Medical Students free porn video

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Helen Ford had just stepped out of the shower and was toweling off when her husband of 23 years walked into the bathroom. He was already dressed and ready for work but he stood at the mirror and fussed with his tie then shyly glanced over at his wife, "Hey honey, what's on your schedule for today?"

Helen turned and dropped the towel to her side looking for a sign, any sign that Richard might be just a bit stimulated by her nakedness — she even reached up and caressed her breast but she didn't see anything in his mannerisms that even suggested he knew or cared that she was naked. "Well I've got a doctors appointment at eleven this morning, then I'm off to my teaching seminar at school." Helen was the local high schools' science guru; teaching biology, chemistry and all of the pre-med courses and was also responsible for assisting the gifted students with their twelfth grade science projects. Helen walked over to Richard and snuggled up to his back, her hard nipples poking into his starched white shirt, her hands sneaking around his ample mid-section and caressing his manhood through his trousers. She kissed him on his neck.

Richard pushed her hands away and took a step backward then said. "Please Helen, not now; Christ, look at what you've done to my shirt." He straightened his shirt and fixed his tie.

"Not now... then when Richard? You're going on a week-long trip on Wednesday and it's been so long since we made love..."

"I know honey, but now isn't a good time." Richard turned back to the mirror and fussed with his tie again then ran his fingers through his thick brown hair and without even looking back at Helen he turned and walked towards the door. "Well you have a good day honey." Then he was gone.

Helen stood there stunned and hurt. Why was this happening to her and what was wrong with their marriage? Was there something wrong with her that she couldn't turn on her husband any more? She finished drying off and then looked at herself in the mirror. Her breasts were still pert enough although she figured that was more due to being a 35B cup than any attempt to keep herself physically fit. She turned and looked over her shoulder at her butt and noticed that there was just a hint of sag but nothing that should turn off any red blooded man. Her weight was good; she was slightly less than 121 pounds which she carried well on her five-foot seven inch frame. She smiled to herself, damn; I'm not too bad for a forty-six year old mother with a daughter ready to graduate college.

Helen thought about her husband and realized that even with a less than perfect sex life that her marriage was basically a good one, twenty-three years of mostly marital bliss and a lot of love making, at least until Richard's heart attack. She had always been a highly sexed woman and she was use to making love two or three times a week — at a minimum. She smiled remembering how Richard turned her on in the bedroom but all of that was nothing but history now — they hadn't been intimate in almost fourteen months and she didn't know if she could stand much more sexual frustration. Helen had just assumed that if she could find a way to get Richard interested in her, and in sex again, everything would be fine but he refused to even talk about sex much less do it. Ever since his heart attack he hadn't touched her, held her or even gotten hard, not once. Oh they hugged and kissed but it was more like a brother and sister than man and wife. At first she thought that it was just a normal reaction to having a heart attack at the youthful age of fifty-one but the doctors had told both of them that sex was not only safe but a good exercise... still she couldn't get him to try it at all.

Helen walked into the bedroom and opened the closet to pick out something to wear when she remembering what had happened to her at her last doctors' visit and she blushed with a renewed embarrassment. During her visit to Dr. Lyon's office she had discussed her husbands problems with sex and Dr. Lyon's had been sympathetic and had even giving her some ideas of ways that she could stimulate Richard's interest in her. What happened next though mortified her although Dr. Lyon's seemed to take it in stride, letting her know that 'things like that' happen and not to worry or be embarrassed but still she wouldn't ever forget that afternoon.

Dr. Lyon's had finished the preliminary portions of his physical examination, including her breast exam, when she realized that she was getting sexually stimulated. At first she didn't know what was happening then she realized that with a lack of sexual satisfaction at home the doctors' manipulations were exciting her, letting her libido rage out of control. Embarrassed by her body's reaction she tried to will herself not to respond but it just wasn't doing any good, none at all. The more his fingers touched her skin the more excited she seemed to become until she felt herself getting wet. The finally insult came when she was lying on the exam table, her legs up in the stirrups, as Dr. Lyon's performed a vaginal examination. When his fingers entered her she suddenly tensed up, her butt raised in the air and she had an orgasm.

