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I lost it right there. Nobody is as good at oral sex as Bambi. She had me creaming almost instantly. We heard a loud crash of silverware hitting the floor in the kitchen where Neeka was loading the dishwasher, followed by a muffled, "Oh God!" as she climaxed with me.

My legs started jerking on their own and I had to pull my knees up to my chest and hold them with my hands to keep them from jerking me right off the edge of the chair. Bambi kept on licking my big clit, teasing it into ever-greater paroxysms of orgasmic delight. She was merciless. I wanted to beg her to stop and I wanted to beg her not to. By the time she let me coast to a stop on my own, I was so pleasure-saturated that I was almost delirious. I had to hold onto the table to stay upright. From the kitchen we heard a low moan, followed by more silverware dropping as Neeka tried to get up too soon.

"Does she always do that?" Bambi asked.

"Yeah," I slurred. "If we are within a few hundred feet of each other we cum together. The closer we are, the more intense it is. When we're together, I can't tell whose climax is whose. Remember yesterday, up on the deck? We got lost in each other. I felt like I was in her body."

"Amazing! So if both of you are in the same house, I can make both of you cum by making either one of you cum? That's great!" She grinned a very evil grin and I knew what she was planning.

"But what have you been doing to this?" she flicked her talented tongue across my slowly shrinking clit, sending me into another, smaller, orgasm.

"I made it bigger," I said.

She opened her mouth to ask, 'why' and then decided that was a dumb question. Instead, she asked, "What have you been doing with it, now that you made it so big?"

"Mainly fucking virgins," I said, and she knew exactly what I meant. "I haven't had a chance to explore all the possibilities, yet."

"I can think of a few things," Bambi told me.

"I bet you can."

"Mostly I think I'm going to enjoy sucking on it. It's just the right size for that and it feels so good in my mouth."

"Next, you're going to say I taste like chicken," I laughed, crossing my legs to get the morsel under discussion out of sight.

"No, you definitely taste like girl. Sweet, succulent, delicious, frequently juicy girl. Nothing else tastes quite like it."

"Hush! You're going to get me hot again."

"I'm doing my best. But you're right. We shouldn't neglect your guests."

"Our guests," I corrected. "They like you just as much as they like me. Some of them even more. Jolene, for instance. She likes you a lot."

"I'm flattered. And I like her, too. You know, when I first saw her, I thought she was kind of plain. But she has an inner beauty that shines through like sunlight through clouds. When I look at her now, I see a lovely young woman. I definitely understand what Bud sees in her."

I was about to make a smart crack about mothers-in-law, but I had done my bit to promote Jolene's agenda and I didn't want to spoil it by making a joke of it.

Bambi noticed my hesitation. "What?" she said.

"Jolene is very..." I started, but couldn't finish.

"Naïve? Unsophisticated? Immature? Inexperienced? Honey, these are not character flaws. They are part of her charm. I hope she can hang on to her innocence for a long time. It's a rare quality nowadays."

Hearing Bambi defend Jolene told me everything I needed to know about how she felt about her potential daughter-in-law.

A low hum from the kitchen announced that Neeka had finished loading the dishwasher and had turned it on. Bambi and I belatedly went in to help her clean up. As we came in, Neeka was just wiping off the counters with a paper towel and a bottle of spray cleaner.

"My word!" Bambi said. "This is cleaner than I could have gotten it. I'm sorry, honey. We should have been in here helping."

"Not a problem," Neeka said. "Don't forget. When it comes to cleaning up kitchens and tables, I am a professional!"

"So you are. But we still shouldn't have left it all to you."

"Oh, that's all right. Besides, I got my reward," she said, smiling. "I just wish I had more warning. I don't think the flatware was damaged."

"Yes, Sam was just telling me about that. That's fascinating that you two are so connected. I was just getting used to the idea that you can share thoughts. It never occurred to me that you could share orgasms, too. Sam said that you can feel it all the way up the street."

"When I'm over at my house, it's not as strong. More than a few hundred feet away and I'm not usually overwhelmed by them. Only a few feet away and I feel what she feels, exactly."

"And this close," I said, putting my arms around her, "it's like we're one person." I hugged her and bathed her with love in my mind. She responded in kind. We took a moment to hold each other and experience the sort of purity of emotion that only two people as connected as we were could have. Something of what we were doing must have shown on our faces. Bambi watched us with an expression of awe and a little jealously.

