- 4 years ago
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It was at the Autumn meeting that the strange story of the ‘fang’ in our ‘Black Museum’ emerged. The museum is really a collection of oddities from round the globe where our members have worked, but ‘the Fang’ is quite famous amongst our members, mostly for it’s being among the military bits and pieces.
We’d had a damned good Dinner and the Speeches were made, presentations presented and the Port was whizzing round when the Chairman stood and asked ‘Any new Reports this year?’ These ‘reports’ are just stories, really, some serious, some funny. They get recorded, transcribed and entered into the ‘Proceedings of the Society’ annually. There were cries of ‘Come on Hugh — tell the tale’ from the assembled members.
Somewhat diffidently, which is unusual for him, Hugh rose to his feet and told his tale: ‘Gentlemen, as most of you know, my firm is in the specialised pest control business. Not long since, we had occasion to clear a certain old military site, I’m sure most of you will know where it is, so I needn’t dwell on any details. The work had been going well, with good cooperation from the Army and we all got on pretty well. Then we got real problems on one building.
I’d almost expected the note. In a few short weeks, George, our foreman, had changed from being an almost fearless chaser and catcher of pests and general checker of building state to one who was very, very careful. The old base where we were working was erected in the aftermath of the war and had been one of the most secret. No civilians worked there at all. It was closed down about ten years ago and the staff had all cleared out. Rumour had it that this was done with a great many vehicles sedately driving into the night. The triple razor-wire fences were still in perfect condition. The airfield on the other side of the river continued activity with a flying club.
My firm won the contract to go and clean up, making sure that there was no let or hindrance to it being used by local manufacturing firms as part of the redevelopment of the locality in the light of the adjacent growing township.
‘Dear Mr Hugh,
I’m sorry but I cannot do anything about Building No 34 on the site until I get more information. There are strange, almost metallic, noises scratching and I have heard the occasional squeak. As there are no windows, attempts to use a CCTV camera have so far failed. Adjacent buildings are no problem and work is progressing well. Please find the enclosed work sheets and progress reports. ‘
Building 34 was like a hangar, but set in a dip in the land, so it was almost hidden. A label on one drawing announced it to be ‘Plant Laboratory No 4.’ The ventilation towers on the roof indicated a lot of air cleaning for a ‘Plant Lab’. There was a separate electric sub-station for just this one building and an emergency power supply in a lean-to next door. The purpose and scope of the works were, however, unknown. Whatever it was they did in there, it was more than merely ‘secret’.
I had a couple of our security people make enquiries, but all they got was rumour. It was the usual stuff, UFOs, explosives, ray guns, poison gasses and heaven only knows what else.
Whatever it was, the Army was paying us a generous sum to clear the site but they were not saying anything about what work went on in Building 34. As if that wasn’t enough, all our attempts at getting information were stopped by, ‘classified’, ‘he’s not available’ or ‘he’s been posted’. Someone really did not want the purpose of Building 34 made public, even to a firm with our security clearances.
We got copies of the movement records, but all the registration numbers were military and untraceable by normal means. There was one entry I could read, with some difficulty: ‘Bryce Laboratories.’ As far as I knew, Bryce was known for making vaccines, some of their stuff had been shot into my arm when I was serving. Other documents looked strangely similar, so it was reasonable to conclude that they were fairly regular visitors. Were they, I wondered, the only ones?
On Monday morning, I took a phone call on the secure line:
‘Mr Hugh? It’s George.’
‘Yes, George. What’s up?’
‘There’s been an accident. Henry reckoned he’d found a way into Building 34 and went onto the roof. He was lowering the camera down an old ventilator when something cut his hand, badly. We got him down and the Ambulance has taken him to St. Mary’s Hospital.’
‘Is everything else all right, George?’ I asked.
‘Yes sir, but the lads are a bit anxious.’
‘OK George, take the rest of the day off. Get the lads down to the pub for a drink on me and I’ll talk to you later on your mobile. If you can do the preliminary report, it would help.’
