Medical Benefits free porn video

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Where does the time go was the question that Donald Murphy pondered when he awoke on a Sunday morning. It didn't seem like a year had gone by, but it had and today was his thirty third birthday. He felt just the same as he did a year ago physically, but he knew that the aches and pains would eventually start as he advanced in age.

As he was taking a shower he thought he had a good meal to look forward to as his mother had insisted he come over to celebrate his birthday with her and his father. His mother was a good cook and beat the food at the fast food restaurants he normally ate at. His culinary skills were as they say, "Nothing to write home to mother about."

It was a very good meal as he had anticipated with a salad, a large beef roast, plenty of roasted potatoes and carrots, and homemade chocolate fudge cake which was his favorite. Don was thankful that the cake was devoid of candles celebrating his birthday.

Dad was his usual sort asking Don about what was happening in his life or at work. He seemed to enjoy hearing what his son was doing in his life. Dad said that things were going good at his insurance agency although the curtailment on the use of telemarketers had hurt a little. He said that the large amount of accounts he had were now the prime generator of new business although the direct insurance marketers were nibbling at his total number of accounts.

Don's mother presented him with a gift wrapped box after the meal. Judging from the box's size and shape, Don guessed that it was either a shirt or a sweater. He was partially right as it was two long-sleeve shirts, both of which were nice and from a name brand shirt maker. His mother insisted he try the shirts on as the sleeve length was always a concern because of the length of Don's arms.

Don had taken his shirt off and was reaching for one of the shirts when he heard his mother standing behind him say, "What's this?"

"What do you mean?"

He felt her hand rubbing his back and heard, "You have some spots here that don't look right. Maybe it's nothing, but I think you should go and see a dermatologist."

'Do you really think so?"

"Yes I do and I would feel better if you did see a doctor and have him or her take a look."

"Do you know of anyone I could go to?"

"I go to Doctor Allen who I think is good. I'll write her phone number and address down for you."

Don phoned the next day and was able to make an appointment for an exam in five days. He didn't think there was anything to what his mother saw, but he knew there would be no peace and quiet until he told his mother a doctor had looked at his back.

The doctor's office was located on the second floor of a building in an upscale shopping mall. The office looked new and was nicely furnished. Don noticed there were two people sitting in the waiting room. He was asked for his insurance card and given a clip board with some paperwork to complete when he introduced himself to the receptionist at the front desk. Don could see that where he worked and the name of his insurance carrier were the dominant questions on the paperwork he completed. He knew this was because the Doctor wanted to insure she would get paid for her services.

He took a seat in the waiting room after completing the paperwork. A young lady stepped into the area from a door that opened and called out his name about five minutes later. He rose and followed her into an examination room. The young lady introduced herself as Sandra and asked him to take a seat. She went over and confirmed what he had answered on the questionnaires. She asked him if he wanted a gown to put one when she was done questioning him. He said he didn't need one as he would take his shirt off and roll his Bermuda shorts up for the exam. She left the room saying he would be seen shortly.

It wasn't that long before the door opened and a woman who was out and out beautiful walked in. She was probably just short of thirty years old and about five foot nine or ten inches tall in the shoes she was wearing. She had on a white three-quarter length lab coat. Her rimless eyeglasses enhanced her very attractive face which his eyes were drawn to.

She was carrying a clipboard in her hand and said, "Mr. Murphy, I am Aria Powell, Doctor Allen's physician assistant and I will be doing your exam. Doctor Allen will be in after I'm done to confirm my findings. Will you please stand and we can get started."

Don stood and thought that going to the doctor does have benefits. Don was a little mesmerized by her pretty face and those rimless eyeglasses she was wearing. He watched her she was doing her exam and writing on the clipboard. The glasses adding to her beautiful face made for a lethal combination. He could see a ring through the plastic gloves that she was wearing, but he couldn't tell if it was a wedding, engagement, or some other type of ring.

"Are you married?" he asked.

"No, why do you ask?"

"All the pretty women I meet are usually married."

That remark caused a paused in her doing the exam and maybe a slight blush on Aria face, but then he heard, "Are you married?"

"No, why do you ask?" He thought he would give her response right back to her.

"All the good looking men I meet are usually married."

He laughed at her remark since she gave it right back to him which caused her to laugh as well.

The laughter was cut short as the door opened and in walked an older lady who introduced herself as Doctor Allen.

