My LifeChapter 2 free porn video

The next morning ... Saturday
I was just been having the best, and possibly strangest dream of my life. It was a sex dream, which is totally normal at my age. That’s good to know since I’ve had a LOT of sex dreams in my life. But this was the first time it involved my mother.
In it, she showed me her vagina and let me finger her. Then she gave me my first hand job. It was the best orgasm of my life. I sprayed jizm everywhere, including on my mom’s face. It was incredibly weird, but not as weird as I would’ve imagined it would be. It was comfortable, and almost calming. While it was very arousing and I came almost as soon as she started, it wasn’t some torrid nasty sort of porno where two people just walk up and start going at it. I was nervous and awkward, but she was motherly about it, loving. She wanted to help and do something nice for me. Not just make some guy blow his load.
I was waking up. Laying in bed, sort of awake, but with my eyes still shut, not really wanting to get up yet. The memory of that dream was still lingering, and I could tell that I was sporting some major morning wood. I was going to need to take care of that, but first I was going over what I needed to do today in my head ... It was Saturday morning, my dad was out of town, and my little sister, Lacy, was staying with a friend for the weekend, and it was just mom and I home ... This was all sounding very familiar. And then I felt movement next to me.
My eyes shot open. I was laying on my back, in bed. Only it wasn’t my bed, I could immediately tell that I was in my parent’s room. I looked to my left and saw my mom sitting up on the edge of the bed, with her back to me. She stood up and began to walk around the bed. Quickly I shut my eyes, feigning sleep, buying myself time while I gathered my thoughts. I heard her walk into the master bathroom and close the door.
It was all coming back to me now. I remember everything that happened, and I remember coming into her room and us talking about what we’d done. I remember her suggesting that she could continue giving me hand jobs. And then we went to sleep. It all really happened!
I heard her open the bathroom door. I figured that if she had decided that she regrets what happened then she would’ve said something when she first saw me in bed. So I decided to go ahead and open my eyes and see where the day takes me.
I didn’t want her to know that I had been pretending to still be asleep, so I did the whole ‘just waking up routine’, acting like the sound of the door had been what woke me up. I slowly stretched and opened my eyes.
“Well good morning”. She said. She was standing over me looking down and smiling.
“Morning mom”. My eyes were still a little fuzzy, as I squinted up at her.
“Did you sleep well”?
“Like a log”. I answered, as I removed the blanket and sat up a bit.
“Speaking of a log, there’s definitely some wood”. My mom said laughingly, as she looked down my body. I had forgotten my boner.
“Oh crap!” I snapped, as I yanked the blanket back over myself. “Sorry, I didn’t think about it”.
“What are you doing”? She asked, with a laugh.
“I ... Um ... I...”. It slowly dawned on me that I wasn’t really sure why I got embarrassed and covered up. “I dunno. I just didn’t mean to...”.
“I get it. Yesterday morning you would’ve done the same thing, and I would’ve completely understood, but today ... I thought you would be more relaxed around me.” She looked upset, and unsure.
“No, you’re right. It wasn’t you, I just got embarrassed. It’s just weird to not hide when I have a hard on.” I chuckled a little and gave her an ‘I’m sorry’ smile. “See, I’m not uncomfortable with you seeing me.” I pulled away the blanket and pushed my pyjama bottoms down to my knees. My dick sprang free and wobbled back and forth. I just stared at my morning erection for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. I slowly looked back up at my mother’s face. She was looking at my boner, then to my face. She smiled warmly.
“You didn’t have to do that, I wasn’t trying to pressure you into exposing yourself to me, that’s not what I want. I just thought that it was what YOU wanted. When you were getting into bed last night you were going to do it naked, and this morning you covered up, I guess I was just a little confused about what exactly you were comfortable with.”
“I’m fine, it was just a reaction. I’m ok with you seeing me naked.”
“Ok, good. Because I meant what I said last night about wanting to help you with these.” She reached out and gently wrapped her hand around my cock. My mouth opened involuntarily and let out a slight gasp. The feeling of someone else touching my penis was still strange and wonderful. “Want me to take care of him now?”
