MissionsMission 8A free porn video

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I woke up with someone pounding on my hooch door. This is getting old I thought to myself. We were supposed to be on a three day break between missions. When I answered there was an MP standing there and I immediately recognized him as working for the Captain running his errands.

"Sarge, Chung is at the gate and asked to talk to you. I tried to tell him you were still sleeping, but he said it was important."

"Ok, tell him I am on my way."

He left and I started getting dressed. I quickly grabbed my vest and 16 and headed to the gate. Something was wrong because Chung had never bothered me before for any reason. When I got to the gate him and the guard were laughing at something. As soon as he saw me he sobered up waiting till I got up to him. I signed him in and headed to the chow hall for coffee. He followed behind me and I was surprised to see he was fully dressed and carrying his weapons too. I quickly grabbed coffee and food with Chung getting milk and food. He was unusual as he loved cold milk, and would drink till he sloshed as he walked if he could. We got settled and ate with him getting us refills as he dropped our dirty dishes off.

"What's wrong Chung? Has something happened in the village? Has someone been hurt?"

"No Sarge, everyone all ok. Ling's brother came in late last night from his village. He talk to me and Ling bout something I think you need to know right away. Him say NVA heavy around his area so he have hard time getting here and not get shot. He say Khmer Rouge dope runners have five white men as prisoner. He say 4 new and one been there long time, work for them. Pot's soldiers use them to make white powder to sell. He say four in uniform like mine. He want to talk to you. Can you come to village?"

"Let me sign out a jeep for us and we will go."

We quickly got the jeep and headed to the village. The whole way there I was thinking about why the Khmer Rouge of all people would keep prisoners to work for them. I knew they had ambushed some teams, as well as took our money for information. They worked both sides of the fence, and you always had to be careful in dealing with them. I had never heard of them taking prisoners other than to ransom or trade for guns and ammo. To use prisoners to make heroin or whatever was really strange to me. I would have to discuss this one with Gunny when I got back. If anyone knew about it he would.

When we got to the village I was quickly introduced and we were served drinks before we started talking. I listened as he described to me where their camp was and how to get there without running into NVA patrols. I didn't mind VC, but the NVA were starting to use dogs and trackers to hunt teams and none of us liked it. In the last month or so we had two teams disappear without a trace that we could find. No bodies, no signs of a fight. It was like they had been scooped up and vanished. We weren't the only ones either because Gunny had said the LRP's were in the same situation when they ran patrols. The NVA were either getting smarter or were getting good information on operations. They also knew most of the LZ's and were watching them around the clock.

While Ling's brother was talking I was watching him closely, especially his eyes. I had learned from Chung that when a yard lied he would swing his eyes in any direction to keep from looking at the person he was talking too. After watching Chung question several in different situations I realized he was a 100% on in his observations. Ling's brother was looking straight at me and never wavered in his eye contact. I listened politely and we talked some more with me grilling the hell out of him to be sure he had saw what he saw. It wasn't that I distrusted the information but I would have to get Cap's permission to go on a rogue mission like this one. He wouldn't like it at all especially when I couldn't give him all the information I was getting. Jenkins was back, and I wanted to discuss it with him too. I had a feeling I already knew what he would say but I wouldn't do it without him. He was my second as well as a damned good paramedic. If what I was hearing was right we would need his services.

The old man he was talking about had lived in their village for several years and worked wherever he could to make a few dollars to buy food and clothing. The last time he went to work for the Khmer Rouge they had kept him and wouldn't let him come back to the village. From what I was able to gather he had been a soldier many years ago and had been injured. The village had took him in and nursed him back to health but he never remembered who he was or where he came from. He spoke several languages and was thought by all to be very wise. Ling's brother said that when one of the elders went to see why they kept him, they had beat him with bamboo switches and sent him back to the village, bloody and scared half to death. The village decided to send for Ling to help, because it was known he was a paid soldier of the Americans. I listened to the description of where the Khmer Rouge camp was again and thought I already knew where it was. If my memory served me correctly, there used to be an old village there that the NVA had taken over, before moving the people closer to act as slaves and do all their work for them. The last time we had went through it, it had been falling down and was slowly being devoured by the jungle. It wasn't that far over the border but between Khmer Rouge patrols and NVA the going to get to it would be rough as hell. The only backup we had there were helicopter gunships and they were few and far between that deep in NVA territory.

We would have to enter from Pleiku and work our way by foot from there. I wouldn't take a chance of being dropped at a watched LZ. I hadn't been in a Prairie Fire situation and didn't plan on putting my team into a situation where I had to call one. So far I had been lucky or I had made good decisions with Chung's help. I had only lost one man and had one crippled through no fault of mine. I had lost seconds, yes, but not to anything like that. Most of the teams worked with three white men and seven yards but I had never worked that way since I had found Chung to be the leader of my indigenous personnel. I let him hire my yards, and trusted him with our lives, and I had never regretted the decision. We had been together since I had made team leader and my team had one hell of a record for missions.

I pulled Chung to the side telling him to recheck everything the man had told us even if he was Ling's brother. He gave me that grin of his before he spoke to me as I climbed back in the jeep.

"No worry Sarge, I check his story and if he lie he not get home. I think Ling would cut his throat if he put team in danger. Ling almost as good in bush as me. He hate liars even if family. You talk to Captain while I send word out to see if he tell truth or not. Give me two day to find out."

"Ok Chung, I'll leave it in your capable hands."

"That what you pay Chung for, make sure Sarge not get shot in butt running. Men would love that, and make big laugh for whole village."