Helen remembered it like it was yesterday, her entire body shivering with excitement as her vagina clenched down on his fingers then she turning a bright red color as she stuttered out an apology but Dr. Lyon's simply patted her knee and in a very fatherly way told her that some women reacted that way to an examination and not to worry, that he understood. Determined not to have a repeat of that embarrassment she pulled out a plain white bra and pair of panties reminiscent of what her grandmother probably wore. She searched through her dresser until she found a pair of pantyhose and as she began to ease them up her legs she changed her mind, deciding that she was just going to have to remove them at the doctors' office anyway. Helen walked back over to the closet and took out a conservative dress and while slipping it over her head she once again prayed that there wouldn't be a repeat of the same fiasco during today's visit.

Ten minutes later and very conservatively dressed, Helen walked into her living room and grabbed her briefcase with the new science curriculum and the accompanying textbooks and walked out the front door and to her car. At five minutes to eleven Helen signed in with Dr. Lyon's receptionist and took a seat in the waiting room thumbing through the science curriculum, making changes for next years senior class while she waited for the doctor.

At approximately the same time that Helen was slipping into her bra and panties Chris Fine and Jesse Wilson were quietly sitting in chairs facing Dr. Lyon's desk while he looked at their transcripts from the university. Chris and Jesse had just finished their sophomore year as pre-med students and their mentor, Dr. Christian, had secured them a summer position at Dr. Lyon's office where they could observe a physician doing his daily tasks, help with physical examinations and learn more about the clinical diagnosis process. That morning the clinic's nurse had issued them both the standard short white laboratory coats, stethoscopes and then sent them into to Dr. Lyon's office.

Dr. Lyon's finished reading their transcripts and letter of introduction and looked up at the two medical students. "Well you two certainly come highly recommended from Dr. Christian."

"Thank you doctor," they both said in unison.

"Well we are a very busy clinic and I won't have too much time to spend with either of you one-on-one." He took off his glasses and cleaned them while thinking. "For the first couple of weeks I would like you to shadow me around the clinic, watching what I do and how I do it. You should each take notes, writing down any questions you may have and then at the end of the day we'll get together for a short debrief and I'll try and answer those questions. Please remember that my patients are not accustomed to having two or three people in the examination room at the same time so I will simply introduce you as medical students under my tutelage and leave it at that." He looked up at both of them and thought that they looked so damned young. "As a general rule males don't really care who is in the room with them but females sometimes get a bit... uh, embarrassed at disrobing in front of students so please be aware of their potential discomfort and be respectful of their rights to privacy. Any questions?"

"No sir." They both answered. When Dr. Lyon's got up and left the office Chris turned to Jesse and smiled knowingly. The two students had been lovers since their senior year in high school and had recently taken up using medical fantasies to spice up their sex life; the most recurring fantasy was having a threesome in an examination room with a patient. Sometimes Jesse would play the patient and sometimes Chris would but it all seemed harmless enough after all, it was just a fantasy.

Helen heard her name called and looked up and saw Dr. Lyon's nurse, a matronly woman named Nancy, walking toward her and when she looked at the clock on the wall and saw that is was just after eleven she smiled — wow a doctor's appointment that is almost on-time, it must be my lucky day.

"Good morning Mrs. Ford" Nancy said, "please follow me down to exam room two."

Helen followed the nurse down the hallway and into the exam room. The nurse read through her chart, asked what she was there for that day and then took her blood pressure, pulse and temperature and told her to change out of her clothes, including her bra and panties, and put on the dressing gown that was lying on the exam table then she turned and left the room. Helen unbuttoned the back of her dress and pulled it up over her head and hung it up on the clothes rack in the corner. She slipped off her shoes and set them next to the rack then reached behind her and unsnapped her bra and hung it up with her dress. It never dawned on her that her careful selection of conservative clothing meant nothing now that she was completely undressed. Helen slipped the dressing gown on backwards before she reached under the garment and took off her panties which, for some reason she slipped into her purse. When she was finished she hopped up onto the side of the exam table and waited for Dr. Lyons.

Five minutes passed before Dr. Lyons walked into the exam room. Helen looked up expectantly when the door opened and smiled at the doctor then, seeing the two medical students trailing the doctor, her eyes grew as wide as saucers as the two teenagers came into the room. Helen could only stare in utter disbelief at seeing Chris Fine and Jesse Wilson, both of whom had been her prized pre-med students two years ago, walk into the exam room.

