MasterbuilderChapter 12: Mischief free porn video

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I was determined to not let the disaster depress me too much as I remembered Lexa's wish about this beautiful island. Maybe there was something we could do about evil in the long run. The harmony, the second part of her sincere wish, was already shot to hell and gone. At least for the time being and at least till I could come up with some explanation.

Not being able to make use of Alfred's mind searches, his bio-feedback, I thought about the stranger in my home. And realised that my situation was precarious, if not downright dangerous. She could, if she so wanted, cut me off here in splendid isolation and nothing I could do about that. Sure, sooner or later Alfred and Wilbur would come to the rescue, but then what? Better to be safe and make certain now.

The hop to my study went without a hitch. The house was deadly quiet and I went about my business silently as well. Hiding the PowerBook was easy, making sure that it could run continuously, and undetected, took some thinking about. The solution to the problem was rather clever, if I say so myself. With Elise being ignorant about anything technical I set up my old Mac in full view. She would not notice the difference. This setup allowed me to put the PowerBook inside the large cabinet housing my bookplate collection, well hidden behind all those books and files, the hook-up to power and net invisible, air flow sufficient to keep the machine cool and quiet. And the best, knowing where it was hidden I could reach beyond the books and files, send myself airborne and none the wiser.

When I heard our car move out from the driveway I considered going up and leaving a note for Elise. But no, it would surely spook her to have me 'go behind her back'. With heavy heart and dull mind I left for the island once more.

There was a lot of food left in the larder, ample drinks. But without a conscious decision I lived very Spartan. Got up early, did my exercises in the gym religiously, swam long lengths in the bay, said hello to the creatures and spent untold hours just staring into space. My philosopher friends let me down badly. No help forthcoming, which is not at all surprising since Nietzsche was singularly inept at handling women or any practical problems and none of the other great thinkers were shining examples in setting up inter-gender relations. They were just as miserable about it as I was.

After spending many a bleak, boringly sunny day I got into such a foul mood that I played God once more. I created booming thunderstorms, let rain lash the landscape, dabbled in hail, made storms howl around my lofty abode and felt curiously calmed by the huge mess I created. Even the roof of the ablution facilities was ripped to shreds. Good, I could do with some manual labour.

But I also needed to check over Elise's log. I could not put that dreaded task off any longer. Whatever happened, there was bound to be some clue in it. Compared to Alfred's or mine, the log was rather short and simple, listing the few ills and minor ailments as healed, adjusted, removed. Even the gall bladder trouble had only been some obstruction, easily cleared. Nothing untoward whatsoever — until I reached the next line, that is: Mindset of subject altered. Where the fuck did this come from? And who the hell did it? This was not Alfred's doing, of that I was certain. The explanation had to be in those four words. If so, we were in deep shit. Rage I felt, a murderous helpless rage. And knew I needed help.

"Alfred, Wilbur, help please."

No answer, but within moments both of them appeared some ways down the path, peering up at me. With a heavy heart I went to meet them, already immensely relieved to be not alone any longer.

"Bert, you look terrible. What happened?"

"Good of you to come so quickly, my friends. But let's go up first. I have something to show you and we will all need a drink with it."

Silently we went up to the cave were Alfred was quick to spot the logs on the table, reached for them...

"Please wait a moment longer, Alfred, have a drink now."

I poured a glass of wine for us and sat down heavily. Telling them about the healing didn't take all that long, even though I was groping for words, fighting my constricted throat, trying to describe as closely as possible the events as I experienced them.

"Look at the line just after the 'gall bladder' in the log. You may be able to tell us what this is about."

It took only one glance to shatter Alfred. He jumped up like stung, his face a deathly pallor, hands shaking so bad the sheet slipped from his grip. Wilbur snatched it up in midair, looked at it and whispered dejectedly.

"How, Alfred, how could the bastards break into our programme? The multiple passwords, the additional safeguards we installed — how, where and when did they crack them? The 'who' is immaterial at the moment I think. We discussed this, when we asked ourselves whether Bert should have access to all the features of heavy matter. We thought we were safe, guarded against all malintent. I am so sorry, Bert, sorry for you and Elise. And I am sorry for those rotten swine too, because I will not rest before I bring them down. For once and for all."

