their front stoop to take of their track shoes. They had managed to do their ten miles before Stephanie had to take her summer classes and it began to get hot and muggy. Jenny did not envy Stephanie's afternoon workout. She worked out with the city track club in the evening before it got dark; after the main hot spell. They ran 100 and walked a 100, doing intervals which increased to a couple of full out...

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Going Down Hill

Things were going down hill rapidly and I didn't care for my wife had left me. In my studio were many unfinished canvases; my talent seemed to have deserted me too. All I thought about now was where the next bottle was coming from. I went to bed, as usual in a drunken stupor, but then suddenly I was wide-awake and sober. I sat up and across the room sitting in the armchair next to the window was a stunning looking woman. "W-who are you," I stuttered, she just smiled at me. There was...

3 years ago
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Wal Mart arrived in our town several years ago with American flags waving, apple pie, and much fanfare. With all his money, good ol' Sam Walton-- who was still alive then-- wasn't even generous enough to provide the requisite commercial coffins for all the old family owned businesses he killed in downtown Angel Hills, and every other small town in the midwest. He hasn't killed everything else in our already shriveling town yet; there are several defiant soldiers still writhing in their death...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Hillary

My wife and I have always had a problem when it comes to sex. Not a problem with our sex life, just a problem with attitudes. Hillary had a typical middle class upbringing where she attended church off and on and where she was encouraged to save herself for marriage. Her mother did her level best to convince Hillary that the only reason for having sexual relations with a man was to have babies. In short, if you aren't going to have kids, don't fuck! Fortunately, Hill fell in with the wrong...

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Theres Gold in Them Thar Hills

Before we start: I don’t normally do this but there are one or two things that need to be explained. First of all Caul (say cowl) is a thick meaty (hopefully) soup, and Heddlu ( Hethlee) is the police. The word derives from ‘peace’, so they are peacekeepers. Actually they are just normal cops, but there is so little crime here that they are always up for a chat. I’ve set this story in a real area (you won’t find the farms though) and there is a reference to Aber. This is colloquial for...

3 years ago
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Dominating Hillary

This was the moment she had dreamed of all her life. Now she was on her way to the Pepsi Center in beautiful downtown Denver, Colorado to accept her party's nomination as their chosen candidate for President of the United States. She had overcome so much to get here. There were all the scandals she was implicated in during her husband's two terms in office that she managed to escape. Her own husband's sexual indiscretions almost ended her dream, as he was brought up on impeachment charges for...

4 years ago
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The TOTAL Sissification of John Phillips

Disclaimer and acknowledgements... First off, I would like to very much thank Anne-Mal and her gang for making this possible. I would have never really have written anything if I'd thought it wouldn't get posted. Then I would have kept it inside. Second, this is a bit of a horror story. I don't know why it got harsh. I was just practicing writing. I started and this is where it went. And it's not reached its destination yet, even. Third, there are some chapters that go gross and...

3 years ago
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TyballaChapter 10 Into the Hills

I dragged over a chair, sat, and looked at Mr. Woodhouse. He looked back with wide eyes and a painful grimace. Above him, the same light hung that had hung above me, and surrounding him was the same circle. My chair was just within its bounds, and I thought I could sense faint wisps of magical energy move behind me. I wondered: how much could he sense, what magical flows and currents were evident to him, and could he control them without speaking, without incanting a spell? We each waited...

4 years ago
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Horny Mrs Phillips

It was a sunny and warm Friday afternoon in suburbia. Work had been hectic recently, so the 45 year-old, married, mother of three decided to take a day off work. The c***dren were off living their own lives. One was married and two were away at college. She had the quiet house all to her for the day until her husband would return later from work.Now that they were empty nesters, They begun a routine of taking off work an hour early each Friday for a "date". They would meet at home, remove their...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Reader In Nandi Hills

About me I have solid 8.5 inch hard hanging bridge and I love sex, that doesn’t mean I will fuck rand people. I am healthy fucker. I fuck people who match my wavelength and likeminded. Coming to the sex story, I wrote my first experience in July I got good response from people who liked my story. First week of June I got one email from unknown lady asking about my details, I replied to her let us get close here first later we can share personal things and I have clearly told her there is no...

3 years ago
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Green DoomChapter 10 To The Hills

The room where Shantar stood was about three times as wide as he was tall, roughly cubical in shape, with walls and ceiling of gleaming white. There were no windows, but it was brilliantly lighted by glowing patches set into the walls and ceiling. The air was fresh and clean after the reek of filth and fear that had pervaded Khamul's dungeons, though there was a faint odor that reminded Shantar of summer lightning. "Is everything ready?" Nurm question brought Shantar's attention to where...

3 years ago
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East of Nowhere Part 6 Meeting in the Sacred Hills

The notice said Calling all Dragon Hunters- We’re hunting The Ruined Ice Princess. (Either professional or amateur. This dragon out here has been kidnapping and killing villagers. Many teams have gone up against this dragon, and only few have returned. It can shape change, and turn into a hybrid, though there are some characteristics that it is still a dragon in human shape (eye iris shape, or nails, or dragon scales as tattoos.) The women both give each other a short glance and Sasha asks”...

