Sailors in Silk Chapter 12B
- 3 years ago
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Back at MPG headquarters General Jackson now had a pretty clear idea of the forces that had so far landed on the planet. Reports had come in from all of the special forces teams that had been deployed which allowed him to update the maps with solid intelligence figures. As far as he knew, none of the special forces teams had been detected by the enemy. None had been engaged anyway.
Jackson directed his computer to initiate a conference with Laura Whiting, who was in her own office four kilometers away. The link up took less than thirty seconds to accomplish. If anything, Laura looked even more fatigued than Jackson himself.
"What do we have, Kevin?" she asked him, stifling a yawn.
"Reports are in from the recon elements at all sites," he told her. "We have approximately twenty thousand enemy troops landed, approximately one thousand of them deployed. Battalion strength at each of the landing zones, making a perimeter and digging in according to standard doctrine. No heavy weapons, armor, or hovers have been spotted as of yet. My guess is that those will come down in the second wave."
"So they're vulnerable right now?" she asked.
"I plan to make them vulnerable every second they're on our planet," he answered. "But yes, they are about as defenseless as they'll ever get right now. If we had a couple of battalions of tanks out there we could destroy their beachheads in less than an hour."
"But we don't," she said.
"No," he said with a sigh. "We don't. That's why they land all the way out there after all. Anyway, we do have platoon strength special forces teams at each LZ and more on the way. Mortar teams have just deployed from each of the cities. They should be on the ground within the hour and able to make attacks thirty minutes after that. They will be utilizing shoot and scoot methods. They'll lob some shells into the Earthling perimeter and then pack up and deploy somewhere else and do it again. Before that happens though I expect some of our fire teams out there will start getting on the scoreboard. The Earthlings will be sending out patrols soon."
"It sounds like you have things well in hand," she said. "Why don't you try to get a little sleep? You look like shit and you'll need to be refreshed when the rest of the troops come down."
"I'll catch a few after the first attacks are carried out," he told her. "I don't think I'll be able to turn my mind off until I know that things are working out there." He smiled a little. "I would suggest that you catch a few hours though. You look like someone who's had a few too many cups of coffee."
"I'll make you a deal," she told him. "I'll sleep when you sleep."
He laughed. "Deal," he told her. "I'll keep you updated as things start to happen here."
It was now three and a half hours since the landing ship had come down. Lieutenant Callahan was standing atop of his hill and surveying the work that his platoon had accomplished. All along the top of the hills around them, trenches had been dug to a depth of 1.5 meters. The rocky soil that had been extracted from these holes had been placed into sandbags that now lined the front of each position. The material of each sandbag was reinforced with Kevlar material, which, thought not impervious to high velocity rounds, would, when coupled with the dirt inside and the other layer of Kevlar on the back, prevent them from penetrating through into the hole. They would also stand up quite well to mortar fire in the unlikely event that the greenies managed to throw some at them. Mounted between two sets of the sandbags in each position was one of the squad automatic weapons. Other firing ports for the smaller M-24s had also been constructed. The positions were by the book and very formidable. By staying within them Callahan's single platoon could find off an entire company of greenies provided that they didn't have tank or hover support.
"Not bad, guys," he told his men on the command channel. "This almost looks like a fighting position."
"Yeah," said Stinson, who was manning one of the SAWs, "and I used up a quarter of my fuckin air supply digging it. Talk about a waste of oxygen."
"Well, it's true that we probably won't get much use out of them," Callahan said with feigned sympathy. "But they sure do look pretty. Has anyone taken a picture of them yet? You can impress your grandkids later on. Show them the holes you got to dig on Mars."
There were some dutiful chuckles at his words, but not many.
"What now?" asked Sergeant Mallory, who was sitting on an ammunition box and cradling his rifle.
"I'm real glad you asked that," Callahan said. "Real glad indeed."
A chorus of groans met his words. The men hated it when he talked like that. Experience had taught them that something unpleasant would soon follow.
"Now, let's not get our panties in a bunch, gentlemen," he said, leaning against one of the sandbag walls and looking at his men. "Its not all that bad, we just have to follow doctrine to the letter. Mallory, I need you to take three men and make a patrol of the area."
"Ahhh man," Mallory said. "We gotta go walkin around out on this abortion of a planet?"
