The Night Zoe & Michele Raised Hell free porn video

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-Cotton Mather


“Zoe,” Michele said, “I don’t think we should be doing this.”

A draft blew through the basement as both girls crouched on the concrete floor, still wearing bits and pieces of their trick or treat costumes. Zoe was dressed as a witch; Michele was her black cat. It was almost midnight.

They were supposed to be asleep hours ago, but Zoe‘s mother had gone to a grown-up Halloween party with her boyfriend, and as soon as their car pulled away the girls crept down here like they’d planned. Or like Zoe had planned anyway.

Michele gobbled another Hershey bar from her plastic pumpkin bucket. She’d left a trail of empty wrappers all through the house. Meanwhile, Zoe laid out everything they’d need: the black candle, the knife, the bell, and her book.

“We have to do this,” Zoe said, opening the book and thumbing to the right page. “Tonight’s the very best night for it. It won’t work as well any other night.”

Picking up the colored chalk that Michele had helped her steal from school, Zoe drew a kind of funny circle on the floor. Michele hugged her pumpkin bucket tighter as she watched.

The circle took a long time, since Zoe had to keep checking the notebook to add the squiggly letters around it. “Perfect, I think,” she said when she was done, wiping chalk dust on her witch‘s skirts. “Does it look right to you?”

“Let‘s just stop,” Michele said again. “I‘m tired from trick or treating.”

“Quit being a baby,” Zoe said. “Get the blood ready.”

Michele sighed. The blood was in a purple Tupperware container that she’d kept in the back of the fridge all week and smuggled over here in the bottom of her trick or treat bag. Of all the things they needed for tonight it had been the hardest to find; even harder than the black candle from the funny smelling store on Cole Street.

But Zoe had insisted they needed blood for the magic to work right, so Michele talked her mother into buying some from a butcher, saying that it was part of a science experiment for school (which she decided was probably only half of a lie).

Now, at Zoe’s insistence, she peeled the plastic lid back. The blood looked cold and icky. Michele poured most of it into the chalk circle so that it made a dark, disgusting puddle. Michele hated the way her own reflection looked in its glossy surface, but Zoe appeared pleased.

“Perfect,” she said again. “Put the rest in here.” She offered a cup for Michele to deposit the remainder of the pig’s blood. Michele held her nose as she did.

Outside the basement windows the streets were dark and quiet, the other trick or treaters all back home by now. Zoe shut the basement door and lit the black candle. It made just barely enough light to see by. Then she said, “Are you ready?”

“No,” said Michele (around a mouthful of Kit Kat).

Zoe rolled her eyes. “This was all your idea, remember?”

That was sort of true. Michele had seen a rerun of “Bewitched” on TV and told Zoe they should grow up to be witches, and that it would be a fun way to fix their problems.

It was supposed to be a joke, but Zoe hadn’t laughed. Instead, she’d started making plans…

“It’s stupid,” Michele said now. “Magic isn’t real anyway.”

She’d made this argument several times in the past few weeks, angling to portray Zoe’s plan as kid’s stuff and therefore beneath them at this age. (Eleven for Zoe, 11 and a half for Michele.)

Problem was, Zoe had impressed herself by securing what she called “grown-up magic,” copied from a book at the library that they weren’t allowed to check out. She spent an entire afternoon laboriously reproducing important pages in her school binder. This kind of magic must be real, she insisted. Otherwise why would anyone write a book about it?

“We can call up whatever we want with this,” Zoe said, showing the pages to Michele. “And it’ll give us anything we ask for.”

“But what do WE have to give to IT?” Michele had asked. Zoe just shrugged the question away.

Now the flickering candlelight turned the pages of Zoe’s notebook fiery orange in the dark basement. As she traced the letters of the spell with the tip of her finger she said, “Look, you know what an asshole Eddie is. He’s going to be my stepdad if we don’t do something about it. Do you want that?”

Reluctantly, Michele shook her head. She‘d never liked Eddie any more than Zoe had, though she‘d tried for all of the 11 months that he and Zoe‘s mom had dated.

“Well this is how we’re going to stop it,” Zoe continued. “I’ll wish for it tonight and then it’ll happen. And your wish will come true too.”

All that Michele wanted was help with school. She’d almost been held back last year, and the threat of being in a different class than Zoe terrified her. They fought all the time, but they’d been friends since age four. The idea of being apart was scary. Even scarier than black magic…

So when Zoe declared it was time to start, Michele took her place outside of the chalk circle despite her shaking knees. She tried to tell herself again that only babies believe in magic. It was just like Santa or the Tooth Fairy. Just a story…

When Zoe gave the signal, Michele rang the bell to signal the start. Its tinkle sounded much louder than it should in the dark, silent basement. Then, throwing one hand over her head to create a dramatic shadow on the wall, Zoe read:

“In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi.”

She’d spent all week practicing how to say it. Neither of them were sure what it meant, but it sounded cool.

Zoe read on:

“In the name of Satan, the Ruler of the earth, the King of the world, I command the forces of darkness to bestow their power upon me!”

The house creaked. Michele jumped, then felt stupid. Nothing is going to happen, she reminded herself…

“Open wide the gates of Hell and come forth from the abyss to greet us as your sisters and friends. Answer to your four names by manifesting our desires!”

Then it was Michele’s turn. At first she panicked because she couldn’t remember what to say; Zoe had forced her to memorize the four special names, but suddenly her mind was blank.

The look on Zoe’s face grew increasingly pointed as she waited, and Michele writhed. It occurred to her that if she couldn’t remember the names there was no way they could keep going…

But then just like that they popped back into her head. Reluctantly, she said them one by one, ringing the bell after each:









A noise came from the corner. Michele glanced over her shoulder. Nothing was there, of course, but the basement was so dark that it was hard not to imagine things. She wished they’d had enough money for more than one candle…

“Now drink,” Zoe said, passing the cup of leftover blood. They’d mixed it with water so that it wouldn’t be as bad, but it still smelled dark and gross. The candy in Michele‘s stomach curdled. “Drink,” Zoe said again. “You only need to swallow a little.”

Forcing down a sip, Michele crammed in two Jolly Ranchers at once (sour apple and cherry) to get rid of the taste. Zoe almost emptied the cup when it was her turn, although Michele could tell it made her sick too. It was a second before she was able to say the next part:

“Oh great lurkers in the darkness, oh guardians of the way, present yourselves to us who believe and are stricken with ad-ver-sa-tees.”

“Zoe, somebody’s upstairs.”

“No they’re not.”

“I hear them moving. I think your mom is home early.”

“That’s just the house. Now shut up, you’re not supposed to talk at this part.”

The candle flame seemed to shrink and the shadows moved closer. Michele tried to hold Zoe’s hand but Zoe was too busy holding the book and the knife. She gestured with the blade while she read:

“Succor us through fire and water, earth and air. Strike dumb our ad-ver-sare-ees. Allow no misfortune to allay our path, and restore us to unending dominion. This we command in the name of Satan, whose mercies flourish and whose sus—susti—sus—”


“Thanks. And whose sustenance will prevail! Hail Satan!”

Zoe nudged Michele in the ribs. “Hail Satan,” Michele said.

“As Satan reigns, so shall we. Zoe May Carter is the vessel who flesh is as the earth. Life everlasting, world without end.”

Next she turned to look at Michele, and her eyes held every expectation in the world. Michele was old enough to know what a look like that meant: It said, “Don‘t let me down.”

So, swallowing her fear, Michele said: “Michele Ocampo Bautista is the vessel whose flesh is as the earth. Life everlasting, world without end.”

Looking satisfied, Zoe nodded. Michele said, “Now what?”

“The most important part,” said Zoe, producing a folded piece of notebook paper. “On this we write down our wish: Whatever we want in the whole world. Everything we’d give our souls for.”

“I don’t want to sell my soul.”

“You don’t even believe in souls, dummy. You‘ve never even been to church except with your crazy alcoholic aunt.”

“Yeah, well you and your mom go to church every month.”

“We’re Unitarians, that doesn’t count. Anyway, I wrote your wish for you: You’ll get good grades and always pass tests no matter what. And we’ll be friends forever,” she added. Michele perked up a little at this part.

“And my mom will get rid of Eddie, and never bring another stupid guy around who wants to be my stepdad,” Zoe continued. “And my nightmares will stop. In fact, I’ll never have another dream again.”

This part made Michele curious. Zoe had never mentioned nightmares. But before she could ask about it Zoe put the corner of the paper into the candle flame, and when the whole thing was on fire she threw it into the magic circle.

The burning paper fluttered and flared, and then the embers burnt out in seconds. Silence descended. Michele counted to ten in her head before asking: “How do we know if it worked?”

The sound of riffling pages filled the basement as Zoe flipped through her notes. “It doesn‘t say. I thought, I don‘t know, that we would just know.”

She paused. “There’s one last part. Maybe—”

And then the basement door flew open with a bang and light from the hall framed a figure on the stairs. Both girls screamed and grabbed each other. The candle blew out.