Doctor Allen conferred with Aria and he could feel his back being touched while they did this. He could hear their conversation as three areas of concern were discussed.

Doctor Allen said to Don, "There are three spots here that I don't like and I think they should be removed and tested just to see what they are. We can do that now if you want.

"Well I do have the time and if you think it should be done, let's do it now."

"If you'll lie down on the table we can get started."

It was a non-painful procedure except for a little prick he felt before she excised the three growths. He was told that he would be called and told what the lab results showed about the growths in about a week. He was given some anti-biotic crème to apply and told he could get dressed.

Don left the office after paying his deductible for the office visit. He phoned his mother to tell her of his visit and said he would hear what the biopsy of the three growths that were removed showed in about a week.

His mother said, "It will either be the receptionist or Sandra who will call to give you the results. The doctor or her physician assistants are usually too busy to do that unless it's something serious. Call me when you hear what they say."

Don was glad he phoned his mother. While she was nice and caring he knew she would hound him until he saw a doctor about those growths. He was glad his mother had seen them since he didn't and he wondered how many people do look at their backs. That's something that is tough to do even with mirrors. He thought the best way to do it is to have someone look at your back. He chuckled a little as he knew a few female friends who he thought would be happy to do that, but that would be somewhat of a weird request to make either before or after having sex.

Don had forgotten about the doctor visit until he heard the tune on his cellphone play about a week later.

In answering the call he heard, "Mr. Murphy, this is Aria Powell from Doctor Allen's office."

Her pretty face immediately came to his mind.

"Yes, Aria, what can I do for you?"

"We have received the results of the biopsies and I thought I would discuss them with you."

The thought immediately ran through is mind that there was something seriously wrong if Aria would be calling him to discuss the results. The biopsies had showed melanoma was the thought that crossed his mind.

"Go ahead and tell me the bad news."

"There is nothing bad, why do say that?"

"Well, since you're making the call, I thought..."

"Mr. Murphy the biopsies showed two of the growths were pre-cancerous and the other one was benign. There is nothing for you to worry about. The doctor would like to see you for a follow-up checkup in six months."

Hearing her say that brought instant relief, but he then wondered why she had made the call as opposed to who his mother said would do that. Was this an effort on her part because she wanted to meet him? That was a thought out from left field that went quickly through his mind. What the hell he thought, she can only say no. It was time to test the waters with her.

"Thanks for the good news and clarifying that. I instantly became worried when you called because it was you and not a nurse calling to give me the results of the biopsies. Thanks for calling as that worry is now gone. Now, please don't take this the wrong way but are you involved with someone because if you aren't I would like to ask you out to dinner. Don't hesitate to say no if that presents a problem and please call me Don."

There was a pause on Aria's part but then he heard, "I wasn't expecting you to say that. In answer to your question there is no significant other at this time and you seemed like a nice guy in the short time when I saw you. So yes, I would like to go out to dinner with you."

Aria gave Don her address, phone number, and e-mail address. He told her he would pick her up at seven on Saturday.

Don was proud of himself that he had asked Aria to go out, but he now had another worry. He had a long time ago admitted to himself that he was a worrier. There's no question that Aria had a beautiful and sexy face and besides her height and maybe her age, that's all he knew about her. He remembered that she was wearing a lab coat which shielded her body which prevented him from gauging how it was at that time. He hoped that her figure complemented her great face.

The days at work quickly passed by and he now found himself at the door to Aria's condo. He pressed her doorbell button with some trepidation on his part and thought "What will be, will be."

Aria opened the door and the worries about what the rest of her looked like immediately vanished. She had on an A-Line dark grey dress which encased her slim figure and highlighted her womanly curves. She was wearing her auburn shoulder-length hair down. A single strand of pearls and three inch high-heeled shoes rounded out a very attractive package. Don thought that she looked as good as or better than any of the Hollywood stars you see in the movies or on television.

Don walked into her condo and with a little bit of a smile on his face, said, "You clean up well kid."

He could tell she was taken back a little by his remark. With a smile on her face she responded, "Thank you kind Sir, you should see what I look like when I really try to dress up."

He laughed at her remark and when he could he said, "You are going to make some men's hearts beat faster and some women angry when they see how good you look."

"Thanks, it's nice to hear you say things like that."