"Yeah, LT," Stinson put in. "Can't we just not do it and say we did? There ain't nothing out there but a bunch of fuckin rocks and this goddamned dust."
"That ain't no shit, LT," another of the men put in. "I think we've seen all there is to see right here."
"And you are undoubtedly correct, my good men," Callahan told them, "but doctrine is doctrine. Think of it as training for if we ever have to fight a real war."
The sound of thirty-eight sighs came over the radio set.
"All right," Mallory said, standing up and hefting his weapon. "You heard the lieutenant. Zimmerman, Spanky, Trower, you just volunteered. Grab your weapons and lets get to it."
The three men who had been chosen slowly rose to their feet and grabbed their own weapons.
"Take them out at least two klicks to the north," Callahan said. "You don't have to pretend we're securing a position in Salta or anything, but do at least check around all the hills out there. Its theoretically possible that the greenies made a lucky guess and landed a few recon elements out here before we came down."
"How the hell could they have done that?"
"Lucky guess, like I said. After all, our fearless leader up on the command ship told them what cities we were going to be landing at. They might've put people out at the likely places."
"You don't really believe that do you, LT?" Mallory asked.
"No, of course not, but it is within the realm of possibility, isn't it? So go out there and put our minds at ease. It shouldn't take more than hour, right?"
"I guess not," he sighed, climbing out of the trench. "All right, boys. Lock and load and lets go look at some more rocks and hills. Spanky, you take the point."
"Right," Spanky said. "I'm on the point."
"Let's switch down to sub tach channel Charlie."
They all switched their radio frequencies so that their chatter during the patrol would not bleed onto the main tactical channel.
"Be back in an hour," Mallory told Callahan on the main channel. "How about having some hot food for us?"
"You got it," Callahan said with a grin. "I'll throw a couple of beers on ice too."
"You do that," he said and then turned towards his patrol mates. "Okay, lets get this shit over with. Spanky, lead us off. Check the hills as we go."
They all climbed out of the trench and began to make their way down to the bottom of the hill on the north side. Before they even made it ten steps Zimmerman overbalanced and went tumbling all the way down.
"Shit," Callahan said, shaking his head slowly. "I hope those fuckin greenies give it up soon before we all break our goddamn legs."
Lon and his squad had moved 700 meters closer to the WestHem positions on the north side of the landing zone. They were now spread out in three groups, all of them peering between boulders on the tops of a series of small hills. They were lying on their bellies, their weapons cradled next to them, their goggles set on medium magnification. All had plainly seen the four men climbing off the hill and starting down.
"And here comes a patrol," Lon said quietly, his words broadcast at ultra low power to the rest of the team.
"Did you see that dumbshit fall off the hill?" Horishito asked from the next hill over. "Christ. They can't even walk out here. How the hell do they expect to fight?"
"They're marines, remember?" Matza said, his finger playing over the firing button of his SAW. "They don't have to be able to walk. They can kick ass buried up to their necks in sand. At least that's what they always say."
"All right, guys," Lon said. "Let's keep the chatter to a minimum, shall we? No sense giving ourselves away with leaking radio waves."
Everyone kept quiet, watching as the four men, now safely on the bottom of their hill, formed up in a diamond formation and began to move clumsily forward. They disappeared momentarily behind one of the other hills and then emerged a few minutes later on the other side of it.
"How far out will they go, sarge?" Lisa asked.
"At least two klicks," he responded. "If they follow doctrine that is. We should wait until they're out about as far as they're going to go before we hit them."
"Shadow them?" asked Horishito.
"Yes," he responded. "Three at a time. The rest of the squad will leapfrog around out of sight and set up. Hoary, you and your team will be the first trackers."
"You got it," he said.
"You should be virtually invisible to them at more than three hundred meters as long as you don't silhouette yourselves. Stay low and keep your distance. Just like we've trained."
"Right, sarge," he said. "We're on the motherfucker."
The marine patrol began to angle slightly off to the right. They walked awkwardly and every few minutes one of them would trip and fall down. They would walk up to each hill, make a turn around the base, and then move on to the next one. They kept their weapons slung around their shoulders as they did this. As they came to within half a kilometer of where the special forces team lie on the hill, Horishito, Gavin, and Salinas began to inch backwards, back down to the bottom of their own hill. Once on the ground they began to trot to the east, keeping low, moving from one piece of cover to the next. They stopped behind boulders, at the base of hills, leapfrogging each other one by one until they had moved around to the other side of the advancing marine patrol, which, by this point, had moved out of the view of Lon and the rest of them.