The person on the stairs began walking down one step at a time. Michele and Zoe backed away.

“That’s not your mother,” Michele said.


“Is it Eddie?”

“It’s definitely not Eddie.“

The man (thing?) was halfway to them almost before they knew it. Michele tried to remember any prayers her crazy aunt had taught her, but her mind was blank. The closest she could get was the ABCs song, and she almost blurted that out instead.

Just as she was about to curl up in a ball in the corner and hope for this to all turn out to be a dream, Zoe surprised her by letting go of her hand and stepping forward. Michele was even more surprised when she realized Zoe was smiling.

“Wait a minute,” Zoe said, bouncing up and down in sudden excitement. “Michele, don‘t be scared. Don‘t you get it? We called him and he came. The magic worked.”

“No it didn’t!” said Michele, backing away even more.

But Zoe said it again. “It worked. Can’t you tell? Just look!”

Michele looked but couldn’t see anything. The man on the stairs was just a black shape. Zoe’s eyes shone, but Michele couldn’t see whatever it was that made her so excited. Only shadows.

The man in the dark reached out, and Zoe took him by the hand. She kept smiling. The dark man kept his other hand out, but Michele didn’t want to take it. Fear latched onto her heart. I just want to go home, she thought. Please, please, please, just let me go home…

“Come on Michele, you’ll ruin it,” said Zoe.

“I don’t want to,” Michele said, as loud as she dared.


“I don’t want to! I…I just want to go home!” Michele said. And she screamed and screamed and covered her head with her hands, and then…

It was morning. Michele opened her eyes and sat up in her own bed. Her costume from the night before and a bucketful of Halloween candy were both spread all over the floor.

There was no sign of Zoe. Or of…anyone else.

Rubbing her eyes, Michele crawled to the candy pile and shook a box of milk duds into her open mouth. Chewing, she tried to remember what had happened last night. She was supposed to sleep over at Zoe’s after trick or treating; how did she get back here? The last thing she remembered was going down to the basement.

No, that wasn’t quite true: She remembered the black candle, and the blood, and Zoe reading from the book. But after that…nothing.

At breakfast, Michele’s mother put a hand to her forehead. “You look sick, but you don’t feel hot. Everything all right?”

Prodding at her Count Chocula with a spoon Michele tried to remember last night again, but the longer the morning went on the harder it was. “Everything’s fine,” she said. “Too much candy is all.”

“Well hurry up and eat, you don’t want Zoe waiting for the bus alone,” Mom said.

But Zoe wasn’t at the bus stop. In fact, she wasn’t in class at all. Michele called her house that night to see if she was okay and her mother answered. “Zoe’s been sick in bed all day,” she said. “Too much candy I think.”

“Oh, is that it?” said Michele. “I thought…” But she didn’t really know what else to say, so she just said thank you and hung up.

When she went back upstairs, she threw the rest of her Halloween candy away. It tasted sour all of a sudden. And the sight of it made her afraid.


“Michele? Michele?”


Michele turned around, blinking at the afternoon sun streaming in through the dorm room window. She stood with her purse open, having just swept an armful of things off the top of a dresser and into it. Bulging, she struggled to get it zipped shut.

From the other side of the room, Malcolm (who was sitting on her suitcase in an attempt to get it closed for) was still looking at her. “You spaced out for a second,” he said.

“Sorry, I was thinking about…something from a long time ago. What were we saying?”

“You don’t like Halloween.”

“Oh, right. Yeah, ever since I was a kid. It’s just not my thing.”

She looked around again at the disarray of the dorm, trying to get her bearings back. She was supposed to be sorting things she needed for the weekend from things she didn’t, but now she decided to just plain give up and take whatever would fit into her bags easiest.

It was Thursday. Two of her Friday classes had cancelled tomorrow, so she was skipping the third and leaving campus to take a long weekend back home. That was her plan, anyway; Malcolm was making a belated attempt at luring her into his roommate’s Halloween party this weekend instead.

He finally got her suitcase to close with a snap and then bounded up in triumph. “So what’s wrong with Halloween?” he said, handing it to her.

Shrugging, Michele pretended to be busy looking through a stack of bio books and notes from organic chemistry, next to a plastic vase with fresh flowers Malcolm had delivered himself the previous day.

“It reminds me of bad things is all,“ she said. “You know: death, monsters, childhood. The worst of the worst.”

Malcolm put his arms around her waist and kissed her ear. She turned to look at him; he was a freshman and younger than her by three years, but since he was taller and was growing in a beard he looked older, like he was getting ready to graduate in the spring. “I think Halloween is sexy,” he said. “You’d look hot as hell in a nurse’s costume.”

“I’m going to be wearing a nurse’s uniform for the rest of my life, why do I want one on Halloween?”

“Something else then. A cat costume. Or a witch.”

Michele choked, then feigned clearing her throat to cover up for it. “Nice try, tiger,” she said, turning and giving him a kiss. “This is one thing we’re just not going to see eye to eye on.”

“Okay then,” Malcolm said, and got on his knees. She laughed.

“Look, I‘d come to the party make you happy, and I’d EVEN wear the nurse’s outfit if you’re good,” she said. “But it’s Mom’s 50th birthday this weekend, so I have to be there.”

This was a lie; Mom’s birthday wasn’t until March, and she’d be 48. But the real reason she was going would have taken longer to explain. And would have led to questions she wasn’t ready to answer yet…

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Malcolm said. He was still on his knees, taking advantage of the low angle to stroke her calves. “I mean, I should meet your family and see where you grew up, right? If we’re really serious about the future?”

“Yeah, of course you should. It’s just…” Think fast. “This isn’t the best time. Mom’s a little self-conscious about the birthday. It’ll be better if we wait. Besides, I wouldn’t want you missing the big party just to hang around my boring old hometown.”

Discovering that she’d almost forgotten her toothbrush she ducked into the bathroom, then came back and pointed it at Malcolm, shaking the bristles as she talked. “Now no running off with any nurses at that party,” she said. “Or witches. Or—”


She giggled. “You ass.”

“Is that not what you were going to say? Ah well…”

And then he grabbed her. Michele shrieked and batted at him. “You’ll make me late,” she said.

“No I won’t, we’ll use protection.”

“That’s not—OH!—what I meant. I need to…I need to…”

“You need to what?” Malcolm said, kissing her neck. Her eyes rolled in her head as his teeth grazed the soft skin near her collarbone. Michele dropped her bag.

“Oh, fuck it,” she said.

“That’s the spirit.”

She pounced on him, pulling down for an open-mouthed kiss. Michele‘s roommate was still in class so there was no need to leave a hangar on the door; without looking, she gave the door a solid kick to make sure that it was closed. It was an old building and sometimes that door would pop open on its own at the worst possible time...

Michele forced Malcolm back until he almost tripped over the bed, then pushed him down to it and hopped right on top, stripping off her shirt and tossing it on top of her nearby suitcase so that she wouldn’t be more late trying to find it later.

Malcolm was about to say something but she clapped a hand over his mouth playfully, then grinned as she pulled his belt off. Outside the window someone shouted to someone else from across the quad. Michele held Malcolm’s wrists down and then looped his belt around them before securing it to the bed frame.

He squirmed a little bit. “Hey!” he said.

“I’ve got to give you something to remember me by while I’m gone for the weekend, right?” Michele said, pulling his shirt up and kissing his abs. He had a swimmer’s body and did laps obsessively but said he never planned trying out for the team because “It’s not fun if someone is making you do it.”

“Besides,” she added, “you’re the one who started this. No fair wimping out now.”

She cinched the belt tight and, once she was sure he wasn’t going anywhere, unhooked her bra and leaned over him until he strained to get his mouth at her naked breasts.

Giggling, she ran her fingers through his hair and bent down to let him have a taste a little bit at a time, always pulled back before he could get a real mouthful. He responded by tickling one of her nipples with the tip of his tongue until she squealed.

Sliding down the front of Malcolm’s body, Michele stuck her hands down his pants and squeezed. Malcolm groaned and rolled his eyes in approval; the rest of his body was hot but his balls felt cool in her hands.

Pulling his pants down to his knees she kissed the side of his cock, then licked it and coiled her tongue around the shaft, teasing it until she heard him suck a hard breath between his teeth, following up by licking around and around the tip until he jerked and tugged at the belt. She laughed.

Slipping his entire cock into her mouth, Michele watched his chest swell and contract as his breathing picked up. Seeing Malcolm shirtless always made her wet; it used to make her feel shallow, but now she figured fuck it. Sucking her way down him, she wrapped her lips around his cock as tight as she could and gave two or three firm tugs with her mouth until he was practically writhing, then closed her eyes and paced herself. The wet sound of sucking filled the small room.

After a while she slid him back out with a satisfying popping nose, then said, “Now it’s your turn.” Wriggling out of her shorts and her panties and tossing them both on her suitcase she shimmied up Malcolm’s body (letting his smooth, supple skin caress the insides of her thighs…) and then, before he could say anything else, sat down on his face so that her wet pussy pressed onto his pretty mouth.