At first Chris didn't recognize who was in the exam room and when he saw that it was Mrs. Ford he couldn't believe his luck. Chris nudged Jesse who apparently also realized it was Helen Ford. Jesse turned and looked at Chris and smiled a knowing smile remembering that during their senior year in high school Chris had a real crush on Mrs. Ford and now, on occasions, they used Mrs. Ford as a fantasy during their lovemaking sessions. Well, well she thought, today Chris would finally get to see the real Mrs. Ford and it was going to be interesting to see how he reacted.

Dr. Lyons strode across the room and shook Helen's hand. "Good morning Mrs. Ford... Helen. As you can see I have some guests for today's visit. This is young man is Chris Fine and this young lady is Jesse Wilson and they're pre-med students who have been assigned to my tutelage by the University for their Summer Studies. Under my direction and supervision they are here to learn how to complete medical examinations and I'm sure that you won't mind having them monitor my evaluation today... good, that's good." He didn't even wait for her approval he simply turned and picked up his stethoscope and walked over to the exam table.

As the doctor crossed the room Chris and Jesse both spoke. "Good morning Mrs. Ford," the two former students said, "it's nice to see you again."

Dr, Lyon's stopped and turned around and looked at Chris and Jesse questioningly. "Do you two know Mrs. Ford?"

"Ah... yes sir," Chris said while Jesse just nodded her head, Mrs. Ford was our twelfth grade science and pre-med teacher."

Dr. Lyon's nodded his head thoughtfully. "Well that will make this exam a little awkward because you're assisting in your first physical examination on someone you actually know, still I don't think it should be a problem."

Helen started to protest that she thought it would be a problem but she was so stunned that she wasn't able to verbalize her uneasiness and in the twenty or so seconds that no one spoke Dr. Lyon's apparently took her silence to mean that she wasn't uncomfortable with her former students being in the room and he started on his examination. Dr. Lyon's stepped around to the left side of the table and opened the back of Helen's gown and pushed gently down on her shoulder, hunching her forward a bit. "Okay Chris, Jesse... I'm going to have Helen take several deep breaths and listen to her lungs. Watch where I place the stethoscope and you'll see that I'm checking both the upper and lower lobes of both lungs."

Helen felt the doctor ease open her gown then the cold stethoscope touched her back, her very naked back. She took in deep breaths as instructed, held them, and then let them out as Dr. Lyon's requested, feeling the cold instrument changing places on her back as he listened to her lungs.

He smiled at Helen. "Well your lungs sound just fine Helen, now just sit up straight and let me slip this gown off your shoulders and we'll check your heart." He gently tugged the gown forward and off her shoulders and let it slip down until her breasts were revealed. She was embarrassed at being half naked and avoided the eyes of the two teenagers. Dr. Lyon's gently cupped his hand under Helen's left breast, holding it to one side as he placed the stethoscope under her breast listening to her heart. As the doctor held her breast she felt her nipples harden to his touch. On no, oh God no she thought. Please God don't let this happen to me again, please!

Chris nudged Jesse when he noticed his former teacher's nipples getting hard. Jesse looked at Mrs. Ford's nipples and nodded her head acknowledging that she had seen them too. "Excuse me Dr. Lyon's... could you explain why Mrs. Ford's nipples suddenly got hard?" Jesse asked innocently.

Dr. Lyon's didn't seem to even realize that Helen's nipples were hard and he looked up at Helen's breasts then turn his head to Jesse. "Well Jesse, there are a variety of reasons that a woman's nipples might harden when we are examining a patient. The first is that it may be a little cold in the room and a woman's nipples often harden in the cold, I'm sure that you already realize that. The second reason may be that the patient may be a little stimulated by the touch of another person."

Jesse quickly glimpsed at Chris and then down at the front of his pants and saw that he was certainly being stimulated because he was clearly getting a hard on. Chris followed her eyes and smiled. "You mean Dr. Lyon's that the patient may be being excited by your clinical examination?" Chris asked.

"Well yes Chris, that's exactly what I mean. Some patients get sexually stimulated by a physical examination regardless if it is a male or female physician, seems like it is just the touch of another human being. Sometimes it's because of a lack of sexual stimulation at home or sometimes it's just a fantasy of being naked in front of a physician. If you will review Helen's medical record you'll note that on her last visit she became very stimulated by my examination and, in fact, she actually had an orgasm as I manipulated her vagina."