Taking a light coat with her they left her condo and went to Don's car which was a black two-year-old Porsche 911 convertible.

Aria seemed impressed by the car as she said, "I have never ridden in a Porsche."

"It's a toy that I treated myself to. I would put the top down and take you for a nice spin on the interstate and then into the country if it was a little warmer. I think you would enjoy the ride and the wind blowing your hair."

At the restaurant Don was right about Aria's appearance. He could see both the men and the women giving her looks as they were shown to their table. Don couldn't help but feel good that she was his date tonight.

After they were seated and placed a drink order Don said, "Other than you being the best looking Physician's Assistant I know, that's about all that I know about you. Please tell me about yourself."

"Well, I initially had hopes of going to med school after getting my undergrad degree. My college grades were good and the MCAT score was above average, but not by much. The three schools I applied to said thanks, but no thanks. I then looked into the Physician's Assistant program and was accepted at the University of Iowa whose program is nationally ranked. In doing the program, I decided on dermatology as the area I wanted to specialize in. It seemed to me that in specializing in that area would be enable me to keep pretty regular hours. I enjoy what I do and I think this PA program is a field that will grow and expand into the future."

'This is the first time I am hearing about the Physician's Assistant program. It sounds interesting and maybe something more students should consider entering, especially with an ever decreasing job market."

"A great majority of the new med school graduates want to specialize or do research. There is a great need for practicing doctors that isn't being met which is why our country attracts a lot of foreign doctors. This shortage creates a need that the PA program can satisfy. While we're required to be supervised by a physician this doesn't mean we need to be in the same building or that we can't do things or make decisions on our own. If we have a problem or concern we can communicate with a physician anywhere there's internet access via Skype or video cameras. I think you are going to see more and more medical satellite offices staffed by PAs in days to come."

"What do you think will change as to treating patients?"

"I wouldn't be surprised to see the future a medical practice consisting say of five doctors and maybe fifty PAs. Some of these doctors would be in something like in a control room with computer monitors and could be called upon if a PA needed some assistance. These PAs and Doctors would be located in the States they are licensed to practice in. I think that's the future of what is to come.

The meals they ordered were brought to the table while the conversation continued.

"Now that I told you about myself, how about some reciprocity and you tell me about yourself."

"It's somewhat different from you in that I took my undergraduate degree in civil engineering. My dad had a friend who worked for the State Department of Highways. His friend told me to consider applying there which I did and I was offered a job, maybe with this friend's help. I liked the work which basically was asking for bids on highway construction or repair projects. Once we received and reviewed the bids, we selected one of the bidders to do the work. Contracts are signed and then we supervised the contractors in house or assigned outside supervisors to make the work done is in accordance with the contracts and there were no cutting corners."

"How did doing this work go for you?"

"I must have done well because I was promoted a few times and reached a position where my job unfortunately was at a political appointee level. My new boss was a recent political appointee who was a big fundraiser for our Governor and was using some of our workers to promote the Governor's re-election campaign. This unfortunately is against the law and he knew that it was and he knew that I knew it was. Instead of fighting him on this and causing a stink, one of the large companies we dealt with made me a job offer that was considerably more than I was making."

"What did you do?"

"I checked with my boss to see what his reaction would be if I left the Department. He was happy to see me go for a number of reasons. He had a friend he wanted to bring in to replace me and my leaving would solve the problem of how he could get rid of me. He nicely inferred that if I never mentioned or said anything about the work he had the employees doing for the Governor, he wouldn't blackball the company who made me the job offer from receiving any new State business. Usually that happens if it was thought that the company was stealing the State's employees. He hasn't done that and things have worked out well for me so far. I did make some friends at the State Highway Department who still look out for me and like the work I do. Because of that a good number of our bids are accepted by the State. Some of the bids they approve specifically require that I be the supervisor on the some project or manage other projects they have approved."

"Is what you are doing now much different than what you were doing with the Highway Department?"

"I basically do what I was doing when I was working for the State. The State Highway Department publishes a list of projects with specifications they want to do and we prepare bids on projects we're interested in doing. When our bids are accepted, we hire the contractors we know do quality work and make sure it comes in at or hopefully less than what we bid. There are penalties if we are late and bonuses if we come in early on the project. The Highway Department sometimes just assigns the managing of both large and small projects for us to handle. We're subject to their periodic inspections, but my company does good work and completes the projects as bid and on time. We don't cause any problems which is a big plus as far as the State is concerned."