"We got them, sarge," said Horishito's voice. "They're moving northeast around the base of hill 171 right now. They've slowed their pace down a bit. I think they're checking their maps."
"Yes," said Lon thoughtfully, "I guess that makes sense. They'll be running on inertial navigation."
"Wouldn't that be a shame if they got lost out here?" asked Matza.
"A damn shame," Lon agreed. "Come on. Let's displace. We'll hook north around hill 222 there. That should give us defilade from our friends. We'll re-deploy on hills 123 and 201. Everyone clear?"
No one answered, which meant that everyone was clear.
"Okay, let's do it."
Sergeant Mallory was not having a good time. His right ankle was throbbing from the twist he'd given it a few minutes ago and he was nursing a thirst that the water from his supply reservoir simply could not satisfy. His heart was pounding uncomfortably in his chest with the exertion of walking in the Martian soil. Christ, why hadn't they exercised more on the trip here? He had not been so out of shape in years, since before being accepted into the Marine Corps more than twelve years ago.
"Motherfuck," grunted Zimmerman as he stepped on a loose rock, which rolled out from beneath him. He tried to keep his balance and would have easily been able to do so had he been in standard gravity but here, with the unfamiliar pull and the awkward suit he was in, he went down. It did not look like a fall on Earth however. It was a slow tumble, looking almost like it was being viewed in slow motion. He landed on his chest, bounced once, and then came to a rest.
"You all right, Zim?" Mallory asked, adjusting his rifle on his shoulder.
"Yeah," he grunted sourly, starting the rolling motion that would get him back to his feet. After a moment he was able to get his knee beneath him and stand up. "Christ, sarge, haven't we gone far enough out yet?"
"Yeah," agreed Spanky. "Their ain't no fuckin greenies out here. Even they're not that dumb."
"Another half a klick or so," Mallory said. "We need to check that group of hills in front of us."
"Christ," Zimmerman swore, brushing dust from his faceplate. "We oughtta just give this fuckin place to the greenies. Who the hell else would want it?"
"Well, Agricorp seems to think it's a nice planet," Mallory said.
"And that's who's giving us our goddamned orders, right?" Spanky asked bitterly.
"Ours is not to question why," Mallory said. "Now lets move out and get this shit over with. Lead off, Spanky."
"Leading off," Spanky said, walking forward.
After a moment, the rest followed. Their eyes were kept on their feet instead of on the terrain around them. You fell down less that way.
"Here they come, right on schedule," Lon said, watching as the group of four emerged from around another of the hills. They were now well out of sight of the ship and the perimeter positions surrounding it. The patrol was almost two kilometers out from their sandbagged positions. Lon and his group were deployed atop three hills 700 meters directly in front of their avenue of advance.
"Still walkin dumb I see," Horishito said. "I bet we can take them right here."
"Undoubtedly," Lon agreed. "But let's let them close a bit more first. We go with ambush plan Alpha-Bravo seven. Everyone got that?"
No answer, which meant that everyone got it. Plan AB-7 was one of many ambush plans they'd practiced over the last few weeks. It was one that fit this particular situation perfectly in that it would not only eliminate the patrol, but also draw a larger group into the same trap.
"I'll assign targets when they come into optimum range," Lon said. "For now, just keep trained on them and keep down."
They waited, watching as the four men walked from hill to hill, circling around and then moving onto the next. They did not look up on the hills as they passed them. They stared downward.
Jesus, Lisa thought to herself as she kept the point man on the patrol covered with her targeting recticle. This is almost too easy.
It took the better part of ten minutes but finally the patrol passed to within 500 meters. They were in a lengthy gully now, open ground all around them, heading directly towards the hill where Lon, Lisa, Matza, and Jefferson were waiting.
"Okay," Lon said, "they're coming up to us. We'll take them down. The rest of you hold in place and mop up anyone if they get away from us. As soon as the shooting's over, we displace to hills 233, 422, and 397 respectively. We need to be off of these hills before they can bring some arty down on us. Everyone got it?"
Everyone got it.
Lon looked at Lisa. "Wong, you take the point man out. You'll shoot first on my command."
