Meister - T - Geisha 芸者 Hilla free porn video

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Meister – T –
Erziehungsplattform Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und Mann
Aus dem Leben eines Meisters.

Geisha 芸者 Hilla

Hilla liebt es, edle Stoffe auf nakter Haut zu tragen und diese besinnlich in erregender Art zu spüren. Zu ihrem Geburtstag schenkte der Meister ihr einen alten und edlen Kimono aus Brokat Seide. - "Du - meine Muse - bist ab heute die Geisha (芸者) - des Meisters. - Nakt und "unrasiert" - darfst du mir dienen. So wie es in Japan Sitte ist! -

Geisha 芸者 Hilla war berührt über dieses edle Geschenk des Meisters und sie sprach : "Meister - ich bin schon ganz "nass und wuschig" - und will den Kimono gleich tragen, und dir treu und Demütig "dienen". - "Auch das mit der "Nicht Rasur" - sagte sie lachend, ist bei mir nie das Problem"!

Geisha 芸者 Hilla

Zu lieben - auch nach sieben –
diese Frau – macht es genau -
denn sie liebt – das wahre „Dienen „–
und auf Po – die roten Striemen.

Artig gar – und das ist wahr –
mag diese Frau - die ist gar Schlau –
auf sehr besonderer Weise –
zu kommen – niemals leise.
Nackt am Fuße – und zum Gruße –
Kopf tief beugen – und bezeugen –
Zu- und Neigung.

Geisha 芸者 Hilla ist – so gern „Devote“ –
ganz im Reinen – und im Lote –
immer schon – hat sie gesonnen –
Kimono – auch zu bekommen.

An ihrem – Ehrentage –
stellt der Meister – ihr die Frage:
„Willst du ihn tragen - an den Tagen –
wenn du hier – so nah bei mir?
Willst du sein – darunter nackte –
und mir zeigen – „Art de Fakte“?“ -
„Nie rasieren – liebste Lippen -
die bei Seite – gern so kippen!“ -
um zu zeigen - was in Mitte –
so wie es – bei Frau ist Sitte -
beringte Perle – mit dem Ringe –
dieser hält sie – fest wie Zwinge.

Frisch – so strömt der Frauendufte –
dann empor – aus feiner Klufte –
denn der edle – Kimono –
ist unten offen – so.

Gemacht aus Seide – und Brokate –
und jetzt weiter – du auch rate –
was der Meister – nun gedenkt –
und der Hilla – heute schenkt.

Geisha 芸者 Hilla lebt – so gern gesund –
geküsst wird heute – innig Mund –
rosig Lippen - die entzücken.

Dieser Mund – der liegt tief innen –
pochen tut er – wie von Sinnen –
wenn die „Gier“ – macht ihn zum „Tier“.

Der Meister feiert - heut das Feste –
und für Hilla – gibt’s das Beste –
denn sie ist – des Meisters Muße –
gerne tut sie – bei ihm „Buße“.

„Ding Dong“ – vom „Meister Wong“ –
edler „Pein“ – der soll es sein!
Gefertigt nach – uralter Sitte –
wird beginnen – heute Ritte –
bis geschwollen – selbst die Titte.

Noch so weiß – es Hilla nicht –
wie tut gut – auch dieser „Wicht“. –
Erklingen wird – von innen „Glocke“ –
die geschlagen – fest mit Stocke –
beginnt so fein – zu schwingen –
bis es nass - wird innen.

Ausgezogen – ist die Socke –
und auf „Hohen Zehen“ –
muss sie nun – zum Meister gehen.
Schnell schiebt er - von unten –
rein - nun in Sekunden –
„Dong“ – vom „Meister Wong“.

Dieser klopft – was sehr gesund –
gar so tief – an Mutters Mund
immer wieder - auf und nieder –
wird gebogen – auch gehoben –
tief – bis Hilla rief:
„Dieser Finger – der ist schlimmer –
als die Rute – und die Knute.
Loben will ich – dies „Gerät“ –
was der Frau - geil Lust auch sät“
Wie von Sinnen – schiebt von innen –
hoch das Becken – diesen „Recken“ –
mit des Meisters Hand.

„Meister ich - muss mich – hinlegen –
zu bekommen – meinen Segen -
denn ich will – so gerne spritzen –
und dabei – auch heut – nicht sitzen“.

Geisha 芸者 Hillas Worte – die so forte –
sind vernommen –
und bekommen – hat sie Wille –
doch es blieb - nicht Stille.

„Ding Dong“ – vom „Meister Wong“ –
Ur- und alte –
Schön - hat er die Falte –
dieser Frau – gereizt – genau –
wie sie – es will –
und gar nicht – still –
muss sie - kommen –
nun benommen – laut noch schrie:
„Oh Welt – so schau – ich rattig Sau –
mein kleines Fass – ist innen nass –
ich muss es leeren – und nicht scheren –
tut mich nun – was ich muss tun –
ich will jetzt kommen – unbesonnen –
stoß mich feste - bis zum Reste!“

Jetzt gekommen – auf dem Boden –
küsste Hilla – Meisters Hoden –
sagt zu ihr– Adrette –
dass ich noch – was schönes hätte!