"Wow!" Bambi said. "I wish I had a camera. This is beautiful."

We each held out an arm to her and she joined us in a group hug. We tried to extend our sharing to her, and I think we might have succeeded a little bit. She sighed deeply, and then she made a soft cooing sound. We put our heads on either side of hers and stepped up the volume as far as we dared without breaking the mood.

"Oh! I feel so warm and good!" Bambi said. "Is that it? Is that what you're feeling? It feels like... heaven."

We eased off a bit and Bambi took a deep breath. We had fallen below her threshold. "It's possible!" I sent to Neeka. "She's just on a different frequency. She's getting a little bit of it when we focus on her."

"We have to try again later," Neeka sent. "I want to try to reach her. She deserves to be included."

I gave a mental nod. "Yes," I told Bambi, "that's it. That's the feeling of being loved. That's what we both feel for you." I heard Neeka agreeing enthusiastically in my head.

"Thank you," Bambi said. "You're both so wonderful. I love you both so much!"

Neeka and I reaffirmed our decision to try again later to make contact with Bambi. There had to be some way to tune into her or her into us. We both kissed her and then each other and then Neeka and I hung up our aprons and we all went downstairs to see what everyone else was up to.

The others were relaxing on the sofa, reading the paper and talking. Connie, Janice and Bud were wearing baggy t-shirts and Bud had on a pair of cotton shorts as well. Jolene was still naked. I think she was planning on staying that way every second she could from now on. It suited her, too. She could be naked and innocent at the same time, which is a neat trick, but seemed perfectly natural for her. I wondered if she would try to continue the practice at home with her family. If she did, they were in for a shock.

We all piled onto the big L-shaped sofa, which held all of us very comfortably. There was even room to spread out, but we squeezed in together to be as close as we could to each other. After the previous day and night we all felt much closer and were very much at ease with one another. When I looked around, I noticed that everyone had an arm around someone and there was a lot of spontaneous smiling and a friendly kiss being exchanged now and then. It looked like everyone was glowing with happiness and satisfaction. Right then I declared the party a great success.

We spent the rest of the time just being together and chatting about things we found in the paper. One by one, my friends collected their stuff, said their goodbyes and left. Connie had been the first to arrive and she was also the first to leave.

"This has been the best party I have ever been to," she said. "I had a great time. I had more orgasms than I thought was possible and I feel fantastic!" She lowered her voice and said in a confidential tone, "... and I learned a lot about myself, too. Coming here has really helped me get my head together. I'm going back to school next term, for sure. And when I get there, there's going to be a lot more studying and a lot less partying. I hope you will give me some more study tips."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. And I'll be happy to help you study if you like. Maybe working with you will help me get prepared for when I go to college."

"That'd be great! Thanks!"

"I want to take the most advantage of the opportunities I have to be the best I can be. To tell the truth, High School isn't really challenging me right now. I'm curious to see what college-level material is like."

"Right. Damn, girl, you're unbelievable. OK, you've got a deal. I never had a study-partner. This will probably help me keep my nose in my books a lot better. Well, gotta go." I held the door for her as she walked out to go to her car.

"Connie? Call me. I want us to be close friends, but my schedule is crazy. So give me a call and we'll get together, OK?"

She stopped and looked back at me. She broke into a big smile and said, "I'd like that. I need a friend — a real friend. Thanks! I'll call you later. Bye now!"

When she was ready to leave, Janice kissed everyone goodbye, lingering the longest on Bambi.

"I hope you will decide to stay in town," she told her. "I'd really like to see you again. Last night was great. You are really wonderful."

To me she said, "I'm going to tell Shirlene that she better watch out. She's going to have some serious competition as an adult film star. I won't tell her this, but I liked your version of the film way better."

After seeing Janice to the door, I went back downstairs. I remembered that I might owe Jolene an apology. She was sitting between Bud and Bambi and looked happier than anyone had a right to be.

"Jolene," I said, getting right to the point, "I hope you weren't upset when you woke up this morning and I wasn't there. You looked so peaceful that I couldn't bear to wake you up and drag you away."

"Oh, no! It's OK. At first I was just so happy and excited to wake up with Bud right there that I didn't even think about being alone with him. It wasn't until later, after I realized that you hadn't just gone in the bathroom for a while that I started to get nervous. Then we just got up and came downstairs with everyone else and I was fine. It really helps to have a lot of friends in the house. I feel like there is always someone right close by, so I'm much more comfortable. I think I'm really making progress. Bambi was just volunteering to chaperone us so we could be together more. Isn't that wonderful?"