I started cussing him as I started the jeep and he was laughing out loud as I headed back to the base. When I got out of sight I started chuckling at him and his laughing. It had taken almost eight months for him to even smile at my stupid jokes as he called them. He had come a long way from the bitter man I had first hired. Although still mean as hell he would laugh and smile at me and the men now. Before he would have walked away into the jungle to kill VC, and add to his trophy board. I had accidently stumbled upon them one time when I was drunk and looking for a place to puke so the men wouldn't laugh at me. The sight that greeted my eyes sobered me almost immediately. He had ten boards covered on both sides with his personal kill trophies. The boards were about six foot long and the dried and shriveled parts almost turned my stomach. I never mentioned I saw them nor did I ever get near that area again.

I turned the jeep in and headed to the armory to talk to Gunny. He was chewing ass as usual when I walked in. I just leaned against the door, and smiled at the look on the man's face as Gunny shouted in his ear. I figured he hadn't seen me come in but as usual when it came to the Gunny I was wrong.

"What the hell do you want? I know you ain't hung over and I really don't appreciate you interrupting my schooling of this cherry."

"We need to talk!"

He looked at me and motioned for me to follow him. The new guy gave me a relieved smile as I walked by. He probably figured the schooling was over but boy was he wrong. Gunny didn't quit when he got started, and anyone who knew him knew he had a memory like a steel trap. No cherry, I thought your school of hell has just begun. You're just getting a small recess for now. I followed him into his office where he closed the door and closed the blinds.

"Ok Sarge, what's on your mind. This has to be serious for you to come here sober on your first day off in a month."

I told him all the facts of what I had been told this morning and he just stared at me for a minute before jumping up and opening his safe. He came back with a topographical map of North and South Vietnam and Laos and Cambodia. When he spread it out I saw X's in different colors with numbers beside them. When he got it spread out he must have noticed the puzzled look on my face.

"This is my personal POW map. Every time I hear about a sighting I put it on here and how many there were reported. Black means confirmed, yellow means non confirmed but with a high probability and green means sighted but not counted nor confirmed. I have been keeping this since I came over here. They have been talking about putting a special unit together to go after some of the confirmed ones but I haven't heard any more about it for awhile. Now show me where these five are supposed to be held at? The whole time I been over here I ain't never heard of the Khmer Rouge using prisoners for labor. The old guy you spoke about could be French as a lot of them are still listed as MIA. They find some in the bush every once in awhile. They are mostly dying of Malaria and starving but still alive and hiding."

I went over and looked at the map for a moment to get my bearings and pointed out where I remembered the village as being. I noticed there was an X not far from it with the number 12 next to the X. It was black, so it had been confirmed, and I wondered why we hadn't gone after them before this. Dammit I hated the thought of good men suffering, and starving working for the VC or NVA as slave labor. The more I looked at the X the more I realized I had been within a couple of miles the last time I had run a mission in that area. If I had known I would have checked it out, and tried to free them if I thought I could. Usually there was only a skinny platoon guarding them because they were so weak from not being fed and disease, they couldn't escape if they could get free. I noticed Gunny looking at the area, and knew what he was going to suggest before he asked.

"Dammit Sarge, there is a confirmed camp not far from there. I don't suppose you could check it out before you kill those bastards of Pot's could you?"

"If I can get the mission cleared it's on our way Gunny. We should go right through that area the way I am planning on going in. I am not gonna tell the Captain all the details just in case someone at HQ gets running mouth disease with one of their mistresses. We been having enough problems with leaks and I sure as hell ain't gonna set my team up for an ambush. I probably won't even tell the Captain where I think they are being held, just that they are close to the border and not far from Pleiku. That way no one but my team and you know where I am going. I know you don't talk out of school but I don't have that much confidence in HQ. Besides if the spooks knew I knew the location of the village they would want in on it. By the time we got there all of Vietnam would know we were coming. This is going to be one of those deals that the less HQ knows the better for me. Besides I still have to get it cleared first."

"I don't think you will have any problem there. Since ole big mouthed Jane has been on the tube telling all her anti-war buddies about prisoners being forgotten, HQ will jump at the chance of a little good media if you succeed. If you don't then it's no skin off their noses. Hell Sarge, you know how they think over there; use it to help you sell the mission. Hell, the way they feel about you, if you didn't come back they would throw a big party in celebration."

"Now that hurts my feelings Gunny. I can't believe you wouldn't miss me."

"Cut the bullshit Sarge, you know what I mean. Besides if you get caught that mean ass little half breed would go after you himself. The VC are scared to death of him and that new guy he hunts with. Those two have done more to lower VC morale that the whole US Army. The VC call them the ghosts who kill."

"Yea I've heard that before. One of the A-Camp captains said his Kit Carson committed suicide when Chung and Ling came in to get supplies. He took one look at him, and shot himself on the spot, even after the Captain told him they were just after supplies."

"Sarge, that's a true story. I talked to the Captain about a month ago and he was still mad about it. That little shit is one mean little bastard and hates all VC. I have heard prisoners talked when threatened by being questioned by Chung. He has quite a reputation, and most of the teams would love to have him on their team. Even the yards have said he is big medicine, and all would work with him, and consider it an honor to do so for free if he asked. I don't know why he sticks with you, but he is your good luck charm. By the way you need to make sure you stay on the General's good side."

"Pray tell why should I try to do that Gunny?"

"Because while you were out last time, the Commander of the 5th HQ tried to get you transferred up there permanently. The General got wind of it, and told him if he wanted a short career he better withdraw the paperwork immediately. He came damned close to sneaking it through. HQ here would have signed off on it just to get you out of their hair. Sarge, even though you have an excellent completion record HQ hates you like a rabid dog. The only reason you get away with half the shit you do is because the General admires and respects you. Every new article 15 you get he waits a week and pulls it. He has a special file in his office he keeps them all in. His clerk says when he is mad he gets them out and reads them laughing the whole time. If you're able to pull any part of this one off, your stock will be so high they will be afraid to touch you for a long time."

