MissionsMission 12B free porn video

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We were still sitting in the chow hall and Chung was again teasing Gunny who was giving him hell. The conversation broke off as the Cookie approached our table looking for me.

"Sarge, the Captain just called and he wants you to report to his office ASAP."

"Ok Cookie thanks."

I told Gunny and Chung I would meet them back at the armory as soon as I was done and maybe I might have some more information for us. I double timed it over to command and was surprised to see two MP's on duty. One was outside as usual checking ID's and the other was inside filing papers instead of the usual clerk that seemed to always be there. I was told to go on back as he was waiting for me. I knocked on the door and was told to come in. when I got in the office I got a very pleasant surprise. My old friend Maxi was there, and I was sure glad to see him and the hugs we gave each other had the Captain smiling.

"Damn Maxi when did you get back in country. I thought your spook days were over, and you were going to sit behind a desk till you retired?"

"Don't get excited, I am on my way back in the morning. Sarge because of our unique friendship and history together they called me in to brief you. Your Captain said you didn't want to go back into Cambodia again especially that deep in. We just got some Intel that's hot, and it needs to be checked out and since you know the area I immediately thought of you. When I mentioned it at Langley they put me on a fighter and flew me in to brief you. Remember that old abandoned plantation we run across up at Parrots Beak?"

"Yea and we almost didn't get out of there with our skins. If I remember correct your Intel that time almost got us all killed."

"True and I got payback for it too. Sarge that area we think now has a new railroad linking it with the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and they are shipping supplies in as fast as they can run that train back and forth. Even with the photo's we have we can't be sure that it's a railroad. We want you to take a team up there and observe for a few days and take some pictures. No ambushes of VC or anything like that, but just lay low and watch and see what's going on. The Navy Seals are sending in a team from Dong Tam Seal base there. They have already left as of 0700 this morning and will rendezvous with your team at the location we will provide. You will be watching from up high while they will be north of you watching that way in. We think this is linked up with the main NVA base here. If it is, we need to get current Intel so we can plan a series of attacks. As you probably already know we have been bombing the hell out of all the choke points in that area but this is something completely new. The Seals will stay in the northern part of the A Shaw while you go to the top of the highest peak there and observe from that position. Sarge, you Chung and Ling know that area better than anyone so the important part of this mission is up to you and your team. Get the pictures and get out."

"What about the Seal Team Maxi?"

"They knew the deal and they all volunteered to go in. They will take the heat so you can get those pictures back as soon as you can. Sarge, I can't stress enough how important this is, and it's all on your back. We have to stop this massive influx of supplies or we lose on all fronts if it keeps up."

"Maxi, I trust you, but if you think I will stand by if the shit hits the fan, and not back them up, then you better find someone else to go in. You of all people should know better. If we engage to back them up, I will send Chung back with the pictures, and do all I can to help the Seals if they need it. You can either accept it or find someone else to go in."

I sat back watching the play of emotions across his face and when I glanced at the Captain he had a little smirk on his face and I knew he was enjoying the squeeze I had put on Maxi.

"Sarge, have you found a second yet? With all that happened this morning and being on the phone with the General all morning I haven't had a chance to look."

"Yea I have Cap, and if he accepts it's going to take the Generals pull to get it done."

"Shit Sarge, what have you done now?"

I spent ten minutes filling him in and he just looked at me in shock by the time I was done.

"Boy when you dig a hole you dig it deep don't you? Sarge, I don't think even the General has enough pull to do what you're asking. I can't believe you can't find someone from SOG to fill the position for a mission. Christ Sarge, the General is going to have a fit when I tell him about this one."

"Cap, I can get it done, but I don't want to use up a favor a certain Marine General owes me. Besides he is unassigned and ready to go, and with his unique skill I think he will come in very handy on this one if it hits the fan. Maxi, I still have to get my team together, get supplied and make arrangements for transportation so what's it gonna be?"

"All right Sarge, it's yours but remember the pictures have to get back here even if you end up in a war up there. If you send Chung with them he will get them back, but Dammit you're the only one I trust so don't get your head shot off. I still owe you from the last time and I can't repay you if you get killed. Dammit Sarge, why do you have to be so damned stubborn all the time?"