Immediately dutiful, he kisses her slippery lips and pushed the tip of his tongue right inside, licking up and down her slit. Every nerve in Michele’s body stood up and sang. “Ohhh shit,” she said, squirming herself now.

He was still trying to get his hands loose. She slapped at them until he stopped, riding his face all the while as his sweet lips licked and sucked at her until she was absolutely dripping.

Biting her thumb to keep from screaming, Michele swiveled around and dropped back down so that she lay face down on top of Malcolm with his cock stuffed into her mouth even while she spread her legs and continued feeding him her pussy, swiveling her ass in the air as he went to work.

He came so hard and fast that Michele risked choking, but she pulled back just enough at the last moment and got a hot mouthful. She let it dribble over her tongue until the salty taste touched the back of her throat, then swallowed it down and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand in satisfaction.

“You’d better hurry up and finish me off too if I‘m going to leave on time…” she said, sitting up again.

“I’m working as hard as I can,” Malcom said—or tried to say, his voice muffled. Michele made a tsk tsk noise.

“Are you sure about—“ Michele said. But that was all she could say, because at that moment she looked down and almost screamed.

Instead of Malcolm, splayed out on the bed she saw the dark figure of a man with no face, or rather with a face that she couldn’t see, hidden as it was in the shadows.

But even though she couldn’t see him she still couldn’t shake the idea that she recognized him from years ago…

And then she blinked and it was gone, and it was just Malcolm on the bed again.

Michele hadn’t quite screamed, but he must have been able to tell that something was wrong because he tried once again to sit up—so hard and so fast that he nearly broke the belt—and put a comforting arm around her shoulder as soon as she untied him.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she said, clamping her mouth shut as soon as the lie was out.

“You looked like you’d seen a ghost.”

“Oh no,” Michele said, forcing herself to smile as she reached for her clothes. “I just realized how late it’s getting. I really have to go. I’ll see you again Monday. Have fun without me, but not TOO much fun, okay?”

“All right…” Malcolm said, letting her kiss him. She hurried to leave before he could ask anything else. She’d told enough lies for one afternoon already.


It was still late by the time she got on the road, and the highway was pitch black once she got up into the hills. She’d forgotten just how dark things were once you got away from the city lights. Down there it was still sunny and warm, but up here in the mountains winter had practically already started.

Why does anyone still live out here, she thought? Then she scolded herself: Just because I don’t like living in the boonies doesn’t mean it’s not good for anyone else. Mom still loves it up here, she reminded herself. And Zoe…

Ah ah, she thought, no dwelling on Zoe. Plenty of time for that later. She realized she was speeding and made herself slow down. The flicker of her headlights passing over the reflectors at the side of the road made her think of candle flames.

It was nearly a quarter to eleven by the time Michele rolled in; at a distance, town and forest looked almost indistinguishable except for the narrow strip of streetlamps along Main Street. Here and there the yellow square of light glowed behind the blinds of some neighbor who dared court town gossips by being visibly awake past 10 PM on a weeknight.

Michele’s mother had just moved to a smaller place (“No sense paying for a lot of rooms I’m not going to use,” she’d said over the phone). She was still up when Michele arrived, with bathrobe on and late-night gin martini in hand. They hugged one-armed so that it wouldn’t spill.

“Sorry I’m late,” Michele said, putting her bags down in the hall.

“Your loss, I already ate all of the fatted calf. Are you hungry, by the way?”

“A little bit, but I brought dinner: macaroni and baked potato, your favorite, as best we could manage in the dorm kitchenette anyway. It just needs the microwave now.“

“Well if I can‘t feed you then how about a drink?” Mom shook her half empty martini glass.

“I shouldn’t…actually, yes that sounds great.”

So they ended up with martinis and macaroni by the fire as autumn wind shook the trees outside. Michele listened to the whistling through the pines and felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up with delicious remembered fears from childhood. “I like the new place,“ she said. “It’s cozy.”

“It’s cheap. So what’s the occasion?”


Mom leaned back in her easy chair. “You’re here out of the blue. I’m not complaining, but I figure there’s a reason.”

The wind picked up. Michele took a drink to hide her face in the glass. “I just missed you. And home.”

“Me I‘ll believe, but this place never. I‘ve never seen somebody as quick to get out of her hometown as you were at 18, and we‘ve seen you back here all of three times in three years. I figured you must have had some fight with that boy, what’s his name?”

“Malcolm. No, everything’s fine with us. More than fine, actually. Two of my Friday classes cancelled and I just wanted come back for a long weekend here. Is that so hard to believe?”

“Maybe I’ll believe it easier with another round,” Mom said, rising.

Listening to the sound of the martini shaker from the kitchenette, Michele counted to ten in her head and tried to sound casual when she said, “As long as I’m here I thought I’d look up Zoe. She’s still around, right?”

“Sure, I see her all the time. She’s a bartender over at the Eastside.”


“Uh huh,. She started out at the Club but they fired her.”

There were two bars in town: the reasonably respectable, slightly hip one on Main Street called just the Club, and then the Eastside, where people who wouldn’t afford the Club—or had achieved lifetime bans from it—went to drink instead.

“Can’t remember why Charlie let her go,” Mom said, returning. “Not going down on him on payday like he asked, maybe.”


“Oh, that man would try to stick it in a vacuum cleaner if it gave him the time of day. Mind you he was plenty good looking once.”

“I don’t need to hear this.”

“Here’s to covering your ears then,” Mom said, clinking their glasses. “She asks about you all the time you know.”


“Uh huh. I tell you’re doing good, getting ready for nursing school. She says she’ll call you but I guess she never does. You two were so close as kids. Up until you weren’t anymore, I mean. I don’t think she’s got much in the way of friends these days. She’ll be happy to see you, I think.”

That night, Michele stood at the mirror on her mother’s bureau, brushing her hair. (Mom insisted on letting Michele sleep in her room and took the couch herself, despite Michele’s protestations.) It was the same antique mirror where she and Zoe had played “Bloody Mary” on Halloween night in first grade and scared themselves silly.

Would Zoe really be glad to see her after all this time, she wondered? She couldn’t be sure. She had trouble remembering the last time they talked. Michele had, she was aware, been avoiding this town more or less as a means of avoiding Zoe, treating one as a proxy for another.

Finished with her hair, Michele set the brush on the dresser but paused before turning away from the mirror. The sound of the wind reminded her again of previous, long-lost Halloweens, and she smoothed her nightgown out before looking her reflection in the eye and saying, almost tentatively:

“Blood Mary…”

The lamp went out. The entire room became black. Michele jumped.

It was just a power outage, of course. Wires blew down around here all the time. Still, she couldn’t help looking over her shoulder, expecting a dark and faceless man to be waiting for her…

But nothing was there.

Even so, she crawled into bed with the covers over her head and wished suddenly for trick or treat candy to stress eat before nodding off. Some things never change, she thought.


The Eastside bar was dim, the bottles faded, the TV only half-functional, and the walls covered with hunting trophies from a previous century, antlers bristling like a phalanx of spears trying to prod Michele away.

It was noon exactly, and Zoe was the only one working, tying her curly hair back with a scrunchie and wearing a black tank top despite the cold weather. She’d grown curvier and more full in the face since Michele saw her last, but still mostly like her old self. Michele approached the bar but didn’t sit at first, waiting for Zoe to see her and register surprise.

But she didn’t look surprised at all. She just turned from the tap she‘d been pouring—Sierra Nevada Nooner Pilsner, Michele’s favorite—and slammed it down right in front of Michele with the foam still streaming down the side and said, “You’re here.”

Sitting on a stool, Michele held her purse between her legs. “Yeah, I’m here. Surprise.”

“I was expecting you.”

“Mom told you I was coming?”

“Nope. Just expecting you is all. This first one’s on me. Celebration for your big homecoming. Come here and let me see you.”

Zoe reached across the bar and cupped Michele’s face, turning it left and right to inspect, and Michele was so surprised for a second that she didn’t object.

“You look good,” Zoe said. “I was kind of hoping you wouldn’t. Less pressure on me, you know? That means you’re buying the next round.”

She poured herself a Blindfold Ale, her arms snapping the tap on and off with machine-like precision. When she was finished she half-raised her pint in a toast. “Here’s to good reunions,” she said, and drank half of hers in one go. “You’re not drinking?”

“It’s barely noon.”

“I know, but I’ve got to stay buzzed to keep ahead the hangover from last night.”

Then she smiled, a quick white flash that moved her entire face, and for a startling second made her look exactly like she had when they were ten. Leaning across the bar, she hugged Michele—not a casual, single-armed hug, but a big, full embrace—and Michele found herself smiling and hugging back.

“You do look good,” Zoe said. “Your mom said you were doing okay and now I know she’s not lying. You sure stayed away long enough.”

Sipping her beer, Michele said, “I’ve been back a few times. I just—”

“Didn’t see me. Yeah, it’s okay. I wouldn’t see me either, and I am me.” She paused to pour a beer for someone else “You gonna want another one?”

