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Dammit I thought why the firebase can't find some indigenous personnel that knew what they were doing. Seemed like this was the third trip this year to Dak Seang. The last time we had been sent Chung almost beat the Hmong head scout to death. He had met our chopper when it landed and told Chung he wasn't welcome in their camp. It had taken me and Ling both to pull him off the idiot. When the Captain came over and started chewing me I had told him the next time that ass jumped one of my men I would shoot him myself. I then reminded the Captain that he had called for us and that this was the main reason I didn't give a damned how many of his indigenous men were killed. If they couldn't find one sniper then he needed to get yards to work for them. Chung and Ling were sniggering and needless to say it didn't go over very well with the camp leader. This trip I was inserting before we got to the camp because I was going to do it my way.

Two days ago I had been sitting in the elders hut with Chung and Ling, and the rest of the team drinking Jack Daniels that Ling had stolen somewhere. We were all pretty well drunk off our asses having just returned from a two week mission. We were sitting around telling jokes and Chung was making fun of me as usual. He was making fun of me over one of his damned dirty tricks he always seemed to enjoy pulling on me for some reason. Chung had a very strange sense of humor but I knew it was always in fun and there was no disrespect meant by them. As usual this time he had gotten me good and although I was a little pissed about it my sense of humor always won through. The rest of them seemed to love laughing at me when I threatened to choke his ass. This time when he drunkenly got up to imitate me I booted him in the ass and he sailed out the door of the hut. Everyone broke up laughing when he stood up with his face covered in mud giving me hell for kicking him and ruining his show and tell. I gave him the Bronx salute and took another swig of the bottle in my hand to the laughter of the men at his sputtering. When he finally made his way up the steps Ling was pointing at him and rolling drunkenly on the floor. His front was covered in mud from the top of his head to his feet. From what I could see it looked like he had done a swan dive into the big mud hole by the steps of the shack. When he stopped at the bucket by the door to wash his face he almost went head first into the bucket. This brought another round of drunken laughter with me laughing the loudest, and calling out remarks about him being related to some of the village pigs. He finally half ass washed some of the mud off his face and staggered to my side wilting to the floor grabbing the bottle from my hand and finishing it off. He threw it towards the door missing, and told Ling to pass another bottle he was thirsty.

I watched as Ling reached behind him and parted the curtain to get another bottle from the box, and was surprised at how many different kinds of scotch and whiskey he had hidden away. God some of them were almost impossible to get here unless you had a star on your shoulder. I wasn't about to say a word because I knew that they wouldn't hesitate to share it if I asked. What happened next was a surprise to all of us. Ling underhanded the bottle to Chung and his hands closed about a second after the bottle passed through them. When his hands clapped together he missed the toss and the bottom of the bottle hit him right between the eyes. I watched in shock as his eyes rolled back in his head and he went out hitting the floor from his sitting position. I swear his head bounced twice off the floor and he was out cold. You could have heard a pin drop for about two seconds before everyone in the shack was rolling on the floor in laughter. I stuck my finger out and checked his pulse before taking the bottle off his chest twisting the cap and taking a big swig of it.

"Well we won't have to listen to his big mouth for awhile. Peace and quiet men, lets enjoy it till he wakes up."

Everyone looked at me until one of the elders started choking in laughter. Then everyone was rolling until we heard the jeep motor coming towards the hut. They immediately shut up and grabbing weapons scattered to each side of the hut to look out a window to see who was coming.

"Gunny come Sarge and he not alone."

Shit I thought what the hell does he want? We had already debriefed and were told to take a few days off. I didn't even bother to move and waved the men back from the windows. We were passing the bottles around again when the Gunny and the Captain came up the steps.

I watched as he bowed to the elder and asked permission to enter. The elder looked at me and I grinned at him and he waved them in. When they got inside the Captain was a big surprise as I had never seen him outside our compound. The Captain looked around and came to where I was with the Gunny at his heels. To my surprise he sat down across from me taking the bottle out of my hand and taking a healthy swig before passing it to Gunny. When he did this the men relaxed and started laughing and kidding back and forth again with each other. Ling moved closer to me watching the Captain with suspicion. Ling was the most dangerous one here and I think Gunny knew it as he looked around seeming to realize he and the Captain were boxed in and all my men had weapons near them. The Captain had already scoped it out and I saw the small smile as he took another swig of the whiskey. He looked at Chung lying on his back noticing the big bump between his eyes and looked at me a little puzzled before he spoke.

