Medical Improvisations free porn video

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Medical Improvisations. Amanda Walker ----------------------- David went to his sister Gwen and asked her to help him with a problem. He was to going to attend a medical theme fancy dress party. His mother had promised to obtain some surgical gowns from the hospital where she worked but tonight she had been delayed and could not meet her contact. His sister was a nurse at the same hospital and he wondered if she had anything that he could wear. "Well, little brother. I think I can rustle up something. First let's have a look at you, get your kit off now." He was a bit surprised by her forwardness but he decided to comply. He undressed down to his underwear and stood before her. "Oh yes" she said "I think we can do something with you. Will you do everything I say?" "What do you mean?" he said. "I just want you to agree then we won't fight." she said. "Do you want me to help you?" "OK, OK." he said, "I will do what ever you want." "All right lend let's get you fitted into your new uniform." she went to the wardrobe and got out one of her nursing uniforms. She put it onto him and the fit was perfect. "You will look lovely, just like me." In fact, she thought, he does look just like me, I wonder what he'll be like when I've finished? "Ok then, I think we have a costume you can wear. We just need to sort out some of the essentials and accessories. Those hairy legs and arms will have to go, your hair needs attention and a manicure is in order." He was dumbstruck, he thought she might have a spare operating gown or some such but he was quite taken with the idea of being dressed up as a nurse. He and his sister had been in the St. John's Ambulance as youngsters, she had gone on to a full nursing career, and he kept his hand in as the work first-aider. His factory was now under threat of closure after a take-over. Once for a joke they had swapped uniforms at a Xmas function and he remembered the feeling of freedom the feminine dress uniform gave but he had never indulged again. She led him to the bathroom and showed him the hair removing cream. "Do your arms and legs and shave that chin of yours. I'll be waiting, I'll be getting some things out for you." He presented himself duly shorn of hairs and she set to work. "Take these control panties of mothers and put them on they'll keep everything in check down below, Ok don't worry I won't watch. Now some of these lovely new white tights we have just started wearing, pull them up slowly, look at that sheen isn't it lovely!" The feel of the semi-opaque tights on his hairless legs was divine, she was right, they did have a satin sheen, his legs looked really good. "Now for a bra. I think mine will fit you, I'll do it up don't worry." She filled the cups with some old tights, he was starting to get a girl's figure now. "Now hold your hands up." She slipped a cotton slip over his head and it flowed down his body. "Excellent, now put on this robe, pop my slippers on and sit down at my dressing table." She combed out his hair which was shoulder length and gathered it into a bun and the pinned it in place. Next came, light foundation makeup, a little definition with eyebrow pencil and a very light mascara, just a hint of eye shadow and a light pink lipstick. She moved on to his hands giving the nails a good filing and a coat of clear varnish. "Now just let that dry, I'll be back in a minute." He sat there taking in the unfamiliar smells and feelings, he hadn't yet seen what he looked like. He hadn't had chance to say no, she had just taken control. But he didn't mind a bit. She returned in a few minutes fully dressed in her own uniform and carrying one for him. "Alright all dry now. Pop this on now." The uniform buttoned up the front and was completed with a red elasticated belt with a heavy clasp. "Try these shoes." They were white sensible lace ups with a low heel and were a bit tight but just a fit. She fitted a nurse's cap over his pinned up hair and surveyed her handiwork. "Now stand up little 'sister' and we'll have a look in the mirror. Close your eyes!" "Open them now!" He didn't know which side his sister was standing so when he opened his eyes and saw two nurses in the mirror he didn't at first know which was which. Only when he looked to his left and saw his sister smiling at him did he realise. They were almost identical. "That is amazing," he said. "We are sisters!" "I'm pleasantly surprised too, no one will know who you are. I've got an idea wait here." With that she left the room, she came back a few minutes later wearing the clothes he had taken off, no makeup and her hair down in the style he normally wore. "Mum will be home soon, let's see if we can fool her!" They went down, David taking care in the unfamiliar shoes. He felt absolutely comfortable dressed this way but was a bit nervous of what his mother would say. They sat in each other's favourite chairs and switched on the television. Mum normally brought in a takeaway on this particular night and there was no preparation required other than setting the table. Mum arrived rushing with the hot food. "Hello dears, David take these will you?" Gwen jumped up and took the Chinese from her mother. "Gwen, Philip is at the door he has a message for you, wouldn't tell me, be quick. David hesitated being seen by his mother was bad enough but by his sister's boyfriend! Gwen shot him a look that said go! He went to the front door where Philip was waiting. "I can't stop and I didn't want to come in the house in my work clothes. Do you want to go to a party at Bill and Mary's tomorrow?" He hasn't twigged, not a clue, thought David. Then, putting on his best girlie voice. "Err, yes that would be great, what