Helen was stunned by Dr. Lyon's explanation and by the way that all three of them talked about her like she wasn't even in the room. She sat there with her mouth open then she felt herself turning red with embarrassment as she heard Dr. Lyon's explaining to her former students that she had an orgasm in his office. She watched as Chris pick up her record and he and Jesse looked at the doctors charting from her last visit then they both looked at her and smiled knowingly. Good God did Dr. Lyon's have to tell them that she had actually had an orgasm?

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Threesome With My Dear Students

Hi ISS readers… let me introduce myself im Parvathi from tamil nadu…. Married and I am in my late 30s…. well your eagerness to my structure to imagine while reading this 36 32 38. My best feature according to me is my ass… bit prominent and im proud. So this is my imagination not a true story. You can send your reviews and opinion to The story beigns : So I am a school teacher and I take tuition to +1 and +2 students. I am happily married and have two kids until one day when I found out my...

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Thrill seeking with students

Hi my name is dolly. I am 26 year old woman from Delhi. Married and mother of a kid. I wish to share an experience, i had 2 years ago. I had completed my m. Sc. In bio sciences and had got a job in a college as asst lecturer in dehradun. I was very willing to go and join but my parents were reluctant and as i had never been away from home. My parents would say “ladki jawan hai, kaise akele chhoden” etc. My marriage talks were also going on. I was able to convince my parents saying, i would...

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Na bharyatho students

Hai iam vikram reddy age 24y; na bharya aruna reddy age19y maku oka kooturu 1y;nenu banklo job chestaanu nenu rentku unna house 3portionlu untundi kinda 2; pina 1; pina owner vallu untaru kinda oka portianlo memu na pakka portionlo 5bachlers(students) untaru andariki oke common bath room ma bed roomki students roomki madyalo oka door unnadi. Ika kataloki veldamu; na bharya chala andagatte 28,20,30 na bharya sandlanu chuste evarikina oka sari dengalanipistundi pakkaku unna students eppudu na...

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Medical check up

Hi friends Raj here again with another recent event. I had decided to leave the job I had with a top MNC and join an Indian MNC in IT. One of the formalities was a medical check up before joining. Well it was listed some diagnostics in the city. I hated these medicals and tried to get out of it but they said it is mandatory and had to be done. SO there was no escape from it. I went on a Sunday as Bangalore is less trafficked on Sundays. I reached there by 11.45 AM. They said to reach before...

4 years ago
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3 Students

Chapter 1? The agreement At the school I work as a teacher the majority of the students is female. I teach 2nd, 3rd and 4th/final year students, usually they become 18 in the second year, some are a bit older, so average age of a 3rd grade student is 19/20 years old. You can imagine some of them look really hot and when they also behave like teasing sluts it's really hard for a healthy Dominating Man ignore them and not giving them any attention. Ellen is 18, really beautiful but she...

3 years ago
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Tiffanys Students

“MARKUS,” a shrill voice pierces through the air, and Markus quickly realizes that it’s coming from ‘Miss Tiffany’ . He automatically straightens up in his chair and pretends to be reading although he is clearly not on page 360. Tiffany notices this, who gives a loud tsk and says, “...Markus...I honestly don’t know how you do it…” He can be described as a ‘teacher’s pet’ to every teacher in the school except her, which Markus is simultaneously bugged by but doesn’t care for at the same time....

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Mr Samuels students

There are only two girls in the classroom and they are both attractive. The teacher is walking around the room as he teaches. Everyone is pretty much bored at this point, but the two girls find the teacher to be a complete babe. He is in his late 20s, early 30s. Tall with a muscular build and could control any situation. His dark eyes looked down at the brown-haired girl reading a book, not paying attention. “What do you think you are doing?” She looked up at him. Her brown eyes staring...

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Madam Aunty Aur Students

Hi, main ravi, phir ek naya experience share karne ke liye and thanks to my reader for appreciating my previous story: sab ki pyas bujhai So, ye mera experience totly new hai, actually sex jitne zada logo se kiya jaya utna hi mazza hai, aur humari health bhi achi rehti hai. Mujhe ek din ek anjan number se phone aaya, woh kisi teacher ka phone tha, unko ek part time teacher chaiye tha, so she contacted me. Maine bhi der nahi lagayi, aur jaldi hi milne gaya, sab kuch theek ho raha tha, dheere-2...

