Medical Assistance free porn video

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It wasn’t all the time, it hit him at different times during the day. A kind of throbbing and aching that increased, and gradually lessened. It started a few years ago, after he had quit church.

When the pastor had gotten caught banging the choir director after hours, Derek James had finally seen the light, so to speak. All these years, growing up in the church, people told him that sex was bad, that you shouldn’t touch yourself, that you waited for marriage and stayed faithful to your wife. Well, if the pastor couldn’t do it, who could?

He kept his discontent to himself for a while, but then he started noticing how much money they were asking for and how often, and he thought about how fancy the church was and how the pastor still drove a Caddy and had a gold watch in spite of his supposed disgrace. It crept up on him, and finally he left.

It was a relief more than anything else. But there was no relief for one thing. That was the pain. It shot through his crotch, and was only relieved by his occasional dreams of women, who he didn’t know how to relate to at all. Derek loved women, but he didn’t know what to say to them.

So he said nothing. He stayed in his cubicle at work and tried not to think about Debbie the receptionist, with her red-blonde hair and voluptuous breasts, or Kaniesha who worked in Accounting with her perfectly round ass that bounced when she walked, or Lena in Shipping with her muscular, tanned body, her low husky laugh and her lips that put Angelina Jolie to shame. But he did dream about them, often, and awakened to find a mess in the bed and thoughts that he didn’t know how to handle swirling through his head. And then the pain would go away, for a while.

He still couldn’t bring himself to masturbate. He felt always like someone was watching him.

And now there was the pain. Right “there.” Where the only time he touched himself was to wash.

The day he had to stay home from work because of the pain, Derek got scared and called the doctor. He had no choice of physicians due to his insurance plan, and after 45 minutes on the phone he was finally directed to a Dr. Farren as his “primary care” physician. At that point he didn’t care if it was Dr. Frankenstein or Dr. Lecter, as long as they could get rid of the pain.

On the way to Dr. Farren’s office he visualized horrible things, some kind of terrible problem, some rare disease or creeping crud that was destroying his manhood, even though he thought bitterly about how since he didn’t use it anyway, it’d make no difference.

The office was white and clean and the waiting room was filled with People. The magazine, that is. Along with Sports Illustrated and Woman’s Day and little booklets with cheerful titles like “How To Deal With Your Spondylitic Ankylosis,” and “What To Do About Edematic Praxitelitis” and “Coping With Your Pyloric Chondritis.” None of the magazines was any newer than 2003 and he didn’t want to chance the booklets; his hypochondria was already in high gear.

The nurse called him into the examining room, and he waited. Dr. Farren showed up and he groaned inwardly. A woman. He was going to have to tell a woman about this…pain.

She was friendly but businesslike. “The nurse tells me you have pain in your groin area,” she said. “If you want a male doctor to examine you, I think we can arrange for that, if you’d be more comfortable?”

“N…No!” Derek said. As embarrassing as it was for a woman to look at his…you know…it would be even worse if some guy were to do it. “I think I can cope, um, you know?”

“All right,” Dr. Farren replied. There was a silence in the room. She looked at him. He looked at her. A moment passed. Then another one.

“Mr. James?” she said gently. “I can’t examine you with your clothes on.”

“Oh right, right,” he said. I’m a perfect idiot, he thought. He quickly stripped down while she made notes of some sort. Then he sat on the examining table, which was cold as ice. She looked up and immediately her brow wrinkled.

Derek felt ill. He knew it. This was some horrid disease.

“Mr. James,” Dr. Farren said, “I can see from here that you must be in a lot of pain.”

“Yes,” he said. BUT FROM WHAT! He screamed mentally. What horrible disease do I have?

“This is the most advanced case of Puteulanus Orbis Res I’ve ever seen,” she said. “Do you ever ejaculate?”

Derek died even more inside. “No,” he said. “I just…um…no.”

“No girlfriend or boyfriend?” she said. “No sex life to speak of? Not even masturbation?”

“No,” he said in utter misery.

“That explains it then,” she said. “The pain is coming from a complete non-emission of spermatozoic material, apparently dating from adolescence.” She gingerly handled his balls, which were purple and huge. To his utter embarrassment, Derek immediately got an erection. Combined with the pain, this was not his best day. As a matter of fact, he wanted to die. Again.