time?" "Excellent, about eight I'll pick you up." With that he leaned forward and gave what he thought was Gwen a kiss full on the lips. David was so shocked he didn't pull away which Philip took as a signal to go a bit further and his tongue caressed David's lips. "See you tomorrow then," he said leaving the stunned boy on the doorstep. He went back into the house, strange feelings coursing through his body. He liked girls not boys but that kiss he had received as a girl and it made him tingle. He sat down to the takeaway and Gwen looked at him bemused. "Well what did lover boy want? You look a little flustered." Gwen was copying what he would normally say. "Oh! Err. You're, No, I mean we're going to a party tomorrow night." Replied David. "And did he give you your Goodnight kiss?" She was baiting him just like he would have. David blushed, "Just a peck." And he smiled shyly. Well he fooled my boyfriend and Mum doesn't seem to have noticed yet, thought Gwen. "Now you two, no more silliness, eat up." Said Mother. "David will you run me an errand after tea, I forgot to get tonight's paper." "No problem Mum." Replied Gwen. After she had left Mum started to clear the table. "Sit down dear, I don't want you to spoil your uniform. I didn't get those clothes for David. Do you think you'll be able to get him into one of your uniforms?" So a conspiracy, no wonder she was so eager, thought David. Lets play along. " I think he'll be putty in our hands, I've always wanted to see what he would look like as a girl." "Me too. You don't think he'll mind, it's only a bit of fun?" "No Mum, I'm sure he'll find it a good laugh." They settled down to watch television, the evening had gone as usual no one finding anything different, business as usual. Gwen would be due to start her shift at 8pm. Normally her friend and colleague Janet would call for her, just before the start of Coronation St. or Eastenders, Mum would be trying to find a video to tape the program, normal family life. David looked at the clock it was 7-15pm and Gwen had not returned, he started to feel a little worried. Just then, the doorbell rang, it was Janet. "Sorry I'm a bit early, if you are ready I'd like to get to work for 7-45pm, I have a meeting starting at 8pm." "Just a moment, I'll get my things." Please Gwen get back here now! Thought David, how can I get out of this? To kill time he went upstairs and fussed about looking for Gwen's name badge and coat. Just then Gwen arrived home and seeing the situation rushed upstairs. "I'm sorry I was late, got chatting to some friends of Mum. Janet is ready to go now, I'm sorry she did tell me she would be early tonight I forgot. I can't delay her. Please David go as me, I'll catch you up once I've changed. You've been to the admin area before, just go through my mail while you're waiting." "I can't go like this! What if I get caught?" David was looking very worried. "Don't be silly, my boyfriend, our mother and my best friend haven't noticed. It'll only be for 15 min. max." The reluctant nurse left the house, wearing one of Gwen's capes complete with name badge, Id cards and handbag. Janet drove swiftly nattering all the time, David was only able to interject yes or no. That suited him fine. They drove into the nurses parking area, thankfully for David there were few people about. He knew the layout, Gwen had shown him around several times, and he knew where to go. He just hoped Gwen would hurry. He waited for Janet to lock the car then walked with her into the building. "I'll see you later, got to go upstairs for my meeting, cheer up it may never happen!" with that Janet took the lift, David continued on to the admin area. He passed several people and returned a smile to those who acknowledged him. Gwen's desk was in a large partitioned room, there was mail in her tray so to kill the time he began to open it. Carefully sorting Gwen's mail he did not notice the doctor enter the room, creep up behind him and plant a kiss on his neck. "My God! Who what!" "Don't worry Gwen, only teasing!" David saw the name badge. Dr. Stephen Wood. Gwen had talked about the hospital Romeo. His charm had so far prevented anyone from reporting him for harassment but they were beginning to get fed up with him. He sat down on the desk, this was just what David didn't want. "I'm sorry but I'm quite busy is it anything important?" asked David. "No just looking in on my loveliest nurse. Now what are you doing after the shift?" "Sleeping. On my own thank you." David replied Beep Beep Beep! The doctors' pager went off and he reached for the phone on Gwen's desk. "There has been a major road accident, they're short of staff in A&E, they need me to go now, they also need nurses, come on." David knew Gwen had never worked in A&E. "But it's not my speciality" He said. "All hands to the pumps! Now!" He was not taking no for an answer. David locked the bag Gwen had given him in her desk but had the presence of mind to leave a note on the desk, saying what had happened, and followed the doctor. At least no one would know his sister in this area. Apparently a coach had left the road and rolled over, no one was seriously hurt but there would be a sudden influx of people with cuts and bruises. Ambulances had already started to arrive as they reached A&E. "I need a doctor and nurse to go out to the accident to support the Paramedics." This was the senior houseman calling out. "You two can you go now, there's jackets and equipment in the ambulance that's leaving now." Totally compromised David had no choice, he couldn't run away, the situation had run away with him. At least he knew enough about first aid nursing to assist with this sort of job. As they left he saw Gwen getting out of a taxi. Too late big sister, he thought. The accident