"Right, sarge," she said, hiding the nervousness that she felt. "I take the point man."
"I'll take the man right of point," he said next. "Matza, you give a burst to the man on the left of point and then shift fire to the area around the rear man. Wong, you hose down the area around him too, but remember, don't hit him. He has to be able to put out a broadcast or Alpha-Bravo seven is blown." He turned to Jefferson, the communications tech. "Jeffy, you tell me the instant that rear man broadcasts back to the rest of them."
"Right, sarge," he said, his radio set down on a rock, his weapon tucked against his side.
"Let's do it then," Lon said, aiming his rifle out over the open space. "Wong, are you on target?"
She adjusted the barrel of her weapon just a bit, laying the targeting recticle over the faceplate of the man on point. The range indicator told her that his head was 486 meters away. She increased her magnification until his head was practically the only thing in her view. She could see his face beneath the lightly tinted plate. He was a Caucasian and he had a short, neatly trimmed mustache. His mouth was hanging open as if he were breathing hard. He had no idea that he was taking the last breaths of his life. "I'm on target," she said.
"Fire," he told her.
Slowly, smoothly, without stopping to think about what she was doing, she pressed the firing button on her rifle. It kicked against her shoulder with a flash of red fire from the barrel and a sharp crack that sounded loud to her ears but that would be completely inaudible to anyone more than twenty meters away. Sound traveled very slowly and very inefficiently in the thin Martian atmosphere. The bullet that shot out of the barrel moved much more efficiently though. It was four millimeters in diameter and moved nearly ten times faster than the sound waves. There was little in the way of air friction to slow it down or push it off course. It traveled over that 486 meters in two tenths of a second and drilled into the point man's face shield less than two millimeters from where Lisa's targeting recticle was placed. It smashed through the Kevlar reinforced plastic of the shield like it was tissue paper, drilled into the man's face, through his brain, and out the back of his skull with enough velocity left over to punch a hole the size of a man's fist in the back of his helmet. Blood, skull fragments, pieces of brain matter, and chunks of helmet flew in a messy spray behind him. The blood boiled away into a misty red vapor the moment it hit the air. The point man never knew what hit him.
Even before he could fall down Lon and Matza fired too, sending their bullets out towards a lethal intersection with their targets.
It happened so fast that Mallory had a difficult time processing things. One second he was walking in the rear of the formation, putting one foot in front of the other, and the next, all three of his comrades were down. Spanky got it first, his head snapping back in a spray of gore and boiled blood. Zimmerman went a half second later, another headshot, another spray of red vapor, skull chunks, and mushy brain flying out through a large hole in his helmet. And then Trower was hit with a burst of machine gun fire right in the midsection, at least four rounds. They blew out the back of his biosuit, exploding two of the compartmentalized air chambers in the tank with a loud bang. Trower managed a grunt of surprise and then he fell forward in the curious slow motion style that was all the rage on the Martian surface.
"What the..." was all Mallory had time for before bullets were slamming into the ground all around him. They plinked off rocks and kicked up dust around his feet. They whizzed through the air as streaks in the infrared spectrum of his combat goggles. He was under fire! He was under fire and three of his men had already been hit!
Mallory was a veteran of ambush attacks by Argentine rebels. His brain reacted instantly once the message that he was under attack was processed. He threw himself to the ground. Only he didn't drop immediately as he did when he was on Earth in normal gravity. Instead, he seemed to float downward at an almost serene pace. When he hit the dirt, he bounced back up and then slowly landed back down again. Two bullets came plinking in less than a half meter from his head.
"Fuck me!" he barked, feeling the adrenaline start to flow now. There were greenies out there and they were shooting at him! He could see the muzzle flashes from their weapons now, coming from the hills about half a kilometer in front of him. Half a kilometer! They were putting down frighteningly accurate fire from half a klick away. God help him.
He began scrambling to get under cover, trying to crawl behind a large boulder a meter to his right. His movements were ungainly and did little more than kick up more dust for a moment. Finally he started to inch along, bullets still flying all around him. A rock near his right hand was hit and flipped nearly a meter into the air, chips of it exploding everywhere. Finally his hands were on the rock. He pulled himself around it, putting its bulk between him and the enemy, praying that it was large enough to provide cover.