Alfred's answer was barely audible.

"It has to be somebody connected to the computer store in New York. That is the only time and place when any access to the programme was even remotely possible. Bert, I do not want to make excuses. They avail nothing. But I could not have foreseen this. I would never have involved you, you have to believe that at least.

"As to how, Wilbur, I can't even make any guesses at this stage. I need to get into the source code to find where they cracked it. Doing any work on it while we are here is extremely dangerous for all of us. They could maroon us, kill us with total impunity. Nobody could find out anything. That's it, we go back now. We will not be coming back before this is sorted out. Maybe not ever. But sort it out I will.

"Bert, please have patience with Elise. I am sure that we can reverse the brainwashing eventually. Help her as much as you can, stay gentle and tolerant, do not try and influence her mind at all. We will talk to you constantly, I promise. You will soon know, my friend. No, you don't go. I will transport you."

"Alfred, Wilbur, for once I am sorry not to have taken any photographs. I always thought the taking of pictures of people to be a decadent habit. If I had a few of our great feast together now, I should think that perhaps they could trigger Elise's original personality. What the hell. You two have to promise me: let me help in any way I can. Messing with Elise I will never forgive."

"Bert, photographs of people are silly, I agree. But they seem to satisfy some deep craving for permanency that females so often have. In other words, Sabreena sneaked a camera over here and took some pics. I will mail you a few. Maybe they work as you wish. I hope so. If not, they are still nice tokens of a fabulous time."

I hugged Alfred.

"Even if I do not know what I can do, will you let me help, please?"

"Thank you, Bert. Yes, we are in this together. Use your old computer. Wait a moment, I will fetch a small programme for your e-mails, code and decode, since we shall not speak with each other for the time being. Do not share it with anyone, use it when writing us. I do not know how safe it is for us to talk"

He was gone. I had a few quiet words with Wilbur and asked him to give my regards to Sabreena when Alfred re-appeared with a mini disc.

"Here you are, Bert. Installation instructions, the programme, codes. Hide the CD really secure, please. You may need it as a back up, but no more risks. We will keep in touch constantly. Take care. You are going now..."

Of course, Elise hadn't returned yet, the five-minute time span still applied. I switched on a couple of lights, living room, kitchen, my den, to warn her of my return, and resented the need for doing so.

This was one of the more enervating aspects of The Great Island Adventure: even though I had just spent almost a week on my own there, Elise would not know it, had no reason even to believe me if I told her. After fixing a cup of coffee, installing the programme and sending the confirmation to Alfred and Wilbur, I settled down in my chair in the living room. Waiting for Elise...

Now just imagine that a crime had been committed in my village, a rascally little murder of my slandering gossip-mongering snitch of a neighbour, with myself heavily implicated and the cops grabbing me without hesitation.

Where were you today at 11h15? Oh, you were on an island. Where is this island? You don't know? When did you go there? Today? How did you get there? You can't tell? How long have you been there? 6 days? I understand, you are going to plead insanity. It won't work, let me tell you that. Look, your neighbour was a spiteful lying bitch, we all know that, but you will still remain our guest for some very long years. After all, you cannot just bump off everybody whom you dislike. That would make it too easy, wouldn't it? And where would you stop? Save us both unnecessary hassle and tell me everything now. TELL ME!

Things could get very complicated. I wondered whether Alfred had ever considered these ramifications. No need for it, since he had been single and unattached and Wilbur would have been rather carefree too. Not that I could blame them. The danger clearly was in greater numbers. Alfred had been right when he warned me about telling the children. We would have to keep our secrets from them. With those dark thoughts going through my mind I just hoped that Elise would not mess it up completely.

Thinking of her, I heard the car arrive, the garage doors slam closed. When she came into the living room hesitantly, I got up to greet her.

"Hello, Elise, are you feeling better now?"

"No, I am not feeling better. How silly can you get? It has only been a few hours since I left that place. But I have some things to say. Don't interrupt, I will be brief.