I just grinned at him and we shook hands when I got up to leave. The Captain told me he would send a runner for me when the paperwork on Solly was finished and then he would brief me on the rest of the mission. I went outside and Chung was squatted by the MP talking to him and they were laughing up a storm as I came out. He got up and joined me as I headed for the armory to talk to Gunny. We were halfway there when I heard someone calling my name and looked behind me to see Solly coming my way with his bag over his shoulder. Chung and I stopped grinning when he walked up.

"What are you two grinning at? That damned Butter Bar threatened to have me arrested when I signed out and told him where I was going. Then I got stopped at the gate while the MP's made a call and your Captain cleared me to come in. I'm in Sarge, I can't take any more of this sitting around waiting for the axe to fall."

Chung and I busted out laughing and listened to him bitch all the way to the Armory. I liked him and from Chung's reaction he seemed to have accepted him too. We went inside and Jeffers told us Gunny was in his office and expecting us. Solly threw his bag behind the counter and followed us in. We all grabbed coffee and got settled in. Gunny was glaring at Solly and when I looked at Chung he had that big grin on his face, and I wondered what this one was all about. I didn't have long to wait when Solly turned a little red under his glare.


"Gunnery Sgt. James Sullivan, I think you forgot something didn't you?"

I watched as Gunny set a paper bag on his desk with Solly's name on it and sat back and waited. Solly looked at me, then the bag with a puzzled expression on his face, before Gunny finally let him off the hook.

"I want everything personal including your Dog tags in that bag before you leave my office."

"Why in the world would I do that Gunny? You know we don't take off our Dog tags and the reason why."

"This isn't the Marines. You're with SOG now, and you don't carry anything in the field except your green pass. Everything else is left here in my safe. Solly the rules you're so used too don't fit anymore, especially when you work with Sarge and Chung. They make up their own rules when they are out there in the bush so you better change your mind set when it comes to what you were taught in the Corps. This is a whole new ballgame for you, and they will teach you or you will die. You got chose by one of the best teams I know, and you can learn a lot if you're willing to listen and watch. You may think you know how to survive in the bush but you're an amateur when it comes to doing it the way they do. Just pretend your back in training and listen to everything they say and watch all they do. This is Sarge's third tour and he has lost two men and it was their own fault and not his. Chung here is the meanest little bastard I ever met, but when you're out there he knows more than any of this man's service can teach you. You may have passed LRP training with flying colors, but what they know is for real and not made up. They are responsible for you and the rest of your team, and if you plan on coming back alive listen to them and take all they tell you to mind and heart cause it will save your life. Now fill the damned bag like you were ordered."

I looked over at Chung when Gunny finished and his face showed the same shocked look I knew mine had at his outburst. I had made friends with Gunny when I first came over here, and respected him as well as his advice more than any man I ever knew including my own father. To hear out loud his opinion of me as well as Chung made a lump come to my throat. I in all the time I had known him never knew he respected me as much as he did. Damn I though as I felt moisture come to my eyes unbidden, this was a man's man and one of the best I thought. He was the best of the warrior class, and it was a damned shame he trying to hang on here instead of commanding his own men. I got up to get more coffee and get control of my feelings. When Solly finished with filling the bag including his Dog Tags the Gunny locked the bag in the safe before addressing me.

"Sarge, what are your plans for him?"

"Gunny, find him a Sniper rifle and let him out on the range for awhile. Solly you will be watching our backs as well as another team, and we don't have spotters. I want you to know what your rifle will do as well as be able to make some long shots if it's necessary. You say you're good; well on this mission you just might get a chance to prove it. Chung, go round up the men and bring them in. if I can arrange it we will be pulling out tonight for a night insertion. Tell them to bring their sandals and boots and plenty of food."

"You got it Sarge, I be back short time with men."

