Driving Miss Michele
- 3 years ago
- 24
- 0
Michele drove carefully through the cold wet dark streets. She was not used to using the accelerator and brake pedals of her compact sedan in high heels and she was debating whether to pull over and unbuckle the strap of the high heel on her right foot and kick it off. She didn't want to bring attention to herself by stopping on the deserted street but she was concerned that she might commit a driving offence if her shoe slipped on the accelerator or brake pedal. She had deliberately chosen this route after pondering the street directory for hours. It was not the most direct route to where she was going but it was the one that had the least traffic at this time of night and the least amount of traffic lights. She knew that the poorly lit streets of this industrial area of Bankstown in the outskirts of Sydney would be deserted this time of night.
"Fuck it!" she hissed to herself in frustration.
There were no police cars around this area at this time of night and it was unlikely that anyone was around to even see her, let alone report her for erratic driving. She was being paranoid. Michele took a deep breath and concentrated on driving on the slick wet streets; she was only about fifteen minutes away from her destination, the parkland at Picnic Point, and she was getting excited in anticipation. She had never done this before, but she had wanted to for so long, that she could hardly believe that she had mustered up the courage to go ahead with it.
"Concentrate, you silly bitch," Michele swore to herself after swerving at the last minute to avoid a mangy cat that ran in front of her car.
She slowed down another five kilometres per hour so that she was driving well below the posted speed limit. Would driving this slow bring more attention to her?
"Fuck it!" she giggled to herself in nervous anticipation and drove on through the deserted streets.
Five kilometres away three figures cursed and threatened each other as their high-powered sedan roared down the back streets of Padstow; the shrill of a burglar alarm siren receding into the background.
"You fucking dumb cunt! I told you to leave the cash in the till and just take the money from the safe!" the leader hissed.
Stan, the leaser, was a big man, weighing in at over one hundred kilos and well over 190 centimetres tall. His long oily black hair, dark features and sunken eyes looked grotesque because of the nylon stocking he wore on his head. He tore it off and stuffed it in the front pocket of his jeans.
"You two fuckers take off those masks now and don't fucking leave them in the car so the coppers can get your DNA!" he bellowed as his two accomplices stripped stockings from their heads.
"Fuck me Stan, I never would have thought that wiry little cunt would have the guts to pull that gun on you!" the smallest of the three uttered excitedly.
At just over 167 centimetres, Davo was a full head shorter than Stan, their leader. He was a full-blood aboriginal with a lithe body and small bunched muscles; his black curly hair hung in a mop almost covering his deep-set brown eyes. A few men had mistaken his slight build for weakness; most of those who had, lived to regret their mistake.
"Well you dopey black bastard, if you hadn't insisted the owner take the money out of the cash register he never would have been anywhere near the fucking gun or the fucking alarm would he!!!" the third member of the gang bellowed.
'Wassa', as his friends called him, was 182 centimetres but weighed in at 105 kilos. Middle-aged spread was having its effect on him and his large gut hung over his belt. He was scrunched into the driver's seat concentrating on the road as he floored the accelerator.
"Hey! Don't call me dopey! I admit to being black 'cause that's a bit hard for me to hide; but don't call me dopey," Davo spat back, but he was chuckling to himself.
"Ok you two, enough of the gobfest; we'll have a think about what went wrong once we're safe. Right now we need to get rid of this fucking car; it stands out like dogs balls and even with the bullet I put in him I reckon that fucking shop owner will be able to tell the cops what this car looks like," Stand said.
"I should have put one in his head!" he spat angrily.
"Fuck off Stan," Wassa whined, "its bad enough that we'll get done for armed robbery."
"Well then Wassa, why don't you get us the fuck off this main road and onto the back streets where we can relieve someone of their vehicle and get to somewhere safe?" Stan growled.
The dark sedan with the three criminals embarked made a right turn and disappeared down the dark wet streets; it was now speeding towards Michele's compact only a few streets away.
All three of the crims were hard men. They had all done time for various crimes including robbery, armed hold-up, home invasion and rape. They were desperate men with little care for society's values; they cared only for themselves and what they could take from others. They had met in Silverwater Jail and had formed a loyalty for each other based on mutual viciousness. Stan was the natural leader; but Wassa and Davo were not far behind him when it came to being ruthless. The three had escaped from a prison transport vehicle, leaving one prison officer in a coma, and they had since been lying low except to commit the odd armed robbery to finance their plan to escape to somewhere in Southeast Asia.
Michele was concentrating on the road, and anticipating that soon she would have to cross a couple of lighted streets to get to her destination. She though that she looked passable but was worried about the car breaking down or getting pulled over; anything that would mean she would have to leave the car. She was just being paranoid she thought to herself and her mind drifted to how she had come to be in this situation tonight.
One year ago Mike, a chubby bearded man in his early forties, had left his solicitor's office in Brisbane as a brand new divorcee. He had sold everything that his bitch wife hadn't taken from him in the divorce and all that he had in the world was an airline ticket to Sydney and enough cash for a bond on a one bedroom flat in the western suburbs. He did have a well paying job at an accountancy waiting for him though, and it didn't take him long to save up enough for his needs.
