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We were still sitting in the chow hall and Chung was again teasing Gunny who was giving him hell. The conversation broke off as the Cookie approached our table looking for me.

"Sarge, the Captain just called and he wants you to report to his office ASAP."

"Ok Cookie thanks."

I told Gunny and Chung I would meet them back at the armory as soon as I was done and maybe I might have some more information for us. I double timed it over to command and was surprised to see two MP's on duty. One was outside as usual checking ID's and the other was inside filing papers instead of the usual clerk that seemed to always be there. I was told to go on back as he was waiting for me. I knocked on the door and was told to come in. when I got in the office I got a very pleasant surprise. My old friend Maxi was there, and I was sure glad to see him and the hugs we gave each other had the Captain smiling.

"Damn Maxi when did you get back in country. I thought your spook days were over, and you were going to sit behind a desk till you retired?"

"Don't get excited, I am on my way back in the morning. Sarge because of our unique friendship and history together they called me in to brief you. Your Captain said you didn't want to go back into Cambodia again especially that deep in. We just got some Intel that's hot, and it needs to be checked out and since you know the area I immediately thought of you. When I mentioned it at Langley they put me on a fighter and flew me in to brief you. Remember that old abandoned plantation we run across up at Parrots Beak?"

"Yea and we almost didn't get out of there with our skins. If I remember correct your Intel that time almost got us all killed."

"True and I got payback for it too. Sarge that area we think now has a new railroad linking it with the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and they are shipping supplies in as fast as they can run that train back and forth. Even with the photo's we have we can't be sure that it's a railroad. We want you to take a team up there and observe for a few days and take some pictures. No ambushes of VC or anything like that, but just lay low and watch and see what's going on. The Navy Seals are sending in a team from Dong Tam Seal base there. They have already left as of 0700 this morning and will rendezvous with your team at the location we will provide. You will be watching from up high while they will be north of you watching that way in. We think this is linked up with the main NVA base here. If it is, we need to get current Intel so we can plan a series of attacks. As you probably already know we have been bombing the hell out of all the choke points in that area but this is something completely new. The Seals will stay in the northern part of the A Shaw while you go to the top of the highest peak there and observe from that position. Sarge, you Chung and Ling know that area better than anyone so the important part of this mission is up to you and your team. Get the pictures and get out."

"What about the Seal Team Maxi?"

"They knew the deal and they all volunteered to go in. They will take the heat so you can get those pictures back as soon as you can. Sarge, I can't stress enough how important this is, and it's all on your back. We have to stop this massive influx of supplies or we lose on all fronts if it keeps up."

"Maxi, I trust you, but if you think I will stand by if the shit hits the fan, and not back them up, then you better find someone else to go in. You of all people should know better. If we engage to back them up, I will send Chung back with the pictures, and do all I can to help the Seals if they need it. You can either accept it or find someone else to go in."

I sat back watching the play of emotions across his face and when I glanced at the Captain he had a little smirk on his face and I knew he was enjoying the squeeze I had put on Maxi.

"Sarge, have you found a second yet? With all that happened this morning and being on the phone with the General all morning I haven't had a chance to look."

"Yea I have Cap, and if he accepts it's going to take the Generals pull to get it done."

"Shit Sarge, what have you done now?"

I spent ten minutes filling him in and he just looked at me in shock by the time I was done.

"Boy when you dig a hole you dig it deep don't you? Sarge, I don't think even the General has enough pull to do what you're asking. I can't believe you can't find someone from SOG to fill the position for a mission. Christ Sarge, the General is going to have a fit when I tell him about this one."

"Cap, I can get it done, but I don't want to use up a favor a certain Marine General owes me. Besides he is unassigned and ready to go, and with his unique skill I think he will come in very handy on this one if it hits the fan. Maxi, I still have to get my team together, get supplied and make arrangements for transportation so what's it gonna be?"

"All right Sarge, it's yours but remember the pictures have to get back here even if you end up in a war up there. If you send Chung with them he will get them back, but Dammit you're the only one I trust so don't get your head shot off. I still owe you from the last time and I can't repay you if you get killed. Dammit Sarge, why do you have to be so damned stubborn all the time?"