"Gunny, if I can pull this off, it will be for the men who are prisoner and not for personal gain. I don't give a damned about my reputation, but if I complete my mission and bring us all back in one piece I am happy. I need a favor from you if you can pull it off?"

"Name it Sarge and if it's in my power it WILL happen."

"A couple of days after I go in, if you could manage to get a couple of LRP teams inserted in my area I would appreciate it. If we do manage to rescue any prisoners from either place I am going to need help getting them out. I don't have enough men to guard them and carry them at the same time. Besides if it gets too hot I can use the backup."

"I have a few favors owed me, so you can consider it done. I will have three teams inserted in your general area and all three will be monitoring your frequency. You yell and they will come running. They still haven't forgotten how you pulled one of their snipers out of the bush awhile back."

"Shit Gunny, I wasn't about to leave him out there, wounded and alone. Besides if your guys help I can hitch a ride to your base, and let them take the credit for getting those men out. That way HQ can't hush it up and take all the credit for themselves."

"Sarge, you are one devious son of a bitch, you know that? HQ will have a fit if you do that. They just might send you back to the world for that one."

"If they do I will volunteer to come back. Besides I only have less than a year on my enlistment. If I keep my mouth shut I could be over here as a civilian and they would never know it. My files from the last trip back haven't caught up with me yet. I haven't had any pay since I been back this time. I checked with payroll seven months ago and they had no record of me being in country. I am glad I snuck some money back with me or I would be hurting right about now."

"Sarge, if you need anything you let me know and it will be dropped off in your hooch while you're out. If you need money just ask, and I will make sure you get all you need. We Marines have our own little slush funds for situations like that, and we all consider you one of us even if you're on the wrong side. Now get out of here and let me think about this. I will need some special stuff for you to take and it isn't here. Go talk to the Captain and see if he will clear it. If he doesn't let me know and I will have a little whisper in some ears I know of."

I left thinking I had better see the Captain and get it over with. When I walked into the clerk's office I was told to have a seat as the General was in with the Captain. I sat and drank coffee for about a half hour, before the General came out. I quickly saluted him, and pulled him to the side saying he better come back in with me to hear this one. He just looked at me and followed me in. When the Captain saw us both coming in I almost laughed at the look on his face. When the General got seated I closed the door and sat in the only empty chair.

"Sir's, what I am about to tell you stays in this room. We all know we have a leak, and I think it's coming from that nice big air conditioned building to our right. I am going to keep my voice low while I speak, and if what I want is approved no one is to know until I make it back from the bush. Are we clear on this?"

They both looked at me like I was nuts until I got into what I was going to do. At first there was disbelief then shock as I continued talking. I went through the whole thing again leaving out the exact locations but giving them enough to make their thoughts get on the same path I was on. I finally got through and sat back waiting for someone to speak. The Captain looked at the General as if inviting him to speak first. He wasn't paying any attention but seemed to be lost in thought so the Captain spoke up first.

"Sarge, that's the damndest tale I ever heard. Are you sure your information is accurate? If what you say is true, then it will stir up a lot of hostility toward the Khmer Rouge. Do you know for sure they are our guys, and not someone who looks like our men as in a trap to get hostages."

"Cap, I don't know of any other white men who would fit that description unless they're Russians. I doubt that because of who is holding them. This whole war is changing and not for the better, here or back home. Charlie has either been damned lucky or someone is giving them information that's classified. Even the spooks have better sense than to do something like that. Sir if they are our men we owe it to them to give it a try. I know if it were me, I would not want to be forgotten and left to rot away as a slave."

"Captain, I will personally clear this mission. Sarge, you will get everything you need, right down to me putting both Mike Forces on standby awaiting your call. If they are our men you get them out, and I don't care how many Khmer Rouge you have to kill to do it. Don't leave a one of those bastards alive when you leave. Blow the place to hell and destroy it so bad it can't be used again by any of our enemies. Captain, not a word of this leaves this room. I will handle the logistics from my end. Captain, give Sarge anything he needs and don't worry about any flack you get. If there's a problem refer them to me and continue on. Sarge when you get the plan worked out to satisfy yourself you go forward with it, and leave the hassle and fallout from HQ to me. As a matter of fact it might be a good idea to bring them back where you leave from, and bypass this area. That's all gentlemen!"

He left, and me and the Captain hashed out a few things before I left too, with the paperwork for supplies as well as a pass for my team to stay on base until we got lifted out in the next couple of days. I was happy with the General telling me to bring them back to a different area. That meant I had a green light to take them to the big marine base and let them take the credit. I knew I wouldn't have air cover but most of the time we never asked for it anyways. Chung was the reason and it made my rep grow more as a team leader who never called for backup. We usually were in and out so fast it would have been a dead giveaway if we had it near our position.

I walked over to the NCO club looking for Jenkins. He was there, and drunk as hell, singing with the jukebox at the top of his lungs. I sat down at the table ordering a beer and waited for the song to end. It was 1500 hrs and I still had a lot of loose ends to tie up, before I went after Chung and the men in the morning.

"Hey Sarge, come in to get drunk with me? Man I bet I drank a keg and pissed two. This stuff goes right through me. It's good to have a few days off isn't it?"

"Jenkins, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you have one more hour to celebrate then no more booze. We have a mission."

He looked at me through slightly crossed eyes, and just said ok, and finished his beer and ordered coffee. I got up telling him I would see him after chow at the hooch. He gave me a drunken smile, making faces as he sipped the so called coffee they served here. I went back to the hooch and got my personal map out and started looking for a way in that couldn't be traced by Charlie. I went over in my mind what Ling's brother had said about what routes and trails to take, and it fit with my personal map. The only part that didn't jibe was the village. I didn't have it marked on my map, but like most yard villages they moved a lot depending on pressures from the NVA or hunting conditions. I didn't like the fact that he had said the village had been there a long time. If so why didn't I have it marked because I had been through that area a few times and didn't remember a village? With the NVA wiping out mountain tribes I wondered how they had missed one in their own back yard. Oh well, another question for Chung and Ling to answer.

