Medic free porn video

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I heard the shots coming from the principal’s office. I hurried down the hallway and ordered all the teachers and students to get into a classroom and lock the door. Before I got to mine I saw that the special education teacher was having trouble getting her students into her room. I had to chase one down and drag him back.

The shooter saw me before I got to my classroom door and fired at me. I didn’t have time to close the door before he got there so I grabbed my fire extinguisher and sprayed him in the face with the foam and as he staggered back I clobbered him over the head with it.

I saw him go down and I ordered my students to bring me my duct tape so I could tape his hands and feet.

Then everything got fuzzy. I saw one of my boy’s kick his guns away as another secured him with the tape. Then I saw two girls looking at me with horror. No, they were not looking at me, they were looking at my shirt.

It was covered with blood, my blood.

‘Well damn, he shot me,’ I thought. ‘That explains why I’m sliding to the floor with my back against the wall.

Well, I did my job so it’s OK to die.’

I have no idea how much time had passed but I was suddenly awake with a pretty Latina lady hovering over me. Her focus and intensity made me smile even though I felt like she had just yelled at me and slapped me around.

‘I take it I’m not dead yet.’

‘No and if I have anything to say about it you wont be anytime soon.’

I suddenly felt a needle go into my arm.

‘Hey, I have a current shot record.’

‘You needed a booster. We are going to put you in a gurney. It might hurt but try not to move.’

‘Can I cuss?’

‘No, all your students are around us.’

I tried to focus to see them but all I got was a blurry image. I did see medics working on someone on the floor just before I was lifted. I managed to grit my teeth through the pain then I was being hurried to the ambulance. There were a lot of ambulances and police out there on that gloomy day. All those lights looked like Christmas had come ten days early. I smiled.

Things became fuzzy and I apparently lost consciousness at times. I somehow got the impression that she put an oxygen mask on me to shut me up. The next thing I knew for sure was being rushed through a hospital corridor. The pretty woman was running right alongside me holding an IV bag. I started to say something to her but could not, I still had the oxygen mask on.

I was being examined when I heard the woman tell somebody I was a hero. I started to laugh but apparently passed out again.

A nurse came in and I said ‘Good morning.’

She was startled then ran out of the room.

‘I still got it,’ I thought with a small laugh.

I was not a good-looking guy, I was the kind of guy everyone wanted in the picture because I made everyone feel better about their own looks.

I was already plain looking when an improvised exploding device did its thing as I peered around a vehicle to see how far it was from me. I was tending to an injured marine and had just learned that a second explosive had not detonated.

I never saw it until it went off and I was sprayed with sand and debris and many small bits lodged in my face. I was wearing prescription goggles since contacts don’t work well in a desert for long. Everyone around me though that was silly but the goggles saved my eyes. As it turned out I had been far away enough. Where I was my wounds were thought of as minor and I was back on duty as a medic in a week.

I was already considering leaving the marines when my commitment was up but that did not happen soon enough to avoid another roadside bomb. I was in the vehicle behind the one that had triggered the bomb but still ended up with a piece of metal stuck to the top of my shoulder. I pulled it out and rushed to help the guys in the first vehicle.

All were alive when the helicopters picked them up. However the ones that would survive had extensive wounds they would have to cope with for the rest of their lives.

I did not like feeling helpless.

I left the marines.

I returned to college and got my teaching degree.

My appearance bothered some at first but my students got past it quickly and most had ceased to be aware of it after a semester.

Women did not hang around long enough to allow that to happen.

All my sex had come from monetary transactions and merciful women.

Two nurses and a doctor rushed in and again I said ‘Good morning.’

The doctor said, ‘Good to see you awake and apparently feeling well. Lets check you out and make sure of that.’

All hovered around me poking and counting and the nurses wrote everything down then left as lab technicians came in and sucked all the blood out of me.

The doctor tested my reflexes and eyes and we talked for a while and I guessed he was waiting for someone but he was in fact checking my brain function. He had a nurse bring me a cup of ice which was when I noticed I was very thirsty.

When he checked my wound I saw that I had a good size scar on my chest and apparently one on my back. I assumed the bullet had gone through me, the bastard had big guns. I was surprised to learn I had been shot twice.