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Amys Evening In The Hollywood Hills

Perched high in the Hollywood Hills, our generous host's home offers a million dollar view to match it's multi-million dollar price tag. The perfect setting for a brave new adventure long in the making.Seductively smiling at you, I pull you closer.  I can feel the heat of your body while I trace your face with my fingertip, pausing for a moment as it traverses your lips. Your eyes close as I continue down your neck to your collar bone, tipping your head back as I place both hands on your...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Trip To Hills

Hi all, I am Kavita (name changed) living in Chandigarh the city beautiful I am unmarried and 29 years old, a little about me….. I am 5′ 4″ in height and wheatish in colour, I wear a 34 B bra and have firm boobs with dark brown small nipples, I have been in a relation but still a virgin till the day of the story. I work at a private office as branch coordinator, I have had lots oral with my boss(Vikas 45) but never let him cross the line. Friends its my first here and a true one so I hope you...

4 years ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Girlfriend In Kasauli Hills

Hello everyone, i am Jas from punjab again back with real story of my sex encounter with my best friend’s girlfriend. Let me describe about my friend’s girlfriend prabhjot. She is in her early twenties and was in relationship with my friend from last 3 years. We were introduced to each other by my friend. Then slowly we became good friends and we almost share everything. Daily we chat on phone for hours. After few months she told me about her relationship that is going through a bad phase. I...

2 years ago
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A Walk in the Hills

?Well, it's obvious how you got the job, isn't it? The only question is which one of the bosses you screwed. Which one, all of them more likely. I bet your interview consisted of you, down on your knees, giving each and every one of them blow jobs.? Karen sneered in her usual bitchy fashion.?Oh, grow up, Karen. I got the job on my merits. I got promotion, you didn't, get over it.? I replied. Ever since I'd been promoted Karen had been bitter. Right up until the last moment she'd been sure the...

2 years ago
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Family Vacation On The Hills

Family Vacation On The HillsBy: Londebaaz Chohan A rainy dreary dark Sunday morning. Lorraine was spending one of her annual 2 weeks’ vacation with her family in the cabins on the hills. Mom and Dad had gone to church and not expected to return before noon time. Weston and Lorrie were left behind by themselves in the cabin with nothing much to do. If it were not raining, they could go for a hike but it was literally pouring outside. The car was taken by the parents and they could not even go to...

2 years ago
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Princess Hillary

I was sitting in front of the TV watching some mundane talk show when my roommate walked into the apartment. We spared each other barely a glance, but the tension was palpable. I heard the familiar sounds of her grabbing the cordless phone and locking herself into the bedroom we shared. I hit the mute button to the TV. It was enough so that I could hear every word that she spoke to whomever was on the other end of the call. "Hey, what are you doing?" she asked... a moment of silence, "No,...

2 years ago
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Hideaway at Hillview

The clock on the dash read quarter to nine. Lia exhaled slowly in an attempt to get a handle on her rattled nerves. Within the next ten minutes she would arrive at the designated spot. The place they’d agreed to meet. The notification tone on her cell phone chimed, she looked down hastily at her phone. It was a text from him. The text read that he would be there in twelve minutes. Lia was anxious, but semi-relieved that he was running later than herself. She tapped the breaks, as her car...

3 years ago
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Predator Series Chapter Six Sadophillia

Standing in the bedroom I turned around and gave the rope a tug. As expected she jumped forward when she felt the rope slide and press tightly against her clitoris. I started to walk off and give the rope a tug ever so often just to see her jump forward and shake those beautiful breasts. As we walked she would make a moan every so often. Not to loud just under her breath. As I get to the basement door I stopped to warn her of the steps. I did not want to take the blindfold off but rather...

2 years ago
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Hideaway at Hillview

The clock on the dash read quarter to nine. Lia exhaled slowly in an attempt to get a handle on her rattled nerves. Within the next ten minutes she would arrive at the designated spot. The place they'd agreed to meet. The notification tone on her cell phone chimed; she looked down hastily at her phone. It was a text from him. The text read that he would be there in twelve minutes. Lia was anxious, but semi-relieved that he was running later than herself. She tapped the breaks, as her car...

4 years ago
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Chillow... Puffin big billowy clouds just before WC got home an Chillow was alwaze lookin hott I was horny an conversation was of WC love of bein embarrassment an humiliated... Told Chillow how I wrote FAT ASS an shoved a soldier up there while fuckin her an showed her the pix... We shared a laugh an tells her how WC gets wett when I fuck her an call your name... Grabbed Chillows tits an sucked on em as she pulled my cock out... Got the 5 minute text so I wrote her ta come in bedroom naked an...

2 years ago
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Sex With Colleague Sanchita In Shillong

Hello Friends, Your appreciation for my past 2 stories has given me the motivation to write a story once again. I am Rohan (name changed) from Guwahati, Assam and I write only about my real life experiences. I don’t like fiction and therefore I narrate only what has happened in real. Today, I am writing how I had sex with colleague. I was working for a reputed company for 4-5 months. After that, a new girl joined the company. Her name was Sanchita. She was 1-year elder to me at that time. While...

2 years ago
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Strip Poker in Banjarahills

This story is a continuation of ” My Honeymoon romance”. It is recommended that the earlier story be read first. However, I am adding a part of the earlier story here to make this one an independent story. Please remember to vote so that I know how I have fared. Constructive criticism is very much welcome.My wife Tulika & I are married for fifteen years. She is now 29 and I am 31. Both of us have successful careers. She is a senior manager in a bank and I am a Senior Project Manager in a...

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