was 10 minutes away from the hospital, the reports were correct it was mainly walking wounded but the driver was trapped. David began putting arms in slings and patching minor cuts before the passengers were taken to hospital by the ambulances that were running a shuttle service. "Gwen! Come down here please." Dr. Stephen was calling from the front of the coach. "I need your help to stop this man bleeding. We must get him out quickly the coach could roll over." There was mud and blood everywhere, the driver was caught by his legs, under the dashboard. Gwen's going to love the state of her uniform he thought. The shoes and tights were already covered in mud now he was going to have to sit in the mess and probably get completely filthy. He put these thoughts aside when he saw the plight of the driver and went onto autopilot following the doctors directions. One leg was badly crushed, they were trying to keep the driver stable while waiting for the Fire brigade to bring their cutting equipment. The press and TV of course had arrived and took the opportunity of a photograph of the pretty young nurse and doctor saving the driver. Just what I need, thought David. Meanwhile Gwen had arrived at the hospital and following David's note had gone to A&E to find her brother. "Hello Gwen. I thought you were at the accident, in fact I'm sure I saw you go. How did YOU get back so soon and cleaned up already?" This was her ward sister speaking. The pictures from the crash site came on the TV news and David could be seen assisting. Gwen stopped in her tracks. Oh no this little joke has got well out of hand. The sister also saw the picture. "These are live pictures, so it appears that you are in two places at once Gwen. In my office now!" "What on earth is going on? I was thinking that one of my best nurses is doing the hospital proud in front of the media and now I find she's here in my office as well. So what's going on?" Gwen had to think quickly. She couldn't give David away, and she didn't want to compromise her own position. "She's my twin sister Davina. I knew I would be late tonight and she offered to cover for me, it's never busy for the first hour and we thought it would be OK." "And is this sister of yours a qualified nurse?" asked the ward sister. "Well sort of" "Well she appears to be quite competent at what she's doing, but is she qualified?" "No, not fully qualified. She's a St. John Ambulance nurse." Admitted Gwen. "Well at least not a total beginner, that's where I started, I believe you did too?" "Now young lady you've put me in a very difficult position, the chief executive likes good news coverage and want's the good publicity so your sister will be in the spotlight when she returns. People have already seen you here so we have to come up with a plan to save all our necks. I can't be seen to have unqualified nurses running around my hospital, you don't want your and your sister's deception to come to light. Go back to your ward but take this pager so I can call you when they return. Spread the word about Davina being an agency nurse on for the first time tonight and how people mistook her for you. Leave the rest to me." "Thank you Sister" whispered Gwen. "It hasn't worked yet. Go now!" Shouted the sister. How on earth do we get out of this? Thought Gwen. What about Davina's non-existent qualifications? She couldn't think straight so she did what the sister had ordered. Soon everyone knew about Gwen's sister and how proud she was. After an hour the pager bleeped and she rang the sister. "I have sorted out your sisters records and she's now on the books of an agency we use regularly. They owed me a favour. They've freed the drive and the ambulance is on it's way back, make sure you meet her at A&E and set her straight. Then take her to get a shower and a fresh uniform" I'll have to do more than set her/him straight, he'll want to kill me thought Gwen. In A&E nobody was making a fuss, this was everyday normality to them. As Gwen came in she saw her mother, who must have seen the TV pictures, waiting anxiously. She quickly drew her to one side. Her mother suppressed the shock quite well. "Oh my God, which one of my babies is it out there, Gwen is that you?" "Yes mum now listen carefully." Gwen explained the situation. Mum nodded and went along with the charade. After all she was partially to blame. The ambulance arrived and the stretcher came in David still stemming the driver's wounds with his hands. The A&E nurses took over and whisked the man away. Dr. Stephen came over, and as Gwen and her mother reached David, gave him an affectionate peck on the cheek. "Fine job tonight, er Gwen?" "No this is my sister Davina." Said Gwen quickly. "She's an agency nurse and this was her first night." "Well now." Said the doctor. "I know Gwen hasn't fallen for my charms and is taken. How about you my dear?" David didn't think and replied "Oh, no one at the moment." "Excellent have dinner with me tomorrow, a reward for your hard work. I must leave to clean up now see you later." With that he gave David another kiss and left the room. Which was the moment the press photographer got the picture. "Gallant Doctor and nurse's family together," was the headline. "Come on Davina, let's get you cleaned up." Said the A&E sister taking David to the nurses changing room. "Gwen, follow us up in a few minutes, and bring that new uniform from my office." David was in confusion, his mother and sister and other people were calling him Davina a doctor had kissed him, he was wearing a female nurse's uniform and he liked it all, he really did. "Oh Gwen what are we to do, David's foreman came around after you left. The factory has closed he's lost his job." "Don't worry mum I think We've just found him another" The End