I was also surprised to note that the scars had mostly healed and I saw no stitches.

Soon one of the nurses returned and handed the doctor a paper that made both smile.

‘You are one though dude,’ the doctor said. Everything says you are fine. Tell me, what day is today?’

‘December fifteenth, Christmas break begins Friday.’

‘What is the last thing you remember?’

‘The pretty medic running beside me carrying an IV bag. That would have been yesterday.’

‘That was Norma running next to you. That was also twenty-nine days ago, you missed Christmas break,’ the nurse called Rina said.

Doctor Pierce added, ‘ One bullet nicked your aorta and the other perforated a lung. We had to induce a coma to help them heal.

We have been waiting eight days for you to come out of it.

The good news is that your wounds are mostly healed and you have until after spring break before getting back to work. We are going to keep you for a few days as we check your progress and begin physical therapy. You should be able to go home before the end of January.’

‘Oh man I just thought of something. My fish are dead. I doubt they could have survived that long without food.’

Rina said, ‘They are fine, you asked Norma to check on them and she has. You owe her money for your light bill though.’

The doctor shook his head with a smile. Apparently there was a story behind my light bill.

He said, ‘You have a long list of people wanting to visit with you but I am going to hold them off for a few more days except for the cops, I will allow them to interview you tomorrow.’

‘Is my wallet here?’

‘Yes, in your nightstand drawer.’

‘Let Norma come in so I can pay her back please.’

‘Rina called her, she is on the way now.’

I smiled then drifted off to sleep. I awoke when somebody squeezed my hand.

It was Norma. She said, ‘Hi, everyone told me you were fine. Have you been caught up with the news?’

‘No, but hold off telling me what happened at school for a couple of days. I am not ready for that.’

‘OK, but nobody died that day and no kids were shot. Everyone credits you for that.’

‘I heard shots from the office.’

‘Yes, two of the principals and one of the secretaries were shot but the principal and the school secretary are back at work, the assistant principal is at home but will be back at work next week. The asshole is in jail but you may have scrambled his brains, he remembers little of his shooting spree.’

‘His brains were already scrambled. Who is my sub?’

‘Mr. C., the guy whose place you took when he retire

‘Good, good. I like him and the kids do too. How much was my electric bill?’

‘Ninety one dollars.’

‘Hand me my wallet please, it’s in the drawer.’

‘OK but you have no cash in it, the nurse looked.’

‘Yeah, I never carry any money but I do have a debit card. I am assuming there is an ATM near the cafeteria or gift shop. Withdraw a hundred for yourself. My pin is one, two, three, three.’

‘That is an odd set of numbers.’

‘The last four of my service serial number. You look gorgeous by the way. Thanks for saving my life.’

‘I did not save your life, the doctors and nurses here did.’

‘And you got me here alive, so you saved my life. Tell me what you would like as a reward that a schoolteacher could afford.’

She seemed to be debating with herself then softly said, ‘A date.’

I was stunned but not so much to hesitate in saying, ‘Deal. Being with me will make you look even more gorgeous but some may question your poor vision.’

She laughed then stood and left the room with my card as the doctor’s nurse came in. I saw their hands caress as they went past each other.

Rina said, ‘Norma checked on you every time she was at the hospital. She even set up a little Christmas tree for you right there. She has had a tough life recently so please treat her with courtesy, and please don’t shave. We like your beard.’

‘I have a beard?’

‘Yes. Oh, the doctors discovered some stuff under your skin and dug them out, you have fewer bumps on your face now. They decided not to shave you for risk of infection and your beard is now gorgeous.’

‘Wow, I have a beard.’

‘Do you think you can handle chicken soup? You have not eaten since that day.’

‘Yes, now that you mention it, I’m hungry.’

‘I will have it for you soon. All your vitals are fine and this afternoon we will have the physical therapist help you stand up. As soon as you can go to the bathroom by yourself we will bring you solid food.’

‘Sounds good to me.’

‘I am going to lift the head of your bed up a little. You may feel a bit dizzy but your heart will adjust and send more blood into your brain. Ready?’

I nodded and felt fine until she stopped then I wondered why the ceiling kept on moving for a few moments. By the time Norma returned I had regained my bearings. It was then that I noticed the resemblance between the two.’