"Berthold, I made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow. A full physical and I am not looking forward to it. If he finds anything untoward, even the slightest thing, we are through. I could not take you messing me up with your reckless fumbling. For the time being you will sleep in one of the spare rooms. I will prepare meals for you but we will not eat together. I could not stand it. Do not approach me with your ideas of talking it over. There is nothing to say in any case. In fact, stay as far away from me as possible. You will hear it when I have got something to tell you. That is all."

This was not the Elise I had known, her warmth, her loyalty, her quiet, strong sense of humour replaced by a frightening deadness of soul. Those harsh words were spoken fast, under great pressure, yet every now and then I saw some disturbance on her face, like some stirrings from deeply within, as if she herself could not believe the words she uttered. Maybe, just maybe there was some faint hope for the two of us. Time, and Alfred, would tell.

"As you wish, Elise. But since this seems to be the time for conditions, no matter how ridiculous it may seem, I have a few conditions for you as well. Simple, really. Firstly, you are not to tell your doctor, or anyone else, about the healing. Let him check you over like a new patient. Do not, under any circumstances, tell our children about it either. Secondly, you are to stay away from my office. It is, until we sort this out together, totally off limits to you. Do not tamper with power or telephone connections. If you can agree to that, there will be a future for us. What is it to be?"

"Berthold, as if I would ever set foot into your office again. I have had my fill of your childish games, believe me. But the children, I will have to tell them something. They are bound to ask."

"Tell them whatever you like, except the truth. Paint me totally black, blame me, hate me as much as you want, let them believe I am the callous pig you make me out to be. I couldn't care less at this stage, but do not tell a word to anybody. You would be messing with things, dangerous things you don't understand. Now, do I have your word?"

Again I saw shadows of doubt on her face, in her eyes, before her features hardened again.

"Yes, you have my word, but I have one more condition for you too: stay away from the children. Do not speak with them at all. I will tell them not to phone you. And this condition will remain in place until I tell you otherwise. Now go and do whatever. Leave me alone."

Ok, final dismissal. I left her to her misery and took mine to my den. I remembered Alfred's warning to hide the disc. Options were plentiful, but every time I thought to have found a safe hiding place I had to reconsider. If somebody came looking they would not hesitate to trash everything, so inside one of my computers or peripherals was out. And nobody is silly enough to believe that books make a good spot. They would unceremoniously dump them all on the floor, if only to spite me. In the end, my options were reduced to one.

I have this small but extremely heavy hand-printing platen, over 100 kg of cast iron, an anachronism from the days of printing from lead, which I use occasionally for embossing, die-cutting and such. It can be taken apart and I had performed that odious task when moving house. Therefore I knew of the hollowed-out base plate of the platen that needed only two very large bolts to be undone to be accessible. If one were to look for the bolts and try to loosen them: good luck. They are locked from underneath, the locking screws all but invisible under multiple layers of accumulated grime. Printing ink, talcum, oil residues and other sludge. It did not take me more than an hour and a half, a torn fingernail and a sprained back to pop in the disc and fit everything back together. When I was finished there was no evidence that the bolts had ever been undone since the days of manufacture, more than 60 years in the past. Alfred's secret was safe.

Alfred answered immediately in kind when I sent him the e-mail.

"Hi, Bert. You did manage everything? Good. Wilbur and I have been very busy and made some headway already, since hacking works both ways of course. I found the man in the computer shop and I found the people behind him. Frightening, really. Have you heard about the US government farming out their more disgusting ventures to private companies under the guise of 'support'? Halliburton, DynCorp and so on? It appears that one of the more obnoxious companies amongst this elite group, CareWell they call themselves, somehow got a whiff of things and went in to exploit it for their own profit.

"The guy in the computer shop is an excellent programmer but a little too fond of gambling, it seems. He clipped money left, right and centre to feed his habit. They threatened him, rode him till he complied with their instructions. He doesn't know how they found out about the computer to be sent to you. I think they got the link from the professor or the dean. But he was told to hack it, corrupt the programme in some manner so that they could observe results. He was extremely clever with what he did, recognising my bio-feedback feature as the ideal tool to gain insight into the setup. Fortunately, and I hate the way this may sound to you, he only managed to corrupt the healing procedure for Elise. I believe it was supposed to be a first test. If he had been able to twist me during my healing the results would have been catastrophic. We were lucky, because now we can apply ourselves to rectifying things with Elise. After dealing with those bastards first, of course. By the way, the management of that shop was not involved.