He bought a second-hand compact sedan and some pleasant functional furniture. He bought a good quality PC and signed up for a broadband plan that allowed him unlimited internet access and unlimited downloads. He shaved his beared and took up jogging and lost weight. At seventy two kilos he was now slim and well proportioned for a man of 190 plus centimetres. He shaved off all of his body hair before he started his new job and kept it shaved so that people would think that his body was naturally hairless. Once he had slimmed down he bought blouses, skirts, women's suits, lingerie, high heels, hosiery, makeup and wigs.
Mike was a crossdresser. He's had a penchant for stockings and panties as a youngster and this had grown stronger as he got older. God bless that bitch of an ex-wife, at least she understood his fetish and had worn nice lingerie and stockings for him when he had asked her to. Well, that was until she became an evil witch and fucked his best friend and then cleaned him out in the divorce. What she hadn't known was that Mike had liked to dress in her lingerie and hosiery while she was out of the house. He was secretly glad when they split up and he was able to move to Sydney where nobody knew him.
More and more the urge to dress as a woman had grown on him until he was no longer happy being a 'hairy-legged panty-wearer' as he had seen his type described on the internet; he wanted to be a transvestite. Now he could become a closet crossdresser in the privacy of his own flat.
Mike deliberately avoided making friends and kept to himself. He didn't want to worry about anyone dropping in on him whilst he was at home dressed as Michele, the name that he had selected for his en-femme persona. He went to the better opportunity and second hand clothing shops and bought a selection of quality skirts, blouses and suits. He had no compunction in telling the sales ladies that he was shopping for himself if they got nosey and asked. Some tisked and tutted, but most were actually helpful. He bought a large selection of makeup, lingerie and hosiery at a Big W department store and didn't bat an eyelid when the lady at the checkout stared at his purchases; it was the same when he went to Payless Shoes and bought three pairs of high heels in size 10. What the fuck did he care about what these women thought of him or his purchases; he'd never see them again and, other than his work colleagues, he knew no one in the whole state of New South Wales.
Mike found the lady at Celebrity Wigs in Sydney's Oxford Street particularly helpful. She advised him against getting a long blonde wig, which is what he wanted, and showed him why when she placed it on his head. He looked like an old queen; even with makeup he would look like an old queen in this wig. She selected a couple of nice shoulder length bobs in brunette and black; both had highlights in them and finally Mike selected a nice shoulder length hairpiece that was dark brunette with red highlights. The saleswoman complimented him on his selections and relieved him of nearly seven hundred dollars.
A bit further up Oxford Street a sex shop called 'Throb' relived him of a further couple of hundred dollars for a pair of realistic breastforms. Mike wasn't too concerned about how they looked; it was more about how they felt. When he tried them on in the fitting room wearing one of his own bras and blouses he was very happy with the results.
Mike practiced hard getting his makeup right; he liked lashings of eyeliner, mascara, lipstick and blush. He eventually got the look he wanted; 'slightly trashy but not too much like a drag queen' was how he described it to himself. Once he had learned to dress properly and how to do his makeup he started going on line, he went to transvestite sex sites and chatrooms and hooked up his webcam. He had some lovely discussions and cybersex sessions with other transvestites, crossdressers and admirers but he longed for the real thing. He didn't consider himself gay and when he wasn't dressed as Michele the thought of touching a man repulsed him. But when he was dressed as Michele he fantasised about sucking a big cock and being taken like a woman. He had a collection of dildos and vibrators and he used them on himself a lot; other crossdresser and admirers liked to see him use them when he was on webcam.
But Michele wanted the real thing and she thought she was now ready. She had entered into an online 'cyber' relationship with an admirer named Paul. Paul was married but Michele didn't care. Paul was in his early fifties and was no looker, but he was pleasant enough and treated her well both online and in the emails he sent her almost daily. They exchanged intimate pictures and performed for each other on webcam. They had edged around meeting and both were keen but wary. Michele didn't want to bring Paul to her home until they had met somewhere else on neutral ground so she could establish that he was trustworthy; and Paul couldn't invite Michele to his place because he was married. They planned to meet at a hotel but all of the hotels required credit cards and neither of them wanted to divulge their personal details just yet.
Finally they had agreed to meet in the parkland at Picnic Point; it was about a twenty minute drive for both of them and there was a very discreet parking area hidden away in the bushland that was used late at night on the weekends for dogging. The thought of dogging in the safety of a locked car added extra spice to the meeting. The hitch was that Mike would have to drive there and back dressed as Michele; there was no way that he could transform into Michele out there in the park. Mike knew that behind the wheel of a car at night he would be passable but if he had to get out of the car for any reason he might get clocked. He had developed an effeminate voice that he liked to use when dressed as Michele; it was a smoky raspy voice that sounded sexy but not too silly. The problem was that even though he looked quite attractive and sounded sexy; up close he was still a transvestite. His worst nightmare was being caught dressed as a woman outside his car and far from home.
Mike eventually got up the courage to go out dressed as Michele. At first she went out in the early hours of the morning and circled the block a few times; then she drove further and further to build up her courage. It thrilled her as well as scared her but after going out a few times at night she eventually got the up pluck to agree to a meeting with Paul. Mike went to the dogging park dressed in drab (male attire for the uninitiated) and reconnoitred the area to be sure that it would be safe. It was indeed very discreet and he saw a couple of cars parked there inside of which couples were obviously engaged in sex.
