Intimate Admissions 01
- 2 years ago
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"Ah, oh, oh, yes, yes, yes! I'm cumming, my god, I'm cumming." That's what Mrs. Blumenthal screamed as if she was surprised she was having an orgasm. A moment later, I unloaded and filled her pussy with a profuse stream of manly juices. I didn't pull out for a long time leaving my semi-erect cock plugged into her cunt overflowing with hot thick cum. She kissed me and said, "Now Roger, that's how we do things here." I was going to like their ways.
That event with Mrs. Blumenthal's fervid cries happened a while ago after I was called into the principal's office at the end of the school day. "Come on in," George Miller yelled to me standing outside his office. "How was your day, Roger?"
"Fine but kind of hectic, sir. Tammy had an anxiety attack during the third period and Billy Tomczak couldn't keep his hands off Jocelyn.
"You mean Jocelyn Humphrey?"
"Yes, sir. They're both in my American History class."
"Ah, Jocelyn is a babe. I can't blame Billy for being attracted to her."
"Sir, but he had his hand between her legs."
"What was her reaction, Roger?"
"Sir, it was like she barely noticed."
"That's Jocelyn all right. And by the way, you can drop the 'sir'. Everyone calls me George. 'Sir' is a bit too formal and we aren't all that formal around here."
"Yes, sir. Yes, George."
"I asked you to come here today because I got a call from Mrs. Blumenthal. She would like to speak with you about Lindsey's grades in your European History class. She thinks you might be a little unfair."
"Sir, I give each student the grade they earn. Lindsey hasn't turned in half of the homework assignments and she hasn't done well on her tests."
"I understand, Roger. This is your first year in our district and as you probably already have learned, our parents are very anxious for their children to succeed. They have certain expectations and of course, certain prestigious colleges are what they want for their kids. So, as you know as a Cal graduate, grades are very important. They'll do anything to get them into what they consider the best schools. It's as much about status as it is about education. I hate it but that's the way it is here.
"Look, Roger," Dr. Miller continued. "Mrs. Blumenthal wants a conference with you on Friday. Give her a call and set something up."
Before calling Lindsey's mom, I asked around hoping some of the staff would clue me in about Maria Blumenthal. The female staff said she was a bitch. The men faculty said she can be very accommodating. But their expressions suggested that there was more to Maria Blumenthal than just accommodating. I wondered, Why there was such a difference in opinions and why the allusive expressions? I took the middle ground and figured on her being amenable. I called Mrs. Blumenthal on Thursday for a Friday appointment at school.
The job of a history teacher in an upscale community was an afterthought. I left UC Berkeley with a master's degree in anthropology. Jobs were somewhere between few and none. So, I picked up a few education courses at a community college learning about Jean Piaget and his theories on child development. I received a teaching certificate and applied to several school districts. One community was looking for a male history teacher and my Berkeley degree didn't harm my chances. I was hired after a second interview. That was four months ago and now I've settled in to being a well regarded and apparently a well-liked teacher. I didn't know until meeting Mrs. Blumenthal about the school district's open secret.
So it was four in the afternoon when Maria Blumenthal sat across from me in room 217. She was pretty and sexy. I guessed she was about ten years older than me, in her middle to late thirties. She wore a light blouse that clung to her like Saran Wrap wrapped around her chest. A short skirt hid little of her long sumptuous legs. For a moment, my brain blanked out before regaining consciousness. She was talking about her daughter Lindsey but at first, I couldn't make out what she was saying.
"Look, Mr. Templeton," She spoke with a British accent. "Lindsey loves your class and thinks you are a great teacher."
"Thanks, Mrs. Blumenthal and call me Roger."
"Okay, Roger. I'm Maria." She crossed her legs carelessly providing a tantalizing view of her upper thighs then she continued, "It's nice that teachers here are so informal. It's not like when I was in school. Everyone was sir and mam back then."
"Where did you go to school?" I asked.
"Prep school outside of London. I came to the States after marrying my American husband."
"Is Lindsey your only child?"
"Yes. She's our angel. My goodness, Roger, it's hot in here," and she unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse. I was sweating a bit but it wasn't from the heat.
I took a deep breath and said, "Tell me your concern about Lindsey."
"It's her grades, Roger. She says you were unfair giving her a B."
"I'll be honest with you Mrs. Blumenthal. The 'B' was the best I could do given she has not turned in all of her assignments."
"Oh Roger, this is all my fault. I haven't kept in contact with you the way that a mother should."
"I don't see how our contact can improve Lindsey's grades."
"Well, Roger, maybe as you teach here longer, you will understand how important it is for parents to keep in contact with teachers. If you don't mind, Roger, I have to run along. Could we meet again and discuss this further? Do you have some time on Saturday evening? Maybe we can meet informally at my place over cocktails, say eight?"
"I'll have to look at my schedule and give you a call. It would be a good opportunity to meet your husband as well."
"Lindsey and her dad will be away for the weekend to look at colleges so I'm afraid you'll miss him."
Eight in the evening seemed to be an odd time for a conference yet this was a social community where business was conducted on the golf course and over cocktails at the exclusive members-only country club. I needed to get used to that.
Mrs. Blumenthal greeted me at the door with a smile as wide as the wingspan of a 747. She wore a pink scooped tank top a size too small. Her nipples poked at the thin fabric as if trying to escape. "Glad you were available, Roger. I hate staying all alone in this house. It's so big. The house feels haunted when my husband is away. That's why I suggested we get together here. Hey, I just mixed myself a martini. Will you join me?"