Jenkins came in and flopped on his cot and in a few minutes started snoring. That's when I got up and headed for the team room to think and make my list out for supplies. The room was empty so I sat down and started in with the list trying to think ahead of the NVA in case we picked up a tracker team.

1. 8 claymores

2. 2 blocks of c-4 each

3. 10 bags of cs powder

4. Eight grenades, 2 of each type

5. Eight gas masks w/extra filters

6. Extra sugar and coffee, and candy

7. 1200 rounds of ammo each

8. 10 Gunny special grenades

9. AK 37's for team/w vests

10. Extra b-12 and antibiotic shots for med kit as well as extra morphine and bandages.

11. Extra dried meals for recovery for prisoners

I decided I was shorting us on ammo and decided to increase the clips we would carry. I went back through it and changed a few more items, but either way I wrote it we would be short if we picked up more than the allotted five prisoners. I gave Gunny my word so I knew we would be checking the other camp on our way in. I was in a quandary with this because if we raided and recovered the prisoners from the camp it would be too hot for us to go after the original five. Maybe I could arrange for one of the LRP teams to hit the Khmer Rouge camp at the same time we hit the other camp. If I could do this it would create mass confusion, and all of us would have a better chance of getting them out in one piece. Dammit, I would have to have another talk with Gunny about this one.

I went back to the armory and Peters told me Gunny had hopped a ride to Marine HQ. He left word he would be back by dark and for me to check with him then. I gave him my list saying it was subject to change if I decided to request more supplies. He just smiled and said he had most of it on hand, but anything special he would have to arrange for. I headed back to my hooch to grab my 16 and map deciding I was going to have a talk with Chung, before I made any more decisions. I left a note on the board in the hooch for Jenkins and headed to the motor pool to get a jeep. I headed for the village deep in thought as I drove the short way. When I got to the village Chung met me saying he was expecting me sooner. I just looked at him in shock, until he broke and started laughing at the look on my face.

"No like Chung joke Sarge? I think you been here too long, you no have humor. Come, we get Ling and talk. I learn more since you leave."

He whistled a few times and my whole team came in as we arrived at his hut. He put them outside to keep everyone away and we three went inside. I spread the map out with Ling and Chung looking at it, and chattering in their language pointing at several locations as they did. I caught part of what they were saying but they were speaking too fast, and I missed some of the conversation.

"Sarge, Ling brother lie bout location of village. Ling talk to sister who leave to come here. She say village move often to keep people and food safe from NVA. She say VC have camp here, (pointing at map) and have prisoner who tend rice paddy. She say they not have many guard since prisoner too sick and weak to leave. She say they have radio and one truck to move prisoner and put rice in at harvest. She say maybe 10 or twenty prisoner there all time. They have big vegetable patch by camp, and village steal from it at night when VC sleep. Ling brother not tell us this, say they grow food in village. She say village all old people, and they weak so have to steal to eat. She say NVA have big camp here and boku supplies come in at all hours. She say they have car on rail that go to old plantation during night. Big cave under this mountain here where they keep car and ammo so no one see it. She say she been in cave before VC come and it be deep under mountain. She say many rooms there and NVA have families with them. She say they hear many kids laughing at several of the smoke holes in mountain. She say NVA dump in creek here and the water no longer fit to drink. That why village move all time. Water short in mountains and they run out and have to move. Ling brother lie to us and Ling say he dead man for doing so."

I looked at Ling and his eyes were blazing with anger over his brothers lies. He looked at me and just shook his head yes without flinching.

"Ling, maybe your brother lied to protect the village. He probably don't want us showing up and giving their location away. He was just trying to protect the old ones like he's supposed to. Hell, I would do the same if I were in his shoes."

"Brother lie to me, if he not want us come to village we not go, but he lie about location to me. I tell him bring here and they all get as much food as they can eat. We rich village and have plenty for everyone thanks to you and Chung. He no need lie to us."

"Well my friend maybe he will follow your advice and bring them here soon. In the mean time we have more problems with this mission we need to get worked out. The NVA being close by in such force will bring us a lot of headache's if they get on our trail with sick men from the camp. We can't fight and carry these men with just us few. I need to think about this some more. If either of you have any suggestions I am open to listen to them. Chung what do you think we should do?"

"I think we should call in some more of our people to help us. I know many who would go just to kill VC. They all work at one time with your men so they know bush. All still have own weapons like us. They all go if I ask."

"Chung, if we do this make sure that you trust them to not run off if we get in a firefight. They will be carrying some of these men on stretchers and if they run the men will all die. The VC will shoot them for escaping. If that happens I will hunt them down one by one and kill them myself."

"If that happen I kill all of them myself Sarge. If I get men they will be told that if they run then they better keep running because I put them on board as my enemy. Me and Ling make sure of this. I put out call and see who show up. When they here I will send for you and you talk to them and choose who you want take with us. If you choose I make sure they no run if we get in fight."

I didn't say anything just got back in the jeep and headed back to the base. When I got back to the hooch Jenkins was not there so I figured he was at the chow hall eating and trying to sober up. I headed that way myself since I hadn't eaten since this morning. I got my food and finally spotted Jenkins hunched over at a corner table. I figured he was hung over so I left him alone and sat elsewhere. I would talk to him later when he sobered up and felt better. I quickly ate and headed back to the armory to see if Gunny had made it back. Peters said he hadn't come back so I figured he wouldn't be back till morning and headed for the hooch to try to get a good night's sleep. I knew the next few days would be hectic and there wouldn't be much sleep gotten by any of us. I finally fell asleep thinking about the men being held, wondering if they had been forgotten by their own country? I knew in my own mind if I could get them out I would do it even if I lost my own life trying. They deserved to go home to their families and to see freedom again, even if it was marred by protests and Hollywood bigots.