He plucked up the courage to have a closer look and saw a gay couple in one car and a middle aged couple in another having sex. He was rewarded when he looked in a third car and saw a middle aged transvestite fellating an older man. The trannie looked up and smiled at him through the car window. Mike thought that he looked a lot better in drag than she did; but was envious of what she was doing. The thought of dogging with Paul with an onlooker or two watching through the car window was quite exciting and Michele couldn't wait for her meeting with Paul.
Michele was bought out of her reverie by the sudden appearance of headlights in the rear-vision mirror. The car was gaining on her fast and she eased over into the left lane so that the speeding car could overtake her. The car sped around her but then suddenly braked and turned across the road blocking the lane.
"Fuuuuck!!!" Michele screamed and jammed on the brakes as hard as she could.
Her car came to a halt centimetres from the large over-powered sedan which blocked the road; her seatbelt cinched her waist and shoulder. The back doors of the dark sedan sprang open and two men, one large and heavy set, the other short and wiry, ran over to Michele's car. Both men scrambled into the back seat; the larger one pointed a pistol at Michele's head. She saw the dull gleam of weapon and her heart fell. 'Why the fuck didn't I lock the doors' she thought to herself.
"Don't say anything; don't do anything; just sit there bitch!" one of the men spat at her from the back seat.
Michele's plum-red painted fingernails dug into the steering wheel and she froze in terror. The large sedan pulled off the street and a short fat man struggled out of the driver's side door carrying a large carrier bag and waddled up to Michele's car and dropped into the front passenger seat; the suspension springs moaning in protest. He passed the carrier bag over the back seat.
Wassa turned towards the back seat and smiled at his two accomplices.
"See guys; not only did I find us a new car; I found a nice lady to drive it for us," he laughed.
"Drive bitch!" Stan ordered and tapped Michele on the back of her head with his pistol as encouragement.
"Keep to the fucking speed limit and just go where I tell you," he said.
Michele was in abject terror as she eased her car forward. What the hell were these lunatics doing highjacking a second-hand compact car like hers. Didn't highjackers steal SUVs and prestige cars? Not little Jap compacts! She didn't know if she was more scared by the fact that three armed men had her as a hostage or by the fact that these men would probably soon find out she was a man. What would they do? Where were they taking her? Her mind boiled in turmoil.
"What's the plan then Stan?" Davo asked their leader.
"Well we get this bitch to drive us to the old warehouse and then we get into the other car we got stashed there. It should be pretty safe cause' the cops ain't looking for a woman and this piece of shit is hardly your average getaway car now is it?" Stan said.
"What about the cunt?" Wassa asked; looking intently at Michele.
"We tie her up; then we fuck off and leave her."
Stan leaned forward over the backseat laughed evilly into Michele's ear.
"Hopefully someone will find you before you starve or freeze," he sniggered.
"I can't see too much of her here in the dark Stan but she looks like she might be a sort and she smells great; any chance we can have a go at her before we fuck off?" Wassa asked.
"Now fuck me Wassa; if I say yes this little princess is likely to do something stupid ain't she?"
"And if I say no there's every possibility that even a stupid cunt like her might think that I'm lying." Stan explained.
Stan leaned over the backseat again and pressed his mouth to Michele's ear.
"So, let's just say this shall we? If this little strumpet behaves nicely; she will come to no harm. Nod if you understand."
Michele nodded once.
"But if you fuck us around; then I will let Wassa here do whatever he likes to you and then he'll shoot you in the head."
"Understand?" he punctuated his question by tapping the muzzle of his gun against Michele's cheek.
Michele nodded vigorously.
They drove in silence for a few minutes; the only sounds were the directions given by Stan to Michele. Michele was thinking about how she could get out of the situation unscathed and hopefully get home without being exposed to the world as a crossdresser. Then she felt it! Wassa was so big that in the front seat of the small car he was almost sitting on top of her; his body was so close that she could smell his sweat and the onions on his breath from his dinner. But what she felt now was something deliberate!
Wassa's fingers touched her thigh, just below the hem of her navy blue skirt. He stroked her leg slowly, his callused fingers rasping on her sheer stockings. Michele pretended to ignore him; there was nothing to be gained by making a scene. Then his hand slid under the hem of her skirt and slid up to the top of her thigh and came to rest on the reinforced welt of her stocking-top, his fingers explored the nylon where it cinched onto the garter strap of her suspender belt. Michele jumped as his hand touched the bare skin above the welt of her stocking.
"What the fuck is going on!" Stan growled from the backseat.
"Fuck me Stan she's wearing stockings!" Wassa chuckled.
"So what Wassa? So was we ten minutes ago," Davo quipped.
"Nah not them pantyhose things we had on our heads; she's wearing real stockings with sussies. Fuck I thought only me old Mom and prostitutes wore stockings these days," Wassa went on.
"I thought your old Mom was a prostitute!" Davo sniped back.
"Nah Davo; that's your sister you're thinking of!" Wassa laughed.
"Shut the fuck up you two," Stan interrupted, "I don't want any fucking around until we're safely in the warehouse.
"Besides; did you ever think this bitch might be a pro?" he chuckled.
Wassa turned towards Michele and squeezed the top her thigh; a warning to her not to make another scene. Michele glanced at him and quickly nodded her compliance. In the stony silence of the dark car Wassa stroked and fondled Michele's leg under her skirt, running his fingers up and down her stocking and stroking the cool skin above the welt. Michele concentrated on driving the car and hoped Wassa wouldn't move his hand any higher than her thighs.