"The island is still safe, as are you and Elise, I hope. There was no log entry about data being sent off yet. I have rewritten major parts of the programme, using the bio-feedback now to reject any attempt to tamper and to scramble the brain of the person doing it immediately. This part I detest, you should know me that well by now, Bert, but when he messed with Elise's mind he turned himself into the Evil One. Lexa was afraid of exactly something like that happening. The programmer is now a very harmless, bland young man, useful to sweep streets but not much else. He smiles to everybody, is very polite and humble and tries to help all around him. And he forgot how to even boot up a computer. All evidence of his hacking has been destroyed, his notes, his discs, everything. Wilbur is satisfied as well, since he used his stuff to destroy the chap's small house completely, even snapped a water mains to make sure that no trace was left. I should mention that no outsiders were hurt or suffered any losses. Possibly we will try and rescue the man when all dust has settled. By the way, he now has no interest in gambling whatsoever. Consider him healed.

"How to get at the bastards behind it all bears some heavy thinking. Only the head guys are involved, but there are quite a few of them and they are totally ruthless. Even in that illustrious circle of misfits their reputation is fearsome. They abduct, rape, kill, destroy wherever their services are needed and paid for. Have you got some ideas, Bert? Alfred."

"PS. Lexa and Sabreena send their love and ask you to be very patient with Elise. They are confident that we shall find a way out of this mess.

"PPS. I have set this mail-prog to disable printing or screen shots. Read carefully and hit Enter. The note will be deleted immediately.

"PPS. This is Wilbur meddling again. Can you come to the island? Now? He says he has some ideas he wants to discuss with us."

"Coming now. Bert."

Hiding my laptop, leaving the G4 running, I went to my miniature wine cellar and packed a few bottles, locked my den from the inside and left. Being incommunicado with Elise worked to my advantage here even if only a freak would call it that.

"Hi, Alfred, Wilbur. Good to see you again. Here, some liquid nourishment."

"I hope some things will never change. These wines look very good, Bert. You dispense your choice of fluid while Alfred and I get ready to show you what we are up against."

We enjoyed our first appreciative sips and Alfred brought up an organigram of CareWell Corporation.

"This is the enemy, Bert, from the top down. These seven names are the ones behind it all. We couldn't find anybody else in the know, even though we used my bio-feedback subliminally throughout their administration. So we have to assume that they wanted our heavy stuff for themselves. They have a permanent staff of about 50 people; they hire mercenaries as they are needed, keeping only administrative staff, a few specialist officers and non-coms on a steady payroll. Obviously, we cannot do a search of their premises; these will have to be destroyed. Easy to do and, again, no risk to innocents. They own the building, there are no tenants. It will go, together with their offshore banking accounts.

"How do we deal with the people, though? If we do not silence them forever, this island, and our heavy matter, will be finished. We could not risk leaving anything at all. But..."

"Alfred, I have told you, we will have to kill them. It is not a nice choice, I know, but what else could we do? We would be pulled into a game of chance, bad chances all the way, with all our lives at stake. I do not want that. I don't see myself as a killer, but I will do it if I have to. The alternatives are even worse. We have no guarantee, your words, that your bio-feedback would scramble them as securely as that hacker bloke."

"Bert, do you agree to that? Should we do it as Wilbur suggests, since killing the lot of them would be easy. We do have the means. There would be no way whatsoever that we could be found out." His voice faded to a mere whisper. "We got ourselves a licence to kill."

A heavy, deadly silence settled over us as these cold words sank in. It would all be so easy: bump the top guys off, raid their little savings books, incinerate the building and that's it, we are home scot-free. But, damn it, we would be monsters ourselves, our careless pranks, our innocent gluttonous orgies and, yes, our searching talks in the quiet nights, our wrestling with the ideas of the great thinkers of the world, the fun of science, Wilbur's greatest contribution, would be a thing of the past, never to be enjoyed again. I said as much.