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I might have been a little over forty, but Leon was a just on the sunny side of sixty. To give myself as big a break as I possibly could, I would describe myself as rough around the edges. If I had been at Rosewater's, I would have been dressed better and probably worn one of the fancy wigs. Since I was at cowboys, I was in jeans, which were at least clean. I was also in a moderately heavy tee top. The heavy fabric of the tee was to help hide my small tummy and the bulge in my pocket. My...

4 years ago
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Life of a Deadman

Author’s Note: This is a re-post of my previous and first submission. This time ’round, it has been revised, changed and lengthened. I hope you enjoy it. Also, there is NO sex in this first chapter, and there may not be any in any further chapters, I don’t know yet. If you are looking for a quick wank, then look elsewhere, if you want a good story, read on. Oh yeah, don’t forget, this piece is only allowed on Literotica. My Introduction to Death The ringing of my seldom used cell phone...

4 years ago
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Sales Training

Gary Michaels had been very successful in heating system sales during his first five years with his company, however the past two years had been very disappointing. So disappointing, in fact, that he had been called on the carpet and told to begin producing or else find another job. Gary really liked his job and felt he had really been working quite hard, but that his "luck" had just not been there. He did all the required prospecting to find out who was thinking about buying a new heating...

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PrestonThe Master

Wow. That was all Nica could think as she walked down the sidewalk on the way home. She didn't normally do things like what had just happened. She didn't normally feel the way she felt tonight. Hell, she didn't even know that it was possible to feel the way she was feeling. She felt like she was walking on a cloud, floating through the air, weightless, because the last few hours had felt like nirvana. And there was just one name on her mind. Preston. ***Four Hours earlier*** Nica,...

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Company Executive final chapter

And that was what he did. He removed her top, as she smiled and looked deep into what she thought were his soulful looking eyes, and once he did that he looked down at her skirt she was wearing and removed that as well. The tub, meanwhile, was still filling up with water, and from what she could see, the young man of 34 years of age couldn’t wait to get her into it. She smiled back at him, looking him directly in his eyes while he smiled and of course she too kept on smiling as well as she felt...

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 40

The coming week was going to start with a bang: Monday a meeting with FiberDyne and Major Lancaster. Tuesday, we would be flown to Travis Air Force base where we would hold a press conference where FiberDyne's status as a supplier of strategic materials would be announced. I wondered why the defense department would even bother with something like that, but assumed I would know more after meeting the Major on Monday. I talked to Kelli briefly, asking her if she had thought of bringing...

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Fucked Well Known Aunty In Alibagh

Hello folks. This is Nikhil(not my real name) from Mumbai, 28-years-old. Not that good looking but every woman who comes under my cock always craves for me the next time. Let me not waste your time and get onto the story This happened a few days back ie 26th May 2019 (Sunday). My family and family friends planned a trip to Alibagh. As I mentioned we all are residents of Mumbai. So on 26th at 7 am my family boarded the bus from our pick up point. There were 7 families picked up from different...

4 years ago
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Jack Introduces A New Game Called Snap

Brian Keaton had just finished up his last year of college. He was hanging out with his kid brother who was eighteen. He told his brother about a game that they used to play at fraternity parties. Jack was really interested in the game and wanted to try it out with his friends.Jack was a popular football player. Hooking up was very popular at school and Brian said that the game “Snap” would be even more popular with his friends. He told his brother about the rules of the game.  Jack was very...

Straight Sex
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 5

The two men entered with pistols drawn. I said, “Officers, I think the time for violence is over. Let’s all talk.” The two looked around and slowly holstered their weapons. I looked at one and said, “You’ve been here before. How did they get out?” I had a free hand and arm now and used them to point at Mike’s body and Bill. “I don’t know.” The officer answered. “I would like to find that out myself.” “Someone was criminally negligent in releasing that animal. He was, we believe, going to...

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I didnt even know I HAD one

My 22-year-old daughter now stood before me, totally nude, having followed my instructions to disrobe. Her sobs of despair and humiliation increased. She had come to me seeking a Daddy and had found instead a predator. But she knew what was expected of her as a female, bending her left knee, arching the foot and pointing the toes, posing to please. "Good girl," I remarked.And now a loud cry escaped her, coming from deep in her lungs. Strands of her long, red hair were now sticking to her large,...

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Hannah Puts Her Ass On The Line

Hannah headed off to the rich side of Hardintown. She was going to have her first client meeting since joining BD and Associates as the sales entertainment coordinator. That meant she was fuck whoever she was told to. So far her boss Mr. Washington had trained her to be a good fuck for his black customers but today was the real deal. If she could get Mr. Hall to sign the contract there was a huge bonus for her.Hannah still had mixed emotions about what she was doing. She was fucking just like a...

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Andrea and Adam

"This is so unfair," said Andrea to no one special. She was lying on her bed looking at the ceiling. From outside the sound of a truck reached her ears and she looked out the window. It was the garbage truck passing by. She lay down again with a sigh.It was spring break and Andrea had to stay at home with her step brother. It just wasn't fair. It wasn't her fault that he had failed all the exams and had to stay home to study the entire week. She had made plans to drive down to Daytona Beach...

2 years ago
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The Door Next DoorChapter 6

Morning's first rays woke Ben. Molly still lay beside him, her leg around his and her arm across his chest. He glanced at her face and saw her eyes were open. "Good morning." "Mmm ... morning," she replied. "Have you been awake long?" he asked. She shook her head. "I was watching you sleep." "Do you need to get up -- to use the facilities?" "Uhn-uhn. I got up earlier and came back to bed. You were still asleep." "Molly -- you are lying exactly how you were when I fell...