‘Yes, we are sisters,’ Norma said.

‘Oh,’ I said.

Rina presented her cheek for her sister to kiss and after that was bestowed she left the room.

‘Rina is an unusual name.’

‘It isn’t her name and she blames me for it. Her name is Caterina but I could not say it when I was young so I called her Rina. Soon everyone was calling her Rina and she hated it until she had a favorite teacher that could not say her name right so she asked to be called Rina. You may have noted she is my hero.’

‘Yes, although I thought I was.’

‘There is a difference, you are a hero to the whole country, she is a hero only to me.’

‘OK. Wait. I am a hero to the whole country?’

‘Yes, about a hundred reporters check on you every day, some from Europe and Asia.’

‘No, no, no. I’m not a hero. I just did what had to be done.’

‘You will never convince anybody of that,’ the doctor said as he came in the room with Rina behind him. He wrote on my chart as Rina added something to my IV and adjusted the flow of something.

Rina told him I handled the head lift well.

He said his news conference would be at five but would try to keep all visitors away for a week.

‘I don’t want to talk to reporters.’

‘OK, not a problem. I will also announce that because of your condition you will not be allowed visitors except for family.’

‘Thank you, maybe no one will check and discover I have no family.

If you will excuse me I apparently need a nap.’

‘Please do. We will talk later,’ the doctor said as I dozed off.

I thought I felt someone kiss me before I sank into the dark.

The physical therapist was there when I awoke. He had me sit up at the edge of the bed for a while then put a harness on me and helped me stand. I got very dizzy but he kept me from falling.

He asked me how my head, my back and my legs felt and I answered dizzy, fine, wobbly.

It felt like I had been standing at attention for hours but it had been just a minute before he had me sit again.

I was pleased by how quickly I recovered and after five minutes he had me stand again. I answered, fine, fine, wobbly to the questions then. I stood perhaps a minute and a half before I was allowed to sit.

I asked him if the local team had made it to the playoffs and he said they had won one playoff game but had again lost the next game. He then paused a moment then told me today was Wednesday. The league championship games were next Sunday.

We talked sports as I stood and sat at least five more times the last two of which I was fine across the board. He had me take four steps, the limit of my IV and catheter, and I was fine until I turned to get back in bed and got a bit dizzy.

He helped me back in bed and told me I did much better than expected and gave credit to my excellent physical condition before my wounding. I spent a lot of time in the gym and running, I did not have a social life.

He added, ‘After a coma of over a week most people take days just to do what you did today. You may be able to walk to the bathroom tomorrow or by this weekend for sure.’

‘Thanks. I hope you are right.’

I apparently fell asleep as soon as I got in bed. When I woke up Rina was sitting in a chair next to me with a mug of amazing smelling chicken soup. It was its aroma that woke me up.

‘My sister Carmen brought this for you. It is a secret recipe that she does not know herself but everyone feels better when they drink it.’

After a sip I said, ‘Wow, best soup I have ever tasted, have you tried it?’


‘Here, take a sip.’

‘Wow is right. Carmen will have to bring me some. Here drink all of it and I will lick the cup.’

We laughed and I drank while she left the room then came back with a biscuit in her hand. I left a little of the soup in the mug and she scrubbed the insides with the biscuit and ate it.

‘Where is this place?’ I asked after reading the town name on the mug.

‘About an hours drive from here on the coast.’

‘And Carmen drove here and back just for that?’

‘Yes, but she brought enough for you to have another cup tomorrow and some more the day after that.

Norma likes you and all of us are happy she likes anyone.

She had an abusive boyfriend for years that nearly beat her to death once. She ended up at the women’s shelter in that town but was slow to recover from the beating until a friend that volunteers at the shelter gave her the soup.

My sisters and me took care of her but the psychological damage has been very hard to overcome. For a while she was terrified of all men.

We think the soup and the distraction of studying for her medic license got her back to normal. Having to treat injured men got her past that phobia. Knowing she can now fight off most men has helped, she now has a black belt in judo.

Knowing her boyfriend is back in jail helped too although he has no idea where she is. He apparently thinks she is still somewhere in Brooklyn. His world does not extend beyond that.’