I just grinned at him and we shook hands when I got up to leave. The Captain told me he would send a runner for me when the paperwork on Solly was finished and then he would brief me on the rest of the mission. I went outside and Chung was squatted by the MP talking to him and they were laughing up a storm as I came out. He got up and joined me as I headed for the armory to talk to Gunny. We were halfway there when I heard someone calling my name and looked behind me to see Solly coming my way with his bag over his shoulder. Chung and I stopped grinning when he walked up.

"What are you two grinning at? That damned Butter Bar threatened to have me arrested when I signed out and told him where I was going. Then I got stopped at the gate while the MP's made a call and your Captain cleared me to come in. I'm in Sarge, I can't take any more of this sitting around waiting for the axe to fall."

Chung and I busted out laughing and listened to him bitch all the way to the Armory. I liked him and from Chung's reaction he seemed to have accepted him too. We went inside and Jeffers told us Gunny was in his office and expecting us. Solly threw his bag behind the counter and followed us in. We all grabbed coffee and got settled in. Gunny was glaring at Solly and when I looked at Chung he had that big grin on his face, and I wondered what this one was all about. I didn't have long to wait when Solly turned a little red under his glare.


"Gunnery Sgt. James Sullivan, I think you forgot something didn't you?"

I watched as Gunny set a paper bag on his desk with Solly's name on it and sat back and waited. Solly looked at me, then the bag with a puzzled expression on his face, before Gunny finally let him off the hook.

"I want everything personal including your Dog tags in that bag before you leave my office."

"Why in the world would I do that Gunny? You know we don't take off our Dog tags and the reason why."

"This isn't the Marines. You're with SOG now, and you don't carry anything in the field except your green pass. Everything else is left here in my safe. Solly the rules you're so used too don't fit anymore, especially when you work with Sarge and Chung. They make up their own rules when they are out there in the bush so you better change your mind set when it comes to what you were taught in the Corps. This is a whole new ballgame for you, and they will teach you or you will die. You got chose by one of the best teams I know, and you can learn a lot if you're willing to listen and watch. You may think you know how to survive in the bush but you're an amateur when it comes to doing it the way they do. Just pretend your back in training and listen to everything they say and watch all they do. This is Sarge's third tour and he has lost two men and it was their own fault and not his. Chung here is the meanest little bastard I ever met, but when you're out there he knows more than any of this man's service can teach you. You may have passed LRP training with flying colors, but what they know is for real and not made up. They are responsible for you and the rest of your team, and if you plan on coming back alive listen to them and take all they tell you to mind and heart cause it will save your life. Now fill the damned bag like you were ordered."

I looked over at Chung when Gunny finished and his face showed the same shocked look I knew mine had at his outburst. I had made friends with Gunny when I first came over here, and respected him as well as his advice more than any man I ever knew including my own father. To hear out loud his opinion of me as well as Chung made a lump come to my throat. I in all the time I had known him never knew he respected me as much as he did. Damn I though as I felt moisture come to my eyes unbidden, this was a man's man and one of the best I thought. He was the best of the warrior class, and it was a damned shame he trying to hang on here instead of commanding his own men. I got up to get more coffee and get control of my feelings. When Solly finished with filling the bag including his Dog Tags the Gunny locked the bag in the safe before addressing me.

"Sarge, what are your plans for him?"

"Gunny, find him a Sniper rifle and let him out on the range for awhile. Solly you will be watching our backs as well as another team, and we don't have spotters. I want you to know what your rifle will do as well as be able to make some long shots if it's necessary. You say you're good; well on this mission you just might get a chance to prove it. Chung, go round up the men and bring them in. if I can arrange it we will be pulling out tonight for a night insertion. Tell them to bring their sandals and boots and plenty of food."

"You got it Sarge, I be back short time with men."