"Sarge, I know I told you to take a few days off but something has come up and I need you. You can tell your team to relax because you know I wouldn't try to take you out of here by force. You deserve your R&R but this is important. I need you to go back to Dak Seang again."

"You gotta be shitting me Cap! The last time we were there they treated us like dirt, and I almost shot that damn stupid Captain running the camp."

"I know Sarge and that's why he is no longer in charge up there. Charlie has a team of snipers up there and this time they are shooting Berets instead of the indigenous personnel. So far the count is four and they have been head shots and according to Luskin they are all professional shots from a long way off. He says he thinks they are trained Russian snipers. Hell you know Lusk and if it has him worried then it's bad. Every man they've shot so far has been a team leader working out of the base. There has been no pattern and the last time they took two men out at either end of the camp so it has to be a team. The last time they had a team out scouting and they were close to the shooter, but when they got there he or she was gone. They did find a Shell casing that was dropped in the snipers haste to get out before they got there. It came from a Russian sniper rifle and HQ has confirmed it. Lusk asked me specifically for your team and said to tell you he is calling in his marker. It's bad Sarge, and if Lusk hadn't specifically asked for you I wouldn't be here. What do you want me to tell him?"

"Dammit Cap I owe him and if he's calling in his marker I will go, but I don't have a second assigned to me yet. This last one was a bitch and as you can see we haven't been drunk long enough to forget about it. Give me a day to get sobered up and go over it with Chung and Ling and I will come in and talk to you."

"Ok Sarge and the General said to tell you you're calling the shots on this one with no interference. Whatever you need you got."

I didn't say anything as him and Gunny got up and left together. When the jeep motor faded in the distance I looked over at Ling who was looking at me with a frown.

"Sarge, this is not good thing. You remember what happened last time we went to that camp. I go where you do and Chung say same but it be smart if we not go in camp. If they shoot team leaders you too well known to take chance. VC already have big reward on you and rest of us."

"Yea I know Ling, and I am not about to set myself up as a target by offloading at the camp. I think I'll go back to the hooch and think about this. When Chung wakes up give him a couple of aspirins and get the rest of the men sobered up. Ling, you don't have to go on this one and neither does Chung. If they are Russian trained it's gonna get hairy as hell."

Ling gave me a dirty look and then looked at Chung and smiled before he spoke.

"Sarge, we be team for long time and you save us and we save you many times. Chung and me think of you as brother so we go where you go. You no leave us behind. You belong to village and keep us safe and we have much food and people happy. You try go without Ling and Chung we follow. Other men feel same. We figure some way to stop killing of you friends. Now go get food, think about how we do this and when Chung wake, me and him talk too. Here take bottle with you to put in coffee in morning."

I knew when the conversation was over and when he handed me a new bottle of Jack I got up and went to my jeep. I was almost totally sober now and was thinking furiously on the drive back to the base. I stopped at the gate and was waved through and turned the jeep in headed for my hooch. I grabbed clean clothes and headed for the shower. I took my shower realizing that I stunk to high heaven and needed a haircut. I shaved and got dressed and put my dirty clothes out for the Mama San to pick up and headed for the chow hall. I filled my tray grabbed a cold Coke and sat facing the door. I was about halfway through my meal when Gunny came in grabbing his food and joining me. We didn't say anything until the food was gone and we had dumped our trays. I grabbed another Coke and Gunny coffee and we sat back down.

"Sarge, when the Captain asked me to drive him to the village I almost fainted in shock. To my knowledge that's the first time I ever saw him leave the compound other than to go to HQ. What did he mean when he said Luskin was calling in his marker?"

"Lusk and I go way back Gunny. When I went to the bush the first time he pulled me out of a punji pit by using his body as a bridge. If it weren't for him I would look like a shish kabob. I owe him my life and if he called in his marker then it's a lot more serious than the Captain realizes. Lusk doesn't panic and if he thinks they are Russian trained then they are and probably Spetsnaz snipers working as a team. Granted they rarely show up here, but if they are training the VC then it's as dangerous as it comes. I have watched them in competition and there are very few better than they are in their field. The only snipers that I know who are as good are a few Marines and to my knowledge from what I have saw and observed they are almost matched in skill and both are the best there is in long range shooting. If they are taking out team leaders then someone in the camp is giving them pictures of the team leaders. They have a mole there and a damned smart one if he or she is smuggling pictures out. We been there before and took a VC sniper out, but he was the only one we saw and he was keeping within five hundred yards of the camp moving his shooting position every day to keep from being discovered. Chung picked up his trail and it took us two days to find his hidey hole. If this is a team like Lusk thinks then they will be watching for an outside team to drop in. No, they will be expecting it and that makes them the masters in the bush because they will already have all the LZ's checked out and measured off. They will have every way in bracketed from the high ground. That camp is between two high hills and Charley is always dropping mortars into them from the surrounding hills. If these two are what Lusk thinks they will have a clear field of fire from the top of the hills on either side and you can bet they know every way in or out. No Gunny, I owe Lusk but this is gonna be a hairy sonofabitch if I can't get in under their radar."