“I’m not done with—”

“I’ll start a tab for you. Since you’re never coming back you’ll never have to pay it. Works out.” She smiled again, but this time she didn’t look so young.

It got later. They had a few more drinks. They talked about friends from high school—or more accurately, about Michele’s friends, since Zoe had few to speak of—and strained to remember stories from childhood.. Zoe asked about Michele’s classes and looked genuinely interested in the answers.

At first Michele was surprised by how natural it felt for the two of them to be talking again. But after a while she forgot to even bother with surprise. Neither of them left when Zoe‘s shift ended, instead retiring to a corner table with a pitcher that seemed to refill as if by magic.

“So he fired me last year,” Zoe was saying. “But anyway, he’d do it with a vacuum cleaner if he got bored enough.”

“Oh god, that‘s what Mom said too,” Michele said, snorting.

“She knows ’em when she sees ’em. So tell me about this guy you’re fucking?”

Blinking, Michele sat up straight. “Malcolm? He’s my boyfriend. We met over the summer. It hasn‘t been that long but we’re…kind of engaged? Sort of thinking about being engaged?” She put a hand on her head, they’d gone through too many pitchers for her to be sorting through the ins and outs of her relationship now.

Shaking her head, Zoe said, “No you’re not. Come on. You’re, what, barely 21? You’re not going to marry some guy now. Stupidest thing you could do.”

“Not now. Just, you know, sometime.” Michele gestured and knocked the pitcher, but it didn’t fall over.

“I’ll believe it when I see it,“ Zoe said. “And I’m not coming to the wedding, so I’ll never see it. I’m not big on weddings. Not the marrying type.”

“You’re the type to spit out a guy’s bones and bury them in the yard.”

“Uh uh. I never spit. Always swallow.”

Michele laughed again. Now Zoe leaned back too and looked at her sideways. “How about you tell me why you’re dropping in all of a sudden?” she said.


“I mean, catching up and all is fine. Plus, drinking with you for an afternoon counts as socializing, instead of drinking alone, which only counts as a problem. But you’re up here out of nowhere on a weekday during the school year and suddenly you want to see me. So what‘s the deal?”

Geez, do I really seem so suspicious, Michele thought? She wanted to get defensive but realized she couldn’t. “I…” She let the word linger for as long as she could, then changed the subject. “You expected me,” she said.



“Just got a good feeling. You’re not going to tell me what’s up? Guess I’ll have to get you even more drunk than you are now.”

“I’m not drunk.”

“Stand up.”

As soon as she did Michele stumbled. Zoe caught her. The bar had filled up a bit, and some people looked. Steadying herself with a hand on the wall, Michele almost lost a finger to a pair of low-hanging antlers.

“Ohhh shoot,” she said. “I can’t drive home now. To Mom’s, I mean.”

“You’re not going home,” Zoe said, slinging Michele’s arm over her shoulder like a wounded soldier being carried off the battlefield. “My place is just behind the Safeway on Jackson, we can walk it. Your mom knows you’re staying over.”

“She does?”

“Yeah. Come on, upsy-daisy, one foot at a time.”

They half stumbled to the parking lot. Michele was stunned to see that it was night already. “How long were we in there?”

“Long enough. Fucking hell, is this fastest you can walk?”

“I don’t like to drink that much…”

“Could have fooled me.”

The walk home took a while. Zoe’s place was on the ground floor of the Garden Homes apartments. It was a two bedroom apartment, but it looked like she lived alone. Michele saw that the extra bedroom was closed with a heavy padlock on the outside, but as drunk as she was she didn’t bother asking why.

As soon as they were in the door Zoe broke out the hard liquor. Michele knew she shouldn’t have any, but she couldn’t say no. A few more drinks and she wouldn’t be able to say anything at all…

They drank screwdrivers on the couch. Nothing but a string of white Christmas lights lit the living room—“Cheaper on the PG&E bill,” Zoe said. Michele watched the contents of her glass as she swirled it.

“I think I needed that,“ she said. “This I mean. What we’re doing.”

“Drinking on the couch?”

“No, just…” She fumbled. “I missed you.”

“Careful, I’ll get teary.”


“You love it.” She paused. “I missed you too though. Even before you left. You know, back when you got all weird and stopped talking to me.”

“I didn’t get weird, you got weird.”

“I was always weird. You got normal. And that was weird.”

“It wasn‘t that. It was…”

Zoe sat forward. “Ohhh, now we’re getting to the interesting part. Finally feel like spilling what’s been on your mind?”

Going to take another drink, Michele found that her glass was empty. She put it down. “Halloween is Sunday. Day after tomorrow.”


“Do you remember…I mean, when we were kids, ten years ago. Do you remember when we…”

“Called up the devil?”

“No. I mean, yes, that’s what we wanted to do.”

“And we did it. You don’t remember?”

“I remember…”

For a second Michele had a vivid hallucination of a man whose face she couldn’t see walking down the darkened basement steps. But she batted it away almost instantly.

“I don’t remember what I remember. But I know we did something we shouldn’t have. It scared me. And it didn’t scare you, and that scared me worse.”

Zoe put her own glass down. It was still sweating. “That’s why you came back? Halloween?”

“I…yes. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. So I came here to ask if we can, you know, undo it? Whatever we did. If that makes sense?”

Michele searched Zoe’s face, expecting confusion, amusement, or even mockery. What she saw instead surprised her: absolute shock, laced with genuine hurt.

“Are you kidding me?” Zoe said, almost standing up. “That was the best thing that ever happened to us!”

Blinking, Michele said, “It was?”

“Of course you idiot. Didn’t you ever realize? Look, you’re doing premed now? I bet you barely study for your tests but always gets A’s, right?”

“I’m smart.”

“But what did you wish for on Halloween?”

“I don’t know, you wished for me.”

“That you’d always get good grades no matter what. And you always did.”

“Okay, but—”

“And what did I want? No more Eddie, no more boyfriends for mom. A week later Mom dumped Eddie, and there was never anyone else.”

“Yeah, okay—”

“All the good stuff in life is because of what we did that night,” Zoe said, plowing on.

“What about the bad stuff?”

“Who knows? All I know is—fuck this, I need shots. Come on.”

In the kitchen, Zoe splashed tequila into plastic shot glasses. She tossed hers back right away and signaled with a rotating finger that Michele should do the same, then slapped her on the back as she coughed afterward.

“Why is this coming up now anyway?” Zoe said. “Holy shit, this isn’t something about that guy, is it? Mark?”

“Malcolm. Yeah, I mean, that’s part of it. But the real reason is I never liked it. I never thought we should do it. I want to get rid of it finally. And also I’ve been…seeing things. Sometimes…”

They stared at each other for a long time. Michele thought about the North-Going Zax and the South-Going Zax, stuck looking at each other forever because neither would budge.

But Zoe broke the stare down first by rolling her eyes. “You sure that’s the real reason you came? Don’t you want something else?”

“Like what?” Michele said. She was trying very hard not to sway on her feet. Zoe propped her up with an arm around her, then looked her straight in the eyes.

“Like me, maybe?” Zoe said. Michele choked again.

“Excuse me?”

“Come on. You’re not fooling me. Don’t tell me you never thought about it?”

“I…that’s none of your business,” Michele said, twisting away so that Zoe couldn’t see her blush. She felt Zoe’s eyes on the back of her head.

“None of my business, huh?” the other girl said. And then she swept the plastic glasses into the sink. “If you say so. But why are you back here then?”

“I told you why.”

“I don’t buy it. I think the real reason is you can’t get me off your mind. You’re crazy about me. Right?”

“No!” Michele wanted to leave the kitchen but Zoe was in the way. The kitchen light behind Zoe’s head framed her in shadow. She moved in close now, smelling like tequila and perfume. “Prove it. Give me one kiss and tell me you don‘t like it.”

“Why would I do that?”

“For old time’s sake?”

Michele realized she was staring at Zoe’s lips. “I’m drunk,“ she said. “You’re drunk.”

“Perfect excuse. Kiss me.”

Their lips were only a few inches apart. Michele recognized the look in Zoe’s eyes; it was a look that said, “Don’t let me down.”


And as they both leaned in…

That’s all Michele could remember.


It was morning. Michele opened her eyes and sat up, not in her own bed. There was no sign of Zoe…no, wait, there was the sound of the shower, and steam coming from beneath the bathroom door.

Putting her hands over her face, Michele groaned. Oh my god, she thought. What happened last night? The last thing she remembered was—no, she didn’t want to remember the last thing she remembered.

Her head was killing her. And her stomach…

“Oh no.”

Bolting out of bed, she kicked the bathroom door open and just barely made it to the toilet in time, throwing he arms around it like a ship’s mast in a storm and sticking her head in the bowl.

Peering around the shower curtain, Zoe watched. “Good morning, sunshine,” she said. “Guess this means a morning quickie is out of the question.”

“Die,” Michele said, slumping next to the toilet. She felt marginally better now, although it was a low bar. Zoe pulled the shower open wider, inviting her in. Michele wanted to wash away the gross feeling, but didn’t want to get in while Zoe was still there. Her face must have given it away, because Zoe glowered.