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 15 Improvisation

December had arrived ... so as I got ready to head down for the bus, several thoughts were running thru my head. Of course I was still living in the glow of the three incredible days that had just passed, ranging from the "illicit" trip to Howard Johnson's with the very hungry Joann, to being FLASHED out of my mind by the unpredictable, I guess "raunchy" Christy Anne. Neither was I forgetting the three-ways with the younger girls, OR, the older girls. Thoughts of Vi were there too, as I...

3 years ago
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Medication Issues Can Get Interesting

As he walked down the dark street, Samuel knew he was in a bit of trouble. It had been a week since he had run out of his blood thinning medication and he was starting to feel the unease of his problem. With the blood thinners, Samuel was able to be his normal self. Without them though, he would develop a series of partial blockages that would give him a very powerful erection that refused to subside. Samuel knew what he had to do to get his prescription refilled, which was why he...

3 years ago
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Medication and Lactation Pt 1

My sister clapped her hands together and gave me the best puppy-dog eyes she could manage. “Please? It would really make my night. Jay and I haven’t had a date night in weeks! And every time I visit her she wants to chat for hours…” I smirked. I was exhausted, but I could never say “no” to her. I was the big brother, right? It was my job to help. “Alright,” I conceded as I snatched the brown paper bag from the living room table. “What’s the address?” “Oh, thank you so much, Mark!” she said...

2 years ago
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Medication and Lactation Pt 3

“Are you sure you want me in there with you?” I asked Katy as I opened the car door for her. She stepped out and my gaze lingered on her toned midriff that her white sweater failed to cover. She had a long torso, but I had tasted every inch of it and was looking forward to doing it again. The same went for everything she hid under her black leggings. “Of course I do!” Katy assured me. She was acting as a surrogate for my sister’s baby and was about two months pregnant. She had just barely...