She examined his genitals. Her smooth hand slipped over his erection. Was it his imagination or was she a little too familiar? No, couldn’t be. She didn’t actually stroke it and squeeze it, did she? He tried to put it out of his terrorized mind. “Really good reaction,” Dr. Farren said, almost to herself. “Exceptional urogenital physiology.” Derek thought he was imagining things, but she almost sounded a bit wistful.

Dr. Farren stepped back. “Mr. James,” she said, “I do have a treatment that may offer some relief for you, but it’s rather experimental at this point. However, since this is an extreme case we have to do something, or else this pain may not go away. It will definitely get worse, as a matter of fact.”

Derek’s balls were still hurting, and his inflated erection now hurt as well. “Anything, please,” he said. “I just want to feel something besides this pain. Do I have cancer?”

“No,” Dr. Farren said. “You have the worst case of Puteulanus Orbis Res I have ever seen in my life, and if we don’t do something this afternoon, there’s no telling what will happen. But we have something for this. Let me call Nurse Bucksam. She’s been trained with our new device and she’s very good with this sort of thing. We can have her in here in 10 minutes.”

“Does it involve…needles, or cutting or anything?” Derek squeaked.

“Not at all,” Dr. Farren said in a reassuring voice. “There’s no invasive procedure and it will provide complete relief, I can assure you.”

“Does my insurance cover it?” Derek said. The pain was unbelievable. He couldn’t believe he asked that question. He realized after he said it that he no longer cared if it cost his entire year’s salary.

“Yes,” she said. “Let me call the nurse, I can tell you’re in pain.”

“Do it,” Derek said. “Anything.”

The 10 minutes passed like eternity as he covered himself with a bedsheet in the cold examining room. His erection, of course, refused to go away. He thought about his grandma, he thought about baseball, he thought about liver and onions, and his thoughts still came back to Dr. Farren’s very smooth, feminine hand touching him. And his cock swelled back up again.

After a few million eons, the door squeaked open and he saw a young nurse wheeling something into the room that was covered with a blanket. She closed the door behind her.

“Mr. James?” she said. “I’m Nurse Bucksam.”

She was about 25 years old and blonde, with her hair tied back efficiently, wearing scrubs that could not at all hide her incredible figure. This didn’t help. Derek’s cock bloated up under the sheet. “Hello,” he managed to say.

“You’re the gentleman with Puteulanus Orbis Res Syndrome?” she said sympathetically.

“I think that’s what Dr. Farren said,” Derek replied. “What the hell does that mean?”

“Oh,” Nurse Bucksam said. “Well, in non-medical terms it means blue balls.”

Derek’s brain raced back to high school. He’d heard the term there. He just didn’t know what it meant. He’d been too busy in Young Christian Chess Players Group.

Nurse Bucksam saw the expression on his face. “Mr. James, this is not that unusual,” she said comfortingly. “We don’t often see a case this advanced, but it’s not fatal. Usually people find a solution for it themselves, but it appears you just need a little additional assistance.”

She pulled the cover off the machine. What Derek saw was a square grey box with a number of knobs and a switch, with two hoses leading off the side. “This is the cylinder,” she said, pointing to a plastic tube in her other hand. The tube seemed to have a rubber lining and a small black ring at its bottom, with two nipples on the top of the cylinder ready to be attached to the tubes.

Derek had no idea what was going on. “I don’t mean to be stupid, but what…”

She smiled reassuringly as she reached for the plastic tubes, brought them to the cylinder's tip, and began threading them into place.

"Mr. James, you really have to be drained. We’re going to use our new device on you, a machine that is designed to relieve advanced cases of blue balls like yours in the most natural way possible.”

“Your penis is about to experience The Milker. It's a machine originally developed for use in sperm clinics. It's designed to have a man ejaculating heavily in a relatively quick period of time, which is important in emergency cases like yours. It also provides the operator unrestricted access to the donor's testicles throughout his milking, which is very important when we want to get a lot of sperm out."

“Oh,” Derek said. The truth was that just hearing her talk about it was keeping him hard as a rock.