“So that’s how it is,” she said, turning the water off. “You’re a piece of work.”

“Me? You got me drunk and—”

“You got yourself drunk, I didn’t force you. What, are you ashamed?” She threw the towel at Michele. “Self-loathing lesbians are really boring you know.”

“I am not self-loathing. I don’t loathe anything.”

“Canned pears.”

“Anything about myself.”

“Why the attitude then? Shit, give me that towel back, I’m dripping on the floor.”

Throwing the towel, Michele kicked off her panties (the only thing she’d put back on last night) and got into the shower. “The problem is—this water is freezing!”

“Jiggle the right handle if you want it hot.” Zoe’s voice came from the bedroom. “I get it: You‘re upset about your boyfriend or whatever. But he‘s not here, right? Out of sight, out of mind.”

“That doesn’t make it okay. Wait, did we really…?”

“Really what? Fuck all night?”

“Yes, did we really—holy shit, now the water’s scalding!”

“There’s no pleasing you. Are you really telling me you don’t remember?”

Wiping soap out of her eyes, Michele squirmed. “No,” she admitted. Zoe, standing in the bathroom door, began laughing. Michele blushed even harder. “It’s not funny! I blacked out.”

“It’s so funny you wouldn’t even believe it. It would serve you right if I never told you what really happened last night…but oh, all right, you can stop worrying, I’m just messing with your head. Nothing happened. You passed out first.”

Sagging with relief, Michele leaned against the shower wall.

“But you definitely wanted me,” Zoe added. “I could tell.”

A denial was on Michele’s lips before she was even done hearing what Zoe said. But then Zoe yanked the shower curtain aside, startling her. The other girl stood fully dressed and looking shockingly alert for a woman who should have been in an alcohol-induced coma after the last 24 hours.

“Hey,” she said. “What you said last night, about how you wanted to know if there’s any way to undo what we did as kids? If you really meant it, I think there’s something we can try.”

Michele looked up from drying her hair off. “Are you sure? Last night—”

“I said it was a terrible idea, and yeah, it is. But if it’s what you really want…”

“You’d do that for me?”

“Kiddo, I’d do just about anything for you. Why do you think I started all of this in the first place?”

For a second Michele was speechless. Then Zoe grabbed her wrist and said, “Get dressed. Follow me.”

Across the hall was the second bedroom, with the padlock on the outside. Now sober enough to be properly curious about it, Michele peered over Zoe’s shoulder as she fumbled with the key. She wasn’t prepared for what was on the other side.

Right away Michele recognized the magic circle painted on the bedroom floor. The wood was stained such a deep red that it was nearly black from having blood poured on it again and again. Books of every shape and size filled the shelves, some so old their spines had cracked, some so new they still smelled like a bookstore stock room.

Other shelves held all sorts of bells, cups, knives, statuettes, bones, bottles, bowls, and even stranger objects. And all manner and shape of candles, most of them black, but some white, red, and deep purple too.

On one side of the room, on a dais made from milk crates covered with a black cloth, sat a gold-colored statue of a figure with wings and horns almost as tall as Michele, its eyes seeming to wink whenever the light hit them. Letters inscribed on its base spelled:


Turning in a circle, Michele looked at everything and said, “What…IS all of this?”

“Grown-up magic,” Zoe replied, picking a book from the shelf and leafing through it. “Don’t step in the circle.”

“How long did it take you to collect all of this?” Curious, Michele touched a flat brass knife, then picked up a heavy silver bell to give it a small test ring.

“At least this long,” Zoe said. “Do you remember what the phase of the moon was ten years ago? Never mind, I’ll look it up. Hey!” She snapped her fingers. “Pay attention.”

Michele blinked. She’d caught herself staring into the eyes of the winged statue and for a second hadn’t been able to look way.

Turning, she looked at the page of the book Zoe held out to her. “Is this the…magic…we want?”

“I think so,” Zoe said, nodding. “If you’re sure you want to do this?”

Swallowing, Michele said. “Yes. I’m sorry if it hurts your feelings. I never realized you did all this for…anyway, yes, I’m sure.”

Closing the book, Zoe nodded. “Then we can do it tonight.”

“Wouldn’t tomorrow be better?”

“Tonight‘s Devil’s Night. That’s the best time. But we shouldn’t do it here. Outdoors will work better. You remember Cemetery Hill, on the east side of town?”

Michele nodded.

“We’ll meet there just after sundown. Sound good?”

Michele nodded again, even though she wasn’t entirely sure that it did. Still reading, Zoe looked at her out of just the corner of her eye and added, “And Michele?”


“I‘m sticking my neck out for you here. Don‘t let me down.”


Brushing her hair out of her face, Zoe knelt on the cemetery grass while Michele kept watch. “Tell me if anybody is coming,“ Zoe said again.

Beds of dead, gray leaves crunched under Michele’s feet whenever she moved. The grassy hillside had grown patchy over the years, and the taller headstones had started to tilt, and it seemed nobody was keeping the place up anymore. It had been at least 100 years since anybody was buried here.

Michele said, “I don’t mean to complain—”

“And yet…”

“But do we have to be here?”

“You can’t do these things just anywhere,” Zoe said. She was tracing a wide circle in the ground with the point of a knife, her brow furrowed as she worked to make the characters around the perimeter just right. “Outdoors is best. Isolation is best. And a place with ceremonial importance is best. Can you think of anywhere else?”

“Last time we did it in your mom’s basement.”

“Last time I didn‘t know what I was doing. A lot‘s changed since we were eleven.”

Not enough, Michele thought, as she handed Zoe a Tupperware container full of blood. She imagined it looked like the same purple container from when they were kids. But of course it couldn‘t be.

Any moment now Michele expected someone to catch them in the act, but there was nothing around except leaning trees and the spokes of the cemetery’s iron fence. Tomorrow night this place would be full of teenagers, but now it was curiously empty, as if somehow everyone knew they would be here.

Pouring the blood into a wooden chalice, Zoe filled the rest with water and a splash of vodka (“You can barely taste it after that,” she explained), then poured everything else into the circle. The hungry cemetery dirt swallowed it up.

“This place always creeped me out,” Michele said. Zoe shook her head.

“Not always. You used to love coming here to play hide and seek, remember? We got in trouble once because you hid too well for anyone to even find you.”

Michele blinked. She had forgotten about that. Once she really had loved places like this, and Halloween, playing Bloody Mary, and scary movies on late night TV. Zoe was the one who would always get scared, even though she acted brave beforehand. It wasn’t until that Halloween night in the basement things changed.

“Are you ready?” Zoe said. She held out a book; Michele recognized it as the same one they’d copied in the library ten years ago, although this version was bigger and heavier. She found pages toward the back marked for her. “This is it?”

“The whole thing. Hey, you okay?” Zoe touched Michele’s chin and lifted her face up from the book. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. If we back out now, it’s all the same.”

The suddenly soft look on Zoe’s face calmed Michele’s pounding heart. “Yeah, I’m okay,” she said. “Thank you for this. Really.”

Zoe smiled. “You do my part this time,” she said, pointing to the book. “And I’ll do yours. Ready?”

Michele nodded.

A dozen candles glowed around the circle and Michele knelt to spread the book on the grass. The letters on the page came into sharp relief.

“In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi. In the name of Satan, the Ruler of the earth, the King of the world, I command the forces of darkness to bestow their power upon me…”

The words came easily, as if she’d been practicing them for years. Zoe recited the four names and rang a black bell that she’d prepared specially for tonight. Then she sipped from the wooden cup and gave the rest to Michele, who drank it in one go. The hard burn of the alcohol covered up the sludgy organic flavor of the blood.

Suddenly she realized something. “Damn it, I didn’t write down my wish!”

“You ditz.” Zoe produced a piece of lambskin parchment folded over twice and closed up with wax. “I took care of it. I even sealed it for you. It‘s better that way.”

Wind rustled the pines, and somewhere the cemetery gate creaked on its hinges, like an old movie cue. Michele took the paper. “What about yours?”

“I don’t need one. Tonight is all about you.”

The candle flame lapped at the edge of the parchment as Michele held it out, and it curled at the corners, the smoke trailing up into the night air. Here goes nothing, she thought.

The parchment flared and burned and turned their faces orange in the darkness, and Michele tossed it into the circle so that the ashes mixed with the spilled blood, and then they waited. Somewhere in a nearby yard a dog was going mad with barking, and if Michele strained she could hear the rattle of it running to the end of its chain and back.

“How long is it supposed to take?” she said.

“It depends.”

“Isn’t there one more part? Maybe we should—”

“Just be patient. If it worked, I’ll know. In fact…” She paused, as if listening for something. “Yeah, okay. It’s time.” She turned back to Michele. “Step into the circle.”

Michele blinked. “But you always said—”

“Do you want to do this or not?”

“If you’re sure…”

Michele hesitated with one foot in the air before breaking the circle and then stepping all the way in. The candles all blew out. She jumped. The burnt remains of her wish swirled around her feet, whipped up by the breeze.

