- 3 years ago
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Wie schön, dass es Dreierkonferenzen gibt, und die auch zu dritt. Wie sonst ließen sich die Einschränkungen derzeit besser überwinden? Manchmal telefonieren wir uns zu dritt zusammen und manchmal zum chatten.
Mit 'wir' meine ich meine beiden Schwestern und mich. Ohne die beiden könnte ich einfach nicht sein.
Und nachdem uns Corona einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht hat, uns regelmäßig zu besuchen, sind wir auf Telefonate und Chat ausgewichen. Manchmal auch mit Video dabei.
Auch wenn so vieles eingeschränkt ist zur Zeit: lustig ist es immer wieder, wenn wir uns von den aktuellen Herausforderungen erzählen, und es gibt herzlich viel zu lachen.
Da kommt der Familien-Tratsch auf, so was wie: hast du das schon von Onkel Bernd und Tante Julia gehört? Oder das Schwelgen in schönen und lustigen Erinnerungen. Manchmal ist's einfach nur der Austausch von Haushaltstips oder Kochrezepten. Aber immer ist es sehr kurzweilig und macht viel Spaß.
Doch als Caro heute sagte: 'du hast's gut mit deinem Max', und Bea unmittelbar darauf einging mit: 'stimmt, bei euch beiden ist's bestimmt trotz alledem bestimmt aufregender, als bei Caro und Nema und bei mir und Leander', dachte ich mir erst mal nur meinen Teil.
Na gut, Max ist mein - zugegebermaßen heißer Freund - und meine beiden Schwestern waren zur Zeit weder verheiratet noch liiert oder einer sonstigen Beziehung, aber erst mal habe ich die Kurve nicht gekriegt. Klar, war es für Caro nicht einfach, eine Tochter alleine zu erziehen, und die dazu noch derzeit meist zuhause war, weil Vorlesungen der Uni nur noch über Video stattfanden. Ähnliches galt für Leander, den Sohn meiner Schwester Bea, der zwar gerade noch seine Gesellenprüfung geschafft hatte, ehe all das mit Corona begann, aber dessen Firma Kurzarbeit für ihn anordnen musste, so dass er ebenfalls viel zuhause war derzeit.
Alles insgesamt eine durchwachsene Situation für meine Schwestern. Aber wir haben uns die letzten Monate dadurch nicht verderben lassen und wollen uns die Stimmung bestimmt auch in Zukunft nicht vermießen lassen.
Aber meine Neugier packte mich, und so fragte ich nach, wie sie das meinten, ich hätte es gut mit Max?
Caro: 'wenigstens nen Mann im Haus - und dazu noch einen tollen'
Bea: 'naja, nen 'Mann' hab ich auch im Haus, aber nur den SohneMann :-)'
Ich (und wenn ich weiter schreibe, ersetze ich 'ich' durch meinen Namen): 'um die beiden seid ihr aber zu beneiden'
Bea: 'stimmt, sind beide gut gelungen, Nema und Leander. Aber da fehlt halt was ... lach'
Caro: 'bei mir noch mehr als bei dir, Bea ;-))))'
Bea: 'davon hab ich ja auch nix... *prust*'
Kristin: 'hey, benehmt euch mal!'
Caro: 'Nema hat mein Spielzeug entdeckt. Konnte ich mir zumindest zusammenreimen, als es eines Abends nicht in meiner Schublade war, am nächsten Tag aber wieder'
Bea: 'dafür sind bei mir mehrere Slips veschwunden *gg*'
Caro: 'meinst du, Leander benutzt sie?'
Bea: 'tauchen ja immer wieder auf. in der Wäsche. etwas verklebt *grins*'
Kristin: 'meinst du jetzt nicht wirklich!? in echt????? und du erzählst das, als sei das ganz normal?'
Caro: 'hey, komm mal runter, ist doch normal, dass jungs das machen'
Bea: 'und ehrlich gesagt, mich macht es an, dass es ihn reizt .... - Corona Zeiten eben, Sissies'
Caro: 'frag mich mal, wie geil ich es fand, dass Nema sich mit meinem Vib vergnügt hat! ich konnte den Abend, als ich es entdeckt habe, die Finger nicht von mir lassen'
Bea: 'ist bei mir genauso. echter turn-on, wenn ich mir vorstelle, er wichst gerade in mein höschen'
Caro: 'hast du ihn schon mal erwischt?'