“The only problem,” she said, “is that we will have to restrain you, in order to keep you from making movements that would disrupt the machine. A lot of men experience inadvertent movements or try to grab the cylinder, but you have to let the machine do its work. Are you willing to be restrained?”

Nurse Bucksam’s eyes were shining as she mentioned the restraints. Derek almost believed she enjoyed it, but he reminded himself she was, after all, a trained medical professional and must know what she was doing. “Anything to get rid of the pain,” he said. “Yes.”

The nurse smiled. “Thank you,” she said. “Now stretch out your arms and legs.” Derek did, and she expertly buckled him down, his arms out to his sides and his legs apart. “Try to move,” she said breathily. He tried, and couldn’t. “Very good,” she said, a little too enthusiastically to be professional. “We can’t have this here, though,” she continued, and removed the sheet from Derek’s midsection. His cock jutted up in the air, with his hefty balls falling beneath. Nurse Bucksam ran her hand over his cock, encircling it with her fingers. “Just measuring,” she said. “It really does appear that you have a healthy penile physiology.” Derek shuddered.

The nurse lubricated the cylinder with a bit of some kind of jelly. She slid the device over his cock, slowly, and he gasped; it felt smooth and inviting, like a wet mouth. He began to get harder. The nurse smiled comfortingly at him. Or was it just a bit feral? Derek’s head was spinning.
“Don’t worry,” she said. “Just let me adjust it properly.” She turned a black ring around the base of the milker, and he felt it lock into place around the base of his cock with a tiny hiss.

Satisfied that the tube was securely fastened, the nurse turned sideways and put her finger on a switch. "When I flick this switch, your penis will experience stimulation designed to lead you to the point where you ejaculate massively, which will relieve the buildup in your testes.” Derek’s brain was almost entirely zoned out, between the relieving feeling of the cylinder on his penis and the nurse’s figure. But he did manage to think she sounded like she was enjoying this a bit much.

“I'll be massaging your testes while you’re getting milked,” she continued, “and when you cum, it's our procedure to squeeze the subject’s testicles, in order to get all the ejaculate out. Just relax.” She smiled at him again. “It won’t be painful. Actually, quite the opposite.” And with that, Nurse Bucksam flicked the switch.

He felt nothing at first, but heard a hum. The machine was building up its suction. It began almost unnoticeably, softly suckling in a carefully timed rhythm, rising and falling along the length of his cock. The sensation was amazing, almost a swirling, but clasping tightly at the same time.

Looking down, he saw the nurse smiling disarmingly, reaching for his helpless bloated package. Grasping softly, she delicately squeezed his balls, one in each beautiful hand. Then she turned around and twisted a knob.

The machine became insistent. Pulsing, sucking, deliberately pulling at his deepest animal instincts, it sent waves of sensation up and down his cock, stimulating it, bringing it to its full size, rising and falling. The sucking sensation was fantastic. Yet there was no noise, just the soft hum of the machine and the nurse's sympathetic voice. He looked down to see the machine stroking away at his cock, pulling and suckling at it, while the nurse looked at the procedure with approval.

With that beautiful, understanding smile, she said: "Mr. James, a lot of men need visual stimulation to help them ejaculate quickly. Would you like me to take this off?" He just groaned, feeling her release his balls. He watched as she slid the scrub top off, revealing a pink, lacy bra that was barely restraining a pair of breasts that outdid any he had ever seen. The swell of her abundant cleavage was devastating. The intricate lacy patter of her flimsy pink bra had him mesmerized. She noticed his cock swelling even more in the sucking cylinder. "My, my, that seemed to help,” she said jokingly. He felt the nurse begin to massage his balls again, gently patting the underside of his bloated bull-nuts. "These are awfully big, Mr. James - you should be thanking me for relieving you of such a heavy load!” He realized that he was helpless, and the machine was pushing him to an inevitable orgasm. The vision of the busty nurse waiting for his cum was no help, and he felt himself giving in to the machine’s insistent sucking and stroking and the nurse’s obvious charms.