"Sounds good."
"I'll be back in a minute. Go ahead and take a load off your feet. We'll talk on the sofa."
That gave me a good view of Maria Blumenthal's ass that was left exposed by cut off jeans as she left to mix my drink. She returned shortly with a drink in hand and handed it to me making sure to bend over far enough for me to appreciate her generous size tits. When she sat on her long elegant sofa, it was uncomfortably close.
Our glasses clinked and she said, "Here's to Lindsey earning better grades." I nodded in agreement.
The martini was wonderful and after some small talk, Mrs. Blumenthal said, "You know, Roger, this community is very competitive. We're always keeping up with the Joneses, so to speak. I hate it especially since it puts pressure on Lindsey but it just wouldn't do for her to attend a second rate college. That's true for all of her friends as well. As parents, we'll do anything not to disappoint our kids," and she put her hand on my lap. "That goes for all of the parents in this town so it's important for us to do what we can." She moved her hand closer to my crotch. "You understand, don't you Roger?"
I certainly understood where she was coming from and drained my martini. "Oh, let's have another," and she walked away swinging her hips.
The second drink went down easier than the first while Lindsey's mom laid her head on my shoulder and a hand between my legs. This was a conundrum for me as a new teacher. Should I cave to my desires and instincts or take the higher moral ground?
"Sometimes parents do things that benefit their kids' chances in life," she whispered. "It's win/win for everyone." Her hand fiddled with my zipper as she said, "I can tell by this lump in your pants that you understand about the benefits I'm referring to."
I held out for a full second, then ran my hands under her tank top and helped myself to a handful.
"Here, Roger, let me take this off so we can enjoy each other better." She pulled the tank top over her head and said, "Pinch me, Roger. I like my nipples pinched." A minute later she had my zipper opened, my cock and balls out and she had me down her throat.
I was a bit numb from the martinis helping me to hold back. "Let me show you how we redecorated our bedroom, Roger. We can finish this there."
It felt odd in a good way following her upstairs to the master bedroom with my genitals hanging out and precum staining her Persian rug. The drapes were closed but candles were burning to give the room a seductive romantic ambiance. The bed was drawn in anticipation of us consummating our understanding of the grading system.
Mrs. Blumenthal was not bashful taking down her cut-offs and helping me out of my slacks. I went down on her for long enough for her to begin to moan, then plunged myself in. With my hips embedded between her thighs and a steel hard cock, my strokes were swift and determined.
It ended well for both of us as described earlier. Curiously, Lindsey did better in my class and earned an 'A'.
That could have been the end of it but as Maria Blumenthal said, parents in this community will do anything to enhance their child's success. I found that to be true with Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Winthrop.
Mrs. Thomas' son, Jimmy, wasn't doing well in class. I did what I could to help him with extra tutoring. His mom helped me with my libido. She knew he wasn't Ivy League material but she wanted Jimmy to go to college, perhaps on a football scholarship. A grade of 'B' was okay but he was struggling to get a 'C'. She thought she could help.
Mrs. Thomas, Clara, took me out to the parking lot to show me her new Ford Expedition and how the back seats went down with a flick of a button. It made for a motel on wheels. Her ample breasts made her appear more attractive than she was and the Ford was a lot more comfortable than when I was in high school fucking my girlfriends in the back seat of a Camaro.
There wasn't much time or need for foreplay. Clara held her legs over her head and I drilled her like a Texas oil rig. Each rapid thrust went deep into her well-oiled cunt. I was hearing sirens and my eyes were flashing like lights on top of a squad car. It was only Clara's passionate cries and my cock exploding. She got Jimmy through history that way along with math and science.
Mrs. Winthrop was a very different story. Mrs. Winthrop wore glasses, was tall and nerdy looking. Her black hair was braided in a single tight rope that hung below her shoulders. Her clothes were on the conservative side but her politics weren't. The first time we met, we got into a violent argument about socialism. I tried to be neutral but her extreme views got my adrenaline flowing. The thing is, Mrs. Winthrop's daughter was one of the best students in my class, a straight 'A' student. Like she told me, "I know Daphne is doing well. She's very independent and self-driven, a lot like me, but I don't want to take that for granted. Since my divorce, I've been taking advantage of my own independence." She left on amicable terms although we had some unfinished business to attend to.
Dorothy Winthrop called one day and said she wanted a follow-up on our discussion. She had some thoughts to share. "Can you drop by my place Thursday night?" she asked. That didn't sound strange after my liaison with Maria Blumenthal but I was surprised to hear from Mrs. Winthrop since her daughter, Lindsey, was a star student. She must have had something else in mind.
She lived in a fashionable neighborhood that came as no surprise. The house was French Mediterranean architecture and surrounded by immaculate landscaping. The furniture was elegant but a bit pretentious for my tastes. This time Dorothy Winthrop ditched the nerdy glasses. She wasn't nearly as severe looking as when we first met. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds. Her hair was no longer braided but fell loosely on her shoulders. Her clothes were simple; a loose fitting casual summer dress draped over her body that was naked underneath.
"Would you like a drink?" she asked when taking my hat.
I asked for a beer. She drank wine. Mrs. Winthrop said we should be on a first name basis and to call her Dot. We talked about nothing important for a while. Dot liked to impress me with her intellect then the subject of sex came up.