They all three left at the same time and I sat back in the chair thinking about the last time we went into the area we were going. I was still sitting there sound asleep when the runner found me. For a change the briefing was short and sweet and I got to look at some of the pictures the flyovers had taken and was surprised at the clarity of them. They were so good I recognized the area and some of the landmarks I had on my map. I remembered a small clearing not two miles from the old plantation that was surrounded by dense brush and decided we would drop down ropes and go in there. If my figures were right it was just a mile and a half from where we were supposed to meet the Seals on the second day in. I was given a camera and the rudiments of its operation by someone from Intel. The damned lens was almost as long as my 16. It seemed simple to operate, and came in a custom made case with twenty rolls of film. Fortunately the case was fairly small and didn't weigh much. Since we were going to rappel in it would make it easy to tape to my pack. I was more worried about the Seal Teams safety than ours because they were coming in the long way and stood more of a chance of running into Charley than we did. I knew the VC kept a sharp watch on the ridges for teams coming into the area and hoped the Seals knew it too. Since a bombing run was scheduled for that night I hoped the sound would cover our insertion. It was set to go off at 2400 hrs on the ridge across from where we were going in. I knew Charley had anti aircraft guns on the ridges and I hoped the bombers didn't get hit trying to take them out. The Parrots Beak area was a free fire zone and it caught hell all the time from our side. Because it was in Cambodia they always had night missions to keep the news hounds from knowing where it was happening. After all we weren't supposed to be in Cambodia but Charley didn't go by our agreements and always faded back there when they were getting hit hard.(NOTE: Remember this is fiction and we never violated the truce signed with Cambodia any more than the NVA did.) The Khmer Rouge were equal opportunity killers and would kill anyone if they could get supplies or trade prisoners and information for guns and explosives. The SOG used them to buy information just as much as the NVA did.

I went to the front gate and signed my men in and noticed a new face and pulled Chung to the side.

"Who's the new guy Chung? You know I don't like new faces when we are going out."

"That Cai, he not new, be in village with family for one year. He live in area we go before his village wiped out by VC. I bring him so you can pick brain for information Sarge. I trust him and he good in bush like Ling."

"Good enough for me Chung. Now let's get them inside, so I can brief them and get us all supplied. Don't tell Ling but we go in by rope tonight."

The little shit laughed all the way to the armory and Ling kept giving him dirty looks the whole way. I had trained them to insert this way and Ling had landed on his ass the first time down and broke his tail bone. From that point on every time rope was mentioned he got razzed by the other men on how good he was sliding down them. He still hadn't forgiven me for making him stay at the village until he healed. I knew when they found out how we were going in tonight they would start on him again. When we went inside I locked the door behind us and they went to the tables dumping everything out of their packs so Chung and I could inspect, and replace anything that wasn't up to snuff. I had always done it this way and to a man they all appreciated it. We would leave before dark and fly to one of the forward firebases to be refueled, then wait for the bombers to come over before taking off again flying with a gunship for cover underneath them. While we were dropped the gunship would go to our flank and release a full load of rockets at a known VC village to cover our insertion. If everything went right we would be on the ground and moving before Charley knew they were being hit.

"All right everyone listen up. We are doing a night insertion by rope. We will be taking AK's instead of 16's. I want everyone to carry a minimum of fifty mags and ten grenades of high explosive. Ling did you bring your bag of mix for the CS powder?"

"I always carry it Sarge and why we go by rope at night?"

"Ling if you would rather stay at the village I can send you back."

"Go to hell Sarge, and I get gloves so I don't burn hands again. You and Chung no go without me this time, even if I break leg sliding down snakes in air."

The laughter finally died down and Solly was looking a little puzzled at the exchange. I explained it to him and to my surprise he looked a little white when he realized how we were being inserted.

"Is there a problem Solly?"

"Not really Sarge, but the last time I did one of those I landed on my ass and thought I broke my back. Hell it took two weeks before I was able to walk right again. I hate going in that way."

One of the men murmured something in their language, and everyone broke out in laughter again looking at Solly. I was able to catch what was said and started laughing myself. I knew Solly didn't understand their language and waited for the question I knew was coming.

"Somebody want to tell me what's so funny?"

Everyone looked at me when he asked so I told him.

"They said you and Ling are brothers, always landing on your ass and breaking something. They said you two ought to go down the same rope so you can hold each other up when you land."