‘Right, Boss.’ He said as he hung up.
Such interruptions were not unusual in our game. There was often someone who wanted to know something before we could carry on, especially in the military. Looking at the file, I found the number.
‘Petter,’ said a voice.
‘Pest Control,’ I replied in my best, clipped military tones.
‘There’s been an accident at Building 34.’
‘Go on,’ said Petter, after a slight pause:.
‘I’ve only got the basics, but it seems one of my men tried to put a camera in the roof and got bitten, scratched, or something. He’s been taken to the local Hospital. I’m expecting a preliminary report any time now.’
‘Which hospital?’ asked Petter.
‘St Mary’s, I’m told.’ I wondered why it was important to him.
‘Right oh,’ he said. ‘I’ll deal with it. Can you forward your report to me on this number please?’
‘Will a copy of the Fax do?’
‘Yes: Or forward the e-mail. By the way, are any of your men former soldiers?’
‘Well,’ I said. ‘They are all ex-military.’
‘Right. I’ll call you back a bit later.’ Petter hung up.
I got on with some other work. George’s report came by e-mail and I forwarded a copy to Petter. It made interesting reading. Henry had fixed up to use our new miniature camera and had tried to insert it into a ventilator. Whatever it was that scratched or bit him was big and strong with very sharp claws or teeth. He was ‘in agony’ when the ambulance arrived and the medics had to sedate him. I filled in the medical forms for the Health & Safety people and filed them. Out of curiosity, I copied it and filed the copy in my office safe. If the military were involved, I wanted our backs well covered.
That evening I phoned George. ‘Are the lads OK?’
‘Yes, but they are well puzzled.’
‘Right, I’ll be down tomorrow. Expect me about 11am.’
‘Righty-ho,’ he replied.
I got in early and cleared as much off my desk as possible, although some of the clearing would depress some of the office staff. I grabbed my gear and loaded the car boot. I got into my car and drove off to the site.
I left the main roads and cruised sedately down a few country lanes and arrived at the main entrance. To my surprise, there was a military policeman with his red cap firmly at the military angle at the gate.
‘No entry, Sir,’ he said.
‘My lads are working in there,’ I said, producing my ID papers.
‘Right Sir, they are in the old Mess on the left. Please do not go near Building 34. We’ve secured the area.’ The guard looked stolid and was not up for a discussion, so I drove to the Mess.
The Mess was about the only building that had not suffered much and was more-or-less weatherproof if a bit tatty. An overgrown garden lay at the back and a screen of trees separated it from the main cluster of buildings. There were a number of Army lorries neatly parked on what I presume had been a Parade Ground.
A few cars were outside the Mess, parked in an orderly manner. I parked the car in front and walked in. George was waiting.
‘We cannot go anywhere, Mr. Hugh,’ he said. ‘The lads are in the lounge.’ He led me into a large room, whic
h must have looked very nice in its heyday. Assorted chairs in various states of disrepair were scattered round. A couple of the lads were playing cards at an old table. Items of kit and personal bags were stashed neatly in one corner.
‘OK, chaps,’ I said. ‘What’s to do and who’s in charge?’
I got the story. Henry had got the drawings and found an old ventilator. A camera, lowered on a wire could be put down and they’d all see what was inside. He got his arm in, but thought he’d gashed it on something. It cleared and he got it out, but his hand was bleeding. Fortunately, he’d got some bandages in his kit, wrapped the wound promptly and told George who automatically called the paramedics. I was glad that particular bit of the personal safety lecture had sunk in. It wasn’t until he got down to ground level that it had started bleeding badly. By then the Ambulance had arrived and took him away. By the time they’d arrived on site in the morning, the Army were in full control.
‘OK,’ I said. ‘I’m off to find the head honcho.’
I left the Mess and walked up the weed-strewn path towards the lorries. Before I got as far as the Parade square, another Redcap stopped me.
‘Sorry Sir,’ he said, ‘you cannot go further.’