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My Best Students

I was tutoring Leslie in math when she came on to me! I couldn’t resist her.I love tutoring students in math, especially the girls. And Leslie is my favorite because she is so adorable, attractive, and sexy. She has long wavy black hair that I’m dying to sink my fingers into, dark eyes, and a smile that makes my heart sing.I’d been tutoring her for about three weeks when I noticed that she was getting more and more friendly. She would show up early and stay late to talk. When she asked me to...

1 year ago
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Collage students

This is a short story about 2 young college sluts, between lectures and home they find enough time for some good fun with their class mates. This story features what usually happens in our colleges every day, whereas most parents think that their “students” devote their valuable time going to libraries and listening to the lecturers. How about these 2 young cute lassies, Monica and Vanessa? Read this story! It was a usual Monday. After having lunch, Monica and Vanessa were coming back to the...

2 years ago
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Medical student next door

This is a true story of my first sexual experience. I was 16 when, two girls, about 22 and 24 rented the house to our left. I’ll call them Debbie and Jenny in this post. Our house happened to be close to a big medical college where Debbie was studying and Jenny was a trainee doctor. My cousin, who was about a year older than me lived in the house to our right. She doesn’t do much in this post but will appear it some of my future experiences. Behind the three houses were secluded gardens...

3 years ago
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Medical Training

I couldn't believe it she was over my lap, right there and ready and willing to do anything that was asked of her.Looking down the only thing I could see was her pale pink bottom hole, tiny lines radiating out from the middle. I was holding her cheeks apart with thumb and finger, the more I opened them the more I could see her hole contract squeezing her cheeks to try and hide the shame of being so exposed but there is only one way to take a temperature in my opinion.I was being observed by the...

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Medical Test at the State Fair

Our State Fair recently took place and I was surprised at what took place. While looking at all of the booths and activities, I saw a motorhome that had a big sign on it that said “Prostate Cancer”. Being a male in college, I was curious about it. I was greeted by a woman who gave me some literature and told me I could get a free blood test and exam if I filled out a questionnaire. The questionnaire was very easy to fill out, and it asked me a lot of questions about going to the bathroom at...

1 year ago
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Professor Jay gets hard for his students

Jay is a professor at a college. He is a very handsome man. Some would say he had devilish good looks. Jay makes a good salary at the college and he has a beautiful wife and daughter at home. Jay loves his job. He is really good at it and pushes himself everyday to be the best teacher he possibly can be. However there is one thing Jay gets embarrassed about when teaching his classes. The problem is Jays cock gets really hard during lecture. The reason for this of course is all the sweet...

2 years ago
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Seduced by Catherine one of my students

Another day another lesson... I entered the class and immediately silence filled the room. The waiting students were seated in rows watching me walk in. I greeted the class and sat at my desk at the front. The lesson progressed as usual, I gave instruction, the girls listened and asked occasional questions. I reminded them that their end of term exam was only a few days away and that they should schedule some time to revise the work they had already covered that term.People often asked me how I...

3 years ago
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Naughty Healthcare Students

NHS: Naughty Healthcare Students. Nikki was a young, pretty and very, very sexy female student nurse. She was in her final year at Uni studying Adult Nursing. She was in the process of doing her final Practical Case study examinations and was very tense about passing them. Her supervisor came to wish her well as she was on week 8 (her final week) of her 8 week case study, so she really needed to concentrate and impress the supervisor (who was examining her). She had built up a very...

2 years ago
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Students……………… The night was getting better and better. The party at Manya’s, a 10th class student, was taking an uncanny turn. They were all 14-15 years old. Manya was a gujrati and her family had left for their native. Taking this cue, she had invitd all her friends to this party, all of which were her classmates. The food was very good. Vansh, had procured some whisky and beer, from his refrigerator. As the clock chimed at 9, everyone started to leave. By 10, everyone had left except...

4 years ago
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Naughty Healthcare Students

NHS: Naughty Healthcare Students. Nikki was a young, pretty and very, very sexy female student nurse. She was in her final year at Uni studying Adult Nursing. She was in the process of doing herfinal Practical Case study examinations and was very tense about passing them. Her supervisor came to wish her well as she was on week 8 (her final week) of her 8 week case study, so she really needed to concentrate and impress the supervisor(who was examining her). She had built up a very friendly...