Bullets began to slam into the rock now, throwing chips of it into the air to rain down upon him. Acting quickly, not stopping to wonder how he had been miraculously spared when the other three men had been potted as easily as pop-up targets on a shooting range, not knowing that he was doing exactly what his tormentors wished him to do, he switched his radio frequency to the main tactical channel, calling up his mapping display in the same instant.
"Callahan, this is Mallory. Emergency traffic!" he screamed.
Callahan came on the air immediately. "What is it, Mallory?" he asked, his voice calm.
"I'm taking fire!" he said. "I have a squad sized unit shooting at me from grid three-one-bravo. The hill marked two-three-four. I repeat. Hill two-three-four in grid three-one-bravo. The rest of the patrol is down. Requesting immediate arty support!"
"Confirm the rest of the squad is down?" Callahan asked, his voice kicking up a notch in excitement.
"That's affirm," Mallory said, wincing as another burst of fire came stitching into his rock. "I've got small arms fire coming from that location. I'm pinned down at grid three-one-charlie, half a klick south of the hill! Get some arty down on those fuckers!"
"He's broadcasting, sarge," Jefferson said. "No doubt about it. Encrypted 900 megahertz frequency from his bearing."
Lon nodded, squeezing off another two shots into the dirt around the rock where he was hiding. Beside him Matza blasted an extended burst with the SAW, the expended casings flying out behind him. "Wong, do you got a shot on him?" Lon asked. "He's under cover from my direction."
"Mine too," she said. "I can see part of his foot if you want me to put one there."
"No, no sense torturing the bastard. Hoary," he hailed to the Horishito on the adjoining hill. "You have a clean shot of him from over there?"
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BDSMLala Iveys curves can barely be contained in a tight white one piece. She wants you to watch as she does her daily workout, stretching out on a yoga mat and showing off her tight and bodacious ebony ass. She even lets our stud film her as she bends over for him. She gets oiled up, and then uses both hands to pleasure our studs flesh stick. She wraps her lips around his rod and then takes that white workout wear off. Then she bounces her delicious ass all over his dick for the interracial...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Moms affair with her Boss caught by me I thought Id do something special for my mom on Mothers Day, and surprise at her work with lunch from her favorite restaurant. She prefers to eat alone during that time so I knew she would enjoy the surprise from her son. But as I parked in the lot of her office, I coincidently saw my mother as she was leaving the building with her boss. Seeing them walking together to his car was a sight which would capture anyones attention, a petite,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I drive to the airport and wait for my beautiful cousin to arrive from California. After a long wait I see Stacy’s beautiful face and flowing black hair working thru the crowd. She gives me a big hug and kisses me in a way cousins don't normally do. After getting her bags, we head for the car and to my house in the country. I tell her how sorry I am about your husband’s philandering, and tell Stacy we’ll have a good time and do our best to forget him...
IncestHoney had been working at the Pussy Cat Club for Mr. Sarantos for a little over a year when one day, Honey and Charles were sitting down to breakfast. It was a fairly ordinary day; the weather was nice, Charles was getting ready for another day of work, and Honey would soon be headed to the club to start her shift.She had been able to keep her "second life" under wraps and Charles had no idea his wife was a stripper. The landscaping business had kept him pretty busy and even though work had...
Wife LoversI carried her out of the elevator and down the hall to her room with her skirt up around her waist and her legs wrapped around me. We had trouble sliding the card to get the door open but neither of us wanted to let go of the other. He still had her legs wrapped around me. Her skirt was up around her waist and her thong was just covering her tight skirt and she wiggled out of it as I pulled it down over her hips and off her legs. I lifted one beautiful leg at a time taking in her spectacular...
EroticI had been working out in the gym for the past hour and was ready to stop. As the treadmill slowed and came to a halt, I gratefully grabbed my water and finished it in a few swallows. I let my heart rate settle before moving over to the mats and began working through some exercises. I could feel the sweat cooling on my body and the delicious pull on my muscles as I performed my cool down ritual. Finally finished, I made my way to the changing rooms, stripped off my gym kit and changed into...
My name is bunny. I have three sisters and one brother. All got married except me. This is the story about one of my elder sister’s. We had a big house. When I was in 9th class, my elder sister is used to stay with her husband and one child in our house. Her son age is also same as mine. That was simmering so all of us used to sleep outside fro cool air. That was around 10pm. All of us went to bed and in deep sleep. Suddenly O woke up and went for bath room. I found that some was bathing in...