‘She has gone well past her duties for me. Do you know why?’

‘Yes, even though you just knew you were going to die you flirted with her. You even made her laugh as she tended to you. You asked for a kiss and she kissed you.

Then you said, ‘Well then I better not die.’

You apparently looked at her as if you adored her.’

‘I may have even though she slapped me around to keep me conscious. I remember th
e focus, the fierceness she had as she worked on me. I knew she would not allow me to die.

I’m sorry she had to kiss an ugly man.’

Rina kissed my lips and said, ‘There are five sisters that think you are a most beautiful man.’

She left me a bit confused by the last statement. I know that beautiful is last thing I am.

I slept through the night comfortably. In the morning I raised the head of my bed myself and called for the nurse.

‘Good morning. I was wondering if I could have some oatmeal for breakfast and a cup of coffee with cream and sugar.’

‘I will need to check with your doctor first. I will let you know.’

Ten minutes later I had my oatmeal and coffee and ten minutes after that the doctor came in.

‘Feel good I see. No dizziness?’

‘No, I am ready to go home.’

‘You need to be able to walk to the bathroom and have a bowel movement first. The oatmeal will tell us that.

Going home may be a bit problematic, there are news crews starting to stake out your apartment. After my press conference every TV station led their news programs with the story that you are awake and feeling fine, even the national feeds. Everyone was very happy to hear that.

Our cities most popular news lady cried and could not continue with the news. Her news desk partner took over then revealed she had two kids in your school, one a special needs student, the kid you led back into his classroom.

Your friends and admirers have doubled in this town.

You may need to hide in a hotel for a while.’

‘Not really,’ Rina said as she came in. ‘He would need to have someone available and I know just the place with a medic on site.’

‘You don’t work today.’

‘True, I am here visiting a friend,’ she said and kissed me.

The detectives came in, one was a very pretty woman from the FBI. I was asked if I would be able to identify the guy that shot me and I said yes. They showed me five pictures and I pointed the guy out to them.

I found it to be odd, he was a handsome guy, the kind that usually just sails through life.

They asked if I had seen him before the shooting and I said no.

They asked if I had seen him shoot anyone and I said yes, me.

Both praised my actions that day and told me that if there was a trial I would probably not need to testify, the cameras in my school building had caught everything.

I may have fallen asleep before they left.

Rina brought me chicken soup before I had another round of physical therapy that afternoon.

The therapist seemed to be astonished by what I could do.

I slept well that night and felt someone kiss me on the lips late that evening. I decided my sleepy brain was giving me what I wanted.

I again greeted the duty nurse and asked for coffee and oatmeal.

My oatmeal had slices of banana, strawberries and blueberries in it. It was delicious.

The doctor came to see me and Rina did too. She was not working that day either,

He said to her, ‘Call the physical therapist and have him come up at his first convenience please.’

Rina kissed both our lips and walked outside the room.

It was not my first kiss from her but I was a bit taken aback by the kiss she gave the doctor.

Doctor Pierce gave me a thorough exam and had the duty nurse remove my catheter and my IV. I turned sideways on my bed, took a deep breath and stood. The doctor shadowed me as I shuffled to the bathroom, took a leak, and then went back to my bed.

Rina had just walked back into the room and the doctor told her to call back the therapist and tell him not to bother, ‘He has just walked to the bathroom and back.’

He walked out my door then returned to say, ‘Walk around the nurses station when you feel up to it. Do it as often as you can without pushing it. I will be back after five to see how you are doing.’

The duty nurse came in bringing a glass of juice I soon learned was cranberry.

‘Drink up, the doctor ordered.’

I did and every three hours of the day I had another glass of cranberry juice and shortly after each I had to go piss. By my third piss there was no longer any cloudiness in my urine.

Once I had to sit thanks to the oatmeal. I called the duty nurse and showed her before I flushed.

Under Norma’s supervision I made three circuits around the nurse station that afternoon.

Rina brought me a third mug of chicken soup after I had finished my laps as Norma told me how miraculous the stuff was. That dose was smaller than the first two and apparently it was the right dosage because I did not want any more when I finished it.