"Enough about work, let's talk about something else and leave work for another time."

Aria agreed to the proposal and Don was glad that she did. He was impressed by her command of the language, how she expressed herself and her knowledge on a number of topics. He hoped he impressed her with his knowledge and opinions. He tried to play a little devil's advocate on some topics, but she handled his questions quite well. She came back at him with some questions that he thought he handled, but maybe with a little difficulty. Lingering over a second cup of coffee, he didn't want the evening to end and somewhat reluctantly paid the bill when it was presented.

He told her on the drive back to her condo that he really enjoyed himself tonight and hoped that she did to. He asked her if she would like to go out next Saturday. Don said there was a comedy club that he had been to a few times that was worth a visit.

Aria said, "I also enjoyed myself tonight. You're an interesting guy and you also know how to make me laugh and feel good about myself. You have a way of teasing me that keeps me on my toes which I enjoy and makes for a fun evening. Yes, I would like to go to the comedy club with you."

He told her he would pick her up at seven as she left the car.

Don thought it was a great date on his drive home. He would have liked to receive a goodnight kiss from her. While he didn't, he hoped that maybe he would sometime in the future. He'd bet it would be something that was worth waiting for. Don sensed that there was something beneath her cool, controlled exterior that intrigued him. He was already looking forward to Saturday and being with her again.

Don's cell phone played a tune during the week and when he answered it, he heard, "Don, this is Linda Jamison, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine Linda, how are you?"

Linda said she was fine. She was a nice girl who Don had bedded a few times. He backed off from taking her out anymore when he thought she was starting to get serious with him. It seemed like she understood he didn't want to get serious with her which changed their relationship to more of a platonic one.

"The reason that I'm calling is that one of my friends from work is getting married and I was hoping you could come to the reception with me. I would like to go with a guy there and not go stag."

'When is it?"

"This Saturday."

"Gee, I would like to go with you but I'm committed to something on Saturday that I can't get out of."

The conversation ended shortly with Don giving her two names of male friends who they both knew that he suggested she consider asking. One of the fellows he mentioned was Stan Osgood who Don knew was sweet on Linda which is why he recommended that she call Stan.

As far as he was concerned, he wasn't going to give up a date with Aria and Saturday couldn't come soon enough. He was having constant thoughts about her. Saturday eventually did come and he found himself eagerly wanting to see Aria as he pressed her doorbell button.

Don was in for a surprise because he wasn't looking at Aria when the door opened. He was looking at a fellow almost as tall as he was and maybe one or two years younger. He was a good looking guy and Don wasn't sure what to do or what to say.

"Please come on in, I'm Zack and Aria will be ready shortly."

Don was still at a loss for words.

"Can I offer you something to drink?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

Was this Aria's roommate or boyfriend or what was going on?

Aria walked out of the bedroom just then dressed in a black sweater and tan slacks. Don thought she looked good, but then again she always looked good.

Seeing or sensing Don's surprise or maybe by the look on his face she said, "You didn't tell him, did you?"

"I didn't have the chance."

"Don, I'd like you to meet my older brother Zack. He's a Navy pilot back here on leave and he surprised me with a visit."

Don felt a large sense of relief as he smiled and shook Zack's hand.

"Sorry for not saying anything sooner but the look on your face when I opened the door was priceless. It was nice meeting you and I'll be on my way."

For some unexplained reason Don reacted by saying, "Do you have plans for tonight."

"No not really, why do you ask?"

"Well I'm going to take Aria to a comedy club and you're welcome to come along."

"It's nice of you to ask but are you sure I won't be interfering?"

"Not at all, your being in the service and probably on a ship limits the time you have to spend with your friends and family. I'm sure Aria would like to hear how things are going and what you've been doing. I know I would as being a Navy fighter pilot has always been one of my fantasies."

"What do you say, Aria?"

"Speaking of fantasies, having two good-looking men as my escorts has always been one of mine. Let's all go have a good time. We can take my car as the three of us aren't going to fit in Don's Porsche."

They did have a good time. The three comedians were funny and put on a good show. The two drinks they each had during the show added to this fun time. They went and had a pizza and another drink afterwards.

Don was enjoying listening to Zack tell about his flying experiences and was constantly peppering him with questions.