They all three left at the same time and I sat back in the chair thinking about the last time we went into the area we were going. I was still sitting there sound asleep when the runner found me. For a change the briefing was short and sweet and I got to look at some of the pictures the flyovers had taken and was surprised at the clarity of them. They were so good I recognized the area and some of the landmarks I had on my map. I remembered a small clearing not two miles from the old plantation that was surrounded by dense brush and decided we would drop down ropes and go in there. If my figures were right it was just a mile and a half from where we were supposed to meet the Seals on the second day in. I was given a camera and the rudiments of its operation by someone from Intel. The damned lens was almost as long as my 16. It seemed simple to operate, and came in a custom made case with twenty rolls of film. Fortunately the case was fairly small and didn't weigh much. Since we were going to rappel in it would make it easy to tape to my pack. I was more worried about the Seal Teams safety than ours because they were coming in the long way and stood more of a chance of running into Charley than we did. I knew the VC kept a sharp watch on the ridges for teams coming into the area and hoped the Seals knew it too. Since a bombing run was scheduled for that night I hoped the sound would cover our insertion. It was set to go off at 2400 hrs on the ridge across from where we were going in. I knew Charley had anti aircraft guns on the ridges and I hoped the bombers didn't get hit trying to take them out. The Parrots Beak area was a free fire zone and it caught hell all the time from our side. Because it was in Cambodia they always had night missions to keep the news hounds from knowing where it was happening. After all we weren't supposed to be in Cambodia but Charley didn't go by our agreements and always faded back there when they were getting hit hard.(NOTE: Remember this is fiction and we never violated the truce signed with Cambodia any more than the NVA did.) The Khmer Rouge were equal opportunity killers and would kill anyone if they could get supplies or trade prisoners and information for guns and explosives. The SOG used them to buy information just as much as the NVA did.

I went to the front gate and signed my men in and noticed a new face and pulled Chung to the side.

"Who's the new guy Chung? You know I don't like new faces when we are going out."

"That Cai, he not new, be in village with family for one year. He live in area we go before his village wiped out by VC. I bring him so you can pick brain for information Sarge. I trust him and he good in bush like Ling."

"Good enough for me Chung. Now let's get them inside, so I can brief them and get us all supplied. Don't tell Ling but we go in by rope tonight."

The little shit laughed all the way to the armory and Ling kept giving him dirty looks the whole way. I had trained them to insert this way and Ling had landed on his ass the first time down and broke his tail bone. From that point on every time rope was mentioned he got razzed by the other men on how good he was sliding down them. He still hadn't forgiven me for making him stay at the village until he healed. I knew when they found out how we were going in tonight they would start on him again. When we went inside I locked the door behind us and they went to the tables dumping everything out of their packs so Chung and I could inspect, and replace anything that wasn't up to snuff. I had always done it this way and to a man they all appreciated it. We would leave before dark and fly to one of the forward firebases to be refueled, then wait for the bombers to come over before taking off again flying with a gunship for cover underneath them. While we were dropped the gunship would go to our flank and release a full load of rockets at a known VC village to cover our insertion. If everything went right we would be on the ground and moving before Charley knew they were being hit.

"All right everyone listen up. We are doing a night insertion by rope. We will be taking AK's instead of 16's. I want everyone to carry a minimum of fifty mags and ten grenades of high explosive. Ling did you bring your bag of mix for the CS powder?"

"I always carry it Sarge and why we go by rope at night?"

"Ling if you would rather stay at the village I can send you back."

"Go to hell Sarge, and I get gloves so I don't burn hands again. You and Chung no go without me this time, even if I break leg sliding down snakes in air."

The laughter finally died down and Solly was looking a little puzzled at the exchange. I explained it to him and to my surprise he looked a little white when he realized how we were being inserted.

"Is there a problem Solly?"

"Not really Sarge, but the last time I did one of those I landed on my ass and thought I broke my back. Hell it took two weeks before I was able to walk right again. I hate going in that way."

One of the men murmured something in their language, and everyone broke out in laughter again looking at Solly. I was able to catch what was said and started laughing myself. I knew Solly didn't understand their language and waited for the question I knew was coming.

"Somebody want to tell me what's so funny?"

Everyone looked at me when he asked so I told him.