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Author's Note: This is part seven of my ongoing epic. This is the start of the strip club arc! The strip club arc is where stuff really starts to take off. Expect lots of fun sexy hijinx ahead. If you'd like to see more, I have much more available, please come check me out at or Warning: this chapter is rated a lustier-than-normal R and includes, in part, boobs, easily distractible narrators, jiggling tits, lascivious bisexual besties,...

4 years ago
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Bridgets Nights Ch 03

After the abortive attempt to catch our killer vampire, Robert and I went into a huddle and decided to separate. No matter how we managed to catch up with this guy, we were going to need serious back up when we did. There are two organizations that train to deal with vampires gone wild. Since the first was the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team, Robert headed to Quantico. As my Agency time had included stints with the Army Special Forces all the way back to Southeast Asia, I caught a ride with him. The...

2 years ago
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Milk of Desire Book II Chapter 4 Bros and Hoes

By EFon Chapter 4 : Bros and Hoes I almost fell as Jake jerked my out my front door and out of my door yard. "What the fuck man!?!" He didn't let up until we were around the bushes of my neighbor's house, obscuring my house completely. Only then did he release my arm and take a deep breath. I had a feeling this would be about what happened between him and my sister last night, but I realized then that this was hard for him to deal with. "I gotta be straight up with you...

2 years ago
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Bobo by Vickie Eggie Simply put, Virginia wanted to fuck. She didn't care who or where just as long as she got some hot male sausage to stuff into her aching pussy. "A girl can only go so long without riding the big shaft," she thought, "and I've gone about as far as I want to go."It had not been all that long. Only yesterday she had screwed the mail boy down in the basement of the building she worked in, and last night Ralph had pumped her cunt full of cum before he had to hurry off and catch...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 72

Chuck This was becoming one of the more bizarre days in my life. Julie had just told me she was giving me her island and home, if I would only take care of the island and the people who had tended it for so long. We had just embraced before she went into the kitchen for whatever she was doing. Ben and Beth quickly moved to the table I was at and Ben leaned over to me, "You have got to be the luckiest man alive. She's sincere; she's going to give you this island and this home. I can't...

1 year ago
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The Doctor8217s Love And Care

Hi all, it is about our gynecologist and how she was caring for us in pregnancy time. Hi, I’m Kumar 32 and wife Ramya 28, a couple of years after marriage wife got conceived and we like to consult a good hospital. In our town though hospitals were good need the best to make sure no mistake happens. We consulted in Coimbatore quite famous hospital and were happy to know wife got conceived and the doctor was friendly to us. Wife asks doubts in our visit which she answered carefully being first...

2 years ago
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IncentiveChapter 4

Saturday was a cool, clear day, just perfect for the big game. Sarah put her rucksack in the trunk of her car as she prepared to go to the stadium. She had packed her sleeping bag, foam mattress, extra clothes, necessities, and some other camping gear she thought she might need. Cindy was driving her own car and Samantha would be driving up with Sarah after the game ... if the team won. Sarah had faith in Tim and Joe's abilities and she knew the team was motivated. She also knew that things...

2 years ago
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Perfect Aphrodisiac

Gail fondly remembered when her husband, John, had looked like the young man setting the fancy drink on the table next to the lounge chair where she reclined. She tore her eyes from the prime male specimen serving her to her husband. He'd softened some and was thicker in the waist, but he still excited her more than any man, and whenever he smiled at her she wanted to lie down and... She shook away those thoughts and watched the hunk cockily stroll away. He was ripped. A real hard body. She...

1 year ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 12

Meghan and Kelly were sitting side by side, strapped in the co-pilot seat. I went to the back to get a coke. Rico and Luis were lying in the floor naked, sleeping with Leli­a, Tia and Gabriela. They were all worn out, for different reasons though. I called Kurt and told him what I wanted him to do and why. “Damn Murphy, I love it. Those kids have shown me more affection since we all met down here. I just love doing things for them now and Jason loves to come out here on the job with me. I...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Guest

While vacationing in Vegas last month with the wife, we just came back from dinner and a few drinks, she was tired and went off to bed in the other room (we rented an apartment). So, I was left on my own devices, took out the laptop and stated surfing my favorite sites. After chatting, watching porn, looking at cocks being sucked by some fine women and men – I was getting very horny, and I’m in Vegas! I went onto craigslist to checkout the m2m section, which I always find interesting reading...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 24

Ken awoke to the amazing feeling of three sets of lips on his body. Jane had his cock most of the way down her throat while Genie was licking his balls and sliding her tongue between his ass cheeks in an effort to reach the hole. Ari's musky little sex was gently being pressed against his face and lips - her lips smearing her juices on him. He signaled his return to consciousness by grabbing her by the hips and planting her wet pussy on his mouth. He also shifted his hips which allowed Genie...