I got out my ID and said, ‘I need to speak to the senior Officer.’ He looked at the papers and said, ‘Please wait here, sir. I’ll find out where he is.’ He spoke into his little radio. After a moment he said, ‘Sir, if you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to Captain Mallet.’
He led me to a large trailer laid out like an office. There were the usual metal filing cabinets, a table and a couple of chairs. The Army might have been here only a short time, but they were hot on the paperwork already.
I’d just sat down when a young man in Army greens entered. His rank slides indicated a Captain. ‘Hello,’ he said, ‘I’m Mallet.’
I introduced myself, showed my papers, and said, ‘What’s going on?’
‘It has been decided by those on high,’ he said, ‘that Building 34 is to be demolished. Therefore, we are here to do it. It will give the sappers a bit of unusual practice and blow it sky high.’
I looked at him, and then out of the widow as a figure in Biological protective kit walked past. ‘I take it,’ I said, pointing to the figure, ‘that he does not exist?’
‘It might be easier if you took that view.’ He smiled.
‘And do I assume that this might have something to do with whatever it was that went on in Building 34?’ I asked.
‘Something like that.’ The smile changed to a grin.
‘Is this going to affect our job here?’ I asked. ‘Building 34 was a large part of the job and a substantial investment in kit and training: We’d hate to make a loss on the deal.’ It was my turn to smile.
‘Oh, I’m sure that will not be a problem. There are several more contracts to come. You’ll get first refusal, of course. And,’ he added, ‘at a good rate.’
‘Fair enough,’ I said. ‘You’ll confirm this in writing sometime soon?’
There is nothing like paper for proving things that could easily be denied later. ‘Of course. I’ll organise that now,’ he replied.
‘When are you going to blow it?’ I asked.
‘Tonight, if they’ve got all the charges in place’ he replied.
‘You want our kit out now or will tomorrow do? It’s all at the Mess at present apart from the camera somewhere inside a ventilator.’
‘Tomorrow will be satisfactory. You should be here by about 9am.’
‘Right, then, I’ll tell the lads.’ I said as I walked out, but Captain Mallet was on the telephone already.
‘Listen up, lads,’ I said as I entered the Mess. ‘We are done for today. We are allowed back tomorrow for our gear and to finish what we can. I’m told that we will not loose on this job.’ There was a ragged cheer and the lads stood up to go. George followed them out of the door.
‘George, hang on a moment.’ George stopped and turned back to me.
‘Can we find a way of securing out gear?’ I asked.
‘Yes, Boss.’ he said, turning towards me. ‘There’s an old safe in the back. Huge thing it is, and I found a key. And it’s in its own room which I can also lock. Why?’ He asked.
‘Safety,’ I said. ‘I don’t fancy some military light-fingered Looney going through our gear.’
We packed the kit into the safe, taking only some personal and sensitive stuff to my car. ‘Meet you here early?’ I asked.
‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Dawn?’
‘Fine: See you tomorrow.’
With a slight nod, I got into my car and drove to the office. The light was blinking on the answering machine when I walked in. Pressing the button, I listened to a brief message from Petter: ‘Please call me.’
The call was answered almost immediately.
‘Look,’ he said, ‘We’d like to check your man Henry out, so he is to be transferred to one of our places. Both you and his family will be kept fully informed and may visit when the Medics say so. We’ll also fix up for a Hotel, if necessary, when they do.’
‘How long?’ I asked
‘Difficult to say at this time, but don’t worry about finances. We’ve a fund for emergencies so the family don’t suffer.’
I wondered about that, but hung up the phone after the usual courtesies.
It was dark the following morning as I hit the road again. As I approached the Guard point, a redcap went through his routine again and I told him I was off to the Mess.
He let down the barrier and I drove carefully to the Mess. About five minutes later, George joined me.
‘Coffee?’ he asked. He handed me a mug of scalding fresh coffee and put his Thermos flask on the table.
‘Please. Henry is probably in a military hospital by now.’