Same as Masterbuilder
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Lyra Law comes home after a long day to find that her neck is killing her. Tired of the aches and pains she decides to book a massage. Not knowing where to go, she googles the nearest place and calls them immediately. When they inform her that they can take her as soon as she’s ready, she’s thrilled. When she arrives at the massage parlor, Mona Wales introduces herself as her masseuse. Armed with a firm grip, Mona is going to make sure to get all those knots out. She asks Lyra to...

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The Waste Land is a longform poem written by T.S. Eliot. It is widely considered by literary critics to be one of the most important poems of the 20th century, if not the most important work of modernist poetry. The poem is divided into five sections: “The Burial of the Dead,” which tackles themes of disillusionment and despair; “A Game of Chess,” narrative riffs on the same themes; “The Fire Sermon,” an exploration of death and concepts of self-denial; “Death by Water,” a lyrical protest; and,...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Angels Story Chapter 74

We go to the beach, and I'm allowed to take off my pumps and stockings and fit wedge sandals on my bare feet. Stockings and sand just don't mix... It's a lovely long walk, even if the weather is a bit cold, and she buys me lunch at an expensive beach cafe. I have to ask her permission to go pee of course, and call her Miss at all times, but that's only natural. As we leave she drags me in to the ladies again to kiss me, mussing my hair, and gripping and squeezing my ass hard, meaning...

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Late night visit

I answered the door in leather pants and a quite see-through button up shirt, I knew you would enjoy the view. I take you to my bedroom and lay down, ready and waiting. You climb on top of me, straddling my waist and I run my hands up your sides knowing that all that I want is to rip off all of your clothes. Just one kiss :PI get up and turn the music on, making sure my housemate doesn't stir from the noises coming from my bedroom across the hall. You come up behind me and I feel your rock hard...

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The Anniversary Week Wednesday

The following story is an original work of fiction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I awoke (again) with Sierra sleeping next to me. Today was her late day for work, her mid-week respite if you will. She wouldn't have to leave for work a full hour until after I had gone for the day. Trying not to disturb her, I slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for the new day. Again, Claire had already...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 245 Hiten Mitsurugiryuu Sealed

Yahiko: A contest of height, against Kenshin? Against the Hiten Mitsurugi School? Enishi: Well? Do you accept, or not? Kenshin: I've already accepted this fight. Whatever your challenge, I'm here to meet it. Enishi: Excellent. (He takes off his earring and holds it up.) Enishi: The signal. Let's go! (He throws the earring in the air; as it hits the ground, they both leap.) Misao: I knew it! Himura's higher! Hiten Mitsurugi-ryuu-- (Enishi seems to rise even higher in the...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 52 A First Date

February 15, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “How did it go?” Clarissa asked when I walked out of the interview room. “I owe you guys big time! My biographical sketch seemed well received, and the answers you all helped me prepare were perfect. Dean Parker walked right into Melody’s trap!” Melody laughed, “Of COURSE she did. She’s so predictable. Did she try to pry into your private life?” “She started to ask the question and Dean Foster cut her off before she could finish.” “Awesome!” The three...

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iWank Black

My readers didn’t just start masturbating last week. They have been at it for years and years and, in that time, have developed a rigid routine. Every man is a master of his own penis. We know precisely how our cocks want to be stroked. Pussy is excellent and all, but it can never match the skill with which your own dominant hand handles your manhood.Because our skills become so honed, we as men can often forget masturbation doesn’t always have to be the same. Several things can be altered to...

Black Porn Sites
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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 3

The night before: Jake had disappeared somewhere after a private little conversation with his wife, who was leading Alicia upstairs. "Where's Jake going to sleep?" Alicia wanted to know. "Don't worry about Jake," Béla said, non-commentally. "He'll be fine." They reached the top of the stairs and went right – the opposite direction from where the wild-looking, flaming young girl had appeared from and vanished into. A faint smell of scorched cotton came from that other...