Feigning exasperation at one point in this conversation Aria said, "Men and their toys, Don has a Porsche and Zack has an F-18. What do we girls have?"

In unison they both said, "You have us!"

They all laughed at these comments.

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Occupational Benefits

“I have an idea for some stories. I think I might want to be a writer.”“That’s cool. What do you want to write about?”“I am not 100% sure yet. But, if so many people are making their livings from blogs and twitter and all that other social media opinion crap that they spout, why not me too? And then there is that Kindle self-publishing stuff. I thought I might give it a try. I am sure I could write a book. Anyway, I won’t know unless I try. It probably wouldn’t be anything to interest you, but...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

Friends With BenefitsBy: Londebaaz Chohan“But then why did you ask me to join you for a ride to Harrisburg all the way from Camden”. Dev asked his Egyptian friend, Mahmood. Mahmood only smiled and repeated that he never had a girlfriend in the State of Pennsylvania or particularly in Harrisburg. By now they had hit a rest stop on the highway and Mahmood pulled into it, got out of the car and left for the bathroom, asking Dev to wait there. It was unusually a long wait for anyone to hit the...

2 years ago
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A new friend with benefits

So I had been chatting with a guy online for almost a year. He was several years older than me and he was the ideal fuck buddy that I was hoping to find. I’m 5’10” weigh 175lbs, mostly smooth and I am a clean and horny bottom. I had only been with four different guys ever, two of those were long term fuck buddies. I had gotten used to having a nice cock coated with silicone lube sliding into my ass and shooting a warm load of sperm as deep as possible. My first fuck buddy was a corporate guy...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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a job with benefits

I didn’t like my new job. I can’t say I hated it, but stocking grocery shelves at 5AM was not the lateral career move I had hoped for when I was terminated by corporate America. It had its perks after all. It was close to home and the hour commute became a 20 minute walk and it was nice to wear shorts all day. I was making money and the job had health care benefits, so I was OK with it.I soon came to realize that the walk had lots of benefits too. The walk took me by a small house with a...

3 years ago
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BestFriends With Benefits

Hello my horny indian sex stories dot net readers, I’m Karan here, back with another recent experience of mine. The previous stories of mine have got great response especially from the ladies and I’ve had horny dripping sex chats with plenty of ladies since then. I’m Karan, 21 years old and I provide professional massage service also to ladies/girls in Ahmedabad. Interested Ladies can contact me at this mail id. Now coming back to the story,((((Have some patience readers, this a real story...

3 years ago
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Divorced Colleague With Benefits

Hi, guys, this sex story is about my colleague who used to work with me back in 2011 but then I quit that company and we lost contact with each other. Her name is Shruti, she is 28 years old. Short but huge boobs and nice ass. So last year I found her on Facebook and sent her a request. I found out that she has been married to a guy and it’s been a year that she’s married. She used to be so basic chic back in 2011, with oil in her hair and not at all sexy but when I looked at her pictures...

2 years ago
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My Bestie With Benefits

The ultimate story of how two best friends took the next step towards quenching their thirst for Reading stories here at ISS has always been a guilty pleasure of mine and undoubtedly it has led to some great time masturbation sessions. So it is about time that I write about one of my own. If you guys get even a little horny after reading the story do send your feedbacks and requests at About me, I’m Varun 21, from Indore, 5’10”atletic built and it was recently that this incident took place and...

3 years ago
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Cook Becomes A Friend With Benefits

My wife had moved into a new job which required her to travel a fair bit, about 1-2 weeks out of town a month. We’d been married for 3 years and didnt have any kids yet. Thus such a travel heavy job was easy to manage. Usually her travel schedule would require her to visit her company’s Chennai and Bangalore offices and would either require her to spend a week at each office one after the other, or spend a week at either of the office. We had a good support system of maids (Melissa, the cook...

4 years ago
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Friend with Painful Benefits

I met Sheryl about 10 years ago, when she married my older cousin Dan. I was impressed, because she was very attractive and seemed very together. It was surprising, because while Dan was a fine looking guy, he was pretty much a loser. This was her 2nd marriage. Sheryl was in her late 30's, had a pretty face and long dark blonde hair. The day I met her, she was wearing a red tank top which showed off her fit arms and shoulders. She wore tight black cotton pants which showed off her nice tight...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach Friends with Benefits

Bikini Beach: Friends with Benefits By: Light Clark Synopsis: Andy seems like the kind of guy that has it all, rich parents, good looks, and smarts. However, in spite of all that, he leads a double life while hoping to find a special friend who might be willing to share in it. A heavy sigh slid out of my lips as I plunked down at one of the round, common area tables with my lunch tray in hand. It wasn't because of the low-quality, lukewarm meal. I wasn't picky. Nor was it...