‘Makes it even more mysterious then,’ he said. ‘I brought some makings, coffee, and a kettle. Just in case, like.’
It was typical of George to take information in and say nothing. Over towards the parade square, the vehicles had moved and bright work-lights lit up Building 34.
‘Good thinking, George.’ I said, taking another sip. ‘Nice coffee, this.’
It was very quiet in the pre-dawn. The wind was only a whisper in the bushes. After a while, the work lights went off. The sound of heavy vehicles coming our way broke the silence. They stopped in the car park behind the Mess.
‘Come to see the fireworks?’ Captain Mallet asked as he walked in.
‘It seemed like a good idea at the time,’ I replied. ‘Coffee?’
‘Not for me thanks. Just had one,’ he said as he stood by the window.
‘We might be safer not standing at the windows. Any minute now, I think.’
There was hardly time to draw a breath when the roof seemed to lift up, and a bright flash tinged with blue lit the sky. There was a short pause and a small earthquake shook our building. Building 34 seemed to lift up before falling back with a lot of dust and collapsed. The fire started but it did not last long.
‘Christ,’ said George. ‘That reminds me of a thousand pounder.’
Captain Mallet looked at me. ‘Well the RAF lent us a real bomb for this job. It was in the cellar.’
‘Going to be difficult sending it back then, if it was on loan.’ I smiled and drank the last of my coffee. ‘And did you also use Butane?’
‘I think there may have been one or two cylinders in there already,’ he said, with a smile, ‘but we added some metal powder for safety. Peak temperature inside should have reached 4000 degrees for a short time. Give it a while to cool and you can have a look.’ He walked out. Butane, so often found in camping stoves, is heavier than air and at the right mixture makes a very effective bomb particularly when mixed with powdered metal. They must have got it in through a ventilator or something, but I wasn’t about to ask for details.
It was mid morning before we were told we could now look. Building 34 was flat as a pancake. Little wisps of smoke curled up in the still cold air. There was a curious, almost acrid, smell about the area, as
if hair or fur had burned.
Captain Mallet appeared. ‘We’ve some more work to do, checking, and so on,’ he said, ‘but you can resume work on site tomorrow. I’ll let you know if there’s any change. And put in a claim for a replacement camera.’
‘Thank you. Call the lads, please George, we’ll come back tomorrow and get on.’
‘OK,’ said George, picking up his phone. He only needed to make two calls. The cascade system would soon pass the message on to the rest.
‘I think we’ll pack up a bit more gear.’ I headed towards the safe room.
George unlocked the door and we went in. The window had broken, and a curious curved shape about two feet long lay on the floor. It reminded me of the fang of a sabre-tooth tiger.
‘Ah, we have a souvenir.’ I put the thing in a plastic sample bag from our kit.
We got our gear and drove away. The rest of the job was a doddle and we’d got it done in record time. It was a few weeks later when I bumped into a pal of mine. We’d done a job or two for him including a Zoo. ‘Sid, have you still got friends in the world of animals?’ I asked.
‘Yes, he said. ‘ Why?’
‘I’ve got something I want looked at.’ I said and showed him the ‘fang’.
”Strewth,’ he exclaimed. He thought for a moment and said, ‘You down the Golden Lion tonight?’
‘Could be.’
‘I’ll see you there, then,’ he said as he walked off. ‘Tarra.’
When I got to the pub that evening, Sid and another bloke were in the corner.
‘You got it?’ asked Sid. I nodded.
‘This here’s Graham,’ he added by way of introduction. ‘He’s my tame animal man.’
‘Here,’ I said, putting the plastic-wrapped thing on the table.
Graham looked carefully at the object. ‘Is this some kind of joke?’ he asked.
‘Why?’ I replied.
‘Because if it isn’t you’ve found the fang of the largest bloody spider yet seen by man.’
‘And how big would that be then?’ I asked.
‘Oh,’ said Graham, ‘somewhere between nine and fifteen foot.’