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Cousin Hot for HorsesChapter 5

Mona sat up. Her tits bounced as she looked at the horny teenager. "Now, you'll be able to appreciate his cock," she said. Having sucked Beauty off and watched Mona get fucked by King, Barbi understood. She nodded. "Get Beauty," she moaned. "You get him," Mona said. Barbi staggered to her feet and stumbled over to Beauty's stall. Cunt cream soaked her thighs and her pussy pulsed. Trembling, she brought Beauty back to the center of the stable and caressed his coat. "You ready for...

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Do I make you nervous Part II

I wake to the morning sunlight, stretch my arms, and pull myself out of bed. After slipping on my slippers I walk myself down the stairs and begin to pour myself a cup of orange juice. It has been three weeks since my encounter with Mason, and ever since then I’ve been avoiding him, its not that I am afraid of him, I just feel somewhat ashamed of myself, allowing him to take advantage of me like that. I sip from my cup. Or am I more ashamed of how much I enjoyed it? I think back to that day,...

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My Beautiful Student

Hello! I am Pramod. 20 year young guy with good physique and I am perusing B.Com final. I am a fan of ISS. And I want to thank this site because of which I could fuck a girl Rani who stays opposite to our house, to which I take tuition. She is in inter I year. Already failed once, and she my sister’s classmate and friend. I can’t say Rani is beautiful or not I don’t know but she is most attractive. She is a Marwadi girl. She is wheatish in complexion and posses smooth texture of her body. She...

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Precipice Part 2 of 3

Here's a fun fact that almost isn’t part of this story.One of my wife's friends has a kidney disorder that is being studied and closely monitored by doctors at the University in Madison. She isn't supposed to drive, so my wife volunteered to be her taxi. They leave after dinner on Thursday evenings and then spend the night. My wife is usually home by noon on Friday. This has been going on for months, and they plan to continue for the foreseeable future.===As the next Thursday rolled around, the...

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Bromfields Temptations Ch 10

Synopsis: Jim discovers he’s being blackmailed by his new ‘partners’ but despite their offer to release him, he elects to continue the relationship. The gloves are off! Carol tells him his first assignment is to ‘turn Bette and Sandy out,’ meaning force them to become his prostitutes. Bette agrees to give prostitution a try. Bette make a connection with a hotel whore named Su Lin. Jim follows up to learn as much as possible by hiring her. They have just completed his ‘short arm’ inspection. ...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 25 Irsquom here to talk if you need me

June 28, 2000, Chicago, Illinois On Wednesday I headed to Maxim’s for lunch with Mattie. I’d decided it was better not to have Kara join us, and she’d agreed, so I’d be talking to Mattie alone. I had some misgivings, but I couldn’t directly articulate them, and it would be easier to start with a conversation with Mattie alone. We met just outside the restaurant on Madison, and after introductions, we went downstairs and were seated in a booth. “I was surprised when Kara got in touch and...

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My Love Chapter Two

The clear, blue ocean stretched out in front of us as we drove along the coastal road. It was like a Welcome Back sign to Kyle and I. One year had passed since our last visit and we had been looking forward to this year’s trip to Cornwall. As always, the sun was beaming down and the local towns were getting ready for the surge of tourists coming to visit their golden beaches.I pulled into our hotel and it was like déjà vu, Kyle grabbed the luggage where as I hurried inside to check in. It was...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 25 Business and Pleasure

November 9, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “I’d say things are looking good,” Julia said as we toured the new building with Gerald Brown, who was acting as the general contractor. “I have six items on the punch list,” he replied, tapping on his clipboard. “The modular furniture will be delivered tomorrow and installed by Thursday. We’ll do the final walk-through on Friday.” “Thanks, Mr. Brown,” I said, pleased with the progress. “Julia, what about the phones and network?” “The Merlin control...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 190

To go along with her added responsibilities, Laura was now given an office of her own. She was also required to take several management seminars, one of which covered the Harassment Free Workplace and dealt mainly with sexual behavior on the job. There she learned that 'dating, ' as it was called, between manager and subordinate was strictly verboten. How about lesbian fucking like two horny wildcats in heat? she wondered, a little ironically. She felt extremely guilty now. She could lose...