"They said you and Ling are brothers, always landing on your ass and breaking something. They said you two ought to go down the same rope so you can hold each other up when you land."

"Funny, verrry funny." He broke out in laughter along with everyone except Ling who was glaring holes in all of us. I made sure they all changed the strings in their crossbows and ordered all of them to double up on the bolts they were taking. If we got into it I knew we would need all the extras we could carry. I had the heaviest pack until I saw what Chung was loading up on. To this day I still can't ever figure out how they were able to carry so much weight and march hour after hour through the bush. The Seal Team was taking AK's the same as we were, and I figured any extra ammo would come in handy if we stepped in it while we were out there. The nearest fire base to where we were going was three and a half days and we wouldn't be able to re supply until we got there if we could. If we had a running fight we would burn a lot of ammo so the extra weight was worth it to me. I made Ling mix five large bags of dust to use as an extra precaution. If they had dogs we would use it or if a patrol got too close in a running fight we would spread it on the trail for Charley to step in. I don't know what Ling mixed in but if the pursuit was wearing sandals they would quickly be sitting down scratching like mad in a short time. This stuff was more powerful than any itching powder I had ever heard of. One time we stumbled across a pipe in the bush from a tunnel and Ling spilled a bag of it down into the pipe and within fifteen minutes Charley was pouring out different escape hatches scratching like mad at whatever they could reach. We were laughing so hard we didn't even fire a shot watching the spectacle.

We finished by jumping up and down checking for loose gear and then we took turns painting up. I always got painted by Chung but tonight he did Solly and Ling did me as I did him and when we got done I broke out in laughter at Solly. When the rest looked where I was they all lost it including Gunny when Solly turned around. Chung had painted a full tiger face on him and it looked so real I was tempted to ask if he could chuff and growl like one. I remembered when Chief went out with us the first time, Chung had painted him like a monkey and it became his good luck look whenever we went on a mission. He had spent hours with Chung until he got it down and was able to do it himself. Solly gave me a dirty look and ran to the head. When he came out he had a grin from ear to ear before looking at Chung and speaking.

"That is so cool Chung; you gotta show me how to do it."

As they say now the look on Chung's face was priceless. His mouth flew open and he gulped then just shook his head in despair at Solly. I knew he was thinking about Chief and I just had to laugh. Of course Ling didn't let it drop and was giving him hell in their language. I was listening and watching Gunny laughing when Solly asked me a question I almost missed in the laughter.

"Hey Sarge, you think this will blend in, in the dark?"

"As long as you don't forget, and yell in fright when you see your reflection in a stream."

I got the finger and a grin.

"Choppers, line up to load and check your weapons."

When we lined up I noticed Solly was struggling with the Sniper rifle in its case and trying to juggle the AK, so I motioned to Cai to take it. Solly thanked him as we went outside with me wondering why he would carry a hard case into the bush. We loaded up and I sent Solly with Ling to the second chopper. When we lifted off I made a mental note to myself to ask him about it because we would be in dense brush for about an hour and that case was going to make a lot of noise, maybe at the wrong time. When we landed and unhorsed we were quickly hustled into a hut and told to stay there until we lifted off. We were told we would have a ten minute warning before leaving again so I told them to relax and take their packs off. We were in what looked to be a secondary chow hall if the long tables were any indication.

"Solly, you plan on taking that case into the bush with you?"

"Yea Sarge it protects the scope from getting knocked out of whack."

"Then leave it when we pull out. Where we are going in at the brush is so thick we will be crawling a lot, and the noise it will make could give us away if Charley had a patrol out or a listening post. I can't and won't put us in danger if I can help it."

"But Sarge, you said I might get a chance to use it to protect our backs and the other team. This is one sweet shootin iron Sarge."

"Solly, does it have a quick release scope?"

"Yea, why?"

"Then take the scope off and wrap it in a towel and put it in your pack, but leave the case here. Cai can carry the AK until we get in the clear then you have to carry them both or leave one behind. We are all loaded down Solly, but your responsible for what you bring, not my men. Either leave one or take both but make a choice before we pull out."