"Roger, you've been teaching in the school district for long enough to have learned how we do things here. I don't have to hide the fact that mothers do what they have to do to help their kids. You might call it screwing for grades. Our college admissions enhancement program is a tradition here. I'm a close friend of Maria Blumenthal and Jimmy Thomas' mom. They both were very pleased with how you helped them. In fact, they both remarked that you have a unique understanding of what is important, especially in the special needs area."
I was blown away by how open she was about the topic.
She didn't stop there. "I like to fuck as much as the next woman but I don't need help for my daughter. She's doing fine. This is more for me. I've asked you here to help me indulge in my new independence since my divorce. We're not going to talk politics or grades. I want to show you some of my fantasies then you can show me what I've been missing the past three years.
I was just finishing my second beer when I asked, "So, Dot, what is it that you wanted to show me?"
"Follow me downstairs to our museum. It's something my ex organized years ago when we first moved here. I think you'll find it fascinating."
I was stunned. It was more than fascinating. The collection included every BDSM implement invented in the last hundred years. Some were antique sex artifacts, others more recent. I could only imagine how half of them were used. The other half needed no imagination.
"What do you think, Roger?"
"Interesting," I answered in almost a whisper.
"Cody, my ex, started this when we got into bondage. Well, one thing led to another and the collection grew.
"So you've used some of these?" I asked.
"Only the ones designed for women. That's where you come in, Roger. Cody never let me use these on him. That was so aggravating to me. We argued all the time about it. He only wanted to be the master using me as his slave. That's one reason we divorced. I'd like you to try some of these intended for men.
"Look, let me show you one thing I like then we can choose something for you." At that, she let her dress slip over her shoulders delighting in showing off her naked body. Her body wasn't Playmate worthy but sexy in a distinctive way. "Looks pretty good for being forty, don't you think Roger?"
"You look lovely, Dot. You're the most beautiful woman in the room."
She smiled and said, "Funny. Let's get started. I'm going to clip on these nipple clamps while you're taking off your clothes. I'll be sitting on this recliner waiting for you to bring over the anal vibrator in the glass case. It looks like an ordinary anal plug but it's much better. It's one of the most modern devices we bought and it comes with a remote."
I left my things on a rack and brought her the toy. "Oh, Roger, you forgot the lube. It's on the desk."
When I returned with a tube of Pjur anal glide, she was playing with her pussy using a long cock-like vibrator. "This is my favorite new toy. Look! It doesn't just vibrate, it pulses too like the real thing. Then she eased it in her pussy taking deep breaths as she fit it inside. "Oh, oh, Roger. This feels so good. Now let me take a good look at you while I do this."
I stood in front of her wondering what was next. I didn't have to wait long.
"Nice cock, Roger. It's a little lazy laying down like that. Come here and bend over." Dot lubed the anal plug and shoved it in my ass. "Let me know how this feels when I turn it on."
At first, it felt like soft pulses but as she turned up the volume and the vibrations became stronger, it was between pain and pleasure on my prostate.
"Come lay down over here. I think you'll like it more when you're relaxed."
We exchanged places and I tried to relax as she changed the settings. The feelings were totally new to me so it took time to feel comfortable.
"You know Roger, we found it to be more exciting when we are restrained. Let me attach your arms and legs to the back of the chair."
I hadn't noticed the hooks under and on the back of the chair where she tied ropes that held my feet apart and my arms over my head. It certainly wasn't at the top of my "to do" list. It wasn't on my bucket list or any list but I decided, what the hell and went along with it. That's when she turned the plug on full volume. I cried out, "Turn it down, for god's sake, turn it down."
"Oh Roger, you're way too loud." She strapped on a ball gag helping to muffle my objections. "Now we have to do something about that limp appendage of yours."
Dot took me in her mouth massaging my balls and sucking my cock until she approved of the results. Once she had me hard, she fit a ring at the base of my cock and another below the bulge at the tip. Both rings had wires attached to a box with dials. Dot called it an electrotherapy stimulator. She turned it on and the pulsing was very satisfying at first. I was now getting used to the anal plug but every so often, Dot would turn up the cock stimulator. Again, like before, she over-did it until my cock stung. The pain was more than I could stand. I thought she was intending to electrocute me just to get back at her ex.
Tears began to form on my eyeballs and she said "Oh maybe that's too much," and turned it to a more comfortable level.
"Oh dear, I forgot to do something with those hairy balls of yours." With that, she took a metal clamp and squeezed my testicles until they were nearly purple. The clamp was attached to the machine and my balls were being buzzed just like my cock. I had become her slave with no way out. In time, I adjusted to the pulsing and shocking. The stimulation began its magic and without expecting it, out spurted a huge flow of cum that never seemed to stop.
"You're a good boy, Roger. That was an impressive display." My reward was to be unhooked and set free.
While blood began to flow again in my extremities, she said, "Let's go upstairs for another drink while you are recovering, then I want you to fuck me in all my holes."
This time I asked for something stronger than a beer. She gave me a healthy glass of cognac and led me to her bedroom. I stayed the night acting as her sex slave doing what she asked. Dot had a creative mind. Her whole point seemed to be that women should have sex slaves, not just men. It was a feminist point of view that I found stimulating.
