MICHELE'S NEW LIFE - CHAPTER 49 free porn video

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The following couple of days we were a little protective of Helen. As could be expected, she was a little sore for the two day and one night of constant availability to a dog just learning what it was like to have a human female for mating. Both Mom and I insisted on her taking several baths of mineral solutions to stimulate soothing and the hot tub in the evenings when it was cool. She accompanied us on the morning runs and for the first times the three of us we equally sharing in the experience of being fucked by the dogs near the end of the run. Well, what became the end of the run because of the fucking. Since Helen had experienced both of our dogs on that fateful afternoon, we thought it only fair that we have the chance to experience Kaycee. We rotated dogs over the next few days, which was also good for him to understand that the naked female applied to more than just Helen.

Of primary importance, though, to finish up Kaycee’s training was his learning the difference in response depending on seeing a naked woman and a clothed woman. As I suspected, he caught on very quickly and within a day could demonstrate obedience to that difference. We even found times when he was very interested in Helen, but we would divert him with either Mom or me, naked, and Helen would leave. Kaycee would transfer his interest to us, and then Helen would return with a dress thrown over her naked body. He would approach her but recognize the key difference, greet her, but return to us. When she left and returned naked, he would look to her and move right into licking her thighs and between them as she gave him access to eventually mating with him for his compliance.

She showed us something we had never considered, he would respond the same way if she came in with just panties on but was otherwise naked. This could be important if it was a pool party or swimming party somewhere. Granted, it was a less likely situation but I was impressed by how well he was trained in the concept of leaving any clothed woman alone.

I was completely satisfied and made sure Helen understood just how impressed I was. I also felt that Kaycee was a very smart dog and very trainable. That took us to the weekend, which was perfect timing for Helen. She was still a bit fatigued and the ability to sleep later and have less pressure on her days and nights would certainly help. Mom and I had talked between ourselves and approached Tim about an idea we had for Helen as a celebration of sorts. We decided we would discuss it at dinner tonight and Tim suggested a celebration of our own by getting dressed up and going to a really nice restaurant. That got the attention of all of us.

By late afternoon, we had all the dogs taken care of in more ways than one. They had also been fed and exercised. We were now ready to get ourselves beautiful for dinner tonight. We had each been through the shower and were busy in the bathroom drying hair and what not. Thank goodness we elected to create an extra-large bathroom when we remodeled. Three women needing mirror and sink space. Soon we found ourselves in the bedroom deciding what we would wear. At least that is what I thought we were doing until I spotted Helen with her feet up on the bed with a towel under them. She was doing her toenails. I sat down in front of her and loved the view. She was sitting with her one knee bent to paint the toenails and the other knee was laid to the side. This, or course, presented a lovely view of her pussy, which in that position was slightly opened.

She glanced up at me and the look of concentration on her face changed to a knowing smile. “You are so predictable, sis.”

Mom had seen Helen and chose a color for her toes as well but heard the comment, “What? How is she predictable?”

I lamely tried to act innocent, “What? What did I do?”

Helen shook her head as she switched to the other foot. After repositioning herself, she looked up at me, “I didn’t ruin your view, did I? I just want to make sure you’re okay there.” She glanced at Mom who was still perplexed by the comments as she focused on her own toes. I figured I had better get busy on my own and reluctantly got up to join them in performing this female tradition of decorating our bodies. “To answer your question, mom, of all the places she could have chosen to sit, she chose the exact spot and orientation that gave her a clear view of my pussy.”

Mom smiled at me and winked, “Oh, is that it; well, I certainly done blame her for that.”

“You two!” It got quiet for a while as we completed that task and waited for our toe and fingernails to dry. Quiet that is until Helen asked the next question. “You never said why we’re going out tonight, not that I am complaining, but …”

I smiled at Mom. We actually had a big reason that we wanted to share with her but we wanted to do it at the right time with all of us together. Therefore, I said what I could, “Tim thought this would be an appropriate way to celebrate.”

“Celebrate what? What happened?”

“You. You are what happened. You did an amazing job with Kaycee’s training. In addition, you have made a huge and positive impact on this family. We want to recognize that, celebrate that, and to make sure you understand just how much we honor and appreciate the impact you have made.”

“Come on …”

Mom jumped in, “We’re serious, Helen.”

She shrugged her shoulders. I don’t think she still believed that that was the reason but it appeared that was all she was going to get from us.

Helen was fully with us now in our dress and behavior. She chose a very nice strapless dress that was dark blue, with dark blue heels and no stockings. Her legs were lovely, tanned, and toned. She was also without any underwear.

I chose a similar dress with thin straps and built in bodice support. It was a lighter blue skirt with a white bodice. Naturally, I also was without underwear.

Mom chose a dress that covered much of her shoulders. The dress, though, was a filmy, chiffon type that would have been a little revealing if she went braless. Our all over tans had turned our nipples into darker circles that tended to be even more visible than they might have otherwise. But, she did not wear panties.

Tim quickly changed into a suit and returned to us in the family room where we were nursing a glass of wine. In the car to the restaurant, I sat with Helen in the back seat. I held her hand, raised it and kissed the back. “This evening is about us wanting you to know just how important and proud we are of you. When we first met you, we had a lot of questions and concerns. As we started to understand your story and history, those concerns were only multiplied. There were many conversations held by the three of us wondering what we had gotten ourselves into and if we were up for the effort we were anticipating. The question was if your history could be expected to resurface and manifest itself in unknown ways.”

Mom had turned in her seat to watch us. Tim had turned the inside rearview mirror to be able to see. I looked at the other two, “Our concerns, we believe, were warranted. But they never manifested into anything that couldn’t be handled. I guess what I am saying is that you are an amazing woman and we are so delighted to have you in our family.”

Mom smiled like a mother, “We all feel that way, honey.”

Tim got her attention in the mirror, and then had to refocus on the road, as he had to concentrate on landmarks for the next turn. Then, “Helen, I want you to know that I feel just as deeply about that.”