Bea: 'nee, aber eine meine Vorstellungen beim selbst machen'
Caro: 'stelle mir Nema auch gerne dabei vor'
Bea: 'bestimmt auch schön'
Caro: 'leihst du mir deinen, zeig ich dir meine ;-)'
Bea: 'hihi, auch heimlich gesehen und dann gefilmt?'
Caro: 'ist passiert ... *gg*'
Bea: 'hey Kristin, schockiert?'
Caro: 'hast ja Max'
Bea: 'ist doch was anderes'
Kristin: 'ihr seid echt verdorben! ;-) Nema und Leander .... ts, ts, ts. Sollte ich mir besser jetzt gar nicht näher ausmalen, was die beiden anstellen - und noch dazu, was die Mütter dabei denken'
Caro: 'alternative Gedanken in Covid Zeiten *lach*'
Bea: 'malst es dir aus nur, oder dann auch Max, wenn er nach Hause kommt?'
Caro: 'und auch, was für versaute Gedanken wir haben?'
Kristin: 'kopfkino gehört für uns dazu'
Caro: 'wäre ich zu gerne dabei'
Bea: 'mit'
Kristin: 'ihr seid schon zwei Geile!'
Caro: 'schick mal n Ping, wenn du ihm von mir und Nema erzählst, während du ihn fickst'
Bea: '... und von mir und Leander ;-) '
Kristin: 'euch ist einfach nicht zu helfen *gg*'
Caro: 'doch schon ... mit der vorstellung, ihr vergnügt euch gerade'
Bea: 'zeigst du uns mal seinen?'
Kristin: 'wenn ich beim dirty talk bea und den von leander vollgewichsten slip erzähle, oder von Caros Spielzeug in Nemas Muschi, dann komme ich bestimmt gar nicht mehr zum Zug'
Caro: 'sorry Schwestern, ich muss jetzt mal'
Kristin: 'die Finger fliegen lassen? ;-)'
Bea: 'ich auch ... '
Kristin: 'ihr seid verdorben!'
Kristin: 'soll ich Max wirklich von alledem erzählen?
Bea: 'kommt darauf an, wie sehr du ihm vertraust'
Caro: 'weißt doch, wie sehr wir das genossen haben'
Bea: 'hallo, weiß ich da was noch nicht?'
Kristin: 'anderes mal. muss aufhören. höre seine schlüssel. kommt nicht allein scheinbar. soll ich die cam laufen lassen?'
Tina: Government class was as boring as it always was. She was lightly chastised for being late, but that was no big deal for her. She was a model student, usually, and so teachers rarely gave her a hard time. Robert looked a question at her, but she just smiled and shrugged, turning her attention to the lecture. Cindy: When she and Tina met for gym class, Cindy shivered a little, remembering the scene in the locker room a few days ago. Would Tina do a repeat, perhaps with her being the...
Village life Dasha was a healthy, golden haired girl, but strong willed. She had got into trouble with a boy in the city. Thankfully it didn?t go so far as to cause a lasting shame, but it was a close shave, and her parents decided to move her away before she got into trouble for real. She was to go and live with her sister, who had been married the year before to a peasant of the villageof Zhukovo, the next village along from where their own family came from. The peasant, whose...
-Cotton Mather *** “Zoe,” Michele said, “I don’t think we should be doing this.” A draft blew through the basement as both girls crouched on the concrete floor, still wearing bits and pieces of their trick or treat costumes. Zoe was dressed as a witch; Michele was her black cat. It was almost midnight. They were supposed to be asleep hours ago, but Zoe‘s mother had gone to a grown-up Halloween party with her boyfriend, and as soon as their car pulled away the girls crept down...