Stan and Davo began to whisper to themselves in the back; they were in heated conversation and were not paying attention to what was happening in the front seats other than Stan directing Michele to turn left here or right there. As they drove along the darkened backstreets Michele resigned herself to letting the fat man beside her stroke her legs.
Out of the corner of her eye Michele saw the fat guy she now knew as Wassa give an evil grin and begin to fumble around in his lap. 'Oh my god!' she thought to herself; 'he's going to take IT out!'
Then over the hiss of the tyres and the mumbled conversation in the backseat she heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper being opened. Wassa glanced back and spoke to Stan.
"I'll tell the bitch where to go Stan; you guys see what we got away with."
"Ok but don't let the bitch do anything stupid," Stan replied.
Stan handed his gun to Wassa and he and Davo rooted around in the carrier bag and began to excitedly discuss the contents.
"Left here," Wassa ordered, pointing down another dark street, when they came to a stop sign.
After he finished pointing Wassa quickly dropped his hand onto Michele's left hand and lifted it off the steering wheel and pulled it down into his lap. He waved the gun in Michele's face, tacitly emphasising to her not to take her hand out of his lap or to say anything. If the men in the back seat noticed anything they would have just thought it was Wassa intimidating the driver with his gun.
Michele bit her lip as she realised what the fat man wanted. With his free hand Wassa forced Michele's fingers inside his flies and imperceptivity waggled the gun at her. Michele stifled a sob and pushed her painted fingernails inside Wassa's underpants. His crotch was hairy, hot and sweaty and a musky smell wafted from it. Her fingers wrapped around Wassa's spongy semi-erect penis and he grinned in the dark. He was going to get a handjob off this well dressed sexy bitch.
He looked at her closely in the glow of a streetlight. She was a big woman but well proportioned. She was wearing heavy makeup: lots of black eyeliner and mascara, blue and pink eyeshadow, rose blush and plum red lipstick. Her hair was glossy; brunette with subtle red highlights which fell to her shoulders; the fringe level with her brows. Her perfume was sensual and arousing. She was in her forties and quite attractive; sort of sophisticated but slutty at the same time. His cock began to harden in her hands; he loved women who looked like her.
She wore a navy blue skirt; the hem hiked to mid-thigh because she of the way she sat in the driver's seat. Her blouse was red or mauve and looked like it was satin or silk; her nylons shimmered in the dim light, the sheen on her legs drawing his eyes down to her feet shod in black patent leather high-heel sandals. He thought he saw the gleam of red toenail polish through the reinforced toes of her stocking. She had big feet he thought; but she was a stunner all right!
Michele kept her hand loosely wrapped around Wassa's hardening penis and tried to concentrate on driving one handed. When she came to a slight bend in the road she tried to take her hand out of Wassa's crotch and put it back on the steering wheel but he grabbed her wrist and held it in place. He gave her a vicious stare and Michele stopped fighting and resigned herself to driving one handed.
Wassa glanced back and saw that Stan and Davo were still engrossed in the contents of the carrier bag. He encircled Michele's fingers in his own and began to slowly slide them up and down his now fully erect penis. Once she realised what he wanted he took his hand away and looked across at her and smiled. A single tear ran down Michele's cheek leaving a trail of black mascara.
Michele was horrified. She had fantasised about doing this with Paul in the confines of the backseat of his car whilst parked at Picnic Point. She wanted to be held by the man she desired; to be kissed as he sensuously fondled her; to kiss and fondle him back; she not want to be forced to masturbate this fat pig at gunpoint in her cold dark car.
In a way she was more worried about what this man would do to her when he found out that she was actually a man. Would he beat her in disgust? Would he shoot her? God! What was she to do?
She realised that at the moment there was nothing she could do except to comply. Michele slowly stroked the hard stubby penis poking out of the front of Wassa's trousers. Wassa gave a satisfied groan in the back of his throat.
"What's that Wassa?" Davo asked mistaking Wassa's groan of contentment for a mumbled phrase.
"Oh nothing Davo; just clearing me throat," he sniggered.
Davo and Stan went back to their hushed discussion about the contents of the carrier bag.
Wassa hadn't had a root in a long time and he knew that he would come soon, which was just as well as they weren't that far from the warehouse now. He pulled Michele's fingers off his cock and clamped her hand between his thighs so she couldn't pull it away. He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a packet of Winfield cigarettes and offered them over the back. At the same time the stocking that he had worn over his head during the robbery dropped out of his pocket and fell into his lap.
"No smoking stupid!" Stan ordered, and went back to his conversation with Davo.
Wassa didn't care about the smokes one bit; he wanted the stocking. Well it wasn't a real stocking as such; it was the leg cut from a pair of pantyhose. But it was translucent and sheer; just the thing for a bankjob; or a handjob, he giggled mentally to himself. He slid the diaphanous nylon over his stubby engorged member and moved Michele's fingers back onto his phallus.
Michele was no stranger to masturbating into nylon; she had done it herself often enough over the years; but this was just plain grotesque; wanking off this smelly pig of a man into a stocking whilst driving to god knows where. Before she could get too involved with these thoughts she felt Wassa poke her on the ribs with his gun and she returned to what she was doing before; driving one handed and masturbating the pig with her other hand.