“Now what?” she said.

“Now nothing,” said Zoe. “You‘re stuck.”

Michele blinked. “What does that mean?”

“Just what I said. You can’t leave the circle. Don’t believe me? Try to step out again.”

Michele tried. She couldn’t. For some reason every time she came back up to the line she was able to put a foot across it. In a few seconds she was red faced with the effort. “What the hell? What did you do to me?”

“You did the whole thing yourself,” Zoe said. “I was over way over here.”

She leafed through the book again, planting a finger on it when she finally found the page she wanted. Michele tried again to walk away but still couldn‘t do it. “Zoe? Zoe! Hey! What are you doing now?” she said.

“What’s gotta be done, kiddo.” Very, very carefully, Zoe erased some of the markings in the circle. “You remember the other part of the wish I made for you back then? I wanted us to be together forever. Now that you’re finally back, I’m not letting you go again.”

“Let me out of here!”


“I hate you!”

“You love me,” Zoe said, stepping almost gingerly through the gap she‘d made in the circle, careful not to let her body pass over any intact part of the line. “You’ve always been in love with me. Aren‘t you tired of denying it?”

Standing up straighter, Michele said, “Believe whatever you want, just let me go.”

“I’m not keeping you here. I told you, you did all this yourself. You’ve always done it yourself.”

“That’s such bullshit.”

“Kiss me and I’ll set you free,” Zoe said.

Michele hesitated. “If I kiss you I can leave the circle?” she said.

“I didn’t say I’d let you go, I said I’d set you free.” Zoe brushed the hair away from Michele’s face. “We both know the real reason you came back here.”

“I came back because I want to reverse the spell we cast as kids.”

“But you don’t even believe in magic. You never did.”


Zoe cupped Michele’s face in her hands. Again Michele found she had a hard time looking way. “Come on, kiddo. Just a kiss. Don’t you want to?”

“I…don’t know what I want. You always told me, ever since we were kids.”

“We’re all grown up now. Here’s your shot. Decide.”

Zoe’s lips looked cherry-red. Michele imagined them tasting sweet and fresh, and somewhere in the back of her mind a key turned.

Leaning in, she took Zoe by the face too and pressed her mouth to hers. Zoe melted into Michele’s arms. They both still tasted like the blood potion, but Michele didn’t mind; when Zoe’s tongue danced against hers it made her think of sweet chocolate and fresh fruit and dark rooms.

The kiss only lasted a second or two but Michele came up from it panting and red in the face. She waited for the world to end. It didn’t. Zoe beamed at her, the biggest and most unembarrassed grin she’d had since they were kids.

“I really did that, right?” said Michele. “It’s not magic?”

“You always told me magic isn’t real,” Zoe said.

They kissed again, slow and sweet, then hotter and faster. Zoe tangled her fingers in Michele’s hair. The wind settled down, the leaves and the trees becoming as quiet and respectful as the graves around them. This really is a beautiful place, Michele decided. Why was I ever scared of it?

The grass in the circle seemed soft and comfortable as she lay down, pulling Zoe with her. Zoe’s skin was smooth and soft too. She kissed a spot underneath Michele’s ear that drove her wild, and Michele giggled and kicked. “How’d you know I like that?” she said.

“Word got around in high school,” said Zoe. “So did you.”



“I love you.”

“I know,” Zoe said, kissing her again, lying on top of her so that their bodies fitted together like hand in glove. Michele was aware suddenly that she was lying in the bloody spot they’d made in the grass, but she figured the hell with it. She saw too that the black candles were all blazing again; maybe they’d never really blown out?

She let Zoe take her top off. The bare ground felt good against her naked back. So did Zoe’s mouth as she kissed her way down the front of Michele’s body, teasing the spot between her breasts as Michele sighed, content, lacing her fingers at the back of Zoe’s head and licking her lips as the other girl’s trailing hair tickled her naked skin.

“Slower, slower, slower,” she whispered.

“All you like to do is wait,” Zoe said, but reduced her pace, painting Michele’s body with sweet, sensual kisses while her fingertips traced her up and down, back and front. Every few seconds Michele grabbed her and pulled her up for another kiss and then released her, breathless, to continue exploring, crawling down to where she tugged Michele’s jeans off and deposited them over a nearby tombstone for safekeeping.

The night air felt good on her body. Everything felt good, as a matter of fact. Eager goosebumps covered her from head to toe and Michele groaned in gratification every time Zoe kissed them.

When Zoe’s mouth finally closed on one of Michele’s breasts and gave it a long, sucking kiss she pushed upward with her entire body and groaned so loud that she worried someone might hear:

“Ohhhhh fuck…more.”

Zoe’s m

Same as The Night Zoe & Michele Raised Hell Videos

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Zoe Parker Ch 03

Chapter 3 – The Beauty If staring at a wall was an Olympic sport, Zoe would be a gold medalist. She lay in her new room, the former den of porcelain angels, and stared at the beige wall. It had been four hours since she slung her canvass duffle bag onto the foot of her new bed and proceeded to lay down, clutching Roger and fixating her eyes on nothing but the wall. The room was average size but being adorned with only a twin size bed, a small night stand which held a smaller lamp and a crème...

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Summer was coming to an end, and Katie was planning on closing up the pool. Zoe was begging to leave it open one more week, but Katie had made the arrangements and didnt really want to change them, until she came up with the idea of enclosing the pool, basically making it an indoor pool. I figured Frank must have really left her well off to even think about doing this. She called a few contractors and settled on one that could get the job done before the leaves began to fall. Most of the...

2 years ago
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Zoe the Paramedic

Zoe loved her job. She had recently graduated as a paramedic and was loving helping people and returning something to the community she grew up in. The hours could be very long especially on night shifts but she always had the company of her fellow paramedic in the ambulance and she enjoyed chatting to members of the public. Today had been a slow day. She had been sent to a country fair to help support the St John's Ambulance and all she had done was patch up a number of grazed knees and told a...

4 years ago
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Zoe the Paramedic

Zoe loved her job. She had recently graduated as a paramedic and was loving helping people and returning something to the community she grew up in. The hours could be very long especially on night shifts but she always had the company of her fellow paramedic in the ambulance and she enjoyed chatting to members of the public.Today had been a slow day. She had been sent to a country fair to help support the St John's Ambulance and all she had done was patch up a number of grazed knees and told a...

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Zoe Parker Ch 02

Ch. 2 – The Addiction The large rain drops splashed off of the top of the deep brown casket. The irony of a rainy day funeral was lost on Zoe Parker as she stared at the wooden box that held her deceased mother. Zoe observed the twenty or so people who decided to attend the burial ceremony. The small crowd creating a semi circle around the casket consisted of mostly people from her neighborhood smattered with a few of her mother’s old friends. All of them had known Sandra Parker during the...

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Zoes sore foot 1

[All blog entries and stories are based on true events. Only names, locations, dates and times have been changed for privacy] I was covering security on a site that was in the process of shutting down. All but a skeleton of staff had been laid off and the logistical side of this transition was taking a lot longer than expected.It was a Sunday afternoon and the receptionist was working on her own spreading files around the floor to get a bigger picture of the chaos the old receptionist had left...

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Michele And The Predator Ch 04 The End

Michele ended up sandwiched between the Predator and the stranger who occupied the corner of the booth. She heard her subjugator murmur something about 'red' which she didn't understand. She certainly understood the implication of the next sentence that he spoke, "Look what I bought us to play with!"Then she was forced to turn her face towards the Predator who kissed her and then he turned her towards the other man who also kissed her. The stranger had recently shaved and smelled of the shower...

2 years ago
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Spending Time with Zoe

I'm sitting at the counter of a bar, drinking a beer and watching the baseball game. Around the third inning, I spotted her, Zoe McClellan, Petty Officer Jennifer Coats on JAG. She was wearing a tight black skirt and the tightest, sheerest white shirt with buttons that seemed ready to pop that I had seen in my life. Her nipples could not only be seen through the fabric, but they could be seen standing erect at fifty yards. She sat alone. I watched her in the bar mirror, as she checked her...

4 years ago
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Zoe Parker Ch 01

Chapter 1 – The Alpha ‘Everything used to be perfect,’ She thought to herself as she lay in bed. Her favorite stuffed purple fuzzy monkey, Roger, held tightly against her chest by her two folded, crossed arms. It had been a rough three years for Zoe Parker. Her parents had been married for ten years. They had been a normal, happy family for those ten years. Then it all fell apart. A little bit of bickering evolved into full on shouting matches. Any resemblance of that loving, quant family was...

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Chloe and Zoe in sex orgy

Chloe your boyfriend’s at the door, Which one? I don’t know do I, maybe if you got off your ass and stopped fingering yourself and had a look you would know! How old does he look? About the same as you, ?? Now come let him in. Fuck sake, ok. I got up and went downstairs, naked I opened the door, what the fuck do you want? Your naked? Yeah so, look fuck off, if you think we had something special your wrong, it was a Saturday night, I was horny, you were there so we fucked but I...