Surprises come in different packages and as it turns out, Jocelyn Humphrey's development is not among Piaget's theories. She was the girl Billy Tomzak was fingering in class several months earlier. Jocelyn was only seventeen with an angelic face but she had filled out looking more like a twenty-two.
On this memorable day, Jocelyn wandered back into my classroom after school saying she had lost her notebook. She had left it on a desk where I found it. "Oh good, Mr. Templeton, you found my notebook." She stopped on the way out, turned and said, "Your lecture on impeachment was really interesting today. You said several presidents have been impeached like Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton but it is the Clinton one I really don't understand. It had something to do with a woman. You didn't go into any details about that."
"Yes, you're right, Jocelyn, but the controversy isn't appropriate in our American History class."
"Maybe you can tell me about it here in private."
"Okay. President Clinton was involved with a woman named Monica Lewinsky. Someone discovered they were having an affair in the Oval Office."
"What does that mean?"
"They were having sex but Clinton denied it."
"Because they didn't have sexual intercourse."
"What were they doing?"
"Apparently it was oral sex."
"You mean she was giving him a blow job."
That's right." I couldn't decide if Jocelyn was interested in history, flirting, sex or all of the above. Anyway, her remark was blunt and to the point.
Jocelyn left for home that day only to return on the Friday before spring break. It was four in the afternoon when I went back to my classroom to pick up papers to take home. I sat at my desk to go through the drawer looking for the room keys. My feet struck something under my desk and I heard a yelp. Someone was curled up under the desk.
"What on earth are you doing there, Jocelyn?"
Dressed in a blue dress with hair riding on her shoulders she said, "Call me Monica. I'm Monica Lewinski."
Before I could say, "But I'm not President Clinton and you shouldn't be in here," she had my zipper down and her mouth wrapped around my twitching cock, sucking it like a baby on its mother's teat.
It's hard to describe the feeling when a sexy teenager is giving you a blowjob and she holds you captive. I felt trapped but in a good way. It was clear that Jocelyn had done this kind of thing before. I gulped some air when she took me all the way down her throat. She worked my cock with her tongue and lips for long enough for me to lose my apprehension of guilt. Jocelyn sucked like she might have been Dracula's daughter. Intense pleasure hemorrhaged into a gusher of cum that spilled into her mouth. Jocelyn made sure to get some of it on her dress for the sake of authenticity. My slacks were going to need the dry cleaners as well.
"That was good Bill," she said. You really gave me a mouthful like Billy but Billy won't fuck me. He's afraid I might get pregnant but Bill, I take the pill. Will you fuck me?" she asked with a mischievous grin.
"That's enough of this role-playing, Jocelyn. You know I can't have intercourse with you so just get that out of your head."
"Oh, but Mr. Templeton, all the girls are doing it with teachers. And I know you've been screwing my mom."
She was right. Her mom is Betty Humphrey who I had fucked two weeks earlier on, ironically, International Women's Day. She caught me at a weaker moment at the Holiday Inn restaurant. She was ordinary looking except for her rack. Betty was stacked. I just can't resist a woman like that. We both had a little too much to drink so we booked a room. She gave me an incredible tit fuck then she wanted my lips on her clit. I threw in my tongue as a bonus. She fucked like a grizzly bear in heat. Now her daughter, Jocelyn, whose jugs weren't far behind her mom's, wanted it too.
It took me weeks mulling over the pros and cons of fucking a student. Finally, it came down to the fact we already had oral sex and I wouldn't be the first teacher to shack up with a student. I took her to the same motel where her mother and I hooked up. Jocelyn's kisses were filled with passion and desire. She wasn't shy about letting me play with her pussy when she spread her legs like a wide opened pair of hedge trimmers. She was the sweetest cunt I'd ever tasted.
When I squeezed in for the first time, Jocelyn was as tight as a shirt collar a size too small and as succulent as a rare steak. First, she let out a gasp, then squeals and whimpers that were mixed with giggles and a few moans. Jocelyn just let nature take its course and fucked as if it was as normal as driving a car. She was a natural. Our first time was just a primer. As her teacher, it was my responsibility to give her a few pointers on having better sex. Sex is a lot like learning to dance. There are different steps to take and a wide variety of styles.
Before the lessons continued, I needed some time and she wanted to talk. "That was nice, Mr. Templeton. I'd like to do it again"
"You're not a virgin, Jocelyn. I thought you hadn't done it with Billy."
"That' right. Billy says birth control pills are sugar pills to fool girls into having sex."
I gave her a salacious grin and said, "I hope he's wrong, Jocelyn."
"Anyway, that's the only time I had real sex before this and I didn't get pregnant."
"How's that?"
"It was kind of a funny situation. Mom and I were arguing about money before she was leaving for work last month. I wanted to buy some clothes and Mom refused to give me money for a new outfit. Earl, our handyman, heard us arguing. When Mom left, he said there was a way to get some money without my mom knowing. Earl said he would give me twenty dollars if I showed him my tits. At first, I went to my room thinking I wouldn't do it. Then, I figured it was alright since Billy feels me up all the time.
"So we went into the basement and I took off my shirt and bra. He pinched my nipples and sucked 'em really hard. You know, that made me really horny so I told him I needed more money. He gave me twenty more to take off all my clothes and to finger my pussy. God, he pushed it all the way in then he used two fingers. Billy never did that.