“Wow, you guys. I don’t know what to say. You have done so much for me; I could never properly repay you.”

Mom corrected her, “Remember what we say about love?”

“I remember. ‘Love is freely given, received, and returned.’ Thank you, then, for showing me what love really is and allowing me to return it.”

Tim had selected a very nice restaurant. Upon entering, he asked if we could be seated in a somewhat seclude location where we could talk. “We have some family business to discuss.”

The hostess was more than accommodating and put us at a booth that was in a corner. She said she would try to avoid seating anyone at the immediate tables for as long as she could but she couldn’t promise anything. He expressed his appreciation and slipped her a $20 bill very discretely. That apparently did the trick as we were isolated for most of the dinner.

The waitress came and introduced herself and asked to take our drink orders but looked closely at Helen. Helen noticed. Mom ordered a martini, I ordered a Jack on the rocks, and Helen stammered. Tim jumped in, “Helen, this is an excellent steak place. I think a full-bodied, red wine would be good tonight. And, I think I will join my wife in a Jack on the rocks, too.”

“I’m sorry, but I am going to have to ask for some ID.”

Tim looked at her, “For all of us?”

Mom jumped at the chance, “Oh, bless you dear, I haven’t been carded in years.”

The waitress laughed, but didn’t relent, “No, ma’am, just her. We have to be careful, you understand. She just looks young.”

Tim reached into his coat pocket, “Absolutely, we understand the laws and we certainly wouldn’t want you or this establishment to get into trouble. Now let me see …” he pulled out three driver’s licenses, “the ladies didn’t bring purses so I am holding their driver’s licenses. Okay, Barb Hawkins; sorry, mom, she doesn’t want yours. Michele Hawkins; same with you dear wife. Helen Stillson, of course, it would have to be the last one. My wife’s sister.” He handed it to her.

She studied it and smiled. “Perfect, now I will go get those drinks and bring you some menus.”

After she left, Helen, who was sitting next to Tim in the booth, said, “You remembered my ID?”

“What kind of celebration would it be if we didn’t all celebrate?”

“Okay, now what is this celebration big deal that we come to a great place like this? Just because of Kaycee?”

I reach across the table and take her hands, “Yes, because of Kaycee and you. But, also more. It isn’t just to celebrate that you are now…” I lowered my voice even though we were separated from the other tables, “fucking dogs. Don’t get me wrong, I personally think that is definitely something to celebrate.”

Mom interjected, “I agree! But there is more that we want to talk to you about.”

The waitress returned with our drinks and offered the menus. She recited the several specials for the evening and left us, again. Tim raised his glass to the center of the table and we all moved ours to clink each other’s glass. “To my little sister.”

And we each added, “To my daughter.” Or, “To my sister.”

Tim had his free arm around her and she put her head on his shoulder, “You guys. I don’t know what to say …”

Mom replied, “Nothing. At least not until you hear our proposal.”

“What proposal? You guys are up to something. And it has to do with Kaycee and me, doesn’t it?”

I smiled and patted her hand, “Of course it does.”

Mom took over, “As the mother, it is my right to help plan and organized the wedding of her daughter, isn’t it?”

“Wedding! I’m not getting married …” she looked at Tim and Mom laughed.

“No, dear, not Tim. We agreed that you should wait until you are out of school and are ready to make those life choices.”

We just watched her as she looked at us. None of us offered anything that would help her. Then, slowly, we could see the understanding come to her. “I’m feeling more and more like you guys all the time, but … do you mean, Kaycee? I’m going to marry Kaycee? I can’t do that?”

I answered, “Of course, you can’t. It’s not a wedding per se, but a ‘commitment ceremony’.”

“Michele, I’m the mother here.”

“Maybe, but I’m the one who has gone through such a ceremony.”

He turned to Helen, “You think you are becoming more like these two? Maybe Barb, but certainly not Michele. Watch what the difference is with Michele.” Mom and I were still bickering and Tim just gave me a look and, “Michele! Now!”.

I looked up but not all the way, “Yes, Sir.” It had been a while since he did that to me. Around the house, our routine was such that the submissive role wasn’t needed, and it surprised me how easy and immediate my response was to him. And, I could feel my pussy tingle and moisten, just a little more than it had been.

Tim added to Helen quietly, “It has been a while since she has been under control, her submissive side brought to the front. Her reaction will undoubtedly be strong. Watch and see what can happen to her that would not happen to you or Barb.”

Mom looked at me and then at Tim. “My god, just like that?”

I blushed and didn’t look up, “Yes, Mother, just like that.”

Tim lowered his voice but we could all hear plainly, “And is your submissive pussy tingling and yearning to be used by someone, something, or anything?”

I moaned and held onto the edge of the table with all my strength. It has been so long since I was placed into this mode and my very being was not handling the unexpectedness very well. I glanced up at Helen who was watching with an open mouth. She could see the signs of my arousal. I glanced at Tim, “Sir, I am sorry … I … wasn’t prepared … and it … OOOOHHHH … has been so long … Sir, please.”

He spoke to Helen, “See how much different you are from her. That’s why we need to be so careful with her. In the submissive, she is very easily manipulated. So, there are only two who are allowed to do this.” Then, he looked at Mom with intention in his eyes. Oh, no, he wasn’t going to have her do it, was he? My mind was screaming, but I was the only one hearing it, ‘Just let me do it! I can go to the restroom by myself’. But, I could already tell he was making a point, perhaps the quiet conversation he was sharing with Helen and I wasn’t paying attention to it to know. He got that grin on his face. Oh, no, here it comes, “Barb, will you take your daughter outside? There is a little walkway to the back where there is a garden. It should be deserted at night. As you so clearly foretold, your daughter needs to climax and she needs it now.”

I looked at Mom and blushed even deeper. She looked at Tim just once more and bumped me to get me moving out of the booth. She whispered to me so only I could hear, “You are such a slut, my daughter. And, outside I am going to make you cum on my fingers, and then you’ll lick them clean.” She took me by the hand and led me out the door, searched for the walkway Tim mentioned, spotted it, and led me around the building to a tree in the grass where she pushed me back into the harsh bark. She pulled up on my dress until it was at my waist and told me to hold it there. My Mother was going to use me just as her, our, husband told her to. My own Mother! I almost came right there!