"Funny, verrry funny." He broke out in laughter along with everyone except Ling who was glaring holes in all of us. I made sure they all changed the strings in their crossbows and ordered all of them to double up on the bolts they were taking. If we got into it I knew we would need all the extras we could carry. I had the heaviest pack until I saw what Chung was loading up on. To this day I still can't ever figure out how they were able to carry so much weight and march hour after hour through the bush. The Seal Team was taking AK's the same as we were, and I figured any extra ammo would come in handy if we stepped in it while we were out there. The nearest fire base to where we were going was three and a half days and we wouldn't be able to re supply until we got there if we could. If we had a running fight we would burn a lot of ammo so the extra weight was worth it to me. I made Ling mix five large bags of dust to use as an extra precaution. If they had dogs we would use it or if a patrol got too close in a running fight we would spread it on the trail for Charley to step in. I don't know what Ling mixed in but if the pursuit was wearing sandals they would quickly be sitting down scratching like mad in a short time. This stuff was more powerful than any itching powder I had ever heard of. One time we stumbled across a pipe in the bush from a tunnel and Ling spilled a bag of it down into the pipe and within fifteen minutes Charley was pouring out different escape hatches scratching like mad at whatever they could reach. We were laughing so hard we didn't even fire a shot watching the spectacle.

We finished by jumping up and down checking for loose gear and then we took turns painting up. I always got painted by Chung but tonight he did Solly and Ling did me as I did him and when we got done I broke out in laughter at Solly. When the rest looked where I was they all lost it including Gunny when Solly turned around. Chung had painted a full tiger face on him and it looked so real I was tempted to ask if he could chuff and growl like one. I remembered when Chief went out with us the first time, Chung had painted him like a monkey and it became his good luck look whenever we went on a mission. He had spent hours with Chung until he got it down and was able to do it himself. Solly gave me a dirty look and ran to the head. When he came out he had a grin from ear to ear before looking at Chung and speaking.

"That is so cool Chung; you gotta show me how to do it."

As they say now the look on Chung's face was priceless. His mouth flew open and he gulped then just shook his head in despair at Solly. I knew he was thinking about Chief and I just had to laugh. Of course Ling didn't let it drop and was giving him hell in their language. I was listening and watching Gunny laughing when Solly asked me a question I almost missed in the laughter.

"Hey Sarge, you think this will blend in, in the dark?"

"As long as you don't forget, and yell in fright when you see your reflection in a stream."

I got the finger and a grin.

"Choppers, line up to load and check your weapons."

When we lined up I noticed Solly was struggling with the Sniper rifle in its case and trying to juggle the AK, so I motioned to Cai to take it. Solly thanked him as we went outside with me wondering why he would carry a hard case into the bush. We loaded up and I sent Solly with Ling to the second chopper. When we lifted off I made a mental note to myself to ask him about it because we would be in dense brush for about an hour and that case was going to make a lot of noise, maybe at the wrong time. When we landed and unhorsed we were quickly hustled into a hut and told to stay there until we lifted off. We were told we would have a ten minute warning before leaving again so I told them to relax and take their packs off. We were in what looked to be a secondary chow hall if the long tables were any indication.

"Solly, you plan on taking that case into the bush with you?"

"Yea Sarge it protects the scope from getting knocked out of whack."

"Then leave it when we pull out. Where we are going in at the brush is so thick we will be crawling a lot, and the noise it will make could give us away if Charley had a patrol out or a listening post. I can't and won't put us in danger if I can help it."

"But Sarge, you said I might get a chance to use it to protect our backs and the other team. This is one sweet shootin iron Sarge."

"Solly, does it have a quick release scope?"

"Yea, why?"

"Then take the scope off and wrap it in a towel and put it in your pack, but leave the case here. Cai can carry the AK until we get in the clear then you have to carry them both or leave one behind. We are all loaded down Solly, but your responsible for what you bring, not my men. Either leave one or take both but make a choice before we pull out."

Before he could say anything else there was a knock at the door. I answered it and to my surprise there was an MP with the rank of Lieutenant standing there.

"Why would they have an LT standing guard if you don't mind me asking?"