IncestLuke waited at the airport for almost an hour. He repeatedly called and texted his mom, Megan, to figure out his ride home. The red-eye flight was horrible. He couldn’t wait to get into his own bed. Frustrated, he called in Uber service. An hour later, around 8 am, he used his spare keys to get into the house.He entered to the homely silence that he remembered from his days before he left for college. He headed directly to his room. He passed by his mom’s room, witnessing a shocking...
Incest“Hello. Namaste,” he said, his voice was accented with the clipped precise consonants that were so familiar from my parents and their friends. “Welcome to Sundara. My name is Rajit. How can I be of assistance?” I could feel the cotton of my summer school dress brushing across my bare pussy and felt completely exposed, like I was standing on a mirrored floor. Here goes. “Namaste,” I smiled back at him. “Sorry, but now you’ve exhausted my entire Hindi vocabulary.” Voe-cabb-you-lair-ree. Oh my...
ExhibitionismI again thank Indian Sex Stories for publishing my story and giving me help to proceed forward with more perversenesses and more kinkiness. Mr. John before returning to his native land with Luni his would be wife did the following things:- 1. Gave promotion to all dad, uncle, brother and son as Assistant Manager. 2. Mom, niece, sister and daughter as personal assistance to their husband was recruited in the company with his special power. 3. Took with him son for three months training as...
IncestYour name is Lance Pines and you mom sends you, your sister Mabel, and your brother Dipper to Gravity Falls, Oregon. You arrive at your Gruncle Stan's home....which is also a tourist attraction? You and your sister share the attic and your brother has his own room. Which seems dumb, but you had no power choosing where to sleep. You and Mabel unpack, the attic has a mirror in it so you walk up to it and look at yourself, you have brown eyes, brown hair, high cheek bones, your pretty fit, and you...
The cafeteria reunited Franco Varizzi with Aurelia and Octavia, who was now free of her asthma. It also allowed her to demonstrate her gratitude, which she did with considerable enthusiasm, sitting eagerly next to him and planting kisses on his face. Evidently, the Latina was happy to belong to this tough Italian guard. The other concubines all winked at him, clearly understanding what was likely to happen. Giulio, meanwhile, constantly felt Marta's and Janine's fingers caressing his cock...
"You want me to do what?" Simon asked with a furrowed brow and Rhea folded her arms defensively across her bosom. "A tattoo. Remind you of who your girlfriend is, as you seem to have problems remembering," Rhea replied coldly and the three people in the crowded tattoo studio turned to look at an embarrassed Simon. "I know love, but a tattoo?" Simon whispered in a low voice. "Is it really necessary?" "Yes. I only want you to have a small one, just my name. Show me that you are...
Kat and myself were at home watching TV on a week night when the door bell rings looking at Kat I ask if someone was coming that she knew saying no I open the door to a couple a woman about 30yrs. maybe 5'7" thin but good in the right places the man 6' maybe 150lbs. but kind of nerdy looking. He ask does Kat live here and I showed them in they introduced themselves as Steve and Lori Jennies he was the sister-in-law of Helen Toms one of Kat's ladies. Kat and I ask them to set and they took a...
Her name was Alicia, and she was a true thing of beauty. She'd been hired at the company the week before me. Huge knockers, a tiny waist, and a high round ass - she was kind of a throw-back to the old pin-up days. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. For a brief time, we worked in the same department (data entry) and luckily for me, she felt a little bit of responsibility towards the new guy. To pay her back for her many workplace kindnesses (and because I thought she was really hot), I invited her...
It was summer and I was 17.I was on my way one Friday night to" the corner "as we called it .The place where our crowd hung out.Two guys I knew from another street stopped me.They said one of there buddies was turning 16 and still a virgin and they needed my help to get him layed.I said" what do you want from me". "Well you are the perfect girl for the job" they said.I wanted to know who he was .He was this skinny,long hair,goofey k**.He was a nice k**.After some begging and pleading I...