3 years ago
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Two mature women learn the pleasure of anal from a young pool man

We join Irene and Sue at Sue’s kitchen table as they sit drinking coffee and dishing the neighborhood dirt of the day. “I swear Suze my husband is turning into a bona fide pervert and the more I let him do to me, the more he wants. I thought sucking his little weasel dick was disgusting, now he wants to put that miserable piece of manhood in my rear end.” “Well that’s at least one place where smaller is better. So are you going to give in to him?” “You...

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A meeting in Leather Part 18

"Excitement at Carl's Leather Club."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-17-948174- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923 Erik-Jan and I ate a simple dinner with his family around 5 o'clock at their home. They spoke about the beautiful and wise words I had used to the angry neighbor that morning. And received compliments about how enormously mature that had came across to them. They were...

3 years ago
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Seven Wonders of the WorldChapter 5 Bohemian Rhapsody

“Stay humble,” my host admonished me as she led me up the final flight of stairs to my room in Bucharest. I started to ask her what the hell she was talking about when she pointed up and I ducked my head so I wouldn’t hit it on the low ceiling of the hall. Stay humble. In other words, keep your head bowed. I was a little testy, but it wasn’t her fault. It had been a miserable trip from Sofia, Bulgaria. I had just nine Bulgarian lev when I headed for the train station. My previous trip to...

4 years ago
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Company Christmas Party First Fuck Of The Night

So last week my husband and I went my office holiday party, I was really looking forward to this one as it was being held in a winery just outside Portland. No stuffy office party, there was lots of drinking and food and fun... best of all, we were already set up with a hotel nearby!We mingled and laughed, drank some wine and had a few much harder drinks, which loosened me up a great deal and I even danced a bit. After a couple hours I noticed that Nick (yes, the one that stole my panties in a...

4 years ago
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Bird of PreyChapter 3

Elaine watched, hands on hips with a sneering look of contempt on the outside, and a deep sense of satisfaction on the inside, as Gordon moaned with pleasure as he gratefully jetted his load of hot semen onto the dominant woman's riding boots. His back and ass cheeks striped red with punishment from his new mistress, gyrated back and forth as he emptied his balls in complete submission to the superior redhead. He was willing to give her everything, and he shortly would; like many other men...

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My Nephew

I am a divorced 46 year old women who is still attractive and sexually vibrant. That's why having been divorced for a number of years has been so painful for me. Not that I missed my ex, but I missed a cock. My ex husband and I may have been kind of kinky by some peoples definition of sex. We used to watch the videos while we fucked and fantasize about being with the couples on the screen. Now all I can do is finger my aching pussy to climax while I watch alone. But thankfully that changed...

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Full CircleChapter 10

Bill was at Theresa's side in a flash and cradled her in his arms. "Hang on, darling. Help's coming. Just hang on. I love you so much." Wendy had leapt for the phone. She felt a sense of dejà vu as she rang for the ambulance. The children had frozen but then cautiously joined Bill and Theresa. Hettie took her hand. "Please get better, Mum, please, please," she whispered. Tom took the other hand. "We love you, Mum," he said. Wendy longed to join them but there was no room. She...

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This is an addition to my story

Introduction: The bulk of this story is true, but to make it, i hope better reading i have embellished it and added a daughter to the story, who ill not say, i only recalled it after reading an old diary of mine. I had been an active member of the school PTA, we had meetings once a month and put on various events to raise money for the school. Our next meeting was planed for the second Tuesday of the Month, this was put back a week because of other events on the First Tuesday, four of us...

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Coffee Anyone

I took the only trip abroad in my life (aside from Mexico) to Thailand about 9 years ago and had a grand time..I had been with one trans by this time in my life but I considered it more of youthful experimentation at the time and went back to women.In Bangkok, I met a hot little female go-go dancer who taught me the meaning of ‘menthol magic’ and it was a mind-blowing experience. Basically she used ice water, warm tea, and a Halls Mentho-Lyptus lozenge while sucking me and it taught me about...

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Fairy fuck parents

When you're younger and have a shity life gou get fariy god parents when you're 18 and you have a shity life you can get the fairy sex parents they will grant wishes that aren't against the rules now who are you and what do you wish (If you cant tell its inspired by fairly odd parents)

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 75

We were up early; the six of us and the new security team. Flying with us was Curtis Warren and two of his attorneys. We were stopping at Fort Dean to pick up Andy. We were taking the older business jet; there would be just enough seats. With the big meeting table it was just right for final discussions while we were flying. With the agreement in the final print version after yesterday’s marathon faxing sessions, Andy, Curtis Warren, his two international attorneys and we girls went through...

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A Stepmothers Newfound Joy

Introduction: Iv\e been very naughty lately… My name is Chloe, and something happened about a week ago that has completely changed my life in a way I never could have imagined. I just turned 31 and celebrated my ten-year wedding anniversary by myself. My husband, 42, has been incredibly successful with his work, which has allowed me to stay at home and live the life of a well-off housewife. Unfortunately, his work has often kept him out of town for months at a time. In fact, within the last...

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Mast Chut

Hi! Main mast mona hoon, umar 21 sal, figure 36-28-36 hai. Main bahut sexy dikhti hoon, aur mujhe chudwane main bahut maja aata hai. Mujhe apne ang dikhne ka bahut souk hai. Main jab 16 sal ki thi, toe mere ek uncle ne mujhe patana shuru kiya. Pehle woh bas aankh marte the. Fir kabhi kabhi terrace par hath pakadte the, mene kuchh nahi kaha, Mujhe bhi woh bahut sexy lagte the. Aur mera man bhi unsay chudwane ka tha, Ek din ghar main koi nahi tha, woh aa gaye, aur ek bf ka cd le aaye. Aur cd laga...