3 years ago
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Allies Flower

Dawn crept over our camp like a soft sonata two lovers enjoy by candlelight. Soft and damp with dew. I breathe deep. Everything green and wonderful – spring. Allie awakes to join me. The rest of our camp near comas from last night’s drunk. While the rest pounded cheap beer and passed joints, Allie and I sipped and shared. Her eyes held me then – something lingering about her irises that hinted at a lifetime beyond what most girl’s in college had felt. Kindred spirits. “Good morning.” She...

4 years ago
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A Stroke of Moonlight

Is there anything better than an empty house? I’m enjoying a nice bottle of wine, curled up in bed, reading my book. I’ve read the same sentence 3 times now. My mind has been elsewhere all day. I put the book down with an exasperated sigh, and thinking back over the day, I can very safely say that it’s all his fault! He’s been putting thoughts in my head! Stupid boy! It’s been almost 6 months now since I last had sex, and it’s becoming more and more difficult to keep my mind on serious matters....

3 years ago
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She was born Elizabeth Margaret Manchester. She'd never known her mother as her mother had died during childbirth. Her father, Edward Manchester became both Father and Mother to her. English immigrants, her grandparents had come over from England at the turn of the century, along with their son Edward, who would one day become her father. Named after both her mother, and her grandmother, her father had nicknamed her "Maggie". The same name he had affectionately called his wife for so many...

2 years ago
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Fucking the Band with Kelly

It was a Saturday night in April of 1995. Kelly and I had met Annie at our local nightclub and had a wild night with her last fall. Kelly was really over with dealing with the holidays and ‘itchy’ as she put it. She called Annie in January. Their plan had us meeting at the club in two weeks.As it turned out, it was insanely, bitterly cold that night. The girls had to dress for survival and the club was dead. We ate a pizza and all went back to our house. We enjoyed our hot tub and had a great...

1 year ago
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Principles and ground rules for the slave

Principles and ground rules for the slaveA slave is:obedient;respectful;humble;submissive;well-presented;punctual, and;productive.Ground Rules1. Know your place. Your Owner, other Dominant men, and all men less submissive than you, are your superiors. Even if you dislike them personally or disagree with what they say, you will acknowledge their superiority at all times.This does not mean doing anything you are told by anyone, but it does mean raising any objections in a respectful way; check...

3 years ago
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Thrill seeking with students

Hi my name is dolly. I am 26 year old woman from Delhi. Married and mother of a kid. I wish to share an experience, i had 2 years ago. I had completed my m. Sc. In bio sciences and had got a job in a college as asst lecturer in dehradun. I was very willing to go and join but my parents were reluctant and as i had never been away from home. My parents would say “ladki jawan hai, kaise akele chhoden” etc. My marriage talks were also going on. I was able to convince my parents saying, i would...

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Suspended Animation

My pet and I were enjoying a nice Saturday afternoon together one day, just lounging in the living room and savoring each other's company, when a sudden knock on the front door broke the idyllic spell. Pet, who had her head resting on my lap while I gently stroked her long luxurious hair, sat up so that I could answer the door and find out who had the nerve to interrupt such a peaceful moment.I always answered the door, since she was not allowed to touch a doorknob in my presence (who said...

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OMG They caught me Sons friends

OMG!!!!! They caught me!!!!!I know them, been seeing them and have been wanting them to do this! So Not ****! Willing!It was finally a week to myself (or so I thought), hubby, his buddies, and son left to go to the deer lease. They go every summer for a week, to get feeders going and check the stands and camp house. Hubby’s buddies (Joe, John and David) met at our house and my son was going to meet them at the lease. I felt like having some fun so I dressed in my Daisy Dukes and a tee shirt to...