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Jason and Zoe

Copyright 2014 by PostScriptor, All Rights Reserved Jason cautiously walked up to the unadorned dark gray building where he had been instructed to meet his contact. He’d only received word of the possible rendezvous that very afternoon, and he had to hurry just to arrive on time. Jason was in his late twenties, still a young man, strong and able, and skilled at his trade. He was considered by women to be a fine looking man, his head covered with unruly curly black locks of hair and dark eyes...

2 years ago
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Zoe Stepbrothers

Characters: Zoe: f, age 14 Noah: m, age 14, Zoe’s stepbrother James: m, age 16, Zoe’s stepbrother Keith: M, age 37; Zoe’s father Kate: F, age 36; Zoe’s stepmother Jessi: F, age 31; Zoe’s mother Jessi was seventeen years old and two months pregnant when she met Keith, my father. A week later during a passionate make-out session, he took her virginity; practically raping her or so she led him to believe. You might wonder how you rape a willing slut that planned and instigated the so-called...

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Zoe Discovers How Passionate and Loving Anal Sex Is

This is the story of an experienced loving man training an inexperienced woman about the joys of anal sex. If anal intercourse is not your thing, please move on. If you like the story, and you think I did a descent job, I welcome all comments and positive ratings. Thanks, and enjoy. Hi there, my name is Zack, and my lady’s name is Zoe. We were both 32 when this story happened. Zoe was an incredibly sexy woman at 5’6” and weighing in at 120 to 125 pounds. She had long auburn hair, hazel eyes,...

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Becoming Zoe

It had been several months since I had seen him and he had let his hair grow long. He had thin golden blonde hair that now came to his shoulders. It was tied back in a pony tail. He was tall and thin with a feminine look to him, even the way he walked. But he kissed his girlfriend good bye, I let it go. As we were pulling away from the dorm his phone rang. It was Annie. She was snowed in and was not going to get out of the city until tomorrow at the latest. She told us to have a good...

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Michele And The Predator

MICHELE AND PREDATOR By Michele Nylons The predator peered through the bedroom window and smiled; he couldn't believe his luck. This woman was just to his taste; he felt himself begin to stiffen as his eyes devoured her; he couldn't wait until he had his hands on her. In his mind he played out the scenario that he envisaged would soon take place. His thickening member began to engorge and throb. The predator had been terrorising the city for months; always preying...

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Taking Michele

It began when I started college. I moved from a farm to a nice little city, around 66,000 people or so. You know, the kind of city that has crime, but it hides out until after dark. It was here that I first met Michele. Michele was the first girl I really knew in college. I didn't yet know why she was so friendly, but it didn't matter. I was in a new city and it's always a good idea to make friends. Michele's life was an open book, if you had the time and patience to read it. I...

2 years ago
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Michele And The Predator

The predator peered through the bedroom window and smiled; he couldn't believe his luck. This woman was just to his taste; he felt himself begin to stiffen as his eyes devoured her; he couldn't wait until he had his hands on her. In his mind he played out the scenario that he envisaged would soon take place. His thickening member began to engorge and throb.The predator had been terrorising the city for months; always preying on attractive, middle-aged women who lived alone. He would break into...

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Driving Miss Michele

Michele drove carefully through the cold wet dark streets. She was not used to using the accelerator and brake pedals of her compact sedan in high heels and she was debating whether to pull over and unbuckle the strap of the high heel on her right foot and kick it off. She didn't want to bring attention to herself by stopping on the deserted street but she was concerned that she might commit a driving offence if her shoe slipped on the accelerator or brake pedal. She had deliberately chosen...

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Michele And The Predator Ch 02

The Predator was satisfied with his first taste of the woman who he had bent over the kitchen table and held captive; but he was far from finished with her. The snooty bitch had been taught her first lesson for the evening; his warm issue dribbling down her stockinged legs was evidence of that. "I bet she's never been taken in the rear before," he thought to himself. He was still befuddled why she was wearing pantyhose under stockings though? Maybe she had really bad varicose veins or maybe her...

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Zoe Part Three

Part ThreeZoe lay back exhausted as all the men slowly left the room. Her head was buzzing and her body was still occasionally vibrating in her post orgasmic state. She wasn’t quite sure how long she remained there, legs spread wide, spunk slowly dribbling out of her sore pussy, but suddenly she heard Stacey’s husky voice.“Come on now, let’s get you cleaned up.” She took Zoe’s hand and helped her back to the changing rooms. She led her through a connecting door into a private shower room where...

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Michele And The Predator Part IV

MICHELE AND PREDATOR - PART VI By Michele Nylons Michele ended up sandwiched between the Predator and the stranger who occupied the corner of the booth. She heard her subjugator murmur something about 'red' which she didn't understand. She certainly understood the implication of the next sentence that he spoke, "Look what I bought us to play with!" Then she was forced to turn her face towards the Predator who kissed her and then he turned her towards the other man who also...

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Michele And The Predator Part V

MICHELE AND PREDATOR - PART V By Michele Nylons The Predator walked over to one of the stalls and grabbed a handful of toilet paper from the dispenser and then strolled over to the ottoman. He looked at the transvestite whore lying there, her lovely blonde bob and white nylon blouse were covered in the biker's semen, her stockinged thighs spread wide crudely displaying her red nylon panties soaked in her own emission and that of the biker who had fucked her. With her leather mini...

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CHAPTER 22B: OUR SECOND/FIRST HONEYMOON, PART 2The next morning they awoke early in the morning and were on the beachside porch, naked and their feet up on the railing looking out over the morning ocean when Nancy arrived with coffee and fresh cut fruit. She announced herself and Tim called for her to bring it out to the porch. She set the tray on a table and poured coffee for each, “How are you guys doing this morning? You all look more refreshed than yesterday morning.”Barb chuckled, “Well,...

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Michele And The Predator Part III

MICHELE AND PREDATOR - PART III By Michele Nylons The Predator was stunned; it dawned upon him what had happened; he had fucked and been fellated by a transvestite. A man dressed as a woman! He looked at the pathetic sight lying before him on the bed and laughed. He thought to himself that she was just as good as any 'real' woman he had fucked; and she sure wasn't going to be telling anybody about this evening, that's for sure; you could see the look of terror and disgust in her...

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Good Evening Zoe

"Thanks for coming to babysit, Will, you're a lifesaver.""That's no problem, Mrs. Clarke," I replied, "any time."I heard the door slam and I settled down to watch the TV for a few minutes. I'd received a call only an hour ago asking me to babysit as Zoe, Mrs. Clarke's daughter had forgotten to tell her mum that she had a date. No problem as far as I was concerned; I was doing nothing that evening and I could watch the football that was on TV that evening in peace.The game had barely...

Straight Sex
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Zoe and Zack

Suddenly her bed moved and someone’s hand covered her mouth. She took as deep a breath as she could manage, intending to scream, when her bedside lamp flicked on and Zoe found herself looking up at her twin brother. He took his hand away with a cheeky grin and leaned forward to place a soft kiss on her cheek. “Did I scare you?” Zoe sat up and grabbed her pillow, wacking Zack over the head. “Bastard!” she laughed. “I thought I was going to die. Don’t do that.” Zack sat on her bed and...

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ZoeChapter 7

In the morning, Zoe's expression was shadowed. I'd thought I'd managed to dispel her concerns. "Morning, sweetheart," I kissed her forehead and she snuggled against me. "Okay?" "Oh, yes," she sighed, "just ... having to wait until next Friday to do this again." "We'd better get on," I said, "if we don't turn up for church, your parents might not let us do this again. I don't want to wait until you're eighteen..." That got a giggle. "I don't really think they'd be so...

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CHAPTER 22A: OUR SECOND/FIRST HONEYMOONShe was a little taken aback despite the warning and description they had given her. She felt a hand on her elbow guiding her and she looked to see Tim moving her to follow their luggage to the registration counter. Behind it was a beautiful young woman who was topless, thong panties, sheer wrap around her shapely hips, and high heels. She wore her name tag on a slim chain around her neck which hung between her ample breasts. She greeted them by name,...

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So You Want to Be a NurseChapter 7 Michele Ascending

Michele and Polly sat in Michele’s lounge drinking tea and smoking. “So? Inspector Burgess?” Michele asked. “Well you know the Matron runs a prostitution ring and that most of the clients are the elite of CMH and the hoi polloi who make up their close circle of friends,” Polly went on. “Well us girls and our punters need protection. We need protection from other organisations that provide similar services and our punters need protection from anyone who might use their peccadillos to...

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CHAPTER 12B: RE-NEWED BEGINNINGS - EVENING WITH CARLOS When Tim and I arrive at the club, I am stunned. I never knew about this place. It is very nice. Tim drives up and stops outside the main entry. A young man comes up to open my door and then park the car. My heart skips a moment because I know what he will see when I move to step out of the car. He opens the door and offers a hand. I take it and he is focused on me. I swing both legs out together but as I shift forward to get out, my dress...