"Damn Sarge the more you explain it the more it sounds like a suicide mission. I know a Marine sniper that would love to go in with you to get a shot at a Russian sniper. He's considered one of the best we have and has an impressive kill record."

"Normally I would love to have him, but they would know about it and just pull back again until we left. If one is a master and the other a student he won't take a chance on endangering his student by going up against someone as good or better that they are. This one I am going to have to think outside the box or we all will be killed. I can't go in through the camp because my team is too well known by the VC and you can bet they have pictures of me and would take me out before I walked a hundred yards inside the camp. Gunny, use your contacts and get us all VC clothing and AK's. If we want to survive more than forty eight hours we are gonna have to blend in. I will have a bigger list for you after I talk to Chung and Ling tomorrow. I'm gonna grab some sleep and tackle this in the morning when I'm sober."

"Ok Sarge, you know I will get whatever you need. I will give this some more thought too, and we will talk in the morning."

We got up and I headed for my hooch to get a few hours of sleep and give this some more thought. Either way I looked at the situation I knew the risk factor on this one was higher than any mission I had under taken so far since I started working in the bush. Any way I looked at it I was setting myself and my team up as a target with very little chance of surviving. One skilled and experienced sniper was bad, but two working together was as deadly as they came out there where they knew the territory and never missed when they fired. I was thinking about the hills above the camp when I fell asleep with a plan starting to form.

I woke the next morning and was surprised as hell I wasn't hung over. When I got up and headed for the shower I felt pretty good for a change after drinking all day the previous day. Normally I would have stayed in the village drinking coffee and eating aspirins until I quit puking. Then we would eat and start all over again but what we were facing had to have somehow affected my normal hangover. I was surprised to see the old man who cut hair set up by the gate and wandered over to get my hair cut to its normal flat top. When he finished I paid him and headed for the shower again. I got a quick one and went back to the hooch and got dressed. I didn't need another shave since at nineteen my beard wasn't that heavy. God I thought my birthday was only a couple months off and this time instead of celebrating with Chung and Ling I was going to take thirty days of R&R and go to Bangkok or even Australia and spend some time chasing women and maybe for a change go fishing. I knew I had ninety days of leave coming but I never took more than fifteen before. Usually the Captain had to order me to take even that and I always seemed to come back early. For some reason I could never explain to myself I didn't feel comfortable being back in the world anymore. I had learned the hard way to never wear my uniform and always wear civvies when I went back to the states. I still remember the first time I went back after my first tour and got off the plane in California. I was immediately booed and yelled at by some greasy haired bearded young kids in the lobby of the airport. I had started toward them when I was intercepted by two MP's and guided out to the transport bus to the Fort where I was staying overnight before I caught my hop back to Columbus, Ohio to go visit my folks. I got an education at the fort about wearing my uniform off base and when I flew. I went and bought a couple pairs of jeans and some shirts to wear while I traveled. I packed my dress greens away in my duffel and left it at the base storage to pick up when I got back. That's how I lost my uniform; I hadn't flown through there to return to Nam. Then from that point on I didn't have a dress uniform until I was issued one at Bragg when I mustered out. The one I had for my Graves detail I had immediately burned when that duty was over, after swearing never to wear it again. I ended up paying for it, and in my own thoughts the expense had been worth it. I wasn't ashamed of the duty but the lies and half truths I had been ordered to tell grieving families made me bitter as hell toward all the Regular Army Officers I was stuck under. What made me bitter was the fact that they were fallen comrades and their families deserved to know more than I was allowed to tell. My part of it was one of the greatest honors I had ever known, but the reverse side and the lies made me feel ashamed of my own government.