Things get crazy!!!!!!!! Paula walked over to the chair where I was waiting for her with an erection that any man would be proud of sporting and her eyes never left my lap. She had said she had only had sex once before and my guess was it was with a k** as inexperienced and nervous as she was! She was almost close enough to me to pick her up and set her on my lap when she knelt down on the floor. With her hands on my knees,...
Sandra was a 19 years old german girl with blond hairs and blue eyes. She grew up in Hamburg as a daughter of a professor of sociology. So she was well educated and visited a good school. Her parenthood were tolerant people, politically more left wing . So Sandra was educated in this mind and this was one raison, why she started to be interested in the problems of the southern countries, especially of Africa, and was also involved as a young activist in antiracism demonstrations since her...
When Liz and I first got married almost twenty one years ago I supported our household while she finished her degree. Those of you that have read my other stories about my lovely cheating wife will remember that we discovered my passion for watching her fuck other men early on in our relationship.Liz was very active in school and I think, kind of thought of college as an extension of her high school days. She loved to party (didnt we all ?) and take part in womens sports as well as you guessed...
Vulcan here; what I am about to do is take a massive step in my long journey toward carnal ecstasy. Me being an adventurous creature, all the experiences in the Genesis series were true happenings in my life and in the interest of keeping identities a secret, all names and other demographics will be aptly substituted or omitted entirely. The content is explicit, and primarily about THICK middle aged WOMEN. It’s a long chronicle (writing is on-going) with interspersed very detailed sexual...
I. Vicious State of Mind“Caution, approaching platform.”The announcement drowns out the clipped whispers, but the furtive eyeballing remains. Some knew me immediately. The celebrity-like recognition flashed like fat paparazzi Nikons as they traced the familiar tattoo slopping down my cheek, burning into the path of another that peaks just above the collar of a grimy Seattle Sounders T.Most don’t. You got the ones boycotting the news. Media war on truth, yea? Can’t trust shit. The conspiracy...
InterracialApparently I'm a lot more fucking adorable than even I would have dreamed of. Though, to be honest, that's not the adjective I'd have chosen. But let's not rush to get to where I eventually got. That's because I didn't get to rush, and I'm going to make you live through what I had to live through. Sort of. Anyway, the rest of the day was interesting. For one thing, we were no longer strangers who fate brought together in a way that required restrained interaction. When we had first...
THE TUNNEL OF TERRORIn the late summer, just before school started, Veronica always went to the state fair with her friends. This year she set off for the fair early one hot, summer morning with her friends, Jane and Diane. They laughed and talked all the two hour ride to get there. Arriving at the fair, they joined the crowd of people circling the dusty midway lined with food stands, rides, and other amusements. By late afternoon, the three of them were getting bored, until they stumbled...
In this chapter Gina and Sam do not meet; but it is essential for you to understand how they come to where they are in later chapters. Gina and Sam parted company after graduation from school; whilst it was not an amicable parting of the ways; neither was it particularly bitter. Sam with his grades good enough to get to Harvard put all his pent up passions into driving himself forward to complete the business and commerce master's degree. Gina tried to go to a more localised college but...
Pentwater is a village ... in the winter. Everybody knows everybody and their sister ... aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, parents, grandparents ... even unto the tenth generation. “Who are your people?” is a commonly asked question. It means who are you as defined by your ancestors. “Ginny Jo Jean Beckwith,” would mean ... your ... I don’t know how many times removed ... grandma (Alice Jo Jean Beckwith) and my grandma (the aforesaid Ginny Jo Jean) were sisters in 1779 ... and you are...
Bad news in the Mail So Helen says I should start by putting my feelings down on paper, starting with the arrival of the letter and at least up to the first night I was here. So here it goes. What were my feelings when I got the notice? I was in shock. All my life I have been blessed, with perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect legs and a metabolism that won't let me grow fat. I am not a "dumb Blonde", although I do have my moments. I was Honor's and Deans list from elementary school all...
They had been room mates since September. Drake, tall, blond and well spoken was a theater major. Matt, sandy haired, thick set, short and muscular was a business major who made his way through college with on a gymnast scholarship. It was not unusual for Matt to admire his room mate’s theatrical good looks: the sharp elegant nose, the piercing blue eyes, the small ears whose pink lobes fit tightly against the chiseled jaw. Nor could he fail to notice how Drake’s nipples raised beneath the soft...