Mit edlem Harz– wird Mösenhaare –
fein veredelt – wunderbare –
„Drachenbaum“ – du kennst ihn kaum –
und so auch – mit Weih und Rauch –
wird gemacht – ein Elixier –
das ich benutz – so gerne hier –
an geschmolzen – um zu duften –
an der kleinsten - „Frauen Stelle“ –
die gerne macht - die heftig “ Welle“.

„Spreiz die Beine – und nicht weine –
wenn das Harze – Heiße –
mit dem Wachse – leise –
beginnt sanft fließend – seine Reise.“

Hilla sagte –
„Ich gelobe - hart zu sein –
Lieber Meister – füll es sein –
duftend will ich – dich erfreuen –
Jeden Tag – so dann von Neuem.“!

Eingeschlossen – werden Haare –
kleben tut es - wunderbare –
duftet nun – nach fernen Welten –
die zu sehn – ist gar zu selten.

MuMu ist – fast nicht mehr offen –
und die Geisha – tut nun hoffen –
dass der Meister – und die Geister –
werden wachen – über „Pforte“ –
die verschlossen – ist als Orte.

Dieses feine „Elixier“ –
verklebt die Haare – fest nun hier –
Hilla sagt – so muss es sein –
denn immer will – ich „Deine“ sein –
die dient – mit so viel LIEBE –
und so liebt – des Meisters Hiebe.

Lese auch:-

Texte und Inhalte unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. © - Meister – T – 11.2017

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The SuiteChapter 7

Day 7 Megan had no idea how long the three of them had been there, on Lyn's bed. The moments of clear, lucid thought were too infrequent. She concentrated on the pleasure, the giving and receiving, tongue to pussy, tit to tit, mouth pressed against a beautiful, womanly mouth. The taste, the sounds, the smell, the soft. All she knew was they'd been like this a very long time. She never wanted it to end. The chime sounded, and before any of them were really aware of what they were doing,...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 13

Kat led Adriana up the stairs to Jackie’s bedroom, where the cheerleading coach was lying face-up on the bed — naked, gagged, and blindfolded, with all four limbs tied tightly to the corners of the bed. Doing a double-take, Ana murmured, “What the hell...?”Flashing a wicked grin, Kat purred into her ear, “Here’s your chance, Ana. To get her back for all the crap she’s given you over the years.” Kat had been witness to all the conflict that had transpired between the two of them, all the way...

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Training the Wife for BBC PT3

The first interracial picture I saw as a teenager was in an adult magazine. It showed a very attractive red headed woman with long hair and alabaster skin sitting on a black man's lap with her back turned towards him. The black man was well built and had his hands firmly on her hips. Her face conveyed to me that she was experiencing great pleasure fucking the black man. The contrasts in skin color fascinated me. I ignored virtually all the other pictures of white couples fucking in that adult...

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Twists of Fate Ch 03

Hello!! I want to apologise for the delay but here’s the third chapter anyways. Votes, rates and comments are always a welcome!! XXX * She took a deep breath as the presentation came to an end and glanced at Terence who was standing beside her. Their turn was at the last and after listening to the previous presentations, she had started getting nervous, but now that they were done, she was relived. She stole another glance at her professor and was shocked. Was he smiling? She tugged at...

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ShawnChapter 1

Movement; movement; vibrations pushing... surprise! colour. shape? Shape moves. What? Quiet sleep pushing Why? A shape better see Who? Feel feel more need moves, other parts move... relief why? My awakening began earlier than most people. Children gradually become aware of their surroundings, and learn by interacting with it. The ones interacting more get burnt more frequently but learn more in the process. Their world is centred around 'Mother'. Basic instinct makes...

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Every morning i wake up and i have cravings and desires. I dont know where it comes from, but i always get horny in the morning. I havent been touched in such a long time and i don't know what to do. Somedays i even try to catch my brother in the shower. So i get up and have breakfast and of course the food always makes me think of cock. I try my best not to eat it like i wluld some guy, but its difficult. It gets even worse when my brother brings all of his friends around. They aren't the best...

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PornGo Lesbian

I don’t know how some of the horny bastards call yourselves straight when you’re fapping to videos that have more sausages in them than a fucking Oscar Meyer factory. You’ll sit there and rub yourself raw to a dozen micro-dicked Japanese men blowing loads on a petite slut and call that normal and masculine. Fuck, we all know most of you are wishing you were that Moaning Myrtle of a JAV star in the center. Screw that noise. It’s time you take a break from that shit and jerk off to hot babes...