Before he could say anything else there was a knock at the door. I answered it and to my surprise there was an MP with the rank of Lieutenant standing there.

"Why would they have an LT standing guard if you don't mind me asking?"

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My Neighbor Jaya Teacher

Hii readers My name is Rathessh this is the story that happened in my life few months before. It’s all about how i fucked my neighbor widow lady. Her name is Jaya age 32 she is a widow her husband died few years back. She has a son studying in 10th standard. His name is Rajesh. Jaya is working as a teacher in a school near to our house. About her body she is slim with proper flesh at proper places. She has a size of 34 24 34. She is not that much beautiful but her body is beautiful and sexy...

4 years ago
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Nanna Matthu Avala Bangalore Khathana

Hi guys. Myself Adarsh from Mangalore. Today I am going to narrate you one of my sexual adventure happened in Bangalore. It had happened between me and my friend during my visit for one of my friends brothers marriage. As I find very less Kannada stories here I will be narrating it in Kannada. So hope you guys will like it and give your feedback on it. So ee ghatane nanu nanna friend na brother na maduve ge bangalore ge hodaga nadedithu. Nanna college dina galalli nanna class na obbala brother...

4 years ago
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Franc saw her standing on the paved shoulder, right after he made a turn into William Flynn highway. "Good luck," Franc muttered to himself, "hitchhike isn't a feasible thing nowadays; it's the eighties, not the sixties anymore." He took a look at the dashboard clock, it was close to four-thirty in the afternoon. Franc was driving from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, back to New York City where he worked and lived. Despite his purpose of going to Pittsburgh was to attend one of his...

2 years ago
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Ecstasy Birthday

Hi, my name is Jack and I turned 19 months ago. Five months ago is also where my story starts.My mother had my sister when she was my age and now my sister Jade is twenty-two and mom is thirty-five and my aunt Karen is thirty-three but all three could pass as same-age-sisters. It was my birthday and my aunt Karen and sister had come home from out of town. The party was great and being around my family was wonderful. Karen's husband and my dad both died several years ago in a boating accident...

4 years ago
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Our New Relationship

This was not what she had expected when she took the job. “Earn Extra Money Modeling for Fetish Fashion Show” that was what the ad said. When Rachel arrived at the studio it seemed normal enough. Most of the other girls looked like hookers not models, but she assumed it was part of the atmosphere. The wardrobe lady smiled as she spotted a gob of cum on Rachel’s chin. She cackled and handed the new girl some erotic clothing. “Don’t be slow honey, Mr. Smith does not like to keep his clients...

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My Chat Friends Amazing Ability

I like to get onto an Adult chat board from time to time, and meet up with people that I have chatted to for a while, and occasionally a new one. One of my regular friends there was Jennifer. She lives in the US, and as I am a Brit, but we found enough time to meet online. We were just sharing photo links, and discussing what we saw, and obviously through that she got some idea as to what I liked, and I got a very good idea about her too. However, after we’d been chatting for five or six...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Jack Session leads to Sex with Friends Sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! Home for the holidays and feeling horny as usual, I headed over to my best childhood friend's house for an afternoon watching porn, looking at girlie mags and, if our history mean anything, with a mutual jack and blow session. (We not gay -- it's straight porn -- but when we've got massive hard ons, you never know what's gonna happen and usually it means we end up in a 69!) So, this afternoon, we're going at it: there's some black-on-white porn on the...

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Riding Bitch Chapter 8

Riding Bitch Chapter 8 By Cissykay As soon as everyone arrived back at the campsite, I was ordered to Mistress Cheryl's motor home. There was something exciting going on, but I didn't have time to see what was going on. Mistress Cheryl unlocked my collar and told me to sit in the beauty chair. I was in no condition to do anything but comply. Just then there was a knock at the door. "Enter." The door opened and Cora appeared. She was dressed in a silk corset, designer silk...

4 years ago
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Lets Be Bad

‘Thanks for coming to the movies with me, babe,’ you say, sliding into the seat beside me. We like this theater because it has the seats with the raising arms, that allow us to cuddle properly. You slip your arm around mine and sigh contentedly, reaching for the popcorn on my lap and tossing a piece in your mouth. ‘No problem, doll,’ I smile, ‘Anything for you.’ ‘Ooooh,’ your voice drops to a husky whisper. ‘I like that.’ You raise up a bit to nuzzle my ear. ‘Say that again.’ I can’t...

