Meister T Geisha Hilla
- 4 years ago
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Meister – T – Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und MannAus dem Leben eines Meisters.Hilla - und das Klit Piercing - Informationen und Möglichkeiten der weiblichen "Formung" und "Intimveredelung"Zur den schönen und angenehmen Aufgaben eines Meisters gehört es, bei der "MuMu Veredelung" behilflich sein zu können. Merke: "Der Meister ist "ausgebildet" und kann das! - "Das ist eine "Sache" nur für "Profis"! , und- Folgende "Hinweise" stellen...
Meister – T – - Fetisch und Voyeurismus als Kunstform und die Einblicke in das intime Tagebuch des Meisters – T"Diener Weideschwein" - Er ist bereit zum "Spiel der Könige" - "Punching Balls"!"Diener Weideschwein" - Er ist bereit zum Spiel der Könige - "Punching the Balls"!Die Tage zwischen der Jahreswende waren auf ihre Art „Aufregend und Abwechslungsreich“. Am 24. Dezember stand um Neun Zero Zero „Diener Weideschwein“ mit seiner Frau Hannah vor der Türe....
Meister – T – Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und MannAus dem Leben eines Meisters.Sissi "Schwanz und Eier "Hooking"Ein Meister – der sehr strenge –packt die Eier enge –drückt sie – bis auf Boden –haut dann noch – die Hoden,an diesem schönen – Leiden –tun sich gerne – weiden –Sissis – und der edle Mann –der so immer – gerne sann –zu dienen – einem Meister –der auch kennt – die GeisterHeute ist ¬ die große Feier ¬denn erzogen ¬ werden Eier...
Meister – T – Fetisch und Voyourismus als Kunstform -Aus dem Leben eines Meisters - Lest - Was bisher geschah: - - - - - Der Fetisch als moderne Form der Kunst" - mit der...
Meister – T – und Voyourismus als Kunstform -Aus dem Leben eines Meisters – Hochzeitskleid von FeeHochzeitskleid von FeeLest - Was bisher geschah: - - - - -Der Fetisch als moderne Form der...
Meister – T – und Voyeurismus als KunstformMeister - T - Gier nach Lust und PeinHillas hohe rote Lackstiefel - Größe 36Lest - Was bisher geschah: - - - - -Bleibt auf dem laufenden und lest...
Meister – T – und Voyourismus als Kunstform -Aus dem Leben eines Meisters - Abdruck von der rasierten Mu - Mu von HillaLest - Was bisher geschah: - - - - -Der Fetisch als moderne Form der...
Meister – T – und Voyourismus als KunstformAus dem Leben eines Meisters - Der Fetisch als moderne Form der Kunst" - mit der Möglichkeit für Dritte , die "Ansprüche an das Schöne" und Ausgefallene stellen - als "Voyour" - ein "Beobachter" zu sein.Entdeckung des Seins - Fee wünscht sich ein Kind.Was ist das Ansinnen eines Meister – Einblicke in sein Leben zu geben? -Ja warum verwendet ein „Meister“ viel kostbare Lebens Zeit seines Seins um eine...
Meister – T – und Voyourismus als KunstformMeister - T - Das kleine Tagebuch eines Meisters - 1Dienstag. 05. Dezember 2017 – Nacht vor NikolausMittwoch, 06. Dezember 2017 – NikolausLese hier: - kleine Tagebuch eines Meisters - 2 - "Diene mit D-Mut" - Donnerstag, 7 Dezember 2017Getragene Hot Pants von Hilla in der "Duft - Konserve"Aus dem Leben eines Meisters - Der Fetisch als...
Meister – T – und Voyourismus als KunstformMeister - T - Das kleine Tagebuch eines Meisters - 1Dienstag. 05. Dezember 2017 – Nacht vor NikolausMittwoch, 06. Dezember 2017 – NikolausNaturblonde Haare von FeeAus dem Leben eines Meisters - Der Fetisch als moderne Form der Kunst" - mit der Möglichkeit für Dritte , die "Ansprüche an das Schöne" und Ausgefallene stellen - als "Voyour" - ein "Beobachter" zu sein.-Lest nun das "KleineTagebuch" des Meisters -...