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David and BathshebaChapter 6

Over a drink and supper Tom told Briony what had happened to Susie and what Tony was going to do about it. "Poor girl," said Briony with feeling. "Horrid, horrid, horrid. On the other hand, she didn't seem that low this evening and she called you a special man so, apart from saving a damsel in distress, what else did you do?" Tom shrugged. "Not a lot really other than be there for her. I told you about Jenny. She was super. She really was." "Go on." "Well, when we got on the...

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hooker revised

By the time she was nineteen she thought it to be the easiest way to pay for her rent and other expenses. Now at 22 she was an experienced and in demand hooker. Sheila worked through an agent for some time. Her pimp was called Andre and he was a Latino. André would get her most of her customers though Sheila never had a tough time finding men eager to fuck her. Shortly though she fell out with Andre because of payments and told him she didn’t want to work with him. André was furious as...

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Teenage Barn Secrets Mff voy zoo oral inter

Teenage Barn Secrets (Mff voy zoo oral inter anal les)By billy69boyThis is a story about something I witnessed with my own eyes. It changed me forever, for better or for worse, I'm still not quite sure which. Maybe you can help me decide. Things seemed simple enough: all I was supposed to do was borrow a posthole digger from our neighbor Mr. Parker. But what started out as a simple errand turned into something else entirely. First, a little background:Chapter OneMy name is Olivia...

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Snapchat Seduction By My Kinky Cousin Akanksha 8211 Part 2

Thank you guys for an amazing feedback for the previous story! For those who have not read the first part, please read it first. “Aaah.. Aaaaahh… Aaaaah Dan fuckkk bastard you came inside your cousin’s pussy! Damn, you are such a horny brother!” Akanksha was breathing heavily and talking dirty to me. I was so lost. I let go of her boobs as I felt my penis soften, my cum pouring out of her pussy and dripping on to her asshole. I pulled my penis out and lied on top of her. Her pussy was...

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HandsOnHardcore Alyssia Kent Gina Threesome Therapy

Who doesn’t love a little threesome therapy? Whether you’re watching it, or receiving it, anytime there are two girls and one guy it’s gotta be good. Today’s raunchy 4K Hands On Hardcore MMF premium porn piece features curvy assed Romanian stunner Alyssia Kent playing sex therapists to Russian nympho, Gina, and her boyfriend Sam Bourne who need some pointers on how to spice it up and please each other. Watch the dirty yet glamorous lesson as Miss Kent demonstrates proper...

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Her Foxy MomChapter 6

In retrospect, Charlene couldn't even be amused at Derek's genuinely funny reaction to the situation. It was like something out of an X-rated cartoon: hopping on one foot, trying simultaneously to pull on his pants and leave the premises, once losing his balance and falling till he reached out to grab Charlene herself in order to steady himself -- and succeeding only in gripping the thrusting firmness of her left tit. His hand came off the swelling breast as if it were on fire. What she...

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For Her Pleasure

It had been a long day at work. Too long to be indoors while the long summer sun was about outdoors. I left work, picked up some ingredients for dinner and made my way home. When I got there I set about unpacking, wondering where my girl was. She called out to me from the bedroom in a quiet tone from the bedroom. I kicked off my shoes and walk toward the bedroom. I could hear other voices and peeked into the bedroom. There she was, lying on the bed completely naked, her iPad propped up...

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Sarahs Lesbian Encounter

Sarah sat on the edge of her seat, waiting. She was dying to know her grade for the most recent test she had taken in her 10th grade Algebra II class. "Sarah Rogers...74." A 74!! I studied way too hard for a 74, Sarah thought. I just don't get it...I'll never pass Algebra. Sitting behind her, Emily Williams was also waiting on her score. Emily was the new kid in class, and she had only been there 1 week. "Emily Williams...95." Unbelieveable, thought Emily. I can't believe I scored...

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My Teenager Virgin Neigbhor

Hi friends my name is Sameer and I m from Panipat and here I’m sharing my real life sex experience which happened with my hot sexy virgin neighbour Pooja. Let me tell you something about myself and I’m 20 years of age 5 11 tall. I like to play sports so the reason and I have an athletic physic and my road is 7″long. Let me describe you the hot figure of Pooja and she is in her late 19 and she has hot fucking assets with 33 28 34 which I discovered when I took her virginity. She has a pair of...