Cassie (Whitney Wright) is an intern looking to climb the ranks in the political world. When her employer, a Senator, requests for Cassie to babysit her rebellious daughter, Chloe (Gianna Dior), Cassie has no choice but to accept. The Senator has a gala to go to and she needs someone keeping Chloe under control while she’s out so that there’s no scandal. Although Cassie is annoyed to babysit, she’s determined to keep everything in order to please her employer. However, once...
xmoviesforyouhi - my name is franny and i am a pantyhose addict - been that way since puberty wearing my mothers clothes - but lately, i have really indulged myself with buying spree at macys - loading up on hosiery . shapewear . dresses and heels - can never seem to satsify my fantasy of transformation to a woman - what would really put me over would be to entertain horny men and it might go something like the following wishful thoughti like meeting others on line who have the same passion i do for...
“Oh how could he, how could he?” Sabby felt tears well up in her eyes and her temper rise as she watched her husband Rob's bare butt thrust forward again sending the dick that she had experienced so many, many times doing for her what it was doing now for the naked female lying on “their” bed. At thirty-two years of age Susanne Andrea Belvoysan, SAB or Sabby to her friends, felt that her husband's behaviour would cause her to die of a broken heart, but that was a silly thought, after all, she...
SupernaturalUpon graduating university in 2007 I found the job market was very bad. Being one of few girls with a degree in Geology, wherever I go it's a male dominated sausage factory. And being decently put together, slender, young and not having a penis proved to be an asset in my job search. I ended up taking a job which had me relocate to foreign lands. Middle Eastern countries are interesting but no fun, I look good in a head scarf! Living was very often in the company compound and I absolutely...
Britain Means Business Alex 2027 It wasn't often that the chief shareholders of Reuters-Fox UK ever chose to address the senior staff, but the celebration following the landslide General Election victory for the Conservatives was a special occasion. It clearly deserved the attendance of those whose wealth financed the loss-making news media empire and whose influence and opinions guided its editorial policies. Alex was probably the most junior of all the staff in attendance. Although his...
Lyndsey had been single for two years. She had never had much luck with men. She always fell for the wrong ones and ended up paying the price. Steven had recently split up from a long term relationship. Both were looking for something but not quite sure what. Then they found each other, and things got interesting. Lyndsey opened her mail on the dating site. She had just joined and saw a message from someone called Steven. In his picture he looked nice in fact, very nice. She read with interest...
I woke up from my nap with a big black cat staring at me. Ashley was dressed for the Halloween party wearing a black body suit. There was a small hole on the back where a long black tail slipped through attached to a butt plug. She even had cute little ears and whiskers and black thigh high boots. I suggested we just stay there and have our own party. I would just snack on pussy cat. Since I was naked I almost convinced her but she stood firm and said she really wanted to go and show off our...
ExhibitionismYou are waiting in the corridor outside the headmasters office,you have been sent to him for playing with your moble phone and how you was playing, when they did a smokers check of the toilets they found you, knickers down with your moble on vibrate inbetween your splayed legs and when the teacher said Suzie get to the heads office that familier tingle of exitement went through you because you had been there several times before and knew what to expect.So waiting in the corridor your 18 year...
The day I made the cheerleading squad was the happiest day of my life. I remembered driving to class when the phone call came. I was so shocked and excited that I almost drove into a cops car. I didn't think I was going to make the team. I'm only 5'4" and 117 pounds so naturally I thought I would get passed over. Unlike the other girls on the team, I wasn't a knockout or had huge pair of tits. I mean I could land any man. I had the physical assets to turn heads or get laid whenever I wanted....
Group SexMirage rose to fill his glass after he drained it then returned to her seat, crossing her legs uncomfortably. She wasn't used to being dressed like this in front of anyone but Lineal and Lynette and she was feeling a bit naked in front of Hunter. It might have helped if he wasn't looking at her the way he was, as if she were sitting here in that extreme state of undress. She drank more of her whiskey, clearing her throat. "Okay, anytime you want to start. I don't have all night...
This is a story about my wife mona and her new sexcapades. Let me first describe her to you, she is 28 yrs old, 5.2” 50 kg and has a nice figure of 32 28 34, she has a dusky complexion. During last few months she was very irritated with staying home and doing nothing, so I suggested to go out with friends and enjoy but thats not what she wanted to do, so I suggested to her to do some course which will help her and also pass her time. She jumped at the idea of going back to a college again and I...