Meister – T – Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und MannAus dem Leben eines Meisters."Gülden Feen Haar" von "Fee" - Begegnung und bedenkenswertes Erlebnis auf der Pferderennbahn - Fees lange blonden Haare - Meeting - Pferderennen -Ein Termin ist für den Meister immer gesetzt. - Pferderennen in Iffezheim - Das Meeting - Die Große Woche. - Dieses Jahr trug unsere "Fee" hohe rote Schaft -...
Meister – T – Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und MannAus dem Leben eines Meisters.Der Fetisch - Naturblondes langes Frauenhaar"Gülden Feen Haar"Rosig ist – ihr süßer Mund –das tut heut – der Meister kund –frisch gewaschen – oft die Haare –diese duften – wunderbare –nach der Rose – dann.In der Hose – ganz weit unten –trägt sie Busch - nicht bunten –denn diese Frau – ist nicht rasiert –leben tut sie – nun zu viert –in schönem Hause – bei...
It is a weird feeling of lust I get when one of my fetishes does not get fed. Several times after we finish, I think to myself, I am never putting her through that again. Out of know where, a week goes by and I start thinking of it again. Two weeks, it is all I can think about and by the third week, my fetish gets fed. Then the process starts all over again. Even when I was single I always had those feelings and fetishes. Most of the time I could keep them under control by frequent...
School With Mrs. Stern By Aleisha James My best friend, Matt, and I had been expelled from our high school while in 10th Grade. Our parents had tried to get us into other schools and at one point we were both sent to military academies. Different ones, of course, since we were viewed as a bad influence on each other, such that separating us might curb our rebelliousness. It did not work. If anything, it urged us on to even more outrageous behaviour, as if to prove a point. Our...
This is actually a Romance, you may not think it is from the beginning but I needed to set the tone and history as vividly as I could. The woman does get the man in the end so it’s a Romance. ***** Like most people I believed, truly believed I had the best marriage. Beth and I grew up across the street from each other, we walked to school and then high school together, hell even the kids in high school didn’t bother asking Beth out, to all of them she was my girlfriend. As we grew up and...
Hillary was getting bored. She sat staring off into space from herdorm window. Today was one of the times she wondered what made her goto school on the West coast. Far from home and few good friends, shestarted to feel all alone among the native Californians.As she watched the other students walk along the path below her window,she suddenly caught her breath as around the corner came an incrediblygorgeous guy. She watched intently as he walked by, admiring his sunbronzedmuscles rippling under...
Chapter One, Part One Election night – 2016 It is the worst night of her life. The unofficial returns are in, and though more than half of America enthusiastically identifies with her, all appears lost. How can it be? Through a heated season, the pending election acted as a tonic, a furious wind at her back. The thought of victory kept her spirits buoyant, her senses alert. Now, the relentless war of words has ceased; the race is over. Early this evening, the unforeseen happened; the...
My wife and I have always had a problem when it comes to sex. Not a problem with our sex life, just a problem with attitudes. Hillary had a typical middle class upbringing where she attended church off and on and where she was encouraged to save herself for marriage. Her mother did her level best to convince Hillary that the only reason for having sexual relations with a man was to have babies. In short, if you aren't going to have kids, don't fuck! Fortunately, Hill fell in with the wrong...
This was the moment she had dreamed of all her life. Now she was on her way to the Pepsi Center in beautiful downtown Denver, Colorado to accept her party's nomination as their chosen candidate for President of the United States. She had overcome so much to get here. There were all the scandals she was implicated in during her husband's two terms in office that she managed to escape. Her own husband's sexual indiscretions almost ended her dream, as he was brought up on impeachment charges for...
Cuchilla Captivityby [email protected] 1Jane looked down from the window in her room to the courtyard below. She had come to view this as her room even though it was more like a prison cell. It was comfortable enough. Actually, it was almost opulent in its elegance. She had a spacious private bath, a sitting room and a bedroom with a luxurious four-poster king size bed. She even had a walk-in closet.But it was more of a prison cell than a room. The closet was devoid of...