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Changing Reflections

The reflection in the mirror this morning once again did not meet the expectations or hopes of Carol Litner. In her mind the 18-year-old high school senior envisioned a person more like Jessica Alba. The only thing they had in common was straight dark hair. Carol examined herself in the mirror and critically described her as shapeless. Small breasts, flat ass and no curve to reveal hips, she struggled to exercise and eat small portions but she still seemed 10lbs over weight. She certainly...

3 years ago
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Beckys fate at the hands of pirates

Author’s note:  This is my first ever story!  It comes from one of my rape fantasies and there is more of the story to come, if the reviews are positive.  I also have some real life sub/slave experiences that could make for good reading, as well as other rape fantasies.  But I wanted to get my first time out of the way (kind of like losing my virginity again!) and see what people think.  Please email me any comments you might have.  My email is [email protected].  As I lay in bed listening for...

2 years ago
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DogStyle WivesChapter 7

Tom was sitting on the front porch, waiting for Sandy on the beach for their morning walk. He studied the sky and decided that it would be sunny the rest of the day; the brief shower that had passed over in the early morning had wet things good, but everything appeared to have dried out. He heard his mother come onto the porch, and he turned to look at her. Coral was holding out a raincoat toward him. He felt a momentary irritation; he thought he had outgrown the...

1 year ago
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Gwen Visits The Thaxters

Gwen and Marcie Thaxter had been best friends for as long as the girls could remember. They were nearly the same age — Marcie was five months older — and they lived just a few miles apart on the same lane. For years, they'd explored each other's bodies in childish ways. Pushing, probing, tickling and once even kissing each other's developing breasts. But they'd been too shy to go any further. It was a Tuesday, and Gwen was visiting Marcie for the first time since returning from Gracely...

4 years ago
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Raj His Mom Spend Their Vacation In Goa

A work of fiction. Raj was a 18 year old boy. He was living with his mom Nalini in Lucknow. She was a widow. Raj’s dad died 8 years ago, when he was 10 years old. Initially, when her husband died, Nalini was very depressed for almost a year after his death. But she slowly turned her attention towards her son. She was very affectionate with him and took good care of him. She made sure that Raj was not affected by the loss of his dad and her only attention was to bring him up and educate him. Raj...

4 years ago
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The Beast of Dacia

‘Dead.’ Valerius Costin drained the heavy silver goblet in his hand in one gulp, but the bitterness of the word still coated his tongue. The wine was supposed to warm him, but as the finality of his situation slithered into his gut he was chilled to the bone. He wondered then if anything would ever warm him again. ‘What do you want to do, Valerius?’ He turned then, his gaze travelling up the steps to the palace entrance. An old woman stood at the top, her long grey hair rustling gently in...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Mate

The Perfect Mate ? You know that kind of person who has a flaky side? Well my friend Marion has four of them. Astrology, yoga, vegan and ... who knows what she was worshipping at the time. It's amazing people like that can operate in the 21st Century. Though maybe for me it's a good thing she saw the world through?a different perspective. ? Marion and I had worked together for years. I'm an executive with a public relations firm, and Marion is my Girl Friday, and perfectly happy to be...

2 years ago
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Shy Girl Turns Wild Part 2

Hey guys, It’s been a while since I posted the first part 1. So, here is part 2 of the sex story. After our first encounter, we made plans to meet next night for a movie and dinner. I was supposed to pick her up from apartment. Since I was not expecting anything to happen with her, I was kind of nervous and excited. I had fancied her for years and now I could not believe that she was interested in me. I was eager to meet her. the thought of holding her in my arms and kissing her were making...

1 year ago
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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 8

CHAPTER 8 - A double date Once safely secreted in their room, George could not wait to strip off his suit and free his little man, discarding the cellophane between his legs. He nibbled on what was left of their fruit and eventually pulled the shades and crawled into bed and fell into a troubled sleep. Ellen looked for Heather at the pool. Not finding him there, she headed for the only other place he could be their room. Quietly opening the door, she marched over to George. ...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Patty

“You're wearing my things again!” Brenda screamed when she came home early from community college and found me prancing around the house in one of her short skirts. “Take them off, you little pervert!” It wouldn't be nearly as bad if I were her little sister and trying on her clothes but I was her brother. But it wasn't as bad as it could be. I mean, if she knew what Tommy and I had been doing just two short hours ago, she'd really be pissed. Truthfully, Tommy and I had never really done...