She mashed our mouths together in a ravishing kiss, her tongue driven deep into my mouth. I shuddered and gasped, my heart was pounding fiercely. She pulled her mouth away and brought two fingers up to my mouth, I opened and she inserted them. I sucked and ran my tongue over them, getting them wet because I knew where she was about to put them next. She pulled her fingers out and looked into my eyes, smiling, but not a motherly smile. Without looking away, her hand moved down between us, found my pussy with her thumb, raked it over my clit, slipped it into my lips and then drove those two fingers into my already wet and ready pussy. I gasped out and my mouth was covered by hers to quiet me, just in case I suppose. Those fingers … my dear god … those fingers drove into me, curling up inside me and more than a few times she found my g-spot and I shuddered and her mouth on mine was all that kept me quiet. Instead, moans and groans were all that could escape.

The fingers inside me were searching; I could feel the intentional effort Mom was putting into her finger fucking of me. I felt her find her target, my g-spot, she found it and worked it and my body convulsed. Now, her mouth was off mine but I was still pinned against the tree, my legs spread wide, a slight crouch, lowering myself even more against those fingers. As my body shook harder, she put her palm over my mouth and just in time to cover a scream as my orgasm hit me and she had to push her body against me, pinning me to the tree so I wouldn’t collapse. Her fingers slowed, her other hand was removed from my mouth and her lips returned, kissing me and whispering. It took me a little while to understand or even realize that she was whispering anything.

“I love you, dear. Do you feel better? Is that what my naughty daughter needed?”

“Oh, Mom, that was amazing. But … Mom … I am so sorry.”

“Sorry about what?”

“Losing control like that. It has just been so long since Tim did that to me, and I was so aroused already, knowing what we were going to discuss and the past days and … it all reminded me of my commitment ceremony.”

“Yours was beautiful, honey, and much more than we have planned for Helen. And … now … don’t be sorry, it was beautiful to see what it must be like to be you sometimes. It is something I know I could never allow myself to do, to completely release like that. Feel me; I have never been so hot.”

Looking into her eyes, I finally released my dress to drop back down, slipped it under hers, and dragged it up her thigh. She was soaking wet. Even before my hand reached her pussy, I could feel the slickness on the inside of her thighs. I gave her a wicked look, “Does my Mother need some relief now? Before we go back inside, should I return the favor?”

She hesitated. I was surprised; she had actually considered it for a moment. She hugged me tightly and shivered, just slightly. “Honey, I am shocked but I was tempted. You are so damned exciting and I don’t even know all the ways that might be, do I? But, no … but … thank you.” We kissed, smoothed out our dresses and walked back to the restaurant holding hands.

Tim had ordered for us and there was another round of drinks waiting. He had managed to keep Helen entertained without discussing what the commitment ceremony was. But as I took a healthy gulp of Jack Daniels, she quietly proclaimed, “Michele, just when I think I am beginning to understand what this crazy group is all about, you completely surprise me. That was … amazing! The way you changed before our eyes and needed, so much, to be … taken care of.” She looked at Mom, “And, you, Barb, the way you didn’t even hesitate, you just took her outside as Tim instructed you.”

Mom seemed to blush, “I know. It surprised me, too. It was all amazing.”

Tim squeezed her hand, “See, don’t think about what you do or don’t do in comparison to others. You are who you are. Don’t try to be like somebody else, focus on being who you want to be, strive for being the best individual that is you.”

The meals arrived and we ate quietly for a while until Helen brought us back on track. “I think the conversation got interrupted before. I think there was supposed to be more. What is a ‘commitment ceremony’?”

Mom smiled, “Yes, dear, you are correct. This was supposed to be your night and we managed to highjack it. Let’s start over.” She put her arm around me and pecked my cheek. “Michele was correct earlier. She is the only one here who has been through a ‘commitment ceremony’. I merely proclaimed my commitment to Jackson. She did it in public and formally, but she did it well beyond what we propose for you. She also committed herself to Tim at the same time as his submissive.”

Tim added some reassurance to her, “We are only suggesting this for you, Helen. You don’t have to do it, but we truly think it reflects the relationship between you and Kaycee based on everything we have witnessed. The public declaration to a safe and understanding group is added reinforcement of your intention and pledge, and we believe adds even more depth to the sexual element. Everybody in attendance knows, completely and unambiguously, what your relationship to Kaycee is. But it is totally up to you if you want to make that statement to them.”

“Thanks for the assurance, Tim, that helps. So, mom, what exactly are we talking about here?”

“After I put Michele through all that earlier, I think she is right, after all. She should give you the description of the ceremony, the feeling, what she experienced. But, as the mother, I reserve the right to help plan the ceremony and party.”

“Party? There also a party?”

I looked at her and laughed, “What wedding doesn’t have a party? It’s a celebration, the beginning of a new life for those involved. Everyone wants to celebrate that new beginning with them.”

“Tell me, then. I have the feeling I will be the singular center of attention and Kaycee and I will be exhibited in our relationship.”

“More than you might think right now. Let me tell you about mine. As Mom said, mine was different because I was also committing myself to Tim as his submissive. You won’t have that part of it. Your expression and recognition of commitment will be to your dog, only. So, keep that in mind as I relate this. I was married to Tim in a church ceremony in the early afternoon; we had a lovely party and early dinner. As those things do, we then left for our honeymoon. At least that was what everybody thought. Instead, we went to a rental hall on the outskirts of town where we were going to have the commitment ceremony. That was a much different guest list, as you can imagine. But, Mom and dad were there, some of our closest friends who knew and supported my involvement with Cody. The people you have heard about, Nikki and Joe, were also there. They kind of got me started down this marvelous road of sexual openness. A road Tim has enjoyed to travel with me, I know.”