GayThis was a story I wrote in an hour after I spoke with someone on MSN. It is no work of art, but has many things you can think about Dear Mom, Dad, Granny, Friends... everyone I know. I lived on this earth for 12 years. It is now time to say good-bye. I cannot be me again. I cannot live as me. I am a freak. I am a sinner. I am so unhappy. If I kill myself, I will be at peace. I will not be afraid to be me. I know that suicide is a sin, but I need peace. Mom, You and Dad love...
I was long overdue for a vacation and since I wasn't seeing anyone I thought I'd take one alone, rather than with a friend or a group. And I didn't want to do what I'd done before, go to a gay resort where everything is so gay! gay! gay! An unattached dude at one of those places deals with too much shit. I just wanted to relax and I wasn't looking for a meat market, so I thought I'd go spend a week at a Caribbean resort I'd heard about. This was one of those pleasure-focused places where...
A couple of days later I was summoned to see the company's owner. Mr. Kopolova's office was as vast as the one I shared with the entire IT department and naturally fitted out to a far higher standard. It was the first time I'd ever got close to this inner sanctum and was mightily impressed. After waiting outside for the prescribed amount of time, I'd been ushered in to stand in front of a huge cherrywood desk waiting to be told what was wrong with the computer system there. I could think...
With the young man who’s cock I had just tasted and cum I had just swallowed, back outside and waiting for the girls to come back home. I felt a warm glow come over me. Nothing had been more exciting, nothing more erotic. Although I was much older than D, it was still my first time for both of those amazing things. Then again, this had been just a few hours of many, incredible firsts for me. With the taste of his sperm in my mouth and the smell of it on my face, I went upstairs to my room and...
It started when i was 16 years old when this tall goodlooking married Australian jock type followed me everywhere i go inside the shopping mall. I wasn’t even attracted to guys that time but this guy exudes sex appeal thats hard to resist that made me question myself that time.. after some few uncomfortable talks while walking, he just suddenly invited me to come with him in his car but asked if im okay with it cos eventually he needs to go back to his family which got me pressured..but he was...
This is my first attempt at fiction. I have a very special friend. She is a second year UNI student in London. We first met on line a week before her 18th birthday. She was a scared little girl that was not sure if she was gay or not. Now she is a proud woman living with her lover and enjoying her life. This is a fantasy we have created and shared. I hope you enjoy it. I am Genny. When I travel to London there is a bar that I like to spend an evening in. It is called Billies, and it is womyn...
The wind wafted up the valley carrying citrus and olive grove smells into the stone farmhouse. The cold stone floors seemed to hum with life, history and a certain joie da vie that I was unsure what to call in Italian. "La Bella Vita" didn't seem to quite explain these feelings - sure it was "the Beautiful Life" but it was more than that. It was heaven. "Cielo!" Heaven.The decision, journey and last couple of weeks had been hectic and painful. It would take years to get over it all but right...
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LesbianIt had been a normal, boring suburban day. Chilly and rainy with a wind that cut through you and made it feel at least twenty degrees colder than it really was. Andrea hadn't seen the sun in two days. Another gloomily October in Michigan. It was only seven thirty and it was already dark. The only good thing about autumn was what was just beginning to happen to the trees all around. Beautiful colors forming from the dying of the leaves. Of course, Andrea couldn't have cared less about all of...
Three days after the accident Scott still felt like he had been rode hard and put up wet. And if having every muscle in his body feeling like it had been hammered on with a baseball bat wasn't bad enough, sitting around watching things get done was driving him plumb crazy. The first day after the accident the limiting factor had been the pain. Red's shots did a good job of relieving the pain but on the second day it felt like every muscle in his body was frozen. He had never been so stiff...
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TRIPLE HELIX BY JENNIFER N. RICHARDS Sitting by the side of my bed, I begin to write this, which is the story of my life that came to be a year and a half ago. My journey has been long and hard, but in the end, I lie here amazed at what life has given me. It is my intention with these writings not only to let you know, my readers, what has become of me, but to remind myself of who I used to be and how better my life is today. Who was I? I was a happy (or so I thought)...