"Ahhh…there we are Mr. James." She felt the first contraction of his balls, and she began pushing the flat of her palm upwards, lifting and pressing into his bloated sack. "I can feel your balls tightening. Quit holding back - let the Milker take your load," she said coaxingly. “You’ll feel so much better.” She continued to sympathetically massage his massive sack.

The machine's suckling was insistent, urging him closer and closer. Mr. James's eyes darted between the nurse's incredibly sexy breasts, her bra and the smooth, deep cleavage it created, and the delicate gold chain dangling there. He was beyond the point of control. She felt his testes drawing up, tightening further.

She released her hold on his balls once more. “Maybe you need a bit more visual stimulation,” she said, and with one smooth undulation, she removed her bra. Her big pink breasts spilled out, swaying a little as she dropped her bra on the examining stool. Her brown nipples stood out in the cool air of the room. “There. Is that a help?” All Derek could do was nod.

She bent down with a sly smile and began massaging his testicles again as the cylinder dropped down on his penis and then slowly pulled up, sucking away on his cock. "Don't be shy, Mr. James, I drain men like you all the time. It’s so normal to ejaculate, and it feels so good, and it’ll give you so much relief.” Was her voice a bit husky? “It’ll feel so good when you cum,” she said enticingly. “So good.”

He continued to stare at her massive breasts and comforting smile. After 2 or 3 slow squeezes, he began bucking desperately against his restraints, and gushed into the clear receptacle with a groan as it pulled his cock into orgasm. "Oh yes, here we go!” she said with a smile. Pulling firmly, she proceeded to lightly pat and massage his nuts with her hands. "Big balls get so tight when they come!"

He bucked and gushed, filling the pumping receptacle over and over, and with each spurt, the machine efficiently whisked his cum away in the clear tube. There was no doubt any more that Nurse Bucksam enjoyed her work: "Cum for me! Yes, that’s it, that’s it!" she growled. “Cum for your nurse. Cum now!” She maintained her massaging and spanking of his bloated nuts, and he did. The machine continued for what must have been a full minute, pulling out a stream of steady squirts, each one praised. “Good boy, good boy,” she purred as he spurted and gasped. His body was completely out of his control, and all he could see was stars. And the nurse’s tits, which, he managed to think, were the most divine tits ever. Which set him off even more, filling the tube again.

When he finally stopped cumming, the nurse looked up at a thoroughly exhausted man. "Are we all finished cumming, Mr. James?" she inquired approvingly. She kept massaging his balls. Between the insistent milking machine’s strokes, he wheezed: "I think you got it all." She released his balls with one hand while the other turned off the machine. “Is the pain gone?” she inquired. “Yes,” Derek managed, as she slid the tube away from his cock. It came away with a slight pop.

“There now,” she said. She quickly put her bra back on and slid her scrub top over her head, and once more she looked professional. “That wasn’t so bad, was it? Now get cleaned up, and when you’re ready, come out to the desk and fill out some paperwork. Shall we book you again for next week?” She leaned forward and whispered, “I’ll be looking forward to it!”


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Special Assistance

The steady mechanical chant of the escalators echoed in the cavernous loft, peacefully separated from the hustle and bustle on the other side of the automatic doors. Endless shades of glossy grey soothed my weary eyes as I ascended, leaning heavily against the climbing handrail. I still had ten hours to go on my epic journey home, but at least the comfortable chairs and complimentary alcohol of the premium lounge offered merciful respite for nearly four of them. Half a dozen steps up ahead, the...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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Helen 5 Legal Assistance

Rachael had worked for the firm for almost ten years, starting in the secretarial pool and working her way up to senior legal secretary. She and Helen had been close ever since Helen's first day at the firm and typically lunched together at least once a week, sharing the ups and downs of office life. Rachael had been Helen's first 'lunch' with the company, in fact - on her first day, Helen had eaten Rachael. So Helen was surprised when her friend dropped the bombshell over lunch that she...

2 years ago
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Hermione Granger Chapter 3 Unexpected Assistance

Doing what she did to Percy not only made him feel good but made her feel good too. Not in the same way, she hadn’t been as aroused as she'd expected during the actual act, but in a different way. She had felt powerful, like he depended on her, needed her. It was intoxicating. As she lay in bed still in her school robes reliving every moment of her session with Percy she began to feel his spunk drying on her face. She thought she had wiped it all off but her face was now feeling crusty...