He chuckled, “Talk about an understatement.”

“Anyway, we probably had a couple dozen people there. Some even brought their dogs. I distinctly remember a female dog put in front of me, but we won’t get into that right now. Tim was dressed in the same tuxedo as the wedding. In fact, all the guests were dressed as they were for the wedding. I wasn’t. Not for this. And, you won’t be if you do it. At the hall, I was escorted to a separate room from the main room where I changed for the second ceremony. Or, more appropriately, I undressed for the ceremony. I arrived in my wedding dress but I wouldn’t be wearing that for the rest of the evening. To be clear, I wouldn’t be wearing much at all. I removed my dress, bra and panties. I left on my stockings, garter belt, heels and long wedding veil/train. That was how I came down the aisle. From the front I was naked, from the back I was covered, if that could be said, by the sheer, lace veil/train. The room was decorated similar to a church with chairs on either side of aisle, a minister at the front (the same one who officiated at the church), and Tim and Cody waiting for me.”

Helen couldn’t hold it back, “You’re k**ding, aren’t you?”

“No, it was very similar to our wedding on the island. You saw those pictures and video. To cut to the chase, my vows were not ‘to honor and love’ but ‘submit and willingly and eagerly’ or something to that effect. It was very clear that I was submitting to be theirs, to be used as they wished, when they wished, and where they wished.”

Helen’s mouth was open but nothing was coming out.

“That’s not you, dear.”

Tim jumped in to correct a detail, “Well, not for me, but it would certainly be true for Kaycee.”

Helen looked at him and then each of us. We all watched and waited for her reaction, which was slow to come. “I would be vowing that in front of everyone present and dressed like you were. I would be declaring to everyone, and Kaycee, that I would be willingly used by him and never refuse him.”


“Well, I have already declared that to Kaycee and affirmed that to all of you. So, what I have to get used to is the rest of it. The guests and the nakedness. However, since Key West, the nakedness is less of a concern. I would like to hear the rest.”

Mom took over. “Good, I am so excited.” Mom proposes a formal affair like a wedding celebrating her commitment to Kaycee. Helen would use her island wedding veil and accessories, which means essentially naked as was evident from the island wedding pictures. As far as a preliminary guest list: Miss Stella, Harry and Juli, Sharon and John, Bob and his wife, the guys (Jayson, Jake, and Tom), and several of the good clients (some single women, some couples).

Helen asks who will officiate? Tim said he would take care of that detail. He wants this to be done right. I searched his face. Was he thinking about using the same minister who officiated at my Commitment ceremony?

Mom proposes next Saturday night, why wait any longer. Just enough time get everything arranged and nearly everyone is local or regional. “What do you think? Please say you want it. I know you do, you love that dog, you two are meant for each other and you already said you already have decided the same thing. Let’s celebrate it.”

Helen was excited about the idea, you could tell. She was still a little reserved about some of the details like the public and nudity part. “You didn’t do it, though. Why can’t I just do it the same way, with just you guys knowing and relating to Kaycee the way you did?”

Mom looked a little dejected, sensing that this wasn’t going the way she had hoped. “You can, dear. Of course, you can. I just thought … well, we went through a naked ceremony and it was such a thrill to experience. I think you should, but … it is your decision, like Tim said at the beginning.”

Helen’s face started beaming, “I’m going to do it, don’t worry. You want this for me so badly, how could I deny you?” We all laughed.

Tim finished that discussion, “Perfect. I will make my contact, you ladies can contact the guests after agreeing on the guest list and plan for the ceremony and party. Let me know if you need anything. Personally, I think if it was outside on our property would be perfect. If it looks like rain on the day, we could move it to the training room.”

Mom was excited and, frankly, so was I. These naked ceremonies are somehow special and Helen knew we had experienced it. This would be another thing that would join us together in mutual experience.

Shortly after, we had finished our after-dinner drinks, electing to skip the desert. Helen’s response when asked if anyone would like desert, “Are you k**ding? If I am going to be basically naked in front of everyone with nothing but stockings and a sheer veil, I am not going to put pounds on now.” Not very likely the way she takes care of herself.

When we got up to leave, it was evident how long we had stayed. The restaurant was already starting to thin out. In the parking lot, we walked to the car and Tim clicked the buttons a couple of times to unlock the doors but asked us not to get in just yet. He gave each of us a heartfelt hug, ending with Helen who he kept his arm around. “This has been a wonderful evening, I thank you all. Helen for your willingness to indulge another part of our crazy, risqué lifestyle. Michele, dear, for enduring that little demonstration of your submissiveness. And, Barb, for your enthusiasm for Helen and her coming into the fold one more step.” Each of us stepped up and gave him a kiss and I reached for the door. “Not quite yet, my love.” I stopped and looked at him. What was he up to now?

“There is one more thing I want all three of you to do before getting into the car. And, then I want all three of you in the back seat with Helen in the middle.”

I looked at the other women and then at Tim and smiled. I reached behind my back and unzipped my dress. Mom saw my action and Tim’s non-reaction and duplicated it. Helen saw what I was doing but hadn’t believed it, apparently.

Tim let her know, “Yes, Helen. Michele understands my devious mind. I want all three of you naked before getting into the car. Completely naked. You can put all your clothes, stockings, shoes, and whatever else in the front passenger seat.”

To Helen’s credit, she just shook her head before reaching behind her back and unzipping her dress, which she then pushed down over her hips and stepped out of it. Being naked underneath, left only her heels. I quickly caught up to her and we giggled as we leaned against the car for support as we stepped out of our shoes. Mom, of course, had those and the bra. Helen and I stood naked in the restaurant parking lot waiting for her to finish. It was as if we forgot where we were naked until the restaurant door opened and two noisy couples exited. They turned to the other direction but Helen had already moved behind me for cover.