I didn’t look away from her hand and could only manage a slight nod. Even though I now completely remembered the events of last night, it still seemed surreal. She must’ve seen my nod out of the corner of her eye, because she started stroking me without asking again. She wasn’t using lotion or lube or anything, but her hands were smooth, and she was only lightly holding my dick. She was going very slowly, and with her loose grip, I knew I wouldn’t cum, but it still felt amazing.
She must’ve read my mind because without stopping or looking to see my facial expression, she answered my concerns. “I’ll need to make it slicker before I really get going” she said. “Now when a girl doesn’t have a moisturizer, like the lotion I used last night, she can just use her dry hand. Have you ever masturbated without the lotion?” She asked me.
“Ya” I answered without looking up.
“And does it feel as good doing it dry like that?”
“Exactly. But sometimes the girl giving the hand job may not have anything to use. In these cases it’s perfectly normal for her to use her spit.”
HER SPIT?! I thought to myself. “You mean she actually spits on my penis?”
“Yes” she laughed and smiled. “But it’s not so much as she spits on it, as she drips saliva on it ... watch.”
She learned down and forward a bit, positioning her face about 6 inches over the tip of my dick. You could see she was aiming, as she pursed her lips and let a long shiny string of saliva slide from her mouth and stretch down to the head. She drizzled her spit onto my cock for a couple seconds then cut it off. She stood up straight and released her grip on me to wipe her mouth.
“See, like that” She said. She then used both of her hands and slowly worked her saliva up and down my shaft, particularly working the head. “Then she slides it around, and onto the Palms of her hands” she instructed. “And then she can get to work on making you cum” she said with a little grin.
She gripped the bottom half of my dick with her left hand, and the top half with her right. She began her ‘butter-churning’ motion, up and down and in alternating rotating motions with each hand. The sensation caused me to take a deep breath.
I just watched her hands working my dick, it was a feeling that I could never accomplish myself, and the orgasm would just as impressive. I expanded my view of the situation, taking in everything that was happening. The visual aspect was equally as arousing, as the physical sensation.
My mother was in her early 30s and wasn’t very tall, maybe 5’3”. She had a slender build and decent curves that, as her son, I’d never noticed before. But now as I watched her standing at the side of the bed, leaning over my lap, steadily working her hands up and down my cock, I noticed her attractive features.
She was wearing a nightgown that was pretty much a long shirt, that only went down a little past her butt. I looked her up and down, starting with her legs. They were short, not those long legs that you always hear about. But they were smooth and nice looking, free from scars or veins that older women tend to have. Her butt was hidden under the gown, and I was only seeing it from the side, but it wasn’t flat or fat. My eyes moved up to her breasts. They were covered, but with her leaning forward combined the motion of her arms, I could make out the swaying and bouncing underneath the fabric. As a teenage boy, I loved boobs, so staring at a pair of them so intently (albeit under a shirt) along with the feeling of my mom working my morning wood for my first orgasm of the day, really put me over the top.
I scratched at the bed, unable to control myself. My mom looked over at me, for some indication that I was ready to cum. She caught me looking at her chest, but made no comment, she only asked “are you almost there?” I nodded my head rapidly, my body starting to squirm. She looked back at what she was doing, leaning into it a little more as she picked up the pace. And as I had done the night before, I just let it go. And just as it had happened the night before, I once again blew my load onto my mother. The first several shots hit her right in the face, causing her to squint her eyes shut to avoid getting the warm jizz in them. Other shots landed on her nightgown, arms, hair, and all over the bed and myself. As the streams of cum finished erupting form the tip of my dick, my mother gripped it tightly and pulled upward, squeezing out what remained, spilling it onto her already covered hands.
I couldn’t move. My mouth hung open. I must’ve looked like I was in pain, but I wasn’t. The exact opposite actually. The orgasms my mother had given me were the most intense and pleasurable experiences I had ever had.
My mom didn’t move either, she just stood there, both hands welded to my rod. She was still looking down at it, only her eyes were shut, her mouth pressed into a tight little grin. She must’ve been contemplating what to do next. Finally she released me. Her hands just sort of dangling over me, dripping. She grasped at the front of her gown, trying to find a dry spot to use. She settled on the bottom hem at her left side, the side closest to me. She pulled it up to her face wiping the goo from her eyes first.