2 years ago
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Roadside Assistance

My car died at the light on the way to work today and a guy helped me push it out of the road and into a parking lot.  I thanked him and he asked me if I had roadside service.  Even though we do have it, I told him we didn't in the hopes that he'd stick around and help me.  He was a young country boy who was looking really good.  He wasn't real tall but he was built well and really attractive with a great smile. He asked if I'd call a tow truck and I said I'd just call my dad and have him help...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Roadside Assistance

My life sucks. I know you hear that phrase a lot, but sympathize. I lost my job at a private corporation that my father had 50% of his stocks in. He believed that I would have my life set out for me to the day I died. I tried the job, which sat me in a desk with no windows. Just a door to have my boss pop in once in a while. Did I mention I was a wuss? To add to my hellsih life, my boss tried to fool me and succeeded. He sent a gorgeous, steamy, young, hot secretary of his to my office. I...

1 year ago
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Parental Assistance

Brittainy screamed as I broke her cherry. I could feel her no-longer-virginal blood cover my dick as I sunk it to the hilt."No, Steve!" she sobbed, causing me to pause deep inside her."Keep going!" instructed her mother Teresa as she held her daughter's arms fast to the bed. "Keep fucking her!""Terri, I'm not so sure this is a good i---""SHUT UP, Steve! We've been over this! Now fuck till you put your load in her cunt!"My redheaded girlfriend, age 33, was not to be argued with, so I resumed my...

3 years ago
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Personal Professionals Vol 6 Personal Assistance

“Here's the last of it,” he grunted. With a thud, he plopped the stack of files down on the desk. “I swear to God, this case had better be worth all this hassle. Need anything else, Ariel?” With a sigh, the young woman behind the desk leaned back in her chair, rubbing her temples. “Besides a vacation?” She groaned, rubbing the back of her neck. Smiling softly, Jacob moved behind her and started kneading her shoulders, causing her to sigh contentedly and slump lower in her chair. “How's this...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Married Couples Intimacy Assistance

This is a factual story regarding a sexual encounter I attended with a married Caucasian couple from northeast Ohio. The husband was mid aged, maybe 40 years old, and approximately 5’10” tall and 190#, dark hair, brown eyes and semi muscular build. His wife was 34 years, 5’4” tall slightly heavy set with red hair and blue eyes. I was initially contacted by the husband regarding potentially meeting them to determine any chemistry we may have together. He told me that his wife hadn’t seem...

4 years ago
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Roadside assistance

There she was standing at the side of the road, steam billowing from under the hood of her car. Pulling alongside I couldn't help noticing her magnificent brown flowing hair and a gorgeous pair of breasts straining to get out of her loosely buttoned shirt. As I asked if I could offer a ride my eyes kept drifting down to the exposed upper part of her breasts, she smiled with a glint of mischief in her eyes as she asked "a ride to where?". "Anywhere you like" I replied opening the door. As she...

3 years ago
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roadside assistance

While drivin home from visitin the families the car decides to break down after three hours sat in the services had some fun at a gloryhole while waitin wen the recovery man turned up he werent to bad lookin bit skinny anyway once we got the car on back and set off i noticed him lookin at my mrs chest she always wheres low cut tops which show off her ample tits she is 36f any way as we were going he kept starin at her i was rubbin her leg we had bith noticed him so i lifted my hand and pulled...

3 years ago
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Roadside assistance

I was driving through Tennessee on a less than stellar day, a little chilly and misty and just unpleasant, though not totally miserable. The road is a lonely one except on weekends when the tourists are out, and I had not seen a car for miles. As I rounded a curve, pulled off to the side was a rather rough looking old car with the hood up, and two women standing beside it. I pulled over to see if I could help, introducing myself. As it turned out, they were a mother and daughter on their...

4 years ago
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Roadside Assistance

It was late on a snowy afternoon and I had been out all day, Christmas shopping. I was on my way home when my car slid into the ditch. I tried backing out but it stalled and I could not get it started again. Using my car phone, I called my husband at work and told him what had happened. "Honey, I've got meetings until almost 7 tonight," said Bob. "I'll see if someone else can come get you. Stay put until he gets there, ok?" I shivered in the frosty air. "I will. I'm getting cold...