The next morning ... Saturday I was just been having the best, and possibly strangest dream of my life. It was a sex dream, which is totally normal at my age. That’s good to know since I’ve had a LOT of sex dreams in my life. But this was the first time it involved my mother. In it, she showed me her vagina and let me finger her. Then she gave me my first hand job. It was the best orgasm of my life. I sprayed jizm everywhere, including on my mom’s face. It was incredibly weird, but not as...
I awoke from my sleep one morning, my heavy eyes still shut but my mind conscious to the feeling of a soft yet firm weight on my chest, I went to move my arms but realised they were restrained to the headrest of the bed with a cold metallic feel around my wrists. I opened my eyes with the very first thing to greet them being a lovely little gorgeous vagina. It took me less than a second to realise just what situation I'd awoken to...I was laying naked in middle of the big comfy king-sized bed,...
She hurried back to her "lair" for a continuation of her session. I decided to listen for a while....and did she ever get a yell producting orgasm. I had to lower the sound then, so I could sleep as I had to take care of the c***dren the next day.When I awakened, I looked out the window and saw that his car was still here. I turned the sound on and they were going at it again. Not long though, I heard his car driving away. I quickly slipped into her "welcoming nest" and slid into bed. She...
---------------------------------- "Mistress I am so weak it is hard to move, please mistress help me," came the pleading voice of Mary's Jinn, Inger. Mary was pretty weak herself as she looked into the almost begging eyes of Inger the exact same eyes that Mary had trained on her. Mary looked away as new tears began to fall from her eyes. "My god Inger I have been trying to save...
It was the evening of the dinner party, and Karen was doing her customary freak-out with these types of events. It was her behavior when stressed, consisting of her moods bouncing between a short-tempered, nervous anxiety to one of giddy playfulness. Fortunately, the caterers arrived, which gave her something to do other than worry about the upcoming frivolities. My only worry was that she was already hitting the sauce pretty hard, and was well into her second glass of wine. Anymore, and I was...
100% fiction! My cousin Tabby and I have a long history together. A very hot, passionate history together. It started when we were teenagers. We was 18 years old. She had always been beautiful. Watching her body develop was something I used to pleasure myself to regularly back then. One summer break her parents took us camping and to do some water skiing. Later that night, after her parents went to bed, I saw some movement behind her tent. Not knowing what it was I went to investigate. There...
IncestWinter had ended and spring was in full bloom on the Friday morning when Kevin O’Brien looked at the calendar in the kitchen of the apartment where he and his family lived in loving closeness. It was April 15, probably the hardest working day of the year for him, as managing partner at the local branch of the big CPA firm where he had worked since graduating from college. He also noted the following Friday, April 22, was Earth Day, and decided the day following that, since it would be Saturday,...
This happened with me 2 years ago when I was 18 and was just watching some porn movies. A new bhabhi came in our neighborhood. She was just enough sexy to be fucked . Since then I have lust on her. Her size was 32-38-34 which was just enough to make me mad about her occasionally I used to watch her. I started wishing her and slowly I started to talk frankly with her. It came as sudden surprise to me when one day suddenly she started talking to me about my girlfriends and all that stuff. Looking...
6. Farmed OutThe farm is dark and silent. The light I saw comes from a lamp atop a huge empty barn with a corrugated roof. The other buildings slump around me. Some are ancient, some more modern although those are shabbier. There is a thick, fertile smell of hay.The silence unnerves me, even as I stand panting in the courtyard.“Hello?” I call.This is ridiculous – I am calling like I don’t want to disturb anyone out of stupid middle-class politeness.“Hello! Help me, please!” It is not clear...
TransMy parents have really dirty sex frequently. However,one night when my father was overseas, I heard the doorbell ring as I lay in bed. I decided to go see who it was and I peeked out of my room. I was shocked as I saw my pretty mum clad in a sheer nightgown with black silk panties and a bra underneath. By the way, my mum has huge D-cups so they really protruded from the bra. She walked to the door and to my shock, let in two muscular men who I did not recognize and a large dog . I quickly...
LuLu’s wanton pussy.Lulu is a normal 30 year old Mum to two girls. A pretty woman with a shapely figure who lives an unassuming life working in a local hospital. To everyone who knew her she was a hard working mum bringing up her two daughters. The father to her c***dr@n had long been off the scene.Now, her nurse’s uniform hid two important features. Her gloriously large nipples and her rather special pussy. When Lulu gave birth, whilst painful, she found it to be the most exhilarating feeling...