I grinned from ear to ear to hear this news. It was all I could do not to laugh. My opinion of Jolene went up several points. She was easy to underestimate, because she was just so darling and childlike, but she was an intelligent young woman who had managed to get herself into a win-win-win situation in the Reynolds' house. She wanted Bud. Bud wanted her. I wanted her. I wanted her to get together with Bud. Bambi thought she was too adorable for words and wanted them to be together. Now Bambi was going to get to chaperone them when I wasn't available, which was a win for her and one for me as well, since it meant I could hand the job off to Bambi when I had to go to practice or training, or to work with my faithful and gorgeous red-headed assistant ass-kicker and chauffeur. (Raspberry from the peanut gallery at that one.)

The topper was that she knew who Bambi was, but she was keeping it to herself and using it to her advantage. On the face of it, this sounded like rank manipulation, but her goal was to endear herself to her potential mother-in-law, so she would hardly put herself in a position to be seen betraying a trust. No one who looked at that innocent and open face would ever think that Jolene could be capable of dissimulation or harboring an agenda.

"Does she remind you of anyone we know?" Neeka asked via brainwave.

"Of course, she reminds me of me. That's what impresses me so much. You remember she said I was her role model. You thought that was funny, but she's doing it. She's playing this perfectly. If there is a bad outcome on the horizon, I can't see it. If it were me, I would probably be taking a risk somewhere that might come back and bite me later."

"That's because you're an adrenalin-junkie. You like danger."

"You know me too well. But you're one too."

"I learned it from The Master. Do you still want to go to the park this afternoon?"

"Yes. It's a long-shot, but it's worth doing. The park is the center of activity. All the abductions happened in or near there. It's a good bet that all the victims who weren't taken in the park had been there shortly before. It may be where the kidnapper picks his prey."

All this took only a few seconds at the speed of thought. I was still smiling at Jolene's announcement and thinking of some way to congratulate her without tipping her hand.

"Yes, it's wonderful. She can probably do a better job of coaching you than I can, too. She has more experience and I can say with complete honesty that she has taught me a lot about lovemaking. You're a very lucky girl, Jolene." There, I did it. Jolene would understand, but the comment would go right under everyone else's radar.

Almost everyone. Bambi was looking at me funny, as if she suspected something. I just continued to smile, trying to mimic Jolene's natural innocence.

She stayed as long as she dared, but eventually Jolene had to go home, too. Bambi and Bud and I saw her to the front door and it was hugs and kisses all around before she opened the door and stepped out into the morning sun.

We had all got so used to it over the last several hours that it wasn't until I was closing the door behind her that an alarm bell went off in the back of my head. I pulled the door open again and stuck my head out to watch Jolene's cute behind as she skipped down the front steps to where she had parked her bicycle. Her cute naked behind.

"Jolene!" I called. She turned to see what I wanted. "Forget something?"

"I don't think so," she said. "I didn't bring anything..." She looked down at herself by reflex and it registered on her that skin might not be appropriate for her bike ride home. She blushed and looked around toward the street to see if anyone might have seen her. I stepped down to join her in case she became upset. It was a thin rationalization and I knew it. I just didn't want her to have all the fun.

The front yard was as beautifully landscaped as the rest of the lot, with lots of bushes and small trees to provide framing for the front of the house, as well as screening from the neighboring yards. However, since it was at the very end of the cul-de-sac and on a slight rise, our house had a view straight down the street for over a block and a half before some older trees and the lay of the land obscured it. I could see a few people out for walks and one man a few doors down was on his hands and knees working in a flower bed. The only one who was facing in our direction was a man out walking his dog at the end of our street. He was a little under 200 yards away and approaching at a slow walk. He looked like he might be coming all the way to the end and before looping back the way he came. He had on a brightly-colored Hawaiian shirt, a pair of cutoff jeans shorts and leather sandals. He was in his mid-thirties and had short blonde hair. The dog was a greyhound or a whippet. When it stopped to salute a fireplug, I could tell that it was a male.

As I continued to pick out more details about the man — he had a pair of sunglasses in his shirt pocket — Jolene tried to follow my gaze.

"What are you looking at?"