Michele felt the heat of Wassa's cock through the sleek nylon stocking; she could feel the thick veins and the spongy glans. She knew how to get this disgusting act over with quickly. She used her fingertip to rub the slinky material of the stocking against his frenulum, the sensitive piece of skin on the underside of the penis that joins the shaft and the glans. From her own experiences she knew that it is excruciatingly sensitive and that the exquisite sensation of a silky stocking rubbing on the area soon leads to orgasm.
Wassa was no exception and he stared at the sexy bitch sitting beside him in the darkened car and imagined what he would like to do to her as hot semen flooded into the stocking. He held Michele's hand in place and she felt Wassa's penis pulse and throb and then her fingers were covered with hot viscous semen as it seeped through the sheer nylon. Wassa fought hard to hold in a cry of pleasure but he did let out a small pig-like grunt.
Michele could smell the musty odour of semen and wondered how the two men in the back could not know what was happening. Wassa's semen felt hot and slimy as she stroked his shaft, milking him of the last of his spend. Then, one handed, she wiped his softening penis with the stocking and wiped her own fingers as best she could and dropped the stocking on the passenger side floor. She returned her hand to the steering wheel as Wassa surreptitiously closed his flies.
Michele looked down at the instrument panel and caught a glimpse of her left hand on the wheel. A small globule of Wassa's semen glistened on one of her painted red fingernails. She stared at the glistening white bead for a few seconds; fascinated by it. Without thinking, she bought the finger up to her lipsticked lips and licked the morsel off her fingernail. She flinched when she realised what she had unconsciously done, and came back to earth with a jolt.
She didn't know what scared her more; the knowing smile on Wassa's face, or the fact that her own penis was rock hard inside her satin panties.
"There; turn into that driveway!" Wassa ordered; and Stan and Davo stopped their conversation and started peering out the car windows looking up and down the deserted street.
"All clear," Davo said and hopped out the car as soon as it came to a stop.
He unlocked a roller door and pushed it up allowing Michele to drive into the darkened warehouse. Michele was now visibly trembling with fear and thoughts of what might happen to her now ran around in her head; none of them good. Davo slammed the roller door closed behind them.
There was only a couple of weak diffused lights but combined with car's headlights there was enough illumination for Michele to look around the warehouse. It was dark, dusty and obviously abandoned. Large dark shapes covered in drop cloths hulked in the corners and various pieces of disused and rusting machinery were scattered around in disarray. The musty smell of mould, rodent shit and neglect seeped through the air vents of the car.
"What you waiting for bitch," Wassa threatened, waving his gun in Michele's face.
"An invitation? Get the fuck out of the car!"
Michele turned off the ignition and headlights. The gloom closed in on them as she opened the door and got out of the car. She felt totally vulnerable; a middle-aged transvestite kidnapped by three brutal criminals who may become volatile at any moment and who had no idea that she was a man.
This is my first attempt at writing about an actual encounter. Enjoy!CHAPTER ONE: THE BEGINNING WITH MICHELEMichele is 30 married with two k**s. I'm 28 also married, no k**s. She is 5' 6", long straight black hair just past her shoulders. She weighs about 105lbs, with nice brown eyes. She's a very pretty woman with small breasts and a killer ass. She always dresses very conservatively at work. She wears mostly slacks with a blouse or sweater, but I've always been attracted to her anyway. She...
It was about one in the afternoon in Porto San Michele, on the eastern Italian Riviera. At this time the lovely town was mostly deserted. We'd just had lunch by the pool at the Santa Marguerite, a nice restaurant inside a beach establishment of the same name. The resort was elegant and complete with the best amenities, private cabins, hot showers and an stylish bar famous for serving the best espresso in town. So we decided to stay for the afternoon and to rent an umbrella with two lounge...
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Driving Miss Jones. She wore a little yellow dress, so short that it barely reached her stocking tops. Her long blonde hair needed combing. She looked like she was half asleep, either that or she needed a fix, She was half an hour late, we said six thirty but she tottered down the long flight of stone steps towards the car just before seven. "You're late," I said brusquely, and paused insolently before I added, "Madam." "You can cut out the funnies Henderson," she said,...
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This particular story is graphic so be warned!! All disclaimers apply so it is up to the reader to decide what is real and what is false. Names as well as regions and topographical locations have been changed to suit the story. This is told in first person and UN EDITED. I was sitting in the Captains office watching as the orderlies poured our coffee. The Captain hadn't said a word since the runner had brought me in. I was beginning to wonder what was going on since the Captain had always...
A little while ago I received a phone call off my boss saying that my car had been hired for a weekend. This means I'm driving what normally turns out to be some rich k**s about from party to party. Not a bad gig I suppose. I pull up to a very plush hotel and wait outside as instructed. It's the middle of the day and a young couple head my way. The lad confirms this is their car and he hops in. Being a gentleman I jump out and open the driver side rear door. I open the door for what I could...
I woke up with someone pounding on my hooch door. This is getting old I thought to myself. We were supposed to be on a three day break between missions. When I answered there was an MP standing there and I immediately recognized him as working for the Captain running his errands. "Sarge, Chung is at the gate and asked to talk to you. I tried to tell him you were still sleeping, but he said it was important." "Ok, tell him I am on my way." He left and I started getting dressed. I...