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Fucking with fruit seller lady

I am extremely very sorry to live away from u within last 15 days, but i haven’t any story to tell u & i don’t like to submit any fictituos story. I love to fuck story even it will be real. Now i am going to tell u my story in hindi because the taste of sex story in hindi is as good as vagina of any lady……… Dosto aap khud samajh sakte hai ki agar sher ke moonh 15 din tak mans na lage to uska haal kaisa ho sakta hai. Same condition meri bhi ho gayi thi. Mai hantho se apne lund ki garmi ko jyada...

4 years ago
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What We Do With It Ch 03

~Please note: The lyrics are not mine, they appear courtesy of Norah Jones’ marvelous talent~ Back with Jada walking through the dazzling light show of the labyrinth she praises me for my ability to learn how to navigate myself so quickly, and I in turn am telling her about the ghost I met at the hospital and what he told me of the trial I am to face in the near future. We arrive after a time in my bedroom , I look around and then at her with an odd expression on my face. Certainly I wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Erotic Stage Magician

One day after work you received a letter with tickets to a magic show. No explanation as to why you got these tickets, but there are plenty of venues giving out tickets to advertise shows. You drive to the venue and after a half hour driving in the woods you find yourself at a mansion. A big sign denotes it as the Magic Mansion. A Valet flags you down and you proceed into the main foyer. Many people are already there in differing attire. Women in fancy evening gowns were standing next to others...

3 years ago
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A Day With The Hotel Guest

Hi friends, i am a regular reader of iss stories. I am very fond of them.. Well before starting the real story i want to tell something about me. My name is Ashwin from Mumbai ….. I am working for a 5 star property as a front desk associate. I am 22 years old with a good looking body of height 5’10”. I come across many models and actors actress in the hotels who are hot sexy. This is when the lady came to the hotel to stay in the hotel. I was at the reception in the hotel to make the check-in...

4 years ago
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Romantic Relaxation From Tiredness By Chandana The Sexy Maid

Hi friends, this is my first story to ISS network. Forgive me if anything seems wrong. And this is totally a true story. Please give me feedback if you like it. You can contact me in my mail id Before beginning about myself, I am KK from Burdwan, West Bengal, Currently working as a manager in a company. I am 5ft 9inch in height. Have a average body. So let me start my story. This story is about my maid and me. Her name is Chandana. She is of age between 27 – 30. She is nice looking with good...

2 years ago
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RachaelChapter 3 New Arrangements

In the morning, I woke refreshed. To use the cliché, 'With a Song In My Heart.' That sweet face inches from mine on the pillow and those marvelous breasts cushioned against my chest and side helped greatly. I immediately came erect, but I knew I didn't have a chance. It was mostly bladder pressure and we wouldn't have time to do anything before the kids woke up, anyway. When I tried to move away, Rachael's eyes popped open and she said, "Oh no you don't! First kiss me. Then make love...

1 year ago
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Z and the Truckers

Z’s Walks a Truck Stop   Z came to visit me.   I live in a much smaller town than Z.   We don’t have the theaters like she does but she brought her sexy outfit anyway.   Had a fun warm up at my house.   We haven’t seen each other, since the last Theater visit, which had been a few weeks ago.   I treated her to a great elegant dinner with wine. Z, out of character, had two vodka martinis. She felt and would continue to feel the affect, especially, the strong martinis.   We...

1 year ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 57

“I beg your pardon, Sir, but this is Adrian. We met last night, Sir. Do not be alarmed please, Holly is within arms reach of me, however her throat is otherwise busy at the moment, Sir.” “May I inquire as to just how it is that her throat is busy, Miss Adrian?” “My sister slave is being punished, Sir, and so at this time she is throat deep on our Master’s cock, Sir.” “Oh My, I see. However, I do believe that the correct term for what she is doing would be performing “Deep Throat” would it...

4 years ago
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family Fun

One summer Saturday, shortly after my first year of college, I returned home from a noon racquetball game to find my Mom washing her car. I winced as I recalled I had promised to do this for her before my game. I ran up the driveway, dropped my stuff and started apologizing. "Forget it," she said, "I'm kind of used to your s**tterbrains. Honestly, I don't know how you make it in college." I picked up a sponge and started helping her. It was a hot, muggy day and I was still dressed in the nylon...