The sounds of an argument roused me from my slumber. While certainly a disagreement in a Tavern is not news, lately, sleeping there, at least, isn't either. Ignoring the raised voices for a moment, I tried to concentrate on my priorities. Like, how much wine did I have left? I fumbled for the bottle in front of me, hopefully, nearly knocking it off the table. Sadly, it was empty. How much money did I have? Also, none. I sighed. Sooner or later the barkeep would notice me and I would be back...
It all began on a warm summer day at the local state park. Tired of the gym Hillary had decided to go out for a short hike through the woods as she frequently did during the summer for a change of pace. If she had only known what kind of workout she was going to get. See Hillary, at 24, while not considered a fitness buff had the body of one. Standing 5’9” with firm 34c breast, a 32” waist her body was accented with a nice round ass and a tummy flatter than most of the instructors at the gym....
EroticNote from author: I wrote this story because I'm sick and tired of people slamming authors who want to write a story purely in the interest of fulfilling a TG fantasy and offering something to jag-off to. That's what this story is. Don't like it? To those people: Go away. Shoo! Shoo! This story isn't for you. Its, like, what, only 8 KB? I have no need of the erudites among you. I propose this story to be a challenge to the notion that an extremely short, transformation-centric,...
I was sitting in front of the TV watching some mundane talk show when my roommate walked into the apartment. We spared each other barely a glance, but the tension was palpable. I heard the familiar sounds of her grabbing the cordless phone and locking herself into the bedroom we shared. I hit the mute button to the TV. It was enough so that I could hear every word that she spoke to whomever was on the other end of the call. "Hey, what are you doing?" she asked... a moment of silence, "No,...
Vorwort : Ich bin eine heute 28jährige Frau. Zu dem Zeitpunkt war ich 24, noch bei der uniformierten Polizei, war und bin bildhübsch, hatte schulterlange, gewellte tiefschwarze Haare, ebenso schwarze Augen, einen 75B Busen, eine Wespentaille, einen knackigen Po und herrliche, lange, schlanke Beine, meine 69kg verteilten sich auf 185 cm. Ich hatte schon meine Lehrgänge abgeschlossen um zur Kripo zu kommen und wartete auf die Versetzung. Doch vorher geschah noch etwas anderes, und mein Leben...
Es war ein kühler Sommertag im Juli, unsere Mutter war gerade verreist und so organisierten Annie und ich den lieben langen Tag alleine in unserer kleinen Berliner 3 Zimmerwohnung. Eine Woche war schon um, genug Zeit um die anfängliche Organisation durch alltägliches Chaos zu ersetzen... mein Name ist Jessica, ich bin 24 Jahre alt. Ich bin um 168 cm groß, habe lange blonde Haare und ein sommersprossiges Gesicht und eine helle Haut und habe eine weibliche runde Figur und weiche C-Brüste. Meine...
Ein langer Tag lag hinter ihm. Müde steuerte Thomas Schmidt seinen alten Opel Corsa durch den Abendverkehr. Eigentlich hätte er sich freuen sollen, denn heute war sein 28. Geburtstag und die Mädchen hatten sicherlich etwas für ihn vorbereitet. Doch Thomas war erschöpft, der heutige Tag im Büro war anstrengend und nervenraubend gewesen. Sein Chef, Herr Mayer, hatte morgen eine Vorstandsbesprechung, entsprechend hektisch war es im Büro zugegangen. Die Ergebnisse des letzten Monats waren nicht so...
Die Silvesternacht war der letzte Abend, den ich bei meinem Bruder verbringen sollte. Entsprechend war der Plan, noch einmal ordentlich feiern zu gehen, bevor wir uns für einige Zeit nicht sehen würden. Ich hatte mir extra für den Abend noch ein neues Kleid gekauft, Weihnachtsgeld sei dank, dessen schwarzer Stoff hauteng saß und um den Hals mit einem Träger gebunden wurde. Die Schultern lagen frei und auch der Ausschnitt, den es präsentierte, war nicht zu verachten, zumal ich mich dafür...