4 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 05

‘I’m glad you called to let me know you were going to be late last night, Tommy,’ Aunt Karen told the young man Monday morning while they ate breakfast. ‘That was so polite of you.’ She gave her daughter a rather stern glance as she said it. ‘Come on, Mom, don’t start on that call if you’re going to be late stuff already,’ Kim said, a pretty pout on her face. ‘I was home early last night.’ ‘I’m not talking about last night,’ her mother said, ‘I’m talking about the rest of the summer. I don’t...

3 years ago
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First time fucking my best friends girl

I was helping my best friend and his girl friend move into their new apartment. I was expecting anything but to help my friend move a lot of his shit into his place and talk shit about any and everything, which is our usual procedure when we're hanging out. I seen his girl before and I always thought she was a cute girl with a nice attitude who would do him some good being in is life. Anyway, him and I brought up box after box of some things he had packed. After sometime went by we all decide...

2 years ago
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Sexy BFFs Chapter 4

Gracie spun Jenny around in the mud and this time Gracie simply ripped off Jenny's mud covered panties and slid her juicy mouth all the way down Jenny's already rock hard she cock and moaned loudly. Jenny took the hint and tore Gracies skimpy panties off completely and sunk her lips balls deep down Gracie's girl cock. Up and down the two sexy girls went on each others cocks mixing spit, drool and mud over each other. Soft moans, slurping sounds and splooshing of mud echoed through the night...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 66

I was driving home when my phone rang. It was Steve. "Where are you? You invited Susan over." "I'm sorry, Steve. Some 'John Kegler' shit happened." "So who did you kill this time?" "It's a long story. I'm coming from the hospital and I'll be at my house in fifteen minutes." "I'll drop Susan off." "Drop her off? Aren't you staying?" "I can't. Some 'Steve Roberts' shit is going to happen," he said laughing. "What time is Andi getting off?" "At nine. Susan is...

1 year ago
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Lost Empire 15

Shelby was half tempted to delve back in, the kiss Derrick had given her had held a lot more meaning to her than the last. Touching her lips again she watched as Mary ran through several scenarios trying to figure out why Derrick hadn't awoken yet. Mary wasn't blind to the fact that Shelby was far more worried about Derrick than a mere A.I. should be. Softly Mary examined Shelby's circuits hmmm interesting Shelby was far more alive than Mary had at first thought. Reaching out she found...

2 years ago
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Coffee Exhibitionism

The coffee shop glowed, front window framed by a string of amber lights. It reflected on the shimmering pavement, the already over-green town draped in its usual overcast cloak. I sat alone, nestled against a rain-flecked window, a faded copy of Being And Nothingness resting beside my equally patient, steaming cup. Beneath the table, my fingertips played along my thigh.The white noise of boiling tea kettles and trickling brew made me soften. The leisure mumble of two other customers made my...

1 year ago
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Sister fun

Your aunt, Peg just moved into a new apartment. It is a small, but very nice place with free internet. She allows you and your sister, Kayla, to rent it anytime for free. You decide to go there one day when Peg was on vacation. Realizing that you had high speed internet access, you start to watch some of your favorite porn videos. Your favorite porn star is Ashlyn Rae. She reminds you of Kayla. You knew that Kayla was going to be there sometime that day to take care of some things, but you...

3 years ago
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The Mother In Law Caught Short

We were at a f@mily wedding on the wife’s side at a hotel in Bowness on Windermere in the Lake District. The wedding and reception had taking place and it was now mid afternoon with free time to spend how you pleased before the night do. Groups gathered in the gardens overlooking the lake drinking and gossiping with relatives not seen for some time, other wandered across the road to watch the boats coming and going that sail around the lake and others went for the famous Lakeland ice...