2 years ago
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Medication and Lactation Pt 2

“Mmmm…” I groaned as I laid my head back on the couch and closed my eyes, the sound of wet slurping filling my ears. The slurping stopped, but a soft, delicate hand continued to stroke my erection. “You like that, baby?” came a perky, feminine voice. I looked down and smiled. If you could perfectly combine cute and sexy into one package, Katy would be the result. Her light freckled skin, almost-blonde straight brown hair, tiny button nose, long eyelashes, and sparkling blue-green eyes...

2 years ago
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Man Maid Day 2 Part 1

Man Maid Day II: Good Morning Gennie December 2004 "Mbbbmmm, go away I'm sleeping" "Gennie, rise and shine, Karin wants you there early this morning." Gennie? Why would Debbie be calling me Gennie? I haven't been Gennie since ...!!! It can't be! It was all a dream, a very real dream admittedly but still just a dream. Wasn't it? "Gennie, come on Hon, we have a busy day ahead. You need to get up now!" (Groan) Once again I reach down for my morning scratch and encounter...

1 year ago
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Juniors Samples Part of the Stopwatch SeriesChapter 4

"Where is this 'Princessapality?'" he blasted. "How dare they mock me? I'm the very symbol and fountainhead of my Party." He struck a noble pose, "the party of Americans!" "Mr President, the 'Princessapality', is a sovereign island between the United States and Canada." "Canada? You mean that wasteland of polar bears and Eskimos? Isn't Canada part of Montana." The man had questioned his education. "I'll have you know I remember my geography, Sir." "Canada is the country...

3 years ago
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The Underground

London is the only place to live in England for me. The crowded streets and bars, packed buses and the tube. Yes, the tube, underground, subway. Whatever you want to call it, is my hunting ground. To most people rush hour is a chore to be avoided if at all possible. To me, it is an essential ingredient in my favourite sexual fetish. The close contact with a complete stranger, the interaction, no matter how fleeting of sexually aroused bodies, is my drug of choice.It doesn't have to be the...

2 years ago
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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 12

Not knowing how things were going to go the next morning, Bonnie thought it best to just stay quiet until she found out what kind of mood David was in. Fortunately, that didn't take very long. "Morning, Hon. I slept great last night and feel like I'm ready for anything this morning!" Bonnie was so used to him being miserable that she found his cheerful voice almost unnerving. Still, she didn't want to do or say anything that would change it, so she returned his greeting with a smile....

2 years ago
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Gift From A God Ch 02

I started first by trying to establish the link to her mind. It took me a moment to get it worked out. I knew the layout of her room and bathroom and so I cast my awareness out, visualizing her room and that, as Hermes had said, was the key. It’s just like when you imagine a room in your house or some other place where you aren’t at the moment. You see it in your mind, the location of objects, colors, the general look of it the last time you saw it. This was just like that only with...

3 years ago
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Old Is Gold

I am Huma with a new sex story which all of you will love to read. I am Sarita, married to Mohit in Rajasthan. Every pore of my body is in pain today. Mohit fucked the hell out of me last night. We were drunk. He had just returned from his sister Raji’s house after three days and we were horny. He insisted on drinking and I felt it good if we could shed some of our routine inhibitions. He began to swear at every chance. Soon he was tipsy and began to use abusive language. He made me hold his...

2 years ago
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Those naughty fingers during the soccer match

Saturday afternoon I was at home getting bored; but then my loving hubby said he had arranged with some of his friends to go to a bar to watch a soccer match. Victor asked me if I want to go with him.When we got there the bar was really crowded.I was wearing a tight short dress and high heels.I loved to show my long legs and my cleavage, although I was not really into watching soccer…Victor moved with some friends at a corner and I managed finally to get a drink and have to stand by a high bar...

2 years ago
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Perfect PairChapter 3

Alicia answered the door, paid for the pizza, and quickly shut it again before she could ponder whether the pizza guy was salvageable or a complete dork. Walking back to the kitchen, she put the pizza down. "Kaci, come and get it!" She yelled out to her new friend. "Coming!" Came the reply from the bathroom. Since meeting her new friend yesterday morning, the two of them have really bonded fast, Alicia thought. After the movers left, she had taken another shower, and spent until lunch...