Angelica had downed the first glass of merlot before the bath was even half full. What a day! What a terrible terrible day! A bath and bottle of wine were just what the doctor ordered. She poured a dash of herbal bubble bath into the flow of water. The water turned blue, the calming lavender and heather aroma permeated the air and clouds of bubbles formed on the surface. Angelica poured herself another glass of wine. Glancing in the mirror she caught sight of tear tracks under her eyes. She...
Swede looked out over the quiet peaceful scene of the farm. It was nine o'clock. He and Mary were getting ready to go to bed. He felt good inside. The dinner had been good and for the first time in a long time, he'd felt at ease with Mary. They had talked. He had enjoyed it. Mary was in the bathroom and he was actually looking forward to her joining him again in the bedroom. He thought that lately she was looking younger or something. He didn't know what it was, but he liked the...
It was hardly the best organised process. Victoria was gesticulating wildly and attempting to order Husna Hannish to prepare the girls for transfer to the Kalinin's palace while he protested that any arrangements should be made by the Kalinin's overseer as the representative of his household. Neither of them were ready to do more than bluster about what needed to be done. Finally Victoria got her way and Husna, reluctantly began to ready things. In another room Henry, oblivious to the...
You are a guy that get to prison. While the warder bring you to your cell the other prisoners look at you like a tiger at a rabbit. A little bit scared you look at a guy that grins dirty at you. Then you realize that this is you cell. The wardener open the door and push you inside. You fell down right in front of this guy. You look up a bit shocked. "Yo. You want directly suck my cock eh?" he grins at you and grab you hair. ...
GayWe, that is Tammy and I are both southern belles born and bred, Tammy looks like Nicole Kidman in the movie "Practical Magic" and I'm more of a Jennifer love Hewitt type. Our husbands Mike and Greg are submariners and serve on the same submarine, they frequently go on three month long missions to keep the world save. I'm recently married to Mike and moved in with him. So I'm a newcomer is this small naval community. I quickly became friends with Tammy who has showed me around and has taken...
Dulcie Hanson should have been happy, or at least content. She and her husband had settled in to their roles as Rector and non-stipendiary minister at St. Mary's. They'd been welcomed and accepted, the congregation was beginning to respond to their different approach; they'd even had a couple of songs in the main Communion service accompanied by a young group on guitars, keyboard and flute; a couple of house-groups were beginning to work well and a few weeks previously she'd officiated at...
At 0700 I was eating breakfast while I was reading today’s security briefs. Today there was a brief from the UN Ambassador about yesterday’s freighter and weapons capture. The brief contained a full listing of all the weapons captured and technical information about the crew and ship’s captain. There was also a complete description of the action including statements by the men of my coastal patrol ships and the four aircraft pilots. Admiral West had requested all video from the go-pro cams...
The Doctor watches intently at the two sleeping, naked bodies lying on the small bed through the one-way mirror. "They should be waking up any time now." He says to his assistant as for the umpteenth time, he looks at the subjects notes. Subject #1 Name: Brad Grey Age: 18 Profession: Pupil Status: Single. Subject #2 Name: Morgan Grey Age: 25 Profession: Model Status: Single. Additional note: The two subjects are Brother and Sister. Purpose of experiment: To inject a brother and sister with a...
IncestOK... This is a Fight Scene, The way it will work is you will have a list of attacks that you can use, and your opponent will have the same. It works like Rock Paper Scissors. Special Attack bypasses Defense, Defense bypasses Attack, Attack bypasses Special Attack, and if both attacks are the Same, they'll counteract, and no Points are Lost. You're opponent has one attack Set at the Beginning. For the First round, He will use that attack. Then His attacks will change depending on yours. You...
When they got up in the morning, even though the sun had barely risen, Frank was already hard at work on the portable sawmill. Will decided to fell a few trees and drag them in. That way, Frank would have a way to test the completed contraption. His two wives both insisted on going with him. He wasn't about to argue, since he appreciated the company. Will knew he had no chance of winning an argument, even if he wanted to. Figuring to 'kill two buzzards with one rock', they started...