2 years ago
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Office Assistance

Copyright© 2004 by Nicolo "Loco" Parenti "You know you want to, Jack," she said with a grin. "And why would it bother me? I'm offering to help, you dummy." The dummy in question was naked in bed with Dee, short for Denise. I shouldn't have been. For one thing it was the middle of the work day. For another, we're both married, and not to each other. We were enjoying a classic nooner, one of several in the past few weeks. Dee is delicious, adventuresome, and a little depraved...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 13 Assistance

Between gloomy sky and dreary, gray earth, a closed eyes bald old man stroked his long white beard while sitting on a throne of light attribute energy. Archbishop Silternja spread his Sublime Soul Sense across the eastern coastline of the Eastern Continent. As a fifth level Martial Mortal he could cover a radius of four hundred kilometers to every direction, and when narrowing the shape of his Sublime Soul Sense to an oval and thinner, its length could go as far as one thousand...

1 year ago
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Phone Assistance

Recently I purchased a new cell phone and experienced some problems while using the phone at home. I returned to the dealer and talked to my sales person. She asked me if I would mind if she came to my home to check it out since she lived in the area and I replied it would be fine. The next afternooon she showed up at the front door. She was in her mid twenties, about 5 foot 2 inches, bid round brown eys, and brunenett colored pageboy styled hair. I invited her in and offeed her a drink which...

1 year ago
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Medical test

Sitting in the waiting room waiting to be called back for my tests. They are going to check the blood flow in my legs. It is already 30 minutes past my appointment time and I think I have checked out the butts of most of the Nurses going to get lunch. The door opens and and a vision steps out and calls my name. “Mr Carter, Mr Jason Carter. “ “UH That's me.” I struggled with my cane to get up out of the chair to follow her. A little about me, I am a senior citizen. 5'9'' and a bit...

2 years ago
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Medical Test at the State Fair

Our State Fair recently took place and I was surprised at what took place. While looking at all of the booths and activities, I saw a motorhome that had a big sign on it that said “Prostate Cancer”. Being a male in college, I was curious about it. I was greeted by a woman who gave me some literature and told me I could get a free blood test and exam if I filled out a questionnaire. The questionnaire was very easy to fill out, and it asked me a lot of questions about going to the bathroom at...

3 years ago
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Medical experience

I went to my Dr to make my anual revision last year. It was a different Dr, she was about 35 and, paste glasses, very stylish, she looked very much like this woman...She was very simpathic, didn't stop making eye contact on my, that made me a bit embarrased. It was summer, we teens are tanned, skinny and swetty during ths times, i think thats why she was so close to me all the time, probably to keep spelling me.She didn't stop asking my sassy queestions like ¿Waw, you look so tall? ¿Do you...

4 years ago
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I had an appointment with my ear, nose, and throat doctor, for my allergies. I finally remembered to ask him (on my third visit) about a mouth sore. He put on a rubber glove and put shi index finger in my mouth. Once, his finger touched me, I was a goner. I don’t know hat happened to me, but totally aroused I was.I let slip a quiet moan and leaned back in the chair contraption. Making him have to come in front of me. His body leaned into mine. I grabbed his ass. He jumped back looked at me with...

3 years ago
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Medical Practice

Years ago,while in college in my early 20s(a small private church related universty),I was hospitalized due to an infection in my leg from a motor cycle accident,a cut that I had not taken seriously enough or had proper treatment for - until it started swelling up and oozing yucky greenish yellow fluid and hurting like hell. Think I was running a fever as well. After being admitted to the infirmary,I was placed on a high dose of IV antibiotics. My symptoms began to improve after a couple of...

1 year ago
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Medical Mischief

I am a phlebotomist at a hospital in an outpatient lab. One of my duties is performing EKG's. One day as I was entering an order on a patient, the name caught my eye. It was my ex-girlfriend. My first thought was that this is going to be weird. We had an abstinent relationship the 3 years we dated. Prior to us dating she was a virgin and I was not. But I had no real problem with remaining abstinent, especially since I thought we were going to get married and she wanted to wait. We had fooled...