1 year ago
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Friends with benefits

Friends with benefitsChapter oneThis really sucked. I just spent three hours in that stupid bar, trying to find someone for a nice one-night-stand. And nothing – not one person I would even remotely consider. In three hours! How could that be? This wouldn’t do. It was four weeks almost to the day that I broke it off with Mira. And since then my love- and even worse my sex life had been non-existing. This had to end right now or I would die of blue balls within the day. So I drove the car down...

4 years ago
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Bartending Competition with Benefits

“Sounds like someone is jealous,” someone said. “I just hope you talk about me to the other bartenders,” I joked. “I’m not sure I appreciate youse talking about another bartender in front of me. I don’t talk about my other customers in front of you.” We all laughed. “I feel like they you’re cheating on me.” I made a pouty face and jokingly stomped to the other side of the bar. “We are cheating on you,” one said. “I knew I smelled beer on your breath when you walked in,” I...

1 year ago
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Siblings With Benefits

100% fiction! My Name is Amanda I am 22 years old. I graduated from college 6 months ago. I had received a job offer in the same city where my brother lives. My brother told me I could stay with him until I got on my feet. His name is Greg. He lived alone in a two bedroom apartment so he had the extra room. My brother is only 14 months older than me. So we had always been close. A couple of weeks after moving in with my brother. I decided it was time to go out and have some fun. It had been a...

2 years ago
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Medical Practice

I was never much of a student, when I finished High School it was a relief to be done with all that study. My friends all went onto University while I went out into the working world. I got a job in a a call centre, I was on the lowest rung on he totem pole, so I worked a lot of nights and weekends. Subsequently I had very little social life (not that I was Mr popularity when I was in High school) but I was earning money and the job was relatively simple. One of my friends from High school,...

2 years ago
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Medical Checkup Turned Out To Be A Surprise

Shyam woke up in the morning and started getting ready to reach to hospital on time for his regular medical checkup. This is a new hospital which he has chosen this time as his previous experiences were not good, forced to wait in lines for even simple tests. As instructed he has not eaten anything since last 12 hours and wants to get these tests over quickly so that he can have his breakfast. He reached the hospital where he was welcomed by courteous staff, who were aware about his visit and...

2 years ago
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Medical Report That Changed Our Life

Hi I am seema raut with one more story. This story I am going to tell is not mine but one of my friend’s friend. My friend name is manasi and she is 36 years old married women.She became my friend 2 years back when I first came in Mumbai and was new in city. I used to go for morning walk. One day she asked me for water, when we first talk and know each other. Our daily presence in morning made us good friend. Now we are so close that we share many things. One day she shared her friends story of...

3 years ago
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Medical examination

A true storyI was circumcised at 19. My first sexual experience if you can call it that was when I was in the process of joining the Army. I had to have a complete medical examination. I had just turned 18.13:20I went to a Doctors. The Doctor was a much older guy. As i was just a young k** who didnt know any better. Anyway Nurse first older woman in her 40s i would guess certain tests height, etc the weight test she told me to remove my clothes. I left my underware on. She then told me...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend8217s Best Friend Seduced Me To Be Friends With Benefits

Hi all, I am Raj (Name changed for privacy). I stay in Navi Mumbai. I am Normal built 6’2″ height. wheatish complexion. My penis size is 6.5″. This story is about nidhi my GF’s best friend and how she seduced me to be in friends with benefit relation while my GF was on a world tour of four months. Lets me tell you about Nidhi. She is 5’9″ Slim with figure 32 28 32. Her figure was nice curvy and round ass as well as boobs. This story starts when my GF left for world tour for four months. Nidhi...

4 years ago
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Friends For Benefits

It was a hot Saturday as usual here in Visakhapatnam. I just returned from college in the evening tired and exhausted from all the hectic work in college. Went for a shower, did all that I usually do there, wrapped a towel and came out. My boobs were only half covered. Looking at myself the mirror, removed my towel exposing my curvy assets which were 34-28-32 . I ran my fingers over my boobs and gently brushed over my nipples sending a jolt inside me. I got dressed up and my mom came into the...