"The man with the dog."

"Where? Oh, I see him. Way down there on the left. What about him?"

"What color hair does he have?"

"I dunno. It's too far to see."

"What kind of shoes is he wearing?"

"I can't tell. Why? He can't possibly see how we're dressed from way out there, not unless he's got telescopic vision or something."

"Yeah. Telescopic vision." The man wasn't wearing any rings and I could see a palm tree logo embroidered over the breast pocket of his shirt. It looked like Bud hadn't been kidding after all. It was my eyes, not his, that were different. I could see things much further away and with greater clarity than I could before. It had happened so gradually that I hadn't noticed. Chalk up another enhanced ability.

"C'mon inside," I told her. "We'll find your nightshirt. I still don't believe you wore that all the way over here. You got balls, girl."

"Why thank you kindly! I think. I didn't let my folks get a good look at me when I left. It was fun riding along with the wind blowing up my shirt. I did get some looks from a few people. One guy pulled up next to me while I waited for a light and just stared and stared. I pretended not to notice him. When he drove off I found that my shirt had ridden up on my hips all the way to my waist."

"You enjoyed that."

"I surely did. It made me so hot that I could hardly ride my bike the rest of the way. I kept sliding around on the seat."

What could I say to her, 'don't'? 'Be careful'? I probably would have given the guy even more of a show. I had no moral authority here. What could I say?

"Good for you! Don't get caught." It sounded dumb, but it was the best I could do.

"Right. Thanks."

Neeka and Bambi had already found the missing nightshirt. It had been mixed in with the rest of the dirty laundry that wouldn't be washed until later.

"I found you something else to wear, honey." Bambi said. She gave Jolene a short Roman-style tunic with a simulated rope belt and helped her into it. It looked darling on her. The hem was almost as high on her thighs as the nightshirt had been, and it had side slits that would show her legs all the way to her hips when she was on the bike. The bodice draped lower on her than it was designed to, revealing a good bit of cleavage. It looked like a cross between a party costume and a designer dress. The label was a well-known New York fashion house.

Same as Sam
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Surviving Dawn part 4

As I readied for bed I heard muffled moans coming from one of the bedrooms. The moonlight streamed in through the window, and lit up Lilly's face and body. Her bikini top was pushed to the sides and she only had one leg in her shorts. Her right hand fingered her pale pink pussy and her left hand played with her tits when she wasn't trying to muffle her cries with it. She gently pulled on her nipples as she circled her clit with two fingers gently pulling on it occasionally. A she started...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 27 More of the Saturday Party A Phone Call

Alice pulled Heather with her as she went to Owen. Dave wondered if there was safety in numbers. He felt certain that Alice wanted to make love with Owen but knew she was worried about her own fortitude to resist his attraction to a deeper and dangerous relationship – dangerous to her marriage, in any case. Maybe Heather was part of her ploy to keep things a little lighter. Dave watched some other combinations of the guests match up. Pam and Dev were locked together in some smoking hot...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Bailey Brooke Kristen Scott Revenge Of The Nerd

As captain of the cheerleading squad, Bailey Brooke should be exempt from taking exams. School’s a waste of time for hot girls like Bailey who can get by on their good looks alone. At least she can call nerdy girl Kristen Scott to help her study. Kristen agrees to tutor her after cheerleading practice, but she reflects bitterly on the fact that Bailey and her uppity bitches never call her until exam time. She plans on exacting revenge for not inviting her to parties. She’ll help...

4 years ago
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Life on Eden Trails Part II

As great as it was to break in an eighteen year old vivacious teenage virgin, it was more exciting to have a shot at her thirty-something mother. Betty Tomkins was the type of lady that would turn any man’s eye. Standing about 5 foot four and having a model-like hard body, Betty always dressed in style, whether it was designer sweats or a work outfit. Betty knew what guys liked to see. Her most attractive feature, besides her bubble butt, and long blonde hair, was her engaging smile. Usually,...

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Rajnis Gangbang

I have been married to my wife rajni for 7 years. She is a very attractive woman with leg legs and small firm breasts. We have 2 c***dren and in general we are just an average couple but at times we do like to spice things up.We were out in a pub getting her drunk enough to go to our favourite spot where she would let me screw her in the car while people watched from outside. It was several weeks since she had met one of her "colleagues" for sex and she'd got bored with our usual sexual routine...