I looked at the fang. ‘Plant Lab’ my backside, I thought. I had it mounted and I hereby present it to the Chairman for the committee’s consideration as an item for the ‘black museum’. ‘
Hugh sat down and took a health swig at his Port. There was a long queue to see the exhibit, which was contained within a transparent plastic box, mounted on a very nice bit of Mahogany. Of course, you’d have to be a member to see it.
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Oh not again! For the second night in a row Candace has woke up due to the tingling sensations in her lower body. For the second night in a row Candace has woke up with a large, throbbing cock pressing up between her ass cheeks. Although she is wearing boy shorts, with the cock’s owner wearing shorts, she can still feel it move with each breath. Normally she wouldn’t mind having an erect member in her bed. Being sixteen she is always horny and it is one of the things her boyfriend loves...
When night falls and before bed, Candace’s mother, Rita, says she feels she is coming down with something. Not wanting to pass on any sickness to her husband of daughter, she goes to sleep on the couch, leaving Candace and Caleb in the bed alone. They are in bed, both lying on their backs. Candace is in her chemise and boy shorts, Caleb in just his shorts again, waiting for sleep to hit. This is when Candace decides to breech the subject. “So, is it me?” “What?” Caleb asks, a little...
“What happened last night was a onetime thing, I swear,” Caleb tells her in the morning. “If it needs to be done again, I’ll do it.” “Okay, Daddy,” she replies simply, almost running to the bathroom to try and ease her urges as best as she can. But later, once the day is over and it’s time for bed, things are a little different. Candace isn’t woken by the feeling of her father’s erection pressing into her, but by quick movement from his side of the bed. She rolls over and what she sees...
Throughout the day Candace tries her best to brush up against her father as much as possible, out of view of everyone else. It reminds Caleb of how a cat does it, thinking how appropriate it is considering how his daughter is playing dress up, though he pretends not to notice. He tries not to make a big deal out of it, but is becomes unbearable to the point that he is looking forward to bed time and even suggests an early night. He says it is to let his wife get some rest in the hope her...
Caleb wakes slowly, finding the blanket tossed aside with his catgirl daughter cradling his balls and his throbbing shaft buried in her small mouth. He cannot say anything because he knows that it would be a futile effort if he even tries to. He reasons that he will have a talk with her after. Candace on the other hand knows her father has awoken and the fact that he does not say anything is working in her favor. She swallows as much of him as she can before switching to sucking his balls...
Joyce had woke up early. Today is different from other days because Lewis, her son, is taking Rita to the doctor. This leaves her, Caleb and Candace all alone at home. Not that it is a bad thing. Looking out the window, the sun is already coming up. It is going to be a beautiful and sunny day and as such the woman planned on lounging around the house. She catches a glimpse of herself in the tall mirror, the sunlight shining through the window is causing her shear nightgown to seem almost...
Lewis takes his aunt to the doctor while the rest of the household eats breakfast. Candice manages to disappear when it comes time to cleanup and just as miraculously reappears when all the work is finished. Her appearance does not go unnoticed by Joyce, nor does her dress though she does try to pretend not to notice it. Candace is wears a halter top, clearly without a bra on beneath. Her hard, little nipples are very visible and pointing straight out. So is the full curve of her breasts,...
After about five minutes, when her body has calmed down completely, the realization of what she has just done hits Joyce. She has just fucked her sister’s husband! Caleb is now sitting on the opposite side of the pool with an impish grin on his face. Having filled his sister-in-law’s cunt with his cream, he is feeling pretty good with himself. He has very little guilt about the experience, having fucked his daughter just this morning. He is still running on hormones and adrenaline. Joyce...
Joyce and Caleb still remain naked, enjoying the sigh of one another’s bodies while they eat. Afterward, Caleb grabs a quick shower and Joyce goes into the living room to watch a movie. When the man returns, drying himself off, he sees his sister-in-law on the back of the couch, legs spread with one hand groping her breasts and the other buried inside her pussy. On the television is a porn movie. Caleb doesn’t recognize it, but on the screen is a young looking girl dressed as a nurse in a...