2 years ago
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Boston Strong

My legs were like lead weights as I tried to have something resembling a kick; I kept my head down and powered to the finish line of the Ocean State Marathon in Newport, Rhode Island. It was only as I crossed the line that I dared look at the clock: 3:25:20; a personal best, but still short of the 3:20 qualifying time for the Boston Marathon. It was hard to believe that a short five years ago I did my first awkward jog, barely a mile, and now I had completed my third marathon. I was proud of...

2 years ago
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Strike It Rich

(This is a First-Timer story. If you would like a Part II, let me know...) It had been another wasted day on the picket line. As Taya and I walked to the bus stop, I had the opportunity to check her out. She was dressed in a light-blue shirt, a slightly-faded jean-skirt and white tennis shoes. It was easy to notice her shoulder-length, silky midnight black hair, supple firm legs and a taut candy-apple sized ass. Being of Asian background, she had beautifully shaped eyes the same color as her...

3 years ago
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Alexa Chapter 20 Memorial Day

Alexa Chapter 20: Memorial Day Summer was almost here, which meant school was almost over. Thank god. This last semester had not gone as well as I had hoped. I had a few distractions along the way. That is the understatement of the year! I was never in class, and while my professors where helpful for the most part, my grades had slipped. After the little events at the will reading I vowed to buckle down and finish the semester strong. I needed to get at least a 'B' average to...

4 years ago
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BusherChapter 7 Dave

We had Wilmington in Monday through Wednesday for night games, an off night on Thursday, and then the Friday night game with Lynchburg, followed by day games both weekend days. After that, we'd hit the road again, to Wilmington, Delaware for three in the Blue Rocks' park. I kind of wished I'd had the presence of mind to suggest that Emily come up Thursday, but she had said she'd consulted the team's schedule, so she must have noticed on her own that we had the off day. Probably, it just...

3 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 56 Rachels Recovery

The whole conversation was a bit difficult, I guess you could say. Elly wanted to sort out what we were going to do about Sarah, Cindy and the Emir's PA and she recognised that Freddie wasn't doing the job that needed to be done looking after sales. I wanted to solve the Rachel and Sukie problems. Harry just sounded as though he was resenting the fact that all this was taking up time he needed to work on Ops matters. Freddie was sitting at one end of the table peering inscrutably over his...

3 years ago
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Female Predator On Campus

I was walking around campus all day wearing my shortest skirt and tightest T-shirt. And I could feel the predator staring at me. Wherever he or she might be. There were rumors of a predator roaming all over the campus. Male and female students had been attacked. And nobody thought anyone could do anything about it. Well, I decided to go on the hunt. Predators can and do get caught. No matter who they are and how tough they think they are. Men and women who prey on the innocent have a new enemy....

2 years ago
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Heaven Waiting

Heaven Waiting By Carol Collins Joseph Roytch, a twenty-year-old apprentice steel worker, easily shifted his heavy metal toolbox from one muscular shoulder to the other as he stepped from the open construction elevator onto the third floor of the new six-floor office building under construction next to the Westside Elementary School. Joe called out to Allen Smith, the elderly journeyman steel worker who had been assigned to train Joe, as he moved to their work area. Allen, a well...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Penny Pax Adria Rae Caught RedHanded

Penny Pax is in bed with her husband. As he drifts in and out of sleep, she picks up his phone to find an old massage appointment on his calendar. Suspicious immediately that it’s just a rub and tug joint, she decides to book an appointment and go check it out for herself. When she walks into the massage parlor, Adria Rae is there to greet her. When Adria tells her to get undressed, Penny practically rips off her clothes in anticipation. She knows this place is sketchy and is going to...

1 year ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 10

We maintained our scouting flights to search for more trees being harvested. Nothing was found to indicate any new activity by the aliens. Nevertheless, we did keep looking. Logic said that even if we did drive away our "own" aliens, there had to be others around somewhere on Earth, and we didn't want them to show up unannounced. However, we did find two more families who had survived the original attack and the hardships that followed. They were brought into our community, and they were...

3 years ago
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The Cucumber

I come over to visit you while your husband is gone, I enjoy seeing how nervous you act when I get there, your always a little extra nervous since you know that I could ask you to do things you’ve never done before. That you are so willing to submit to me and my wishes, I ask if you did what I told you too with the cucumber, you say you bought it but couldn’t use it you were too shy and afraid. I tell you to show it to me, you pull it out of the drawer you hid it in and show me, it is a nice...