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Zoe McLellans Stuff Shoot

She's one of the hottest young babes on TV in recent years. You can dress Zoe McLellan in whatever costume you want, but it's hard to ignore the amazingly pretty face and hot sexy body that she's been blessed with. She's also a very competent actress and very convincing in whatever role she's playing. One of Zoe's most recent and sexiest roles was as Petty Officer Jennifer Coates in the TV series, JAG. Viewers first got to see Zoe onboard ship with the female Navy lieutenant (the ship's...

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Street Whore Chronicles Micheles Story par

Check out Michele's pictures in the gallery titled "Streetwalker-Michele"Michele was raised in extreme poverty in the rural Northeastern US. Her family was traditional white trash. While she was a rather cute, petite strawberry blond she had a bit of an acne problem, wasn't overly attractive and in addition was naive, submissive and extremely shy and quiet. Never a very good student and all but invisible socially she kind of just drifted out of school a couple of years before graduating. She...

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Barrack Room BettyChapter 3 Michelersquos Story

The four Wrens of Collins Division woke at ‘call the hands’ at 0640. Doris had got out of bed at 0600 to prepare breakfast and was in the galley. She’d tried her best to do her makeup and dress like a Wren but she still looked like a ‘scranbag’; not that it mattered, in the steam filled, greasy kitchen. Her hair was matted and her makeup ran as she sweated over breakfast. Michele, Polly and Mary shaved and took their time applying makeup, pulling on and brushing their wigs and dressing in...

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Zoe Mclellan Jag Star

Zoe had thoroughly enjoyed the few seasons she got to work on the set of JAG and she'd never forget the amazingly hot new sexual experiences she'd shared with some of the women and men in the cast. Now the show was being cancelled and they were into the last 2 or 3 episode shootings before the final cast party. Zoe knew she'd probably continue to meet and have sex with some members of the cast, especially Catherine Bell, but she wanted to do something she'd never done before -- participate...

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CHAPTER 52E: HOLIDAYS ON THE ISLAND: ENJOYING PARADISE, CONTINUEDIt surprised everyone, but mostly the three residents of the estate, how quickly the general routine was modified and accepted as a result of the change in attitude and behavior of Marie. Our nudity around the house and property and ‘formal’ nudity at night for dinner still caused frequent hard-ons for Carlos and Anthony but they were far from complaining. Especially, since this wasn’t teasing or a ‘hands-off’ lifestyle change of...

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CHAPTER 17C: MOM AND THE WEEKEND, CONTINUEDSunday morning, unlike the previous morning, Mom is up before us. When I open my eyes to the new day, Mom isn’t in bed with us. I try to remember exactly how we were arranged when we went to bed and I feel like she had to have been between Tim and me. But that had to have been only because that has typically been the arrangement when Mom sleeps with us. But she couldn’t have been. How could she have gotten out of bed without waking both of us if that...

5 years ago
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Bedding Zoe The Scam Edward and Emily 1

Edward read Emily's text during a hold-up in the late afternoon London traffic, but he didn't reply. He'd wait until he arrived at the airport hotel. And he wanted to decide if he should mention Paul Henderson's wife.He could have jumped Lisa Henderson - he should have tumbled her right there across the Henderson kitchen table like she wanted him to. But he didn't. He could hear Emily say near misses don't count and, of course, she'd be right.The hotel car park was underground and dark, quiet...

Oral Sex
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CHAPTER 15A: EUROPE—THE FLIGHTTim called one night all excited. He said he had conversations with Mr. R who presented a proposal that sounded like a wonderful opportunity that we needed to seriously discuss and decide if it fit within our established limits and boundaries. That’s one of the reason I love this man so much, even after all the changes our life has gone through and the familiarity of sex within our lifestyle, he was still paying close attention to the limits and boundaries. Knowing...

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Part 8 Matric holiday Zoe hmmm

Waking up Thursday morning at 8 I saw I had a reply from Zoe that came through a few minutes earlier. She said, " would you like to meet me at my house at 10 30am and then we walk down to the beach together for a swim."I replied saying that sounds good, and see you shortly. Getting up and checking on Mark he was still sick and seemed he just kept getting worse. Going to the main house to grab a bite to eat his parents said they would be taking him to the doctor. My parents as well as Hailey and...

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Becoming Zoe

My soon to be wife Annie had taken a job out of town and I only saw her every two weeks or so. She was scheduled for a flight home on Friday night. I was going to pick up her son Zakk from his dorm and the two of us were going to pick her up at the airport and enjoy the weekend together. Zakk is in his first year of college he is studying to be a make up artist for stage and screen. He and I have not really gotten to know each other and this was to be the weekend where we did that. Annie...

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Had to see Las Vegas and learn Zoe wants to have B

Had to visit Sin City. A little chilly but the hotel club pool parties are awesome. Wynn has by far the best. Pool parties where just about every girl is topless.Never did that before and both Zoe and I enjoyed walking around a lot and show off. Observation #1, The black/white pairing is not uncommon at all. At least here in Vegas.Observation #2, Zoe has a top notch athletic body with young girl gravity defying C cups topped by very attractive large and perfect puffy nipples. Lodging...

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“Did you like my pics, can we confirm some arrangements?,” she asks confidently two minutes later. “How old are those pics?” I ask. “A few hours, the room service boy took them for me this morning. Poor boy, his hands were shaking. He was most impressed with my body, specially my ass, forty-two inches I told him.” “Let’s make it four in the afternoon honey, if we hit it off we can have dinner together and make it a real event.” Zoe is staying on a high floor of a top hotel as I take in the...

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CHAPTER 49: A CELEBRATION AND …The following couple of days we were a little protective of Helen. As could be expected, she was a little sore for the two day and one night of constant availability to a dog just learning what it was like to have a human female for mating. Both Mom and I insisted on her taking several baths of mineral solutions to stimulate soothing and the hot tub in the evenings when it was cool. She accompanied us on the morning runs and for the first times the three of us we...

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CHAPTER 25: HI, I’M HELEN, YOUR SISTER!I almost leapt out through the door, but Mom jump across the opening and pulled me further into the house. “No, you can’t go out there like this. Not in front of the Sheriff and this girl. You have to stay quiet and see where this goes.”“But, what is she up to? I don’t have a sister. I’m an only c***d. You said that dad was your first. You got married young and I came along.”“All that is true, dear. So we need to hear what she means but not like this....

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Michele and the PredatorChapter 3

The Predator was stunned; it dawned upon him what had happened; he had fucked and been fellated by a transvestite. A man dressed as a woman! He looked at the pathetic sight lying before him on the bed and laughed. He thought to himself that she was just as good as any 'real' woman he had fucked; and she sure wasn't going to be telling anybody about this evening, that's for sure; you could see the look of terror and disgust in her eyes. He might as well enjoy the rest of the evening. He...

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ZoeIt’s Monday and Zoe is waking up in an empty house. Given that she lives with her sister, Clare and Clare’s husband who lives with his parents…this is a moment to cherish. And while she should be rushing off to school, the temptation of being alone in such a big house was too much to pass up. Jon’s parents had just left for their annual anniversary vacation the day before and Clare and Jon were at work. Zoe was skipping school today and she stretched in her bed enjoying the freedom. ...

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CHAPTER 9B: THE PLANE Tim had his bag packed the night before. I had a cosmetics case. That’s it. No clothes. Nothing. Yes, this was feeling a little intimidating. Since our limits discussion I had become quite comfortable around the house naked. A few almost embarrassing moments at the door, but it worked out. Even Cody was getting more used to seeing me naked all the time and didn’t seem to need to mount me constantly. After all, how much fucking can this girl take? Yeah, okay, I admit it, a...

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Michele part 2

As soon as her husband was gone thru the gate leading to the plane, she was looking for a phone. She spotted one, about 25 feet from her. Those 25 feet became the longest she has ever gone thru. Her feelings were so mixed, spinning in her head, that she did not realized that she had made the call. The voice of the hotel clerk answering brought her to reality. In a fast voice she asked for the room. And then it was the wait for his voice. Her breathing was fast, almost as when she was a...

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The Great Zoe and Elizabeth

I use to go to a Maltese prostitute called Vivian. On my request she arranged for a threesome with another bisexual lady.I arrived and Vivian greeted me with a long French kiss. She introduced me to Elizabeth. Taller, more beautiful with amazing long legs. I went and kissed her letting her feel my hard on and I felt her hard nipples. This was going to be a great meeting.We undressed and Vivian and Elizabeth started a great lesbian encounter for me to see. I managed to kiss them both and made...

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CHAPTER 55B: MICHELE’S HEDONIST CRUISE – THE SHIPOnce the customs agent cleared us, I gave the two couples a hug as we gathered our luggage. One of the women said softly, “Thank you for a wonderful start to this adventure, Michele. We will be looking forward to enjoying your talents more during the cruise.”“Thank you, Ma’am. I am sure Anthony has similar plans for my availability for the four of you. And speaking candidly, Ma’am, I have always enjoyed our time together.” We are both sharing...

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