3 years ago
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Sex with students

Hi friends sabhi bhabhies and girls ko mera pyar (sexwala). Aaj main apko ek or kissa batane ja raha baat undino ki hai jab main tution deta tha. Jaha mere paas collageke students mere paas padhne aate the. Jis me 7 ladkiyan or 4 ladke aate the. Jisme pravina and sonal bhi the.sonal 5’4” lambi thi gori curvybody thi uski sexy lagti thi or pravina 5’ 6” lambi slim body wali ladki thi dono F.Y.Bcom me thi. Ek din jab class khatam hui main apne office me betha tha. Sab ja chuke the....

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My New Sex Students

Over the last few years, I have had to opportunity to take some guys under my wing and give them some sexual education. One person I've written about extensively on my blog has been Alex who, when I first met him, had a long time girlfriend and had never done anything with a guy.  But he had always wanted to. When he found out that his surfing buddy was the real Aussie Speedo Guy he wanted to explore his gay side and I was happy to help. Today, Alex is engaged, to Adam, and they regularly...

4 years ago
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My New Sex Students

Growing up as a horny, young, confused Aussie guy, I didn't have anyone to ask about sex or to teach me about sex.  There was lots of fumbling around in the dark, figuratively and literally as I explored my sexuality.  Looking back, I wish I had a mentor to show me the ropes and to let me know that my feelings and turn-ons weren't weird, they were completely normal.Over the last few years, I have had to opportunity to take some guys under my wing and give them some sexual education. One...

Gay Male
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Prom With the New Students

One month before prom, two new students, who were twins, registered at your high school and started classes. They were introduced in your English class as Mark and Jenny, and for some reason, the only available seats were right beside you (one on each side of you). The moment they sat down, you thought that they were the most attractive people you had ever seen and will ever see in your life. They seemed to have some erotic influence over you, and you ended up inviting them to prom. You...

2 years ago
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My New Sex Students

Growing up as a horny, young, confused Aussie guy, I didn't have anyone to ask about sex or to teach me about sex.  There was lots of fumbling around in the dark, figuratively and literally as I explored my sexuality.  Looking back I wish I had a mentor to show me the ropes and to let me know that my feelings and turn ons weren't weird, they were completely normal.Over the last few years, I have had to opportunity to take some guys under my wing and give them some sexual education. One person...

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Busty Muslim Teacher Banged By Her Horny Students

Hello guys, I am Prakash studying in an international school. My best friends are Arun and Mahat and we always use to talk about girls and sex! Most of the times, we talked about sex in school. Since it was an international school, we had all the freedom. Even some teachers wore dresses in an indecent manner. We always flirt with these types of teachers and fantasize about them! One day, we heard that our science teacher has left and a new teacher was coming. We were free for half the period...

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Threesome With IAS Coaching Students

Hi…Mein hun james () . Agar apko meri kahani achchi lage to mail karna mat bhulna…Baat kuch saal pehle ki ha … me mukherjee nagar, delhi me reh rha tha… me pg pe tha aur job kar rha tha. mere samne wale ghar me ladkiyan pg pe rehti thi. Eye contact to hota rehta tha aur muth bhi kai baar mari par baat karne hi himmat ni padti thi. Ladkiyan wahan ias ki coaching ke piye ati thi aur kuch mahine baad ladkiyan badal jati thi. Me city me akela tha aur isliye girlfriend ki khoj me tha. Mene bhi kai...

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Married Prey to College Students

I flew out to Boston to audit a client; I am here for a week staying near Boston commons. It was Wednesday night, three days down of the same thing; I ate dinner alone, I texted my wife, sort replies back and forth. I was horny and opened up some apps, Reddit, Grindr, and Doublelist to see what was going on. I came across an add on Doublelist that looked pretty good, “College guy for married cock sucker.” The add read, “Bi College guy 19, interested in a married man to drain my balls and...

4 years ago
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The Kidnapping of Collage Students

A few hours later Ella, Tegan, Fern and Freya woke up to notice that they were tied to a medical Stainless steel patient trolley. Ella realised that she was gagged as well as the rest of them. She also noticed they were not the only 4 people tied up and gagged and a few of the others that were kidnapped were boy's. All of a sudden, 1 masked figure walked into the room of people tied to these trolleys. The figure removed their mask and said "Please welcome our newest hostages their names are...

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