As the three of us squeezed into the back seat, Helen in the middle as Tim directed, I knew this 30 minutes was going to be spent without conversation. And, it was clear that all three of us had the same understanding. As Tim turned to back out of the spot, he saw that I was in a passionate kiss with Helen and Mom had her legs parted and a finger working its way between them. There were several traffic lights we were stopped at and Tim’s car does not have tinted glass. For the most part people aren’t that curious, but a car full of teenage boys certainly were. They were waving wildly at us when one saw a naked Mom straighten up before leaning in for a kiss. In the heat of the moment, I managed to get Helen to get onto her knees on the seat and cup her breast for the boys. Then, to my shock but amusement, Mom did the same thing. So I did, too.

Between the attentions of Mom and me, we were able to get Helen to cum before we got home.

Once home, we carried our clothes to the bedroom. It still hits me sometimes. Thank goodness, we made the master bedroom extra-large with a very large play bed. Who would have thought we would have added a fourth person. Meanwhile, Tim was getting drinks for us. He was still dressed and we returned to him naked, completely naked, barefoot and naked. Ooooooo, I do love this life.

Tim had poured a white wine for everyone and he was sitting in one of the easy chairs so we all took seats. I took the other easy chair and Helen and Mom cuddled on the loveseat.

I looked up and saw Mom nuzzling Helen’s neck. Looking over to Tim, he was thinking about something, working something out. Something got him thinking tonight and the three of us in the backseat playing while he drove probably gave him time to mull it over more … maybe too much. But, he was working on something inside his head.

So, I opened it up, “Say it, Tim. I can see you are thinking about something. It’s about us, isn’t it? Something happened tonight that got you thinking about our family group, so share it with us.”

“Okay, you know me very well, my love. I don’t know what my life would be like if I hadn’t met you and you accepted me. Then the rest of you. Tonight it was what Helen said about being like you two and that conversation got me thinking. As you recall, I told her not to be like either of you, despite how wonderful that might be. Just be herself.” He started rambling, “Well, we are all so different. I don’t know …”

“Say it. Whatever is you are working out.”

“Don’t laugh, okay? I don’t want to seem ‘mushy’ and I certainly am not poetic, but … okay … we are all so different and, yet, we are so right being together. We have an odd relationship as it is and then we throw in the differences and I wonder how it can work.”

Mom was curious now, “Well, first off, we all know you do have that ‘mushy’ side in you and we all love it. So, whatever it is, share it with us.”

“Well, here’s the part for you not to laugh, I was thinking that it works because we are not really separate individuals in the relationship.”

I looked at the other two, wondering if it was just me, but no, they had that look, also. “Huh?”

“I know. Try it this way … Michele and I have been in a relationship for quite a while. We had a courtship, boyfriend/girlfriend, and the whole nine yards. But, before then we were just part of a group of very close friends. Within that group we didn’t separate ourselves even though they knew Michele and I were together, we were all just melded together. Everyone knew Michele and I were ‘in love’ but within the group, Michele also ‘loved’ the others. Michele was having shared sex with our friends long before we even thought about submissiveness. When we went off on our own after college, it wasn’t like two people trying to fit together, it was like two people meshed together, not just next to each other.” He paused looking off into the air, not really at anything, “It’s maybe like a mosaic of ceramic pieces that creates a unified image when viewed from a distance. Before we even got to our wedding, we were melded together in our view of the world around our relationship and us together. Now, we can’t even remember how or when changes happened and evolved, Cody was even melded into our relationship. When we married, our second, alternative ceremony as it was described tonight, was a commitment ceremony of Michele to not just me but also to Cody. It happened because it was, it existed already.”

He looked across at Helen and Mom. They were still cuddled together and even more so now. Their hands were on each other, softly touching a breast or thigh. Tim put his hand to me and I immediately rose from my chair and went to him. He was still dressed but I sat across his lap. He instantly had a hand on my breast and we kissed.

He had stopped for just that moment so we could get more intimate, but he had us hooked now. Where was he going? “Go on, Tim, this is interesting and I’m sure we’re all curious where you are going.”

He was looking into my eyes, but still this was clearly thoughts he wanted to share with all of us. “Remember the submissive element? We looked closely at our relationship and we recognized that was part of you. It came out in the commitment ceremony but that was intended to be playful, but even then we weren’t really sure just how playful or serious. We came to realize it was much more than just playful. But, when we looked at how that element of you, that piece, would fit into the whole picture of our relationship, we needed to establish limits to use so it would hold together. In the analogy, if the pieces didn’t work, didn’t hold, it would destroy our picture, our relationship. Therefore, we had to reinforce those pieces, control their size and effect so our picture didn’t become distorted. So our relationship, our lives, weren’t torn apart. Is this making any sense?”

“It is, but there must be more. Keep going, I love the analog you’re using. It is very descriptive.”

“Okay, at least nobody is laughing. So, here is our mosaic of Michele, me, and Cody. We add in a little color with Carlos, Marie, Anthony, and others but they are background to our picture. Although Carlos could disturb things by allowing Michele to be submissive to him, we can just remove him and refocus.” He moves his hand over my naked body, thinking but enjoying the feel of me at the same time, absently re-exploring flesh he is so familiar with. Mom is doing the same to Helen. “But, in fact, our mosaic is thriving. We, Michele and I, knew how different we were as individuals; but as a unit, a relationship, we are awed by what we have. At least I am and was.”

I lean over to him and hug his arm to me and he playfully twists his hand and squeezes one of my breasts. I giggle at that and hold his hand there. “Like this … how comfortable we are like this. And, yes, I felt the same way. Remember how we reacted at the decision of Mom coming to stay with us? There was never a question, but we wondered, how would it affect us? Or, in your analogy, how would it affect our mosaic, right?”