2 years ago
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Party Time

“Do you still want me to drive you,” I called to my seventeen year old daughter and her girlfriend who were upstairs getting dressed for a party. ‘We’ll be right down, daddy,” was her response. I sat down in front of the television and several minutes later my little girl, Sara, came down the stairs followed by her friend Rose. Sara and Rose have been friends since kindergarten. Now that they’re in high school, their friendship has never been closer. There’s always been a special place in my...

3 years ago
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Haileys Capture

Capturing girls is more difficult for me since I am a woman. Getting a young girl to admit she is lesbian or bisexual is nearly impossible with all the bullshit stigmas society puts on those orientations. So I have to take a different approach. I have to play the part of the cool older woman that wants to enable the younger girls to have fun and party. The easiest way I?ve found to do this is to make friends with young girls and offer to buy them alcohol, cigarettes, or get them something they...

1 year ago
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The Next Three Days Next Door 8211 Part 2

Continued….. It was an eventful night, completely exhausted we slept in each other’s arms, my dick in her hand and my hand on her silky pink pussy and this is how we always slept, of course whenever we were alone. I guess it was 12 by the time we slept and around 8 in the morning I was woken by a kiss on my lips. What would you like for breakfast? She asked. She knew I was very fond of eating and food she cooked was yummilicious. With a smile on my lips and looking into her eyes I replied, ‘you...

3 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 26 Plans for the Aerospace Industry

Since I now had my foot in the door with both MD and Northrop, I needed to show them what I could do. Northrop is the biggest challenge simply because of how few and what projects they have on the go. They recently stopped selling the F-5 light fighter. The YF-23 ends up a failure. That only left the F-18, and there is no need to upgrade it yet. That left me trying to convince them to reopen the F-5 project. It isn’t something they want to do since they just finished failing in their...

2 years ago
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Patchouli oil, I kept smelling Patchouli oil. It was distracting the crap out of me. I had to find her. I got up from the desk and started wandering through the stacks. She was elusive, but I was still in heaven. I love the smell of an old library, and Boston’s is very old. Sensual. I know, sounds silly, but there are two things that arouse me: a sexy woman and a library. Call me a nerd, I deserve it. But when I’m in a library I’m always damp. So I’m in libraries a lot!It only took a few...

2 years ago
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Their playthings Chapter 1

"Hey, the bag's gone again?" Lynn said. Holly ignored her. Lynn raised her eyebrows and watched as Holly numbly rose from her seat, put the water-pen in her pocket and walked out the back door. Lynn and they followed Holly, and then they saw Holly turn the corner and go to the men's toilet. Holly hesitated, but she had her homework and food in her bag, so she had to take everything out. She tried to resist, but the school gave her a serious demerit, and if she did so again, she would be...

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Their actions had been made known to the Abbot himself and after seeing a photograph taken by someone they thought was a friend and not someone driven by such jealously that now they found themselves with no choice but to present themselves at the monastery of Repentance . They were very nervous,but deep down they were not sorry ,it was the best sex they had ever had.Their brief excursion into public sex was a huge thrill for them both and now as they walked up the long,winding walkway that led...

2 years ago
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Watchman Breaks My Virgin Asshole

Hi there reader, let’s just call me bubble for now. My email is of you want to send me any feedback. The story takes place a few days after I turned 18, I never had any girlfriends growing up so I had never experienced the touch of a woman. Being an only child I was always lonely and quite chubby with an ass that would make any women jealous and I knew it because of all the bullies I had faced growing up, no one, however, had tried to fuck me though so it was fine. Until our new watchman was...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration 2Chapter 2

The sexual enlightenment of a mother, son and tutor Part-2 Aron and Daniel, Ellie and Daniel 02.12 Aron and Daniel, Sexual Guidance: 02.13 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, Deepthroat: 02.14 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, The Mating: 02.15 Ellie, Daniel, A Programmed Encounter: 02.16 Ellie, Daniel, oil massage, Masturbation: 02.17 Daniel, Ellie, Oral Orgasm: 02.18 Ellie, Daniel, The Mating: 02.12 Aron, Daniel, Sexual Guidance: Aron had prepared the room while Daniel slept. The harness was...