"Earl said he had another twenty for a blowjob. He rolled out the twenty and pulled down his pants. I licked him up and down his huge cock and tried to take him down my throat. He was too big. Well, that went on for a while. I guess both of us were really excited and wanted more. He offered me another twenty if I would fuck him. I said, no, I needed fifty. So he fucked me for fifty on the workbench."
"Did your mom ask where you got the money for the clothes?"
"Well, yeah. I told her Earl gave it to me. She asked him about it and he admitted having sex with me. Mom fired Earl and put me on the pill the next day."
It was time to continue her lessons. Jocelyn was a fast learner. Most of it just came naturally to her and she loved being my cowgirl. I was about to finish in her for a second time when she squealed, "Come in my face, Mr. Templeton. It's so sexy and Billy says it's like a facial cream that makes a girl's skin soft and smooth."
I gave her a full facial squirting gobs of nature's lotion from forehead to chin. By the looks of Jocelyn's smooth silky skin, she had often gotten creamed.
Jocelyn's sexual appetite was unlimited. She wanted to do it over and over again in new ways each time always fucking with a broad smile. Her final exercise was learning to do the doggie. I gave her everything I had left. I was drained. Finally, I explained to her that men have certain limitations that girls don't have. After cumming three explosive times, I was juiced.
There were no surprises after that episode especially when it came to Jocelyn's grades. She became an 'A' student the following semester.
I reached tenure following my second year at the school. Normally teachers wait three years but some of the female school board members that I knew agreed to move that forward in hopes of keeping me in the district. I finished the third year helping to enhance the students' college admissions potential but eventually left to earn a degree in school administration. My goal was to be a principal then maybe a superintendent. After completing my schedule in the admissions office at the nearby university, I prepared for my first classes the following week. Only I didn't anticipate what awaited me on the first day of a course called "Family and Community Engagement." It was an early morning eight o'clock class run like a seminar. I took my seat along with ten others. The professor was late until a woman rushed in apologizing to the class. After putting down her briefcase and scanning each of us as if we were a den of thieves, the professor stopped and our eyes met and locked onto each other. She recognized me, of course, and looked amused. Professor Dorothy Winthrop tried to conceal her astonishment with a welcoming smile. Then she said, "Let's introduce ourselves. I think I already know a few of you."
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I was determined to not let the disaster depress me too much as I remembered Lexa's wish about this beautiful island. Maybe there was something we could do about evil in the long run. The harmony, the second part of her sincere wish, was already shot to hell and gone. At least for the time being and at least till I could come up with some explanation. Not being able to make use of Alfred's mind searches, his bio-feedback, I thought about the stranger in my home. And realised that my...
Around 4:00 in the morning, Ryan woke up needing to pee. His long, flaccid cock was caked with dried cum from the night before, and he had to rub some of it off of the tip so he wouldn’t spray pee all over the bathroom wall. When he was done, he stepped over to the large French doors that lead from his suite out onto the back deck, and looked up at the largest, brightest moon he had ever seen. Ryan opened the door and strolled out into his yard. Sometimes he really enjoyed simply walking...
Matt was right, although he wasn’t sure of it. Todd, a VERY pretty, very thin, pierced and tattooed emo boy who had been friends with the Carter twins for many years, was completely gay but strongly attracted to straight guys, and Selena and Sabrina knew he loved to watch the hot straight boys they fucked. He hung around them a lot, and when they had sex, they knew he usually found an angle to enjoy it from, and jerked himself off repeatedly while watching the sexy, muscular, lean young men...
Our first time "A True Story" To start things out,We're what you would call an average,people next door type of couple.Two kids,a cat,nice house and cars.We are just middle class people that live a regular life.We go to work each day,come home and do the daily chores at night.Now,not that we lead a boring life or anything like that,but we do provide a good homelife for the kids.What we did on this weekend in early December 2001, was something we hadn't even considered before.So,here goes the...
First TimeI am a phlebotomist at a hospital in an outpatient lab. One of my duties is performing EKG's. One day as I was entering an order on a patient, the name caught my eye. It was my ex-girlfriend. My first thought was that this is going to be weird. We had an abstinent relationship the 3 years we dated. Prior to us dating she was a virgin and I was not. But I had no real problem with remaining abstinent, especially since I thought we were going to get married and she wanted to wait. We had fooled...
EroticIt was the start of an insane week. I was taking a vacation to Cancun, for Spring Break, with my best friend from college. In Cancun, I was planning on going wild and crazy. Melissa and I never once took a Spring Break trip. We would now, a few years after graduating, and I would see to it that it would be a vacation we would never forget. We’d party, dance, drink, and find people to have sex with – all things her and I never got to do in college. We would now, and it would be...
College Teacher. Chapter one. Quentin College was a place that I had taken a fancy to when I was studying for my doctorate at University and was very pleased when I received a letter asking me to attend an interview. I was one of twenty there that day and I progressed into the next interview of ten and finally for a third visit of just three of us for a position in such a prestigious college. I was the last to be interviewed and I went into the Dean’s office to find two other people sitting...
First TimeReddit College Sluts, aka r/CollegeSluts! Is there a more perfect time to get pussy than in college? There’s something about bitches in college that makes them infinitely hornier. Maybe it’s because they’re not tied down at home anymore, or perhaps it’s because they have instant access to cock – all they have to do is walk across campus and go to a dorm room. Hell, nowadays all they have to do is hail an Uber, and they can get dick anywhere in the city where mommy and daddy are nowhere to be...