Part One Schwestern ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Unschuldig und st?rrisch waren sie, wie alle zuerst unschuldig und st?rrisch waren, bevor er ihnen die Werkzeuge zeigte und erkl?rte. Es machte ihm immer besonderes Vergn?gen und er sah es als eine Art erregendes Vorspiel, seinen Opfern? genau und ausf?hrlich auszubreiten, was sie erwartete. Er liebte es mit ihnen zu spielen, wenn sie zur?ckwichen, wenn sich ihre Augen entsetzt weiteten, w...
Sie war meine erste richtige Freundin. Melanie hatte sich mir an den Hals geworfen. Eigentlich war ich eher mit saufen und kiffen beschäftigt, aber die Vorstellung eine Freundin zu haben, die ich ficken konnte machte mich geil. Ich hing wie jeden Tag mit meinen Kumpels am Flussufer ab als irgendwann Nicole, ein Mädel aus unserer Clique, die Cousine von Melanie, mich fragte wie ich denn ihre kleine Cousine finden würde. Ich meinte nur naja geht so, wobei ihre Titten ja schon recht gross waren....
TeenWie schön, dass es Dreierkonferenzen gibt, und die auch zu dritt. Wie sonst ließen sich die Einschränkungen derzeit besser überwinden? Manchmal telefonieren wir uns zu dritt zusammen und manchmal zum chatten. Mit 'wir' meine ich meine beiden Schwestern und mich. Ohne die beiden könnte ich einfach nicht sein. Und nachdem uns Corona einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht hat, uns regelmäßig zu besuchen, sind wir auf Telefonate und Chat ausgewichen. Manchmal auch mit Video dabei. Auch wenn so...
IncestWe all have a certain type of babe who suits our taste just perfectly, right? From the color of their hair to their ethnicity or whatever the fuck else you might have in mind. Well, that is why I am here to talk about r/MiddleEasternHotties/, and I am sure you know what that means without me having to specify it. But, that does not mean that I shall not tell you more about the subreddit in general.Of course, r/MiddleEasternHotties/ is seen as a NSFW subreddit, so if you were hoping for nudity...
Reddit NSFW ListI had called Peggy last night and we arranged to run this morning. She explained that since I was now dating her, I should come pick her up. That was why I found myself jogging up to her house. Mr. Pratt was coming out the back door to go to work. "Morning," I said in way of a greeting. "I want to talk to you," he said in an unfriendly way. I just stopped, and tried to figure out what his deal was. "Who do you think you are taking my daughter out and getting her drunk?" he...
He slipped into dreamland and rolled over placing his head on her breasts. She couldn't help but smile, this was the reverse of how they normally sleep. He had stolen all the pillows so she was lying awkwardly on the floor. Her man holding her, as if afraid she would slip away. She absently stroked the soft, tangled hair on his head, and brushed the back of her hand across the stubble on his cheek. It was unusual that he was asleep and she awake she thought before a mischievous smile...
Dinner that night was a delightful experience. The food was excellent, as always, and as good as any provided by Mrs Lawson at Laverton Rectory during my stay in Wiltshire, besides which my dinner table companion was a great deal more acceptable than the Reverend Proctor. Annette and I exchanged loving looks, and the only jarring note to the harmony of the evening was the face of Mimi. She had returned from Valenciennes in no better frame of mind than when she had left the château. It seemed...
Thunder in Hell – A Dirty WesternRebelmanCopyright 2012ISBN www.RebelmanWrites.comIllustrations by Marcos ZenfoldChapter 1 - Lou Robs the StageLou looked both ways down the narrow road that the stage would be traveling. He checked the tree again, for the twentieth time, and made sure the rope was ready. There had been only a few passers by during the two days he had been here and he wasn’t too worried about being noticed. The large tree he had cut three quarters of the way through was not...
I am just starting college and had to move to this new town and find a job which I did at this country and western store-they sell cowboy stuff and I like that. There are alot of hot girls working here so I was hoping to score some cooch along with some new clothes cheap. My girlfriend is going to a different college so I am plenty horny as I have been very busy getting settled and getting used to college and all which can be tuff for a eighteen year old.It was a Tuesday night and the woman I...