“Right.” He smiled at me and kissed me. He seemed pleased that I was understanding and accepting his analogy of our relationship. “Barb was added as a temporary situation. No real change to us was expected. I knew I loved Barb, I just didn’t know how much and in all the ways I did. We had played before, had sex before as a group, but the events of the divorce changed her impact on our relationship. Staying here, slowly fitting into our life, we found she was meshing. Now we have a completely new individual and one with baggage, if you will.” He looked over at Mom, “You know how I mean that, honey.” She blew him a kiss at the same time she is cupping Helen’s breast. “You are Michele’s mom, in the process of being divorced and there is something unknown that is very wrong about the divorce situation. Then soon we look at our image, our family, our mosaic, and we see it has changed. Looking closely at the detail, looking at the pieces we find Barb. Barb is no longer an individual alongside our family, our unit. The pieces that were Barb have joined and meshed with the pieces of us. And her pieces aren’t just forced in to somehow fit, but clearly bonded with the other pieces, making the original even better. Realizing what had happened, we looked at the image created and we loved it. And we formalized it. We had our ceremony to commit ourselves to it.” He raises his hand showing his ring and Mom and I do the same. “Thank you, Barb.”

He then focuses on Helen. She looks nervously at the rest of us. It has been beautifully described so far and he continues, “Then, almost before we could settle in after the wedding and truly enjoy the new image we have of us, here comes Helen. Nearly thrust into us. Then we find out about all the sordid details of her life and the deceit of Barb’s ex-husband, Michele’s father, Helen’s father. You, dear girl, start out quite definitely as an outsider, among us for a temporary, goodwill assistance because you really did need it. Very quickly though, you are no longer an outsider but an individual alongside us. And lovingly, caringly alongside us.” He sets his gazed on her and she is getting awkward, but he then smiles big, huge, becoming a wry smile as he muses, “And when did it change, that we looked and found she wasn’t any longer a separate individual alongside? When was it that we notice she had become part of us? Part of our mosaic?” He looked at all of us, “In Key West she publicly identified me as her boyfriend. None of us reacted negatively to that. I liked it. I felt it fit. Then it further modified to ‘older brother’. I liked that feeling even more. Now she is taking another step in meshing through Kaycee. I have been looking at our mosaic in detail, inspecting her pieces amongst ours, if you will. I know this has been the long way to get to this point, but I have come to a conclusion. What I am wondering is, what do you think?”

I was staring at him. What a beautiful way to describe our changing family image we have of ourselves. I don’t even look at Helen, “Tim, darling, I love you. You are constantly surprising me. I love the imagery of looking at our family relationship evolving. It makes it so easy to relate to.” Now I look at Helen, then at Mom. “You are right about Mom and then Helen. Mom came into our real lives and made us fuller, more complete. She has strengths that offset my weaknesses. The same the other way. I had always been overjoyed at being your wife. Nothing could have been better. At least I couldn’t imagine anything, not until Mom came and filled in some gaps, reinforced some parts. Then … then I could see just have beautiful we had become.” I looked at Mom, “I love you, Mom, as a Mother, a lover, a partner, and a confidant. Thank you for being all those things.” I look to Helen in Mom’s lap, both naked and comfortably so. I smile at the realization of that fact. “Helen, I love you, too. You are the sister I never had but wanted, the lover I didn’t know I still needed, the playmate to keep me young and playful, and the partner to help run our little venture with the dogs. You are the perfect fit into our lives.” I look to Tim, kiss his cheek, “And you, Sir … that was a beautiful description of our family group and what we bring to it. I agree with everything you said.”

Mom quickly agreed. Helen was smiling, but she had a question, “So, what does all that mean?”

Tim hugged me tightly to him and Mom was doing the same to her. Tim said, “It means that we may have a challenging and different family structure, but it works for us and we need you involved in it. It means that we don’t feel, ‘it is nice that you are here’. It means we feel, ‘it’s important, necessary, that you are a part of us’. We also have an understanding that you are still young, legal age perhaps, but still young and you have many decisions that need to be made about your life and future. As you grow, graduate, and find a job, maybe even meet someone very special to you, it might take you away from us. Selfishly, I hope not. That is up to you and your happiness. And we will support that.”

“You think I might leave?”

Tim didn’t answer, not immediately. I was in his lap, one hand fondling my breast and nipple with the other between my legs. I dropped a leg off his to give him better access to me and he was taking advantage of it. He was kissing my neck and shoulder as both hands were busy. But, he wasn’t ignoring her question; he was considering how he would respond. He moved the fingers that had just slipped inside my pussy and brought them to my mouth. I smiled lustily as I opened my mouth and sucked on them.

With those fingers in my mouth, he continued, “Michele and I have talked about this off and on over the time we have been together. To answer you, Helen, no, we don’t ‘think’ or plan on you leaving. But we have allowed for it in our thinking. Actually …” and he shifted his gaze to the woman holding our girl, my Mom, and she squinted her eyes at us as though that would sharpen her sight into his head before he spoke, “… we have allowed for it for both of you.”

Mom’s mouth dropped and her hands stopped the fondling of Helen’s breasts and body. “Me? Why would you think I might go somewhere? We have a special relationship!”

Tim didn’t stop fondling me. He knew the three of us well and understood that his comfort in continuing to work at increasing my arousal would indicate his comfort and ease in the conversation, there was nothing confrontational, threatening, or negative. “You, my love, perhaps more than her. And, if it happened, it would be a tremendous loss to us in our relationship.” He was now squeezing me tightly to him for the others to see and appreciate that he responses were from us and we shared the depth of emotion. “You, Barb, are meant to take love and care for a man. It is what you are so meant to do. It is a totally positive and wonderful experience and I can attest to that. I love you! Unconditionally, completely, and I always will. And, I have for a lot longer than I knew I did. I meant what I said earlier about our relationship evolving, growing, and getting better each time. It has and because of both of you.”

“Then, how can you see a change?”

“Don’t read into it what I didn’t say. I don’t see a change, I don’t anticipate and I certainly don’t want a change. But I can imagine it for both of you. Helen could find a once-in-a-lifetime career opportunity or a guy that is perfect for her. You’re young, honey, it is obviously a potential.”

Helen look at us, “I’m not looking for anything like that. I love my life here.”

I smiled at her and hugged Tim’s arms around me, “And we want you here with us. We would be happy to have you as a growing part of our family. The only thing that could make us happier would be if you found something that made you happier, more fulfilled. Do you understand what we’re saying?”