Reddit NSFW ListChapter One Stephanie wanted to go to college ever since she finished high school. Butwith the economy the way it was, everything was so high priced, including tuition.She had worked for a few years with the hopes that she would be able to saveenough money to afford college. She continued sending in applications to allthe colleges she found, explaining her financial needs, but all of them hadturned her down so far. One college, a private university about 150 miles fromhome, placed her on a...
Hello guys, this is my story about college humiliation is fictional. It is based on a virtual world, which is male dominant and is on BDSM. There was a small country which was highly self-dependent and followed their own rules. Males dominated the country, and they held all senior positions. The country had only one college specializing in medical, engineering, commerce, arts, etc. Being the only college, there was a good strength of students. However, the students had to live in a hostel and...
COLLEGE BOY IN PRISON by Throne Everything had been going great for Sammy. He was starting college, with courses in art and poetry, and still hadn't decided what his major would be. His jet-setting parents lived on the opposite coast and honestly didn't have much to do with him except to pay his bills. So he had stayed briefly with his Uncle John, a tall dignified man, until the first semester began at the nearby college. While he was on campus he met a guy his own age, Ray, who...
College Teacher. Chapter Six. I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning. ‘You’re not ashamed of we did last night are you?’ but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. ‘For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you’re always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don’t think...
College Teacher. Chapter Six. I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning. ‘You’re not ashamed of we did last night are you?’ but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. ‘For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you’re always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don’t think...
First TimeWhen I got up in the morning, I tried to think of a way to get out of going to college. Then I remembered that freshman girl.I showered, then nervously picked out some clothes that I could remove without much fuss. I wore blue sweat pants that unzipped at the bottom, and a pink short sleeved sweat shirt. I walked to college, avoiding the other students. Even going to college, I felt awfully conspicuous. I went to the main entrance. There was an old mailbox there, with a sign above it, "For use...
EroticHi friends I am Rohit. Main Bangalore se hu. Main is site par new hoon. Ye meri pahali story hai. Mene is site par bahut story padi hai aur mujhe laga ke kyu na main bhi apni ek story aap logo se share karu jo mere college batchmate ki hai. Aap apna feedback mjhe is mail id par de sakte hain. Meri mail id hai “” agar koi ladki mujhse chudwana chahe to vo mujhe mail kar sakti hai aur ye sab secret rahega. To ab hum story par ate hain. Mera name rohit hai aur man bangalore se hu. Mere lund ka...
The college widow was born in 1850. During the war she lost her heart to an older boy who went off to the Union Army. He was killed in the fighting. After the war, she was educated at one of the first new colleges for young women. A visiting male professor courted and married her. They were wed the day after her graduation and went off to honeymoon in Europe. He was 48, she was 22. He was virile and experienced and on their honeymoon he taught her the art of love. She had her first orgasm on...
College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...
Dear indian sex stories dot net friends, Yeh story ek real story hai jo meri aur friend k beech ki hai. Yeh story meri friend pp ki hai jisko maine uski shadi k baad base maje se thoka alag alag places par le jakar. My name is x and is story ki heroine ka name pp hai. Meri age 30 years hai and pp ki abhi age30 years nai. Ab story start karte hai. Main aur pp ek hi college me graduation karte the . College k time pe meri bahotsarigf hi to maie pp k ya college ki ladkiya pe jyada dhyan kabhi nai...
Note: This is a work of historical fiction. Though my wife and I met after I had completed my master’s degree, I loved my experiences in my undergraduate college. In this on going story, I will be exploring the way our relationship would have developed if we had met during our collegiate experiences College With a Cane, Freshmen Year, Part 1 ‘Erik!’ ‘Nnuuuuhhh—?’ ‘Erik! Wake up!’ ‘Hhhhhbbbbnnnrrr—‘ ‘Erik! Wake up you douchebag! Your alarm has been going off for 15 minutes!’ I slowly...
Hello, sex story readers. It was my first day at college. Fresh out of the school. I still looked as if I should be in school. I looked like I was 15. Short height very slender body, breasts just starting to grow and short hair – almost a boy cut. Don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t ugly. I have great looks, I have perfect girl abs that let me pull off crop tops almost perfectly and I have a pair of properly toned legs. I also have a very good fashion sense that makes me quite popular among the guys...
College Teacher. Chapter Two. I woke up with a start as I felt my cock being taken hold of and I hadn’t even got my eyes open when I felt the head of it being enclosed in a great warmth. I looked down my body to see Kit kneeling above my thighs, his head slowly moving up and down and felt his tongue running over the head of my erection that was firmly between his lips. ‘What a lovely way to be woken up,’ I groaned and saw him twist his head a little so that I could see his smiling eyes as he...
First TimeLet me describe myself, I am Hiral (name changed) me freelancer hu, mumbai or pune aana jana laga rehta hai mene select ladki ke sath enjoy kiya hai par yeh meri pehli indian sex stories hai, jab bhi time milta hai me desi indian pe sex story read karta hu par zyaada time nahi milta. Mai dikhne me handsome hu but meri body average hai nahi slim nahi mota, mera penis ka size uttna hai jo ek ladki ko satisfy kar sake. Mujhe virgin ladkiya pasand hai jo phele baar maza karna chahti hai.. Mein...