Later, after a large dinner, everyone retired to bed. Caleb’s wife, Rita, is on the couch again. She has her medication but I still contagious and still doesn’t want to get anyone sick. When Caleb enters his room he sees Candace kneeling on the bed, totally naked with her arms behind her back pushing her cute firm breasts and hard pink nipples out toward him. “I’ve missed you, Daddy,” she says, swaying slightly. Caleb has to admit that his daughter’s small frame and pert breasts are...
Caleb does not sleep well at all during the night. Cuddled up next to him is his underage daughter, totally naked and still sticky from the mixture of their fluids. After a day of fucking his sister-in-law—more than once, and filling all her holes to the brim with his cum—the man didn’t think it was possible to go again with his daughter. And then there is the matter of Candace catching them during their last session, just as he was unloading his heavy balls into Joyce’s ass. To find out that...
Later in the day, Candace is out of the house. Lewis, Rita and Joyce’s brother are in the hot tub. His arrival wasn’t unexpected, but he wasn’t expected for another day or two. Joyce fails to see her brother stealing glances at her with the small bikini she is wearing. While she intends to keep her promise to herself not to go after Caleb, she finds that she has a strong urge for her son, perhaps a stronger urge. This is what keeps her attention focused off Mark. She doesn’t want to seduce...
Caleb doesn’t know where his is going, but he knows he just has to get out of the house. The air conditioner in the car is starting to dry his shirt and shorts that he threw on when almost running from the hot tub. His cock is still hard though, straining at his shorts. The thoughts and feeling of his daughter giving him basically a topless lap dance is fresh in his mind. It is far more powerful of a hold than Joyce has on him. Add all that to the fact that when he had ejaculated over and in...
Now with the family all together for the holidays, Rita is hoping for at least a week of non-stop fucking. As long as she and Mark can pretend to be just simple brother and sister, Caleb won’t notice a thing and get suspicious. She is glad that he made it to her house a couple days earlier than he had planned. Mark’s work kept him busy most if the time and he is only able to get out her way for a day at the most. Even if he can only do a couple hours, he does it. It is one reason he never got...
The boy watches Rita stroke her brother’s cock, which is now poking up between her thighs. Her breasts are covered with a sheen of sweat and her nipples look hard and enticing. Still stroking himself, the boy steps a little closer. Rita is in paradise at this point. Lifting herself up, she guides Mark into her entrance before sinking back down on him. With her pussy now fully stuffed with cock again and another being jacked off right in front of her and then the presence of Mark’s hands...
Joyce cannot believe what her body is doing to her. She knows she has always had quite a high sex drive. It is that and the long year of no sex before the divorce and of course the no sex after it that drove her to fuck her brother-in-law. She lies in the bed wondering what is wrong with her when she thinks she hears something coming from the hallway, an excited laugh maybe. She thinks that it is just her niece and Lewis having a nice laugh about something. But curiosity gets the better of...
Slipping into the hall, all seems quiet. He sees Candace’s bedroom door closed and assumes that his mother is resting after her masturbation session. His cock twitches at the thought of his mother taking it in the ass like a whore. He shakes his head and grins. He had just fucked his cousin and he doesn’t want to make it worse by starting to have thoughts about his own mother too. He is so wrapped up with thought that he doesn’t even notice that the bath is occupied until he is standing right...
“Mom ... wait...” But before Lewis can finish what he is going to say, Joyce spins them both around and pushes him back so that he is sitting on the edge of the bath tub, his rigid prick jutting up, tall and proud. Joyce slurps him deep into her mouth with one fluid motion, savoring the favor of her juices on him. “We’re ... not ... stop ... ing ... now ... until ... you ... fill ... my ... pussy ... with... cum,” she manages to get out while bobbing her head up and down on the boy. Lewis...