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I love breakfast in bed

I looked at the clock on my night stand and it read 7:05. I figured I may as well get up, so I slid from beneath the sheet trying not to wake her. I went to the kitchen, started the coffee before returning to our bathroom to relieve myself and shower. As I waited for the shower water to get hot, I held my semi-hard dick in my hand and took my morning piss. As I was entering the shower, she came into the bathroom to brush her teeth and asked if I was going somewhere. To which I responded, “No!”...

4 years ago
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The Wall and GoatChapter 12

Maxie is nuts. I swear the thought rattled around like a billiard ball for about twenty seconds, while I stood there staring at him. He sat astride the motorbike like he belonged there and started at me with the stupid sexy lazy sort of smile. All I know about our day is that we are going to an art show later, that we now have a bike to ride around on and that I won't be home tonight. Maxie said it was our anniversary, the day we'd sat on the hill and kissed and meant it. So much had...

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The Way HomeChapter 4

(snap) (thunk) (click-click) (snick) (traffic) (voices) (birds) "You're early, today." The blind man is back on the bench. "I am?" I glance at my watch in confusion. "A good half hour earlier than usual. Surely you don't have to be in such a rush today." "My watch must be wrong." "I'm sure it is. Come, sit beside me on the bench." Today he looks a little more casual. Black jeans and a windcheater. His erect posture makes the outfit look more formal than it is. He pats the...

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The Kings Sex Slave

This is one of my fantasies. I fantasize about being sexually desired by an older man with power, with authority, and with means, like a this fantasy I a prisoner in a foreign land, in a kingdom. The guards escort me, my hands cuffed, out of my cell and to the King's bedroom. After entering, the doors shuts behind us and the guards are still there, one on each side of me, their rifles ready to shoot me if I tried to get away. There on a luxurious round bed surrounded by curtains,...

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A Little sister brother Thing plus mother and ne

Part 4 cont.“Well Mr. Stud did you save any for me?” And she reached down and took hold of the limp organ and bent to suck it to life. Jerry was a young man in the prime and so it did not take long before his cock was hard again. Nita pushed Jerry back and Sarah just moved aside enough for Nita to climb on top of Jerry and impale herself on his cock. Sarah was still hot and the sight of Nita sitting on Jerry’s cock was just more of a turn on. Sarah started to rub her pussy when she noticed...

4 years ago
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My dads new black girlfriend

Dad was thirty nine, six foot one and weighed one eighty. He was a top manager at the company he worked for. A couple months after Mom died, Dad started going out some nights. I was sure that he had started dating openly. After about another month, Dad brought Jasmine home. I knew Jasmine. She was his secretary at work. She was a very pretty black girl. I think I remembered hearing that she was nineteen. She was five four and had a great body, a small waist, a pretty big round butt...

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After Five YearsChapter 4

July 2009, Sudan I was reasonably calm as I drove the beaten old Land Rover north out of the town. I kept on driving carefully, since there was no need for anyone to take any notice of me. To be more exact; it might not be a bad thing if someone were to remember seeing a man driving a car out of the town, so long as nothing more was noted. It took me almost two hours to get to the point I had previously picked out. My luck persisted, and I was able to leave the road without any other...

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PermissionChapter 2 The Aftermath of Almost

I sure didn't sleep much that night after Carol told me about her near fling with Tony. It was late when I woke up the next morning, it had been almost 3am when I finally got to sleep and then I had wild dreams about my wife and Tony in a hotel bed in LA. I awoke repeatedly from those erotic dreams, each time with a throbbing erection. My God I was dreaming of my wife fucking someone else and it excited the hell out of me. What made things worse, I knew she had to fly back to LA on Monday...

1 year ago
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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Down to the sea in ships

The barge Princess Caroline made a brief stop at Westminster Bridge steps, allowing Patrick and I to disembark, from where it was but a short walk along Whitehall to Horse Guards. On entering Colonel Slade’s office I was pleased to see both Krish Armityge and Zinnia Teazle present, as I had little opportunity to speak to either of them before having to rush off to Bristol. I looked forward to picking up the latest news concerning Caroline Ashford from Krish, and of my sister Rebekah from...