2 years ago
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I heard the shots coming from the principal’s office. I hurried down the hallway and ordered all the teachers and students to get into a classroom and lock the door. Before I got to mine I saw that the special education teacher was having trouble getting her students into her room. I had to chase one down and drag him back. The shooter saw me before I got to my classroom door and fired at me. I didn’t have time to close the door before he got there so I grabbed my fire extinguisher and sprayed...

3 years ago
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Indian MILF fucks Exotic Snake Charmer and Assistant

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read Ramesh was walking around the bazaar looking into different shops when he noticed a tent out of the corner of his eye. There was a man out front, a snake charmer, and Ramesh was intrigued. He walked over and asked the charmer to show him some of his skills. The snake charmer played the flute, and a cobra rose hypnotically out of a basket in front of him, and Ramesh was thoroughly impressed.  Right as Ramesh was about to...

2 years ago
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Store Manager the young assistant

My name is not important, my intentions are. Over several years i have gone to shoe & lingerie stores seeking out young shop assistants to flash my pussy at & to see there reactions & to find out if my understanding is correct, more young girls are bisexual & they are comfortable with another woman seducing them.This occassion the store i picked had a manager & young assistant, who appeared to me learning the ropes so she was not going to be alone. I watched from outside...

2 years ago
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How I Became My Wifes Executive Assistant

How I Became My Wife's Executive Assistant "No way am I wearing that!" Bill shouted. His wife raised a single eyebrow and calmly replied, "Want to bet?" She was in no mood to negotiate. "Come on Bill. We've been over this issue a dozen times. You agreed to go to our company's costume party dressed as my sexy secretary, while I go as your male boss. You look adorable, that outfit suits you," she reassured him. "It'll be a real giggle. Now stop dragging your feet and put on...

4 years ago
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Billie the Magicians Assistant

Billie the Magician's Assistant By Katie Dale "Guess what, Billy?" asked my sister Julie one Friday evening. "What?" Ever since my eleventh birthday, I insisted that my friends call me 'Bill', not 'Billy'. But members of my family continued to call me 'Billy', and I didn't really mind. At the time this story took place, Julie was thirteen years old, a year older than me. "Grandma's started teaching me magic." "Cool," I said. Ever since I was a little child, I knew that...

1 year ago
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The Magicians Assistant

Bert had one dream in life, to become a great magician. He started off by performing magic tricks for is family and close friends. As a jobless adult, he attempted to earn a living with his hobby as “The Amazing Cazzo,” performing mediocre magic shows here and there earning barely enough cash to survive. Now, it wasn’t that Bert couldn’t perform the tricks, but his weak skills and lack of confidence caused many problems. He would often drop cards during his card tricks, get caught palming...

2 years ago
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First time with teacher and her assistant

This is my first one so be kind pls.This story is just a fantasy but all characters are real and o realy wish it comes true someday.This story took place when i was just 16, I used to take a computer lessons at school which i was failing at, so my teacher who i wont mention her name offered me to go to her house with a bunch of students to take extra lessons. She is about 50 -55 years old she has 3 k**s , who are old now, she is not so tall about 175 cm and she is plump,she weighs about 90-100...

1 year ago
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The Vets Assistant

( please be gentle with your criticism. This story is purely a fantasy, that should never be possible and never tried on a unwilling person, " Unless she truely feels the urge to fully submit to her inner Bitch" and her new mistress has that sexy seductive french accent that disolves oneself into a helpless submissive mess.) The advertised job just stated that local vet requires young fit lady interested in an Assistant Position, must have experience with large dogs and some knowledge of...

2 years ago
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Jayne The Hot Office Assistant

It’s not easy being beautiful.  Jayne King often wondered what it was like to be an average person.  Jayne was always hassled or whistled at.  She was used to getting attention from men and women.You see, Jayne had an abnormally large chest.  Oddly enough, she didn’t have implants.  If she was walking down the street, people would cat call out to her.  She would get very embarrassed by the sexual comments towards her.She was constantly hit on at bars and clubs.  Not only did Jayne have a...

Office Sex

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