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Applied Hypnosis LifestyleChapter 6 Work Hard Play Hard

Yuko stared vacantly at the wall as she walked on the treadmill Master had brought her to help her recover her strength. The automatic timer shut it off, and she went to the kitchen, ate a simple meal, then returned to her room and took a kneeling position in front of her bed, where the phone left for her by Master lay, all while keeping her mind as close to blank as possible. It helped dull the ache of her idleness. It had been a week since she'd heard from Him. Was she not His tool? What...

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A Showoff for a Wife

When I married Pauline my wife she always appeared to be a shy demur young girl, if you could call her a girl at twenty-two. She had a few boyfriends before me so she wasn’t a virgin, but then nether was I. It turns out we had both had a few sexual encounters, but nothing very deep or lasting. Pauline’s dress sense was always conservative, but she would buy some of the loudest colours that would make her standout in a crowd. When I asked why she bought dresses in such bright colours, her reply...

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The Paper RouteChapter 7

After Becky and I ran our paper route on Monday, she and Mom hurried to get dressed and go to the opening of the new mall in Denton, the next big town over from us. Dad had shown me how to service our vehicles in the past when he changed oil and greased them in our garage. He let me service Mom’s car twice just to watch and be sure I did it right. While Mom and Becky were gone to the mall, I drove over to the store where Dad works and got filters and oil to service our truck. When I...

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Fixed IdeaChapter 19

Rory sits on the bed, naked and freshly toweled off. Their shower was long with neither speaking nor touching. Both had their minds full of questions and answers, problems and solutions. She grabs Chance’s hardened member, pushing it past her lips and into her mouth. He said he wanted to talk, but she said she wanted to fuck. He throws his head back and moans while his sister’s head bobs back and forth, coating him with saliva. As soon as he is good and wet, she turns over onto her hands and...

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Let Go

“Wait, what did you say?” I was in my wife’s office. She was the head honcho of the division, the big cheese. Me, I was a lowly accounts representative, quite a bit down the food chain. I was a little nervous at first when she came on board, but there were several levels of management between us, so it was all good, I thought. Maybe not. “You’re numbers are way down, Mr. Waxman. You were the worst performer of the year in your division. I’m afraid we had no choice. X is waiting outside to...

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Druids Ordeal Full

Druid's Ordeal by E.Y. Toad Chapter 1 To Ronak my Betrothed, or whoever may find this letter: My name is Dahlia. I am a 19 year old human female. I am an initiate druid studying under Arch Druid Westrell in the Grove of Tranquility. I am now being held captive; a slave to the perverse desires of an evil man. I beg of you, please see that this letter reaches Ronak. He is a half-elf fletcher's apprentice in the Elven city of Fellgar. I swear that you will be suitably rewarded for...

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Early one morning

I work 12 hour shifts, days or nights, so I'm up at all hours. One morning, I was up at 4am to start at 6.30, so I had a quick cuppa then took the dog down to the park. It being September, it was very dark and very quiet. As I walked round the path, letting the dog do her business, I noticed a woman sitting on a bench under a street light. As I approached her, she said good morning, I replied in kind and we started to chat. 'She' was actually a CD, and she asked me if I minded her being dressed...

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I am not the original author.Fred takes JessicaIt took me a long moment to remember exactly where I was, looking at my watch I noticed that it was nearly three in the morning. “Jesus” I thought “Jess is gonna kill me.”I slowly gathered myself and arose from Fred’s couch. I was alone. I guess the party was over, and I couldn’t help but feel a touch of anger over the thought of no one waking me to let me know.My name is Timothy Grant, I’m 35 and I’m a Regional Sales Rep for a national supplier of...

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More Beach encounters

Lying face down, my were legs spread and my head and cock about to explode as my unnamed friend caressed my inner thighs. My legs opened further accommodating his inquisitive hands. Just when I thought it could get no better, he gently inserted his finger into my anus. I groaned and writhed restlessly, pre cum oozing from my cock. His other hand explored under my full balls and cupped them in his hand. I lifted slightly and he placed his hand up the length of my shaft. Pushing his finger into...

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