3 years ago
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A new day at the university

To begin the story, I'll explain the situation shortly. It's about John 21, an ordinary university guy that isn't so popular around the girls. This is the beginning of a new day at the university... The bus stops in front of the university and I step out onto the sidewalk. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining on a cloudless day. I make my way slowly to registration while surveying the landscape. When I reach the registration desk, I see Jennifer. Jennifer is an arrogant girl who doesn't...

3 years ago
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From A to Z

The house was unusually silent when I returned from work. I stood in the downstairs hallway a moment, straining to hear any signs of my wife.Nothing.Strange. Her car was in the driveway."Anna?"No reply.The mirror alongside the front door reflected only my unshaven features that I rubbed once. My eyes appeared duller blue than usual, I was sure. The merger was more complicated than I expected and finalising it was taking its toll. Too many hours. Too many broken nights of worry. I ran a hand...

2 years ago
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To Sir With Love Part II

CHAPTER FIVE Mathew was beside himself. He had no problem with Jamie being out with Amy, but she was very late and didn’t answer her cell phone. Mathew knew he had a terrible tendency to worry too much about everyone and everything. He can’t help but picture car accidents, muggings, airline crashes, earthquakes and just about anything else of a catastrophic nature. All he asked was for a phone call or even a text assuring him of her safety. As much as he knew he is really overboard about...

2 years ago
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Room Service

Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 08:16:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Sharon Pinder Subject: ROOM SERVICEI'd worked at the Georgian, a 5 star hotel in London for the past three months. Three months since I had left school. Maybe not the best job in the world but one with perks which made it worth my while. I spent my days flitting from room to room with room service. Room service?  General dog's body may have been a better title.  As I say hardly exciting an exciting job, but it did allow me a pass key to all...

2 years ago
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We meet again

We meet againTime had passed by a few days since we were at the Lake, and my husband  had showed me the film, and although the light was poor I liked what I saw, and was pleased with the results and that everybody was happy.There was just one thing I forgot to tell him, and that was that I had arranged to see the last man who had fucked me again, and that he had rang  and said "could he see me tonight". He was delighted with me and hoped that he could see me again. I had to say that I would...

Love Stories
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 23

The drive to San Francisco takes, or so I was told by the girl at the car rental counter in Beverly Hills, about six hours if you take I—5, about half an hour longer using 101. Not counting our forty minute stop for dinner, it took us just under six hours. Finding a hotel took longer than I would have liked, and much longer than Lilly liked, although she did get a pretty good night-time tour of the city. We ended up taking a mid-sized suite at the St. Regis, just off of Mission on 3rd...

3 years ago
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Cheating College Girlfriend with 12inch BBC Part2

It had been an extremely busy week between football and school. So busy I didn't devote much time to thinking about the fucking that I had gave Marley. That was until i showed up to the student center for my tutoring session and Marley was not there. I sent her a text asking where she was at. She sent one back that read "I am sorry Trey but the other night was a big mistake." I replied saying "well I still need you to help me with some of my math homework." Eventually I talked to her into...

1 year ago
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Rules of the Game

You slide your hands under my jacket and I feel your warm, rough hands through my blouse. I want to stop you but the way my curves fit so perfectly into your manly hands changes my mind. It feels as if my breasts are moulded to fit your palm when you cup them and touch them. But there are people around us in this last night train and I can feel my face turning red, knowing that they possibly had a good view of my body being handled this way by you. Still, I want you so badly, I am virtually on...

2 years ago
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I met a warlock and he changed my life

This is the story of how I met a very interesting man. This man was able to change my whole life literally. With all these changes came one sacred rule. We'll find out in this story, if I was able to abide by this one rule. I was very unhappy and feeling very down on myself. I’m not the best looking person, but lately I was just feeling really unattractive. All the other girls in my class are all so pretty and they have lovely figures. They all look like models. My name is Heather and I'm...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Lexi Luna I Think My Stepmom Is Seducing Me

There’s something about a funeral that makes Lexi Luna really horny. She puts on the requisite black dress, but she makes sure it makes her tits look good. The short skirt is a plus, too. When she steps out of the room, her stepson, Alex Mack, is blown away. He can’t help but comment about how pretty Lexi is. They leave it at that for the time being so they can go to the funeral, but neither of them is really finished with the other. When they return, Lexi can’t help but ask...