"That's more than I asked for, Mr Driscott." "You had some young people that burned CDs and DVDs for me last time. I want you to have half of the extra $92,000 and the rest I want spent on various pieces of information and programs like you did before. Where I'm going there are no copyright laws. Think of it like I'm going to a desert isle and want to see just what civilisation was all about." "An eclectic collection like that would cover a lot of material." "That's why I'm...
She was an 18 year old high school senior. She was possessed of shoulder length raven hair, which she tended to wear in a a bun at the nape of her neck. She tried to keep it neat but the ends always ended up popping out and curling around the sides of her face which her boyfriend, Alex, thought was quite attractive. He also admired her modest 34B breasts and her voluptuous hips. In contrast to her dark hair she was a bit pale. In fact, Alex was also a bit pale. He, too, had darker hair,...
First TimeIm Büro herrscht regen Treiben. Die Promotion und Werbeagentur hat Hochkonjunktur und ist bis oben iengedeckt mit zu erledigende Arbeit. Überall huschen Leute durch die Flure, das Faxgerät glüht und nur der Chef selber gönnt sich eine Pause in seinem riesigen Büro. Er kann zufrieden sein in jeglicher Hinsicht. Seine Firma beschäftigt mehrere Dutzend Leute alleine nur in diesem Bürokomplex und jeden Monat steht eine dicke schwarze Zahl auf seinem Kontoauszug. Er hat als Chef und Eigentümer...
4 Brad At a certain point capital achieves critical mass, after which, barring cataclysmic misjudgment or misfortune, it continues to grow. I can’t precisely quantify that point, but unquestionably my capital has exceeded it ,and I now have only five employees. Four work in the Century City offices. Each has an exalted title, which opens doors and looks good on resumes, and each is extremely well-compensated in an effort on my part to preclude the use of those resumes. Mary, my secretary, is...
It was the 17th February, the day was surprisingly mild after the terrible weather we had been having. Looking out my bedroom window I could see the rolling fields of green, speckled with sheep or cows. I loved living in the country, on snowy days it was magical to just look out the window and see nothing but white. Walking downstairs and into the kitchen, the scent of eggs and bacon met me before I opened the door, as usual mum always made us a good hearty breakfast, eggs and bacon was...
Kaypea's Special Stream“What’s all this about?” you ask your friends. They’ve been acting strangely all night. “Just go on in, and have a good time,” one answers cryptically, gesturing towards the bedroom door. You give them all a suspicious look, then open the door. It’s dark inside. One of them gives you a firm push and you stumble into the room. The door clicks shut behind you. Blind, you fumble for the light switch. After a few seconds you find it and flip it on. And your heart skips a...
If there was one person in the world who knew how to fuck Manya, it was Deen. Even though Deen had never fucked her, or any other woman for that matter, he knew perfectly well what his mother needed. Gone was the woman who loved romantic lovemaking. She was replaced by a perpetual bitch in heat. Gone was the woman who liked to have her body worshipped when being made love to. She was replaced by a whore who liked to be fucked hard and fast, treated like a ragdoll. Getting bolder by the...
Cloud stood in the kitchen the next morning, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. Strands of hair had managed to escape their restraint during her early morning jog and they framed her face as she watched the sausages she was making for her husband sizzle in the pan. Kira walked into the kitchen with a yawn, “Too early…” She plopped down into a chair. “Or too late.” “It’s not that early…” Cloud watched, amused while Pocket herded her four kittens into the kitchen. “Kittens!” One of...
Brad and Jake had gone to their rooms to change into more relaxing clothes. Wendy soon reappeared, wearing a thin light blue nightie that left little to the imagination. She stood between her boys urging them to cuddle her closer. She smiled at them, as their eyes took in her nipples partially showing. Her arms went around rubbing their backs for a moment as they watched Abby and Tiffany with Tina. “Watching them is making me very horny,” she mentioned, turning, either way, to press at tit...