4 years ago
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This is a narrative from a man’s point of view about the exposure to Agent Orange and the resulting effects it has on his life over time. It is told only from his point of view, there is no overt sex and I deliberately did not use any dialog between the persons involved. My only thought is to show the conflicts I imagine might be in his mind and express it in a way he might be thinking. I will try to not preach on the subject. It must be understood that this chemical will have an adverse...

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Movies TV Show Characters Fucked

If you’ve ever been watching something and thought that the girls in the movie or show were hot and would be a great fuck then you’ve come to the right place. I’m sure that everyone has experienced this at least once in their life so come and see how some of your favourite characters get fucked. In this story some of your favourite fictional characters will get fucked and embarrassed but you also get to choose why and how this happens to them, maybe Hermione Granger gets hexed or maybe Natasha...

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Hormoneheated Holly

He sat by her in the college class. They exchanged a few words before and after the meeting and finally he asked her to have lunch with him in the Student Union. That led to attending an evening lecture and a drink afterwards. The next step was an out and out dinner date. When he returned her to her apartment, she invited him in. Oh boy! He hadn’t been laid in ages. Maybe he’d get lucky tonight. It was a two-room place and sparsely furnished, student style. She offered him a small glass of...

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The Apartment ManagerChapter 8

I didn’t tell her that I was going to change the DVD from one camera and record us as she watched this fucking the kids put on me earlier today. I wanted her to be natural and catch all her excitement as she watched. I knew I was about to get a fucking like Alicia put on my ass in the girls’ bedroom today. Vera gets into this shit and I love it myself. I brought both remotes back with me and when I sat down, I pulled her down on my lap with her sexy ass against my belly as I slid down so she...

2 years ago
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Foursome Awesome First Night

Hi guys….. i am Smaran…….. age 28, 5ft 8 inch normal built. I don’t know r u going to believe this story or not??? But, its true guys…. Please send your comments to First i was very confused in which category i wanted my story to publish. In Virgin or Group….. now i am publishing in Virgin because the girls whom i fucked all were all virgin. I fucked three virgins in One night .These incidents happened 8 months ago.. That night was my wedding night guys. First i will give you small...

4 years ago
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the mother

The teacher was going to the students house to talk with the mother about her daughter. The girls was causing so much trouble in class. She wore tight t-shirts with no bra and short skirts with no panties and always let every one see. As he got to the door, he was on time for his appointment with the mother. He knocked and she answered wearing a see thru nightie. She was a sight. She had DD tits that were firm and perky and nice plump nipples. She wore a skimpy sheer thong that did not cover...

1 year ago
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I dont remember doing that at a BBQ before

It was the forth of July and I was with my husband. We had been invited to a BBQ by one of hubby's co workers. I had never met Rick or his wife. My husband Ben drove and at this point I had no idea of how the day would end. We arrived at a nice house and walked around the side. We were the last to arrive and the party had already started. Ben introduced me to Rick, and he reminded me alot of hubby. Ricks wife Angie walked up and introduced herself. The weather was hot so I was dressed in a cute...

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Down by the Lake

Have you ever been with someone you wanted to eat up? Imean totally consume. Have you ever wanted to just completely melt into someone and have your bodies merge in total bliss? Karen was like that. She was tanned, muscled, and completely beautiful. When I was with her I wanted to eat her and when she left I found myself masturbating until she returned. Karen was my first real lover, my first real relationship. I remember the first time just being in bed with her. Just me and my new lover,...

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Pest Control

It was at the Autumn meeting that the strange story of the ‘fang’ in our ‘Black Museum’ emerged. The museum is really a collection of oddities from round the globe where our members have worked, but ‘the Fang’ is quite famous amongst our members, mostly for it’s being among the military bits and pieces. We’d had a damned good Dinner and the Speeches were made, presentations presented and the Port was whizzing round when the Chairman stood and asked ‘Any new Reports this year?’ These ‘reports’...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 445

The Prison Planet ... Morales fixed a quick lunch while planning to use some leftover roast that he had taken from the ice cave to make a stew for their evening meal. He hated to take the time to do it, but he needed to bore more holes in the ice walls to have room for the final load of meat. Grumbling because he had forgotten to take the brace and bit with him on the previous trip, he fitted his biggest bit in the brace and headed back to the ice. The walk back was boring as usual, but,...

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Under the Bed

When I was just a boy, I was afraid of the monster under my bed. I was young and much I now know was a mystery to me. I would do everything in my limited repertoire of tricks to keep from going to bed before I was exhausted. When my father was there at bed time and could remember it was bed time, he would be stern and make sure I got there on time. But, oftentimes he forgot or, being exhausted from being a police officer, would fall asleep in the big chair while I was still awake. Those nights,...

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Campus Life Slut WeekChapter 5

Holy shit! Kyle thought. She just ran into that guy a few minutes ago and now she's down on her knees sucking his cock! Kyle Evans watched silently from his place of concealment. He had surreptitiously followed the Sigma Lambda Tau Pledge group until they had entered campus and begun to disperse. He had stayed with Andi Steadman and Dee Rivers and their male partners until they had split off in four directions. From that point, because of his slowly increasing attraction to her, he had...

2 years ago
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Spizoo Anna Bell Peaks Sarah Jessie Back From College Part1

Anna Bell Peaks just got back from college to visit her mother and her old BFF Sarah Jessie is on her way to see her. When Anna Bell gets home she finds a new man in the house , its her stepfather Eric John. After a little introduction Anna Bell go back upstairs in her teenager room and she waits for Sarah Jessie to get over . Sarah s arrived and its like the old good times. In few seconds their t-shirts are off and their huge tits and are in what others hands for some amazing lesbian action....