I closed the office early the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The house had been completely cleaned and Sara and I had bought everything the weekend prior. I’d have two pounds of jumbo shrimp and a variety of raw vegetables in addition to chips with onion dip and nuts as snacks before dinner. Mom had agreed to come over around ten that morning to help with the meal. I had cleaned and rinsed the twenty-pound turkey on Tuesday night, saving the heart and liver for the soup I planned to make...
We spent only a minute to enter the house and turn the alarm off. A few seconds later everything was in the dryer then I asked if she was hungry. “No,” she replied, “I had a huge lunch. I’m not used to eating that much. But…I can think of one thing I’d like in my mouth. Why don’t we go to bed?” I followed her numbly as she pulled me into the hallway. Once in the bedroom she repeated her actions of last night. “Wait here a second, John. I want to get a few towels.” She scampered into...
We were still sitting in the chow hall and Chung was again teasing Gunny who was giving him hell. The conversation broke off as the Cookie approached our table looking for me. "Sarge, the Captain just called and he wants you to report to his office ASAP." "Ok Cookie thanks." I told Gunny and Chung I would meet them back at the armory as soon as I was done and maybe I might have some more information for us. I double timed it over to command and was surprised to see two MP's on duty....
I was sitting in the Captain's outer office waiting to see why I had been called in so soon after debriefing. I was half asleep after a hard ten day jaunt into Laos where we were chased by VC patrols almost from the time we were dropped off. I had just sent the team back to the village to unwind and get some sleep and was on my way back to my hooch when an MP had picked me up saying the Captain had sent him to catch me before I went to sleep. Although this was strange I was too damned weary...
If I were to believe the other fleet drivers, being a chauffeur in this company was an iron clad way to get laid on a regular basis. The stretch drivers all had stories of back seat orgies in which they were invited to participate, or the female passenger who got so pissed off with her drunken partner that she had him dropped off home and she continued on with the driver. Most of these stories I would slot into the urban myth category, because from my experience nothing like that actually...
Note to Readers: A lot of the facts in this one are true and also a lot of what is described actually happened. The VC were cruel and hated the hill tribes with a passion. ARVN troops were almost as bad as the VC and it created a lot of tension with the teams working in the bush. LZ Hardtimes was a firebase and thus the VC gave it hell every chance they got to do so. I had just come out from putting on my camo's to go back to my hooch when the tail end of a conversation between Chief and...
It came as a big surprise the following Friday when my girlfriend Jane and I came in late and heard some moaning from both Missy and her date when we came home the following Friday night. Missy was our roommate. She was a petite little redhead, with a cute round face, small, lovely breasts and a bottom which set a standard for female backsides everywhere. Cute as button, and hot as a firecracker Missy had a date anytime she wanted. But for all her dating she hadn't ever brought a guy home...
ExhibitionismIt was a Friday evening around 7.30 pm and I'd just finished work and was looking forward to going home and drinking that nice bottle of Sancerre that was chilling in the fridge. I was making my way across the car park when I heard a female voice calling my name, looking around and saw it was my new boss Julia, what the fuck have I done now I thought! I should explain that I work as a train driver and it's very unusual to have a female boss a lot of my colleagues had a real problem with it....
When Chung walked up to the jeep he was still laughing at me and Jenkins. "Sarge, you have problems, first you shoot at big mouth and no hit. Now you make team doctor mad, better hope you no get wounded or he might sew something in wrong place. You need get drunk and relax." "I don't think so my friend. This whole mission is getting too big and complex for me. Come, let us walk and I will explain what is going on." While we walked around the village I was explaining to Chung all that...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daughter's Ultimate Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy's sex...
So, it was one more thing to tick off my list.BDSM.I asked what did they all mean? I knew a basic understanding of those 4 little letters but reading between the lines was all about experiencing and gaining a true feel for BDSM.BD = Bondage & Discipline DS = Domination & Submission SM = Sado Masochism Before we even started, I was asked via text what I wanted to do or not want to do.I said I wanted to try it ALL.However, due to my European background the thought of being spanked did not...
I was sitting in the Captain's office waiting to be called in for my mission briefing. I had been sitting drinking the lousy coffee for forty five minutes already and I could hear the Captain shouting at someone in his office. I don't know who the poor soul was, but for the Captain to raise his voice above a whisper, he must have really gotten him pissed. I was somewhat pissed myself because I was still looking for a second and still hadn't found one I thought I could work with. The few I...
Amy was one of the sexiest black girls Missy had ever seen. She'd met Amy through her brother, Ron, who had started dating her and on this particular evening, Ron and Amy had come over where Missy and Amy's brother, Larry, had settled down to watch a DVD and enjoy the evening having sex. When Ron and Amy showed up, Missy had intially been very upset but when they started passing around a toke of marijuans, Missy felt herself becoming noticeably much more mellow and at ease with having the...
We were having another great day out by the lake; now it was time for some lunch. With all the fresh air and exercise we were enjoying, the food would surely taste extra-good. I picked up the tray of cold drinks from the scrubbed kitchen table, Rob hefted the covered basket of cold cuts, potato and rice salads and slaw, and Ed brought up the rear with the plates, napkins and silverware on another tray. The three of us headed back out of the cabin towards the small dock on the lake shore,...