2 years ago
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Fucked Hot Manjula Aunty

Hello buddies. This is my first story here and I hope you will enjoy and I expect your comments on my story. Any unsatisfied women and girls from Bangalore and Chennai Please contact me This incident occurred in 2011 when I was doing my B.Tech in Chennai. I had rented a room, which was quite big with kitchen also. I was on the first floor and Malathi aunty and her husband lived on the ground floor. The house owner was staying far from us. To tell you more about Malathi aunty, she was around...

2 years ago
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Big Ben

The kid was not leaving me alone.“Come on, just a quickie?” He looked at me with puppy dog eyes that betrayed the nice cock he was packing.The problem is that it was just nice, and I’d already had it, and I wasn’t going to take a beating for the same cock twice if I could help it.“No Michael. I’ve already told you, I thought it was your birthday, I’m not interested in doing it with you again.”He gave his hard package a hearty squeeze. “Well… what about when it really is my...

3 years ago
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Tara 3 DogsChapter 4

Darcy slid his hand down as his mouth devoured hers. She might not have any practice at kissing but he wasn’t complaining, as she was a natural so far as he was concerned. He slid his fingers into her wetness and gripped her mons as he squeezed. She groaned and bucked so he started sliding his fingers in and out getting deeper on each thrust. Her hips lifted to meet his hand and her legs spread wider, to let him get in further. He happily fucked his fingers into her faster as he moved his...

2 years ago
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ldquoI want to suck your dickrdquo

Eileen was hired as the office manager only two weeks before I was hired as an analyst. She also doubled as the secretary for whoever happened to be our office’s director at any given time. She was married to a wealthy real estate developer, and she was just working there so she’d have something to do since her youngest daughter went off to college. Over time, she also assumed the role of head rumor monger, frequently spreading rumors about who in the office I was screwing, none of which were...

2 years ago
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Doing MandyChapter 7 The Final Day III

Tom and Mandy had just finished their second fuck. He'd instructed his supervisor, Mandy, to be waiting for him at the local Best Western in sexy bra, panties, and negligee. She'd been there waiting for him just as he'd instructed. Tom had quickly removed everything from Mandy's sexy young 20-something body except for a black satin garter belt and thigh high stockings that she had bought on her own and worn for him as well. He intended to have his way with her in the most complete manner...

2 years ago
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The Way of the WorldChapter 4

Naked, we went down the hall to the communal bath. I carried a knife though there shouldn't be any issues in a bath. It was considered impolite. Women entered these places knowing that they would be having sex with any men who wanted them. It was the way of the world. We walked in and there were two men who had obviously arrived just before us. One of them raised his hand in salute. "Hello, I am Morri, a trader from the Western mountains." The other was quieter. He said, "I am Frustic...

1 year ago
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Found A Hot Girl Near My Tuition And Fucked Her

Hello everyone. Im publishing my first story on this site and I hope to make you all horny by the end of the story! The tingling sensation in my balls everytime I saw a hot girl, was increasing day by day. I never had any girlfriends in school or college since I was more inclined towards studies during those days, whereas now, hormones started to have an effect on me and I was waiting for the right opportunity to ease my horniness! I had joined for CA classes along with my B.Com course and my...

1 year ago
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Marrying My Aunt 8211 Part 1

I am 21 year old boy. I had just completed my graduation and was having my long vacation. My parents were very busy and I was alone all day at home. I was a very desperate virgin back then. I used to masturbate thinking of my maid Kamla. Kamla was not beautiful, but she had average looks. She was 35 years old, had a dark complexion and long curly hair.Kamla was a little chubby. I was so desperate that I wanted to fuck Kamla. I approached her many times but was unsuccessful. Finally one day she...