3 years ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 2 Friday

On Friday, Heather was describing her progress with Virtual Jewelry, a product line she was developing for Still Waters Arts. In the past few months, she had found and exploited way to put colorful design transfers on the bare skin, making them into a kind of sensual jewelry. She had placed orders with a production house for test quantities of designs and graphic elements. Production was simple because the CAD designs went straight to a computer that turned them into silk-screen...

2 years ago
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Felicity Ch 61

I was a regular at a small club that was known to be a ‘meat market.’ Women of a certain age, divorced and horny were there often. I was there every Friday night and the occasional work week evenings but mostly on Fridays. I knew who the regulars were and their preferences. I knew who the witches, the desperate, the players, and the losers were. There was a smattering of women that were there just to dance and a smattering of people that did not seem to belong. I was one of those. I was too...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 843

Wife texts husband at work on a cold winter’s morning; “Windows frozen won’t open.” Husband texts back; “Gently pour some lukewarm water over it.” Wife texts back 5 minutes later; “Computer really fucked now.” A Greek and Italian were sitting in a Starbuck’s one day discussing who had the superior culture. Over triple lattes the Greek guy says, “Well, we have the Parthenon.” Arching his eyebrows, the Italian replies, “We have the Coliseum.” The Greek retorts, “We Greeks gave birth...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 36 Journeys End Part I

July 1980, Göteborg/Hovås, Sweden It was early Wednesday evening when I arrived back in Hovås for one more week, after which I’d be heading to Helsingborg to see Pia. From there, I’d go home to Milford. I called Pia to confirm my arrival on Wednesday around noon and let her know that I had to be on the train to Copenhagen at 10:00am. We’d have lunch with the Anderbergs then spend the rest of the time at her family’s apartment. I spoke to Anders and Eva and they said the only thing they had...

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My Wifes Birthday Request

"For my birthday I would like to go out dancing at the club and bring a man home to fuck," my wife explained. "That isn't really what I meant when I asked what you wanted for your birthday, honey," I replied, feeling dejected. I wasn't prepared to hear my wife ask me to fuck another man, especially not as a gift from a husband to his wife. "Well, I've been thinking about this for a while and that is what I want," she said, seeming to have already made up her mind. "So, it isn't...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Moka Mora MomDaughter Massage Swap Part 1

Mercedes Carrera and Moka Mora walk in a massage parlor, after a day of shopping. Mercedes’ husband, Domenic Kane and Moka’s boyfriend, Lucas Frost have a surprise for them but the girls don’t know it yet. When the hostess introduces herself, she instructs them on how to proceed. They are to go up to their assigned rooms and get completely undressed and lie down. Moka goes up to her room and lies down as instructed. She places her head on the opposite side of the entrance....

2 years ago
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A Country Orgy

Introduction: Picking up two backpackers leads to a huge orgy. Well who would have thought that a quick walk through the forest would have led to this? Here I am sitting on my lounge watching my wife take on three men as a German tourist sucks my cock and her two friends lick cum out of their hard fucked cunts. What a strange yet wonderful world. Id had a bastard of a day and had decided to take the two dogs for a trot down to the river. The sun was belting down and it wasnt long before I had...

1 year ago
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call me Nettie

NettieShe was so beautiful and so young.The power she had over me was immediate and irresistible. I tried to avert my attention, but she sparkled in the August sunlight. My wife and I were greeting our new neighbors shortly after the moving van pulled away on Friday. They were from Connecticut, an attractive couple with a high-school daughter that was a heavenly vision.It was the coquettish way she delighted in the effect she had on me that let me know she was trouble. At least I should have...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 417

A note from Mihickman Spotted on a FB forum. Anybody interested in a free ride in a helicopter flight for 4 people?! I’m still looking for 2 more people to join us. We leave early Saturday (October 24th) morning from Leeds/Bradford Airport and will fly to Isle of Wight and on to Cowes where we will have breakfast and then on a yacht for lunch. Then we’ll do a cruise around the island and returning to Cowes for dinner, then fly back home. If interested, please pm me. Preferably someone...

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