I woke to the sound of the flaps coming down on the civilian transport plane landing back in Nam. While I looked out the window anticipating being back, I had to admit the ride back, although long, had been well worthwhile. I had been officially inducted into the mile high club by the cute little brunette who seemed to have latched on to me as soon as I boarded. She was a cute little stewardess who talked my head off for the first hour then invited me to tour the galley, and it had went from...
Dammit I thought why the firebase can't find some indigenous personnel that knew what they were doing. Seemed like this was the third trip this year to Dak Seang. The last time we had been sent Chung almost beat the Hmong head scout to death. He had met our chopper when it landed and told Chung he wasn't welcome in their camp. It had taken me and Ling both to pull him off the idiot. When the Captain came over and started chewing me I had told him the next time that ass jumped one of my men...
Notes: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy’s sex slave. I walked between my submissive mother and my half-sister Georgia. All three of us were naked (well, Mom wore her black...
Katherine Jackson stood behind the curtain with two other contestants as they waited to be ushered onstage. As she went through the Mrs. Missouri pageant; she thought about dropping out multiple times. It was an unforeseen financial strain but Fred was excited to have his sexy wife compete. He encouraged and supported her during the entire process. She wanted to win for him but enjoyed the attention that the pageant gave her but yet her mind reflected on the past few months. The fear and...
You've thought about it, you've fantasized about it, and you've decided that it's for you. All well and good. Now to take the theory into practice. There's a distance between wanting to be a dom and being a dom, though, and it pays to be aware that there's more involved than you might think.How hard can it be?Trickier than it sounds. There's more to being a dom than telling people what to do. There's a lot more to it than telling people what to do. Anyone can do that; it no more makes you a dom...
Missy couldn't believe that today was the day she was finally venturing back out into the world. She was 20 years old and had spent most of the past six years with her Auntie as her design apprentice. Auntie worked as a freelance lingerie designer mostly for a company called Belle du Jour Lingerie. And today Missy was going to interview for a full time position at Belle du Jour arranged by Auntie. Missy's journey up until this point was hardly conventional. Her real name was Marcus...
The usual disclaimers apply such as the names and locations have been changed to fit the story. This is all in first person and UN EDITED. I hope you enjoy this one as it is a little unusual. We were sitting in the middle of a big ass swamp, cold, wet and mad as hell. It was almost dark and we could hear VC moving all around us. We had been running full speed almost all day with Charlie keeping the pressure on. We couldn't even swat at the swarms of mosquito's around us for fear of giving...
Welcome to my latest adventure. This new series of stories is going to be wild and crazy and a lot of fun. Hopefully, you'll enjoy this one. So without further ado, let's get on with it. All non-commercial and electronic rights to this story are reserved. If it's not legal for you to read erotic material in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: Chapter 1 - STARTING UP - By Brett Lynn Miss K sat near her bedroom window in...
Welcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. I reserve all non-electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: HAVE YOU HAD YOUR BREAK TODAY? ? by: Brett Lynn Miss K brushed a strain of hair out of her face as she backed her SUV out of her parking space. For the last time for...
Miss White, Miss Black, Miss Red and me. Copyright Ian56/YEOWCH website – English Sex and Spanking Erotica. http://idav37.racyspace.com/index.html Part 1: A darker shade of white. The problem with living on the edge of temptation all the time is knowing that whilst you may have an itch you're unable to scratch due to circumstance there's always that faint possibility - or wishful hope - that suddenly somewhere one day you may find someone who is willing to do it for you. If you're prepared to...
Hello, ladies and gents, and welcome to something special from me to you. I hope this story is enjoyable and, most importantly, make you hot and make you (especially the ladies) want to masturbate. However, if you are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, or otherwise prohibited from reading such material, please do not read this story. I reserve all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work, so if you steal, I will catch up with you and exercise my copyright. If you want...
"Ah, oh, oh, yes, yes, yes! I'm cumming, my god, I'm cumming." That's what Mrs. Blumenthal screamed as if she was surprised she was having an orgasm. A moment later, I unloaded and filled her pussy with a profuse stream of manly juices. I didn't pull out for a long time leaving my semi-erect cock plugged into her cunt overflowing with hot thick cum. She kissed me and said, "Now Roger, that's how we do things here." I was going to like their ways.**********************************That...
Wife LoversHere are a few more delicious electrons for you to self-abuse yourself to. Since I'm closer to the end of this series than the beginning, I hope you can get your nut off reading this. Once again, I must remind you that if you're too young to read this in your jurisdiction, or if it's just plain illegal, please don't read this. If you want to catch up on this series, or read anything else I have to offer, please visit my website. I also must remind you that the name 'Brett...
Here's yet another wholesome fuck story courtesy of your favorite author ...at least that's what I hope I am. If it illegal in your jurisdiction to read erotic materials such as this, please don't read this. I reserve all non-electronic and all commercial rights to this work. If you wish to read some of my other work, please visit my website. The name 'Brett Lynn' is a pen name, and I am not connected in any form with anyone with the above name. Now that the legalese is done, let's...
Hello, fair fans, and welcome to more of my wild, unbridled sex romps. If you want to read more of my stuff after reading this, please visit my website. I reserve all commercial and all non-electronic rights to this work. If you are not permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. I am also stating that the name "Brett Lynn" is a pen name I use. Any persons who have this name as their birth name has no connection whatsoever with this story, nor any...