2 years ago
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Medical Assistance

It wasn’t all the time, it hit him at different times during the day. A kind of throbbing and aching that increased, and gradually lessened. It started a few years ago, after he had quit church. When the pastor had gotten caught banging the choir director after hours, Derek James had finally seen the light, so to speak. All these years, growing up in the church, people told him that sex was bad, that you shouldn’t touch yourself, that you waited for marriage and stayed faithful to your...

1 year ago
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Medical Fantasy

Seeds Of A Medical Fetish/Fantasy... Talk about laying the seeds for a medical fantasy. Five months ago I went to my doctor and she, yes I have a female doc, said “I need you to lose weight.” OK, I did need to get some pounds off. So I started going back to the gym and hitting the weights and cardio hard like I use to. Fast-forward to yesterday; I have a follow up with her and she expects results, which I had improved well. What I did not expect was to be looked at more closely than weight...

3 years ago
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Medical Improvisations

Medical Improvisations. Amanda Walker ----------------------- David went to his sister Gwen and asked her to help him with a problem. He was to going to attend a medical theme fancy dress party. His mother had promised to obtain some surgical gowns from the hospital where she worked but tonight she had been delayed and could not meet her contact. His sister was a nurse at the same hospital and he wondered if she had anything that he could wear. "Well, little brother. I...

3 years ago
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Medical Misconduct

Medical Misconduct Jon closed the lights of the lab and walked to his office. He locked the door and sighed rubbing the ache on his back. He was only 30 but his strenuous work as a geneticist had ate away several years from his life. Groaning, he leaned down onto his leather chair and exhaled loudly. Jon worked for a large medical corporation and the research he was doing was very top-secret. No one was allowed into his office except his boss and some lab helpers. As a result, Jon was...

3 years ago
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Medical Home Health Nursing Fetish

Medical, nurses, catheters, and Geriatric Home Health Care is my favorite role playing theme. The best way to have clean dirty pig play.I had a friend. we both had breathing and other medical problems. We had tons of supplies. We had both had had and no longer needed nurses coming to see us.We started having sex while we were both still on oxygen. We started doing Albuterol breathing treatments before sex because we needed to breath better. Turned out the speed rush is better and last longer...

1 year ago
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Medical Examination Gay

Ryan walked into the doctor’s waiting room. A pretty receptionist greeted him. “Good morning, I have an appointment for a full examination this morning.” She checked her computer. “Yes Mr Cooper, the doctor is free now so you can go straight in.” Ryan thanked her and walked into the consulting room. The doctor was sat behind his desk, about late 50s and hot, just Ryan’s type. He looked up. “Mr Cooper. I understand you are here for a full sexual examination. Strip off fully and lie on the couch...

1 year ago
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First Wild Friend with Benefits

My mind was in a blur as we walked for what felt like forever till she pushed me against a tree and stuck her tongue in my mouth and was rubbing my concrete hard cock. She then dropped to her knees and pulled my jeans down and freed my throbbing member and ran her hand across it saying that it's not a bad 6 1/2 and started to push her tongue around the tip to the edges of the head before she plunged my cock deep inside her mouth and I felt like my soul left my body. She then sucked and...

3 years ago
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fun with the ex after all who said we couldnt just be friends with benefits

I wonder what will happen? I wonder if she misses me as just a friend or maybe more? I guess i'll just have to wait and see. I'll play it cool, in case she is just wanting to be friends, but if more happens, i'm definitely not going to fight it. As Carolyn soaped her perky 34D chest her mind wandered to one of the last times her and Rachael had been together before they broke up a few months earlier. They had been laying in bed watching some cheesy sci-fi horror flick when Rachael had...