Mom interjected, “I think we can all easily see Helen’s situation, but what about me. You proposed to me, Tim. I accepted and we were married, we committed ourselves to that relationship. I didn’t do that lightly.”

Tim still held me tightly, this was a difficult conversation about us. “We took it just as seriously. Yes, I proposed and I wanted you as my wife, I still do, I will always want that. But, as I said, you have to be happy without regrets for what might be if that special new one came along.”

“And you see that as a possibility?”

“I don’t know. I hope not. But if you do, he will be a very special man, indeed. And, we will be very happy for you.”

I twisted a bit to look him in the face but not wanting him to release his hold of my body. It is why I love my life, that he has access to my body and to feel him take advantage of it. “Okay, my husband, the mosaic was your vision and it was beautiful. How does that latest part of the discussion affect our mosaic?” I just felt he had this worked out, also, and took the chance to solidify the analogy.

“It only reflects the ever evolving nature of our relationship and family. I categorized every change, evolution, of us as a perfect evolution. Each change made us better, increased our loving and caring, deepening how we gave and how we received. My heart tells me the same will be true if there are future changes among us. The result will be better and that may be because certain individuals of us become more complete. In those considerations, the mosaic doesn’t lose either of you, but your meshing shifts and realigns in a new way. But you never disappear from it. You are a part of us and always will be.”

I got up off Tim and pulled him up. Helen and Mom followed suit and we came together. Mom had an arm around Helen and Tim, they put theirs around Mom and me. Mom was the one I was most concerned might be offended at the turn in the discussion but it was something Tim and I had, in fact, discussed, as he stated. Mom was quiet but then looked up smiling at each of us, “I understand. And, if I look deep inside me, I think you are very accurate. I wanted to be offended at first that for some reason I gave you a reason to question my commitment. But I know that isn’t it at all. I can’t imagine anything causing me to ever want to not be a part of this wonderful family structure we have. And, that includes with you, Helen. But, Tim and my daughter know me very well. I am a traditional woman with essentially traditional perspectives on life and I am currently living way outside those.”

Tim broke from us and hugged Mom, stroking her bare back down to her ass, which he cupped. “It is that traditional part of you in this nontraditional situation that adds elements to our larger family and makes us all more complete. But, if there were a man who came along and could begin to tempt you away from us, he would have to be a hell of a man and one that was so good for you that he also would become a meshed piece of our mosaic. What I am saying is, we wouldn’t be losing you, and we would be gaining another. Maybe not living with us, but definitely a part of us.” He took Helen into his other arm, “That goes for both of you.” His hands slid down to hold both by their bare butts, “Besides, who would want to lose these two fine asses.”

Being the only one outside this hug, “Okay, that was sexist. True, but sexist. And, since that appears to be acceptable with everyone, I for one think this man has been in clothes far too long.”

He was stripped in no time flat as three pairs of hands worked on his clothes. I had to lightly slap Helen’s hands when, after she exposed his cock, she took it immediately into her hands. “Not until he’s completely naked and we all are ready.” But, we waited until we were in the bedroom, the house closed up for the night, lights off and the four us together with Tim in the middle of the bed. This night was to be different, we agreed without speaking that Tim was going to be immobile with each of us using mouths, hands, and pussies to get him aroused and keep him aroused to the point of torture, milking his excitement and stimulation with kisses, sucking, and short bursts of fucking until we finally bring him to climax. Preferably on someone’s body or face so the others could enjoy licking it off. And, that was exactly what we did this night. Three women making sure one man received his maximum pleasure and I found that to be extremely satisfying.

* * * CHAPTER 50A: HELEN'S COMMITMENT CEREMONY will follow * * * Thanks for reading.


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Alicia's New Life By Christine Chapter 3: A new beginning I am terribly disturbed by what Alicia Peterson has told me. The boys suffering at the hands of his sister, Katherine Peterson and His brothers wife, Sandra Peterson was among the worst cases of childhood sexual and physical abuse. Psychological and physical means of torture were used on the boy to change his physical appearance and insure his cooperation with his...

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New life0

I felt and hear voices in my minded. I should have been scared out of my mine, but I felt serenity and peace. I could hear in my mind voices. At first I could not make it out, however in time I could hear them talking. They were talking about my thoughts and they did not understand them. Then I felt like my whole brain was in a down load. It was down loading so fast I could not keep up with what they wanted to know. I started to say words, but all the came was like baby talk. Then all...

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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife0

One day I was talking to my friend, Ethan, about my sex life with Shelby. Ethan understood my struggle having been with his girlfriend for 5 years. He offered me some advice and told me about sex toys. Now I was always skeptical whether toys would really make sex better but I had to do something for my relationship. The following night as Shelby was getting ready for bed I started to kiss her neck. Usually at this time if she starts to slightly moan she's up for sex and luckily she did....

2 years ago
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My New Life1

A crackle emerges from a speaker system behind me, coldly saying: “Room 249, detainee number 58. Prepare for first session.” And with that, an old iron lock clunked open and I heard the creak of a door, and several paced, methodical steps of heels on stone. Her breath warmed the back of my neck. Resting her head on my shoulders, I heard her almost sultry voice echo across the room as she dictated: “Well, well, well. Looks like I’ve got another toy to play with. I was getting ever so-” I...

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The New Lifeguard Part IV

Tim worked hard all day at two things.First, he tried to concentrate on school and not what has been going on at the health club.  He would catch himself reliving the shower scene with his friend’s mom or the pool play with Miss Tomlinson.  And then he would hear, “Tim?  Tim?  Nice of you to join us,” from the teacher bringing him back to reality.The second thing he did today was to favor his right foot and act as if it had been hurt.  He would have a legitimate excuse to go to the training...