Jenny Ring. Ring. Ring. My phone kept on ringing over and over as I sat by the window looking outside at the gloomy sky. I knew who it was; it was the same person who constantly called non-stop. I wish he’d just stop. As if the caller knew what I just wished for, the phone went quiet. I sighed and put my head between my knees and closed my eyes trying to ignore the dagger-like pain that shot through my heart making it hard to breathe. Three months ago, Douglas told me that his grandfather...
Love StoriesThe barn where we rode horses consisted of five different stables around a central grass paddock and to the side in the driveway was an old stone building which once might have been a feed store or large tool store. Horse care was excellent but the barn was a little "alternative" - a little laid back and didn't strictly adhere to any one particular discipline. English, Western, Dressage, Jumps, or Trail - whatever people rode - was accepted. In order to make ends meet and keep costs down, once...
Straight SexAshley Adams has awesome, natural boobs. The best way to show off her awesome, natural boobs is probably to pour oil all over them. That’s why she’s become a massage therapist. Well, at least in this scene. Though, her naked oily massage routine would probably go over well with a lot of other people. Thankfully, those of us at James Deen Productions are down to share the wealthy, and allow YOU a look into Ashley’s skill sets: big boobs, awesome massage hands, amazing cock...
xmoviesforyouLife was finally beginning to improve as the Iraqi Army and National Police took over more of the routine peacekeeping duties and the American Army concentrated on running down imported insurgents. Although it had never been a pressing issue out in the desert, the peace that was slowly emerging made travel easier and less risky. I noticed the improvements as Zahrah and I made our way towards Amman, Jordan to enroll her in college, because the trip only took a little over three hours. It took...
Zoey Monroe isn’t really a demon. She is actually a very nice person. Her and James Deen like to have sex with one another. So they do. The end. That really is all that is happening in this video. James Deen and Zoey Monroe are in a room. She is naked. They talk about some sex thing that I am amusing is why they are naked. Then they have sex. I guess you don’t always need an excuse to make a porn. Sometimes you can simply want to have sex and put a camera in the room. Thank god they...
xmoviesforyouHi, my name is Corey, and I am 18yrs old as of last week….ever since I can remember, I knew I was gay, just something about being close to a masculine rough around the edges blue collared man that drove me crazy! I’ve never actually built up the nerve to do anything sexual with another man as of yet, but my hormones are raging and I know it’ll happen soon enough. Maybe my urge to be with a real man comes from my father abandoning me and mom when I was born. Something about him not being ready...
We were picnicking at a country house open to the public when Carol took a banana and ate it in what I can only describe as a lascivious way. She ran her finger and thumb round it as though masturbating a cock, peeled it open and licked the ‘shaft’ before sucking the head. Finally she held as much of it in her mouth as she could while looking me right in the eye. So arousing! Later we walked through the gardens and into woods where Carol made her intentions very clear. After a few minutes of...
This is the final part of the story. Jenny, Charlotte, and Kelly, have all been disciplined by Mrs Denver. Three Mum’s who are spanked by the Headmistress who runs the Academy attended by their daughter’s. Each being given a Punishment Letter under the Parent Discipline Scheme. Each needing to ask for a spanking today or receive a double punishment tomorrow. This is the story of 39-year-old Kelly getting her second spanking. When Kelly parted company with Charlotte outside the Academy, she saw...
Author's Note: Thanks to those who have reached out to me with story ideas. It's been difficult to get any writing done these past few months, but hopefully my head is finally back in writing mode. I hope you enjoy this nasty little fantasy. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas--either here in the comments or directly at [email protected] xoxox Emshoninque Lockdown Sissy- part 1 I made a resolution to become a better sissy in 2020. It's something that has...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My Missy is a gorgeous young woman.She`s 28 yrs.old.She is only my niece through marriage.She always called me uncle right from when I started going with my wife.Missy is about 5` 7" tall,she is around a 160 lbs.She likes to wear tight pants all the time,so tight her plump pussy is always protruding.She has a nice camel toed pussy that is very visible,you can`t help but notice it. Man I find it very intriguing and a real turn on cause she always wears...