College Girl Pt 5 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl parts 1-4 before reading this installment.) All week I was Hector's sex toy and he was mine. We went to another of those house parties. I'm not sure if it was my looks or the way that I clung to him that made the other guests recognize me. I was getting all sorts of lecherous looks from the men and critical looks from the women. Hector was viewed at as a valuable catch by the upscale meat market...
CollegeRules, or at least it has the potential to. Institutions of higher learning tend to be jam-packed full of sexually ripe babes first experiencing the freedom of not living with their parents. If you can’t see the inherent possibilities, you may need to see a doctor about your inhumanly low libido. I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve either experienced those possibilities for yourself, or you’re just looking to live vicariously through the magic of hardcore pornography. Just because...
Premium Teen Porn SitesWhen I got to feet from the door, but it was very loud. I didn't know him, I'd said "Hi" to him in the hallway, but I knew who he was, of course. I was surprised to find he knew who I was. "What's going on?" I asked him. "Hmm. Yes." He coughed, seeming a little nervous, but then smiled at me. "You've been selected, Miss Shenoy." "For what?" I was mystified. "We've had a change in policy for the college," he told me. "We're going to pick a few students each week. Here, this will explain...
Erotic"What a sight for sore eyes!" I beamed, then gave my oldest sister a hug that lifted her off the ground. She was actually a step-sister, not related by blood but by marriage. But since I didn't have any memories without her in my life, she and her sister were both, as far as I was concerned, my real sisters. Colette laughed, "Okay, you can let me down, now, Mark," I set her down gently, still gazing into her pretty face. "I missed you, too." Colette gave me a kiss on the cheek and...
Jr. College se Degree college mein jaane ka excitement that apne aap ko ab senior aur matured samajhne lage the hum (Main aur mere friends). Mumbai mein mostly colleges co-ed hain to ladkiya bhi sath thi aur ek accha group ban gaya tha. First year to aise hi hansi mazak ghumne firne mein nikal gaya. Group mein couples bhi ban gai. Baat second year ki hai jaise hi college start hua hame pata laga ke hamari ek favorite professor ne college chhod diya hai aur uski jagah koi nayi professor aa rahi...
I was twenty-four years old. Not too long out of college and my life was not going very well. I just broke up with my girlfriend of three years. The girl that I thought was "the one." Hell, I was looking for an engagement ring for crying out loud. So needless to say, I was not the one who broke it off. But what sucked the most was the fact that we lived together in a one-bedroom apartment and neither one of us could afford to pay the penalty fee for breaking the lease, nor could we afford to...
IncestCollege Mom Full of Freshmen CumIt was Saturday at a large department store of the nearby mall where Marcie and her husband Paul had decided to go shopping for clothes with their son Jason who was a freshmen attending the local college. Paul also wanted to look at some tools while out and Marcie knew that always took some time since Paul loved tools and had many of them. But first they would buy Jason some clothes before Paul did that. Marcie being a good mom would help her son pick out some...
College Girl (part 2) By Holly Day (Please read part one of the story before reading this story) I was now part of the sex industry in a way I could never have imaged a year ago. The added income from the party and the promise of future parties has made life easier. My savings had increased faster than planned making a few luxuries affordable. I shopped at a couple trendy places and saw a couple outfits that I just had to have. However I still shopped at...
College Girl Pt 7 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl parts 1-6 before reading this installment.) The five of us walked around campus for a while. Mother was actively talking with Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Wilson was quiet for the most part, but occasionally added something to the conversation. I whispered to Kevin, "Have you told your parents about me? I mean about me having been born a boy." "No, I thought it better for them to get to know you...
Hello ISS readers. I am Meet, I am from Chandigarh. Main iss apr apni pehli story likha raha hu. Agar aap logo ko pasand aaye to comment jarur karna. Girls, bhabhiya can email me on Main 25 saal ka hu. Height 5.9″ hai. Main Chandigarh ka rehne wala hu. Any girl, bhabhi and aunty can contact me on Main apni story par aata hu. Maine Haryana ke ek engineering college se ki degree ki hai. Ye aaj se 6 saal pehle ki baat hai jab maine college me admission liya tha. Meri dosti Priya(name...
This voyeurism trend has got on my sensual nerves lately. In fact, last week I had a college student ejaculate the cum of his life from his young cock on my big boobs – all because of voyeurism! Guys, this is Simraan and welcome to another hot sexual experience of mine! I had gone to the local mall with my female friend to watch a movie. After coming out of the screening theatre, we began window shopping. While we were roaming freely, my friend met one of her relatives who turned out to be...
Hello, dicks and pussies! Here’s my first story though I’m very old to ISS. I have a wonderful sex life with over 7 partners till date with no strings attached. I’m Akash (name changed) from Hyderabad living in Bangalore working in an MNC. I’m not in a perfect relationship right now. I’m a workaholic and can’t give enough time (texting/talking every hour/day) to it. Let’s meet, have fun/romance/ sex is my concept. But again it is not like treating like a whore. It should be romantic sex. Let me...
A quick introduction about me. I’m a 20 year old straight, male. Although, I’m Indian, I moved abroad to attend college. This is a true story, but all names have been changed and exact locations will not be specified. I would appreciate any comments/feedback or questions about me at This story took place in my freshman year of college. Unlike India, the college life is completely different abroad. We get to pick a class schedule according to out convenience and do not have any attendance...