This was my first glimpse of her boobs ... well NEAR glimpse, and it was only partial under-boob, but it was still hot. She cleaned her left eye enough to open it and looked at me, again catching me looking at her chest. I immediately looked away. She smiled, “so I take it that was good for you?” She asked.
“Ya, definitely!” My eyes widened and I nodded quickly, showing my enthusiasm.
“Well let’s get cleaned up.” She turned and walked towards the bathroom, wiping her hands off on the sides and back of her nightgown. “So Adam, have you seen breasts in person before?” She called from inside the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on.
“Um, no.” I replied. There was a moment of silence.
“Alright, well you need to get cleaned up anyways, come hop in the shower with me.”
My eyes widened. I sat up, pulled my pyjama bottoms completely off, and got off the bed. I walked to the bathroom carefully, trying to avoid dripping my cum all over. My patents bathroom had one of those showers with the glass door. It was already fogged up, so I could only see the shadowy figure of my mother.
“Adam are you in here?” She called out.
“Oh, ya I’m here.”
“Well get in silly.”
I did as I was told and opened the shower and got in. I kept my head down, and purposely closed my eyes, acting like it was to keep the water out. It wasn’t that I didn’t WANT to see her naked body, I actually really did. I just didn’t want to seem too eager, and she was still my mom, it felt disrespectful to look at her that way.
“Everything OK?” She asked.
“Ya I’m good.”
“Then open your eyes and look at me.” She scolded. I raised my head and opened my eyes, looking directly into hers, not letting them wander to other parts of her body. She had an annoyed look on her face. “Adam, if you don’t want to take a shower with me then just say so.”
“No! It’s not that. It’s just that it’s still a little weird. I’m not sure if I should look at you as my mother, or like one of those women in the magazines that turn me on.” I responded. Her face softened.
“Adam, you should still look at me as your mother, especially when I’m not helping you cum, or teaching you about sex. But when I am, I’m still your mother, even if you are getting aroused. If it makes you more comfortable, when we’re doing these things, just look at me as a woman. Like right now, look at my body.”
I looked down, taking her all in. Her breasts were perfect. Bigger than a handful, but not oversized. They hung like teardrops, with her Nipples pointed slightly upwards, and her under-boob cupping underneath. I moved down to her stomach, which was flat, leading to her vagina, only slightly covered in trimmed pubic hair. She slowly spun around, letting me take her all in. Her ass was better than I previously gave her credit for. It was slightly wider than her waist, and stuck out nicely, cupping underneath like her tits. She turned back to face me.
“Any questions?” She asked. I shook my head, looking back up at her face. I felt my cock tingling from looking at her body. “As you can see, not all breasts are as large as the ones in magazines ... do you want to touch them?” I nodded my response. “Go Ahead.”
I reached out and just placed a hand on one Breast. I stood like that, not moving my hand. She must’ve sensed that I wasn’t sure what to do. She took my other hand and placed it on her other Breast, and put her hands over top of mine and squeezed. I was officially grabbing my first boobs! They felt amazing. I began squeezing and rubbing them on my own, so my mom removed her hands. I watched them as I played, I was mesmerized. I got more confident and began focusing on the Nipples with my thumbs and index fingers. As soon as I pinched, my mother let out a little gasp. I almost stopped, but then figured that if it hurt, she would tell me to stop. I looked at her face, she was watching my hands.
“Can I suck on them?” I couldn’t believe I had the balls to ask that! She looked up at me.
“Yes, go ahead.” She said softly.
I took a step forward and leaned down, pointing her first one at my mouth. I sucked it right in, instinctively, like a baby breastfeeding for the first time. I let my tongue work the tip of her nipple in my mouth, and I heard my mother sigh. I took away my mouth and looked up at her.