4 years ago
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Life Renewed II Love Renewed

Life Renewed II: Love Renewed By StefB Many thanks to LorasPa6 for everything you do. This story would not be what it is if you were not around to bounce ideas off of. Also thanks to you Kris. A third set of eyes is greatly appreciated and your input was perfect. Chapter One Once I was properly situated in my private room of the hospital, having been stabbed by my ex boyfriend Razor, Mom and Dad were the first to enter. "Darling, are you ok? I was so afraid we'd lost you...

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Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp

Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp I could not believe it when I got hired as a lifeguard at a nudist camp. Interestingly I had to wear trunks that identified me as the lifeguard, while everyone else was naked. The job came with food and lodging. I saw women from babies through teenagers, adults, and old ladies. I saw breasts from nonexistent to drooping to their waists. I saw guys too but tried not to look at their cocks, even so I saw some real monsters. I saw all sorts of scars from...

3 years ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible....

1 year ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible....

2 years ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible. They...

4 years ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible. They...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...

2 years ago
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My New Life4

We headed home, and as soon as we got there my daddy went to the basement and got a pail of paint to paint my room a more appropriate color. He said, “Babygirl you’re going to have to sleep in our room with us until your room is ready for you.” News that made me elated, because that meant that I will be getting fucked by my daddy’s big cock and my mommy’s big strap-on whenever I want. So I gladly gathered my clothes, at least all the girly ones I had from before, and found my way to my...

3 years ago
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My New Life3

Now John's parents decided to leave Wednesday night so they could spend some time with their family although everyone would be arriving either Friday or Saturday and be leaving Sunday. Now lately John's mom, Patricia, has been really moody and has said that life would be a lot easier if he was born a girl and they always had the same arguement that it was all his father's fault and then his mother would always say his room should be neater,etc. John has though about a couple of times, very...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 1

Introduction: First, let me introduce myself…the author. I am a 37 year old divorced career woman, no kids. I am in a serious hetero relationship with an interesting sex life…pretty creative, with role playing and outdoor encounters being the most exciting. I have been lurking here for a few weeks, reading all the hot, sexy stories members have posted. I thought Id try my hand at writing and keep it busy and away from my coochie for a change. Im going to try telling this story as a male, to...

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The Seven Secret Lifes of Walt Mitlery

James Thurbers 1939 classic "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" was about an elderly inefficient husband having heroic daydreams. In 2002, Pretzelgirl published a wonderful pastiche, "The Secret Life of Willie Malter", about an elderly inefficient husband daydreaming of womanhood. But times keep changing - so I hope there is still room for another story about a quite young and efficient husband who has, nonetheless, problems which set him daydreaming in a third way... (Since here the...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 13 Stunning News for Mark

Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 3

Introduction: Best read the stories in sequence! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 3 Monday and Tuesday came and went, with nothing exciting happening, except that Sandy called to say that she had gotten a nice offer on the house from a couple about 30. Her kids were back from their Dads, so she couldnt come over, but wanted to. Id gone to the gym after work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and chatted with a pretty woman in the my age bracket that was interesting and had no rings or other evidence of...

2 years ago
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Lifeguard 2

From the Lifeguard 1 Story:I woke up sometime later with my spent mother on my chest snoring peacefully, my now soft penis still in her anus. My mother was smaller than me, so her weight wasn’t an issue, it’s just that I really needed to pee. So I started trying to wriggle out from her embrace. When I did she stirred. She said, “Don’t move.”She slowly pulled herself off of my penis, did a quick spin where her asshole was in front of my face, and said, “Eat it out.” Before I could even form a...

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My Time With A Beautiful Lifeguard

This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...

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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...

2 years ago
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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 14 Marciersquos Life After Graduation

Marcie was still recovering from the previous night’s celebration. Her pussy was deliciously sore and aftershocks from her many orgasms—if one could call them that—continued popping up at the most inopportune times, like when her parents were taking her to eat lunch that day. She would be graduating with honors; notwithstanding, she had not found a job as yet and sat down at her computer to continue her search for employment as a musician/pianist the moment her parents left for home. To...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 2

Introduction: Youll want to read Part 1 first! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 2 The phone rang, waking both Karen and myself with a start. Wed slept for only about 15 minutes. Well, it would have been bad to sleep longer, but it would have been almost tragic if the phone had rung while we were writhing around having such marvelous sex. Especially if shed had my cock in her mouth I thought! To give Karen some phone privacy and to take care of some personal hygiene issues, I ran into the shower and...

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Lifes a bitch and now so am I

This is Lifes a bitch and now so am I!!! This is a fiction story!! The people in the story are not real!Please exsuse the puntuation and spelling I'm just a blond sissy!I start of my story with my wife leaving to go bingo with her mum, as soon as the car pulls away I'm up to my secret girl cloth's and sex toys.I am a sissy cross dresser, I can't help it i love the feel and how girlie it makes me look. I have...

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A New Life for my Mother final chapter

Simon did come early, in fact, he arrived at seven o'clock, just as mum and I were getting interested in each other after a night of celibacy."Go and let him in Michael," mum giggled. "and don't be so grumpy.""For God's sake, mum," I protested as she slipped on a housecoat. "I've got the granddaddy of all erections here.""Well keep it warm and don't forget your car keys as well," she laughed and ran downstairs.Thankfully my erection had disappeared by the time I actually got downstairs and said...

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Nikis New Life1

remember my parents call me Niki. I come from a family of lawyers. When I say that I mean both my parents, all my grandparents, and most of my uncles. I have lived in Chicago my entire life. I was brought up to be very obedient. My parents taught me at a young age that obedience is the most respect you can show someone. Mommy and daddy raised the perfect obedient little girl. I had no idea what true obedience was until my 14th birthday. I am very pretty at 5'6",...

2 years ago
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Nikis New Life0

remember my parents call me Niki. I come from a family of lawyers. When I say that I mean both my parents, all my grandparents, and most of my uncles. I have lived in Chicago my entire life. I was brought up to be very obedient. My parents taught me at a young age that obedience is the most respect you can show someone. Mommy and daddy raised the perfect obedient little girl. I had no idea what true obedience was until my 14th birthday. I am very pretty at 5'6",...

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