2 years ago
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No Crime in the SuburbsEpilogue

Jasmin is happy that her friend has come back. It’s nice to have a girl close to her own age to share her room. And her bed. She’s sad that Amy was so close to home, only to be foiled at the last minute. But Jasmin has always been envious of Amy’s privileged suburban childhood. Her sympathy is not a hundred percent genuine. Taneesha is also glad to have Amy back. Ever since she ate the blonde’s untouched virgin pussy in the shower, she’s hoped that Amy would someday return the favor. In...

5 years ago
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Star of my Fantasy

I’m having fantasies about my co-worker. Sexual ones. Yes I’m already in a relationship, but I haven’t had sex in more than 2 months! Don’t even ask. So I figure a little flirting and mental gymnastics never hurt anyone…right? So I’m sitting at my desk, studiously trying to finish this report that was due like yesterday. But the face right across me is so damn distracting! There is a time and a place for fantasy, and this is not it let me tell you. But he’s so damn gorgeous! Caramel skin and...

2 years ago
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Sinful Secret With School Crush

It was senior year of college and Gaurav was upset about the difficulties he had to face due to his girlfriend’s stupid mistake. His girlfriend Jenny escaped from her home and came to his place so she can run away with him. Jenny was found and taken away by her family from Gaurav’s place. They both were separated and now Jenny was forced to stay the rest of her life in another city. Gaurav felt devastated about the incident as she was a light in his life. He was completely shaken. Being a...

4 years ago
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Overnight on the Coast Starlight

Natives of the west coast usually have a right to be smug about their weather. The climate is mild with snow usually falling only in the mountains, the unbearable heat confined to the deserts, an ocean breeze caressing the coast, and little change among the seasons.But Mother Nature can be capricious. Santa Ana winds can spread devasting wildfires, cold fronts can swoop down from Canada, and Pacific storms can bring rains that extend for days on end. The rains come in the winter and clouds can...

4 years ago
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Dear Johnpart 4 of 15

CHAPTER 10Her tears ran riot for the entire hundred miles back to Phoenix. Her husband would be out of town for the next two days—a sudden business something or other—but he was on the cell and ready to join her on a moment’s notice if she needed him. He’d promised her that. She would wait to talk to him though. She very much needed to talk to her parents first anyway, and Sam’s dad too. When she talked to her husband she wanted all of what she had to say, all that she now knew, to be vetted...

2 years ago
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DaftSex Art Porn

Ladies, have you ever felt that porn was just too hardcore for you these days? Does it feel that most of the porn is just catering to guys and their fantasies? Fear not, because there is some porn out there that I do think you’ll enjoy a lot. Specifically, I am talking about art porn and this is basically a genre of porn that is pretty close to what erotica has to offer. So, if you like erotica, you’re probably going to love art porn. You might even love it more than you like erotica. Art porn...

Porn for Women Sites
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Another Morning Ch 08

Here’s an edited version of the story. Hopefully the paragraph spacing is better. Make sure to vote and comment please! Thanks for sticking with me. –~~– The hospital was a foreboding structure that stood before me. It looked like it had a life of it’s own, looking down upon me as if it wanted to do me harm. In the past, the building had never appeared so unapproachable, but the last time I was here my mother was barely holding onto her life before she gave up the fight eighteen hours after...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 84 Sexy Sauna

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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Distant CousinsChapter 4

Factors totally beyond their control or prediction had painted Enoch and Eli as portents of Armageddon, and now the Euphrates River situation punctuated that dire forecast because it was yet another piece of the 'end times' puzzle! Truth is, they did have an agenda, but it had nothing to do with evangelism. They were escaping their home world because they predicted that Saiph was about to become a red giant, and that would wipe out all life on Vicara. Enoch and Eli assimilated the...