Caleb stare open mouthed watching his wife fucking her brother on the hood of her car, in the open where any passerby can catch them. He had tries to get the woman to fool around outside once, but she had sunned him, telling she would never consider performing such an act. The man knows that he should be outraged. Here he is watching his wife cheating on him, giving it to a man that which she has been denying him for so long, but the circumstances means that he cannot judge, not now. He...
Caleb’s enraged hormones are surging through his body. Twice now he has come close to release and twice now he has stopped. This only serves to cause him some discomfort in that his cock and heavy balls are aching, craving release. And now he is headed to pick up the girl who had started all of this. Pulling up outside of Candace’s friend’s house nearly a half hour’s drive away, the man finds that he is still rock hard. He had thought about stopping and jacking off on the way, but he knew...
Before the car has even stopped, Caleb has pushed the seat back as far as it will go. Candace wastes no time in swinging her leg over her father and sits on his lap, facing him. He can feel the immense heat coming from her young, wet pussy when it grinds into him... “I can only be this once, one last...” Caleb starts, but Candace isn’t listening and when she grabs the base of his thickening cock and sinks her body over it, the man forget what he was going to say. “Fuck you are tight,” he...
I went to college far from home just to get away from it all. My highschool gf and I broke up at graduation because we knew we would grow apart.Plus, if I'm honest, I wanted new opportunities if you know what I mean.I'm not the most social person though, so I didn't manage to make manyfriends, and even with a part-time job I had a lot of free time. Andfree-time for a 18-year old means looking for sex, or masturbating. Iprobably jacked off too much. I didn't exactly get bad grades,...
Pamela was 19 and wise beyond her years. She was not only smart, but also extremely devious and was one who got what she wanted one way or other. Most called her Pam and the closest person in her life was her twin brother, Paul. If there was such a thing as identical twins who were of the opposite sex, Pam and Paul were it. Each would do anything for the other and often did because of their love for each other. Paul was the typical guy and was horny all of the time. Pam on the other hand loved...
This all started when my wife was trying to quite smoking. She had been have a hard time of it, and was seeing hypnotist shrink to try to quit. Personally at the time, I thought it was stupid ideal, but she felt it was helping. One day I went with her to see if she was throw away our money on with this type of treatment. I was upset to be told that I couldnt go in with my wife for her session. While I waiting, I asked to use the restroom but the doctors public restroom was out of order. Already...
Real control This is a true story in parts I will let you make your own minds up My name is Tracy. But I was not born with that name. I will start by telling you a bit about me. I was unemployed but I was not worried. as my mum left me a fortune. I was a life long cross dresser I am Married and love my wife very much. I loved to go on line chatting to anyone who wanted to find a submissive to control I chatted to lots of people but found I wanted to go further that most...
This is a less explicit but equally intense version of our short story "The Chair", enjoy... --- Eve stands in front of the apartment. Her naked thighs are cold from the wind swirling around the edges of the her long coat. She pulls the coat closer around her and shudders. Her heart races as she raises her hand to knock on the door. She pauses, hand raised, then knocks. Her nipples harden immediately. She knocks, once, then twice before she takes a small step back. Adam hears the knock at the...
BDSMAlias’s adventures- Turning over control By SG [email protected] 1: My big day I suppose this all started over half a decade ago when I publish my very first story online. Hands down my all time favorite story that I’ve written would have to be my first. I was in my last year of being a teen and by law not old enough to even read the things I was writing about. My heart fluttered from excitement and fear with every word I typed as for the first time in my life I put in the...
Jilnar reached her beautifully manicured hand down to the dashboard and extended a finger with a long red-painted nail to turn on the air-conditioner. It was another hot day in Dubai and she was speeding along to the newsroom in her beloved black Harley Davidson truck. She had two live bulletins to read today so took another long mouthful of her Frappuccino. She placed the cup back in the drink-holder and then something unusual happened, something very strange and quite scary...GOOD...