DisclaimerThis story is a work of pure fantasy. If you are underage and/or repelled by erotic fiction about non-consensual sex then do not read any further.I would like to stress that in this story quite a few rather stupid clich?s are used. Therefore I want to urge those of you who cannot distinguish truth from fiction to please don?t read any further.English is not my native tongue so I guess that some errors could not be avoided. I sincerely hope that they do not disturb your reading too m...
It’s the season of graduates shooting out of college and finding their places on the high streets…I know it because I had a stimulating experience with a couple who recently graduated. You see, my company visits selective colleges to grab freshers straight out because it needs more workers to make more profits. (true story!) I recently attended a meeting in one of the prestigious institutions in the field of commerce in South Delhi. The meeting was in 3 phases each separated by an hour-long...
“It was a male blitzkrieg. Its Erica’s bukake moment. The spasmed sperm splash of every wanking and jerking Tom, Dick and Harry from the choir…plus a Mark and a Will… and her personal black skinned arse delighter…”Bernard really ought to give up smoking was Erica’s thought as she diverged from Chas and Beth in the vestibule. She had time to find the St Xavier’s Senior Male Choir before her own practice.....Her morning had been really pleasant, spent with Meredith. A senior dorm girl who had...
This story happened in 2006 on college annual day. I was 18 yrs old then and studying my diploma in mechanical engineering. Her name was sarayu (name change). As it was mechanical department there were only few girls and sarayu is an angel in our class.I was the class topper then and everyone had a good impression on me. At that time I was a virgin and those were my early masturbation days. I used to jerk off daily 4 times and believe me my dick was really hungry ;).Few people in our college...
Hi guys! Mera naam Aakash hai. Main Final Year Engineering ka Student hu. Aaj main aap logo ko apne sacche experience ke bare me batana chahta hu. Baat us waqt shuru hui jab maine use pahli bar apni college mein dekha. Ek to Engineering college mein ladkiya kam hoti hain aur jo hoti hain wo Chodne ke layek nahi hoti (Enginnering ke student samajh sakte hain) First year aur second year do saal tak achha maal dekhne ko nazrein taras gai thi. Acha maal dekhne ke liye MBBS college jana padta tha jo...
College Girl By Holly Day My name is Jamie and I am about to graduate from State University. It's been a long and strange trip and my life is just beginning. Four years ago I was Jim, a freshman just starting at State University and was looking forward to a new world. The thousands of new freshmen there were starting all over again socially. The high school cliques were gone and no one really knew each other. It was also the first time away from home for...
College Changes a Boy - Part 2 Taylor Jordan AUTHOR's UPDATE: I'm incredibly flattered by all the compliments on Part 1. That encouragement has inspired me to write more. I intend to write several chapters, as long as there seems to be interest in the story. Part 2 appears below, and I'm nearing completion on Part 3, with more to come. One of my readers was kind enough to send me photos that could depict my characters. Thank you, Michael! I've also added a few photos that I've found....
Hey guys! Do you know how one does crazy things when one is feeling horny? Well, I actually gave a college student his first sex experience and enjoyed the crazy adventure; all of that in a supermarket! I was at home, lying nude on the bed with spread legs and tickling my pussy with a vibrator. The feeling was super erotic, and I was getting wild sexual thoughts. My pink pussy had orgasmed a few times and it was in a sticky condition. The moment I shoved the vibrator in my pussy, I heard the...
FOREWORD: To those of you who have never read any of my stuff before, this is a plain old dirty story. Hopefully, it's hot. I'd like to think it's kind of fun. It is semi-autobiographical. I did have a friend like this, but his name wasn't Tom. The girls are based on girls I had fun with, too. College was great. To those of you who have read my other stories, don't bother to complain about no romance and no redeeming social value in this one. I know. * * * * * * * * * * * *...
Aww, it's finally time to return to college. Summer's over and as the fun, and the fucks. Now you have to retun the college and continue your studies. Unfortunately for you, your pal down there will be "on holiday" as the girls from college don't even qualify as average looking. Fuck your life. You arrive at Cantersmith (your college) past twelve, just before semester opening ceremony begins. You're kinda surprised for the woman that it's in front of all the student giving the "welcome" speech....
The five girls sat there in the café around the corner from campus discussing, or arguing in the case of Elissa & Louisa, about the exam they had taken only an hour ago. As usual Elissa & Louisa had found the exam easy; both girls normally got high marks with only a few percent separating their scores. The two girls were part of the lucky few: good looking, great figures and hardly studied and still got top marks. Their competitive rivalry had slowly built up over the last 6 months, ever since...
BDSMAuthor’s note: Hi there! Thanks for taking a look at this story. If you have not seen my other stories that I previously wrote, then feel free to take a look at them. Let me know what you think because I need more comments and possible ratings in order to know what you all like and don’t like about the stories. There is always room for improvements. Here’s something I would like to share with you all. Like the other stories I wrote, this is based on true events, but there are some parts that...
The sounds of sex could be clearly heard through the thin walls of my college room. There was a squeaking bed, heavy breathing, then not long after a male groan, followed by silence.Sarah looked at me quizzically. "Can they hear us when we do it?"I was in my first month of college, and Sarah and I had hooked up pretty quickly. I was beginning to think it had been a mistake; she was a smart, good looking, but unexciting in bed. I was a horny freshman, and wanted to fuck half the girls in college...