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PantyTheif part 2

My confidence was fully restored after the break up from my first love Anne. My collection of stolen panties was about 40 having discarded some through weakness. In my mind, if they were soiled by me they were tainted. Sometimes after having a drink I would be having a wank and would wrap a pair of pants round my erection and end up cuming into them. They were thrown. I had a thought years later that it might have been fun to have tried to get these cum stained pants back into the original...

1 year ago
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Today, we're paying a visit to Meta Porn! I hope you’ve got some sick time saved up, or at least a boss who doesn’t mind if the desk gets really sticky. Today we’re going to dive into what appears to be an endlessly deep ocean of hardcore pornography of all varieties. Meta Porn is an old site, having managed to stick around in some form or another since 2000, and they’re still getting a few million views a month. Not bad for a porn site with absolutely no content of its own.This Is Another Tube...

Porn Aggregators
2 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 2 Taking the Leap

“Hermes, what are his vitals?” Octavia Capstan didn’t even realize she’d started calling the Earth-at AI by Calix’s anthropomorphized name. All she was really aware was how worried she was. She wouldn’t admit it to herself, but she had a vested interest in the young man lying in front of her. He was more than just another recruit. She couldn’t bear to concede it to herself, but this was personal. Her connection to him went beyond the Navy. It went beyond the Confederacy. It was...

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GF and I share a BBC

Needless to say, once I had found my BBC bud and we spent a lot of time playing together, I thought it might be time that we have a threesome with my recently acquired girlfriend. I met her online at a website for guys and gals looking for sex. The first time she came to my place we immediately fell in lust with each other. She was a few years younger than me and somewhat thick... as I think they like to be called. All I know is that she turned out to be the most sexually responsive woman I'd...

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Nightmare By Millie Dynamite A Flash Story

By Millie Dynamite —A Flash Story— The darkness lay in my mind, thicker than a peasouper fog. A dull throbbing on the back of my head marked a spot where I had received a hard blow. Who hit me? Why did they? Where did this happen? And, where am I? All answers to my questions eluded my frazzled mind. I understood I was a prisoner. How I knew this, I cannot explain with words. You see, at this point, I had yet to open my eyes. My eyes fluttered open, and the darkness in the room neared that...

4 years ago
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ThesisChapter 15 The Garden Party

Course 8 / Day 6: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: No reason why Fifty should not be involved in today's "open day". Her basic skills are sufficient for any of the service tasks envisaged for supporting the day, rather than any of the tasks for which we will use the more experienced, second-course trainees. Everyone is set up to let the people from Clegg Enterprises to see what we're doing with their investment. Jenny's Recollections Actually, now that I come to...

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Pantyhose for friends

I arrive at your house and you invite me in. You introduce me to your wife Jill. She greets me with a kiss on the cheek. Just this gentle kiss is enough to stir my cock. We go through to the lounge where Jill sits down on the sofa and pats the space next to her and invites me to sit. I do so and you pour some drinks. We sit and chat while we drink and you comment that you can see that I have dressed as we agreed. I look and see that you are looking at my ankles where my trousers have ridden up...

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You Dont Need to Wave a CardChapter 6

Four hours later, Shannon's fake eyeglasses were capable of displaying feeds from the drones -- but that was after the 'augmentation' period in orbit, which in turn was after the 'discovery' session. " ... You won't need glasses either when we're done," I pointed out. "Let's have a look at you..." Shannon had already gotten out of the sweater, blouse, skirt, and leggings for the benefit of the bellboy, and was trying to be comfortable before me in her bra and cotton panties --...

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Beastly Isekai Tales of the CrossBreeding SlutPrincess 3

The aftermath of her daily activities had indeed made Livia into an utterly erotic oral Goddess: she was currently making a show of her pulpy lips and luscious tongue on an innocent lollipop the Guildmistress had provided her, albeit without any sexual ulterior motive, but Rhea couldn't help but face-palm at how it turned out. Livia seemed amused at the situation as she sucked on the candy in an explicit manner while staring at Rhea with a sultry look. This rookie sure didn't know what was...

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