3 years ago
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Becoming Friends With Benefits

“Thanks again for coming.” I said as soon as we were alone in the hotel room.“It wasn’t that bad.” He said.“It’s also not your family.” I took out of my bag the bottle of wine that stole, snuck out of the cousin’s wedding reception, whatever you want to say. “Wine?”“Why not?”I found the two hotel provided glasses on the dresser and poured as each a too full glass. They weren’t wine glasses, but they would do. I handed him one and we gently clinked glasses. “Cheers.”We planned to go into town...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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fun with the ex after all who said we couldnt just be friends with benefits

Introduction: a night of cards and movies with the ex ends up very exciting As the water ran down her body, Carolyn thought ahead to this evening. I wonder what will happen? I wonder if she misses me as just a friend or maybe more? I guess ill just have to wait and see. Ill play it cool, in case she is just wanting to be friends, but if more happens, im definitely not going to fight it. As Carolyn soaped her perky 34D chest her mind wandered to one of the last times her and Rachael had been...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

David A. has several lovers. They all fall under the category ‘friends with benefits.’ You might call David ‘polyamorous.’ David has been married twice and had long-term relationships in the past. At this period in his life, multiple lovers, or polyamory, is what he is comfortable with. He is good friends with all the women he sleeps with and there is no deception or jealousy on anyone’s part. Currently, David has three lovers, all younger than himself. The first one, who is almost 20 years...

4 years ago
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A Summer Job with Fringe Benefits

When my father offered me the chance to work in his office for ten bucks an hour, I jumped at it. It was a lot better than cutting lawns and it was air-conditioned. The other benefits were unexpected. I was seventeen that summer and had just finished my junior year of high school and done well on the SATs. I needed money for college. Dressed in chinos and a clean polo shirt, I rode to work that first Monday and listened to my father tell me the rules. No smoking, no dope, no drinking and be...

3 years ago
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Max Level Benefits

It's been a long, hard life - killing basically anything you see in your path while adventuring, doing odd jobs for farmers, important missions for the military, hell, you've even saved Azeroth once! You've decided to retire from the adventuring life, and you wake up to a red envelope... 'Dear John Doe,' 'Due to your impressive accomplishments and service record, the Circle of Narzira would like to invite to to join our organization, including immediate access to all the privileges and benefits...

4 years ago
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Becoming friends with benefits

This story involves one of the first friends I met, named Layla.  We both met at a college orientation in a January and became good friends, despite many differences, as I am a staunch conservative type who voted for Bush (this was in January of 2005 when we met) and her a bleeding heart hippie liberal.  We were students at Temple U, and I lived at home and she was moving into a dorm.  As this was January, the orientation sessions were a lot less crowded than a standard one (we'd started at...

2 years ago
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Cousins with Benefits

I was 16, at home, while my family was out of state for vacation. My 16 year old cousin came over because her family was out with my family, too. I'm happy it was my cousin and I at my house alone together. She's cute, body well rounded, and her ass was fine. I couldn't stop staring at such a sight... Hours later, I was getting bored, kinda. All we were doing was just talking, making jokes, and just chilling. I decided to play video games just to kill time. But just before getting my...

4 years ago
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Best Friends With Benefits

We met at work. When I first saw her, I thought, typical hot girl stuck up bitch. She was clearly the best looking girl in the plant and she surely knew it. It was my first day, I was by no means up to her speed on the line. I was surprised how kind and patient she was with me. She was nice to everyone and as it turned out, has no idea how gorgeous she is. I found out that she lives just around the corner from me so I offered to drive her home. She was very grateful for the ride and felt a...

3 years ago
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Best Friends With Benefits

We met at work. When I first saw her, I thought, typical hot girl stuck up bitch. She was clearly the best looking girl in the plant and she surely knew it. It was my first day, I was by no means up to her speed on the line. I was surprised how kind and patient she was with me. She was nice to everyone and as it turned out, has no idea how gorgeous she is. I found out that she lives just around the corner from me so I offered to drive her home. She was very grateful for the ride and felt a...

1 year ago
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Friends with benefits

I'd known Jason since we were in third grade. I knew he'd had a crush on me for a long time, but I thought of him as more of a brother through school. We were very good friends. I dated a lot through high school and into college. Jason had the occasional girlfriend, but really don't date much and when he did it didn't last long. When I broke up with my boyfriend in college, Jason and I hung out a lot. I got real comfortable around him and would even change my clothes in front of him without...

4 years ago
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A Summer Job with Fringe Benefits

When my father offered me the chance to work in his office for ten bucks an hour, I jumped at it. It was a lot better than cutting lawns and it was air-conditioned. The other benefits were unexpected. I was seventeen that summer and had just finished my junior year of high school and done well on the SATs. I needed money for college. Dressed in chinos and a clean polo shirt, I rode to work that first Monday and listened to my father tell me the rules. No smoking, no dope, no drinking and be...

Group Sex

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