CHAPTER 8: CONTROLGoran’s cock softened and slowly inched from Cat’s flexing pussy walls. She lay purring on his body. As much as she loved the feeling of his hard, throbbing cock filling her pussy, the feel of it naturally deflating and crawling out of her like an escaping snake was somehow special in its own way. Both of them seemed to lay breathlessly, trying to not move, instead each trying to hold onto the feeling after their shared coupling and climax.Goran lightly stroked his fingertips...
Pamela was 19 and wise beyond her years. She was not only smart, but also extremely devious and was one who got what she wanted one way or other. Most called her Pam and the closest person in her life was her twin brother, Paul. If there was such a thing as identical twins who were of the opposite sex, Pam and Paul were it. Each would do anything for the other and often did because of their love for each other. Paul was the typical guy and was horny all of the time. Pam on the other hand loved...
Your name is Dave Brown, you're 20 years old, and a pretty average guy. You are 5 foot 9, with short brown hair and blue eyes. It started like any other day, you woke up, got dressed, and prepared your morning cup of coffee. It was at this moment that you felt a terrible headache that soon tentacled to all of your body, and you collapsed. When you wake up, you feel disoriented. You try to get up, but the pain you feel is so massive that you immediatly fall on the floor. You try to look around,...
Mind ControlThey ate Salmon glazed with chili and ginger with Tiramisu as desert. Diane had read somewhere that the salmon cooked like that was supposedly seductive. Barry had doubts but was happy to go along with the idea. “I’m sitting opposite a very sexy woman who has spend the whole afternoon having her body pampered every which way, and had a sperm and sex juice appetizer. What the hell would I want an aphrodisiac for?” Diane giggled. “Barry darling, if you are trying to drag your slut of a wife...
Wife LoversControl By Sandra Silk This is all so crazy, that I guess I should just put down what happened and let you decide what I should do. To begin with, my name is Carl and I'm 15. Just 15 three weeks ago - and what a three weeks it has been. I live with Donna, my stepmother in a small town outside of New York City. She and my dad have only been married two years and he travels most of the time. So it's usually just Donna and I at home. And that can make it hard. See, I can't take my eyes...
Mummy takes Control by Stuart Rogers "I use a lock that has no key, bind you with chains.. that no one else can see." "I'll pull your arms tight behind your back, use my self as weight, ... and wonder while you fade." The Great Escape - Moby It was a Saturday morning and I was shopping in a supermarket about 40 miles from my home. I had selected, as nonchalantly as possible, several items from...
On the levels of controlSwiss College VignetteThis is a vignette (although you could also call it a short story) set in the Swiss College, an environment about and inside of which I propose to write more in the future. The dangling threads have been left intentionally so, in order to provide hooks for more vignettes and short stories. You may also want to read Swiss College: a classroom vignette at Wrong Assumptions: a ponygirl story...
I first met Lorraine at our book club group. She was in her early sixties and seemed rather dowdy. You know the type, long skirts, no dress sense and basically not my type. Which as my readers know, I like attractive old ladies who like sex, and Lorraine did not cross me as that type. Anyway, it was her turn to choose the next book and she chose a title called ‘Ladies who say no’. A weird title and it was first published in the Victorian era. Somehow she got hold of some copies and gave them to...
1.3. AliciaAlicia was underestimated for a long time. Many always thought of her only as an appendage to Selene. But there were good reasons why she received the gift of immortality. Already as a human being she gathered numerous talents that helped her in her later reign. It is not without reason that she was the one who repeatedly introduced urgently needed reforms for the Empire.From the preface of "The Third Term of Alicia 2333-2359" - Historical Textbook 25501.3.1. Moon controlled*November...
The Charm: Terri Takes Control Terri Collins was an ordinary housewife, with a typical marriage, which had started out well, but over the years had cooled. At first, her husband Rob would do sweet little things for her, for no reason at all. But now, to get him to even do one of his chores was like pulling teeth. And she was getting sick of it. For his part, he told all his buddies at the bar that he was constantly nagged at home. And he was tired of her telling him what to do...