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Addicted to Rape

Is it rape if a girl puts herself in the situation when she going to be in trouble. Walk those dark streets in the bad side of town. I suspect it isn't for the courts would say 'she was asking for it'. Well perhaps I was. I was twelve and for the first time I had some shape, not much and I was well behind most of my class but when you've been so scrawny anything was welcome. My days and nights were filled with thoughts of boys and sex, pretty normal for a young girl whose body was surging...

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TeamSkeetExtras Eva Elfie Frozen Fuckdoll

When I put on this sparkly blue dress, I feel just like Elsa from Frozen. I think a princess deserves whatever she wants, and I want a big dick inside my cunt, so I lick a thick sausage gently and slip it inside my dripping wet pussy. It feels so good as it fills me up, it is like I am living in a seductive fairy tale. And as it strokes harder, I finally let it go and have an intense orgasm. Princesses deserve to cum whenever they please, so I think I will be dressing up more often… Love, Eva...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 23

Staff Sergeant Rogers. 11 am Tuesday, November 1st, 2006 I met my superior in the oddest place yet. The abandoned outhouse of an 18th century farm. I understood the need for secrecy, but I swear they were finding me some really out of the way places to meet at. I swear if satellite photography revealed the entrance to the mythical Greek underworld, they'd plan a meeting in it's lobby. "You're early." Major General Edwards informed me. I turned and saluted. He returned my salute....

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Der Master

Du erwachst aus einem traumlosen Schlaf. Die fühlst dich merkwürdig. Als hättest du den Kater deines Lebens. Dabei hast du gestern gar nichts getrunken. Genau genommen hast du seit Wochen nichts mehr getrunken. Du reibst dir die Stirn. Dein Kopf pocht, als würde jemand mit einem Vorschlaghammer auf dich einprügeln. Du blickst auf. Du bist nicht allein.

2 years ago
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A nice quickie at the shopping mall

My sweet wife had insisted I should drive her and these naughty girlfriends Martha and Claudia to the shopping mall. Anita said they all wanted new lingerie outfits; so, this was the reason they wanted to go together for a good pick up of sexy items.My wife added I could wait for them at the cafeteria or any other place. As we were at the first lingerie store, Anita and Martha picked up some outfits and went to the fitting booths. I sat outside on a bench and soon Claudia joined me, saying she...

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Stalingrad, December 25, 1942. Winter blankets everything, turning the landscape bizarrely beautiful. If you look carefully, you can make out shapes under the hoarfrost and snow. Burned out tanks and piles of brick and steel that were once buildings litter the frozen battlefield that was once home to over 400,000 Russian men, women, and children. Now the corpses outnumber the living. You can see them as well, frozen limbs reaching out from under the serenity of freshly fallen snowflakes. Ice...

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Robin in Middle School

Robin's Continuing Story - Middle School It was the beginning of August and cheerleader practice was about to start. Twelve year old Robin Jacobson and her also twelve year old cousin Beth were let out at the school field by Robin's mom. Beth was wearing a pink t-shirt with a pair of blue shorts, with white sneakers. Robin was wearing a red t-shirt with a blue denim skort. Both of the girls were wearing nail polish, Beth with pink and Robin sporting a bright red. In actuality,...

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Mike and MalokChapter 7 Sonya

"What do you mean?!" I thought loudly in my head. "I don't have time to explain. Do you remember the story you told Lyna about the mate you 'lost'?" asked Malok. "Yeah." "She's that mate." "But Sonya..." "I'll tell you more later, but for now treat her like Lyna and love her like Sonya, OK?" "OK." My arriving family awakened me from my internal dialogue. "Mike, who is this?" asked Lyna. I smiled, while hugging 'Soya' to me tightly. "This is my long lost...

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World War One Love Story

Summer 1915 Town of Farmhouse Indiana 18 year old Mark Smith is on his way to his Girlfriend Mary Beth's house for their weekly supper date. After walking the 4 miles from his Grandparents Farm to her house, he arrived at her front door. After knocking on the front door politely Mary Beth opened the door and she invited Mark inside. After some small talk the young couple went into to the kitchen and after saying grace they ate their supper. Which consisted of Homemade Fried Chicken, mashed...

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Be Careful What You Wish For

"Be Careful What You Wish For!" It had started out so simply, I couldn't believe what was happening to me now! My mind reeled as Cindy, Ted's ex-wife drove the car along as I sat silently on the passenger side. I'd rented a nice apartment, one of several that Ted Watkins owned. By accident he came by for an inspection to look around one afternoon. I'd forgotten all about it. He had a pass key and let himself in and caught me swishing around the house in a dress, looking like a 50's...

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3Day Stand Part II

"So, how does this work?" Ruby asks, shucking off her black lace bra. While he stows her suitcase, Ron tosses over his shoulder, "Just lie down on your back, sort of diagonal on the bed. Stick a few pillows under your head so you can see. I'll be over as soon as this cocoa butter is melted." "It probably already is," she mumbles. "What?" he prompts. "IT PROBABLY ALREADY IS," she chirps. "Melted I mean." He pops open the microwave door and removes the container. "Doesn't look melted,"...

Love Stories
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for my secret love in pennsylvania

Hey babe ... I am just lying in my bed, thinking of our sexual attraction for each other. I am so anxious to get to see you again after all this time. To be able to kiss you soft n gentle, yet deep and penetrating. As we pull away from our kiss I feel your hard cock through your pants. I smile because I know this is my hard on that I created. You gasp as I stroke that hard cock and I tell you that I am going to make you cum so hard till our romp is over. You know right away that I mean...

5 years ago
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Life Without Possibility

It did not seem incongruous to me that an event as momentous as this would be taking place in an undistinguished courtroom, in a nondescript county building, in a bland rural county, in the midst of a featureless Midwest State. As a child, I always thought that history’s major events occurred on a grand stage. I knew that ordinary events happened in small places like in the kitchen at home, in the classroom at school, or that tiny cubicle that my dad called his ‘office’. But things like...

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