4 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 98

"Get your asses out of bed. Something is happening and I have no idea what," I said. "I need you to help get Bart and his wife through the compound and to the meadow behind the greenhouses. Get a move on and bring something to make sure nothing happens to them while they are on the Catfish Farm." I said that from the doorway of the travel trailer. Shit this thing is going to need airing out before Andrew can ever use it again, I thought. I had no idea what the smell was, but it was much...

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Second ChanceChapter 10

The Judge came out of a side room just as my escort and I arrived at the two-way mirror that separated us from Samantha. He looked like he'd been up all night, and I knew I was the one at fault for that, so I wisely kept my observations to myself. He jerked his head at the prisoner and said, "It took almost ten hours but she finally broke down and confessed. "Kevin, your tip to the President saved his life. Samantha was feeding details about his movements to the people who were behind...

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Lagnatali Punyachi Mawashi

Hi friends this is Rohan Patil from panvel Mumbai I am 5 feet 8 inch in height with average body n smart boy of 23 years old and I recently completed my eng mi iss cha khup juna wachak ahe n mala ithalya stories khup awadatat Tashya khup sides chya stories mi wachato pan iss chya stories chi majach khup vegali ahe. Karan maximum stories tar writers chya kharya goshti asatat tyamule khupach majja yete wachayala tar mag mi pan tharaval ki Apan suddha apala anubhav sangava mhanun mi hi story lihit...

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Naive or Tease I didnt make her do it

There were two places I will never forget, both having provided wild times, some memories etched in my mind, others I barely remembered when I woke up the next morning. One was Flanagan’s where every Thursday night was 25 cent drink night. The crowd tended to be young and mostly made up of people from my high school and a few surrounding high schools it the N. Dallas area. At 18 and 19 I hooked up with a handful of girls I knew from school there. Several times they drunkenly confessed having...

2 years ago
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Pretty Polly

The doorbell rings, snapping me out of a daydream. I rise from my armchair and make my way to the front door. Through the frosted glass I can make out the frame of a young woman.I open up and am immediately struck by the vision of loveliness standing on my step, she had long black hair, brown eyes and a waif like figure. I find myself staring into her eyes for a second longer than I really should do. Coming to my senses I ask if I can help her.“Ross, Ross Bradley?”“Yes, that’s me.”“Hi Ross, I’m...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Loss Is My Gain

Growing up, I had a brother that was six years older than me, so by the time I became functionally aware, I was going on four and my brother was ten. It would have made for some annoying sibling moments if not for the hell my brother Rick caught from our father, both physical and verbal. By the time Rick was thirteen, dad was out the door ... permanently. It was a tough time for us all, but Rick was just entering puberty, which exacerbated his problems. I know of two occasions when Rick had...

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Scotts BDSM Adventure Pt3

I woke up again when the lights came back on. ‘Wakey Wakey” she said. I must have passed out again sometime during my night of **** from that machine. “Did you two have a good time?” she asked. As she went around to the fuck machine to check it she said, “Oh my yes you did. You two had sex six times last night. Naughty Naughty. Did you get enough to eat Scott? I bet you did. Well I will leave that in place for a moment and check on my other experiments.” She moved around to under the table...

3 years ago
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BellaChapter 4

Petra Perkins escorted us into her living room and offered refreshments; She and I both had a glass of Newcastle Brown ale, while Bella sipped at a glass of wine. "You'll gather I'm not your run-of-the-mill solicitor," she began, "Zeke and I were friends on the classic bike circuit for years. When he met and married Beth, we kept in touch, but obviously..." she paused, "anyway, things changed. Then Beth ... died. Zeke ... didn't stop riding completely, but he wanted to make sure he...

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My Mother Jas Pt 2

Mom had always been a highly sexual person. Of course, I didn’t realize that fact until I was older when I was more sexually aware of things around me. Either way, my family was what you’d call a typical Asian family, close-knitted and warm to say the very least. But then again, that’s what you would expect from the term, ‘family.' According to my stepmother whom I now address as Mom, as a baby, I was adopted from a neighbor whom had some financial difficulties and thus made a run for the road,...