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A Haunting LoveChapter 10

There was silence after Ramona's pronouncement that not only was Smith ... not Smith ... he was also their uncle. Debbie managed to make the first noise. "But we don't HAVE an uncle!" she gasped. "Am I then a ghost?" asked Robert, smiling. "Perhaps one of the ghosts you say inhabit my house?" There was, despite the emotion and uncertainty of the moment, a subtle shift in Debbie's thinking. Her rational brain accepted that this man was Robert Nettleton, whatever that meant. She...

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Exibitionist gets caught

At the age of 35, I had developed a penchant for staying in an old motelin a major city in the southern united states. The owners were a older manabout 65 and his 55 year old buxom straight laced wife......I would check in late after 10 pm and take a room on the back, take a showerputting on a cock ring and position the blinds so that anyone walking by thatwere out for a late night smoke could see my large 8 inch hard cock betweenmy face down naked ass as I pretended to read a porno magazine...

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Naughty Adventures With Kelly1

I had been fucking Kelly for a while now and we sat talking one day about the sex we had enjoyed.She told me that she was having the best sex she had had in ages but she wanted to be naughty.I said to her,'What.Having sex with another man in your bed at home wasn't naughty'.She said it was but she wanted to be even more naughty.I asked her what she had in mind and she said she would show me.She took my hand and placed it between her legs revealing that she had no panties on.I slipped a finger...

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LongshotChapter 14

“So Mom’s pregnant,” Zuri said. I looked at my sister in surprise as I climbed down from the crouching factotum. “You knew?” She raised an eyebrow. “Of course. She never does anything without a plan.” Returning to the intimacy of family allowed me to forget my new responsibilities for a long time. Fear of command was replaced with the immediate task of raising Hotene and Ananya, thoughts of the immensity of our voyage and my responsibility for it subsumed by the simple act of waking up...

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Sex in a Chat

tom_max_crush: elow tom_max_crush: wazz up…? tina22india2003: ya tom_max_crush: sexy tina22india2003: ya tom_max_crush: like to do? tina22india2003: wht tom_max_crush: intercourse tina22india2003: why not sure tom_max_crush: how do u like it? tina22india2003: as ur wish BUZZ!!! tom_max_crush: do u wanna be licked in pussy? tina22india2003: ya] tom_max_crush: how is ur possy? tom_max_crush: is it hairy or shaved? tina22india2003: shaved tina22india2003: n urs tom_max_crush: great tom_max_crush:...

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Oshi Casino

Boys, it’s time to piss your money away. If you’re a grown man over or under the age of 42, you should know that the best way to turn your hard-earned cash into dookie is to spend it on expensive wine or gamble it away on a slot machine. Expensive wine tastes like cheap wine – all wine tastes like shit. Get a beer and gamble your money away like a real man, all right?Now we arrive at the point of this fucking review – This right here is one in a long line of fantastic places to turn...

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The Doctor Is In Chapter II Return to the Doctors Office

Prescient Telephone CallOur first visit to the Couples Counselor ended fairly abruptly after my husband, Rodney, and I had oral sex related orgasms. Rodney wanted to leave quickly because he had come in his pants - a lot. Not that I blamed him after the way Dr. Clark had aroused and over stimulated him during the session.At Rodney’s insistence, I had dressed quickly and we rushed out before I had time to properly thank Dr. Clark and inquire about a next appointment.It was now Saturday, and my...

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MistakesChapter 12

Somehow after a helter-skelter rush through the flat, we found ourselves in the bedroom and she was standing by the bed, legs apart, hands on hips, now confident in herself, brazen. She was perfect in every way. I moved to take her in my arms again but she held up her hand to arrest my progress and began to strip rapidly. She crossed arms on the hem of her sweater and flung it up and to the left, followed by her tee shirt which flew to the right. Her skirt was pushed down and allowed to fall...

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To Sir With Love Part VII

Continued….. Mathew spoke. “Ok sluts, the next event is the ‘biathlon’. While I explain the event, remove your thongs and give them to us. We were going to give points for the wettest underwear, but with you three, we were afraid we’d get flooded out.” Each girl was given a small silver “pocket rocket” vibrator loaded with a fresh batteries. “The winner of the next event will be first one to give themselves a full blown orgasm with your new toys, and show the rest of us a mouthful of cum. As...

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Hotel heaven

It happened one day, I was a little bored with life as I knew it. I decided to go shopping at the local market. As I cruised the aisles in search of nothing, a a gentleman in a business suit approached. He was built, about 45 yrs old, tall dark and handsome. He asked what I was doing, I said nothing. He suggested a bit of fun. His plan was to go out to his car car and have me give him a blow job. I said what do I get out of this plan. He offered $20, I said sure, why not.We headed out to his...

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Elementary Adultery

We had just moved to our new city five months ago.  I had accepted a transfer with my company and we finally made the move after a long delay.  Brenda, my wife, found a new job too; she had started teaching 4th grade at the public elementary school in our district.   Over the course of the first several weeks of school, Brenda was really excited to come home and tell me how fun her job was.  She had a great class and was beginning to make friends with the other teachers on the staff. ...

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