Becoming a Teenage Girl - Intermission by Annette Nicole Smith. ************************************************************************ The timeline for this intermission covers the period from late June 1987 to the end of the Aug/Sept school holidays of the same year. With diaries now available for me to refer to I'll try and use dates so at to hopefully give readers a better understanding of certain events when compared to weeks involved. Obviously to protect the privacy of...
Warning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. This is a bit of an intermission, a bit of a bridge between "act 1" and "act 2" if such things can possibly exist without any sort of actual, long-term planning on my part....
Hello, ladies and gents, and welcome to yet another tale that is guaranteed to make you wish for an onanastic release?or at least get you more intimate with your spouse. ;-) However, if you are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, or otherwise prohibited from reading such material, please do not read this story. I reserve all commercial and non- electronic rights to this work, so if you steal, I will catch up with you and exercise my copyright. If you want to catch up on this series,...
Hello fair fans. I have for you another exciting stroke story that's part of the wonderful adventures of my fictional creation, Miss K. I hope you like this one, and if you want to read more, check out my site. I reserve all commercial and non-electronic rights to my work, except where noted. If it is illegal for you to read this literary work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. So without further ado, let's get on with the story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS...
This is yet another installment of the pure pornography that I love to call "The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K." So far, people have been loving my over the top sex romps, and I hope you fair fans love this one too. If you are not legally permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this. Also, I retain all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work. If you want to use this work, just ask. So, without further ado, let's get on with the...
When I woke up, Greta at my side, I remembered that I had had vivid dreams, featuring legs. Greta, happily was one of the taller, leggier women. I began kissing her awake, but soon moved down to lick her womanhood. As she awakened, I grunted “legs around my head.” She did so, and began to grind her hips against my face. For some reason this morning, I was especially hot for Vivian, which was most convenient since she was my Companion of the day. Her hair, cut short, gleamed, a light but not...
Welcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. After all, I sure did As always, you can read the previous installment. I reserve all non- electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K ? Chapter 2 - By Brett Lynn LOVING, INNOCENT & VIRGINAL "Wake up! Wake up!" Miss K...
This is yet another installment of the pure pornography that I love to call "The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K." So far, people have been loving my over the top sex romps, and I hope you fair fans love this one too. If you are not legally permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this. Also, I retain all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work. If you want to use this work, just ask. So, without further ado, let's get on with the...
It was coming up to the very special anniversary for Tina and Miss Cindy. It was now a year since they first met and, since then, the relationship has been one in which the now nineteen-year-old Miss Cindy controlled the now sixty-year-old Tina. Tina never minded being under the disciplinary control a woman so young compared to herself and, in fact, found the need to submit to someone just a third of her own age as something of a turn on.Tina happily carried out all the menial tasks that Miss...
SpankingHello, fair fans, and welcome to another one of my literary orgies of wild, unbridled sex. If you want to read more of my stuff after reading this, please visit my website. I reserve all commercial and all non-electronic rights to this work. If you are not permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. So, without further ado, let's get on with the show. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: TESTIFY! ? by: Brett Lynn "Yum! Barbeque!" Miss K said...
Hello, fair fans, and welcome to another one of my literary orgies of wild, unbridled sex. If you want to read more of my stuff after reading this, please visit my website. I reserve all commercial and all non-electronic rights to this work. If you are not permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. So, without further ado, let's get on with the show. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: THE PHANTOM MENACE ? by: Brett Lynn Miss K drove down I-55...
This continues the efforts by 24-year-old Miss Bentner to have disciplinary control over 36-year-old Elizabeth, as she already had control over Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter, Emma. The discipline came first. Now though comes the manipulation of both mum and daughter to ensure both submit to her: Miss Bentner looked at the two bottoms still bent across the table. She knew Emma will be wet with anticipation for her ‘afters,’ finger and tongue sex. It happened regularly after she spanked the...
SpankingHello, fans, and welcome to another installment of the adventures of the 'feisty, glamorous, and quick-thinking' Miss K. Well, she is according to my latest review from LadyCyrrh. If you want to read that review, as well as all my other stories, please visit my site. I reserve all commercial and non- electronic rights to this work. Also, if you're not legally allowed to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this story. Without further ado, let's get it on....
Here's another piece of literature brought to you by the underwear manufacturers of the world, because I hope you ruin them while reading this hot, sexy thing. If it illegal in your jurisdiction to read erotic materials such as this, please don't read this. I reserve all non- electronic and all commercial rights to this work. The name 'Brett Lynn' is a pen name, and I am not connected in any form with anyone with the above name. Now that the legalese is done, let's get...
This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons at...
SpankingHello, fair fans, and welcome to another one of my literary orgies of wild, unbridled sex. If you want to read more of my stuff after reading this, please visit my website. I reserve all commercial and all non-electronic rights to this work. If you are not permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. So, without further ado, let's get on with the show. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: CAJUN HEAT ? by: Brett Lynn "Hey, show us your...
The song ‘Jackson’ had turned into a fifteen-minute jam-session between Ashley, Dave, the backup singers, and each member of the band. Everyone in the entourage was onstage at the Mississippi Coliseum. The others in the large arena were fifteen-thousand fans of Ashley – a sell-out crowd. They were wild, and they LOVED Ashley. There were signs, t-shirts, banners, and a hundred other ways they expressed that love besides making one helluva lot of noise after every song she sang. Dave was...