“Doing that can feel very good to the girl. And it can go together very nicely with her playing with Herself.” I looked down and saw my mom rubbing her clit. “So keep sucking on them baby.” I went right back to it, sucking and licking her nipple. I felt my mom moving faster. I moved to her other breast, sucking it the same way. I couldn’t get enough. “That’s it Adam, don’t stop!” Her voice sounded strained, like she was short of breath. Her hand was rubbing vigorously. I continued to suck like I was starving. “Uhhhh Ahhhh!” My mom let out a loud moan. She had just orgasmed. I stood up and released her tits, looking at her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked back at me. “Well that felt great. Did you enjoy it?” She asked, and looked down. “Well there’s my answer”, she said and chuckled. I looked down too, I was rock hard again and pointing straight up at her, I hadn’t even noticed.
“Ya, they feel really cool.”
“Well while we’re in her, I’ll help you clean up from earlier, and go ahead and take care of him again”, she said with a smile, “besides, doing it in the shower is the best option for less mess.” She squeezed some of my dad’s body wash into her hands and lathered it up. Then began washing it all over the areas I had gotten cum on myself in the bed.
I just stood there silently and watched as she washed my stomach, thighs, hips, and eventually moving to my crotch. She moved to my right, standing partially behind me, and to my side. She reached around me with her soapy hand and grasped my dick and began stroking. I let my head tip back, looking up at the ceiling of the shower with my eyes closed. My time playing with her boobs had really gotten me worked up, because even though I had just cum a lot in bed, I still came again in no time.
I let out a groan as I blew my second load of the morning. My eyes were still closed, but I could feel a significant amount semen shooting out of me. My orgasm ended and my mom stopped jerking. I lowered my head and opened my eyes. Cum was splattered on the shower wall in front of me.
“Wow sweetie! You still came that much even after cuming in bed already?!” I didn’t really have an answer for her, I just looked at her bashfully. She smiled at me, “well let’s get cleaned up and go eat breakfast.”
We got out of the shower and dried off. I watched mom towel off and get dressed, staring at her body the whole time, not bothering to hide my gaze. I’d decided to accept that if she was OK with it, then I was too.
Mom tossed our cum soaked clothes, along with her bed sheets, into the washer and we ate breakfast in the kitchen. We talked like mother and son. She told me what chores she wanted me to get done today, I told her what homework I needed to finish by Monday. Our day was planned out. She was going to run errands while I did homework, then when she got home she was going to do some house work while I did my chores.
“How often do you normally masturbate?” She asked while I was taking a sip of orange juice. I nearly choked, not so much because of the actual question, but because she asked it so matter-of-factly, like she was asking if I wanted toast or something. Her plain facial expressions showed that she thought nothing of asking that question while we were sitting at the table.
“Um, a few times a day.” I felt like I was confessing to a crime.
“When usually? Do you have a schedule that you like to follow?” She inquired, with the same calm tone.
“I wouldn’t say it’s a schedule, but I like to do it in the morning when I wake up, when I get home from school, and before bed. Those are my standard times. But I also like if I can take care of myself either before or after dinner too. On the weekends I still do it before and after sleeping, but everything during the day is up in the air, it depends on what we have going on.”
“I see”, she nodded thoughtfully, “that’s a good plan, and so far we’ve done a pretty good job sticking to that routine haven’t we?” She seemed proud of herself, “I took care of it last night before bed, then this morning when you woke up, and we even got an extra one in there during the shower, so let’s keep it up! When I get home from my errands, I’ll take care of you, and then before dinner I’ll do it again, and then of course once more before bed, sound good? I really like being able to help you with this, plus it’s like our little secret. So from now on whenever you’re feeling like you would want to masturbate, tell me, and I’ll take care of it instead.”
“Ok...” I didn’t really know what else to say. Not only did my mom just offer to jerk me off at least three more times today, she also just said that she’d do it whenever I asked ... indefinitely! My mind was spinning.
“OK, well I’m going to go get ready then head out.” And with that my mom hoped up, kissed me on the forehead and walked upstairs.
I went to my room and started on my homework. Mom called up the stairs to say goodbye and headed out, leaving me with my thoughts. My mind eventually settled down and I was able to concentrate on school work. After about 2 hours I heard mom come in the door, and yell “hey Adam I’m home!” I said ‘ok’ and continued my homework. After several minutes of putting away the stuff she bought at the various stores she’d gone to, she came upstairs and into my room.

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