IncestI was done watching my son’s and daughter-in-law’s entire fuck session from the back window. Quickly, I traced my steps and came from the front to the main door and rang the bell. It was going to be a day of surprises! My beautiful daughter-in-law opened the door. She was wearing Ranjan’s full sleeves shirt. Her hair in the front and only three buttons covered her modesty. Yet nothing was left to imagination, the left nipple was outlined clearly behind the shirt pocket and it was obvious she...
IncestEveryone takes BDSM so freaking seriously. Stories from women emphasize their emotional state when the perfect master does the perfect thing at the perfect time. Men write stories about their abilities to mold subs into perfect slaves that live for their every touch. Well I’ve been into this for a big portion of my life and I’ve never had a scene so Hollywood perfect. What about the fuck-ups, the miss-cues or the funny shit that happens to us all? This is a true story that happened some time in...
“Y’all tell Gigi and Big Dad bye,” instructed the thirty-one year old father of two.“Bye, bye,” said the older one - a girl of four.The younger k**, a boy aged two, began to pout.“Come on now, Maverick. Stop actin’. You know you’re goin’ to a birthday party,' ' Josh Myers reminded his son.“It’s okay, Mav! Gigi will come see you later,” Lori Myers attempted to assuage her grandson.“Alright now, boy,” Steve Myers boomed. “Come to Big Dad!”The toddler rushed to his grandfather. “What if me and...
Dakota wants more out of life than just following in her parents footsteps and being a corporate lawyer. Sure she lives the good life in West LA but she wants a wild life. She’s young. She needs excitement. She craves so much from life. She wants cock and lots of it. Big fat thick veined and swollen sweet and salty cocks. And like every young girl in America she wants to do porn. Fuck her parents. Fuck repercussions. She will not be held back. So when she finds herself alone in the house...
xmoviesforyouI had been visiting relatives on the west coast for about a week and a half. I hadn't gotten laid and since I was staying in their home hadn't gone through my usual masturbation ritual. I got on the plane at 9:30 ( 1:30 at home ) there was no one in about the last six rows. I always sit near the rear so I was thinking this is great. I'll have a row to myself, which I did. We had a stop after 1 hr of flying to drop off and pick up passengers. Of course I'm hoping not too many, I would still...
The king wished his precious wives and daughters to be served only by the most beautiful virgins in his lands so by royal decree his agents were always on the look out for beautiful young girls to be trained as slaves and servants for the royal women. These girls were denied clothing, required to bath and clean each other daily and never allowed to succumb to their sexual urges. Denied access to the company of men from a young age and watched closely by the matron they were to be raised in...
Hi this is raghav batra.This is my first story on this site. This is a real incident happened with me few months ago. Me and my sister are living in delhi.Without wasting time on me, let me tell you about my sister.Her name is aditi batra. She is doing her graduation.She wants to enjoy her life but that was not possible with our family income. She had a figure that everyman dreams of. Her ass was incredibly round and tight and her milky white thighs were a treat to watch. She had melon size...
We meet at a nice restaurant; there would be a rose for you at the table. We order wine and talk, I am admiring you from across the table, as the candlelight danced off your eyes. As our dinner was being prepared, we talk and laugh, I reach across the table and gently place my hand on yours, I need to touch your skin and feel how soft. Our eyes meet, and the chemistry between us is exploding. We both know this will be a night of passion. We continue small talk throughout dinner, I find every...
Love StoriesKurt was just sixteen and had just graduated high school. His grades were fantastic and college was in his future. He had made a deal with his parents and they were now fulfilling their end of it. They were flying him to Californa to spend two weeks with his relatives.Kurt was a not a typical teenager. In an age of long hair and tie-dyes Kurt different. He kept his hair short and dressed like an adult, preferring solid colours to stripes and loud patterns. His height and good looks were often...
TabooMiranda tucked the bottom of the unfamiliar frilly white blouse into her jeans as she followed Misty down the narrow flight of steps to the gym area. Once again the humid scent of water filled her lungs, but this time it wasn't accompanied by the echoing shouts of happy pokemon. The only sounds were the quiet lapping of the water against the sides of the pool and their already echoing footsteps. "You're sure it's still alright to stay here?" the woman inquired, taking the towel from her...