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Camping guest

I had to leave my wife Debbie at the campground for a few days. We were staying there for about a month and I had to go home to take care of a few things with our realtor that we had listed our house with. Our realtor, Danielle, was about 30, long blonde hair, nice legs, and great tits. Debbie had told me to watch out for Danielle, that she had actually come on to her. Debbie and I had on occasion invited others into our sex life, but Danielle hadn't been one of them.She had scheduled an open...

4 years ago
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The First cock I sucked

Sadly the first cock I sucked was the only one I've ever have. Luckily I got pictures to remember it by . It's a funny story actually.My buddy Jim whom I've known for at least 10 years went out with me for a few drinks after work and ended up back at my apartment. Like I said I've known and worked with him for about 10 years and before I got divorced, Jim had hung out with me and my wife a few times over the years . We ended up talking about my ez wife and we are a little drunk so the...

2 years ago
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Mehak Ke Saath 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, Aryan Chauhan this side coming up with my first story on Indian sex stories of my experience with my hot neighbor girl Mehak. First let me tell you something about myself. I am from Faridabad, NCR. I am 21 years old, 5’10” , Wheatish colour, Slim Built, dick 7” . Mehak, the hot chick , she is 18 , Fair in colour, Slightly fat but excessively cute. Her figure, which i came to know later, is 35-30-36. You can very well imagine the hotness she carries with her. Now coming to the story....

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Third Times the CharmChapter 7

Holland Michigan has two airports ... ok ok ok ... one airport and a former WWII training base. The airfield (training base) is on the north side of the lake and it's typical. One paved runway and a lot of grass. The hangars are 1930's and the aircraft are private. The airport is on the south side of town and it's a real CAA going concern. They have a flight school with one Cessna 150 trike. There's a Maytag commuter that flies to places that have big airplanes and like that. They Are...

2 years ago
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A gangbang surprise

I came home from shopping one afternoon and found my sissy slave husband was in the shower and I could hear he was playing with a dildo,as usual.He is my femdom bitch and he likes it when I fuck him up the ass with my strapon.I was about to join him when I heard his cellphone had a message.I checked the message and it looked like a date was set for some sort of surprise.I contacted the sender and came to know that my pathetic bitch husband was getting five of his gym buddies to give me a...

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Anne and MaryChapter 28 Mary

On Monday, there was a notice in our mailbox. We were to report to the Dean's Office ASAP. Right after lunch, Anne and I went to the office to see what was up. She wore a white man's shirt and her khaki skirt. I wore a long wool skirt and a western shirt with a scarf. We sat in the waiting area. A girl came out of the office. She was wearing sneakers, jeans and a kind of ragged tee-shirt. Hair cut crazy; hadn't been washed, at least not today. She didn't look happy, but that may have...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 18 Raping Erica

RAPING ERICA There was an email for Laura the next day, a Sunday. She read it with her tits bared for the webcam, her nipples still connected by her painful chain, the rest of her body naked. === To: Cow Udders From: You-Know-Who Your friend Michael is coming round today to check on his "investment". You have a special mission. (1) Get Michael to fuck your bitch girlfriend Erica in the cunt, unprotected, and ejaculate. (2) Erica must not consent, and you can't give her any of your...

3 years ago
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My Next Time With a Dirty Mommy

It had been a little while since my late night with Krissy. In the past, I’ve never known people who work together screwing around to be anything but a total pain in the ass. Someone always feels weird, someone always wants more, it spills over into the workplace, someone ends up quitting or fired. But this situation seemed to defy all logic. We laughed and joked when we were together. We talked about people we were dating, or wanted to date. There was nothing hostile or tense between us. It...

Straight Sex
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 7

“Get your ass in here, Josey,” Mirra told me as they pulled me through the window by my arms. “Mother, I want you to meet Josey Ruiz. I just met him earlier tonight and he’s already the best friend I’ve ever had in this whole wide world – and Mother, he wants you to like him as much as I do,” Mirra said to the woman standing next to her. “Josey, this is my mother, Willie Mae Greesey.” Her long shiny black hair is hanging straight, wet, and down to her shoulders. She’s wearing a short house...

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