3 years ago
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Damn Im Screwed Part 3

The ensuing weeks were filled with lust, sex, and incest at the Wallace Ward household. Mother, father, sister, and brother were mixing and matching, as sexual urges and needs were being attended to. Wallace was hoping that with both he and Stefan fucking Stefanie, she would not feel the need to continue fucking Harley. He was hoping Stefan would be able to service her needs when he was not available.But Stefanie was a nympho, and Danielle was well on her way to becoming one. The next time...

2 years ago
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Aunty Affair Leads To Incest

Hi readers hope you like all my stories. These are the links to the first four parts. The anniversary ended by me being fucked by 3 young guys and a lesbian sex with their whore. Then it became a regular thing for them to pay a visit to my home and use me whenever however they wish to. They made me change my style, I joined gym to loosed weight, I was not allowed to wear inners. Most often when Mihir used to come to take my daughters tuition in her room the other two would take my...

3 years ago
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Mothers Submission Chapter 4

But, as she sat up, her pussy and asshole assured her that it was true. And the craziest part of it was that she didn't want it to end. She knew that no one else could know, although she was dying to tell her best friend, Monica. Alicia determined that she would find some way to convince Alex that continuing this relationship, as taboo as it might be, was the right thing. As her eyes drifted downward, she saw a very large tent at her son's waist. "Mmm, wouldn't want to waste that morning...

4 years ago
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Banking the Rewards

BANKING THE REWARDS Part One Dylan Spiers smiled as he cuffed the final ankle to the bed. He watched asthe girl tested the tightness of her bonds. Her long blonde hair cascaded outaround her head. The band that had once kept in place was now covering hereyes and she had another one stuffed in her mouth and secured by duct tape.He watched as her breasts heaved up and down from their exertion covered bythe silky material of her blouse. He palced a hand on them and another betweenher legs. He...

2 years ago
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Camping With The Girls

Somewhere in the foggy recesses of my mind I heard the knock on the door. I didn’t want to get up, but the pounding wouldn’t stop. I opened one eye and looked at the clock. It was a little before two in the morning. “Who is it?” I yelled, knowing the answer before I heard it. There were only three people in the world that could be knocking on my door at that time of the night. My dad would never be caught dead in a city like Lexington, so I knew that it must be either Brenda or Sue. “Brenda...

4 years ago
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Carlas Interview Part 1

Carla tried to look elegant as she walked from the train station carrying her design portfolio. She struggled to keep her footing in her new shoes. Her mother had insisted that she look smart for her first job interview in the city. She can’t remember the last time she’d worn high-heels. Three months ago, she graduated from university. Since then, she’d spend most of her time relaxing on the beach with her boyfriend. She didn’t want the holiday period to end but this job opportunity was too...

3 years ago
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single breasted SIL

In 1996, I was then resided in service quarter at Rajshahi. The quarter was a long tin-shed building along with an inside road. Each quarter has 8 feet wide verandah at the both sides and two rooms. The indoor space divided with a small yard (compound) in half portion and other half was occupied bath, toilet and kitchen. The yard was ended with a 10” high boundary wall. There was a steel door with the wall to go outside (back of the quarter). At the backside every quarter allotted with two...

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My cellmate

How are you, my name is Fransisco and I'm on my way to prison again. I am very scared, the experience that I lived locked up 2 years ago could be repeated. Just thinking about how my cellmate raped me and used me like a rag, hitting me and making me the babe in that place, gives me goose bumps. How was I ever condemned again? let me explain, when I got home everything had changed, my wife wanted to impose on me and make me the housewife, just as I try to hit me for anything that did wrong to...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Lucy Busty Redheads Outdoor Fuckventure

Busty redhead Lucy needs a big hard dick inside her shaved wet pussy. The top-heavy goddess from the Czech Republic plays with her clit in the outdoors and rubs her pink while moaning ecstatically. When Erik Everhard walks by and sees her with her eyes closed, climaxing over and over again, he decides to help her out a bit and sucks her perfect tits before licking her delicious cunny. Watch that green-eyed stunner enjoy his tongue between her endless legs and get ready for some amazing cock...

2 years ago
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Fantasy cum true in Train

It's been a long time since I traveled in a train but I always wished to do so enjoying the beauty of the nature as the mammoth engine takes us through unknown territories without any hitches. Coming out of college, this was my first interview with a company in Delhi; Noida to be specific.I was always treated well in my family and was hence granted the wish of traveling by train for a change but parents insisted on First Class and nothing else. Well, I must admit that I would not go for a non...

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