On the weekend before the last week of school, Sue called John to her room. She was sitting at the desk. She had the laptop on and there was a porn site on the screen. “You ever watch incest porn?” “Not a fantasy I’m having right now,” he replied, eliciting a chuckle from Sue. “Why?” “I kinda got curious. You know how a lot of those scenes start?” “Hm?” “One person walking in on the other masturbating.” John laughed. “We’re just walking, talking cliches.” Sue laughed too. “You know...
Still upset, Bob walked around town for a while, to settle down before going back to his office to go to bed. Along the way, he saw lights in windows, and smelled the odors of cooking. He heard snippets of conversation from open windows or doors. These little domestic scenes made him feel lonely and empty. He felt like a fool for letting a girl almost young enough to be his daughter get under his skin and steal his heart. Finally, he turned toward his surgery. He was still a hundred yards...
Alan and Lorraine Robertson were both aged in their late fifties and had been married for thirty-five years but their marriage had been under strain for quite some while. Neither had anyone else, but there was currently little love between them and there had not been sex for quite a while, they slept in separate rooms.A few weeks previously Lorraine had rented a country cottage to see if maybe that would bring them back together but since booking it she had become less and less enthusiastic...
SpankingThis time, Allison had awoken before Lacey who was laying behind her, still holding her. The stuffed shark was still in Allison’s grip, the fluffy blankets and pillows offering extra comfort to an otherwise awkward awakening. Lacey woke up as Allison began to move “Hey there, sleepy head” Lacey moaned as she sat up. Part of Allison wanted to grab her clothes, which were again neatly folded this time sitting on the chair; and run. The other part was enamored. Lacey, now sitting up, put an...
She was curled up on the windowsill in a short gown or dress of some sort. Looking out the window she shifted. Her bare legs extended out with the gown riding high up her thigh. She looked up and saw me across the way looking at her. Initially she started to shift away but something came over her and she turned ever so slightly in my direction exposing more of her leg. I am smitten. I am drawn to her body, to her face, to her eyes. As I stand from my desk, she is looking at me, daring me to...
ExhibitionismFiction! When I was younger I learned about sex. I was in my uncles room watching tv. I had accidentally sat on the remote and hit the play button. I then saw a girl laying on the floor in high heels getting a cock shoved into her mouth. I was so into it and ended up watching the whole thing. The guy was fucking her like crazy.My uncle was a few years older than me and he use to baby sit me even though I was old enough to take care of myself. One day while I was watching tv he called me into...
Incest‘Tell me Mister Challiner,’ I looked into those eyes, those steel hard, blue eyes, set in that smiling face, the face that told me that she thought she had me right where she wanted me. ‘Tell me,’ She was making this a personal question not one for the Judge, not one for the jury, this was between myself and her. ‘On the night of the 23rd of August, where exactly were you?’ The she who was making life uncomfortable for me was my attorney Judith P. Slattery. The ‘P’ she would never admit, stood...
It was still daylight when Manu released Aisha from the cross and led her back to the gym. The gym was empty except for the still form of Lila, tied and nailed, motionless to the horse. Her pale skin, covered with dry spunk, which also dribbled from her anus and vagina, bore witness to the repeated rapings she had endured. Aisha approached her body, with her fist in her mouth, in horror. On Lila's nailed breasts, trickles of blood dribbled down to the nipples where, beading in crimson...
"I think your mother is right," said Skip after Pete had relayed the entire story, "no breeder has ever had the amount of power you do, so it's no mystery why he didn't think that's what you were. But, since neither side has ever created a new guide either, I can imagine they must be plenty baffled about now." "But they must know that they took Bernie out," observed Pete, "wouldn't they just think I'm his replacement?" "It's feasible, but like I said, we've never done it...
Hi guys. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Vivian from Mumbai, 5.9 ft. Tall, dark and handsome suits me perfect ?. I have this fetish for female armpits. Right from my school days I have seen myself wanting to sniff or even lick female armpits. My teachers, aunts, elder cousin sisters all have initimated me in doing so. It was during the summer season. I was waiting at the platform for my train to rush to college for my practicals. This aunty , in her mid thirties, athletic body came...