3 years ago
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The Inheritance Part 1

1.01 Susan Inherits an old Mansion: 1.02 Susan visits the Mansion: 1.03 Susan moves into the Mansion: 1.04 Susan meets the Entity: 1.05 Susan and the Jacuzzi: 1.01 Susan Inherits an old Mansion: Susan sat at a large conference table for the reading of her parents will. Her parents had gone over their will several times and Susan sat there as the lawyer read the will. The last item came as a shock to Susan. It was an old, beach front house, almost a mansion, that was on the ocean...

2 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 17 I Think They Are

Monday October 17 I was sitting in precalculus, taking a quiz, when my phone chirped to let me know that I’d received a text. This was right after Ms. Lowden had given us a lecture about turning them off for the quiz. She glared in my direction. Apparently, this was the last time someone’s phone was going off during a quiz or test ... or there would be ‘consequences.’ I don’t know what came over me. “Dare! She said to turn your phone off.” Ms. Lowden made a big display of getting out of her...

2 years ago
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An Elf and a Young Man

An Elf and a Young Man By Cheryl Lynn This is my first sweet/sentimental story and probably my last. It is also my shortest but I hope you like it. Sorry for not posting at FM but my house and majority of contents lost to a major flood. Good news I'm almost back to normal. I've been blessed in many ways so I decided to do a sweet/sentimental story. I hope you enjoy it. This is a work of fiction and may be downloaded for personal use only. All standard disclaimers apply and...

3 years ago
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my fantasy5

we are sitting in a bar when i lean over & whisper 2 u " i wanna suck your big hard cock !!cum & meet me in the men's room !! "then i take my drink in there& sit down on a toilet 2 wait 4 u... 4 a while no one cums in & i think that i have made a fool of myself but a few minutes later the door opens then u smile wickedly & ask " are u ready 4 sum hard cock ?? "& the sizable bulge in the front your pants tells me that u are ready 2 be sucked...i smile up at u& motion...

3 years ago
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Guy MargoChapter 2

Margo had been at her desk deep in a complex piece of accountancy work for nearly two hours and needed a coffee break. Leaving her private office she made her way to the rest-area and joined another colleague taking a break. She paused and inquired, "Hello Fisher, how's the Churchill accounts progressing?" "I guess I'm about halfway through Ms Chiverton." he replied. "Not bad, but let me know if it looks like running past Wednesday." "Of course Ms Chiverton, that's when the...

3 years ago
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Amelie part 8

When she got home on Friday, she gotten a hand-written note in her mail-box at home. There was an address and the word “Tonight, 21.00...Be there on time...”…Amelie thought “NO WAY” and began to prepare her dinner. And after dinner, she showered and drank a single glass of red wine, still sure that she was NOT going to go. She had had enough adventure in the last few days for many, many months. And, as she poured a smaller, second glass, she knew that she would have to go, after all. The...

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The Real Story of Hermione Chapter 2

As Hermione came down the steps, she saw Harry and Ginny by the wall. The two were kissing and giggling like a regular couple. Hermione still had trouble seeing the two of them together but she plastered on a smile as greeted them. “Hiya! Are you ready to go to class then?” Hermione asked. Harry nodded and kissed Ginny goodbye and he followed Hermione through the portrait hole and downstairs to the dungeons. Another wave of horniness swept over Hermione and she sighed impatiently. “You...

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Craig HillChapter 39

Despite it only being Shepherd's Pie for supper, David insisted that they crack a bottle of wine. With it being such a happy occasion no one wanted to end it too soon; but Mark reminded Victoria that they ought to be away by eight, so they all regretfully called it a day. Mark accompanied Victoria to her bedroom door. She pulled him in and they kissed long and lovingly. "Off you go, darling," she said when they broke apart. "I'll come and tuck you in as I was meant to last night." She...

2 years ago
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Sicilian Revenge

Thank you Candace. Tony Caruso and Anne Smithson grew up in a small town. Tony’s grandparents immigrated from Sicily after WWll and they brought their customs and traditions with them. When his father, who was born in the States, fell for an Irish descent, both families did not agree and the lovers were outcaste. After their union, they left the big city and moved to a small town to live their life. Tony was their only child. Only one of his father’s friend, Giuseppe whom everyone called Joe,...

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