1 year ago
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Private Jolee Love Interracial Threesome With DP

Jolee Love returns to today in Private Gold, British Sexy Weekend, armed with her big tits, sexy ass and ready to have an interracial threesome with her partner Dante White and the black stallion Mr. Longwood. Jolee and her man get started on the couch waiting Mr. Longwood and as soon as he arrives Jolee is on her knees getting a mouthful of cocks as she warms up for the main event… a hard DP pounding that has this gorgeous star moaning with pleasure as she takes it deep...

2 years ago
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Constant in All Other Things Chapter 05

Constant in All Other Things Chapter Five by Fakeminsk Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent -Much Ado About Nothing K eyed me curiously. "Is there a problem, Mr Sanders?" My aim never wavered. "You tell me, K." She stood framed in the light from the bathroom, dressed in functional grey cotton...

2 years ago
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Nikki part 19

"Three cheers for the college girls!" Charlotte announces. "Hip hip-" "Hooray!" the modest number of partygoers cheer. "Hip hip-" Charlotte repeats. "Hooray!" the partygoers again reply. "Hip hip-" Charlotte yells at the top of her voice. "Hooray!" the party goers again cheer as Sarah, Katie and Lauren stand at the front of the room, their cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Oh my god, thank you all so much," Sarah laughs as I look on with pride, clutching a glass of...

2 years ago
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Mia Chapter 4 Boys Night

Chapter 4 – Boys’ Night Dear Frankie, I know, I know – I’ve been so busy. The work load is nothing like back home. Here, there’s a bloody class test every couple of weeks and few surprise ones thrown in there too for good measure. Also, if I hear the words finals and turn paper again I may have to kill someone. As for that I can’t actually complain. Not too many changes in the social scene. Patrice has been using some of that Quebecer charm on the ladies here in Boston. I’ve been joking...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed TeenagersChapter 7

Ed told the sex-exhausted trio to take a few minutes rest while he checked the lighting equipment and reloaded the camera. He was feeling smug and self-confident about the way things were going, and he needed time to plan his next move. There was a danger, of course, that he could push the two girls and Jimmy too far, but he really didn't think so. They were trapped now, in much too deep to balk at any instructions he might give them. If there were any danger, the static would come from...

2 years ago
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Ditz the Babysitter

In a sudden delusion caused by two simultaneous synapses crossing each other, I thought, "Gee, wouldn't it be keen to tell the story of how I, Harvey Marcus, got started with all of this screwing around. I mean, it didn't just happen out of nothing. Everything has a cause, a spark, an ignition. So, here's my first Official Retrospective. Appropriately, it is my Origin Episode, how I involuntarily got sucked into a campaign of accidental sex with all of the world's eighteen-year and older...

3 years ago
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Taking Out the Trash

Taking Out the Trash By Rosie Sarah took a big gulp from the pint her mother had placed before her. For a minute, she felt that the feel of the beer flowing down her throat had cooled her anger but after a while, it fueled it to even higher levels. She was determined, more than ever before, to go through with the plan she had devised for her husband, when he came back. "If he comes back, you mean," her mother interjected. "When he comes back," Sarah repeated with an eerie calmness...

1 year ago
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Open Letters To My Underwear

I like buying underwear, especially panties, or knickers as we call them over here. I don't know why, but I've always disliked the word 'panties' in my mind it sounds dirty. Knickers sounds so much nicer, more innocent and cutsey. Maybe it's because the word panties isn't widely used in New Zealand? Below are open letters to my underwear, thanking them for their good service. I have lots of pairs of underwear so I won't do them all, but I will group them.Dear G-strings- I admit at first I hated...

3 years ago
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Totally Helpless

It all started about 10 years ago. One Friday night I was in a bar in the city where I live, when I noticed that the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen was looking at me across the room. I could hardly believe it, but before I knew it she walked over and started talking to me. I was still thinking "What's wrong with this picture?" when she suggested we go to a nearby hotel.Once we got to the room, she offered to get me a drink from the mini bar. Suspecting nothing, I drank the whiskey and asked...

2 years ago
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Rebuilding Harry Ch 01

Harry didn’t like to be called Harold, and he knew his wife knew that, so he figured something was afoot when Patricia no longer referred to him as anything but Harold. They weren’t youngsters any more, and he had begun to worry that this was about to turn into the sort of marriage that his parents had — one of annoyed tolerance that lasted until death did them part. He was still crazy about Trish, and in its own way, it made sense that he would still be crazy about her while she was beginning...

3 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 22

Shana was blindfolded and tied to the bed. Her body was dripping sweat from the torment we had given her. She was to the point of whimpering and wanting to be filled, but that was not to be the case. Denial was the king of her desire and we were determined that she would remember this night. Everything pointed to her ovulating, which only heightened her desires all the more. I added to her torment by loudly talking to Jana and Lana, leaning next her and having them describe what I was doing...

3 years ago
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Home Alone

“Will you tell me what you do to masturbate?”  There it was: my opportunity to share some of my most private, intimate thoughts and feelings with someone else, for the express purpose of giving them pleasure.  I had read the stories, I had had some excellent chats with some amazing people and I had even had some amazing phone calls with a sexy guy from down south.  I had posted some pictures of myself that made me wet just to look at them and know that other people could see them too.  I...

3 years ago
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Graduation My Slutty Senior Nandini 8211 Part 1

Hello Everyone. This is Arshaan, back after a long time. I’ve been quite busy with work post-covid and have a lot of adventures for you guys and girls. Stay tuned, as I’ll be posting many stories this year. Let’s jump into where we left off last time without further ado. This is a spin-off from ‘Nandhini, My Slutty College Senior.’ Finally, the day of graduation came for my sexy senior slut. It was the last day that I’d be able to meet her post which the holidays were planned. I picked her up...

3 years ago
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Irene and I

It was a cool summers evening, unusual for this place which was usually drenched by the torrential rain or permanently cloudy. Irene walked along the road, her dress billowing as she walked not daring to disguise her lack of underwear and the dress framing her curves to perfection.She was enjoying the views as she walked and suddenly her heel stuck in a small rut and she fell into a dry ditch. It was at that moment a car came along, it was an open topped sports convertible driven by a man who...

4 years ago
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I've known Susan for three years. Our relationship is mainly online or phone, with very occasional meetings. She always cums just once. Well, not always….A text arrived. I am alone but only for twenty minutes.I replied. I will call you back. You will need your rabbit. You are not allowed to touch yourself.S answered on the first ring. I could hear she was breathing quickly. She was already excited. "Skirt or trousers?" I asked."A skirt today," she replied."Spread your legs wide slut," I...

2 years ago
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Teasing Niece Teasing SisterChapter 3

All week long Crystal thought about Uncle Bob, and payday, and her idea for what to do to "get" Uncle Bob to give her her paycheck. The next week, the night before payday, Crystal paid her brother another visit. This time she got there before he turned out his reading light. He looked up from the thriller he was reading as she slipped into his room. "Boy am I glad to see YOU!" he whispered. "Why thank you sir" she dimpled. "I have another request tonight." "OK" he agreed,...

1 year ago
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The night I got a couple

This all started when I met a guy named Devin online. I knew instantly that I would be sexually attracted to him . We made plans for me and my husband and him and his wife to get together at a bar and have some drinks. So we met them not knowing what to expect. I drank just a bit more then what I shouldve and got totally drunk . I invited them back to my house for some more drinks knowing that I didn't need anymore but anything to get this man . We all went back to my house and had a couple...

2 years ago
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Boob Man

In the small town of Sharpton there is a superhero many women didn't ask for, but every man needed, and his name ... is Boob Man One day he just showed up out of nowhere and "helped" random female citizens. Ever since that day he kept "helping" female citizens of Sharpton on the daily basis. Here is an example of a typical day in Sharpton. In the local McDonald's there is a young lady named Abby eating a good amount of McDonald food with her boyfriend Jake. "You were supposed to be on diet or...

2 years ago
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Ambushed Part 1

By the fall of 1976 Elizette and I had been deeply involved for over a year. A petite Brazilian, she had jet black hair the length of her back, flawless bronze skin, large, dark brown eyes, and a lissome, graceful body. At twenty, she was almost insatiably sexual. We would have sex five or six times a week, sometimes three times a day. Everything from long languid afternoons of massage and foreplay to quickies in public places. Once at a baseball game she sat on my lap in a tactically parted...

1 year ago
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A hot start

This story is completely fictionals! It was 6 months since I had started working for a guy who owned some sun bed shops, I had wanted promotion and worked hard, I was given my own shop and it was doing well. Our boss was having a BBQ at his house for all employees to say thank you for a good year. We were allowed to take along our partners, husbands etc. The party was going well but my boyfriend, Tony and I had argued before we left his flat and I wasn’t feeling too sociable, the boss caught me...


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